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City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Education, Booklet, Australian Copy Book 1907, c1907
School children were taught to print and write with lead pencil using this type of copy book. When proficient they were permitted to begin using dipping pen and ink. Rossiter Whelan was an early settler's child who attended Cheltenham State School c 1907This is a typical Copy Book used by school children learning to print and write with lead pencil and dipping pens and ink c 1907'Copy Book' for learning to write for 1st class Cheltenham State School 1907Rossiter Whelan / AUSTRALIAN COPY BOOK / LOWER FIRST CLASS / FOR TRACING WITH LEAD PENCIL OR PEN / INTRODUCTORY BOOK, PRICE ONE PENNY /MELBOURNE PUBLISHED FOR THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT BY ROBT. S, BAIN, GOVERNMENT PRINTER -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Certificate of General Nursing - Mary Beatrice Josephine Maggs, 1919
Mary Beatrice Josephine Maggs (1892-1960) came to Australia in 1914 and was a governess for Mr Alfred Rutter Clarke at his mansion "Merriwa" on Orrong Road, Toorak. Mary returned to England in 1919 and furthered her studies in nursing. When she returned to Australia in 1924 she was head nurse at a number of Hospitals, Private Hospital in Loch, Tatura Bush Nursing Home, Mooroopna. Certificate of General Nursing 1919 of Mary B MaggsThe Royal Victorian Trained Nurses Association / CERTIFICATE FOR GENERAL NURSING / Signed by President, Member of Council, Secretarymaggs mary, medicine, nursing, thompson jean, hospitals, early settlers, pioneers, melbourne hospital -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Nursing Examinations, 1924 - 1925
Five Examination papers each with 5 questions, for the Victorian Medical and Surgical Nursing Examinations 1925 Nurse Mary Maggs used these when training her staff at the Mooroopna Hospital.5 x printed sheets with questions for Surgical & Medical Nursing 1924 and 1925 Victoria Printed by Government Printer nursing examinations, nursing, hospital, nurse mary maggs, nurses registration act -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Document, Photocopy Certificate Harry Smith 1908, 1908
Harry Smith, aged 7 years, received this Certificate from the Bentleigh Methodist Church Sunday School 1908. The Smith family managed the Grain and Chaff cutting store on the corner of Centre Road and Jasper Road Bentleigh.The family of Harry Smith were early settlers in Bentleigh and managed a Grain and Chaff cutting store. Certificate awarded to Harry Smith, aged 7 years, by the Bentleigh Methodist Church 1908'Ministering Children's League'city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b., bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman s, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, smith harry, stanley helen, early settlers, pioneers, chaff cuters, bentleigh -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Document, Photocopy Certificate of Victorian State Schools Exhibition 1906, Government Printer, 1906
Harry Smith aged 7 years had an item exhibited in the Victorian State Schools Exhibition 1906. He was a pupil at East Bentleigh (East Brighton) State School No 2083. In 1912 Harry was awarded him first prize for his workmanship in making a small chip-carved table.J.L. Smith was an early settler in Bentleigh ( East Brighton) who established a Grain and Chaff cutting Store in Bentleigh Harry was a his son who attended the local school, East Bentleigh State School No 2083.Paper Certificate for Harry Smith, aged 7 years, an exhibitor in the Victorian State Schools Exhibition 1906printed certificateeast bentleigh state school 1906. smith harry, smith j l, grain and chaff stores, bentleigh, stanley helen, early settlers, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b., bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman s, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Mary Ellen Dunbar 1873-1936 Family, 1917
Mary Ellen Dunbar nee Johns 1873 - 1936, Mary was born in Walhalla, married Hugh Dunbar at Traralgon 1900 and had 3 sons. Hugh's daughter from his 1st marriage, Ada was blind and she was well cared for by Mary Ellen and later her brothers.After Hugh died 1910 she moved to Bentleigh ( East Brighton) and joined the Methodist Congregation Mary was appointed Trustee of the the Bentleigh Recreation Ground 1914 - the other Trustees were men. The family moved to a farm in Carlsruhe near Kyneton 1920. Mary is buried in Kyneton. The family sold the farm in 1970 .Mary Ellen Dunbar was a well respected and accomplished woman in Bentleigh and was appointed the only woman Trustee for the foundation of the Bentleigh Recreation Ground 1914A Black and White photograph of Mary Ellen Dunbar and family c 1917bentleigh methodist church, bentleigh recreation ground, walhalla, traralgon, dunbar hugh, dunbar mary ellen, johns mary, johns william, smith j l , stanley helen, the pines bentleigh, , city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman s, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Washing Day at 'Law Muir Den' Mrs J L Smith c1910, c1910
Mrs J.L.Smith and Ada Smith in the backyard of the house Law Muir Den 510 Centre Rd Bentleigh c 1910. . The early settler women usually devoted a whole day to washing as it was very labourious. A fire was lit in a stone pit and a large tub of water boiled. Soap that had been made, usually in the previous Autumn, from fat drippings and caustic soda, was flaked into the tub to form suds. The clothes were moved around in the tub with a long wooden paddle that was also used to lift the clothes out of the tub into another tub of cold rinsing water..Stains were removed by scrubbing soap on the cloth against a scrubbing board. Clothes were wrung by hand or a mechanical wringer and hung on the clothes line to dry. Mary Ann Smith was married John Logan Smith 1860-1932 who at first rented a cottage 'Law Muir Den' & Shed from Mr Box and commenced business as a wood merchant - sawing logs into shorter pieces using one horse to power the saw. He purchased the property, added to the buildings , began trading in fuel and fodder as well and installed a chaff cutting mill powered by 10hp steam engine. The business prospered As Motor transport was increasing 1926 J L Smith built a small Garage on the opposite corner (Woolworths Supermarket 2005) , employed a good mechanic ( Reg Hunt ) and developed another successful business. J.L.Smith was an early settler in East Brighton now Bentleigh and established successful Wood cutting, Grain & Chaff cutting and Motor garage businesses in Centre Road . He was elected Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin and, with Mary Ann, his family were involved with local Church, Red Cross, and other community organizations.Photograph, Black & White, showing 2 women washing clothes in a large tub, set over a fire in a stone pit, in the back yard. Clothes are hanging from a rope line strung between 2 trees and held up with a wooden 'prop' -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White Oakleigh Hunt Club in Jasper Rd c 1920, c1920
The Melbourne Hunt Club was founded by Mr George Watson in 1852 with hounds brought to Australia from Ireland and moved its headquarters a number of times as the city grew between 1897 and 1929, The kennels were originally at Kirk's Bazaar, in Bourke Street, Melbourne, subsequently they moved to St Kilda, Caulfield, Deer Park, Oakleigh, Cranbourne and finally to their current location in Packenham. Oakleigh was the favoured spot, mainly because of the railway and the unloading ramp at the station. Riders and horses arrived on special trains and hunted over the surrounding market gardens, but not without friction. After 1929, significant numbers of Hunt Club members had access to motorized horse transport and besides, Oakleigh was becoming too built up. The Hunt Club moved on to Cranbourne The club maintains the oldest continual pack of hounds in Australia. The Melbourne Hunt Club was founded 1852 by George Watson and imported foxhounds from Ireland. As the Melbourne suburbs spread the Club moved several times. 1920 it was in Oakleigh and now is possibly situated in Packenham Black & White photograph showing men riding horses with a pack of hounds coming down a dirt road . Houses and vacant land in backgroundwatson george, oakleigh, melbourne hunt club, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin shire, king richard, charman s, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs , Postcards x4 Charman Rd Cheltenham c 1910, c1910
After the arrival of the Cheltenham Railyway Station Charman Road became the main shopping centre. From 1 small shop - Mrs Meeres who sold sweets, school requisites and drapery - it proceeded to develop throughout the 1890's with various traders until the 1910 Postcards show many shops on both sides of the road, Stephen Charman, aged 21years, arrived in Melbourne in 1842 as one of Henry Dendy's Emigrants. 1852 he purchased 160 acres for £328 bounded by Charman Rd and Balcome Rd. 'The Spring' was an important water source for the local Aboriginal people and then for the early settlers. Charman's first wife Harriet and their infant child died and in 1850 he married a widow with 5 children, Mary Gettens. Their first home was made of wattle and daub and they had 7 more children. Later a weatherboard cottage was built c 1855 Together they developed a market garden and specialized in marigolds which were sold for medicinal purposes to the Melbourne Chemists - Martin & Pleasance . The first Methodist Church Services were held at Spring Grove and the Charmans donated land in 1857 for the first Chapel, Cemetery and Primary School . Mary died 1870 and Stephen married again and moved to Gippsland where he died aged 85 in 1906 Stephen and Mary Charman were pioneer market gardeners in Moorabbin Shire 1842 and were involved in the development of Church, school and community in the area now called Cheltenham. Charman Road Cheltenham was a boundary of their land.4x Black & White Postcards c 1910 of Charman Road Cheltenham VictoriaFront; CHARMAN RD. CHELTENHAM P. FAIRLAM PHOTOfairlam p, cheltenham railway station, moorabbin, cheltenham, dendy henry, dendy's special survey 1841, assisted emigrants early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, marigold flowers, pharmacy, charman stephen, gettens mary, charman harriet, methodist church, primitive methodists, box william, box elizabeth, state schools, education, moorabbin shire, moorabbin roads board, city of moorabbin, kingston city council, cancel, cheltenham primary school -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs,x3 Colour Early Weatherboard Cottage Cheltenham c1880, 1981
Henry Dendy , a farmer from Sussex England, purchased 5,120 acres of land in the area of a 'Special Survey 1841' that extended from Brighton bayside North Road, East Boundary Rd to South Road. This area became known as Dendy's Brighton and as part of the sale 139 emigrant workers arrived in 1842 however Dendy was unable to find work and lodgings for these people. J.B.Were, financier took over the management of the 'Special Survey 1841' area and began to sell and lease allotments. 1850 the Squatter King brothers sold land south of Dendy's 'Special Survey 1841' to Josiah Holloway who sectioned it into 2 acre lots @ £10 each for market gardens - 'Two Acre Village' and Charles Whorral opened a small hotel - 'The Cheltenham Inn' on the main Road - Arthur's Seat Rd, later Point Nepean Rd, now Nepean Highway. Notable settlers who moved into the area were Keys, Charman, Bruton, Le Page, Fairlam, Meeres and 1862 saw the separation from Brighton and the formation of the Mooorabbin Roads Board District. .By 1879 1000settlers were living in 'Cheltenham' serviced by a Post Office with Bank, Mechanics Institute, State School No 84,Keys Hotel, Meeres Store, Sir Thomas Bent ensured the new Railway Line from Caulfield to Mordialloc went through his constituency of Cheltenham 1881 and this changed the development to the bayside area of Cheltenham away from the 'Two Acre Village ' side causing some dissention, However Cheltenham as whole prospered and this house in Pine St is typical of the cottages built c 1890- 1900 in the area. This weatherboard house c 1890-1900 in Pine St Cheltenham is typical of those built for early settler families. Photo taken 1981 by CMHS member 3 x Colour photographs of an early c 1900 weatherboard house in Pine St Cheltenham taken by CMHS member 1981Kodak Aug. 81 / Handwritten Pine St Cheltenhamkeys robert, holloway josiah, king brothers, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs, x 4 Black & White, Whitmuir Hall / Killearnan / Bentleigh Club 1930, c1930
Whitmuir Hall was built 1850 using bricks hand -made from the clay of nearby Elster Creek. Early history of the 156 acre estate bounded by McKinnon, Centre, Thomas and Wheatley Roads is obscure. The gardens were laid out prior to 1850. Robert Gray Ford purchased 20 acres with mansion in 1872 for £ 1750 and it was valued at £ 25,000 in 1888 but sold after the Bank Crash 1890's for £ 5,000 in 1892. There were many owners over the years including Thomas Bent and in 1870 it was called 'Killearnan'. It is now is known as 'the Bentleigh Club and many original features have been restored and preserved . Whitmuir Hall, was a stately mansion built 1850 typical of the grandiose plans of successful early settlers. Stained glass Windows, furniture, imported from France and Italy have been preserved by the Bentleigh Club.4 of 13 Black & White photographs of Whitmuir Hall now Benleigh Club, Yawla St Bentleigh c 1930whitmuir hall, bentleigh club, killearnan, mansions, gold rush victoria, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman s, highett william, ormond francis, maynard -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White Maypole Dance 1890, c1890
Originally, May Day was a holiday of ancient tradition in England to celebrate the arrival of Spring. It was celebrated with joyous dancing around a garlanded pole , called a Maypole, from which streamers/ ribbons hung. Each dancer held the end of a streamer, and as they danced, the ribbons became entwined creating one of the several traditional and colourful patterns. In Australia, 19thC & early 20thC, Maypole dancing was incorporated in some School's curriculum. as it was deemed to be 'lady like' exercise for girls.The Maypole dance was spectacular when performed for special occasions. It required precision 'drilling' with many rehearsals to prevent any mistakes in the routine. ( H. Stanley 2007 CMHS )Early settlers in Moorabbin Shire enjoyed coming together to celebrate various events by organising a Maypole dancing display and this reminded them of their homeland customs.Black & White photograph of community Maypole dance c1890 -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, Boys fishing for Yabbies Methodist Childrens' Home Cheltenham 1935, 1935
1892-1953 The Methodist Children's Home in Cheltenham was founded c1880 to provide housing for neglected children from the inner city. The Founders aimed to provide regular nourishment, a stable environment and integrate the children into the local community thereby improving their education and lives. However new settlers to Cheltenham area who were seeking a healthier and more respectable lifestyle for their families were not happy to share Church and School with the Home's Children. 1911 school parents committee moved to exclude the Home's Children but this was countered by the Home's Committee who defeated the motion 60 to 8. 1915 Dr Scantlebury was pressured by school parents into ordering the confinement/ isolation of all Homes Children if an infectious disease was contracted by a child. This resulted in the Homes Children missing school for months so an application was made to the Victorian Education Dept. for e School to be set up at the Home. However funds were short due to WW1. In 1917 John Livingston, former Homes child who had become successful, bequeathed his estate to the Home and the Vic.Education Dept agreed to a school at the Home. The Influenza epidemic 1919 saw the children quarantined for 4 months as a precaution at the Home. When Flu actually struck, a further 5 months isolation was ordered. July 1920 their own school was on site and continuity of education could proceed , however it reinforced the isolation of the institution contrary to the Founders vision of integration.. 1925 the Danks family funded a Domestic Economy Class for girls, but not until 1936 could the children attend the local High School so that they could pursue office work, apprenticeships, commercial college courses. 1947 a benefactor donated £5,000 to pay fees for school, university or apprenticeship in Arts & Cultural subjects. Some of the children were able to join the local society as Methodist minister, accountant, nurses, farmers, secretaries, trademen whilst others were unable to adjust as crime and misfortune ensued. 1939 some past residents began a group called Living Stones Union that they circulated to the others giving news and a sense of family connectedness among themselves. ( Rev. N. Marshall, KCC Local History , H. Stanley 2005) 1950's saw a new direction for the support of children and families in poor and difficult situations . The new Burwood Homes Facility opened in 1951 and children were transferred from Cheltenham in 1952. The land was sold to the St John of God, Catholic Order in1953 who maintained an orphanage until Myer Pty Ltd bought the site in 1967 and constructed the Southland Shopping Centre1892 -1953 The Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham was founded to provide safe accommodation and education for neglected children from the Melbourne inner city slums. Black & White photograph of boys fishing for yabbies from the lake behind the 'Methodist Homes for Children' Cheltenham pdf of Appeal for the establishment of an Infant Asylum 1877methodist childrens home cheltenham 1892- 1953, st john of god home cheltenham 1953-1967, scantlebury dr john city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, cheltenham state school no.84, methodist chapel cheltenham, methodist school cheltenham, beaumaris west state school, meeres frederick, meeres walter, education, early settlers, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White Gulliver's House, Marian Lodge, Methodist Childrens Home Cheltemham, c1935
The Methodist Children's Home was originally the home of Mr Gulliver a chemist. It became the centre of a farm at the Home. When the Home was sold to the Catholic Church 1953 it was renamed 'Marian Lodge'. The Methodist Children's Home in Cheltenham was founded c1880 to provide housing for neglected children from the inner city. The Founders aimed to provide regular nourishment, a stable environment and integrate the children into the local community thereby improving their education and lives. However new settlers to Cheltenham area who were seeking a healthier and more respectable lifestyle for their families were not happy to share Church and School with the Home's Children. ( see 00561) 1950's saw a new direction for the support of children and families in poor and difficult situations . The new Methodist Burwood Homes Facility opened in 1951 and children were transferred from Cheltenham in 1952. The land was sold to the St John of God, Catholic Order in1953 who maintained an orphanage until Myer Pty Ltd bought the site in 1967 and constructed the Southland Shopping Centre c1892-1953 The Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham was founded to provide safe accommodation and education for neglected children from the inner city slums. The St John of God Order purchased the Home 1953 and the land was sold to Myer Pty Ltd. who built Southland Shopping Centre 1967 Black & White photograph showing a farm house that was originally owned by Mr Gulliver, a chemist and then the Methodist Children's Home was established 1892. Named Marian Lodge after the St John of God Catholic Order purchased the property in 1953 Back Hand written information st john of god home cheltenham 1953-1967, marian lodge, mr gulliver, pharmacy, methodist childrens home cheltenham 1892-1953, myer southland 1967, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, cheltenham state school no.84, methodist chapel cheltenham, methodist school cheltenham, beaumaris west state school, meeres frederick, meeres walter, education, early settlers, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White Methethodist Childrens Home Cheltenham , Dolls Tea Party 1935, 1935
A typical leisure activity for children of this era was a doll's tea party. The Methodist Children's Home in Cheltenham was founded c1880 to provide housing for neglected children from the inner city. The Founders aimed to provide regular nourishment, a stable environment and integrate the children into the local community thereby improving their education and lives. However new settlers to Cheltenham area who were seeking a healthier and more respectable lifestyle for their families were not happy to share Church and School with the Home's Children. (see 00561) 1950's saw a new direction for the support of children and families in poor and difficult situations . The new Burwood Homes Facility opened in 1951 and children were transferred from Cheltenham in 1952. The land was sold to the St John of God, Catholic Order in1953 who maintained an orphanage until Myer Pty Ltd bought the site in 1967 and constructed the Southland Shopping Centre c1892-1953 The Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham was founded to provide safe accommodation and education for neglected children from the inner city slums. Black & White photograph of Methodist Children's Home and Cottages combined 'Dolls Tea Party' Cheltenham 1935Back Handwritten informationmethodist childrens home cheltenham 1892-1953, dolls, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, cheltenham state school no.84, methodist chapel cheltenham, methodist school cheltenham, beaumaris west state school, meeres frederick, meeres walter, education, early settlers, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham Boys & Briquettes 1935, 1935
Boys from the Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham collecting Briquettes from the shed. Briquettes, made from Brown coal, were an economical source of heating for the Home The Methodist Children's Home in Cheltenham was founded c1880 to provide housing for neglected children from the inner city. The Founders aimed to provide regular nourishment, a stable environment and integrate the children into the local community thereby improving their education and lives. ( see 00561) 1950's saw a new direction for the support of children and families in poor and difficult situations . The new Burwood Homes Facility opened in 1951 and children were transferred from Cheltenham in 1952. The land was sold to the St John of God, Catholic Order in1953 who maintained an orphanage until Myer Pty Ltd bought the site in 1967 and constructed the Southland Shopping Centrec1892-1953 The Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham was founded to provide safe accommodation and education for neglected children from the inner city slums. Black & White photograph of some boys in the Briquette Shed at Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham 1935Back Handwritten informationmethodist children's home cheltenham 1892-1953, briquettes, heating, yallourn brown coal mine, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, cheltenham state school no.84, methodist chapel cheltenham, methodist school cheltenham, beaumaris west state school, meeres frederick, meeres walter, education, early settlers -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Black & White, Crofts Grocery 395 Centre Rd Bentleigh c1937, c1937
After the extension of the Railway line from Caulfield to Mordialloc 1880's the shopping centre moved from the Tucker Rd end to around the East Brighton (Bentleigh) Station area of Centre Road. A variety of shops, forges, estate agents, Coles' and Fossey's variety stores, a Hoyts picture theatre, butchers, traded in Centre Rd. Crofts was one many grocery stores along the strip. Crofts Stores was established by Archibald Crofts (1875-1942) as a single grocery store in South Melbourne. It eventually expanded to include 137 branches throughout Victoria, trading as Crofts Stores. The Lees family had established a Seedling Nursery in Thomas St that has continued until the land sold 2018 for housing development.Crofts Grocery Store was one of the shops in the Centre Road Bentleigh shopping strip that were established after the arrival of the train line 1881Black & White photograph of 3 men outside Crofts Grocery Store 395 Centre Rd Bentleigh c 1937 Mr Jack Lees is centre.Handwritten informationcrofts grocery store bentleigh, lees jack, mordialloc railway line, centre road bentleigh, smith j l, smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b., bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph , Black & White Opening McKinnon Progress Hall c 1925, c1925
McKinnon was a small community in East Brighton settled mainly by market gardeners but it had a State School, Churches, a hotel opened by Thomas Bent's father, Post Office and some shops. After WW1 land close to the railway line began to be sold and new homes and various shops were built. A Progress League was well supported and new hall built. McKinnon Rd Shopping precinct did not prosper as expected and some attribute this to the failure to secure the Hoyts picture theatre c 1925. Hoyts instead built the theatre in Centre Rd Bentleigh and this took a lot of trade away from the shops in McKinnon Rd.McKinnon was settled by market gardeners and after the train line arrived more houses and shops were built so that the small community developed through the 20thCBlack & White photograph showing the crowd of local residents celebrating the opening of the McKinnon Progress hall c1925mckinnon progress league, mckinnon railway station, ormond state school, hoyts picture theatres, centre road bentleigh, wyles jim, mckinnon hotel, gardeners arms hotel, bent james, smith j l; smith , chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, J.Redmore "God Cottage' Bentleigh c1890, c1900
1890 - 1950 This little cottage was located near the corner of Centre Road and Jasper Road East Brighton ( now Bentleigh) between where the Bentleigh RSL and Woolworths Supermarket now stand. Rev.B.Redmore, and his wife, were early members of the Salvation Army Corps, and they went to unusual lengths to proclaim their faith. Texts were hung along the veranda to catch the attention of passers-by and on the iron roof was painted a large sign ' PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD O' ISRAEL' ( The apostrophe is not a misprint.) The Cottage became known locally as The "God Cottage" and was demolished c1950 ( H.Stanley 2005)The 'God Cottage ' with its Biblical texts and large roof sign was an unique feature in East Brighton ( Bentleigh) 1890 - 1950 Black & White photograph showing a small cottage with a large sign painted on the roofBack Handwritten informationredmore reverend b, salvation army, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Black & White Postcard, Cheltenham Church of Christ 40th Anniversary Invitation, c1900
On his arrival from Scotland c 1857, James Keir commenced a communion service in his home on the Nepean Road. By 1859 the group-which included such other names as Allen, Brough, Cameron, Fairlam, Holdsworth, Le Page, Meeres, Monk, Organ, Penny, Perry, Potts, Sears and King-had built a small chapel near the corner of Wickham and Chesterville Roads. During 1858, a group had also begun meeting in the Charman family home on the corner of Charman and Balcombe Roads. Names associated with this group included Bodley, Charman, Fisher, Hayes, Hilliar, Judd, Moysey and Ruse. In 1860 they built a chapel on the corner of Charman Road and Patty Street. It was enlarged in 1866 and it became the meeting place of the two groups when they came together around 1870. They were able to buy land near the corner of Chesterville and Nepean Roads, and erected a new brick chapel on the site in 1878. This chapel, of course, continues to be an integral part of the life of the Southern Community Church and was one of the three worship venues for the 150th Anniversary celebration in 2007. The Southern Community Church was formed by the amalgamation of the Cheltenham, East Bentleigh and Hampton Street Churches of Christ in 1993, and a comprehensive new facility was designed and built to accommodate the ever-increasing activity of the amalgamated church. It was opened on 30th November 1997. ( Southern Community Church website 2019)c1878 - continuing The Church or Christ Cheltenham was one of the first places of worship established in Cheltenham by the early settlers. The settlers came together, in private homes at first, to support each other spiritually and physically and later built brick Churches for Sunday services and established social and sporting clubsBlack & White photograph as a postcard invitation to the 40th Anniversary of the Church of Christ corner Chesterville Rd and Nepean Highway Cheltenham ( ? 1900)Front Printed ; Church of Christ Cheltenham Back Printed ; POST CARD / One Penny Postage within Commonwealth / The address only to be written here/ One penny Stamp/ Sunday School Anniversary, / OCTOBER 27TH & OCTOBER 30TH / TO WHICH YOU ARE / CORDIALLY INVITED Handwritten in ink ; H.W. got the cramps in the pants. He took some pills then ran over the hills undatedearly settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, were j.b., o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards, keir james, lepage frank, lepage everest, holloway josiah, bruton henry, keys robert, judd clarence, fairlam percy, meeres william, southern community church, cheltenham, cheltenham church of christ -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, Fruit & Vegetable display Float Easter Parade c1917, c1916
The Friendly Societies Carnival at Mentone 1916 during WW1 was arranged to showcase the local activities and raise funds for the 'Discharged Wounded Soldiers Fund' = £140 was raised. As elsewhere in Australia most of the local young men had enlisted in the AIF and some were coming home wounded - many were killed on overseas battlefields. This Parade was led by the Cheltenham Brass Band with the following Friendly Societies AOF, IOR, HACBS, PAFS, and ANA. The PAFS - Protestant Alliance Friendly Society - had 2 entries 'Fruit & Vegetable Display' and 'The Murder of Nurse Edith Cavell' both floats won their category. The Carnival gave prizes for sports events on the Mentone Oval and a concert was held at night at the Mentone Ice Skating Rink.World War 1 1914-1918 had a devastating impact on many early settler families whose sons had volunteered to serve in AIF. 1916 many of these young men were returning injured or had been killed overseas The Community rallied around to support these men and their families by holding fund raising events like the CarnivalBlack & White photograph of a horse drawn wagon displaying Fruit and Vegetables for a procession c 1916Handwritten ; Decorated wagon possibly part of a procession of market gardeners cartsfriendly societies cheltenham 1916, nurse edith cavell, cheltenham brass band 1916, ww1 1914-1918, wounded soldiers fund, allnutt ella, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Black & White, Mr F. Guumes 1884-1950 & Hand made Harness outfit c1947, c1947
Mr Francis Guumes1884-1950, was born in the Cheltenham district and later bought land in Heatherton Rd, Heatherton, where he and his two sons developed a market garden. Mr Guumes , a self taught leather worker, made every piece of this harness. He entered this outfit in the Royal Melbourne Show c1947 and was awarded 1st Prize in his section. ( H. Stanley 2005)Early settlers in Moorabbin Shire had to be resourceful and self sufficient as they developed market gardens and farms. The community learned to make, repair and invent tools and equipment that was needed on their properties. Black & White photograph, enlarged, showing Mr Francis Guumes, with the rig and leather work that he entered and won 1st prize in the Royal Melbourne Show c 1947guumes francis, royal melbourne show 1947, leatherwork, saddles, harness, draught horses, horse drawn carts, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, , chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document, Nurse A Watt , Cheltenham Nursing Home c1900, c1900
Nurse A. Watt was a registered Nurse who owned the Cheltenham Nursing Home, located up on the hill, at 200 Charman Road Cheltenham c1900. With Dr. Fleming Joyce, she brought many local identities into the world. Len Allnutt recalls that his brother, Ray, was born there in 1924. Nurse Watt had an excellent reputation for her care and ability in the local area. One recorded event was when in November 1910 Constable Edwards was shot by his son David, at his police house, after an episode of domestic violence involving Constable Edwards long suffering wife - the mother of David. Const. Edwards was first taken to the Police Station, but later taken by Shire ambulance to Nurse Watt's Cheltenham Nursing Home. At 8pm, Edwards was operated on by Dr. Joyce and Dr. Weigall. Despite the surgery, Edwards died the next day of haemorrhage and shock. David was convicted of manslaughter. Dr A Fleming Joyce was the Shire Medical Officer c1914 - 1930. Nurse Watt bequeathed her Estate to the Methodist Church. ( H. Stanley CMHS)c1900 Nurse A Watt had an excellent reputation for her care and ability in the Cheltenham area where Medical, Surgical and Midwifery Cases were received at her Nursing Home in Charman Road. She also accommodated convalescent cases. She worked with Dr A.Fleming Joyce and Dr Weigall.a) Advertisement / Leaflet for Nurse A.Watt c1900 b) Black & White photograph of the Cheltenham Nursing Home, 200 Charman Road Cheltenham c1900watts nurse a, joyce dr. a f., cheltenham nursing home c1910, charman road cheltenham, nursing, medicine, midwifery, victoria police force, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen,, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, John Morey House Cheltenham c1900, c1900
Mr John Morey, was a pioneer settler in Cheltenham where he developed a market garden on his property in Weatherall Rd. Dick Morey, John's son died in WW1. John Morey jnr., another son, inherited the property and eventually moved to Bay Rd Sandringham, Descendants of John Morey lived in the area John Morey was an early settler in Cheltenham and established a market garden in Weatherall Road Cheltenham.Faded Black & White of John Morey with 2 children outside his home in Weatherall Rd. Cheltenham c1900Hand written information / Hayward ........morey, john, weatherall road cheltenham, sandringham, world war 1 1914-1918, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b., bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, cheltenham state school no.84, methodist school cheltenham, beaumaris west state school, meeres frederick, meeres walter, early settlers, cancel -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White,Methodist Youth 'Harvest Festival' East Bentleigh c1910, original c1910
Early settlers established market gardens, farms and business in the East Brighton ( East Bentleigh) area of Henry Dendy's Special Survey 1841 Brighton. The small communities established Churches and Schools. Stephen Charman, 1821-1906 a market gardener, donated land for the first Methodist Chapel, Cemetery and School in Charman Rd Cheltenham 1855. The East Bentleigh settlers built a Methodist Church in Tucker Road and established the Sunday School and Youth group which organised social and sporting events and picnics.Early settlers established market gardens, farms and business in the East Brighton ( East Bentleigh) area of Henry Dendy's Special Survey 1841 Brighton. The small communities established Churches and Schools. Black and White photograph showing the Bentleigh Methodist Youth Group on Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday c1910 in front of R.Smith's shed in Tucker Road East Bentleigh re-digitised by H.Stanley CMHS 2005Back Handwritten Names on Original photograph Front row Irene Pederson, Ella Marriott, Bessie Long, Jessie Box, Lucy Hosking, Middle row Hilda Sheppard, Emma Marriott, Bertha Sheppard, ? , Edna Box, Annie McNeil Back row Rev. George Wong, John Marriott, Arthur Marriott, Vic Pederson, Eddie Long, ? Marriott,, Tom Marriott, Mr Long methodist youth group bentleigh c1910, marriott emma, marriott ella, hosking lucy, marriott john, box jessie, pederson vic, long bessie, wong george, shephard hilda, mcneil annie, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs x 2 B/W, Stefanie & William Rietman c1920, c1920
Stefanie and William Rietman were the children of August and Frieda Rietmann. Stefanie became a school teacher and designed and made resin jewellery, Later she established a Native grass garden in Joyce park, Ormond, William joined August's business and after his death continued the development of Rietman's Landscaping and pottery firm . His son Ray also continued the family business in Bay Road Highett and the Carrum. August Rietman 1877-1951 and his wife Frieda 1878-1942 leased the Cottage in 1917 and raised 2 children Stefanie 1918-2006, and William 1920– 1997. August was a Monumental Mason / Potter / Sculptor and he was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to make the War Memorials for many towns post WW1. August purchased the property 1935,and established a pressed concrete business using the cottage as a workshop and storeroom After August died in 1951, William, his son, continued to work in the business from the site until the land was sold to Lewis Co. Ltd Timber Merchants in 1970. Rietman's Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett 1953 and later to Carrum. The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.Photographs x 2 Black & White, of Stefanie Amilie Rietman, and William Henry Rietman c 1920 at Ormond AustraliaHand written namesrietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall, box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921, resin jewellery, australian native grasses, schools, education, craftwork, pottery, ceramics, ormond state school -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Card - Documents, greeting cards 1893, c1890
These charming hand made Greeting Cards were sent by members of Mr John Herron's family c1890Hand made greeting cards used by the family of James Jones a pioneer in Moorabbin Shire c1900 4 hand made Greeting Cards from members of the Herron family c1890early settlers, pioneers, moorabbin, bentleigh, brighton, craftwork, greeting cards, postcards, market gardeners -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Ornaments, Fenton's Blue vase, Circa 1906 to 1940s
The Fenton Art Glass Company was founded in 1905 by brothers Frank L. Fenton and John W. Fenton in an old glass factory in Martins Ferry, Ohio. Originally, they painted glass blanks from other glass makers, but started making their own glass when they became able to buy the materials they needed. They moved across the Ohio river to Williamstown, West Virginia, and built a factory in 1906. The first year for glass production was 1907. Frank Fenton was the designer and decorator. Jacob Rosenthal, a famous glass chemist is known for developing chocolate and golden agate glass. Perfume bottles for the Wrisley Company in 1938 were made in French opalescent glass with the hobnail pattern In 1939, Fenton started selling Hobnail items in milk glass. During the Great Depression and World War II, Fenton produced practical items such as mixing bowls and tableware. Fenton ceased "traditional" glassmaking at the Williamstown, West Virginia factory in July of 2011. However, the factory remains open as a jewellery making operation, producing handcrafted glass beads and Teardrop earrings.Late early to mid 20th century Jack-in the- Pulpet style Fenton vase. Hand-blown outer aqua blue glass over base of white milk glass. Heavily ruffled and crimped rim, with clear glass edging. The narrow neck joins to larger circular base. The body of the vase is also decorated with swirling ridges. Clear glass handle. Pont mark on base, but no Makers Mark. Fenton's glassware bore no Makers Mark until the 1950s.glassware, lights, fenton art glass company, ohio, west virginia, usa, fenton frank l., fenton john w., rosenthal jacob, early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, moorabbin, bentleigh, ormond, cheltenham -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Ornaments, Green Vase, mid 20th C
The Cambridge Glass Company was chartered in 1873 by a group of Cambridge, Ohio businessmen. But it was not until 1899, when the site was purchased by the newly formed National Glass Company, that funds became available to start the construction of this new glass factory. n 1901, The Cambridge Glass Company was organized by the owners of the National Glass Company of Pennsylvania Arthur J. Bennett, a native of England, was hired to manage this new factory. Having experience in the china and glass trades. Many of the patterns were of Mr. Bennett's own design. Sometime around 1903-1904 the company's first trademark came into being, the words "Near Cut" pressed into the glass. Cambridge Glass soon became known worldwide for quality in both "crystal and colours, pressed and blown’. 1984. The National Cambridge Collectors purchased many of the moulds, all of the etching/decorating plates and other assets of Cambridge Glass from Imperial. The Cambridge Glass factory building was demolished in 1989A shallow factory made, frosted green glass vase. The central "frog" is a figurine in the shape of a draped lady, with ten holes at her base to hold flowers. The lady's shape is poorly moulded, indistinct and would have been cheaply made. No Makers Mark. Appears to be similar to vases made by Cambridge Glass Co, Ohio, America, (1901 - 1958), during the Depression. glassware, cambridge glass company, ohio, bennett arthur j., orme wilber l., national glass company, pennsylvania, imperial glass company, bellaire, pioneers, early settlers, herron john, bentleigh, market gardeners, moorabbin, cheltenham -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Kitchen Equipment, Tea Pot, Between 1885 and 1905 after which the backstamp changed to G & S LTD
Earthenware is lightly fired, readily absorbs water if not glazed, and does not allow light to pass through it. Coarse earthenware is made from clay and grog (ground up fired pot). There are two main types of glazed earthenware: One is covered with a transparent lead glaze; when the earthenware body to which this glaze is applied has a cream colour, the product is called creamware. The second type, covered with an opaque white .in glaze, is variously called tin-enamelled, or tin-glazed, earthenware, majolica, faience, or delft. G&S marking could be Grove & Stark, Longton, England (1871-1884). In the 19th century, J. & G. Meakin ,1851 based in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, was known for the vast quantities of cheap ironstone china it produced for the domestic English market and for export to Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. Grove & Stark were taken over by Meakin early 20thC The Mark could also be Gibson & Sons (Ltd), were notably manufacturers of earthenware Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent. Founded around 1885 and traded until the mid 1970's. They were previously Gibson, Sudlow & Co. Manufactured between 1885 to 1905. Small earthen-ware, black-glazed tea-pot. 8 sided. The body of the tea-pot is decorated with hand-painted gold flowers and raised cream flowers. The lid is also hand -painted with green leaves and flowers. This floral pattern is named "Garland" The lid is not of the same pattern as the base. The spout was broken when brush tailed possum entered Cottage via chimney 27/4/2014. Can be repairedOn the base of the tea-pot. Makers Mark is G & S. "Garland". (Pattern), Rg. No. 175153. Also 'Made in England'. Under glaze there is the word: England.crockery, earthenwarre, gibson & son ltd, grove & stark ltd, pioneers, early settlers, bentleigh, market gardeners, moorabbin, cheltenham, pottery, stoke- on - trent, england, longton, burslem, wedgwood