Showing 1866 items
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Negative, Lewis Tulk, Outdoor Chapel, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.May 1957
Outdoor Chapel, Gilwell Park Scout Association State Training Centre - mainly for leaders Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.Print copy stamped "17" on reverselewis tulk collection, scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Negative, Lewis Tulk, Outdoor Chapel, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.May 1957
At entrance to Chapel Outdoor Chapel, Gilwell Park Scout Association State Training Centre - mainly for leaders Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.Print copy stamped "17" on reverselewis tulk collection, scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book - Cook Book, Mary Rundell, A New System of Domestic Cookery; formed upon principles of economy and adapted to the use of private families. With Ten Illustrations. By a Lady, 1849
First published in 1806 by John Murray and written by Maria Rundell, later editions were "By a Lady". A legal dispute arose between Murray and Rundell over the copyright of the cookery book titled "A New System of Domestic Cookery" by Mary Eliza Rundell. The book, which was published in 1806, gained immense popularity over the years. In 1821, Murray claimed that Rundell had infringed on his copyright by publishing a new edition of the book without his permission. The case was brought to court, and after much debate, it was ruled that Rundell had indeed infringed on Murray's copyright. The court ordered her to pay damages and to stop publishing the book without Murray's consent. This ruling was significant as it established the legal precedent that copyright law applied to books and other written works. - Based on an article from The Edinburgh Annual Register, 1821 Robert William Whatmough (1815 Heywood, Lancashire-1887 Diamond Creek, Victoria) and his wife Mary Hill ( 1813 Rochdale, Lancashire - 1881 Greensborough, Victoria) were pioneer settlers on the Plenty River at Greensborough. Their daughter, Jemima Whatmough (1840-1926) married Robert Fielding (1820-1891) who were the parents of Thomas Edmund Fielding and great grandparents of Tom FieldingInscribed inside front leaf facing page in ink: Robert Whatmough Plenty River 1858tom fielding collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Theodor Black, Eltham State School No. 209, 1905
John Brown (Head Teacher 1889-1906), assistant Ellen Sweeney and 42 schoolboys, Eltham State School No. 209, 1905 John Brown died 23 Sept 1906 after a short severe illness at age 55 and is buried in Box Hill Cemetery (Evelyn Observer 28 Sep 1906 p2). The book "We did open a school in Little Eltham" incorrectly states his date of death as 16/12/1906. Title The Evelyn Observer. (1906, September 28). Evelyn Observer and Bourke East Record (Vic. : 1902 - 1917), p. 2 (MORNING.) Url Description It is with sincere regret we record the death of Mr. John Brown, State school teacher, Eltham, which sad event took place at his residence, "Pine Brae," on Sunday night last, 23rd inst. after a severe illness of some few weeks' duration. The deceased gentleman was highly respected, and always took a lively and active interest in promoting the progress and prosperity of the district, and his loss will be much felt, He was only 55 years of age, and leaves a wife and large family to mourn their loss, and much sympathy is felt for them. The remains of the deceased were interred in the Box Hill cemetery on Wednesday afternoon last.Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 3 strips Associated print from negative (Copy of original print)Fuji 100eltham primary school, state school no. 209, eltham state school, eltham state school no. 209 -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
Print Gentlemen The Queen, Gentlemen The Queen
Original Painting in Bendigo Art Gallery PAINTING WON'T HANG IN MESS BENDIGO intends to keep its big oil painting, "Gentlemen - the Queen," hanging in the Shamrock Hotel in Pall Mall. i The painting is on loan to the hotel from the Bendigo Art Gallery. And It's badly wanted at the officers' mess of the Royal Australian Artillery, 3rd Div., in Batman av., Melbourne. A formal application for It was made, In writing, to the Art Gallery by Brigadier W. Hall, commanding offlfncer. But Art Gallery members at their meeting yesterday said "No." Lending it or giving it away would "create a dan- gerous precedent for the Gallery," they decided. . "Any anyway," said Mr. W. Little, the Gallery's curator, "Brig. Hall has erred in thinking the men depicted in the painting are artillerymen. "They're offlfflcers In the Duke of Connaught's Light Infantry." But in Melbourne last night Brigadier Hall, keenly disappointed, said: VI have been told the picture was painted in the Royal Artil- lery mess at Woolwich, In England. "I have never dauhted the men are artillerymen, be- cause they wear the gun- ners' blue mess Jacket, scar- let cuffs and scarlet waist- coat." The Argus Tuesday 8 September 1953 Digitalised print of a painting by Albert Chevallier Taylor in wooden frame Glass frontedCopy by Survey Regiment 1986gentlemen the queen, argus newspaper, bendigo art gallery. -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Rose Craddock, Rose Craddock Avenue, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for HO16 Rosecraddock 4-10 Craddock Avenue and 2-8 Keverell CAULFIELD NORTH as at (30/10/2020) - the City of Glen Eira Heritage listing "Rosecraddock" is regionally important as a surviving large villa from the early Victorian (1850's) period, offering insight into the lifestyles of the privileged in Caulfield at that time. Its importance is enhanced through its long association with the Langdon family and, in particular, Henry Joseph Langdon, founder of H.J. Langdon and Company, China merchants. There is a separate statement of significance at for H0589 Rosecraddock 2-8 KEVERELL ROAD and 4-10 CRADDOCK AVENUE CAULFIELD NORTH - Victorian Heritage RegisterPage 176 of Photograph Album with four photographs of Rose Craddock.Handwritten: "Rose Craddock" Rose Craddock Ave. [top right] / Neg 204 Nov 1972 [under top left photo] / Neg 193 Nov 1972 [under top right photo] / Neg 208 Nov 1972 [under bottom left photo] / Neg 194 Nov 1972 [under bottom right photo] / 176 [bottom right]trevor hart, chimneys, porch, rose craddock, rosecraddock, 1850's, henry joseph langdon, h.j. langdon, h.j. langdon and company, china merchants, rosecraddock place, mansion, slate roof, return verandah, decorative brackets, cast iron lacework, keverell road, caulfield north, early victorian style, protruding bay windows, cast iron work, gardens, craddock avenue -
Federation University Historical Collection
Equipment - Computer, Hewlett Packard, Personal Computer HP85A, 1979 (estimated)
The HP-85A was Hewlett Packard's first Series 80 microcomputer, introduced about 1979. It had a keyboard, a dual alpha/graphics monochrome display, a bidrectional alphanumerics and graphics printer, and mass storage tape drive all integrated into a marvelously designed and compact case. It's operating system was seemlessly integrated with a powerful BASIC programming language that included intuitive graphics and input/output capabilities. The HP-85A was also wonderfully expandable through four ports on the back of the case for adding plug in ROMS and modules. Specifications CRT DISPLAY Size: 12.7 cm (5 in.) diagonal Alphanumeric capacity: 16 lines x 32 characters Graphics capacity: 192 x 256 dots Scrolling capacity: 64 lines Character set: 256 characters; set of 128 + same set underscored Character font: 5 x 7 matrix Intensity: adjustable Cursor: underscore BASIC LANGUAGE AND OPERATING SYSTEM Standard ROM - 32K bytes Maximum add-on ROM - 48K bytes CRT memory RAM - 8K bytes USER READ/ WRITE MEMORY Standard - 16K bytes Maximum - 32K bytes TOTAL MEMORY Standard - 56K bytes Maximum - 120K bytes (Information from computercomputers, monitor -
Federation University Historical Collection
Certificate, Education Department Victoria, License to Teach made out to Albert Steane, 25/09/1899
Born at Sandhurst, Victoria Albert Steane attended the Gravel Hill State School until the fourth class, then transferred to the Central School 1976 where he gained the Merit Certificate. The monitor system of teacher training had been introduced and he passed fourth, third, second and first class pupil teacher. At about 16 years of age he was appointed a teacher monitor at 12 pounds per annum. Albert Steane was awarded the Teachers' Certificate of Competency in 1897. He was the first headmaster of the Ballarat Technical School (1913), and opened the Sloyd (woodwork) Centre in 1902 at the Ballarat East Art School (later known as the Ballarat East Free Library). of Mines and Industries Ballarat (SMB). Steane is known for the teaching of Sloyd or woodwork, which was an important point in his career, and for his love of gymnastics. He was made a life member of the Ballarat Y.M.C.A. in 1968 aged 91 years. The teaching of woodwork in Victoria began in 1901 and Steane was chosen, among 18 others for the inaugural training course at Queensberry State School in Melbourne. Steane died, aged 93 years, on 13 July 1970, at Sydney, leaving his widow Grace Elliott Steane and children Eric and Violet. (See Education Department License to Teach Certificate printed and handwriiten on to parchment like paper, made out to Albert Alfred Whitelock Steane. License No. .education, teaching, albert steane, aaw steane -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Images - black & White, King Billy of Ballarat, published 1904
'King Billy' of Ballarat is also known as Frank Wilson, after the surname of an owner of Ercildoun Estate. He was buried in a Wesleyan burial plot at the Ballaarat Old Cemetery on 26 September 1896. The Anglican burial ceremony was organised by the community who thought 'King Billy' to be the last of his tribe. The Ballarat Star of 25 September 1896 stated: that Billy and his subjects 'once virtually owned all the land comprised of the City of Ballarat and its immediate surroundings 'so 'it can be considered only fair that six feet of ground should not be denied for his burial' The Australian Natives Association and the Australian Historical Records Society (later Ballarat Historical Society) took a major role in the burial of Frank Wilson. "As public interest and compassion grew, noteworthy citizens of Ballarat and two key Christian denominations appeared to jostle for pre-eminence in the ritual to follow. Whilst the 'venerable Archdeacon Mercer' from the Anglican Church took the funeral service, the cemetery trustees arranged that the body was placed in 'a central site in the Wesleyan section of the cemetery'. Frank was recorded as a Roman Catholic. The coffin was carried to the grave by several Methodists, including Justice of the Peace, Glenny, and Member of the Legislative Assembly, Kirton, as well as Old Colonists' and noted citizens. ( Three Images relating to King Billy of Ballarat as illustrated in the Evening Echo Historical Edition 1904. * Image of a group of Aboriginal people. They are most most probably Wathaurung (Wadawurrung) . The picture includes ten standing males, two holding a boomerangs. Six females sit on the ground in front, three hold hats. A seated child wears a hat. * The burial of King Billy in the Ballaarat New Cemetery, 26 September 1896. * King Billy's Grave in the Ballaarat New Cemetery. wathaurung, wada wurrung, wathaurong, king billy, aborigines, aboriginal, frank wilson, mercer, ballaarat new cemetery, glenny, burial, mullawullah -
Federation University Historical Collection
Accessory - Bookmark, Adam And Charles Black, The English Lakes and Religious Bookmark, 1949
This bookmark was found in a book called 'The English Lakes' owned by Elizabeth Chatham-Holmes. The bookmark is a Stevenograph. In 1854 Thomas Stevens began with weaving plain and fancy ribbons, but was soon experimenting with a development of jacquard weaving to produce pictures. For this, the picture was plotted on squared paper, in the fashion of a cross-stitch embroidery design, and a large card then perforated to represent each colour appearing in every "line" of the picture. The cards, arranged in an endless chain and attached to the loom, controlled the manipulation of the warp threads. Each time the shuttle crossed the loom a different card came into use, changing the arrangement of the warp threads and, consequently, the pattern woven..When the industry collapsed in 1860, Stevens determined to make use of his experiments by producing pictures in such variety as to appeal to all tastes. The earliest productions seem to have been bookmarkers... The pictures included portraits of celebrities and local scenes, scriptural texts, hymns and psalms, and verses from the poets. Stevens also introduced to the Admiralty a hat ribbon with the name of the ship woven in gold wire. This he patented; it was adopted and for many years the firm was the sole supplier to the Admiralty Contracts Department. Also found in the book was a small card with dried flowers glued with the words 'Flowers from the Holy Land' and a WW2 photograph of the bust of a man in uniform with a cap..1) Red hard covered book called 'The English Lakes' by W.T. Palmer. .2) Woven silk bookmark with white (now cream) and yellow background and red, purple, green and yellow detail and the start of Psalm 23 woven into the bookmark. Possibly made in the late nineteenth century. .3) Small card with dried flowers glued with the words Flowers from the Holy Land .4) WW2 photograph of the bust of a man in uniform with a cap. .1) Inside front cover "E.S. Holmes Ascot" .2) Woven into the bookmark - The Lord is my Shepard I shall not want, & T. Stevens, Coventry .3) Printed on the front - Flowers from the Holy Land, Placed on the Holy Sepulchreholmes, ec holmes, ascot, religious, religion, bookmark, english lakes, w.t. palmer, chatham-holmes collection, flowers from the the holy land, stevengraph -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, RIP Connie Johnson mosaic of Love Your Sister Big Heart Project, c2017
THE BIG HEART PROJECT Connie’s health is in decline and she’s slowly succumbing to the perils of cancer. She is beyond treatment now. But before she goes, she is determined to break a world-record of her own, to match her brother’s. She has called it The Big Heart Project and it will be Connie’s final fundraising act for Love Your Sister before she retires to be with her nearest and dearest. The world record for longest line of coins stands at 75.4kms and is held by a town in Austria. To break the record, Connie needs to collect 3.951 million five cent coins! Thousands of families around the country have already purchased metres ($2.90) and Connie will lay the coins in the shape of a MASSIVE love heart, visible from space, this coming May 10, at the Lyneham Netball Courts in her hometown of Canberra. Schools nationally are participating in ‘Five Cent Fridays’ and Bendigo Bank are providing a collection depot at each of their branches. The Royal Australian Mint are supplying the coins and Questacon have tasked their best scientists and mathematicians with the mechanics. Most importantly though, 100% of every donated coin will be passed on to the country’s best cancer researchers, IN FULL. You can donate a metre ($2.90) for a cancery loved on Digital imagescancer, breast cancer, connie johnson, constance johnson, charity, 5c, 5 cents, coins, big heart project, love your sister, northbourne avenue, canberra -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Drawing - Artwork - Painting, Portrait by Jean Appletom
Jean APPLETON (1911-2003) Jean Appleton was a painter and craftworker who studied at East Sydney Technical College and at the Westminster School, London. After seeing French sculptor Maillol's work 'The Cyclist' she was inspired to try sculpture and consequently studied under Eric Schilsky in London. With the outbreak of war she returned to Australia, thereafter teaching at high schools in the ACT and NSW and at the Julian Ashton and National Art Schools in Sydney. The first of her thirteen solo exhibitions was held at Sydney’s Macquarie Galleries in 1940. Resident in England from 1969 to 1981, she continued to teach intermittently into the late 1970s. After a difficult first marriage to artist Eric Wilson, who died, she married painter Tom Green and they settled in Moss Vale. Though her work is now represented in major state and regional collections, Appleton was like many women artists of her generation in that recognition of her work came late in life: she was in her eighties when a public gallery first presented a retrospective exhibition of her art. (, accessed 15 September 2019) Jean Appleton won the inaugural Portia Geach Memorial Award in 1965 with this work. She dies in 2003.A sketched portrait of a man's head by Jean Apppleton. It may be Jean Appleton's first husband, Eric Wilson. drawing, portrait, jean appleton -
Federation University Art Collection
Artwork, other, 'Eel Trap with Emu Feathers' by Bronwyn Razem, 2013
"The breeze going through the eel trap gives a feeling of water flowing through the vessel with the feathers softly waiving as the water flows. My grandfather Nicholas Couzens and my uncles made eel traps to fish the Hopkins River - this is how my mother learnt the techniques which she passed on to me."Bronwyn RAZEM Gunditjmara/Kirrae Whurrong Bronwyn Razem is an Indigenous Australian basket weaver and painter. She is a Gunditjmara woman of the Kirrae Whurrong clan of western Warrnambool on the Victorian coastline. Bronwyn’s practice involves an exploration of her Indigenous heritage and identity, and she creates symbolic representations of places and events that are meaningful to her family. She integrates ochres, sand and other materials into her paintings, and her works also draw on the possum skin cloak traditions of her ancestors. In 2008, Bronwyn was chosen by the Australia Council for the Arts to be part of a delegation of Indigenous artists to attend the 10th Pacific Arts Festival in Western Samoa. Bronwyn’s mother, Aunty Zelda Couzens, was a well-respected basket weaver and elder who taught Bronwyn basket-making techniques. Bronwyn now regularly conducts basket weaving workshops with Victorian Indigenous communities in order to facilitate the revival of cultural traditions. She has a Bachelor of Arts with Honours at Deakin University, and in 2008 she was enrolled in a Master by Research degree at Deakin Institute of Koorie Education, Geelong, and was living in Ballarat. (, accessed 18 April 2016) This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 1000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.Bronwyn RAZEM (1953- ) Gunditjmara/Kirraw Wurrong A woven New Zealand flax eel trap with emu feathers. This work won the University of Ballarat Acquisitive Award for work reflecting Victoria's Western District. The judges were impressed by Bronwyn Razem's translation of the traditional eel trap into a sculptural form evocative of the flow of water and possible the passage of time. The design and technical knowhow which Razem inherited from her mother, uncles, and grandfather connects this work to the family;s life and traditions. She then enhances the simplicity of this very functional object by the addition of delicate emu feathers, creating a work that creatively and symbolically transcends its original form. art, artwork, bronwyn razem, razem, eel trap, aboriginal, indigenous, available -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Parish Hall, St John's Anglican Church, Diamond Creek, 7 September 2008
The building was designed by Charles Maplestone of Heidelberg, son-in-law to Anthony Beale of St Helena. Maplestone was a prominent architect who came out to Australia with his family in 1852. The foundation stone was laid by Mrs Isabella Maplestone on 11th November 1867. The bricklayers for the church were George Stebbing, H Limmer, H Spicer and a Mr Timm while Thomas Day was the stonemason. Another three years were to pass before sufficient money could be raised for its completion. It was opened by Bishop Perry on 1st November, 1870. The church bell which hung under a tree for 50 years until it was incorporated in the parish hall was brought out from England and presented by Charles Orme. In 1916, the estate of George Martin Pizzey left sufficient money to build the red brick hall, which still stands today (2023) though in January 1969 the hall and bell tower were badly damaged by bushfire. Coincidentally the former home of benefactor, George Pizzey was destroyed in the same fire. Of particular significance are the interior and exterior of the church, the Sunday school and hall with emphasis on pre-World War I fabric (excluding the 1990s additions) and the three coloured glass windows currently suspended in the 1990s entry foyer. In 2011 further alterations were made to the front of the Church. The church is historically significant because it was the oldest public building in the former Diamond Valley Shire, is amongst the oldest buildings in the Shire of Nillumbik and is associated with the early settlement of the Diamond Creek district. The church is historically, socially and spiritually significant because it has been a place of worship for over 150 years and continues to be, an important meeting place in the Shire. The church is aesthetically significant for the three stained glass windows executed by the noted stained glass manufacturers, Ferguson & Urie, as well as the supporting coloured glass windows in the church. The Sunday school & parish hall is architecturally significant because the hall is a well executed and preserved example of the work of noted church architects, North & Williams. It is historically significant because it is connected with local parishioner and Melbourne industrialist, George Pizzey, who bequeathed funds for its construction. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. National Estate Ntionl Trust of Australia (Victoria) Local significance Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p85 References: St Johns Anglican Church complex, Sunday School and Parish Hall 61 Main Street DIAMOND CREEK, NILLUMBIK SHIRE. (2023, June 7). Retrieved from Diamond Creek, VIC. – St John’s Anglican (2023, June 7). Retrieved from This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, st john's anglican church, diamond creek, parish hall -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - First Aid Case, Thomas Urquhart & Son Pty Ltd (Thos. Urquhart), 1930-1939
This small, portable 1930s Sanax First Aid Case has been strongly constructed, with corners reinforced with metal to take knocks and bumps, so it could be quickly transported to the site of an emergency. Having these supplies organised into a kit made them easily accessible and reduces time to take them to the site of the accident. It was possibly designed for use in factories because the booklet in the case states that the kit complies with “Part 1, Victorian Factories Regulations”. The text of the printed brand “Sanax First Aid Case” is right-way up when the case stands vertically on its hinged side. In modern times people are well aware of the importance of quick treatment when accident and injury occur. However, before the first commercial First Aid Kit was made by Johnson & Johnson in 1888, people had little knowledge about treating injuries and lacked information about suitable supplies to keep on hand for emergencies. They were often unaware of how to help in that critical time before the doctor or other assistance arrived, a particularly important time for the many people living in remote areas. A quote from Johnson’s & Johnson’s 1888 price list explains “It is a fact, which is everywhere being recognized, that many lives are lost and much suffering entailed in such accidents on account of the lack of the simple but necessary articles required to afford prompt assistance to the wounded.” One example of the value of First Aid assistance to community groups is shown in an article from the Weekly Times, 29th November 1930. It records a report from the Annuello Branch of the Younger Set (a Country Women’s Organisation), telling that on Armistice Day their president Mrs Jamieson, presented the Annuello School with the gift of a Sanax Red Cross First Aid outfit, which was accepted as being “of great practical use to the scholars.” (Annuello is a remote wheat growing area in the Mallee region of North Western Victoria, which became a soldier settlement area after World War I. There is a strain of wheat named ‘Annuello’ due to its suitability for that area. ) The Sanax Case in our Collection contains instructions, equipment and medical items suitable for use in emergency situations. The Case was one of 42 patterns available from Sanax that conformed to ‘Part 1, Victorian Factories Regulations’. It includes items made by Sanax Company and by Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (Australia) Ltd., Sydney, NSW. A quote at the back of the First Aid Emergency Instructions booklet says: “Sanax products are made in Australia by or under the supervision of qualified chemists, from the highest quality materials. They are dependable for the purposes written on labels.” BOOKLET included in First Aid Case: “SANAX” First-Aid Emergency Instructions has orange cover and white pages, joined in the centre by two staples. Booklet contains First Aid Instructions for general events listed in alphabetical order. It also contains an indexed sections headed “Poisoning, and what to do” written by S.A. Burrows, Ph.C., Vuc and N.Z. There are instructions and diagrams on how to perform Artificial Respiration. There are advertisement for Sanax products throughout the booklet that include; - Sanax Ambulance Stretcher for timber mills, mines, ships and quarries - Saw dust masks (porous rubber) for workers in dust, paint or duco sprayers Inside cover lists Sanax’s Australian made products including - tablets and powders for headaches, neuralgia, influenza, colds - snuff for Catarrh that is “quite harmless” - First Aid Cases that come in a range of 42 patterns - sunburn preventatives and treatments - healing salve for carbuncles, pock, pimples, boils, varicose ulcers etc. - snake bite outfits and kits LEAFLETS included in First Aid Case: (1) Tannafax Tannic Acid Jelly. Tannafax should be kept at hand in every home. It should be applied direct from the tube and used with neither oil nor grease. Where a large area has to be covered the clamped end may be torn or cut off to give a wider mouth to the tube. Collapsible tubes of different sizes. Made in Australia. Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (Australia) Ltd. (Incorporated in England). Sydney, NSW. Assorted Houses, London, New York, Montreal, Cape Town, Milan, Bombay, Shanghai, Buenos Aires. Copyright A. 1817, J. 9463 (2) Tabloid. The strong thing is the just - - . Tabloid marks the wor - - Burroughs Wellcome & Comp. The use of the word is to enab – the prescriber, dispenser and patient to get the right thing with one short word, instead of the firm’s long name. If another maker apply the word to his product, the act is unlawful. Tabloid is our trade mark and brand. If a vendor disregard it in dispensing or selling, the act is unlawful for the same reason. We prosecute both offenders rigorously, in the interest of prescribers, dispensers, patients and the owners of the trade mark. Please inform us of any instance of either offence. Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (Australia) Ltd. (Incorporated in England). Telephone Number - M 4184 (4 lines) All communications to G.P.O. Box No. 1185 DD. Copyright Sy. 20. & J 9894. Medicines and Equipment included in First Aid Case: - Absorbent Cotton, Sanax, for absorbing blood or drying a wound. As a swab for washing wounds; to place above a compress to keep the heat in: or as a pad to protect wounds or fractures. The Sanax Co. Manuf. Chemists, Melbourne. Regd. Office: 5 Brunswick St, Fitzroy. N.6. - ACHE tablets, Sanax, for all aches, pains, fevers etc. Dose: 2 to 3 tablets with a draught of water, every 3 hours. Children in proportion. For influenza or colds, take the bedtime dose with a hot lemon drink or toddy. Recommended for Headaches, Colds, Influenza, Fevers, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Nerve Pains, Sleeplessness, and Seasickness. Three Sanax Ache tablets equals one Sanax Ache powder. Each tablet contains 1.75grs. each Phenacotinum and Acety acSzilcyl, and .75grs Ammon Brom. Etc.. Sanax brand specialties are prepared by highly qualified pharmaceutical chemists and may be accepted as safe and effective for the purpose indicated on the label. The Sanax Co. Melbourne - Eye lotion, Sanax, “in eye bath full strength or diluted with equal parts of water. Sanax Co. Brunswich St, Fitzroy, Melbourne. - Iodine, Sanax, POISON, with instructions for what to do if swallowed. - Kuraburn, Sanax, Applied to the burn and allowed to dry, the pain and heat instantly disappear, and blistering is prevented. If necessary, apply again in an hours. To safeguard against burning when sunbathing, apply before exposure to the sun. If already sunburnet, use Kuraburn as directions above. Safe and harmless. Sole makers, The Sanax Co. Brunswick St. - - Vic. - Sal Volatile, Sanax, - - stimulant for - - nervous aches - - or as smelling salts Dose - - - - Solution of A- - - 5%, . The Sanax Co. Brunswick St, Melbourne. - Tannafax, Burroughs Wellcome & Co. Australia Ltd. Sydney, N.S.W., 20gm. Approx., Tannic Acid Jelly, (Tannic Acid with 0.5% Phenol in a water-soluble base) for burns and scalds. A.N. 15050, p188, logo of a unicorn. Apply lightly, allow to dry, and bandage loosely. Do not apply oil or grease. - bottle wrapped in brown paper, unknown contents, paper adhered to bottle. - dish, kidney shaped, metal, white enamel with black rim - eye bath, green, plastic or Bakelite SANAX COMPANY The Sanax Company was at the address of 5 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy [Melbourne] at least as early as November 1924, as shown by its advertisement of Ache Powder in the Weekly Times, 8th November 1924. It was still at this address in September 1951, when it advertised First Aid outfits and components in the Post Master General’s section of the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette. REFERENCES: Annuello, Victoria; Wikipedia,,_Victoria Annuello Younger Set, Branch Activities and Local Reports, Country Women’s Organisations, Weekly Times, 29 November 1930, Trove Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Issue 32, 24th April 1915, [Johnson & Johnson Price List, September 1, 1888, p. 20. From our archives], Celebrating the 125th Birthday of the First Aid Kit , The Story of Johnson & Johnson, , Post Master General’s section of the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Issue No. 73, Thursday 27th September 1951 Sanax First Aid Emergency Instructions, by S.A. Burrows, publisher Sanax Ltd. Fitzroy, Victoria, 1930-1939 English, book, Illustrated edition, Trove Access to emergency medical help in early settlement days of Victoria could take quite some time, especially in remote areas. From 1888 First Aid Kits and instructions became available for work sites, offices, community groups and individuals, helping to bridge the gap between the accident and the arrival of medical assistance. This portable Sanax First Aid Case is an example of portable medical equipment made in Melbourne, Australia, in the 1930’s and available to the public. It contains a range of items plus information to be used in a variety of injuries and emergencies in in factories, households, businesses and local communities, and instructions on their use. First Aid Case, portable, Sanax First Aid Case. First Aid kit in strong black cardboard carry case with metal reinforced corners, metal hinges on lid, metal catch and leather carry handle. Inside lid is a vertical strap with narrow gap behind it. Base is divided into two compartments. Manufactured by Sanax, Fitzroy, Melbourne, C. 1930-1939 Contents include "Sanax" First Aid instructions booklet, 2 leaflets, metal kidney dish enamelled in white with black trim on edge, green plastic or Bakelite eye bath, eye lotion, Tannafax tannic acid jelly, Sal Volitile, Kuraburn, Iodine, Argyrol, ACHE tablets, absorbent cotton in cardboard box, gauze bandage, and UNKNOWN wrapped bottle. Printed in gold on lid of case “SANAX” FIRST AID CASE. Most of the contents, as well as the case, show the “SANAX” brand. Some contents are inscribed Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (Australia) Ltd., flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, first aid items, first aid kit, emergency first aid, medical emergency kit, home emergency kit, industrial emergency kit, sanax company fitzroy melbourne, burroughs wellcome & co. (australia) ltd, thos. urquhart & son pty. ltd. melbourne, sanax first aid case, sanax first-aid emergency instructions, part 1 victorian factories regulations, tabloid medical supplies -
Orbost & District Historical Society
pamphlets, Princes Freeway - Orbost Section, 1976
Opened by the Hon. J A Rafferty, Minister for Transport, 25 November 1976, the bridge was the first of four bridges to be built as part of the freeway bypass of Orbost. Construction cost $2.4 million. This construction was an important development along the Princes Highway corridor through East Gippsland. The original highway approached the Snowy River at a very poor alignment, and several serious accidents had occurred at the Orbost end. In times of heavy flood, the highway on both sides of the river had been cut by floodwaters and during the 1971 floods, the highest ever recorded, the river was a mile wide at the crossing. Construction of the bridges commenced in January 1975, with an expectation to open the bridge across the Snowy River as soon as possible. Less than two years later, on 25 November 1976, the bridge across the Snowy River was opened to traffic, allowing the old bridge to be demolished. The remainder of the Orbost Bypass, both the floodplain crossings and the eastern section around the township itself, was declared ‘Princes Freeway’ and opened to traffic in December 1977. (ref The Country Roads Board was the government authority for the construction and maintenance of main roads in Victoria between 1913 and 1983. It was succeeded by the Road Construction authority on 1 July 1983 and later merged with the Road Traffic Authority on July 1 1989 to form the Roads Corporation. James Cameron, an Orbost farming pioneer and Member of the Legislative Assembly, fathered the Country Roads Board. The opening of this Snowy River Bridge was an important development in the accessibility to the township of Orbost.Three coloured Country Roads pamphlets for the 'Princes Freeway - Orbost Section". On the front is a coloured photograph of the new construction over the Snowy River at Orbost. Inside is a program for a ceremony for the opening of the new Snowy River Bridge. There is also a black print map of the project. -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Jar Base
Human beings appear to have been making their own ceramics for at least 26,000 years, subjecting clay and silica to intense heat to fuse and form ceramic materials. The earliest found so far were in southern central Europe and were sculpted figures, not dishes. The earliest known pottery was made by mixing animal products with clay and baked in kilns at up to 800°C. While actual pottery fragments have been found up to 19,000 years old, it was not until about ten thousand years later that regular pottery became common. An early people that spread across much of Europe is named after its use of pottery, the Corded Ware culture. These early Indo-European peoples decorated their pottery by wrapping it with rope, while still wet. When the ceramics were fired, the rope burned off but left a decorative pattern of complex grooves on the surface. The invention of the wheel eventually led to the production of smoother, more even pottery using the wheel-forming technique, like the pottery wheel. Early ceramics were porous, absorbing water easily. It became useful for more items with the discovery of glazing techniques, coating pottery with silicon, bone ash, or other materials that could melt and reform into a glassy surface, making a vessel less pervious to water. discovery and development of ceramics in numerous shapes, form and materials, revolutionised the world.White ceramic container, glazed with single groove around circumference near lipNoneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, ceramics -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Bed Pan
The Bedpan Toilet device is a special tool designed for people who are unable to get out of bed to use the bathroom. It helps them go to the toilet comfortably and conveniently without having to leave their bed. The device is placed under the person's bottom, and it has a container that collects urine or stool. It is easy to clean and can be emptied into a toilet or sink. The Bedpan Toilet device allows individuals who are confined to bed due to illness or injury to maintain their dignity and independence by providing them with a practical solution for using the bathroom while staying in bed. The word bedpan was first seen in the literature of John Higgins in 1572, and one of the oldest known bedpans is on display in the Science Museum of London. It is a green, glazed earthenware bedpan that has been dated to the 16th or 17th century. At that time, bedpans were made from materials including pewter, brass, pottery, glass, and porcelain. Bedpans were not a commonplace item in hospitals until the late 1800s. Florence Nightingale, who worked as a nurse in the United Kingdom from the mid to late 1800s, recorded death rates and causes for soldiers in military hospitals during the Crimean War and then correlated them to corresponding sanitisation procedures. As a result, Nightingale proposed several methods to improve the sanitary conditions in both military and civilian hospitals, including the addition of bedpans in order to reduce infection exposure from urine or faeces. The use of bedpans is significant, as it allows a patient who cannot move much, to remain in bed and perform toilet functions.Bed pan ceramic white glaze with handle. Labelled "The New Slipper Bed Pan". Has specific instructions for use under the maker's label.‘THE NEW SLIPPER BED PAN. This slipper should be passed under the patient in front between the legs. If a flannel cap is made for the blade fastened by strings under the handle considerable comfort will be afforded.’ flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, nursing, bedpans, hygiene -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, The Photographic Society of Victoria, Thomas (Tom) Pearce, only surviving member of the crew of the Loch Ard, 1878
Special Carte-de-Visite produced by The Photographic Society of Victoria, Melbourne featuring the sole surviving crew member of the wreck of the ship, Loch Ard near Mutton Bird Island on the Shipwreck Coast of Victoria on June 1st, 1878. THE PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. (1878, October 12). The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from Back of photo is printed: The Photographic Society of Victoria, Melbourne. Registered None Genuine Unless With The Signatures Thus President and signature of A. Antony (?) Vice President and signature of E. Goulter Secretary and signature of Valentine Sharp Stamped in red W. H. COOPER 21 8 23 ROYAL ARCADE CARTE-DE-VISITE (cdv) 1857-1890 Cartes-de-visite (cdv's) are the most common form of photograph from the nineteenth century, generally measuring two and a half inches by four and an eighth inches (6.3 x 10.5 cm) when mounted, sepia toned, mounted on a card which was generally printed with the photographer's name and address on the back or beneath the portrait. - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991 Inserted loose in album at same page is a 1931 artice from The Age about the wreck featuring the same image The Loch Ard Wreck, The Age, June 6, 1931, p8marg ball collection, 1878, loch ard (ship), shillinglaw family photo album 2, the photographic society of victoria, thomas "tom" r pearce -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Theodor Black, Eltham State School No. 209, 1905
John Brown (Head Teacher 1889-1906), assistant Ellen Sweeney and 53 schoolgirls, Eltham State School No. 209, 1905 Ina Falkiner is top row 4th from left Gertrude Falkiner is bottom row seated 4th from left. John Brown died 23 Sept 1906 after a short severe illness at age 55 and is buried in Box Hill Cemetery (Evelyn Observer 28 Sep 1906 p2). The book "We did open a school in Little Eltham" incorrectly states his date of death as 16/12/1906. Title The Evelyn Observer. (1906, September 28). Evelyn Observer and Bourke East Record (Vic. : 1902 - 1917), p. 2 (MORNING.) Url Description It is with sincere regret we record the death of Mr. John Brown, State school teacher, Eltham, which sad event took place at his residence, "Pine Brae," on Sunday night last, 23rd inst. after a severe illness of some few weeks' duration. The deceased gentleman was highly respected, and always took a lively and active interest in promoting the progress and prosperity of the district, and his loss will be much felt, He was only 55 years of age, and leaves a wife and large family to mourn their loss, and much sympathy is felt for them. The remains of the deceased were interred in the Box Hill cemetery on Wednesday afternoon last.Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 3 strips Associated print from negative (Copy of original print)Fuji 100eltham primary school, state school no. 209, eltham state school, eltham state school no. 209, ellen sweeney, gretrude falkiner, ina falkiner, john brown -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Fork
A toasting fork is a three pronged fork designed to be used to toast things over an open fireplace. Classically, a toasting fork could be stuck into a piece of bread and used to hold the bread in the fire, with a periodic rotation for even browning. For advanced players, it's possible to use a toasting fork to make toasted cheese sandwiches and other hot sandwiches. A typical toasting fork is made of wire, and many modern ones are telescopic, allowing people to fold the fork up or slide the handle in when not in use. This makes toasting forks easier to store and transport, while allowing people to keep their hands well clear of the fire when the fork is in use. The three slender prongs can be of varying length, depending on the design; prongs which are too long will mangle the bread, while short prongs will allow the bread to slide off, so most designers try to strike a happy medium. Before the arrival of gas and electric cook stoves, households relied on heavy duty wood and coal fired cookers, or simply open fireplaces. Such stoves required a great deal of energy and maintenance to run, so when someone wanted a quick snack, toasting something over an open fire could be much more appealing than wrestling with the cooker. Some people also undoubtedly found the experience of toasting something over an open fire to be enjoyable. the old days, there were no electric toasters, so the toasting fork used near an open flame proved extremely effective.Fork with three prongs with hook design on the two outside prongs. Neck features decorative twisted design and there is more decorative work in the metal near the bone handle.None. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Bowl, Late 19th or early 20th Century
Human beings appear to have been making their own ceramics for at least 26,000 years, subjecting clay and silica to intense heat to fuse and form ceramic materials. The earliest found so far were in southern central Europe and were sculpted figures, not dishes. The earliest known pottery was made by mixing animal products with clay and baked in kilns at up to 800°C. While actual pottery fragments have been found up to 19,000 years old, it was not until about ten thousand years later that regular pottery became common. An early people that spread across much of Europe is named after its use of pottery, the Corded Ware culture. These early Indo-European peoples decorated their pottery by wrapping it with rope, while still wet. When the ceramics were fired, the rope burned off but left a decorative pattern of complex grooves on the surface. The invention of the wheel eventually led to the production of smoother, more even pottery using the wheel-forming technique, like the pottery wheel. Early ceramics were porous, absorbing water easily. It became useful for more items with the discovery of glazing techniques, coating pottery with silicon, bone ash, or other materials that could melt and reform into a glassy surface, making a vessel less pervious to water. discovery and development of ceramics in numerous shapes, form and materials, revolutionised the world.Plain cream ceramic bowl with flat bottom inside. Shiny glaze fades to flat texture towards base. Possibly hand thrown pottery. No backstamp. Bad crazing and staining.None.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, ceramics -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Grimwade House, Orrong Road, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation HO54 Grimwade House, former Harleston stables, outbuilding, garden, gate and Picconia excelsa tree. as at (28/10/2020) ''Harleston'', now "Grimwade House", is situated at no. 67 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North, at the Orrong Road corner. It was built for Frederick, later Sir Frederick, Grimwade, to the design of architect Thomas Watts in 1875. Today the complex has been incorporated in the Melbourne Grammar Junior School campus. It retains not only the main house but also the stables and mature garden setting with driveway and gates. It is historically, aesthetically and socially significant.From Victorian Heritage Database citation HO54 Grimwade House, former Harleston stables, outbuilding, garden, gate and Picconia excelsa tree. as at (28/10/2020) It is historically significant (Criterion A) as the former home of prominent business man, speculator and benefactor, Sir Frederick Grimwade. Both Grimwade and his house are exemplars of the commercial enterprise of the Boom period and the amassing of personal fortunes with which it is associated. It is aesthetically significant (Criterion E) as an imposing yet stately large house of its time, the classic Italian form with comer verandah terminated by projecting wings being most distinctively seen in this instance. It is enhanced not only by the garden setting but also by the delicate cast iron verandah spandrels, stained glass work and stencilled ceiling in the music room. It is socially significant (Criterion G) on account of the value placed on it by the community associated with the Melbourne Grammar Junior School since its inception on this site in 1911.Page 154 of Photograph Album with five photographs (4 landscape and one portrait) including Grimwade House, gates and a tram shelter.Handwritten: Grimwade House (Melbourne Grammar Prep School) / incorporating "Harleston" Orrong Rd. S.E cnr Balaclava Rd [top right] / 154 [bottom right]trevor hart, verandah, porch, slate roof, garden, grimwade house, grimwade, harleston, sir frederick grimwade, thomas watts, orrong road, balaclava road, melbourne grammar, melbourne grammar junior school, italianate, cast iron verandah spandrels, stained glass, stencilled ceiling, mgs, m.g.s, school, grimwade family, jessie grimwade, gates, palisade style fence, cast iron spears, stone plinths, melbourne grammar prep school, victorian style, cast iron work, caulfield north, gardens, cars, tram services, outbuildings, stables, trees, picconia excelsa tree -
Federation University Historical Collection
Weapon - Object, Sword, 1877
In 1862, the units of the Mounted Volunteer Corps in Victoria were formed into a single regiment known as the Victorian Volunteer Light Horse. This title changed again in 1863, to the Prince of Wales Victorian Volunteer Light Horse ( Hussars ). In 1870 a uniform was adopted that was based on the British 19th Hussars. Troops were based at various times at Geelong, Ballarat, Kyneton, Bendigo, Castlemaine and Dandenong, as well as metropolitan Melbourne. In 1885, most of the Cavalry were incorporated into a newly formed Victorian Mounted Rifles. ( "It is notified in the Gazette that Lieutenant Laurence Whyte, Ballarat troop Prince of Wales Light Horse, has been appointed captain, seniority to date from January 31. " (The Argus, 17 February 1883) "An official inspection of the P.W.L.H. took place in the Royal Park last evening by the colonel-commandant, assisted by Colonel Rede; Captain Medealf in command of the, troop. After bring exercised in field movements, a sword competition took place, toe first prize bring awarded to Trooper L. Whyte ; the "second to Sergeant Blight; the third, to Trooper Jenkins; and the fourth, to Trooper Orr, of Creswick. Major Sleep officiated as timekeeper. The colonel commandant complimented Captain Med-calf upon the efficiency of the troop, and officers and men afterwards dined together at Craig's hotel. (Ballarat Courier, 09 March 1877.)Silver coloured sword and scabbard with leather hand grip within the hilt. The sword was awarded to Trooper Whyte of the Prince of Wales Victorian Volunteer Light Horse (Ballarat) in 1877.. Engraved into handle "Ballarat Troop P.W.V.V.L.H Officers Trophy FIRST PRIZE WON BY Trooper Whyte AT SWORD Competition 8th March 1877" volunteer forces, sword, trooper whyte, prince of wales victorian volunteer light horse (ballarat), l. whyte, laurence whyte -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Jamie Callister, The Man Who Invented Vegemite, 2012
Cyril Percy Callister, a chemist by training, became a food technologist and the inventor of the well known spread 'Vegemite'. A Ballarat School of Mines (SMB) student around 1910, Callister then went to Melbourne University where he obtained his B.Sc. in 1914, M.Sc. in 1917 and D.Sc. in 1931. With Sir David Rivett in 1931 he secured the royal charter for the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, becoming president of the Society of Chemical Industry of Victoria in 1935-36. Vegemite, a yeast based spread, and perhaps one of most famous trademarks in Australia, was discovered around 1922 by Cyril Percy Callister. He was hired by the Fred Walker Company (a Melbourne based manufacturer later known as Kraft) as a laboratory assistant to develop a yeast extract spread. It took some years but by 1954 the special Vegemite song 'Happy Little Vegemites' demonstrated the popularity of the spread. Callister was also known for packing cheese in a can to preserve it and developing Kraft processed cheese. he son of a school teacher and postmaster he was born at Chute on 16 February 1893 and died on 5 October 1949. His brother Reginald Clive Callister (1889-1971) was also a student of SMB. ( and yellow soft covered book of 208 pages relating to Cyril Callister who invented Vegemite. On Frontispage signed "11th Oct 2012 James Callister"ballarat school of mines, callister, cyril callister, vegemite, william callister -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - postcard, S. Gordon Spittle, Australians at the World War One Suez Hospital, January 1916, c 07 January 1916
This photograph was with a number of others associated with Harry Holmes of Ascot, Victoria. The postcard was written on by Harry Holmes who was a member of the Australian Imperial Force based in Egypt at the time. Nurse Kirkham is Laurie Hemsley Kirkham She was admitted to the Suez Public Hospital (Abbassia) post 06 January 1916. She left Australia with a group of South Australian nurses. Egypt was a major base for the AIF from December 1914. A number of campaigns were fought in this theatre. There were two campaigns involving the AIF. Note that not all the fighting was actually geographically in Egypt. ( The Nurse Kirkam mentioned by the writer is probably Sarah Alice Kirkham, Staff Nurse with the Australian Army Nursing Service. Nurse Kirkham was from North Perth, Western Australia. She was posted to the Auxiliary Hospital, Egypt on 09 November 1915 leaving for France on 23 June 1916. Samuel Gordon Spittle (8005) enlisted into the AIF on 17 July 1915, a member of the 18th Australian Army Service Corps (AASC). He left Alexandria on 15 June 1916 disembarking at Marseilles 24 June 1916. Harry Holmes was discharged from a hospital in Egypt on 15 August 1919. He was awarded the Military Medal promulgated on 11 December 1919. (NAA: B2455, Spittle Samuel Gordon) Not only does this photograph portray life in Egypt during World War War, it highlights the role played by members of the Australian Army Nursing Service in both professional and social activities in the theatre of war.Two Australian nurses and a number of Australian soldiers in Hospital Uniform pose for a photograph in Egypt during World War One. Verso: "A little group of Australians at Suez Hospital Joe F[awcett] & I [Gordon Spittle] are standing in the back row with Nurse Kirkham standing between, she is on the short side so stood on a box. Gordon S."chatham family archive, chatham, holmes, world war, world war 1, world war i, world war one, france, gordon spittle, kirkham, suez, egypt, samuel gordon spittle, joe fawcett, laurie kirkham, nurse kirkham, suez hospital, laurie helmsley kirkham, l.a. kirkham, harry holmes, nurses -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Stand, Unknown
A stand or support for utensils before or on the fire. Usually made of wrought iron, the most common variety, from the 17th century, stands on three legs and has a circular plate with perforated decoration, often in the form of a date. Another early type, short-legged, stood in the fire to support a cast-iron pot. Later, in the second half of the 18th century, trivets designed to be hung from fire bars were made. These were of two types: an oblong, standing trivet with a handle at one end and projections to fit over the fire bars at the other, and a plate that could be attached to the fire bar. Some of the latter were hung inside the grate supporting a vessel over the fire. Large quantities of cast-brass fender trivets were manufactured at Birmingham, in England, in the last quarter of the 18th century; these were suspended from the top rails of the fender as muffin and kettle stands. Four-legged trivets that stood under the spit holding the dripping pan were made in the 18th and 19th centuries. The cat, an entirely different type of plate stand that was made in the 18th century, consisted of six spokes, three at the top and three at the bottom; it could be used either way up. The term trivet is also used in reference to a metal stand with short feet, used on a table to support a hot dish. Trivets have been used since the invention of iron and are essential for placing hot items on surfaces.Metal stand for hot items, black painted metal. Heart-shaped with three supports. Now quite rusty.None.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, wrought iron, trivet -
Cockatoo History & Heritage Group
Plaque, Cockatoo Kindergarten - Official Opening Plaque
In 1977 residents of Cockatoo built a kindergarten in McBride Street Cockatoo to service the growing population in the area. The building was officially opened on the 22nd of November of that year. Residents formed a Co-op, raised all the money to build the kinder along with lawn bowls and tennis sporting facilities for the town. No small feat, let alone for a town with a population of around 3000. The land was provided by the council for the kinder to use and that was their sole contribution to the building of the kinder. The unique building, was designed by Richard Allen and depicted a children's carousel. The design was to provide a feeling of enjoyment and friendship to the children who used the building. The large glass windows that were installed on the north-eastern side of the building made up 1/3 of the exterior wall. This overlooked the playground of the kinder making it easy to see the children at play from inside. The site of the building is in a dominant position and is highly visible to all who travel through Cockatoo. It was used as a child care facility right up until 2005. The kindergarten has recently been granted heritage listing after Cardinia Council started demolishing the building. The local community were successful in putting a halt to the demolition and saved the building. It will become an integral part of the Cockatoo Ash Wednesday memorial. Details on the fight to save the kinder building can be found at Brass Plaque, depicting the opening of the Cockatoo Kindergarten by the Shire of Pakenham Shire President - Cr OwenShire of Pakenham Cockatoo Kindergarten Officially Opened by Cr E A Owen J.P Shire President 22nd November 1977cockatoo, kindergarten opening, -
Victorian Interpretive Projects Inc.
Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, White Flat Grandstand, 07/10/2012
In 1925 there was a group known as the White Flat Improvement Committee. The White Flat Sports Reserve was officially opened on 18 March 1925 at which time Sir Alexander Peacock said that 'a wonderful change had been brought about at White Flat , and those who had brought it about would have the gratification of knowing that they were providing inestimable pleasure for the children and young people.' In 1934 the grandstand was moved to White Flat from the defunct Buninyong Racing Club. Albert Edward (Sonny) Mark was a foundation member of the Golden Point Cricket Club in 1910/1911 and part of the first Premiership side. He was a prominent A grade player and committee member for many years, including being Treasurer of the Club from at least 1933/34 to 1938/39. He acted as Golden Point delegate to the Ballarat District Cricket Association from 1934 to 1938. Sonny served as a Member of the White Flat committee from 1932/1933 to 1948/1949. Every year from the year 1933 until the Club went into recess in 1942 he took the chair for the election of President at annual meetings, an honour now reserved for Life Members. The B.D.C.A. B Grade shield named in Sonny Mark's honour for his contribution to the Golden Point Cricket Club and also to Ballarat cricket . He was instrumental in having the Grandstand at White Flat constructed and it was named in his honour. ( digital photographs of the grandstand at the White Flat Oval, Ballarat. Known as the A.E. 'Sonny' Mark Stand, it was opened in May 1934. ballarat, white flat, white flat sports ground, hickman street, south street, armstong street, oval -
Puffing Billy Railway
Bogie - Break of Gauge, Circa 1920
Designed and built in the early 1920’s by Charles Robert Prosser , a Melbourne Engineer, for an enquiry by the Commonwealth Government into ways of solving the break of gauge problem. Breaks or changes in railway gauges existed at most state borders of Australia during the first half of the 20th century. Upon completion of this model, it was placed on display in the Federal Parliament then located in Parliament House, Melbourne. Patents on the Break of Gauge Bogie Application number Title Applicant(s) Inventor(s) Filing date 1921000390 Improved means of adjusting the wheels of rolling stock to suit railway tracks of different gauges Charles Robert Prosser Charles Robert Prosser 1921-02-01 1917004843 Improvements in and connected with railway or other ticket supply tubes Charles Robert Prosser Charles Robert Prosser 1917-08-09 1915016191 IMPROVEMENTS IN AND CONNECTED WITH THE ADAPTATION OF RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK TO DIFFERENT GAUGES Charles Robert Prosser Charles Robert Prosser 1915-05-01 1915015980 Improvements in and connected with the adaptation of railway rolling stock to different gauges Charles Robert Prosser Charles Robert Prosser 1915-04-09 1914012931 Improvements in and connected with the adaptation of railway rolling stock to different gauges Charles Robert Prosser Charles Robert Prosser 1914-04-20 The Sydney Morning Herald Fri 2 Sep 1921 Page 6 BREAK OF GAUGE DEVICE. Historic - Railway Invention Break of Gauge Bogie Break of Gauge Bogie made of iron and wrought iron & brassboggie, break of gauge, puffing billy