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matching australian women's association
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 1 No 6, February 1950
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 14: In evidence before the State Development Committee at Mt. Beauty, Tom Mitchell outlined the need for further construction of roads in the area and stated a case for the development of an alpine village to be established at Falls Creek. He also suggested that the question of ski tows be left to the ski clubs, but that the Government consider the installation of a chair-hoist at Spion Kopje. It also seemed likely that the 1950 Victorian State titles and the 1951 International Race with New Zealand will be held in the Falls Creek-Spion Kopje area. ski history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, nedsa events, victorian skiing 1949 -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 2 No 8, April 1951
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 2: Toni St Elmo sent a list of Bogong Ski Club members who had passed N.Z. tests during their tour of New Zealand in 1950. Page 10 - 12 An extensive article (Falls Creek", written by Pauline McLean who had spent several holidays there. It includes travel requirements and restrictions and the need to acquire provisions. Reference is made to lodges including the "Skyline" and to Bill Hymans and Ron Roberts' refreshment kiosk at the foot of the tow. Page 13 Toni St Elmo is planning to have a ski tow installed for the coming season. A detailed description of the tow is history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, nedsa events, victorian skiing 1949 -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 2 No 10, June 1951
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 2: Albury Ski Club is set for a positive year. Present membership of the club is 130 and officials. recently elected are: -President, Mr. Fred Griffith; Vice-President and Booking Officer, Bob Howe; Secretary. Nell Newton; Asst. Sec., Angela Bowler; Treasurer. Sam Roxburgh; Social, Bruce Colquhoun: Trips, June Watson; Bus, Len Egan; Building. John Perger; Equipment, Peter Hadow. Page 3 Toni St. Elmo is planning the monster party the Bogong Ski Club will give at their Falls Creek Lodge on 4th August to the visiting N.Z. team. Page 8 - 9 Article - The Old Order Passes on the Bogong High Plains - an extensive response to the State Development Committee's Report "The Alpine Regions of Victoria; Skiing and Tourist Resorts" and suggestions for the construction of roads, ski tows and other facilities. A sketch map of Falls Creek Village is history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, development of falls creek -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 2 No 11, July 1951
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 2: Reference to ski instructors and Ski Schools in Victoria including Bob Hymans' School and Ernst and Auriel Forras who operate the Nussen School with Max Denham. Page 5 Bogong High Plains locality map, with construction areas and power lines marked. It is accompanied by a notice regarding safety and access from H. H. C.Williams, Construction Engineer. Page 12 An article referring to Tom Mitchell's stallion "Debtor" and Ernest Forras, Ski Instructor. Page 13: Continuation of Ernest Forras' profile. Page 22 Comment by Toni St. Elmo and the Myrtleford Ski Club Tow. ski history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, ernest forras, nissen ski school -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 2 No 12, Ski-Horizon Vol. 2 No 21, August 1951
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 3. Reference to association between Tom and Elyne Mitchell and prominent American skier, Mr. Averell Harriman. Also members of the Albury Ski Club fined for swearing. Page 5 A half page advertisement for Nissen Ski School with instructors, Ernest and Aurel Forras and Max Denham. It includes the slogan "Speed is the Thrill, Control the Art".ski history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, ernest forras, nissen ski school, tom mitchell m.l.a. -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 3 No 1, September 1951
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 2: - Falls Creek was the focus of many important visitors including Hon. T. W. Mitchell, Victorian Attorney General. Tom Mitchell delivered a message of welcome to the New Zealand visiting Ski Team from the Premier of Victoria, - The Albury Ski Club team returned from New Zealand in August. Their team of Bob Howe, Skippy St, Elmo and Mr & Mrs. Bob Cutts were winners of the friendly race competition. - Joking report about Kevin McDonald getting himself fully equipped an attached to the tow at Falls Creek - except for his skis! - A successful meeting at Toni St Elmo's cottage with N.E.D.S.A. history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, skippy st elmo -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 3 No 2, October 1951
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 2: Concerns about progress in Falls Creek in the coming year with programme cuts in SEC Copperhead snake killed in snow on High Plains similar to a feat by Elyne Mitchell in 1936. Tom Mitchell visits the NSW Snowy Hydro Electricity Authority. Nissen Ski Tow worked "well enough" at times. Page 11 Reminiscences of the Inter Dominion Ski Tour by New Zealand with planning underway for the next year. Australia to send a small team to the Winter Olympics in Oslo in early 1952. Falls Creek Village Advisory Committee establishedlski history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, oslo olympics 1952, falls creek advisory committee -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 3 No 3, November 1951
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 2: The road to Falls Creek from Howmans Gap likely to be closed while activities on the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme are restricted due to VIctoria's lack of finance for public works. Page 5 - A note from Fred Griffith (President, Albury Ski Club) gave plans for the club's annual Ski Ball on Friday, 30th November. It will be held in the Toonallook Woolshed. Fred says you are welcome to bring your sleeping bag and stay the night (what's left of it) at Toonallook where the recovery from hangover can be spent very pleasantly on the property or swimming and boating on the Hume Weir nearby. - N.E.D.S.A. officials are getting preparations in hand for the visit next year of a N.E.D.S.A. team to New Zealand. John Robertson, of Myrtleford Ski Club, is the Trip Secretary and Toni St. Elmo is acting at present as history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, ernest forras -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 3 No 4, December 1951
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 5 - A general reminder about fire safety in the summer. - The Albury Ski Club Ball was a great success. - Some race results not hitherto published. Bogong Ski Club Open Championship: A. Lejins 1, F. Sik-tane 2. S. Hooke 3. Albury Ski Club Championship Combined: Bob Howe 1. Bob Scott 2, Skippy St. Elmo history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, ski results skippy st elmo, bob scott -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 3 No 5, January 1952
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 5 A short article related to Toni St. Elmo and the success of the Nissen Tow. Page 7 Beechworth Ski Club commences history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, toni st. elmo, beechworth ski club -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 3 No 6, February 1952
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 3 reports on improvements to be made to the Falls Creek Tow including painting the tow house and shortening the length of the tow by 400 feet. The Myrtleford Ski Club had also been rewired and painting completed after the recent history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, falls creek tow, myrtleford ski club -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 3 No 7, March 1952
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 1 reports that Falls Creek members can stay at working bees later on Sundays but must be on the road and have reached Bogong Village by dark. From Falls Creek also comes the news that the snow pole line from Dibbins Hut to Mr. Jim Junction has been overhauled. The shaky ones have been straightened up and 21 new poles placed firmly in history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, road regulations high plains -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, Portrait black and white, c.1930
This portrait photograph of Dame Mary Herring is a visual record of her taken during the time she was offering advice to Melbourne District Nursing Society After-Care Home (later Hospital)' as a member of their Committee from 1931. She was a Vice-president from 1943-1957 and acted as President in 1953. As a Medical practitioner she was involved with the formation of the MDNS After-Care Ante-Natal clinic in 1930 and the establishment of the Women's Welfare Clinic at the MDNS After-Care in 1934. Dame Mary Herring was born in Carlton on the 31st of March 1895. She graduated as a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MB. BS) at the University of Melbourne in March 1921. During her training she went out with the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), where she visited many in poor circumstances and through this decided she wanted to improve the lives of women and children. She married Edmund Herring on the 6th of April 1922 and he supported her to continue her Medical career. She established an Ante-Natal Clinic at the Prahran Health Centre in 1926 and assisted MDNS After-Care Home in the establishment of its Ante-Natal clinic in September 1930. In 1931, as Dr. Mary Herring she became a member of the Committee of the now named ‘Melbourne District Nursing Society After-Care Home’ (later Hospital), and as Lady Herring became a Vice-president from 1943 until 1957 and acted as President in 1953. In 1934, along with Dr. George Simpson and Dr. Victor Wallace, she established the Women’s Welfare Clinic at the MDNS After-Care Hospital for patients of the Society; the first of its kind in Melbourne. After its opening in October 1934 she was the Hon Secretary of the Welfare Clinic, which operated from a room in the Ante-Natal Clinic of the After-Care. Dr. Herring pioneered family planning services. The clinic ran until 1940 when women could now obtain this advice from other establishments. In 1953, as Acting President, Lady Herring was involved with the discussions of the District Division of MDNS relocating to ‘Airlie’, 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne and the separation of Melbourne District Nursing Society and After Care Hospital, with the District Division now a separate entity, known as Melbourne District Nursing Service with its Headquarters at 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. In 1966 with Royal patronage, this became the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS). Though asked to be President of the Hospital division of the MDNS Society, she declined due to her many activities. In 1940 Dr. Mary Herring was a founder of the A.I.F Women’s Association and served on the Women’s Welfare Subcommittee to assist the families of soldiers and now as Lady Herring, she became President from 1943-1946. She was a a founding member and first president of the Victorian Council of Social Service 1946, chairman of the Vera Scantlebury Brown Memorial Trust 1946-1979, Deputy-president of Victorian division of the Australian Red Cross 1944-1963, and of the Victoria League 1945-1972 and the Australian council of the Save the Children Fund from 1962-1967. Lady Herring was a tireless worker for many charities particularly charities for children. On the 10th of July 1953 she was made Commander of the Order of St. John in recognition of her charity work and on the 11th of June 1960 was made Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire for “services to nursing in Victoria” In 1949 the Argus Newspaper ( described her as “one of the finest examples of Australian women in our State, with a record of selfless devotion to the service of others. Calm, kindly, clear-minded, and intensely logical”,..... “she has taken all this in her stride without once stopping out of her aura of cool, unruffled efficiency, an efficiency which is tempered by her warmth and understanding, her approachability, and her human sympathy.” Dame Mary Ranken Herring died in Camberwell on the 26th of October 1981. This black and white photograph is a portrait view of Dame Mary Herring. She has curled light coloured hair. Only a portion of her scooped neck dark coloured frock which falls in soft folds can be seen. There is a light colour brooch attached on the left hand side of her frock near the shoulder. She is wearing a string of pearls around her neck. A curtain can be seen in the background of the photograph.Stuart Tompkin Studiomelbourne district nursing society, ante-natal clinic, women's welfare clinic, rdns, royal district nursing service, dame mary herring -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, Portrait black and white, c.1950
Dame Ivy Evelyn Annie Wedgwood, as Senator in the Federal Government, presented the Senate with Statistics of visits done by Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) Trained nurses (Sisters) showing their visits increased threefold in the four years from 1952-1956. She was Honorary Treasurer of the now named Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) for many years. Dame Ivy Evelyn Annie Wedgwood trained as an Accountant and worked as a Secretary before joining the Australian Women's National League which led her to be a founding member of the Liberal Party, and the Victorian Liberal Party's women's section. She became the first Victorian woman Senator in the Federal Government in December 1949 and served until mid 1971. She presented the Senate with Statistics of visits done by Melbourne District Nursing Society Sisters showing their visits increased threefold in the four years from 1952-1956, and stating that many patients would have been hospitalized without the visits from the Society. She strongly supported the Home Nursing Subsidy Bill in Parliament which was passed in 1956, and continued to work for health, welfare and disability issues as well as being an advocate for women's interests, including equal pay for equal work, during her time in Parliament. Over the years she was a specialist magistrate to the Children's Court of Victoria, a Justice of the Peace, served on the National Council of Women, and was president of the Women's Justice Association, as well as Honorary Treasurer of the now named Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) for many years and the first President of the Australian Council of Domiciliary Nursing. In June 1967 she was appointed Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire for 'distinguished services to Parliament and the community' and RDNS holds this award in its Archives. Following her retirement from Parliament she became President of the After-Care Hospital in 1972, and on the 24th of July 1975 after chairing a Board meeting she felt unwell and returned to her home in Toorak where she died, aged 78 years, later that evening.Black and white photograph showing Dame Ivy Wedgwood, who has short wavy dark hair; is wearing glasses and has a single string of pearls around her neck. She and is sitting in a light coloured covered chair and part of a cushion is seen. She is wearing a floral dress with mid length sleeves and is sitting in front of a filled bookcase. A smaller filled bookcase is seen to her left as well as some stacked district nursing society, mdns, after- care hospital, royal district nursing service, rdns, dame evelyn annie wedgwood -
Beechworth RSL Sub-Branch
Certificate - Charter - Australian Legion of Ex Servicemen and Women, 1 November 1948
The Charter Certificate is a common form presented to RSL Sub Branches in Victoria by the RSL Victoria State Branch upon being accepted into the LegionThe certificate was issue to the Beechworth RSL Sub Branch upon accepted as a member of the association known as the Australian Legion of Ex Service Men and WomenWooden picture frame with glass and hanging wire on the reverse and a plywood backing board Charter Certificate- Australian Legion of Ex Servicemen and Women. Standard formatted charter certificate issued to Beechworth RSL Sub on First of November 1948 signed by State President and Secretary.historic charter certificate issued in 1948 -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 1 No 3, November 1949
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The original member clubs were Albury Ski Club, Alpine Club of Victoria, Australian Postal Institute Ski Club, Australian Women's Ski Club (Victoria), Beechworth Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Bull Lodge Ski Club, Chamois Ski Club, C.S.I.R. Ski Club, Edelweiss Ski Club, Howqua Ski Club, Lazy Eight Ski Club, Melbourne University Ski Club, Melbourne Walking Club, Monsanto Ski Club, Moose Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Rongbuk Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club, Tanjil Ski Club, Telemark Ski Club, University Ski Club, Victorian Rover Scouts (B.S.A.), Wangaratta Ski Club, Youth Hostel Association, Yurredla Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items in this publication include:- Page 1 Information related to the F.O.V.S.C Organisation and item stating Tom Mitchell M.L.A. has been negotiating for Inter-Dominion races to be held at Falls Creek in 1950. Page 3: The State Development Committee to visit the Bogong High Plains to take evidence regarding future development of the area. Page 4 Information about Member Clubs building over the coming summer. This included Myrtleford and Albury at Falls Creek. Page 16 A list of Club Racing results for 1949. Included on the list are the Bogong Ski Club Championship; the Albury Ski Club and the N.E.D.S.A. history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, nedsa events, victorian skiing 1949 -
Melbourne Legacy
Domestic object, War Widows' Guild Apron, 2020
An apron made to celebrate 75 years of the War Widows Guild in 2020. The Kookaburra is the symbol of the Guild due to its laugh. From the War Widows' Guild of Australia website: 'the Guild badge would feature the kookaburra, an industrious and cheerful bird who mated for life, was fearless and aggressive in the defence of its young and the area of territory it regarded as its own. The bird also had a unique call, not a song but a laugh; a chortle of rollicking mirth (to bring the widows back to laughter). Also, the kookaburra is a typically and completely Australian symbol, one that could be worn proudly by every widow whatever her creed or ideals. The kookaburra was also the mascot of the 7th Division of the 2nd AIF, commanded by Mrs Vasey’s husband, Major-General Vasey. Mrs J M Vasey was the founder and president of the War Widows Guild. During the second world war she became secretary of the AIF Women's Association, a body which sought to help soldiers' wives. Her work with this body drew her attention to the plight of war widows. After her husband Major-General George Alan Vasey died in an aircraft accident on 5 March 1945 she became a widow herself. At the end of the war Mrs Vasey founded the War Widows Guild, established on 22 November 1945. The Victorian War Widows Guild closed in 2021. Some items, including this apron, were donated to the Legacy archive for preservation. It was possible for a widow to be members of both Legacy and the War Widows Guild. Both organisations helped war widows in various ways.A celebration of the 75 years of work done by Jessie Vasey and the War Widows Guild.Dark navy cotton apron with a white stencilled Guild kookaburra logo and text saying 'Celebrating 75 years'.war widows guild, jessie vasey, wwg -
Melbourne Legacy
Clothing, War Widows' Guild Scarf, 2020
A scarf made for War Widows Guild. The Kookaburra is the symbol of the Guild. From the War Widows' Guild of Australia website: 'the Guild badge would feature the kookaburra, an industrious and cheerful bird who mated for life, was fearless and aggressive in the defence of its young and the area of territory it regarded as its own. The bird also had a unique call, not a song but a laugh; a chortle of rollicking mirth (to bring the widows back to laughter). Also, the kookaburra is a typically and completely Australian symbol, one that could be worn proudly by every widow whatever her creed or ideals. The kookaburra was also the mascot of the 7th Division of the 2nd AIF, commanded by Mrs Vasey’s husband, Major-General Vasey. Mrs J M Vasey was the founder and president of the War Widows Guild. During the second world war she became secretary of the AIF Women's Association, a body which sought to help soldiers' wives. Her work with this body drew her attention to the plight of war widows. After her husband Major-General George Alan Vasey died in an aircraft accident on 5 March 1945 she became a widow herself. At the end of the war Mrs Vasey founded the War Widows Guild, established on 22 November 1945. The Victorian War Widows Guild closed in 2021. Some items, including this scarf, were donated to the Legacy archive for preservation. It was possible for a widow to be members of both Legacy and the War Widows Guild. Both organisations helped war widows in various ways.A memento of the War Widows Guild.Dark navy rectangular scarf with a white Guild kookaburra logo and text saying 'War Widows' Guild of Australia - Est 1945'.war widows guild, wwg -
Mont De Lancey
Booklet - Knitting Patterns, The Country Womens Associaotion of Victoria, War Workers' Woolcraft, c.1940's
The red covered book is compiled by The Country Women's Association of Victoria and sponsored by the Australian Wool Board. On the back of the front cover is an Introduction by the Chairman of the Australian Wool Board, Sir Dalziel Kelly, K.B., L.L.B. explaining the reason for these books encouraging the use of Australian wool to support the Empire Forces. The Foreward promotes the CWA in a similar vein. The book has knitting hints, patterns useful for war service members in the navy, army and air force patterns for clothing.The khaki covered book is similar, but is compiled by the Country Women's Association of Victoria. It is a Third Edition.Two small copies of War Workers' Woolcraft - Knitting and Spinning books: one with a red paper cover and the other with a faded khaki coloured paper cover. 1. The red front cover book shows the title printed inside a black cloud shape with a black lined illustration of a ball of wool underneath. The Country Women's Assoc. South Aust. is printed on the cover inside a round shaped black crest. It is compiled by The Country Women's Association of Victoria and sponsored by the Australian Wool Board. Inside on the back of the front cover is an Introduction by the Chairman of the Australian Wool Board, Sir Dalziel Kelly, K.B., L.L.B. explaining the reason for these books encouraging the use of Australian wool to support the Empire Forces. The Foreward promotes the CWA in a similar vein. The book has knitting hints, patterns useful for war service members in the navy, army and air force patterns for clothing - caps, sleeveless pullover, waistcoat muffler, armlets, man's socks and mittens, kneecaps, hot water bottle covers and scarves. Inside the back cover is advice on checking your tape measure against the 6 Inch one printed on the page. 2. The khaki covered book is similar, but is compiled by the Country Women's Association of Victoria with Price 3d.- posted 4d. at the bottom of the cover. It is a Third Edition. Both have advertising on the last few pages.non-fictionThe red covered book is compiled by The Country Women's Association of Victoria and sponsored by the Australian Wool Board. On the back of the front cover is an Introduction by the Chairman of the Australian Wool Board, Sir Dalziel Kelly, K.B., L.L.B. explaining the reason for these books encouraging the use of Australian wool to support the Empire Forces. The Foreward promotes the CWA in a similar vein. The book has knitting hints, patterns useful for war service members in the navy, army and air force patterns for clothing.The khaki covered book is similar, but is compiled by the Country Women's Association of Victoria. It is a Third Edition. knitting, knitting patterns, knitting equipment -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Edna Barrie, 1920, 1924, 1933 and 1940
SUMMARY - Edna (Myers) Barrie, 1918 – 2018, Profile Early Life Edna was born at Melton and delivered by Hannah Watts. Her mother Martha walked in the dark at night with her basket under her arm to the bridge over the Toolern Creek Bridge and into Sherwin Street to the corner of Yuille Street to Hannah’s house Lynch Cottage. Martha’s husband was away shearing and eventually heard the news of the birth of their blue eyed third child and second daughter. She was born into a family that was surrounded by music; her father played the “squeeze box” and mother the mouth organ. From an early age the family were aware of the great composers, a framed picture of Beethoven, Chopin, Schubert and Wagner hung above the door to the lounge room of their 4 roomed cottage, the room where the piano stood. Her life on stage started as a singer aged 6 years at the Melton Mechanics Institute Hall. Edna was born with a natural ear for music learning piano and singing from her older sister Marjorie who became an accomplished pianist and soloist and renowned music teacher in Melton and district. In the 1920s and 1930s concerts at the Melton Mechanics Institute were regular events were the local talent was fostered. The Myers children, like other children of Melton and Rockbank, studied singing, piano and elocution, sat examinations, entered in competitions in South Street Ballarat, Footscray and Melbourne. In 1929 a Sacred Concert was broadcast by 3AR from the Hall as part of the Back to Melton Celebrations. Marjorie Myers performed two of the items on the piano. Edna attended Melton State School 430 from 1924 – 1933. Her father Fred had also attended the same school. In 1924 the School staged Cinderella at the Melton Mechanics Institute Hall with a cast of 33 students. After completing her education a Melton she boarded in South Melbourne and attending Melbourne Girls High School (MacRobertson Girls High School), a school which recognized her musical attributes. She travelled home on the train on the weekends, sometimes getting off at Rockbank to save a few pennies in fares. Working life The early 1930s the Depression was a difficult time for a young woman to find work. Jobs were often menial and given to the youngest and therefore cheapest applicant. She worked as sales assistant at Polonskis and Myer in the city, and Irvines Modes in Footscray. Working to 1pm on Saturday, and when held up by a customer meant missing the train home. While at Myer Department store she lived at home and rode her bike to the Melton railway station. On one occasion she had a nasty fall when a part of her bicycle came loose causing the bike to crash rendering her concussed and injuring her nose. During the 1930s she was given a camera “a little snap” by Mrs Kelly her landlady. This began her interest in photography documenting family life at their “Burnbank” home. Musically, while at Myers she participated in annual performances held at The Kings Hall and the Myer Mural Hall. Working in the basement at Myers she was often embarrassed when her name was called, customers assuming she belonged to the Myer Family. Ken Myer worked in the basement at the same time handling the ‘Wheeler’, a wicker basket used for moving goods around the store. The family philosophy was for the children to start at the bottom and work their way up. Social life Social life in her teenage years was connected also with Scots Presbyterian Church. She attended Sunday School classes and received book prizes for attendance. She loved to read and welcomed the times when she received new book. She took part in the Sunday School Anniversaries and was presented with a Bible from the Superintendent, Henry Robinson for her assistance with the music. Marriage and War years In 1941 Edna married Ernest “Bonnie” Barrie. War in the Pacific was soon to break out. While in Sydney on their honeymoon they met up with Jim Barrie who was on his way to Canada via Hawaii just missing Pearl Harbour by two days. Jim became a Spitfire Pilot and joined the RAF and was based in England. He returned to Australia later in RAAF to fight the Japanese off the coast of New Guinea. The three eldest Barrie brothers were farmers and food producers and were thus except from military service. Edna and Bon were members of the VAOC- Volunteer Air Observers Corp entailing being rostered on duty as plane spotters. The women took shifts during the day and the men at night which involved staying overnight in the Shire Offices. Later the spotting tower was built in the plantation opposite the Post Office. Edna and Bon carried on with this from their home in Ferris Rd when the threat of invasion had ceased Community life Community life in Melton revolved around fund raising events for the Melton Mechanics Institute for the War effort and keeping up with maintenance for the Hall. In 1944 the Minister for Health gave approval for the Shire of Melton to open and Infant Welfare Centre inviting Edna to form part of the Committee with seven other women. In 1948 she was President of Melton Branch of the Victorian Health Centres Association. She volunteered this use of her car driving the person in charge, Sister Smith to visit mothers and their babies. In 1963, along with Betty Jones and Isabel Snell, Edna was instrumental in forming the 1st Melton Cub Pack and later supported the formation of the 1st Melton Scouts. During 1963 – 1968 she completed the Australian Boy Scout Association Cub Pack Preliminary Training and achieved her Wood Badge. Country Women’s Association In 1944-1996 she was a member of the Melton Branch Country Women’s Association (CWA), Melton Branch, Secretary of the Branch in 1945 – 1946 and Branch International Secretary 1970-1971. She worked with choir, music and drama interest groups within the branch attaining both first and second place in 1959, second place in 1952 Exhibition and second in Music in 1960 in the state. She was involved in their handicraft craft events, fund raising and musical events and singing competitions. During the 1950s she trained Trios and Quartets in part singing for the CWA competitions in Ballarat and Melbourne. It was at this time that she developed her skill as a conductor and trainer of choirs. She later auditioned for the Victorian Choir for alto parts believing she would stand a better chance of being chosen, because of her ability to sing in natural harmony. In 1962 she participated in the Tenth Australian Country Women of the World (ACWW) Triennial Conference “Australia Presents: CWA Massed Choir” in the Melbourne Town Hall. This event was recorded by Super Sound Spotlight on 45 extended play vinyl record. The songs were Australian music and words, for example The Silver Stars are in the Sky, The Graceful Swaying Wattle and Kookaburra. Edna continued with her interest in the Victorian Choir regularly meeting at the CWA Headquarters in Toorak for rehearsals. In 1974 she took part in the Australian Choir at the fourteenth Triennial conference of the ACWW Interfaith Service held at the Perth Concert Hall on the 13th of October. Arts and Culture Edna was also in the Choir of 3KZ Carols by Candlelight at the Myer Music Bowl in 1963 and 1964. Melton Choral Society. Edna was Director and Conductor in the 1970s performing at many community events such as Carols by Candle Light, Church Services, Easter and Palm Sunday services, Mothers Union and the 1976 Community Services Week Combined Church Service. The October – November 1978 Program covered the following: songs from the Musicals, Choral and Solo with Narratives, Guest Instrumental Item, Recitation Negro Spirituals and Australian Songs. Her involvement with church choirs included the Scots Presbyterian Church Choir Easter and Christmas performances and the 1967 Centenary Service. In 1980s the Melton Uniting Church Sacred Music Performances included The Crucifixion by Stainer, The Olivet to Calvary and other church Hymns. Edna was Musical Director of the Melton Amateur Theatrical Society and worked on performances in collaboration with Mabel Rogers on script and musical interpretation. Melton and District Historical Society Annual Art and Craft Show. First held in Melton Mechanics Institute Hall in 1973, it later took place in the in the Melton Community Hall. The Art Show was also run in conjunction with other community organizations such as Rotary and Girl Guides. Community history and research Melton streetscape and society Over 20 years commencing in the 1970s, Edna undertook extensive photographing of the changing streetscape of Melton’s High Street. She anticipated the impact of change on the community during the time of Melton’s rapid transition from a small farming district to a large urban community and this led to her extensively document and photograph many of the structures and landscape features of the township that have since been lost. She also meticulously recorded much of the contemporary life of the town and has left a significant legacy of archival material. Melton State School 100 Years Celebration, October 1970 Co-author with Mabel Rogers “The First 100 Years, 1870 – 1970” Assembled a collection of School Class Photograph and identified and compiled lists of names for future school history. She also assembled a photographic display for the 125th anniversary in 1995. Melton and District Historical Society (M&DHS) Foundation Member, 1968 Held President and Secretary positions from its inception Research associated with the classification of Heritage buildings Christ Church Classification C Scots’ Presbyterian Church Classification D Set up the storage and Catalogue system in the Office at the Willows Organised society visits to Heritage sites in and beyond the Shire of Melton, including Stathtulloh, Eynesbury, Deanside, ToolernVale sites including Merrywood (now demolished) Staughton Vale, Chirnside, Point Cook, Shwerkolts Cottage. 1970 – 1983 Melton and District Historical Society Letterhead. Staughton Memorial Light from early newspaper cutting in its location before restoration to present location. Sketch by Wendy Barrie. Designing and printing pamphlets, stationery, and other sale items with Willows title. M&DHS street naming research for new housing developments (1970 – 2000). Collaborated with Mary Tolhurst to research the names of early landowners and pioneer families connected to the first settlers. Researched Aboriginal names for inclusion on lists submitted to developers. An early example is the naming of Kuranjang and the street names associated with the McPherson family. Plains of Promise (Shire of Melton history) by Joan Starr (1985). Edna assisted with Historical Society materials and contributed her own research and photographs. Contacted and organised for Hubert Opperman to launch the book. (She was also present at his last bike ride at Rochester in 1995.) Western Metropolitan Groups of Historical Societies. Member attending meetings and representing Melton, also hosted the Group at Melton The Willows Member of the Committee of Management for the restoration of the “Willows” house the establishment of The Willows Park 1982 March - Official Opening of the Willows Park- Preparation and planning for the event. Involved in the collecting of items in the furnishing of the display rooms in the Willows house. Donated items and furniture from the Myers and Daley family houses. (19th century) Machinery Shed Establishment. Involved with Jeff Robinson in the construction and collection of machinery display Other significant sites Championed and participated in the restoration and preservation significant sites in Melton, including: restoration of the Staughton Memorial Light and its return to its present site restoration of the Pykes Grave (using EW Barrie earthmoving equipment) restoration and reconstruction of Dunvegan restoration and reconstruction of Macs Cottage, the management and Caretakers residence Melton State School War Memorial Gates removed from Unitt Street entrance and relocated to the Willows Park Donated the Barrie family single furrow plough which was standing at the Court House Plaza. It removed and to Council Depot and later missing. The plaque was taken to the Willows. Jimmy Melrose (aviator) cairn restoration at crash site in Melton South Donald Mackintosh (Olympic gold medallist marksman) grave site at the Melton Cemetery (Historical items held by the Myers family collection.) Houdini first flight at Diggers Rest. Edna’s father was shearing at Diggers Rest at the time and witnessed the flight. She attended the 90 year anniversary of the event at the site in 2000. Radio and electronics Edna’s husband Bon interest in wireless communication dates in the 1920s with the building of a crystal set in the early days of public broadcasting. At the Back to Melton Celebrations in 1929, 3AR broadcast a concert from the Melton Mechanics Institute on the 20th February at 8pm featuring Footscray City Band, James Hill baritone, Vera Carew Soprano, James Foran Tenor, Marjorie Myers Piano, and James Williamson Entertainer. Accompanists: Miss Agnes Ross and Mrs James Hill. The Myers children had recordings of their piano playing made onto the aluminium records, Martha Myers’ voice can be heard introducing an item. These were made in a studio in Melbourne. Marjorie was given a upright Gramophone by Donald Mackintosh in recognition of her talent and her contribution to the cultural life of Melton. The family were then able to listen to 78rpm recordings of the famous classical recordings. The turntable was hand wound metal stylus needles had to be regularly replaced. The aluminium disk needed a bamboo needle to prevent damage to the surface. Before electricity was introduced to Melton in 1939 the Mechanics Hall relied on generators to produce electricity. Bon Barrie, being mechanically minded, built a public address system for be used a community functions at the Hall and Recreational Park. By 1939 this was up and running and used for over three decades. A large Collection of 78rpm records provided music for dances, marching, parades and any public event needing music and microphones. The early system was portable and worked on batteries. CFA Radio Communication In the 1950s with the introduction two-way HF and later VHF very high frequency radio sets. Melton Rural Fire Brigade was part of the Bacchus Marsh Group. Radio sets where located in the Melton Fire Truck, and in the house of the Barrie family at Ferris Road. This was an ideal location to observe a 360 degree view in all directions when smoke appeared on the horizon. An antenna was erected beside the house. The set OX 7 was located in the kitchen and monitored 24 hours by the family. When an electrical fire occurred at the junction of the electricity to the house there was time to radio the fire station and summons the men working in the paddocks, thus saving the house from possible destruction. With the introduction of UHF – ultra high frequency Vinten Radios the signal was clearer and static and interference lessened and radio traffic became easier to read, and reduced noise levels in the household. VL3 LY Radio Base became the Group Headquarters was established in 1967. By 1970 the Brigades were: Melton, Rockbank, Sydenham, Toolern Vale, Diggers Rest, Truganina, and Werribee. In 1974 when the family moved to First Avenue, another antenna and a small building were erected adjacent to the residence and used to house the equipment, maps. Radio traffic consisted of regular schedule times and communication with adjoining groups of brigades such as Bacchus Marsh, Mt Macedon and Little River Groups. Many of the brigade and group base radios were situated in private residences and operated primarily by fire fighters wives who held the position of Communications Officer, either registered as a brigade member or informally. Edna was never registered as an operational brigade member but operated informally as an assistant to her husband Bon. She was however a member of the Melton Fire Brigade Ladies Auxiliary from its inception in 1968, a non-operational position. Edna kept up to date with radio procedure following the 1967 handbook; preparing maps, plotting compass points and taking notes on weather forecasts from the SA Border and Western District. Daily notes were taken in anticipation of fire warnings. These log books and daily radio traffic were incidental to the regular radio schedules. Emergency turnouts noted, burning off times and predicted location of smoke. In the summer fire season all TBF (total fire ban days were recorded.) In times of emergency the Barrie family assisted Bon the base radio operator to plot the position and location of fire trucks and to help clarify garbled radio traffic, keep notes and make telephone calls. These log books are held in the EE and EW Family Archive. Melton Uniting Church Edna founded the Church Opportunity with Maisie Robinson in 1975 in the Melton South Methodist Church building. Methodist and Presbyterian Churches of Melton had combined severing their long held connection with Bacchus Marsh. A Manse had been recently built for the Melton Minister. At a Parish Committee meeting at the Melton South Church it was suggested to use the building as an Opportunity Shop. It opened in July 1975, and it raised $1,600 contribution to the church budget in 1976. In 1977 The Uniting Church in Australia was formed and the Melton South Uniting Church Opportunity shop continued to go from strength to strength expanding the buildings providing the welfare needs of the community. Archive Set up by Edna Catalogued items dating from 1857 Minute Book and set ongoing system and storage of items of heritage. Melton Un Awards and recognition of service to the Melton community Rotary Award for Community Service, 1980 Victoria 150th Anniversary Celebrations contributions, 1985 Life Membership of the Melton and District Historical Society (M&DHS), 1989 Extra-Ordinary Contribution for years of service to M&DHS, 1992 Long Service for Exceptional Service MD&HS, 1993 Royal Historical Society of Victoria Award of Merit, 1997 Shire of Melton Certificate of Appreciation for continued support and dedication as a member of MD&HS to the preservation of Melton’s History, 1998 Centenary of Federation Peoplescape (Canberra) Melton Shire nomination, 2001 Uniting Church Melton Life Membership of the Opportunity Shop Uniting Church in Australia Commission for Mission for 30 years of hard work and dedications to the Uniting Church, 2007 Uniting Church Adult Fellowship Certificate appreciation in recognition of valuable support through the “Sammy” Stamp Fund Neighbourhood Watch 5 year award Photographs of Edna at different ageslocal identities -
Melton City Libraries
Booklet, Country Women's Association Recipe Book, 1974
From 1944-1996, Edna Barrie was a member of the Melton Branch Country Women’s Association (CWA), Melton Branch, Secretary of the Branch in 1945 – 1946 and Branch International Secretary 1970-1971. She worked with choir, music and drama interest groups within the branch attaining both first and second place in 1959, second place in 1952 Exhibition and second in Music in 1960 in the state. She was involved in their handicraft craft events, fund raising and musical events and singing competitions. During the 1950s she trained Trios and Quartets in part singing for the CWA competitions in Ballarat and Melbourne. It was at this time that she developed her skill as a conductor and trainer of choirs. She later auditioned for the Victorian Choir for alto parts believing she would stand a better chance of being chosen, because of her ability to sing in natural harmony. In 1962 she participated in the Tenth Australian Country Women of the World (ACWW) Triennial Conference “Australia Presents: CWA Massed Choir” in the Melbourne Town Hall. This event was recorded by Super Sound Spotlight on 45 extended play vinyl record. The songs were Australian music and words, for example The Silver Stars are in the Sky, The Graceful Swaying Wattle and Kookaburra. Edna continued with her interest in the Victorian Choir regularly meeting at the CWA Headquarters in Toorak for rehearsals. In 1974 she took part in the Australian Choir at the fourteenth Triennial conference of the ACWW Interfaith Service held at the Perth Concert Hall on the 13th of October. Recipes from the members of the Bradvale Branchlocal significant events, local identities -
Melton City Libraries
Memorabilia, Country Women's Association, Melton Day Branch, 2018
In 1944-1996 Edna Barrie was a member of the Melton Branch Country Women’s Association (CWA), Melton Branch, Secretary of the Branch in 1945 – 1946 and Branch International Secretary 1970-1971. She worked with choir, music and drama interest groups within the branch attaining both first and second place in 1959, second place in 1952 Exhibition and second in Music in 1960 in the state. She was involved in their handicraft craft events, fund raising and musical events and singing competitions. During the 1950s she trained Trios and Quartets in part singing for the CWA competitions in Ballarat and Melbourne. It was at this time that she developed her skill as a conductor and trainer of choirs. She later auditioned for the Victorian Choir for alto parts believing she would stand a better chance of being chosen, because of her ability to sing in natural harmony. In 1962 she participated in the Tenth Australian Country Women of the World (ACWW) Triennial Conference “Australia Presents: CWA Massed Choir” in the Melbourne Town Hall. This event was recorded by Super Sound Spotlight on 45 extended play vinyl record. The songs were Australian music and words, for example The Silver Stars are in the Sky, The Graceful Swaying Wattle and Kookaburra. Edna continued with her interest in the Victorian Choir regularly meeting at the CWA Headquarters in Toorak for rehearsals. In 1974 she took part in the Australian Choir at the fourteenth Triennial conference of the ACWW Interfaith Service held at the Perth Concert Hall on the 13th of October. Items celebrating 80 years of Country Women's Association and the closure of the Melton branchlocal significant groups, local identities, local special interest groups -
Melbourne Legacy
Badge, War Widows' Guild Badge, 2020
A badge made for War Widows Guild members to wear to show they were members. The Kookaburra is the symbol of the Guild. From the War Widows' Guild of Australia website: 'the Guild badge would feature the kookaburra, an industrious and cheerful bird who mated for life, was fearless and aggressive in the defence of its young and the area of territory it regarded as its own. The bird also had a unique call, not a song but a laugh; a chortle of rollicking mirth (to bring the widows back to laughter). Also, the kookaburra is a typically and completely Australian symbol, one that could be worn proudly by every widow whatever her creed or ideals. The kookaburra was also the mascot of the 7th Division of the 2nd AIF, commanded by Mrs Vasey’s husband, Major-General Vasey. Mrs J M Vasey was the founder and president of the War Widows Guild. During the second world war she became secretary of the AIF Women's Association, a body which sought to help soldiers' wives. Her work with this body drew her attention to the plight of war widows. After her husband Major-General George Alan Vasey died in an aircraft accident on 5 March 1945 she became a widow herself. At the end of the war Mrs Vasey founded the War Widows Guild, established on 22 November 1945. The Victorian War Widows Guild closed in 2021. Some items, including this badge, were donated to the Legacy archive for preservation. It was possible for a widow to be members of both Legacy and the War Widows Guild. Both organisations helped war widows in various ways.A identity badge of the War Widows Guild.Dark silver badge with a kookaburra logo and a butterfly clip.Engraved on reverse 'M2155' and stamped 'Property of War Widows' Guild'.war widows guild, wwg -
Melbourne Legacy
Domestic object, War Widows' Guild Tea Towel, 2018
A tea towel made for War Widows Guild in 2018. It says 'Remembering and honouring Australians. All who have served, those we have lost, those who have returned and those who were left at home to continue. We will never forget the sacrifices of many to ensure that we who remain live in peace.' Mrs J M Vasey was the founder and president of the War Widows Guild. During the second world war she became secretary of the AIF Women's Association, a body which sought to help soldiers' wives. Her work with this body drew her attention to the plight of war widows. After her husband Major-General George Alan Vasey died in an aircraft accident on 5 March 1945 she became a widow herself. At the end of the war Mrs Vasey founded the War Widows Guild, established on 22 November 1945. The Victorian War Widows Guild closed in 2021. Some items, including this tea towel, were donated to the Legacy archive for preservation. It was possible for a widow to be members of both Legacy and the War Widows Guild. Both organisations helped war widows in various ways.A celebration of the work done by the War Widows Guild.White cotton tea towel with black text and wattle flowers for the War Widows' Guild in 2018.war widows guild, wwg -
The Celtic Club
Book, Peg Penberthy, Women in history: Places of purpose, 1994
A collaborative effort between the Australian Institute for Women's Research and Policy and Queensland Historical Association. Includes 'A Walking Tour' of Brisbane city.Maps, plates, ill, bib, p.130.non-fictionA collaborative effort between the Australian Institute for Women's Research and Policy and Queensland Historical Association. Includes 'A Walking Tour' of Brisbane city.brisbane - australia, women - brisbane - history -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Uniform - Hamilton-Smith Collection - Red Cross Uniform
The Hamilton-Smith collection was donated by the children of Grace Mary Hamilton-Smith nee Ellwood (1911-2004) and John Hamilton-Smith (1909-1984) who settled in Wodonga in the 1940s. The Ellwood family had lived in north-east Victoria since the late 1800s. Grace’s mother, Rosina Ellwood nee Smale, was the first teacher at Baranduda in 1888, and a foundation member of the C.W.A. Rosina and her husband Mark retired to Wodonga in 1934. The collection contains significant items which reflect the local history of Wodonga, including handmade needlework, books, photographs, a wedding dress, maps, and material relating to the world wars. Grace and John married at St. David’s Church, Albury in 1941. John was a grazier, and actively involved in Agricultural Societies and the Belvoir Wodonga Rotary Club. Grace was an active member of several organisations including the CWA, Red Cross, the Wodonga Show Ladies' Auxiliary and the Victorian Agricultural Societies Association. This uniform was owned by Grace Hamilton-Smith. She achieved recognition for more 20 years of service to the Red Cross.This item has well documented provenance and a known owner. It is part of a significant collection from the Hamilton-Smith family of Wodonga and reflects important aspects of social history including the roles of women and their contribution to the community. A tan coloured Red Cross uniform and badges worn C1940sred cross australia, hamilton-smith collection, wodonga red cross -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - CWA Wodonga Golden Jubilee Wine Glass, 1984
The Country Women’s Association of Victoria was formed 12 March 1928 and today has over 5,600 members. Its original aim was to improve conditions by community service, more especially as they affect the welfare of women and children. The Wodonga CWA branch was formed in 1934 and has been an active group in the community until the present day. The CWA provided gathering opportunities for rural women and quickly became renowned for their street stalls, catering at Agricultural Shows and social events including debutante balls, handicraft classes and cooking demonstrations. Today they have become even more than that, participating in and organising a wide range of activities and initiatives in the community, always with the focus of service to others. The CWA is of significance on a local, state and national level as a critical service group. They conduct a range of social, educational and services throughout Australia with an initial focus on the support of rural women and children. This role has evolved over time to incorporate a wide range of initiatives, government advisory bodies and organisations.A wine glass decorated with a gold rim and gold logo of the CWA Victoria produced to celebrate the golden jubilee of the Wodonga BranchAbove the CWA logo "GOLDEN JUBILEE" Beneath the logo "WODONGA/1934 - 1984"country women's association, wodonga cwa, service groups, community organisations -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white
The unidentified man has decorated his wagon to take part in the Easter Carnival of the Australian Native's Association. The Australian Natives Association was formed in Melbourne in 1871 and originally known as the Victorian Natives Association. The association was a friendly society and membership was restricted to white people born in Australia. Friendly society membership required a small fortnightly contribution and, in return, members received free medical care for their whole family, a funeral benefit to avoid a pauper’s grave and sick pay if they were unable to work. The ANA, as it became known, did not admit women members until the 1960s.A man in a bowler hat is holding the reins of a Clydesdale horse that is attached to a decorated wagon which is stacked with produce. Handwritten in red ink on reverse of image: A26 / 71% Handwritten in pencil: A26 / Chap 3market gardens, friendly societies, australian natives association, welfare, horse, horse drawn wagon -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, letter, Young Women's Christian Association
Copy of a letter dated 1st September 1970 from C.A. Gordon of George G. Henderson Pty Ltd (Auctioneers) and addressed to Legatee Rossman (sic) (Legatee G K Rosman was chair of the Residences Committee in 1969 and an active Legatee from 1957-2013). The copy was directed to Hugh C.G. Rodgers (Legatee from 1964-96) according to the With Compliments slip attached. In the letter Gordon mentions a booklet (missing) about accommodation for single women which the YWCA in Great Britain maintained, and which they were hoping to provide in Australia. He also suggested that Legacy might wish to contribute to the project. Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.2 photocopied quarto sheets, black on white, with printed and typed black on white. With Compliments card attached. Two holes punched for filing. residences, review -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Religious Book, The Holy Bible, 1836
This Holy Bible is entitled "The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the original tongues: and with former translations diligently compared and revised by His Majesty's Spiritual Command." It was printed by Sir D. Hunter Blair and M.T. Bruce in Edinburgh, 1836, printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty, H.B.S." The Bible belonged to David and Alice Ellis, a young couple married in Dublin in 1855. It has been handed down in the Ellis family until it was donated, together with other personal effects, in 2004 by David and Alice’s granddaughter, daughter of David Ellis Junior. Alice treated the Bible as an important posession. On 6th October 1855 newlyweds David and Alice Ellis set sail for Australia in the brand new Schomberg, considered the most perfect clipper ship. She was built as an emigrant ship in Aberdeen and set sail from Liverpool on her maiden voyage, bound for Melbourne, Australia. She was loaded with 430 passengers plus cargo that included iron rails and equipment intended for building the Geelong Railway and a bridge over the Yarra from Melbourne to Hawthorn. On 27th December 1855, only one day from her Melbourne destination, the Schomberg was grounded on a sand-spit on the Victorian coast near Peterborough. The passengers and crew were all safely rescued by a passing small steamer, the SS Queen, which traded between Melbourne and Warrnambool, and taken to Melbourne. The passengers had been told, when leaving the sinking Schomberg, that all they could take with them was a small basket or handbag. A newspaper article later mentioned that one of the things Alice made space for in her basket was her Bible. (It is unclear whether Alice took any possessions with her onto the SS Queen, but a note accompanying the donation of the Bible and basket states that the items were “left on deck and salvaged as Schomberg went down”.) Another steamer was despatched from Melbourne to retrieve the passengers’ luggage from the Schomberg and Alice was reunited with all of her boxes of belongings. Other steamers helped unload the cargo until the change in weather made it too difficult. Although the Schomberg was wrecked there were no lives lost. At that time David was 23 years old (born in Wales, 1832) and his new bride Alice was 26 (born in Dublin, 1829). They had been given letters of introduction to people in Tasmania so they travelled there from Melbourne. However the couple only stayed on that island for about a year before they returned to the Western District of Victoria. David worked for Mr Neil Black as a gardener for a while then, when the land in the area was made available by the Victorian government, David and Alice claimed a selection of land on Noorat Road in the Terang district. They settled there for the remainder of their lives, expanding their property “Allambah” as opportunities arose. A document accompanying the donation lists the names of six children; William, Grace (c. 1859-1946), Thomas (c. 1866 – 1939), David (c. 1962 – 1953), James and Victor. David died on 13th April 1911, aged 79, at their property. Alice passed away the following year, November 1912, aged 83. Alice’s obituary described her as “a very homely, kindly-natured woman, who was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends; and she was also a firm adherent of the Presbyterian Church”. At the time of Alice’s death she left behind three sons and one daughter. Her daughter Grace Ellis was also a very active member of the Terang Presbyterian Church and a member of the PWMU (Presbyterian Women’s Missionary Union). She was also involved in the Red Cross and other charities. Grace passed away in 1946, aged 87. David and Alice Ellis were amongst the very earlies pioneers of the Terang district of Western Victoria. Their donated possessions are a sample of the personal effects of emigrants to Australia. The donated items are a sample of the personal goods carried aboard a significant migrant ship in 1855. They are also significant for their association with the Schomberg. The Schomberg, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR S612), has great historical significance as a rare example of a large, fast clipper ship on the England to Australia run, carrying emigrants at the time of the Victorian gold rush. She represents the technical advances made to break sailing records between Europe and Australia. Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from the Schomberg is significant for its association with the shipwreck, The collection is primarily significant because of the relationship between the objects, as together they have a high potential to interpret the story of the Schomberg. It is archaeologically significant as the remains of an international passenger Ship. It is historically significant for representing aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and for its association with the shipwreck and the ship, which was designed to be fastest and most luxurious of its day Bible, known as the Ellis - Schomberg Bible, with patterned brown leather cover. Printed by Sir D. Hunter Blair and M.T. Bruce, Edinburgh 1836. Bookmark of card placed within Bible’s pages is from Keswick Book Depot, Melbourne. Bible has hand written inscriptions inside front and back covers and has been well used. Bible was amongst the possessions of David and Alice Ellis, passengers on the Schomberg when wrecked in 1855.Scripture references and notes are hand written in pencil on front and back inner pages. Bookmark card has printed inscription; on front “BOOK MARK / KESWICK / BOOK / DEPOT / EVERYTHING / EVANGELISTIC / 315 COLLINS ST / MELBOURNE / CENT. 3013”, on back is line drawing of a stem of iris flowers above the verse “The entrance of Thy / words giveth light; it / giveth understanding / unto the Simple. Ps. 119-30” flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, schomberg, holy bible, schomberg bible, d hunter blair and m t bruce, 1836 bible, 1855 shipwreck, peterborough shipwreck, ss queen, david ellis, alice ellis, allambah terang, dublin emigrants, terang presbyterian church, western district victoria