Showing 1921 items
matching flooding
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Photograph, Robert Scott, Port Fairy Gardens
The curved path through the Botanical Gardens at Port Fairy. The Port Fairy Botanical Gardens were formed in 1856 making it one of the earliest gardens in Victoria. The first curator was James Prior, he was paid fifty-two pounds per annum. He was an outstanding curator having been apprenticed to the trade in England at the age of 12, his brother Edward in later years was the Curator of the Koroit Gardens. Prior retired in 1903. During the years of his curatorship Port Fairy was said to have the best gardens outside the city of Melbourne, he was constantly in touch with Baron Von Mueller and later Guilfoyle of the Royal Botanical Gardens of Melbourne. In the early years plants from all over the world were planted here with varying rates of success many of them sent by Baron Von Mueller. In the 1930’ and 40’s the gardens were still very beautiful, and the curator was Roy Manuell. The beautiful iron gates at the entrance were destroyed in the 1946 floods and were replaced in 1989 using some of the material from the original gates. From the 1950’s on the gardens went into a state of decline, much being taken up by the caravan park until in 1986, after a public meeting ‘Friends of the Gardens’ was founded when the entrance section was restored. Black & white panoramic landscape of the paths and garden beds of the Botanical GardensPort Fairy Gardens W. Scottbotanical, garden, paths, trees -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Entrance to Port Fairy Botanical Gardens. The Port Fairy Botanical Gardens were formed in 1856 making it one of the earliest gardens in Victoria. The first curator was James Prior, he was paid fifty-two pounds per annum. He was an outstanding curator having been apprenticed to the trade in England at the age of 12, his brother Edward in later years was the Curator of the Koroit Gardens. Prior retired in 1903. During the years of his curatorship Port Fairy was said to have the best gardens outside the city of Melbourne, he was constantly in touch with Baron Von Mueller and later Guilfoyle of the Royal Botanical Gardens of Melbourne. In the early years plants from all over the world were planted here with varying rates of success many of them sent by Baron Von Mueller. In the 1930’ and 40’s the gardens were still very beautiful, and the curator was Roy Manuell. The beautiful iron gates at the entrance were destroyed in the 1946 floods and were replaced in 1989 using some of the material from the original gates. From the 1950’s on the gardens went into a state of decline, much being taken up by the caravan park until in 1986, after a public meeting ‘Friends of the Gardens’ was founded when the entrance section was restored. Sepia landscape of the gates to the Botanical Gardens (taken on a slant)Post card - correspondence-Addressbotanical, garden, park, griffith street, gates -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Photograph - Photographic copy
Original gates to the Botanical Gardens. The Port Fairy Botanical Gardens were formed in 1856 making it one of the earliest gardens in Victoria. The first curator was James Prior, he was paid fifty-two pounds per annum. He was an outstanding curator having been apprenticed to the trade in England at the age of 12, his brother Edward in later years was the Curator of the Koroit Gardens. Prior retired in 1903. During the years of his curatorship Port Fairy was said to have the best gardens outside the city of Melbourne, he was constantly in touch with Baron Von Mueller and later Guilfoyle of the Royal Botanical Gardens of Melbourne. In the early years plants from all over the world were planted here with varying rates of success many of them sent by Baron Von Mueller. In the 1930’ and 40’s the gardens were still very beautiful, and the curator was Roy Manuell. The beautiful iron gates at the entrance were destroyed in the 1946 floods and were replaced in 1989 using some of the material from the original gates. From the 1950’s on the gardens went into a state of decline, much being taken up by the caravan park until in 1986, after a public meeting ‘Friends of the Gardens’ was founded when the entrance section was restored. A visual description of earlier Port FairyBlack & white landscape of the gates at the entrance to the Botanical Gardens with people and dog botanical, garden -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Postcard, Valentine Publishing Co, Entrance to Gardens. Port Fairy
pedestrian entrance to Botanical Gardens . The Port Fairy Botanical Gardens were formed in 1856 making it one of the earliest gardens in Victoria. The first curator was James Prior, he was paid fifty-two pounds per annum. He was an outstanding curator having been apprenticed to the trade in England at the age of 12, his brother Edward in later years was the Curator of the Koroit Gardens. Prior retired in 1903. During the years of his curatorship Port Fairy was said to have the best gardens outside the city of Melbourne, he was constantly in touch with Baron Von Mueller and later Guilfoyle of the Royal Botanical Gardens of Melbourne. In the early years plants from all over the world were planted here with varying rates of success many of them sent by Baron Von Mueller. In the 1930’ and 40’s the gardens were still very beautiful, and the curator was Roy Manuell. The beautiful iron gates at the entrance were destroyed in the 1946 floods and were replaced in 1989 using some of the material from the original gates. From the 1950’s on the gardens went into a state of decline, much being taken up by the caravan park until in 1986, after a public meeting ‘Friends of the Gardens’ was founded when the entrance section was restored. Nature of the visual information contained from early timesBlack and white photographic postcard taken from the north toward the Botanical Gardens gatesValentine Series 545. Entrance to Gardens, Port Fairy botanical, garden, gate, path -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Postcard, kodak Austral, Botanical Gardens Port Fairy Mound area
Botanical Gardens Port Fairy Mound area 1900? The Port Fairy Botanical Gardens were formed in 1856 making it one of the earliest gardens in Victoria. The first curator was James Prior, he was paid fifty-two pounds per annum. He was an outstanding curator having been apprenticed to the trade in England at the age of 12, his brother Edward in later years was the Curator of the Koroit Gardens. Prior retired in 1903. During the years of his curatorship Port Fairy was said to have the best gardens outside the city of Melbourne, he was constantly in touch with Baron Von Mueller and later Guilfoyle of the Royal Botanical Gardens of Melbourne. In the early years plants from all over the world were planted here with varying rates of success many of them sent by Baron Von Mueller. In the 1930’ and 40’s the gardens were still very beautiful, and the curator was Roy Manuell. The beautiful iron gates at the entrance were destroyed in the 1946 floods and were replaced in 1989 using some of the material from the original gates. From the 1950’s on the gardens went into a state of decline, much being taken up by the caravan park until in 1986, after a public meeting ‘Friends of the Gardens’ was founded when the entrance section was restored. Sepia photographThe Mound in the Gardens Port Fairy Victoria- Real Photo Series M.1994botanical, garden -
Melton City Libraries
Pamphlet, Dry Stone Wall Driving Trail, Unknown
"The dry stone walls provide a tangible link to the area’s white settlement, and they remain a symbol of the profound change in land usage from the original Kulin custodians to the European arrivals of the nineteenth century. The bulk of dry stone wall construction in Victoria occurred between the 1850s and 1880s. The gold rush of the early 1850s in particular inspired a flurry of construction. At this time, labour previously available for shepherding livestock dried up, as men gravitated to the goldfields to seek their fortunes. This necessitated the building of fencing to contain the district’s growing number of sheep, cattle and horses. An explosion in surveying, subdivision and the sale of Crown lands also contributed to a boost in construction. Government regulations that punished pastoralists for allowing their livestock to stray provided further incentive to fence-off previously open expanses of land. The major benefit of this type of fencing was that it utilised the materials at hand; the plentiful grey basalt that scattered the landscape. In the case of the dry stone walls built around Melton, the characteristic round or oval shape of the volcanic fieldstones on the western plains inspired some distinctive designs.54 Another advantage of dry stone walls was their ability to withstand the ravages of flood, fire and drought often experienced in the district. This durability accounts for the fact that many of these fences still exist today". Dry Stone Wall trail brochure/pamphlet for visitors provided by Melton Visitor Information Centrecouncil, landscapes of significance -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, History of Blamey House (Beaumaris) property, 1949
Black and white photocopies of articles and information about the first Blamey House owned by Legacy between 1947 and 1956. It includes articles about the opening in November 1949 with Sir Thomas Blamey in attendance. It shows the property was described as "a home, a huge rambling weatherboard house with a swimming pool, flood-lit tennis court, and four acres of beautifully kept lawns and gardens." The title deed was handed over to Legacy by Sir Robert Knox, the chairman of trustees of Blamey House, Melbourne (the servicemen hostel that had been operating during the war). Other pages show the property had been built in 1930 as a holiday home for Toorak business man Mr Arthur Jack and his wife Ms Langlands-Jack. It was sold to James Picken by 1941 and it was known as 'Mossgiel'. The Pickens remained owners until 1947 when it was purchased on behalf of Legacy with money donated by the Blamey House Trustees (the servicemen hostel that operated during the war) to be used as a toddlers and childrens' home. When Legacy no longer required the property it was sold to the Beaumaris RSL (or it's precursor RSSALIA) as its clubrooms. There was controversy in 2015 when it was sold to developers for housing. The pages were copied from items held by Sandringham and District Historical Society in February 2022.Records different facts about the property that was Blamey House Beaumaris that could be useful even though there are discrepancies with other known facts about Blamey House (the Hostel) trustees donation to Legacy.Black and white A4 photocopy x 20 pages of collected information about the property in Beaumaris before and after it was held by Legacy.blamey house, beaumaris, properties -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Album - Hume Reservoir Australia Album - Introduction - Part 2, Department of Public Works, N.S.W, 1927
This set of photos is from a leather bound album bearing the inscription "HUME RESERVOIR AUSTRALIA" plus 'The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M .P.' all inscribed in gold. It was presented to The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M. P, Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs on the occasion of his visit to the Hume Reservoir on 2nd November 1927. This album is of local and national significance as it documents the planning and development of the Hume Reservoir up to 1927. It was the largest water reservoir in the British Empire. The album records the pioneering engineering work that went into its construction.DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, N.S.W. (continued from previous image). have been completed, Locks Nos. 2, 4 and 6, also in South Australia, are under construction. In the description of the Hume Dam the following emendations have to be made. The total length will be 5,300 feet of which 4,258 feet will consist of an earthen embankment. The maximum depth of water conserved will be 24 feet more than originally intended with an additional allowance of 9 feet for surcharge, the total capacity will be 2,000,000 acre feet, the water surface at full supply level 44,000 acres, and provision is being made for a flood discharge of 182,000 cusecs. For handy reference, the main dimensions and figures and comparisons with other dams throughout the world are given in a tabulated statement attached. The Hume Reservoir will be the largest in the British Empire. Photographs showing the work at various stages of construction are appended. The Resident Engineer for New South Wales from the start of the work until his recent promotion to the position of Inspecting Engineer was Mr J. Keith Ross, M.A., B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., who has been succeeded by Mr S.W. Jones, B.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. The Resident Engineer for Victoria is Mr A.W. Johnson, B.E. (Signed) M. Inst.C.E. Chief Engineer New South Wales Constructing Authority 27th October 1927. hume reservoir australia, river murray waters scheme -
Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron
Flag - RMYS Burgee Signed, Believed by Evan Evans Flags, (estimated); Believed manufactured late 1990's
July 2010 annual luncheon of 25 Year Member Association of Yacht Squadron, organised by Past Commodore, Harry Leggett. Old used Squadron Burgee signed by many present including longest serving member at time, Bill O'Day (1939) and Bert Ferris (1943). Also signed by Commodore of the day Stuart Tait and several past Commodores. Image record of this event on hand and also of 2009 luncheon. Similar signed burgee on hand of Committee January 1998.Unique for signatures of attendees at event.Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron burgee in fabric of size flown above club house and with tail frayed away from use. Triangular flag red background with white cross set vertically. Seven pointed star set in top left quadrant. Crown in centre. Signed by members attending the 2010 25 Year members luncheon. Dated 2.7.2001 but actually 2010.The burgee is marked 25 year-member-association and signed by numerous people. "Bill-O'Day, Graham-Burton, Leslie-Norton, Michael-Morse, Janice-Kesterton, Jim-Holroyd, Lynette Holroyd, Ian-Ewing, Margaret-Ewing, A.W.-Ross, David-Allen, Ted-Montford, Brian-McDermott, Alan-Saunders, Ivor-Forsyth-Grant, John-Hooper, Ken-Simpson, Heather-Simpson, Russell-Nathan, Andrew-Kopp, Steve-Morrison, Stephen-Hawes, Harry-Russell, Leo-Perini, Ross-Morton, Ken-Dowdney, Nolene-Muller-Crosier, Harry-Leggett, Harry-Leggett, Murray-McCutcheon, Frances-Robertson, Jeff-mad-dog-Crozier, Dennis-Livingston, Stuart-Tait, Stephen-Aggro-Collis, Les Clough, Ross-Flood, Monica-Nurminen, Douglas-Faram, Michael-Sutton, Bill-Maude, Peter-Chapman, Mel-Mollison".flag royal melbourne yacht squadron, burgee squadron, royal melbourne yacht squadron bugree, 25 year member association, bill o day, graham burton, leslie norton, michael morse, janice kesterton, jim holroyd, lynette, holroyd, ian ewing, margaret ewing, a w ross, david allen, ted montford, brian mcdermott, alan saunders, ivor forsyth grant, john hooper, ken simpson, heather simpson, russell nathan, andrew kopp, steve morrison, stephen hawes, harry russell, leo perini, ross morton, ken dowdney, nolene muller crosier, harry leggett, murray mccutcheon, frances robertson, jeff mad dog crozier, dennis livingston, stuart tait, stephen aggro collis, les, clough, ross flood, monica nurminen, douglas faram, michael sutton, bill maude, peter chapman, mel mollison -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, 1884?
James Alexander Robertson was born 14th June, 1855, at Pentridge. the Coburg area which was known as Pentridge at the time, and prior to the building of the gaol. His parents were James Thomson Robertson and Esther (nee Hale), At age 20 James became the first selector on the Snowy River at Lochend. He took up Lots 1, 2 and 3, in the Parish of Newmerella in 1875; with his selection being ratified on May 1st, 1876. The selection included hill and river flat land in the area near where Icy Creek enters the Snowy River. James gradually improved and farmed the property; he cleared and drained Icy Creek and constructed the first known flood-gate on the Snowy River. To meet his farming commitments he supplemented his income by working on the construction and maintenance of roads and drains in the Newmerella area. He gained a contract with the Bairnsdale Shire council to construct the first road cutting down Burn’s Hill at Newmerella. His tender was for £16 ($32), and it took him, with four others, two months to complete the contract. He was single, and, after his untimely death at aged 29, in 1884, his parents and surviving unmarried sisters and brothers moved from Sarsfield to take over his selection at Lochend. (more information Newsletter April 2013)James Robertson was the first selector of land at Lochend, Orbost.A small black / white portrait photograph, oval shaped with a white background. It is of a middle-aged man with a full beard and moustache.on front at bottom - typed in black -:"James Alexander Robertson, Late of Lochend, Snowy River"robertson-james-alexander lochend-robertson -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document, Samantha Westbrooke Pty Ltd et al, 2 Bell Street, Eltham: Cultural Heritage Significance Assessment & Heritage Guidelines for Future Use & Development, 2012
Prepared for Nillumbik Shire Council by Samantha Westbrooke Pty Ltd in association with Peter Mills PhD, Architectural Historian and Roark Muhlen-Schilte, Archaeologist. Covers history of early market gardening in Eltham with the commencement of European settlement in the late 1830s. The site for the village of Eltham was surveyed in 1851 and the Township Plan shows that the property is made up of Lots 7 and 8 which were sold at auction in June 1852 to M. O'Shea. The history of the Bell Street property is closely tied to the West family from the 1860s to 1930s; the earliest rate books for Eltham show William West farming in El;tham in 1864. In the aerly 1930s ownership of the creek side was transferred from the west family to the Fabbro family who shortly afterwards were impaced by the 1934 Diamond Creek flooding. Guido Fabbro relocated the original West home further up the hill and built a new Italianate style modern home in situ. The Fabbro family farmed the property. In 1993/4 Eltham Council acquired the creek-side market garden blocks to the south of 2 Bell Street which was recconceived in 1998 as the Barak Bushland Reserve. The Fabbro house was demolished shortly after and the lots were sold to a developer in 1994. The large steel shed now present on the 2 Bell Street property dates from soon after this sale.26 A4 pages color printcultural heritage significance assessment, peter mills, samantha westbrooke pty ltd, shire of nillumbik, 2 bell street, eltham, market gardening, west family, fabbro family, land use, barak bushland reserve, heritage assessment -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Victorian Police Marching Band, Eltham Festival Parade, 16 October 1982, 16/10/1982
[article in EDHS Newsletter No. 27, November 1982:] 1982: 16-17 October. “Pioneers of Eltham” and tractor (rain). Although our parade entry did not win a prize this year, it was considered highly successful from a participation point of view. Despite some uncertainty as to just who was coming, members and friends kept appearing at the assembly area. As in the past years our friends from the Victorian Folk Music Club brought their instruments along and really added to the occasion. This year we concentrated on a rural theme with a tractor/trailer combination. Thanks to Peter Bassett-Smith for the tractor, Joh Ebeli for the decorations and friendly trailer owner Dennis McKay. Unfortunately the closing stages of the parade were marred by heavy rain. We just finished as the rain started but members scattered very quickly. This has prompted the suggestion for future parades that we have a tent or other suitable venue for members to gather after the event. This is worth following up. The cold driving rain provided a special problem for Peter in driving his tractor home to Kangaroo Ground. Have you ever had to choose between standing up to warm your hands on the exhaust and having your tractor seat flooded? Certificate, Festival Parade Award, Rotary Club of Eltham, Eighth Eltham Community Festival 1982: Presented to the Shire of Eltham Historical Society for the most effort by "locals".Colour photographmain road, eltham festival, eltham, eltham parade, festivals, parade, parade floats, 1982, marching band, victorian police -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Society member Peter Bassett-Smith towing the Shire of Eltham Historical Society float with his tractor in the Eltham Festival Parade along Main Road, 16 October 1982, 16/10/1982
[article in EDHS Newsletter No. 27, November 1982:] 1982: 16-17 October. “Pioneers of Eltham” and tractor (rain). Although our parade entry did not win a prize this year, it was considered highly successful from a participation point of view. Despite some uncertainty as to just who was coming, members and friends kept appearing at the assembly area. As in the past years our friends from the Victorian Folk Music Club brought their instruments along and really added to the occasion. This year we concentrated on a rural theme with a tractor/trailer combination. Thanks to Peter Bassett-Smith for the tractor, Joh Ebeli for the decorations and friendly trailer owner Dennis McKay. Unfortunately the closing stages of the parade were marred by heavy rain. We just finished as the rain started but members scattered very quickly. This has prompted the suggestion for future parades that we have a tent or other suitable venue for members to gather after the event. This is worth following up. The cold driving rain provided a special problem for Peter in driving his tractor home to Kangaroo Ground. Have you ever had to choose between standing up to warm your hands on the exhaust and having your tractor seat flooded? Certificate, Festival Parade Award, Rotary Club of Eltham, Eighth Eltham Community Festival 1982: Presented to the Shire of Eltham Historical Society for the most effort by "locals".Colour photographmain road, eltham festival, eltham, eltham parade, festivals, parade, parade floats, 1982, eltham district historical society, peter bassett-smith, shire of eltham historical society -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Shire of Eltham Historical Society float, Eltham Festival Parade, 16 October 1982, 16/10/1982
[article in EDHS Newsletter No. 27, November 1982:] 1982: 16-17 October. “Pioneers of Eltham” and tractor (rain). Although our parade entry did not win a prize this year, it was considered highly successful from a participation point of view. Despite some uncertainty as to just who was coming, members and friends kept appearing at the assembly area. As in the past years our friends from the Victorian Folk Music Club brought their instruments along and really added to the occasion. This year we concentrated on a rural theme with a tractor/trailer combination. Thanks to Peter Bassett-Smith for the tractor, Joh Ebeli for the decorations and friendly trailer owner Dennis McKay. Unfortunately the closing stages of the parade were marred by heavy rain. We just finished as the rain started but members scattered very quickly. This has prompted the suggestion for future parades that we have a tent or other suitable venue for members to gather after the event. This is worth following up. The cold driving rain provided a special problem for Peter in driving his tractor home to Kangaroo Ground. Have you ever had to choose between standing up to warm your hands on the exhaust and having your tractor seat flooded? Certificate, Festival Parade Award, Rotary Club of Eltham, Eighth Eltham Community Festival 1982: Presented to the Shire of Eltham Historical Society for the most effort by "locals".Colour photographmain road, eltham festival, eltham, eltham parade, festivals, parade, parade floats, 1982, eltham district historical society, shire of eltham historical society -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Society member Peter Bassett-Smith towing the Shire of Eltham Historical Society float with his tractor in the Eltham Festival Parade along Main Road, 16 October 1982, 16/10/1982
[article in EDHS Newsletter No. 27, November 1982:] 1982: 16-17 October. “Pioneers of Eltham” and tractor (rain). Although our parade entry did not win a prize this year, it was considered highly successful from a participation point of view. Despite some uncertainty as to just who was coming, members and friends kept appearing at the assembly area. As in the past years our friends from the Victorian Folk Music Club brought their instruments along and really added to the occasion. This year we concentrated on a rural theme with a tractor/trailer combination. Thanks to Peter Bassett-Smith for the tractor, Joh Ebeli for the decorations and friendly trailer owner Dennis McKay. Unfortunately the closing stages of the parade were marred by heavy rain. We just finished as the rain started but members scattered very quickly. This has prompted the suggestion for future parades that we have a tent or other suitable venue for members to gather after the event. This is worth following up. The cold driving rain provided a special problem for Peter in driving his tractor home to Kangaroo Ground. Have you ever had to choose between standing up to warm your hands on the exhaust and having your tractor seat flooded? Certificate, Festival Parade Award, Rotary Club of Eltham, Eighth Eltham Community Festival 1982: Presented to the Shire of Eltham Historical Society for the most effort by "locals".Colour photographmain road, eltham festival, eltham, eltham parade, festivals, parade, parade floats, 1982, eltham district historical society, shire of eltham historical society, peter bassett-smith -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Eltham Festival Parade, 16 October 1982, 16/10/1982
[article in EDHS Newsletter No. 27, November 1982:] 1982: 16-17 October. “Pioneers of Eltham” and tractor (rain). Although our parade entry did not win a prize this year, it was considered highly successful from a participation point of view. Despite some uncertainty as to just who was coming, members and friends kept appearing at the assembly area. As in the past years our friends from the Victorian Folk Music Club brought their instruments along and really added to the occasion. This year we concentrated on a rural theme with a tractor/trailer combination. Thanks to Peter Bassett-Smith for the tractor, Joh Ebeli for the decorations and friendly trailer owner Dennis McKay. Unfortunately the closing stages of the parade were marred by heavy rain. We just finished as the rain started but members scattered very quickly. This has prompted the suggestion for future parades that we have a tent or other suitable venue for members to gather after the event. This is worth following up. The cold driving rain provided a special problem for Peter in driving his tractor home to Kangaroo Ground. Have you ever had to choose between standing up to warm your hands on the exhaust and having your tractor seat flooded? Certificate, Festival Parade Award, Rotary Club of Eltham, Eighth Eltham Community Festival 1982: Presented to the Shire of Eltham Historical Society for the most effort by "locals".Colour photographmain road, eltham festival, eltham, eltham parade, festivals, parade, parade floats, 1982 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Diamond Valley Railway, Eltham Festival Parade, 16 October 1982, 16/10/1982
[article in EDHS Newsletter No. 27, November 1982:] 1982: 16-17 October. “Pioneers of Eltham” and tractor (rain). Although our parade entry did not win a prize this year, it was considered highly successful from a participation point of view. Despite some uncertainty as to just who was coming, members and friends kept appearing at the assembly area. As in the past years our friends from the Victorian Folk Music Club brought their instruments along and really added to the occasion. This year we concentrated on a rural theme with a tractor/trailer combination. Thanks to Peter Bassett-Smith for the tractor, Joh Ebeli for the decorations and friendly trailer owner Dennis McKay. Unfortunately the closing stages of the parade were marred by heavy rain. We just finished as the rain started but members scattered very quickly. This has prompted the suggestion for future parades that we have a tent or other suitable venue for members to gather after the event. This is worth following up. The cold driving rain provided a special problem for Peter in driving his tractor home to Kangaroo Ground. Have you ever had to choose between standing up to warm your hands on the exhaust and having your tractor seat flooded? Certificate, Festival Parade Award, Rotary Club of Eltham, Eighth Eltham Community Festival 1982: Presented to the Shire of Eltham Historical Society for the most effort by "locals".Colour photographmain road, eltham festival, eltham, eltham parade, festivals, parade, parade floats, 1982, diamond valley railway -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Eltham Festival Parade, 16 October 1982, 16/10/1982
[article in EDHS Newsletter No. 27, November 1982:] 1982: 16-17 October. “Pioneers of Eltham” and tractor (rain). Although our parade entry did not win a prize this year, it was considered highly successful from a participation point of view. Despite some uncertainty as to just who was coming, members and friends kept appearing at the assembly area. As in the past years our friends from the Victorian Folk Music Club brought their instruments along and really added to the occasion. This year we concentrated on a rural theme with a tractor/trailer combination. Thanks to Peter Bassett-Smith for the tractor, Joh Ebeli for the decorations and friendly trailer owner Dennis McKay. Unfortunately the closing stages of the parade were marred by heavy rain. We just finished as the rain started but members scattered very quickly. This has prompted the suggestion for future parades that we have a tent or other suitable venue for members to gather after the event. This is worth following up. The cold driving rain provided a special problem for Peter in driving his tractor home to Kangaroo Ground. Have you ever had to choose between standing up to warm your hands on the exhaust and having your tractor seat flooded? Certificate, Festival Parade Award, Rotary Club of Eltham, Eighth Eltham Community Festival 1982: Presented to the Shire of Eltham Historical Society for the most effort by "locals".Colour photographmain road, eltham festival, eltham, eltham parade, festivals, parade, parade floats, 1982 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Eltham Festival Parade, 16 October 1982, 16/10/1982
[article in EDHS Newsletter No. 27, November 1982:] 1982: 16-17 October. “Pioneers of Eltham” and tractor (rain). Although our parade entry did not win a prize this year, it was considered highly successful from a participation point of view. Despite some uncertainty as to just who was coming, members and friends kept appearing at the assembly area. As in the past years our friends from the Victorian Folk Music Club brought their instruments along and really added to the occasion. This year we concentrated on a rural theme with a tractor/trailer combination. Thanks to Peter Bassett-Smith for the tractor, Joh Ebeli for the decorations and friendly trailer owner Dennis McKay. Unfortunately the closing stages of the parade were marred by heavy rain. We just finished as the rain started but members scattered very quickly. This has prompted the suggestion for future parades that we have a tent or other suitable venue for members to gather after the event. This is worth following up. The cold driving rain provided a special problem for Peter in driving his tractor home to Kangaroo Ground. Have you ever had to choose between standing up to warm your hands on the exhaust and having your tractor seat flooded? Certificate, Festival Parade Award, Rotary Club of Eltham, Eighth Eltham Community Festival 1982: Presented to the Shire of Eltham Historical Society for the most effort by "locals".Colour photographmain road, eltham festival, eltham, eltham parade, festivals, parade, parade floats, 1982 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, View at Eltham, Vic, c.1924
Copy of possible Rose Stereograph Co. postcard “View at Eltham, Vic.”, c.1924 looking southwest from Main Road near York Street to Bridge Street and the original 1875 bridge across what is now the Alistair Knox Park The land in the foreground was first bought from the Crown by J.M. Holloway in 1851. The land was sub-divided and called "Little Eltham". Bridge Street was created as part of the sub-division. Most of the sub-division was residential lots but the creek valley was divided into lots for small farms. Council started to buy the land for the Eltham Town park in the early 1960s. The area was used as a garbage tip and filled above the flood plain of the creek. Development of the land for a park began in the early 1970s. The house on the right was owned for many years by the Hill family until Council bought it in the early 1960s. The house was built in the 1850s or 60s. The house on the left stood on what is now the southwest corner of Susan and Bridge Streets. The Braithwaite family was associated with this house. The double line of fencing in the foreground was a continuation of York Street to the creek. The Bridge Street bridge was built in 1875 and replaced in 1958. (Ref: Early view of Little Eltham; Byways of History by Colleen Ison, Publication unk, 24 August 1982) Reproduced on p61 of 'Pioneers & Painters' Date estimated on same as View at Hurstbridge featuring Wattle Valley EstateThis photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book,"Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as the 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital image 120 format B&W negative Prints 17 x 25 cm and 10 x 15 cmsepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, eltham, bridge street, bridge, alistair knox park, braithwaite, bridge street bridge, eltham town park, hill family home, main road, pioneers and painters, york street -
Yarrawonga and Mulwala Pioneer Museum
Telford Tennis Club minute books and records, 1920's to 2019
Telford Tennis courts were situated on the Telford Yarrawonga Road, west of the railway line, Telford station and silos. A thriving club existed from early 1920's with players from surrounding areas in early times. balls and tournaments were held as fundraisers. Prominent family names included Stevenson, Chappell, Mulquiney, Thom, Inchbold, Connell. Quinn. There were three teams during the 1960's playing in the Wilby and District Tennis Association ( WDTA) competition. Opponents included Wilby, Almonds, St Mary's, Bundalong, Savernake, Rennie, Roseneath, Burramine. Being in a low lying area the Telford dirt courts were often flooded. At the beginning of the season working bees were held to remove the weeds. mow the surrounds and line the courts During the early 1980's the courts were abandoned and home matches were played at the Yarrawonga Lawn Tennis courts. The club still has a team in the WDTA in 2019. A number of B grade Premierships have been won over the years however A grade premierships have been non existent. The club has always encouraged juniors to play and now the players mostly originate from Yarrawonga. Current President (2019) is Richard Inchbold, Secretary/Treasurer Joan Thom. The Bank account is held at the CMCU. The club is no longer IncorporatedCountry tennis teams provided a social outlet from the farming pursuits of the districtall enclosed in a cardboard box. Minute books 1927 to 2014 (not all complete). Includes photos, paper cuttings, Wilby and District Tennis Association draws, subs books, list of names of those who have played for Telford. Consumer Affairs returns, Incorporation papers, receipt books, some correspondence (later years)see photos -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Instrument - Cornet, Brass Cornet
After WW1 the Wilhelma Templer village bought ex WW1 German Armed Forces Brass instruments for their own Brass Band. The Treaty of Versailles forbade Germany from having more than a 10,000 man army thus creating a flood of unwanted instruments with no one having cash to buy them. With the deportation in August 1941 by the British Mandate of most Templers from Palestine to Australia, one of the young bachelors, Gustav Reichert, obtained permission to bring these instruments to Tatura. This he did and, in Camp 3, a band was reformed to entertain members of both internees and often, Camp Authorities. Gustav enjoyed playing the double brass with the Melbourne Templer Brass Band in the 1960-1970's. The above instruments have semi-rotary valves, as traditionally French Horns do, unlike most Anglosaxon bands, where piston valves are used almost exclusively. Yet in German the name Piston is commonly used for cornet. Though battered, these instruments are all still serviceable for their intended use, some more so than others. Their canvas carry bags offered little protection. The group comprised 1 double bass, 1 Euphonium, 1 valve bass trombone, all in C, 3 baritones in Bb (German tenor horns), 3 cornets in Bb, 1 soprano cornet in Eb, in all 11 instruments. Some of the got "lost".Brass cornet with a canvas carry bag.brass instruments, wilhelma templer village, camp 3 band, gustav reichert -
Ballarat and District Irish Association
Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, St Patrick's Cathedral Hall, Ballarat, 2007, 20/11/2007
St Patrick's Cathedral Hall was erected in 1900 to the architectural plans of Clegg, Kell and Miller. The builder was Peter Bodger. The Cathedral Hall is a massive structure in the Gothic manner, with slender proportions and Gothic window detailing. The main hipped roof of the hall is intersected on both sides by four gables, and the front ridge is intersected by two further gables to form the street elevation. Internally the hall resembles many town halls except for the two tiers of Gothic windows and the manner in which the ceiling curves downward towards the walls. Pointed Gothic windows on the upper level intersect the curved ceiling in a simple groined junction. The plaster ceiling is coffered by intersecting beams, while a central skylight floods the hall with natural light. Other features of note are the ridging on the front gables, and the iron bell tower framed in steel angles and braced with criss-crossed rods, complete with a huge wheel and a great bell. St Patrick's Hall demonstrates a notable application of decorative schemes, particularly its highly decorated ceiling which has few parallels amongst other church halls in Victoria. The hall is in an important location as part of St Patrick's complex, as well as part of the group of churches which include St Andrew's Kirk and the former Baptist Church, opposite in Dawson Street. (, accessed 13 November 2013.A series of colour digital photographs showing a large red brick hall associated with St Patrick's Cathedral, Ballarat. The bell tower is situated to the right of the hall.ballarat irish, st patrick's cathedral hall, cathedral hall ballarat, bell, bell tower -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Honour Board, KIllawarra State School, C1915
WW1 Killawarra State School 1914-1919 Honour Board contains the names and photographs of teachers and past students who enlisted for military service during World War 1. Owen Francis Private 68800; William Francis Robertson,Sergeant 981/Lieutenant KIA 7/6/1917: Lubin James Robertson,MC and Croix de Guerre L/Cpl 980/Lieutenant; Christopher George Everitt 5882 Died of Wounds 26/4/1918; James Samuel Everitt 3319 KIA 18/7/1916; William John Rhodes 917, Henry Rhodes 2779, Robert Ernest Payne 5215,KIA 15/4/1918; Joseph Adams 10296, Albert Reginald Coppin 57084, Thomas Rhodes, Reserve - Enlisted 15/7/1915 did not embark - discharged medically unfit on 29/4/1916 due to meningitis and lumbago, Henry Sumpton 1827, James Joseph Kellow 6836, William Patrick Toohey 1750 and David William Quinton Clarke 44233 School Teacher Enlisted 15/5/1916 and discharged on 11/7/1916 due to urgent family reasons. Robert "Ernie" PAYNE was a cousin to William,Henry and Thomas RHODES. The latter was 1 of 6 lives lost when they drowned in the disastrous floods of the Ovens and King Rivers on 7/6/1917.A timber and glass framed Honour Board containing 15 names and 11 black and white photographs of teachers and past students of Killawarra State School who enlisted for military service during World War 1. Following the closure of the school the Honor Board was donated to the Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch. In 2018 the community of Killawarra sought the loan of the Honour Board for display in the CFA/Community Hall.Wooden Honour Board containing fifteen names listed in the centre surrounded by 11 numbered photographs.Top - "Killawarra State School/Roll of Honour/For King & Country" Bottom - "The Great War 1914 to 1919"killawarra state school, honour board ww1 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Work on paper - NEWSLETTER BRSL 1997, Bendigo RSL Sub Branch, April 1997
This Newsletter was the first by the newly elected Bendigo RSL Sub Branch President Alan Holmes at the AGM early 1997. The 15 sub headings are, Annual meeting, About the Units, Finance, Veterans Affairs, pension, Welfare, Appeals, Commemorative plaque, RSL Corporate plan, Ladies Auxiliary, memorabilia room, In general, Mufti and General meetings. Main points are; Mr Cliff Closehy stepping down after a Presidency of a rewarding 3 years and his foresight in building the 22 single living Units in Kangaroo Flat, Veterans Affairs having permanent Office in Bendigo, new direction in having trained Pension Officers, long standing Welfare Officer Les Waters stands down, role taken on by Jack Martin, New Appeals director Malcolm Angus taking over from long term men, Ted Kenedy & Ern Jackman, , new plaque to be unveiled at the Tom Flood Sports Centre (old Bendigo Show Grounds) commemorating the place as a WW2 Training Camp, Our Ladies Auxiliary now only catering for Ex Service organizations, The Volunteers who have helped transform the the Billiard room into a Memorabilia room especially C Richards for acquiring a Grant from Veterans Affairs to set the room up, the new Regional Centres being set up for Pensions & Welfare.Newsletter, paper A4 folded in half to make 4 pages, print in all black, there are 15 sub headings throughout. First page at the top has the RSL Logo on the left then the Sub branch being Bendigo central, under is "Presidents Newsletter" with the date "3 April 1997"brsl, smirsl, newsletter, 1997 -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Tin Coffee Cylindrical, circa mid to late 1900's
This "coffee" tin has by the "art deco" appearance its origins in the late 1950's to 1960's. This time period was one of accelerated growth both in the physical (housing) sense and the mental (new ideas and inventions) changes in "attitudes". These occurred more rapidly in cities but had its effects on the rural environment. The drinking of coffee was spurred on by easier distribution of imported food and drinks. Advertising by stronger radio links and then by television brought the variety of foods and drinks to semi isolated rural regions. The accessibility through greater information channels becoming available brought with it unbelievable ranges of goods and foodstuffs. Rural regions still relied on bulk supplies and relatively larger storage containers than those in cities. This "bulk" buying and storage "syndrome" was a lingering result of many years of "drought" periods when road transports met delays from flooded roadways in supplying population centres in the Kiewa Valley. The construction phases in building the SEC Vic Hydro electricity Scheme in the eastern sections of the Victorian Alps brought many changes to the quiet rural regions in the Kiewa Valley. Changes in population and social mores. The influx of a varied , mostly temporary, and "European flavoured cuisine" changes the "cuppa tea only" flavour to the have a "coffee break". The subliminal influence of the "American" films changed those children growing up in the post 1950s from the "English tea" to the "American coffee". This "Americanisation process has influenced not only rural Australia but also other areas throughout the world.This "insignificant" coffee tin is very significant as it demonstrates that the Kiewa Valley was becoming more accessible to reliable coffee supplies and general food items.The container was part of a "set" of containers that included tea, sugar,biscuits,flour, rice and other family condiments. This type of kitchen storage containers was brought about through changing patterns in tea and coffee useage and overall consumption. Household demands for faster "self help" cooking especially beveridges and the greater choice of kitchen "utensils" was brought on by easier access to products due to a lessening of the area's "isolation" by having a reliable (all weather) road system and an ever increasing population growth. The need for travelling goods/merchant supply caravans to service the area became a diminishing factor, as a result of the establishment of grocery stores in Tawonga and Mount Beauty in the supply of previously "hard to get" groceries. This transition was precipitated by the SEC Vic Hydro Scheme of the 1940's to 1960's which increased the valley's population level three fold.This cylindrical tin has a pull/push lid(for easy access to the contents). The container is labelled for "coffee" however it has no commercial manufacturer's label to establish that it was bought with coffee ingredients in it. The majority of the container's external surface has a "metallic" light blue colour with two sets of silver rings confining black (horizontal spotted) rectangles. "COFFEE" within an elongated spherical "art deco" four pointed banner of silver and black colouringkitchen containers, domestic food storage, bulk stocks of dried condiments -
Conservation Volunteers
Visiting US Conservation Corps Sleeve Patch collections, US Conservation Corps Sleeve Patch collections
Initially named the Conservation Corps, the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV) was founded in 1959 by the Council for Nature. Today BTCV is the “largest practical conservation charity in the United Kingdom”, and celebrated its fiftieth birthday in February 2009. Its original name had been adapted from that of the Civilian Conservation Corps launched by President Roosevelt in Depression-era USA: - "I propose to create a Civilian Conservation Corps to be used in simple work, not interfering with normal employment, and confining itself to forestry, the prevention of soil erosion, flood control and similar projects. More important, however, than the material gains, will be the moral and spiritual value of such work. Roosevelt’s idea had been revived by Governor Jerry Brown of California in 1976 and exchange of ideas and personnel between the California Conservation Corps (CCC) and other US conservation corps) has flourished since. Mark Dwyer (later to play an important role in Green Corps) was leader of the first California Conservation Corps three-month exchange program to Australia in 1988. The first ATCV exchange group to California in 1987 National Director, Tim Cox and Team Leader, David Clark (group leader, in Australian military hat) Right: Members of the first CCC exchange team to Australia at the US Embassy, Canberra in 1988: from left - Merrold, Vicci and Bobby with Mark Dwyer (centre) and David Clark (ATCV, right). Exchanges have continued annually since 1988 and, in addition to environmental work done, many friendships have been made and maintained over the years. This sleeve patch symbolises strong international links in place since ATCV/CVA was founded.This cloth sleeve patch is an example of those sewn onto the uniforms of staff and volunteers of the California Conservation Corps. It is round with an orange rim with black lettering naming ther organisation and inside the rime there is a light blue circle inset with the State flag of California. This sleeve patch is part of CVA's collection of 34 sleeve patches from many States of the USA.corps, david, conservation, mark, dwyer, california, clark, sleeve, patches -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, David Jamieson, editor of Ringwood Parish quarterly magazine "Insight", 06/1984
Jamieson's comments appear in an article surveying the Uniting Church, 7 years after union. "One member who disagrees with the church presents social justice issues is David Jamieson, who has been editor of the Ringwood parish quarterly magazine "Insight" since union. Mr Jamieson says he knows scores of people who find it very hard to accept what he considers is a bias in the presentation of social justice issues. 'I know a lot of people who are becoming alienated because they feel their side of the story is not being presented by the church. They feel only the radical side of justice issues is being hammered. I think the more conservative side has validity. My main concern is the flood of study booklets and material on social justice issues which look at them from only one angle. The bias is on greed, excessive profits and most unworthy aspects of the multi-nationals compared with the most humanitarian concerns of the left. No mention is made of humanitarian concern by big business or the extremes of the left — such as unwarranted industrial action and the effect that this has on the poor and unemployed. No mention is made of excessive wage demands by highly paid people who are pressuring for bigger flow-ons. ….. I do not believe the church should be neutral on political issues. In fact I agree with nearly all of its stands. But we should look at both sides before making up our minds. Only then should we be vocal in a political sense, no matter how one-sided."Full face, looking intently at the camera.C&N identification.jamieson, david, church union 7th anniversary, social justice -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Reuss Family Milk Delivery Cart
Joan Reuss was the eldest daughter of Bert Reuss and his wife Grace (nee Gray). Albert (Bert) Reuss was born in Albury in 1905. From 1920 until 1926, Bert worked at Mr Nat Gray’s dairy farm at “ Willow Bank” in South Albury. This included ferrying milk across the river from Gray’s Island. In 1927 he married Grace Gray and they moved to a property which they called “Park View” on the Wodonga flats. Here they established Park View Dairy. In the 1930s they ran two milk carts delivering milk twice a day (once on Sundays) to Albury and Wodonga. They also raised a family of eight children. They progressively cleared a few acres every year and raised cows, pigs and hens as well as growing watermelons and other vegetables. Deliveries extended to include milk, cream, eggs, dressed chickens and potatoes. At its peak the dairy had 500 regular customers. The dairy was bought out by Murray Goulburn in the 1970s and the Reuss children continued the property as a beef farm. Bert was active in the Wodonga Branch of the Dairy Farmers’ Association, President of the Albury Wodonga Milk Producers for 15 years and a member of the Albury Wodonga Flood Committee. He was also Head Steward of the Horticulture Pavilion at the Wodonga Show Society for over 30 years for which he was awarded a Life Membership. Bert Reuss died on 16th August 1998 in Albury. After more then 80 years in the Reuss Family, Park View was sold in 2010.This item is significant because it is connected to a well-known Wodonga business and community member.A black and white photo of a woman and two children on a two wheeled milk cart. On side of cart: B. REUSS REGISTERED DAIRYbert reuss wodonga, wodonga dairies, park view dairy -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
13 April 1972. Bendigo Says Good-bye to the Trams. A1 sheet - double sided. Tramway history 1890 - 1972, 2 copies. At the stroke of 5 pm from Eaglehawk Town Hall clock 82 years of history will end as the last tram makes its sentimental journey to the city, while at the Bendigo Cemetery - the Quarry Hill line terminus - another tram will be leaving for its last resting place. Other articles include: Four Eras, of trams. The Trammies, covering Ballarat, Geelong in the form of a poem. 1927 and all that, by Basil Miller, remembering his 45 years of service with the trams. How it all started, The twin communities of Sandhurst and Eaglehawk were relatively early in considering the possibility of operating street tramways within their boundaries. Cabs, Battery Cars, Construction, Strikes, Bendigo 1890 to 1972 - Tramways. Man and his Mates, continued from previous page, Explosion, Touchy Task, A Quickey, Horrors. Electric in 1903, There was excitement galore in the City during April, 1903 - and the Advertiser recorded the progress of the new-fangled electric machine. One man's Memories, Tough times, humour, tragedy and comradeship - they all came flooding back as former Bendigo tramway-man Tom Griffiths recently turned the clock back. Keb Sir Keb Sir? 'Keg sir? Tram off the line,' was the call of the cabbies when a train pulled in at the Bendigo railway station. Altered Shopping Trend, With advent of the electric tram in Bendigo came change in shopping habits.bendigo trams