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Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Alan Marshall, ca 1970
Portriats of Alan Marshall, and some with his secretary, Pat Wiltshire, at work in his Park Road, Eltham home and garden, c.1970 at the time he was writing "Pioneers and Painters". Alan Marshall, A.M., O.B.E., HON., LL. D. (1902-1984) was born at Noorat, Victoria and became one of Australia’s most famous authors. His association with the Eltham area began in 1920 when he started his first job as a junior clerk at the Eltham Shire Offices, Kangaroo Ground. In the 1940’s he spent sometime living in Research. From 1955 he lived in Eltham for nearly 20 years. Disabilities resulting from polio as a young child did not prevent a wide range of experiences. Alan’s occupations have been listed as clerk, night watchman, fortune teller, freelance journalist and author. He has been patron of many disadvantaged children’s societies. Alan’s books are numerous and include novel, short stories, children’s books, history and travel. Among the best known are his autobiographies “I can jump puddles” and “This is The Grass”. Others include “These are my people”, “Ourselves Writ Strange” and “Wild Red Horses”. In 1971 he wrote the centenary history of the Shire of Eltham, “Pioneers and Painters”. Black and white photographs of Alan Marshall at his home.pioneers and painters, alan marshall, pat wiltshire, park road -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Booklet - Matthews Collection - 2005 Sir John Quick Bendigo Lecture - "The Strange Case of Cornelia Rau" by Professor Robert Manne, 04/02/2025
Annual Sir John Quick presentationMatthews Collection - 2005 Sir John Quick Bendigo Lecture - "The Strange Case of Cornelia Rau". Presented by Professor Robert Manne 5:45 PM on Thursday 1 September 2005 in the McKay Lecture Theatre, La Trobe University, Bendigo. Invitation, agenda and lecture notes provided. Cornelia Rau is the youngest daughter of Edgar and Veronika Rau, a solid middle class German couple from the Balic city of Hamburg. Edgar first bought his family to Sydney in 1967 to establish in Australia a branch of the pharmaceutical company for which he worked. In 19779 the family returned to Germany. After two years Edgar took his wife and younger daughter, Cornelia, by now in her mid-teens, on company business to Indonesia. In 1983 Edgar left the company and settled in Syndney. Cornelia, a warm, vivacious but troubled and restless young woman. Cornelia completed a diploma in leisure and recreation and began work as a Qanta flight attendant in 1993. in 1998 she suffered a complete mental breakdown following a harrowing attack on her character while a member of the Scientology splinter sect known as Kettja. Cornelia never recovered. She was eventually diagnosed with "chronic schizophrenia. She passed from one medical crisis to another. The presentation discusses this case history. sir john quick annual lecture -
Brown Hill Progress Association Inc.
Photograph - Black and White, Brown Hill Progress Association
A group photograph of the men and women of the Brown Hill Progress Association. Back Row: Charlie Rice, Bill Tainsh, Bill Proven, Ernie Williams, Bill Bawden, Eddie Dovington, Joe Morrison, Lou Heighway, George Palmer, Tim Eustace, Jack Quinn, Frank Opie, Tim Fauldo. Second Row: Melville Anstis, Frank Nankervis, Bob Shattock, Ernie Craig, Alex Clark, Harold Leeder, Chris Wendt, George Thomas. Third Row: Lil Banoy, Eric Powell, Dolly Ellis, Val Buchanan, Em McPhail, Estelle Young, Gwen Collett, Pearl Findlay, Katie Roberts, Ruby Fanar, Evelyn Hassell, Mavis McTaggart, Mr Williams, Earl Clark. Fourth row: Doris Wilton, Marg Lamont, Lil Messer, Nancy Strange, Mavis Franklin, Eva Trevenen, Gwen Grose, Millie Richards, Doris Lugg, Nell Oliver, Rita Robbins, Josie Saff, Eunice Rodda. Fifth row: Mr Lovett, George WIlliams, Miss Cousins, Mr Webb, Nellie Hodgetts, Mr Chaplin, Miss Molly Hayes, Mr Shattock, Mabel Richards, Mr Squires, Myra Reny, Prue Rooney, Jessie McIver, Mr Lavaro Front row: Jack Beng, Henry Foss, Albert Benjamin, Ralph Stout, Jack Collinsbrown hill -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Joe Toscano speaks at Ballarat Trades Hall, 2016, 04/06/2016
The Ballarat Trades Hall Eureka Flag The flag originally flew from the flagstaff of the Trades Hall Building in Camp Street Ballarat on 03 December 1942. This prompted many enquiries to teh Ballarat Courier newspapper. The Courier reported that the flag was, in fact, a replica of the origina Eureka Stockade flag. The newspaper reported: "It (seemed) very strange that the town in which Eureka made a name for Australoa and its effort to get freedom from the control for the ordinary man, did not recognise the flag that flew which the first move for freedom was fought out againt big odds." The Trdaes Hall Eureka FLag, made of cotton material, was uded in Union marches during hte 1940s. In later years it was all but forgotten, until in 1981 it was brought to the office of the ten MHR for Ballarat, John Mildren by members of the family that the flag maker boarded with in Ballarat. David Miller, who had a keenintered in the Eureka story and was electorate officer for John Mildren, became custodian of the flag for many years and presented it to the Ballarat Trades Hall for display. In 1994 the Ballarat Trdes Hall Eureka Flag traveled Australia as part of a touring Eureka collection at the time, the Secretary of the Ballarat Regiona Trades and Labour Council, Graeme Shearer said "...The Eureka Fag then, as it does not, sybolises the struggle for basic rights and democracy. On Wednesday 11th July 2001, following a ceremony to mark the refurbishment of the Galloway Monument, the Ballarat Trades Hall Eureka Flag was unveiled at a function in the Ballarat TradesHall by President of the Ballart Trades & Labour Council, Rhonda Young and Premier of Victoria, Steve Bracks. Joe Toscano speaks at Ballarat Trades Hall while standing in front of a replica Eureka Flag.joe toscano, eureka flag, ballary trades hall -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Alan Marshall sculpture outside Eltham Library, c.1995, 1995c
[from EDHS Newsletter No. 104, September 1995:] ALAN MARSHALL SCULPTURE. In our last Newsletter brief mention was made of the bronze sculpture of Alan Marshall outside the Eltham Library. Sculptor Marcus Skipper has now completed the installation of his almost life-size work. The setting and location are ideal and Marcus has really captured the typical Marshall character. It has attracted much favourable comment since its completion. Most members are generally familiar with Alan's life and work but for those not so familiar and for the sake of the record we include these brief biographical details. Alan Marshall, A.M., O.B.E., Hon.LL.D. (1902-1984) was born at Noorat, Victoria and became one of Australia's most famous authors. His association with the Eltham area began in 1920 when he started his first job as a junior clerk at the Eltham Shire Offices, Kangaroo Ground. In the 1940s he spent some time living at Research. From 1955 he lived in Eltham for nearly 20 years. Disabilities resulting from polio as a young child did not prevent a wide range of experiences. Alan's occupations have been listed as clerk, night watchman, fortune teller, freelance journalist and author. He has been patron of many disadvantaged Children's Societies. Alan's books are numerous and include novels, short stories, children's books, history and travel. Among the best known are his autobiographies "I Can Jump Puddles" and "This is the Grass". Others include "These are My People", "Ourselves Writ Strange", "People of the Dreamtime", "The Gay Provider" and "Wild Red Horses". In 1971 he wrote the Centenary History of the Shire of Eltham, "Pioneers and Painters".Colour photographalan marshall, eltham library, marcus skipper, public art, sculptures -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Alan Marshall sculpture outside Eltham Library, c.1995, 1995c
[from EDHS Newsletter No. 104, September 1995:] ALAN MARSHALL SCULPTURE. In our last Newsletter brief mention was made of the bronze sculpture of Alan Marshall outside the Eltham Library. Sculptor Marcus Skipper has now completed the installation of his almost life-size work. The setting and location are ideal and Marcus has really captured the typical Marshall character. It has attracted much favourable comment since its completion. Most members are generally familiar with Alan's life and work but for those not so familiar and for the sake of the record we include these brief biographical details. Alan Marshall, A.M., O.B.E., Hon.LL.D. (1902-1984) was born at Noorat, Victoria and became one of Australia's most famous authors. His association with the Eltham area began in 1920 when he started his first job as a junior clerk at the Eltham Shire Offices, Kangaroo Ground. In the 1940s he spent some time living at Research. From 1955 he lived in Eltham for nearly 20 years. Disabilities resulting from polio as a young child did not prevent a wide range of experiences. Alan's occupations have been listed as clerk, night watchman, fortune teller, freelance journalist and author. He has been patron of many disadvantaged Children's Societies. Alan's books are numerous and include novels, short stories, children's books, history and travel. Among the best known are his autobiographies "I Can Jump Puddles" and "This is the Grass". Others include "These are My People", "Ourselves Writ Strange", "People of the Dreamtime", "The Gay Provider" and "Wild Red Horses". In 1971 he wrote the Centenary History of the Shire of Eltham, "Pioneers and Painters".Colour photographalan marshall, eltham library, marcus skipper, public art, sculptures -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Edward (Edmund) de Lacy Evans was really Ellen Tremaye; and in 1856 she married her fellow passenger on her voyage to Australia, Mary Delahunty; under the assumed name of EDMUND De Lacy. In 1859 he/she married Sarah Moore. They were married for eight years when in 1867 she died in childbirth. In 1868 after Sarah had died; Ellen, now known as EDWARD de Lacy Evans married Julia Mary Marquand in Ballarat. From the Melbourne Argus Friday 5th Sept 1879, Page 7 THE EXTRAORDINARY PERSONATION CASE. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) SANDHURST, THURSDAY. The De Lacy Evans case has created great excitement here. The man-woman having resided in the district for about 20 years, was well known amongst the miners, but no one appeared ever to have supposed that she was other than as she represented herself to be, and the discovery of her sex has caused the greatest astonishment. The police have not yet moved in the matter of the discovery of her antecedents, but from the result of inquiries I have made, there seems to be no room to doubt that the woman is identical with the girl Ellen Tremaye, referred to in yesterday's telegram as having arrived at Melbourne by the ship Ocean Monarch in June, 1857. The nurse at the hospital, Mrs. Holt, is positive she is the same, and says the opinion was held amongst those on board the vessel that Tremaye had been well connected, and that she had left home in consequence of some misconduct. The Ocean Monarch was an immigrant vessel, and on the voyage Tremaye and another young woman, named Rose Kelly, were very intimate, but the latter, being seized with a dangerous illness, was left at Rio Janiero. Mrs. Evans, the wife of the supposed man, states that she frequently heard Evans say that she came out by the Ocean Monarch. But the most satisfactory information of Evans' previous history yet received has been obtained from a Mrs. Thompson, a charwoman at Myers' Creek, who was also a shipmate of the girl Tremaye. At the time she made the voyage she was unmarried, and was accompanied by Miss Mary Ann Delahunty, a young lady who was very well connected, and who came from the same village as herself, named Monakine, on the north bank of the river Suir, in Kilkenny. Miss Delahunty was an orphan and brought with her about £900. After Rose Kelly was taken ill, Tremaye resorted to Miss Delahunty's berth, and the passengers appeared to think there was something strange about the manner in which Tremaye conducted herself, and she had been observed to wear a man's under-clothing. Upon the arrival of the ship in Hobson's Bay, Tremaye declared herself to be a man, and told Mrs. Thompson she intended to marry Miss Delahunty. The next Mrs. Thompson saw of Ellen Tremaye was at Peg-leg Gully, Eaglehawk. Tremaye had just established herself in a house there under the name of Edward de Lacy Evans, and Mrs. Thompson went to serve them with milk. When she went to the house, she saw Evans sitting inside dressed in male attire, and immediately recognised him as her fellow passenger, Ellen Tremaye. Evans had, at this time, married his second wife, Miss Moore, who was then present. Evans re-marked to her—"I think I know you." To which Mrs. Thompson replied—"I know you, too," and added something to the effect that Ellen (referring to Tremaye) was a queer girl." Oh, said Evans, evidently anxious that his then wife should not understand Mrs. Thompson's reference, "It's a good job she is gone back to the old country." Mrs. Thompson inquired as to what had become of Miss Delahunty, and Evans replied, "Oh, my poor wife and boy both died of consumption, and are buried in the North Melbourne cemetery. " In reply to an inquiry as to what had been done with her (Delahunty's) money, Evans said she had sent it home to a nunnery. Evans's then wife had been absent during a portion of this conversation, but at this point she returned, and Evans went outside to the milkwoman, and said, "For your life don't mention my dead wife's name ; call me Mr. Evans. This missus of mine is death on the Roman Catholics, and she can't bear to hear my dead wife's name mentioned." This conversation took place about 12 or 14 years ago, and Mrs. Thompson seems to have quite believed that Evans had personated a woman under the name of Ellen Tremaye on the voyage out and was really a man. She lost sight of Evans soon afterwards, and took no further notice of the affair.Ballarat, Information re De Lacy Evans/Ellen Tremaye - various printed accounts of male impersonator, De Lacy Evans and his marriages and life in Bendigo and elsewhere. Filed under 'De Lacy Evans': a.Typescript - 'The strange story of Ellen Tremaye' (2 pp,); b.Newspaper cuttings (newspaper unknown): September 4, 1879 and 23rd July 1879. names mentioned on this report are; Evans, Stewart, The Trumpeter Clock, Mr. J. W. Moody, Edward De Lacy Evans, Samuels, Holdsworth, Dr. Cruikshank, Dr J. Boyd, Mr. Sterry J.P. (mayor), Mr. Osborn J.P. Elizabeth Marchment, Cornish United Company Long Gully, Constable Hayes, Mr. F. J. Duffy, Mr. J. Quick. C.Bendigo Advertiser 4th Sept 1879 (12 pages) - pp, 1-9 ''Extraordinary case of the concealment of sex'' (pp. 10-12) ''Interview with Mrs Evans''. Names on these sheets are; Edward De Lacy Evans, Sandhurst (Bendigo), Mr. Samuels, Mr. Holdsworth, Dr. Cruikshank, Dr. J. Boyd, Bendigo Hospital, Mr. Gundry (Warder), Irish, France, Dr. Poland, Mr. Bayne, Mr. Strickland, Kew Lunatic Asylum, Argus (newspaper), Sandhurst Hospital, Bendigo Hospital, County Kilkenny Ireland, Mrs Holt (Matron), Ellen Tremayne, Treneage, Eaglehawk, Sarah Moore, Mr. John J. Hall, Mr. George Willan, Buick Henderson and Co,. Pall Mall, Miss Julia Marquahand, Ballarat, Presbyterian Church, Rev. W. Henderson, Paris, Ellen McCormick, , Duncan Uquhart, Anne Dora (Welshman), Pleasant Creek, New Chum Extended Company, Julia Mary, Quarry Hill, Constable Bradley, General Sir Charles De Lacy Evans, Francis Bros Drapers of Pall Mall, Stawell, Allingham Drapers, View Grove Cottage Quarry Hill, Mrs Lofts Denmark Cottage Hargreaves Street, Jersey Cottage off Russell Street Quarry Hill, Great Southern Company, Sea Company, d.Single column entry, Bendigo Advertiser Dec 15th 1879: ''De Lacy Evans''. Names in the article; Ellen Tremayne, Sandhurst, Stawell, The Herald, Mr. F. Hilton, Diorama and Mirror of Australia, Horsham, The Horsham Times, Ireland. e. Newspaper article, by David Horsfall, Bendigo Advertiser Jan 10th 1990 (Title??) with photo of De Lacy Evans (standing); f.Newspaper article (poor legibility) Bendigo Advertiser Aug 27th 1901 ''Death of De Lacey Evans''; g.Newspaper article (undated) by Frank Cusack: ''Forgotten Bendigonians - Bendigo Goldfields und…??'' h.Journal article(3 pp.), The Medical Journal of Australia, Aug 26, 1978 by J R B Ball & R Emmerson: ''A case of personation'';i. copy of page #210 from unknown book (heading:'' Mount Royal Hospital'' j.27 pp.headed ''The Man-Woman Mystery'' (from bound book - binding visible - and copy in the Mitchell Library, publisher; W. Marshall, Royal Lane, Melbourne and Record Office, Emerald Hill with page (no page number) referring to two relevant documents ''The originals of these documents can be seen in the Hall'';Bendigo Advertiserjohn baptiste loridan, ellen tremaye, sarah moore, julia mary marquand, mary delahunty, de lacy evans, de lacy, edward de lacy evans, edmund de lacy, bendigo -
Unions Ballarat
Ballarat Trades Hall Eureka Flag, 1942
This flag originally flew from the flagstaff on the Trades Hall Building in Camp Street Ballarat on December 3rd 1942. The flag prompted many enquiries to the Ballarat's Courier newspaper. The Courier in reporting that the flag was, in fact, a replica of the original Eureka Stockade flag went on to say that: "… it (seemed) very strange that the town in which Eureka made a name for Australia and its efforts to get freedom from control for the ordinary man, did not recognise the flag that flew while the first move for freedom was fought out against big odds." The Trades Hall Eureka flag, made of cotton material, was used in union marches during the 1940s. In later years it had been all but forgotten, until in 1981 it was brought to the office of the then MHR for Ballarat, John Mildren by members of the family that the flag maker had boarded with in Ballarat. David Miller, who had a keen interest in the Eureka story and was electorate officer for John Mildren, became custodian of the flag for many years and presented it to Ballarat Trades Hall for display. In 1994 The Ballarat Trades Hall Eureka flag travelled Australia as part of a touring Eureka collection. At that time, the Secretary of the Ballarat Regional Trades and Labour Council, Graeme Shearer said “…The Eureka flag then, as it does now, symbolises the struggle for basic rights and democracy”. On Wednesday 11th July 2001, following a ceremony to mark the refurbishment of the Galloway Monument, the Ballarat Trades Hall Eureka flag was unveiled at a function in the Ballarat Trades Hall by President of the Ballarat Trades & Labour Council, Rhonda Young, and Premier of Victoria, Steve Bracks. The Trades Hall gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Dean Mighell, then Victorian State Secretary of the CEPU/ETU - who was a passionate supporter of the diggers' stand at Eureka - and instrumental in making funds available to assist in Trades Hall's Eureka flag being mounted in the Main Hall of the Ballarat Trades Hall. As far as we know, this is the second oldest Eureka flag in the world. Union (especially Ballarat Trades and Labour Council) history and Eureka Stockade - Ballarat.Flag; blue background; white embellishments - cross and stars; framed.btlc, ballarat trades hall, ballarat trades and labour council, mildren, john, miller, david, southern cross flag - btlc, eureka rebellion, trade unions - history, gold mining - ballarat, gold miners, eureka flag - btlc -
National Wool Museum
Painting, The White Farm, 2020/21
The farm buildings that Linda Gallus has studied and painted are on the farmland adjoining the Leura Park properties in Curlewis, on the Bellarine Peninsula. The current owner of the property told Linda that he bought the farm in 1994. He has used it for both sheep and cattle grazing since purchasing the property. When the farmer bought the land all the buildings on the property were painted white for sale, despite the fact they were very old. The shearing shed was in use up until the time of sale but was in a bad state of disrepair. The roof, stumps and floor required replacing. The building was no longer in use after the sale, so the shearing shed gradually fell into further disrepair. The previous owner had also used the property for growing potatoes, crops and livestock, mainly sheep. Linda’s fascination with the property came when she caught a glimpse of the white chimney over the hill driving towards Point Lonsdale, which still stands proud today on the roof of the old shearing shed. The owner kindly allowed her to visit the property over the past few years to capture the buildings using photography and painting. During this time many of the buildings have fallen. Linda calls it The White Farm as there are remnants of that original white paint on the outside of most of the buildings giving it a strange and rather beautiful patina. The structures are wonderful remnants of the history of the Bellarine. Linda first spotted the old shearing shed when she was driving home to Clifton Springs from Geelong. It was the white chimney on the shearing shed that stood out behind the rolling grassy hills. It was intriguing – bright white and still in good condition, unlike the rest of the building. After further investigation Linda got to know the owner of the property and visited it frequently to draw, take photos and paint. There is a variety of lovely old buildings on the property, but it was the shearing shed that held extra fascination for Linda. The most intriguing thing for Linda was that the buildings were all painted white at some stage and now the patina of peeling paint and bleached timber brought a wonderful mood and feeling to the farm. This is what she has tried to capture in this series of 11 paintings. Most of the buildings are falling, so Linda felt an urgency to capture them using acrylic paint on canvas in order to commemorate them forever.Acrylic Paint on Canvas. The images both feature a falling down shearing shed as the central focus. The wood of the shearing shed is a central theme of importance. The old buildings were painted white for sale despite being in a state of structural instability. After time this same painted wood has been left with an interesting complex patina like film on the surface which the artist has taken great care to capture. Image 1 is titled ‘Another gust of Wind’. It shows the exterior of the shearing shed which is in the process of collapsing from the forces of mother nature. In the background of this painting another of the buildings in the ‘White Farm’ complex is visible, in addition to blue skies and overgrown green grasses. Image 2 is titled ‘Green Trough’. It features the interior of the same collapsing shearing shed. The image is painted as though the viewer is peering through a crack of the external wall. Internally a green trough is seen hanging on an internal fence. Unlike everything else in the shearing shed, the trough appears new and in good condition. It provides a strong juxtaposition to the rest of the shearing shed, and the larger surrounding ‘White Farm’ complexbellarine peninsula, the white farm, shearing shed -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Grace Tabulo, 'Fairyland', 57 Malmsbury Street, c.1963
Mr. and Mrs. Tabulo, who owned the house between 1945 and 1965, created Fairyland in the 1940s. Fairyland was open to the public, especially children, who were invited to write their names in visitors’ books. These are now in the possession of the Kew Historical Society. Following the sale of the house after Mrs. Tabulo’s death, the garden and content of the house was cleared of its previous adornments. Grace Tabulo died in 1965. "CHILDREN LIVING IN THE ONE STREET soon find out which house will welcome them and which house to avoid. Few children in few streets have ever had such a find as those who live in Malmsbury st, Kew. At 56 Malmsbury st they all belong. It is their house. There are no young children who are actual residents, but they are to be found there all day long. Mrs J. Tabulo is chatelaine of 56, but few children know her by this name. To them she she is the Fairyland Lady. In her pocket handkerchief front garden there are few flowers; there isn't room, for it has been turned into a children's dream. Cement, tiles, old broken pieces of priceless china, miniature bottles, leadlights, and strange and beautiful little statues have been welded into a grotto which Mrs Tabulo says is only appreciated and understandable to children. It started off in a small way three years ago with a few odd statuettes, but with a street full of children ready and eager to build, it now has hardly room for even a miniature. Like the children, the Fairyland Lady knows and values each mosaic-like piece. Many a wedding present, succumbed at last to the ravages of time, holds a vantage spot in the grotto. The children bring along their broken bits and each is found a spot and cemented into the fairy story picture. In the cottage itself the children are also welcome. There is no spot, from skirting board to ceiling, that is not crowned with some gem or another. Fans, plaques, and china, some of it more than 300 years old, is handled daily by tiny but careful hands. "Children," said Mrs Tabulo, "should be allowed to love and handle beautiful things. They are much more careful than adults. Bless them!" -H.S (The Argus, 22 January 1949)A photograph of Mrs. Grace Tabulo in the garden of ‘Fairyland’ in 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew. fairyland, malmsbury street, kew, tabulo, grace tabulo -
Federation University Art Collection
Sculpture - Marble sculpture, 'Professor Alfred Mica Smith' by Paul Montford, 1924
Paul Raphael MONTFORD (1868 - 1938) Paul Montford moved to Australia to carve four buttress groups in granite for the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance. In 1924 he was teaching at Geelong Technical College. Professor Alfred Mica Smith was a long term lecturer at the Ballarat School of Mines. The sculpture was commissioned by former Students of the Ballarat School of Mines working in Western Australia. One of those former students, William Corbould, remembered his first encounter with the professor fondly:- 'From the Registrar's Office I was led to be introduced to the Professor of Chemistry, one Mica Smith. The initial encounter gave me little encouragement - his large laboratory was filled with hundreds of bottles bearing strange labels with queer symbols on them. My heart sank. At the first opportunity I grabbed my hat and made for the door, but the good professor called me back. I pointed out that I was never any good at school ... so it was no use pretending to be clever enough to understand all those weird symbols! The Professor told me not to worry about that and took me to one of the benches where he found a blowpipe and a charcoal block. Mixing together two powders from bottles on the shelf he transferred a sample to the charcoal and directed the bunsen flame onto it. Soon it began to melt and a white bead appeared in front of my eyes. He then took a test tube and added a little colourless liquid from each of two bottles. A beautiful dark blue colour appeared. My interest was won.' Alfred Mica Smith was the well-loved Professor of Chemistry and Metallurgy at the Ballarat School of Mines between 1881 and 1922. Upon reaching the age of 78 Mica Smith retired having influenced generations of miners. At the time of his death Ballarat School of Mines Students’ Magazine reported: "In the annals of the School, the year 1922 will be noted chiefly as the last year in which Professor Mica Smith taught here. With his retirement, a memorable epoch closed. The Professor has served the School for 42 years with a service, the length and thoroughness of which are unique. … It is not quite realised in this city how famous the School became throughout the world, nor to what extent the Professor was responsible for its high position in the mining and metallurgical world. … This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 2000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.Marble bust of Ballarat School of Mines Professor Alfred Mica Smith by Paul Montford. The bust is mounted on a jarrah pedestal made from timber donated by the Millar Timber and Trading Company. The bust was formally presented to the Ballarat School of Mines on Saturday 13 December1924 in front of Alfred Mica Smith and a large gathering. It is signed 'Paul R. Montford, Sc, 1924' at the back.Professor A. Mica Smith, 1924, Presented by His Old Students Associated with Western Australia as a Token of Affectionate Esteemart, artwork, ballarat school of mines, montford, paul montford, alfred mica smith, mica smith, marble, bust, sculpture -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat Junior Technical School Mothers Club Domestic Account - Treasurer, 1951-1955; 1958-1959
The Ballarat Junior Technical School was a division of the Ballarat School of Mines..1) Blue and white St George exercise book with members names, and account details including expenditure. .2) Blue covered exercise book with red tape spine.ballarat junior technical school, mothers club, ballarat junior technical school mothers club, coombes, mathews, h. stevens, hocking, collinson, marshall, dow, voice, finn, bickerton, boak, sainty, wittingslow, cutter, brokenshire, odell, redfern, j.j. stevens, mills, quick, glyus, blackmore, leathan, witcher, o'dell, methews, robinson, g. rose, bennett, waightman, widdop, grose, r.d. stevens, chandler, m. greenberger, norman, e. marshall, strange, dodd, cunningham, whightman, patterson, trotter, sykes, buckland, weightman, fry, moncrief, ruthford, shearer, waldron, glazner, shipworth, dorintong, mortimer, monk, wilson, howard, new -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Liz Pidgeon, Alan Marshall by Marcus Skipper (1995) outside Eltham Library, Panther Place, 21 May 2014, 21 May 2014
A sculpture of local author Alan Marshall welcomes visitors in the grounds of Eltham library. Alan loved telling stories and talking to children and his own story overcoming the legacy of polio has been an inspiration to generations of Australians. Marcus Skipper, the sculptor, knew Alan well and the sculpture is said to capture his spirit and appearance perfectly; the jumper was even cast from one of Alan’s own. A realistic depiction (almost life size) of Alan Marshall (1902-1984) cast in bronze with green patination. Dressed in a jumper and slacks, Marshall is shown perched on a crutch, holding a book to his heart, gesturing to his audience to come and listen to his words. It was scupluted by local artist Marcus Skipper (b.1950 Melb. died 2011). HISTORICAL INFORMATION Alan Marshall was an author of more than fifteen books, and lived much of his life in Eltham. He became a central figure in the area's arts community of writers, artists, sculptors, film makers, actors and musicians . He is shown stroking a book to his heart, perched on a crutch, which references his disability (contracted polio when he was young), and his status as one of Australia's most successful and loved authors. His most famous book, 'I Can Jump Puddles' is based on his life story and the obstacles he faced as a child in trying to overcome his disability. Marcus Skipper submitted the idea for the work to the first 'Art in Public Places' Awards in 1990. The selectors at the time recommended that the work would be more suitably placed near the Eltham Library. It was commissioned and installed for the new Eltham Library, which was designed by Greg Burgess in 1994. It was partially funded by the then Shire of Eltham's Art Development Fund (Eltham Arts Council) and the rest donated by the artist Marcus Skipper. - Highlights from the Nillumbik Public Art Collection. "The setting and location are ideal and Marcus has really captured the typical Marshall character. It has attracted much favourable comment since its completion. .. Alan Marshall, A.M., O.B.E., Hon.LL.D. (1902-1984) was born at Noorat, Victoria and became one of Australia's most famous authors. His association with the Eltham area began in 1920 when he started his first job as a junior clerk at the Eltham Shire Offices, Kangaroo Ground. In the 1940s he spent some time living at Research. From 1955 he lived in Eltham for nearly 20 years. Disabilities resulting from polio as a young child did not prevent a wide range of experiences. Alan's occupations have been listed as clerk, night watchman, fortune teller, freelance journalist and author. He has been patron of many disadvantaged Children's Societies. Alan's books are numerous and include novels, short stories, children's books, history and travel. Among the best known are his autobiographies "I Can Jump Puddles" and "This is the Grass". Others include "These are My People", "Ourselves Writ Strange", "People of the Dreamtime", "The Gay Provider" and "Wild Red Horses". In 1971 he wrote the Centenary History of the Shire of Eltham, "Pioneers and Painters". -EDHS Newsletter No. 104, September 1995This work has significance for its reference to two well known names associated with Eltham and its history. The sculpture is a realistic statue of the famous Australian author Alan Marshall who wrote "I Can Jump Puddles". He lived and worked in the Shire. The artist Marcus Skipper represents a highly recognised family of artists associated with Monsalvat . The sculpture 'Alan Marshall' has been classified as of regional significance by the National Trust of Australia. - Highlights from the Nillumbik Public Art Collection.Born Digitalart in public places, alan marshall, marcus skipper, sculptures, eltham library -
Federation University Historical Collection
Certificate, Ballarat School of Mines, William Corbould's Ballarat School of Mines Metallurgy Certificate, 11/07/1883
William Corbould was the son of a Ballarat tailor. He attended Ballarat College, and obtained certificates in assaying and metallurgy at the Ballarat School of Mines (SMB) in 1883, studying under the revered Professor Mica Smith. Corbould was not a born student and remembered his first experience at SMB: 'From the Registrar's Office I was led to be introduced to the Professor of Chemistry, one Mica Smith. The initial encounter gave me little encouragement - his large laboratory was filled with hundreds of bottles bearing strange labels with queer symbols on them. My heart sank. At the first opportunity I grabbed my hat and made for the door, but the good professor called me back. I pointed out that I was never any good at school ... so it was no use pretending to be clever enough to understand all those weird symbols! The Professor told me not to worry about that and took me to one of the benches where he found a blowpipe and a charcoal block. Mixing together two powders from bottles on the shelf he transferred a sample to the charcoal and directed the bunsen flame onto it. Soon it began to melt and a white bead appeared in front of my eyes. He then took a test tube and added a little colourless liquid from each of two bottles. A beautiful dark blue colour appeared. My interest was won.' During Corbould's mining career he travelled to Europe twice, and visited most of Australia's main mining fields. Corbould started his career as an assayer at Pinnacle Silver Mine, Silverton, and was then a self-employed assayer at Broken Hill. Corbould became an assayer for the infant BHP mine, and later worked in Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie, including managing Hannan's Reward, the oldest gold mine on the Kalgoorlie gold field. He spent 13 years at the Mount Elliott copper fields as general manager. In 1923, at the age of 57, Corbould went to Mount Isa and reported on options, experimented with new metallurgical processes and floated a company. John Carden of CRA said: 'Corbould was the man who brought Urquhart to Mount Isa. He was the man who made it all possible. He is tremendously important in the Mount Isa story, because he was the first technical man, the first professional man on the scene. He was responsible as I said, for bringing finance to the place, but I think even more importantly he was the first man to recognise the need to put all the little claims in the Mount Isa discovery together. I think perhaps his major contribution to Mount Isa was this amalgamation on the various claims. He recognised that the ore bodies at Mount Isa were not as rich as Broken Hill and they would never have survived had it been fragmented, so he was terribly important.' After completing major financial negotiations for Mt Isa Mine from London in 1927 Corbould remained in Europe where he remained until his death. Corbould was awarded the Legion of Honour of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurigical Engineers for fifty years service. Corbould died at Monaco in 1949 at the age of 82. (,William.shtml)A white paper certificate with black printed and handwritten text, and a blue Ballarat School of Mines seal. The certificate is signed by Andrew Berry (Registrar) and James Oddie (Vice-President).Signed on the left 'W.H. Corbould'mining, ballarat school of mines, mining alumni, metallurgy, james oddie, andrew berry, william corbould, corbould, berry, oddie -
Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron
Memorabilia - Wheel of HMAS Sydney, Early 20th Century
THE WHEEL OF HMAS SYDNEY COMMEMORATING AUSTRALIA’S FIRST NAVAL ENGAGEMENT The historic wheel of HMAS Sydney commemorates the Royal Australian Navy’s first ship- to- ship naval engagement. It was purchased early in 1930 and later presented to the Royal St Kilda Yacht Club (now Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron) by then Commodore Joe White, following HMAS Sydney being broken up at Cockatoo Dock, Sydney. On 1 November 1914, led by the flagship SS Orvieto, a large convoy of 28 Australian and 10 New Zealand transports escorted by the Light Cruisers HMAS Melbourne, HMAS Sydney, HMS Minotaur and the Japanese ship Ibuki, departed King George Sound, Albany Western Australia with a large contingent of Australian and New Zealand troops bound for Egypt, to become the original Anzac’s. As the convoy steamed northwest across the Indian Ocean, leaving Cocos-Keeling Islands well to the westward, Captain Karl von Muller in the German Light Cruiser Emden of 3,600 tons, after having wrought much havoc to allied shipping in the Indian Ocean, ignorant of the convoys presence, had in mind to destroy the Cocos Island Cable Station on Direction Island. In the early hours of the morning of Monday the 9 November, he anchored “Emden” off Direction Island to send a landing party ashore, In the meantime the Cable Station had sent out a Morse Code message ‘Strange ship approaching’, this was followed soon after by a ‘S.O.S.’ These messages were picked up by ships in the convoy and at 7.00 a.m., Captain J.C. Glossop of the 5,400 ton HMAS Sydney was directed to leave the convoy and proceed at full speed for Cocos Islands. Two hours later Cocos Island was on the horizon. Captain von Muller, with the boarding party ashore to destroy the Cable station, steamed out to intercept the intruder. Captain Glossop decided to close in to 9,500 yards ( 8686.8m) before delivering his first salvo. Emden on the other hand, opened fire at 10,500 yards (9601m), its ten, 4.1 inch (104mm) guns firing 38 pound (17.24 kg ) shells, some of which scored near misses. Emden was hit repeatedly by HMAS Sydney’s eight, 6 inch (152.4mm) guns firing 100 pound (45.36kg ) shells. Within two hours Captain von Muller had decided to run the badly damaged Emden aground on North Keeling Island. Captain Glossop then broke off the engagement to speed off to intercept Emden’s collier, “Buresk”, seen lurking in the distance, soon to overtake her. A boarding party from HMAS Sydney was too late to prevent Buresk from being scuttled but able to rescue her crew. Returning to finish off Emden, HMAS Sydney was again met by heavy gunfire. Sydney scored a number of direct hits to Emden and only after having suffered 134 killed and 65 wounded, did Captain von Muller finally decide to lower his Naval Ensign. He was among those captured and was allowed to retain his Naval sword. In the engagements HMAS Sydney only suffered four direct hits, 4 killed and 12 wounded. J.H.(Bert) Ferris Extremely significant as part of Australia's Naval and Military history.Ships wheel, timber, mounted on a timber plinth, wheel of ship first HMAS Sydney.Plaque notifying that wheel donated by Commodore Joe White 1930ww1, sydney, german, hmas, raider, emden, cocos keeling, islands, hmas sydney, wheel -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Ballarat School of Mines Corbould Building
Corbould Hall was named after Ballarat School of Mines alumni WIlliam Corbould. William Corbould was the son of a Ballarat tailor. He attended Ballarat College, and obtained certificates in assaying and metallurgy at the Ballarat School of Mines (SMB) in 1883, studying under the revered Professor Mica Smith. Corbould was not a born student and remembered his first experience at SMB: 'From the Registrar's Office I was led to be introduced to the Professor of Chemistry, one Mica Smith. The initial encounter gave me little encouragement - his large laboratory was filled with hundreds of bottles bearing strange labels with queer symbols on them. My heart sank. At the first opportunity I grabbed my hat and made for the door, but the good professor called me back. I pointed out that I was never any good at school ... so it was no use pretending to be clever enough to understand all those weird symbols! The Professor told me not to worry about that and took me to one of the benches where he found a blowpipe and a charcoal block. Mixing together two powders from bottles on the shelf he transferred a sample to the charcoal and directed the bunsen flame onto it. Soon it began to melt and a white bead appeared in front of my eyes. He then took a test tube and added a little colourless liquid from each of two bottles. A beautiful dark blue colour appeared. My interest was won.' During Corbould's mining career he travelled to Europe twice, and visited most of Australia's main mining fields. Corbould started his career as an assayer at Pinnacle Silver Mine, Silverton, and was then a self-employed assayer at Broken Hill. Corbould became an assayer for the infant BHP mine, and later worked in Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie, including managing Hannan's Reward, the oldest gold mine on the Kalgoorlie gold field. He spent 13 years at the Mount Elliott copper fields as general manager. In 1923, at the age of 57, Corbould went to Mount Isa and reported on options, experimented with new metallurgical processes and floated a company. John Carden of CRA said: 'Corbould was the man who brought Urquhart to Mount Isa. He was the man who made it all possible. He is tremendously important in the Mount Isa story, because he was the first technical man, the first professional man on the scene. He was responsible as I said, for bringing finance to the place, but I think even more importantly he was the first man to recognise the need to put all the little claims in the Mount Isa discovery together. I think perhaps his major contribution to Mount Isa was this amalgamation on the various claims. He recognised that the ore bodies at Mount Isa were not as rich as Broken Hill and they would never have survived had it been fragmented, so he was terribly important.' After completing major financial negotiations for Mt Isa Mine from London in 1927 Corbould remained in Europe where he remained until his death. Corbould was awarded the Legion of Honour of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurigical Engineers for fifty years service. Corbould died at Monaco in 1949 at the age of 82. He bequested 6000 pounds to the Ballarat School of Mines, his will stating 'for the purpose of founding a scholarship to commemorate the memory of the late Alfred Mica Smith'. The accumulated income from this sum provides the Mica Smith travelling scholarship, enabling successful students in mining, metallurgy or chemistry to undertake a year's travelling abroad. The first award was made in 1957. In the same year a general purpose hall at SMB was named the Corbould Hall as a tribute to a distinguished former student and generous benefactor.ballarat school of mines corbould building, corbould hall, corbould building -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newspaper - Newsclippings, Tantanoola Tiger Newsclippings
In the early 1880s a small circus travelled between Millicent and Mt Gambier, South Australia. After camping overnight they discovered their Bengal Tiger at escaped and disappeared into dense scrub. After searching for hours they continued to Mt Gambier and reported the loss of the tiger to police. Police and local volunteers continued the search for the escaped tiger, but no sighting were made. In the early 1890s sheep in the Tantanoola area started to disappear with the still unsighted tiger being blamed. In 1893 reports of an unusual animal in the Tantanoola area started, with many describing the animal as the missing tiger, or a large dog. One eye witness claimed to have seen the animal carrying a full grown sheep in its mouth. The reports grew in number and exaggeration with sightings from Robe to Bendigo. In the Tantanoola district children were escorted with shotgun guards to and from school, with many homes keeping guns at the ready in case the tiger suddenly appeared. In August 1895 Tom Donovan shot the "Tantanoola Tiger" on Mt Salt Station, around 20 kms south of Tantanoola. The corpse was taken to Marks, a Mount Gambier taxidermist, at which time the animal was identified as an Assyrian or Northern Russian Wolf. Donovan displayed the animal far and wide. Despite the animal's death sheep continued to disappear from properties in the district over many years. It was of particular concern between 1909 and 1910. At that time Herbert Allchurch, an Adelaide detective, was sent to solve the mystery. A few days after his arrival Allchruch went to the front bar of the Tiger Hotel and arrested local rabbit shooter and trapper, Charlie Edmunson, with sheep stealing. After his 1911 trial Edmunson admitted to stealing over 4,000 sheep during the previous 20 years. He was gaoled for six years with hard-labour in January 1911. Edmunson had been selling the skins of the stolen sheep, leaving the carcusses to rot. He earned around five pounds per week during the 1990s and early 1900s, a time when the economy was depressed. It is not known had the animal known as the Tantanoola Tiger came to Australia, but it is believed it survived one of three ships wrecked of the coast between 1890 and 1893, making it to shore along with some of the shipwrecked passengers. (From a card produced by the Tantanoola Tiger Hotel, where the 'tiger' is on display.)A collection of Newsclippings from 1892 - 1895 photocopied onto A4 white paper. The clippings relate to the Tantanoola Tiger. Clippings include: * Border Watch 1892 - Tantanoola Tiger Reward * Sydney Morning Herald, 04/07/1857 - Animals in Zoological Gardens, including a number of large cats. * Claims the Tantanoola Tiger was an escaped circus animal (ie The Advertiser [Adelaide], 31 October 1893) * Search parties for the Tantanoola Tiger (ie Barrier Miner 19/05/1893; Barrier Miner 03/1081893) * Thylacine claim (ie Morning Bulletin [Rockhampton] 11/03/1895 * Afghan and Indian Hunters (ie Barrier Miner 07/02/1895) * Sighting by John Bird of Scarsdale - Wanganui Herald 15/12/1900. " ... Mr Bird was travelling on foot along a lonely track through very dense scrub, when he was stricken with amazement to see a full-grown tiger standing in a small dam about 30ft away, and holding in its jaws the carcass of a newly-killed lamb. He remained long enough to thoroughly take in the animals appearance, and then beat a hasty retreat unmolested. His description of the animal is as follows: A tawny-coloured creature, with a dirty mottled skin; in general appearance like an immense cat; body 4ft long, and of a uniform thickness from shoulder to hindquarters; in bulk equal to a very large pig. The legs were hidden in the water. A similar animal is reported to gave been seen near Canico, some miles away. ..." * Victorian country sightings # Bullarto - Argus 06/05/1905 # Dean - Launceston Examiner 28/01/1895 # Bendigo - Hobart Mercury 15/03/1895 # Ballan - Launceston Examiner 03/08/1895 * South Australian register 17/06/1885 " There is a tiger or panther wandering at large in Victoria, according to a rumour. It has taken the place of the Bunyip, whom hundreds have seen but none captured. This tiger is supposed to have broken loose from a travelling menagerie in the North-eastern district. At the beginning we should like it roved that such an escape ever took place. Perhaps the showmen were afraid to report the fact to the police; at any rate they did not do so. The first story about the tiger being seen came from the neighborhood of Wangaratta, 60 miles from the place where it is said to have commenced business on its own account. He was followed, but vanished among trees. Next we hear of a strange animal, bigger than a St Bernard's dog, but shorter legged, having appeared at least 150 miles from Wangaratta. Between Lilydale and Wangaratta there is a dividing range 2,000 feet high in the lowest past, besides several large rivers. An finally, the tiger - changed from a panther - is reported as having been seen within the suburban circle, about 8 miles from the general Post Office. They show you footprints, and point to the carcasses of mangled cows and calves. Casts have been taken of the footprints for examination by scientific men, who pronounce them doglike, and yet not doglike, but panther-like, which gives a nervous turn, for the panther may take up killing children and grown-up people. One tiger will not account for so many apparitions. There must have been a general strike among the menageries, and a breaking-up companies. ... * Research article by Philip A. Clarke "Indigenous Spirit and Ghost Folklore of 'Settled' Australia. australian animal folklore collection, tantanoola tiger, tom donovan, herbert allchurch, charles edmunson, sheep, charlie edmunson, mythical, myth, folklore -
Puffing Billy Railway
Lister Auto Truck
The Lister Auto-Truck was a small monowheel tractor built for moving light loads around factories, railway yards and similar sites. They were built by R A Lister and Company of Dursley, Gloucestershire, well known for their range of small stationary engines The Auto-Truck was one of several monowheel tractors to appear in the 1920s and '30s, with the availability of small, reliable petrol engines, as developed for motorcycles and the stationary engines for which Lister were already known. These were tricycle vehicles, with the single leading wheel used for both drive and steering. Their simple construction carried most of the mechanism on this wheel as a single unit, the chassis with the trailing wheels being little more than a trailer for balance. Simplicity was a key feature. The engines were single-cylinder and air-cooled. Ignition was by magneto, rather than requiring a battery and electrical system. One of these designs was produced in the 1920s by George Grist of the Auto Mower Co., Norton St Philip, Somerset. The engine was a JAP 600 cc four-stroke air-cooled sidevalve, a typical small engine of the time. The Auto Mower Co. were Lister agents and when Lister heard of this 'Auto-Truck' they bought one for use in their own factory. It was used to carry heavy engine castings from the foundry to the machine shop. Lister customers saw them and there was such interest in wanting to buy them that Lister negotiated with Auto Mower to build them under licence. Although Lister were already well known for their small petrol stationary engines, these were heavy cast-iron engines with water hopper cooling and unsuitable for vehicle use. Lister remained with the JAP engine for the Auto-Truck. The Auto-Truck was designed for use in factories or other places with smooth surfaces of concrete or tarmac. This allowed the use of small solid-tyred wheels with only simple suspension, making the vehicle simple, cheap and lightweight. They had little ability on soft surfaces though and could even topple over if driven carelessly across slopes. Their design was a compromise between the top-heavy nature of the tall engine grouping above its wheel and a well thought-out chassis for stability. The bearing between them was a large diameter ring roller bearing, mounted at the lowest part of the chassis. This gave rigidity and stability, even after long wear. A ring of rolled channel girder was attached to the engine group and rollers on the chassis carried the load upon this. On early Auto-Trucks this bearing is set very low, in line with the chassis members, and is covered by thin steel plates. The front panel of the engine cover is distinctive with large ventilation holes and a Lister signature cut through it. Strangely this panel is made of thick cast iron, providing substantial weight high on the engine and only adding to its top heaviness. To improve visibility of moving vehicles in noisy factories, this panel was often painted white, the rest of the vehicle being Lister's usual brunswick green. The driver was seated on a Brooks bicycle saddle, which in recognition of the lack of vehicle suspension, was carried on the end of a cantilevered bar that acted as a leaf spring. A wide handlebar on the engine group was used for steering. A squeeze bar the width of this handlebar engaged the clutch. Controls included a hand throttle, a gear lever with two forward and one reverse gears, and a large handbrake lever. The engine unit rotated freely for a full 360° rotation. When used in reverse, the Auto-Truck could either be driven from the saddle, looking backwards over the driver's shoulder; or they could dismount, swivel the engine unit around and control it as a pedestrian-controlled truck from behind. Under the engine cover were two equal diameter tanks, a fuel tank for petrol and a shorter oil tank. Engine and chain-drive lubrication used a total-loss oil system, controlled by a small pump and needle valve. Info Ref: Lister Auto-Truck - Wikipedia - Industrial monowheel tractor for moving light loads around factories, railway yards and similar sites.The Lister Auto-Truck - small monowheel tractor Made of steel with three wheels. Powered by a J.A.P single cylinder petrol motor which is Hand Cranked to start.Lister puffing billy, lister, lister auto truck, monowheel tractor -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Postcard, R McGeehan, The Effect of Storm. Train Passing Through Flood Waters, South Yarra, 25-1-07, 1907
SHARP DOWNPOUR. ONE INCH IN 45 MINUTES. SOUTHERN SUBURBS DELUGED. TRAIN STOPPED AT SOUTH YARRA. One of the sudden downpours of rain which occasionally fall in Melbourne occurred yesterday afternoon, when nearly an inch of rain fell in the course of three quarters of an hour, and caused a flood for an hour or two in certain localities. During the early part of the day, the sky had been clouded over, but there was nothing to indicate a storm of such intensity as that which followed. At about half-past 1 o'clock residents of South Yarra, South Melbourne, Prahran, and St. Kilda noticed a few drops of rain. Still, it appeared unlikely that there would be anything exceptional, until with startling suddenness at about 10 minutes to 1 o'clock, one of the heaviest downpours within the memory of residents burst upon those suburbs. A strange feature of the storm was that it was practically confined to an area of about three miles square. The city was but little affected, though at a spot as close as the Observatory 86 points of rain were recorded in three-quarters of an hour. Thunder and lightning accompanied the downpour, which was cyclonic in character, the rain driving heavily from all points of the compass as the cyclone passed. It was in South Yarra and Prahran that the rain fell heaviest. Within a few minutes after it commenced, the low-lying portions of Toorak-road and practically the whole length of Chapel-street were under water. The depression at the intersection of Toorak-road and Darling-street speedily filled to the dimensions of a small lake. Several shops were inundated, while the water from the higher levels rushed down like a mountain torrent, and in several in-stances swept through the rear of houses and shops, carrying furniture in a floating mass against the further walls. In one case a footbridge was carried bodily away and dashed to pieces. Darling-street itself Great Davis-street, and other low-lying and flat thoroughfares in the vicinity became flooded from kerb to kerb, while on the other side of the railway-bridge the valley between Kensington-road and River-street became filled for some minutes to a depth of several feet. Meanwhile the waters from South Yarra hill, seeking a lower level, found it in the railway cutting, and the excavations from South Yarra station to Prahran on the one line, and to the Chapel-street bridge on the other, were converted into a couple of canals. At the platforms at South Yarra the water was two feet deep on the permanent way, and towards Hawksburn, at the sudden depression under Chapel-street bridge, it was at one time deep enough to cover a tall man's head. Into this swirling mass of water the 1:50 p.m. train from Oakleigh plunged on its way to Melbourne. The impact caused a mighty fountain of water to rise to a height of about 20 feet above the level of Chapel-street and send clouds of spray in all directions. Under the belief that a terrible explosion had occurred residents braved the rain and rushed to the spot, only to find that the train had been brought to a stand-still in the middle of what seemed to be a river. The water was so high that it had entered the fire-box from below, extinguishing the fires and cutting off the steam supply. In the meantime the officials at the South Yarra station had been preparing for emergencies. Inspectors were on duty at intervals along the line, and the moment the alarm was given an extra engine was backed carefully down and continued on to connect with the stranded train without losing its own power. There was a delay of about ten minutes in the service for an hour or two, but by 5 o'clock all the trains were running on time again, and the water had run off all but the spot beneath the Chapel-street bridge. Here the water remained about four feet deep until nightfall, and throughout the afternoon several hundreds of people including biograph operators and photographers, were gathered around watching each train pass through. Even with the water two feet lower, this was a work attended with considerable difficulty. Each train had to absolutely force its way through the weight of water, almost enveloped by the spray thrown up, and it was only just able to negotiate the "ford" by using every ounce of steam. ... The Argus, 26 January 1907, p19.The item forms part of the Laurie Bennett collection of thirty-six postcards and photographs of Kew and early Melbourne, donated to the Kew Historical Society in 1980. The postcards in the Bennett collection, like other images in the Society's holdings date from the 1890s to the present and comprehensively indicate points-of-view or scenes considered historically, aesthetically or socially significant in the period in which they were produced.Postcard depicting a flood at South Yarra Station in 1907. The title and photographer's name are identified on the front of the postcard. Donated by L. Bennett, 1980flood - south yarra, trains - melbourne, postcards, r mcgeehan - prahran -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Ballarat School of Mines Council Minute Book, 1949-1956, 16/11/1949 - 04/10/1956
The Ballarat School of Mines was the first technical school in Australasia..1) Hard green covered book with part leather binding. Finance Committee, Council and one Christian Education (or chaplaincy) on sub-committee minutes Dr James Stewart, 1950, pp. 64, 138, 160 G. Baragwanath, carpenter, 1950 G.W. Barrell, 1950, p. 24 V. Belikov, 1950, p. 35 G.W. Cornell, 1950, pp. 37, 44, 78 R.M. Cutter, 1950 H. Edwards, 1950, pp. 14, 15 Arthur Gouday, 1950, p. 29 J.E. Hewitt, 1950, p. 119 D. Kellock, 1950, p. 117 H.H. Kerr, 1950, p. 74 L. Lederman, 1950, obituary, pp. 19, 28 A,W, Lynch, 1950, p. 24 D. Mullins (plumbing), 1950, pp 44, 78 A.M. Praetz, 1950, p. 95 Kevin White, 1950, p. 75 S.E. Williams, 1950 C.M. Chisholm, 1951 N.F. Dewsnap, 1951 F.A. Farr, 1951 R.P. Flower, 1951, p173 L. Garner, 1951, p128 Douglas R. Mills, 1951, p182 F.G. Proctor, 1951 A.J. Andreartha, 1952 B. Bryan, 1952 D. Cotton, 1952 D. Duggan, 1952 Hans Fumberger, 1952, p260, 287 V.C. Jones, 1952, p248 J.R. Lyall, 1952, p206 E.G. Savage, 1952, p228 Geoffrey F. Stevens, 1952 Albert Watts, 1952, p260 K.C. Webb, 1952, p248 Neon Signs, 1953, p310 William Baragwanath, 1953, p324 Ronald G. Barlyn, 1953, p314 C.M. King, 1953, p272 W. Murton, 1953, p340 F. Ritchie, 1953, p303 J. Turnbull, 1953, p274 J.R. Allsop, 1954 David Morris, 1954, p350 W.J. Paterson, 1954, p424 John Peyton, 1954, p348 William Sadler, 1954, p352 Mrs Connors, 1955 Corbould, 1955, p497, 503, 514, 521, 550 A. Causland, 1955, p507 W.W. Leggatt, 1955, p504 B.D. Ngip, 1955, p462 L.K. O'Down, 1955, p460 R. Rowlands, 1955, p508 J.A. Strange, 1955, p501 L. Wilson, 1955, p459 Harry Brew, 1956, p516 H.L. Coburn, 1956, p571 I.R. Gordon, 1956, p541 B.M. Hearn, 1956, p 550 John Miles, 1956, p571 H.A. Patterson, 1956, p553 Ballarat School of Mines Proposed Gymnasium (Corbould Recreation Hall) 364, 403, 445, 452, 458, 523, 531, 540 Ballarat School of Mines Museum, 1950, p38, 105, 112; Aboriginal Relics, P566 poliomyelitis, 1952 Ballarat School of Mines Agrostology, 1952, p242, 312, 360, 362, 370 Ballarat School of Mines Neon Sign, 1953 Ballarat School of Mines Basketball site, 1953 Hickman Street, Ballarat, Deviation near White Flat, 1954 Ballarat School of Mines Bicycle sheds, 1954 Ballarat Technical School, Norman Street, Ballarat, 1954 Ballarat North Technical School, 1956, p521 Ballarat School of Mines Christian Education, 1956, p569 Blacksmithing, 1956, p523 Ballarat School of Mines Museum Future, 1956, p526, 535, 536, 542, 561, 568 Ballarat School of Mines War Museum, 1956, p516, 542 Fossils, 1955, p462 123 grant Street purchase, 1956, p546 model Farm Smith gift, 1956, p561 Shearing, 1955, p504 Repatriation Students, 1856, p 555 .2) Typed and handwritten documents in plastic envelope at back of book on sundry topics.ballarat school of mines, ballarat school of mines council minutes, ballarat school of mines finance committee, ballarat school of mines christian education, chaplaincy, dr james stewart, g. baragwanath, g.w. barrell, v. belikov, g.w. cornell, r.m. cutter, h. edwards, arthur gouday, j.e. hewitt, d. kellock, h.h. kerr, l. lederman, d. mullins, a.m. praetz, kevin white, s.e. williams, c.m. chisholm, n.f. dewsnap, f.a. farr, r.p. flower, l. garner, douglas r. mills, f.g. proctor, a.j. andreartha, b. bryan, d. cotton, d. duggan, hans fumberger, v.c. jones, j.r. lyall, e.g. savage, geoffrey f. stevens, albert watts, k.c. webb, william baragwanath, ronald g. barylyn, c.m. king, w. murton, f. ritchie, j. turnbull, j.r. allsop, david morris, w.j. paterson, john peyton, william sadler, mrs connors, corbould, a. causland, w.w. leggatt, b.d. ngip, l.k. o'down, r. rowlands, j.a. strange, l. wilson, harry brew, h.l. coburn, i.r. gordon, b.m. hearn, john miles, h.a. patterson, ballarat school of mines gymnasium, corbould recreation hall, polio, poliomyelitis, a.j. andrewartha, pandemic, a.w. lynch, 123 grant street ballarat -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book - Autobiography, The Autobiography of R. H. Marten Esq. of Plaistow, Essex. (1763 - 1839)
Small size book with light blue front and back covers and a darker blue spinenon-fictionrobert humphrey marten, robert humphrey marten (1763-1839), cate lewis, seamen, welfare, napoleonic wars, london, plaistow, essex, autobiography -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Kangaroo Ground Presbyterian Church, 28 December 2007
Built in 1878, the orange polychromatic brick structure replaced a slab building which had been used since 1951. The building has changed little with its handsome bricks buttressed on both sides, a slate roof and a Celtic cross on top of the front gable. The carved wooden pulpit and 18 pews are original. The cathedral-style ceiling is fully lined with tongue-and-groove pine boards and the floor is also pine. The walls have arched oblong leadlight windows. In 1977 the congregaton decided not to join the Uniting Church, whcih amalgamated some Presbyterian churches with all the Methodist and Congregational churches in Australia. Together with the store and school, the church is one of Kangaroo Ground's three public buildings. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p91 The small Presbyterian church in Main Road, Kangaroo Ground, has been a spiritual centre for more than a century. Built in 1878, the orange polychromatic brick structure replaced a rude slab building, which had been used as both a church and school since 1851. Earliest settlers, who were Scottish farmers, had worshipped together since 1841 in a barn owned by farmer James Donaldson and led by a layman called Smith.1 However, from 1843, the Reverend Peter Gunn conducted church services. Prominent early church members include the Donaldson, Bell and Cameron families. In 1851, Samuel Furphy (father of author Joseph) built their first church building, a 30 feet x 18 feet (9m x 5.5m) slab structure on half an acre (0.2ha) donated by Mr Donaldson. Conditions could be very uncomfortable in extreme weather.The green slabs of timber and sapling logs, covered partly with mud, had centimetre-wide cracks, allowing rain and wind through, when not blocked out by folds of paper.2 However this did not deter the first couple marrying there in 1857: John Wilson of Nillumbik and Christina Macpherson of Christmas Hills. The Reverend Peter Gunn seldom visited so it was usually left to Andrew Ross, the settlement’s first teacher and founder of the newspaper The Evelyn Observer, to lead the divine services instead.3 In 1877 the settlers raised £355/19/- and hired architect, Charles Maplestone and builder, Mr Self, to construct today’s church building. Each family rented a pew or pews for ten shillings a half-year; they also paid quarterly subscriptions for the minister’s stipend.4 It was not until 1886 that the church celebrated its first wedding, that of John Bell (junior) from Violet Bank and Elizabeth Charlton of Cunis Nillen. The Sunday School’s first recorded meeting was also held that year. In 1892 a weatherboard vestry was built, and the following year John Bell donated a church bell, which the fire brigade used as a warning for several years. Conditions have varied greatly during the century. In 1893 the Reverend Darroch had to travel more than 2000 miles (3220km) to attend to his scattered parishioners. Then in the Depression, the minister Mr Brown, subsisted only on lodgings with no stipend. The Sunday School ceased for many years because of the small population, but reopened in 1949. The building has changed little with its handmade bricks buttressed on both long sides, a slate roof and a Celtic cross on top of the front gable. The carved wooden pulpit and 18 pews are original and in fine condition. The cathedral-style ceiling is fully lined with tongue-and-groove pine boards and the floor is also of pine. The walls have arched oblong leadlight windows. One window has stained glass commemorating Mrs Jessie Agnes Cameron and her ancestors – the pioneering Bell family. It depicts The Sower because the family comprised farmers who came to a strange land to sow the seeds of their faith as much as their crops. Thistles signify their Scottish ancestry and the pigeons are a symbol of Pigeon Bank, the Kangaroo Ground farming property where Jessie Cameron was born.5 Other historical ties are seen on two marble memorial tablets and carved wooden chairs dedicated to former members. The Church still has the original Bible with gold edged paper, presented by the women of the congregation in 1871, although it is no longer used. In 1977 the Presbyterian congregation decided not to join the Uniting Church, which amalgamated some Presbyterian churches with all the Methodist and Congregational churches in Australia. Together with the store and school, the church is one of Kangaroo Ground’s three public buildings.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, kangaroo ground presbyterian church -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Book - B/W
Norval Guest-House Aginda and Wettenhall The original Norval The story of Norval begins in 1917 when it was built as a private residence for Mr and Mrs William Thompson. Mrs Thompson was a pioneer of the tourist business, having come from Ballarat to Hall's Gap in 1909 to manage Bellfield Guest-house According to Ida Stanton, in her history of Hall's Gap entitled "Bridging the Gap", Mr Thompson and his wife acquired the six roomed shearers quarters at "Hankelow", on land leased by the Wettenhall family, on the south side of Bellfield. Mr Thompson, she says, completely dismantled the quarters, carefully marking each board, then hired George McKeon to cart the material up to where the original Norval house stood. With great care, the rooms were rebuilt into a home for William and his wife Mathilda. Catherine Good, the daughter of Viola (nee Wettenhall) and niece of Dr Roland, in here "Recollections" entitled "Look to the Mountains - Viola's View 1887-1979", mentions Hankelow. Speaking of her days at Glen Holford, the Wettenhall home at Pomonal, Viola says "Verona and Francie Dennis, my cousins, and I went for one very exciting trip. Father (i.e Dr Roland's father) had bought 300 acres in the Gap to take sheep from Carr's Plains in time of drought, and had a little cottage there with one of the Glen Holford men and his wife in charge. It was called Hankelow. So we three set off over the Range from Glen Holford on foot and leading a pack horse with our night attire and no doubt sponge bags. "We stayed the night at Hankelow with Jim and Minnie. Minnie had been a housemaid at Glen Holford. I was very fond of her. It makes one laugh to think of the excitement of "roughing it"! Minnie gave us a lovely dinner with meringues, and cream, I remember, then early morning tea. After breakfast we were driven in the buggy to the foot of the Goat Rock (since renamed Mt Rosea) and off we went - walking in our long skirts and ankle boots. There was no track of any kind, nor blazed trail - we just made for the top. It was rather frightening at times because we couldn't see where the top was an it always seemed to get further and further away. The last mile was so terribly steep, with a lot of lose shale where you went up twelve inches and slipped back six. Now you motor to about a couple of miles from the top and then have a graded path. Anyway, we got there and back safely and were rewarded with a magnificent view" By a strange coincidence, Hankelow, the source of Norval Guest-house in times past (if the name can be applied to the property as a whole, which seems likely) is in fact also the source of our Wettenhall Campsite! Hankelow was named after a property owned by the Wettenhall family in England. In 1917 William and Mathilda retired to their newly built home (Norval) "to escape from the tourist business" However, so many people made requests to stay with them that they found it necessary to add several more rooms and sleepouts to their home. In this way, early in 1921, the guest-house began to take shape. Mr Thompson, a former librarian of the Mechanics Institute in Ballarat, named the house "Norval". The name "Norval" comes from a quotation from the play 'Douglas" by John Home. Written in the mid-16th century the play is set in the Grampian Mountains of Scotland. The story is of a boy who was parted from this mother during his early childhood, and was given to a shepherd who raised him. Some eighteen years later the mother by chance happens to meet here son, and not knowing his true identity, asks his name. He answers, "My name is Norval; and in the Grampian hills my father feeds his flocks." Perhaps it was simply because "Norval" was associated with the "Grampians" that it was chosen by Mr Thompson. He may also have been conscious of feeding "flocks" of tourists in his expanding, guest-house. Norval Guest-house prospered. It was known for its fine cooking and friendly atmosphere - a tradition which has carried through to the modern Norval! It closed between 1940 and 1949 because of the second world war. In 1949 it was decided to almost completely rebuild the house. Most of the old building (Hankelow plus) was demolished and rebuilt to a much larger and more modern plan. And then, on May 1, 1965, it was purchased by the Committee of Management of the Methodist and Presbyterian Conference Centres. At this time the guest-house was owned and operated by Marjorie and Lachland McLennan, Mrs McLennan being the daughter of William and Mathilda Thompson, the pioneers of the establishment. The McLennans had operated the Guest-house since about 1930.Photocopy 2 pages of article from book titled 'In the Making' title of article Norval guest House the original Norvalaccommodation, guesthouses, norval -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Instrument - Optical, Binoculars, 1878 (estimated)
This pair of brass binoculars was presented to Tom Pearce in recognition of his heroic efforts at the wrecking of the Loch Ard and saving Eva Carmichael. They were presented to him by the Lady Mayoress of Sydney on 27th July 1878 on behalf of the colonists of New South Wales "In recognition of his gallant conduct on the occasion of the wreck of the Loch Ard". Tom (Thomas) Pearce was born in Ireland in 1859 and arrived in Melbourne two years later; he considered himself as Australian. Before sailing on the Loch Ard he had been at sea for three years as an apprentice sailor and had already experienced one shipwreck. Tom was on the deck of the Loch Ard with Captain Gibb throughout the night of May 31st 1878. It was mistakenly thought they were 150 miles (240 km) southwest of Cape Otway. By 2:00 am on June 1st, the wind was blowing "pretty fresh" but a thick haze remained and, when it eventually cleared, the land was so close the unsuccessful battle to save the Loch Ard began. After the ship struck Mutton Bird Island Tom and five others were sent to the lifeboats. Conditions were very dangerous as waves broke over the decks and they were all washed away. Tom found himself in the stormy waters and under a lifeboat, which had also been washed into the sea. After being swept into the gorge Tom left the boat and swam into shore; he was alone. Eva Carmichael, a passenger on the ship, had been snatched from her bed just before dawn and into the chaos, confusion and terror of the shipwreck, with rigging and rocks raining down. Thrown into the sea, she afterwards said: "God taught me to swim in my distressful plight, for I never swam before". Clinging to a spar, she was swept into the gorge and saw Tom Pearce walking along the beach. Upon hearing the cries of Eva, Tom swam out and with great difficulty brought her to the shore and placed her safely in a cave where he made a bed of grass and shrubs and gave her brandy to revive her. She sank into exhausted unconsciousness. Tom then scrambled to the top of the high cliff and after walking for some time he stumbled upon workers from Glenample Homestead. They rode back to the homestead for help but Tom insisted on returning to Eva. When Eva awoke she found herself alone, "cold, weak and terrified with the wild waves before me, and caves and cliffs around me" and upon hearing strange noises, which she imagined to be made by the local indigenous people, she hid. The noises were made by the rescue party from Glenample Homestead. After eventually discovering Eva they hauled her up the cliff in the darkness of night, “a work of great difficulty and danger” and took her to Glenample. Sadly, Tom and Eva were the only survivors of the 54 people on board the Loch Ard. Tom’s rewards for his bravery included the Gold Medal of the Humane Society, a gold watch and £1000 from the Victorian Government, a set of nautical instruments, (which included the binoculars) from the people of Sydney and £60 from the people of Warrnambool. He was also presented with a Bible by a “Friend of the Loyal Orange Institution of Victoria, Protestant Hall Melbourne” in August 1878. Coleman Jacobs composed the music "The Young Hero Schottische" and dedicated it, by permission, to Mr Thomas R. (Tom) Pearce. The sheet music was published in 1878 by Mr Roberts, professor of dancing and was on sale for 3/- (3 shillings) in aid of the "Loch Ard" fund. Tom Pearce went on to join the Loch Sunart on her return to England, only to be wrecked again off the Irish coast in January 1879. Tom left the Loch Line in 1883 and the following year married Edith Gurney Strasenbergh, the sister of his friend Robert who had died on the Loch Ard. They had three children, unfortunately, two of the male children were to die at sea. In 1895 Tom obtained his first command as Master of The Larne, a vessel with the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company. He remained with the company until he died in Southampton, England, on 14th December 1908. Tom Pearce never saw Eva Carmichael after he had fare welled her some 30 years before. Eveline Victoria Berta Carmichael was born in 1859 in Mountrath, Queens County, Ireland. After recovering from her ordeal in August 1878 Eva returned to Ireland and in 1884 married Thomas Achilles Townshend, a Civil Engineer. They had three sons, all of whom had successful military careers, and when Eva’s death notice appeared in the Melbourne Argus It read. "Townshend on 8th April 1934 aged 74 at her residence in Bedford, England, Evaline Victoria, widow of the late Thomas Archilles Townshend, C.E. of Co. Cork, Ireland. Mrs Townshend was the Eva Carmichael who, with the late Tom Pearce, were the only two survivors of the ship Loch Ard, which was wrecked near Port Campbell on June 1st 1878." The binoculars are significant for their association with the wreck of the Loch Ard and the only two surviving members of that wreck Tom Pearce and Eva Carmichael. Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from Loch Ard is significant for being one of the largest. The shipwreck of the Loch Ard is of significance for Victoria and is registered on the Victorian Heritage Register ( S 417). Flagstaff Hill has a varied collection of artefacts from Loch Ard and its collection is significant for being one of the largest accumulation of artefacts from this notable Victorian shipwreck. The collections object is to also give us a snapshot into history so we can interpret the story of this tragic event. The collection is also archaeologically significant as it represents aspects of Victoria's shipping history that allows us to interpret Victoria's social and historical themes of the time. The assemblage of items from the wreck is of historical significance in that they are associated with the worst and best-known shipwreck in Victoria's history. Pair of brass marine binoculars in a wooden box On the left hand eye piece, on the underside, is an engraved inscription and another engraved word. On the right hand eye piece there is another small inscription and on the underside there is a small green mark. The binoculars have a pattern of embossed tiny circles on the outside. Some of the patterning is very shiny due to wear and rubbing, there is a brass ring on the underside of the binoculars for the attachment of a lanyard. The wooden box has a hinged lid and on the front of the box in the centre is a lock, and at either end are two hooks and eyes. The box is split across the top for about 3/4 of the length. Marking on the left underside reads, 'Presented on behalf of the Colonists of New South Wales By the Mayoress of Sydney on 27th. July 1878 to Mr Thomas B Pearce. In recognition of his gallant conduct on the occasion of the wreck of the "Loch Ard"'. Underneath this inscription is engraved 'Sydney'. On the other eye piece is engraved what looks like 'Mac Donnell & Co' binoculars, flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, loch ard shipwreck, tom pearce, thomas r pearce, eva carmichael, mutton bird island, loch ard survivor, loch ard hero, coleman jacobs, the young hero schottische, photograph of tom pearce, glenample homestead -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Alan Marshall by Marcus Skipper (1995) outside Eltham Library, Panther Place, Eltham, 11 October 2006
Sculture in bronze of Alan Marshall by Marcus Skipper, 1995 Alan Marshall, AM., O.B.E., Hon.LL,D. (1902-1984) was born at Noorat, Victoria and became one of Australia's most famous authors. His association with the Eltham area began in 1920 when he started his first job as a junior clerk at the Eltham Shire Offices, Kangaroo Ground. In the 1940's he spent some time living at Research. From 1955 he lived in Eltham for nearly 20 years. Disabilities resulting from polio as a young child did not prevent a wide range of experiences. Alan's occupations have been listed as clerk, night watchman, fortune teller, freelance journalist and author. He has been patron of many disadvantaged Children's Societies. Alan's books are numerous and include novels, short stories, children's books, history and travel. Among the best known are his autobiographies "I Can Jump Puddles" and "This is the Grass". Others include "These are My People", "Ourselves Writ Strange", "People of the Dreamtime"; "The Gay Provider" and "Wild Red Horses". In 1971 he wrote the Centenary History of the Shire of Eltham, "Pioneers and Painters". Covered under National Trust of Australia (Victoria), State significance. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p159 Outside the Eltham Library a bronze figure of a short one-legged man with a crutch invites people to the world of literature. The bronze statue, by Marcus Skipper, is of author Alan Marshall, who is famed for his autobiography I Can Jump Puddles, about growing up and overcoming the effects of polio. That plucky little boy later lived in the Nillumbik district for more than 50 years, and on his death in 1984, was buried in the Nillumbik Cemetery at Diamond Creek. Although a hugely successful author, his grave is modest with only a tiny boulder and simple bronze plaque on a grassed plot. From 1955 to 1972 Marshall lived in a tiny fibro-cement bungalow at the rear of a house at Park West Road, Eltham, owned by his older sister, Elsie McConnell. It was there that he wrote most of his autobiographical trilogy and his history of the former Eltham Shire, Pioneers and Painters. His long association with Eltham Shire began in 1918 when his family moved to Diamond Creek. Then in 1920 he began work as a junior clerk at the Eltham Shire Offices on Main Road, Kangaroo Ground near the Yarra Glen Road, while boarding at the hotel next door. Marshall later bought a block of land in Research, which had three bark huts. In one of these he wrote his first book These Are My People. He later sold the land but lived in a caravan there and in 1955 wrote I Can Jump Puddles.1 Proud of its citizen, the Eltham Shire named a park after Marshall at the corner of Main Road and Leanne Drive, Eltham. In 1985 the Shire initiated the Alan Marshall Short Story Award. It was Marshall’s early life in the country that taught him to live courageously in spite of his crippling polio, and he inspired many. This informed his writing – full of courage, championing the battler and love of the bush. Alan Marshall was born in 1902 at Noorat in Western Victoria, as the only son of Billy a drover, horse breaker, hawker and then general store owner. At the age of six, Marshall contracted infantile paralysis and was later hospitalised in Colac for 18 months. With his father’s encouragement, Marshall learnt to swim, wrestle and box, ride a bicycle (downhill), ride a horse and drive a car. Marshall won a scholarship to Stott’s Correspondence College to study accountancy. To help him continue his studies and find employment, his family bought 12 acres (4.8ha), in Ryans Road, Diamond Creek, opposite Windmill Court. There they ran cows, some poultry and an orchard. But life with a disability and during the Depression was hard for Marshall, who for 20 years, endured long periods of unemployment and loneliness and was often exploited at work.2 However, life improved in the 1930s, when he published short stories and articles in newspapers and magazines, including a column of advice to the lovelorn, which he wrote for nearly 20 years. At age 42 Marshall published his first book and in the next 30 years he published more than 20. His most successful book was I Can Jump Puddles, which sold more than three million copies internationally. It was made into a film, released in 1971, by Czechoslovakian director Karel Kachyna. Marshall was one of the first Australians to write about Aborigines who called him Gurrawilla - teller of tales - when he lived with them in Arnhem Land for eight months.3 In 1941 Marshall married Olive Dixon, with whom he had two daughters, Catherine and Jennifer. Marshall and Olive divorced in 1957. In 1972 Marshall was awarded an OBE for his work with the handicapped. He was also awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws by Melbourne University, an Order of Australia for services to literature and the Soviet Order of Friendship of Peoples.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, alan marshall, art in public places, eltham, eltham library, marcus skipper, panther place, public art, sculpture -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - Marriage Certificates of Edward de Lacy Evans and Edmund de Lacy
Edward (Edmund) de Lacy Evans was really Ellen Tremaye; and in 1856 she married her fellow passenger on her voyage to Australia, Mary Delahunty; under the assumed name of EDMUND De Lacy. In 1859 he/she married Sarah Moore. They were married for eight years when in 1867 she died in childbirth. In 1868 after Sarah had died; Ellen, now known as EDWARD de Lacy Evans married Julia Mary Marquand in Ballarat. From the Melbourne Argus Friday 5th Sept 1879, Page 7 THE EXTRAORDINARY PERSONATION CASE. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) SANDHURST, THURSDAY. The De Lacy Evans case has created great excitement here. The man-woman having resided in the district for about 20 years, was well known amongst the miners, but no one appeared ever to have supposed that she was other than as she represented herself to be, and the discovery of her sex has caused the greatest astonishment. The police have not yet moved in the matter of the discovery of her antecedents, but from the result of inquiries I have made, there seems to be no room to doubt that the woman is identical with the girl Ellen Tremaye, referred to in yesterday's telegram as having arrived at Melbourne by the ship Ocean Monarch in June, 1857. The nurse at the hospital, Mrs. Holt, is positive she is the same, and says the opinion was held amongst those on board the vessel that Tremaye had been well connected, and that she had left home in consequence of some misconduct. The Ocean Monarch was an immigrant vessel, and on the voyage Tremaye and another young woman, named Rose Kelly, were very intimate, but the latter, being seized with a dangerous illness, was left at Rio Janiero. Mrs. Evans, the wife of the supposed man, states that she frequently heard Evans say that she came out by the Ocean Monarch. But the most satisfactory information of Evans' previous history yet received has been obtained from a Mrs. Thompson, a charwoman at Myers' Creek, who was also a shipmate of the girl Tremaye. At the time she made the voyage she was unmarried, and was accompanied by Miss Mary Ann Delahunty, a young lady who was very well connected, and who came from the same village as herself, named Monakine, on the north bank of the river Suir, in Kilkenny. Miss Delahunty was an orphan and brought with her about £900. After Rose Kelly was taken ill, Tremaye resorted to Miss Delahunty's berth, and the passengers appeared to think there was something strange about the manner in which Tremaye conducted herself, and she had been observed to wear a man's under-clothing. Upon the arrival of the ship in Hobson's Bay, Tremaye declared herself to be a man, and told Mrs. Thompson she intended to marry Miss Delahunty. The next Mrs. Thompson saw of Ellen Tremaye was at Peg-leg Gully, Eaglehawk. Tremaye had just established herself in a house there under the name of Edward de Lacy Evans, and Mrs. Thompson went to serve them with milk. When she went to the house, she saw Evans sitting inside dressed in male attire, and immediately recognised him as her fellow passenger, Ellen Tremaye. Evans had, at this time, married his second wife, Miss Moore, who was then present. Evans re-marked to her—"I think I know you." To which Mrs. Thompson replied—"I know you, too," and added something to the effect that Ellen (referring to Tremaye) was a queer girl." Oh, said Evans, evidently anxious that his then wife should not understand Mrs. Thompson's reference, "It's a good job she is gone back to the old country." Mrs. Thompson inquired as to what had become of Miss Delahunty, and Evans replied, "Oh, my poor wife and boy both died of consumption, and are buried in the North Melbourne cemetery. " In reply to an inquiry as to what had been done with her (Delahunty's) money, Evans said she had sent it home to a nunnery. Evans's then wife had been absent during a portion of this conversation, but at this point she returned, and Evans went outside to the milkwoman, and said, "For your life don't mention my dead wife's name ; call me Mr. Evans. This missus of mine is death on the Roman Catholics, and she can't bear to hear my dead wife's name mentioned." This conversation took place about 12 or 14 years ago, and Mrs. Thompson seems to have quite believed that Evans had personated a woman under the name of Ellen Tremaye on the voyage out and was really a man. She lost sight of Evans soon afterwards, and took no further notice of the affair.Two Photocopies: 1. Marriage Certificates of Edward de Lacy Evans to Julia Mary Marquand 18th Sept 1868 with appropriate marriage details. 2. Marriage Certificate dated 21st Mar 1985 for Edmund de Lacy to Mary Delahunty.ellen tremaye, sarah moore, julia mary marquand, mary delahunty, de lacy evans, de lacy, edward de lacy evans, edmund de lacy -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Edward (Edmund) de Lacy Evans was really Ellen Tremaye; and in 1856 she married her fellow passenger on her voyage to Australia, Mary Delahunty; under the assumed name of EDMUND De Lacy. In 1859 he/she married Sarah Moore. They were married for eight years when in 1867 she died in childbirth. In 1868 after Sarah had died; Ellen, now known as EDWARD de Lacy Evans married Julia Mary Marquand in Ballarat. From the Melbourne Argus Friday 5th Sept 1879, Page 7 THE EXTRAORDINARY PERSONATION CASE. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) SANDHURST, THURSDAY. The De Lacy Evans case has created great excitement here. The man-woman having resided in the district for about 20 years, was well known amongst the miners, but no one appeared ever to have supposed that she was other than as she represented herself to be, and the discovery of her sex has caused the greatest astonishment. The police have not yet moved in the matter of the discovery of her antecedents, but from the result of inquiries I have made, there seems to be no room to doubt that the woman is identical with the girl Ellen Tremaye, referred to in yesterday's telegram as having arrived at Melbourne by the ship Ocean Monarch in June, 1857. The nurse at the hospital, Mrs. Holt, is positive she is the same, and says the opinion was held amongst those on board the vessel that Tremaye had been well connected, and that she had left home in consequence of some misconduct. The Ocean Monarch was an immigrant vessel, and on the voyage Tremaye and another young woman, named Rose Kelly, were very intimate, but the latter, being seized with a dangerous illness, was left at Rio Janiero. Mrs. Evans, the wife of the supposed man, states that she frequently heard Evans say that she came out by the Ocean Monarch. But the most satisfactory information of Evans' previous history yet received has been obtained from a Mrs. Thompson, a charwoman at Myers' Creek, who was also a shipmate of the girl Tremaye. At the time she made the voyage she was unmarried, and was accompanied by Miss Mary Ann Delahunty, a young lady who was very well connected, and who came from the same village as herself, named Monakine, on the north bank of the river Suir, in Kilkenny. Miss Delahunty was an orphan and brought with her about £900. After Rose Kelly was taken ill, Tremaye resorted to Miss Delahunty's berth, and the passengers appeared to think there was something strange about the manner in which Tremaye conducted herself, and she had been observed to wear a man's under-clothing. Upon the arrival of the ship in Hobson's Bay, Tremaye declared herself to be a man, and told Mrs. Thompson she intended to marry Miss Delahunty. The next Mrs. Thompson saw of Ellen Tremaye was at Peg-leg Gully, Eaglehawk. Tremaye had just established herself in a house there under the name of Edward de Lacy Evans, and Mrs. Thompson went to serve them with milk. When she went to the house, she saw Evans sitting inside dressed in male attire, and immediately recognised him as her fellow passenger, Ellen Tremaye. Evans had, at this time, married his second wife, Miss Moore, who was then present. Evans re-marked to her—"I think I know you." To which Mrs. Thompson replied—"I know you, too," and added something to the effect that Ellen (referring to Tremaye) was a queer girl." Oh, said Evans, evidently anxious that his then wife should not understand Mrs. Thompson's reference, "It's a good job she is gone back to the old country." Mrs. Thompson inquired as to what had become of Miss Delahunty, and Evans replied, "Oh, my poor wife and boy both died of consumption, and are buried in the North Melbourne cemetery. " In reply to an inquiry as to what had been done with her (Delahunty's) money, Evans said she had sent it home to a nunnery. Evans's then wife had been absent during a portion of this conversation, but at this point she returned, and Evans went outside to the milkwoman, and said, "For your life don't mention my dead wife's name ; call me Mr. Evans. This missus of mine is death on the Roman Catholics, and she can't bear to hear my dead wife's name mentioned." This conversation took place about 12 or 14 years ago, and Mrs. Thompson seems to have quite believed that Evans had personated a woman under the name of Ellen Tremaye on the voyage out and was really a man. She lost sight of Evans soon afterwards, and took no further notice of the affair.Certificate (Order) - Admission to Lunacy Ward, Bendigo Hospital 2/7/1879 signed by M Samuel Holdsworth(??) JP. Copy of Order. Other names on these sheets are; Ernst Hayes, Constable Bradley, Elizabeth Marchment, and other names that are unreadable.ellen tremaye, sarah moore, julia mary marquand, mary delahunty, de lacy evans, de lacy, edward de lacy evans, edmund de lacy, bendigo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Edward (Edmund) de Lacy Evans was really Ellen Tremaye; and in 1856 she married her fellow passenger on her voyage to Australia, Mary Delahunty; under the assumed name of EDMUND De Lacy. In 1859 he/she married Sarah Moore. They were married for eight years when in 1867 she died in childbirth. In 1868 after Sarah had died; Ellen, now known as EDWARD de Lacy Evans married Julia Mary Marquand in Ballarat. From the Melbourne Argus Friday 5th Sept 1879, Page 7 THE EXTRAORDINARY PERSONATION CASE. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) SANDHURST, THURSDAY. The De Lacy Evans case has created great excitement here. The man-woman having resided in the district for about 20 years, was well known amongst the miners, but no one appeared ever to have supposed that she was other than as she represented herself to be, and the discovery of her sex has caused the greatest astonishment. The police have not yet moved in the matter of the discovery of her antecedents, but from the result of inquiries I have made, there seems to be no room to doubt that the woman is identical with the girl Ellen Tremaye, referred to in yesterday's telegram as having arrived at Melbourne by the ship Ocean Monarch in June, 1857. The nurse at the hospital, Mrs. Holt, is positive she is the same, and says the opinion was held amongst those on board the vessel that Tremaye had been well connected, and that she had left home in consequence of some misconduct. The Ocean Monarch was an immigrant vessel, and on the voyage Tremaye and another young woman, named Rose Kelly, were very intimate, but the latter, being seized with a dangerous illness, was left at Rio Janiero. Mrs. Evans, the wife of the supposed man, states that she frequently heard Evans say that she came out by the Ocean Monarch. But the most satisfactory information of Evans' previous history yet received has been obtained from a Mrs. Thompson, a charwoman at Myers' Creek, who was also a shipmate of the girl Tremaye. At the time she made the voyage she was unmarried, and was accompanied by Miss Mary Ann Delahunty, a young lady who was very well connected, and who came from the same village as herself, named Monakine, on the north bank of the river Suir, in Kilkenny. Miss Delahunty was an orphan and brought with her about £900. After Rose Kelly was taken ill, Tremaye resorted to Miss Delahunty's berth, and the passengers appeared to think there was something strange about the manner in which Tremaye conducted herself, and she had been observed to wear a man's under-clothing. Upon the arrival of the ship in Hobson's Bay, Tremaye declared herself to be a man, and told Mrs. Thompson she intended to marry Miss Delahunty. The next Mrs. Thompson saw of Ellen Tremaye was at Peg-leg Gully, Eaglehawk. Tremaye had just established herself in a house there under the name of Edward de Lacy Evans, and Mrs. Thompson went to serve them with milk. When she went to the house, she saw Evans sitting inside dressed in male attire, and immediately recognised him as her fellow passenger, Ellen Tremaye. Evans had, at this time, married his second wife, Miss Moore, who was then present. Evans re-marked to her—"I think I know you." To which Mrs. Thompson replied—"I know you, too," and added something to the effect that Ellen (referring to Tremaye) was a queer girl." Oh, said Evans, evidently anxious that his then wife should not understand Mrs. Thompson's reference, "It's a good job she is gone back to the old country." Mrs. Thompson inquired as to what had become of Miss Delahunty, and Evans replied, "Oh, my poor wife and boy both died of consumption, and are buried in the North Melbourne cemetery. " In reply to an inquiry as to what had been done with her (Delahunty's) money, Evans said she had sent it home to a nunnery. Evans's then wife had been absent during a portion of this conversation, but at this point she returned, and Evans went outside to the milkwoman, and said, "For your life don't mention my dead wife's name ; call me Mr. Evans. This missus of mine is death on the Roman Catholics, and she can't bear to hear my dead wife's name mentioned." This conversation took place about 12 or 14 years ago, and Mrs. Thompson seems to have quite believed that Evans had personated a woman under the name of Ellen Tremaye on the voyage out and was really a man. She lost sight of Evans soon afterwards, and took no further notice of the affair.Copies of two studio Photographs - De Lacy Evans standing with seated woman: a. De Lacy Evans standing with woman seated; b. De Lacy Evans (handwritten below) with woman of same heighta. A. Flegeltaub b.??de lacy evans., ellen tremaye, sarah moore, julia mary marquand, mary delahunty, de lacy, edward de lacy evans, edmund de lacy -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Edward (Edmund) de Lacy Evans was really Ellen Tremaye; and in 1856 she married her fellow passenger on her voyage to Australia, Mary Delahunty; under the assumed name of EDMUND De Lacy. In 1859 he/she married Sarah Moore. They were married for eight years when in 1867 she died in childbirth. In 1868 after Sarah had died; Ellen, now known as EDWARD de Lacy Evans married Julia Mary Marquand in Ballarat. From the Melbourne Argus Friday 5th Sept 1879, Page 7 THE EXTRAORDINARY PERSONATION CASE. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) SANDHURST, THURSDAY. The De Lacy Evans case has created great excitement here. The man-woman having resided in the district for about 20 years, was well known amongst the miners, but no one appeared ever to have supposed that she was other than as she represented herself to be, and the discovery of her sex has caused the greatest astonishment. The police have not yet moved in the matter of the discovery of her antecedents, but from the result of inquiries I have made, there seems to be no room to doubt that the woman is identical with the girl Ellen Tremaye, referred to in yesterday's telegram as having arrived at Melbourne by the ship Ocean Monarch in June, 1857. The nurse at the hospital, Mrs. Holt, is positive she is the same, and says the opinion was held amongst those on board the vessel that Tremaye had been well connected, and that she had left home in consequence of some misconduct. The Ocean Monarch was an immigrant vessel, and on the voyage Tremaye and another young woman, named Rose Kelly, were very intimate, but the latter, being seized with a dangerous illness, was left at Rio Janiero. Mrs. Evans, the wife of the supposed man, states that she frequently heard Evans say that she came out by the Ocean Monarch. But the most satisfactory information of Evans' previous history yet received has been obtained from a Mrs. Thompson, a charwoman at Myers' Creek, who was also a shipmate of the girl Tremaye. At the time she made the voyage she was unmarried, and was accompanied by Miss Mary Ann Delahunty, a young lady who was very well connected, and who came from the same village as herself, named Monakine, on the north bank of the river Suir, in Kilkenny. Miss Delahunty was an orphan and brought with her about £900. After Rose Kelly was taken ill, Tremaye resorted to Miss Delahunty's berth, and the passengers appeared to think there was something strange about the manner in which Tremaye conducted herself, and she had been observed to wear a man's under-clothing. Upon the arrival of the ship in Hobson's Bay, Tremaye declared herself to be a man, and told Mrs. Thompson she intended to marry Miss Delahunty. The next Mrs. Thompson saw of Ellen Tremaye was at Peg-leg Gully, Eaglehawk. Tremaye had just established herself in a house there under the name of Edward de Lacy Evans, and Mrs. Thompson went to serve them with milk. When she went to the house, she saw Evans sitting inside dressed in male attire, and immediately recognised him as her fellow passenger, Ellen Tremaye. Evans had, at this time, married his second wife, Miss Moore, who was then present. Evans re-marked to her—"I think I know you." To which Mrs. Thompson replied—"I know you, too," and added something to the effect that Ellen (referring to Tremaye) was a queer girl." Oh, said Evans, evidently anxious that his then wife should not understand Mrs. Thompson's reference, "It's a good job she is gone back to the old country." Mrs. Thompson inquired as to what had become of Miss Delahunty, and Evans replied, "Oh, my poor wife and boy both died of consumption, and are buried in the North Melbourne cemetery. " In reply to an inquiry as to what had been done with her (Delahunty's) money, Evans said she had sent it home to a nunnery. Evans's then wife had been absent during a portion of this conversation, but at this point she returned, and Evans went outside to the milkwoman, and said, "For your life don't mention my dead wife's name ; call me Mr. Evans. This missus of mine is death on the Roman Catholics, and she can't bear to hear my dead wife's name mentioned." This conversation took place about 12 or 14 years ago, and Mrs. Thompson seems to have quite believed that Evans had personated a woman under the name of Ellen Tremaye on the voyage out and was really a man. She lost sight of Evans soon afterwards, and took no further notice of the affair.Copies of Photographs of Tombstone - Eliza Jane Ponsford and daughter Matilda and Sarah De Lacy Evans (''who was the sister of Eliza Jane Ponsford''). One photo showing detail of text; the other showing background of cemetery. (De Lacey)eliza jane ponsford, ellen tremaye, sarah moore, julia mary marquand, mary delahunty, de lacy evans, de lacy, edward de lacy evans, edmund de lacy, bendigo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Edward (Edmund) de Lacy Evans was really Ellen Tremaye; and in 1856 she married her fellow passenger on her voyage to Australia, Mary Delahunty; under the assumed name of EDMUND De Lacy. In 1859 he/she married Sarah Moore. They were married for eight years when in 1867 she died in childbirth. In 1868 after Sarah had died; Ellen, now known as EDWARD de Lacy Evans married Julia Mary Marquand in Ballarat. From the Melbourne Argus Friday 5th Sept 1879, Page 7 THE EXTRAORDINARY PERSONATION CASE. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) SANDHURST, THURSDAY. The De Lacy Evans case has created great excitement here. The man-woman having resided in the district for about 20 years, was well known amongst the miners, but no one appeared ever to have supposed that she was other than as she represented herself to be, and the discovery of her sex has caused the greatest astonishment. The police have not yet moved in the matter of the discovery of her antecedents, but from the result of inquiries I have made, there seems to be no room to doubt that the woman is identical with the girl Ellen Tremaye, referred to in yesterday's telegram as having arrived at Melbourne by the ship Ocean Monarch in June, 1857. The nurse at the hospital, Mrs. Holt, is positive she is the same, and says the opinion was held amongst those on board the vessel that Tremaye had been well connected, and that she had left home in consequence of some misconduct. The Ocean Monarch was an immigrant vessel, and on the voyage Tremaye and another young woman, named Rose Kelly, were very intimate, but the latter, being seized with a dangerous illness, was left at Rio Janiero. Mrs. Evans, the wife of the supposed man, states that she frequently heard Evans say that she came out by the Ocean Monarch. But the most satisfactory information of Evans' previous history yet received has been obtained from a Mrs. Thompson, a charwoman at Myers' Creek, who was also a shipmate of the girl Tremaye. At the time she made the voyage she was unmarried, and was accompanied by Miss Mary Ann Delahunty, a young lady who was very well connected, and who came from the same village as herself, named Monakine, on the north bank of the river Suir, in Kilkenny. Miss Delahunty was an orphan and brought with her about £900. After Rose Kelly was taken ill, Tremaye resorted to Miss Delahunty's berth, and the passengers appeared to think there was something strange about the manner in which Tremaye conducted herself, and she had been observed to wear a man's under-clothing. Upon the arrival of the ship in Hobson's Bay, Tremaye declared herself to be a man, and told Mrs. Thompson she intended to marry Miss Delahunty. The next Mrs. Thompson saw of Ellen Tremaye was at Peg-leg Gully, Eaglehawk. Tremaye had just established herself in a house there under the name of Edward de Lacy Evans, and Mrs. Thompson went to serve them with milk. When she went to the house, she saw Evans sitting inside dressed in male attire, and immediately recognised him as her fellow passenger, Ellen Tremaye. Evans had, at this time, married his second wife, Miss Moore, who was then present. Evans re-marked to her—"I think I know you." To which Mrs. Thompson replied—"I know you, too," and added something to the effect that Ellen (referring to Tremaye) was a queer girl." Oh, said Evans, evidently anxious that his then wife should not understand Mrs. Thompson's reference, "It's a good job she is gone back to the old country." Mrs. Thompson inquired as to what had become of Miss Delahunty, and Evans replied, "Oh, my poor wife and boy both died of consumption, and are buried in the North Melbourne cemetery. " In reply to an inquiry as to what had been done with her (Delahunty's) money, Evans said she had sent it home to a nunnery. Evans's then wife had been absent during a portion of this conversation, but at this point she returned, and Evans went outside to the milkwoman, and said, "For your life don't mention my dead wife's name ; call me Mr. Evans. This missus of mine is death on the Roman Catholics, and she can't bear to hear my dead wife's name mentioned." This conversation took place about 12 or 14 years ago, and Mrs. Thompson seems to have quite believed that Evans had personated a woman under the name of Ellen Tremaye on the voyage out and was really a man. She lost sight of Evans soon afterwards, and took no further notice of the affair.Copy of a newspaper article titled The Impersonator of Peg-leg Gully, The Woman of Many Wives by J P Quaine. Article mentions Edward De Lacy Evans who successfully impersonated a male and was married at least three times. After a head injury Evans was admitted to the Bendigo Hospital as a lunatic and remained for some weeks without arousing any suspicions. The secret was discovered when transferred to a Melbourne Institution. After improvement she returned to the Bendigo Hospital until she was well enough to leave the colony.bendigo, the long gully history group - the impersonator of peg-leg gully, j p quaine, edward de lacey evans, monarch of the ocean, bendigo hospital, ellen tremaye, sarah moore, julia mary marquand, mary delahunty, de lacy evans, de lacy, edward de lacy evans, edmund de lacy