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Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Swimming and Life Saving Return, 1952
Swimming and Life Saving return 1952 for Ballarat Junior Technical School. This information required for Ballarat Inspectoral District. Number of boys and girls at various level listed. Emphasis placed on teaching as many as possible. Small groups for non-swimmers. Both city baths used. Cream page, typed ballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, swimming, life saving, city baths, ballarat inspectoral district -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter to Air Force Association re funding for Scholarships, 1952
Letter of thanks to Mr Fraser of the Air Force Association on behalf of the two scholarship winners. M Phillips, third year of tenure in his second year at the School of Mines and N Spier, second year of tenure is in his first year at the same school. Cream page, typed ballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, m fraser, secretary, air force association, scholarships, m phillips, n spier, school of mines -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Reporting of resumption of duty of Mr J L Tyers to Education Department, 1952
.1: Letter from Education Department requesting the date Mr J L Tyers resumed duty. Leave expired 30th June 1952. This written on 31st July. .2: Reply from school stating he resumed duty on Monday 2nd June. This letter written on 5th August 1952.1: Proforma sheet, typed .2: Cream page, typed .1: Signature of Secretary D H Wheeler. Letterheadballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, education department, secretary, d h wheeler, leave of absence, return to duty, j l tyers -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter from Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Navy, 1952
Note sent acknowledging receipt of certificate of character of Master A S Phillips, candidate for entry into the Royal Australian Naval College as a Cadet Midshipman.Cream page, typed Signature of rep for Secretary T J Hawkinsballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, commonwealth of australia, department of the navy, a s phillips, certificate of character, royal australian navy college, cadet midshipman -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter from Memorial High School Dimboola re R F Farquhar, 1952
Letter from Headmaster of the Memorial High School at Dimboola. Student from Ballarat Junior Technical School has transferred to the school and proportion of fees paid is requested to meet expenses.Cream page, typed Signature of H J Slattery Letterhead of schoolballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, memorial high school dimboola, transfer of student, r f farquhar, activities fees -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter of certification re William Junior Adams, 1952
Letter from L C Garner certifying that William Junior Adams gained his Junior Technical Certificate at Ballarat Junior Technical School in December 1944.Cream page, typed ballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, william junior adams, junior technical certificate, 1944 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Request from The Library Association of Australia re Mr I M Kelly, 1952
.1: Request from Ian Melville Kelly for Salary adjustment for years 1951 and 1952. .2 & .3: Correspondence from The Library Association of Australia for Ian Kelly to be supervised during the Association's Examinations in June. There are two papers and times etc are specific. Writing paper, candidate's number and instructions for supervisors will be forwarded. Second letter indicates that the school has not replied to the request of the first letter.3 Cream pages, typed .2 & .3: Letterhead Signature of Honorary Secretary Judith Hunterballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, ian melville kelly, salary adjustment, library association of australia, association's examinations, supervisors, judith hunter, honorary secretary -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Thank you from BJTS to Ballarat Lawn Tennis Club, 1952
.1: Letter from the school thanking the Ballarat Lawn Tennis Cub for the use of the courts so team could experience playing on grass.Thanks to curator for preparing the courts. Cheque as donation sent. .2: Thank you letter from S C Stone, Secretary of the Tennis Club, for the cheque. School welcome to have use of courts in the future.2 Cream pages, typed .2: Letterhead Signature of S C Stone, Honorary Secretaryballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, honorary secretary, s c stone, ballarat lawn tennis club, curator, cheque, use of courts -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter to Mrs Miller re transfer of children to Footscray Junior Technical School, 1952
Letter from Mr Garner to Mrs Miller assuring her that there would be no difficulty in transferring her sons Bruce and Robin to Footscray Junior Technical School. Suggests she contacts the school informing the Head Master of her intention of enrolling the boys at the beginning of Term 2. Statement showing each boy has paid money for activities - sport, material, library, magazine.2 Cream pages, typed ballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, mrs m miller, bruce miller, robin miller, transfer, footscray junior technical school., activities fees paid, sport, materials, library, magazine -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter from Mr D Gibbens re son's transfer to Swinburne Technical College, 1952
Letter from Mr Gibbens requests a statement that fees had been paid to Ballarat Junior Technical School before his son Paul transferred to Swinburne Technical School. The amount was 25/- (One pound five shillings) This would mean he only had to pay 10/- to Swinburne. Letter to certify Paul Gibbens had made payment was provided by Mr Garner..1: Lines writing paper - hand written in blue pen .2: Cream pages, typed .1: Signature of D Gibbensballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, d gibbens, paul gibbens, school transfer, swinburne technical school, school activities payment, one pound five shillings -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter to Dr Ursula Hoff, National Galley of Victoria, 1952
Letter to Dr Ursula Hoff, Keeper of Prints at the National Gallery of Victoria. School returning circular and wish to have six prints for the year. Four from previous year returned.Cream pages, typed .1: Signature of D Gibbensballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, keeper of prints, national gallery of victoria, dr ursula hoff, prints for loan -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter to Mrs O'Dell re Scholarship recipients for 1952
Letter to Mrs O'Dell, Honorary Secretary Mothers' Club, with a receipt for Six Pounds for their scholarships for 1952. Information on past students who had scholarships given. Colin Hocking - gained Intermediate Technical Certificate at Diploma entrance level, now in an architect's office. Kevin Parkinson passed his Junior Technical Certificate. Norman Leckie plans to complete Form 4 and ultimately become a teacher.Cream pages, typed ballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, mrs o'dell, hon secretary, mothers' club, scholarship money, colin hocking, intermediate technical certificate, diploma entrance level, architect's office, kevin parkinson, junior technical certificate, norman leckie, form 4, teacher -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter to Caulfield Technical School re building facilities at Ballarat, 1952
Letter to Mr F C Masson at Caulfield Technical School in answer to circular received providing added information about the facilities needed at Ballarat Junior Technical School. In 1950 the Public Works Department was provided with the requirements for the extensions to the school by the Education Department. Increase in enroenrolmentslments for future years, Art Room, Woodwork Room, Science Laboratory, Library, Projection Room, Cafeteria, Staff Room.Cream pages, typed ballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, caulfield technical school, f c masson, facilities at school, public works department, education department, increase in prospective students, art room, woodwork room, science room, library, projection room, cafeteria, staff room -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter to the Education Department re Suggested alterations to School Entrance, 1952
Letter to the Education Department thanking them for additional desks and lockers. Wishes to put forward for consideration a proposal to improve the entrance to the building. Present entrance inadequate and opens on to a cloak room and wash basins. Parents are expected to wait in the area. Plan show suggested changes and carried out at small cost and greatly enhance the appearance and prestige of the school.2 Cream pages, typed ballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, education department, acknowledge receiving new desks and lockers, changes to entrance needed, wash basins, lockers coat pegs, accommodation for parents inadequate, plans, enhance building -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter from The Salvation Army re use of school tennis courts, 1952
Letter to the school from The Salvation Army thanking them for the use of the tennis court for girls' basketball matches. Girls and young women appreciate the facilities and will utmost to protect the property.Cream page, typed Letterhead - red inkballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, the salvation army, basketball matches, school tennis courts -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letters relating to equipment to establish a practice weather-observation station. 1952
.1: Letter from H B Selby & Co Pty Ltd re the order for a Fortin Barameter. Asking for arrangement for Staff member to collect as it is very fragile. The glassware for the Regnault Vapour pressure Apparatus not previously sent has been forwarded. .2: Letter from the school to The Director Weather Bureau Melbourne. Outlines establishing a weather-observing station as part of general science. Mr McLachlin in Ballarat will guide the school as to method, procedure, records, etc List of equipment on loan - Stevenson Screen, maximum and minimum thermometers, wet and dry bulb thermometers, 8" rain gauge, cloud chart, instructions for reductions of barometer readings, weather code for transmission, record book. 2 Cream pages, typed .1: Letterhead for H B Selby & Co Pty Ltd - Black and red inks Signature of V T Parkinson, Managerballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, h b selby, weather bureau, weather station, observations, fortin barameter, regnault vapour pressure apparatus, stevenson screen, maximum thermometer, minimum thermometer, bulb thermometers, rain gauge, instructions, weather code, record book -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter from Education Department re Medical Certificate and X-ray needed for teacher employment, 1952
Letter from Secretary of Education Department, D H Wheeler, outlining requirements for employment of a person as a teacher. Medical Certificate plus Chest X-ray needed. Failure to provide these will result in the termination of their employment. Cream pages, typed ballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, education department, d h wheeler, medical certificate, x-ray, school medical officer, termination -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Nominations for Crow's Nest Camp, Queencliff, 1952
List of girls' names in order of priority for the Crow's Nest Camp. This camp is located at Queenscliff Victoria. Girls are Brenda Beaumont, Janice Rogers, Doreen New, Margaret Eggleton, Lorraine Horwood, Dawn Peacock, Joy Schrader, Marion Minehan, Irene Jolly. They range in age from 11 to 13 years. Cream pages, typed ballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, girls' section, crow's nest camp, queenscliff, nominations, brenda beaumont, janice rogers, doreen new, margaret eggleton, lorraine horwood, dawn peacock, joy schrader, marion minehan, irene jolly -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Ballarat State Schools' Scholarship Fund, 1956
.1 Letter to The Ballarat and District Scholarship Fund giving names of winners for 1956. Malcolm Allen, Mt Clear School and Lesley Cutts, Urguhart Street School. Letter to Mr G Salatheil, Honorary Secretary C/- State School 2103. .2: Letter on behave of the Education Department forwarding a cheque for Ten Pounds for Malcolm Allen and Lesley Cutts - First Instalment. .1: Cream page, typed .2: Cream page hand written, blue ink .2: Letterhead and signature of G Salatheilballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, education department, state schools' scholarship fund, 1956, malcolm allen, lesley cutts, g salatheil, honorary secretary -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter from Mrs E M Hood re appreciation of students from BJTS, 1956
Letter of appreciation from Mrs Hood for the work done chopping wood by two boys from the school. It was part of the Social Studies . Boys were Peter Moon and Brian McInnes. They were a credit to their parents, school and themselves. 2 sheets of lined writing paper, hand written in blue ink Signature of Mrs E M Hoodballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, mrs e m hood, peter moon, brian mcinnes, social studies, appreciation of work -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Social Service League, 1956
Letter to Mrs L E Trevenen explaining that the School's "Social Service League" has terminated activities for the year. All money has been disbursed. May be able to assist in the future. Cream paper, typed ballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, l e trevenen, social service league, activities terminated, money disbursed -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter, Letter to Frederick Gladstone Procter, 1949, 1949
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...Letter to F.Gladstone Proctor, teacher in Metalcraft at the Ballarat Technical Art School, and Acting Head of the Art School in 1949. 19th August, 1949 Mr F.G. Procter, School of Mines BALLARAT Dear Mr. Procter By direction of the School Council I have pleasure in conveying to you the Council's keen appreciation of teh steling service rendered by you as Acting Head of the Art School durign the past 18 months. The Council is particularly pleased with the number of improvements effected by you, very often in your own time, such as - the construction of a number of wearving looms, the framing of prints, the procuring, setting up and lighting of show cases and the assembling of a portable compressor unit for air-brush work. Yours faithfully [signed] F.E. Ferguson, Registrar These improvements, and the smooth running of the Art School under your guidance, have been a source of great satisfaction to the Council.ballarat school of mines, f.e. ferguson, f.g. proctor, glad proctor, ballarat technical art school, acting principal, f.g. procter, glad procter -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Ballarat School of Mines Physical Education Laboratory Manual, 1980, 1980
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...Green foolscap book with red ring binder.ballarat school of mines, physical education, physical education laboratory, colin mccurry, physical activity, physical conditioning, physiology, kinesiology, harvard step test, astrand bucycle test, muscular edurance, body fatness, exercise, nutrition, posture -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Keith Boast, c1998
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields Keith ...Photographic portrait of Keith Boast while a staff member at the Ballarat School of Mines. keith boast, staffmember, ballarat school of mines -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, University of Ballarat Vice-Chancellor David James, c1998
Photographic portrait of Vice-Chancellor David Jamesdavid james -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Simone Byrne and Keith Boast, c1998
Photographic portrait of Simone Byrne and Keith Boast, members of Ballarat School of Mines Planning and Marketing.keith boast, simone byrne -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Eilfred Kenneth, 02/08/1915
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields staff ...Rough correspondence relating to the emplyment of Wilfred Kenneth at the Ballarat School of Mines.staff, wilfred kenneth, ballarat school of mines, lancelot austin -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Judge Rogers, 1869
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...Typed PagesTo His Honor Judge Rogers Sir I am glad to see that you are favorable to the establishment of a Mining School for, and in, this Colony and if when established, it should prove to be so valuable an adjunct as [ ? ]institution in Cornwall is to the philosphy of mining generally, the satisfaction uou will derive from teh promonant positino you have taken in the matter will amply repay you its benefactor. The principle of technological teachings is being organised by out great [ ? ] more and more almost daily. A mining school is purely technological in its character and its teachings will tend to make plain many of the obscurities of the presnt systems of mining, and its engineering. I will recollect a very strong hint given by you fro the Bench at Ballarat East over two years since in the cast of Bull v Bunning City which I gave evidence to the effect, "Don't you think that an institution of Engineers would be able to try such a case better than in this court. The question was partly on of technology and would [speak] volumes in its answer if followed into all its [ ? ] and [implications]. I have studued [ ? ] practical perhaps all of the branches which would have to be taught, and studied in a mining school, and shall be most happy in assisting, so far as my limited capacity will allow in this matter. I may add that I hold the first certificate from the committee of Inquiry as established by the Government, for competency as a mining inpector for this Colony, I am Sir your most Obt and humble servant [illegible]ballarat school of mines, merger, amalgamation, establishment, phoenix foundry, letterhead, warrington rogers -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, University of Ballarat Students, 08/2001
alumni, scholarships, tanya jenkinson, tammy morvely, russell margugan -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan, Bill Pryor
Bill Pryor was the Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University of Ballarat.A number of photos of Bill Pryorbill pryor, university of ballarat