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Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Sacred Heart Mercy Convent, Victoria Street, Ballarat East
In 1872 members of the Jesuits purchased land in Walpole Street. Three years later, on 14 February 1875, Archbishop Gould laid a foundation stone for a school. By 1899 the land for the current church was purchased after mining speculator and Mt Lyell 'Copper King' James Crotty donated 3,000.00 pounds. The foundation stone was laid on 15 December 1918 by Archbishop Mannix. The cost of constructing the domed church was 15,000.00 pounds. A Fincham and Sons organ was installed in 1927, and refurbished in 1977. NEW PRESBYTERY AT KEW. Plans have been prepared by Mr. R. Harper, architect and builder, for the erection of a new presbytery for the Rev. P. Rafferty, adjoining the Sacred Heart Church, Cotham-road, Kew. The new building, which will be in brick and of two stories, will be behind the present priests' residence, which will continue to be used until the new presbytery is completed. The cost will be £6000, and the work will be begun almost immediately. The old presbytery was purchased many years ago by the late Rev. Fr. P. O'Donohue from the late Mr. Smart for £3000, and the full amount of the purchase money was donated by the late Mr. James Crotty. At different times additions were made to the building, but the small rooms made it altogether unsuitable as a residence for three priests, and made remodelling impracticable. The new presbytery will be in keeping with the Church of the Sacred Heart and the surroundings on the elevated site. At one time the old Sacred Heart Church was in Walpole-street, Kew. (The Advocate, 09 December 1937) The whole of the estate of the late Jas. Crotty has now been realised ex cepting 4000 shares in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares. All the debts and legacies, including £10,000 to St. Patrick's and £3300 to the testator's parish church at Kew, and also probate duty, have been paid. On present values the Mount Lyell shares. are worth a total of £37,000, and at the present rate of dividends the return represents an income of about £2000 per annum. Over and above this there is a sum of between £20,000 and £30,000 available for investment, and this, together with the dividends brings the income of the estate up to about £3000 per annum. A sum of £1100 per annum will be absorbed in annuities under the terms of the will. Whatever amount is realised beyond the sum necessary to pay the annuities goes to Archbishop Carr for the church and charitable purposes until the death of the last annuitant, when the resi duary estate will be divided between the Little Sisters of the Poor (North cote) and St. Joseph's Home (Surrey Hills). (Launceston Examiner, 18 July 1899) Sunday last being the anniversary of tire opening of the Sacred Heart Church, Kew, the pastor, Rev. Fr. Manly, made a special appeal at the various Masses. The beautiful design for marble altar for the Lady Chapel, which is on view in the vestibule, continues to attract attention. The Children of Mary Sodality have kindly undertaken to provide it, and the president, Miss Frances O'Sulliv!an, 43 Rideway-avenue, Kew, will be pleased to receive and acknowledge subscriptions from clients of Our Lady. They may also be placed in box near Lady Altar. (The Advocate, 06 December 1923) Number of photographes of the entrance to Sacred Heart Mercy Convent, Victoria Street, Ballarat East, as well as stained glass windows in the chapel.sacred heart mercy convent, ballarat east, stained glass window, sacred heart of jesus, john hove, announciation, kathleen blanche meagan, sacred heart college -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Pamphlet, G.A. Green, Auction Sale Brochure - Garden Farms Estate, Ringwood, Victoria - 1919, 1919
Multi-fold brochure advertising public auction of one-acre, 2-acre, 5-acre and 8-acre allotments in Ringwood and Bayswater on Saturday 12th April, 1919. Brochure includes terms of sale, description of subdivision features and local facilities, and photographic images of the area.Subdivison includes Canterbury Road Heathmont, Armstrong Road Heathmont, Armstrong Road Bayswater, Bungalook Road Heathmont, Bungalook Road Bayswater, and Orchard Road Bayswater. Road shown as Bayswater Road to Bayswater became Mountain Highway Bayswater. Vendor: H.E.B.Armstrong, Auctioneers: Coghill & Haughton, 79 Swanston Street Melbourne, Telephone Central 2793, in conjunction with J.B. McAlpin, Ringwood, Opposite Station, Telephone Ringwood 7. (Map) Woodcock & McCormack, Civil Engineers Architects & Surveyors, 430 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Phone 3241 Central. MOST OF THE MONEY COMES OUT OF THE LAND. And more money can be obtained from anb acre of fruit than from an acre of any other produce. But you do not have to grow fruit on Garden Farms Estate. You can go in for - Outer Suburban Home - Market Garden - Orchard - Pig Raising - Poultry Farm - Small Dairy Farm - Small Fruits - Floral Culture - Scent and Bee Farm - Or just for a Week-end Home. RINGWOOD - THE PLACE TO LIVE. The Beautiful Ringwood District has so many natural attractions, that half a Land Agent's work is done in just showing a prospective buyer round and about. Ringwood has a pull of its own that attracts folk, proved beyond doubt by its rapid development within the last decade (spite the war). First, it is high and healthy, picturesque and undulating, convenient of access, sufficiently close to the Metropolis for City and Business folk to live at Ringwood. Its development is solid, because most of its people are industrious husbandmen, real producers, who have turned idle hills into smiling gardens. These are the kind of real people to live amongst; ones who wear out their spades. The rapidly-developing town has excellent Stores, Trade and Repair Shops Churches, Banks, Telephone Exchange, Weekly General Market, Cool Stores, and good Private and State Schools, etc.; is Electrically lit, has Metropolitan Water Supply, and generally provides so that practically all shopping can be done locally. WHY RINGWOOD MUST GROW. Ringwood is a great centre and must be a greater. Two rapidly-developing railways junction here. The passengers from Ringwood Station cityward, in one year, number 250,000. Ringwood will be the terminus of the Outer Suburban Electric Eastern Railway. Its natural boundaries are the River Yarra on the North, Dandenong Creek on the South, the popular town of Croydon on the East, and the suburb of Mitcham on the West. This is a large territory that is steadily being converted from intense culture, and then it might be called (as regards its gardens) "The Devon Territory of Victoria." ARMSTRONG ROAD. This new road traverses Garden Farms Estate from its northern boundary on the main Canterbury Road, across Dandenong Creek, to its southern boundary on the main Bayswater Road, and will provide a long-desired additional link of communication between Bayswater and Ringwood. The 1-acre building sites on Bayswater Road are within 8 minutes' walk of the Bayswater Railway Station, and the Canterbury Road frontages are only 1-1/2 miles from Ringwood Station, and 1/2 mile from the Railway Station site of Canterbury Road; therefore, the whole Estate is easy of access and there should be a large demand for land so favourably placed. (Image) Cultivation Field - Potatoes on Lot 28 (Image) Picture of Bayswater Creek Flats. (Image) View from "Korumbeen" where Mr. Armstrong lived on Garden Farms Estate. Estate outlined in white ring. (Image) Site of New Bridge over Dandenong Creek. (Image) On one of the timbered lots adjoining railway. (Image) This Dandenong Creek traveres the Estate. (Image) Main Fern Tree Gully Line bisects the Estate. -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Newsclipping, The Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat, 1888, 1888
The Old Colonists' Association Ballarat Inc. is a not for profit charitable organisation providing accommodation for elderly people. It manages a 27 Home retirement village at Charles Anderson Grove Ballarat. Accommodation is offered at significantly below market rates. It has been providing low cost accommodation to the elderly since the 1920s. The Association Council overseas the running of this facility on a voluntary basis. OLD COLONISTS' ASSOCIATION OF BALLARAT. (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT.) BALLARAT, WEDNESDAY. This association, which was founded in August, 1883, and at first known as the Old Identities' Association, now has a roll of 450 members. The objects of the association are "to aid and assist indigent or suffering old colonists ; to raise a fund, by the voluntary subscriptions of the members and the aid of outside donations, for the purpose of relieving members in sickness and old age; for assisting those in extreme distress, to provide the shelter of a home for old and indigent pioneers of the gold fields, their widows, or anyone connected with the association, and in the event of the death of any member to have his remains decently buried, the association defraying the expenses of the funeral (providing that no funds or property are left by the deceased), and to attend the funeral if so desired by the relatives." The qualifications for member ship are good character and repute, and residence in the colonies for a quarter of a century. For some time the association had no property except the regular subscriptions, but about a year ago they obtained from the Minister of Lands the grant of a very valuable block of land in Lydiard-street, the Crown grant of which they received last week. This block has a frontage of 66ft to Lydiard street, worth at least £100 a foot. The ground was given to the association as a site for them to build a hall upon, and with so valuable an asset they had no difficulty in borrowing at 7 per cent, enough money to construct a hall. For revenue purposes the ground floor of the building has been made into four shops, and the rental from these, judging from the rentals of shops in the vicinity, will not only pay all the interest on the borrowed money, but over £200 a year towards clearing off the principal. The officers of the association are Messrs J. P. Murray, President; J. W. Graham and T. Stoddart, vice presidents; D. Fern, treasurer; and J. Fraser, secretary. The Old Colonists' Hall is an elegant looking building in Lydiard-street, lying between the newly-opened mining exchange and the Commercial Club house, and a few doors north of the Post Office. The style of the facade is classic. The lower portion of the front is constructed of Waurn Ponds stone, forming piers, and the upper portion of brick and cement, the background being tuckpointed. The centre bay is carried by two three quarter columns with Ionic cups, which support a pediment on which is set a cast of the Ballarat coat of arms. The four other bays are supported by pilasters with Corinthian caps mid partly fluted. The entrance is through a spacious circular headed doorway, the keystone of the arch of which bears a sculptured head, in marble, representing that of the president of the Old Colonists' Association here, Mr. John P. Murray. An ample vestibule leads to a wide stone staircase which ends at a spacious landing. The landing has a dome over the centre, with cornice and enrichments, and is lighted from above. The walls round the landing are panelled with marble slabs, which are to be appropriately inscribed in the future. On the first door are the rooms appropriated to the association. The principal of these is a hall 44ft x 33ft and 17ft high. This room is well ventilated and lighted from the back of the building with large windows, and the walls are finished with Keene's cement. The other rooms are committee room, 14ft x 16ft; secretary's, 14ft x 17ft, 6in; kitchen, bedrooms, bathroom, &c. The front portion of the first floor is arranged so that it may be let for offices, or utilised for club purposes. Suitable provision has been made throughout for lighting, ventilation, and means of egress. The architect for the edifice is Mr A. G. Legge, of this city, and the contractors are Messrs. Whitelaw and Atkinson, Irving and Glover, Reynolds, and J. Donaldson. The total cost of the building when completed, which will be in a few weeks, will be about £4,000. (The Argus, 10 May 1888)ballarat old colonists' club, charles anderson grove, old colonists' association -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Image, Yarrowee Hall, Redan, c1883
ROBERT MALACHY SERJEANT (1828-1902) Robert Malachy Serjeant was born on 21 December 1828 at Callington, Cornwall. He was the son of Philip Davey Serjeant, a surgeon in the Royal Marines, and Eliza Malachy. Philip Serjeant died in 1834. His mother, Eliza, remarried John Burgh in 1836. He died in 1837. In September 1848 Eliza, Robert and his two sisters, Caroline and Susan, departed Plymouth on the William Moneya for Port Adelaide and arrived in January 1849. Once gold was discovered in Victoria, Serjeant made his way to Forest Creek (near Castlemaine) and he and his mate Mr Victor, were the first party to sink through the basalt in search of a deep lead. In 1854 he moved to Ballarat to work as a miner and enjoyed some success. In 1855 he was with a group that discovered a 500 ounce nugget. With his share of the sale he set himself up with the latest mining equipment, as well as beginning a lifelong interest in the share market. He became the Manager of the Chryseis, Isis and Garibaldi claims and then the Manager of the Band and Albion Consol Company. He held the position for thirty years and only resigned when the company amalgamated with the Sir Henry Loch Mine. Robert Malachy Serjeant became interested in Politics. The first election for Parliament Representatives for Ballarat was in 1855. Robert stood for election for the first time in 1859, representing Ballarat West. He was also elected to represent Ballarat West in 1874 and 1880. Robert Serjeant’s community involvement extended to Education. Years of discussion eventually saw the development of the Ballarat School of Mines, the first school of mines in Australia. The inaugural School Council was formed in 1870 with Sir Redmond Barry, the Chief Justice, as President and Robert Malachy Serjeant as a member of the council. He held a position on the council until illness forced him to retire in 1889. He was elected a Life Governor in 1889. He was also a Life Governor of the Ballarat Hospital. Robert Serjeant showed Prince Albert and Prince George (later King George V) around the Band and Albion Mine. At the age of 42, Robert enrolled as a student at the School of Mines in 1871. He obtained a Certificate of Competency in Assaying (including Metallurgy) in 1875. The first certificate in “Geology as Applied to Mining” was awarded to Robert Serjeant in 1876. Robert Serjeant was an active and generous supporter of the School of Mines. As well as being a financial contributor, he lectured and examined in the Principles and Practice of Mining. He was regarded as an authority on alluvial and quartz mining and was a member of the Ballarat Local Court and mining board. In 1977 Robert, Joseph Flude and Henry Caselli donated the patent rights of a novel Pyrites furnace to the school. The R.M. Serjeant Scholarship at the Ballarat School of Mines resulted after a reward was offered for the first to produce the best method of treating auriferous ores – other than the smelting method. The offer was open for two years but not awarded. The money for this was donated by Robert Serjeant to the amount of 256 Pounds. It was then used to fund the School of Mines Scholarship in Engineering (1889). It was first awarded in 1922. Robert Malachy Serjeant died on 25 October 1902 and was buried at the Ballaarat Old Cemetery. (Sometimes Malachy is incorrectly written as Malachi)An copy of a photo of Yarrowee Hall, the home of of mine manager Robert Malachy Serjeant. robert malachy serjeant, r.m. sergeant, robert malachi serjeant, band of hope and albion consols, yarrowee hall, redan -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Newspaper - B/W
Until the closure 40 years ago, the Myrtlebank Guesthouse near Halls Gap in the Grampians was a thriving family - run business. In 1962, all that changed when the government of the day purchased the land on which the guesthouse stood and some neighbouring farms and houses. For almost 40 Years, the remains of the buildings have been submered under the man made reservoir known as Lake Bellfield. Due to drought, the eater levels have dropped steadily and, in the past month, the memories underneath Lake Bellfield have come to the surface. Local resident Don warren 70, has been to have a look. His grandmother Anne Flower Warren, was 56 when she opened the guesthouse in 1916. Widowed, the year before after a horse kicked her farmer husband, Mrs Flower needed to provide for their large family. "She had 13 children - seven daughters. I think she built it to look after the girls," Mr Warren says, "The whole think was built on a 500 acre farm." With the guesthouse sited in the centre of the farm, the land was divided between two of her sons- Mr Warren's uncle working one side and his father taking the other. For Mr Warren, the grounds of the two-storey guesthouse were an extension of a huge rural playground in what he remembers as an idyllic childhood. "I used to get taken over there and I'd sit there and watch her make all the toast for the guests. It was quite full all the time - maybe 40 or 50 people. It was a great big place - very grand. In the bedrooms I can remember the great big bowls full of water to wash your face in. There was a big dining room, too. My grandmother was a great cook." By the time of Mrs Warren's death in 1936, her eldest daughter also Anne, had officially taken over the running of the business. "It was in the family right until the last bit. The youngest daughter, Auntie Hilda, took it over right at the end. they got a notice to say that's it - it's over There was no way out of that one." Mrs Ida Stanton, 78, is the historian for the Halls Gap and Grampians Historical Society. Can she remember it when it all happened? "Of course" she says "It's only 40 years ago" Her memories of Myrtlebank are of a place popular with honeymooners, who would often return year after year, bringing their families with them. "There was a lovely ballroom where they used to invite the Gap people and the tourists in to have balls. During the war it was one means of making money to send stuff over to the soldiers." Seeing just the stumps of the guesthouse and what had been his family home, Mr Warren says the bitterness is still there. "The hardest part was poor old dad. He was 70 years old when he got turfed out. Dad had been a farmer all his life - 214 acres, he had, and he got 22,000 quid. Had to move into town" Also showing beneath the drying lake is the concrete slab of the new home Mr Warren planned after his marriage to wife Anne in 1955. Another lost dream. " I was the only child, I was going to take over the farm, but that all changed. You can't take it over when it's full of water.Newspaper clipping of history of Myrtlebank by Don Warren and photo of Don at old site of pooland guest House photo Article by Claire Halliday from newspaper 2002accommodation, guesthouses, myrtlebank -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Pill bottle, Circa 1878
This small pill bottle has been handmade by a glass blower. The battles and seamless concave sides and base show that the glass was blown into a shaped mould. The rough lip shows that the glass was snapped off at the mouth and roughly ground. This was an inexpensive way to produce a bottle. The bottle was recovered from the Loch Ard, wrecked in 1878. A brief history of the Loch Ard (1873-1878): - The sailing ship Loch Ard was one of the famous Loch Line ships that sailed from England to Australia. Barclay, Curdle and Co. built the three-masted iron vessel in Glasgow in 1873. It had sailed three trips to Australia and one trip to Calcutta before its fateful voyage. Loch Ard left England on March 2, 1878, under the command of recently married, 29-year-old Captain Gibbs. It was bound for Melbourne with a crew of 37, plus 17 passengers. The general cargo reflected the affluence of Melbourne at the time. Onboard were straw hats, umbrellas, perfumes, clay pipes, pianos, clocks, confectionery, linen and candles, and a heavier load of railway irons, cement, lead and copper. Other cargo included items intended for display in the Melbourne International Exhibition of 1880. The Loch Ard had been sailing for three months and was close to its destination on June 1, 1878. Captain Gibbs had expected to see land at about 3 am but the Loch Ard ran into a fog that greatly reduced visibility and there was no sign of land or the Cape Otway lighthouse. The fog lifted at 4 am and the sheer cliffs of Victoria's west coast were much closer to them than Captain Gibbs expected. He tried to manage the vessel but failed and the ship struck a reef at the base of Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell. The top deck loosened from the hull, and the masts and rigging crashed down, knocking passengers and crew overboard. The lifeboat was launched by Tom Pearce but crashed into the side of Loch Ard and capsized. He clung onto its overturned hull and sheltered under it. He drifted out to sea and the tide brought him back to what is now called Loch Ard Gorge. He swam to shore and found a cave for shelter. A passenger, Eva Carmichael, had raced onto the deck to find out what was happening and was confronted by towering cliffs above the ship. She was soon swept off the ship by a huge wave. Eva saw Tom Pearce on a small rocky beach and yelled to attract his attention. He swam out and dragged her to the shelter of the cave. He revived her with a bottle of brandy from a case that had washed up on the beach. Tom scaled a cliff in search of help and followed some horse hoof prints. He came from two men from Glenample Station, three and a half miles away. He told the men of the tragedy and then returned to the gorge while the two men rode back to the station to get help. They reached Loch Ard Gorge and took the two shipwreck survivors to Glenample Station to recover. Eva stayed at the station for six weeks before returning to Ireland by steamship. In Melbourne, Tom Pearce received a hero's welcome and was presented with a medal and some money. Of the 54 crew members and passengers on board, only two survived: the apprentice, Tom Pearce and the young woman passenger, Eva Carmichael, who lost her family in the tragedy. The glass pill bottle is associated with the shipwreck of the Loch Ard and of significance for Victoria as the wreck is registered on the Victorian Heritage Register ( S 417). Flagstaff Hill has a varied collection of artefacts from Loch Ard of which the pill bottle is one. Its collection is significant for being one of the largest accumulation of artefacts from this notable Victorian shipwreck of which the subject item is a small part. The collections objects give us a snapshot of how we can interpret the story of this tragic event. The collection is also archaeologically significant as it represents aspects of Victoria's shipping history that allows us to interpret Victoria's social and historical themes of the time. Through is associated with the worst and best-known shipwreck in Victoria's history.Small clear green-hue glass pill bottle, rectangular in shape and chipped lip. Sides and base are seamless and concave and varying thickness. Glass has bubbles and imperfections. A sticker is attached. Recovered from the wreck of the Loch Ard, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, loch ard, 1878 shipwreck, handblown bottle, pill bottle, small bottle, medicine bottle -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Bottle, Singer Sewing Machine Company, ca 1878
This Singer Sewing Machine oil bottle was made by hand, with the glass blown into a mould. Isaac M. Singer established his sewing machine company, I.M. Singer & Co. in America in 1851. A brief history of the Loch Ard (1873-1878): - The sailing ship Loch Ard was one of the famous Loch Line ships that sailed from England to Australia. Barclay, Curdle and Co. built the three-masted iron vessel in Glasgow in 1873. It had sailed three trips to Australia and one trip to Calcutta before its fateful voyage. Loch Ard left England on March 2, 1878, under the command of recently married, 29-year-old Captain Gibbs. It was bound for Melbourne with a crew of 37, plus 17 passengers. The general cargo reflected the affluence of Melbourne at the time. Onboard were straw hats, umbrellas, perfumes, clay pipes, pianos, clocks, confectionery, linen and candles, and a heavier load of railway irons, cement, lead and copper. Other cargo included items intended for display in the Melbourne International Exhibition of 1880. The Loch Ard had been sailing for three months and was close to its destination on June 1, 1878. Captain Gibbs had expected to see land at about 3 am but the Loch Ard ran into a fog that greatly reduced visibility and there was no sign of land or the Cape Otway lighthouse. The fog lifted at 4 am and the sheer cliffs of Victoria's west coast were much closer to them than Captain Gibbs expected. He tried to manage the vessel but failed and the ship struck a reef at the base of Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell. The top deck loosened from the hull, and the masts and rigging crashed down, knocking passengers and crew overboard. The lifeboat was launched by Tom Pearce but crashed into the side of Loch Ard and capsized. He clung onto its overturned hull and sheltered under it. He drifted out to sea and the tide brought him back to what is now called Loch Ard Gorge. He swam to shore and found a cave for shelter. A passenger, Eva Carmichael, had raced onto the deck to find out what was happening and was confronted by towering cliffs above the ship. She was soon swept off the ship by a huge wave. Eva saw Tom Pearce on a small rocky beach and yelled to attract his attention. He swam out and dragged her to the shelter of the cave. He revived her with a bottle of brandy from a case that had washed up on the beach. Tom scaled a cliff in search of help and followed some horse hoof prints. He came from two men from Glenample Station, three and a half miles away. He told the men of the tragedy and then returned to the gorge while the two men rode back to the station to get help. They reached Loch Ard Gorge and took the two shipwreck survivors to Glenample Station to recover. Eva stayed at the station for six weeks before returning to Ireland by steamship. In Melbourne, Tom Pearce received a hero's welcome and was presented with a medal and some money. Of the 54 crew members and passengers on board, only two survived: the apprentice, Tom Pearce and the young woman passenger, Eva Carmichael, who lost her family in the tragedy.The bottle is significant for representing an early innovation in domestic sewing, the treadle sewing machine. It is also significant for its connection with the Loch Ard shipwreck. The shipwreck of the Loch Ard is of significance for Victoria and is registered on the Victorian Heritage Register ( S 417). Flagstaff Hill has a varied collection of artefacts from Loch Ard and its collection is significant for being one of the largest accumulation of artefacts from this notable Victorian shipwreck. The collections object is to also give us a snapshot into history so we are able to interpret the story of this tragic event. The collection is also archaeologically significant as it represents aspects of Victoria's shipping history that allows us to interpret Victoria's social and historical themes of the time. The collection's historical significance is that it is associated unfortunately with the worst and best-known shipwreck in Victoria's history. Clear glass bottle, straight neck, broad shoulders tapering to slightly narrower indented base. Bottle once contained Singer Sewing Machine oil. Inscription embossed in the glass. Bottle was recovered from the wreck of the Loch Ard.Embossed in the glass "The Singer Manufacturing Company" on one side on the reverse "Extra Quality Machine Oil." flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, singer sewing machine, sewing machine oil, singer sewing machine oil, oil bottle, isaac m. singer, loch ard artifacts, loch ard -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Butter Knife, Barker Brothers, Ca. 1885-1895
This butter or cheese knife is a decorative example of electroplated cutlery that had become an affordable alternative to more expensive silver cutlery in the late 1800s to early 1900s. The knife has stamp marks in the back of its handle that are a combination of letters and symbols used by British silversmiths to identify their workmanship. The design and type of this knife was not normally used by everyday people but rather those of a higher social class with time and money to have a particular decorative knife to serve butter or cheese. The marks on the handle tell that it was made of nickel silver, and electroplated with superior quality Stirling silver. The Barker Brothers of Birmingham made the knife between 1885 and 1907, but most likely before 1895. It was made for the British, or British colonial, people, connected with a government department such as the navy or defence. This story may be slightly inaccurate, as some silversmiths added extra ‘pseudo marks’ to their wares to disguise the quality. THE MARKS and their meaning – - ‘A1’ The silver used in electroplating this knife was the highest level, ‘superior quality’, measured in grams of silver per table spoon or table fork, with ‘A1’ being 2 2/3 grams, and ‘D’ being 0 1/2 grams of silver. - ‘BB’ The Baker Brothers used these initials from 1885 to 1907. - ‘[crown symbol]’ – This symbol is used for Sterling silver but this knife is a metal alloy. The crown is also the town mark of Sheffield (appointed by the Sheffield Assay Office) but this knife was made in Birmingham, which has the town mark of an anchor. The Barker Brothers may have added the crown mark to this electroplated silverware as a ‘pseudo hallmark’, leading the buyer to think that it was actual Sterling silver. The use of pseudo hallmarks by electroplaters of the Victorian era was common practice but it was illegal. In 1895 the unlawful practice was seen as imitating the Sheffield Silver Mark and the law was firmly applied to eradicate the deception, so items with this mark probably date before 1895. - [EPNS] Electro Plated Nickel Silver, called nickel silver or German silver, is a metal alloy that usually combines copper, nickel and zinc (60 percent copper, 20 percent nickel, 20 percent zinc). It has a silver-white appearance and is sometimes referred to as ‘white ware’. It does not contain any silver but is often used as a base for electroplating, when the item is covered with a thin layer of silver to give it the polished appearance of pure silver. It became popular in the late 19th and early 20th century as an affordable substitute for sterling silver. - Broad Arrow - an official stamp that indicates it was once the property of Britain government, either in Britain or one of its colonies, and used in the defence force. In Great Britain, from an 1875 government act, it was, and still, is a crime to forge or wrongfully use, the broad arrow symbol. The BARKER BROTHERS of Birmingham - Barker Brothers were one of the earlies firms of Birmingham silversmiths, established in 1801 by Mary Barker. They became Barker & Creed, then William and Matthias Barker, then from 1885 they were the Barker Brothers. They were operating in Paradise Street in 1871 until in 1903 they moved to Unity Works, Constitution Hill, in Birmingham. The firm also had a showroom at 292 High Holborn, London, from the early 1900s to the 1980s. In 1907 the firm became Barker Brothers Silversmiths Ltd, then in the 1960s they merged with Ellis & Co, becoming Barker Ellis Silver Co. Ltd. In 1979 they were registered in USA as Ellis & Co., Barker Ellis, and Ellis Barker. The business went into administration in 1992, after almost 200 years of production. The firm advertised as specialists in electroplating, and used the trademarks BRITANOID, UNITY PLATE and THE HYGENIA.This knife is historically significant, dated from 1885 to 1907 but most likely pre-1895, and made by the longstanding Birmingham silversmiths, the Barker Brothers, established in 1801. The knife is an example of decorative flatware used by people of ’class’. It also has the broad arrow stamp, connecting it to the British government, in particular the ordinance department. The stamp also connects it to other items in our collection with that stamp. It may have been connected to pre-Federation government organisations and officials such as the army Garrison, government naval vessel, police, lighthouse keepers, harbour masters. The knife is the only example of its kind in our collection, being a decorative silver butter or cheese knife, made by the Barker Brothers of Birmingham. Butter knife, or cheese knife, electroplated nickel silver (EPNS). Upper blade edge has decorative shape and engraved motifs, lower blade edge is bevelled to a cutting edge, and narrow plain handle flares out to a wide, rounded end. Maker’s marks are stamped on the reverse. Made by Barker Brothers of Birmingham in the late-19th century. Stamps: “flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, flagstaff hill maritime museum & village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, butter knife, cheese knife, electroplate, electro plate, nickel silver, nickel alloy, alloy composition, copper nickel zinc, german silver, epns, barker brothers, birmingham, london, silversmiths, victorian era, 19th century, a1, bb, crown inside square, broad arrow, flatware, tableware, cutlery, cutler, dining utensils, eating utensils, superior quality, pseudo hallmark, stirling silver, silver-white metal, mary barker, barker & creed, william barker, matthias barker, barker brothers silversmiths, barker ellis silver co, ellis & co, barker ellis, ellis barker, britanoid, unity plate, the hygenia, british, colonial, government use, defence department use, naval use, knife, serving knife -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Mr. Northcott served all through the Crimean war, and obtained three service medals. He was most fortunate, as he did not even receive a scratch. While fighting in the trenches one day he happened to glance round, and was surprised to discover that his brother was by his side. They had not seen each other for a long time, and the meeting under such circumstances can be imagined. Two of his brothers, John and William, served throughout the war. At its close he came to Victoria, the gold fever being then at its height. His stay in Bendigo was brief, as the New Zealand rush attracted his attention, but he returned in 1858 to Bendigo, and as the outlook was quiet, he went back to New Zealand in 1859. Finally, in 1860, he settled in the Bendigo district with his father and mother and brother William. They took up some land at Leichardt and remained there for some years. It was about this time that he became prominent in musical circles. He came of a musical family, as his oldest brother, John, was one of the musicians to the Royal Family, and was pensioned by the late Queen Victoria. His younger brother, William, is at the present time one of the leading cornet players in the United States. In 1867 the late Mr. Northcott married Miss Lansell, sister of Mr. Geo. Lansell, her demise having taken place about three months before. When he left Leichardt, Mr. Northcott became Mr. Lansell's general manager, and continued in that capacity for 26 years. While he was manager of the 180 Mine it is estimated that gold to the value of a million sterling was taken from the mine. It is, perhaps, in his capacity as a bandsman, that Mr. Northcott was best known, as he became a familiar figure not only in the chief centres of Victoria but throughout Australia. He first became leader of the old Volunteer Band, and he was subsequently leader of the Battalion Band at Castlemaine. It was when he became leader of the musical combination known as Northcott's Brass Band that his fame and the fame of the band became widespread, as some 25 years ago it was one of the finest bands in Australia, and held that distinction for many years. Although many changes in the personnel of the band have taken place, it still retainsits old name. Mr. Northcott was a cornet player of high ability, and in 1871 he was presented by the citizens of Bendigo with a handsome silver cornet, in recognition of his services as a musician. His home contains a great array of trophies, photographic groups of bandsmen etc., which serve to indicate in a sense the reputation he enjoyed as a bandsman. During his career in Bendigo he invested in mining a good deal, but was not very fortunate in this respect, as he lost a good deal of money on the New Chum line. Naturally he was well known and warmly respected, especially by bandsmen. He was a genial citizen, and made a large circle of sincere friends. He was a member of the Zenith Lodge of Masons, having passed through the chairs twice. He was also a member of the A.O.F., and formerly a member of the School of Mines Administrative Council. It was about this time that he became prominent in musical circles. He came of a musical family, as his oldest brother, John, was one of the musicians to the Royal Family, and was pensioned by the late Queen Victoria. His younger brother, William, was one of the leading cornet players in the United States.Black and white photograph of Northcott's City Band, Bendigo. 3 rows of men in Band Uniform. Drum centre, brass laying in grass at front.organisation, band, northcott's city band -
Vision Australia
Text, Sydney Industrial Blind Institution annual report (loose copies), 1903-1951
Annual reports produced by the SIBI, informing their subscribers and the general public of the good work undertaken by the Institute and the ongoing need for funding. Information provided included income, expenditure, fund raising, staff, services, etc. Below is a summary of other information contained in the reports. 1902 - Trades at which the blind are employed, extracts from visitors books, balance sheets, supplementary catalogue of books in library, subscription and donation lists by town, constitution of the institution and rules, sick fund rules and balance sheet. Also noted were the impending installment of a printing press for books, the development of blind distributors of tea beverages and that instead of a blind boys home, boys would instead be sent to board with suitable families. 1933 - A list of braille transcribers and the amount of braille produced, a brief report on the Floral Festival organised by the Women's Auxiliary Committee and the donation of a shop in George Street for 12 months for the selling of articles made by the Blind was provided by a SIBI committee member. 1934 - A brief report on the hostels at William Street and Woollahra, a detailed listing of all functions which raised money through the auspics of the auxiliaries, and a visit by Superintendent Hedge and Librarian Mr Thompson to the Croydon Ladies Social Club. 1938 - A radio show called the 'Glow Worm Session' on 2GB with home teacher Roy Kippax, the 150th anniversary of Sydney celebration and a 16 millimetre film that was made to publicise the Institute's work. 1939 - A record amount raised through the sale of goods made by Blind Workers, the refurbishment of "The Haven' at Woollahra and transfer of residents from William Street, and free admission by the Trocadero and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer to swing concerts and 'Broadway Serenade'. 1940 - Incorporation of the Institute's Women's Magazine into Boomerang Magazine, the enlistment of two Board members Cohen and Meeks for active service, and a brief report from each of the branch auxiliaries. 1941 - The difficulty of obtaining stereotype Braille items from London and the passing of the editoress of the Women's Magazine Miss L.E. Hudson who had just completed the final edition. 1942 - Employment of 60 blind men and women in war related industries, the purchase of an air raid shelter and the small size of the report due to the shortage of paper. 1943 - Closure of the Basket department due to government regulations on cane stock, the provision of a lunch hour news service provided by visitors and individual reports from each of the Ladies Auxiliaries. 1944 - Presentation of a revolving chair to Honorary Librarian Mr H.W. Thompson for 35 years of service, the filling in of air raid trenches due to the improvement of the wartime situation and that SIBI had been supplying the Royal Australian Navy with mats, brushware and other products. 1945 - Continued placement of blind workers in outside industries, the compilation of a register of blind citizens and the election of the Hon. Justice Maxwell as President. 1946 - The successful application for Royal assent and the subsequent name change of the insitution, the intervention of Hon. Member C.R. Evatt Minister for Housing regarding the building of a new hostel for blind women and the establishment of an Honour Roll with a description of inductees Mrs K.L. Barry, Mrs J. Ayre, Mrs E. Vance . 1947 - Establishment of an occupational therapy department, the acceptance of Helen Keller to visit the society and the induction of Mrs Rivis Mead to the Honour Roll. 1951 - Passing of Librarian Miss Jean Currie and the use of prisoners to transcribe materials into Braille.Single volumes with various pagings, illustrations -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Photograph, Mason, John
Captain John Mason came from Stirling in Scotland, arriving at Port Fairy in 1844. One year after James Atkinson obtained his Special Survey of the area. Thus his life covers all the history of Port Fairy when it was known as Belfast. He married Jane Murray in Portland in 1846 and they had 5 children, Jane died in 1855 and ten years later he married Ann Brown widow of Abijah Brown. They had no children and she died in 1887. In due course he became known as Captain Mason, he was not a sea captain, but captain of the Belfast Volunteers, a Rifle Corps formed in 1859 as a consequence of the Crimean War, and later reconstituted as the Belfast Volunteer Corps. For 40 years he displayed a remarkable versatility in his various occupations. Starting as an Innkeeper - he took over the Stag Inn from Captain Saunders in 1852, for 3 years. He then became a carpenter, stonemason, architect, estate agent honorary technical advisor to the Borough and treasurer to the Shire, and Savings Bank Secretary. They thought so well of John mason in Belfast that they elected him to the first Roads Board in 1853 and to the first Municipal Council in 1856. He was Chairman four times and with Councillors David Talbot and Joseph Whitehead designed the Council's Common Seal and the Motto "Commune Bonum".He was the first Mayor of the Borough in 1863 for a period of 7 weeks. He was responsible for the design, supervision or construction of many of the buildings in the town; most still standing today. He built the Rosebrook Bridge in 1855 and the first official Post Office ( a timber structure in Bank Street) in 1857, replacing it with a stone office in 1865. he built the Court house in 1859 and completed the breakwater between Rabbit Island and Griffith Island started by James Atkinson and John Griffith in 1849, also the first bridge over the Moyne river which connected with Battery Lane and the Bay. Among the many buildings associated with John Mason are Gobles Mill, Tynemouth Villa, 10-12 Princes Street, the Mechanics Institute, the Commercial Hotel, Yambuk and Mickey Bourke's Pub in Koroit. However, he did not build "Riverdale" in Gipps Street as is thought. He had a store and workshop on this site but sold the property in 1872 before the house was built. After an almost uninterrupted term as Councillor starting with the Municipality in 1856, John resigned from the Council in 1873. He well deserved the illuminated address they gave to him and the toast that they drank in the Bank Hotel champagne. Within the year he was working for the Borough as its engineer., surveyor, general supervisor and advisor of public works, simply as the man to whom all difficult problems were referred and at very little expense. John Mason was a great worker for his town and devoted himself unsparingly to the community. That his work was appreciated was shown by the way in which people rallied to his aid when, in the end, he found himself in financial difficulties and his reputation was challenge; arrested for embezzling from the Savings Bank of which he was the actuary in 1882. The money was repaid and the charges found not proven at his trial. He was an early member of the Loyal Prince Albert Lodge, and a founding member of the smaller Loyal Belfast Lodge in 1863. He was also a member of the Horticultural Society. Captain John Mason Died on the 14th of October 1891 (see also 62-04-046 photo)Sepia photograph on heavy cardStevenson & McNicoll photo. 108 Elizabeth Street Melbourne copies can be obtained at anytimedefence, captain, mason, carpenter, councillor, mayor -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photographs – Set of 10 black and white photographs and photocopies of original photographs documenting early residents of Bogong Village
Bogong Village, which was known as “The Junction”, is well recorded. The first tent camp was at the junction of Pretty Valley and Rocky Valley streams in the early 40’s. Further downstream were the sawmill, stables and blacksmith’s forge. Horses were the main mode of transport in the early days. The road to Bogong had reached the lookout spur just beyond Roper’s Spur track just before the 1939 fires. The early forties saw rapid growth of the village, with single and married men’s quarters, workshops, mess huts and administrative offices. The facilities necessary for communal living were quickly in place- a post office, police station, co-op store, medical centre, community hall/theatre, tennis courts and school. Much of the temporary accommodation that housed groups such as the Albion Quarrying Company were in the area now under water.This group of photographs are a pictorial record of the early history of the Kiewa Hydro Scheme, the people who worked in the background supplying administrative support and the workers and their families. It also shows a glimpse into how a large group of people from very diverse backgrounds came together to enjoy social activities and share each others companyGroup of 10 black and white photographs and photocopies of original photographs of varying sizes (some official SECV photos) Some Photos are labelled with the date and the names of SECV staff members. Depicting early life at Bogong Village 1. Group photo – Kiewa House Residents 1.8.41 (SECV official photo) 2. Female staff residents 3. Female office staff 4. Kitchen staff – Junction Mess (SECV official photo) 5. Male administration staff Bogong 6. Bogong Social Club fancy dress ball, 1940 7. Wives and children of SECV workers 8. Children in fancy dress 9. Opening of Volunteer Air Observers post 1943 10. Flag raising at opening of Volunteer Air Observers post 1. Printed under photo: STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 1.8.41 Time: 12.30pm No:K 435 Kiewa Hydro-Electric Works. Kiewa House Residents Back Row L to R: S.A. Salmon, W. Strachn, T.A Connors, W.J Norman, R.C Grealey, R.D Hegarty, Mrs Hegarty, W.R Morgan, S.A Clarke, P. Morgan, P.J. Harnetty, G.W Crouch. Front Row L to R: W.L Godfrey, R.S Hollands, Pte. R Charlesworth, R.L Dunn, N Caldwell, L.T Davies, I Webber, H.L Kendall, P Tiller, Ricky Hegarty, L.T Guy, M.C Cox, K.F Calder, D.S Gibson 2. Printed on bottom: Staff who lived at Kiewa House and worked in the Administration Office c 1943 Handwritten at bottom Priscilla Johnson (nee Reid) At top of page A GOOD LIFE: WOMEN’S RECOLLECTIONS OF LIFE IN THE UPPER KIEWA VALLEY 3. Printed under photo- Office Staff – Bogong 4. Printed under photo: STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 18.5.40 Time: 11.05am No:K 103. Kiewa Hydro-Electric Works. Kitchen Staff- Junction Mess. Opening night of the new staff mess Bogong. 5. Printed under photo -Administration staff Bogong 6. Printed under photo- The social club raised money for patriotic fund from fancy dress nights. (1st Fancy Dress Ball, Bogong 1940) 7. Printed above photo: ---- and family life begins (1942 Bogong) 8. Printed under photo: A favourite photograph 9. Printed under photo: STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 24.5.43 Time: 2.8pm No:K 1151 Kiewa Hydro-Electric Works. Bogong- Squadron Leader Leggett speaking at opening of Air Observer’s Post 10. Printed under photo: Raising the flag at the opening of the Volunteer Air Observer’s Post at Bogong - 1943 bogong village; kiewa hydro electric scheme; social activities; community clubs -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Revenant James Lambie, Unknown
Photo is from Werribee District Historical Society and Susan Oliver, descendent of Lambie. Information from Alec Cameron: July 28th Alec Cameron article Late Rev James Lambie came to Melton in 1863 from Paisley, Scotland. He was married the second time. By the first marriage he had one son and two daughters. By the second marriage, one son and three daughters. The second son was Mr William John Lambie. When Rev Mr Lambie took charge of the Presbyterian church it was held in a wooden building. He was a good preacher. He and his family took great interest and commenced to form a committee to collect funds to build a new bluestone church. The collected the rent money for the building. Mr Lambie lived for several years in Melton before he went to Wyndham Church to take charge there, and the family went to live there also. The reason was that the Melton Congregation could not provide the stipend he required. He came from Wyndham on a Saturday and preached to the congregation on Sunday morning and then went back to Wyndham to continue his services in the afternoon and evening. After a few years, Rev Lambie retired from the ministry and purchased a house in South Yarra where he and Mrs Lambie died. The eldest daughter Jessie, married James Scott a teacher at the Melton School. They left Melton and while teaching near Melbourne he got his BA and other degrees. He then purchased the Warnambool College for L5000 and resided there for a number of years. His wife predeceased him. There were two sons and two daughters. He was a brother-in-law of the late Mr Lang wine and spirit merchant Collins street, who was the Mayor of the City Council. His brother Mr Robert Scott was the licensee of the hotel at the corner of Bourke and Russell St and one of Mr Scott’s daughters married Mr Smith, solicitor, a nephew of the late Mr Smith of Toolern Vale, and another one married Dr Officer of Warnambool. They went to Western Australia to reside and Mr J Scott with them. He died abour 6 years ago. Miss Lambie the second eldest daughter, married Mr Samual McDonald, JP, butcher and Clerk of Courts, Melton and late correspondent for the Bacchus Marsh Express. He also acted as the Shire Secretary for the Melton Shire, and got an auctioneer’s license while here. He then left Melton to go to Shepparton, where he became the President of the Shire and the Clerk of Courts. Before he left Melton he was presented with a purse of sovereigns from the residents. The late Mr Lethbridge, Shire, was chairman. Mr McDonald left Shepparton and went to reside at Warnambool and is still living there. He had two sons in the bank. His wife died a few months ago at Boxhill, at the nursing home of her daughter, Sister Jessie McDonald, who was peronsally invested with the Royal Red Cross by the King a Buckingham Palace, for good work done at the front in the recent Great War. Mr William John Lambie, a brother was war correspondent for the “Age”in the South African war, where he was killed. The “Age” proprietary gave a shield in his memory to be shot for the Williamstown rifle competitions, called the Lambie Shield. The last time I was speaking to Mr Donald McDonald, war correspondent for the “Argus” in South Africa he said he thought the next war would be with the whites and the blacks. He said he saw some fine looking well built blacks while he was away. It looks like his words are coming true. Portrait of Revenant James Lambiechurches, local identities -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Allwood House, Hurstbridge, 16 April 2008
Allwood - built in 1894 by Henry Hurst’s relatives, stands near the site of his house, which was demolisherd in the 1940s. Until 1924 Hurstbridge was known as Allwood. The building, one of the district's oldest is situated back from the corner of Arthurs Creek Road and Main Road. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p17 Hurst, who was a surveyor, came to Melbourne in 1852 by default, as on the way to Sydney he contracted typhoid and was off-loaded in Melbourne. Deciding to settle near Melbourne, he selected some land near the present Eltham railway station and was one of the first to grow crops there.2 But disaster struck again, when his shack was looted and burned, while he was carting goods for sale to nearby goldfields. It was then that Hurstbridge’s first settler, Cornelius Haley, asked Hurst to manage his 160 acres (65ha) grazing property and 9000 acres (3443ha) of leased land where the present Hurstbridge stands. Hurst proved equal to the tough conditions and he and his brother, Fred, cut a track with a bullock team from the property to Romsey, where Haley had selected some land. Hurst also put up a bridge across the creek near his house, after which Hurstbridge was named. He ran the property helped by two ticket-of-leave men and others, several of whom were sailors who had abandoned ship in search of gold, and were working there temporarily. In 1866, only 14 years after coming to Australia, Hurst met an early tragic death. One day a bushranger named Burke came to the house and demanded a horse. Hurst thought the bushranger might be an officer in search of runaway sailors3 and anyway, did not like the look of him, so he refused. A tussle followed and apparently Hurst shot first.4 He was shot and died five hours later from loss of blood. Later, troopers found Burke, who was subsequently hanged. The event is recorded in the Old Melbourne Gaol. The government offered the family £500 but the family refused it as ‘blood money’. Hurst’s father, Robert, even signed a petition against the bushranger’s death, claiming one life did not replace another. Hurst’s family continued to live in the district and saw a rise in their fortunes. They bought Haley’s cattle station and built the present Allwood House, using the original home as an orchard packing shed. The present Victorian style timber house had several outbuildings including a blacksmith’s shop. The property passed on to William Gray, an orchardist and nurseryman, who married Hurst’s grandniece, Frances. The business boomed from the early 1900s when it supplied most of the orchards in the area. Gray was Eltham Shire’s President for two terms and was asked to stand for parliament, but his wife’s illness and other family commitments prevented him from doing so. Then several calamities drove the family to bankruptcy. During World War One, Gray lost more than one million pounds on trees shipped overseas, which the Lloyd’s company had refused to insure. Other factors, including the Great Depression, ruined the family’s fortunes. The land was reduced from more than 640 acres (256ha) to 50 acres (20ha) and the older members married and left. After Mr Gray died, the house was leased, until his daughter Sheila Ferguson and her husband Gordon settled there in 1951, after buying it from other family members. However in 1975 the Shire designated the property as a passive recreation reserve. The Ferguson family sold most of the land, leaving the house on 0.6 hectares.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, hurstbridge, henry hurst, allwood house -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Diamond Valley Railway, Eltham Lower Park, 7 September 2008
Kids of all ages enjoy the Miniature Railway. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p163 On Sundays in Eltham thousands of children, mums, dads and grandparents can be seen travelling around Lower Eltham Park in tiny trains. They are among the two and half million passengers who have travelled on the Diamond Valley Railway since it officially began in 1961. The miniature railway originally operated from the 1940s at Chelsworth Park, Ivanhoe, until flooding caused it to be moved to the Eltham Lower Park in 1959. The railway is modelled on the 1920s era – the heyday of passenger rail travel – and the trains are built on a scale of two inches to the foot (1/6). Although not exact replicas, trains include models of the Spirit of Progress, Puffing Billy, The Overland, Dog Boxes, Vic Rail S class, G class and a NSW 81 Class. The three and a half kilometres of track is set amongst native plants and picnic areas. A friendly hoot or the clang of a bell occasionally punctuates the tranquillity as a train emerges from a treed bend with passengers excitedly waving to onlookers. For $3 the train takes you on a 13-minute two-kilometre ride. Passengers sit in single file in the narrow train, which clatters along tracks built to the scale of the Australian narrow gauge of three feet six inches (1.1m). These are used in Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia. Safety standards are stringently kept. Even before you buy a ticket notices tell you that you must wear closed shoes. You can even borrow these, and you are given a pair of socks for the ride! Blue-overalled volunteers check tickets, see you aboard, and drive the train. They are mainly retired men who can at last devote their time to what little boys dream of – playing with trains. Passengers are instructed in safe behaviour, then the station master waves a white flag and off we go. The guard sits at the back with his whistle and green flag at the ready. The winding track, fringed by native trees and bushes planted by volunteers, stands on crown land managed by Nillumbik Council. The train clatters along the track and crosses a bridge over a drain elevated by name to The Blow Fly Creek. We pass by Meadmore Junction at a speed of three kilometres an hour. Then on through a tunnel, accompanied by squeals of delight, and after a few moments of blackness, light glimmers at the end. On we go, past the original platform, along another route past busy Main Road through Pine Creek Station, over a bridge and through another tunnel with more screams of delight.Then a signal stops us before the ‘all clear’ to return to our original point of departure. The railway services its passengers – the largest number of any miniature railway in Australia – with a fleet including: six diesel locomotives, three steam locomotives, eight sets of passenger cars and one battery electric Dog Box set. Members also privately own 20 locomotives and powered carriage sets as well as four carriage sets.1 All the trains are stored on-site in workshops, sheds and a tunnel. The railway is entirely run by volunteers, so that all ticket money is used for maintenance and extensions, and some goes to local charities. Since 1991, the entire railway has been rebuilt, including an upgraded signalling system. About half of the 120 volunteer members are active with about 35 working each Sunday, and a dozen or so working every Wednesday. Members are trained to positions of station assistant, booking officer, train guard, train driver or signalman. Members construct new carriages and locomotives as well as maintaining track, signalling and rolling stock.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, diamond valley railway, eltham lower park -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Lamp Light, late 19th - early-20th century
This gas lamp light and stand came from the original manufacturer in Melbourne. Gas street lights such as this one were used in Melbourne from the mid-19th century. The lights enabled safer after-dark travel for pedestrians and vehicles and were a deterrent to crime. A lamp lighter was employed to keep the lamps lit, sometimes with little success due to weather conditions and the pranks of youths. WARRNAMBOOL Gasworks In Warrnambool prior to 1874 there were about twenty rare, individually lit street lights in Warrnambool, each with its own supply of kerosene. These lamps were in the central business area of Timor, Koroit and Liebig Streets. The Warrnambool Gas Company Ltd. was registered as an incorporated company in 1873. It was a private, locally owned business. It was located at 209-215 Merri Street, Warrnambool, on the land, which is just west of the later-built railway station. The first managers of the Gas Company lived in a substantial stone house on site, but later the managers lived in a residence in Henna Street between Merri and Timor Streets. The original home, which still stands, became a residence for the Railway Station Master from about 1890. In August 1874 the construction of the gasworks was complete and at the end of that month gas was supplied to all of the existing lamps in Warrnambool for the first time. The Warrnambool Gas Company wound up in 1880-1881 and was purchased by the Warrnambool Borough Council with money raised by a loan – the Borough’s first ‘loan transaction’. The Council established a piped network to supply gas to other street connections. The gasworks were privatised and upgraded in 1952. In 1972 the town supply was converted to liquid petroleum gas and by the early 1980s the gasworks were closed down. In 1986 Warrnambool was supplied with natural gas from a site near Port Campbell. The Warrnambool gasworks supplied all street and shop lighting and most domestic lighting until 1923 when electricity was available for lighting. Bromfield Street in Warrnambool was named after the director of the gasworks, James Astley Bromfield (1823-1903). He arrived in Warrnambool from Worcestershire, England, in 1852 and was very active in the local council and community. Cockman Street was named after the first secretary of the gasworks in 1874, Walter Cockman (c.1821-1892). He was a Mayor and businessman. The second Manager, Luther Rodgers, worked for the gas company for about twenty years and both Rodger Place and Rodgers Road in Warrnambool have been named after him. LAMP LIGHTS IN MELBOURNE In the 1820s Melbourne's innkeepers were legally required to have a lamp light outside their premises from sunset to sunrise. This was the first instance of street lamps being used in Melbourne. In 1847 the first oil lamp was used in the city. In 1849 a gas lamp was installed on the Swanston Street Bridge and much of the city had oil lamps installed by then. In August 1857 the installation of street gas lamps began in Melbourne. They were welcomed for the much brighter illumination they gave. By 1860 there were 414 lamp pillars. The phrase was quoted often - "A light was as good as a policeman". The first gas burners used for street lighting were called 'fishtail' gas burners. These were replaced in the early 1900s by gas mantles. The City of Melbourne Gas Coke Company was formed in 1850 but due to the Gold Rush the manufacture and distribution of the gas supply was delayed until January 1856. By the 1890s the gas supplying the lights was supplied by three companies in Melbourne. In 1879 a football match was played at the MCG under electric lighting and gradually electric arc lights were installed inside and outside buildings in the city. Lamp lights such as the one in Flagstaff Hill’s collection were no longer needed. (References: John Lindsay re Lamp Light history 2019-01-29, Former Warrnambool Gas Company Limited, Victorian Heritage Database Report, Heritage Number 149746 ) The lamp light is representative of the lamps used in Melbourne from the mid-nineteenth century to light the streets at night and make Melbourne a safer city. The lamp is also representative of the gas street lighting in Warrnambool from the mid-1870s-1920s.Lamp light or gas light. Street light, one of the last gas street lights removed from Melbourne. (Reconditioned by Friends of Flagstaff Hill, 2013)flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, lamp light, gas light, gas lamp, street lamp, street light, gas street light, melbourne street lighting, warrnambool street lighting, melbourne gas street light, warrnambool gas company, warrnambool gasworks, james bromfield, walter cockman, luther rodgers, city of melbourne gas coke company -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Hand operated embossing document press, 1910
The woollen mill was a vital part of Warrnambool for all but 22 years of the town’s history since it's the establishment in 1847 when the first land sales were held and white settlement began. In 1869 the Warrnambool Meat Preserving Company began operations on the mill site, in 1875, shareholders of the then defunct Warrnambool Meat Preserving Company happily sold the land and buildings on the Merri river to Warrnambool Woollen Mill Company Ltd for £5,000. The site was sold again in 1876 to grazer Robert Hood of Sherwood, who was chairman of directors of the failed company, which couldn’t raise sufficient capital to keep the works operating. The entrepreneurial Hood then used the existing plant to turn his own wool into tweed cloth. But just as the mill was starting to show a profit, a fire destroyed the building and plant on the night of 25 March 1882. So again, the mill was operational for six short years. Insurers only paid a fraction over 10% of the damage, Hood couldn't raise sufficient capital to rebuild on his own, and so the site lay unused until 1910. In 1908 Marcus Saltau and Peter John McGennan convinced the Warrnambool Chamber of Commerce to invest in a secondary industry with local capital. A public meeting in September 1908 agreed to raise £40,000, electing Saltau chairman of directors, a post he held for 34 years. A year later, using mostly local money, the Warrnambool Woollen Mill Company dispatched its first manager, John E. Bennett, to buy a plant and recruit 20 experienced staff from the Yorkshire woollen industry in December 1909. Another year more, the new mill was officially opened on 14 November 1910 by Marcus Saltau as company chairman and town mayor. Eighteen months on, in May 1912, the mill paid its first half-yearly dividend of 2 ½%. It was now working two shifts, with a year's orders to fill. In 1914 the mill ordered its own generator, providing the town with electricity and effectively doubling its plant size by October 1915, six months after Gallipoli. Thereafter, government orders for cloth and military supplies assured the mill’s success right through the First World War and on until 1923. A plant upgrade in 1922 for machinery to make worsted fabric drained profits, which, with a fall in demand, led to a loss in 1925. Profits were restored by the 1930s, despite the Depression, mostly due to tight management and robust marketing. Production boomed again during the Second World War, but soon foreign competition bit into profits, forcing the company to consolidate operations. The ‘50s and ‘60s were golden years for the mill. Security and growth gave the company confidence to trial Australia’s first electric blanket in 1958 and to install Swiss Sulzer looms in 1965. Over time, the building facades took on the modern look that the mill presented until it closed. The Dunlop company bought the mill in 1968, fending off a challenge from Onkaparinga in South Australia, and continued to expand by adding Wendouree Woollen Mill in the same year and Dream-spun Textiles a decade later, in 1979. Soon after that purchase, however, the mill began its slippery slide into decline. Dunlop sold to its former rival bidder Onkaparinga Woollen Co. Ltd in 1982, which in turn was taken over by Macquarie Worsted's only a year later, in 1983. Operations remained stable for a decade until 1994 when the Macquarie Group signaled that its newly rationalised operations left no room for the Warrnambool investment. The final operator of the mill was The Smith Family charity group, which ran the site by agreement with the Warrnambool City Council and a state government grant in that same year, 1994. The mill became more of a fabric recycler than a manufacturer. The site was sold to private operators in February 2003 and rezoned four months later to allow for the mixed housing development. The embossing press is significant for its association with the Warrnambool Woollen Mills 1910-1968, a major employer in the Warrnambool district. The press is also significant as an example of commercial office equipment used in the 19th and 20th century.Press, metal, for Company seal of Warrnambool Woollen Mill, stamping their brand as Western District Worsted Mills Pty Ltd. Metal is black with red and gold floral markings. Inscription of stamp reads "WESTERN DISTRICT WORSTED MILLS PROPRIETRY LIMITED" flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, warrnambool woollen mills, western district worsted mills proprietry limited, worsted fabric, printing press, logo printing press, stamp printing press, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Kinglake National Park, 27 March 2008
Fern gullies around Jehosaphat Gully Covered under National Estate. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p125 The magnificent Kinglake National Park, fringing Nillumbik’s north, is the largest national park close to Melbourne. Thanks to the vision and hard work of a band of local people, the park was created from what was rapidly becoming degraded land. Seeing a threat to Kinglake’s indigenous flora and fauna, several prominent local people campaigned for a national park, which was established in 1928.1 Since then, the park has grown through donations and acquisitions of land, from around 13,800 acres of land (5585ha) to 22,360 hectares. The Sugarloaf and Everard Blocks – of almost 8000 hectares – stand in Nillumbik and the park extends into Mitchell and Murrundindi Shires and the City of Whittlesea. Mt Everard commemorates William Hugh Everard, State member for Evelyn when the park was established. Before 1928, European settlers had degraded the Kinglake area, which was named after the celebrated English author and lawyer, Alexander William Kinglake. Remains of gold shafts and diggings in the park are reminders of Kinglake’s first settlers, who hoped to strike it rich at the gold diggings. But like other gold fields in this shire, they proved not very lucrative and soon timber cutting replaced mining in importance. However, before long, the accessible timber supply ran out, so in the 1920s agriculture took over – particularly potatoes and berry fruits – which involved large-scale clearing.2 The park’s instigator was retired Melbourne University Professor of Music, William Laver.3 As chair of the Kinglake Progress Association he began negotiations to have crown lands on the southern scarp of the Great Dividing Range reserved as a national park. Even before the park was proclaimed, from 1927, KPA members cut tracks to the major scenic points. Professor Laver was one of several people who gave land for the park, donating around 50 acres (20ha), including the Jehosaphat Gully.4 Laver chaired the park’s first Committee of Management, which raised money to employ a ranger and provide facilities, including tracks and roads for fire protection vehicles, toilets and shelters. The committee charged fees for firewood collection, some grazing of livestock, and visitor entrance, and obtained small State Government and Eltham Shire grants. In 1957 the State Government provided revenue for national parks. Then, in 1975, the State Government took over the management and the Committee of Management became an advisory committee, which disbanded in 1978. Originally, the park covered crown land in the Shires of Eltham and Whittlesea; then Wombelano Falls in Yea and other areas were added. In 1970 the park extended into the Shires of Eltham, Healesville, Whittlesea and Yea.5 Bush fires have been an ongoing problem. In 1939 hundreds of eucalypts and acacias had to be sown around the Jehosaphat Gully to rejuvenate the forest. To manage bushfires, the Committee of Management, then the State Government, worked closely with the Forestry Commission, shire councils and local fire brigades. Early national parks focussed on recreation. But by the 1980s, conservation, education and scientific research became more important, playing a vital role in preserving representative samples of the natural environment. Each year many thousands of people use the park’s extensive network of walking tracks amongst the protected plant and animal life as well as camping, cycling and horse riding. The park, along the slopes of the Great Dividing Range, has lookouts revealing magnificent views of the Melbourne skyline, Port Phillip Bay, the Yarra Valley and the You Yangs. Vegetation in the Masons Falls area includes messmate forest, Austral grass-trees, ferns and Hazel Pomaderris. In spring, orchids, lilies, everlasting daisies, correas, grevillea and heath appear. Around Jehosaphat Gully are wet and dry forest, fern gullies and banksia. Animal life includes wallabies, kangaroos, koalas, echidnas, possums, gliders and bandicoots. Male lyrebirds can be heard mimicking in the Jehosaphat Gully, particularly in the Everard Block in winter.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, kinglake national park, jehosaphat gully -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Currency - Bank cheque, Sands & McDougall Limited, 03-12-1885
This bank cheque originated from the Bank of Australasia, Melbourne branch. It was issued on 3rd December 1885 to a person surnamed Slater for £71.11.5 (seventy-one pounds, eleven shillings and five pence). The parallel lines are called Cheque Crossed and mean that only Slater and no one else could receive the payment and that it would have been paid into Slater's bank account, not exchanged for cash. The embossed dots signify that the cheque amount was also paid to be the bearer of the cheque. Slater would have visited the bank to deposit the money into his or her own account. The cheque was printed by Sands & McDougall, a long-standing Melbourne printing and stationery company. It was then Stamped at the bank with its own unique number before it was issued to the customer. From its previously perforated edges, it is presumed that the cheque was part of a page of cheques, likely to be contained within a book of similar cheques ready for use. The Bank of Australia was incorporated by Royal Charter of England in March 1834. It had its Australian beginnings on 14th December 1835, opening in Sydney. The Acting Superintendent of the bank at that time was David Charters McArthur. He was Superintendent from 1867-to 1876. The Melbourne branch opened on 28th August 1838 in a two-roomed brick cottage on the north side of Little Collins Street, where two huge mastiff dogs were used at night to guard the bank. The government also provided an armed military sentinel. Due to the bank's rapid growth, a new building for the Melbourne branch was opened in 1840 at 75 Collins Street West. By 1879 the bank had been upgraded to a magnificent two-storey building on the corners of Collins and Queens Streets, with the entry on Collins Street. In 1951 the Bank of Australasia amalgamated with the Union Bank to form the Australia and New Zealand Bank, now known as the ANZ. Then in 1970, the ANZ merged with both the ES&A and the London Bank of Australia to form the ANZ Banking Group Limited. The ANZ Banking Group Ltd kindly donated a variety of historic items from the Bank of Australasia. BANK of AUSTRALASIA, WARRNAMBOOL – In 1854 Warrnambool had two banks, the Union Bank and the Bank of Australasia. Later, completely different bank businesses opened; in 1867 the National Bank of Australasia, then in 1875 the Colonial Bank of Australasia. The original Warrnambool branch of the Bank of Australasia was established in July 1854, and operated from a leased cottage on Merri Street, close to Liebig Street. The bank next bought a stone building previously erected by drapers Cramond & Dickson on the corner of Timor and Gibson Streets. Samuel Hannaford was a teller and then Manager at the Warrnambool branch from 1855 to 1856 and the Warrnambool Council chose that bank for its dealings during 1856-57. In 1859 Roberts & Co. was awarded the contract to build the new Bank of Australasia branch for the sum of £3,000. The land was on a sand hill on the northeast corner of Timor and Kepler Streets and had been bought in 1855 from investor James Cust. The new building opened on May 21, 1860. The bank continued to operate there until 1951 when it merged with the Union Bank to form the ANZ Bank, which continued operating from its Liebig Street building. Warrnambool City Council purchased the former Bank of Australasia building in 1971 and renovated it, then on 3rd December 1973 it was officially opened as the Art Gallery by Cr. Harold Stephenson and Gallery Director John Welsh. The Gallery transferred to the purpose-built building in Liebig Street in 1986 and the old bank building is now the Gallery club. Staff at the Bank of Australasia in Warrnambool included the following men but others were also involved: Samuel Hannaford, Teller then Manager from 1855-1856; W H Palmer, Manager from January 1857 until November 1869 when the Teller Basil Spence was promoted to Manager; H B Chomley, Manager from April 1873 and still there in 1886; A Butt, Manager in 1895-1904; J R McCleary Accountant and Acting Manager for 12 months, until 1900; A Kirk, Manager 1904; J Moore, staff until his transfer to Bendigo in December 1908; J S Bath was Manager until 1915; C C Cox, Manager until April 1923; Richard C Stanley, Manager 1923 to April 1928. The bank cheque has significance through its association with the Bank of Australasia. The early Australian bank was established in 1834 by Royal Charter and opened in Sydney, Australia, in Sydney in 1835. The bank had many Australian offices in November 1877, particularly on the east and south coasts. Victoria had 45 percent of all Offices. The bank cheque is significant as an early example of financial management of money and money exchange or transfer.Bank cheque of the Bank of Australasia, Melbourne branch. The rectangular paper has three sides that have been perforated. It is printed in blue with bank's Insignia of a heraldic shield of sheep hung by their waists and ships in full sail. Embossed Stamp Duty mark. Embossed dots. Handwritten black ink details Dated 3rd Dec 1885. Printed in Melbourne by Sands & McDougall. Diagonal parallel lines are across the cheque. Printed: "Bank of Australasia, MELBOURNE (75 COLLINS ST. WEST)." "454,358" "Sands & McDougall, Melbourne" Embossed stamp: Symbol of Crown above double oval lines " - STAMP DUTY" "ONE PENNY" Embossed dots forming test "7 PAID T2" Handwritten: "3rd Dec. [188] 5" "134 - Slater" "Seventy one pounds 11/S 5p" "£71.11.5" Signature: (undecipherable) flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, bank cheque, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, bank of australasia, boa, union bank, australia & new zealand bank, anz bank, bank note, melbourne, slater, sands & mcdougall, chrssed cheque, embossed dots, paid cheque -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Saw gauge, Henry Disston, 1890-1920
Disston Saw Works of Philadelphia was one of the better known and highly regarded manufacturers of handsaws in the United States. During the Machine Age, the company was known as Henry Disston & Sons, Inc. a supplier of industrial saw blades. History: The story of handsaws in the United States mirrors the technical and development of steel in Sheffield, England, which was the center of handsaw production during the 18th century and through most of the 19th century. England's political and economic lock-on steel making in the colonies held American saw makers at bay until well after the Revolutionary War. American steel producers were unable to compete until the US government introduced import tariffs to level the playing field in 1861. Henry Disston: Henry Disston (1819–1878) began his career as an American saw maker in Philadelphia. He had emigrated from England in 1833 and started making saws and squares in 1840. In 1850, he founded the company that would become the largest saw maker in the world, the Keystone Saw Works. Some five years later, Disston built a furnace—perhaps the first melting plant for steel in America and began producing the first crucible saw steel ever made in the United States. While his competitors were buying good steel from Britain, he was making his own, to his specification, for his own needs. Disston subsequently constructed a special rolling mill exclusively for saw blades. Over the following decade, the Disston company continued to grow, even while dedicating itself to the Union Army's war effort. In 1865, when his son Hamilton Disston rejoined the business after serving in the Civil War, Disston changed the company's name to Henry Disston & Son. Henry Disston and his sons began to set the standards for American saw makers, both in terms of producing high-quality saws and files in 1865 through his development of innovative manufacturing techniques. In September 1872, Henry Disston and two other men dug a part of the foundation for what was to become the largest saw manufacturing facility in the world: Disston Saw Works. This was in the Tacony section of Philadelphia. Having previously moved his expanding business from near Second and Market Streets to Front and Laurel Streets. It took over 25 years to move the entire facility to Tacony. Henry Disston was renowned for having one of the first industries that exhibited environmental responsibility, as well as a paternalistic view towards his employees. For example, he had thousands of homes built in Tacony for his workmen. Funds to purchase these homes were made available through a building and loan association set up by the Disston firm. His caring influence on the community was evident in everyday life. To meet employees' cultural needs, a hall and a library were built with Henry Disston agreeing to pay a fixed sum towards its maintenance. The Tacony Music Hall was erected in 1885, also with the assistance of Disston money. Henry Disston had fallen ill by 1877 and never truly recovered; he suffered a stroke and died the next year. This came only one and a half years after seeing his products receive the highest honors at the great Philadelphia Centennial Exposition of 1876. His vision of a working-class community and the completion of the transfer of his enormous saw plant was carried out by his wife and his sons. The company, by the early 20th century, cast the first crucible steel in the nation from an electric furnace in 1906. The firm's armor-plate building near Princeton Avenue and Milnor Street contributed tremendously to the World War II effort. But the company's innovation and industriousness would not last forever. In 1955, with mounting cash-flow problems and waning interest on the family's part to run the firm, Henry Disston and Sons were sold to the H.K. Porter Company of Pittsburgh. Porter's Disston Division was sold in 1978 and became the Henry Disston Division of Sandvik Saw of Sweden. This division was then sold in 1984 to R.A.F. Industries of Philadelphia and became known as Disston Precision Incorporated, a maker of specialized flat steel products. In 2013, R.A.F. Industries sold Disston Precision Inc. in a private sale. Although the company has ceased making Disston handsaws, the Disston brand name still exists in this firm. A tool used to set and sharpen cross cut saws used to fell trees for building construction made by a well known American maker whos firm pioneered the making of saws and their related items including files.combination cross cut saw raker and gauge/jointerDisston USA in the castingflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village -
Melton City Libraries
Pamphlet, Thoroughbred Country, c.1985
"Melton has a long and celebrated history of horse breeding and racing. Draught horses were a crucial aspect of life in the early days of European settlement, and were heavily depended upon for both transport and agricultural labour. Peppercorn trees at the corner of Station and Brooklyn roads have been associated with a horse trough installed there to provide a drink to workhorses carting produce to the chaff mills and railway station south of Melton.20 Breeders, trainers and harness drivers in the area later became such an influential force in the equine industry that this came to be a defining aspect of the district’s identity and reputation.Pioneer of the Victorian horse racing industry and early Rockbank squatter William Cross Yuille was one of the earliest importers of stud racehorses in the district in the 1850s. A leading sports editor and writer, Yuille established bloodstock auctioning agency W. C. Yuille & Co. and was involved in the compilation of the first Australian Stud Book, which ensures the integrity of thoroughbred breeding in Australia. According to early Melton chronicler Alexander Cameron, horse races were first organised in the area by Rockbank farmer William Keating. Keating owned racehorses of his own, and many brought horses from Melbourne for the events, which ‘drew large gatherings’.22 Melton Racing Club meetings were held on the Exford Estate with the permission of H. W. Staughton, who built a small wooden grandstand in 1882. Other early races and sports meetings are said to have been held in the vicinity of the current-day Melton golf course.23 An 1884 article reported that Melton’s ‘race programme … equals any put forth by country towns of far greater size’. Ernest Clarke was another important figure in the early horse racing industry in Melton. He established the Melton Stud in 1902, which bred numerous successful racehorses. Perhaps most notably The Welkin, one of the most famous stallions in Australian horse racing in the early twentieth century. The Welkin sired Gloaming, bred by Clarke at the Melton stud in 1915 and one of Australia’s greatest champion racehorses. During a long and prestigious career in both Australia and New Zealand, Gloaming achieved a triumphant 57 wins out of 67 starts and won a record amount of prize money. Ken Cox purchased the Stockwell Stud in Diggers Rest in 1957 and developed it into one of the largest and most renowned thoroughbred breeders in Australia. With its top-class facilities, international design standards and scientific methods, Stockwell became ‘the flagship of the Victorian breeding industry’.26 As well as racing studs, numerous trotting tracks were established on the flat plains around Melton in the 1960s.27 Other studs to play a leading role in the development of Melton as thoroughbred country were Cornwall Park and Merrywood at Toolern Vale, St John’s Lane Stud at Diggers Rest and Birchwood, Teppo Park and Dreelburn in the far north-east of the shire, near Sunbury. By 1985, thoroughbred horse breeding was such big business in Melton that the shire council adopted the slogan ‘The Heart of Thoroughbred Country’, which was used throughout its promotional material.29 But the slogan contained deeper meaning and was not just about Melton’s great equine industry and thoroughbred champions, the council explained: ‘“Thoroughbred Country” should be seen as a new concept of Melton, as a place where people can achieve the “Thoroughbred” ideal, excellence in all aspects of life’. The aim of the council in promoting ‘The Heart of Thoroughbred Country’, was ‘to instil in present and future residents the feeling that this is a place that is better than others. A place to be proud of’. In 1988, Melton’s champion reinsman Gavin Lang won his 176th race of the season, claiming the national harness racing record for the most wins in a single season.The following year, the first Melton Plate was held at Moonee Valley Racecourse, cementing the district’s importance in the harness racing industry. The inaugural winner was Victorys Phil, owned by local Danny Mullan. By the 1990s, Melton had earned the title of the ‘Home of Harness Racing in Victoria’. State-of-the-art, world-class harness racing facility and entertainment complex Tabcorp Park opened in Melton in 2009. In 2011, the Shire of Melton was home to over 140 registered trainers and over 1,200 horses. The municipality’s continuing leadership and influence in the industry today is a testament to the skills, talents and leadership of the local community over its history".Shire of Melton pamphlet of a map and information of the equine industry in Meltoncouncil -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Memorial to Peter Brock, Ferguson's Paddock, Hurstbridge, 23 January 2008
Ferguson’s Paddock, Hurstbridge. A plaque on a boulder commemorates Peter Brock. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p167 On a rock in Ferguson’s Paddock, Hurstbridge, a plaque commemorates Peter Brock. It includes the words: ‘Boy from Hurstbridge without special privileges, grew to become champion of racetracks around the world but he never forgot his beginnings’. Brock came from a well-established local family. Born in Hurstbridge in 1945, he lived in Anzac Avenue as a child, attended the Hurstbridge Primary and Eltham High Schools and lived in the district most of his life. His father Geoff owned the Diamond Valley Speed Shop in Greensborough. Brock’s forbears were amongst the area’s earliest settlers. From Scotland, the Brocks arrived in Tasmania in 1830, to graze sheep. Family members moved to Sunbury, then Preston, grazing sheep in the Bundoora area. John Brock owned Janefield, possibly named after his wife. In 1855 he granted around two acres (0.8ha) of his estate for a school.1 In 1866 Lewis Brock bought 264 acres (107ha) in Nutfield, the first non-Aboriginal person to own that land. They planted an orchard, then from around 1935, Brock’s uncle Sandy and his grandfather Lewis, ran a dairy on the property. In the 1980s Brock and his then partner Bev, bought most of the property, which they sold after their separation in 2006. Brock’s father was a Hurstbridge Football Club President, but Brock’s uncle Sandy, of Brocks Road, Doreen, has been particularly active in local affairs. He was President of the Mernda Football Club (then Plenty Rovers), President of the Panton Hill Football League and he founded the Arthurs Creek and District Landcare Group. He also gave more than 50 years of service to the Whittlesea Agricultural Society, the Volunteers for Australian Football and the Doreen Rural Fire Brigade. Community service was important to Brock too. Brock, with his then partner Bev, established the Peter Brock Foundation in 1997, the year he retired from full-time V8 Supercar racing. The Foundation’s grants have included $100,000 towards the upgrade of a walking track in the Hurstbridge Parklands and other projects include a holiday house for the families of child cancer victims. Brother Lewis saw Brock as a spiritual person, who had a great affinity with people. He saw Brock as a role model of someone who could achieve their dreams. ‘The family didn’t have much money, yet that didn’t stop Peter realising his dreams. He was strong and didn’t let difficult times crush him.’ Despite his later successes, Brock’s most treasured trophy was for running 100 yards (91.4m)at his primary school in 1955, and he appreciated his head master Ted Griffiths’ encouragement of his sporting endeavours. At high school Brock became captain of Everard House. In his first year he bought a 1928 Austin 7 for £5. He cut the car into a box shape with an axe and enjoyed driving it – despite it having no brakes - at his grandparents’ farm at Nutfield. The turning point in Brock’s life came at age 23, when he built an Austin A30 in an old henhouse in Wattle Glen, using a Holden engine. He was laughed at until it won the Australian Sports Sedan Championship in 1968. Brock’s career then took off and he became a professional driver. Brock won Australian motor sport’s best-known event, the Bathurst 1000, nine times. Brock endured a bitter split from Holden in 1986 over control of his Holden-backed vehicle modification business and a car performance-enhancing device he called the ‘energy polariser’– despite it having no scientific evidence to support its claims. But Brock returned to Holden in 1994. Then in 1997, aged 52, Brock retired from fulltime V8 Supercar racing. However he continued to race at motor sport events. Brock won several awards, including an Order of Australia Medal in 1980, the Australian Sports Medal in 2000, and the Centenary Medal. On September 8, 2006, Brock died; after his car hit a tree during the Targa West Rally in Western Australia.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, ferguson's paddock, hurstbridge, peter brock memorial, peter brock -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Document - Certificate of Competency, Marine Department, Commonwealth Council for Trade, 1883-1894
Fifteen year old Albert Edward Gill was born in Poplar, Middlesex, in 1868. He volunteered in May 1883 as an Apprentice Ordinary Seaman with the Merchant Services under the London shipping company James P. Corry & Co., owner of the Star Line. The shipping company by this time had a fleet of both clipper and steam cargo ships that sailed as far away as Australia and New Zealand. Gill’s apprenticeship was a four year unpaid term, with only his food, drink, lodgings, washing and medical needs provided for him. The contract had many conditions but it was a wonderful opportunity for a young man. His father James Gill signed the papers as his guarantor. In December 1887 Gill completed his apprenticeship and qualified as an Able Seaman. He served for another seven years with James P. Corry & Co. and earned his Certificate of Competency as a Master in the Merchant Service in April 1894, having passed the Ordinary Examination. (The transcription of Gill's two certificates is provided further down this page.) JAMES P. CORRY & CO. - The Belfast Company was formed in 1826 by Robert Corry, and imported timber from Canada to Ireland. In 1859 the company expanded to import timber from Calcutta, and relocated its offices to London. In the 1880s the company had a fleet of 13 tall clipper ships and included ports in Australia and New Zealand in its destinations. It continued to expand trade even further and by 1908 the Star Line had seven cargo steamers trading with the East and Far East (the ships were named Star of Australia, Star of Japan, Star of England, Star of New Zealand, Star of Ireland, Star of Scotland and Star of Victoria). In 1912 the Star Line ships added an emigrant service to Australia. TRANSCRIPTION OF CERTIFICATES - = = = = = = = = = = = = “Ordinary Apprentice’s Indenture” Transcribed:- (Printed form with printed logo of the Marine Department, Commonwealth Council for Trade. Sanctioned by the Board of Trade, May 1855. ) Registered at the Port of London, Sixteenth of May, 1883, and signed for the Registrar General. Stamped in blue ink “REGISTERED IN LONDON, MAY 16 1883” “RECORD OF THE REGISTER GENERAL OF SEAMEN” “This Indenture, made the SIXTEENTH day of MAY 1883 between ALBERT EDWARD GILL aged FIFTEEN years, a native of POPLAR, in the county of MIDDLESEX of the first part JAMES P. CORRY & CO. OF 9 & 11 FENCHURCH AVENUE in the CITY of LONDON of the second part, and JAMES GILL, of POPLAR, in the county of MIDDLESEX, of the third part, WITNESSETH, That the said ALBERT EDWARD GILL hereby voluntarily binds himself Apprentice unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & CO., his Executers, Administrators and Assigns, for the term of FOUR years from the date hereof; And the said Apprentice hereby covenants that, during such time, the said Apprentice will faithfully serve his said Master, his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, and obey his and their lawful commands, and keep his and their secrets, and will, when required, give to him and them true accounts of his or their goods and money which may be committed to the charge, or come into the hands, of the said Apprentice; and will, in case the said Apprentice enters Her Majesty’s Service during the said term, duly account for and pay, or cause to be paid, to his said Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, all such Wages, Prize Money and other Monies as may become payable to the said Apprentice for such service; and that the said Apprentice will not, during the said term, do any damage to his said Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, nor will he consent to such damage being done by others, but will, if possible, prevent the same, and give warning thereof; and will not embezzle or waste the Goods of his Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, nor give or lend the same to others without his or their licence; nor absent himself from his or their service without leave; nor frequent Taverns or Alehouses, unless upon his or their business, nor play at Unlawful Games : IN CONSIDERATION WHEREOF, the said Master hereby covenants with the said Apprentice, that during the said term he the said Master, his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, will and shall use all proper means to teach the said Apprentice or cause him to be taught the business of a Seaman, and provide the said Apprentice with sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodgings, Washing, Medicine, and Medical and Surgical Assistance, NO WAGES, the said Apprentice providing for himself all sea-bedding, wearing apparel, and necessaries (except such as are herein-before specially agreed to be provided by the said Master): AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED, that if, at any time during the said term, the said Master, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, provide any necessary apparel, or sea-bedding for the said Apprentice, he and they may deduct any sums properly expended thereon by him or them from the sums so agreed to be paid to the said Apprentice as aforesaid: And for the performance of the Agreements herein contained, each of them, the said A.E.GILL and JAMES P CORRY & Co., doth hereby bind himself, his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & CO., his Executors and Administrators, unto the other of them, his Executors and Administrators, in the penal sum of THIRTY pounds; and for the performance of the covenants on the part of the said Apprentice herein contained, the said JAMES GILL as surety, doth hereby bind himself, his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & Co., his Executors and Administrators, the penal sum of THIRTY pounds; Provided, that notwithstanding the penal stipulations herein contained any Justice or Justices of the Pease may exercise such jurisdiction in respect of the said Apprentice as he or they might have exercised if no such stipulations had been therein contained. In witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year above written. Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of - - Weston, 9 & 11 Fenchurch Avenue Signed, James P. Corry (Master) Signed, Albert Edward Gill (Apprentice) James Gill (Surety) NOTE – This Indenture must be executed in duplicate, both copies must be taken to the Registrar General of Seamen; or if in the Outports to the Shipping Master; one copy will then be retained and recorded, and the other returned to the Master with the necessary endorsement. = = = = = = = = = = = = Reverse of the Indenture, Transcribed:- “This is to certify that the herein mentioned Alfred Edward Gill has served the full term of the Indenture in our employ during which time he has conducted himself satisfactorily. According to the Captain’s report he has been strictly sober during the last – years [? from his failure?] Signed: James P. Corry & Co., Owner, Star Line 9 Fenchurch Avenue St, 13 Dec. ‘87 = = = = = = = = = = = = Certificate of Competency, Transcribed:- (Board of Trade logo and printed text of the certificate, with hand written details filled in) By the Lords of the Committee of Privy, Council for Trade Certificate of Competency as MASTER to Albert Edward Gill Whereas it has been reported to us that you have been found duly qualified to fulfil the duties of MASTER in the Merchant Service, we do hereby, in performance of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, grant you this Certificat6e of Competency. By Order of the Board of Trade, this 19th day of APRIL, 1894 Signed INGRAM B WALKER (one of the Assistant Secretaries of the Board of Trade) Countersigned -, Regulator General. Registered at the Office of the Regulator General of Shipping and Seamen. = = = = = = = = = = = = Reverse of Certificate of Competency, Transcribed:- No. of Certificate - 020886 Address of Owner - SUNNY LAWN, WALLWOOD ROAD, LEYTONSTONE Date and Place of Birth – 1868, POPLAR Signature – A E GILL. This Certificate is given upon an Ordinary Examination passed at LONDON on the 17th day of APRIL 1894 Every person who makes, or procures to be made, or assists in making any false Representation for the Purpose of obtain for himself or for any other Person a Certificate either of Competence or Service, or who forges, assists in forgery, or procures to be forged, or fraudulently alters, assists in fraudulently altering, or procures to be fraudulently altered, any such Certificate or any Official Copy of any such Certificate, or who frequently makes use of any such Certificate, or copy of any such Certificate, which is forged, altered, cancelled, suspended, or to which he is not justly entitled or who fraudulently lends his Certificate to, or allows the same to be used by any other person, shall for each offence be deemed guilty of a Misdemeanour, and my be summarily punished by imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding Six Months or by a penalty not exceeding 100 pounds, and any Master or Mate who fails to deliver up a Certificate which has been cancelled or suspended is liable to a penalty not exceeding 50 pounds. N.B. – Any person other than the Owner thereof becoming possessed of the Certificate is required to transmit it forthwith to the Register General of Shipping and Seamen, Custom House, London, E.C. Issued at the Port of LONDON on the 20th day of APRIL 1894. Signed J I-, - Supt. = = = = = = = = = = = = These certificates are significant as a record of the process required to qualify as a ship’s Master, which was required by the vast number of merchant ships that crossed the world to Australia with cargo and passengers, all contributing to the early settlement and development of Australia as a Colony and a Nation. The certificates are also significant for their association with James P. Corry & Col. owner of the Star Line shipping company that provided trade and passengers to Australia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Set of two documents from the Board of Trade, printed on cloth and wax paper, each relating to achieving the standard of Master Seaman, and belonging to Albert Edward Gill. They are dated 1883 to 1894. The forms have been stamped, signed, dated, details completed and sealed with three red wax seals. The certificate number has been stamped onto the document is such as was as to deter forgery. The forms relate to Albert Edward Gill and James P. Corry & Co, Star Line Merchant Services and show his registered number as a Master Seaman. 245.1 – Front: Ordinary Apprentice’s Indenture, printed certificate, with spaces completed and signed by hand, and sealed with three red wax seals. Signed and dated 16 May 1883 Reverse: Handwritten statement, signed and dated 13 Dec 1887. 245.2 – Front: Certificate of Competency, Master in the Merchant Service, printed and completed by hand, registered at the Office of the Regulator General of Shipping and Seamen, dated 19 April 1894. Reverse: Certificate, Ordinary Examination Passed, printed and completed by hand, dated 17 April 1894Signatures and other handwritten details. Stamped with security lines, Registration Number "020886"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, albert edward gill, certificate of compentency, apprentice's indenture, education, employment, 1880's, ordinery examination, able seaman, master seaman, james p. corry & co., star line, timber merchant, emigrant ships -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Sunnyside Mill Bridge over the Yarrowee, Hill Street, Ballarat, 2016, 17/09/2016
"A joint meeting of city and town ratepayers, convened by Messrs Francis Jago and Henry Johns, interested in the formation of a cart bridge in Hill street, over the Yarrowee Creek, was held on Saturday evening, in the Societies Hall, corner of Skipton and South streets, with the view of taking united action in the matter. Mr Morris was voted to the chair, : and about 60 persons were present. The chairman stated that the object of the meeting was that united influence should be brought to bear upon the City and Town Councils, so that a cartbridge should be erected. He said that Mount Pleasant would no doubt be thickly populated in a few years, and the bridge would prove a great boon to the inhabitants of the locality. By means of a cart bridge drays, would be enabled to save on their journeys to and fro between the mount and the batteries, at least a mile and a half each time. He hoped that the councillors for the south ward would assist them in this matter. Mr Jago, as one of the conveners of the meeting, said that united action on the part of both eastern and western ratepayers was requisite, so as to exert a strong pressure upon the City and Town Councils, in order that the work should be carried but. Mr Grainger moved the first resolution as follows;—“ That the construction of a cart bridge over the Yarrowee Creek at Sunnyside, to facilitate communication between the residents of the city and town, is urgently necessary, and that in the interests of both municipalities the two councils be asked to at once jointly carry out the work. In doing so he said that the necessity of a cart-bridge for the residents of Mount Pleasant would be apparent when the number of batteries, tanneries, and also the Woollen Mill, in the district were considered. The place was of growing import ance, and ready communication should at once be established. Another reason was that an immense saving in time would be effected. It was quite a common occurrence to see one, two, or three drays stuck in the bed of the creek which had gone that way to make a short cut. Now, what with the horses floundering about and breaking their harness, it seemed a wonder to him that life had not been destroyed before now, just through the want of a cartbridge. Mr Johns seconded the resolution. Mr Robert Calvert supported the resolution, and said that it was disgraceful action on the part of the representatives of the south ward that the work had not been executed long ago. They should come together like men and demand that the work should be done, and if not done they should not pay rates until it was. (A voice—“But they’ll make us.” Laughter.) The wooden footbridge across the creek was “only a wooden fabric, not fit for a Christian to walk across, and steps should be taken to remedy this also. Mr Blight, a resident of Mount Pleasant, said that, in common with others, he had been opposed to the erection of the bridge two years ago, but his views had since been altered. Cr. Morrison, who was present, said that the fault of the cartbridge not being erected over the Yarrowee at Hill street lay not with the City Council, but with their neighbors, who had always been opposed to its erection there. In 1874 a motion was carried at a meeting of ‘the City Council" by which the sum of £5OO had been voted to carry but the work. As the bridges over the Yarrowee were joint undertakings of the city and town, they had, by the provisions of an act of Parliament, called upon the Town Council to assist them in the erection of the bridge. In consequence, a conference of the two corporate bodies had taken place, when a motion was moved by Cr Howard, the representative of the south ward, and seconded by Cr Turpie, of Ballarat East—“ That the bridge should be erected at Hill street.” The motion was rejected, principally through the eastern representatives, who wanted the bridge lower down. Since then the two councils had often met to consider, the question of bridges over the Yarrowee Creek, but nothing had been done at the meetings, as the Eastern Council wanted the bridge in one place and the City Council in another. He had himself, when first elected to the council, given notice of motion affirming the desirability of a bridge, at the place now fixed upon. The Woollen Company was growing in importance, and a direct, road to its works would greatly advance its interests. For the working, expenses of each ward £400 was annually, appropriated; and this amount would not be sufficient carry out the work. They would have to obtain a special grant of about £900, as Hill street would require a culvert to be erected therein, as now it was virtually an open drain which carried the drainage of the western plateau to the Yarrowee. He advised that strong pressure should be exerted, specially upon the Eastern Council, and then the work might be carried out. He thought that if the foot bridge was repaired, and large stones thrown into the creek, it would do until the bridge could be erected. The chairman then put the resolution, and it was unanimously carried. Mr Hamilton moved the second resolution— “That Messrs Fern, Greenwood, Peirce, and Jago be deputed by the meeting to wait upon the City and Town Councils and present the first resolution; also that petitions in its favor be signed by all ratepayers interested.” Mr Haigh seconded the resolution, which was carried. Votes of thanks to Cr Morrison for his attendance, and to the chairman for presiding, were passed, and the proceedings terminated." (Ballarat Star, 9 August 1881, page 3) "WOOLLEN MILL BRIDGE YARROWEE IMPROVEMENTS Though brief the official ceremony of opening the bridge across the Yarrowee Creek, near the Sunnyside Woollen Mills, was of an interesting character. It took place at noon yesterday in the presence of the Mayors and councillors of the City and Town. Hon. F. Hagel thorn (Minister of Agriculture).Hon Brawn. M.L.C., Lt-Col Morton (Acting City Clerk). Mr J. Gent (Town Clerk of Ballarat East), Mr A. Farrer (City Engineer), Lt. L. Finch (who is about to leave for the Front, and who assisted Messrs A. Farrer and G. Maughan in carrying out the project, Mr W. Hurdsfield (Clerk of Works) and others. An apology was received from Mr J. McClelland, contractor for the work. Mayor Hill expressed pleasure in Introducing Mr Hagelthorn, who had at great personal sacrifice and inconvenience come from Melbourne to perform the opening ceremony of that beautiful bridge, which was of great improvements that had been effected.When Mr Hagelthorn was Minister of Pubic works he visited Ballarat specially to see the condition of the creek, which at that time was in a disgusting state from a sanitary standpoint. After viewing the position, and realising the justice of the claim. Mr Hagelthorn made strong representations to the Government of which the was a member with the result that it voted £17,000 for the work. That action had been the means of turning a plague spot into a thing of beauty. They therefore owed a deep debt of gratitude to Mr Hagelthorn and the Government of which he was a member, and they were particular grateful to Mr Hagelthorn for coming to Ballarat to perform the open ceremony. Mayor Levy said he could bear testimony to the good work Mr Hagelthorn had always done for Ballarat. In him Ballarat and district always had a good friend. He thought Mr Hagelthorn would feel amply gratified at seeing the good work that had been done. It would serve as some reward for the expenditure, on behalf of the residents of Bal larat, of the amount of money made available through Mr Hagelthorn's instrumentality for the two municipalities. Otherwise the City and Town councils would not have been able to carry out so necessary and so beneficial a work. There was a great amount of work yet to be done, and when the financial market became low stringent Mr Hagelthorn would no doubt be pleased to take the necessary steps to have money provided for further works which could not be undertaken at the present time. The adjacent woollen mill was a standing monument to what was being done in Ballarat, and what ever the City and Town Councils or the Government could do to encourage such manufacturing enterprise should be done, and he was glad to be able to say that was being done as far as finances would permit. He concluded by presenting Mr Hagelthorn with a gold mounted pocket-knife with which to cut the ribbon stretched across the centre of the structure as a bar to traffic. The Hon. F. Hagelthorn, who was greeted with applause said before him was a good work well done in the interests of the public. Real prosperity could only be achieved by a movement carried out by the people to increase natural productiveness. Most of them had been made aware, on account of the war par tiularly, that the people who were best equipped, the industries that were best organised, and the Governments that were most intelligently controlled would get the most of this world's goods and some of its luxuries that Would be denied other people less efficient. Any thing the Government could do to promote industry and to increase the reward of those engaged in it, both employer and employee, would be done. Most Governments would do but little in that regard. ... " (Ballarat Courier, 13 September 1916, page 4)Bluestone and iron bridge over the Yarrowee River at Hill Street, Ballarat.sunnyside mill, sunnyside woollen mill, ballarat woollen mill, bridge, yarrowee creek, francis jago, mount pleasant, yarrowee river, robert calvert -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Ceramic - Teacup, 1920s
This teacup is part of a four-piece place setting, comprising a teacup, saucer and plates, from a tea set. The tea set was given by Eva Carmichael, a survivor of the ship Loch Ard which was wrecked near Port Campbell in 1878, to Jane Shields, the young woman who supported Eva during her recovery from the ordeal. Ms Shields was Eva’s close companion while she was convalescing at Glenample Homestead. The friendship between the two women continued after Eva Carmichael returned to her home in Britain, became Mrs Townsend, and had three sons. Jane Shields also married, becoming Mrs John Osborne and bearing four daughters and two sons. In 1926-27, almost forty-eight years after the shipwreck, one of Jane’s daughters (Ella Marie Schulby nee Osborne) visited Eva in England. Eva gave her the tea set to take back home to her mother. Jane died in 1932 and her tea set was inherited by her daughters, who divided it between themselves, a four-piece place setting for each of them. A brief history of the Loch Ard: - The Loch Ard was named after a Scottish lake. It was one of the famous Loch Line of ships that sailed the long voyage from England to Australia. Barclay, Curdle and Co. built the three-masted iron ship in Glasgow in 1873. It had sailed three trips to Australia and one trip to Calcutta before its fateful voyage. Loch Ard left England on March 2, 1878, under the command of recently married, 29-year-old Captain Gibbs, bound for Melbourne with a crew of 37, plus 17 passengers. The general cargo reflected the affluence of Melbourne at the time. Onboard were straw hats, umbrellas, perfumes, clay pipes, pianos, clocks, confectionery, linen and candles, and a heavier load of railway irons, cement, lead and copper. Other cargo included items intended for display in the Melbourne International Exhibition of 1880. The Loch Ard had been sailing for three months and was close to its destination. At 3 am on June 1, 1878, Captain Gibbs expected to see land, but the Loch Ard ran into a fog that greatly reduced visibility. Captain Gibbs became anxious as there was no sign of land or the Cape Otway lighthouse. The fog lifted at 4 am. A lookout announced that he could see breakers. The sheer cliffs of Victoria's west coast came into view; the ship was much closer to them than Captain Gibbs expected. It was not long before the Loch Ard's bow swung towards land. Although the Captain tried to manage the vessel, his attempts didn’t work and the ship struck a reef at the base of Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell. The top deck became loosened from the hull, and the masts and rigging crashed down, knocking passengers and crew overboard. The lifeboat was launched by Tom Pearce but crashed into the side of Loch Ard and capsized. Tom Pearce managed to cling to the lifeboat’s overturned hull and shelter beneath it. He drifted out to sea and the tide brought him back to what is now called Loch Ard Gorge. He swam to shore and found a cave for shelter. A passenger, Eva Carmichael, had raced onto the deck to find out what was happening and was confronted by towering cliffs above the ship. She was soon swept off the ship by a huge wave. Eva saw Tom Pearce on a small rocky beach and yelled to attract his attention. He swam to the exhausted woman and dragged her to shore and to the shelter of the cave. He revived Eva with a bottle of brandy from a case that had washed up on the beach. Tom scaled a cliff in search of help and followed some horse hoof prints. He came from two men from Glenample Station, three and a half miles away. He told the men of the tragedy and then returned to the gorge while the two men rode back to the station to get help. They reached Loch Ard Gorge and took the two shipwreck survivors to Glenample Station to recover. Eva stayed at the station for six weeks before returning to Ireland by steamship. In Melbourne, Tom Pearce received a hero's welcome and was presented with a medal and some money. Of the 54 crew members and passengers on board, only two survived: the apprentice, Tom Pearce and the young woman passenger, Eva Carmichael, who lost her family in the tragedy.This blue china tea set, comprising a teacup, saucer and two plates, is of high significance as it is closely connected to the wreck of the Loch Ard, and to one of only two survivors, Eva Carmichael. Memorabilia connected to Eva Carmichael are precious and rare. The Loch Ard shipwreck is significant for Victoria and is registered on the Victorian Heritage Register (S 417). Flagstaff Hill has a varied collection of artefacts from Loch Ard and its collection is significant for being one of the largest accumulations of artefacts from this notable Victorian shipwreck. The group gives a snapshot of history, enabling us to interpret the story of this tragic event and the lives of the people involved. The collection is also archaeologically significant as it represents aspects of Victoria's shipping history that allow us to interpret Victoria's social and historical themes of the time. The collection's historical significance is that it is associated unfortunately with the worst and best-known shipwreck in Victoria's history.The teacup is part of a china tea set place setting, which comprises the teacup, a saucer and two plates of slightly different sizes. The cup is a royal blue outer, white inside with gold lip, a gold ring around the base and a gold handle. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, china tea set, tea set, royal blue china, tom pearce, eva carmichael, jane shields, glenample, loch ard, place setting, teacup -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Site of the Diamond Creek Gold Mine, 28 December 2007
The largest gold mine in the area originated from a find in 1862. The mine was closed January 20, 1915 when a fire destroyed nearly all the above ground plant. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p75 Beneath Mine Hill, as locals call it, runs a network of tunnels once of central importance to the fledgling township of Diamond Creek. These are relics of gold mines, which transformed early Diamond Creek.1 The tiny settlement of about 20 families soared to more than 200 because of gold. For around 50 years, from 1862, gold mining was Diamond Creek’s major source of employment. On September 7, 1854 The Argus newspaper reported a find of a four pound (1.8kg) gold nugget in Nillumbik (an early name for Diamond Creek). Exactly where, is not known.2 The largest mine in the district, the Diamond Creek Gold Mine, apparently originated from a find in 1862. It is said Joe and Dave Wilson were visiting former tailor then cook, Charles Orme, at the southern end of Fraser Street. Sitting on a stump outside the front gate on land belonging to Dr A. E. Phipps the Wilsons found a vein of gold-bearing quartz, which led to the discovery of four quartz reefs varying in width to eight inches (20cm), running north and south. A reef found at the foot of the hill opposite Challenger Street became the Union Mine. This reef was traced south to Allendale Road where a small mine began operations.3 Other smaller mines later operated as well. Dr Phipps immediately began to mine and also built the Diamond Reef Hotel as a boarding house for miners. But Charles Orme, who owned the land alongside, leased his mine to Dr Phipps probably because of insufficient funds and business skills. By mid 1865 the mine had produced 2530 ounces of gold – a 100% profit on the original outlay. Of course there were problems. When the local dam dried up a Blake pump was installed to draw water from the creek. The Union Mine operated under the Diamond Creek Gold Mine management except when disputes sometimes resulted in separate management. However disagreements had to be resolved as the Union Mine depended on Diamond Creek Gold Mine pumps to remove underground water from common reefs. In 1912 the main shaft of about 380 yards (350m) employed 200 men recovering an average of 5000 ounces (141.7kg) of gold a year. But not everyone did well out of gold. Records of failed mining companies in the Victorian Public Record Office, reveal that owner Dr Phipps leased his Right to others. Companies came and went over the next 40 years, most sponsored by Melbourne businessmen who sold shares to gullible locals and then became insolvent. Although there were some good profits, financial returns were haphazard until 1905. Some local residents, who were share holders in short- term companies, became well-known names in modern Diamond Creek such as Scott, Haley, Butler, Alder, Ryan, Wadeson, Reeves, Alston, Paul and Edwards. Gold mining was brought to a disastrous end on January 20, 1915 at 3 pm, when fire destroyed nearly all the above-ground plant. Fortunately no lives were lost. But reopening the mine was almost impossible because of the increasing depth of water in the main shaft. The closed mine destroyed the livelihood of 200 families and the debris took many years to clear.4 In 1946 the Diamond Creek Gold Mine was reopened by the Golden Hind Mining Company, but money ran out before the 600 feet (182.8m) or so of water could be removed. Gold remains in the mine but enormous capital would be needed to buy the land, equipment and to remove the water. Today 12 known sealed shafts along the ridge of the hills on private property extend west for around one kilometre from the corner of Fraser and Haley Streets, crossing Norma and Fyffe to Dering Streets. As recently as 1987, heavy rains revealed a former Union Mine shaft in the Georgiadis family Fyffe Street back yard.5 Allendale Mine, south of Allendale Road, is still open and one of the Union Mine’s main drives (horizontal excavation) remains unsealed, on the Creek Reserve.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, diamond creek, diamond creek mine, fraser street, gold mining, james cook drive, mine hill -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Former home of Alistair and Margot Knox, King Street, Eltham, 16 January 2006
Situated in King Street, Eltham, Alistair Knox built his home and office in 1962-1963 with mud-bricks made from the local soil and recycled materials blending the house with bush around it. Knox popularised the Eltham earth building movement, begun by Montsalvat founder, Justus Jorgensen. Alistair Knox (1912-1986) was also an Eltham Shire Councillor 1971-1975 and Shire President in 1975. Knox established the inaugural Eltham Community Festival in 1975. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p145 Lack of money was a strong incentive for Alistair Knox to do what he did best when he built his house and office at King Street, Eltham in 1962-63. He used mud-bricks from local soil and recycled materials, characteristically blending the house with the bush around it. The result was a work of art. Knox popularised the Eltham earth building movement,1 begun by Montsalvat founder Justus Jörgensen. He was also an Eltham Shire Councillor from 1971 to 1975 and Shire President in 1975. For Knox mud-brick building was not just a building style, but a spiritual experience and a way of relating with nature. At 40 he rediscovered God and his building reflected his theological, political, philosophical and particularly environmental world view, which was far ahead of its time.2 He also contributed to building development in his use of concrete slab foundations when stumps and bearers were the norm. Knox was introduced to mud-brick construction in 1940 by Jörgensen, then shortly after, Knox joined the Navy. In 1946 Knox studied Building Practice and Theory at Melbourne Technical College (now RMIT University). There he befriended fellow student and artist Matcham Skipper who belonged to what was then called the Jörgensen Artists’ Colony. Knox decided to build an earth building in Eltham, partly because the post-war huge building demands resulted in expensive and scarce building materials. He asked artist Sonia Skipper for help who, with Matcham, had constructed mud-brick buildings at the Artists’ Colony. The simple rectangular low-lying house at King Street is framed by native plants and a 3.6 metres wide pergola surrounds the building. Wedded to the landscape, a door in every room at the perimeter, opens outside. The property also includes a forge, a small hut built by son Macgregor at 15, and a mud-brick tower for chickens. Building materials were foraged from a wide variety of sources. Some of the joinery material came from old whisky vats. When the Oregon of the highest quality ‘was put through the wood-working machines, it gave off a deep smell of whisky that made the whole atmosphere exotic and heady’.3 Amateur builders, including schoolboys from Knox’s Presbyterian Church, made some of the mud-bricks. But the building was finished with the professional help of Yorkshire builder, Eric Hirst. Inside, the light is subdued with the mud-brick, beamed timber ceilings and floors of slate, timber or orange-brown tiles. Skylights, with rich blue and red leadlighting, illuminate one entrance area and this feature is repeated as edging on the door. The centre of the house is like a covered courtyard, with rooms built around it. The central room, 11 metres x 7 metres, was built in the same proportions as Knox’s mud-bricks. Clerestory windows on four sides infuse the room with a soft light. A huge brick fireplace extends beyond one corner and opposite is a small one where timber can only be placed vertically. The slate for the floor was discarded from the Malthouse Brewery now used as a theatre in Southbank. In the middle is a large refectory table and benches that seat 18. Like much of the house, it is rugged, yet beautiful. Made of Western Australian Jarrah by Macgregor with a chain saw and an adze, it retains knot and nail holes. Each wall has an opening, 2.4 metres at the ends and 3.6 metres at the sides. Only one has doors and these concertina doors are made of the backs of old church pews. The main bedroom has an ensuite with a marble hand basin discarded from the Victorian Parliament building; and a dressing room, where two wardrobes of polished timber recovered from a tip are attached to the walls. Separate from the house is the strikingly original circular-shaped office made of bluestone sourced from the original Army campsite at Broadmeadows.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, alistair and margot knox house, alistair knox design, mudbrick construction, eltham, king street -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Rice House, 69 Ryans Road, Eltham, 27 March 2007
Built in 1953, the Rice House was leading Melbourne architect Kevin Borland's first commssion and was one of two houses of its kind. The design of the shell-like structure was inspired by the Arch of Ctesiphon, built in the second century south of Baghdad. Cement with a waterproofing agent was applied in layers to a form of regularly spaced timber arches covered in hessian. This ctesiphon system was developed in the United Kingdom by engineer J.H. de Waller in 1947. Commissioned in 1951 by Harrie and Lorna Rice, after Harrie, then an art student, met Borland at The Age Small Homes Service. Borland suggested they buy land in Eltham because at that time it was the only council in Melbourne that would grant a permit for such an innovative house. Covered under Victorian Heritage. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p157 Inspired by an ancient arch in Iraq, a house stands on top of a hill in a private position, off Ryans Road, Eltham. One of only two houses of its kind, it was leading Melbourne architect Kevin Borland’s first commissioned house, which he built in 1953. The shell-like structure, partially screened by giant trees and cacti, was inspired by the Arch of Ctesiphon south of Baghdad, built in the second century.1 Cement with a waterproofing agent was applied in layers to a form of regularly spaced timber arches tightly covered by hessian. This ctesiphon system was developed in the United Kingdom by engineer J H de Waller in 1947. This house was the first of three such structures built in Victoria, of which only one other remains, although substantially altered.2 It is the Wood House and supermarket, at the corner of Cleveland Road and High Street Road, Ashwood, designed by Robin Boyd in 1952. The Rice House demonstrates Kevin Borland’s innovative and experimental work. It is an outstanding example of the post-war period of experimentation in domestic architecture in Melbourne – by Robin Boyd, Kevin Borland and others – for The Age Small Homes Service from 1947 to 1953. This was partly an expression of late-Modernism and also necessitated by the post-war shortage of building materials. In Eltham, the post-war shortage of building materials largely resulted in mud-brick houses. Examples of Borland’s public work include contributions to the Olympic Swimming Pool in Melbourne and the Preshil Junior School in Kew. After more than 50 years of living in the house, Harrie and Lorna Rice still love it. Facing north-east with large windows overlooking the garden and two courtyards, it is well lit and benefits from a through breeze. The couple commissioned the extraordinary house after Harrie, then an art student, met Borland in 1951 at The Age Small Homes Service. Harrie was so impressed by the recently graduated Borland’s enthusiasm, that he asked him to design them an interesting house for a low budget.3 The unusual design presented several hurdles for the young couple before they could construct it. Borland suggested that they buy land in Eltham, because at that time it had the only council in Melbourne that would allow such an innovative house. Another hurdle was to gain finance for this remarkable house. The State Savings Bank Manager refused finance on the grounds that it was ‘unliveable’ and a ‘disgrace’. Fortunately, through a family connection, the couple borrowed money from the National Bank. But they discovered years later, that the bank’s evaluation stated the two ‘concrete sheds’ were of no value!4 The house built in off-white concrete, consists of two sections. The main house has four arches supported by brick and concrete walls that create a series of inter-connected rooms. Inside, the ceiling follows the roofline. Originally this section was only ten square metres, because of building restrictions at the time. But in 1973 Borland added two rooms and a carport. The second structure of two arches was originally a garage and a studio for art teacher Harrie Rice. To accommodate the growing family, in the mid 1950s, Borland converted the second structure into two children’s bedrooms, a kitchenette, a bathroom and a living room. The two structures were originally linked by a covered way of suspended draped-concrete, but this collapsed in the 1980s. The design has several maintenance problems. Cracks developed where two halves of the shells were joined. Then the material sprayed over the cracks became brittle, causing leaks. Fortunately Harrie found another material he could use. The valleys between the arches collect water, requiring annual painting with a waterproof material to prevent leaking. Lorna framed the house with native and exotic plants, which provide privacy and as a bonus, the garden attracted the rare Eltham Copper Butterfly.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, eltham, rice house, ryans road -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Magazine, Jack Richardson, "Tram Tracks - The Electric Traction Monthly", Jan to June 1947
Six issues of "Tram Tracks - The Electric Traction Monthly" of the Australian Electric Traction Association. Each issue has a standard cover, of the magazine name etc, featuring "Wee Folks Productions" models but are in different colours, all have been saddled stapled with two staples, except No. 6. The Volume and date details have been over printed. Back covers inside back covers have the same advertisements but the font varies vary. The six issues contain advertisements for the Wee Folks productions, Hartleys Sports store, Hearns Hobbies, Wattle Park, Johnson's Variety Store, Barnes Tennis Centre, The Model Dockyard, Robilt Models, Meadmore Model Engineering and Austral Bronze Pty Ltd, Hearns Hobbies, Christie Scale Model Railway and Equipment, Herbert Small (Meccano), the American Subscription Agency, Manufacturers' Mutual Insurance Ltd. 2465.1 - Vol. 2 No. 1 - 16 pages, Jan 1947, with cover printed in red. Has articles on the tram / car debate, Dunedin Tramways, Overlapping fare sections, type of trucks under Sydney tramcars, Brisbane Electric Railway (Power station), The Balmain Counterweight and Trolley buses in Australia. News items include Brisbane, Newcastle, Sydney, Melbourne, SEC, Hobart, VR, Adelaide, Kalgoorlie, Broome, electric trains in Melbourne and Sydney, and AETA notes. Photos include Sydney O, OP and P, VR PERM 63 and interior photo of a MMTB W4 class tram. 2465.2 - Vol. 2, No. 2 - 16 pages, Feb. 1947, with cover printed in dark blue. Has articles on Brisbane 400 class tramcar, Adelaide to Glenelg Brighton - Le Sands tramway, Melbourne Suburban railways, Diesel Electrics on the Southern Railway (US)and Birney Safety Car. News items include Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, VR, Fremantle and AETA notes. 2465.3 - Vol. 2, No. 3 - 12 pages, Mar. 1947, with cover printed in brown. Has articles on why NSW trams lose money, Duncan and Frazer, new trams in Johannesburg, Melbourne Suburban railways, and Sydney New Railway (Eastern Suburbs). News items Sydney, Melbourne, SEC, VR and Adelaide and AETA notes. 2465.4 - Vol. 2, No. 4 - 16 pages, Apr. 1947, with cover printed in green. Has articles on Duncan and Fraser (continued), In search of Ancient Warriors (old trams), Brisbane Electric Railway and some unusual fares arrangements. News items include Brisbane, Newcastle, Melbourne, Sydney, SEC, Launceston, Kalgoorlie, overseas, and AETA notes. Editorial looks at claims that the SW6 cars are the finest in the world, back numbers (notes that Tram Tracks started with a mimeographed club news sheet and now have circulation of nearly 200), costs of production etc. Has photographs of the interior of a SW6 850, a plan for Melbourne underground railway, the VR power operations room at Flinders St., Hobart trolley bus and a cartoon about Sydney traffic. 2465.5 - Vol. 2, No. 5 - 16 pages, May 1947, with cover printed in red. Has articles on Australian Light railways, Sydney's relief lines and the start of an article on NSWGT 600/1200V tramcars. Has news items on Brisbane, Sydney, MMTB, VR, Geelong, Ballarat, Launceston, Hobart and AETA notes. Editorial notes the first anniversary of the magazine and has a number of letters regarding this, content and the tram/car debate. 2465.6 - Vol. 2, No. 6 - 20 pages, June 1947, with cover printed in blue. Has articles on Cremorne bridge replacement (with photos), Neutral bay line and Tramcar transmission gears. News items include photos of MMTB track replacements, crowded trams, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, and a photo of a Sydney tram passing under the new bridge work for Circular Quay station. 2465.7 - Vol. 2, No. 12 - pages 1-12, cover has an advert for Hartley Sporting Goods. Has cartoon on fares on Sydney trams by Peterson, not regarding retirement of Mr. H. Bell of MMTB, Melbourne Latrobe St and bus construction, Sydney tram cartoons from Emile Mercier, electric trains and other tramway news. (Item added 24-3-18 - from consolidation of Melbourne Tram Museum and BTM collections) trams, tramways, electric traction, aeta, models, australian tramways, duncan fraser, cartoons -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Black and White, St Peter's Daylesford Communion Breakfast, 1930, 09/11/1930
"ST. PETER'S DAYLESFORD. General Communion and Breakfast. On Sunday November 9, a general Communion of the men; of the parish will be held in St Peter's Church, Daylesford. A communion breakfast will subsequently take place." Melbourne Advocate, 30 October 1930. "General Communion and Breakfast, Daylesford War Memorial Protest by Rev. Dr. Collins Rights of Catholics Ignored THE splendid Catholicity of the Daylesford parish was demonstrated on Sunday morning last when a general Communion of the men of the parish took place at the 8 o'clock Mass at St. Peter's Church. This proud and edifying demonstration of faith concluded a very successful mission in the parish, conducted by the Rev. Fr. O'Flynn, C.SS.R., and Rev. Fr. Frean, C.SS.R., Daylesford parish is fairly scattered, and from every corner of it came men to take their part in the general Communion. The missioners and the Rev. W. M. Collins. D.D., P.P.. have reason to be deeply gratified at the result of the mission. His Grace the Archbishop of Melbourne (Most Rev. Dr. Mannix) was the celebrant of the Mass. He was assisted in administering the Sacrament by Rev. Dr. Collins. At the close of the Mass the hymn, "Faith of Our Fathers." was sung. The breakfast was served in the Daylesford Town Hall, the men marching there from the church. More than 250 partook of breakfast. In the balcony were lady parishioners who wished to listen to the speeches. His Grace the Archbishop was at the head table, and with him were Rev. W. M. Collins, P.P.; Crs. Bolton and Gleeson (Shire of Glenlyon), and Courtney (Shire of Davlesford); Messrs. Cleary and Egan (Blampied). Mr. J. T. Murphy. Mr. Considine, and Mr. O'Donnell (BuIIarto). Several selections were played by the Holy Cross Convent orchestra, Daylesford, and the catering was admirably carried out by Mrs. Mann. It was a well-organised and successful function, and the general arrangements reflected the highest credit on the Rev. Dr. Collins and those associated with him. Much favourable comment was made upon the great success achieved. A WAR MEMORIAL SERVICE. Strong Protest by Rev. Dr. Collins. The Rev. Dr. Collins said it was no exaggeration for him to say that he was a proud pastor that day. He had reason to be proud of the magnificent demonstration of faith made by the Catholic men of the parish at St. Peter's Church. It was promoted by a supernatural motive, and the men were sure to get their reward. He knew that many men had attended at great sacrifice, and that numbers had to grope about in the early hours to get everything in readiness at their farms and dairies. He was deeply thankful for the fine response made by the men to his invitation, and no greater encouragement could be given to him in his work in the parish. They had made a creditable demonstration before the people of Daylesford, whose good opinion they valued and wanted to retain. Catholics were part of the community, and the community's troubles were their troubles. Generally they had a few of their own troubles, but they were not wanting in helping the community to bear its troubles. Just now they were passing through a difficult time. The surrounding shires seemed to be better off than Daylesford, but the municipal fathers at Daylesford had spent a lot of money wisely in attracting tourists to the beautiful district. The money spent, he was certain, would come back a hundredfold. They appreciated the good work done by the municipal authorities, and were prepared to do their part in shoulder-ing their civic obligations. A Frankly Protestant Memorial Service. He could not let the occasion pass without calling the attention of the Daylesford people to an injustice that was being done the Catholic body, unwittingly he believed. Hie referred to the ceremony for the unveiling of the Soldiers' Memorial. It had been decided to adopt a frankly Protestant service. Catholics could not take part in a non-Catholic service, and that was not due in any way to any recent whim or caprice. Catholics had made common sacrifices, and the war memorial should stand for the Catholic boys who had fallen as well as non-Catholic soldiers. Catholics had contributed towards the cost of the memorial, and yet a programme had been adopted on the occasion of the public unveiling that excluded Catholics from taking part. They had a right to be at the ceremony, but it was asking them too much to shed their principles in order to be present. Their forefathers did not shed their principles when there was much more at stake, and they did not intend to shed theirs. They took that stand for Faith, and were still loyal citizens of Australia. The great majority, he was certain, did not realise the difficulties of Catholics, and that the stand taken was a matter of principle. There was always a minority, however, who were ever ready to score a victory over Rome at any price. Thanks to Non-Catholics. Having made his protest, he would not be honest if he did not express his gratitude to many non-Catholics in Daylesford for their help. In the Boxing Day carnival, which was their principal effort on behalf of the schools, non-Catholics gave splendid support, which he very much appreciated. The success of the carnival was dependent to a large extent on the generous help of Protestants. He trusted that the Catholic men generally would take note of what he said, and turn over a new leaf, as so many new leaves had been turned over since the mission. Missioners and Nuns Thanked. The work of the Redemptorist Fathers had been fruitful of results in the parish, and what they had done had paved the way for the magnificent men's demonstration. He wished heartily to thank the Fathers, and his thanks were also due to the Holy Cross Convent. If the Faith were strong in Daylesford, it was largely due to the Catholic schools in the district. They should never forget the Presentation nuns, and should be prepared to help them in every possible way. He was very thankful to the Rev. Mother for her kindness in entertaining many at the convent, and also for providing the orchestra at the Communion breakfast. A Splendid Success. He was greatly delighted at the presence of his Grace the Archbishop. When he started to talk about the breakfast, many told him it would not be a success. First of all, it was intended to hold the breakfast in the schoolroom, but the response was so good that it was considered they should get the Rex Theatre. Finally, they were compelled to take the Town Hall in order to accommodate the large number who purchased tickets. The presence of his Grace gave additional lustre to the successful demonstration. He was proud of the men of the parish, and hoped God would bless them and their families. (Applause.) The first toast honoured was that of "The Pope and the King." WELCOME TO HIS GRACE Proposing the toast of "His Grace the Archbishop," Cr. J. Bolton said he wished to congratulate the Rev. Dr. Collins on the wonderful success of the two functions. All parts of the parish were represented at the general Communion in St. Peter's Church, and it was an inspiring spectacle. It showed that the Faith was deep and strong in Daylesford. A great privilege had been given to them, and they owed grateful thanks to the Rev. Dr. Collins. He wished to welcome his Grace the Archbishop, and he trusted that he would enjoy his visit to the district. The country was passing through a difficult time at present, and it required plenty of clear thinking and acting to put things right again. He hoped his Grace would touch on the situation, and give them the benefit of his thoughtful and wellreasoned views. Whatever his Grace said would be worth listening to. (Applause.) THE ARCHBISHOP CONGRATULATES PASTOR AND PEOPLE. DAYLESFORD A MODEL PARISH. His Grace the Archbishop said he need not assure them that he came to Daylesford with great pleasure. His visits to Daylesford were always pleasant, but the present visit was additionally pleasant and memorable because he had the opportunity of assisting at one of the most inspiring functions that it had ever been his good fortune to attend. He was really touched to the heart when he stood on the altar and saw the beautiful St. Peter's Church—there were few churches to compare with it in the country—filled with the men of Daylesford and of the surrounding districts. Practically all the Catholic men in the parish were present at the general Communion, and it gave him very deep satisfaction and genuine pleasure to be amongst them. As the Rev. Dr. Collins and Cr. Bolton had said, it was a proof of the depth and soundness of the Faith of the Catholic people of the parish. He wished to congratulate the Rev. Dr. Collins upon the magnificent success that had attended his efforts since he came to Daylesford. He thought the Rev. Dr. Collins had been a very happy man since he took up work in the parish. He came to Daylesford more or less broken in health, and his best friends were doubtful whether his health would stand the strain of parochial duty. However, he had never looked back. He doubted if Dr. Collins would care to leave Daylesford, unless he were appointed Prefect of Propaganda, Rome, or some very high distinction was conferred on him. At all events, things had gone on well with Dr. Collins since he came to Daylesford, and he could see some of the reason for it in looking at the fine gathering before him. The Rev. Dr. Collins was a very zealous and spiritual man, and his lot had been cast amongst people who had responded to his labours. ... (Melbourne Advocate, 13 November 1930) Black and white photograph taken in Daylesford Town Hall depicting numerous men standing, and sitting at tables during the St Peter's Catholic Church Communion Breakfast. Arch Bishop Daniel Mannix stands centre peter's catholic church, daylesford, communion breakfast, daylesford town hall, daniel mannix, george gervasoni, gus gervasoni