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Melbourne Legacy
Document - Speech, ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony for Students
A copy of an Anzac Day Address at the Anzac Commemoration Ceremony for Students, the year is unknown but it is presumably the address given by the President of Legacy. It seems to be one of the earlier ceremonies. It was stored with documents about the building of the Shrine and another speech from the 1939 service. The presenter had probably served in World War 1 so was very close to the events he was talking about. The ceremony provides a valuable opportunity for students to gain an appreciation of the Anzac spirit, the significance of the Shrine and the meaning of Anzac Day. The ceremony is usually attended by representatives from schools throughout the state and the Governor of Victoria. The text says: 'We have gathered here too commemorate the historic landing on the Gallipoli Peninsula of the Australian and New Zealand troops on the 25th of April 1915 - the day that has come to be universally known as Anzac Day. . . I expect most of you know how the word 'Anzac' came into being. How General Birdwood and his officers took the first letters of the words Australian and New Zealand Army Corps and formed them into the code word "Anzac". They did not expect it would become the famous name by which the men fighting under them would become known. But it did, and Anzac Day has become Australia's greatest national day because on that day Australia's manhood was put to its first great test. You see up to that that time, the world knew very little about us. We had not, thank God, ever had to fight for the existence of our Nationhood and everything we hold most dear. Everyone wondered how our men would compare with the men of other nations when a real crises arose. . . . You have been told there thrilling story of Anzac Day. Of the landing at dawn on that terrible coast: the hand to hand fighting that went on continuously all that day and through the days and nights that followed. How the Anzacs - outnumbered, exhausted and tortured by thirst held on, and how during the terrible nine months that ensued all the efforts of a brave enemy to dislodge them failed. Such was their gallantry that a British Officer described the Australian soldier as "The bravest thing God ever made". What a wonderful tribute that was; and how proud we should be of the men who earned it. . . . These men carried on all the traditions of the Anzacs and made a wonderful name for Australia and New Zealand in France, in Belgium, in Egypt and Palestine and in all the theatres of war in which they served. And this great Shrine was build by the people of Victoria, not in any boastful sense of Victory, not in any attempt to glorify war - which is a horrible, dreadful thing, but in memory of those thousands of Victorian sailors and soldiers who so loved their country that they laid down their lives in her service. . . All of them were brave, but do not think that a soldier who is brave need alway be a great warrior. I hope when you have passed through the Shrine you will go and see a little bronze statue near the road yonder. A statue of a man leading a donkey which carries a wounded comrade. You will see the soldier leading the donkey carries no weapons. Yet he was a hero indeed, for he saved the lives of scores of his comrades at Anzac by carrying wounded from the battle to safety and the hospital. And in the end he too gave his life for his friends. . . Let us all try to help each other in peace as they did in war. Instead of divisions, let us have unity. If we think of no one but ourselves we shall not achieve anything nor shall we deserve to. Let those of you who are strong help those who are not so strong - all through life - like John Simpson, the man with the donkey did. Be proud of your country and do nothing to dishonour it. If you get an order from one in authority, obey it, even if you do not understand it.A good solider always obeys his orders. If he did not, he may bring disaster and cause harm to his fellow soldiers. Remember that those thousands of men died so that we could still live here in freedom. A country is judged by its citizens. Let us be worthy of those great citizens who have left us the legacy of their fame and devotion to duty. And when you file through the Shrine and look down on the Rock of Remembrance, read the inscription on it, "Greater Love Hath No Man", remember those wonderful words written in the greatest book in the world nearly two thousand years ago, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend."A record of a ceremony at the Shrine for school students. The text of the speech is significant in that it was written by a man who had served in World War 1 and knew first hand what it meant to be part of the first Anzacs. White quarto paper x 4 pages with black type of a speech at one of the Annual Anzac Commemoration Service for Students.Handwritten in blue pen 'Shrine, Children's Service'anzac commemoration for students, wreath laying ceremony, speech -
Melbourne Legacy
Letter - Document, letter, 1946
The letter is Legatee Kemsley's response to an article published on 20 April 1946 discussing War Memorials. The article suggested that war memorials were better to be utilitarian, such as hospitals, parks and community centres. Legatee Kemsley's reply is that such necessary amenities should be provided but not as memorials of sacrifice. "The plain fact is that unless sacrifices and deeds of heroism and national patriotism are expressed in non-utilitarian memorials they lose then special significance they are designed to provide." "As a Trustee of the National War Memorial, I ask, what hospital or park could as fittingly provide a Mecca for for national solemnity, or rejoicing, or thanksgiving, as the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne?" After the first world war there was a decision made to create a memorial. Legatees were involved in the process at various times and capacities. In particular Legatee Kemsley was vocal when the idea of the St Kilda Road site, which was favoured early on, was overturned and in 1926 there was pressure to change to a "provision of square" and Cenotaph at the intersection of Spring and Bourke Streets. Legacy Clubs voiced their opposition to this proposal by passing a resolution "That the Melbourne Legacy Club, representative of the returned soldiers in business in this city, whilst welcoming the Anzac Square Scheme as a city improvement, cannot support it as a War Memorial scheme and affirms its support for the Shrine of Remembrance in the Domain as the only War Memorial worthy of Victoria's unparalleled efforts in the Great War." The document was in an envelope with the History of the Shrine (01181). The envelope says 'The Origin of the Shinre of Remembrance p/p Legatees Kemsley and Joynt'. And the initial 'JMBA'?. It was in a file with other documents concerning the Shrine and it's history.This is a record of the debate that was occurring in 1946 about the appropriate way to commemorate the war. There was an effort to record historical events for the "Archive Committee" which collected this an other documents relating to the Shrine together in a file (see items 01181 - 01190)File copy of a letter x 2 pages typed on white quarto paper. Dated 2 May 1946, it is from Legatee Kemsley to the Editor of the Australian Municipal Journal in response to an article they had printed. Plus a page from the, shrine of remembrance -
Melbourne Legacy
Pamphlet - Document, brochure, Legacy Club Melbourne (H15), 1939
... pass through this world but once, Any good thing that I can do.... The poem on the reverse says: 'I shall pass through this world ...A card given to Legatees by the Comradeship Committee in 1939. 'Dear Legatee, Another year of Legacy has passed, another year of Service has commenced. May it continue to bring you much happiness in the appreciation of a great Comradeship. Comradeship Committee, 1939. The poem on the reverse says: 'I shall pass through this world but once, Any good thing that I can do, or any kindness That I can show any human being, Let me do it now and not defer it, For I shall not pass this way again.' The notation H15 in red pen shows that it was part of the archive project that was trying to capture the history of Legacy. A record of the sentiment that Legatees felt towards their duty to Legacy.White card printed and given to Legatees with best wishes for 1939 and a poem.Handwritten H15 in red pen.comradeship, history -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Junior legatee outing, Alma Doepel, 1988
There was a program to send young legatees on trips on the Alma Doepel sailing ship through the 1980s and 90s. On the back of some photos were names: Junior Legatee Jane Hornblow (Canberra) / Legatee Keith Dale(?) / Junior Legatee Leonard Jono Bonnett (Adelaide). Also the same children with Legatee Scotty Scott (in a navy jacket). The articles from the Answer show timetables and criteria for nomination of junior legatees to be selected on the trips. One of these articles mentions the war service of the Alma Doepel - the only ship with served in World War II that was still active in 1995. These photos were in a folio of photos from 1988 to 1990. Official photos were taken by Peter from Keesing Photographers before the journey started on 27 December 1988 are at 01054. These photos were taken by a Legatee, L/ George Scott. Also at 01054 is a letter from a different voyage and is dated 30 December 1996 and sums up the outcomes of such trips. A Junior Legatee, Kim Anderson, wrote to Legacy thanking them for the opportunity to be on a 9 day voyage on the Alma Doepel. She mentions: "I learnt not only .. how to sail .. but also about teamwork, responsibility, friendship and respect." Also: "As one of the older children who attend these activities I feel I can now appreciate the thought and organisation that goes into these days and camps much more." Was in a scrapbook of photos spanning 1987 to 1991.A record of a Legacy providing amazing experiences for the junior legatees that they might never have done because of the deaths of their fathers.Colour photo x 5 of Junior Legatees on the Alma Doepel in 1988.White paper label handwritten in blue pen 'Please find enclosed some photos I took of Jun Legatees at Alma Doepel's sailing 27.12.88. May be of use to you for publicity. Legatee George Scott.' Two photos have names on the back in black pen. junior legatee outing, answer -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Order of the day
A copy of an announcement issued by Lieu-General S G Savige on 8 September 1945 at the end of World War Two. It advised the troops that Japan has surrendered. It says it was his privilege to Command 2 Aust Corp during the successful operations in Bouganville. It discusses the need for patience until demobilisation. One paragraph says: "Leadership and planning, important though they be, obtain success only by the good fighting qualities of the Troops to whom a commander owes everything ; as his own reputation depends so utterly and entirely not the behaviour of his Troops. I very gratefully acknowledge your courage, devotion to duty, and the uniformly high standards you established in the performance of every task it was my duty to call upon you to perform. You fought magnificently under exceedingly difficult conditions against a skilful foe whom you defeated. You endured sufferings and hardships attributable to dense jungle, vile swamps, heat, rain and mud, without losing your cheery smiles and determination to stick it out." Donated by Legacy Widow Mrs McIntyre in May 1988. This historic document belonged to her husband and is well worn and inexpertly repaired - better examples exist in other archives, such as Adelaide and Auckland. However it is an important part of founder Stanley Savige's life story, recording his communication to the AIF on 8 September 1945 as Commander 2 Aust Corps that Japan had surrendered. He acknowledged the efforts of the troops throughout the war and praised their tenacity and bravery before confirming his intention to ensure the best possible start in civilian life upon demobilisation for them.A document that illustrates the care Savige took of his troops.1 x printed sheetMathematical jottings on the back in blue/black ink, unrelated to the document.savige, legatee, world war two -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Australian Imperial Force, 1918
A leaflet issued by General William Birdwood to the AIF troops just after the Armistice on 11 November 1918 to end the first world war. 'To the officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of the Australian Imperial Force. It is now just four that we have been serving together, often through days of hardship and peril, and often through times of well-deserved success. During this time I hope and think we have come to know each other well and I trust we realised how rightly we have confidence in each other. No words of mine can possibly express all I feel for the magnificent work which has been done by the Australian soldier during these long four years. It is well known and recognised, not only throughout the British Empire, but throughout the world - and now we have peace in sight, and peace after a victory in which the Australian soldier has taken so large a share. Even then, with peace there are still difficult times before us. Faith in our recent foe cannot quickly be established, and it may be that some little time yet we shall be able to relax no precautions, until we are assured of the complete and honest fulfilment of our terms. Then will come the difficult time of demobilisation, and it is regarding this that I wish to make a personal appeal to every single member of the AIF in the full confidence that it will be met as every other appeal to face and tackle the strongest positions has ever been met by the Australian solider. Never has the name of Australia stood higher than it does now throughout the world, thanks to the bravery of her soldiers, and it sup to everyone one of us to see that this is maintained, and that no reproach can be cast on the Australian Flag owing to any behaviour of ours. The time of demobilisation will undoubtedly be difficult and irksome - I fully realise what great personal self-restraint will certainly be required - but if each individual of us makes up his mind to do his best during these times, realising the good name we bear, I feel confident that all will go well. I want you to remember that everything possible will be done to look after and help the troops during this period, while every energy will be strained to get men back to their homes as soon as this possibly can be done. You will have to realise, however. that there is a great shortage of shipping, and that there must be a considerable inevitable delay. Play the game, boys, during this time, as you have always done, and add still more to the deep debt of gratitude which will always be acknowledged to you by the Empire and remembered by me as your comrade and commander. In the field, 14 November 1918.' (Signed) 'W Birdwood'.A rare example of a notice to troops about the Armistice.A leaflet issued by General Birdwood to AIF troops to commemorate the end of World War war one, soldier -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Poem, Fifty Years On. A Reflection by Brian. Supplement to the Melbourne Legacy Bulletin No 2340 26.9.1978
An article from a supplement to the Bulletin with a poem by Legatee Brian Armstrong written just before he passed away. It reflects on Foundation Day and the first 50 years of Service certificates that were being awarded. Legatee Armstrong had been president in 1937. The prom was called Accolade. Last Anzac Day a fine old Digger / Asked me to write him 'a sort of a letter' / Mentioning something of what he had done / As a private soldier in World War One. He had lived alone since he lost he wife / But a score of 'Grandies' adorned his life / They were always asking what he had done / As a Front Line Digger in World War One. He wanted to give them something to show / When he got his call and 'had to go' / But he couldn't remember and wasn't sure / When they fingered his medal and asked for more. He was one of our best and I knew him well / In those far off days of pain and hell / So I wrote recalling his scenes of strife / Especially one when he'd saved my life. Later I found a note at my gate / Just a line of thanks to 'my Dear Mate'. That grand old word so hardly won / In freezing trench and blinding sun / Fifty years gone but it's not too late / To be proud when a Digger still calls you Mate. Thrice in our time have the War Bells tolled / And thrice does the Legacy tale unfold. Fifty years gone but it's never too late / To guard the Kin of a fallen mate. The story is written for all to see / The 'Why' and the 'How' of Legacy / But it still rings true that it all began / With the trust in his mate of a War-Torn Man. The article was part of an album of past presidents from 1965 to 1989. The folder included biographical details and obituaries, eulogies and death notices of prominent Legatees. The items have been catalogued separately.A record of a poem made by Legatee Brian Armstrong a past president of Legacy about the mateship of Legacy. The information was collected to record the lives of prominent legatees in a folder.Yellow page from Bulletin with a poem by Legatee Brian Armstrong in 1978.Bulletin No 2430 26.9.1978past presidents, foundation day, brian amstrong, poem -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Harefield UK, 1996
Photo of wreath laying on Anzac Day in 1996 in Harefield in UK. The photo is of Mr Alf Young and a Bishop from Oxford. During World War 1 the Australian Auxiliary Hospital No.1 was stationed at Harefield Park in Harefield, UxBridge, Middlesex UK. 111 Australian soldiers and one nurse from the hospital are buried at St Mary's Church, Harefield. This became an Australian Military Cemetery with individual headstones and an obelisk and arch. The headstones which are of a scroll design unique amongst Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries were chosen by the staff and patients at the hospital. The arch was erected by the CWGC. Anzac Day services are held there and the local school became involved with the headmaster, Mr Jefferies, bringing the school children to lay flowers on every grave and attend the service on Anzac Day. This started in 1921 and has continued until at least 2021. One school child who attended was Mr Alf Young, he made contact with Legacy in the 1990s and sent photos of the Anzac Day Services and the cemetery. Legacy responded by sending Australian flags for the school children and also Legatee John Cohen met with Mr Young when in London. Melbourne Legacy staff member Susie Howard also visited Mr Young and the cemetery in 1995. Mr Young provided historical photos and information of the area to Legacy. He was featured in the widows' newsletter The Answer many times and his death was announced in The Answer in April 1997, he was 85. Many of the photos he provided were labelled as coming from Mr R G Neil, Photographic historian from Harefield. He holds copyright over those photos.A record that Legacy helped support remembrance of Anzac Day and World War 1 soldiers buried in the UK.Photo of Mr Alf Young laying a wreath at the obelisk in the Australian Military Cemetery in Harefield UK and two newspaper articles.Handwritten on reverse 'Uxbridge Gazette 1996 Ref C1367B-4'. Handwritten label says '1996 Man in middle a bishop from Oxford, he carried the wreath for me so I could lay same on cenotaph. This photo was taken by local paper. Me on left' (written by Alf Young). One article was titled 'Pupils keep Anzac tradition alive'. The other 'Community honours war dead'. cemetery, harefield, alf young, memorial, wreath laying ceremony -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Harefield UK, 1921
Copies of historic photos of school children going to the Anzac Day ceremony in Harefield UK taken in 1921. The Headmaster of the school, Mr Jefferies, arranged for the children to participate in the annual Anzac Day service at the Military Cemetery in the village. During World War 1 the No 1 Australian Auxiliary Hospital was stationed at Harefield Park in Harefield, UxBridge, Middlesex UK. 111 Australian soldiers and one nurse from the hospital are buried at St Mary's Church, Harefield. This became an Australian Military Cemetery with individual headstones and an obelisk and arch.The headstones which are of a scroll design unique amongst Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries were chosen by the staff and patients at the hospital. The arch was erected by the CWGC. Anzac Day services are held there and the local school became involved with the headmaster, Mr Jefferies, bringing the school children to lay flowers on every grave on Anzac Day. This started in 1921 and has continued until at least 2021. One school child who attended was Mr Alf Young, he made contact with Legacy in the 1990s and sent photos of the Anzac Day Services and the cemetery. Legacy responded by sending Australian flags for the school children and also Legatee John Cohen met with Mr Young when in London. Melbourne Legacy staff member Susie Howard also visited Mr Young and the cemetery in 1995. Mr Young provided historical photos and information of the area to Legacy. He was featured in the widows' newsletter The Answer many times and his death was announced in The Answer in April 1997, he was 85. Many of the photos he provided were labelled as coming from Mr R G Neil, Photographic historian from Harefield. He holds copyright over those photos.A record that Legacy helped support remembrance of Anzac Day and fallen World War 1 soldiers buried in the UK.Black and white photos x 2 of school children attending Anzac service in Harefield in 1921.Handwritten label on reverse says '1921 The first Anzac day organised by Mr Jefferies Headmaster Harefield School.' Other is labeled as 'Mr Jefferies, headmaster, (heading the children) St Mary's Churchyard 1921' with an additional label saying 'Beginning of the first parade. This was Mr Jefferies, Headmaster of schools idea to have this parade, and has been held every year since. My 2 sisters and I were in this parade.' (written by Mr Alf Young).cemetery, harefield, alf young, memorial, wreath laying ceremony -
Melbourne Legacy
Newspaper - Document, newspaper article, The War I saw: That morning we were spotted by three planes
Story by Cdr Ashley Brown, officer of the watch about an attack by Japanese aircraft on the HMAS Austrlia May 7, 1942. Also an account of an accidental bombing of the ship by the United States Airforce. It was part of a series of articles called 'The War I saw' published in the Herald Sun newspaper. Date unknown. This document was from a file of information about guest speakers (see also 00812-00822 and 00830-00837). So it is assumed that Cdr Ashley-Brown was approached to speak at a Legacy function. Legatees met regularly and had guest speakers to entertain and inform on different subjects at their Tuesday Luncheons. The Programme Committee was responsible for organising the speakers.A record that the speakers at legacy functions came from a wide variety of backgrounds and the subjects spoken on were varied. An eyewitness account of how lucky you can be.Newsprint article, black and white photo of a cruiser shooting at Japanese torpedo bombers, black type.Handwritten Cdr Ashley Brown in blue pen.speakers, world war two -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Article, Legatee E K (Karl) Robertson, President 1980
A cutting from from a Melbourne Legacy President's report showing a photo of Legatee Karl Robertson (President of Melbourne Legacy in 1980). It was collected to be a record of a photo of past presidents. Legatee Karl Robertson served in the AIF in World War 2, his original unit was 2/1 Survey Regt. RAA with which he served in the Middle East and he later served with 2/1 Flash Spotting Battery R A A and 3 P W and I Unit in Borneo. He was inducted into Melbourne Legacy in 1954 on the nomination of Legatee Ron Foskett. He stepped down between 1967 and 1972 when he was re-inducted. The article was part of an album of past presidents from 1965 to 1989. The folder included biographical details and obituaries, eulogies and death notices of prominent Legatees. The items have been catalogued separately.A record of Legatee Karl Robertson a past president of Legacy. The information was collected to record the lives of prominent legatees in a folder.Article with a black and white photo of Legatee Karl Robertson - President 1980.past presidents, karl robertson -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Ward, Lock & Co, Khaki and gown : an autobiography, 1941
... saw action in India, the Second Boer War, and World War I ...Autobiography of British Field Marshal Lord Birdwood, who saw action in India, the Second Boer War, and World War I.Index, ill, maps, p.456.non-fictionAutobiography of British Field Marshal Lord Birdwood, who saw action in India, the Second Boer War, and World War I.generals - great britain - biography, world war 1914-1918 - campaigns - france -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Angus and Robertson, Crosses of sacrifice : the story of the Empire's million war dead and Australia's 60,000, 1932
... involvement A history of World war I war cemeteries and memorials Ill ...A history of World war I war cemeteries and memorialsIll, maps, p.130.non-fictionA history of World war I war cemeteries and memorialsworld war 1914-1918 - memorials, world war 1914-1918 - australian involvement -
National Wool Museum
Document - The Fading Dream of Australian Home Ownership, Design and Photograph, Judy Turner, 1989
‘The Fading Dream of Australian Home Ownership’ was made by Judy Turner in 1989 for her son Nicholas (then 14 years) after a family discussion about mortgages and rising interest rates (17% at the time), out of concern for his generation. “Perhaps this will keep my son warm when he can’t afford a house”, wrote Judy at the time. As a quilting teacher for over thirty years, Judy was well aware of the ‘wagga’ tradition of making do with what you have and reusing resources to make something useful. The quilt was made using approximately 270 different men’s woollen suiting samples. The fabrics in the quilt were a gift from Micheal Haze who was a travelling men’s ware salesman and friend of the artist’s late husband. The suiting samples were used just as they were, without cutting, and are stacked liked house bricks. The pieces have been machine pieced and tied. The quilt has woollen backing, with no batting. Judy’s son Nicholas, always interested in drawing, and keen to see what his mother was making, helped with the drawing and design of the house. The quilt has been exhibited in Canberra, Armidale and Sydney and featured in publications in Australian and Japan. Judy’s work has been exhibited Nationally and Internationally, including in Japan, Korea, Germany, Switzerland and the United States of America. Judy’s work has featured extensively in publications around the world, and has received many awards. Her work is held in public and private collections across Australia and the USA. As well as a successful career as an artist, Judy spent three decades imparting skills to the next generation as a patient and skilled teacher. ARTIST STATEMENT The medium of my artistic practice is quilt making and my focus is the use of colour and speedy, accurate and efficient methods of making successful quilts. In 1995 I developed an original technique of applying woollen yarn to a woollen background, focusing on the subtle blending of colour to express an idea. Author of Awash With Colour (1997) and co-author with Margaret Rolfe of Successful Scrap Quilts (2002).Folio page depicting three items attached to a black card background. One item is a title written in black ink on white background, another is a photograph of a quilt, the third shows a hand drawn sketch of a house with a verandah.Front: [handwritten] 95 / Judy Turner / The fading dream of / Australian Home Ownership. / Initial sketch while / deciding how to depict / the Fading Dream of / Australian Home Ownership.quilt, wagga, home, house, housing affordability, design -
National Wool Museum
Textile - Quilt, Judy Turner, The Fading Dream of Australian Home Ownership, 1989
‘The Fading Dream of Australian Home Ownership’ was made by Judy Turner in 1989 for her son Nicholas (then 14 years) after a family discussion about mortgages and rising interest rates (17% at the time), out of concern for his generation. “Perhaps this will keep my son warm when he can’t afford a house”, wrote Judy at the time. As a quilting teacher for over thirty years, Judy was well aware of the ‘wagga’ tradition of making do with what you have and reusing resources to make something useful. The quilt was made using approximately 270 different men’s woollen suiting samples. The fabrics in the quilt were a gift from Micheal Haze who was a travelling men’s ware salesman and friend of the artist’s late husband. The suiting samples were used just as they were, without cutting, and are stacked liked house bricks. The pieces have been machine pieced and tied. The quilt has woollen backing, with no batting. Judy’s son Nicholas, always interested in drawing, and keen to see what his mother was making, helped with the drawing and design of the house. The quilt has been exhibited in Canberra, Armidale and Sydney and featured in publications in Australian and Japan. Judy’s work has been exhibited Nationally and Internationally, including in Japan, Korea, Germany, Switzerland and the United States of America. Judy’s work has featured extensively in publications around the world, and has received many awards. Her work is held in public and private collections across Australia and the USA. As well as a successful career as an artist, Judy spent three decades imparting skills to the next generation as a patient and skilled teacher. ARTIST STATEMENT The medium of my artistic practice is quilt making and my focus is the use of colour and speedy, accurate and efficient methods of making successful quilts. In 1995 I developed an original technique of applying woollen yarn to a woollen background, focusing on the subtle blending of colour to express an idea. Author of Awash With Colour (1997) and co-author with Margaret Rolfe of Successful Scrap Quilts (2002).Quilt featuring block pieces in tones of grey, blue, tan and brown, graduating in light to dark tones from top to bottom. The top third features a house with a verandah.quilt, wagga, home, house, housing affordability, design -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron – CPL John Ratcliffe World Record, Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA, 1986
This is a set of 12 photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron’s CPL John Ratcliffe setting a world record for an exercise routine comprising push-ups, sit-ups and double back-arches at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide in November 1986. A newspaper article of unknown origin titled “John sets world’s best time in routine” was published reporting the achievement. The article reported: “Corporal John Ratcliffe has smashed his personal best time, his greatest expectations and the 16-year-old Australian record for a push-up, sit-up and double back-arch routine. Corporal Ratcliffe, 37, set a world record by doing 1232 push-ups (clapping his chest with his hands between each one), 1936 back-arches and 440 sit-ups in one hour, 16 minutes and 29 seconds yesterday. Officials representing the Guinness Book of Records were present and passed his effort. The record was achieved by repeating a set of 14 push-ups, 22 double back-arches and 5 sit-ups, 88 times. The Australian record for the same routine was set in 1970 in the time of 1 hour 41 minutes. CPL Ratcliffe beat his personal best time by 13 minutes. “I could not do it without them” CPL Ratcliffe said of the crowd. Nearing the end of the routine when he was tiring, the crowd of more than 100 clapped and chanted encouragement. CPL Ratcliffe, who works in the Army’s surveying department, said the most important aspect of the exercise was raising money for Legacy, not getting his name in the record books.” This achievement was also reported in the Army Newspaper dated 11th Dec 1986. There are eight more photos that have not been published in the set of negatives.This is a set of 12 photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron’s CPL John Ratcliffe setting a exercise routine world record at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide in November 1986. The black & white photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) to .9) - Photo, black & white, 1986. CPL John Ratcliffe during his exercise routine. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1986. CPL John Ratcliffe celebrates the new world record. L to R: Bob Rogister, Wally Chilcott. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1986. CPL John Ratcliffe celebrates the new world record. L to R: Peter Imeson, Bob Rogister, Wally Chilcott. .12) - Photo, black & white, 1986. CPL John Ratcliffe interviewed by media after setting the new world record. .1P to .12P – There are no other personnel identified. ‘CPL RATCLIFFE “WORLD RECORD”. NOV 1986’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Document - Leaflet, How a Ten Pound Bond Pays
... World War I... World War I First World War Small cream coloured notice ...In the aftermath of World War 1, the Australian government aimed to raise 25 million pounds through the Second Peace Loan. Money raised was to be used for the repatriation and resettlement of former servicemen. Targets were set for money to be raised in each of the Australian states. This notice encouraged Victorians to help WWI returned servicemen through the purchase of peace bonds. It details the amount of interest a purchaser of a bond in the Second Peace Loan would receive after ten years. This notice was displayed in various public buildings, and the wording of the notice was also used in newspaper advertisements, for example this advertisement appeared in The Argus on 6 September 1920.Small cream coloured notice advertising the financial rewards to be gained through investment in peace bonds issued by the Australian government as part of the Second Peace Loan 1920.peace bonds, world war i, first world war -
National Wool Museum
Document - The Fading Dream of Australian Home Ownership, Design and Fabric Sample, Judy Turner, 1989
‘The Fading Dream of Australian Home Ownership’ was made by Judy Turner in 1989 for her son Nicholas (then 14 years) after a family discussion about mortgages and rising interest rates (17% at the time), out of concern for his generation. “Perhaps this will keep my son warm when he can’t afford a house”, wrote Judy at the time. As a quilting teacher for over thirty years, Judy was well aware of the ‘wagga’ tradition of making do with what you have and reusing resources to make something useful. The quilt was made using approximately 270 different men’s woollen suiting samples. The fabrics in the quilt were a gift from Micheal Haze who was a travelling men’s ware salesman and friend of the artist’s late husband. The suiting samples were used just as they were, without cutting, and are stacked liked house bricks. The pieces have been machine pieced and tied. The quilt has woollen backing, with no batting. Judy’s son Nicholas, always interested in drawing, and keen to see what his mother was making, helped with the drawing and design of the house. The quilt has been exhibited in Canberra, Armidale and Sydney and featured in publications in Australian and Japan. Judy’s work has been exhibited Nationally and Internationally, including in Japan, Korea, Germany, Switzerland and the United States of America. Judy’s work has featured extensively in publications around the world, and has received many awards. Her work is held in public and private collections across Australia and the USA. As well as a successful career as an artist, Judy spent three decades imparting skills to the next generation as a patient and skilled teacher. ARTIST STATEMENT The medium of my artistic practice is quilt making and my focus is the use of colour and speedy, accurate and efficient methods of making successful quilts. In 1995 I developed an original technique of applying woollen yarn to a woollen background, focusing on the subtle blending of colour to express an idea. Author of Awash With Colour (1997) and co-author with Margaret Rolfe of Successful Scrap Quilts (2002).Folio page depicting three items attached to a black card background. One item is a red, blue, black and white textile sample, another is a hand drawn sketch of a house, the third shows hand written text on lined paper in black ink.Front: [handwritten] Final / design / for housequilt, wagga, home, house, housing affordability, design -
National Wool Museum
Document - The Fading Dream of Australian Home Ownership, Letters, Judy Turner et al, 1991
‘The Fading Dream of Australian Home Ownership’ was made by Judy Turner in 1989 for her son Nicholas (then 14 years) after a family discussion about mortgages and rising interest rates (17% at the time), out of concern for his generation. “Perhaps this will keep my son warm when he can’t afford a house”, wrote Judy at the time. As a quilting teacher for over thirty years, Judy was well aware of the ‘wagga’ tradition of making do with what you have and reusing resources to make something useful. The quilt was made using approximately 270 different men’s woollen suiting samples. The fabrics in the quilt were a gift from Micheal Haze who was a travelling men’s ware salesman and friend of the artist’s late husband. The suiting samples were used just as they were, without cutting, and are stacked liked house bricks. The pieces have been machine pieced and tied. The quilt has woollen backing, with no batting. Judy’s son Nicholas, always interested in drawing, and keen to see what his mother was making, helped with the drawing and design of the house. The quilt has been exhibited in Canberra, Armidale and Sydney and featured in publications in Australian and Japan. Judy’s work has been exhibited Nationally and Internationally, including in Japan, Korea, Germany, Switzerland and the United States of America. Judy’s work has featured extensively in publications around the world, and has received many awards. Her work is held in public and private collections across Australia and the USA. As well as a successful career as an artist, Judy spent three decades imparting skills to the next generation as a patient and skilled teacher. ARTIST STATEMENT The medium of my artistic practice is quilt making and my focus is the use of colour and speedy, accurate and efficient methods of making successful quilts. In 1995 I developed an original technique of applying woollen yarn to a woollen background, focusing on the subtle blending of colour to express an idea. Author of Awash With Colour (1997) and co-author with Margaret Rolfe of Successful Scrap Quilts (2002).Two typed letters held together with a staple. The first letter has a grey printed letter head which includes a logo of a person with wings holding a heart.[printed] PATCHWORK QUILT TSUSHINquilt, wagga, home, house, housing affordability, design -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Plaque - Albury's Own 2/23rd Battalion 9th Division
Established at Victoria Barracks, in Melbourne, in June 1940, the 2/23rd Battalion was raised as part of the all-volunteer Second Australian Imperial Force and assigned to the 26th Brigade. Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Bernard Evans, a small cadre of experienced personnel drawn from Victorian Militia units were concentrated at Victoria Barracks prior to the battalion headquarters being relocated to Albury, New South Wales, where a large number of volunteers were completing their recruit training at the 4th Recruit Training Battalion. Upon the conclusion of this course, the recruits were posted to the 2/23rd and the battalion – over 900 strong– moved to Bonegilla, Victoria, just across the border, where more complex collective training was completed prior to departure overseas. A large majority of the battalion's initial intake of volunteers came from the Albury–Wodonga region and as a result, the 2/23rd became known as "Albury's Own"This item is part of a collection of items owned by Arthur Lock, a member of the 2/23rd Battalion, an all-volunteer Second Australian Imperial Force which served as part of the garrison during the Siege of Tobruk, then at El Alamein, New Guinea and Borneo. It has particular local significance as the battalion was know as "Albury's Own" because a large majority of the battalion's initial intake of volunteers came from the Albury–Wodonga region.A plaque commemorating "Albury's Own" - the 2/23rd Battalion. It incorprates the Unit badge and a a list of battlefronts they served in as part of the 9th Brigade. The Latin in the centre of the badge translates as "I will either find a way or make one". In circular badge "ALBURY'S OWN/ 2/23 RD BN. AUT VIAM INVENIAM AUT FACIAM " On metal oblong "9th DIVISION /EL ALAMEIN -TOBRUK- LAE/ SATELEBERG - TARAKAN"world war 11, 2/23rd battailon, albury's own -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Book (item) - (SP) World Air Power Journal 20 Spring 1995
briefings: soko g-4 super galeb target tug, hms invincible in operation sharp guard, pilatus pc-7 mark ii, bell 230, pzl-mielec i-22 iryda new variants, two-seat kamov ka-50, tu-142m2 ‘bear-f mod 3’ cockpit, mikoyan mig-33 cockpit, f-117 stealth fighter pilot list, saab jas 39 gripen feature, focus feature: red stars over germany – soviet air force departure from germany, includes mig-29 fold-out (50 pages), tracor flight systems – f-100f operator feature, variant briefing: grumman f-14 tomcat variants part 2, last days of hawker hunter in swiss service, air power analysis: usaf air combat command -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph, First Australian Expeditionary Force - Troop Ships at Port Melbourne, 19 Oct 1914
... War - World War I... - Town Pier South Melbourne Gasworks War - World War I Harpers ...View of the First Australian Expeditionary Force troop ships at Port Melbourne piers on 19 Oct 1914, with Oriental Mills in foreground. The horse-drawn tramway that was used to take coal from Town Pier to the Gasworks can also be seen in the foreground.. Port Melbourne's other two main piers at the time, Railway Pier (later Station Pier) and New Railway Pier (later Princess Pier) can be seen in the background.piers and wharves - princes pier, piers and wharves - railway pier, piers and wharves - station pier, piers and wharves - town pier, south melbourne gasworks, war - world war i, harpers oriental mill -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Audio - PMHPS Meeting, Gallipoli from the Clifftps, Dr John (Vechi) Basarin, John Kirby, 25 Apr 2016
... War - World War I...War - World War I Dr J (Vecehi) Basarin Gallipoli Turkish ...Dr John (Vecehi) Basarin discusses "Gallipoli from the Clifftops". A Turkish viewpoint of the war at Gallipoli PMHOPS monthly meeting Duration 1:08:07 (including meeting preliminaries)war - world war i, dr j (vecehi) basarin, gallipoli, turkish -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Audio - WWI Australian Soldiers' remains at Fromelles, Lambis Englezos, John Kirby, 28 Apr 2014
... War - World War I...War - World War I Fromelles Lambis Englezos Duration 01:13 ...Lambis Englezos details the discovery, recovery and reburial of WWI Australian Soldiers' remains at Fromelles, France.Duration 01:13:24 (includes meeting preliminaries)war - world war i, fromelles, lambis englezos -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Audio - Gunner Arthur Sullivan, VC and artist, M Napier Waller, Peter Quinlivian, 25 Mar 2013
... War - World War I...War - World War I Arts and entertainment - Visual Arts ...Peter Quinlivian discussing subjects of two of his books, Gunner Arthur Sullivan, VC and artist M Napier Waller. Duration 01:50:29. Recorded by John Kirbywar - world war i, arts and entertainment - visual arts, peter quinlivian, arthur sullivan, m napier waller -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Photograph - Framed Photograph, HMAT Nestor
... 6th 7th & 14th Battalions. During World War I HMAT Nestor ...This photograph depicts HMAT Nestor departing Melbourne 2nd October 1916 with Australian Troops During WW1 HMAT Nestor mainly carried troops to England including the 6th reinforcements of the 57th 58th & 60th Battalions, 16th reinforcements of the 21st 22nd 23rd & 24th Battalions and 21st reinforcements of the 5th 6th 7th & 14th Battalions.During World War I HMAT Nestor was a troopship for the Australian Expeditionary Force, and in World War II evacuated British children to Australia. She completed her final round voyage to Australia in 1950. Carved timber frame containing sepia coloured photograph of ship being towed by tug boat from wharf crowded with people HMAS NESTOR Departed Melbourne 2nd October, 1916 History on paper attached to glass,hmat nestor, troopship -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Painting, Isabel Huntington, Poppies in Flanders Field, 1968
... World War I... Society WWI Female Artist World War I The Great War Front ...CEMA Art Collection Winner of 1968 Portland Art Society Prize for the category of other media.The painting is depiction of a field which is predominantly yellow with patches of red. The largest red patches are in the lower right corner and centre left side. Another focus point of the work is a large yellow mound slightly off centre which may represent a haystack. The background is a light blue sky. The work has a painted wooden frame with material mount and glass covering only the paint surface.Front: Huntington (signature, lower left) Back: ISABEL HUNTINGTON "POPPIES IN FLANDERS FIELD" (1968) (typed label) Yellow Sticker: 1968-cema, portland artists society, wwi, female artist, world war i, the great war -
Linton Mechanics Institute and Free Library Collection
Book - Novel, Raymond, Ernest, Tell England : a study in a generation, 1922
... World War I... Sussex St Linton 3360 Fiction World War I English public schools ...320 p. : dark grey cover, red spine. Title, author's name, and 'Ballaarat Mechanics' Institute' embossed in gold on spine.fictionfiction, world war i, english public schools -
Linton Mechanics Institute and Free Library Collection
Book - Novel, Clouston, J. Storer, The spy in black, 1917
... novel, set in the Orkney Islands during World War I. Book plate ...Spy thriller novel, set in the Orkney Islands during World War I.341 p. : textured brown cardboard cover. Title, author's name and 'Ballaarat Mechanics' Institute' embossed in gold on spine.fictionSpy thriller novel, set in the Orkney Islands during World War I.fiction, j. storer clouston -
Linton Mechanics Institute and Free Library Collection
Book - Novel, Rhode, John (pen-name of Cecil Street), Mademoiselle from Armentieres, 1927
... Street) Thriller/espionage/romance novel, set during World War I ...Thriller/espionage/romance novel, set during World War I.256 p.fictionThriller/espionage/romance novel, set during World War I.fiction, adventure, romance, john rhode (cecil street)