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Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, c 1929-1950's ref: AGM mark on bottle base
TROVE : The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 14 February 1867 p 1 Article 'THE EXHIBITION. OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. The culminating point in the history of the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866-7, was reached yesterday, when His Excellency Sir Henry Manners Sutton, Governor of Victoria, publicly received the reports of the jurors, and formally declared their awards. .........................CHEMICAL AND METALLURGICAL PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES....................... MEDALS - VIctoria .............John Kruse, chemist, Melbourne - For his fluid magnesia...........................'. Haines, Gregory, 1994, Á History of Pharmacy in Victoria, The Australian Pharmaceutical Publishing Company in association with the Pharmaceutical Society of Australai (Victoria) Ltd, Melbourne, Australia.opp. page 54, photo of 'John Kruse' and of 'John Kruse's pharmacy, Russell Street, Melbourne, 1866'. TROVE : Melbourne Punch (Vic. : 1855 - 1900) Thursday 21 January 1897 p 3 Article A Musical Genius. BY X. THERE is a chemist's shop in Hawthorn in the drawingroom over which some of the best, music that has ever been heard under the Southern Cross has been discoursed. Here John Kruse, the famous violinist , has delighted his late father with his violin. Here Nellie Mitchell's (Madame Melba's) voice found appreciative admiration long before she became famous. It is the shop of John Kruse, chemist and druggist, the inventor of fluid magnesia, insecticide and a world of well-known articles of daily consumption. The old mail died some time back, but lived long enough to gratify his chief wish, viz,, to see his famous son, Herr Johann Kruse. John journeyed from Germany to see his dying father. His brief but brilliant sojourn amongst us will be remembered by all lovers of music. TROVE: Colac Herald Friday 1 September 1876, page 4, Article. TROVE: The Argus Tuesday 2 July 1867, page 3, Advertisement. 'Felton Grimwade, 125 Russell Street, Melbourne'Clear glass bottle, oval shaped in section with text embossed on both sides and on base. Embossed on base 'M65' over '1923 6' over 'AGM'. Side 1 : 'KRUSES PRIZE MEDAL MAGNESIA' Side 2 : 'THIS BOTTLE IS THE PROPERTY OF FELTON GRIMWADE & CO PTY. LTD. MELBOURNE'. Over the numeral '1'.chemist, magnesia -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, C. 1866 - 1895
TROVE : The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 14 February 1867 p 1 Article 'THE EXHIBITION. OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. The culminating point in the history of the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866-7, was reached yesterday, when His Excellency Sir Henry Manners Sutton, Governor of Victoria, publicly received the reports of the jurors, and formally declared their awards. .........................CHEMICAL AND METALLURGICAL PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES....................... MEDALS - VIctoria .............John Kruse, chemist, Melbourne - For his fluid magnesia...........................'. Haines, Gregory, 1994, Á History of Pharmacy in Victoria, The Australian Pharmaceutical Publishing Company in association with the Pharmaceutical Society of Australai (Victoria) Ltd, Melbourne, Australia.opp. page 54, photo of 'John Kruse' and of 'John Kruse's pharmacy, Russell Street, Melbourne, 1866'. TROVE : Melbourne Punch (Vic. : 1855 - 1900) Thursday 21 January 1897 p 3 Article A Musical Genius. BY X. THERE is a chemist's shop in Hawthorn in the drawingroom over which some of the best, music that has ever been heard under the Southern Cross has been discoursed. Here John Kruse, the famous violinist , has delighted his late father with his violin. Here Nellie Mitchell's (Madame Melba's) voice found appreciative admiration long before she became famous. It is the shop of John Kruse, chemist and druggist, the inventor of fluid magnesia, insecticide and a world of well-known articles of daily consumption. The old mail died some time back, but lived long enough to gratify his chief wish, viz,, to see his famous son, Herr Johann Kruse. John journeyed from Germany to see his dying father. His brief but brilliant sojourn amongst us will be remembered by all lovers of music. TROVE: Colac Herald Friday 1 September 1876, page 4, Article. TROVE: The Argus Tuesday 2 July 1867, page 3, Advertisement. 'Felton Grimwade, 125 Russell Street, Melbourne' Clear glass ellipse in section bottle, with embossed text on both sides and initials and numerals on base.'KRUSES PRIZE MEDAL MAGNESIA', 'This bottle is the property of FELTON GRIMWADE & CO Pty Ltd Melbourne on sides. 'S1935' 'AGM' on base.magnesia, kruse, felton, grimwade, chemist -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Portable operating table used by Sir Victor Bonney, Allen & Hanburys, England, c. 1900
This operating table belonged to the famous gynaecological surgeon Dr Victor Bonney and was given to Dr Frank Forster in 1953 by his widow Mrs Annie Bonnie, a distant relative of Forster's. Dr Victor Bonney (1872 - 1953) followed his father into medicine and trained at St Bartholomew's and the Middlesex Hospitals. Writing his obituary in 1953, FW Roques said of Bonney that he "'made three great gifts to surgery. First, he was the pioneer of myomectomy; second, with Berkeley, he extended and perfected Wertheim's operation for carcinoma of the cervix; and third, he devised a fine surgical technique emulated by so many of his pupils. To theatre sisters, labour-ward sisters and young house-surgeons he will always be remembered as the discoverer of 'Bonney's Blue' [antiseptic solution].'" Bonney's utilitarian, portable operating table has a round, worn scrubbed patch showing traces of his famous blue solution.This portable operating table was owned and used by pioneering gynaecological surgeon Sir Victor Bonney in London, U.K. c 1900. Dr Bonney employed two theatre sisters and had two sets of instruments and portable operating tables. This made it possible for Dr Bonney to 'complete three or more operations a day by rotating staff and equipment with a chauffeur driven Lanchester or Rolls Royce', delivering them from one house to the next. The donor of the operating table, the late Dr Frank Forster, was a distant relative of Sir Victor Bonney's widow, Annie Appleyard, formerly of Tasmania. When he visited her in the UK after Bonney's death, she offered the operating table to Dr Forster for the RANZCOG Museum. It was still in a canvas bag in the boot of one of Bonney's cars. Sir Victor Bonney was the pioneer of myomectomy, the surgical procedure for removing uterine fibroids. In collaboration with Berkeley, he extended and perfected Wertheim's operation for carcinoma of the cervix. Bonney was an influential teacher, developing and promoting conservatism of surgical technique (minimal intervention) that has had a lasting influence in modern surgical practice. To theatre-sisters, labour-ward sisters and young house-surgeons he will always be remembered as the discoverer of Bonney's Blue an antiseptic that was characteristically blue.Portable, laminated operating table. Plywood rectangular table with two laminated plywood extensions, a head board, and a foot board. At the foot board are insets of canvas straps to support a patient's ankles. Two detachable stirrup poles, each with a canvas strap attached, fit into two holes at the lower end of the table. The table is supported by two timber trellis cross braces with metal bars, and supported at the centre by a metal rod that allows the table to pivot up and down. Two metal arcs with a locking mechanism fix the table at the desired elevation, allowing a Trendelenburg tilt ( a 45 degree tilt, with the patient's head downwards.) The operating table is demountable for transportation and re-assembly.obstetric delivery -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A replica of the gold nugget 'Poseidon' that was discovered on the 18th of December 1906 at Tarnagulla. It was found 10 inches below the surface, 2 inches above bedrock with much quartz. It was found by Woodall and Party and named after a famous racehorse of the time. Gross weight 953 ozs. Net 703 ozs. (See additional research).mining, models, plaster model of victorian gold nugget, -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Peter Stanley, Men of Mont St Quentin : between victory and death, 2009
In the hands of Peter Stanley, one of Australia's leading military historians, a famous battlefield in France becomes unforgettably connected with Australian men and their families in the long aftermath of the Great War.Index, notes, bibliography, ill, p.298.non-fictionIn the hands of Peter Stanley, one of Australia's leading military historians, a famous battlefield in France becomes unforgettably connected with Australian men and their families in the long aftermath of the Great War.australian army - 21st battalion - 9 platoon - history, world war 1914-1918 - 2nd battle of the somme -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Ivan Southall, Bluey Truscott, 1958
Biography of Keith William Truscott (1916-1943) ('Bluey') concentrating on his service during World War II. Truscott, born at Prahran, Melbourne became one of Australia's best-known flying aces of the Second World War. Already famous as a footballer, playing Australian Rules for Melbourne's premiership team in 1939, Truscott enlisted in the RAAF in 1940 amidst considerable publicity.p.202Biography of Keith William Truscott (1916-1943) ('Bluey') concentrating on his service during World War II. Truscott, born at Prahran, Melbourne became one of Australia's best-known flying aces of the Second World War. Already famous as a footballer, playing Australian Rules for Melbourne's premiership team in 1939, Truscott enlisted in the RAAF in 1940 amidst considerable publicity.air pilots - military - biography, truscott keith william 1916-1943 -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Scribe, Pompey Elliot, 2008
Pompey Elliott was a remarkable Australian. During the Great War he was a charismatic, controversial, and outstandingly successful military leader. An accomplished tactician and the bravest of the brave, he was renowned for never sending anyone anywhere he was not prepared to go himself. As a result, no Australian general was more revered by those he led or more famous outside his own command. An officer on his staff even concluded that no greater soldier or gentleman ever lived.ill, notes, index, p.666non-fictionPompey Elliott was a remarkable Australian. During the Great War he was a charismatic, controversial, and outstandingly successful military leader. An accomplished tactician and the bravest of the brave, he was renowned for never sending anyone anywhere he was not prepared to go himself. As a result, no Australian general was more revered by those he led or more famous outside his own command. An officer on his staff even concluded that no greater soldier or gentleman ever lived.generals - australia - biography, world war 1914-1918 - history -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Five Mile Press, Australians at war : a pictorial history, 2002
Australians have fought in overseas wars for more than a century and created a legend of land, sea and in the air. This new edition of a famous pictorial history, constantly reprinted since its publication in 1991, brings their remarkable story up to date and includes an account of recent operations in Timor, Afgahnistan and Iraq.Index, ill, p.360.non-fictionAustralians have fought in overseas wars for more than a century and created a legend of land, sea and in the air. This new edition of a famous pictorial history, constantly reprinted since its publication in 1991, brings their remarkable story up to date and includes an account of recent operations in Timor, Afgahnistan and Iraq.australia - history - military, australia - military participation - history -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Pix magazine volume 15 no. 19 May 12, 1945. The war in Europe souvenir issue. The magazine has 31 pages, price 6 pennies. Features in this issue: Britain faced Hitler alone in 1940 - Many races united against common enemy - Allied leaders' words inspired their nations - Color maps reveal changing face of Europe - Picture diary shows five year pattern of war - Jardine paints second front landing in colors - Rise and fall of fascism - Women shared role in fight for freedom - Danger of armistice in Europe - War closes in on Japan, Pacific color map - Proud records of Australia's fighting men - Four great powers shared burden of struggle - World found time too laugh at war - Famous pictures epitomised war's tragedy.books, magazines, war in europe -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper supplement titled Bendigo's Century Volume Five: 1940 - 1949. Each year has heading of Who's Who, Weather, Sport and Business. Front page is titled Bendigo's Century and has a photo of a group of soldiers in uniform and with rifles. They were district servicemen on leave in 1944. Each year has heading of Who's Who, Weather, Sport and Business. First years are 1940 - 1949 titled Bendigo as it was. It has two photos of women wading through the 1949 Pall Mall flood waters and one of Miners in the crib room of the Central Deborah Mine. They are Jackie Lewis, Bob Johnson, W Landy, Ryga Yates and Les Johnson. 1940 - Army moves in to racecourse, 1941 - Devastating fire at pottery, 1942 - Forces expand, 1943 - Nation's eyes on Bendigo, 1944 - News dawns of D-day landing, 1945 - City cheers the end of the war, 1946 - Celebrations begin in city, 1947 - Gallery gets top paintings, 1948 - Water plan looks good and 1949 - Flood takes a toll on city.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - bendigo's century - volume five: 1940 - 1949, bendigo advertiser, central deborah mine, jackie lewis, bob johnson, w landy, ryga yates, les johnson, central nell gwynne, department of defence, bendigo jockey club, 8th division, robert menzies, deborah mine, bendigo decentralisation vigilance committee, cr w h taylor, bendigo war funds organisation, the easter fair society, bendigo agricultural show committee, mr e g ham, mr j v fairbairn, cr a staples, the bendigo chamber of commerce, richard hartley smith abbott, captain harley abbott, bendigo art gallery, bill woodfull, bendigo high school, north deborah mine, boardwalk, toni riley pharmacy, windermere hotel, cr g a pethard, coliban system, north deborah mine, bendigo pottery, bendigo trades hall council, private lawrence burstall, major-general g j rankin mhr, andrew dunstan, ordnance factory, royal australian navy, hmas bendigo, sec offices, muioof, ymca, georger addlem, fred addlem, cr a j anderson, pauline buvhan thompson, leslie thompson, edward joseph leonski, bendigo football league, mr j dedman, william stephens, forest street methodist church, pte charles phillips, pte w e durward, pte t foley, william john stephens, central nell gwynne, air chief marshall sir arthur tedder, cr taylor, united nations, flying officer, r bruce tuff, flight lieutenant owens, royal air force, commonwealth war workers housing trust scheme, mr s mckinnon, bendigo decentralised vigilance committee, ravenswood estate, john lienhop mlc, margaret (peggy) brennan, strathfieldsaye shire council, school of mines, bendigo base hospital, william george ashman, ashman's tailors, bendigo jockey club, victorian football association, bendigo east swimming pool, deborah anticline, specimen hill methodist church, north deborah, adolf hitler, benito mussolini, australian 7th division, cr galvin, bendigo war funds organisation, hmas bendigo, lt-commander jackson, bendigo football league, central deborah mine, victoria day, cr truscott, bendigo gaol, lansellstowe, awas barracks, bendigo citizens committee, john cain snr, ordnance factory, bendigo agricultural society, the duke of gloucester, duchess of gloucester, bendigo tennis association, north deborah, gillies famous pies, aids & appliance shop, mrs georgina scott, dr j a neptune scott, alfred sisley, corot, daubigney, louis sonnenberg, gas employees' union, john lienhop, soldier settlement commission, burnewang estate, king george vi, princess elizabeth, lt philip mountbatten, mr e j w herbert, ansett airways, reg ansett, most rev, dr john mccarthy, dr bernard stewart, michael giudice, bendigo united breweries, bendigo lyric photo plays, bendigo sun newspaper, shamrock hotel, west bendigo progress association, alan mcdonald, south bendigo football club, albert collier, j t webbo, mervyn tresize, state rivers and water supply commission, eppalock reservoir, public works committee, bendigo rotary club, john edgar, bendigo base hospital, albert dunstan, benevolent home, magetti's wine hall, wallace reef wine hall, magetti family, albert magetti, lance galvin, bradford cotton spinnings (victoria) pty otd, arthur syer, stanley crossman, albert arthur dunstan, rev dr henry backhaus, city family hotel, lyric theatre, bank of australasia, city club hotelcolonial mutual building, r matchett & co, lansellstowe, leonard lansell, bendigo bas hospital, australian women's army service, mr hollway, kenworth (aust) ltd, foggitt jones's bacon factory, gordon sayers, sandhurst trustees, dr john drowley, alexander hislop, royal mint, north deborah mine, ironbark south mining company, central nell gwynne company, new chum syncline -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Kangaroo Press, Diggers at Colditz, 1997
On June 23 1943 Lieutenant Jack Champ of the 2nd/6th Australian Infantry Battalion was marched into one of the most famous prisoner-of-war camps in Germany. Known then as Oflag IVC, it is now better know as Colditz. By the end of the war there were nineteen Australians in Colditz, and this is the first book to look at life there specifically from their point of view. It was a very special camp. It was designed to retain under escape-proof conditions, a select group of Allied prisoners who had already escaped from other camps and who had been recaptured whilst still in occupied territory. Having seen action in the Western Desert and in Greece, Jack Champ had been captured by the Germans in 1941. He was, however, a reluctant prisoner and took part in two escapes from different POW camps, one of which was a mass break-out of sixty officers through a tunnel that had taken weeks to make. Although the guards frequently outnumbered prisoners, there were more escapes from Colditz than from any other prison of comparable size during both World Wars. In this vivid book Jack Champ and Colin Burgess explain what it was like to be a prisoner in Nazi Germany. It is a curious blend of brutality and humanity, of routines and dreams, and occasional and dramatic excitement as men tried to turn those dreams into the reality of freedom.Index, ill, maps, p.224.non-fictionOn June 23 1943 Lieutenant Jack Champ of the 2nd/6th Australian Infantry Battalion was marched into one of the most famous prisoner-of-war camps in Germany. Known then as Oflag IVC, it is now better know as Colditz. By the end of the war there were nineteen Australians in Colditz, and this is the first book to look at life there specifically from their point of view. It was a very special camp. It was designed to retain under escape-proof conditions, a select group of Allied prisoners who had already escaped from other camps and who had been recaptured whilst still in occupied territory. Having seen action in the Western Desert and in Greece, Jack Champ had been captured by the Germans in 1941. He was, however, a reluctant prisoner and took part in two escapes from different POW camps, one of which was a mass break-out of sixty officers through a tunnel that had taken weeks to make. Although the guards frequently outnumbered prisoners, there were more escapes from Colditz than from any other prison of comparable size during both World Wars. In this vivid book Jack Champ and Colin Burgess explain what it was like to be a prisoner in Nazi Germany. It is a curious blend of brutality and humanity, of routines and dreams, and occasional and dramatic excitement as men tried to turn those dreams into the reality of war 1939 – 1945 - prisons and prisoners – germany, world war 1939-1945 - personal narratives - australia -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Ross McMullin, Will Dyson : Australia's radical genius, 2006
... success, he was described as the most famous Australian ...Will Dyson (1880-1938) was a brilliant and versatile artist, and much more besides. His prodigious talents struggled to find a niche in Australia, but he burst into prominence with cartoons of extraordinary vigour and resource on the London Daily Herald. These whole-page cartoons with wordy, witty captions were revered by workers and intellectuals alike. Dyson was also a talented writer, a scintillating humourist and an arresting speaker. A stunning overnight success, he was described as the most famous Australian in the world. In 1916 Dyson became Australia's first official war artist. His drawings of profound empathy and sympathy remain a unique record of the Western Front experience. Once again he complemented his art with exquisite writing. Returning to Australia in 1925, he took up etching to international acclaim, confirming that whatever he did he did well. Absorbing, illuminating, and lavishly illustrated, this is a fascinating story of the life and times of a remarkable and under-recognised Australian.Index, bib, ill, p.348.non-fictionWill Dyson (1880-1938) was a brilliant and versatile artist, and much more besides. His prodigious talents struggled to find a niche in Australia, but he burst into prominence with cartoons of extraordinary vigour and resource on the London Daily Herald. These whole-page cartoons with wordy, witty captions were revered by workers and intellectuals alike. Dyson was also a talented writer, a scintillating humourist and an arresting speaker. A stunning overnight success, he was described as the most famous Australian in the world. In 1916 Dyson became Australia's first official war artist. His drawings of profound empathy and sympathy remain a unique record of the Western Front experience. Once again he complemented his art with exquisite writing. Returning to Australia in 1925, he took up etching to international acclaim, confirming that whatever he did he did well. Absorbing, illuminating, and lavishly illustrated, this is a fascinating story of the life and times of a remarkable and under-recognised Australian.will dyson 1880-1938, cartoonists - australia -
Victorian Interpretive Projects Inc.
Photograph - Black and White, Cairo Bazaar, Egypt, 1919, 1919
Sent to Australia at the end of World War OneBlack and white photograph of the Cairo Bazaar.Verso: The famous Cairo Bazaar a trip through here is really wonderful. Egypt 1919world war one, cairo, cairo bazaar, egypt, mmm -
Victorian Interpretive Projects Inc.
Photograph - Colour, Gaida Stevens, World War One Tunnel Entrance, Lone Pine, Gallipoli, 2015, 2015
Lone Pine was an action that featured one of the most famous assaults of the Gallipoli campaign. The attack was planned as a diversion for the Australian and New Zealand units that were to breakout from the Anzac perimeter by capturing the heights of Chunuk Bair and Hill 971. At 5.30 pm on 6 August 1915, the Australian artillery barrage lifted and from concealed trenches in no man’s land the 1st Australian Brigade charged towards the Turkish trenches. The troops paused on reaching the Turkish trenches, finding that many were covered by timber roofs. Some fired, bombed and bayoneted from above, some found their way inside and others ran on past to the open communications and support trenches behind. Others advanced as far as "the Cup" which was where Turkish support units were located and from where the Turks counter-attacked. By nightfall, most of the enemy front line was in Australian hands and outposts had been established in former Turkish communication trenches. The Australian Engineers dug a safe passage across no man’s land so that reinforcements could enter the captured positions without being exposed to Turkish fire. Having captured the Turkish trenches, the Australians now tried to hold what they had taken while the Turks desperately and determinedly tried to throw the Australians out. From nightfall on 6 August until the night of 9 August a fierce battle ensued underground in the complex maze of Turkish tunnels. The Australians succeeded in drawing the whole of the immediate Turkish reserve. Six Australian battalions suffered nearly 2,300 killed and wounded at Lone Pine. Seven Australians were awarded the Victoria Cross, the highest number ever awarded to an Australian division for one action.( to a tunnel at Lone Pine, Gallipoli. gallipoli, world war one, tunnel, mmm -
Creswick Museum
watercolour painting, Self Portrait (Lionel Lindsay)
... and went to Spain. Lionel became a famous artist in Australia ...Early self portrait of famous painter Lionel Lindsay. Lionel was one of the famous family of artists, which included Norman Lindsay, Percy Lindsay, Daryl Lindsay and Ruby Lindsay.A rare early self portrait by Lionel Lindsay, showing himself in a "Spanish style", before he followed his dream and went to Spain. Lionel became a famous artist in Australia and Europe, especially noted for his Spanish etchings.Watercolour painting on paper of self portrait by Lionel Lindsay.Signed "Lionel Lindsay 1899"lionel lindsay, creswick, etching, watercolour, spain, norman lindsay -
Creswick Museum
oil painting, Pompey, Circa 1930
Daryl Lindsay was born and grew up in Creswick, one of the famous Lindsay family of artists. He had a love of horses and this was his favourite. He often did portraits of horses for famous owners.Daryl Lindsay became a noted international artist and the Director of the National Gallery of Victoria. He had a very considerable influence on Australian art, particularly from the 1940s to the 1970s.Oil painting on canvas by Daryl Lindsay of his favourite horse, "Pompey".Signed Daryl Lindsay on front. On the back is written "Daryl Lindsay painted his favourite horse Pompey c. 1930 at Mulberry Hill, Baxter. Presented to the Creswick Museum by Joan Lindsay May 1977.daryl lindsay, painting, horse, pompey, creswick, ngv -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
teaching model, female pelvis, 1940s
Originally this teaching model belonged to Prince Henry's hospital library and was transferred to the Monash Medical Centre, Clayton in the Sister Gertrude Berger, a famous nurse-educator, who is best known for her work leading up to the transfer of nursing education in Victoria from hospitals to universities in 1986.Gerty (as she was known in the School of Nursing) bought them in Europe in the late 1940s and early 1950s . Has lables on base of stand. "Model 6A Female Pelvis on Stnd". AU 618.1/ 01 FemaleModel of female pelvis in cross-section, painted plaster on stand.teaching model, anatomy, female, pelvis -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
teaching model, female uterus, 1940s-1950s
Originally this teaching model belonged to Prince Henry's hospitla library and was transferred to the Monash Medical Centre, Clayton in the 1970s by Sister Gertrude Berger, a famous nurse-educator, who is best known for her work leading up to the transfer of nursing education in Victoria from hospitals to universities in 1986.Gerty (as she was known in the School of Nursing) bought them in Europe in the late 1940s and early 1950s . Has labels on base of stand. "Model 6A Female Pelvis on Stnd". AU 618.1/ 01 FemaleModel of female uterus with partial cross-section, vagina, fillopian tubes and ovaries. Painted plaster with label "AV618.1 / 01 Female".teaching model anatomy, female uterus -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
teaching model,foetus, 1940s-1950s
Originally this teaching model belonged to Prince Henry's hospit�l library and was transferred to the Monash Medical Centre, Clayton in the 1970s by Sister Gertrude Berger, a famous nurse-educator, who is best known for her work leading up to the transfer of nursing education in Victoria from hospitals to universities in 1986.Gerty (as she was known in the School of Nursing) bought them in Europe in the late 1940s and early 1950s.Model of a foetus, approximately seven weeks. Painted plastic on metal rod with round wooden stand. Labelled on base "AV618.2 / 01 Fetus/ FOETUS". Stamped on base, "PRINCE HENRY'S HOSPITAL/ NURSES LIBRARY." Label on base"Adam Rouilly/ London England". The model has anaaatomical numberings in black ink. There must have been an acompaning information booklet [missing].teaching model anatomy, female foetus -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Teaching model, female pelvis, 1940s-1950s
Originally this teaching model belonged to Prince Henry's hospital library and was transferred to the Monash Medical Centre, Clayton in the 1970s by Sister Gertrude Berger, a famous nurse-educator, who is best known for her work leading up to the transfer of nursing education in Victoria from hospitals to universities in 1986.Gerty (as she was known in the School of Nursing) bought them in Europe in the late 1940s and early 1950s.Teaching model. Female Pelvis, cross section, flat 3D panel. Painted plaster on painted timber. Originally from Prince Henry's Hospital Nurses Library [ traces of stamp "PRINCE HENRYS HOSPITAL NURSES LIBRARY" on l.l.].teaching model, anatomy, female pelvis -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Teaching model, female reproduction organs, 1940s-1950s
Originally this teaching model belonged to Prince Henry's hospital library and was transferred to the Monash Medical Centre, Clayton in the 1970s by Sister Gertrude Berger, a famous nurse-educator, who is best known for her work leading up to the transfer of nursing education in Victoria from hospitals to universities in 1986.Gerty (as she was known in the School of Nursing) bought them in Europe in the late 1940s and early 1950s.Teaching model- 3D Female Reproduction Organs on stand. Plastic. Demonstration model for the insertion of cervical diaphragm. Manufacturer: Ortho, New Jersey. Barcode label Monash Medical Centre Clayton.teaching model, anatomy, female reproduction organs -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Plaster cast of the head of the first baby to be delivered under anaesthesia by the use of ether, 1847
This a cast of the first baby to be delivered under anaesthesia, by the use of ether, in Edinburgh on 19 January 1847. The famous physician James Young Simpson, Professor of midwifery at Edinburgh University, attended this birth and wrote about it in the Monthly Journal of Medical Science 1846-7 Vol.7, p649-640. The cast of the baby's head was given to Lance Townsend, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Melbourne by Robert Kellar, then Professor of Midwifery and Diseases of Women at the University of Edinburgh, when Professor Townsend was visiting Edinburgh. There is at least one other plaster copy; one is located at Wood Library-Museum of Anesthesiology, 520 North Northwest Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068-2573, USAReplica of a new born baby's head, painted plaster, life size. The model of the head shows a large indentation of two and a half inches in the skull on the left side. The baby was delivered through a severely deformed pelvis, suffered a large indentation to the skull and did not live.obstetric delivery, anaesthesia -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Sculpture - Pewter vignette of an obstetrician observing an antenatal patient, Michael Ricker Pewter
Michael Ricker was a renowned American pewter artist. His most famous piece, entitled 'Park City', was a 30 foot by 10 foot miniature town depicting life at the turn of the 19th century. It was completed in 1986 and presented to former President Gerald Ford. Ford graciously accepted the "key" to Park City and promised a home for the masterpiece in the Smithsonian Institute. ( sculpture featuring an obstetrician and an antenatal patient. A pregnant woman is lying on a low bench, with her left hand resting on her stomach, and her right arm by her side. She is wearing a dress and shoes, and has her eyes closed. To her right stands the figure of on obstetrician, wearing trousers, a short sleeved shirt, stethoscope and gloves. He is standing straight with his arms at his sides. The entire sculpture is silver in colour.obstetrics -
Dutch Australian Heritage Centre Victoria
Sweets Tin, Goedhart B.V. Lagedijk 148 1544 BL Zaandijk Holland
The tin is decorated with images of De Zaanse Schans - an area in North Holland famous for its wind mills. The lid has an image of windmills the main one of which features decorated vanes.zaanse schans, netherlands -
Dutch Australian Heritage Centre Victoria
Framed Print, Scheveningen Beach, 1998
Large rectangular sepia print of the beach and beach front at Scheveningen. Among other beachfront buildings it features the famous Kurhaus Hotel and walkers on the sandy beach at what appears to be low tide. The sky is filled with dark glowering clouds. There are no swimmers apart from seagulls. The print has been professionally framed and has a strong wire at the back.Scheveningen Beach. The Hague. Netherlands. 1998. There is also an indistinguishable signature and the mark 25/100. The latter indicates this is no.25 in a limited edition of 100. -
Dutch Australian Heritage Centre Victoria
Musical Occasional Lamp (Schemerlampje met Muziekdoosje)
These lamps were essential in Dutch household to help to create the famous "gezelligheid" or cosy atmosphere.Although this seems to have been a windmill only to begin with, with the electric light added later, it speaks of the significance of this type of lamp in the homes of the Dutch.A small plywood and plastic windmill with a music box connected to the vanes. The outside is decorated with windmill scenes. -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Equipment (item) - Graviscope for Lincoln (Australian) RAAF Ident No G6C/3972, Graviscope for Lincoln
Description White plastic doubled sided Graviscope stored in protective leather carry case. Case is fitted with pair of press studs, pocket in front for holding instructions and is stamped "Graviscope / for / Lincoln / (Australian) / Manufactured by / Melb > W & G < Aust / R.A.A.F / Ident. No G6C/3972". Plastic graviscope consists of a 277mm white disc, printed on both sides, overlaid on one side by a 224mm disc and the other side by a 175mm disc. All discs located by central screw, to which is attached a 160mm long x 25mm wide clear celluloid strip. History / Summary The graviscope is a computing device, which in aircraft was used for measuring the centre of gravity in an aircraft. This would vary depending on crew, bomb load, fuel and stores carried. It was used in the British designed but Australian manufactured, Government Aircraft Factory (GAF) Lincoln heavy bomber, which was operated by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in the years following the Second World War. This aircraft was originally a derivative of the famous Avro Lancaster bomber. The Lincoln was used by both the RAAF and the Royal Air Force in operations against Malayan Communist terrorists during the Malayan Emergency, 1948-1960. This graviscope is of the type designed for and used by RAAF and RAF aircrew who operated this aircraft.Many by W and G Australia -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Painting, portrait, Jiawei Shen
This is a portrait of former ANZCA President, Associate Professor Richard Walsh. In 1996, he was elected Vice President and, in 1998 was elected President, serving a full two year term. This painting was formally presented to the College in 2006. Further information about Associate Professor Richard Walsh can be obtained on the Lives of the Fellows, The artist, Jiawei Shen is a Chinese Australian artist considered to be one of Australia's leading portrait artists. He is most famous for his 2006 winning entry of the prestigious Sir John Sulman Prize in which he painted a portrait of Pope Francis which was presented to His Holiness in 2014. Oil painting on canvas of Associate Professor Richard Walsh sitting to the side facing left on a blue chair, wearing the College gown and President's medal against a plain background. Mounted in a mottled brown coloured frame.Lower left hand corner [artist signature \ '05]painting, walsh, richard, anzca president, shen, jiawei -
B-24 Liberator Memorial Restoration Australia Inc
Pratt & Whitney R 1830 Radial Engine (Informational Entry)
Between Pratt & Whitney and numerous licensed companies, there were over 180,000 of these engines manufactured in a number of specifications. The B-24 Liberator would have been their major recipient but other famous aircraft using the same engine were the Consolidated Catalina flying boat and the Douglas DC3/C47/Dakota. Refer Wikipedia link for other aircraft that used this engine.As a result of the significant and ongoing usage of these engines in civil aircraft such as the Douglas DC3, they are by no means rare. Many parts can still be sourced new and there are several companies that have the capacity to rebuild these engines to an airworthy standard.The Pratt & Whitney R 1830 is a double row 14 cylinder air cooled radial engine with a capacity of 1830 cubic inches (30 litres), developing some 1200 horsepower at a maximum 2700 rpm.radial engine, twin wasp, r1830 -
Dutch Australian Heritage Centre Victoria
Book - Collection of 18th century prints, B.V.Foresta, Hollands Arcadia of de vermaarde Rivier Den Amstel - (Hollands's Arcadia or the famous Amstel river)
A soft cover reproduction on poor quality paper of a collection of illustrations first published in 1791. They were of the luxurious homes along the river Amstel owned by wealthy traders.