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matching bust
Ballarat Diocesan Historical Commission
Bust, Bust of Bishop James Moore Ballarat, c. 1890
Plaster marquette, mounted on small pedestal, of James Moore, second Catholic Bishop of Ballarat by sculptor Commons of Ballarat. Commons work is mainly evidenced in headstone work at cemeteries but this demonstrates his ability in modelling and sculpture.Dr Moore titled to front of base of bust and Commons to back.commons, james moore, bishop, ballarat, sculptor. -
City of Ballarat
Artwork, other - Public Artwork, Wallace Anderson, Adam Lindsay Gordon bust by Wallace Anderson
Adam Lindsay Gordon famed poet lived in Ballarat for two years about 1867/68 situated behind Craig's hotel (central Ballarat). The cottage now stands in Ballarat Botanical Gardens having been relocated in 1934 the bust was commissioned in 1941.the artwork is of historic and aesthetic importance to the people of BallaratBronze bust cast on granite and concrete plinth.Adam Lindsay Gordon Poet 1833-1870adam lindsay gordon -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Unveiling the bust of Chief Justice Sir William Stawell, 16/04/1989
Series of Six photographs showing people at the unveiling of the bust of Sir William Stawell. 0318-2 Sir John Young speaking at the unveiling 0328-2a Sir john young unveiling the bustof Sir William Stawell 0328-2b Secretary of the Stawell Historical Society, wendy Melbourne with the bust 0328-2c Sir John Young with teh bust of Sir wWllaim Stawell 0328-2d Shire President Alan Holden Speaking at the unveiling 0328-2e A section of the crowd at the Unveiling.6 Colour Photographs showing various people at he unveiling of the bust of a past Chief Jsutice Sir William Stawell. and who stawell is named afterstawell -
Emerald Museum & Nobelius Heritage Park
Colour Photograph, Jenny Sulwick, Bust of C A Nobelius, c. 1960
Carl Axel Nobelius (1851-1921) was born in Finland of Swedish parents. He migrated to Australia in 1870 and became a paramount plant nursery proprietor, operating extensive nurseries in Emerald,. Victoria and in Tasmania. His property in Emerald now constitutes Emerald Park. The bust was on display in Emerald Museum but is now lost.The bust provides a clear likeness of one of Emerald's most significant personages. As the bust is now lost, this photograph preserves that likeness.Colour photograph of bust of C A Nobelius (1851-1921) made by Jenny Sulwick Museum display card: "Jenny Sulwick Cast Concrete ?1960 Carl Axel Nobelius"nobelius, emerald museum -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
The bust of Major William Tackaberry was in the possession of the late Mr. Eric Streitbert, a nephew of major Tackaberry. Mr. Streitberg lived with his Aunt, Mrs. Linda Tackaberry and Uncle, William (Bill) Tuckaberry prior to and after WW2. Mr. Streitberg, who died in 1998 at the age of 86, was a member of the 2nd AIF during WW2. He spent 3 1/2 years as a POW on the Thai-Burma railway. Mr. Streitberg gave the bust to his relative, Mr. Stephen Anderson, the Grandson of his cousin the Late Pery Nott, also a nephew of William Tackaberry. It would be appreciated if this information could be kept with the bust of Major Tackaberry and the family association noted. The Australian Service Records of Major Tackaberry during WW1 are also attached. Stephen Anderson donated this to the Tatura Historical Society and PERMISSION FOR THE REMOVAL OF IT FROM THIS SITE WOULD NEED TO BE DISCUSSED with him and his permission granted. LETTER DATED 1st MAY 2001Large plaster cast of head and shoulders of Major William Tackaberry, wearing his Lieutenant Colonel Rank Insignia awarded after his service at Camp 1. The plaster cast bust is mounted on a wooden basebust, tackaberry, major w, 17th army garrison, see restrictions, camp 1, tatura, ww2 camp 1, handcrafts, sculpture -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Black and White, Ballarat Courier, Dick Richards and his sister, Mrs V.S. Greenhalgh with the Bust of Dick Richards, 06/1983
Dick Richards joined the Ballarat School of Mines in 1914, and soon afterwards was granted leave to join an expedition to Antartica. In 1915 he sailed from Australia with the Antartic Exploraton Expedition, led by Sir Ernest Shackleton. Most Antarctic enthusiasts know of Ernest Shackleton's attempt to cross the continent, only to be thwarted by the sinking of the ship 'Endurance'. Dick Richards was the physicist and sled manager for Shackleton's Ross Sea Party - with the task to meet Shackleton on the other side of the continent. When Shackleton planned his transcontinental crossing he decided to use supply depots as loads of supplies were too heavy to pull. The depots would enable Shackleton's party to carry just enough to reach the Pole, relying on the depots which were to be left by the Aurora's crew every 60 miles, stowed in 2 sledge journeys in 1915 and 1916. Dick Richards spent 3 freezing years in Antarctica between 1914 and 1917. Richards' worst experience was when his ship Aurora, tethered offshore, was blown away in a gale leaving Richards marooned for two years with nine other men on the ice floe. The expedition, consisting of two teams, were attempting to cross Antarctica from opposite sides, linking up somewhere near the middle. "That was with pretty poor equipment by today's standards, and we did not make it." (Dick Richards) The Ross Sea Party arrived in McMurdo Sound aboard the Aurora in January 1915. The men planned to make two sledging trips to leave supply depots every 60 nautical miles to Mount Hope about 400 miles away. The going was tough as the sledges were overloaded. Temperatures were as low as minus 68F. In June 1916 the party crossed on foot to Cape Evans, occupied Scott's Hut (from his Terra Nova Expedition, erected in January 1911) in May 1915, for two months. On 10 January 1917 Richards was hunting for seals when he saw a ship on the horizon. It was 'The Aurora'. Picking up the relieved survivors 'The Aurora' arrived in New Zealand on 9 February 1917 to a hero's welcome. Joyce, Wild, Hayward and Richards later won the Albert Medal for their heroic devotion to duty. Later an inlet on the Antartic continent was named after Richards. Dick Richards wrote the following years after the ordeal "To me no undertaking carried through to conclusion is for nothing. And so I don't think of our struggle as futile. It was something the human spirit accomplished." Prime Minister Bob Hawke wrote in 1984 'Your incredible journey of almost 2000 miles across the Antarctic Wastelands - involving some 9 months in the field with makeshift equipment - and you're adherence to duty in the face of enormous difficulty, suffering from scurvy, and the death of comrades, will; be an inspiration to your countrymen of the future as it is to us today." After returning to Australia Dick Richards resumed his work at SMB as Lecturer in Physics and Mathematics, and developed many pieces of experimental equipment. During World War Two he acted as a scientific adviser in the production of optical apparatus in Australia. In 1946 he was appointed Principal and twelve years later he retired after a total of 44 years service. Dick Richards has been honoured through the naming of a Ballarat School of Mines prize - The R.W. Richards Medal. This medal later became a University of Ballarat prize. It has been awarded annually since 1959 to the Bachelor of Applied Science graduate considered to have achieved the most outstanding academic performance of their course. (See,Dick.shtml )A man and lady inspect a bust of Richard (Dick) Richards by sculptor Victor Greenhalgh. The scultpure is at the Ballarat School of Mines. The man is Dick Richards, and the woman is his sister and wife of sculptor Victor Greenhalgh. Both Dick Richards and Victor Greenhalgh were former students and teachers at the Ballarat School of Mines. The bust of Dick Richards was Victor Greenhalgh's last work and was cast in bronze after his death. The bust was presented to the Ballarat School of Mines by Mrs V.S. Greenhalgh (widow of the sculptor and sister of the subject). At the presentation Victor Greenhagh's son said "the two men had been friends as well as brothers-in-law, were of similar age, both enjoyed red wine, beer and cricket and both were educationalists, one an artist the other a mathematician."dick richards, r.w. richards, richards, richard w. richards, victor greenhalgh, bust, sculpture, ballarat school of mines, antarctica, ross shore -
Ballarat Diocesan Historical Commission
Plaster bust, Bust of William Ullathorne OSB
William Ullathorne was first Vicar General of Australia under Bishop Polding. His writings on the convict system were influential in exposing "The Horrors of Transportation," giving this title to a pamphlet which he published at the request of the Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. In 1839 he gave evidence before Sir William Molesworth's parliamentary committee on transportation, which materially influenced the decision to discontinue the system. He later became Bishop of Birmingham UK.On base of bust "Ullathorne" -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Artwork, other - Bust, John Wesley
Reproduction unglazed ceramic bust.Engraved on back: "The Rev John Wesley M.A. Fellow of Lincoln College Oxford and founder of Methodism. He sat for this bust to Mr Enoch Wood, Sculptor Burslem 1781 and died in 1791 aged 88 years". "Is not this a brand plucked out of the fire".john wesley, methodism, lincoln college oxford -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Sir William Stawell's Memorial Bust on a Pedestal
Sir William F. StawellPhotograph of bust of Sir William Stawell, which is located in court house.Photograph of A Brone Bust of Sir William Stawell, on a Wooden Pedestalstawell, sir william stawell -
Camberwell RSL Sub-Branch
Bronze bust, General Pompey Elliott, Bust unvailed at the Camberwell RSL Anzac Day, 25 April 2017, 30/12/2017
Full size bust of General Pompey Elliott on bluestone plinthBronze plague with following inscription: In Honour and Memory of Major General Harold 'Pompey' Elliott CB,CMG,DSO,DCM,VD Founding President of the Camberwell City Sub Branch of the Returned and Service League of Australia -
Queen's College
Portrait bust, Bust of John Wesley, 1791
Coloured, hollow back portrait bust of John Wesley with impressed circular plaque to reverse.Plaque reads: "The Rev'd John Wesley M.A. Aged 81 E Wood Sculp Burslem"john wesley, portrait bust, enoch wood, burslem -
Federation University Art Collection
Sculpture - Bust, Greenhalgh, Victor, Dick Richards by Victor Greenhalgh
Victor GREENHALGH (1900-1983) Born Australia Victor Greenhalgh studied at at the Ballarat School of Mines, and was appointed to the staff in 1938. He was the commissioned sculptor for the King George V statue located in Ballarat's Sturt Street Gardens, as well as eight of the portrait busts of Australian Prime Ministers which line the "Avenue of Prime Ministers" in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. From 1938 he taught at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT). The bust of Dick Richards was Victor Greenhalgh's last work, and was cast after the sculptors death. It was donated to the Ballarat School of Mines by Victor Greenhalgh's wife Violet Greenhalgh (Hambly). Dick Richards and Victor Greenhalgh were brothers-in-law. Dick Richards was a member of Shackleton's ill-fated Trans-Antarctic Expedition, and was awarded the Albert Medal for his heroic contribution as a member of the Ross Sea Shore party. In 1972 the Albert Medal was exchanged for the more widely recognised George Cross. Speaking at the unveiling of the sculpture in Dick Richards said that on his return fro the expedition in 1917 he had little inclination for a sedentary or a teaching career. By the time he retired in 1958 he was not at all sorry that he had spent his life as a teacher. Victor Greenhalgh died in Queensland in 1983. This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 2000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.Bronze bust of Antarctic Explorer and former Principal of the Ballarat School of Mines, Richard W., artwork, dick richards, r.w. richards, richard w. richards, victor greenhalgh, antarctic explorer, alumni, violet greenhalgh, violet hambly, sculpture, staffmember, ballarat technical art school, school of mines ballarat -
Vision Australia
Sculpture - Object, Louis Braille bust, 1929
A bust of Louis Braille was gifted to the Victorian Association of Braille Writers in 1929 by the sculptor Guilliame Daniel Duprat. The bronze bust sits upon a blackwood plinth, with an inscribed nameplate below the chest, and a revolving medallion at the base of the stand.Sculpture of man on wooden plinth with inscribed medallion on axis and base plateOne side of medallion: Offert par le Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres (curved edge) Louis Braille Centenary Presented by French Government to The Victorian Association of Braille Writers Melbourne 1929 Reverse side: Republique Francaise Baseplate: Presented by Mrs George Swinburne to commemorate the Centenary of Louis Braille. Copied from the plaster cast. Made & Donated by G.D. Delprat Esq. 1929 victorian association of braille writers, guilliame daniel duprat -
Supreme Court of Victoria Library
Marble Portrait Bust, Justice Edward Holroyd
This bust was commissioned and made in the years before Holroyd's retirement from the bench. It is not known precisely when the bust entered the Library collection or the circumstances of its execution and commission. Justice Holroyd (1828-1916) was a judge of the Supreme Court for 25 years, after a successful career at the bar. Charles Web Gilbert (1867-1925) was a largely self taught sculptor, only tackling the medium of marble in the years before World War One. After the war he made a number of War Memorials, but his best known work is his statue of Matthew Flinders, the explorer, in Swanston Street.The portrait of Justice Holroyd is of interest as an unusual depiction and commemoration of a Judge. It is notable as a work by the distinguished Australian sculptor Charles Web Gilbert.Marble portrait bust of Justice Edward Holroyd. The bust is made of white carrara marble. The pedestal is made of rouge marble. The bust is slightly larger than life size. The head is finely detailed, Holroyd is shown wearing contemporary clothing, but the detail is less fine, than for the head and beard.The bust is signed and dated 1901 -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Sir William Stawell Bust unveiled by Sir John Young Chief Justice of Victoria 1989
Sir William Stawell Bust Unveiled 1989 by Sir John Young Chief Justice of Victoria. -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Vandalism At Gardens. Ballarat Courier, 2/2/1940, Prime Minister's Bust
1 sheet of newspaper copied in heavy black print and divided into 3 columns.The relevant small snippet of information has a blue biro line around it. john garner collection, ballarat, gardens, bust, prime minister, vandalism, courier, 1940 -
Hume City Civic Collection
Sculpture - Bust, mid 1940's
Sculpture was made by a personal friend of the subject in the mid 1940's and displayed in the home of the subject's son, John B. Crosbie until 2001. Bernard Crosbie (subject) was the nephew of Michael Loeman, former Shire of Bulla President and owner of 'Glen Loeman'. Bernard Crosbie and his brother inherited Glen Loeman from Michael Loeman.Bust of a man, Bernard Michael Crosbie, President of Bulla Shire 1936-1937. Made from plaster of Paris (?) painted metallic brown.crosbie, bernard michael, shire presidents, shire of bulla, loeman, michael, glen loeman, houses, george evans collection -
Bayside Gallery - Bayside City Council Art & Heritage Collection
Sculpture - bust, George Luke, Alan Marshall, 1985
Alan Marshall (1902-1984) was an Australian writer, storyteller, social documenter and author of 'I Can Jump Puddles'. He lived for many years in Sandringham. This work was commissioned by Sandringham Council and unveiled in May 1985 at the opening of the new Sandringham library.George Luke, Alan Marshall 1985, bronze. Bayside City Council Art and Heritage Collection. Commissioned 1985Cast bronze head of Alan Marshall. The head is mounted on a cement pedestal with a bronze plaque with inscription at the front. Located at Sandringham Library, Corner Waltham Street and Chalmers Avenue, Sandringham.alan marshall, george luke, scultpure, portrait, bust, sandringham, library, writer, social documenter, australian author -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Fay Bridge, Bronze bust of George Dreyfus, composer, by Matcham Skipper, Eltham Community and Reception Centre, 12 November 2018
Part of the Nillumbik Art Collectionfay bridge collection, 2018-11-12, eltham community centre, george dreyfus, matcham skipper, nillumbik art collection -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Diamond Valley Leader, Greensborough drug bust, 10/04/2019
A man caught growing more than 43kg of cannabis inside a sophisticated hydroponic growhouse in Greensborough claimed it was only for personal use.News article 1 page, black text.greensborough, canabis, anama street greensborough, drugs -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Diamond Valley Leader, Bust to boom in two years, 30/11/2016
Yarra Plenty Swimming Club was named Victoria's Club of the Year under head coach Paul Schindler.News clipping, black text and colour image. yarra plenty swimming club, paul schindler -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Zelda Martin, Confirmation of Candidature - Central Victorian Towns - Boom or Bust, c1996
Zelda Martin was a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne. Zelda had a Bachelor of Commerce (majoring in Economic History and Economic Geography), an Master of Arts (in Politics) and a Diploma of Education; all from the University of Melbourne. Zelda is the author of a book titled " Australia's Relations with the Third World in the context of negotiations for a new international commodity order in the 1970's: continuity or change?" Pub. [Parkville, Victoria]: University of Melbourne, 1982.Eleven page article on Victorian goldfields town. The article was written during the author's PhD study. zelda martin, victorian goldfield towns, bendigo, castlemaine, ballarat, maldon, stawell, ararat, maryborough, creswick, avoca, heathcote, banks, bank of australasia, union bank of australia, government camp, sandhurst, water supply, tarnagulla, talbot, back creek, mountain creek, police court, carisbrook, dunolly, thompson's foundry -
St Kilda Historical Society
Photograph, Bust of Edith Cavell, St Kilda Botanical Gardens
colour photograph, unmounted, original, good condition -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Shop project killed in company bust-up, 1991
Article on the cancellation of the Blackburn Village Shopping Centre.Article on the cancellation of the Blackburn Village Shopping Centre.Article on the cancellation of the Blackburn Village Shopping Centre.blackburn, shops, blackburn village shopping centre -
Colac RSL Sub Branch
Sculpture (Collection) - Robert Mactier, Gold Bust
Federation University Art Collection
Ceramic on rusted steel base, White, Michael, Self portrait (Bust)
This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 2000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.Ceramic sculpture of a head. art, artwork, horsham campus art collection, ceramics -
Mentone Grammar School
Jeffrey Thorold bronze bust sculpture by Karl Duldig
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Bust of Gordon Unveiled, The Ballarat Courier, 25, 27 October 1941, October 27, 1941
The first article announces the unveiling of Gordon's bust and the second gives an account of the unveiling of Gordon's bust outside the Gordon Memorial Cottage in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens and something of Gordon's connections.Many Literary Societies were represented at the unveiling of Gordon's bust. This event also connected Ballarat citizens with the Gordons and their history, as well as with the poet.2 white pages with uneven quality of print. The newspaper article is headed "Bust of Gordon Unveiled". 1 white page with a short paragraph, second column, announcing the unveiling of the Gordon Bust.At the bottom of p.2 in blue biro is written October 27,1941. P.1.john garner, doctor, john garner collection, ballarat botanical gardens, friends of ballarat botanical gardens, adam lindsay gordon, adam lindsay gordon cottage, adam lindsay gordon bust, literary societies, poetry, australian poetry, the gordons, archbishop of canterbury, gardens, ballarat -
City of Ballarat
Artwork, other - Public Artwork, William McMahon (Prime Ministers' Walk) by Victor Greenhalgh, 1972
William McMahon, Australia's 20th Prime Minister, served from 1971 to 1972. The Prime Ministers Avenue is a collection of bronze bust portraits of the Prime Ministers of Australia, located at the Ballarat Botanical Gardens in Ballarat, Victoria. The Prime Ministers' portraits are commissioned after the incumbent term of each Prime Minister by the City of Ballarat. The City of Ballarat has taken responsibility for commissioning the busts after funds set aside by politician Richard Armstrong Crouch were exhausted in 2014. Crouch originally donate money to pay for six busts, the first of which was unveiled in 1940. The collection of prime ministers' busts are unique in Australia, representing the only sculptural portrait collection of all past Australian Prime Ministers. The different styles used reflect the unique artistic practices of the selected artists; textures, sizes and features and proportions are used by the artists to interpret the characteristics of each of the subjects.The artwork is of historic and aesthetic significance to the people of BallaratBronze bust cast on granite plinthWilliam McMahon Prime Minister 1971-72william mcmahon, prime minister, prime ministers avenue, ballarat botanical gardens -
City of Ballarat
Artwork, other - Public Artwork, Wallace Anderson, Stanley Melbourne Bruce (Prime Ministers' Walk) by Wallace Anderson, c1940
Stanley Melbourne Bruce Australia's eighth prime minister served from 1923 to 1929. The Prime Ministers Avenue is a collection of bronze bust portraits of the Prime Ministers of Australia, located at the Ballarat Botanical Gardens in Ballarat, Victoria. The Prime Ministers' portraits are commissioned after the incumbent term of each Prime Minister by the City of Ballarat. The City of Ballarat has taken responsibility for commissioning the busts after funds set aside by politician Richard Armstrong Crouch were exhausted in 2014. Crouch originally donate money to pay for six busts, the first of which was unveiled in 1940. The collection of prime ministers' busts are unique in Australia, representing the only sculptural portrait collection of all past Australian Prime Ministers. The different styles used reflect the unique artistic practices of the selected artists; textures, sizes and features and proportions are used by the artists to interpret the characteristics of each of the subjects.The artwork is of historic and aesthetic significance to the people of BallaratBronze bust cast on granite plinthStanley Melbourne Bruce Prime Minister 1923-29