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City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Kitchen equipment, sad iron, c1880
Sad-irons or "solid" irons were made by blacksmiths and used to smooth out material by pressing the hot iron over it. A piece of sheet -iron was placed over the kitchen fire and the irons placed on it could be heated whilst remaining clean of ash.. The women used 2 irons - one heating while the other was used. Thick cloth or gloves protected their hands from the hot irons. The handle was removed from the cool iron and re- attached to remove the hot iron from the fire. The cool iron was replaced on the fire or stove to heat again. These irons were cleaned with steel wool to prevent them marking the material. If the iron was too hot the material would scorch. Most homes set aside one day for ironing and some large households had an ironing room with a special stove designed to heat irons. However, most women had to work with a heavy, hot iron close to the fireplace even in summer.These sad irons remind us of the difficult circumstances experienced in their daily routines by the pioneers and early settlers of Moorabbin Shire. The family of Miss M Curtis were early settlers in Moorabbin Shire. Sad-iron, domestic, flat, cast iron, Silvester's Patent, No 6, Salter, England, c. 1890-1900s A sad iron made from cast iron was heated over a fire or on a stove and used for pressing clothing and table wareSILVESTER'S/ PATENT/ SALTERS / No 6 with the pretzel & a arrow going through the centresad iron, kitchen equipment, pioneers, early settlers, market gardeners, sewing, craftwork, clothing, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh, fireplaces, stoves -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Kitchen equipment, gas-fuelled flat iron, c1900 - 30
Sad-irons or "solid" irons were made by blacksmiths and used to smooth out material by pressing the hot iron over it. A piece of sheet -iron was placed over the kitchen fire and the irons placed on it could be heated whilst remaining clean of ash.. The women used 2 irons - one heating while the other was used. Thick cloth or gloves protected their hands from the hot irons. The handle was removed from the cool iron and re- attached to remove the hot iron from the fire. The cool iron was replaced on the fire or stove to heat again. These irons were cleaned with steel wool to prevent them marking the material. If the iron was too hot the material would scorch. Most homes set aside one day for ironing and some large households had an ironing room with a special stove designed to heat irons. However, most women had to work with a heavy, hot iron close to the fireplace even in summer. Thomas Fletcher (1840-1903). By 1880s he had a gas appliance manufactory in Thynne Street, Warrington. By 1895 the company had become Fletcher Russell and Co Gas Engineers, his firm having merged with Alexander and William Russell of Pendleton Iron Works. Circa 1950, the firm merged into Radiation Ltd which was later acquired by 'TI New World'; 1902: Fletcher, Russell & Co. Ltd., Palatine Works, Warrington In 1880 gas -fuelled irons were connected by rubber tubing to the gas light-fittings of the house or to gas canisters. However , not many houses had access to a gas supply until much later and this iron was popular in 1920’sThese sad irons remind us of the difficult circumstances experienced in their daily routines by the pioneers and early settlers of Moorabbin Shire The family of Miss M Curtis were early settlers in Moorabbin Shire.A gas-fuelled flat iron, made in USA , It would have been attached to a gas hose fitting that was also used at night for light in the house. There is a small chimney to allow for air and to try to control the amount of heat in the iron. A 'shield' is under the leather covered handle to protect the user's hand from the heat, however it is made of copper metal - a heat conductor.FLETCHER RUSSELL CO. / LIM/ PATENT/ WARRINGTON on right side of handle 'Registered' on left side of handle ' Fletcher Russell Co L / Warrington, Manchester / & London.sad iron, kitchen equipment, fletcher russell co. ltd., england, warrington, manchester, pioneers, early settlers, market gardeners, sewing, craftwork, clothing, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh, fireplaces, stoves, domestic gas supply, gas-light, gas cannisters -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Kitchen equipment, spirit-fuelled sad iron, c1920
Sad-irons or "solid" irons were made by blacksmiths and used to smooth out material by pressing the hot iron over it. A piece of sheet -iron was placed over the kitchen fire and the irons placed on it could be heated whilst remaining clean of ash.. The women used 2 irons - one heating while the other was used. Thick cloth or gloves protected their hands from the hot irons. The handle was removed from the cool iron and re- attached to remove the hot iron from the fire. The cool iron was replaced on the fire or stove to heat again. These irons were cleaned with steel wool to prevent them marking the material. If the iron was too hot the material would scorch. Most homes set aside one day for ironing and some large households had an ironing room with a special stove designed to heat irons. However, most women had to work with a heavy, hot iron close to the fireplace even in summer. Late in the 19thC designers experimented with heat retaining fillings for these irons. William Coleman began selling Kerosene lanterns in 1900 in Kingfisher, Oklahoma, USA. He moved to Wichita, Kansas in 1902 and the company became world wide. The company also produced a range of cooking stoves and domestic irons. This spirit- fuelled flat iron was very popular in 1920s - 30s These sad irons remind us of the difficult circumstances experienced in their daily routines by the pioneers and early settlers of Moorabbin Shire The family of Miss M Curtis were early settlers in Moorabbin ShireA) spirit- fuelled, sad iron with chrome plated sole c1920, and metal trivet The iron is blue enamel with a white speckled body, with a hemispherical tank for the Coleman 'Lighting Petrol' that provided the heat for smoothing the material B) Coleman Fuel measuring can and funnellMetal Trivet/stand " COLEMAN" ; Petrol can " COLEMAN" / MEASURING CAN / for INSTANT LIGHTING IRON/ with printed instructionssad iron, kitchen equipment, coleman william, kansas, oklahoma, pioneers, early settlers, market gardeners, sewing, craftwork, clothing, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh, fireplaces, stoves, petrol fuelled irons, spirit flat irons, coleman lamp stove co. ltd. -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Wertheim Sewing Machine, c1880
Hugo Wertheim (1854–1919) arrived in Melbourne in 1875. He became a successful agent for sewing machines manufactured by his father’s cousin Joseph Wertheim in Frankfurt, Germany. Hugo married Joseph’s daughter Sophie Emilie and they settled in Melbourne. Hugo made many trips back to the main factory in Germany and, with extensive advertising, established a thriving business for sewing machines, bicycles, pianos under various ‘brand names’ - Wertheim, Electra, Planet, Griffin, Hapsburg. It has been said that Dame Nellie Melba preferred a Wertheim piano for her performances. In 1908 Hugo opened a large piano factory in Bendigo St Richmond, Victoria. His son Herbert maintained the business until the factory closed in 1935.The pioneer settlers and market gardeners of Moorabbin Shire had to be self reliant and made their own clothing and utensils. This sewing machine was one of many items they used to exhibit the skill and craftsmanship of the women in these families. A sewing machine was a necessary part of each home.A Wertheim hand–crank sewing machine c1880. The hand machine was operated by turning the handle. The hand machine could also be fitted to a stand with table and draws, the machine could then be used by hand or foot. This type of sewing machine was widely used in many homes, in an era when hand-made clothes were the “norm”, and clothes were mended, or ‘re-made’ into another garment 'WERTHEIM' across body of machinemelbourne, clothing, brighton, moorabbin, germany, piano, pioneers, richmond, bentleigh, dressmaking, market gardeners, early settlers, craftwork, sewing machines, wertheim hugo, wertheim joseph -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Document, Certificate of Burial 1890, c1880
James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase this plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. A further 2 children were interred in 1893 and 1900 then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940 James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground.An original paper Certificate of Right of Burial in The Brighton General Cemetery signed and dated by the Trustees of the Cemetery upon the application of James Jones of East Brighton, Victoria, 22nd April 1890. A plot , Register No. 2844, of 4 feet in width and 8 feet in depth in the Wesleyan Section, No. 199, compartment G in the Brighton General Cemetery. would be supplied upon payment of Two Pounds two shillings and receipt of same is acknowledged. Certificate of Right of Burial / IN THE / BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY. Application of Mr James Jones of East Brighton for a plot to be supplied upon payment of Two Pounds and 2 Shillings and receipt of same acknowledged. Signed by the Trustees of the Cemetery, (4 signatures) in presence of S. Simmonds, dated twenty- second April 1890 Reverse side Dated 22nd April 1890 / Certificate of Right of Burial / IN THE / BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY/ Mr James Jones ( hand written) / DENOMINATION Wesleyan / Compartment G / No. 199 Hand written on right side 3454 (signed) S Simmonds / 4797 (signed) S Simmonds / 36897 20/ 11 / 40 melbourne, brighton, moorabbin, water supply, pioneers, bentleigh, dendy henry, market gardeners, early settlers, jones mary ann, wesleyan church, jones james, vaccination, typhoid, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, elster creek, jones martha, brighton general cemetery -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Document, receipt burial 1890 Martha Jones, c1880
James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. A further 2 children were interred in 1893 and 1900 then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot purchased by her father James Jones. An original paper receipt No. 2844 for payment 22 January 1890 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of 3 pounds 1 shilling for burial of Martha Jones aged approx. 2 years in a plot 4 feet x 8 feet. Fees include family grave at 2 pounds 2 shillings, Sinking to 7 feet at 14 shillings and Label 5 shillings .No. 2844( hand written) / BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY / RECEIVED 22 January 18 90 / of Mr James Jones ( hand written ) the sum of £3. 1 being the / following charges in Wesleyan Portion No. / Compt. Name of deceased Martha Jones / Signed S Simmonds (handwritten) Secretary Along left side G.H Orford Printer “ Southern Cross Office” Bay St. Brighton melbourne, brighton, moorabbin, water supply, pioneers, bentleigh, dendy henry, market gardeners, early settlers, jones mary ann, wesleyan church, jones james, vaccination, typhoid, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, elster creek, jones martha, brighton general cemetery, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, bay street brighton -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Document, receipt Burial 1893 Ethel May Jones, c1890
James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and another baby in 1900 then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. An original paper receipt No. 3454 for payment on 23 March 1893 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of £1 . 1s For the burial of baby Ethel May Jones in a plot 4 feet x 8 feet, in the Wesleyan section portion 199 compartment G. Fee was for reopening the grave he had purchased in 1890 for the burial of his daughter Martha, aged 2 years . BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY / 3454 ( stamped) / 23 March 1893 ( hand written ) / Received from Mr James Jones ( hand written ) / the sum of £1 . 1s being the following / charges in Wesleyan (hand written) / Portion No, 199 compt.G Name of / deceased Ethel May Jones ( handwritten) / for re-opening grave internment recent ( hand written) £1 . 1s / Signed S Simmonds ( ?manager) Along left side of receipt is printed SOUTHERN CROSS PRINT, BRIGHTON melbourne, brighton, moorabbin, water supply, pioneers, bentleigh, dendy henry, market gardeners, early settlers, jones mary ann, wesleyan church, jones james, vaccination, typhoid, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, elster creek, jones martha, brighton general cemetery, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, bay street brighton, jones ethel may -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Book - Aboriginal stories, Sun Books Melbourne Pty Ltd, aboriginal myths and legends, 1967
A collection of stories of Aboriginal mythsxvi, 218 p. illus. : non-fictionA collection of stories of Aboriginal mythsaboriginal, human rights, myths, legends, robinson roland edward, australian indigenous tribes, storytellers, poetry, roper river, northern territory, sydney morning herald, the age, folk-lore, dreamtime legends, sacred songs, vesper alexander, worrell eric, naturalist, zoology, legend and dreaming -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Book, Stirling, Amie Livingstone, Amie, Memories of an Australian Childhood, 1980
Amie Livingston Stirling 1880-1945 recorded her memories of growing up in Omeo, Elwood and San Remo in Victoria and in 1880s and '90s. About her father James Stirling, the famous coal-mining pioneer and geologist. Her grand-daughter Linda Harrison compiled her writings and added stories from her later life in Paris and North Africa274 p. : ill., ports., tables ; Pale blue hardback book of the childhood memories of Amie Livingston Stirling1880- 1945, compiled by her grand-daughter Linda Harrison in1980 non-fictionAmie Livingston Stirling 1880-1945 recorded her memories of growing up in Omeo, Elwood and San Remo in Victoria and in 1880s and '90s. About her father James Stirling, the famous coal-mining pioneer and geologist. Her grand-daughter Linda Harrison compiled her writings and added stories from her later life in Paris and North Africastirling james, reid elizabeth, early settlers, pioneers, surveyors, geologists, gippsland, omeo, elwood, melbourne, victoria, geelong, mining, botany, von mueller baron, elster creek, brighton, moorabbin, howitt alfred william, murray r a f, goodsir agnes, amie stirling -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Receipt for Burial of Stillborn Child, James & Mary Jones Child, 1900
James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940. Their stillborn baby was buried in the Wesleyan public grave in 1900James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. A stillborn baby was interred in the public grave of Brighton General Cemetery in May1900An original paper receipt No.4360 for payment on 22 May 1900 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of 6 shillings for the burial of a stillborn baby Jones in the Wesleyan section of the public graves. There is no fee for ‘re-opening the grave’ purchased by James Jones in 1890 and in which his daughters Martha 1890 and Ethel May 1893 were interred. BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY / No. 4360 (stamped) 22 May 1900 ( hand written) / Received of Mr Jas. Jones ( hand written) / the sum of 6 s being the following / charges in Wesleyan / Portion No. -- Compt. - Name of / Deceased ‘Stillborn child of Jas / & Mary Ann Jones’ (hand written) Along left side “Brighton Leader” Print, Bay Street, North Brighton This receipt is signed A Shimon man. Secretary wesleyan church, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, “brighton leader” print, bay street brighton, jones ethel may -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Documents relating to Death and Burial of Mary Ann Jones, 1903
James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940. Their stillborn baby was buried in the Wesleyan public grave in 1900James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. A stillborn baby was interred in the public grave of Brighton General Cemetery in May1900. Mary Ann Jones died at age 43years and was interred in January 19033 Original documents associated with the death of Mary Ann Jones 18th January 1903. 1) An original paper receipt No. 4797 for payment on 19th January 1903 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of £1 . 1s for the burial of Mary Ann Jones in a plot 4 feet x 8 feet, in the Wesleyan section portion 199 compartment G. 2 ) An original part- section of Form of Notification of Death from The Alfred Hospital Prahran with personal particulars and burial details , signed by the Undertaker. 3) An original Mourning Card 1) BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY / 4797 ( stamped) / 19th Jan. 1903 (hand written) / Received from “Mr James Jones”(hand written) / the sum of £1 . 1s being the following / charges in Wesleyan (hand written) / Portion No, 199 compt.G Name of / Deceased ‘Mary Ann Jones”(hand written) / For re-opening grave interment ‘third’ £1 . 1s./ signed by S. P. Simmonds Secretary. 2) ‘Brighton’ (written over Melbourne) GENERAL CEMETERY FORM OF… / No. of Order____ Date of… / PARTICULARS / Signature of Undertaker J H Lear On back of notice are guides to the questions 3) In Loving Remembrance of / Mary Ann Jones / Dearly Loved Wife of James Jones / Died January 18th 1903 / Aged 43 Years / Poem - “One Less at Home “ / DEEPLY REGRETTED / Art Engraving Company, Royal Arcade, Elizabeth Street, Melbourne * wesleyan church, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, “brighton leader” print, bay street brighton, jones ethel may, public grave brighton -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Documents, Burial James Jones 1940, c1940
James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940. Their stillborn baby was buried in the Wesleyan public grave in 1900James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in the Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot, in the Wesleyan Section, purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. A stillborn baby was interred in the public grave of Brighton General Cemetery in May1900. Mary Ann Jones died, at age 43years, and was interred in January 1903. Finally in November 1940 Mr James Jones was buried in the family grave. 2 original paper Receipts associated with the Burial of James Jones at Brighton General Cemetery 20th November 1940 by Nelson Bros. Funeral Directors of Williamstown1) 4202 Re the Funeral of the late Mr James Jones / 43 Douglas Parade Williamstown (Tel 34 & 43)/ 27/11/1940 / Received from Mr J P Jones./ by CHEQUE/ CASH the sum of Twenty eight pounds / ten shillings - pence/ WITH MANY THANKS / 7/563 / NELSON BROS./ £28:10:0 per N.Flack / THIS is our only recognised form of receipt / In full settlement / Stamped VICTORIA STAMP DUTY 3d 2) 36897 BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY 20November 1940/ Received of Nelson Bros./ the sum of £1.15.- being the following charges/ in Methodist / Portion No. 199 Compt. G / Name of Deceased James Jones / for reopening grave £1.15.- / signed C Guy Secretarywesleyan church, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, “brighton leader” print, bay street brighton, jones ethel may, public grave brighton -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Documents, Funeral James Jones 1940, c1940
James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and then Mary Ann in 1903 and finally James in 1940. Their stillborn baby was buried in the Wesleyan public grave in 1900James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in the Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot, in the Wesleyan Section, purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. A stillborn baby was interred in the public grave of Brighton General Cemetery in May1900. Mary Ann Jones died, at age 43years, and was interred in January 1903. Finally in November 1940 Mr James Jones was buried in the family grave. 1 original paper account and 1 paper receipt from Nelson Bros. Funeral Directors re the funeral of James Jones in November 19401) M..J.P Jones Esq./ 5 Vickery Street/ Bentleigh / WILLIAMSTOWN/ 27/11/1940 Dr to / NELSON BROS.,/UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, / 43 Douglas Parade & 51 Stevedore St., Williamstown W16 / Motor Funerals Conducted Anywhere / In reply please quote 7/563/ Re The Funeral of The Late MR. JAMES JONES/ £28:10:0 -1 Glass Hearse & 2 Limousines, Cemetery Fees and Newspaper notices 2) As above / 27/111940 / A Memo. from NELSON BROS.,/ Dear Sir, /Herewith ...our official receipt... / signed A Nelson / Manager* wesleyan church, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, “brighton leader” print, bay street brighton, jones ethel may -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Wedding Certificate, Elizabeth Jones, c1917
James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. They sadly lost Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 ,and. Baby Ethel May died 1893 and a stillborn baby was buried in 1900. However, their daughter Elizabeth Ann Jones born 1885 married John Patrick Kennedy born 1885, a the son of Thomas Kennedy , Dairyman deceased, and Jane Donovan early settlers in the Brighton area, at South Melbourne in January 1917 . James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in the Brighton General Cemetery. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and stillborn baby in May1900. Mary Ann Jones died, at age 43years, in January 1903 and in November 1940 Mr James Jones was buried in the family grave. Their daughter Elizabeth Ann Jones , born 1885, married John Patrick Kennedy, born 1885, the son of Thomas Kennedy, a dairyman and Jane Donovan also early settlers in Brighton area at St Luke’s Anglican Church in South Melbourne in January 1917 Original Certificate of Marriage of Elizabeth Ann Jones, the daughter of James and Mary Ann Jones, to John Patrick Kennedy at St Luke's Anglican Church in South Melbourne on January 1st 1917In the State of Victoria/ crest/ In the Commonwealth of Australia/FOURTH SCHEDULE ACTSNOS. 2691 and 2720 -FORM B/ CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE B/ Year 1917Parish or Church District South Melbourne Denomination Church of England/ signed by Patrick Kennedy and Elizabeth Jones, witnesses Ada Hewton and Alice Steedman and Vicar David Ross Hewton dated this first day of January 1917anglican church, st luke's south melbourne, jones elizabeth ann, kennedy john patrick, kennedy thomas, donovan jane, dairyman, dairy farms, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, jones ethel may, reverend hewton david ross -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Container - World War 1939-45 Ration pack, c1940
AMF Operational Ration This ration pack was developed by Sir Stanton Hicks. It contained three meals, each waterproofed (a vital consideration for the tropics), which offered a balanced selection of meat, vegetables, fruit and vitamin supplements. Before the development of this ration pack, Australian soldiers were supplied with quantities of preserved food that were difficult for a man to carry and divide, and which often did not provide a nourishing diet. Sir Cedric Stanton Hicks (1892-1976), university professor and army catering officer, was born on 2 June 1892 at Mosgiel, New Zealand. University of Otago (B.Sc., N.Z., 1914; M.Sc. Hons, 1915; M.B., Ch.B., 1923) 1916-18 Hicks served as a non-commissioned officer in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force and he assisted Professor J. K. H. Inglis in the synthesis and production of Chloramine-T for use against meningitis among the troops. Hicks was appointed government analyst in 1918. On a Fellowship 1923, he travelled to England and studied at Trinity College, Cambridge (Ph.D., 1926) and caried out research in Switzerland, Germany and the United States of America. 1927 he was appointed to the new chair of physiology and pharmacology at Adelaide University, which he was to hold until 1957. During the Depression he studied the dietary patterns of five hundred families receiving relief. 1940 Hicks was appointed temporary captain, Australian Military Forces, and performed part-time duty as catering supervisor. Moved to Melbourne as chief inspector of catering, he began a campaign for applying scientific principles to the feeding of troops. 1943 the Australian Army Catering Corps was formed. Hicks altered the basis of the allowance for military rations from a monetary to a nutrient entitlement, improved the pay and promotion opportunities of cooks, established schools of cooking and catering, devised new methods for preparing food, supported the service's adoption of the Wiles steam-cooker, and designed jungle-patrol, emergency and air-drop rations. His 'Who Called the Cook a Bastard?' (Sydney, 1972) gave an account of his experiences in military catering.Men from most families in the City of Moorabbin area served in the Australian Military Forces during World War 2.A tin container , khaki colour, used for the storage of a food ration item for a soldier serving in the Australian Military Forces World War 11.TURN KEY ← TO OPEN CAN / diagram of key / A.M.F. / OPERATION/ RATION/ 02 / D↑Dworld war 11, australian military forces, sir cedric stanton hicks, army catering corps, soldier rations, food supplys, australian diggers, food preservation -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Badge - World War 1914 - 1918, Badge fund-raising, c1916
The Kooyong Military Hospital in Kooyong Road, Caulfield was established for the care and rehabilitation of soldiers injured in World War 1. Many events like carnivals were held by the Red Cross to raise funds for the war effort and entertain the patients.This badge is a reminder of the Community support for injured soldiers when they returned from WW1 conflict and were hospitalized at Kooyong Military Hospital Caulfield 1914 - 1948 This badge was displayed at the GECC 'Wounded Soldier WW1 1914-1918 Exhibition" 2016 at Glen Eira Town Hall Caulfield A small tin button, with pin attachment at the back. The button was produced and sold as a fund-raiser for the Kooyong Military Hospital during the World War1, 1914-18, at that organisation's Carnival held on March 18th 1916. The front of the button is white with a blue perimeter. A copy of the City of Caulfield's Coat-of- Arms and the words, City of Caulfield, is written on the front of the button, as is the date 18th March 1916. Both the above are written in red. Kooyong Military Hospital is written in blue. ww1, 1914-18, kooyong military hospital, war casualties, caulfield, moorabbin, bentleigh, carnivals, fundraising, patriotism, anzac, australian commonwealth military forces -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Uniform - World War 1 1914-1918, Hat Badge Rising Sun, c1914
Proudly worn by soldiers of the 1st and 2nd Australian Imperial Force in both World Wars, the 'Rising Sun' badge has become an integral part of the digger tradition. The distinctive shape of the badge, worn on the upturned side of a slouch hat, is commonly identified with the spirit of ANZAC formed at the Gallipoli landings 1915 There are seven patterns of the Rising Sun. 1902 - 1991. The Rising Sun has evolved over time and today Australian Army soldiers wear the seventh pattern Rising Sun. The Third Pattern Rising Sun Badge. May 1904 The third pattern Rising Sun badge carried a scroll inscribed with the words ‘Australian Commonwealth Military Forces’ and was worn throughout both World Wars. There were, however, a number of variations of the badge; a special version was struck for the coronation of King Edward VII in 1902 and there were badges of the Commonwealth Horse and the Australian Instructional Corps, each with its respective title on the scrolls. This pattern badge formed the template for all subsequent General Service badges. The most widely accepted version of the origin of this badge is the one that attributes the selection of its design, c1902, to a British Officer, Major General Sir Edward Hutton, the newly appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Forces. Hutton had earlier received as a gift from Brigadier General Joseph Gordon, a military acquaintance of long standing, a ‘Trophy-of-Arms’ composed of mounted cut and thrust swords and triangular Martini-Henry bayonets that were arranged in a semi-circle around the Crown. To General Hutton, the shield was symbolic of the cooperation between the naval and military forces of the Empire. This Third Pattern Rising Sun Badge.- May 1904 - was worn on the Slouch hats of soldiers serving in the Australian Commonwealth Military Forces during World War 1 1914-1918World War1 1914-1918, soldier’s, rising sun hat badge, made of oxidised copperRising Sun with central Crown AUSTRALIAN COMMONWEALTH / MILITARY FORCES australian military uniforms, military insignia, badges, city of moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, major general sir edward hutton, anzac, gallipoli, australian imperial forces, ww1 1914-1918 -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Booklet - Armed Forces, Australian Service book 1921, 1919
'Instructions " This book serves as proof of the fact that the bearer has performed the services required to fit him for the defence of his country, as prescribed by the (Defence) Act 1903-1918." 'Wilfred Marriott was from a family of early settlers in Moorabbin Shire. Wilfred (Willie) died at the age of 14 on 31 July 1921.The 'Record of Service Book' of Wilfred Marriott, b. 30/4/1907, of Jasper Road, Bentleigh, issued on 3/2/1921 in Area 37A Caulfield AM Form M7 / (revised 1919) / Record of Service Book / issued to / Surname MARRIOTT / Christian Names Wilfred / Training Area AREA 37A / Year of Birth 1907marriott wilfred, marriott geoff, australian military forces, defence act 1903, militia forces, record of service, caulfield, melbourne, moorabbin, bentleigh, world war 1914 -1918, world war 1939-1945 -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Card - World War 1939-1945, Ration Cards x 2; Identity Card 1942, 1948
World War 2 commenced in 1939 in Europe. The first controls over the production and distribution of products in Australia were introduced in 1940, partly due to disruption of shipping. In 1942, after Japan entered the War, comprehensive rationing was introduced to manage shortages and control civilian consumption. After the War, rationing was gradually phased out. Clothing rationing was abolished on 24 June1948. The last rationed product was tea, which ended in July 1950.Many young men from the City of Moorabbin volunteered for active service during WW2 .The market gardeners had to manage their farms with reduced labour. Farms and businesses over the whole country were affected so rationing was introduced to control the civilian use of commodities. Pink-coloured card, printed in black with coupons to be cut off from the left side, originally 24 supplied. 2 original, partly used paper ration cards issued in Melbourne 1948. !x Identity Card for Emma Marriott 1) Meat Ration 2) Clothing Ration 3) Identity Card1)If this Card is found it must be returned at once/ to the Deputy Director of Rationing Melbourne/Commonwealth of Australia/ 1948/ B 891314 MEAT/RATION CARD/Rg,D.1/ Issued to/Name Reed G.M/Address 251 Centre Rd/SE14/ tickets -MEAT 104 - 54 2) as above / B891313/ CLOTHING/ RATION CARD/ tickets 1- 56 3) OHMS / Identity Card ...........1942ww2, melbourne, bentleigh, food rations, food supply, farming, market gardeners, city of moorabbin, cheltenham, marriott emma, reed george, william green, kenneth j blackman -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Lights, kerosene lamp, blue glass, Unrecorded, c1900
Early Settlers used candles and lamps as their source of light after sunset. This lamp, uses a flat wick immersed in kerosene or oil, contained in the bulbous reservoir, with a side screw to adjust the flame enclosed in a glass, open top shield.A flat wick kerosene lamp. The knob protruding to the right adjusts the wick, and hence the flame size. This lamp has a plain blue glass shade -chimney with a fluted rim, blue glass geometrically engraved reservoir and a circular brass base early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh, ormond, mckinnon, lighting, lamps, kerosene, paraffin, oil -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Education, 3 ink wells, c1800 -1900
a) 1 common, clear glass ink bottle with 'burst-off' straight finished neck and a groove on two sides upon which a pen would rest. There are variations of this largely English-made style glass inkwell made in cup base moulds. Cursory grinding smoothed out the sharpness of the rim. b) 2 cylindrical, plain, pottery inkwells These three inkwells were commonly used in homes, schools and Churches by pioneer settlers in Moorabbin Shire c1880 -1900 2 cylindrical pottery inkwells and 1 square, clear glass inkwell with a distinctive groove on 2 sides to rest a pen c 1800 - 1900education, inkwells, pottery, glasswork, craftwork, moorabbin, brighton, early settlers, pioneers -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Container - Manufactured glass, Codd bottle, c1888
The Codd Bottle was first invented by English manufacturer, Hiram Codd at Barnsley in 1870. The groove inside the top of the bottle held a rubber ring. A small glass balll was held against this ring by the pressure of the 'pop' or 'fizzy' carbonated drink inside the bottle. This style of bottle was widely manufactured and used in the production of mineral waters and lemonade. The glass has a slight green tint, known as aqua glass, and is what the Victorian era produced as 'clear glass'This glass Codd bottle with glass ball and partial rubber ring was probably imported from England by Bennetts Pty. Ltd of Richmond, Victoria for their Lemonade and sold as refreshment to early settlers of Moorabbin Shire c1880A slightly green tinted, glass bottle with a groove inside the top which held a rubber ring, against which, the small glass ball inside the bottle was held by the pressure of the 'fizzy' drink inside.BENNETTS / LEMONADE diagonally across bottlecodd hiram, glass manufacture, glass bottles, moorabbin, brighton, barnsley england, carbonated water, soft drink, mineral water, bennetts lemonade maker, richmond, early settlers, market gardeners, melbourne -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Laundry Equipment, wooden double wash trough, c1900
c1900 This large wooden double wash trough with 'Acme' clothes wringer came from the old 'Exchange Hotel' now known as The Tudor Inn, Nepean Highway, Cheltenham.The Exchange Hotel, Point Nepean Road, Cheltenham, (now The Tudor Inn Hotel Nepean Highway,) was built in the late 1800s. By 1915 it was a prominent meeting place for early settler families of Moorabbin Shire. The trough is typical of those used in large laundries c1900 The ACME wringers were used in most households until c1960 Wooden, double washing trough, on a wooden stand c1900moorabbin, cheltenham, brighton, nepean highway, exchange hotel, the tudor inn hotel, clothing, early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, acme manufacturing company, glasgow. -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Kitchen Equipment, Coolgardie Safe, c1900
The invention of the Coolgardie Safe is credited to Arthur Patrick McCormick, a contractor in Coolgardie, and later the Mayor of Narrogin. Coolgardie is in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia. Gold was first discovered there in 1892; the townsite became a municipality in 1894, and by 1898 its population of 15,000 made it the third largest town in Western Australia after Perth and Fremantle. In the last decade of the 19th century, Coolgardie was the capital of the West Australian goldfields. Being 180 kilometres from the nearest civilisation, food supplies were initially scarce and expensive. As fresh food was a valuable commodity there was incentive to preserve it, and keep it out of reach of scavengers such as birds, dingos, dogs, ants, and flies. It was in an effort to do this, in the extreme heat of the Australian Interior, that McCormick came up with his design for the Coolgardie Safe. McCormick noticed that a wet bag placed over a bottle cooled its contents. He further noted that if this bottle was placed in a breeze, the bag would dry out more quickly, but the bottle would get colder. What McCormick had discovered was the principle of evaporation: ‘to change any liquid into a gaseous state requires energy. This energy is taken in the form of heat from its surroundings.’ Employing this principle, McCormick made a box for his provisions which he covered with a wet hessian bag. He then placed a tray on top, into which he poured water twice daily. He hung strips of flannel from the tray so that water would drip down onto the hessian bag, keeping it damp. As the water evaporated, the heat dissipated, keeping the food stored inside cool and fresh. The success of McCormick’s invention would not have worked without a steady supply of water. Fresh water was scarce in the eastern goldfields at this time but the demand for water from a steadily growing population encouraged innovation. The solution was to condense salt water. Heating salt water in tanks produced steam that was condensed in tall cylinders, cooled and then collected in catchment trays. By 1898 there were six companies supplying condensed water to the goldfields, the largest company producing 100,000 gallons of water a day. In the early 20th century, Coolgardie Safes were also manufactured commercially. These safes incorporated shelving and a door, had metal or wooden frames and hessian bodies. The feet of the safe were usually placed in a tray of water to keep ants away. (MAV website) The early settlers of Moorabbin Shire depended on this type of Food Safe to protect their food from flies and vermin as they established market gardens in the fertile area around the notorious Elster Creek A metal framed, 4 sided structure standing on 4 legs with 2 hinged doors on one side, a metal tray at base of food safe and a metal cover over top. Ridges on which to rest trays carrying food are inside safe. The Safe is enclosed by fly-wire mesh.'...IN.....GEELONG' A manufacturer's oval metal plate is embossed on one side of Safe but it is illegible.elster creek, moorabbin, brighton, dendy's special survey 1841, market gardens, infant mortality, disease, cemeteries, fruit, vegetables, pioneers, coolgardie safe, mccormick arthur patrick, dendy henry, vaccination, jones martha, jones ethel may -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tool - Gold-miner's Pick, Ballarat c 1920, c1920
This gold miner's pick from the Ballarat Goldfields c 1920 was donated by Mr David Hopcraft, a dealer at the Arkuna Market Berwick, Victoria in December 2010. When Gold was discovered in Victoria c1853 most of the labourers and some landowners left the market gardens and farms to try their luck on the goldfields. Local Blacksmiths made picks similar to this one for them. There was a great shortage of labour in Melbourne and at the same time, due to the huge influx of people lured by the Gold, there was an increased demand for food. The market gardeners were getting very good prices for their produce and many increased their wealth considerably and many of these tenant farmers were able to purchase their blocks of land and live a profitable life. There was such a shortage of labour that J.B.Were applied for Irish immigrants to work the farms. This pick is an example of the hand made tools many pioneers took with them when they abandoned their farms and market gardens in the District of Brighton to try their luck at prospecting when gold was discovered in Ballarat and Bendigo c1853. Some were successful , most were not and retuned again to the hard life of farming. A forged steel pick with a wooden handle. The steel pick-head was hand-forged by a blacksmith. This miner's pick was used on the Ballarat gold-fields c1920gold mining, ballarat, bendigo, early settlers, market gardeners, moorabbin, bentleigh, mining equipment, gold rush, immigrants, blacksmiths, forges, tools -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Furniture - Furniture, large, wood, dining table 20thC, 20thC
A large wooden dining table used by Carol Green CMHS memberA typical wooden Dining table of mid 20th century as used by residents in the City of MoorabbinA large wooden dining, woodwork, craftsmen, moorabbin, melbourne, bentleigh early settlers -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Furniture - Furniture, spindle-leg, wood table, 20thC
A small wooden occasional table with 4 turned legs with 4 rails running around the basefurniture, woodwork, craftsmen, moorabbin, bentleigh, melbourne, early settlers, market gardeners -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tool - Tools, Blacksmith's leg vice, c1900
The Blacksmith could take this portable 'leg vice' and make repairs away from his forge.He could mend wheel bands, tools, farm equipment and also fine tune generic sized horseshoes on site. He would build a fire and secure his leg vice to a stable point thus allowing him to work on any heated metal as required. A Blacksmith was an essential person for the maintenance and making of farm and household equipment, and shoeing horses, in the pioneer settlements of Brighton, Moorabbin, Cheltenham c1900Blacksmith's 'leg' vice. Sturdy blacksmith leg, post (vice). 15cm jawsblacksmith, vise, moorabbin, bentleigh, brighton, market gardeners, forges, tools, early settlers, pioneers, ploughs, carts horse-drawn, anvils -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Book - Library Book Australian War Memorial, [The Memorial] Halstead Press, Australian War Memorial Canberra, 1955
Hardcover book. A guide to the Australian War Memorial Canberra. The book is a blue colour with a drawing of the Australian War Memorial Canberra on the front and back covers.non-fictionwar memorial, guide, canberra -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Medical Health, vaccination notice, Martha Jones, c1888
The loss of life from infectious diseases such as Typhoid in the pioneer settlements of Australia, was very high Hence the free, compulsory vaccination of infants within 6 months of their birth. This Notice To Parents was sent by the Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths in District of East Brighton , now known as Bentleigh. The notice states that all Public Vaccinators ‘ are supplied with Calf lymph. Parents can chose which Lymph they prefer”James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. An original paper Notice To Parents for the Compulsory Vaccination Act , First Schedule, 13th August 1888 following the registration of the birth of Martha Jones to James and Mary Ann Jones in Brighton Victoria.A / COMPULSORY VACCINATION ACT – FIRST SCHEDULE / Section 17 / NOTICE TO PARENTS. Typed along left side “ (N.B. All Public Vaccinators are supplied with Calf Lymph. Parents can chose which Lymph they prefer)” This paper notice naming the child Martha Jones is signed and dated by the Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths of the District of East Brighton , W. Ward, on 13th August 1888, and gives the dates and times he will be in attendance ‘ at his residence’ for the said vaccination. vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, fruit gardens, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne