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matching churches
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, St Joseph's Catholic Church, Mount Prospect, c1897, c1897
Black and white image of a bluestone church - St Joseph's Catholic Church, Blampied. . st joseph's blampied, st joseph's mount prospect, catholic church, blampied, bluestone, slate -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, The Taste of Home
There are notes taken by Sue Barnett about the family from discussions with Gill Bell. 122p, illustrations, index, contains recipes, personal memories and photographs of the Craig family, many of whom were residents of Surrey Hills and connected with the Surrey Hills Methodist Church.122p, illustrations, index, contains recipes, personal memories and photographs of the Craig family, many of whom were residents of Surrey Hills and connected with the Surrey Hills Methodist Church.craig family, cooking, cook books, (ms) gillian bell -
Greensborough Historical Society
Article - Newspaper Clipping, Diamond Valley Leader, Council buys new 'park', 09/06/1987
Diamond Valley Council honours a commitment to purchase land for public open space in the South East Riding of Diamond Valley in 1987. The land is in St Helena Road Greensborough adjacent to St Katherine's Anglican Church.This land abuts St Katherine's Church St Helena, originally built by Anthony Beale and named for his wife Katherine Rose. Newspaper article photocopied onto A4 page, 3 columns of text under black and white photograph of Cr Margaret Devlin at St Katherine's Church St Helena. 2 copies.Diamond Valley News Tuesday June 9, 1987 - page 7.anthony beale, st helena, st katherines church, parks greensborough, beale reserve -
Victorian Interpretive Projects Inc.
Photograph - colour, Clare Gervasoni, St Peter's Catholic Church, Daylesford, 2015, 14/06/2015
"The fine structure of St. Peter's, with its prettily-decorated interior, which holds crowded congregations at Holy Mass on Sundays, is alone an eloquent testimony of the piety and devotion which permeates the whole parish. Attached to the church is a circulating library, and Catholic papers and other literature are distributed at the church door. Branches of the H.A.C.B. Society and Catholic Federation are doing much good work. (Melbourne Advocate, 17 January 1914) "OPENING AND CONSECRATION OF THE NEW CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ST. PETER’S, DAYLESFORD Cross on St. Peter'sNotwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the opening of the new Catholic Church of St. Peter’s, yesterday (Sunday), attracted a crowded congregation. Although the rain, which has poured almost incessantly for some days past, had left our roads and streets in the condition for which Daylesford is celebrated in winter weather, and although he storm and rain seemed to increase as the hour announced for the ceremonies approached, the church was filled by a large congregation, comprising all sects and denominations of Christians in and around the district. The beautiful edifice, erected mainly through the zeal, liberality and energy of the respected pastor, presented a most imposing appearance, and reflects infinite credit upon the Rev. Mr. Slattery, and the flock committed to his charge. The church was commenced in November 1863 and has been in the hands of the workmen up to the present time, work being uninterruptedly carried on. On commencing the foundations, it was necessary to excavate until solid clay was reached, which in consequence of the deep rich chocolate soil on the site of the building, had to be carried down to an average depth of 6 feet 6 inches. The foundations were laid with massive stones in courses of 12-inch, and four feet thick, reducing to 3 feet below the floor line. The style of the building is decorated Gothic, and consists of a nave, 80 feet by 30 feet in the clear, and a chancel 18 feet high; from floor line to apex of roof, 47 feet, which is elegantly constructed, consisting of six spans or frames with puncheons resting on carved corbels, low down between the windows. The north side consists of a handsome entrance, near the north-west angle, approached by nine steps of cut stone, and four bays of windows on nave, and a small door on side of chancel, intended as an entry from the sacristy. The south side presents a very handsome view to Victoria street, a beautiful porch entrance giving access to the building on the south-east end of nave; and on the south-west angle a handsome octagonal spire, terminating in an iron cross, with gilt floriations; the height of top of cross, from floor line, is 88 feet. A stone stairs gives access to the organ gallery and the belfry. The whole of the windows are of a handsome geometrical design, and carved in stone, with mullions and tracery, and glazed with amber-tinted glass, the chancel window being 15 feet high, and 8 feet wide. The chancel arch is unusually large, 27 feet St. Peter's interiorhigh and 18 feet wide, and handsomely moulded, and presents a fine appearance from the body of the church. The roof is stained a rich oak, with heavy cornice, and all the walls are smoothly plastered, and colored peach color, giving the amber-tinted glass a beautiful soft cathedral appearance to the interior. The altar is of a very chaste design, the panels being moulded with Gothic heads, and finished in white and gold; the altar rail was not completed, but is intended to be of polished cedar, with carved pillars. The interior fittings will be proceeded with immediately, and to complete the design, an organ gallery, with sittings for about 100 persons besides the choir, will be constructed on the west end. It is intended also to place pillar gaslights on each side of the main entrance, for lighting during vespers in winter. The style of architecture has been strictly carried out, and in the best and most substantial manner. The building has been erected under the superintendence of the architect Mr. John Townsend Brophy, a member of the congregation, and who has discharged his duty with great ability and care. The hour of half-past eleven has scarcely passed when from the sacristy entered His Lordship the Right Rev. Dr. Gould, Bishop of Melbourne, preceded by the Very Rev. Dean Hayes (Sandhurst), the Rev. P. J. Slattery, and a number of boys dressed in white surplices. The Right Reverend Prelate proceeded to the foot of the altar, the Very Rev. the Dean on his right, and the Rev. P. J. Slattery on the left. The prayers usual upon the occasion were read by the Bishop. A procession was then formed, and went around the church in the following order. Several youths bearing wax candles first, next the Very Rev. the Dean, then the Bishop and his train bearers, and following were the Rev. Mr. Slattery and acolytes. Having returned to the altar in the same order, the Deacon (Dean Hayes) and Sub-Deacon (Rev. P. J. Slattery) proceeded to robe his Lordship, who had taken his seat at the epistle side of the altar, for the solemn High Mass, at appropriate times wearing his mitre and bearing his crozier. The mass, which was chanted by the Bishop with touching simplicity and earnestness, was then commenced. The choir, under the direction of Mr. Meunsch, organist, was full and most effective. Mrs. Testar, of Melbourne, having generously offered her valuable services, took the leading soprano solos, and it is scarcely necessary to add, rendered them with exquisite taste and feeling – her beautiful voice being heard with great effect throughout the entire building. The choir consisted of the following ladies and gentlemen who volunteered to aid in the ceremonies upon this most interesting occasion. Ladies: Mrs. Tresar, soprano; Mrs. J.J. McCormick, alto; Miss Julia Conry, soprano; Mrs. Vincent, soprano; Mrs. Aitken, soprano. Gentlemen: H. Guthiel, tenor; Master John Murphy, tenor; James Knox, bass; J. M. Murphy, bass; Mr. Staunton, baritone; Mr. Sourby, alto; Mr. Short, bass. The chant, “Let us adore,” during the procession, was given by Mrs. Vincent with considerable power. The selection of the “Imperial Mass” (Haydn’s No. 3) was felicitous, and the highly artistic and finished manner in which the different parts were sustained, demonstrated that great and persevering care must have been bestowed on the preparation for “the opening day.” The “Kyrie” was given with the full strength and power of the choir. The swelling of the voices in complete harmony, and the pealing of the organ in the midst of incense and prayer, produced a most marked effect upon the congregation. In the “Gloria,” the solos of Mrs. Testar were really beautiful and Mrs. McCormick rendered the alto solos with considerable merit. Mr. Knox sang the part commencing with the words “Qui tolles” with much taste and power. The “Credo” than which we believe there is not a more magnificent piece of sacred music extant, was most successful in its rendering, nor do we ever remember to have heard anything more touching than the manner in which the line “Vetam Venturi in Seculi,” was given by Mrs. Testar. The offertory hymn “Come unto Me all ye that labor,” was given by Mrs. Testar with the most thrilling effect. The “Sanctus” having been sung, in which Mr. Sourby ably rendered an alto solo, the “Agnus Dei” was commenced with a solo by Mrs. McCormick and was given with great taste and feeling, Mrs. Testar, at the conclusion of the “Agnus,” taking up the soprano part. Mass being concluded, the Very Reverend Dean Hayes ascended the altar and proceeded to preach the opening sermon, taking as his text Second Paralipomenon [Chronicles II], 7th chapter and 16th verse – “For I have chosen and have sanctified this place that My hand may be there for ever, and My eyes and My heart may remain there perpetually.” St Peter's manseAt the close of the sermon a collection was made by the very reverend preacher, assisted by John Egan, Esq., Corinella, on behalf of the church, and about fifty pounds were contributed. When it is remembered that 500 tickets had been issues at 10s each, and the inclemency of the weather taken into consideration, the collection may be regarded as a large one. Benediction was sung by the Rev. P. J. Slattery, assisted by Dean Hayes, the choir singing the “O! Salutaris Hostia” and “Laudate.” Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus was sung at the termination of the ceremonies. The vestments issued at Benediction, as well as at the Mass, were of the most gorgeous and beautiful character. When the Benediction was over, the Rev. P. J. Slattery, standing at the front of the altar said– “I wish to say one or two words before the congregation leave. I feel most deeply indebted to all of you who have attended here today for the honor and glory of God, not withstanding the difficulties you had to encounter from this most inclement season. I am truly delighted at such a manifestation of feeling, and will not easily forget it.” The rev. gentleman having disrobed, thanked the members of the choir for their kindness in assisting at the ceremonies, and more especially Mrs. Testar, who had braved all the storm and rain to be present at, and give the advantage of her great musical abilities on, the “opening day.” (Daylesford Mercury, 15 May 1865.)A number of photographs of St Peter's Catholic Church, Daylesford, taken at the 150th anniversary celebration. st peter's catholic church daylesford, decoration, altar decoration, anniversary, daylesford, religion, painting, interior, slattery, gough, d'alton, mcmahon -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Research File - Tarnagulla Churches, 1990s
A display book containing detailed typed research notes about the history of Tarnagulla Presbyterian (Uniting) Church, Tarnagulla Methodist Church and Laanecoorie Methodist Church. Compiled by Donald Clark. Photo of Tarnagulla Methodist Church in 1980s. -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Barbara HEGARTY's Bridesmaids outside Holy Trinity Church, 1 Nov 1958
Barbara GARDINER (nee HEGARTY) married Robert GARDINER, at Holy Trinity Church, Port Melbourne on November 1 1958. The dress was made by Barbara's mother, Alice HEGARTY (nee MOTT). The bridesmaids dresses were made by Margaret Conn who was one of the bridesmaids.B&W photograph of Barbara HEGARTY bridesmaids on her wedding day outside Holy Trinity Church L-R Margaret Conn, Joan Gardiner and Marlene HEGARTY. weddings, celebrations fetes and exhibitions, domestic life, religion - anglican (holy trinity), robert (bob) gardiner, barbara gardiner nee hegarty, marlene mcpherson nee hegarty, joan gardiner, margaret conn -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Barbara GARDINER on her wedding day signing the register at Holy Trinity Church, 1 Nov 1958
Barbara GARDINER (nee HEGARTY) married Robert GARDINER, at Holy Trinity Church, Port Melbourne on November 1 1958. The dress was made by Barbara's mother, Alice HEGARTY (nee MOTT). The bridesmaids dresses were made by Margaret Conn who was one of the bridesmaids.B&W photograph of Barbara GARDINER nee HEGARTY on her wedding day signing the wedding register at Holy Trinity Church while Bob GARDINER and the minister look on.weddings, celebrations fetes and exhibitions, domestic life, religion - anglican (holy trinity), robert (bob) gardiner, barbara gardiner nee hegarty -
Clunes Museum
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document, Order of Service Rev Rhys A Miller, 1946
This is a program for the Order of Service for the Induction of the Rev Rhys Miller to St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Warrnambool in 1946. St. John’s Church was officially opened in 1875, burnt down in 1920 and rebuilt around the skeleton structure remaining on the same site. The Rev. Rhys Miller had been a R.A.A.F. Chaplain during World War Two before coming to Warrnambool in 1946. He was absent from Warrnambool for most of that first year undertaking post-graduate studies in Scotland. The Rev. Miller was the Minister at St. John’s Church until 1952 when he transferred to a Gardenvale church in Melbourne. The centenary of Presbyterianism in Warrnambool took place in 1949 and Rev. Miller wrote the booklet, ‘100 Years of Worship and Work’. In 1984 he published his autobiography, ‘Calling and Recalling’. This program is of interest because the Rev. Rhys Miller, as a Minister of St. John’s Presbyterian Church on Warrnambool, was a significant person in Warrnambool’s history. This is a program, the Order of Service for the Induction of the Rev. Rhys Miller to St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Warrnambool in 1946. It is a small sheet of paper folded in two to make four pages. The printed material is black on white. There is a small black mark on the back page (spilt ink?). rev. rhys miller, st. john’s presbyterian church, warrnambool, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Programme - Induction – Rev. Rhys Miller
This is a program for the Order of Service for the Induction of the Rev Rhys Miller to St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Warrnambool in 1946. St. John’s Church was officially opened in 1875, burnt down in 1920 and rebuilt around the skeleton structure remaining on the same site. The Rev. Rhys Miller had been a R.A.A.F. Chaplain during World War Two before coming to Warrnambool in 1946. He was absent from Warrnambool for most of that first year undertaking post-graduate studies in Scotland. The Rev. Miller was the Minister at St. John’s Church until 1952 when he transferred to a Gardenvale church in Melbourne. The centenary of Presbyterianism in Warrnambool took place in 1949 and Rev. Miller wrote the booklet, ‘100 Years of Worship and Work’. In 1984 he published his autobiography, ‘Calling and Recalling’. This program is of interest because the Rev. Rhys Miller, as a Minister of St. John’s Presbyterian Church on Warrnambool, was a significant person in Warrnambool’s history. This is a program, the Order of Service for the Induction of the Rev. Rhys Miller to St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Warrnambool in 1946. It is a small sheet of paper folded in two to make four pages. The printed material is black on white. There is a small black mark on the back page (spilt ink?). order of service -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Printed image, Rev. A.R. Edgar, Undated c.1914
Alexander Robert Edgar 1850 - 1914. Methodist Minister. Served at Wesley Church Lonsdale Street for 21 years. Founded the Central Mission, and was Superintendent of the Mission 1893 - 1910. Edgar was the last President of the Wesleyan Conference of Victoria and Tasmania in 1901 and presided at the opening of the first United Methodist Session until Dr Fitchett was elected President.B & W profile portrait of the Rev. Alexander Robert Edgar, printed for publication. On the reverse is a photo of the Rev. A.R. Edgar memorial tablet in Wesley Church.Rev. A.R. Edgaralexander robert edgar, methodist minister, wesley church, central mission, president of the wesleyan conference, dr fitchett -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Detailed 56 paged history of Mackenzie Street Methodist Church 1866 - 1966 by George Eisfelder. Composed of church records and various Resolutions of the church committee.George Eisfelderchurch, history, mackenzie street methodist church, george eisfelder. rev john orchard, golden square wesleyan church, bible christian church long gully, rev w h hoskens, miss beryle buley. mr graydon grey. -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Booklet, Holy Trinity Church, Holy Trinity Church, Kew : 70 years 1863-1933, 1933
This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.An illustrated booklet produced to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of Holy Trinity Church. The book includes an article on the history of the Church and descriptions of groups associated with the Churchholy trinity (kew), churches -- kew (vic.) -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Methodist Church Sunday School teachers in 1934, 1934
... churches ...Black and white photo of the Methodist Church Sunday School teachers in 1934. They are posed against a cyclone wire fence in a roughly grassed area, possibly adjacent to the church building. They are identified as: Back row LtoR: Fred Lumsden, Ron Falconer, Dr Edward Gault, Bert Hewitt, James Moad. Front row LtoR: Frank Bamford, T Lawson, Rolland Edwards. surrey hills methodist church, religion, churches, sunday schools, fred lumsden, ron falconer, dr edward gault, bert hewitt, james moad, frank bamford, t lawson, rolland edwards -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Benson Street Methodist Church Sunday School, 1950s
... churches ...Primary classes of the Benson Street Methodist Church Sunday School, 1950sA black and white photograph of a large group of small children and ladies standing outside a building.benson street uniting church, churches, benson street, surrey hills, clothing and dress, 1950-1959, sunday school -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Tom and May Barrie, 1935
Ferris Road–Ferris Lane family farm of John and Elizabeth Ferris until 1939, until daughter Marion married Thomas Linsday Barrie. Marion Elizabeth nee Ferris born 29th of August 1914 -died 5th of June 1990 SUMMARY - Thomas Lindsay Barrie 1914 – 1990 A life long resident of Melton Son of Jessie and Charles Ernest Barrie of Darlingsford Melton Married Marion Ferris at Christ Church Melton on 11th May 1939. They lived on the family farm at Ferris Road Melton. They had one son, Ian who has continued in farming in Melton. He served the community in the following – Shire of Melton Councillor Member for 32 years 1941 – 1970 Elected as Councillor for Melton South 1970 – 1973 Councillor for Rockbank 1943 – 1944 Shire President for three terms 1958 – 1959 ditto 1964 – 1965 ditto Council Representative: Bacchus Marsh High School and Western Suburbs Municipalities. Representative on delegation to prevent Melton post primary students being sent to Deer Park prior to the establishment of Melton High School. Melton Bush Fire Brigade 1941 Member Melton Bush Fire Brigade Registered No. 425 1942 1942 2nd Lieutenant 1943 – 1944 4th Lieutenant Country Fire Authority Rural Services Award 1963 20 Years Long Service Badge Scots Presbyterian Church Melton Member of the Board of Management 1947 – 1969 information from Annual Reports note more research needed at Uniting Church Archives Tom farmed the family property with his father and brothers, and later the Ferris Road property which continued with his son Ian. His childhood interest in horses began with the draft horses kept at the bluestone stable and barn at Darlingsford. When the stables were empty in the late 1980s visit, he vividly recalled the names of the horses he had handled in his youth. When the draft horse became obsolete with the introduction of tractors and trucks this interest continued with the breeding and training of harness racers. Darlingsford Drafts and Ponies. Order of Stalls Clydesdales – Dick, Dolly, Flower, Nugget, Blossom, Lofty, Prince. Roger, Rose, Violet, Don, Beauty, Baldy, Diamond. Cart and Mounts Creamy, Digger, Popsy Couple at Francis McGregor Barrie and Linda Willaton's wedding at Sunshine Methodist Church 20th April 1935?local identities -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Ceremonial object - Goblet cover, 1907 to mid 20th century
This item is part of the collection of Ecclesiastical Linen once used by St. Andrews Anglican Church on the corner of the Esplanade and 14 Drummond St, Dennington, Victoria. The first Anglican service was conducted on December 22nd, 1907. The church was decommissioned in January 2003. This item is part of the Ecclesiastical Linen collection, which is significant for its examples of handworked embroidery and drawn-thread work from the early 20th century. The items are also examples of a collection used for religious services during this period. The Ecclesiastical Linen is also significant for its association with the early development of the local township of Dennington and the importance the the community of setting aside land in the 1850's for the purpose of religious worship. The Ecclesiastical Linen is also significant for its connection to St Andrews Anglican Church, Dennington. The church was funded and attended by the local community in the early 1900's and is now listed on the Victorian Heritage Database (VHD 118083) as a building of historical and social significance. Goblet cover, part of a set of Ecclesiastical Linen once used in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Dennington, Victoria, between the years 1907 and 2003. The fine white linen cover is made from two pieces of fabric and shaped like a pocket with rounded corners. it has been hand stitched.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, st andrews anglican church dennington, dennington church, warrnambool church 1907, ecclesiastical linen, communion linen, hand worked linen, religious service, religious ceremony, ceremonial linen, needlework, fine linen, goblet cover -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph of a large stone church, There is a paling fence visible each side at the rear of the church and a post and rail fence in front of the building. This was the first St. Kilian's church to be built (note that on the rear of the photo it says ' All Saints Church ' )buildings, church, st. killians, st. kilian's church -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, 1900
The foundation stone of the present church was laid by the Hon James Balfour on 15 June 1875. Mr Charles Webb was the architect, the builder Mr James Bonham and the cost was L2826/17/- exclusive of fittings. The opening services were held of 2 December 1875.B&W matt photograph of the Brighton Congregational Church interior including the organ pipes, showing Harvest Festival displays and banner text: "Thou crownest the year with thy goodness". pipe organ, brighton congregational church, harvest festival, hon james balfour, charles webb, james bonham -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, 1900
The foundation stone of the present church was laid by the Hon James Balfour on 15 June 1875. Mr Charles Webb was the architect, the builder Mr James Bonham and the cost was L2826/17/- exclusive of fittings. The opening services were held of 2 December 1875.B&W matt photograph of the Brighton Congregational Church interior including the organ pipes, showing Harvest Festival displays and banner text: "Thou crownest the year with thy goodness". pipe organ, brighton congregational church, harvest festival, hon james balfour, charles webb, james botham -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, St Mary's Church Hall, Glen Eira Road, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. The Jubilee School on the corner of Hood Crescent and Glen Eira Road was built in 1887 AD to commemorate Queen Victoria’s Jubilee.Victorian Heritage Database The former St Mary's Jubilee School is locally significant as an early purpose built church school, associated with St Mary's Church. Its use of polychrome brick is locally conspicuous whilst the adoption of the Gothic Style not only underlines its Christian foundations but relates to the comparable schools of the Public Works Department of the same period.Page 57 of Photograph Album with four exterior photographs (2 portrait and 2 landscape) of St Mary's Church Hall. Bottom right photograph is a photo of a photo.Hand written: St Mary's Church Hall - Glen Eira Road [top left] / Neg 233 8 Oct 1966 [under top left photo] / 3 Sept 1972 [under bottom left photo] / bottom right photo titled "St Mary's Sunday School" / 57 [bottom left] trevor hart, 1880's, elsternwick, glen eira road, st kilda east, church of england, st mary's, caulfield north, st mary's anglican church hall, hood crescent, jubilee school, polychrome brickwork, curved windows, church hall, queen victoria’s jubilee, victorian, sunday schools, st mary's jubilee school, gothic style -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, c. 1918
Taken in c. 1918, this photograph depicts the ruins of the French village Villers-Bretonneux. In the foreground of the image are rows of shell damaged houses and buildings. In the background of the image stands a tower of the ruined church.On 24 April, Villers-Bretonneux was captured by the Germans as they advanced towards the regional city of Amiens. If they achieved their goal and drove onto the French coast, splitting the British and French armies, the Allied cause might have been lost. The fate of Amiens hung in the balance as two Australian brigades were given the task of retaking Villers-Bretonneux through a swift night-time counter attack. One brigade would assault from the south, while another would attack from the north. The assault began at 10pm on 24 April. The 13th Brigade in the south were held up by German machine guns, before the Australians linked up east of the village. After dawn on 25 April Australian and British troops were involved in fierce fighting to clear the Germans from the village. Some Germans escaped Villers-Bretonneux through nearby woods. Later on the morning of 25 April, three years to the day after the Anzacs landings at Gallipoli, French and Australian flags were raised over Villers-Bretonneux.Black and white rectangular reproduced photograph printed on matte photographic paperReverse: (A copyright and reproduction notice from the Australian War Museum, printed upside-down in blue ink) Church x Ruins/ Villers Bretonneux/ (in pencil) burke museum, world war 1, ww1, wwi, france, australia, villers-bretonneux, ruins, military album -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Folder - Kiewa Methodist Church, 1917 to 1962
The copy of a letter written by Harry H. Simmonds of Huon notes that "the church existed in 1905. It was built by Hill and McCormack with timber donated by Mr Ned Dunstan on ground donated by Mr James Thomas probably in the late 1800s. It was possibly called a Methodist Church because the donor of the land was a Methodist. It was used by the three Protestant Groups and maintenance was paid for by an annual area collection.The house on the west side was a Presbyterian Manse for many years and the block of ground on the north side was known as the Manse paddock in which the minister grazed his cow and horse." In 1936 there was a fence between the Kiewa Methodist Church was the Presbyterian Church in Kiewa. Its Certificate of Title is Volume 5134 Folio 1026783 (Sept. 1942.) In 1952, the church was made of wood with an iron roof. In 1954. Request to Yackandandah Shire re a fence from Kiewa Consolidated School entrance to the unused hedge adjacent to the Church. In 1958 there was correspondence re 'the strip of land on each side of the Church.' Churches were an important part of life during the late 19th century and early to mid 20th century and were built in the centre of town as was this one. These papers give an understanding of the work involved in maintaining a church. The letters and 'book' give a lot of names of local families involved with the Methodist Church at Kiewa. Yellow plastic spiral folder with 18 pages enclosed in clear plastic sleeves.Papers enclosed include accounts, payments, tenders and other correspondence relating to the Methodist Church at Kiewa dating from 1932 to 1962. Of particular interest is a black cardboard cover book dated 1917 re collection of donations from listed people. The latest date in the book is 1942.Enclosed in first plastic sleeve is a letter from the donor, Kathie Vines dated 15th July 2013methodist church; kiewa; harry h. simmonds; yackandandah council; -
St Kilda Historical Society
Photograph, Christ Church St Kilda exterior - images collection #2
... Churches ...Christ Church was constructed in 1854-57 and designed in Decorated Gothic style by Albert Purchase & Charles Swyer. It was enlarged in 1874 and 1881 to the designs of Sydney W Smith. It is one of four main buildings constructed on land granted to the Church of England in 1855 and named Church Square. The other buildings are the bishop's residence, vicarage and parish hall. Heritage Victoria describes it as a 'rare and significant square in the history of town planning in Victoria which demonstrates the importance of the church to the community'. It is built from rarely used undressed random coursed sandstone from Point King Sorrento. It is located at 14 Acland Street, St Kilda. The triangular rose window is said to have been modelled on Lichfield Cathedral and shows outstanding craftsmanship. According to Heritage Victoria, the only other known example in Victoria is at St Georges Presbyterian Church in East St Kilda, designed by the same architect, Albert Purchas. The Church has a varied collection of stained glass, including work by leading stained glass firms and artists in Victoria in the nineteenth and early twentieth century: Ferguson & Urie, William Montgomery and Brooks Robinson. The 'shipwreck window,' north west transept, is an historically significant memorial window dedicated to Miles and William Dalzell Nicholson, the second and third sons of the Hon. William Nicholson, M.L.A, a Lord Mayor of Melbourne and Premier of Victoria in the 1850s. Miles, died in England on 27 April 1874. His younger brother William died in the wreck of the ‘British Admiral’ off King Island on 23 May 1874. The images show the condition of the church at the time they were taken (c 2012). Signs of deterioration can be seen. The bell is not rung any more because of damage to the stonework.There has been some remedial work since and the National Trust of Australia conducted a heritage restoration appeal.churches, acland street, purchase, swyer, st kilda, christ church -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Looking east to Mitcham, c1952
Sent to a parishioner at Christ Church, Mitcham, by Phyllis Grant who lived at the Migrant Hostel in Mitcham in 1952 -54, where her husband did development work under the P.M.G.Black and white photograph of Mitcham looking east from opposite Albert Street. Note the two lane road with trees each side of the road. Christ Church Mitcham in Edward Street can be seen on the left.whitehorse road, mitcham, christ church anglican church mitcham, grant, phyllis -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Relocation of Ringwood Church of England building from Maroondah Hwy & Pratt Street corner to Ringwood Street - c.1924
Removing Church of England Church building from Ringwood East to near Post OfficeWritten on front of photograph, "Removing C. of E. from Ringwood East to near P. Office" -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
black and white image: brick church, single spire. Forest Street Presbyterian Church.buildings, church, forest street presbyterian church, forest street uniting church, church, bendigo -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, undated
James Stanley Cunningtonwas minister at Mooroopna from 1983. Services were held fortnightly.Colour photograph of Scots Church Ardmona, showing the church noticeboard and the minister J.M. Cunnington.maroopna, james stanley cunnington, scots church ardmona -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book, Blackburn Baptist Church Directory, c1983
Contains photos and contact addresses of church members as well as outline of church history and activities.Contains photos and contact addresses of church members as well as outline of church history and activities.Contains photos and contact addresses of church members as well as outline of church history and activities.blackburn baptist church, history -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, North Blackburn Methodist Church, 1955
Black and white photograph of North Blackburn Methodist Church known as the 'Folding Church' in 1955.north blackburn methodist church, bird, neville, folding church