Showing 2959 items
matching parks victoria
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Casterton, Victoria, c. 1963
SOURCED FROM CASTERTON TOWN HALL (FORMER SHIRE OF GLENELG)Black and white photo. Island Park Oval, CastertonBack: Black stamp '003826casterton, island park oval, sport, recreation -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Casterton, Victoria, c. 1963
SOURCED FROM CASTERTON TOWN HALL (FORMER SHIRE OF GLENELG)Black and white photo. Island Park Casterton, looking across oval to C.R. Gill pavilion.Back: 'Island Park Casterton showing C.R. Gill Pavilion' - handwritten, green birocasterton -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Book, Pownall, Eve, Australian Pioneer Women, 1975
Traces the history of Pioneer Women in Australia from the Stone Age ( Aboriginal Women) up to 1975. The author has concentrated on women that settled firstly in the bush with their families and the hard life they endured in this environment.296 p. : ill., ports A hard cover book with a dust cover and a plastic clear cover over that. On the dust cover front and back there is a picture of a man and a woman ( early settlers) out in the bush.On the back cover the woman is holding a baby. The inside covers front and back show an old photo of a man leaning on a gate talking to a woman in the front garden of a house. non-fictionTraces the history of Pioneer Women in Australia from the Stone Age ( Aboriginal Women) up to 1975. The author has concentrated on women that settled firstly in the bush with their families and the hard life they endured in this environment. australia, pioneer, women, history, pastoral, goldfields. -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Book, Your Memories Association Inc, Armchair Memories, 2011
This is a auto biography of Mary's life from birth 1920 till her 90th. birthday in 2000.A soft covered book dark blue book, dark blue pages with white writing on each page. Also on the cover is a photo of Mary Henshelwood Davenport ( in her latter years) sitting in a chair (which has a brightly coloured patchwork quilt over it) looking towards the camera.non-fictionThis is a auto biography of Mary's life from birth 1920 till her 90th. birthday in 2000.history, memories, stories, auto biography, tasmania, caulfield, elwood, bentleigh, school days, myers, clothes, birthday party. -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Book, Thomas Arthur Sheehy, Battlers Tamed a Sandbelt : Moorabbin 50 Years a City, 1985
A hard cover book, published and printed in City of Moorabbin 1985.non-fictionaustralia, moorabbin, tommy bent, history, sandbelt, market gardens, golden jubilee, 150th. anniversary, victoria, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Will of Elizabeth Avis-Box 1914, 1914
Elizabeth Avis- Box 1835-1913 was born in Sussex, married William Box in 1854 and arrived in Melbourne in 1855. William’s parents George and Mary Box and his siblings sailed with them. William & Mary at first leased land in the area of the ‘Dendy Special Survey Brighton 1841’ and then purchased the property with the pioneer cottage 1868 & 1869. William & Elizabeth established a market garden and raised 13 children. 1888 they built a larger 2nd house in front of the original cottage. William died in 1902 and Mary sold 9 acres in 1908 to W. .Snowden Anderson – it later became Joyce Park where the reconstructed Box Cottage Museum now stands. After Elizabeth died her daughters Ada and Violet lived on the 1 acre property until 1917 when August Reitman, a potter and monumental mason, leased the house and land. He established his pottery business and purchased the property in 1935. The business moved in 1953 but continued to use the cottage as a workshop/ storeroom until it was sold to Lewis Timber P/L in 1970. Elizabeth & William Box settled in the pioneer Cottage in Jasper Road East Brighton 1868 and established a market garden whilst raising their 13 children. This Cottage was reconstructed in Joyce Park, Ormond 1984 and is the home of City of Moorabbin Historical Society. In 1960 many local residents responded to a call for the donation of historical artefacts and the Box Cottage Museum now preserves this eclectic collection for the community.The original Last Will & Testament of Elizabeth Avis Box September 1914In the Supreme Court / of Victoria / In the Probate Jurisdiction / In the Will of Elizabeth Box late of / Jasper Road Bentleigh in the State of / Victoria Widow deceased. Be it known ............. Given at Melbourne this ( 21st September 1914) Signed A Carter / Registrar top left corner 79637 / Snowball ( X232) Bottom left corner 10/9/ elizabeth, box william, moorabbin, bentleigh, brighton, ormond, pioneers, market gardeners, box george, box mary cripps, reitman august, anderson w. snowden, joyce park ormond, box cottage museum dendy’s special survey brighton 1841, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Copy of Death Certificate Elizabeth Box 1914, 1914
Elizabeth Avis- Box 1835-1914 was born in Sussex, married William Box in 1854 and arrived in Melbourne in 1855. William’s parents George and Mary Box and his siblings sailed with them. William & Elizabeth at first leased land in the area of the ‘Dendy Special Survey Brighton 1841’ and then purchased the property with the pioneer cottage 1868 & 1869. William & Elizabeth established a market garden and raised 13 children. 1888 they built a larger 2nd house in front of the original cottage. William died in 1902 and Mary sold 9acres in 1908 to W. .Snowden Anderson – it later became Joyce Park where the reconstructed Box Cottage Museum now stands. After Elizabeth died her daughters Ada and Violet lived on the 1acre property until 1917 when August Reitman, a potter and monumental mason, leased the house and land. He established his pottery business and purchased the property in 1935. The business moved in 1953 but continued to use the cottage as a workshop/ storeroom until it was sold to Lewis Timber P/L in 1970 Elizabeth & William Box settled in the pioneer Cottage in Jasper Road East Brighton 1868 and established a market garden whilst raising their 13 children. This Cottage was reconstructed in Joyce Park, Ormond 1984 and is the home of City of Moorabbin Historical Society. In 1960 many local residents responded to a call for the donation of historical artefacts and the Box Cottage Museum now preserves this eclectic collection for the community. A certified true copy of the Death Certificate of Elizabeth Avis- Box 1835 -1914 in a wooden picture frame, obtained from The Births, Deaths and Marriages Office Melbourne Victoria 18/6/1985 THIRD SCHEDULE / DEATHS in the District of East Brighton in the State of Victoria Registered by George William Ward / Dated 1914 / 1st July 1914 Jasper Rd Bentleigh Shire of Moorabbin County of Bourke / Elizabeth Box / Home duties/ …… Dr A T Joyce Certified ‘true copy of an entry in a register’……… Signed by Paul Kenny Registration Officer 18 June 1985 box elizabeth avis, box william, moorabbin, bentleigh, brighton, ormond, pioneers, market gardeners, brighton cemetery, box george, box mary cripps, reitman august, anderson w. snowden, joyce park ormond, box cottage museum dendy’s special survey brighton 1841, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document, Death Certificate William Box 1902, 1985
William Box1834-1902 and Elizabeth Avis Box 1835-1913 came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Cripps-Box and siblings in 1856. Caroline Box, the eldest daughter of George and Mary Cripps-Box, remained in England working as a cook until she joined the family in Australia in 1863. William Box with his wife Elizabeth Avis Box at first leased market garden allotments in Brighton that was part of the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841. In 1868 and 1869 they purchased 2 blocks with a pioneer’s cottage in Jasper Road East Brighton ( now Ormond / McKinnon ) where they established a market garden, built a 2nd house and raised 13 children. In 1908 Elizabeth sold most of the land retaining 1 acre with the dwellings in which she resided with her two daughters until her death 1913. The original pioneer cottage was reconstructed in 1984 and is known as Box Cottage Museum William & Elizabeth Avis- Box settled in the pioneer Cottage in Jasper Road East Brighton 1868 and established a market garden whilst raising their 13 children. This Cottage was reconstructed in Joyce Park, Ormond 1984 and is the home of City of Moorabbin Historical Society. In 1960 many local residents responded to a call for the donation of historical artefacts and the Box Cottage Museum now preserves this eclectic collection for the community. A certified true copy of the Death Certificate of William Box 1834 -1902 in a wooden picture frame, obtained from The Births, Deaths and Marriages Office Melbourne Victoria 1985 THIRD SCHEDULE / DEATHS in the District of East Brighton in the State of Victoria Registered by W. Ward Certified ‘true copy of an entry in a register’……… Signed by Paul Kenny Registration Officer 1985 box william, box elizabeth, brighton, moorabbin, cottages, pioneers, ormond, colonial, mckinnon, dendy henry, museums, box alonzo, market gardeners, box cottage museum -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document, laminated List of Pioneers Moorabbin Parish, c1985
This list shows the names of the Pioneer settlers with the amount of Acres, the date purchased from The Crown and the Lot or Portion Number in the Land of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of Brighton 1841, in the County of Bourke , Victoria. The Squatters ,who arrived in the area first, used the land for grazing sheep and cattle. The Squatters had the right to graze unoccupied Crown land for ₤10 per year rental and a per capita payment for animals grazed. They could develop , improve and clear the land for the purpose of the tenancy but ownership was not permitted. When the land became useful The Crown put it on the market and the developers took over whilst the Squatters lost the improved land, dwellings and out buildings, there being no compensation paid. Squatters named John and Thomas Martin 1840-41; Richard and John King 1840- 1854 ; M.N.M.Moysey and M.J.Bickford 1841-1852 ; James McMahon 1846-1853 ; Daniel MacKinnon 1839- 1840. The 5120 Acres of the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841were divided into approx. 83 Portions / Lots with varying acreage . Josiah Holloway, a speculator purchased 625 acres of the King Brothers run and re-sectioned the land into 2 acre Lots for Sale as market gardens. It was called The Two Acre Village later known as Cheltenham. A List of the names of The Pioneers in County of Burke Victoria c1841-1887 compiled by Lesley A. Schumer in 1985 A 3 Laminated display on wall in room 2 THE PIONEERS, Signed L.A. Schumer moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, dendy henry, henry dendy's special survey 1841, squatters, king john, martin john, mcmahon james, two acre village, holloway josiah, were jonathan binn, grazing, cattle, sheep, market gardens, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Watches, pocket watch, c1900
A pocket watch is a watch that is made to be carried in a pocket, as opposed to a wristwatch, which is strapped to the wrist.. They were the most common type of watch from their development in the 16th century until wristwatches became popular after World War I The first stem-wind and stem-set pocket watches were sold during the Great Exhibition in London in 1851 and the first owners of these new kinds of watches were Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Stem-wind, stem-set movements are the most common type of watch-movement found in both vintage and modern pocket watches.In 1857 the American Watch Company in Waltham, Massachusetts introduced the Waltham Model 57, the first to use interchangeable parts which cut the cost of manufacture and repair. Most Model 57 pocket watches were in a coin silver. Watch manufacture was becoming streamlined; the Japy family of Schaffhausen, Switzerland, led the way in this, and soon afterwards the newborn American watch industry developed much new machinery, so that by 1865 the American Watch Company (afterwards known as Waltham) could turn out more than 50,000 reliable watches each year.This silver plated pocket watch with an open glass face has black roman numerals on a white dial , gold hour hands and a blue second hand. The winding stem is at 12 o’clock and has a metal ring for attachment to a chain. Back: of case ; a shield inside 2 circleswatches, brighton, cheltenham, moorabbin, bentleigh, early settlers, pioneers -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured objects, Cigarette papers ‘Zig Zag' x 2, 20thC
Rolling papers are small sheets, rolls, or leaves of paper which are sold for rolling cigarettes either by hand or with a rolling machine. When rolling a cigarette, one fills the rolling paper with tobacco. Rolling papers are most commonly made with wood pulp, hemp, flax, or rice straw as a base material. Zig-Zag papers, made in France, were the first interleaved brand (hence the name). Gold medal at 1900 Universal Exposition in Paris. 1860 Samuel Ramsden, a Yorkshire man, founded first paper mill in Victoria on the banks of the Yarra River, Fairfield, Melbourne. This was the Australian Paper and Pulp Company which for most of its history was called The Australian Paper Manufacturers Ltd. until it changed its name in 1986 to Amcor. In 1919 the company opened its mill on the corner of Upper Heidelberg Road and The Chandler Highway in Fairfield and remains there today. 2 packets of precut cigarette papers 'Zig Zag ' Paper Aust. Pty. Ltd. 60 leavesZIG ZAG PAPER AUST. PTY LTD 60 LEAVESciggarettes, cigarette papers, tobacco, moorabbin, cheltenham, early settlers, australian paper manufacturers, fairfield melbourne, zig zag cigarette papers ltd. amcor ltd, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured objects, Cigarette paper, ‘Eagle’, mid 20thC
Rolling papers are small sheets, rolls, or leaves of paper which are sold for rolling cigarettes either by hand or with a rolling machine. When rolling a cigarette, one fills the rolling paper with tobacco. Rolling papers are most commonly made with wood pulp, hemp, flax, or rice straw as a base material. 1860 Samuel Ramsden, a Yorkshire man, founded first paper mill in Victoria on the banks of the Yarra River, Fairfield, Melbourne. This was the Australian Paper and Pulp Company which for most of its history was called The Australian Paper Manufacturers Ltd. until it changed its name in 1986 to Amcor. In 1919 the company opened its mill on the corner of Upper Heidelberg Road and The Chandler Highway in Fairfield and remains there today. A packet of pre-cut cigarette papers 'Eagle ' brandEAGLE / CIGARETTE / PAPERS / MADE IN AUSTRALIA back 60 PAPERSciagarette papers, cigarettes, tobacco, melbourne, moorabin, paper mills, eagle cigarette papers ltd, australian paper manufacturers ltd, fairfield victoria, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured Glass, milk bottle 'Black Rock Dairy', 20thC
Alfred R Varcoe was a dairyman with stables, cart shed and his house in Eliza Street, Black Rock, Victoria. Dairy farming was established early in the settlement of the Brighton / Moorabbin area following the Dendy's Special Survey 1841 and subsequent land sales c1850. The produce was taken to feed the population of Melbourne and local residents.A clear glass ,1 pint , milk bottle used by Black Rock Dairy, MelbourneTHIS BOTTLE CONTAINS/ MILK / BOTTLED FOR SALE BY / BLACK ROCK MODEL / DAIRY / BLACK ROCK / BOTTLE IS THE PROPERTY OF THE ABOVE / IT IS OWNED AND CANNOT BE LEGALLY USED BY OTHERS/ ONE IMPERIAL PINT on base 440market gardeners, early settlers, farmers, dairies, milk production, moorabbin shire, moorabbin, cheltenham, black rock, brighton, dairy farmers, bottles, glass manufacture, varcoe alfred r; black rock dairy, dairy farmer, dairy products sales and deliveries, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured Glass, Pharmacy beaker, 20thC
Melbourne Glass Bottle Works, Spotswood, Victoria 1872- 1915 comprising a complex of buildings constructed between 1880 and 1940, at Booker Street, Douglas Parade, 2-38 Hudson Road, Raleigh Street and Simcock Avenue, Spotswood. The glassworks was established in 1890 and originally made bottles for pharmacists Felton Grimwade before it was sold to the State Government by US multinational, OI glass manufacturers. A pharmaceutical clear glass beaker with capacity 300mlmelbourne glass bottle works, spotswood melbourne, pharmacy, industrial glass, cheltenham, moorabbin -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured Glass, bottle 'Kruse's Magnesia', 20thC
Johann August (John) Kruse was instrumental in the development of the pharmaceutical industry and pharmacy training in Victoria. He was a driving force behind the creation of the Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria and was appointed a founding member of the Society's inaugural council in 1857. He manufactured many pharmaceuticals and health products such as mineral waters and 'Kruse's Fluid Magnesia' (1863) which is still in use today. He later went on to produce insecticides and dynamite, then established his own analytical chemistry service. In 1878 Kruse established Victoria's first pharmacy training facility - the Melbourne School of Pharmacy. There pharmacy apprentices were taught chemistry, botany, materia medica and Latin, while country students could study by correspondence. The School was endorsed and monitored by the Pharmacy Board of Victoria to which Kruse was appointed in 1880. Kruse's pharmacy school was the forerunner of the Victorian College of Pharmacy, Monash University, which remains Victoria's only pharmacy training institute. In 1853, shortly after qualifying as pharmacist at the University of Göttingen, Johann August (John) Kruse, moved to London. The medical practitioner Dr S. Weil sent Kruse to Victoria, Australia to manage a new pharmacy and tobacconist's shop which he was having built at 136 Bridge Rd in Richmond. In 1856 Kruse opened a second pharmacy 'John Kruse and Company Chemists and Druggists' at 207 Bourke Street. 1857 the Richmond shop was destroyed by fire, so all pharmaceutical production was moved to the Bourke St premises and later to his new location at 184 Bourke St.. Kruse was forced to sell his business in 1868 to Felton Grimwade and Company and work for them as manager of their chemical works. By the early 1870s he had regained financial independence so left the company to establish his own businesses again. He opened up a pharmacy at 31 Swanston St and in c1874 leased Victoria's premier natural springs, Clifton Springs, on the northern side of the Bellarine Peninsula, where he established a bottling plant. Suspensions of magnesium hydroxide in water, often called Milk of Magnesia, are used as an antacid to neutralize stomach acid, and as a laxative. Milk of magnesia is sold for medical use as chewable tablets, capsules, and as liquids having various added flavours Kruses Fluid Magnesia 300ml Extralife Kruse’s Fluid Magnesia, Magnesium supplement. Rapidly absorbed, easily digested. Improves general well being, corrects magnesium deficiency. Helps relieve indigestion, when due to acidity. In 1878 Kruse established Victoria's first pharmacy training facility - the Melbourne School of Pharmacy, the forerunner of the Victorian College of Pharmacy, Monash University, which remains Victoria's only pharmacy training institute. A glass bottle containing ‘Kruse’s’ Magnesia’ medicineKRUSE’S / PRIZE MEDAL / MAGNESIA/ K / FELTON-GRIMWADE & CO. MELBOURNE Directions for use works, pharmaceutical glass, pharmacy, kruse johann august (john), dr weil s, ., victorian college of pharmacy, monash university, university of göttingen, felton grimwade and company, magnesium bicarbonate, magnesium oxide -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured Glass, 'Thars' ointment, mid 20th C
A poultice is a soft moist mass, often heated and medicated, that is spread on cloth over the skin to treat an aching, inflamed, or painful part of the body. It can be used on wounds such as cuts, inflammations like boils and to draw out splinters.A clear glass jar with a metal screw top containing 'Thar's' antiseptic poultice ointment.Front THAR'S / ANTISEPTIC / POULTICE / OINTMENT / Thar Chemical Co. / Pty. Ltd. / 74-76 Victoria Street / North Richmond / Left Side WAR-TIME PACK / FOR ......... Right Side DIRECTIONS ....... / Vertically sides Purifying, Soothing / Antiseptic, Healing pharmacy, medicines, thars ointment, thar chemical company, hospitals, nursing, containers, moorabbin, richmond, bentleigh, cheltenham, melbourne, poultices, medical poultices -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Bandage, cotton, mid 20thC
A bandage is a piece of material used either to support a medical device such as a dressing or splint, or on its own to provide support to the body; it can also be used to restrict a part of the body. G. J. Coles opened the 'Coles Variety Store' on 9 April 1914 on Smith Street in the Melbourne, Victoria suburb of Collingwood. Further expansion occurred and Coles' interest in food retailing was spurred in 1958 when it acquired 54 John Connell Dickins grocery stores. It then acquired the Beilby's chain in South Australia in 1959 and 265 Matthews Thompson grocery stores in New South Wales in 1960 .In 1960, the first supermarket was opened in the Melbourne suburb Balwyn North, at the corner of Burke and Doncaster Roads where a modernised version continues to operate. By 1973, Coles had established stores in all Australian capital cities. From 1962, its supermarkets were branded Coles New World with accompanying rocket imagery. In 1991, the stores were re-branded Coles Supermarkets and from 1998, simply as Coles. George James (G. J.) Coles learned the retail trade working for his father's 'Coles Store' business from 1910 to 1913. The store continued operating as "The Original Coles" at Wilmot, Tasmania until it was destroyed by a fire on 24 January 2014. An unused, 1 inch ( 2.5cm ) x 6 yards ( 2metres) cotton, ‘open wove’ bandage in a cellophane wrapper sold by G.J. Coles Pty Ltd Variety StoresCellophane wrapper top: WHITE OPEN WOVE / BANDAGE / 1 X 6 YDS. / SPECIAL QUALITY / G.J.COLES * pharmacy, medicines, bandages, wounds, early settlers, market gardeners, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, cotton, gauze, coles g j pty ltd., variety stores, supermarkets, smith street collingwood, retailers, shops -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured Glass, jar, 'Pickle', mid 20thC
In 1872 Felton and Grimwade established the Melbourne Glass Bottle Works which grew into Australian Consolidated Industries (ACI). .Melbourne Glass Bottle Works Co Pty Ltd (1903 - 1915) Registered in Victoria in 1903 the company amalgamated with the Waterloo Glass Bottle Works Ltd in 1915 to form Australian Glass Manufacturers Company, Limited. Melbourne Glass Bottle Works Spotswood 1872- 1915 The Melbourne Glass Bottle Works (former), comprising a complex of buildings constructed between 1880 and 1940, at Booker Street, Douglas Parade, 2-38 Hudson Road, Raleigh Street and Simcock Avenue, Spotswood. The former glassworks was established in 1890 and originally made bottles for pharmacists Felton Grimwade before it was sold to the State Government by US multinational, OI glass manufacturers. Australian Consolidated Industries Ltd was formed in 1939 when Australian Glass Manufacturers Co Ltd changed it's name to reflect diversification into building products. 1982 a new holding company was formed and the company's name was changed to A.C.I. International Ltd. A clear glass jar made for the Australian Pickle Co. Pty. Ltd.Around base; THIS BOTTLE ALWAYS REMAINS THE PROPERTY OF THE AUSTRALIAN PICKLE CO. PTY. LTD. Base; (makers mark) / IS 1279 / 3 melbourne, early settlers, market gardeners, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, manufactured glass, austalian pickle, australian glass manufacturing company ltd, felton grimwade pty ltd, pharmacists, bottles, melbourne glass bottle works, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Glass hand blown, bottle with cork stopper, 20thC
Melbourne Glass Bottle Works Co Pty Ltd (1903 - 1915) Registered in Victoria in 1903 the company amalgamated with the Waterloo Glass Bottle Works Ltd in 1915 to form Australian Glass Manufacturers Company, Limited. Melbourne Glass Bottle Works Spotswood 1872- 1915 The Melbourne Glass Bottle Works (former), comprising a complex of buildings constructed between 1880 and 1940, at Booker Street, Douglas Parade, 2-38 Hudson Road, Raleigh Street and Simcock Avenue, Spotswood. The former glassworks was established in 1890 and originally made bottles for pharmacists Felton Grimwade before it was sold to the State Government by US multinational, OI glass manufacturers A small clear glass bottle with a piece of the cork stopper* pharmacy, medicines, asthma, respiratory diseases, early settlers, market gardeners, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, glass bottles, melbourne glass bottle works. felton grimwade, spotswood, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Uniform - Armed Services, Cape/groundsheet, 20th century
Rain cape, also used as a groundsheet, issued Australian servicemen. Purchased for the donor from an "Army Surplus" store and re-purposed for camps as a Scout in the late 1960s. The MK VII Groundsheet (Rain Cape / Poncho) was introduced in October 1917 during WW1. They were made from dyed cotton, proofed with a rubber compound, "well vulcanized" on one side. Weight 3lb. 8oz;. 78 inches long by 36 inches wide and made by the Victoria Rubber Co. Edinburgh. They were used again during WWII 1939-45 Today the Army uses the hootchie - a sheet of 70D nylon or PU-coated cotton with various press snaps and webbing tape loops attached around the outside which allow it to be used in a variety of configuration. During WWII Australian forces fighting the Japanese in the Islands had an urgent requirement for a decent individual shelter. The rubberized canvas groundsheets and rain capes continued to be used, but these were less than effective in the tropics. Towards the end of the war in the Pacific Australia began issuing its troops a lighter weight version of the groundsheet manufactured from polyurethane-coated cotton – During the Malayan Emergency of the 1950s, Australian troops were issued with hooded ponchos. Unlike the WWII US pattern ponchos which always had a hole in the dead centre of the poncho sheet, the Australian-issue hooded ponchos made an effective shelter – especially when two where clipped together. The problem of course is that the rubberized canvas ponchos were far too heavy for jungle use. 1960s Australian units in Borneo were issued with the first pattern lightweight hootchies. 1 Kg. 1970 the Vietnam War, a second pattern lightweight hootchie was issued made from nylon, but retaining the hardware and loops. This lightweight hootchie weighed a mere 680 grams, still heavy, but suitable for tropical use. Currently the hootchie is made from AUSCAM nylon material . Historic significance; representative of the type believed to have been issued to Australian servicemen in World War II, possibly in World War I.Waterproofed Canvas rain cape, also used as a groundsheet in the Australian Army, press studs to close as a cape, collar to cover neck.NILuniforms, australian army, world war ii, army surplus, scouts australia, bentleigh, moorabbin, world war 1, hooded ponchos, borneo, auscam nylon material, hootchies, malayan emergency, vietnam war, groundsheets -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Containers, matchbox 'Redhead' with matches, 20thC
On 15th December 1909, Bryant & May, Australia’s first match factory at Church Street, Richmond, Victoria. was opened by The Honourable Alfred Deakin, Prime Minister of Australia, and Mrs. Deakin. It was heralded by the first Commonwealth Government of newly-federated Australia because the government of the day was anxious to encourage secondary industry and pledged tariff protection of local manufacturers. The building was constructed in 1909 as the Empire Works to a design by prolific Melbourne architect William Pitt and was purchased soon after by British safety match manufacturer Bryant and May, who significantly expanded the building, adding another level and the landmark clock tower. Bryant and May were unique in that they operated as a model factory, providing workers with conditions and amenities that even today seem generous. These included a dining hall and sports facilities such as a tennis court and bowling green which were constructed in the 1920s. Bryant and May ceased Australian match manufacture in the early 1980s as a result of import competition. Their iconic Redheads matches are now imported from Sweden. The complex has since been converted for use as offices and showrooms but is extremely well preserved. It is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register. Bryant and May was a United Kingdom (UK) company created in the mid-nineteenth century specifically to make matches. Their original Bryant and May Factory was located in Bow, London. They later opened other match factories in the United Kingdom and Australia, such as the Bryant and May Factory, Melbourne; and owned match factories in other parts of the world. Bryant and May survived as an independent company for over seventy years, but went through a series of mergers with other match companies and later with consumer products companies. To protect its position Bryant and May merged with or took over its rivals. In 1971 the Northern Ireland factory, Maguire & Patterson closed down following a terrorist attack.. In the 1980s, factories in Gloucester and Glasgow closed too leaving Liverpool as the last match factory in the UK, until December 1994. . The registered trade name Bryant and May still exists and it is owned by Swedish Match, as are many of the other registered trade names of the other, formerly independent, companies within the Bryant and May group. Two French chemists, Henri Savene and Emile David Cahen, proved in 1898 that the addition of phosphorus sesquisulfide meant that the substance was not poisonous, that it could be used in a "strike-anywhere" match, and that the match heads were not explosive. British company Albright and Wilson, was the first company to produce phosphorus sesquisulfide ( Red Phosphorous) matches commercially. The company developed a safe means of making commercial quantities of phosphorus sesquisulfide in 1899 and started selling it to match manufacturers. Matches were first produced by Bryant & May in Australia in 1909. The Redhead name applies to the red striking heads of the matches which were introduced to Australia in 1946. The logo on the matchbox depicted the head and shoulder of a redheaded woman and has had four major updates since that time with a number of special issues depicting birds, animals and notable persons also produced.The Bryant & May Ltd factory in Church St Richmond is a listed building and has been converted to apartments following the closure of the Company 1980. Bryant & May's Ltd were influential in fighting against the dreadful disease known as Phossy jaw which was caused by white phosphorus used in the manufacture of the early matches. They were also the object of the 'Match Girls Strike' in London 1888, which won important improvements in working conditions and pay for the mostly female workforce working with the dangerous white phosphorus. The public were slow to purchase these safety matches because of the higher price .A box of safety matches with unused matches made by Bryant & May Pty Ltd , Richmond Victoria Australia. The tray containing the matches slides inside the open ended cover.. The striking patch is on both sides of the cover. Av. CONTENTS 50 MADE IN AUSTRALIA / Brymay / 1/3 / Safety Matches / Redheads / a colour picture of a Kookaburra / Laughing KOOKABURRAsafety matches, bryant & may pty ltd, phossy jaw disease, early settlers, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, lights, lamps, tobacco, white phosphorous, phosphorus sesquisulfide, swedish match pty ltd, pitt william, savens henri, cahen emile david , richmond victoria, -
Geelong RSL Sub Branch
Memorial Service Program, March 1918
On 11 March 1918 a Memorial Service was held in Johnstone Park, Geelong to acknowledge those from the Geelong and District who had fallen in the service of their country. The Service appears to be organized by the City of Greater Geelong under the Auspices of the State Recruiting Committee Victoria.The is an original program of the Memorial Service of 18 March 1918.An oblong buff coloured paper Memolrial Program. The flags of Australia, Great Britian and France are on the top of the program the Official Stamp of the City of Geelong is in the middle of the program.This program was printed by Henwood and Dancey.march 1918, memorial service, city of geelong -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph, c. 1967
Port of Portland Authority archives On 19 November 1960, the Portland Harbour Trust was officially opened by His Excellency, The Governor of Victoria, Sir Dallas Brooks, in front of thousands of onlookers. It was one of the largest concentration of Premiers, Statesmen, industrial and civic leaders ever to attend an event outside of an Australian capital city. Today, Port of Portland is a busy modern port, handling in excess of $2 billion in trade. One of Victoria’s four major shipping ports, it handles bulk cargoes such as plantation woodchips and logs, grain, aluminium products, mineral sands, fertiliser, livestock and wind tower components.This forms part of the archives of the Port of Portland which were donated to the Glenelg Shire Cultural Collection by the Port of Portland. The collection documents the growth and significance of the Port of Portland.Back: Aerial view of section of Port and its surroundsport of portland, henty park, portland botanic gardens -
Geelong RSL Sub Branch
Badge - RSL Affiliate, 20th Century
RSL Affiliate Membership was introduced in 1969 in South Australia. Now SA, Victoria, WA and Tasmania offer Affiliate Membership.This is an original Affiliate Badge.A squarish badge, crown on top, cream colour, blue inscribed ribbons, air force wings, rising sub and anchor in the middle of the badge.Returned and Services League, Affiliate. Reverse - Aust Made, V14523, Not Transferable, Property of RSL, A J Parks1969, affiliate membership, south australia -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Postcard - Postcard - Hospital Portland , Victoria, n.d
Black and white photo postcard. View of old Portland hospital, taken from street (Bentinck or Fern). Buildings obscured by large trees, and high stone fence. Nurse standing either side of metal gate, with a 'PORTLAND HOSPITAL' sign on it. Woman in a two-seater roadster parked near gate. A man and 2 nurses can be seen in the groundsFront: 'THE PUBLIC HOSPITAL, PORTLAND VIC. TOYE, PHOTO' - white script on black bottom border Back: Purple stamp: 'TOYE BROS. Photographers, Hamilton & Portland' -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Postcard - Postcard - Working Bee Hanlon Park Portland Victoria, n.d
... Postcard - Working Bee Hanlon Park Portland Victoria... - Working Bee Hanlon Park Portland Victoria ...Black and white photo postcard. Same image and inscription on front, as 7661, nothing on reverse of postcard 7661 Black and white photo postcard. A group of 15 ladies, posed standing and sitting - ladies committee at a working bee, Hanlon Park Portlandhanlon park -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Postcard - Postcard - Working Bee Hanlon Park Portland Victoria, n.d
... Postcard - Working Bee Hanlon Park Portland Victoria... Postcard - Working Bee Hanlon Park Portland Victoria ...Black and white photo postcard. A group of 15 ladies, posed standing and sitting - ladies committee at a working bee, Hanlon Park PortlandFront: 'LADIES COMMITTEE 'THE WORKING BEE' HANLON PARK, PORTLAND' - white script, bottom edge Back: Handwritten letter from Bert to Greta -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Postcard - Postcard - Hanlon Park Working Bee, Portland Victoria, c. 1926
... Postcard - Hanlon Park Working Bee, Portland Victoria... Postcard Postcard - Hanlon Park Working Bee, Portland Victoria ...Black and white photo postcard view of working bee at Hanlon Park, Portland. Horse and cart and several men in foreground, numerous other people, and small shed in backgroundBack: Handwritten message to Greta from her mother. Dated 31st Oct. 1926, address given as 'Percy St' -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Booklet, Commissioned by Portland Tourist Association Inc, 'Portland Victoria's Birth Place Welcome to Living History', n.d
Bowerbird MuseumPromotional booklet for Portland and District. Heavy paper covers, green with coloured photos of Portland and district. 44 page booklet, white with black print. Map of Portland and District in centre. Book contains information on Portland, plus National Parks, reacreation, business advertisments. -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Sheet of 12 contact prints - Various historic Portland buildings and Landmarks, c. 1970
Sheet of 12 contact prints of rephotographed photographs: Identifying numbers 5713 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, (a) A.R. Cruikshank & Co Warehouses, Cnr Percy and Julia Streets (b) Nuns Beach (c) F.H. Row - Jeweller, 16 Julia Street (d) All Saints Catholic Church (e) Residence at William Corney, 61 Bancroft Street (f) 'Claremont' (g) Victoria Hotel (h) Fire Station - Cof E grounds (i) 'Oak Park' (j) 'Greenmount' (k) Annie Clarks ladies school (l) Builders Inn, Julia StreetFront: (b) Nuns Beach (h) Fire Station