Physical description

Map of central and southern areas of Ringwood and part of Ringwood East and Heathmont compiled by Dept of Lands and Survey, July 1956, from aerial photographs and Cadastral Survey information. Subsequent hand-drawn addition of streets showing layout of "Township of Ballyduffy Estate 1858-60", an earlier proposed subdivision that did not eventuate. (See attached 5009b Ballyshanassy_ Melbourne’s lost suburb.pdf for Ballyduffy historical naming relevance). Ballyduffy Estate streets include City Road, West Prussia Road, Duffy Street, Ireland Street, Evans Street, Victoria Street, Regina Street, Short Road, Prussia Road, Duffy Street East, Ireland Street East, Evans Street East, Chapman Street.

Inscriptions & markings

Misc Topo 93 Sheet 22, Ringwood A4B2. Scale: 4 chains to 1 inch. Contour interval 20 feet.