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4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Magazine Publication, Indigo Arch Publishing Pty Ltd, Remembrance, November 2017
This edition was published to coincide with the centenary of the Light Horse charge at BeershebaOfficial magazine of the Shrine of Remembrance , Melbourne November 2017 Volume 7 No 2. This edition features the Australian Light Horse. Articles include: "The Light Horse in The Middle East" by Dr David Holloway OAM, "From Battlefield to Board Room General Sir Harry Chauvel" by Major Garth Callendar. ISSN 1838-9945 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Publication, Nationwide News Pty ltd, Beersheba: Legend of the Light Horse, 28 October 2017
The 4th and 12th Australian Light Horse Regiments charged Beersheba on 31 October 1917Published to mark centenary of charge of Australian Light Horse at Beersheba, 31 October 1917 Insert to the "Weekend Australian" 28-29 October 2017. Articles include: "Friends from Birth" by Greg Sheridan, "Brigade of Bushmen" by Jonathan King, "A Remarkable Feat of Arms" by Jean Bou, "Enduring Friendship" by Chip Le Grand, "Walers" by Stephen Romei -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Dinner Napkin, c 1900
White cotton napkin printed with 9 sketches of aspects of the Boer WarSketch captions: Mounted Rifles, South African War 1900, Infantry in Camp, Colonel Tom Price, Our Brotherhood, Colonel Hoad, Mounted Rifles in Action, Lieut G O Bruce, Infantry in Action -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Order of Service, 50th Anniversary Memorial Service Monday 8th June 2015 Vietnam Veterans Commemorative Walk Seymour, June 2015
Order of Service, historical notes and admin matters filed in plastic sleeves in spiral bound file. -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Tom Clancy, Armoured Warfare, 1994
Paperback, 322 pages A guided tour of an armoured cavalry regiment ISBN 0 00255525 5 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Radio Operator's Log, 4/19 PWLH Regiment, Oct 2014
In Book OC114: Radio operator's log for 4/19 Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment exercise. Brigade Command and Admin Nets -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, LTCol Sir Richard Verdin, OBE TD, The Cheshire (Earl of Chester's) Yeomanry 1898-1967, 1971
The last British regiment to fight on horses In addition to the 4/19 Prince of Wale's Light Horse Regiment, the Cheshire's badge and motto was also that of the Prince of WalesRegimental history. Hard covered book 666 pagesTo another feathers Regiment. To the Sergeants' Mess of the 4/19 (PofW) Light Horse in appreciation. H V Norton. Superintendent Victoria Police Special Operations Group. 30-1-1980 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Coverall AFV Crewman, 1976
Personal issue clothing of the periodGreen cotton one piece coverall AGCF Victoria 1976 8405-66-020-0219 Army No 399708 Name Mountford -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Badge, 4th Light Horse Regiment, abt early 20th century
Badge of 4th Light Horse militia unit. The Light Horse units of the 1st AIF all wore the Australian rising sun badge rather than unit badgesMetal (brass?) badge. Kangaroo looking over left shoulder, surrounded by floral wreath. Below are scrolls "Prest daccomplir" and "4th Light Horse". Mounted on emu plumes on backing sheet of two blues colour patch. In glass fronted frame. -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book Set, H W Wilson, The Great War, The Standard History of the All-Europe Conflict, abt 1920's
A reflection of the zeitgeist of the timeHard cover, in 13 Volumes. A British account of the history of the Great War. Style is patriotic "Boys' Own Paper". It describes heroic British soldiers and swinish Hun. Quotes: " The unquenchable cheerfulness of the British soldier that has made him the finest of all the world's fighting men", and, " Louvain - wanton destruction by the German vandals"It lacks detail of publisher, date of printing etc -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Trophy, 1982
Both the Officers and Sergeants Messes of the Regiment have now been closed.Wooden trophy on base with vertical backing piece mounting small shields -1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1990 all Sergeants Mess. Other 5 are blank. On base section is mounted a decorative depiction of cricket batsman in full swing. Something was affixed to the top but there is now only a screw hole showing where it was. It had a 35 mm diameter.Annual Inter Mess Sports Competition. Officers Mess Versus Sergeants Mess -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Plaque, abt11990
The 4th and 17th Light Horse are ancestor regiments of the 4th/19th Prince od Wales's Light Horse RegimentWooden, shield shaped plaque on which is affixed badges of 4th Light Horse Regiment, 17th Light Horse Regiment, Royal Australian Armoured Corps, and 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment. It lacks the badge of the 19th Light Horse Regiment, but there is a place for it. Steel mounting hooks are screwed to the backOn back In white paint" "10 WAMI R-P" Scratched in: "4/19 PWLH SGTS MESS 97" -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, University of Queensland Press, Forward - The history of the 2nd/14th Light Horse (Queensland Mounted Infantry), 1989
Soft covered book, 230 pages, with photosISBN 0 7022 2304 2 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Map, Victoria, 3rd Military District, 3rd and 5th Brigades of 2nd Cavalry Division, 1 January 1921
The 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment is now the only Victorian Light Horse Regiment and the custodian of the histories of the six Light Horse regiments depicted on the mapColoured print of map (2 copies) showing Victorian Light Horse regimental areas of 3rd and 5th Brigades of 2nd Cavalry Division. 5th Brigade: 4th, 19th, & 17th Light Horse Regiments 3rd Brigade: 20th, 8th & 13th Light Horse RegimentsIssued by authority of the District Commandant -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Training Manual, Light Direct Fire Support Weapon 66 mm M72A6, 2001
Training manual used by the RegimentLoose leaf manual in 4 ring binder. Incorporating amendments to No 5 June 2006NSN 7610 -66-133-3487 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Magazine Publication, Peter Evans, Sunbury Australia's Greatest Rock Festival, After 1974
The Regiment provided support for the planning, organising and conduct of the 1972-5 Sunbury Rock Festival, Unit members providing manpower support were volunteers not on Army pay.Photocopies of pages extracted from original publicationISBN 978-1-925556-16-2 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Duty Officers' Log book, 2005-2008
Bound book of 301 pages for hand written entries by Regimental Duty Officer. Entries are from 24 May 2005 to 21 Oct 2008.This log book represents the Regimental history of 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment from May 2005 as maintained by the unit's subaltern -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
First Field Dressing, October 1942
Used by the thousands in World War 2. And, on issue long after the war.Cotton outer cover, secured by a thread. 2 x inner water proof covers each containing a dressing. Dressings consist of gauze pad stitched to a bandage, and a safety pin Johnson & Johnson Pty Ltd Sydney October 1942 Instructions for usefield dressing -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Equipment - Dressing, Wound, 9 May 1986
Standard field issue for treating woundsSterile compressed dressing for field use. In waterproof outer pack containing sterile dressing.CAPO V111531 6510-66-108-4140first aid, field dressing -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Equipment - Bush Kettle
Such items used by troops in field exercises. Known as "Choofers"Made of soldered tin plate. It has a central open column for fire of twigs and leaves, surrounded by a water jacket. Fitted with folding double wire handle. On top is a small fitted funnel to facilitate filling and a small vent hole. Traces of label adhesive on body suggest that it was made from a food can.Nilfield equipment, cooking -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet - Audit Report - Australian National Audit Office, Australian National Audit Office, Management of the M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier Upgrade Project, 28 July 2005
The Regiment was equipped with M113 family vehicles, some of which deployed with 1 Troop A Squadron in South VietnamSide bound A4 size 78 page reportISSN 1036-7632 ISBN 0 642 808600m113, audit reports, tanks -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Sewing Kit
Soldier issue itemSewing kit contained in green cotton roll tied with 2 cotton tapes. Contents - black, green, white and brown cotton, buttons, safety pins, darning needles, darning wool.PAGE QLD 82 8315-66-13-9185 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Functional object - Sun Compass
This type of kit was used by the Regiment for vehicular cross country navigation. The crew commander would stand in front of the vehicle with a prismatic compass and guide the driver to align the vehicle on the back bearing of the required direction of travel. The discs were set for time of day and the required bearing and the driver would watch the compass and steer so that the shadow of the gnome was on the arrow. The compass would be re-set about every half hour to adjust for rotation of the Earth. In featureless country navigation was by dead reckoning by direction travelled by compass and distance travelled from the vehicle odometer. Armoured vehicles are now equipped with GPS navigation aids rendering the sun compass obsolete Type of equipment used by the Regiment on exercisesMetal construction. One fixed and one rotatable aluminium disc with a vertical steel gnome at the centre. The lower disc is marked with bearings in mils, the upper with time of day. There is a rotatable aluminium arrow under the 2 discs. A 33 mm dia spirit level is fixed to the top disc.On spirit level "GENERAL #847"daytime use only, navigation aid -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Souvenir - Canteen, Water, Nylex, 1995
Personal equipment issueGreen plastic canteen with screw cap attached, capacity 1 litreFOR WATER ONLY DO NOT APPLY CANTEEN TO OPEN FLAME OR BURNER PLATES NYLEX 1995 Govt arrow 8465-66-086- 8349water bottle, equipment -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Framed Photograph, The Picture Factory (Aust) Pty Lrd, Brigadier A. J McNeilage ADC
Army practice is to display photos of key personnel in depotsLTCOL McNeilage was Commanding Officer of the Regiment from 1989-91. He was promoted to Commander 4th Brigade, of which 4/19 PWLH Regiment is part.Framed colour head and shoulders photo of Brigadier A J McNeilageCaption: Brigadier A.J. McNeilage ADC Commander 4th Brigade On back - Sticker of 'The Picture Factory (Aust) Pty Ltd' -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Souvenir - Mess Tins
Standard personal issue itemStandard personal issue item c 1960's +Set of two aluminium mess tins. Smaller fits into larger. Rectangular with rounded corners, Fitted with folding handlesGovernment broad arrow on eachsouvenir, equipment, catering equipment -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Souvenir - Mess tins, steel, c 1950
Issue item c 1950'sSet of two steel mess tins, nesting - larger fits the smaller. With folding steel handlesWillow, "D (govt arrow) D", Australiasouvenir, equipment, catering equipment -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Australian Light Horse, 2007
A history of the Australian Light Horse in the Middle East in World War 1, with many photos and pictures, 84 pagesISBN 1 920720 94 4 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Race Book, 4th A.L.H. Race Club, Farewell Meeting Damanhour May 21st 1919, 1919
An activity while troops were waiting repatriation to Australia after the warIncludes details of officials and the 10 races and two finals, Book notated with results of races. Programme : 5 P.T. Each -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Publication, Major Edwin L. Kennedy Jr, The Australian Light Horse: A Study of the Evolution of Tactical and Operational Maneuver
This study analyses the actions of the Australian Light Horse in the Middle East campaign during World War 1. It shows the basis for their approach to war and how these techniques were successful by adapting to the circumstances of the situation. The Australian Light Horse demonstrated the traits of initiative and flexibility during the campaign in Egypt and Palestine by changing their modus operandii from mounted infantry to cavalry. a seemingly minor shift semantically, a major shift doctrinally. Their adaptability to the situations in the desert was largely responsible for their tactical successes and played a major part in the success of the operational manoeuver of the mounted forces under General Allenby during the last year of the war.Photocopy , filed in 4 ring A4 loose leaf binder, 181 pages