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matching australian light horse
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Weapon - Bayonet
British 1907 pattern bayonet and .303 Lee Enfield rifle was standard issue to the armies of many Commonwealth countries including Australia, in World War One (1914-1918), World War Two (1939-1945), and Korean War (1950-1953). In Australia it was replaced by the 7.62mm Self-loading rifle (SLR) in 1960.British 1907 pattern bayonet with leather scabbard with metal fittings. XOA and L 43 under 1907 with Slazenger on handleworld war one, weapon, bayonet, british, lee enfield -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Weapon - Bayonet
The 7.62mm self loading rifle (SLR) was introduced to the Australian Army in 1962 replacing the .303 Lee Enfield Magazine rifle. For Australia, the SLR was the main infantry weapon of the Vietnam War era (1962-1972).L1A2 bayonet for use with 7.62mm self-loading rifle (SLR), together with plastic scabbard.bayonet, weapon, slr -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Notes for instructors when coaching tank crew commandersOrange covered booklet " Royal Australian Armoured Corps Tactics Wing Aide Memoire for Cupola Jockeys.". Fifteen pages, 'in house' publication, stapled. -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Australian soldiers of the 2nd AIF departed Australia in 1940 en route to England, however this destination was changed to Egypt to defend the Suez Canal. When it became clear the AIF would remain in the Middle East publications such as this small phrase book was published to enable communication with the local population.Example of commercially published booklet for soldiers proceeding to Middle East in WW11.Buff covered booklet " Easy Conversation Arabic and French for the Australian Soldier." 30 pages, soft cover, saddle stitched and stapled.phrase book, arabic, french -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Booklet - 30 cal MG
The .30 caliber Browning Machine gun was the basic machine gun of US forces and became more common in British and Australian armoured when US tanks were adopted.Representative of US training manuals in WW11.Natural coloured covered booklet " War Department Basic FIELD Manual Browning Machine Gun Caliber .30 HB M1919A4 ( mounted in Combat Vehicles ) August 12, 1942."military, world war two, wwii, us, machine gun -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
8th/13th VMR was equipped with Centurion tanks 1955 - 1959 and 1966 - 1970. Provides information for gunnery crew commanders & gunnery instructors to train crews in tank gunnery.Representative of training pamphlets used when Australian Army received Centurion tanks Centurion gunnery intro - handling, servicing & mechanismGrey covered booklet" Royal Armoured Corps Training Volume III - Armament Pamphlet No. 15 Centurion 1964. " 286 pages, staple bound.On front cover " 66-022-7190" and ink stamp " A Sqn 2 Cav Regt" Holsworthy 2173 and another very faint stampmilitary, tank, centurion, gun, vmr -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Booklet - FSV armament
8th/13th VMR was equipped with M113 family of vehicles in 1970s - 1990s. Cp.G.Wynd was a cadre staff member training armoured fighting vehicle ( AFV ) crewmen M113A1 Instruction handbookSoft covered booklet with fabric binding strip " Royal Australian Armoured Corps Volume 3 - Armanent Pamphlet No.4 Fire Support Vehicle M113A1 ( FS ) 1971."" Cpl Wynd " on front covermilitary, tank, fsv, gun, vmr -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Booklet - Owen, Owen Gun Instruction Book
The Owen Machine Carbine was designed and manufactured in Australia in 1942 when Australia was in desperate need of weapons.The OMC proved highly effective and remained in service till 1960s.Rare publication to accompanyweapon designed and manufactured in Australia during WW11Natural covered booklet " Owen gun Instruction Book " published by Lysaght's Port Kembla July 1942 to accompany weapons manufactured at te Company's plant. 42 pages and fold out sheet, stapled.military, owen, machine carbine, wwii, world war two, lithgow -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Trophy, McClure Cup
Battery Quartermaster Sergeant Harold Bauerle served with the Albury Battery in the 1920s and 1030s. Shortly following Federation the military unit in Albury was redesignated No 4 New South Wales Battery Australian Field Artillery (AFA). It was under the command of Major John Wilkinson, an Albury solicitor and comprised about 100 citizen soldiers, 4 guns and about 40 horses. Training centred on the Albury Drill Hall located in Victoria Street. A reorganisation in 1912 resulted in the Battery being named No 17 Battery AFA. When war broke out in 1914 the Battery then under the command of Major Joseph Shellshear, and Albury doctor, offered its services as a trained artillery battery to the Australian Imperial Force (AIF). The Battery cooled its heels and continued to train till July 1915 when a second division was raised in the AIF and trained artillery was needed. When the call came 150 officers and men of the 17th Battery went into the AIF, many to the 13th Battery with Major Shellshear in command and others to other AIF batteries of the 4th and 5th Artillery Brigades. The 13th Battery was adopted immediately by the townsfolk of Albury as the Albury Battery. The Battery served in France and Belgium and was involved in all the major battles fought by the Australians perhaps most notably at Noreuil where the Battery found itself surrounded but continued to fight till eventually the enemy was driven back. Following the war members of the Battery nominated this battle as their most significant achievement and consequently a newly developed recreational reserve on the Murray River foreshore was named Noreuil Park. In 1919 the Battery resumed training as part of the Citizen Military Forces or Militia. Changes of title were frequent, first 27th Battery, then 60th Battery and finally 40th Battery AFA. Battery commanders included Captain Leslie Colquhoun, an Albury real estate agent, Captain Roy Collings, Albury town clerk and Captain Clifton Mott a newspaper editor. The Depression of the early 1930s almost brought about the closure of the Albury Battery but it survived through the intervention of the mayor, Alderman Alfred Waugh, who made direct representation to the Minister for Defence. When the Second World War erupted in 1939, the Battery was at full strength and a rich source of officers and trained men for the second AIF. Militia training of the few remaining officers and Albury adopted the 2/23rd Infantry Battalion which had been raised at the Showground. Following WWII, CMF soldiering recommenced in the form of an armoured regiment, the 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles. After nearly a half a century of service in war and peace the Albury Battery has faded and exists now in this collection of objects and images. This trophy is representative of community support for a Citizen Military Forces unit drawn from a regional NSW Town in the period between the World Wars.Silver cup with two handles mounted on Bakelite base being the McClure Cup for most efficient NCO in Albury Battery 1935-36 . inscription on side of cup."McClure Cup / for / Most efficient NCO / 1935-36 / won by / BQMS H.C. Bauerle"bauerle h c bqms, albury battery, mcclure cup -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Book - Document, WWII Diary Thomas H Fagan
Thomas H Fagan of Walbundrie NSW served in 105 General Transport Company during WWII. Following service in Syria and Egypt the unit sailed for home but was diverted to Java, Dutch East Indies where they became part of Blackforce. The Japanese following up their success in Singapore overran Jave and Blackforce went into captivity. Fagan spent a short time at Changi then nearly three years on the Burma Railway. He lost a leg to tropical ulcers but survived the war return to Australia at the end of hostilities.A document worthy of preservation and public access.World War diary typed by the diarist from notes kept at great risk throughout his imprisonment by the Japanese 1942-1945. Transcribed 2018 by Albury historian Jan Hunter and published by Albury & District Historical Society as Booklet No 31 in limited hard copy for district Libraries and Schools.diary, prisoner of war, burma, railway, changi -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Booklet, 1955
Us manufactured Browning machine guns were introduced to Australian Army in 1950s.The. 30 calibre replaced 7.92 mm Besa in Centurion tanks equipping 8/13 VMR in 1957. The. 50 calibre was mounted on some M113 carriers as Commanders MG. Representative of Training booklets issued to CMF units in the 1960sLightbrown covered booklet Browning Machine Gun Caliber .50HB, M2. Department of the Army Field Manual FM 23 - 65. December 1955 -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Booklet - AFV shooting, 1952
Australia received Centurion tanks in 1952 and used British training pamphlets for training purposes while specific materials were prepares for Australian conditions and tactics.Representative of training materials used in early years of Centurion tank training in the Royal Australian Armoured Corps.Grey covered booklet "The Technique of Shooting from AFVs", 1952.centurion tank, training, afv, shooting, military -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Written to outline the ractical & administrative doctrine for the Australian Military Forces.Covers the handling of the Battalion in tropical areas.Blue covered booklet " Infantry Training Volume 4 Part 1, The Battalion 1967 -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Alexander Mitchell, grazier and citizen soldier of Thoona, Victoria. Enlisted as a trooper in Victorian Mounted Rifles in September 1893. Commissioned second Lieutenant July 1908. Appointed Captain 13th Light Horse AIF 21July 1915. Seconded to 28th Infantry Battalion in France, May - October 1918, Awarded DSO. Following the War rejoined CMF as Commanding Officer 8th Light Horse and later 2nd Light Horse Brigade.Complements collection of medals and memorabilia listed as item 4244.Typewritten letter on Australian Imperial Force 130 Horseferry Road Westminister Road SW1 letterhead and signed by General W. Birdwood. The letter is dated 9 June 1919 and congratulates Major Alexander Mitchell on being awarded the Distinguished Service Order ( DSO ) -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - 8th LH Tallangatta
... to the best Light Horse troop in Australia. The Trophy is now held... to the best Light Horse troop in Australia. The Trophy is now held ...The Hutton Trophy or Shield was awarded annually to the best Light Horse troop in Australia. The Trophy is now held at the Armoured Centre, Puckapunyal.Shows Citizen soldiers from North East Victoria.Collection of nine black and white photographs taken at Tallangatta during competition for the Hutton Trophy, 1938. Won by Tallangatta Troop " A " Squadron, 8th Light Horse Regiment.tallangatta, hutton, light horse -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - Tallangatta Troop 8 LH
... to the best Light Horse Troop in Australia. The Trophy is now held... to the best Light Horse Troop in Australia. The Trophy is now held ...The Hutton Trophy or shield was awarded annually to the best Light Horse Troop in Australia. The Trophy is now held at the Armoured Centre Puckapunyal.Shows citizen soldiers from North East Victoria.Black and white photograph of two soldiers of 8th Light Horse mounted. Motor cars in background" Trooper W.J. Moyle on the left Hutton Trophy 1938. "hutton, tallangatta, 8th, light horse -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Document - List of names Hutton Trophy team
... to the best Light Horse Troop in Australia. The Trophy is noe held... to the best Light Horse Troop in Australia. The Trophy is noe held ...The Hutton Trophy or Shield was awarded annually to the best Light Horse Troop in Australia. The Trophy is noe held at the Armoured Centre, PuckapunyalHistorical document relating to Citizen soldiers, North East VictoriaHand written list of names of members of Tallangatta Troop 8th Light Horse who won Hutton Trophy 1938. Compiler unknown.hutton, tallangatta, light horse, 8th -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
... to the best Light Horse Troop in Australia. The trophy is now held... to the best Light Horse Troop in Australia. The trophy is now held ...The Hutton Trophy or Shield was awarded annually to the best Light Horse Troop in Australia. The trophy is now held at the Armoured Centre Puickapunyal.Shows Citizen soldiers from North East VictoriaBlack and white photographs of two soldiers of 8th Light Horse standing alongside their horses during Hutton Trophy competition at Tallangatta 1938hutton, tallangatta, light horse, 8th -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Lieutenant General Ernest K Squire was Chief of Staff of Australian Army who died 2 March 1940 in Melbourne and was buried on 5th March. 8th Light Horse was in full-time training at Torquay..Rare photo of soldiers from North East Victoria on Guard of Honour duty.Sepia photograph of soldiers of Corryong Troop 8th Light Horse at funeral of Lieutenant General Ernest Squires" 8th Light Horse ( Corryong Troop ) as " Guard of Honour " at funeral of Lieutenant General Squires Melbourne 1940 " -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - Tallangatta Troop 8 LH
... to the best Light Horse Troop in Australia. The trophy is now held... to the best Light Horse Troop in Australia. The trophy is now held ...The Hutton Trophy or Shield was awarded annually to the best Light Horse Troop in Australia. The trophy is now held at the Armoured Centre Puckapunyal.Shows citizen soldiers from North East VictoriaBlack and white photograph of men and horses of Tallangatta Troop, 8th Light Horse drawn up for inspection when competing for the Hutton Trophy 1938Across lower edge of photo " Inspection Hutton Trophy Tallangatta Troopers 1938"hutton, tallangatta, 8th, light horse -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - TST
8/13 VMR conducted numerous weekend training exercises in Chiltern Forest, Victoria.The 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles was raised as a regiment of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps on 1 May 1948 with Headquarters in Melbourne and squadrons in Sale, Benalla/Wangaratta and Albury. In 1955 Regimental Headquarters moved to Wangaratta and a second squadron was located at Albury. The Sale squadron transferred to 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse. In 1977 8/13 VMR Regiment was reduced to an independent squadron A Squadron 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles and in 1991 was linked with 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse forming the VMR Squadron of that regiment.Coloured photograph of vehicle of 8/13 VMR Technical Support Troop ( RAEME) camouflaged on exercise in Chiltern Forest. Standing on running board is Craftsman Ben Niuwerth.vmr, military, training, chiltern -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - TST
Technical Support Troop ( TST ) provided Recovery and repair to Armoured regiment.The 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles was raised as a regiment of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps on 1 May 1948 with Headquarters in Melbourne and squadrons in Sale, Benalla/Wangaratta and Albury. In 1955 Regimental Headquarters moved to Wangaratta and a second squadron was located at Albury. The Sale squadron transferred to 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse. In 1977 8/13 VMR Regiment was reduced to an independent squadron A Squadron 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles and in 1991 was linked with 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse forming the VMR Squadron of that regiment. Coloured photograph of a soldier wearing steel helmet and holding a SLR rifle standing in front of Diamond T Wrecker of 8/13 VMR Technical Support Troop ( RAEME) Soldier is Craftsman Ben Nieuwerth.technical, military, tst, vmr -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
8/13 VMR carried out water training in M 113s at Lake Hume near Albury. The 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles was raised as a regiment of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps on 1 May 1948 with Headquarters in Melbourne and squadrons in Sale, Benalla/Wangaratta and Albury. In 1955 Regimental Headquarters moved to Wangaratta and a second squadron was located at Albury. The Sale squadron transferred to 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse. In 1977 8/13 VMR Regiment was reduced to an independent squadron A Squadron 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles and in 1991 was linked with 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse forming the VMR Squadron of that regiment.Black and white photograph of M 113 Personnel Carrier preparing to enter water at Lake Hume 1975. -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
The 8th Light Horse (Indi) Regiment superseded the 16th Light Horse in 1919. It had its headquarters at Benalla with sub-units throughout the Upper Murray and Northeast Victoria. In December 1941, the regiment converted from horse to mechanised, initially as 8th Reconnaissance Battalion then in July 1942 it became 8th Cavalry Regiment and served in Northern Territory. As Japanese threat to the mainland declined the regiment was disbanded.Shows keenness to maintain war time AssociationColoured two-fold card for the ReUnion of the 8th Australian Cavalry Regiment AIF held at Prahran Town Hall Anzac Eve 24th April 1946. On inside Honour Roll and Office-bearers Auxiliary. -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Four Black and white photographs showing 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles parading for Australia Day celebrations in Albury 25 January 1981 -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
The 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles was raised as a regiment of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps on 1 May 1948 with Headquarters in Melbourne and squadrons in Sale, Benalla/Wangaratta and Albury. In 1955 Regimental Headquarters moved to Wangaratta and a second squadron was located at Albury. The Sale squadron transferred to 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse. In 1977 8/13 VMR Regiment was reduced to an independent squadron A Squadron 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles and in 1991 was linked with 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse forming the VMR Squadron of that regiment.Black and white photograph of Brigadier H.H. Hammer, Commander 2nd Armoured Brigade and Staff - Sargeant R.J. Roberts, Orderly Room Sergeant of 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles.Comd 2 Armd Bde, Brig H.H. Hammer, pinning British Empire medal on S/Sgt R. J. Roberts, Earlsfield Road, Hampton, O/Room Sgt of 8/13thVictorian Mounted Rifles at Puckapunyal Camp during 14 day camp of Regiment in January. S/Sgt Roberts saw service in M.E., England, and South Africa with Australia Mil Liaison Staff. S/Sgt Roberts was a member of champion Victorian debating team, and trained Regt team to highest standard yet attained in services.Gave up great deal of own time in this work, and also re-organizing orderly rooms of units in country areas. Is a member of ARA. -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
235 Trooper A. Gray of Edenhope Vic. The 13th Light Horse Regiment (AIF) was raised t Broadmeadows Victoria in March 1915. Following service at Gallipoli the regiment was broken up with squadrons going to France as Divisional Cavalry Squadrons of 2nd, 4th and 5ht Divisions. The regiment was reformed as firstly 1st Anzac Corps Mounted Troops and lather Australian Corps Mounted Troops. Black and white photograph of 3 soldiers, one sitting, two standing, of the 13th Light Horse." A Gray 13 ALH France " -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
The 13th Light Horse Regiment (AIF) was raised t Broadmeadows Victoria in March 1915. Following service at Gallipoli the regiment was broken up with squadrons going to France as Divisional Cavalry Squadrons of 2nd, 4th and 5ht Divisions. The regiment was reformed as firstly 1st Anzac Corps Mounted Troops and lather Australian Corps Mounted Troops. Black and white photograph of five people in a horse drawn cart including three soldiers of the 13th Light Horse Regiment. " 13 ALH members in England. -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
69 Corporal Eric Thewlis. The 13th Light Horse Regiment (AIF) was raised t Broadmeadows Victoria in March 1915. Following service at Gallipoli the regiment was broken up with squadrons going to France as Divisional Cavalry Squadrons of 2nd, 4th and 5ht Divisions. The regiment was reformed as firstly 1st Anzac Corps Mounted Troops and lather Australian Corps Mounted Troops.Black and white photograph of a soldier on horseback outside a brick building." E. Thewlis France 22.9.1916 " -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
The 13th Light Horse Regiment (AIF) was raised t Broadmeadows Victoria in March 1915. Following service at Gallipoli the regiment was broken up with squadrons going to France as Divisional Cavalry Squadrons of 2nd, 4th and 5ht Divisions. The regiment was reformed as firstly 1st Anzac Corps Mounted Troops and lather Australian Corps Mounted Troops.Black and white photograph of nine soldiers on horseback. All are wearing great coats and possibly there is snow on ground." 13 ALH members France "