Showing 1457 items
matching city librarian
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Job advertisements, 1977
... and Senior assistant librarian with Nunawading Library. City ...Photocopy of collection of advertisements for positions with municipal councils.Photocopy of collection of advertisements for positions with municipal councils. Includes positions of Acquisitions Librarian and Senior assistant librarian with Nunawading Library.Photocopy of collection of advertisements for positions with municipal councils. city of nunawading, nunawading library -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Toilet plans stir council|Bolte starves readers, 1970
A photocopy of unrelated articles:|Argument at Council because plans for a toilet at east Burwood Reserve had not been made available before tenders were called.A photocopy of unrelated articles:|Argument at Council because plans for a toilet at east Burwood Reserve had not been made available before tenders were called.|A report by the State librarian has revealed that the funds provided by the State Government to libraries has reduced over recent years.A photocopy of unrelated articles:|Argument at Council because plans for a toilet at east Burwood Reserve had not been made available before tenders were of nunawading, east burwood reserve, libraries, library council of victoria -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper - Article, Librarian wins ACT scholarship, 28/10/1992
Article from Nunawading Post 28 Oct 1992 that Gay Sussex has won a scholarship funded by Ministry of the Arts at Australian Centre for Local Government Studies at Canberra University.sussex, gay, city of nunawading. library and information service -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article - Newspaper article, Shopfront Council
Nunawading Council has established a shopfront information centre at Forest Hill Chase co-ordinated by librarian Ruth Hall Date 1993Nunawading Council has established a shopfront information centre at Forest Hill Chase co-ordinated by librarian Ruth Hall Date 1993Nunawading Council has established a shopfront information centre at Forest Hill Chase co-ordinated by librarian Ruth Hall Date 1993city of nunawading, foresty hill chase, librarians, voluntary workers -
Bayside Gallery - Bayside City Council Art & Heritage Collection
Photograph - sepia photograph, City of Brighton Mayor, Councillors and Officers - Peace & City Year - August 1919, 1919
brighton, council, mayor, councillors, officers, brighton town hall, t. vincent, park ranger, j.n. clark, overseer, f. blackham, press, r.j. lawrence, bank manager, a. vogt, assistant, j. clementson, inspector, l.w.p baker, assistant town clerk, g.w. woodward, hallkeeper, g. marsh, curator, a.f. magill c.e., city engineer, w. turner, cr. w.e. briggs, dr w.c. mcclelland, health officer, cr c.h.j. pickett, c.h. livesey, rate collector, cr j.a. grant, cr. j.w. satchwell, cr p.a. oakley, j. ritson, librarian, cr c.a. hack, cr j. richards, cr h.e. hall, cr t. wilson, j.h. taylor, town clerk, cr. w.p. francis, cr j.b. grout j.p., cr h.e. pullman, g.h. jefferson, solicitor, miss d.m. grout, typist, d. thomas, office boy, peace and city year -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - Amy Huxtable Memorial Committee - Letters to the State Library Victoria and the City of Bendigo, 1984
Amy Huxtable was born at Cheltenham in 1918, to Robert Henry Huxtable and Violet A Dagg. Her father was an installer for an oil company and travelled the State. taking his family with him. She completed her education at the Bendigo High School and later attended the Bendigo Business College, becoming an expert shorthand writer. Her first position was as a copy writer with Radio 3BO, in the mid 1930s. She worked with an advertising agency in Melbourne and then with the Age,newspaper. In 1953, Miss Huxtable was appointed temporarily to succeed Miss E B Millane as social editress of the Bendigo Advertiser, during the latter's absence abroad. In 1956, Amy travelled abroad and on her return in 1957 was appointed permanently as Women's editor, a position she held for twenty-three ears. During her early years with The Advertiser she wrote under the name Toora, but in later years her own name became widely known. Miss Huxtable was well known both in her professional capacity and through a interest and involvement in community activites. She was life governor of the Bendigo Hospital, the Bendigo Home for the Aged, and Mirridong Home for the Blind, she was a member of Soroptimist International and the Business and Professional Women's Club. Amy was also a tireless worker for the spastic society and a strong supporter of the YWCA. When Amy Huxtable died at Mt AJvernia Hospital on 16 January 1980 Mayor Campbell ordered the city flag to be flown at half-mast. "Lowering the flag is the least we can do for such a lady" Cr Campbell said. Douglas Lockwood, editor of the Bendigo Advertiser said, "She was a devot d colleague who gave her craft and her newspaper the kind of service which identified a rare and generous spirit." She was a true professional who decided to make Bendigo her home. More than 300 people packed St Paul's Church for her funeral ervice the bell tolled as the casket was carried from the church. At a ceremony in the Conservatory Gardens on November 22 1981 The Amy Huxtable Memorial Committee presented to the City of Bendigo, a garden seat in memory of the late Miss Huxtable. This Bendigo manufactured seat was a fitting tribute to one ofBendigo's most loved and esteemed citizens. All Miss Huxtable's Advertiser articles were microfilmed and presented to the Library by the above committee. Amy Huxtable Memorial Committee - Ten pages of correspondence - Letters to the State Library Victoria and the City of Bendigo, along with invitations to attend the opening of the new City of Bendigo Library. * Letter to the Chief Librarian Latrobe St Library, Melbourne 16/8/1984 advising of thanks for the microfilms of historical articles by the late Miss Amy Huxtable, now complete. * Letter to the Executive Officer City of Bendigo 16/8/1984 advising that the committee would like to present the microfilm's to the new city library about to be opened. * Letter from the Town Clerk and Chief Executive Officer 7/9/1984 advising that the Council had resolved to accept the microfilm's at the opening. * Letter from the Town Clerk and Chief Executive Officer 1/10/1984 advising hat provision would be made at the opening of the library for the presentation of the microfilms. * Letter from the Town Clerk and Chief Executive Officer 1/10/1984 contains an invitation to Miss Norma Young and Guest to attend the opening. * Letter from the Committee to the council 8/10/84 advising the Miss Yound and her gues Mrs V. Cattanach accept the invitation. * Letter from the Town Clerk and Chief Executive Officer 8/10/1984 advising the time of the presentation. * Letter from Norma Young to her committee 8/10/84 advising of presentation. * Notice 30/10/84 from the committee advising that a microfilm of over 350 of Amy's historical articles from the Bendigo Advertiser will be presented to the Library on 3/11/1984. * Library opening programme 2/11/84 history, amy huxtable, bendigo, amy huxtable memorial committee, amy huxtable microfilms, amy huxtable historical articles -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : December 1985
... of Kew Library / Alex Tarr [City Librarian] p6. [Historic] Kew ...Celebrating 125 years / p1. Happy anniversary Kew! / p1. Dates for December / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Christmas Services / p2. Update: Notes from Council [Local Government restructure] / Cr Phyllis Hore [Mayor of Kew] p3. Traffic management / p3. In Brief [Heavy traffic - Kew Traffic School; Yarra Bend contribution; Prospect Hill [Hotel]; Money for Mexico; Improvements to Willsmere Park; Senior Citizens' Week; Safeway go-ahead; Community Bus; Dawn patrol for dogs; Public Meeting for North Ward residents] / p4. 125th Anniversary supplement [graphic collage] / p5. Kew becomes a municipality / p6. "Ma Dalley" / p6. History of Kew Library / Alex Tarr [City Librarian] p6. [Historic] Kew dates / p7. Kew's Crest / p6. The Outer Circle revisited / Joan Barrett p6. Getting the news to Kew [Chronological history of Kew newspapers] / p8-9. Of Councils past [What rubbish ...; Kew by moonlight; Evil practices; All quiet on the Council front; Things change?; In the marketplace; Kew goes it alone; No cows for Kew; Voting is compulsory; In the beginning ...] / p10. Finding out about our history / p10. From the old "Rec" to the new Recreation Centre / p11. Kew's history in houses - your guide to style and period / p12. 'Ow Commissioners catered for Kew [poem] /p12. Welcome Councillor Timms / p13. Govt grant for Recreation Centre / p13. Volunteers needed for Kew Meals on Wheels / p13. Holday programs / p13. Kew Community House [Rhonda (McCaw) takes over; We're expanding!; Volunteer Child Care workers; Suggestion box; T.O.P. at the house; Christmas break-up] p13. Why Kew? p13. Youth Page [Making the most of the holidays; What does Christmas mean to you? Holiday program] / p13. 1888 Organ restoration recalls Kew businessman [Alfred Fuller] / p14. The Citizens' Advice Bureaux needs new volunteers / p14.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCelebrating 125 years / p1. Happy anniversary Kew! / p1. Dates for December / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Christmas Services / p2. Update: Notes from Council [Local Government restructure] / Cr Phyllis Hore [Mayor of Kew] p3. Traffic management / p3. In Brief [Heavy traffic - Kew Traffic School; Yarra Bend contribution; Prospect Hill [Hotel]; Money for Mexico; Improvements to Willsmere Park; Senior Citizens' Week; Safeway go-ahead; Community Bus; Dawn patrol for dogs; Public Meeting for North Ward residents] / p4. 125th Anniversary supplement [graphic collage] / p5. Kew becomes a municipality / p6. "Ma Dalley" / p6. History of Kew Library / Alex Tarr [City Librarian] p6. [Historic] Kew dates / p7. Kew's Crest / p6. The Outer Circle revisited / Joan Barrett p6. Getting the news to Kew [Chronological history of Kew newspapers] / p8-9. Of Councils past [What rubbish ...; Kew by moonlight; Evil practices; All quiet on the Council front; Things change?; In the marketplace; Kew goes it alone; No cows for Kew; Voting is compulsory; In the beginning ...] / p10. Finding out about our history / p10. From the old "Rec" to the new Recreation Centre / p11. Kew's history in houses - your guide to style and period / p12. 'Ow Commissioners catered for Kew [poem] /p12. Welcome Councillor Timms / p13. Govt grant for Recreation Centre / p13. Volunteers needed for Kew Meals on Wheels / p13. Holday programs / p13. Kew Community House [Rhonda (McCaw) takes over; We're expanding!; Volunteer Child Care workers; Suggestion box; T.O.P. at the house; Christmas break-up] p13. Why Kew? p13. Youth Page [Making the most of the holidays; What does Christmas mean to you? Holiday program] / p13. 1888 Organ restoration recalls Kew businessman [Alfred Fuller] / p14. The Citizens' Advice Bureaux needs new volunteers / p14. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document (Item), Photocopies of Kew entries in The Victorian Municipal Directories, 1870–1984
Municipal Directories of Victoria have been published from the 1860s under various titles by Heath & Cordell, Evans Brothers, Arnall & Jackson, and Arnall & Jackson Pty Ltd. This is a scanned copy in PDF format (53.5Mb), made with permission for the purposes of community research, of the Kew Library compilation of the Borough, Town and City of Kew sections of The Victorian Municipal Directories, excluding the years 1943, 1944, 1946, 1948, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1983. This compilation was originally completed in 1986 by librarians of the Kew Library.Publication year handwritten at top of page the victorian municipal directory, borough of kew, town of kew, city of kew -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, A Soldier's Privilege - WW1 Diary of Frederick William Mawson
This is a transcription by Sandra Dexter of the original WW1 diary which was donated to ANZAC House by John Howden, F.W. Mawson's nephew. Sandra augmented the words in the diary with additional material including photos to give context to the people, places and events referred to in Frederick Mawson's words. Published with Surrey Hills Historical Society funds with permission of Anzac House librarian, Fred Pratt. Transcribed as a result of the loan of the original for the exhibition mounted as part of the 'Gallipoli and Beyond 2015' raft of events coordinated by City of Boroondara and the historical societies of Boroondara. Details re Fred Mawson (source AIF Project): Regimental number: 3073; Place of birth: Carlton, Victoria; School: Surrey Hills State School, Victoria; Religion: Presbyterian; Occupation: Carpenter; Address: Bona Vista Avenue, Surrey Hills; Marital status: Single; Age at embarkation: 22; Next of kin: Father, Frederick Mawson, Bona Vista Avenue, Surrey Hills; Enlistment date: 12 July 1915; Rank on enlistment: Sapper; Unit name: 5th Field Company Engineers; AWM Embarkation Roll number: 14/24/1; Embarkation details: Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A40 Ceramic on 24 November 1915; Rank from Nominal Roll: Lance Corporal; Fate Killed in Action 9 November 1917; Miscellaneous details (Nominal Roll): *second given name is William; Place of death or wounding: Ypres, Belgium; Age at death: 24; Place of burial: Ramparts Cemetery (Row J, Grave No. 24), Ypres, Belgium; Panel number, Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial: 24. Also listed on the honour roll of The Shrine in the Surrey Gardens. A transcription (with footnotes and illustrations, including photographs) of a diary written in 1916 in F.W. Mawson during part of his period of service during WW1.(mrs) f w mawson, holmsdale, house names, bona vista avenue, surrey hills, world war 1, 1914 - 1918, diaries and journals, (mr) frederick william mawson, (mr) fred mawson,, (mr) frederick mawson (snr), surrey gardens memorial, sandra dexter -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, Diary of 138 Spr. R Garford M.M. Battalion and Div.Sig.Coy A.I.F
By arrangment with local and family history librarian, Myra Dowling, this diary was transcribed by Sandra Dexter from the original, which was donated to the City of Boroondara Library Service following the Boroondara Remembers project in 2015. It is a day-to-day account of a soldier's experience going to fight in World War 1, 1914-1919. Robert Thomas Garford (SERN 1138) was born in Fitzroy in 1892. He was aged 23 and living in Camberwell when he enlisted on 14 September 1914. He embarked from Melbourne on board HMAT A38 Ulysses on 22 December 1914. He was a sapper with the 2nd Divisional Signal Company. He was awarded a Military Medal: 'At CLERY, near MT.ST. QUENTIN, on the 31st of August 1918, this soldier was engaged as a linesman at the Brigade Forward Station. Throughout the day forward lines were repeatedly broken by enemy shell fire. Despite this Sapper FARFORD [sic], with very conspicuous coolness patrolled the lines from end to end repairing one break after another. His untiring efforts were responsible for the constant maintenance of communications from the Brigade Station to the Battalions.' Source: 'Commonwealth Gazette' No. 115, 10 October 1919. He returned to Australia 3 December 1918. He married Annie Christina Devine in 1941. They lived at 16 York Street, Surrey Hills and later 17 Blackburn Street, Surrey Hills. He died 30 May 1969 at Surrey Hills and is buried in Box Hill Cemetery: P-A-0054.A day to day account of a soldier's experience going to fight in World War 1, 1914-1919world war, 1914-1918, diaries and journals, (mr) (sapper) r garford, box hill cemetery, robert thomas garford -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, F.W. Mawson's Diary facsimile
This is a photocopy of the original diary which was donated to ANZAC house by John Howden, F.W. Mawson's nephew. Copied using Surrey Hills Historical Society funds with permission of Anzac House librarian, Fred Pratt. Copied and later transcribed as a result of the loan of the original for the exhibition mounted as part of the 'Gallipoli and Beyond 2015' raft of events coordinated by City of Boroondara and the historical societies of Boroondara. Details re Fred Mawson (source AIF Project): Regimental number: 3073; Place of birth: Carlton, Victoria; School: Surrey Hills State School, Victoria; Religion: Presbyterian; Occupation: Carpenter; Address: Bona Vista Avenue, Surrey Hills; Marital status: Single; Age at embarkation: 22; Next of kin: Father, Frederick Mawson, Bona Vista Avenue, Surrey Hills; Enlistment date: 12 July 1915; Rank on enlistment: Sapper; Unit name: 5th Field Company Engineers; AWM Embarkation Roll number: 14/24/1; Embarkation details: Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A40 Ceramic on 24 November 1915; Rank from Nominal Roll: Lance Corporal; Fate Killed in Action 9 November 1917; Miscellaneous details (Nominal Roll): *second given name is William; Place of death or wounding: Ypres, Belgium; Age at death: 24; Place of burial: Ramparts Cemetery (Row J, Grave No. 24), Ypres, Belgium; Panel number, Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial: 24. Also listed on the honour roll of The Shrine in the Surrey Gardens. A photocopy of a diary written in 1916 in F.W. Mawson during part of his period of service during WW1.(mrs) f w mawson, holmsdale, house names, bona vista avenue, surrey hills, world war 1, 1914 - 1918, diaries and journals, (mr) frederick william mawson, (mr) fred mawson,, (mr) frederick mawson (snr), surrey gardens memorial -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Schutt and Barrie Flour Mills, 1969
Arthur Henry Schutt. Born 18th July 1912 at Spotswood He was the third child of John Ralph and Mary Jane Schutt. His grandfather was the first librarian of the Victorian Law Courts and his uncle, William Schutt, was a lawyer who later became the Chief Justice Sir William Schutt. His mother was born a Clutha House, stony Creek Yarraville, a was one of ten children. John Schutt opened a chaff mill at the corner of Williamstown and Geelong Roads at West Footscray. The mill was placed on in an old quarry below the ground which saved much of the backbreaking labour of heaving sheaves of hay up into the machinery, the below ground location enable the hay to be fed directly into the railway trucks into the cutters. An elevator then carried the chaff up from the ground directly into the waiting transport, at a great saving in manpower. The chaff mill became on of the largest in Victoria employing more than forty men, and later moved into flour milling.Schutt and Barrie Flour Mills, Melton South site. Opposite this Mill was a Public Weighbridge. A rail siding crossed Brooklyn road to serve chaff mill. The rail line crossed west of the Methodist Churchlocal identities, agriculture -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, c.1973
This photograph shows the interior of a libraryBlack and white photograph of the interior of a library showing a large table surrounded by chairs with bookshelves around it Printed in grey ink: |526B / 15.11.73library, librarians, staff -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Audio - Oral history, June KIRBY and Perce WHITE, Glen Stuart, 1995
Oral History of June KIRBY and Perce WHITE recorded by Glen STUART on 02.08.1995 at Liardet Community Centre. Experiences of June as the Port Melbourne History Librarian. And of Perce in local government. Period 1970s to 1994. Recording duration 22:20local government - city of port melbourne, june kirby, perce mcguire white, perce white, port melbourne library -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Book launch "Pioneers & Painters"; Mary and Peter Stansfield with Miss Jean Truebridge, 7 Jul 1971
... ). In November Miss Truebridge was appointed Chief Librarian at the City...). In November Miss Truebridge was appointed Chief Librarian at the City ...Launch of "Pioneers and Painters: One Hundred years of Eltham and its Shire" by Alan Marshall. The history was commissioned by the Shire of Eltham and published as part of the Shire of Eltham centenary celebrations. Mary Stansfield, wife of Peter Stansfield (ex Chief Librarian Heidelberg Regional Library and Miss Jean Truebridge, (Deputy Librarian, Heidelberg Regional Library). In November Miss Truebridge was appointed Chief Librarian at the City of Heidelberg municipal library. This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book, "Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital imagesepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, shire of eltham, shire of eltham centenary, pioneers and painters, book launch, peter stansfield, heidelberg regional library, jean truebridge, mary stansfield -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Uniform, Neat & Trim Career Wear, Blue Kew Library Uniform, 1980
Female librarians at the Kew Municipal Library in the City of Kew (Vic) were in the past required to wear standard royal blue uniforms. This uniform, the earlier of two in the collection was manufactured by Neat & Trim Career Wear.Uniform that reflects the values of the period in the attempt to professionalize and homogenise the status of women workers.Royal blue Kew Library uniform, manufactured by Neat & Trim Career Wear made of 65% polyester and 35% rayon. The uniform is closed by a zip. uniforms - public libraries - kew (vic), women's clothing - uniforms, kew municipal library -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Uniform - Kew Librarian's dress, Neat & Trim Career Wear, 1972
Female librarians at the Kew Municipal Library in the City of Kew (Vic) were in the past required to wear standard royal blue uniforms. This uniform, the earlier of two in the collection was manufactured by Neat & Trim Career Wear.Uniform that reflects the values of the period in the attempt to professionalize and homogenise the status of women workers.Royal blue Kew Library uniform, manufactured by Neat & Trim Career Wear. The fabric is 65% polyester and 45% viscose. It is buttoned at the front. uniforms - public libraries - kew (vic), women's clothing - uniforms, kew municipal library