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Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book, Duncan Haws, Merchant Fleets - Union Steamships Company of New Zealand, 1997
non-fictionshipping companies, union steamship company of new zealand -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, WALKER, David, Champion of sail : R.W. Leyland and his shipping line, 1986
ralph watts leyland, leyland shipping company, history, merchant marine, great britain, sailing ships, merchant ships, commerce -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Poster, British Sailors' Society
This poster dates from a time when the Geelong Mission was based more centrally. The Mission currently operates from Corio Bay. The poster demonstrates the type of entertainment and activities available mid twenty century. The poster also indicates another name by which the Mission was known ie. King Edward VII Sailors' Rest.This document is indirectly related to the object MTSV_0617. Representing the close links of the Mission to Seafarers over the last century with British Merchant Shipping and Seamen.Poster for facilities available at King Edward VII sailors' rest in Geelong.Pencilled alterations.poster, seafarers, mission to seafarers, seamen rest, geelong, british sailors' society, entertainment, king edward vii sailors' rest, sailors, seamen, entertainments, canteen, dances, concerts, library, lounge, recreation -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, copy, The Age, St Nicholas' Mariners' Church, at Williamstown Mission to Seamen, with the lay reader in charge (Mr Stewart Murray) conducting a service, 14 June 1958
The photograph wa published in the Age, 14th of June 1958. The picture shows the round stained glass dedicated on Sunday 14 December 1947 and the reredos with hangings donated by Maud Breaks in memory of her sister Louise Breaks and dedicated on 26 August 1954 by the Bishop of Geelong.This is a rare picture of the interior of the St Nicholas chapel which was erected behind the former E, S & A Bank building used by the Williamstown Seamen's Mission branch from 1944. Article in the Age reading: "Seamen's Window Dedicated - A window in St. Nicholas' Mariners' Church, at Williamstown, in memory of the merchant seamen who were killed on active service In the last war, was unveiled and dedicated yesterday.The ceremony was performed by the Bishop of Geelong (Rt. Rev. J. D. McKie). The window, erected by the Williamstown Lightkeepers' Auxiliary of the Victoria Missions to Seamen is placed behind the altar. It shows a quartermaster, with his hand on the wheel, and the figure of Christ pointing ahead. Bishop McKie paid a tribute to the spirit of the men who gave their lives at sea in the service of their country. He said the work of the auxiliary would still be of great value, although the war was over." The decision of the window was published in August 1947, Mrs Musther -who created the Lightkeepers' Auxiliary branch in Williamstown - ordered it from Brooks, Robinson & Co. (job books 1923-1966). The furniture and window were donated in 1979 to the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village in Warrnanbool, and located in the chapel.Black and White Gloss print photograph - Image features a minister delivering a chapel serviceHand written in black texta; ... Mission to Seamen, Williamstown Chapel service... Circa 1957randall stewart murray, st nicholas the mariner chapel, chapel, lay reader, williamstown, victorian-seamens-mission, 139 nelson place, e,s and a bank, english, scottish and australian bank, stained-glass window, pews, lightkeepers' auxiliary, warrnambool, mrs musther, brooks, robinson & co, hymn board, david conolly -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Black and white, 1939-1942
Padre Oliver served aboard HMAS Australia 2 and visited several African ports including Aden and was a first hand witness to the battle of the Coral Sea in WW2. Given the tropical dress being worn by the seafarers this photograph may have been taken near one of these two theatres of conflict or on return to Sydney.Padre Oliver's service during both world wars and his experience as a newly ordained minister with the RAN made a significant impact on his life and forged close bonds with both the merchant and naval services.Large group of seafarers in tropical uniform aboard a battleship assembled beneath two large gun barrels with robed padre facing away from the photographer at what appears to be an improvised altar. padre oliver, frank leslie oliver, hmas australia ii, ww2, royal australian navy, chaplain, kate oliver -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book, Alfred George Course, Windjammers of the Horn: the story of the last British fleet of square-rigged sailing ships, 1969
From dust jacket: This is the unique story of the sailing ships owned by Sir William Garthwaite between 1915 and 1929, which formed in fact the last sailing merchant fleet to trade under the British flag. Captain A.G. Course, a Cape Horner himself, tells the story of this fleet whose vessels sailed so often past the awesome tip of South America, with a wealth of detail, happily marrying factual information and anecdote to produce a valuable historical record. Here are some of the last great characters of the age of sail, both men and ships, brought to life. The author's own close contact with the vessels and their crews allows him to capture the atmosphere most realistically. The Garthwaite ships, for all the effort put into their operation, were fighting a last-ditch stand against the inevitable supremacy of steam. It is with a certain nostalgia that the author records the passing of a fine fleet and documents an important chapter in maritime history.Navy blue cloth cover with embossed golden lettering on the spine, and mustard dust jacket illustrated by original painting by Commander DGM Gardner. xvi, 176 p. : 16 plates, illus., maps, ports. ; 22 cm. Includes index.non-fictionFrom dust jacket: This is the unique story of the sailing ships owned by Sir William Garthwaite between 1915 and 1929, which formed in fact the last sailing merchant fleet to trade under the British flag. Captain A.G. Course, a Cape Horner himself, tells the story of this fleet whose vessels sailed so often past the awesome tip of South America, with a wealth of detail, happily marrying factual information and anecdote to produce a valuable historical record. Here are some of the last great characters of the age of sail, both men and ships, brought to life. The author's own close contact with the vessels and their crews allows him to capture the atmosphere most realistically. The Garthwaite ships, for all the effort put into their operation, were fighting a last-ditch stand against the inevitable supremacy of steam. It is with a certain nostalgia that the author records the passing of a fine fleet and documents an important chapter in maritime history. windjammers, captains, martin frampton, catherine aviss (nee frampton), herbert aviss, elisabeth frampton, inverneill, garthneil, wray castle, garthwray, alfred george course, invercauld, invermay, carnmoney, garthforce, garthsnaid, garthgarry, garthpool, juteopolis, captain roberts, crew, cape horn, cape leeuwin, captain thomas atkinson, spanish flu, wwi -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Furniture - Volum Medicine chest
This chest is the typical mid-18th century model. Thought to have belonged to captain James Volum.A medicine chest was a necessity for all sea journeys. Sometimes surgeons were onboard ships if there were passengers but on merchant ships, the captain had to be able able to look after his crew. A medium size mahogany cabinet with four protruding feet, small free hinged handles on left and right sides which are positioned approximately 5/8ths up from the bottom of the item, these handles can hinge 100 degrees upwards. The front and back 6/8ths of the cabinet can hinge open, as can the top of. Both front and back doors can be locked closed with their own respective hook latch which is on both sides of the cabinet. The top lid can be locked by interacting with a metallic keyhole which is present on the front of the cabinet close to the top. Revealed by opening the top lit is storage location with two rows of three storage spaces and one row of four. Revealed by opening the front door, is a single shelf with six divided locations for an equal number of glass containers, though only five remain in complete form. Below this self are three rows of drawers of differing dimensions, each with a small white knob. There are two drawers of equal width in the first row. Each drawer has four equally divided sliding pieces on its top face. When removed, these lids reveal a respective small space. Present on small paper labels on each of these lids are identifiers of the material which was stored. There are three equally sized drawers in the second row, which are less wide than the previous row. Only two of the drawers in this row have lids, of which each only have a single lid which covers a single compartment, each of these have a single label on them. The middle drawer contains a small glass mortar and pestle which are restrained by small wooden fixtures within the drawer. There are two drawers of equal width and greater height than any of the previous drawers in the third row. The first drawer has a single compartment containing multiple vials of varying dimensions, some of which feature a paper label with a respective inscription. Some of these vials are broken. In the second drawer has no lid which covers its four equally sized glasses. These are restricted by a wooded piece with four circular cut-outs. Revealed by opening the back door are two equally sized and spaced shelves which both have four divided locations which are filled by eight respective glass containers. These glass containers are of similar design to those in the front compartment but are larger. Some of these glass jars have paper labels like those found on previous glass containers.Label on top lid:volum collection, medecine chest, portable furniture, geelong, peterhead, scotland, captain, seafaring, whaling, london, bishopsgate, old gravel lane, london docks, tobacco dock, james burrows -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Print - Engraving, The Chapel For Seamen, c. 1818
The text reads: "This Print Represents The Chapel for Seamen... Port of London Society... Instituted March 18th 1818... Chapel for Seamen is moored off Wapping Stairs in the River Thames. View of the Interior (inset)"Excerpt from the autobiography of Robert Humphrey Marten (1763-1839) which he wrote at the request of his children on his 60th birthday. (As far as the donor's knowledge it only circulates within the family, so some of these details may not be recorded elsewhere about how the Mission to the Seafarers began. --------- Robert Humphrey Marten (1763-1839) left school at the age of about 14 to be employed in a “Counting House” in the City of London. Unfortunately, before the five years of his apprenticeship expired, the merchant ceased trading as he had lost a lot of money gambling. Marten made his way however and took opportunities which offered and eventually set up his own business with two of his sons, Robert and Charles. He was a Dissenter (non-conformist), active in his church and in many charitable works, as overseer of the poor for his parish, raising money for families in Germany impoverished by the Napoleonic wars, was a member of the Royal Humane Society and so it is not altogether surprising to find him in 1817 taking up the cause of sailors discharged from warships living on the streets: --- The Autobiography of R H Marten Esq of Plaistow Essex (1763-1839) “The deplorable condition of sailors discharged from the ships of war and now wanted for commerce – (trade being most woefully dull) attracted towards the close of the Year the notice and began to press upon the feelings of the Public. To relieve their urgent and personal distress I proposed a Public meeting – This was agreed to and Mr. Wilberforce was voted into the chair – A committee was formed and a noble subscription was most voluntarily supplied – Navy Captains and others gave most efficient assistance and Govt. lent some large ships to which the sailors were sent from the streets – were clothed and fed and the sick attended to and on the Sabbath Public Worship was performed on board. I was on this Committee which fully accomplish’d its humane purpose – and out of the Surplus fund sprang the present seaman’s floating Hospital where a sick or diseased seaman is received only on his presenting himself alongside and without any ticket or recommendation. For the greater benefit of seamen was sketched the present excellent establishment of the Merchant Seaman’s Auxiliary Bible Society of which Admiral Lord Viscount Exmouth is President. This was more formally instituted on the ---[space left to add date later]. I drew the outline of the address to the Public which was afterwards much improved by the Revd. Mr. Draltry and I had the honour to chalk out the plan which has been so well executed by the pious Lieut. Cox at Gravesend – to whose zealous and judicious activity the success of the institution is much indebted, and in December I published my ideas on the necessity and advantage of making some permanent accommodation for preaching the Gospel to the numerous sailors always to be found in the Port of London. This led ultimately to a public meeting on the 5 Feb. 1818 and to the formation of the Port of London Society for promoting Religion among seaman [sic]. As the Founder of the Society I became its Chairman and Treasurer and on its formal Institution on the 18 March 1818 the public appeared much gratified with the attempt about to be made to raise the moral character of a class of men who had been unaccountably and far too long in this respect overlooked. The large ship fitted by the Society most commodiously as a Chapel was in May following moored nearly on the spot where in October 1803 I was run down by a Gravesend Hoy and narrowly escaped with life – Churchmen and Dissenters contributed cheerfully to the cost – Officers of the Navy became subscribers, Noblemen visited this strange and converted ship – the Admiral Lord Gambier became the avowed President and the Chairman of the public Meetings, and what is of far more importance – sailors came to it on the Sabbath by hundreds willingly to worship their maker, and listen to instruction – until the Language in common use on the Thames was divested of its Blasphemy – and the voice of Prayer was heard from the mouths of Seamen; and the outposts and many Foreign ports imitated and thus honored the example of the Port of London in her society for promoting Religion among Seamen. The Floating Chapel was solemnly dedicated for divine worship on the 4 May 1818 when the morning sermon was preached by the Revd. Rowland Hill to a very crowded auditory. “[see illustration in separate email] Autobiography of R H Marten esq pp 33-34 (privately published monograph) Note: The incident (c 1803) he refers to in which he “was run down by a Gravesend Hoy…” is graphically described earlier in his memoir. The donor's family has a connection with R.H. Marten. through his sister Mary, who married Cornelius Berry on 9 February 1793. The donor's father, Hugh William Berry (1905-?) reprinted the autobiography of R.H. Marten. And, she has herself a connection with the Mission as she used to collect money for the Mission at school. Large print depicting a floating church in Londonfloating church, seamen, sailors, religion, london, r.h. marten esq, wapping stairs, river thames, port, robert humphrey marten (1763-1839), cate lewis, seamen's hospital, welfare, napoleonic wars, royal navy, merchant navy -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Programme - Service, Seafarers Service - Choral Mattins, 2017
Seafarers Service 22 October 2017 The first Seafarers Service was held on 23 October 1905 in the St Paul's Cathedral in London to celebrate the Centenary of the Battle of Trafalgar and the death of Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson on 21 October 1805. Reverend Alfred Gurney Goldsmith launched the first Seafarers Service two years later and the first service was held on Sunday 10 November 1907. The service continues to reflect the full range of the maritime activities in Australia. Representatives come from the Royal and Merchant Navies, the commercial world, shipping companies, mission and philanthropic societies, veterans’ associations, labour unions, youth and leisure organisations, but anyone is welcome to attend.Two fold paper booklet printed in black inkseafarers service, 2017, st paul's cathedral, melbourne, battle of trafalgar, trafalgar day, horatio nelson -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Accessory - Cufflinks, mid 20th Century
Several items were given by a seafarer, Mr Nicholas Garlick (1926-2009) into the care of Father Brady who retired from St Pauls Cathedral, Melbourne in 2018. Father Brady later donated the collection of; objects, documents and an extensive collection of cruise ship menus (1937-end of 20thC) to the Mission via the intermediary William Hastie, volunteer at the Mission for Seafarers.Inchcape Shipping Services traces its origins back to 1847, when two Scottish merchants from Campbeltown, William Mackinnon and Robert Mackenzie met in Calcutta and formed a general merchanting partnership, Mackinnon Mackenzie & Company (MMC). Today, the company is one of the largest maritime services providers, with some 300 offices in 68 countries and a team of over 3,000 professional and committed staff. Three round stainless steel cufflinks each comprising one larger disc attached by a link to a smaller security disc. Outer face: the larger disc has a matte finish with a shiny silver relief of a container ship in the middle and a shiny silver serrated edging. Inner face: in a square on one side of the link attachment is a small ship and the letter 'C'; on the other side of the attachment the letters 'E.P.' also in a square. Outer face of the security disc is ribbed and shiny. The inner face is identical to that of the larger link. Cufflinks are housed in a branded black gift box.The Inchcape insignia, the letter 'I' in bronze colour, is displayed on the outer face of the smaller disc.cufflinks, inchcape shipping services, container ships -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Booklet - Notebook
Balck cloth cover notebook.arthur oswald dixon, officers, seamanship, merchant navy, wwi, ran, sailors, crew, seamen, seafarers -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Letter - Reference letter, T & J Harrison, 25 November 1914
From Collection of miscellaneous papers and memorabilia belonging to Mr Arthur Oswald Dixon, a seafarer who eventually retired to Australia running a smallholding growing fruit and grapes.The A.O. Dixon collection is well provenanced and provides not only some insights into the working life of a seafarer of the merchant service but also includes photographs through ID papers. He served on the "Hororata" which is featured in a crew group photograph and which also links to a story in verse by a de mobbed soldier held by the National Library of Australia which narrates the experience of soldiers and families on the voyage of this ship from England to Australia. merchant navy, sailors, officers, seamen, seamanship, liverpool, england, 1914, wwi, first world war, great war, arthur oswald dixon -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Letter - Resignation letter acceptance, The New Zealand Shipping Company Limited, 1 November 1920
The letter indicates that after several years (from 1916 to 1920) working for this company, Arthur Oswald Dixon resigned because of "private affairs".Typewritten letter in blue ink with signature on printed business letterhead from the New Zealand Shipping Company.Top left corner printed in black: The New Zealand Shipping Co. Ld (Incorporated in New Zealand)/ Telegraphic address: "Delectable, Led, London"/Telephone No 4258 Avenue/ All letters to be addressed to the manager Under is printed a round stamp with a crown and the Union Jack in the center and around "National Scheme for Disabled Men" Top right corner printed: 138 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3arthur oswald dixon, seafarers, officers, seamen, seamanship, merchant navy, new zealand, england, sailors, crew -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Letter - Reference letter, The Adelaide Steamship Company Limited, 11 March 1921
The letter of reference from the Master, (indecipherable signature), certified that Arthur Oswald Dixon, served on the SS Baldina belonging to the Adelaide Steamship Company, from the 14/12/1920 to 09/03/1921. Mr Dixon was an excellent and very capable officer.Typewritten and signed letter in black ink on thin cream paper.Top left corner: Cable address " Steamship, Adelaide"/ Top right corner: The Adelaide Steamship Co Limited, Adelaide". Signed: CBL Tilmer? (signature of ship master)arthur oswald dixon, masters, seamanship, seamen, sailors, seafarers, officers, crew, adelaide steamship, ss baldina, 1921, merchant navy -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, ID, c. 1925
Glued black and white ID photograph of Arthur Oswald Dixon, cut from an official document.Behind are printed words and written is: "thur Oswald", "2nd Officer", "Ex Master"arthur oswald dixon, manchester, england, seafarers, sailors, seamen, officers, royal australian navy, ran, merchant navy -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Print - Reproduction of a painting, Captain James Cook - The First Voyage 1768-1771
The first voyage of Lieutenant James Cook was a combined Royal Navy and Royal Society expedition to the south Pacific Ocean aboard HMS Endeavour, from 1768 to 1771. The aims of this first expedition were to observe the transit of Venus across the Sun (3–4 of June 1769). Departing from Plymouth in August 1768, the expedition crossed the Atlantic, rounded Cape Horn and reached Tahiti in time to observe the transit of Venus. In September 1769 the expedition reached New Zealand. In April 1770 they became the first known Europeans to reach the east coast of Australia, making landfall near present-day Point Hicks, and then proceeding north to Botany Bay. The expedition continued northward along the Australian coastline. In October 1770 they reached the port of Batavia in the Dutch East Indies. They resumed their journey on 26 December, rounded the Cape of Good Hope on 13 March 1771, and reached the English port of Deal on 12 July. The voyage lasted almost three years. Voyage 1 (1768–1771): ship Endeavour Route: London – Madiera – Rio de Janeiro – Cape Horn – Tuamotu Island – Tahiti – Society Islands – New Zealand – New Holland (Australia) – East Timor – Java – Batavia – Cape of Good Hope – St Helena – Ascension – LondonCook joined the British merchant navy as a teenager and joined the Royal Navy in 1755.Colour reproduction of portrait of Captain Cook by Nathaniel Dance (1735-1811)Captain James Cook - The First Voyage 1768-1771captain james cook, nathaniel dance (1735-1811), endeavour, navigators, sea voyage -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Postcard - Photograph, Black and white, Green Bros, 1918
The Maréchal de Turenne, a three mast barque, was built in the "Chantiers de la Loire" shipyard in Nantes, port in the West of France, in 1899 by the company René Guillon et René Fleury. Capacity of 3000 barrels. The barque is called a "cap-hornier" in French. In a book written in 1973 by Georges Aubin, "La mer douce et cruelle", ed. France-Empire, a chapter "Une traversée du trois-mâts nantais Maréchal de Turenne" (page 285 to 319) tells how the ship was navigating from London to New-York to load barrels of petrol bound for Melbourne.The photograph demonstrates how prepared the merchant navy was during the First World War. The French Merchant Navy had additional men from the Navy: the six sailors in uniform and sailor "bachi" bonnet with the AMBC inscription were on the ship to support the crew in case of enemy attack. Two of those soldiers carry a bayonet. One of the sailors is wearing headphones: World War One saw telecommunication progress. At sea, the threat were the German submarines: the U-boats.The photograph depicting the 22 members of the crew was taken in October 1918 onboard the Marechal de Turenne. The two on the right and left side are holding a picture of the barque. One man at the back is holding a cat. 11 names are written at the back. The photograph was turned into a postcard.Printed at the back: On the left: Green Bros/Photo/251 Nelson Place, Williamstown Centered: Post Card/Correspondence/Address only Top right corner for the stamp: Kodak Australia Written at the back: octobre 1918 Souvenir du navire Maréchal de Turenne Berthot Jacquet Renaut R. Renaut H. Lecoq Mercier Berger Dubas Lorie Coat Tilloncrew, barque, french, 1918, marechal de turenne, nantes, wwi, world war one, first world war, great war, buoy, ship mascot, cat, a.m.b.c, bayonet, african, black man, apprentices, armement militaire des bâtiments de commerce, bachi, sailor beret, radio transmitters, telegraph, morse, telecommunication, german submarines, u-boats, cigarettes, smoking, williamstown, mission to seafarers, seamen's mission, nelson place, crews and ships -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph, 3 seamen on top of their ship's funnel
Monochrome photograph (sepia-like) '3" deep'tennis court, merchant ships, funnel -
Montmorency/Eltham RSL Sub Branch
Medal - Framed medals and letter
Edgar Rowllings was born in Rangoon, Burma in 1878.This is a letter addressed to Edgar Rowllings. It is his authority to wear war medals awarded for the mercantile marine. The medals are complete with miniatures and riband bar. Envelopes that contained the medals also have wearing instructions The letter has the stamp of the Board of Trade, Marine Department authorised 6-SEP 1922. The medals authorised are the British War Medal and the Mercantile Marine Medal.Insignia of the Board of Trade which says Com-of Council for Trade Stamp of the Board of Trade Marine Department authorised 6-SEP 1922 Signature of superintendent of issuing M.M.O.merchant navy, british merchant navy, british war medal, mercantile marine war medal -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
photograph - Photograph, Black and White, Reverend John Reginald Weller, Captain and Miss Johannessen on board the "Skaregrøm", 1925-1926
In January 1926, Captain Peder Emanuel Johannessen had taken his older daughter Augusta, 22, as his secretary onboard. From articles in newspaper she was apparently born in Australia (Bunbury or Albany) and it was the first the time she was back to Australia. The ship William Mitchell was berthed next to the Skaregrom at the same time. The skipper, Stuart Wilkie, had also his wife and their little girl onboard. Later the same year, the captain brought his younger daughter, Anna, 12 onboard along with her mother and a brother. In December during a storm, the windjammer was demasted. The previous skipper of the Skaregrøm, August Bengston, had also taken his daughter Gudveig on board as related by Captain Archie Orka in his log while on the Skaregrøm (See Sea History Magazine).This photograph in the MTSV can be matched up with several links to the Johannsen / Johannssen family and to a famous ship the Skaregrom. Unusually it depicts a female family member aboard ship and further research suggests that some families were accustomed to living and sailing aboard merchant ships.Black and white photograph with thin white border depicting a young woman wearing an ankle length white dress and arm in arm with an older man in suit on the deck of ship. Although detached from album the number 13 on the back and the glue traces indicate this picture was originally in the grey album pages The legend on the page says: Captain and Miss Johannsen on board the "Skaregrøm". On verso Stamp in purple ink: Herschelll's Prints -Pathe Agents / in blue ink: "394" Handwritten in pencil: "13"skipper's daughter, norway, skaregrom, p.e. johannesen, seafaring families, anna johannessen, august bengtson, gudveig bengtson, augusta johannessen, peder emanuel johannessen, skaregrøm, reverend john reginald weller (1880-1969), weller album, augusta johannsen, augusta johansen, peder even johannessen -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book, Gollock, G. A. (Georgina Anne), 1861-1940, At the sign of the flying angel : a book of the sailor at the coastline, 1930
This book documents help and guidance provided by the Christian church to merchant seafarers as they traverse the world, particularly at their points of departure and arrival, and the interactions and activities that they are involved in at these ports.Medium--sized hardcover book of 244 pages. Cover of mid-blue colour, blank front and back covers, book title and author at top of spine in gold print. Book contains a number of illustrations and maps. London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1930 xi., 244 p., [16] leaves of plates : ill., maps, 2 ports. ; 20 cm. non-fictionThis book documents help and guidance provided by the Christian church to merchant seafarers as they traverse the world, particularly at their points of departure and arrival, and the interactions and activities that they are involved in at these ports.flying angel, reverend alfred gurney goldsmith, georgina anne gollock, ethel augusta godfrey 1861-1935, alice sibthorpe tracy -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Plaque - Memorial plaque, P.J. King, Memorial Chapel of Saint Peter, 1917
The Chapel of Saint Peter was dedicated on September 6, 1917 by His Grace the Archbishop of Melbourne. The total sum necessary for the construction of the chapel was collected by the L.H.L.G and the chapel stands as a tribute to the honoured memory of the officers and men of the Mercantile Marine who lost their lives in the Great War. Note that the building was erected to commemorate fallen Mercantile Marines in the Great War before the war was concluded. This shows that the war and death toll thus far was significant enough at this point that it was having a serious impact on Australian society. Highly significant as the identifier of the raison d'etre for the chapel building and the massive fundraising effort made by the Ladies Harbour Lights Guild to fund the building prior to the end of the Great War.Large rectangular engraved brass plaqueMEMORIAL CHAPEL OF SAINT PETER / THIS CHAPEL WAS BUILT WITH FUNDS / COLLECTED BY THE LADIES HARBOUR LIGHTS GUILD/ TO THE GLORY OF GOD / AND TO THE COMMEMORATE THE/ BRAVE AND FAITHFUL MEN / OF THE MERCANTILE MARINE WHO/ GAVE THEIR LIVES IN THE/GREAT WAR / THEY ARE TOO NEAR TO BE GREAT / BUT OUR CHIDREN SHALL UNDERSTAND/ WHEN AND HOW OUR FATE/ WAS CHANGED AND BY WHOSE HAND/ ERECTED 1917 At the bottom manufacturer's name and address: P.J. King / 175 Collins Stmemorial, memorial chapel, wwi, first world war, great war, 1917, lhlg, merchant navy, mercantile marine, st peter chapel, walter richmond butler, p.j.king engraver -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Print - Engraving, In the anxious hours of waiting, 1916-1917
For Trafalgar Day, 20 October 1914, the Archbishop of Canterbury in England had "drawn up a new form of private prayer to be offered up specially for the sailors of the Fleets in the present crisis. He suggested its use particularly at noon as a silent prayer, when those at work may be reminded by the ringing of the " Angelus" bell to lift up their hearts to the Lord. The prayer was as follow: "O Thou that slumberest not nor sleepest, protect, we pray Thee, our sailors from the hidden perils of the sea, from the snares and assaults of the enemy. In the anxious hours of waiting, steady and support those on whom the burdens of responsibility lies heavily, and grant that in dangers often, watching often, in weariness often, they may serve Thee with a quiet mind, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” The prayer illustrated by English artist G.M. Langley became popular. Prints were sold as gift for 7/9 each with an oak frame. As mentioned in the ' Quarterly Jottings from our log" no 47 midwinter 1917: the etching was gifted to the Mission for display in the new Chapel by the Godfrey sisters. The frame was gifted by their cousin's wife, Mrs William Scott Purves Godfrey ( ' Quarterly Jottings from our log" no 48 Michaelmas 1917).The print was gifted by the Misses Godfrey, influential and long term members and supporters of the Ladies Harbour Light Guild. At the time of the completion of the St Peter's Chapel in September 1917, it was dedicated to the memory of all merchant seamen serving in the long war. The print subject, of the sailor guarded by Jesus was no doubt intended to inspire faith and hope but also acknowledges and reflects the anxious days of waiting not only of the sailors and seafarers negotiating the dangerous waters and oceans but also the challenge for families, experiencing the widespread anxieties of a world at war. Wood framed and glazed engraved print of Jesus Christ with sailor in the foreground and printed inscription on mount belowSignature of artist lower left of print.: G M Langley Printed on mount at lower right: "In the Anxious hours of waiting"g.m. langley, prints, engravings, merchant seamen, seafarers, ww1, godfrey family, ethel augusta godfrey, frederica godfrey, first world war, great war, mrs william scott purves godfrey, rica godfrey, rita godfrey, artwork-paintings -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book - Autobiography, Charles Shand, Looking Back, 2000
197 p. : ill. , 4 maps A small newspaper clipping about the death of Charles Shand was glued by the book donor and friend (Keith Oliver). The order of service from the Box Hill RSL was also found in the book.non-fictionww2, merchant navy, master mariner, captain charles shand (1915-2007), malta, patrick edward murphy, ned murphy -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book, Hay Doddy, War Under the Red Ensign, 1982
non-fictionww2, red ensign, merchant navy -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book, Tom Peppitt, The Crew, A Portrait of Merchant Seamen at the End of the Tramp Steamer Era, 2000
non-fictiontramp, tramp steamer, merchant navy -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book - Autobiography, Peter Biddick, A Tramp About the World, 1994
non-fictiontramp, peter biddick, merchant navy, autobiography -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book, Reg Cooley, The Unknown Fleet , The Army's Civilian Seamen in War and Peace, 1993
non-fictionmerchant navy, ww2 -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book, Sidney Howard, Our Merchant Navy, 1942
non-fictionkeith oliver, donation -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book, Sydney D. Waters, Ordeal by Sea: The New Zealand Shipping Company Limited. The Company's History in the Second World War 1939-1945, 1949
The men and ships of the New Zealand Shipping company and their participation in the British Merchant Navy during WWII. Includes details of the company's ships lost through enemy action, including the Turakina, victim of the German raider Orion in the Tasman Sea in August 1940 which was the first of the company's ships lost. Also covers the sinking of the Rangitane and Cambridge, as well as the salvage of the Hororata and the Battle of the Atlantic with the Essex in the Malta Convoy.non-fictionThe men and ships of the New Zealand Shipping company and their participation in the British Merchant Navy during WWII. Includes details of the company's ships lost through enemy action, including the Turakina, victim of the German raider Orion in the Tasman Sea in August 1940 which was the first of the company's ships lost. Also covers the sinking of the Rangitane and Cambridge, as well as the salvage of the Hororata and the Battle of the Atlantic with the Essex in the Malta Convoy. keith oliver, ww2, merchant navy, new zealand shipping company, turakina, rangitane, hororata