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matching side table
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - K. S. Anderson, Portland, n.d
Port of Portland Authority ArchivesBack: KS Anderson Jenny Ward Wendy Murrell - blue biroport of portland archives, k s anderson -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equipment, bread fork, c1900
A Bread fork was mainly used in Victorian times, when touching food was frowned up. Even in common households, you had to have a bread fork to help yourself to the bread from a bread basket in the middle of table. Bread was an important part of any meal, and would be served as a side dish to most dinners, so bread forks were in common to use. More expensive ones would be made from silver and be very ornately decorated. An engraved, silver-plated Bread fork with a bone handle cutlery, forks, cheltenham, moorabbin, early settlers, bentleigh, silver-plate, bread forks, victorian etiquette, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Lights, Victorian kerosene banquet lamp, c1900
The kerosene lamp is a type of lighting device that uses kerosene as a fuel. Kerosene lamps have a wick or mantle as light source, protected by a glass chimney or globe; lamps may be used on a table, or hand-held lanterns may used for portable lighting. There are three types of kerosene lamp: traditional flat wick, central draught (tubular round wick), and mantle lamp. The screws on the side adjust the flame and hence the strength of the flame produced. Prior to the introduction of gas and electricity these lamps provided lighting in all householdsPioneers and early settlers in Moorabbin Shire relied on kerosene lamps for lighting their homes after sunset.This kerosene, flat wick, banquet lamp has a clear glass shade chimney with a frilled rim, a reservoir of plain yellow glass and a metal engraved base . 1 side screw to adjust the flamelights, early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh, cheltenham. lamps, kerosene, paraffin, oil -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Lights, Victorian kerosene banquet lamp, c1900
The kerosene lamp is a type of lighting device that uses kerosene as a fuel. Kerosene lamps have a wick or mantle as light source, protected by a glass chimney or globe; lamps may be used on a table, or hand-held lanterns may used for portable lighting. There are three types of kerosene lamp: traditional flat wick, central draught (tubular round wick), and mantle lamp. The side screws adjust the length of the wick and hence the strength of the flame / light produced. Prior to the introduction of gas and electricity these lamps provided light in households after sunset.Prior to the introduction of gas and electricity these lamps provided light after sunset for the early settlers, as they established their farms and businesses, in Moorabbin Shire.A Victorian kerosene banquet lamp, with a gilded metal quad footed base, cranberry glass oil reservoir with geometric patterns, original etched, yellow, glass globe shade and clear glass chimney. There are 2 side screws for adjusting the flame.early settlers. pioneers, follett w, moorabbin, bentleigh, brighton, ormond, market gardeners, kerosene, paraffin, lights, lamps, candles -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Lights, kerosene chamber lamp, 19thC
The kerosene lamp is a type of lighting device that uses kerosene as a fuel. Kerosene lamps have a wick or mantle as light source, protected by a glass chimney or globe; lamps may be used on a table, or hand-held lanterns may used for portable lighting. There are three types of kerosene lamp: traditional flat wick, central draught (tubular round wick), and mantle lamp. The side screws adjust the length of the wick and hence the strength of the flame/light produced. Prior to the introduction of gas and electricity these lamps were used for lighting in all households after sunsetPioneers and early settlers relied on kerosene lamps for lighting their homes after sunset.A 19th Century kerosene chamber lamp, with clear, plain glass shade and reservoir, circular metal base and 1 side screw for adjusting the flameearly settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh, ormond, cheltenham, candles, lights, lamps, kerosene, paraffin, oil -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Kitchen Equipment, 'Smoothwell' electric flat iron c1935, c1935
c1881 Henry W Seely, of New Jersey, USA, designed and patented an electric sad iron for pressing and smoothing material. He continued to modify and improve his designs, with his partner Richard Dyer, and other electrical appliance firms, e.g Hotpoint, began producing these flat irons that could provide continuous heat by connecting via an electrical flex to a light socket and hence without the need for hot fires, ash, or burning hot handles. Women with access to an electricity supply were delighted and their ironing chore became much less arduous No heat was felt at all from the iron as it is all concentrated on the bottom surface. By the early 20th century enthusiasm was building for the new electric smoothing irons: clean, powerful, adjustable, and labour-saving. This c1935 Premier System 'Smoothwell' flat iron was used by a resident of City of Moorabbin and is an example of the progress made from the sad irons used by the pioneers that are displayed beside it.A "Premier Smoothwell" electric flat iron with switched control lead and original box, c 1935 On plate of handle attached to Iron ' HARRODS Ltd. / LONDON On attached plate at rear of iron ' The "SMOOTHWELL" / "Premier System" /......... Plate on cord Plug " PREMIER/ FLAT IRON CONNECTOR/ THIS SIDE OUTWARDS/ (2 columns) 1) FOR 100-125 VOLTS/ USE THREE TERMINALS/ THUS ..... 2) FOR 200 - 240 VOLTS/ USE TWO RIGHT/ HAND TERMINALS/ ONLY/ THUS......seely henry w., sad irons, electric flat irons, dyer richard, edison thomas, hotpoint pty ltd., premier electric company birmingham england, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, laundry, sewing, craftwork, table ware, irons -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Furniture, Dressing table swing mirror c1900, c1900
This dressing table with swing mirror was used by the early settler families of Moorabbin Shire c1900. Accompanied by a wash stand , basin and water jug people cleansed, shaved and tidied their hair and themselves between their weekly bath. This Dressing table mirror was owned by a pioneer family of Moorabbin Shire c1900 c1900 Mahogany Toilet / Swing Dressing table mirror A shaped mirror, domed top with thick frame, turned side supports finished with small finials and a solid base on 4 round supportseraly settlers, pioneers, furniture , mirrors, dressing tables, mahogany wood, carpenters, cabinet makers, market gardeners, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, cheltenham -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Domestic Object - VELVET AND SILK TEA COSY, 1920's -30's
Velvet and silk tea cosy. Green velvet _(one side severely faded). Ruched silk border between the two sides. Silk deep gold merging to a smokey blue grey on the lighter green side. Purple fabric artificial pansies, and attached to the dark green side - three flowers, three buds. Olive gold silk ribbon bow stitched to hold the flowers in position. Reverse side has a posy of deep cream/gold pansies, and purple silk ribbon bow. Reverse side(inside) of fabrics is green cotton backing the velvet. A looped bow of narrow purple and gold ribbon on top on each side, joined by the purple and gold ribbon - five cms wide. At time of donation in 1966, an embroidered folding toilet holer and handpainted crepe paper table centre came from the Estate of Doris Kelly. (Information located in correspondence, 1966. Kay Mac 29.3.2022)ephemera, mementoes, velvet and silk tea cosy -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white photograph of a coach building business. Note the number of workers involved in the manufacture of the different styles required by customers. To the right of photo there are a number of workers using machines to manufacture the different body parts that are required. One cart to left of photo appears to be the finished product. Centre top there is a cantilever structure with bodywork stacked on top and a number of wheels, large and small, hanging from the side. There are also a number of wheels hanging from posts of the building framework. Note the differing clothing styles of the workers from shirt, trousers and apron, to hats shirts, waistcoats, trousers. Differing stages of construction have bodies on tables, wooden frameworks, boxes and wooden -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Tattered brown paper bag with a note referring to some of the furniture pieces. Written on it is: One decoration of the washstand missing. One with broken stem for dressing table. Ends of wash stand in Bag. M. Ballhause. Written on lther side of bag is: Missing Pieces of Bedroom Suite.document, memo, m ballhause, note from m ballhause -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photo of a carton box on a pallet with the words ''Fragile truck from the back Chef table model cooker'' on the front and the words 'Fragile truck from this side only'' on the side.Kodakbusiness, retail, gas and fuel -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Sepia image mounted on board. Image shows large room in gold mine. 18 gold tables are arranged down centre, wheels/pulleys on LH side. Large electric lights hanging from ceiling. Goldmine unknown.bendigo, mining, gold tables, bendigo, sandhurst, goldmining, gold, tables -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Joan O'Shea Collection. Central Deborah Gold Mine Bendigo Violet Street (off High Street) Bendigo Pamphlet. Buff and Sepia double-sided A4. The Bendigo Trust in conjunction with the City Family Hotel present the opening of the Central Deborah Gold Mine Underground Project, by Premier John Cain, 20th June, 1986 featuring the City Club Dancers. Includes a brief chronological history of the mine and photographs courtesy of Phillip Beer on recto side. The verso side contains a map of the site of the Central Deborah Gold Mine and also various photographs with further detail of areas of interest including: poppet legs and shaft, the change rooms, caretakers or rag pickers room where clothing was searched, the drying room, the first aid room, carbide light room, underground tours, carpenters shed, ore bins and loading bays, stamper battery, wilfley table, berdan plans, laboratory, display room, boiler, stoke hold, winding engine, boiler feed pump, electric driven compressor, steam driven compressor and the blacksmith's shop.Central Deborah Gold Mine Bendigobendigo, gold mining, central deborah gold mine -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Hand painted china side plate in 2 tone orange mottled pattern.D M Peters 11domestic equipment, table setting, plate -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Hand painted china side plate, white with sepia scene of Mud Brick Hut Bendigo.Hand painted by J.Nichener. Bendigo 1985domestic equipment, table setting, plate -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Hand painted china side plate with coloured scene of Chinese Joss House Bendigo and gilt edge.Hand painted by J.Mitchener Bendigo 1985domestic equipment, table setting, plate -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Hand painted china side plate with sepia scene on white china with gilt edge of Dudley House Bendigo.J.Mitchener 1985domestic equipment, table setting, plate -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Front cover is a photo of The Shamrock Hotel. 52 paged booklet - ''Report to Residents - City of Greater Bendigo, October 1995''. Table of Contents; Commissioners; Chief Executive Officer; Council meetings; Office location and hours; ''One Telephone Number''; Committees; Ward boundaries; Elections; Customer services; Rural services; Economic development; Bendigo Tourism Board; Bendigo Trust; Events Bendigo; Capital works 1995/96; Major projects; Discovery; Bendigo Regional Arts Centre; local laws; Fire prevention; Aged and disability services; Children and family services; Environmental health; Recreation and leisure; Parks and gardens; Planning and building; Waste management; Library services; Bendigo Leisureland; Rates; Budget for 1995/96; Index. Contains some photographs and map of proposed 7 internal Wards for the City of Greater Bendigo.Richard Cambridge Printers Bendigo.bendigo, council, report, maxine crouch, maurie sharkey, perer ross-edwards, peter seamer, hadley sides, richard morriss, bernard smith, annie galvin child care centre, bendigo regional art centre, rosalind park, budget 1995/96. bendigo health care services. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photos of two houses on a piece of paper. The top photo is a white house with a portico and steps at the front door, a window at each side and a striped blind at the edge of the portico. Decorative brick work at spout level. A concrete path is along the front of the house and leads out to the front and side. A vase with a flower and a statue on the corner of the path. there is a table and chairs beside the house. The garden is very black. The lower photo is a brick house with a door, a tall window that is rounded at the top and three small windows just below the spout line. There are some plants in front of the house and trees around it. parts of the garden are dark.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - two houses -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white photograph. Large room board lined ceiling. Arch openings each side. Decorative windows, potted plants, folding chairs, tables, stone? Floor. History of object: James Lerk 2000 'Fortuna ville' conservatory with its Venetian glass windows. The glass has recently been re-furbished and re-set in the frames. Phtoograph by W Ninnis'. Photographed for Bendigo Advertiser 11.1.2001W Ninnisbuildings, residential, fortuna villa -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... occasional tables on either side with jardenieres. A small couch... on the right. Two elephant occasional tables on either side and white photo ; Lancewood House, home of late Ernest Mueller and family. Interior of sitting room with wall paper patterned with flower and plant motifes. Many pictures on the wall around a large mirrored edwardian side board. Vases, ornaments, jareniers, and lute haning on the right. Two elephant occasional tables on either side with jardenieres. A small couch on the right against the wall. Drops of a chandelier visible at the top. On front bottom right margin ' UI 589.7 'buildings, fittings & materials, lancewood house -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Postcard : Sepia portrait of 3 young children. A girl sitting on a wooden chair, wearing a white dress, white ribbon tied to the side of her dark colour hair, wearing long black socks and black shoes, bow tired. A boy standing arm leaning on a two tier table, wearing long black socks and black shoes with 3 straps buttoned, bow tie, striped and button shirt. The 3rd child sitting high on table, holding a Union Jack flag, wearing a dress that looks like a coat. On front of postcard reads Bendigo, on back it reads Kalna Bendigo.Kalna Bendigophoto, group, 3 young children, postcard, photograph, portrait, 3 young children. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Sepia coloured photo of Eva Crowther circa 1900, she is shown laying back with one arm resting on a small table and touching her head the other arm stretched out in front of her. She is wearing a tiara and a long dark dress. On the side the name: Bartlett Bros. Bendigo.person, individual, eva crowther -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white photograph ( copy) of interior of Music Room at Fortuna Villa, possibly 1890's. Room decorated in Victorian era style furnishings. Chandelier on patterned ceiling, two stained glass windows at end of room. Many tables and chairs scattered through room. Family portraits on left hand side wall in photograph.bendigo, house, fortuna villa -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
White china graduated medicine spoon marked with black rings, table, dessert, tea, with handle & 2 small legs. Printed on side, Graduated Medicine Spoon Registered March 22 1873 S Maw. Son & Thompson London.S Maw. Son & Thompson Londonmedicine, first aid, measuring spoon -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white photograph of the dining room at the Handschin and Ronus factory in Switzerland.. It is a long room with 4 rows of tables across it, floor to ceiling windows run the full length of the room on the right hand side of the photo. There are perhaps 40 or 50 people seated at the tables, which could accommodate several hundredorganization, business, hanro, clothing manufacture, hanro, handschin and ronus, lunch room -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Domestic Object - SMALL GLASS DISH
Small cut glass dish with fluted top, flower pattern in base and around sides.domestic equipment, table setting, dish -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Sheet of three City of Bendigo Municipal Weighbridge dockets. Printed in black on cream paper. Date line ends 19- -. Dockets are perforated with an unperforated strip down the left side which stays in the book. Each docket has printed on it: City of Bendigo Municipal Weighbridge, date space, Weighed, Owner or Agent, Purchaser, Driver Gross, Tare, Net Weight, Tolls, Weigher and has a table with Tons, Cwts, Qrs and Lbs. The copies that stay in the book don't have City of Bendigo Municipal Weighbridge printed on, printers, cambridge press, cambridge press collection, city of bendigo municipal weighbridge -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
COUNCIL CHAMBER, FORMER COUNCIL OFFICES, TOWN HALL, BENDIGO -black and white copy : in centre of image : eight polished wooden desks with ornate iron legs, ink wells , surrounded by eight upholstered chairs. At rear of table, one chair surrounded on either side by drapes. Royal Coat of arms above.- crown above a shield , rampant Lion and Unicorn .There is also a wooden gavell and blockbuildings, town hall, bendigo, bendigo, town hall, council -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Presentation kit, 150th Anniversary M&HB Railway, Victorian Department of Infrastructure, Aug 2004
Kit presented to attendees at celebratory breakfast for 150th Anniversary of the M&HB railway, in pink & copper. .02: Invitation to the breakfast .03: Badge '150 Victoria' gold coloured .04: Set of 4 railway postcards ('maximum cards') .05: Fridge magnet from PROV (grey & black) .06: Card designating table 16, where 9 PMH&PS members sat .07: "Sandridge Railway Trail" - DL tour guide .08: "Making Tracks" - DL brochure about RHSV exhibition .09: "Stampspotting" - DL exhibition brochure (Aust Post) .10: "Rebuilding Regional Rail" - A4 brochure re new developments in Vic Rail .11: "Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Victorin Railways" - double-sided A4 fact sheet, copper & pink .12: Seven related media releases from various auhorities .13 RHSV form for telling railway stories. (May be missing August 2013)transport - railways, piers and wharves - station pier, piers and wharves - railway pier, peter batchelor, department of infrastructure, melbourne & hobsons bay railway