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Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Journal (item) - Periodicals-Annual, Shiplovers' Society of Victoria, The Annual Dog Watch, 1969
This journal provides the reader with glimpses of the adventures and hardships of a seaman's life. Many of the stories are of sailing ships.Contributes to our knowledge of the importance of shipping and places on record those stories of the sea which would otherwise be lost.Contents Foreword - Commodore Michael Parker, C.V.O. - 8 Editorial - S.A.E.S. - 17 An Unusual Cruise Through Bass Strait - T. E. Goldfinch - 23 Reminiscences in Sai - George Oakes - 27 My First Christmas in the Service - Lt.-Com. H. A. Willian, M.B.E., V.R.D., R.A.N.R. (Ret) - 30 Fortune's Wheel - Captain W. E. Eglen - 34 A Very Near Thing - Ralph Ingram - 37 The Time Charter - Captain Ruben Fogelstrom - 49 Ninety Years Under the Sea - J. M. MacKenzie - 53 Many hogs and Three Serpents - Captain C. E. Parkes - 58 Feathered Navigators - Arthur E. Woodley - 60 Human Radar - T. F. Roberts - 65 The Wreck of the Dutch Ship "Vergulde Draeck" - C. Halls - 67 The Port of Portland -- Victoria - - 78 The Barque "Carrazal" - From the papers of the late Captain J. Bull - 81 Pilots (verse) - C. E. Bonwick - 83 Hazards of Sail - A letter from Commodore John Rodgers, U.S.N. - 84 Dhows - C. W. Hawkins - 88 "Full Astern" Without "Stand-by" - S. F. P. Brown - 98 The "Lightning" Passage - More extracts of the Diary of a Passenger - 103 The "Royal Charter" - J. M. Mackie - 114 More on the "Royal Charter" - Dr. H. Cohen. C.B.E. 115 An Echo of Courage - a letter from J. S. Matthews - 117 A Wartime Passage - T. S. Shoesmith - 120 Book Reviews - - 130sailing ships, steamships, shipping, seafaring life, shiplovers' society of victoria, dog watch -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Artwork, other - Stained glass window, Brooks Robinson & Co, The Light of the World, 1926
This window, in memory of Alfred Gurney Goldsmith, was unveiled on 9 February 1927 by Archdeacon Hayman along with the brass tablet in the Mission's hall. (AR 1927). It was created by George H. Dancey from Brooks, Robinson & Co, at a cost of £57. Arched windowsaltar, st peter chapel, flinders street, mission to seafarers, seamen's mission, mission to seamen, st peter, sailors, seamen, anchor, stained glass windows, win, memorial chapel, reverend alfred gurney goldsmith, kobe, william holman hunt, the light of the world, george dancey (1865-1922) -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Flyer, Annual Meeting, 1886
The Annual Meeting presenting the Annual Report was held on the 21st of September 1886 at the Melbourne Athenaeum. In the Standard (Port Melbourne, Vic. : 1884 - 1914), Saturday 25 September 1886, page 2 VICTORIAN SEAMEN'S MISSION. This institution held its annual meeting in the Melbourne Athenæum on Tuesday evening under the most favourable auspices. The hall was filled in every part, a very large pro portion of the audience being seamen. The half hour previous to the com mencement of the meeting was very pleasantly occupied bv listening to the capital playing of the band of the Naval Brigade, and precisely at eight o'clock the musicians heralded the entrance of the vice-regal party by playing ' The National Anthem.' Sir Henry and Lady Loch were received by the Mayor of Melbourne (Mr. Stewart), the Hon. F. T. Derham, Captain Pasco, Mr. H. R. Reid (hon. secretary), and Lieutenant - Colonel Templeton, and His Excellency imme diately took the chair. The venerable ex-chaplain, the Rev. Kerr Johnson, was present, but as he did not feel equal to taking part in the proceedings, the Rev. E. T. Miles opened the meeting with prayer. Nothing could have been more cal culated to give a distinctive character to the meeting than the singing of the Sailors' Hymn by the 300 odd seamen present. The rugged yet tuneful voices of the men blending with those of the ladies present, who heartily joined in, gave a most spirit-stirring effect to the beautiful words of the refrain : — Rocks and streams I'll fear no more, When on that eternal shore; Drop the anchor ! furl the sail ! I am safe within the vail. Next followed His Excellency's address as chairman. The Governor threw himself heartily into the pro ceedings, and his remarks, expressive of the utmost sympathy with the sea men of the empire, were applauded to the echo. In fact from the start all the speakers struck the right key-note. The institution was not held up as a charity on which Jack was more or less dependent. According to the gentlemen who one and all welcomed him as a friend, and a right useful friend too, the thing was all the other way. To the sailor it was, they de clared, that they owed all that the colony possessed, and more — the great ness and prosperity of the Empire, He was the sort of man who never turned his back on a fellow creature, or refused to give a hand to a comrade in distress. Therefore it was deter mined that Jack should not come to these shores and think there were none to care for the comfort of his body or the welfare of his soul, and with the object of greeting the sailor on his arrival, of grasping his hand as a friend, beguiling his hours on shore, and saving him from the scores of dangers and temptations which beset a sea-faring man's stay in port, the institution had in '57 been started. Its claims on the Victorian public, not as a charity, but as a means of show ing some recognition of the services of the brave men who man our mercan tile marine, were ably put before the meeting. The Rev. G. D. Buchanan de clared that if the Melbourne merchants contributed to the mission a tithe of the amount they spent in insurance, they would find their goods better looked after by the seamen than by the insurance companies. Captain McCallum, the treasurer, read the following report of the com mittees of the Port Melbourne and Williamstown Rests : — In no part of the Queen's dominions have there been more changes during the last thirty years than in the colony bearing her gracious name ; and it is therefore all the more pleasant to report that the Victorian Mission to seamen, which started so long ago as 1857, still pursues an active career of usefulness, holding out a helping hand to mariners of all nations, without distinction of colour, race or creed. Eight years ago, some of the supporters of the Mission, feeling the want of a Temperance Club, where the crews of the various ships might recreate themselves and enjoy the three ' C's' — Coffee — Comfort — Company, appealed to the public for assistance, resulting in sufficient funds being obtained to justify the establishment of Sailors' Rests at Sandridge and Williamstown. Both these institutions were opened by a distinguished gentleman who has always taken a practical interest in sea men, and who, but for illness, would have been present at this meeting — Sir W. F. Stawell — and the result jof several years' experience fully justifies the statement that these institutions have supplied a felt want — the attendance of visitors reaching now about 30,000 per annum ; whilst so economically are they managed, that the annual cost to the public is less than L150 The thanks of the committee are specially due to those ladies and gentlemen who so kindly made a special and successful effort to supply both of the Bests with new piano fortes, to the great enjoyment of ' Jack ashore.' The instrument which was pre sented to the Port Melbourne institution by Mr. J. M. Bruce, on behalf of the sub scribers, the funds having been collected by his daughter yet in her teens, being espec ially one of great value. Concerts free to all seamen, given by amateur singers, are held weekly on both sides of the bay, and are largely attended and much appreciated. The building at Port Melbourne, which, being of wood, is merely of a temporary character, is free from debt ; but there is a mortgage of L500 on the Williamstown institution, which cripples its usefulness. The committee have regretfully to report that during the year under review they have lost, through the weakness of increas ing years, tbe loving services of the Rev. Kerr Johnston, their venerable friend and chaplain, whose life is, indeed, the history of the Mission, for he has been connected with it from the commencement of the work. Mr. Johnston has proved himself a true disciple of his Divine Master, and the com mittee trust that in the evening of his days he may enjoy that peace and rest which he lias so well earned. The com mittee presented Mr. Johnston, on retiring, with an honorarium of L100. Mr. E. James has been appointed iu Mr. JohuBton'u room, and the committee believe that their choice lias been a fortunate one. The Mission aud Sailors' Bests have been kept afloat by the unwearied and self -deny-ing exertions of the Ladies1 Committee, who have personally collected nearly the whole of the income ; but it may fairly be asked whether, in this great seaport, where last year there entered in at Her Majesty's Customs 1711 ships, manned by 61,256 men, the mercantile community of Melbourne should net take a more active interest in the welfare of the thousands of brave men who, for a few weeks, temporary sojourners on our shores, away from friends and relatives, have a special claim on our sympathy and help. We are of the old land, ' that gem sunk in the silver sea and we can re-echo Mr. Gladstone's recent words to the crew of the yacht Sunbeam, ' The calling which you follow is a noble one, and is calculated to bring forth the highest qualities of our common nature ; ana if it is possible for any occupation to make a man, in the highest and wideBt sense of the word, it is ' the occupation to which your lives are given. How closely it is connected with the the prosperity and fame of tbi» great nation ; how closely, indeed, it is connected with advancement of civilisation, and tiie general welfare of the world, it needs no words of mine to tell yon, for in your work and life you know it well, and feel it truly.' Look ing at what we Victorians owe to the British sailor, the committee earnestly trust that, with the blessings of the Almighty God, increased success will attend the work of the Mission and Rests. Mr. James read the chaplain's re port: — Since my appointment as chaplain to tbe Seamens' Mission, I have met with greater success than I anticipated. I have visited all the ships that have come into port, also many of the vessels on the Yarra, and am pleased with the civil and courteous manner in which I have been received by captains, officers and men, and in most cases my invitations to them to attend our meetings have been most heartily responded to. . The attendance at the services in the Bethel has much improved — on some occasions scarcely sitting room is to be found. The services have proved a great blessing to many Christian seamen ; whilst several who have come into port caring for nothing of a religious nature, have left praying. God fearing men, with the request that those left behind would remember them in their supplications, that they should be kept through all the trials and temptations to which seamen are exposed. The weekly Tuesday evening concerts got up bj the ladies of the committee and others, have proved a great benefit to the Mission, and a source of great enjoyment to the seamen in port. The programmes are excellent; and are spoken of by the sailors as the best they have heard in any port. The Sailors* Rest is provided with a library, the daily papers, and illustrated literature, with games of chess, draughts, dominoes, quoits, and other amusements, which are much taken advantage of during the evenings. Seamen ' are alio provided with writing materials, free, bo that everyone may have any opportunity of writing to their friends; for many an anxious parent is counting the days and hoping for .the time to come when they shall get a line from their sons in the far distant land, and many a son is reminded of his obligation by the opportunity thus afforded. I am much pleased at this time to acknowledge the kindness of the committee, and the great help I have received from them, also from Mr. Douglas, the manager of the Best. I do not think I could have been blest with a better co-worker. I have no hesitation in recommending the seamen to go to the Best, and telling them that they will receive a most hearty welcome, to which they can all testify ; my thanks are due to the voluntary workers, who have given every assistance ft their power, especially to Miss Lloyd, who is an invaluable help, attending in all weathers, and playing the organ at every service. The Sunday School is progressing, and we aie now about to make another addition to the library, of good readable books. The work at Williamstown is also pro gressing well, the Wednesday night concerts being well attended, and the singing and reciting supplied by local talent really good; the sailors contributing largely to the programmes. Captain McCallum is the backbone of the work at Williamstown, well supported by many warm friends of the sailors. The services held every Sunday night are productive of mnch good. The work here, too, is very encouraging, having much improved of late. I am thank ful to God that He has so blessed the efforts of His people, and hope they may be long spared to carry on the work. The Rev. G. D. Buchanan in an eloquent speech proposed the first re solution : — ' That the Reports now read be adopted, and that the following ladies and gentlemen be the Committee for the ensuing year : — SEAMEN'S MISSION. Ladies Committee. — Mesdames Templeton, Campbell, Chamberlin, Elworthy, Lormer, Gourlay, Gowan, B. Johnston, Webb, Young, Plummer, Misses Elwortny, Webb, Gowan, and M. Hastie. Gentlemen's Committee. — Captains Pasco, R. N., Adams, McCallum, J.P., Dalgarno, Garside, Messrs. Courtis, A. J. Smith, Macpherson, H. R. Reid, J.P., Henry Berry, J.P., Revs. Kerr Johnston, and A. R. Edgar.' Captain Pasco seconded, and in formed the audience that Baron Von Mueller had written regretting his inability to attend, but had sent a substantial cheque. (Applause.) A collection was then taken up and liberally responded to, the band mean-time playing airs suitable to the occa sion, such as ' The Death of Nelson' and ' Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep.' The hon. F. T. Derham next pro posed the second resolution : — ' That the success which has attended the working of the Port Melbourne Sailors' Rest justifies this meeting in taking imme diate steps to raise the funds necessary to erect a Seamen's Institute worthy of the in creasing trade and commerce of Victoria.' This was seconded by the Rev. A. R. Edgar, and both were carried by ac clamation. The Mayor of Melbourne moved a vote of thanks to His Excellency, and Sir Henry in the course of his reply said his sympathies were not only with sailors because he had been much brought into contact with them, but because he had been a sailor himself and had had the honour and privilege of serving in Her Majesty's navy. At this the men sprang to their feet and gave three deafening cheers for the Governor and another for Lady Loch, who bowed her acknowledgment and appeared very pleased at the hearty reception accorded to her. During the evening Mrs. Pearce, and Messrs. Walsh, Woods, and Robinson, members of the Liedertafel, contributed songs. The lady, who has sung at the Tuesday evening concerts, sang ' When the Tide comes in' so charmingly that an encore, although against the rule of the evening, was insisted upon, which was responded to by a beautiful rendering of the old ballad ' Robin Adair,' Altogether the meeting was a com plete success, and will doubtless afford the committee fresh encouragement in their well-directed efforts. Printed programme for the 1886 annual meeting taking place in the Melbourne AthenaeumWritten in black ink at the back by WHC Darvall: annual meeting, melbourne athenaeum, 1886, baron ferdinand von mueller, sailors' rest, hugh ronald reid, captain fullarton, captain mccallum, henry loch, captain pasco, reverend kerr johnston -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph, Greensborough Primary School Gr2062 1952 Grade 1B, 1952_
A class photograph from 1952. This is Grade 1B, Greensborough State School. Caption on back lists children in photo as: Top row: (R-L) Hall, - , Fry, McKay, Mare, -, Adamson, - , Stubley, Resum, Anders, Spencer, - , -. 2nd row: Heather Kerrison, - , C Evans, - , - , Me (R Isaacs), J Molyneaux, L Johnston, J Hutchinson, G Watkins, B Black, A MacPherson, H Lancaster, F Sedgewick, B Windsor, - , - , J Kerrison, - , B Wittaker. 3rd row: L Allen, - , - , L Welsh, N Gibson, S Sharp, Barnes, Canute, B Hutchinson, K Monfort, G O'Conner, Edwards, - , R Bryant, K Macleod. [Please forward any corrections or additions to the Greensborough Historical Society via the website.]A named photo from Greensborough Primary School.Black and white school photograph.Caption on back of photo names some of the children.greensborough primary school, 1952, rosemary isaacs -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Shire of Glenelg Councillors, c. 1963
Sourced from Casterton Town Hall (Former Shire of Glenelg)Black and white photo. Shire of Glenelg Councillors, 1962/1963 South Riding. Left to right- F. H. Silvester, C. Emerson, D. W. Matheson, sitting behind desk with Honour Board behind them on wall - Past Presidents of Shire of Glenelg, 1863 - 1963. Council Chambers Casterton Town HallBack: Black stamp '003635' Blue biro line, arrowed each end, drawn across photo. '3" ' above line 'Councillors 1962/3 South Riding L. to R. Cr. F.H. Silvester Cr. C. Emerson Cr. D. W. Matheson' handwritten in pencil. Letter 'C' in black birof h silvester, c emerson, d w matheson -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Shire of Glenelg Councillors, c. 1963
Sourced from Casterton Town Hall (Former Shire of Glenelg)Black and white photo. Three councillors for the Central Riding, Shire of Glenelg 1962/3, sitting behind desk, Honour Board on wall behind them, with names of Past Presidents of the Shire of Glenelg, 1863 - 1963 Left to right: H. D Mitchell, J.J. Howlett, J. R Hargreaves Council chambers, Casterton Town HallBack: Black stamp '003635. Letter 'A' heavy pencil. Blue biro line, arrowed each end, drawn across photo. '3" ' above line. 'Councillors central Riding 1962/3 '1/4 black' -pencil L to R Cr H.D. Mitchell Cr. JJ. Howlett Cr. J.R. Hargreaves' - handwritten pencil -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Mr J. B. Hansen, c. 1963
Sourced from Casterton Town Hall (Former Shire of Glenelg)Black and white photo. Head and shoulders shot of Shire Secretary, Mr. J. B. HansenBack: 'Same size as Dart Shire Secretary Mr. J.B. Hansen' handwritten, blue biro Blue biro line arrowed each end drawn across photo. '3" ' above line 'H' pencilj b hansen -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Meeting of Viscount de Lisle, Governor General of Australia and Cr. H. D. Mitchell, Shire President, 25/10/1963
Sourced from Casterton Town Hall (former Shire of Glenelg)Coloured photograph of Viscount de Lisle, Governor General of Australia, being greeted by Cr. H. D. Mitchell, Shire President, at Casterton Town Boundary, on 25th Oct. 1963. The photograph is in a cream folder, with green manufacturer's information -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Sheet of 12 contact prints - Various historic Portland buildings and Landmarks, c. 1970
Sheet of 12 contact prints of rephotographed photographs. Identifying numbers 5711 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l Measurements unframed (a, d, e, g, h, k, l)5 x 3.24.6 x 3 (b, c, f, i, j) Framed (d, g, h, k)5.3 x 3.65 x 3.5 (b, c, f, i, j) (a) All Saints Catholic Church (b) 'Blainslie' (c) Railway Line and Dutton's beach, towards Whalers Bluff (d) Lighthouse, Observatory Hill (e) North side Julia Sreet, looking west, Bank of Australasia (f) Fire station, C of E grounds (g) Julia Street from Percy Street intersection looking towards sea (h) Richmond House - W.M. Learmonth (i) London Inn (j) Julia Street. Hewly and Learmonth Woolstores, Bank of Australasia (k) View from Henty Beach - Old Town Hall (l) Annie Clark's ladies school -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Sheet of 12 contact prints - Various historic Portland buildings and Landmarks, c. 1970
Sheet of 12 contact prints of rephotographed photographs. Measurements (a) (e)-(h) (j-i)(b) 3.7 x 55 x 3.7 Framed 5.2 x 44.5 x 4 (a) Looking south across beach at Dutton Way (b) S.S. 'Eumeralla' (c) Construction of railway pier (d) Jackass Fern Gully (e) 'Kingsley' (f) Portland Show (g) North side Julia Street looking west Bank of Australiasia (h) Henty Street looking east from Percy Street (i) Old Post Office (j) All Saints Catholic Church (k) View from Henty Street - old Town Hall (l) Opening 3rd BathsFront: (a) 'Dutton Way 1900 (b) 'S.S. Eumeralla' (c) Construction of Railway Pier (f) Portland Show (h) Henty Street, Portland (i) (B) -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - B/W, C 1910
C 1910 The Warren family in foreground of buildings of Myrtlebank in early stageEarly stages of building Residents in Halls Gap with out buildingscopy Agfa H/GAP 0007 NNNBAbuildings, myrtlebank, people, warren -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - Photocopy, C 1925
... 117-119 Grampians Road Halls Gap grampians H. Lewis, W. Evans ...H. Lewis, W. Evans, A. Hart in Wannon ValleyPhoto shows 3 men - 2 seated in car, 1 standing beside car.H, Lewis, W. Evans, A. Hart 1925 Wannon Valley written on backpeople -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - B/W, C 1918
Kept by A H Barnes, 1922-1924 name changed to Grampians House kept by Miss Allison and Miss Porter 1924-1925 kept by Mrs Anderson Grampians House - The earliest record of Grampians House was recorded in 1918 when the property was known as "Killarney" listed in the Country, Hotel and Boarding House Guide and Tourists handbook. The listing notes it as being kept my Mr A H Barnes The property consisted of 29 acres, the house of 8 rooms, kitchen, bathroom, vestibule, front and side passages, with verandah on front and side of building, also 3 roomed cottage with bathroom, 5 chalets containing 7 bedrooms, storeroom,wash house, water and gas laid on throughout. 4 stall stables and feed house, buggy shed for three buggies, motor shed for 4 cars, cow shed, and yards and pens. Local resident Mrs E Watson who attended school in the nearby public hall remembers going to a side window of the house and being able to purchase biscuits, sweets and drinks. The 1922-24 Handbook the listing was changed to "Grampians House" kept by Misses Allison and Porter. The 1924-25 Handbook listed "Grampians House" being kept by Mrs Anderson.Photo of original building of 8 rooms Proprietor A H BarnesFuji Film Pictor Paperaccommodation, guesthouses, killarney, grampian hosue -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Newspaper - Photocopy, C 1922
Popular Grampian Mountains (The Blue Mountains of Victoria) Saturday, 1st April, 1922 at 12 o'clock On the property Halls Gap, 17 miles from Stawell Mitchell Bros & White under instructions from the Administrator of Lulu Barnes, deceased, and Mr A. H. Barnes, will offer by public auction on the property, the well known Tourist Accomodation (sic) House, "Killarney" together with 29 acres of freehold land, household furniture, stock, vehicles and sundries. The buildings consist main building of 8 rooms, kitchen, bathroom, vestibule, front and side passages, with verandah on front and side of building, also 3 roomed cottage with bathroom, 5 chalets containing 7 bedrooms, storeroom. wash house, water and gas laid on throughout. 4 cars, cow sheds, yards, pens, and sundry outbuildings. The furniture is all in first class order, consisting of beds and bedding for 30 visitors. Carl Ecko piano, splendid instrument; overmantle (sic) suites of furniture, extension tables, card tables, book case, sideboard, cupboards, dining table and chairs, linoleums, mats, wardrobes, duchess-chests, washstands and ware, curtains, pictures, ornaments, iron safe, kitchen tables, chairs, stove, separator, copper, large assortment of glassware, crockery, cutlery, kitchen utensils, and everything necessary for running the house. Rolling stock and C, consisting of 5 buggy and saddle ponies, 2 milch (sic) cows, 4 head young cattle, 3 pigs, 30 fowls, single seated hooded rubber tyred buggy, nearly new, 2 seated drag, carry seven, in good order; double seated buggy, gig, waggonette (sic), carry one ton; lorry, spring dray, double furrow disc plough, garden plow (sic), roller, garden roller. 6 saddles and bridles, almost new, large quantity of heavy and light harness, swing bars, chains, and numerous sundries. NOTE - The property will be offered with furniture, rolling stock & c., as a going concern at 12 o'clock sharp; and if not sold the furniture, stock, & C., will be offered TERMS AT SALE. MITCHELL BROS. & WHITE. AuctioneersTyped extract of advertisement for auction of Killarney from Stawell News 25-3-1922 later known as Grampians Housemedia, newspaper articles, guesthouses, killarney -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Certificate - Photocopy, C September 1933
The photocopy shows the second prize certificate in Class A, Section 14,of the Halls Gap (Grampians) Wildflower Show, September 1933, awarded to E. (Ellen) Knight. The certificate is awarded by H. Goodwin Taylor, Hon. Sec.Photocopy of a "Second Prize" certificate from the Halls Gap (Grampians) Wildflower Show.people, knight, events, wildflower show -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - Coloured, C 1960s (?)
Photo shows steam boiler equipment. Stone chimneys feature in middle of photo. Quarry rockface ^& bushes in background. 'Blurred' leaves appear in bottom right corner.H/GAP0612 NANNAquarrying, mt difficult quarry -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Flyer - Coloured, C 1938
Annual wildflower shows took over the Hall's Gap Hall during spring and, in the 1930's, transformed it into a veritable wonderland. So popular were these displays that they have continued through until present times, the format has altered but the display of flowers remains the same. Ladies' Committees were formed to sell art and crafts during shows, and much of the revenue from these events went towards a future new building. In 1938, the Wildflower Show was to be held on 30 September and 1 October, and was to be opened by A. McDonald, Esq., MLA. Admission in that year was 1/- (one shilling), with children being half price (a comparison with record 388 shows that this was the same as the 1933 price). Afternoon tea or supper were also 1/- and an entry fee of 3d (three pennies) was charged per exhibit. In that year the organising secretary was H. Williamson (whose phone no. was 26!).A flyer for the "Grand Wildflower and Nature Show" to be held at the Hall's Gap Hall on 30/09/1938 and 01/10/, flyers, events, wildflower show -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Document - Ticket (B/W), C 1933
Annual wildflower shows took over the Hall's Gap Hall during spring and, in the 1930's, transformed it into a veritable wonderland. So popular were these displays that they have continued through until present times, the format has altered but the display of flowers remains the same. Ladies' Committees were formed to sell art and crafts during shows, and much of the revenue from these events went towards a future new building. The ticket shows that the admission price in 1933 was 1/- (one shilling). A comparison with Record 387 shows that the price had not risen from that rate in 1938. The Hon. Sec at this time was H. Goodwin Taylor.A ticket for the Grampians Mountains Wildflower Show to be held in Halls Gap Public Hall on 29/09/1933 and 30/09/, tickets, events, wildflower show -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - Photocopy, C December 1925
This is a copy of a photo of W. Evans and H. Lewis in the Wannon Valley at Christmas 1925.The photo shows two men wearing hats holding up a dead kangaroo by its ears and forefeet. They are standing in a grassed area surrounded by bush."1925" was written on the bottom edge of the original photo.recreation, hunting, wildlife, fauna -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - B/W
This is a photo of a lithograph by Eugene von Guerard (1811-1901), "Source of the Wannon", circa 1866-1868. The peaks in the distance are Mr Abrupt and Signal Peak.This is a photo of a lithograph. It is a stylised view of a mountain range with sharp rocky peaks with a valley through the centre. A river meanders down the valley. There are eucalyptus trees in the foreground and two figures can be seen in the left foreground.Photo printers stamp in back is "H/GAP0007 NNNAA"painting, landscape -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - B/W
Typical of promotional photos taken by Forestry Commission VictoriaMan facing away from camera, on walking track, looking at large fallen tree trunk. He is surrounded by very tall tree ferns.Forests Commission, Victoria and picture logo printed in R/H white border LC.32 written on backscenery, walkers -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Alex McCullough Collection - Notes and Photos on History of Mt Beauty
Alex McCullough was a resident of Mt Beauty for many years and wrote a book on the History of Mt Beauty. Mt Beauty was constructed by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria to house employees working on the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme. Alex was involved with many organisations in Mt Beauty and interested in history. He took many photos of events and new developments in town. He also collected individuals memoirs on life in the town.Mt Beauty's history is unique as it was built as a construction town in the late 1940s. The information in Alex's Collection records the town's development perhaps in more detail than in his book "The History of Mt Beauty". His folder includes his education, his work with the SECV (foreman working on Clover Dam), his war service, his community work (Mt Beauty & District Progress Association & Mt Beauty Neighbourhood Centre) and awards, work as Shire Councillor and Mayor, sporting (tennis & golf) interests. Alexander John McCullough 1916 - 2011's obituary is online ref. legacy.comA) Booklet - The Life of Alex McCullough B) Booklet - The Story of Kiewa by Alex McCullough C) Coloured photos 15cm x 10 cm of the renovation of the Mt Beauty Neighbourhood Centre mid 2001. Four photos are labelled by Alex McCullough on the back. Also, photos of various sizes both colored and black and white depicting sites and people in Mt Beauty. Not labelled.Also, six packets of negatives of older photos incl. Community Hall, Fire Brigade, School, School ski group, Back to Kiewa, Alpine Study, D) Alex McCulloughs 1951 Diary - Clover Dam E) Random Items from History Profile Kiewa by Alex McCullough F) Papers - 'Administration of Mt Beauty Township' - 2nd July 1957. SECV buildings in Mt Beauty shared with community groups notes re - arrangement between groups. G) Barrie Wilcox's Memories living in Marum's paddock from c1940s onwards. Written in June 1999 H) Mt Beauty website June 1998 - a lot of history I) Papers - Mt Beauty High School band developement J) The 1950s Development of the Birth of Community support organisations K) Community Centre Mt Beauty opening 3rd August 1951 L) Mt Beauty Fire Brigade History M) Folder Personal papers re Alex McCullough alex mccullough, mt beauty history, community work -
Victoria Police Museum
Photograph (Victoria Police), Police Officers on dinner event, February 1945
[see inscriptions] Black and white mounted photograph. Approximately 160 men (171 according to inscription on the back) sitting on large tables at a formal dinner event; all weatinh suits and posing for photograph. Photo was taken in a large rooom with a stage, Malvern Town Hall accoring to inscriptions on the back - tables occupy centre and front of photograph - but in the background: [left] Australia flag, WWII poster; [center] stage with painted landscape and piano; [right] WWII poster and Britain flag. [information of event on newspaper cutting stuck on the back - as described on Inscriptions]Handwritten: 171 PRESENT // FEB 1945 // (?) OFF SUPT KNOTT // INSPT SAMBLEBE // CONST GRAMBEU /// MALVERN TOWN HALL Newspaper cutting glued to frame: Supt. J. R. H. Knott, has rettired from the Police Force after 38 and half years' service, was farewelled by citizens and police officials at Malvern Town Hall on Tuesday night, The mayor of Malvern (Cr. J. Johnson) presided and presented SUpt. Knott with a chair and a wallet of notes. Similar presentations were made to Inspector C.H.D. Samblebe and First Constable O. Grambau, who have also retired. Supt. A.D. McKinnon of Ballarat will succeed Supt. Knott // handwritten: SUN 1/2/45victoria police museum, police officers, police academy, police force, superintendent mckinnon, superintendent knott, cr johnson, inspector samblebe, first constable grambau, poulter, william -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Programme - Program, Re-Opening of the Town Hall, Early August 1925
... Hall Programme Program H. J. Paynter ...The musical portion of the service was led by the United Choirs and Orchestra I conducted by Mr E Bright. At 9 August 1925 Cr Benjamin Abbey was the Mayor of the Town of Warrnambool. The service consisted of hymns, prayers, anthems, a lesson, an address and benediction with a official opening. The funds from the offering were given to the Warrnambool Hospital.The re-opening of the Town Hall United Citizen's Service Town Hall Committee Offering for the Warrnambool Hospital Cream A4 size approximately, folded into four pages. Logo of City of Warrnambool, two decorative borders and print in black ink.warrnambool, united citizen's service, cr b. abbey.-mayor, mr edward bright-conductor, rev a simms, cr wj pearson, rev wg bower, capt collishaw, rev geo. king -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book - The Holy Bible, Late 19th Century
A King James version of the Bible presented to the Allansford Congregation in 1881 by J H Atkinson who was a chemist from 1848 to 1876 on the corner of Sackville and Bank Streets Port Fairy . In January 1878 he opened a pharmacy in partnership with Warrell in the Apothecaries Hall in Timor Street. Rev. Swinburn was an assistant at St Paul’s Church in 1880.St Paul’s Church, Allansford opened in 1882 and this donation would have been one of the earliest donations to the congregation.Olive green/ brown leather cover with imprinted rectangular pattern on front and back covers. Spine has Holy Bible in gold lettering. It has dark blue ribbon page marker and gold on edges of pages.Presented to the Church of England Allansford by J.H Atkinson, Warrnambool, September 1881. Also letter from Mr Atkinson to Rev. Swinburn.allansford, st paul's allansford, j h atkinson, rev swinburn, bible, 1881 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Early Residents' Reunion, Shire of Eltham Centenary Celebrations, 8 Aug 1971
Mr. H. Masefield pointing out an interesting photograph to his wife as they look at a photo wall, part of the reunion function for the centenary celebrations for the Shire of Eltham in August 1971. The event was held in the West Riding Hall, Henry Petrie Community Centre, Montmorency. This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book, "Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital imagesepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, centenary celebrations, shire of eltham, shire of eltham centenary, early residents, early residents' reunion, h. masefield, henry petrie community hall montmorency, display, exhibition, display board -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Past Councillors of the Shire of Eltham from its inception until 1914
Collage of a collection of black and white portraits of men in oval frames with names. They are past councillors and the late Officer C.S. Wingrove of the Shire of Eltham from its inception until 1914. Originally compiled as a farewell gift to Ewan H. Cameron on his retirement from Parliament and community affairs in 1914. The photos were encased in a very large and handsme frame. It was presented to Mr. Cameron as a "testimonial [and] a small token of [Eltham Shire Councillors and community] their heartfelt esteem, and felt Mr Cameron would often look upon the faces encased in the frame, and it would remind him of friendships made and good work performed.' Mr Cameron was a well-respected man described as “Father of all in the County of Evelyn”. There were many living monuments of the good work done by Mr Cameron – schools, churches, halls and railways. Mr Cameron’s retirement was partly due to deafness. On the occasion of the presentation he told his audience that he started his public career in 1858 when he was elected a member of the Castlemaine Mining Board-; he held the position till 1900-42 years. In 1862 he was elected to the Eltham Shire Council (then a Road Board), and retired in 1914-52 years. He entered Parliament in 1874 and retired in 1914 -40 years and 8 months. The Hon Ewan H. Cameron lived at Pigeon Bank, Kangaroo Ground and died 27 September 1915. Names on the photo include: A. Beale, C. H. Bath, W. Morris, S.W. Scott, A. L. White, J. Fitch, W. G. Gray, J Darly Mealy, W. J. Taylor, E.H. Cameron M.L.A., J. Bell, J. Sincadley, R.D. Taylor, R. White, J. Herbert, S. Wingrove, W.B. Thomas, J Cowrey, J. C. Beale. Mr. R. White, 360 Main Rd., Eltham presented this copy to Council. One of the originals of this photograph was destroyed in the fire which burnt the Shire Offices at Kangaroo Ground in February 1934.This unique photo documents early pioneers in the Shire of Eltham. The context of its origins further illustrates the esteem of which E.H. Cameron was held in the community. This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book,"Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as the 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital imagesepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, eltham, councilors, a. beale, c.h.bath, w. morris, s.w. scott, a.l. white, j. fitch, w.g. gray, j.w.darly mealy, w.j. taylor, william john taylor, william j. taylor, e. h. cameron, ewan hugh cameron, j. bell, j. sincadeley, r.d. taylor, r. white, j. herbert, s. wingrove, w.b. thomas, j. cowrey, j.c. beale, collage, presentation, retirement -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Company papers, Clocktower Theatre Company, Clocktower Theatre Company: minutes, correspondence, constitution etc. Ringwood. 1971 to 1979, 1971-1979
The collection of papers pertains to the running of the Clocktower Theatre Company, members and productions from 1971 to 1979.Several manila folders of minutes, correspondence dealing with the running of the Clocktower Theatre Company.; 4604.1 - Minutes of Committee Meetings Feb 1973 to Dec 1976; 4604.2 - Inward correspondence 1971-1979; 4604.3 - Correspondence in/out for fund raising activities, rehearsal halls; 4604.4 - Play licences 1974 - 1979; 4604.5 - Membership; 4604.6 - Circulars; 4604.7 - Constitution; 4604.8 - Application for Assistance 1971/72; 4604.9 - Applications for membership; 4604.10 - Membership lists; 4604.11 - Newsletters & miscellaneous +Additional Keywords: Grimshaw, H. (President) / Carter, A. (President) -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Handout, Ringwood Garden Club, Handout for the Beautiful Gardens of Ringwood Competition, 19th and 20th September, 1987, 1987
Handout for the Beautiful Gardens of Ringwood Competition, 19th and 20th September, 1987.Foolscap typed sheet.BEAUTIFUL GARDENS OF RINGWOOD COMPETITION. 19th. & 20th. September, 1987. The Committee of the Ringwood Garden Club would like to extend a very warm welcome to all who have joined us on today's tour. We hope you enjoy the best six of the winning gardens from the 16 entries we received. Signs in the winning gardens indicate what prizes have been awarded as well as on your programme. After the tour, we hope you will join in Afternoon Tea, kindly prepared by the ladies of our Committee. Following afternoon tea, the coaches will return to Eastland Carpark. 1st. Stop: Section 4: Individual Garden in Home Units or Flats. 1st. Prize: Mr. & Mrs.C. & B. Harris, Unit 6, 32 Wilana St., Ringwood. 2nd. Prize: Mr. & Mrs. W. & T. Wilson, Unit 5, 32 Wilana St., Ringwood. 2nd. Stop: Section 3: Home Garden - Viewed from the Street. 1st. Prize: Mr. L. Sperling, 4 Lorienne Rd., Heathmont. 3rd. Stop: Section 1: Home Garden, Street Frontage exceeding 65 ft. (20 m) 2nd. Prize: Mr. K. Clark, 42 Bronhill Rd., Ringwood East. 4th. Stop: Section 3: Home Garden - Front Only. 2nd. Prize: Mr. H. Smit, 21 Unsworth Rd., Ringwood. 5th. Stop: Section 2: Home Garden, Street Frontage not exceeding 65 ft. (20 m.) 6th. Stop: Section 1: Home Garden - Street Frontage exceeding 65 ft. (20 m) 1st Prize: Mr. B. Wheatley, 57 Oliver St., Ringwood. 7th. Stop: Afternoon Tea at the Ringwood Senior Citzens Clubrooms, Greenwood Ave., Ringwood. 8th. Stop: Eastland Carpark. We hope you have enjoyed our tour this afternoon and hope you will visit our Club's Spring Flower and Floral Art Show, which will be staged on Saturday 10th, & Sunday 11th. of October in the Ringwood Uniting Church Hall, Cnr. Station St. & Greenwood Ave., Ringwood. The show will be open on Saturday from 2.00 p.m. till 5.30 and on Sunday from 1.00 till 4.30 p.m. Entry is $1.00. Schedules and all Show information are available from the Show Secretary, Clive Manly on 873-2264. Prize Winners for the Garden Competition will receive their Certificates at the Show at the Official Opening by the Mayor of Ringwood at 3.00 p.m. on Saturday. Our show will feature displays of Cut Flowers & Shrubs, Plants in Containers, Floral Art, Cookery and Children's sections. Our Plant Stall will be operating during the days of the show and an excellent afternoon tea is available. COME TO THE SHOW AND BRING A FRIEND. OOOoooOOOoooOOO -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, The Ringwood Horticultural Show - 1901. Image copied from the "Weekly Times" of 30/3/1901, 30-Mar-01
5 black and white images on one page copied from the "Weekly Times". (2 copies)"Written under images" The Ringwood Horticultural Show. Committe Group (Reading from L to R): Bottom Row- W. Chandler, E. McComas (Sec), H. Thatcher,(President), H. Chandler (Vice President), Middle Row- G. Maggs (Treasurer), J.Cameron, C.D. Hall, J. Muldowney, A. Chandler, P. Farnielo, W. Maggs. Top Row- H. Maggs, E. Kleinert, J. Hann, L.W. Chandler, J. Maguire. Photos by Frazer and Vallance, Little Collins Street, Melbourne. Pasted on back of cardboard copy- Newspaper cutting on the R.H.S. Show as reported in the "Weekly Times" 30/3/1901. Early R.H.S. Shows were held next to Club Hotel in Mount Dandenong Road.