Showing 1318 items
matching world was i
National Wool Museum
Series of six letters from various officers of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research to W.R. Lang between 1938 and 1950 re: issues to do with wool testing and requests for an expert opinion. Two are from I. Clunies Ross and include a copy of a speech titled "The Relationship of Textile Research to the Problems of the Wool Grower".wool - research wool - testing textile testing world war ii, council for scientific and industrial research, lang, dr w. roy clunies ross, mr ian, wool - research, wool - testing, textile testing, world war ii -
National Wool Museum
Report, Dalgety's Annual Wool Review for Australasia: 1915-1916
... Wool Stores Wool Brokering World War I... late 1990's. Wool Stores Wool Brokering World War I Dalgety ..."Dalgety's Annual Wool Review for Australasia: 1915-1916". Part of the NWM Woolbroker's Office exhibit until late 1990's.wool stores wool brokering world war i, dalgety and company limited, wool stores, wool brokering, world war i -
National Wool Museum
Report, Dalgety's Annual Wool Review for Australasia: 1916-1917, 1916-1917
... wool stores wool brokering world war i... late 1990's. wool stores wool brokering world war i dalgety ..."Dalgety's Annual Wool Review for Australasia: 1915-1916". Part of the NWM Woolbroker's Office exhibit until late 1990's.Three copies. Report, 87pp: Book, tan soft cover, printed blue. Dalgety's Annual Wool Review for Australasia: 1916-1917wool stores wool brokering world war i, dalgety and company limited, wool stores, wool brokering, world war i -
National Wool Museum
Report, Dalgety's Review (Australasia): Annual Wool Number 1914
... Wool Stores Wool Brokering World War I... late 1990's. Wool Stores Wool Brokering World War I Dalgety ..."Dalgety's Review (Australasia): Annual Wool Number 1914". Part of the NWM Woolbroker's Office exhibit until late 1990's.wool stores wool brokering world war i, dalgety and company limited, wool stores, wool brokering, world war i -
National Wool Museum
Report, Dalgety's Annual Wool Review for Australasia: 1918-1919, 1918-1919
... wool stores wool brokering world war i... late 1990's. wool stores wool brokering world war i dalgety ..."Dalgety's Annual Wool Review for Australasia: 1918-1919". Part of the NWM Woolbroker's Office exhibit until late 1990's.Two copies. Report, 60pp: Book, cream soft cover, printed blue. Dalgety's Annual Wool Review for Australasia: 1918-1919wool stores wool brokering world war i, dalgety and company limited, wool stores, wool brokering, world war i -
National Wool Museum
Report, Dalgety's Review (Australasia): Annual Wool 1913
... Wool Stores Wool Brokering World War I... late 1990's. Wool Stores Wool Brokering World War I Dalgety ..."Dalgety's Review (Australasia): Annual Wool Number 1914". Part of the NWM Woolbroker's Office exhibit until late 1990's.wool stores wool brokering world war i, dalgety and company limited, wool stores, wool brokering, world war i -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mr. William Gray A. I. F. Bandsman 1914 –1918 -- In Uniform - Studio Portrait
Bandsman William Gray A. I. F. 1914 –1918 The Gray Family respected residents of StawellPortrait photograph of a World War 1 soldier in uniform on an oval shaped image on a post card.No 1301 Bandsman Wm. Gray, B. Company A.I.F. 39th Battalion 10th Infantry Brigade. On Active Service Abroad Grammond Gordon Studios, Stawell.stawell ww1 -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Costume - Costume and Accessories, Cotton Frock 1946, 1946
During World War 2 A Popular Girl Quest was held - At a social evening for entran Gwen Kingston ( Boisen) . A raffle fr a dress length ( No Coupons) was held. I was the winner. I had this frock made up early 1946. Joyce DowsettCotton Frock Floral Patternww2 -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Booklet, Baxter, Bruce [et al.]. (Aboriginal History Program), Matakupat : the Aboriginal history of the Swan Hill area, 1990
Traditional Aboriginal Society was an oral culture so that the history, stories, and songs and knowledge of Spirituality, Laws, Customs and Values were communicated verbally for thousands of years.The invasion of Europeans caused destruction of tribal groups by disease and killings. It limited the use of language, exchange of stories, land use and the important performance of rituals and ceremonies. Europeans used their world view as a mirror and through their observations, documents, diaries, reports and stories were full of racist comments and ignorant opinions of a lifestyle and culture of which they had little understanding.This book was the result of many months of research by a group of Swan Hill Aboriginal Educators. It is an attempt to present limited information about the history and lifestyles of the Wemba Wemba and Wathi Wathi people, the Tribes of the Swan Hill and Lake Boga areas.20 p. : ill., map ; 21 cm.Traditional Aboriginal Society was an oral culture so that the history, stories, and songs and knowledge of Spirituality, Laws, Customs and Values were communicated verbally for thousands of years.The invasion of Europeans caused destruction of tribal groups by disease and killings. It limited the use of language, exchange of stories, land use and the important performance of rituals and ceremonies. Europeans used their world view as a mirror and through their observations, documents, diaries, reports and stories were full of racist comments and ignorant opinions of a lifestyle and culture of which they had little understanding.This book was the result of many months of research by a group of Swan Hill Aboriginal Educators. It is an attempt to present limited information about the history and lifestyles of the Wemba Wemba and Wathi Wathi people, the Tribes of the Swan Hill and Lake Boga areas.1. aborigines, australian -- victoria -- swan hill -- history -- juvenile literature. 2. aborigines, australian -- victoria -- swan hill -- social life and customs -- juvenile literature. i. baxter, bruce. ii. title., other: wemba wemba tribe -- wathi wathi tribe -- aboriginal educators. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Berndt, Ronald M. et al, The World of the First Australians, 1988
Pp.608, i-xxix, Forward to 1988 Edition,Forward to 1985 Edition, Illustrations, Tables and Figuresaustralian aborigines. cultural processes. | aboriginal australians. -
National Wool Museum
Honor Board, Roll of Honor - Dennys Lascelles Ltd
... world war i... in Belgium. world war i dennys lascelles limited Roll of Honor ...Honor board containing the names of the staff of Denny Lascelles Ltd. who served in WWI: Sergt. Wm Mathews, L. Cpl. N. McT. Evans, Lieut. Frank H. Lascelles, Lieut. H.T. Burn, C.J. Long, Captain H.H. Storrer, Lieut. Harvey Freeman, John Cameron, Allan Jenkins, S.E. Scott, R.D. Briers, Percy White. Four people on this list were killed in action: Lieut. Francis Hope Lascelles was killed on Weds, 22 Aug. 1917. He served with a British regiment, the 42 Coy, Machine Gun Corps (Inf.) and has no know grave but is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial in Belgium; Harold Thomas Burn was a 2nd Lieut. with the 58th Bn, Aust. Inf., AIF and was killed on Sat. 23 Dec. 1916 aged 27. He is buried at St Sever Cemetery in Rouen. Henry Haigh Storrer was a Captain with the Australian Flying Corps and was killed on Sun. 2 Dec. 1917 aged 28. His brother died at Gallipoli in 1915. Henry Storrer is buried at Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord. Lieut. Harvey Freeman served with the 11th Coy, Aust. Machine Gun Corps and was awarded a Military Cross. He was killed on Mon. 15th Oct. 1917 and is buried at Tyne Cot Cemetary in Belgium.Honor board; Dennys Lascelles Ltd staff who served in WWI.Roll of Honor. / DENNYS LASCELLES LTD. / SERGT. Wm. MATHEWS. / N. McT. EVANS. (L. CPL.) / * LIEUT. FRANK H. LASCELLES. / * H.T. BURN. (LIEUT.) / C.J. LONG. / * CAPTAIN H.H. STORER. / * HARVEY FREEMAN. (LIEUT.) / JOHN CAMERON. / ALLAN JENKINS. / S.E. SCOTT. / R.D. BRIERS. / PERCY WHITE. / * KILLED IN war i, dennys, lascelles limited -
National Wool Museum
... Textile Mills - history World War I Textile Mills..., in the early 1920s. Textile Mills - history World War I Textile Mills ...Scrapbook contains newspaper clippings and information (prosepectuses, invitations, fliers etc) relating to the founding of the Returned Soldiers and Sailors Mill, Geelong, in the early 1920s.textile mills - history world war i textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, textile mills - history, world war i, textile mills -
National Wool Museum
Label, Blanket
... World War I Textile Mills... for the Blamey rug. World War I Textile Mills Returned Soldiers ...Rug label produced by the RSS Mill in Geelong for the Blamey rug.Rug label from the RSS Mill's Blamey rug.THE GEELONG R.S.&S. WOOLLEN MILLS / PURE / WOOL / THE / T.A. Blamey / RUGworld war i textile mills, returned soldiers and sailors mill, 1918: australians in france - exhibition (19/02/2000 - 30/04/2000) logo merino: sheep in australian art and design - exhibition (29/07/2000 - 04/02/2001), blamey, lt gen. sir thomas albert gbe, kcb, cmg, dso, world war i, textile mills -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Bourke, Colin, Before the invasion, Aboriginal life to 1788, 1980
Blurb: Before the Invasion gives a vivid overview of traditional Aboriginal life. It describes what Aborigines wore, their houses, weapons, tools, canoes, and shows their practical ingenuity and resourcefulness in making the most of what their environment offered. It also covers families, clans, roles of men and women, attitudes to children and the old; and the religious world-view which determined the rhythm of their life and underlay all their laws art and music. The authors bring out the broad patterns Australia-wide, but they are careful to note the differences between groups in different areas and to give specific documented examples...112 p. : ill. ; 21 x 23 cm.Blurb: Before the Invasion gives a vivid overview of traditional Aboriginal life. It describes what Aborigines wore, their houses, weapons, tools, canoes, and shows their practical ingenuity and resourcefulness in making the most of what their environment offered. It also covers families, clans, roles of men and women, attitudes to children and the old; and the religious world-view which determined the rhythm of their life and underlay all their laws art and music. The authors bring out the broad patterns Australia-wide, but they are careful to note the differences between groups in different areas and to give specific documented examples...1. aborigines, australian -- social life and customs. schools - project referencers. i. johnson, colin, joint author. ii. white, isobel m., joint author. iii. title -
National Wool Museum
Textile - Quilt, Lois Densham, Anzac Anniversary, 1985
This quilt is called "Anzac Anniversary" and was made by Lois Densham in Melbourne in 1985. Lois Densham was a member of the Running Stitch group of quilters. This quilt was displayed in "Wool Quilts Old and New", a touring exhibition presented by the Running Stitch quilters group in 31 Jan. 1986 to Feb. 1987. It was catalogue entry no. 3. The artist's statement reads: "A veil of violence over a calm surface. Violent angles of the tartans and plaids with elongated curved segments which bring to mind Scottish warfare and Australians with Scottish forefathers. I began this quilt because of Anzac Day and the 70th anniversary of the First World War. Anzacs rededicate themselves yearly to peace within their circle of family and friends." This quilt was later exhibited in an identically titled exhibition held at the National Wool Museum in 1989.Quilt - "Anzac Anniversay" by Lois Densham, Melbourne, 1985anzac day, handicrafts quilting, running stitch group, running stitch collection, masters of technique: creators on cloth - exhibition (15/06/2001 - 22/07/2001) highlights of the national wool museum: from waggas to the wool quilt prize - exhibition (22/09/2001 - 02/12/2001), densham, ms lois, handicrafts, quilting -
National Wool Museum
Blanket, Standard issue army blanket
... world war i... that time for camping trips. world war i running stitch group ...Maker unknown. This blanket was part of the standard army issue kit and belonged to Lois Denshams father, who served at Gallipoli during the first world war. Before donating the blanket to the Running stitch collection, it was kept by Lois' Aunty Nita. Lois remembers that it was kept in her fathers original kit bag and kept at her aunts place because of sad memories about the war which her mother found difficult. The humble army blanket had many uses during war times. Issued with two blankets, it was all a soldier had as a bed to keep warm or without a tent, all they had to provide shelter from the sun, rain or wind. (They were supplemented with a woollen army 'great coat', but soldiers still had to huddle together as keeping warm and dry was a desperate game.) The Lighthorsemen used them under their standard leather saddles for extra padding and in the hospitals they were sometimes the only bedding for the wounded. This blanket belonged to Lois Denshams' father who served in the Australian Army in the First World War, landing at Gallipoli. Since the war, army blankets have come to be regarded as the basic type of blanket -no frills. This blanket was used in the Densham family since that time for camping trips.Grey woollen army blanket with stripes near either war i, running stitch group, running stitch collection -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Dennys Lascelles Limited; Members of the Staff on Active Service, January 1st 1917
... world war i.... Mathews, A. Jenkins. world war i dennys lascelles limited DENNYS ...Photos depict the staff members of Denny Lascelles Ltd. who were on active service in World War 1 as at January 1st, 1917: H. Freeman, H.H. Storrer, S.E. Scott, H.T. Burn, F.H. Lascelles, J. Cameron, C.J. Long, N. Mc.T. Evans, W. Mathews, A. Jenkins.Photograph, Dennys Lascelles staff members on active service in WWI at at 1 Jan. 1917 Photograph, H.H. Storrer. Photograph, C.J. Long. Photograph, Wm. Mathews. Photograph, S.E. Scott. Photograph, J. Cameron. Photograph, F.H. Lascelles. Photograph, H.T. Burn. Photograph, H. Freeman. Photograph, N. McT. Evans. Photograph, A. Jenkins.DENNYS LASCELLES LIMITED. / MEMBERS OF THE STAFF ON ACTIVE SERVICE. / JANUARY, 1st. 1917. / H. FREEMAN. / H.H. STORRER. / S.E. SCOTT. / H.T. BURN. / F.H. LASCELLES. / J. CAMERON. / C.J. LONG. / N. Mc.T. EVANS. / W. MATHEWS. / A. war i, dennys, lascelles limited -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book, Australian Filet Crochet - Weekly Times Book of Patterns
... to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I ...Till CollectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Blue book Australian Filet Crochet - Weekly Times Book of Patterns. Picture of filet crochet piece with house & tree and spray of leaves on left side. Underneath is written 'Original Designs by Australian Women' price Two Schillings. Across bottom is written ' The Whole of the Contents of this book are protect4ed by Federal Copyright Act 1912. 46 pagesbooks, handcrafts -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Accessory - Watch
... Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot ...from the Till collection NA4003.THE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Ladies silver watch. Round pearl face with silver case which has leaf design around the edge. Watch has 'Citizen' presentation box made of cream cardboard.Swiss made watch. Citizen make box.costume accessories, female -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Domestic object - Dish
... to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I ...Till CollectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Cream china dish, with fluted lid and five china flowers and leaves arranged on top of lid. Gold branch around edge.domestic items, ornaments / decorative -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Accessory - Scarf Pin
... to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I ...From the Till collectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Gil metal clasp with two blue stones on on sidecostume accessories, female -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
... to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I ...Till CollectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Blue covered book 'Arithmetic for Grade V1' First Edition - Victorian Reader.Alwyn Tillbooks, school/educational -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
... to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I ...Till CollectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Grey cardboard cover, reinforced spine - stapled 64 pages of instructions to read - preparatory year (1st Year) phonics system.Alwyn Tillbooks, school/educational -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Accessory - Brooch
... to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I ...From Till collectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Gilt leaf shape brooch pearls and green stones along leaf.costume accessories, female -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Accessory - Pendant and Chain
... to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I ...Till collectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Gold coloured metal filigree pendant and chain. The pendant is oval shaped with stylised leaf.costume accessories, jewellery -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document - Book, approx 1929
... to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I ...Till CollectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Tan linen covered - 'The Victorian Reading Books' - Eighth Book - Educational Department Victoriabooks, school/educational -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Accessory - Necklace
... to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I ...Till CollectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Graduated imitation gold coloured pearls with silver metal claps.costume accessories, jewellery -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Accessory - Brooch
... to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I ...Till CollectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Silver bow with glass ball suspended from bow and silver metal band. A safety chain and pin is attachedcostume accessories, jewellery -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Accessory - earrings
... to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I ...Till collectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Pair of silver Marcasite earrings.costume, female, costume accessories, jewellery -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Accessory - Brooch
... to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I ...From the Till collectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Gilt brooch two flowers each with a blue stone,four blue stones and two gilt leaves.costume, female, costume accessories, jewellery