Showing 442 items
matching lands, victoria
Federation University Historical Collection
Gold License, Gold License made out to William Fittall Junior, 1853, 04/01/1853
This miner's right is a copy from an original held by the Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat. The original was glued onto a page in a large album of photographic images of early Ballarat. Recognising their significance the Council of the Old Colonists’ Association had them removed and restored. The originals are now framed and on display in the Old Colonists’ Hall.Digital copy of an original Gold Lisense made out to William Fittall Junior.Ballarat Victoria Gold License No. 215 Jany 4 1853 The Bearer Wm Fittale [sic] Jr having paid to me the Sum of One Pound Ten Shillings, on account of the territorial revenue, I hereby License him to dig, search for, and remove Gold on and from any such Crown lands within the Dist of Ballarat as I shall assign to him for that purpose during the month of January 1853 not within half-a-mile of any Head Station, This License is not transferable, and to be produced whenever demanded by me or any other person acting under the authority of the Government, and to be returned when another License is issued. Chas Wale Sherard Commissioner. Regulations to be observed by the persons digging for Gold or otherwise employed at the Gold fields. 1. Every licensed person must always have his License with him ready to be produced whenever demanded by a Commissioner, or Person acting under instructions, otherwise he is liable to be proceeded against as an unlicensed person. 2. Every person digging to Gold, or occupying Land, without a License is liable by law to be fined, for a first offence, not exceeding five pounds; for a second offence not exceeding 15 pounds; and for subsequent offence, not exceeding 30 pounds. 3. Digging for Gold is not allowed within ten feet of the edge of any Public Road, nor are the roads to be undermined. 4. Tents or Buildings are not to be erected within twenty feet of each other, or within 20 feet of any Creek 5. It is enjoined that all persons on the Gold Fields maintain a due and proper observance of Sundays. william fittall, sherard, charles sherard, charles wale sherard, mining, fittall, eureka -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Document - Framed Poster, Borough of Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia, after 30/06/1875
This document, also referred to as a word picture or Tablet, is framed in glass and timber with gilt trim, is handwritten with colour highlights. The penned letters rest on ruled guide lines, decorated where the lines intersect. The writing gives a description of the state of Borough of Warrnambool around 1875; its location, the area it covers, its population, Harbour and facilities, public buildings and institutions, imports and exports, financial worth, number of houses, connection with other areas of the Colony. A possible reason and origin for the document is found in an article ‘Link with US Exhibition’ from the Warrnambool Standard of December 19, 1981, written by local historian Bruce Morris. The writer mentions that the Warrnambool Borough Council met on 15th June 1875 and recorded a letter from G.C. Levey , secretary to the Melbourne group of commissioners representing the Colony, and Victoria in particular, for the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition of 1876. The letter asks Council to provide “statistics as to the population, social condition and commercial and industrial state of the district in and around Warrnambool.” A sub committee was formed for the project. The Mayor, Cr. Thomas King, wrote and signed a Report, presented to the council on July 14, 1875, in which “The Committee … begs to recommend that a Tablet be prepared setting for the particulars respecting the following matters relating to the Borough”. The matters included area, population, annual income, churches, schools, other public buildings, societies and companies, general description of houses erected, and returns of exports and imports for 1874. The minutes note that the Report was adopted. The article above also notes the opinion of Warrnambool printers who have examined the document; it is almost certainly to be an old lithograph, which means there could be several copies. It is possible that there may be a copy in Melbourne and another in Philadelphia. It is interesting to note that (1) the quoted location co-ordinates are for an “Unnamed Road, Packsaddle NSW 2880, Australia”, and that the DMS co-ordinates for Warrnambool’s Council Offices differ, being South, (2) the date for “Exports and Imports for the Year Ending 30th June 1875” is different to the period mentioned by Cr. King in the sub committee’s Report of recommendation “returns of exports and imports for 1874”. The information required to have the figures for the end of June 1875 would need to have been compiled very quickly for the Tablet to be ready for the opening of the Philadelphia Exhibition on 10 May 1876. The document/certificate shows the following – - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “Victoria Australia, Borough of Warrnambool. Latitude, 30.24.50 South, Longitude 142.32 East The Principal Port in the Western District of the Colony and the Centre of its Choicest Agricultural Lands. Established a Municipality in 1855, and Created a Borough 1863. Population in 1875 4,500. Warrnambool is the nearest Port to Melbourne on the Western Seaboard, being about 160 miles distant. Coaches run to and from the Metropolis daily, in connexion [connection] with the Railway of Geelong and Steamers belonging to Local Companies sail between Melbourne, Warrnambool, Belfast [renamed Port Fairy], and Portland several times weekly. The Harbour is known as Lady Bay, and is partially protected by a reef of rocks stretching from the mouth of the Hopkins River. The formation of a Breakwater has been decided upon by the Government, to extend 600 yards, at an estimated cost of £100,000. There are two substantial Jetties, one of 800 and the other of 600 feet in length. The former is connected with the Town by means of a Tramroad, along which Goods, inwards & outwards, are conveyed, & the latter has been constructed solely for the purpose of facilitating the transit of material for the formation of the Breakwater. In addition to the trade of the Borough and District, the principal Townships up country receive their supplies from Melbourne and ship their exports through Warrnambool. Potatoes form the staple produce of the district, and the richness of the soil can be estimated by the fact that the Government Statistics for 1875 give as the average yield a return of Seven Tons to the acre. Several thousand acres between Warrnambool and Tower Hill are now being laid down in Potatoes by Tenants who have leased the lands at rates up to £5 per acre for the season 1875-6. Wool, Tallow, hides &c are also largely exported, while the shipments of all descriptions of Farm Produce are annually increasing. Area of Borough, 3362 Acres. Net Annual Value £27,000. Annual Revenue £5,500. Number of Houses in Borough 800. Public Buildings and Institutions Churches. Church of England, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Wesleyan, Congregational and Baptist. Schools. Three State Schools, average attendance nearly 1000. New Building in course of erection. Several private establishments. Banks. Bank of Australasia, Bank of Victoria, National Bank, Colonial Bank and Savings Bank. Public Buildings. Court house, Custom house, Post & Telegraph Offices, Survey & Land Offices, Shire £, Town Hall, Mechanics Institute, Volunteer Orderly Room, Odd Fellows Hall, Hospital & Benevolent Asylum, Temperance Hall &c. Companies & Societies. Steam Navigation Co, Woolen Mill Co, Gas Co, Racing Club, Amateur Turf Club, Agricultural Society, Farmers’ Club, Cricket Club, Anglers’ Society, Building Society, Freemasons Odd Fellows, Foresters, Druids, Hibernians. Protestant Alliance, Rechabites, Sons of Temperance, &c, Fire Brigade &c. --- Exports and Imports for the Year Ending 30th June 1875 –-- --Exports Total Tonnage 27,800 (Calculated at the Current Warrnambool Market Prices) Potatoes Wool Wheat Barley Hides Skins Fowls Butter Cheese Eggs Tallow Leather Ale Pigs Sheep Sundries --Imports 13,000 Tons Of the Estimated Value of £520,000 Total Tonnage of Exports and Imports 40m900 Tons, Value £806,627 Passenger Travels, to ad from Warrnambool during year, 10,000 persons Revenue from all sources paid through Warrnambool Sub Treasury From 1860 to June 1875 £1, 292, 300 Thomas King [signed] Mayor Henry T Read [signed] Town Clerk” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The document is of historical, social, economic and local significance in that it summarises activities, business, community, trade, travel and government at a point in time in Warrnambool’s history – 30th June 1875.Document, also referred to as a ‘word picture’ or ‘tablet’. Document is framed in glass and timber with gilt trim, handwritten with colour highlights. The penned letters rest on ruled guide lines, decorated where the lines intersect. Document outlines the establishment of Warrnambool as a Municipality in 1855 and Borough in 1863, with a population of 4,500 in 1875. It states geographic location, public buildings and institutions, harbor facilities and imports and exports for the year ending 30th June 1875. Two signatures "Thomas King" Mayor and "Henry T Read" Town Clerk. It shows the Coat of Arms of the Borough of Warrnambool.Signatures - "Thomas King" Mayor and "Henry T Read" Town Clerk. Warrnambool Coat of Arms; “British Coat of Arms, above sailing vessel and sheaf of wheat in sun, motto “By these we flourish” and around circumference “Borough of Warrnambool 1855”flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, borough of warrnambool, municipality of warrnambool, document borough of warrnambool 1875, word picture of warrnambool 1875, tablet of borough of warrnambool 1875, statistics borough of warrnambool 1875, lithograph borough of warrnambool 1875, coat of arms warrnambool, warrnambool city motto – in these we flourish, establishment of warrnambool, warrnambool history, thomas king mayor of warrnambool, henry t read town clerk of warrnambool, warrnambool breakwater, warrnambool jetty, warrnambool imports and exports 1875, warrnambool agriculture 1875, warrnambool business 1875, warrnambool population 1875, centennial exhibition philadelphia 1876, framed certificate -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines, Student Magazine, Third Term, 1901, 1901
Articles include: Concentrating difficult silver-lead ores, Estimation of chlorine, bromine and iodine (by D.Runting. Summaries and notes from the technical journals, Notes upon the use and care of platinum ware, Common sense, The machinery at the Tasmania gold mine, Beacons-Field, Tasmanina, Mining at Walhalla - The long tunnel mine, Past students, Mapping out of agricultural areas &c., in dense vine lands, North Queensland (by R. A. Suter. Licensed surveyor, Queensland and Victoria), News and notes, Concert balance sheet, Editorial notices.Soft covered magazine of 16 pages. silver-lead ores, estimation of chlorine, bromine and iodine (by d.runting), platinum ware, tasmania gold mine, beaconsfield, tasmania, mining at walhalla, long tunnel mine, vine lands, north queensland, r. a. suter, photography class, boer war, alumni, thomas vincent, basil sawyer, o. e. jager, a. s. burdekin, t. phillipson, glen macpherson, tom uthwatt, marcus marks, r. j. allen, cecil eales, cecil wakley, adam morton, e.p. lewers, harry leggo, jack hill, berk, nickolls, h. burrows, percy osborne, j. brangan, chris evans, adamson, alford, r. evans, arthur "thomas" atkins, charles campbell, hardy, a. basil reid, h. l. krause, k. grant, m. gray, a.b. reid, h. alston, playford, j. a. reid, s. b. vial, f. a. marriott, f. lush, c. whyte, karl moore, r. robin, w. j. lakeland, e. trend, h. l. giles, r. mccracken, k. bryron moore -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, An Act to amend and consolidate the laws relating to the Sale and Occupation of Crown Lands and for other purposes, 1884, 1884
Brown soft covered book of 48 pages. queen victoria, laws, victoria, sale of crown land, occupation of crown lands, selection, land act 1884 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - coloured, Department of Lands and Survey, Portion of Victoria showing auriferous areas and mineral localities, 1935, 1935
Map included with book "Victoria: Gold and Minerals" issued by Mines Department Victoria, 1935Fold out coloured mapYellow mark indicating depositsvictoria, auriferous areas, mineral localities, department of mines, tin, antimony, copper, silver lead, tungsten, manganese, platinum, iron -
Federation University Historical Collection
Map - Map and Information, Department of Mines: Map and Suggestions to Prospectors, 1891
The map outlines the auriferous (gold bearing) areas in Victoria. The information for prospectors was prepared by the Department of Mines in 1894Document: 4 page type written Map: Portion of Victoria divided into Counties of 1891. Auriferous areas with red.Reference section on mapgold, auriferous areas, department of mines, victoria, map of victoria, prospectors, commissioner of crown lands, hon a mclean, alexander black, surveyor general, a mclean -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes 76631 Surveyed in 1878
Foolscap size photocopy of survey map with handwritten notations. References include Canterbury Road, Bungalook Road, Dandenong Creek, Frank Miller, H.K. Kemps, Leech. Notations signed and dated January 1878 and May 1879. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes 86.87/108 - Survey O.P. R72A dated August 1886 by Surveyor, L. Thorn
Foolscap size photocopies of survey maps with handwritten notations. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Parish of Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes 88-9/276 - Part of O.P. R72C surveyed 12.10.1888
Foolscap size photocopy of survey map with handwritten notations. References include - Commencing at bank of creek, Bearing over fence read 134"12', post and rail fence, old round post, Quigley, WB house iron roof, paling & shingle roof, garden, Forshaw formerly Hoare, D Brown, stable & shed, slats & palings, orchard, Occupied by Forshaw, 4 rooms WB Cottage iron roof, Sherbin, Old three chain road, Maroondah Highway, Molloy's corner, I certify that this survey has been effected in accordance with the regulations and that this is a correct copy of my results (signed) - Reed, Assistant Surveyor, 12.10.88. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes 1902/261 - Part of O.P. R72D surveyed 14.7.1902
Foolscap size photocopies of survey maps with handwritten notations. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Subdivision Township of Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes 1902/269 - Part of O.P. R72D surveyed in 1902
Foolscap size photocopy of survey map with handwritten notations. References include Maroondah Highway, (opposite) Mines Road, Ti tree, Sandy soil, heath, spear grass, box & stringy bark sapplings, gentle slope to creek, E. Drury. I certify that this is a correct copy of the recorded observations and measurements made by me personally and my assistant (signed) W. Thorn. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Subdivision of State School Site, Township of Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes 1903/83 - Part of O.P. R72C Surveyed 13/2/1903
Foolscap size photocopy of survey map with handwritten notations. References include Everard Street, Old Lilydale Road (Maroondah Highway), Dublin Road, poor soil, coarse grass, saplings, I certify that this is a correct copy of the recorded observations & measurements made by me personally (signed) R.J. Gray Autorised Surveyor 13/2/03. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Subdivision of Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes 1904/188 - Part of O.P. R72D Surveyed 28.4.1904
Foolscap size photocopy of survey map with handwritten notations. References include Mount Dandenong Road to Lilydale, M. Dickson (sold), Church of England, P. Schonnenberger, Helen Lindsay, W.B. iron roof & shingles, I certify that this is a correct copy of the recorded observations and measurement made by me and my assistant (signed) W. Thorn 12/5/04 -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Survey of Extension to Recreation Reserve, Township of Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes 1907/436 - Part of O.P. R72D Surveyed 6.8.1907
Foolscap size photocopy of survey map with handwritten notations. References include New Lilydale Road 3 chains wide (Mount Dandenong Road), Silurian, undulating, poor grass, Corner cut off to allow for road in future subdivision, Old recreation reserve, (circled area) oval now in use, A. Gisler, I certify that this is a correct copy of the recorded observations & measurements made by me personally (signed) R.J. Gray 6/8/07. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Subdivision Sec E, Township of Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes 1908/670 - Survey O.P. R72E dated November 1908
Foolscap size photocopies of survey maps with handwritten notations. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Parish of Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes 1909/174 - Part of O.P. R72D surveyed 12.3.1909
Foolscap size photocopy of survey map with handwritten notations. References include Mount Dandenong Road, pathway, 2 room house, scillion, shed, WC, 17C sold, Cr lands, orchard, 17E sold, Township boundary, I certify that these field notes are a true copy of the actual results of observations and measurements taken by me on the ground (signed) D. Barker 12.3.09. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Township of Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes 1913/163 - Part of O.P. R72D surveyed April 1913
5612b Foolscap size photocopy of survey map with handwritten notations. References include Mines Road, New Lilydale Road (Maroondah Highway), (area) Held for mining, Recreation Reserve, Sec D, Sec E, I certify that this is a correct copy of the recorded observations & measurements made by me personally (signed) R.J. Gray 2/4/13. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Parish of Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes 1917/137 - Part of O.P. R72 - Allotment 10, surveyed June 1917
5613b Foolscap size photocopy of survey map with handwritten notations. References include Knight's land, Wantirna Road, Canterbury Road, house, wirenetted, orchard, grass paddock, I certify that these notes are a true copy of observations and measurements taken on the ground by me (signed) H.W. Moore 5/6/17. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Parish of Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes 1917/148 - Part of O.P. R72 - Crown Allotment 10, surveyed June 1917
5614b Foolscap size photocopy of survey map with handwritten notations. References include Wantirna Road, to Ringwood Station, Reilly Street, J. Marshall, fence to be erected on boundary, I certify that these notes are a true copy of observations and measurements made on the ground by me (signed) H.W. Moore 22/6/17. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Parish of Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes - OP34838 - surveyed in 1919 by D. Barker
5615b Foolscap size photocopy of survey map with handwritten notations. References include Braeside Avenue, Mount Dandenong Road, Rosedale Court, Railway Avenue, cyclone fence, Sec A, WB house, old tennis court netted, stable, old shed, tank stand, orchard, Township Boundary, netting fence, Railway fence, Ringwood to Lilydale Railway, I certify that these fieldnotes are a true copy of the actual results of observations & measurements taken by me on the ground (signed) D. Barker (1919). -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Parish of Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes - 1928/453 - Part of OP R72C Surveyed on 17.11.1928
5616b Foolscap size photocopy of survey map with handwritten notations. References include Whitehorse Road, Mines Road, Wilson Street, Rupert Street, New Road (Braeside Avenue), Section E, Allot 31 sold, Allot 32 sold, Recreation Reserve, Allot 25 sold, Allot 29 sold, hedge, spikes, links on line from each corner, I hereby certify that these field notes were prepared from actual observations and measurements made by me or under my supervision on the ground and in accord with regulations (signed) Authorised Surveyor 17/11/28. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Parish of Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes - Part of Crown Allotment 17D Surveyed 1952 (Amended in 1953)
5616b Double foolscap size photocopy of survey map with handwritten notations. References include Corr no. C.93151, Railway Reserve, Station Street, Bedford Road, multiple post & wire fences, multiple galv iron pipes put in, Government Road (Hill Street), Tooronga Road, multiple recent pegs found, Certification 52710 by J. Fitzgerald Licensed Surveyor 17/3/1952. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Copy of Lands Department Field Notes - Parish of Ringwood, Victoria, Field Notes 55114 Survey of Allotment by J.D. Sherwood in 1955
5618b Foolscap size photocopy of survey map with handwritten notations. References include Railway (Reserve), Education Department, A-B Datum 117degrees20', Bedford Road, Certification by J.D. Sherwood Licensed Surveyor 23/11/1955. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Map - State Aerial Survey, Dandenong Ranges Area, Parishes of Warrandyte and Ringwood - 1956
Map of central and southern areas of Ringwood and part of Ringwood East and Heathmont compiled by Dept of Lands and Survey, July 1956, from aerial photographs and Cadastral Survey information. Subsequent hand-drawn addition of streets showing layout of "Township of Ballyduffy Estate 1858-60", an earlier proposed subdivision that did not eventuate. (See attached 5009b Ballyshanassy_ Melbourne’s lost suburb.pdf for Ballyduffy historical naming relevance). Ballyduffy Estate streets include City Road, West Prussia Road, Duffy Street, Ireland Street, Evans Street, Victoria Street, Regina Street, Short Road, Prussia Road, Duffy Street East, Ireland Street East, Evans Street East, Chapman Street. Misc Topo 93 Sheet 22, Ringwood A4B2. Scale: 4 chains to 1 inch. Contour interval 20 feet. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photocopy of a newspaper article titled Old battery to charge-up tunnel tourism. There is a photo of a Thompson's Foundry battery which is being re-erected at the site of the North British mine on Parkin's Reef, near Carman's tunnel. The battery was recovered from a deep gully at Bola Creek. Other works include restoration of quartz roasting kilns and cyanide vats. Written at the top of the article is a date 11/1/85.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - old battery to charge-up tunnel tourism, thompson's foundry, parkin's reef reserve, conservation forests and lands department, carman's tunnel, north british mine, carman's tunnel committee, dr doug kemsley, the prospectors' and miners' association of victoria, mr ken garden -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Two licences, yellow-brown Victorian Gold License No 210, dated May 31, 1853 (a) and a Miner's Right No 20, dated 28 June 1861(b). The Gold License cost one pound ten shillings and for the month of June 1853. It was for Crown Lands within the Loddon District. At the bottom of the license are five Regulations to be observed by the person digging for gold or otherwise employed at the Gold Diggings. It has a crest at the top with a lion and a unicorn. Printed on a circular cnetre piece are the words: Honi so- -al y pense and below the lion, Dieu, in the centre is -t mon and under the unicorn is droit. The Miner's Right No 20, issued by the Colony of Victoria, for the District of Maldon, cost one pound. Across the top is a crest with a lion and a unicorn holding up an oval piece with a crown and a lion on top, In the oval is an illustration with two men and a woman and sailing ships in the background. Around the top of the oval is: Moni s- - qui mal y pense and at the bottom: Advance - Australia. Under the lion is: Dieu et mon and under the unicorn: Droit. Has been stamped in black, but is unreadable. Signatures and names on both documents are very hard to read. Printed by: John Ferres, Government Printer, Melbourne.document, gold, miner's right, miner's right, gold license no 210 & miner's right no20, john ferres -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Certified copy of the registration of the death and burial Thomas Moran, miner. District of Raywood, Colony of Victoria. Date of copy 19 February 1885. Signed by H.R.Hyde, Deputy Registrar, Raywood. On the rear: Noted in Lands Department, Chas A Roberts, 25/2/1885. Death of Thomas Moran - 6 February 1882 at Inglewood Hill, Raywood Borough, County of Bendigo. Male aged 61 years. Cause of death: bronchitis and asthma. Duration of last illness: 2 years. Medical attendant by whom certified: P.H. McGillivray M.R.C.S. Sandhurst. Last saw the deceased: 26 November 1881. Parents unknown. Informant: William English, son-in-law, Raywood . Deputy Registrar: H.R.Hyde. Date of registration: 7 February 1882. Buried Raywood Cemetery 7 February 1882. Undertaker: William English, Raywood. Minister/Witnesses: Dennis Fogarty, Daniel Ryan. Where born: Kilkenny Ireland, One year in NSW, 30 years in Victoria. Married Melbourne, age 34, to Mary Dundon. Issue: Mary 26 years and Catherine 25 yearsgenealogy, family, moran, thomas moran, raywood, inglewood hill, william english, h.r.hyde, p.h mcgillibray, daniel ryan, death certificate, raywood cemetery, denis fogarty, kilkenny ireland -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Map. Bendigo Whipstick, Scale 40 chains to 1 inch, Forests Commission Victoria, map N0.3, legend for roads and land and forest. (number 371 in map cupboard 1)map, bendigo, country lands -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
''The Loddon Land Swindlers'' - chapter from Research Paper, Graduate Diploma - Regional Studies (History), LaTrobe University College of Northern Victoria (Mark Ritchie, 1992). Research Paper is titled ''Masters, Mediums, Mortals and Mysia - A Regional Study of Land Settlement'' - the first chapter - 21 pages - is titled ''The Loddon Land Swindlers''. Appendix is 'poem' (''The Charge of the Dirty Three Hundred'' (not by Tennyson). Described in the accompanying note to the B.H.S by the author as ''a fascinating event in The History of Bendigo''. It relates to the Amending Land Act of 1865 (known as the 'Grant Act') and to details of the July 1865 involvement of Bendigo people - 200 men - in the Inglewood Land Selections. Reference to 'mediums' and 'dummies'. References to reports of the time in the Bendigo Advertiser.Mark Ritchieinglewood, history, land settlement, amending land act of 1965, james macpherson grant, shamrock hotel, cobb & co, inglewood advertiser, henry byron moore, mr grant minister of lands, dummies, belle-latrobe, inglewood -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Map, Heathcote C3, Aerial Survey of Victoria, Photo-map prepared by Department of Crown Lands and Survey from photographs taken in 1960.Copied photographically at the Central Plan Office. Date 28-9 60, C.P.O.Neg. No.21588.Campaspe River, Coliban River. Flower Hill. Fred Cowie,46 McIvor Rd.Bendigo (Not located 29.9.2022)Central Plan