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Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Digital photograph, series, 2019
Long awaited building renovations in 2019 commenced with the replacement and upgrade of the 102 year old floorboards in the main hall and old Billiard room of the Mission to Seafarers Victoria. Some stumping replaced and repaired in places. Many older seafarers especially recall the regular dances hosted by chaperoned local young women and members of the Ladies Harbour lights Guild that commenced in the 1930s and carried on through to the 1960s. (see also significance statement)These photographs are another historical record. As a listed Building of Heritage significance the Mission to Seafarers commenced in consultation with heritage advice as per Burra Charter, the first phase of renovations to the century old building complex at 717 Flinders St which is still providing services and facilities to seafarers as per the original purpose and design. The club room or main hall was the sight of many performances, slide shows, film screenings, and events to entertain or raise funds for the Mission. Series of photographs depicting the new floor boards in the main hall, Flying Angel Club after renovation winter 2019 and before recarpetingbuilding renovations, flying angel club -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Sepia, Andrew Rider, c. 1885
This Wesleyan Chapel was used as the first Sailor's Rest in Williamstown in 1875. Photograph of the first Institute locales in Williamstown.View looking across street to a brick building with arched doorway on a corner block. A sign on the left reads: Sailors' Re[st].Typed sheet attached to verso: No. 15: The Sailor's Rest, Ann Street, Williamstown, about 1885. Written on verso: Photograph - Andrew Rider. Written on verso: Sailors' Rest, Ann St., Williamtown, 1880's.williamstown, ann street, sailors' rest, seamen's mission, andrew rider (1821-1903), wesleyan church -
Seaworks Maritime Museum
Shipbuilders model, R W Miller
Original ship - 11,741 gross tons. 589' x 70' x 30' (179.5 x 21.34 x 9.14m). Oil tanker built by Eriksberg Motor Vessels at Gottenburg, Sweden in 1951 for Hjalmar Bjorge of Norway as the Storheim. Purchased November 1964 and renamed R W MILLER. Had a crew of 39 seamen, including the officers. 1973 sold to Independent Shipping Company Pty Ltd of Singapore. Renamed Cherry Victor. Scrapped 1979. Robert Miller traded under the name R W Miller and Company from early 1912. One of Miller's first contracts was to pick up overburden and spoil from the sinking of the Balmain Colliery shaft and dump it at sea. Miller saw the opportunity to sell this material and he ended up getting a sixpence a ton from a local council and other contractors for use as road bases and building foundations. This close association with coal led to Robert W Miller on 15th January 1913 being given the contract for coal distribution from Sydney Harbour Colliery (Balmain mine). So began a long association with coal. Miller built a fleet of lighters that were used to transport blue metal, sand and coal around Sydney Harbour. This introduction into coal transport opened a prospect for him to enter the larger coal shipping transport. During 1917 Miller purchased a vessel, the taking over 1985 by Howard Smith Industries Pty Ltd, Melbourne. Build date 1951-1979. Ship builders model of the tanker R W Miller in a glass case. The body is painted in colours of maroon, green and grey, the deck with detailed fittings and superstructure, an Australian merchant flag flying from the stern, within a mahogany framed glazed display casePlaque at foot of model: M/T R.W. MIILRT/ BUILT GOT. 1951/ OWNERS R.W. MILLER & CO. PTY. LTD/ LENGTH OVERALL 559.04"/ LENGTH BETWEEN P.P 526.06"/ EXTREME BREADTH 70.00"/ MOULDED DEPTH 39.03"/ DEADWEIGHT TONNAGE 18,500/ MACHINERY B & W TYPE A I.H.P 7, 600" on model: "R.W Miller" painted in black -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Postcard - Postcard, Sepia, The Australasian, Seamen's Church and Institute Melbourne, September 1917
This photograph taken by the Australasian, depicts the central Institute in September 1917. It was published on the 15th of September 1917 along with other photographs taken during the dedication of the St Peter chapel on the 6th of September. The photograph was also used in a Jottings mentioning "Courtesy of the Australasian".This is one of the first photographs of the Mission's building opened in 1917 before the Norla Dome was erected in 1920. Black and white postcard with a photograph taken at a 45 degree-angle showing the front of the mission in Flinders Street probably in 1917. Three men are standing in front of the church and three cars are parked in front of the mission. The Flying Angel flag. Behind the mission we can see the masts probably from ships berthed on the Australian wharf.Right bottom corner: Seamens Church and Institute, Melbourneflinders street, melbourne, central institute, walter richmond butler, men, cars, sailors, seamen, mission to seamen, seamen's mission, mission to seafarers, flying angel flag, australian wharf, ships, australasian, 1917 -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Plaque - Memorial plaque, P.J. King, Memorial Chapel of Saint Peter, 1917
The Chapel of Saint Peter was dedicated on September 6, 1917 by His Grace the Archbishop of Melbourne. The total sum necessary for the construction of the chapel was collected by the L.H.L.G and the chapel stands as a tribute to the honoured memory of the officers and men of the Mercantile Marine who lost their lives in the Great War. Note that the building was erected to commemorate fallen Mercantile Marines in the Great War before the war was concluded. This shows that the war and death toll thus far was significant enough at this point that it was having a serious impact on Australian society. Highly significant as the identifier of the raison d'etre for the chapel building and the massive fundraising effort made by the Ladies Harbour Lights Guild to fund the building prior to the end of the Great War.Large rectangular engraved brass plaqueMEMORIAL CHAPEL OF SAINT PETER / THIS CHAPEL WAS BUILT WITH FUNDS / COLLECTED BY THE LADIES HARBOUR LIGHTS GUILD/ TO THE GLORY OF GOD / AND TO THE COMMEMORATE THE/ BRAVE AND FAITHFUL MEN / OF THE MERCANTILE MARINE WHO/ GAVE THEIR LIVES IN THE/GREAT WAR / THEY ARE TOO NEAR TO BE GREAT / BUT OUR CHIDREN SHALL UNDERSTAND/ WHEN AND HOW OUR FATE/ WAS CHANGED AND BY WHOSE HAND/ ERECTED 1917 At the bottom manufacturer's name and address: P.J. King / 175 Collins Stmemorial, memorial chapel, wwi, first world war, great war, 1917, lhlg, merchant navy, mercantile marine, st peter chapel, walter richmond butler, p.j.king engraver -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Booklet - Manual, Sailing directions for Port Phillip, in the colony of Victoria including the ports of Melbourne and Geelong, 1854
Captain Charles Ferguson was born in Scotland in 1813. He was the Master of the "Rajah" from 1838 to 1850 on voyages from England to Australia and vice versa. He became the First Chief Harbour Master for the port of Melbourne in 1852 after being the first Harbour Master and Water Police Officer in Geelong for 12 months. On the 5th of April 1841, the Rajah sailed with James Donovan M.D. as Surgeon Superintendent, and the Rajah sailed from Woolwich with 180 female convicts. The Rajah arrived on the 19th of July in Hobart, with 179 females (one died during the voyage) and 10 children. Miss Kezia Elizabeth Hayter was the matron on board. On page 28 of the "Sailing directions for Port Phillip, in the colony of Victoria including the ports of Melbourne and Geelong", a mention is made of the Mariner's Hospital and Floating Church soon to be established. There were discussions to built the hospital in Williamstown but instead the Government decided to build it in Melbourne. The Harbour Master and a commiittee decided to use the water police hulk, Emily, left unsold in 1856, to create a floating church: the Bethel was open in July 1857 with Reverend Kerr Johnston as Chaplain. Latrobe wrote a letter to Captain Cole in 1869, a few months after learning his death : "To Captain George Ward Cole † [from a draft in another’s hand] Clapham House, Lewes, Sussex, January 28th, 1869. My dear Captain Cole, Last mail will have taken out the sad intelligence of the death of our excellent old friend, Captain Ferguson. This will have been a terrible blow to his children and to his friends in the colony, who may have held reason to expect his early return to his home, with a not unreasonable prospect of ultimate restoration to health and activity. In the course of last October I went up to town with one of my children, mainly with the purpose of finding my way to Pinner, where he and Mrs. Ferguson were staying with an intimate friend. I found him in excellent health and spirits, and enjoying the prospect of a speeding resumption of the service to which he had devoted his best days, and upon the furtherance of which his entire energy was still directed. A week or two later Captain and Mrs. Ferguson went to Dover for change of air, and being still under the impression received from the advisers by whom they had been guided during their residence at a hydropathic establishment at Matlock, felt encouraged to plan almost immediate return to the colony by the Jerusalem early in December. However, certain misgivings in the mind of a medical gentleman, then in England, under whose care Captain Ferguson had at one time placed himself in Williamtown, led them to consider it judicious before departure to take the advice of some surgeon of eminence in London. Accordingly they came up to town at the close of November. The first London practitioners they consulted shook their heads, and advised consultation with Sir Wm. Ferguson. The result was that amputation, without loss of time, was pronounced necessary. The rest is soon told. He received the painful intelligence with calmness and full resignation to God's will, and underwent the operation at King's College Hospital with exemplary firmness and Courage on the 28th of November. Perfect success seemingly attended it, and there seemed, humanly speaking, to be every prospect of a prompt cure and early convalescence; everything seemed in his favour. A few days later, however, all was clouded by symptoms of hospital fever (pyoe æm ia). This resisted all control, and finally carried him off on the 27th of December, just one month after the operation. He had lived a Christian life, and his death was the peaceful and resigned death of a Christian. It was a melancholy satisfaction to me to be able to join a few friends in following his remains to their resting place in one of the outlying London cemeteries on the last day of the year. You know Mrs Ferguson well, and will be prepared to hear me say that her whole conduct and demeanour throughout this period of suspense and bitter trial has been worthy of her high character and steadfast principle. Come what will, and happen what may, I have the fullest conviction that neither the widow nor the children will be forsaken, however doubtful and clouded the future may appear, in consequence of the irreparable loss which, they have sustained. And now, dear Captain Cole, it is possible that you may already have heard all this from other sources, but I have dictated it to you under strong impulse, for I feel assured that there is no member of the community in which you live who will more sincerely deplore the loss of Captain Ferguson on private grounds; at the same time that there is no one who, from long acquaintance with his official character and services, will be in a better position to estimate their real value or the loss which the colony has sustained. The circumstances in which Captain Ferguson's family are left not only demands the utmost display of sympathy and interest on the part of friends, but may call for decided and prompt action; therefore I cannot rest satisfied without discharging what I consider my duty, and seeking to strengthen your hands as far as I may in bringing the character of his long services before the existing colonial authorities. Of his private career previous to his entering the service of the Colonial Government in 1851 nothing need be said. Captain Ferguson was appointed as the Harbour Master at Geelong in April, 1851 – a few months before the separation of the colony from New South Wales. He there did excellent service in a variety of ways calculated to advance the interests of the port, and to introduce 27 order, where, from circumstances, but little order had hitherto prevailed. His was the first appointment of this class in that locality. The separation of the colony from New South Wales took place in the month of July following. Shortly after, the late Captain Bunbury resigned the Harbour Mastership of Port Phillip. Captain Ferguson was at once (February, 1852) appointed to succeed him, and from that time performed all duties of Chief Harbour Master of the colony. The previous year (May 1851) the first gold discoveries in New South Wales had taken place, and in the month of August those of our colony followed. At the time of Captain Ferguson’s taking charge of the Port of Melbourne their influence had begun to be fully felt, and in no department more seriously than in that of the Harbour Master. This is no place for statistical details, but they must bear me out in reminding you of a few facts connected with our late friend’s career. At the time of separation that department comprised only 30 individuals of all ranks, and when he took charge the number was much reduced. There were at that time, according to the returns, no fewer than 54 vessels, registering 26,785 tons, in Hobson’s Bay alone. The crews on arrival numbered 1,235 men. Of this number only 463 remained on board, 500 having deserted, and the rest having been discharged by arrangement or pure necessity. For the first six months after Captain Ferguson’s assumption of office as Harbour Master the duties of Police Magistrate and Chief of the Water Police were superadded, and how much labour they involved may be surmised from the fact that from 1st of April to the 31st July, 1852, four months only, no less than 236 marine cases were brought before the bench at Williamstown - sometimes as many as 30 in a day. A year later (March 1853) the returns show that the number of vessels in the harbour in Hobson’s Bay alone were 91, tonnage 43,754; and passing on to the still later returns of May, 1853, two years after Captain Ferguson’s assumption of office, we find from the records that the number of ships in port had increased to 129; tonnage, 63,292; crew on board on arrival, 2872, and at the date of report, 1628; the amount of desertions at that time having, however, proportionally diminished, in consequence of the abatement of the gold fever, caused by the non-success attendant upon the labours of thousands at the goldfields. The above numbers take no account of the large number of vessels and amount of tonnage lying at the wharves at Melbourne or elsewhere. From these figures alone it may be judged what must have been a struggle in which the Chief Harbour Master was engaged from the very outset to secure order, and answer the innumerable calls on every branch of his department, at the same time that there was for many months an almost complete impossibility of securing subordinate agency, such as boatmen, pilots, and police, at any price. But I may bear witness to the untiring diligence, energy, and self-devotion with which Captain Ferguson grappled with the difficulties of his position, and the seemingly insurmountable obstacles which stood in his way. Ashore and afloat he was always ready, showing the same directness of purpose, intelligence, and forgetfulness of self. He shunned no responsibility, and turned his hand from no work, whether within or beyond the ordinary scope of his duty, which the hard necessity of the times forced the Government to bring under his notice. Already in 1852, when the overflowing of our gaol and stockade rendered the adoption of other methods of restraint absolutely necessary, and addition to the existing buildings could not be thought of, it was Captain Ferguson who first suggested the employment of hulks; and it was with his personal assistance and supervision, and under his unflagging energy, that the three first of these – the Success, the President, and the Sacramento – were purchased, fitted up, and made available for the purpose in view, and the rules and regulations for the employment and safety of the men afloat and ashore prescribed and carried out. He carried the same energy into every branch of his department, and his influence was soon apparent. His subordinates of every class became actuated by his spirit. As time moved on, the range of his duties, both ordinary and extraordinary, increased. In the formation of the quarantine station at the heads, in the management if not the erection of lighthouses, sailing directions, port and wharf regulations, buoys, signal stations, 28 steam dredging &c., he was the main and most active agent. The whole pilot establishment and regulations, men, and vessels, were under his charge; and when I left the colony in May, 1854, the entire range of ports outside Port Phillip Heads from Point Lonsdale to Portland, as well as that of Geelong had felt the influence of his intelligent supervision and care. The entire department of Chief Harbour Master, which I have numbered at the period of separation about thirty individuals, then numbered 230. The character of Captain Ferguson’s unbroken service during the fourteen years which have elapsed since I left the colony must be well known to the Government and the people he has served so long and so faithfully. I confine myself to recalling to mind those earlier, and what must have been the hardest and most difficult, period – none can know how difficult but those who were in that fierce struggle for the maintenance of order under so many disadvantages; and on this subject I have spoken advisedly and with reason, for I may truly say he worked under my own eye. I had sincere regard for the man, and just pride in the qualities of his heart, head, and hand. Whatever mistakes may have been made by the Government of the colony in those hard and difficult times (and I am quite ready to admit that there were many, especially if the past is to be judged by the light of the present), I never have hesitated in believing that, in appointing Captain Ferguson to the office he has so long filled, it was the right man in the right place. I shall be heartily rejoiced to find that the Government and inhabitants of the colony admit that this has been the case, and to learn that they have not forgotten the strong claims of one who has served them so long and so faithfully, and who, removed by God’s providence, so to say, in the maturity of his powers, has left a widow and young family behind him. I have done, I leave you to make use of this communication, or any portion of it, which you may think judicious and called for. There may be among Ferguson’s friends those who may not be sorry to be reminded of facts. By-the-bye, I may mention as a proof how completely Captain Ferguson’s mind was engrossed by devotion to his public duty, that while in Dover, only ten days before the operation, he took an opportunity to drag himself up into the lantern of the S. Foreland Lighthouse, and made a most careful scrutiny of the whole apparatus and arrangement, with a view of the adoption of any hint for the perfection of those under his charge in the colony. And now, goodbye. I trust this will find you in good health, and in comparative vigour. Believe me ever, dear Captain Cole, Yours very truly, C. J. La Trobe"The attempt for a floating church was made as early as 1853 following similar examples in London like the Seamen's Hospital. Captain Ferguson was instrumental in the foundation of the Bethel Church.Digital copies of the 37 pages ; 22 cm.1854, hobsons bay, geelong, melbourne, williamstown, sandridge, mariner's hospital, floating church, seamen's hospital, captain charles ferguson (1813-1868), kezia elizabeth hayter (1818-1885), rajah quilt, prison hulks, water police, harbour master, harbor master, gaols -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Flyer - The Elephant Room, 1988
Louise Hearman used the Norla Dome and painted a mural which had taken her around a year to complete. The exhibition called Elephant Room was shown from May 1988. The work was vandalised in June 1989 and subsequently demolished.Louise Hearman is a Melbourne born artist and Archibald Prize winner. Hearman first came to public notice in 1987/88 when she spent a year painting the mural in the Norla Dome. The premises of the Mission also served as her studio at that timeBlack and white flyer with dual lengthways ribbings on the back side, possibly indicative of an intent to fold the flyer in three.The Elephant Room You are invited into the dome at the “Mission to Seamen” building, no. 717 Flinders St (ext), painted by Louise Hearman. Opening night Thurs May 28th 6 pm - 9 pm Visiting hours 11am -6 pm Tues to Sun from May 29th to June 11th Or by appointment ph (03) 328 1400 a.h. Sponsored by: Australian Council, Crown Hire, Art Stretchers Oliver-Davey Glass and Box Archer Emery.cultural events, exhibitions, paintings, artists, norla dome, 1988, louise hearman, elephant room, flinders street, melbourne -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Journal (item) - Periodicals-Annual, Shiplovers' Society of Victoria, The Annual Dog Watch
This journal provides the reader with glimpses of the adventures and hardships of a seaman's life. Many of the stories are of sailing ships.Contributes to our knowledge of the importance of shipping and places on record those stories of the sea which would otherwise be lost.Contents Foreword - Ranald MacDonald - 5 Editorial - - 7 Early Settlements in Victoria - The Late George R. Leggett - 9 Sailors From The Sea - Jean M. MacKenzie - 11 The Wreck Of The Newfield - - 16 The Mosquito Fleet - George F. Lay - 19 "Pilot Missing" A Tragedy of Port Phillip - The Late Capt. Hartley R. Watson - 24 H.M.A.S. Psyche - D. Ricketts - 29 S.V. Eye of the Wind - Captain Richard Grono - 35 HMAS Shropshire in the Philippines Pt. 1 - F. Hoolahan - 43 Genius Who Also Builds Ships - J.B. Thomson - 49 Around the Devon Coastline - S.J. Buckland - 57 When She Sank a Fortune Went With Her - E. Harper - 64 The Heaving Line - R.N. Thiele - 67 The Falls of Clyde in the Twenties - Capt. F.S. Moody, Jr. - 75 Memories of the Audiffred Building San Francisco - Capt. Fred Klebingat - 79 The Wreck of a Sloop - The Late Captain R.G. Edwards - 94 Deep Sea to San Pedro - W.P. Shemmeld - 98 First Fleet re-enactment Voyage - - 107 Book Reviews - - 108sailing ships, steamships, shipping, seafaring life, shiplovers' society of victoria, dog watch -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Digital copy, Colour, 1940
Photograph (screenshot) downloaded from a movie uploaded on YouTube depicting the back of the Siddeley Street Institute built oin 1906. The movie was filmed in 1940: "Old 16mm vacation films were discovered at a garage sale in San Jose, California by Tim Peddy and digitally converted courtesy of The California Pioneers of Santa Clara County. The unknown photographer traveled throughout 1940's Australia, including Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. All Rights Reserved." Tom Smith spotted the building while watching the movie on YouTube and sent us the screenprint.The shot demonstrates the building was still standing at the time. and also shows the back of the building.Shot from Australian Wharf showing the first Central Institute build on Siddeley Street in 1906.siddeley street institute, australian wharf, 1940 -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
School Bell, 1872
Cowes State School No. 1282 was situated where Museum & Civic Buildings now stand in Thompson Avenue. School was built in 1872 by Mr. R. Blaikie and helpers. Opened officially 12th October 1874. First bell of original school. On a calm day it could be heard at Rhyll 5 miles (8 kms) away.Iron or Bronze Bell painted black with suspension frame.local history, equipment, school bell, cowes, phillip island, cowes state school -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Water colour Sketch, 1960's
The first kiln built on Phillip Island in the 1870's for Mr John West. It was situated in Thompson Avenue next to Wests General Store. When the kiln was demolished, the bricks were used to build the old Post Office on the corner of the Esplanade. Mr John West gave a Banquet at the Isle of Wight Hotel to celebrate the opening of his kiln.Water Colour Sketch. This picture was reconstructed by Jean Archibald from pencil sketches by S Serpell in 1905, and an artist who travelled to Phillip Island with the "Vagabond", a journalist for the "Leader", in 1889. Chicory Kiln built for John West situated in Main Street, Cowes. First Chicory Kiln built on Phillip Island in the 1870's.Signed J. D. A.local history, illustrations, agriculture buildings, historic, chicory kiln, water colour sketch, west family, post office cowes phillip island, jean archibald, s serpell, john west, n & j archibald -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1978/9
On 28th March 1801, Lieut. James Grant sailed across from Rhyll, landed and inspected Churchill Island. His men cleared some ground and planted seeds including Victoria's first crop of wheat. Named Churchill Island after John Churchill Esq. of Dawlish in the County of Devon.Coloured photograph of Churchill Island taken from Jetty on Phillip Island. Low tide is evident.local history, photographs, buildings - historical, rural industry, coloured photograph, john cook, churchill island -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1978/9
Rogers Cottage was built by John Rogers on the hill on Churchill Island in the early 1860s. It is believed he first built the Bakehouse in 1865 and shortly after built the 2 roomed dormitory which was originally lined with calico and plaster - later with hand split boards."Rogers Cottage" - photograph showing door to Wash house - note grinder stone in foreground. Situated on Churchill Island - Western Port.local history, photographs, buildings - historical, rural industry, coloured photograph, john cook, churchill island, rogers cottage -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1978/9
Rogers Cottage was built by John Rogers on the hill on Churchill Island in the early 1860s. It is believed he first built the Bakehouse in 1865 and shortly after built the 2 roomed dormitory which was originally lined with calico and plaster - later with hand split boards."Rogers Cottage" showing portion of the rear section and pathway with shrubs and a flower pot.local history, photographs, buildings - historical, rural industry, coloured photograph, john cook, churchill island, rogers cottage -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1978/9
Rogers Cottage was built by John Rogers on the hill on Churchill Island in the early 1860s. It is believed he first built the Bakehouse in 1865 and shortly after built the 2 roomed dormitory which was originally lined with calico and plaster - later with hand split boards."Rogers Cottage" showing the rear section. circular saw in foreground. Note guard on saw.local history, photographs, buildings - historical, rural industry, coloured photograph, john cook, churchill island, rogers cottage -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1978/9
Rogers Cottage was built by John Rogers on the hill on Churchill Island in the early 1860s. It is believed he first built the Bakehouse in 1865 and shortly after built the 2 roomed dormitory which was originally lined with calico and plaster - later with hand split boards."Rogers Cottage" showing interior of Bakehouse with oven and fireplace.local history, photographs, buildings - historical, rural industry, coloured photograph, john cook, churchill island, rogers cottage -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1978/9
During Rogers' occupation in 1865, he built two huts. These huts still remain, probably being among the oldest buildings in Western Port. It is believed he first built the Bakehouse."Rogers Cottage" - showing the interior of the kitchen - note wood stove. Now a storeroom.local history, photographs, buildings - historical, rural industry, coloured photograph, john cook, churchill island, rogers cottage -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1978/9
During Roger's occupation in 1865, he built the huts which stand today as Rogers' Cottages. The kitchen cum Bakehouse believed to have been built first. Situated on Churchill Island - Western Port."Rogers' Cottage" - photograph showing back door to Bakery. Note Grinder Stone in foreground. Situated on Churchill Island - Western Port.local history, photographs, buildings - historical, rural industry, coloured photograph, john cook, churchill island, rogers cottage -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1978/9
The Cairn was erected to commemorate the sowing of the first wheat in Victoria by Liet. Grant. It was erected in 1968 during the ownership of the Island by Miss Campbell who inherited it from Dr. Jenkins.Coloured photograph showing a cairn on the southern part of Churchill Islandlocal history, photographs, buildings - historical, rural industry, coloured photograph, john cook, churchill island, churchill island cairn -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1978/9
The house was built by William Richardson who went to live at Rhyll in 1876. His father, Joseph, owned the land. Joseph had arrived on Phillip Island in 1868 when the first land sale took place. Charlie, William's son, grew up in the house with his parents, brothers and sisters.Coloured photograph showing the kitchen at William Richardson's house in Rhyll.local history, photographs, buildings - historical, housing, coloured photograph, john cook, phillip island, charlie richardson -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1978/9
The home of Captain Loch at Rhyll was built in the 1860s from timber from deserted cottages on the Island, one of which Capt. Loch lived in when he first came to Phillip Island about 1850.Coloured photograph showing the house of Captain Lock at Rhylllocal history, photographs, buildings - historical, housing, coloured photograph, john cook, phillip island, cpt lock -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1978/79
January 1869 at the first land sale in Cowes, John West bought Lot 1 for £45 . In the 1870's he built the first Chicory Kiln on Phillip Island. With his brother, Solomon, he started the General Store next to the Chicory Kiln in Thompson Avenue. Over the years the original building was extended and altered.Photograph of remains of West's store, Cowes. Timber building with corrugated roofing. Old iron water tank in front of building.local history, photographs, buildings, historic, buildings - historical, sepia photograph, john cook, phillip island, west's general store -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1978/79
The site on the corner of Thompson Avenue and Church Street, Cowes was reserved on the 12th April 1869 and the church was erected by the end of the year. Financed by the Island Church of England people. Dean McCartney preached the first sermon and performed the dedication service on 30th January 1870. Prior to this time services were held at the McHaffie homestead, Ventnor. Mrs S D (Georgianna) McHaffie, wife of the first European settlers, wrote in her diary "30th January 1870. Drove to Cowes, opened the Church, fine day". the large Bible presented by her is on loan and displayed in the Museum of the Phillip Island & District Historical Society.The timber Anglican Church of St Philips was built by Alex McLardy Sen. in 1869. It is still situated in Thompson Avenue on the corner of Church Street. The Vestry was added by Mr Alex McLardy in 1903 at the cost of 21 pounds. In 1912 a Sanctuary was added to the church and a Memorial Stained Glass Window donated by Miss Rose in memory of her father and two brothers was installed.local history, photographs, buildings, historic, buildings - historical, coloured photograph, john cook, phillip island, anglican church -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1978/79
The land in Chapel Street was granted by the Presbyterian Church in 1869. A church was finally built by Alex McLardy at a cost of £127 and was dedicated in august 1895. The first Presbyterian Church services held on Phillip Island in 1889 were conducted under a tree in the open air. May 1890 Dr. Alexander Robb was appointed the first Minister and continued until his death 11 years later. 1929 an annex was built providing more accommodation. 1968 the joint Presbyterian and Methodist congregation was formed. In 1975 a new building was dedicated.St John's Uniting Church, Chapel Street, Cowes. Large wooden structure combining Church and Hall. In 1971 the building committee commissioned an architect who designed the building with an unusual roof structure which reflected the concept of a keel of a ship - appropriate for the setting of a building by the sea. The bell is from the wrecked ship "The Speke".local history, photographs, buildings, historic, buildings - historical, coloured photograph, john cook, phillip island, st john's church cowes, uniting church cowes phillip island -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 1978 - 79
The Ventnor School had its beginning in the Ventnor Hall, which was built by parents of the children. It was opened on 5th May 1915 and Miss Ruby Bright was the first Head Teacher. Later an area was purchased from Mr Thomas Jones and a new school was erected at a cost of £790.2.6. The school was occupied on 6th September 1923 and was un staffed in 1964.Photograph of old Ventnor State School No. 3895 and Shelter Shed. Man with dog in foreground.local history, photographs, buildings - historical, schools, coloured photograph, john cook, phillip island, ventnor state school -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Cowes Post Office, Phillip Island
From Jessie Smith's collection. Current Post Office front extensively renovated in c August 1994. 72-23a. Side view of Post Office, Cowes. J. Harold Smith shop front at left. 72-23b. Cowes first Post Office on the cnr Thompson Avenue & The Esplanade. (Now where Isola Di Capri Italian Restaurant is located)local history, photographs, post office, cowes phillip island, black & white photograph, public buildings, thompson avenue, cowes, jessie smith collection, stan mcfee -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Valentine's, First Warley Hospital, Cowes, 1920's
From Jessie Smith's collection. Original Warley Hospital opened in 1923.First Warley Hospital. White fret work verandah head and large white crosses verandah railings. Steps down to ground level centre right.The Hospital, Cowes, Phillip Island. Valentine Series M4909local history, photographs, historic, hospital, cowes phillip island, sepia photograph, public buildings, cowes., jessie smith collection, stan mcfee -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Bryant West
One of a collection of over 400 photographs in an album commenced in 1960 and presented to the Phillip Island & Westernport Historical Society by the Shire of Phillip IslandPhotograph of a Pen Drawing of First Dwelling of White People on Phillip Island. Thatched or Bark Hut. Group of Sealers in foreground. Possibly situated at Sealers Cove (now Cat Bay)local history, photography, historic, dwelling, huts, sealers, building - historic, john jenner, bryant west -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Instrument - Reed organ, W Bell & Co, c. 1888
This organ was gifted by the Bethel Community in 1890 to the then Victorian Seamen's Mission, originally founded by the Bethel Union in 1857. The gift was intended to assist with worship. Despite all appearance, this organ is not a pipe organ but a reed organ that works in a similar manner to an accordion. In May 1890, the sum of seventy pounds was put towards the purchase of the organ. The sum being raised via subscriptions. The organ was inaugurated in September 1890. Jabez Carnegie (1832-1892), importer of piano and organs in Melbourne, had made a trip to Europe and Canada in 1887 and had secured the agency of Bell organs. W. Bell & Co were a Canadian organ and piano manufacturer, considered the premier organ manufacturer of the time. W Bell & Co changed its name to Bell Organ and Piano Co in 1888 meaning this organ had to be manufactured prior to the name change. The organ was first used in the mission main room from 1890 to 1915 when the St Nicholas chapel was built at the back (see item 0548. It was transfered to the new Port Melbourne mission in 1937 (link on postcard from State Library Victoria). In 1972, it was transferred to the Holy Trinity Church in Bay Street after the closure of the Mission In the late 1980s during a National Trust campaign to save the building, the organ was sold by the Anglican Men's Society to the Trust's organ committee, who carried out some restoration work and returned it to the former Missions to Seamen chapel. In 1991 the Office of Major Projects had control of the whole 'Bayside' development site. With the Mission to Seamen Building emptied and proposed for demolition, the Office of Major Projects removed the organ and placed it in storage in various locations - finally, in the Museum of Victoria store in Abbotsford. In 1995-6, enquiries by Jim Hillis resulted in the return of the organ to the control of the Port Melbourne HIstorical & Preservation Society. As the Society had no suitable location for the organ, several churches and schools in Port Melbourne were approached to take the organ with no results. The nearby suburbs were suggested next. Finally the Melbourne Maritime Museum (Polly Woodside) was approached and agreed to place it in their Museum on a long term loan. In 1997 it was on display in no 5 shed South Wharf (23/3/1997). In 2006, the Polly Woodside South Wharf site was to be re-developed, and they could no longer retain the organ. Accordingly, on 4 May 2006, the organ was transferred to the Mission To Seafarers building in Flinders Street Extension as an indefinite loan (refer OL 022) The PMHPS deaccessioned it to finally transfered it in 2018 to MTSV.(See also acquisition details re 21st C finalisation of acquisition) This organ is a tangible reminder of the longevity of the Mission to Seafarers, a link with the original Bethel Union which was instrumental in 1856 calling a public meeting and inviting subscriptions by various non-conformist churches to found a mission to Seamen. Rev Kerr-Johnson delivered the first service in 1857 aboard the Emily. The Mission to Seafarers has been in operation ever since and continues to operate to the same purpose today.Large reed organ that looks like a pipe organ with fifteen elaborately painted pipes bearing a floral motif. The body of the organ is elaborately decorated in carved wood. It has 17 knobs above the keyboard both which can be concealed when the keyboard cover is lowered. There are two foot pedals at the bottom of the organ with "Mouse Proof Pedals" cast into the framing iron. list of stop names: Viola 4Ft Diapason 8Ft Dolce 4Ft Violetta 2Ft Sub Bass 16 Ft Octave Coupler Vox Humana Forte Picciolo 2Ft Hautboy 8Ft Aeoline 8Ft Cremona 16Ft E---bone 16Ft Echo 8Ft Celeste 8Ft Melodia 8Ft Flute 4FtMaker's mark in gold lettering above keyboard: W. Bell & Co Brass plaque on front board: Presented to/The Victorian Seamen's Mission/by/Congregation worshipping in Bethel/& friends./1st September 1890 Behind the stops a wooden plaque: J. CARNEGIE & SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOR VICTORIA MELBOURNE organ, worship, bethel, pipes, reed, bethel union, pipe top, jabez carnegie, w. bell & co, port melbourne, mission to seafarers, seamens' mission, mission to seamen, guelph, ontario, canada, pmhps, polly woodside, harmonium, reed organ -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Equipment - Lifebuoy, Marra Melbourne, 1955-1984
Marra was a refrigerated cargo ship built by Ardrossan Dry Dock & Ship Building Co. in 1955. The first owner was the Adelaide Steamship Co. Ltd., Melbourne . 1,396 gross tons. Lbd: 233'2" x 37'8" x 14'9". in May 1965 it was sold to the Australian Army and renamed AS3051 (John Monash) and provided a shuttle service from Australia to Vietnam transporting cargo for the Australian Task Force. In September 1974, it was sold to unknown buyers however prior to that sale, she worked the West Australian coast being used on the Ord River Project under 'Stateships' perhaps under lease. The Clydebuilt shipsite states she was renamed Asian Queen in 1976 , Arabian Victory in 1980 and finally Sea Rose in 1981. The ship was scrapped in May 1984 at Gadani Beach, Pakistan. Lifebuoys are an essential piece of equipment on a ship. Because the name of the ships it belongs to is written on it is often the only memorabilia left from the ship when it is sent to scrapyard.Round buoy decorated in red and yellow sections with the word "Marra Melbourne" painted on the front. There is a rope that is strung through sections of the exterior.In black paint on the front of the buoy: "MARRA MELBOURNE"safety wheel, lifebelt, water wheely, ring buoy, lifering, lifesaver, life donut, life preserver, perry buoy, lifebuoy, lifesaving equipment, rescue, drowning, vietnam war, adelaide steamship, john monash, australian army, life buoy