Historical information

Paul Raphael MONTFORD (1868 - 1938)

Paul Montford moved to Australia to carve four buttress groups in granite for the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance. In 1924 he was teaching at Geelong Technical College.

Professor Alfred Mica Smith was a long term lecturer at the Ballarat School of Mines. The sculpture was commissioned by former Students of the Ballarat School of Mines working in Western Australia. One of those former students, William Corbould, remembered his first encounter with the professor fondly:-

'From the Registrar's Office I was led to be introduced to the Professor of Chemistry, one Mica Smith. The initial encounter gave me little encouragement - his large laboratory was filled with hundreds of bottles bearing strange labels with queer symbols on them. My heart sank. At the first opportunity I grabbed my hat and made for the door, but the good professor called me back. I pointed out that I was never any good at school ... so it was no use pretending to be clever enough to understand all those weird symbols! The Professor told me not to worry about that and took me to one of the benches where he found a blowpipe and a charcoal block. Mixing together two powders from bottles on the shelf he transferred a sample to the charcoal and directed the bunsen flame onto it. Soon it began to melt and a white bead appeared in front of my eyes. He then took a test tube and added a little colourless liquid from each of two bottles. A beautiful dark blue colour appeared. My interest was won.'

Alfred Mica Smith was the well-loved Professor of Chemistry and Metallurgy at the Ballarat School of Mines between 1881 and 1922. Upon reaching the age of 78 Mica Smith retired having influenced generations of miners. At the time of his death Ballarat School of Mines Students’ Magazine reported:

"In the annals of the School, the year 1922 will be noted chiefly as the last year in which Professor Mica Smith taught here. With his retirement, a memorable epoch closed. The Professor has served the School for 42 years with a service, the length and thoroughness of which are unique. … It is not quite realised in this city how famous the School became throughout the world, nor to what extent the Professor was responsible for its high position in the mining and metallurgical world. …

This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 2000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.

Physical description

Marble bust of Ballarat School of Mines Professor Alfred Mica Smith by Paul Montford. The bust is mounted on a jarrah pedestal made from timber donated by the Millar Timber and Trading Company. The bust was formally presented to the Ballarat School of Mines on Saturday 13 December1924 in front of Alfred Mica Smith and a large gathering.

It is signed 'Paul R. Montford, Sc, 1924' at the back.

Inscriptions & markings

Professor A. Mica Smith, 1924, Presented by His Old Students Associated with Western Australia as a Token of Affectionate Esteem