Photograph - Photograph, copy, The Age, St Nicholas' Mariners' Church, at Williamstown Mission to Seamen, with the lay reader in charge (Mr Stewart Murray) conducting a service, 14 June 1958

Historical information

The photograph wa published in the Age, 14th of June 1958.

The picture shows the round stained glass dedicated on Sunday 14 December 1947 and the reredos with hangings donated by Maud Breaks in memory of her sister Louise Breaks and dedicated on 26 August 1954 by the Bishop of Geelong.


This is a rare picture of the interior of the St Nicholas chapel which was erected behind the former E, S & A Bank building used by the Williamstown Seamen's Mission branch from 1944.
Article in the Age reading: "Seamen's Window Dedicated - A window in St. Nicholas' Mariners' Church, at Williamstown, in memory of the merchant seamen who were killed on active service In the last war, was unveiled and dedicated yesterday.The ceremony was performed by the Bishop of Geelong (Rt. Rev. J. D. McKie).
The window, erected by the Williamstown Lightkeepers' Auxiliary of the Victoria Missions to Seamen is placed behind the altar. It shows a quartermaster, with his hand on the wheel, and the figure of Christ pointing ahead. Bishop McKie paid a tribute to the spirit of the men who gave their lives at sea in the service of their country. He said the work of the auxiliary would still be of great value, although the war was over."
The decision of the window was published in August 1947, Mrs Musther -who created the Lightkeepers' Auxiliary branch in Williamstown - ordered it from Brooks, Robinson & Co. (job books 1923-1966).

The furniture and window were donated in 1979 to the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village in Warrnanbool, and located in the chapel.

Physical description

Black and White Gloss print photograph - Image features a minister delivering a chapel service

Inscriptions & markings

Hand written in black texta; ... Mission to Seamen, Williamstown Chapel service... Circa 1957


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