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matching school children
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood Report to Ratepayers 1979-1980, 1979
Yellow covered community information booklet for Ringwood residents covering Council and Parliamentary contact details, Council Meeting Dates, Justices of the Peace, Council Finances, Immunizations, Major Works, Planning (Live Theatre/Functions Centre, including Floor Plan), Health and Community Services, Christmas Holiday Play Centres, Lord Mayor's Children's Camp, Rates, Municipal Elections, Dogs, Rubbish Tip, Overhanging Foliage, Vandalism, Building By-laws, Ringwood Library (28 Warrandyte Road), Golf Course, Fred Dwerryhouse Swimming Centre, Netball Complex, Growth of Ringwood Commercial Centre, McAlpin's Reserve Development Plan, Netball Complex, Citizenship Ceremonies, Mini Bikes, School Crossing Supervision, Family Fun Day, Highland Carnival. Includes three City of Ringwood Free Tipping Vouchers valid until the end of 1980 and list of tip charges from October, 1979.Mayor's Message - Cr. P. Gotlib. Inside front cover - Green tinted photograph of Ringwood Memorial Tower captioned: Ringwood - "A Happening Community". Back cover - Green and yellow diagram of Ringwood Civic Centre Development, Stage 2. Floor Plan and description of Theatre and Functions Centre expected to be completed by early 1980.rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, Impact Printing (Vic.) Pty. Ltd, City of Ringwood 1987 Community Information Guide, 1987
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1987 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Cover photograph: Ringwood Aquatic Centre at night. Middle page photographs: (from top L-R) Putting at Golf Course, Reclaimation work Mullum Mullum Creek, Poppett Head rear of Ringwood Lake, Wattle in bloom. (Middle row) Aquatic Centre Toddlers Pool, Fern Gallery at Lake, Aquatic Centre Diving Tank, Wedding at Ringwood Lake. (Bottom row) Lawn Bowls, Bike Path, Community Garden. Also includes lift-out City of Ringwood map.CONTENTS: (page no.) After School Care Programme 29 Aquatic Centre 12 & 13 Building Information 19 By-Law and Traffic Regulations 21 Chief Executive Message 10 Children's Services 28 Churches 40 Civic Centre 4 Committees of Council 5 Community Plan 11 Community Services 37 - 59 Construction Work 26 Council Elections 19 Council Meeting Dates 4 Council Representatives 8 Councillors 6 & 7 Disabled Persons Facilities 43 Domiciliary Care 30 Emergency Telephone Nos. 62 Family Day Care 28 Finances 16 Garbage 36 Golf Course 23 Health 25 Home Help 31 Immunisations 24 Incinerators 20 Infant Welfare Centres 45 Joint Use Facilities 35 Knaith Road Child Care Centre 28 & 29 Local Area Traffic Management 18 Management Executive 11 Mayoral Message – Cr. Lillian Rosewarne, J.P. 3 Meals on Wheels 30 Members of Parliament 9 Parks 23 Playgroups 53 Pre-Schools 53 Rates 17 Recycling 35 & 36 Ringwood By-Pass Road 15 Ringwood Convention and Performing Arts Centre 34 Ringwood District Centre 14 Schools 52 Swimming Pool - See Aquatic Centre 12 & 13 Town Planning 19 Vandalism 27 rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1988 Community Information Guide, 1988
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1988 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Cover photographs: Front - Floral displays at Clock Tower and a scene at Council nursery; Back - Activities at Ringwood Festival held at Ringwood Lake in April each year.CONTENTS: (page no.) After School Activities Programme 23 Aged Services 21 Bicentennial 15 Building Information 29 By-Laws and Traffic Regulations 31 Caravans/Mobile Homes 31 Chief Executive's Message 10 Children's Services 22 Churches 40 Civic Centre 4 Committees of Council 5 Community Plan 15 Community Services 35 Corporate Management Structure 11 Council Meeting Dates 4 Council Representatives 8 Councillors 6 & 7 Disabled Persons Facilities 42 Dogs 31 Domiciliary Care 24, 25 & 26 Elderly Day Care 44 Elderly Persons Units 29 Emergency Telephone Numbers 53 Employment Opportunities in Ringwood 26 European Wasps 28 Family Day Care 22 Finances 17 Fire Hazards 31 Future Leaders 16 Golf Course 34 Home Handyman Services 25 Home Help 26 Immunisation Programme 27 Incinerators 32 Knaith Road Child Care Centre 22 & 23 Library 30&31 Maternal & Child Health Centre 30 Mayoral Message – Cr. John R. Caffyn 3 Meals on Wheels 24 Members of Parliament 9 Playgroups 33 Pre-Schools 53 Primary Arterial Road Network in Ringwood 13 Rates—New Collection Service 18 & 19 Ringwood Aquatic Centre 14 & 15 Ringwood Bypass Road 12 Ringwood Convention & Performing Arts Centre 33 Ringwood District Centre Structure Plan 12 Rubbish Collection Service 35 & 36 Schools 56 Youth Outreach Worker 20 rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1989 Community Information Guide, 1989
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1989 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Cover photographs: Front - Fern Gully at Ringwood Lake, Poppett Head at rear of Lake, Athletics Track. Back - Highland Carnival, Wombalano Park, Miners Cottage at Ringwood Lake, Bike Path, Water Cascade at rear of Lake.CONTENTS: (page no.) 1. COUNCIL SERVICES After School Activities Programme 29 Aged Services 31, 32 & 33 Aquatic Centre 20 & 21 Budget 14 Building Information 16 By-Laws 26 Chief Executive's Message 9 Children's Services 29 Civic Centre 4 Committees of Council 5 Common Questions 36 Community Plan 10 & 11 Council Meeting Dates 4 Council Representatives 8 Councillors 6 & 7 Dogs 26 Dual Occupancy 12 Emergency Telephone Numbers 63 Family Day Care 29 Fire Hazards 27 Garbage 34 & 35 Golf Course 24 Home Handyman Services 31 Home Help 31 Incinerators 26 Knaith Road Child Care Centre 29 Library 23 Maternal and Child Health 28 Mayoral Message – Cr. R. Gardini 3 Meals on Wheels 31 Members of Parliament 62 Parks and Gardens 18 Rates 25 Residential Development Provisions 12 & 13 Ringwood Bypass Road 13 Ringwood Convention Centre & Performing Arts Centre 22 Ringwood District Centre 14 Staff 10 Town Planning 17 Works Depot 30 Youth Outreach Worker 33 2. LOCAL COMMUNITY SERVICES Accommodation 37 Alcoholism 37 Birthright 38 Blind 38 Care Force 39 Catholic Family Welfare Bureau 39 Central Ringwood Community Centre 39 Childbirth and Parenting Association 39 & 40 Churches 40 & 41 Community Services Victoria 42 Day Centres and Drop In Centres 43 Do Care 43 Drugs 43 Elderly Day Care 44 Emergency Housing 45 Family Planning Services 45 Financial Counselling 46 Hearing Aid Service 47 Hospitals 47 Housing 48 Information 48 Legal 49 Literacy 50 Lone Parents 50 Marriage Celebrants 50 Maroondah Social Health Centre 51 Neighbourhood Mediation Centre - Outer East 51 North Ringwood Community House 52 Nursing 52 Optometric Services 52 Playgroups 53 Podiatry 53 Pre-Schools 54 Red Cross 55 Retirement 55 Ringwood Croydon Advisory Service 55 Schools 56 & 57 Senior Citizens' Centres 58 Transport 59 Twins 59 Unemployment 60 Volunteering 60 Youth Accommodation Project (Maroondah). 60 Youth Emergency Accommodation Services... 60 rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1990 Community Guide, 1990
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1990 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations.CONTENTS: (page no.) 1. COUNCIL SERVICES After School Programme 33 Aged Services 33, 34,35 Aquatic Centre 15,16,17 Aquatic Centre Bonus Vouchers 17 Biological Wasp Control 24 Budget 13,14 Building information 26 By-Laws 29 Chief Executive's Message 9 Children's Services 44 Citizenship 35 Civic Centre 4 Committees of Council 5 Common Questions 39 Council Meeting Dates 4 Council Representatives 8 Councillors 6,7 Dogs 29 Emergency Telephone Numbers 67 Family Day Care 32 Fire Hazards 29 Garbage 37 Golf Course 19 Health and Environmental Services 24 Home Handyman Services 54 Home Help 33 Immunisation 25 incinerators 29 Knaith Road Child Care Centre 32 Library 22 Library Service Senior Citizens 34 Maternal and Child Health 31 Mayoral Message - Cr. Lillian Rosewarne 3 Meals on Wheels 33 Members of Parliament 40 Parks and Gardens 22,23 Rates 28 Residential Development Provisions 12 Ringwood Bypass Road 11 Ringwood Convention Centre & Performing Arts Centre 20 Ringwood District Centre 13 Ringwood Festival 21 Shopping Bus 34 Staff 10 Town Planning 26 Works Depot 36 Youth Outreach Worker 36 2. LOCAL COMMUNITY SERVICES Accommodation 42 Aged Accommodation 42 Alcoholism 42 Arthritis Foundation 43 Arts and Crafts 43 Blind 43 Care Force 43 Catholic Family Welfare Bureau 43 Central Ringwood Community Centre 43 Childbirth and Parenting Association 44 Churches 45 Community Services Victoria 47 Day Centres and Drop-in Centres 48 Disabled Facilities 49 Do Care 50 Drugs 50 Elderly Day Care 50 Emergency Housing 51 Family Planning Services 51 Financial Counselling 52 Hearing Aid Service 53 Hospitals 54 Housing 54 Information 55 Legal 55 Literacy 55 Lone Parents 57 Marriage Celebrants 57 Maroondah Social Health Centre 57 Neighbourhood Mediation Centre - Outer East 57 North Ringwood Community House 53 Nursing 59 Optometric Services 59 Playgroups 60 Pre-Schools 60 Red Cross 61 Retirement 62 Ringwood Croydon Advisory Service 62 Schools 63 Senior Citizens' Centres 65 Transport 66 Twins 66 Unemployment 66 Volunteering 66 Youth Accommodation Project (Maroondah) 67 Youth Emergency Services 67 rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1991 Community Guide, 1991
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1991 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Includes 2 free passes to Ringwood Aquatic Centre.CONTENTS: (page no.) After School Programme 20 Aged Services 17 Aquatic Centre 12 Aquatic Centre Bonus Vouchers 14 Biological Wasp Control 35 Budget 10 Building Information 28 By-Laws 25 Chief Executive's Message 8 Children's Services 20 Citizenship 24 Civic Centre (i) Committees of Council 6 Common Questions 39 Council Meeting Dates 6 Council Representatives 7 Councillors 4 Dogs 25 Emergency Telephone Numbers 67 Family Day Care 44 Fire Hazards 31 Garbage 32 Golf Course 14 Health and Environmental Services 35 Home Help 52 Home Maintenance Services 17 Incinerators 31 Knaith Road Child Care Centre 21 Library 24 Library Services Senior Citizens 18 Maternal and Child Health 21 Mayoral Message – Cr. Betty Milton 1 Meals on Wheels 17 Members of Parliament 40 Parks and Gardens 26 Rates 10 Ringwood Convention Centre & Performing Arts Centre 15 Ringwood District Centre 10 Ringwood Festival 23 Shopping Bus 48 Town Planning 27 Works Depot 29 Youth Worker 19 rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Battling with the World by A.L.O.E - awarded to Sylvia Richards, Ringwood State School 1930
From Charlotte Maria Tucker, English author, who wrote under the pseudonym A.L.O.E. (a Lady of England), was the daughter of Henry St George Tucker (1771-1851), a distinguished official of the British East India Company. From 1852 till her death she wrote many stories for children, most of them allegories with an obvious moral, and devoted the proceeds to charity. In 1875 she left England for India to engage in missionary work, and died at Amritsar on the 2nd of December 1893. Book with Red Hard Cover, purchased from The Brown Study, Ringwood. No date, but presented as an award in 1930. Also includes handwritten letter dated 3rd May 1967 to "Dear Sylvia" from ?On inside fly leaf: Awarded to Sylvia Richards for highest marks in spelling Grade 7th Ringwood SS 2997, Dec 19th 1930 Grade Teacher Margaret E Barron Head Teacher William Broben Further down the page in different handwriting: presented to school by Mr and Mrs Thomas from Croydon 24/11/50 -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School, Grade 5&6 Class Photo, 1915
Black and White photo of class group in schoolgrounds.. Handwriiten names are on reverse, but in difficult to read handwriting. The names are difficult to read and not always clear which names match whilch children. (See attached image of reverse of photo)Handwritten on Reverse: R to L Backrow: Cliff Di...., Wil Madden, Harry Brown, ?, Alf Richards, Frank Krafft, Sam Brown, George Greenwood, -, Ernie Asper, Geoff Blood, - Middle: R. Pump, Violet Coffiir, Mollie Delanay, Dorrie Barber, Dorrie Dickson, Evlyn Parka, Lucy Pratt, Gladys Aird, Ella Pump, Dorrie Corrie, Nellie Allmaw, Mabel Curry, Florrie Davidson ------ Vida White, Rita Thomas, Violet Whiter, Thelma Whiter Front Row: R to L. Will Greenway, Eddie McLean, Les Dickson, Will Corrie, Ray Cooler, Cliff Wagner, Sam Brookes, ----, Willie Lee, Les Davidson Grade 5 & 6 1915. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Plaque - Certificate of Appreciation, Southwood Primary School - World Vision 40 Hour Fammine 1996
PlaqueThank you for your generous support of the 1996 World Vision 40 Hour Fammine. Together, we are saving children's lives! Signed by Cheif Executive Philip Hunt. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Certificate - Certificate of Appreciation, Southwood Primary School - World Vision 40 hour Famine, 1997
CertificateIn recognition of your outstanding efforts in the 1997 World Vsion 40 Hour Famine. Working together, we can help stop the hunger of children in developing countires. Ashe Oleng! - Thank You. Signed by Chief Executive Lynn Arnold -
Upper Yarra Museum
Glass container, 1898 (exact); before 1898, product was trademarked in 1898 Clag was first trademarked in 1898 by Joseph Angus, manufacturer, of 216 Nicholson Street, North Fitzroy, Melbourne. The National Archives of Australia holds the original trademark application - a digitised version is available online (see References). The exact composition of the original paste is unknown but is thought to have been starch-based. Australian schools commonly request that parents purchase Clag paste for their children as part of the stationery lists that are circulated before each school year. The main reason for this is Clag's reputation for safety and ease of use. The bottle includes a brush recessed into the lid that children find relatively easy to handle, and the packaging does not contain any small components that children might swallow. The main ingredient of Clag is wheat starch dissolved in a water base, meaning that children can safely swallow the glue without incident It feels cold to touch and when applied to paper, it sometimes alters the colour of what is on it and causes paper to warp, owing to the high water content of the glue. There is an Australian slang usage of the word "clagged" derived from the characteristic of Clag Paste and can be used in place of the words, "clogged", "congested", "restricted" or "stuck". Bottle used for clag. The bottle has the original marking made by Angus P/l who trademarked the glue in 1898.Angus & Co Pty Ltd, ISM 12school, bottle, glue, clag, trademark, wheat starch -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - South Warrnambool Primary School cricket team, Circa 1915
Warrnambool South Primary School was opened in 1877 and the first teacher was Mrs Eliza Clarke. Many of the trades of the early parents were occupations such as tanners, saddlers, wharf labourers and fishermen. The school celebrated its centenary in 1977 and was decommissioned around the 1990’s.The community of South Warrnambool was close knit and the school was a focal point of that community. The McDonald name has had a strong association with that community for over 100 years. The game of cricket was and remains an important part of sporting life. Black and white photograph, on cinnamon coloured mount, with fifteen boys front row sitting and back row standing. Man on left side of group and children at either end of front row, have cricket bats. Boy kneeling at front is holding a sign with group details.On blackboard in Photo: Warrnambool Sth. SS 1902 Cricket Club. On back of mount: Stuart McDonald in pen struck through with black lead, Pink stamp H Webb, Photographer, weddings and picnics attended, In grey lead: Person to left of Roy was P? Knights. Roy (Goog) McDonald born 21.12.1903. Father was Griff or Charlie. In red felt pen McDonald. south warrnambool, warrnambool south ss cricket team, boys cricket team south warrnambool, ss1902 -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, South Warrnambool School, framed
The South Warrnambool Primary school No 1902 was opened in 1877 by the mayor at the time Cr J Cramond. The first teacher was Mrs Eliza Clarke. It catered for the children of the strong and closely knit community of South Warrnambool. The Mc Donald family was one of these families. A clear photograph of a school with which many past students would have fond memories. A contribution over 25 years to a primary school in this case by W D McDonald is a story of personal endeavour. It therefore has historical and social significance.Coloured photograph of the South Warrnambool State School framed with inscription written in black ink at bottom of coffee coloured mount.Presented to Mr W D McDonald by the residents of South Warrnambool as a token of appreciation for services rendered as a member of the School Committee (1912-1937) A Wilkins Photo. Stuart Mc Donald and Shirley written on back of frame mounting board.south warrnambool primary school, school number 1902, warrnambool history -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Badge - Warrnambool Primary School
The Warrnambool Primary School was established in 1876 and continues today. It is situated in Jamieson Street. The school was one of many State Schools erected in Victoria after the 1872 Act of Parliament which made education for children free, secular and compulsory. It brought about the closure in 1876 of the denominational and State Common Schools in Warrnambool. This badge is one of many made for children, staff etc to wear as an indication of the school to which they are attached and to keep as a memento of the school at a later time. It is useful for display purposes onlyThis is a metal badge with brown and gold enamelling. It has a bar at the back for attachment to clothing or other material. Front: Warrnambool Primary School, est. 1876 and an image of a bird in flightwarrnambool primary school, badge, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Postcard - Les Grenades, 1914-1918
This is number 22 of 27 items in the Daisy Vickers collection of World War One memorabilia. These items were sent or given to Daisy Ogier (nee Vickers) during World War One by Corporal Arthur Anderson who enlisted from Warrnambool in 1915 at the age of 21. He served in Egypt and France and returned to Australia in 1919. Daisy Ogier (1907-1987) was a student and then a teacher at Warrnambool Technical School with her early teaching years there from 1925 to 1936 and in 1949. She became the head mistress from 1950 to 1963 and in 1968. She officially retired in 1976. Daisy Vickers was one of the best loved and dedicated teachers that the school ever had. She married the Reverend Fred Ogier and continued her association with the school after her husband's death. This card is interesting because of its association with World War One and with two local people: Daisy Vickers and Arthur Anderson. This is a coloured postcard with a sketch of three children dressed in military outfits. The child dressed as a nurse is giving a piece of fruit to a child dressed as a wounded soldier. On the back it has space for correspondence and an address.Les Grenadesdaisy vickers, warrnambool, world war one post card, postcard ww1 -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Postcard - Bonne Annee, 1914-1918
This is number 21 of 27 items in the Daisy Vickers collection of World War One memorabilia. These items were sent or given to Daisy Ogier (nee Vickers) during World War One by Corporal Arthur Anderson who enlisted from Warrnambool in 1915 at the age of 21. He served in Egypt and France and returned to Australia in 1919. Daisy Ogier (1907-1987) was a student and then a teacher at Warrnambool Technical School with her early teaching years there from 1925 to 1936 and in 1949. She became the head mistress in 1950 to 1963 and in 1968. Daisy Vickers was one of the best loved and dedicated teachers the school has ever had. She married the Reverend Fred Ogier and continued her association with the school after her husband's death. This card is interesting because of its association with World War One and two local people Daisy Vickers and Arthur AndersonThis postcard features two children standing together holding a horseshoe and flowers. In the background are more flowers. One child is wearing a deep red coloured dress with a lace collar and a hat The other child is wearing a hat, a scarf and leggings.There is black printing on the front. On the back is a hand written letter. Bonne Annee Tous nos Voeux de Bonheur DIX 105.5/3 Belgium August 13th. Dear Daisy, It is a long time since I had a letter from you so I thought I would give you a reminder to write one. Its some time now since I had a letter from Home . They don't come too often now as the Germans sink the mail boats . I am sending a handkerchief along with this card I hope you like it Arthur daisy vickers, warrnambool technical school, world war one postcard -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Arithmetic, 1842
This is an early school arithmetic book with the front preface indicating it is the third edition published in 1842. The book appears to have been used about the 1860s by members of the Bell family who probably lived at Cudgee. The names of the children, presumably the Bell children, are scattered throughout the book – Margaret, Walter, Sarah and William. No information is available on this Bell family though there are records of births in Warrnambool of Bell children in the 1850s to William and Jane Bell. Cudgee, a small settlement on the Cudgee Creek, is about 16 kilometres from Warrnambool. This book is of some minor interest because of its age and because it has some association with the Bell family who may have lived at Cudgee in the mid 19th century. The exercises in the book are of interest as examples of the arithmetical problems given to children in the mid 19th century. This is a hard cover book of 282 pages. The cover is dark brown with gold lettering on the spine but the front cover and part of the first few pages are missing. The pages are ragged and dog-eared and quite dirty in places. There is handwritten material in both pencil and ink on the front pages, throughout the text and on the back page. ‘Margaret’ ‘Walter’ ‘Sarah’ ‘William Bell’ ‘Cudgee’ mathematics, bell family, cudgee, warrnambool history -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Artithmetical examples, 1887
... This school text book, written by Dr William Davis... used by the Giles children at Wangoom State School ...This school text book, written by Dr William Davis, was one of several used by the Giles children at Wangoom State School. This arithmetic book has the name, ‘Henrietta Giles’. The Giles family lived on the Allansford Road. Wangoom State School, No. 645, was opened in 1865 on the Warrnambool/Wangoom Road as a Common School and became Wangoom State School after 1872. It is now closed. This book is of interest as an example of a 19th century arithmetic book (note that it has the caption, ‘for school and home use’). It is also of significance as a textbook used by the Giles family, early settlers in the Warrnambool area. This is a hard cover book of 114 pages. The cover is green-black with embossed lettering on the front cover (no longer fully decipherable). The pages are dog-eared and a couple of pages are splotched with ink. The cover is partly detached and very stained and the edges are torn away in some places. The inscriptions are handwritten in black ink and there is scribble on some pages. There is a blue stamp of the Warrnambool and District Historical Society on the first page. ‘Henrietta’ ‘Henrietta R.V. Giles, Wangoom State School, No. 645’wangoom state school, history of warrnambool, giles family -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Stories of England, 1891
This book has been used by children of the Giles family at the Wangoom State School. William and Allan Giles were members of the Giles family that lived on the Allansford Road. Wangoom School, no. 645 was opened in 1865 on the Warrnambool/Wangoom Road as Wangoom Common School. It became Wangoom State School after 1872 and is now closed. This book is of interest as an example of the reading books used by children in Victoria late in the 19th century. The book contains stories about England and the British Empire but has no Australian content. The book is also of interest as it was used by children of the Giles family, early settlers in the Warrnambool district. This is a hard cover book of 190 pages. The cover, once blue but now very faded, had embossed lettering and ornamentation on the front cover but these are now almost indecipherable. The book has come apart from the spine and has been re-stitched with white thread. There is much scribble on the first and last pages with the decipherable inscriptions being handwritten in black ink and pencil. There is a blue stamp of the Warrnambool and District Historical Society on the first page. The text has many black and white illustrations with some coloured in by the users. Many of the text pages are torn, stained and scribbled on. ‘William E. Giles, State (ed. word missing) Wangoom’ ‘Allan Giles’ giles family, wangoom state school, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, T Nelson and Sons London and Edinburgh, The Empire Part Two
... This school text book has been used at the Wangoom State School ...This school text book has been used at the Wangoom State School in the late 19th century by Henrietta Giles. The Wangoom school was established in 1865 as the Wangoom Common School No. 645 and later became the Wangoom State School. It is now closed. Henrietta Giles was a member of the Giles family that lived on the Allansford Road.This book is of interest as an example of the school texts used by children in Victoria late in the 19th century. It contains the history of Britain in Tudor and Stewart times and has no Australian content. The book is also of interest as it was used by Henrietta Giles, a member of the family that settled early in the Warrnambool district. This is a hard cover book of 331 pages plus some supplementary material at the end. The cover (once blue?) is much stained and torn and the embossed black lettering and British Coat of Arms on the front cover and the spine are now almost indecipherable. Part of the back cover and the bottom edges of some pages have been eaten away. The inscription is handwritten in red ink. The text contains many illustrations, some of which have been hand-coloured. The first two or three pages are missing.‘Henrietta Giles, Wangoom S.S. No. 645, 22/7/91’henrietta giles, wangoom state school -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, First book, 1909
... of the readers used by primary school children in the early 20th century ...This is a reader produced for schools in Victoria in 1909. It contains many simple fables and stories and some phonetic instruction at the beginning of the short articles. It has no specific Australian content. The inscription includes the name ‘Stanley Bell’. There were several Bell families in the Wangoom area early in the 20th century, including one teacher associated with the Wangoom State School. Stanley Bell may have belonged to one of these families. Walter Davies had a book shop in Timor Street, Warrnambool from the late 19th century and three generations of the Davies family were proprietors of this shop over the years. This book is of educational and social interest as an example of the readers used by primary school children in the early 20th century. This is a soft cover book of 80 pages. The cover is brown with black printing. The pages are partly torn across and very tattered. The inscriptions are handwritten in black ink and pencil and there is some scribble on the first pages. The text has many black and white illustrations. There is a blue stamp of Walter Davies, the Warrnambool bookseller, on the first page. ‘Stanley J. Bell, Warrumyea, Wangoom’ ‘Walter Davies, Bookseller, Warrnambool’ walter davies, stanley bell -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Royal reader No6, 1891L
... as an early school reader for Victorian children. Used in the 1890s ...This is a school reader used in the 1890s by Maggie Glasgow at Wangoom State School. This school opened in 1865 on the Warrnambool/ Wangoom Road as a Common School but it is now closed. Maggie Glasgow is probably Margaret Glasgow (1880-1954), the daughter of John and Esther Glasgow who were dairy farmers and cheese makers at Blackwood Hill, Wangoom. Jean Glasgow was the daughter of William and Isabella Glasgow who lived in the same area. The Warrnambool and District Historical Society has in its collection examples of the Glasgow butter moulds. This book is of interest as an early school reader for Victorian children. Used in the 1890s this book has some Australian content. The Glasgow children that used this book are members of the Glasgow families important at the turn of the 19th century as cheese makers in the Warrnambool district. This is a hard cover book of 400 pages. Several pages are missing. The cover is dark blue with ornamental patterning on the front and embossed lettering. The text contains many black and white illustrations, some of which have been coloured in by hand. The inscriptions and other written material have been handwritten in black ink and pencil. The pages are partly detached from the binding. ‘Maggie Glasgow, State School No. 645 Wangoom, 31/5/95’ (written twice) ‘Jean Glasgow’ ‘Dear old Mag’ ‘Isie wants a half holiday because L.W. got 20 for English’ maggie glasgow, jean glasgow, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Artefact, Ruler Swinton's Pty Ltd Wbool. Crockery Dep 1910/30, 1920s
... been used to a great degree in the 1920s, especially by school ...This ruler was distributed and sold as an advertising tool for the Warrnambool business of Swintons’ Pty Ltd. William and Ann Swinton were pioneer settlers in Warrnambool and established a grocery and general store in 1865 in Timor Street. Today the Swinton family still has business interests in Timor Street. It appears that this ruler was used in the crockery department of the Swinton general store in the 1920s. This ruler is of minor interest as a memento of the Swintons Timor Street store in the 1920s. Wooden rulers would have been used to a great degree in the 1920s, especially by school children. This is a wooden ruler with imperial measurements up to 12 inches. It is flat on one side and slightly curved on the other side. It has black printing on the top and handwritten black writing on the base. It has been well-used but is still relatively clean and legible.‘A Safe Rule Always Purchase at Swintons’ Pty. Ltd. Warrnambool Buy the Best Pay the Least.’ ‘Crockery Department 29/10/29’ swintons pty ltd, swinton family, warrnambool, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, The Sunday magazine 1887, 1887
This book was a prize awarded to Annis Morgan from the Woodford Presbyterian Sunday School. There is no date but the book was published in 1887. The Sunday Magazine was published each year in Britain as an Annual with short stories, poetry and articles, designed as suitable books for children to read on Sundays. Annis Morgan was born in Woodford to Jenkin and Mary Morgan in 1874. She would have been about 13 when she received this prize. Annis (Ann) Morgan married Alan Patterson in 1897. The Woodford Presbyterian Church was established in 1856 and administered at that time by the Warrnambool Presbyterian Church. In 1882 the Woodford and Grasmere Presbyterian Churches became a separate entity with the first Minister, the Rev. Robert Wilson Rock. This book is of interest as it is a good example of the type of book given as Sunday School prizes to young girls in the 1880s. It is also of significance as it belonged to a local girl, resident in Woodford in the late 19th century. This is a hard cover book of 848 pages. The cover is olive green and black with ornamental scrolls and borders and gold lettering on both the front cover and the spine. The pages are gilt-edged. The front cover is partly detached from the binding. The book has an index, short stories, Biblical papers, biographical, historical and missionary articles and poetry. There are many black and white illustrations and sketches throughout the text and, at the front of the book, there is a full page black and white illustration protected by a piece of tissue paper. The inscription is handwritten in black ink. ‘Woodford Pres. Sabbath School, Rev. R. W. Rock’s Class, First Prize Annis Morgan’. woodford presbyterian church, annis morgan, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Tip Lewis & his lamp, 1925
This book was awarded by the Grasmere Presbyterian Sabbath School to Stuart Jenkins for his essay on the Apostle Paul. The teacher was H. Giles. The Giles family lived on the Allansford Road in the early 20th century. There were several Jenkins families in the Warrnambool district and some were early settlers in the Wangoom/Grasmere area. Some Jenkins families were associated with hotels in Purnim and Woodford and the properties Grasmere Station, Roseneath, Dyffen, Vrowen and Fala Park. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church at Grasmere was built in 1898 (the second church on the site). This is a hard cover book of 252 pages. The cover is brown with a multi-coloured illustration of a man and two children on the front cover and black lettering and border ornamentation on the spine and front cover. The dust jacket has a yellow background and the same illustration as on the front cover. The dust cover is partly torn away. There is a full page colour plate at the beginning of the text and a page of advertisements for books by the same publisher at the end of the text. The inscription is handwritten in black ink. ‘Grasmere Presbyterian Sabbath School ‘Essay’ Missionary Journeys of the Apostle Paul. First Prize Awarded to Stuart Jenkins from his teacher, H. Giles’. stuart jenkins, grasmere, history of warrnambool, grasmere presbyterian church -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet, Love sweetens truth, 1880s
This book was a prize awarded to Miss Middleton, a pupil at Ormiston House College, East Melbourne in 1887. The Principals of the school were the Misses Singleton and their father, Dr John Singleton was a practising doctor in Warrnambool from 1860 to 1865. He had an important influence on Warrnambool, establishing several Total Abstinence Societies and campaigning for improved health conditions for pastoral workers in the district and the aborigines at Framlingham. In Melbourne Dr Singleton and his wife worked tirelessly for the underprivileged. He established many institutions for the less fortunate, including the Prisoners’ Aid Society, the Children’s Hospital, lending libraries, cottages for widows, shelters for homeless men and women, a society for the protection of animals and the Collingwood Free Medical Dispensary. He died in 1891 at Ormiston House, his daughters’ school and home. It is not known which of the Singleton daughters ran the school and no information has been found on Miss Middleton. This book is of considerable interest as it has a close connection to Dr John Singleton, important not only in the social history of Melbourne but also in the history of Warrnambool. This is a hard cover book of 160 pages with 16 pages at the back of the book of advertisements for other books published by the Religious Tract Society. The cover is brown with a sketch of a young man and lettering in gold and an ornamental floral pattern on the front cover. The gold lettering and the ornamental floral pattern are also on the spine. The book has 13 chapters with ornamental scrolls and initials at the beginning and end of each chapter. There are also some full page black and white sketches in the book, with the one at the front of the book covered by a piece of tissue paper. The book plate at the front of the book is white with a gold border pasted onto the page and handwritten details have been added in black ink. The book is a little scuffed at the edges of the cover. ‘Ormiston House College, East Melbourne, Principals, The Misses Singleton, Prize for Writing and Maps in Upper Third Class Awarded to Miss Middleton, Christmas 1887.’ dr john singleton, ormiston house, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Memories of a Country Childhood, 2008
This is a book by Jean McDonald (nee Henderson) telling of her childhood experiences. Born in 1924 Jean McDonald was one of seven children who grew up at Rivery Park, a dairy farm in Grassmere in the 1930s and 40s. She went to school in Cooramook and Warrnambool. This book is of interest as it describes the life of Jean McDonald in Grassmere. It is an important social history of the life and times of a local woman. This is a soft cover book of 189 pages. The front cover has a coloured photograph of three children near a stream and the back cover has an extract from the book and some comments on it. The book contains ten chapters and many black and white photographs. ‘M. Jansen’ jean mcdonald, grassmere, cooramook, rural life in the western district -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Alpine Observer Newspaper - 23 Oct. 1980 x2, 23 Oct. 1980
The Tawonga Primary School celebrated its centenary with a program including a fete, sports, family dance and combined church service over the weekend of the 25th - 26th Oct. 1980. The newspaper covers the Alpine Shire and included further articles that would interest visitors to the centenary.Tawonga School was one of the earliest schools in the Kiewa Valley supplying an education for the children of the local farming community. The Bogong Hotel at Tawonga, the Tawonga Butter Factory and the town of Mt Beauty articles were printed providing up to date historical information on prime locations nearby. Of interest as the Hotel has burnt down and the Butter factory no longer exists. Alpine Observer newspaper dated Thursday, 23 rd October 1980 with a sketch of the school and articles regarding the Centenary of the Tawonga School on the front page. (The paper consists of 12 pages ie. 6 sheets) 2 copies On page 4 is an article on the history of the Bogong Hotel at Tawonga On page 5 is an article on the history of the Tawonga Butter Factory and an article on the township of Mt Beauty.newspaper articles; tawonga primary school; bogong hotel; tawonga butter factory -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Transfers - Tawonga School Centenary, 1980
The Tawonga Primary School celebrated its centenary on 25 - 26th Oct. 1980 with a program including a fete selling clothing with the option of buying iron-on transfers of the school building.Tawonga School was one of the earliest schools in the Upper Kiewa Valley supplying an education for the children of the farming community. Iron - on transfers were popular at the time.Brown fancy print and sketch of Tawonga School building done back to front on stiff iron-on paper."Tawonga School Centenary at top." '1880 - 1980' at bottom'tawonga primary school; iron-on transfer -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Booklet - Dederang School x2, Centenary of Dederang State School 1772 (1877 - 1977), 1977
Dederang State School commenced in 1877 for the families and children of the district. It continues educating local children today.Dederang is part of the Upper Kiewa Valley. The history of the school is an indicator of the history of the area giving information on the number of families, their relationships, the size of families and the occupations of the parents over the years.A photocopy of the original booklet 'Centenary of Dederang State School 1772 (1877 - 1977). The cover has green print sith a sepia color sketch of the school. There are 31 pages clipped together.dederang state school; upper kiewa valley; education