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Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, St Brigid's Crossley - stained glass window, 2016
"LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Digital images of the stained glass windows at St Brigid's, Crossley.victoria, crossley, st brigid's crossley, st brigid's, catholic church, catholic, church, religion, stained glass, window -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photographs, St Brigid's Crossley stained glass windows, last weekend June 2014
"LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Digital images of the stained glass windows at St Brigid's Crossleyst brigid's crossley, st brigid's, catholic church, catholic, church, religion, centenary, celebrations, 100, anniversary, commemoration, stained glass, windows -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photographs, St Brigid's Crossley - Christmas Carols, 2016, Christmas 2016
"LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Digital images of the interior of St Brigid's, brigid's crossley, st brigid's, catholic church, catholic, church, religion, celebrations, christmas, christmas carols, carols, stained glass, window -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Interior of St Brigid's Crossley, C2016
"LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Digital images of the in..terior of St Brigid's Crossleyst brigid's crossley, st brigid's, catholic church, catholic, church, community, ceiling, stations of the cross, confessional, statues, windows -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Lisa Gervasoni, St Brigid Stained Glass Window, Crossley, 18/08/2013
"LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Colour photograph of a portrait of St Brigid in stained glass. The depiction of St Brigid is located at St Brigid's former Catholic Church, brigid, stained glass, st brigid's crossley -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A4 sheet white printer paper with 8 newspaper clippings glued on. Handwritten note reads: Death notices for Peter Ellis - Bendigo Advertiser Wed 20th - Saturday 23rd May 2015. Death Notices. Ellis - Peter OAM. Our college community pays tribute to Peter, a highly respected former staff member and ex-student. He was a highly valued and supportive colleague, mentor and friend. Peter will be remembered for his wealth of scientific knowledge, his love of the natural environment and his contribution to the local and state Lab Technicians Associations. - Principal, staff and Students of Bendigo Senior Secondary College. City of Greater Bendigo. Ellis- Peter. A gentle man with a wonderful passion for Greater Bendigo's natural, built and musical heritage, Peter will be greatly missed by the Greater Bendigo Heritage Advisory Committee. He willingly shared his love and knowledge of the rich and unique heritage around us. Ellis - Peter Nicolaus OAM. You went so quickly. I will miss our trips to Festivals doing crosswords on the way. My sympathy to both families and Brian a great mate to the last. A void impossible to fill. - Mary Smith. Ellis- Peter OAM. A tribute to our intrepid band leader of 34 years who took us on an unforgettable musical journey of preserving and teaching the traditions of dance and music to old and young throughout Australia. You are irreplaceable ' Dirty Pierre' - Past and present members of the celebrated Emu Creek Bush Band. Ellis - Peter OAM. Founder and leader of Emu Creek Bush Band. Australia's largest collector of dancing history. A great friend taken far too young. Au revoir 'Dirty Pierre' - John and Sue Williams. Ellis - Peter OAM. Thanks Pete, you introduced me to a life of extraordinary experiences, amazing friendships, dance and music. We did have some fun. - Marg Hogan. Ellis - Peter. We are so saddened by your passing. Your music and great sense of humour will remain with us. - Wedderburn Old Timers Band. Ellis - Peter. A friend of many years. We will remember your warmth, humour and tireless pursuit to preserve the Natural Environment of Bendigo. Your love and knowledge of the Bendigo Flora was inspirational. - Mary and Patrick Ward. Ellis- Peter. A music and dance man with a warm appreciation and encouragement of diverse talent. - Winzar boys. Death Notices. Ellis - Peter. Greatly respected and loved by his many friends in the traditional music and dance movement across Australia. His achievements were many and he will be missed. - The Traditional Social Dance Association of Victoria. Ellis - Peter. The Bendigo Historical Society is saddened at the passing of fine musician and friend Peter Ellis. - Committee and members, Bendigo Historical Society. Ellis- Peter. A talented musician and long time friend who was always willing to help us. - Members of Euro fest Choir and Inc. Ellis - Peter. Friend and neighbour, nature's gentleman at rest. Sincere sympathy to Robyn, Rick, Ryan and Doug. - Judy Monti. Ellis- Peter OAM Fond memories of 28 years with the band. Sadly Missed. - Stan and Heather Symes. Death Notices. Ellis - Peter OAM Pete, a much loved friend of many years. We fondly remember your knowledge, humour and those great times together, especially in the bush. Deeply missed. - Rob and Glen Moors. Death Notices. Ellis- Peter. Fond memories, so sadly missed. Keep playing your music Peter. Loved cousin Cheryl and families. Ellis -Peter. Loved cousin of Sandra and Phil Jubber and families. Deeply Missed. Ellis - Peter. A long term member of the Bendigo Field Naturalist Club. Deepest sympathy to his friends, he will be sadly missed by all. Ellis - Peter. Leader of the 'Celebrated Emu Creek Bush Band' Memories of lots of great times playing and travelling all over. We learned so much about dancing and music and it just won't be the same. - Don and Julie. Ellis - Peter. Much loved friend, dancer and band leader. - Dianne and Doug Pearse. Death Notices. Ellis - Peter. Peter, you gave so much laughter and happiness to many, many people through your lovely nature and your brilliant music to listen to and dance to. You have left a legacy of music, books and dance as well as unforgettable memories. Rest in peace. - Diana Austin. Death Notices Ellis Peter 27/3/1946 - 18/5/2015 Formerly of Emu Creek Bush Band and the Wedderburn Old Timers). Passed away suddenly at Bendigo Hospice. Loved son of Joan and Allan Nielsen (both Dec). Loving brother of Robyn and Doug. Brother-in-law of Rick and Uncle of Ryan and the extended family. Let the music play on… For Funeral arrangements see later edition. Death Notices. Ellis - Peter Nicolaus O.A.M. Suddenly. An inaugural member of the Bush Dance and Music Club and the Emu Creek Bush Band. A much loved friend, dance instructor and musician. Very generous with his time and knowledge. Passionate collector of dance music and old time dances. Will be sadly missed by all who knew him. - Devastated dance members. Ellis- Peter. OAM 27/3/46 - 18/5/15 Passed away peacefully after a brief illness. Much loved and irreplaceable brother, cousin and uncle to the Lilford, Datson, Burns, Shaw and Kitch families. You enriched our lives. No words can express how much we will miss you. Ellis Pierre (Peter) You were as much a father to me as an uncle. I never told you that or how much I looked up to you. You will be sadly missed - Boswald ( Ryan). Ellis - Peter. We are going to miss our Monday night dinners before rehearsal. A lover of fine wine, good food and great music. Pierre, our Maestro and fearless band leader, we will miss the sound of your squeeze box and your passion for the music. - Paul and Alida Robinson, Emu Creek Bush Band. Ellis - Peter. A close friend colleague, musician, authority on native plants and colonial music researcher. An enormous influence in preserving early Australian dance and dance music. We will all miss you Pete. - Jill and Graeme Balaam. Funeral Notices Ellis. A service of thanksgiving for the life of the late Mr Peter Nicolaus Ellis will be held at the Mulqueen Family Chapel, 15-25 Bridge street, Bendigo on MONDAY (May 25) at 11.00am. A private cremation will follow. Tributes can be left at Mulqueen Family 15-25 Bridge street, Bendigo Est. 1853 5443 4455.person, individual, peter ellis oam -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photocopies and original of 'Back to Mandurang' Souvenir. Celebration 1938. Contains the history of Mandurang and many of the local residents, the industries and agricultural pursuits. Names mentioned are: Mrs Thomas, Les Nankervis, Geo McGuire, Pinche, Mr Coghill, Mr Fenton, Atkinson's Station, John T Deravin, Wine Hall, Church, Kerr's Hotel, Tannery, Mr Panton, John Billman, Sheepwash Creek, Emu Creek, Port Phillip District (Victoria), Mr Charlesworth, Sam Snowden, Mr Grant, Grant's Land Act, Mr Montgomery, Mr McEncroe, Mr Wyeland, John Smith, Mr Adams, Geo Kofoed, Monti, Mr Ewing, Wm Ewing, Geo Green, Jim Green, Green Bros, Wm Keating, Mandurang Hotel, J B Loridan, Mr Lansell, 'General Grant', August Heine, Mr Myers, Mr Barth, Phylloxeria, Mr Jones, Mr McGuire, James Hargreaves, Mr Bounty, E Huillier, Sam Martin, Mr Oldworth, Dr Backhaus, Andrew Monti, W Wenwright, Mr Munroe, Mr Eldridge, Wm Wright, W Thomas Lowe, Taylor, Sam Lowe, George Lowe, Wm Hargreaves, Albert E Pearce, Piccaninny Creek, G Sherriff, Mr Stein, Albert Stein, John Theodore Deravin, Robins, Phylloxera vastrix, Mr Grosse, Board of Health, Chateau Dore, House of Assembly, Dr Hugh Deravin, Mrs Deravin, John Adolphus Deravin, Education Department, Bendigo High School, St Andrew's College, Stock Exchange, Relief Funds, L Dungey, Mr Crawford, A W McCauley, Schillerio, Cleghorn, Goudge and Sibley, Sibley and Lambert, R H S Abbott, Protestant Church, Miss E Wright, W Stephenson, Geo Lowe, J Hargreaves, Theo Deravin, Wm Pearce, Mrs A Deravin, St John's Roman Catholic Church, Father O'Connell, Father McKnab, Post Office, I Witworth, W Casey, Franz Steilow, Geo Billman, R Brennan, F Osborne, Mr Webster, Wm Hughes, Mr Raymond, One Tree Hill, Jerry Ryan, Bendigo City, Shire of Strathfieldsaye. Original copies are very dilapidated and pages 6, 7, and 8 are missing. (In 5 pockets).ephemera, mementoes, back to mandurang, john jones collection - back to mandurang souvenir 1938, mrs thomas, les nankervis, geo mcguire, pinche, mr coghill, mr fenton, atkinson's station, john t deravin, wine hall, church, kerr's hotel, tannery, mr panton, john billman, sheepwash creek, emu creek, port phillip district (victoria), mr charlesworth, sam snowden, mr grant, grant's land act, mr montgomery, mr mcencroe, mr wyeland, john smith, mr adams, geo kofoed, monti, mr ewing, wm ewing, geo green, jim green, green bros, wm keating, mandurang hotel, j b loridan, mr lansell, 'general grant', august heine, mr myers, mr barth, phylloxeria, mr jones, mr mcguire, james hargreaves, mr bounty, e huillier, sam martin, mr oldworth, dr backhaus, andrew monti, w wenwright, mr munroe, mr eldridge, wm wright, w thomas lowe, taylor, sam lowe, george lowe, wm hargreaves, albert e pearce, piccaninny creek, g sherriff, mr stein, albert stein, john theodore deravin, robins, phtlloxera vastrix, mr grosse, board of health, chateau dore, house of assembly, dr hugh deravin, mrs deravin, john adolphus deravin, education department, bendigo high school, st andrew's college, stock exchange, relief funds, l dungey, mr crawford, a w mccauley, schillerio, cleghorn, goudge and sibley, sibley and lambert, r h s abbott, protestant church, miss e wright, w stephenson, geo lowe, j hargreaves, theo deravin, wm peatce, mrs a deravin, st john's roman catholic church, father o'connell, father mcknab, post office, i witworth, w casey, franz steilow, geo billman, r brennan, f osborne, mr webster, wm hughes, mr raymond, one tree hill, jerry ryan, bendigo city, shire of strathfieldsaye -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Chatham School Fathers Club 1928
Identified as: BACK ROW LtoR: J. Tulloch, E. Miskin, A. Hill, D. Ryan, C. Dohrmann, G. Harris, M. Landmann, B. Knights 3RD ROW LtoR: F. Webster, J. Murphy, A. Mitchell, T. Good, R. Proctor, R. Larsen, W. Gladwyne, E. Fraser, W. Kinross, P. Munro 2ND ROW LtoR: R. Blake, L. Warmbrun, R. Frost, E. Thompson, R. Davies, A. Webb, Benjamin Elms, W. Morrison, G. Rae, D. Enticknap, J. Burgess, W. Crellin, FRONT ROW LtoR: C. Potter, N. Smart, F. Parsons, A Sutton, A. Woffenden, Cr. D. Howie, H. Irwin, H. Davidson, D. McDougall, M. Walker, W. Peters The donor Ralph Maxwell Rae was a foundation student, whose father was a member of the 1st Fathers' Club. Ralph married fellow student Jean Gladys Towt in 1947. The original framed photo hangs in hallway at Chatham Primary School. A black and white photograph of 40 men. They are all wearing j tulloch,, mr e miskin,, mr a hill,, mr d ryan,, mr c dohrmann,, mr g harris,, mr m landmann,, mr b knights,, mr b elms,, mr w morrison,, mr g rae,, mr h irwin,, mr f webster,, mr j murphy, j. (mr), mr a mitchell,, mr t good,, mr r proctor,, mr r larsen,, mr w gladwyne,, mr e fraser,, mr d enticknap,, mr j burgess,, mr w crellin,, mr c potter,, mr w kinross,, mr p munro,, mr r blake,, mr l warmbrun,, mr r frost,, mr e thompson,, mr r davies,, mr a webb,, mr n smart,, mr f parsons,, mr a sutton,, mr a woffenden,, mr / cr d howie,, mr h davidson,, mr d mcdougall,, mr m walker,, mr w peters,, chatham school fathers club, 1928 -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Roy Anderson, David Roy Anderson, Entrance to Burnley Gardens, 1933
swan street entrance, students, d r anderson, a l harris, e l ryan -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Ann Dowling, c.1857
On the 12th of March 1891 documents show Ann Myer’s application for a dairy. A small addition to the front right side of the house can be seen in the photo of Ann and her two sons. The dairy remained until the house was demolished in 1969. Mary Dowling’s sisters Ann and Eliza appear on the shipping list to Australia arriving in Melbourne as assisted immigrants on the ‘Hotspur’ on the 25th June 1855. Their ages were recorded as 19 and 20 years. Ann Dowling’s records contains receipts for the rent of land in the parish of Kororoit in 1865. In 1867 Ann married Henry Miers at St Patricks Cathedral on the 28th May at age 26 years. Other spelling of the family name have been spelt, Miers, Myres, Mears and eventually became Myers. Henri came from Prussia but little information about his life before he married Ann. Ann and Henri had a small house built c1860 near Ryans Creek also known a Myers Gully. Henry was a labourer. According to notes in Edna’s research the original house consisted of two rooms and was built by Russell, and more rooms were added later built by Paddy Burns, the grandfather of Nick Burns. Additions were made to extend the south veranda and north further skillion rooms were added.Ann and Henri had four sons, Henry born in 1870, Thomas in 1872, George in 1874 and Frederick in 1877. By the December of 1886 tragedy struck again when father Henry fell from the top of a hay wagon at Darlingsford when the driver Ralph Parkinson failed to warn him the horses where about to move. Henry asked to be taken home where he died the next day. Henri Miers was aged 51 years at his death. The Parkinson family paid compensation for causing the death of Henry. Ralph Parkinson died shortly after. The Myers boys received their education at Melton State School. Their handwriting is testament to the benefit of receiving an education to grade 8. Frederick the youngest son gained his Merit Certificate on the 10th of October 1889. They also received books inscribed by the Head Teacher. Ann was illiterate and was aged about 15 years when she arrived in Australia and was dependent on youngest son Frederick. Although at a disadvantage she managed her legal affairs. Frederick Myers married Martha Watson in 1908. Thomas Myers died in November 1909 Ann Dowling Myers died in October 1924. She lived in the family home with Martha Fred, grandson Fred and granddaughters Marjorie and Edna who was aged six at her death. Her son Henry died in 1950 followed by George in 1954 and Frederick in 1963. Ann with two of her children and turkeys at the front of their housepioneer families, local identities -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Melton State School 430 honour board, 1970
HONOR BOARD Melton State School No 430 Supreme Sacrifice • BARRET, P Peter Maurice Barrett Number 5051 Rank: Private Unit: Private Date of death 18th August 1918 of wounds age 21 St Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen, France Started school August 1904 5 years 10 months Previous school St Michaels Nth Melb Son of Maurice Barrett labourer Melton Brother of John Barrett • BLACK, William William M • EXELL, T S Number 2758 Rank: Trooper 3rd Battalion Imperial Camel Corps Date of death 30th November 1917 of wounds aged 20 years Cairo War Memorial Cemetery Egypt Started school September 1907 aged 10 Previous school Boisdale 3017 Son of George, farmer Melton Railway Station (Melton South) Year of 1918 • LANG, Horace Thomas Number 903 Rank: Corporal Unit: 24th Battalion Date of death: 5th May 1917. Court if enquiry confirmed Dec 1917. Aged 24 Date of birth 27th April 1893 Spring Hill – Kyneton Commemorated Villers-Bretonneux France Started school November 1997. Father: Thomas Lang Teacher Melton 430 Brother of Thomas Lang died 18th July 1918 buried Cairo • LANG, R William Roy Number 2818 Rank: Driver Unit: 1st Australian Light Horse Machine Gen Squadron Date of death 31st October 1917 of wounds Beersheba War Cemetery Israel Started school October 1899 Aged 9 Previous school Camperdown SS 114 Date of Birth: 24th Jan 1890 Son of William John and Mary Lang of Langlands Jandowae Queensland Nephew of Thomas Lang Melton • LANG, Thomas John Thomas NZ CC M Number 15/118 Rank: Lieutenant Unit: Army Pay Department Date of death 18th July 1918 of disease Cairo War Memorial Cemetery Started school November 1896 aged 16 years - Previous school Coliban 1920 Son of Thomas Lang, teacher Melton No 430 • McPHERSON Jas Mrs M: James Sept 1897 Previous Graham St Port Melb Son of Alexander farmer Melton • MISSEN, A P Frederick M Started school August 1899 age 7 years Son of Frederick, fruiterer Melton His sister Adelaide May 11years Previous Ascot Vale 2608 • NORTON, Lewis Thomas CC M Number 1809 Rank: Private Unit: 29th Battalion (Infantry) Date of death 30th September 1918 Cemetery Bellicourt British Cemetery, France Started school March 1901 age 9 years Previous school Galaquil Son of Thomas Norton of Parwan • O’CALLAGHAN, EJ Edward Edward M • O’CALLAGHAN, HT Thomas .. M Number 3859 Rank: Private Unit: 57th Battalion (Infanrty) Date of death 26th September 1917 Bedford House Cemetery, Belgium Started school 11th March 1901 Aged 10 years Father: John O’Callaghan farmer of Melton • PRATT, R H Robert Henry Number: 2203 Rank: Private Unit: 46th Battalion (Infantry) Date of death, 12th April 1917 Favreuil British Cemetery, France Started school in May 1903 aged 6 years Father: Matthew Pratt, Labourer Melton • RYAN J James or John David: RYAN J ? Started August 1896 Previous Christian Brother St Kilda John 11-5 or James 9-11 Charles 6-11 returned from WW1 Frank 8-5 returned Father Daniel Publican • WHITESIDE, John Edward M Number 2182 Rank: Trooper Unit 13th Light Horse Date of death 4th September 1918 of illness aged 29 years Alexandria (Hadra) War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt Started school July 1897 age 8 Son of Edward Whiteside Labourer Melton Brother of Edward. • WHITESIDE, W F Number: 3995 Rank: Private Unit: 22nd Battlion Date of death, 28th July 1916, died of wounds aged 21 years Puchevillers British Cemetery, France Started school in 1901 Year of birth circa 1895 Brother Edward died 4th September 1918 Father: Edward Whiteside. Labourer Year of 1917 • ANDREW. R H • BARRETT, J John Maurice • BLACK, Harold David • BLACKWOOD, Maxwell James A • BLACKWOOD, Roy .. • CAMERON David or (Donald) William M • CAREW, Edward Edward M • COLLINS, H John Henry H Thomas CC M • CANTLON, A Alfred CC • CHALMER, Frank Ernest CC M • COBURN, A Frederick CC M • COBURN, FS CC M • DODEMAIDE, Frank William • DODEMAIDE, Thomas .. • DODEMAIDE, W J William John M • FIELD, J • FORSYTH J • KEATING, WD William Edward M • KINNERSLY James Edward CC • KINNERSLY Norman Chas Edward CC • LANG Norman William • MINNS, J CC M • McCOLL R Alex R J. McColl • MOULSDALE Charles William M • McNULTY, Frederick James CC • McNULTY, W R CC • McPHERSON J which one? • NEAL, Elvine J Neal M • NEAL, Frank John M • NEAL, John William John M (husband of Isabella) • O’CALLAGHAN, Stephen Edward M • PRATT, David T Matthew CC M • QUINANE, David Peter • QUINANE, Peter .. • RIDDELL, William M • RYAN, Charles Daniel • RYAN Frank .. • SKINNER, Stanley John S’John CC M • SPRING, James George • TYLER, A • TYLER, George George • WATSON, Albert Ernest Alexander M • WADE, Howard James • WADE, Walter .. might be connected with CC • WILLIAMS, Percy Mr Williams • WICKHAM, George George M • WICKHAM, W M • WILSON, Stanley [ Alfred and Maude] M • WILSON, Gordon .. M SUPREME SACRIFICE Roll of Honor Melton State School No 430 Years of 1916,1917 and 1918 -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Playing Fireman, c1900
This photograph was taken about 1900. Herbert Schlink, on the right of the image was born in was born on 28 March 1883 at Wodonga, Victoria to German migrants Albert Joseph Schlink and Franzsiska Trudewind. He initially enrolled in Faculty of Arts at the University of Sydney, but after one year he transferred to medicine and graduated in 1907. This marked the beginning of a brilliant career. He was appointed as honorary gynaecological surgeon at Royal Prince Alfred, Sydney NSW from 1922. As a director of the hospital board from 1926, Schlink as chairman (1934-62) supervised the opening of Gloucester House, King George V Memorial Hospital for Mothers and Babies, Queen Mary Nurses' Home, the neurosurgical and psychiatric blocks, the (Sir Earle) Page Chest Pavilion and the hospital chapel. As a gynaecologist, Herbert pioneered the use of cobalt ray therapy in treating pelvic cancer and instigated the systematic follow-up of cancer patients. In 1954, Herbert was created Knight Bachelor for his public services and his service to medicine. He had previously received the Silver Jubilee Medal from his Majesty King George V, and the Coronation Medals of 1937 and 1953. Outside of his medical career, Dr Schlink was an enthusiastic skier. In 1926 he made the first winter crossing from Kiandra to Kosciusko. He was a foundation member of the Kosciusko Alpine Club and was directly responsible for the building of the first chalet at Charlotte Pass. Schlink Pass near Guthega in the Snowy Mountains is also named in his honour. Charlie Ryan is the boy on the left. He was to later become the editor of the Wodonga and Towong Sentinel after the death of his father in 1912.This image is of significant as it depicts a group of local boys including a preeminent medical professional who was born in Wodonga and a newspaper editor.A framed photo of a group of boys playing with a fire cart in Wodonga.Below photograph: "PLAYING FIREMEN / Young Charlie Ryan, left, with the boys of the village./ Herbert Schlink, probably the boy on the right, was to/ become Sir Herbert Schlink, on of the nations most/ distinguished men of medicine. Circa 1900. Photograph courtesy: Wodonga Historical Society"wodonga fire fighters, sir herbert schlink, charles henry ryan -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Interior of St Brigid's Crossley, 2018
"LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Digital panoramic image of the interior of St Brigid's brigid's crossley, st brigid's, catholic church, catholic, church, community, ceiling, stations of the cross, confessional, statues, windows -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - Ardlie, 1940s and 1960s
These items come from the estates of Dorothy and Agnes Ardlie of Warrnambool They are documents connected to the deaths of their parents, Ethel and Arthur Ardlie. They include notes re the cost of legal fees in connection with the death of the mother, Ethel Ardlie (1968), an inventory of household items auctioned, will and probate documents and a probate assessment in connection with the death of the father, Arthur Ardlie (1946) and information from the monumental mason regarding the cost of burial and headstone details of the latter. Arthur Ardlie (1872-1946), a law clerk, was the son of the prominent Warrnambool lawyer William Ardlie and his wife, Mary and the grandson of John and Mary Ardlie, early settlers in Warrnambool. Arthur Ardlie married Ethel Ryan (1880-1967) in 1903 and they had three daughters, Olive (1905-1912), Dorothy (1910-1993) and Agnes (1915-1993). These documents are of minor significance as mementoes of Arthur and Ethel Ardlie of Warrnambool, well-known residents of Warrnambool in the 20th century. .1 Three sheets of white paper, three with printed material and two with signatures in blue ink and printed letterheads .2 Twenty three sheets of pink paper with printed black lines and headings and handwritten lists in blue ink .3 One sheet of cream-coloured paper with printed lines and headings and typed material .4 One sheet of cream-coloured paper with printed material and black handwritten entries .5 Seven sheets of paper (four blue, three white) stitched together with black cotton. The pages contain black printed material and typed entries. ardlie family -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Alan Marshall by Marcus Skipper (1995) outside Eltham Library, Panther Place, Eltham, 11 October 2006
Sculture in bronze of Alan Marshall by Marcus Skipper, 1995 Alan Marshall, AM., O.B.E., Hon.LL,D. (1902-1984) was born at Noorat, Victoria and became one of Australia's most famous authors. His association with the Eltham area began in 1920 when he started his first job as a junior clerk at the Eltham Shire Offices, Kangaroo Ground. In the 1940's he spent some time living at Research. From 1955 he lived in Eltham for nearly 20 years. Disabilities resulting from polio as a young child did not prevent a wide range of experiences. Alan's occupations have been listed as clerk, night watchman, fortune teller, freelance journalist and author. He has been patron of many disadvantaged Children's Societies. Alan's books are numerous and include novels, short stories, children's books, history and travel. Among the best known are his autobiographies "I Can Jump Puddles" and "This is the Grass". Others include "These are My People", "Ourselves Writ Strange", "People of the Dreamtime"; "The Gay Provider" and "Wild Red Horses". In 1971 he wrote the Centenary History of the Shire of Eltham, "Pioneers and Painters". Covered under National Trust of Australia (Victoria), State significance. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p159 Outside the Eltham Library a bronze figure of a short one-legged man with a crutch invites people to the world of literature. The bronze statue, by Marcus Skipper, is of author Alan Marshall, who is famed for his autobiography I Can Jump Puddles, about growing up and overcoming the effects of polio. That plucky little boy later lived in the Nillumbik district for more than 50 years, and on his death in 1984, was buried in the Nillumbik Cemetery at Diamond Creek. Although a hugely successful author, his grave is modest with only a tiny boulder and simple bronze plaque on a grassed plot. From 1955 to 1972 Marshall lived in a tiny fibro-cement bungalow at the rear of a house at Park West Road, Eltham, owned by his older sister, Elsie McConnell. It was there that he wrote most of his autobiographical trilogy and his history of the former Eltham Shire, Pioneers and Painters. His long association with Eltham Shire began in 1918 when his family moved to Diamond Creek. Then in 1920 he began work as a junior clerk at the Eltham Shire Offices on Main Road, Kangaroo Ground near the Yarra Glen Road, while boarding at the hotel next door. Marshall later bought a block of land in Research, which had three bark huts. In one of these he wrote his first book These Are My People. He later sold the land but lived in a caravan there and in 1955 wrote I Can Jump Puddles.1 Proud of its citizen, the Eltham Shire named a park after Marshall at the corner of Main Road and Leanne Drive, Eltham. In 1985 the Shire initiated the Alan Marshall Short Story Award. It was Marshall’s early life in the country that taught him to live courageously in spite of his crippling polio, and he inspired many. This informed his writing – full of courage, championing the battler and love of the bush. Alan Marshall was born in 1902 at Noorat in Western Victoria, as the only son of Billy a drover, horse breaker, hawker and then general store owner. At the age of six, Marshall contracted infantile paralysis and was later hospitalised in Colac for 18 months. With his father’s encouragement, Marshall learnt to swim, wrestle and box, ride a bicycle (downhill), ride a horse and drive a car. Marshall won a scholarship to Stott’s Correspondence College to study accountancy. To help him continue his studies and find employment, his family bought 12 acres (4.8ha), in Ryans Road, Diamond Creek, opposite Windmill Court. There they ran cows, some poultry and an orchard. But life with a disability and during the Depression was hard for Marshall, who for 20 years, endured long periods of unemployment and loneliness and was often exploited at work.2 However, life improved in the 1930s, when he published short stories and articles in newspapers and magazines, including a column of advice to the lovelorn, which he wrote for nearly 20 years. At age 42 Marshall published his first book and in the next 30 years he published more than 20. His most successful book was I Can Jump Puddles, which sold more than three million copies internationally. It was made into a film, released in 1971, by Czechoslovakian director Karel Kachyna. Marshall was one of the first Australians to write about Aborigines who called him Gurrawilla - teller of tales - when he lived with them in Arnhem Land for eight months.3 In 1941 Marshall married Olive Dixon, with whom he had two daughters, Catherine and Jennifer. Marshall and Olive divorced in 1957. In 1972 Marshall was awarded an OBE for his work with the handicapped. He was also awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws by Melbourne University, an Order of Australia for services to literature and the Soviet Order of Friendship of Peoples.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, alan marshall, art in public places, eltham, eltham library, marcus skipper, panther place, public art, sculpture -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Uniform - Hat and Hat Box, late 19th - early 20th century
This hat and hat box was donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village by the family of Doctor William Roy Angus, Surgeon and Oculist. It is part of the “W.R. Angus Collection” that includes historical medical equipment, surgical instruments and material once belonging to Dr Edward Ryan and Dr Thomas Francis Ryan, (both of Nhill, Victoria) as well as Dr Angus’ own belongings. The Collection’s history spans the medical practices of the two Doctors Ryan, from 1885-1926 plus that of Dr Angus, up until 1969. McDade is the surname of Dr Angus’ daughter Berry (Berenice) McDade nee Angus. This had belonged to her father Dr William Roy Angus, Surgeon and Oculist (1901 –1970), who wore it on the ship T.S.S. LARGS BAY when travelling from Australia to Scotland for extended studies to be a “Fellow” of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh in the 1929. This bicorn cocked hat was worn with the narrow points towards front and back. It is decorated with flat gold braid or ‘lace’ with a geometrical design. Regimental lace was worn on the uniform and headdress of regimental officers in the 19th century. Gold lace chevrons were worn on coats to signify rank. Drummers and Foot Guards also wore regimental lace on their garments to distinguish them from other military personnel. In the late 19th century the English and Welsh infantry officers’ uniforms displayed a rose-pattern lace. The gold bullion and underlying crimson ‘eyes’ have been used to signify the rank of the owner. The crimson eyes were used for military, blue eyes for naval personnel. Different numbers and colours of the bullion and eyes may have been used to represent different military ranks. The Regulations specify nine tassels and eleven underlying eyes but there could have been variations. We have not yet been able to identify the rank for this particular hat. The gold button’s emblem has a cross with five stars, a crown, and the motto “AUT PACE AUT BELLO”, translated “either in peace or in war”. Museum Victoria has a similar button and writes that buttons with this design were used in the nineteenth century by the Victorian Volunteers. The Australian War Memorial Curator of Military Heraldry advised Museum Victoria that these buttons dated from 1880-1892 and were worn by regular, unranked soldiers. A similar Officer's bicorn hat was owned by Tasmanian Midshipman Alan Casey, who served the British and Australian Navy from 1919 to 1933, retiring with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. His hat and epaulettes are in the Tasmanian Maritime Museum's collection. The Australian War Memorial has a hat that is very similar in design, described as an “Artillery Staff Officer’s cocked had with plume, worn by Volunteer Artillery Staff in the Victorian Colonial Military Forces”. That hat is different in that it has a plume and the braid and button are silver. Berry MdDade, the donor, has used the hat many times as a dress-up hat but doesn’t know the origin of it. The hat seems to fit the design of the Staff Officers in Victorian Volunteers in Colonial times, but the button on this hat was used for unranked volunteers. Also, military uniforms usually have very clear manufacturer’s labels, as they are made by reputable companies under contract to the Defence Department. The manufacturer’s mark is not discernible on this hat. The origin, original wearer and use of this particular hat is unclear. The military bicorn cockade hat belonged to Dr William Roy Angus and is part of the W.R. Angus Collection. It is significant for still being located at the site connected to Doctor Angus being the last Port Medical Officer in Warrnambool. The collection of medical instruments and other equipment is culturally significant, as an historical example of medicine from late 19th to mid-20th century. Dr Angus assisted Dr Tom Ryan, a pioneer in the use of X-rays and in ocular surgery. Black bicorn cocked hat and case. It appears to be part of a 19th-century Colonial full-dress military uniform. The long, narrow crescent-shaped hat is made of beaver fabric and the crown is lined with crimson silk and finished with a hand-stitched leather sweatband. On one flat side, there is a pleated black silk, lace cockade woven in the pattern of oak leaves and acorns. The cockade is overlaid with a double row of gold lace braiding secure with a Victorian Volunteer’s gold button. Wide diagonal bands of black lace braid trim are on each side of the gold braiding. The other side of the hat is plain. The front and back points of the hat each have seven gold bullion tassels with nine underlying twists of crimson ‘eyes’. The fitted metal carry case has a catch and a metal plaque on one side. The button bears a crown and cross with five stars and a motto. Inside the hat is a white name tag with clear adhesive over it, with black printed text with the name “Mc Dade”. The hat is part of the W.R. Angus Collection.The hat has no maker’s marks although there is a darker colour in the centre where there could have been a label. Inside the hat is taped a printed label; “Mc DADE 801 1032” Button’s emblem- a cross with five stars, under a crown, all within a buckled belt with the motto “AUT PACE AUT BELLO” [either in peace or in war] The plaque on the case has no legible marks.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, dr w r angus, t.s.s. largs bay, berry mcdade, 19th century colonial military uniform, artillery staff officer’s cocked had, victorian volunteers, victorian colonial military forces, colonial militia, aut pace aut bello, cocked hat, cockade hat, bicorn hat, military bullion, oak leaves and acorns pattern, gold bullion tassels, military heraldry, w.r. angus collection. -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Pat Ryan and Kath Cunningham
Pat Ryan, born 1919, was a daughter of Jim Ryan, hairdresser and tobacconist. She moved to Linton as a child in 1926 when her father bought the former Bennett/Todd shop in 1926. Katherine Veronica Cunningham was born at Cape Clear in 1907. Pat Ryan and Kath Cunningham were members of the Linton Amateur Dramatic Society in the 1930s and 1940s. (See programmes in LDHS for Amateur Dramatic Society productions.) Kath Cunningham worked at the Railway Hotel. She was on the committee which organised Linton's centenary celebrations in 1939.Enlarged black and white copy of original photograph, which shows two young women dressed stylishly, wearing hats and dress shoes. The woman on the left has a purse or small clutch bag in her hand, and the woman on the right has a handbag tucked under her arm. The photograph was taken in an outdoor setting, possibly near Linton Reservoir.pat (patricia) ryan, kath (kathleen) cunningham