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matching exhibition history
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Common Squirrel, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Squirrel is a small to medium sized member of the rodent family Sciuridae. They are commonly located in America, Eurasia and Africa. The Squirrel was introduced to Australia by humans. Interestingly, the tail of the Squirrel serves the purpose of keeping the rain, wind or cold off the body of the animal, to help it cool off in hot weather, to counterbalance when moving and can be utilized as a parachute when jumping from one location to the next. Squirrels consume foods that are rich in protein, carbohydrates and fats. They eat nuts, seeds. fruits and vegetation. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.Grey Squirrel standing on a wooden platform. The small sized specimen holds an acorn between its hands and has a paper identification tag tied to one of its arms. Small acorns are arranged around the specimen's feet. It has orange coloured fur with a pale belly and dark coloured glass eyes. It has a long and bushy tail that stands along its back in an arched shape. It has tiny hands and feet.42. Common Squirrel / Catalogue, page, 50 / A.4487 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, squirrel -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Grey Squirrel, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Grey Squirrel is a small to medium sized member of the rodent family Sciuridae. This species is commonly located in England, Wales and central Scotland. They are known for their agility and ability to climb trees. Interestingly, the tail of the Squirrel serves the purpose of keeping the rain, wind or cold off the body of the animal, to help it cool off in hot weather, to counterbalance when moving and can be utilized as a parachute when jumping from one location to the next. Squirrels consume foods that are rich in protein, carbohydrates and fats. They eat nuts, seeds. fruits and vegetation. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen has silver-grey fur with a brown colouring located on the face and a pale underside. The tale stands tall along the back of the specimen and is bushy. The specimen is of a smaller size and has no tuffs on its ears. It stands on a wooden platform and has two paper tags tied to its hands.Grey Squirrel / BMM 7534 / A.4485/ 41. Squirrel Sp / Catalogue Page, 49 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, squirrel -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Carolina Squirrel, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Squirrel is a small to medium sized member of the rodent family Sciuridae. They are commonly located in America, Eurasia and Africa. The Squirrel was introduced to Australia by humans. Interestingly, the tail of the Squirrel serves the purpose of keeping the rain, wind or cold off the body of the animal, to help it cool off in hot weather, to counterbalance when moving and can be utilized as a parachute when jumping from one location to the next. Squirrels consume foods that are rich in protein, carbohydrates and fats. They eat nuts, seeds. fruits and vegetation. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.The Carolina Squirrel specimen has dark coloured fur with paler colouring on the face and hands. It grasps a nut between its hands and stands on a wooden platform. A paper tag hangs from the right arm with a smaller tag attached to the left. The squirrel has dark black glass eyes and sharp claws on the hands and feet. A.4481 BMM7535 35. Carolina Squirrel / Catalogue, Page, 49 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, squirrel -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Squirrel, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Grey Squirrel is a small to medium sized member of the rodent family Sciuridae. This species is commonly located in England, Wales and central Scotland. They are known for their agility and ability to climb trees. Interestingly, the tail of the Squirrel serves the purpose of keeping the rain, wind or cold off the body of the animal, to help it cool off in hot weather, to counterbalance when moving and can be utilized as a parachute when jumping from one location to the next. Squirrels consume foods that are rich in protein, carbohydrates and fats. They eat nuts, seeds. fruits and vegetation. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen has silver-grey fur with a pale cream coloured underside. The tale stands tall along the back of the specimen and is bushy. The specimen is of a smaller size and has no tuffs on its ears. It stands on a wooden platform and has two paper tags tied to its hands. One hand is stylized in a raised position while the other remains downward.A.4483 / 39. Ash-coloured / Squirrel / Catalogue. page, 49 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, squirrel -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Carolina Squirrel, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Squirrel is a small to medium sized member of the rodent family Sciuridae. They are commonly located in America, Eurasia and Africa. The Squirrel was introduced to Australia by humans. Interestingly, the tail of the Squirrel serves the purpose of keeping the rain, wind or cold off the body of the animal, to help it cool off in hot weather, to counterbalance when moving and can be utilized as a parachute when jumping from one location to the next. Squirrels consume foods that are rich in protein, carbohydrates and fats. They eat nuts, seeds. fruits and vegetation. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.The Carolina Squirrel specimen has dark grey coloured fur. This specimen stands on a wooden platform and its arms are stylized in a raised position next to its face. A paper tag hangs from the right arm with a smaller tag attached to the left. The squirrel has dark black glass eyes and sharp claws on the hands and feet.A.4480 36. Carolina Squirrel / Catalogue, page, 49 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, squirrel -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Postcard, 2005
To commemorate the 125th anniversary of Edward “Ned” Kelly’s committal trial in the Beechworth Historic Courthouse, the Robert O’Hara Burke Memorial Museum (henceforth Burke Museum) commissioned this postcard to coincide with their exhibition dating September 2005 to March 2006 and titled the Ned Kelly 125th Anniversary Exhibition. The postcard depicts a Snider-Enfield of .577 calibre which was reputedly favoured by the Bushranger. The firearm is of typical 1870s hunting design and was displayed as a focal point within this exhibition. The firearm, which was named “Betty” was reportedly taken by Kelly from Henry Dudley. The weapon has the letter ‘K’ engraved into the wood of the fore end. Other items also displayed in this exhibition include the Burke’s Kelly death mask, a replica of the Kelly Gang armour and photographs from the Burke Museum’s Kelly album. This postcard advertises an exhibition held at the Beechworth Burke Museum to commemorate the 125th anniversary of Kelly’s committal trial, which took place in Beechworth's historic courthouse. The selection and interpretation of items like the gun called 'Betty' are significant for understanding the changing nature of Kelly scholarship, treatment and curation, in particular, the popular and iconic myth of the Australian bushranger. The item can be compared with other Kelly photographs in Burke Museum's collection.Rectangular colour printed postcard celebrating Ned Kelly 125th Anniversary Exhibition at Burke Museum, Beechworth. Inset image of Ned Kelly's rifle. Obverse: Ned Kelly / 125th ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION / ROBERT O'HARA BURKE MEMORIAL MUSEUM BEECHWORTH . VICTORIA . AUSTRALIA / September 2005-2006 / BEECHWORTH / Echoes of History / HISTORIC & CULTURAL PRECINCT / NED / KELLY / TOURING ROUTE / REVERSE: Ned Kelly / 125th ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION / ROBERT O'HARA BURKE MEMORIAL MUSEUM BEECHWORTH . VICTORIA . AUSTRALIA / September 2005-2006 / AFFIX STAMP HERE / 7250 / This is the rifle that was taken from Henry Dudley by Ned Kelly. It became Ned's favourite / rifle, which he called 'Betty'. Note the 'K' carved into the wood of the fore-end. / Interestingly, there is at least one other rifle owned by Ned Kelly that also has a 'K' engraved / into it by Ned- the Colt revolving carbine used by Ned at Glenrowan /kelly album, ned kelly exhibition, ned kelly's rifle, betty, snider-enfield, .557 caliber, rifle, revolver, exhibition, beechworth, burke museum, 125th anniversary, firearm -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
A death mask is a plaster or wax mould made of a human face shortly after death (around 30 minutes after the execution). The intention was to capture the likeness of the individual and maintain their facial expression and features before these became distorted in death. They differ from their counterparts the life masks which were made to preserve the likeness of an individual while alive. Death masks were often replicated and sold to various institutions and private buyers. Death masks were created for a variety of reasons. Organisations like museums and scientific institutes collected these masks to support the study of phrenology. Phrenology is the study of the conformation of a skull in an effort to understand the mental faculties and traits of an individual. This was undertaken in a period in which it was argued that the shape of a head could provide detailed knowledge into personality. In addition, death masks were also created to aid effigy making, as tools for sculpture and as objects of veneration. Death masks were often placed on display as objects of curiosity. Edward “Ned” Kelly was convicted of murder on the 29th of October 1880 and executed by hanging on the 11th of November that same year. In the 1800s it was common practice for authorities to make a death mask of an executed criminal. In Kelly’s case, there were multiple copies made of his death mask, one of which is in the collection of the Burke Museum. Copies of the official death Mask (attributed to Maximilian Kreitmayer) have been made by artists including Max Meldrum (1875-1955). It depicts the head, neck and partial right shoulder of Ned Kelly. Whilst generally considered to be a ‘pseudoscience’ today, phrenology and the study of the reception and use of artefacts like Ned Kelly’s death mask, can provide valuable insight into a past era’s views of personality and the human body. This mask presents a unique three-dimensional depiction of Ned Kelly shortly after his execution which is unlike any other depiction of him. It can provide vital information as to the use of death masks in Victoria and their popularity in the 1800s. These masks were mostly done of criminals and used for exhibition purposes alongside phrenological study. Phrenologist AS Hamilton used Kreitmayer’s replication of the mask (displayed in Kreitmayer’s Bourke Street waxworks the day after Kelly’s death) to report a detailed phrenological analysis on Ned Kelly and concluded from his research that the deceased had an “enormous self-esteem”. Portraits of living people represent the way they themselves and/or the artists wished themselves to be remembered. The death mask contrasts this and therefore, creates a likeness of a person in their entirety and not just an ideal representation. Therefore, the study of such artefacts and their history of use and disuse can provide interesting information valuable to understanding the past. Colour rectangular photograph printed on gloss photographic paper.Obverse: Reverse: AGFA kelly album, ned kelly, death mask, kreitmayer, old melbourne gaol, phrenology, craneology, 1800s, pseudoscience, burke musuem, max meldrum -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Card - Carte de Visite, 1864
The carte de visite features a photograph of Charles Sherwood Stratton (professionally known as General Tom Thumb) and his wife, Lavinia Warren Stratton. The image was taken in Paris, France in 1864. Charles Sherwood Stratton and Lavinia Warren Stratton were American performers who traveled with the Barnum & Bailey Circus, founded by Phineas Taylor (P. T.) Barnum in 1871. They each participated in various acts including singing, dancing, miming, and celebrity impersonations. Both Charles and Lavinia gained international fame for their successful careers and small physical stature. The duo performed in Australia in August 1870. They were joined by their touring party as part of the Barnum & Bailey Circus "Round the World" tour. The "Australian Tom Thumb", real name John David Armstrong, made his "audaciously competitive" stage debut alongside the popular Stratton couple when the circus performed at the Prahran Popular Entertainments in Melbourne. Charles, Lavinia, P. T. Barnum and the circus inspired the musical drama film, "The Greatest Showman" (2017).The carte de visite is historically significant due to Charles Sherwood Stratton's status as an internationally renowned performer. In a general sense, it also provides insight into the arts in Victoria during the late nineteenth century, illustrating the type of entertainment that was enjoyed by the public during this time. The record's historical significance is further enhanced by its medium as a "carte de visite"; a specific photographic method popularised in the nineteenth century. The record has a valid interpretive capacity for those interested in history and museum studies. It develops our understanding of the sensationalised "human curiosities" exhibition genre that was championed by the West during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Considering the record's historic context, it is a useful resource for discussing the ethics of representing live human beings for entertainment in a public exhibition context.Sepia rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper mounted on card.Obverse: General Tom Thumb and Wife, / in the identical costumes worn before Emperor Louis / Napoleon and the Empress Eugenie, at the Palace of / the Tuilleries, Nov. 29, 1864 / Reverse: 3707 / Compliments of / Charles SStratton. / Lavinia Warren Stratton. / Published by / E. & H. T. Anthony & Co. / CA / 591 Broadway New York. / MANUFACTURERS / of the best / PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS / A02539 /entertainment, entertainment album, circus, general tom thumb, australian tom thumb, charles stratton, lavinia stratton, performance, arts, carnival, p. t. barnum, melbourne, prahran, john david armstrong, film -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Photograph, after 1890
This photograph was donated by Mrs Nancy Mason, daughter-in-law of the last owner, Arnold Mason, who had been given the photograph by Mr. Mac Fordham, who was Chief Engineer of the SS Edina. Both men had been Engineers in WW I. The configuration of the SS Edina in the photograph is post 1890. ABOUT THE S S EDINA The three masted iron screw steamer SS Edina was built in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1854 by Barclay and Curle. She was adorned with the figurehead of ‘fair maid of Judea’. The many years of service made SS Edina famous world-wide as the longest serving screw steamer. (The term screw steamer comes from being driven by a single propeller, sometimes called a screw, driven by a steam engine.) SS Edina’s interesting history includes English Chanel runs, serving in the Crimean Ware carrying ammunition, horses and stores to the Black Sea, and further service in the American Civil War and later, serving in the western district of Victoria as well as in Queensland and carried gold, currency and gold prospectors Australia to New Zealand. SS Edina had the privilege of being an escort vessel to H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh during his visit to Australia in 1867. In March 1863 SS Edina arrived in Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne and was bought by Stephen Henty, of Portland fame, to work the cargo and passenger run from Melbourne – Warrnambool – Port Fairy - Portland. After a short time of working the run from Australia to New Zealand, with passengers and cargo that included gold and currency, she returned to her Melbourne - Warrnambool – Port Fairy run, with cargo including bales of wool produced in the western district of Victoria. The Warrnambool Steam Packet Company purchased SS Edina in 1867; she was now commanded by Captain John Thompson and Chief Engineer John Davies. She survived several mishaps at sea, had a complete service and overhaul and several changes of commanders. In 1870 SS Edina was in Lady Bay, Warrnambool, when a gale sprung up and caused a collision with the iron screw steamer SS Dandenong. SS Edina’s figurehead was broken into pieces and it was not ever replaced. SS Edina was re-fitted in 1870 then was used as a coastal trader in Queensland for a period. She was then brought to Melbourne to carry cargo and passengers between Melbourne and Geelong and performed this service 1880-1938. During this time (1917) she was again refitted with a new mast, funnel, bridge and promenade deck, altering her appearance. In 1938, after more collisions, SS Edina was taken out of service. However she was later renamed Dinah and used as a ‘lighter’ (a vessel without engine or superstructure) to be towed and carry wool and general cargo between Melbourne and Geelong. In 1957, after 104 years, the SS Edina was broken up at Footscray, Melbourne. Remains of SS Edina’s hull can be found in the Maribyrnong River, Port Phillip Bay. [Reference: A Brief Review of Steam Navigation in Victoria; C Dickson Gregory; Centenary Maritime Exhibition catalogue, 1934; published by Shiplovers' Society of Victoria Dandenong, Passengers in History, Edina, Victorian Heritage Database VHR S199 SS Edina, Coastal Trader and Passenger Ship 1853-1938, Museum Victoria Collections, SS ‘Edina’ – the Longest Serving Screw Steamer in the World, POI Australia, ]This photograph of the SS Edina is significant for its association with the screw steamer SS Edina. The SS Edina is heritage listed on the Victorian Heritage Database VHR S199. She had endeared herself to the people of Port Phillip Bay as a passenger ferry, part of their history and culture. She played a significant role in the Crimean War, the American Civil War and the gold rush in New Zealand. She also served western Victoria for many years in her cargo and passenger runs. The SS Edina is famous for being the longest serving screw steamer in the world. After spending her first nine years overseas she arrived in Melbourne and her work included running the essential service of transporting cargo and passengers between Melbourne and the western Victoria ports of Warrnambool, Port Fairy and Portland. The SS Edina was purchased in the late 1860’s by local Warrnambool business, the Warrnambool Steam Packet Co. and continued trading from there as part of the local business community. The SS Edina’s original ‘fair maid of Judea’ figurehead was broken to pieces in a collision with another vessel (the SS Dandenong) in a gale off Warrnambool, Victoria, in 1870.Black and White photograph mounted on brown card of SS Edina. Inscription on reverse side. The photograph shows the SS Edina moving under steam power, many people on both the bow and stern and a few people in the centre of the vessel. There are buildings on the shore in the background. The ship's configuration is dated post 1890.warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, shipwrecked artefact, barclay & curle, figurehead 'fair maid of judea', centenary maritime exhibition 1934, a brief review of steam navigation in victoria, pleasure steamer edina, trade and travel late 19th and early 20th century, trade melbourne to geelong, screw steamer edina, coastal trader edina, lighter dinah, cargo carrying for cremean war, cargo carrying for american civil war, passenger and trade in western district of victoria, export gold and currency and gold diggers to new zealand, export vessel to h r h the duke of edinburgh, melbourne - warrnambool - port fairy - portland cargo run, warrnambool steam packet company, stephen henty, captain john thompson, chief engineer john davies, lady bay warrnambool, lighter edina, shipping victoria, port phillip bay steamers, steamship great britain, edina, vhr s199 victorian heritage database, photograph of ss edina post 1890, photograph australian screw steamer, pleasure vessel victoria post 1890 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Photograph, Between 1890 - 19-12-1937
This photographic postcard of the SS Edina was taken after the 1890’s due to the style and configuration of the vessel. There is a black and white photograph of the same image also in our Collection (RN 3192). It is most likely that both of the photographs were donated by the same person because the people mentioned in the inscription on the black and white photograph’s reverse side connect with two of the people mentioned in the letter on the reverse of the coloured photograph. * RN 3192; Black & White photograph - inscription: "Donated by Mrs. Nancy Mason, Bay View. Owned by Mac Fordham, Chief Engineer, 'Edina', then given to Mrs. Mason's father-in-law Arnold Mason (both Engineers W.W. I)" The “Arnie” to whom the letter was addressed is likely to be Arnold Mason, Engineer. The author of the letter, “Mac”, is likely to be Mac Fordham, Chief Engineer of SS Edina. The transcribed letter tells of two men who know each other well and have an interest in the Edina. “Mac” mentions that he may be “too old” to be at sea again; this would also support the idea that the older writer would give his photographs to the perhaps younger “Arnie”. * RN 3193 (this photograph) - Transcription of pen and ink script handwriting = = = = = = = = = = = = 19-12-37 No. 1 Flat, “Goodwood Lodge” 196 Lennox Street, Richmond [Victoria] Dear Arnie , Been meaning to write for long time but you know, it’s just the usual routine of the seamen within Bay trades. Had a good trip back from Sydney. Took our time, spent almost a week coming back, rather monotonous in parts in the hill country, too many darn curves, still was a good trip. How are you all keeping? Suppose you’ve moved back to Drummoyne [erettris?], expect you can let the house in Manly easily enough. Noticed they had a strike at Cockatoo [Cockatoo Island NSW]. don’t suppose they pulled the boys out. How is Jack doing? Has [Willie?] commenced training yet, or no! too young, isn’t she? Been a lot of “paper” talk about the “Edina” finishing but nothing official that I’m aware of, but it’s always on the cards I suppose, then I suppose it will be to sea again if I’m not too old. Easy Winter only 3 trips per week, running every day from today until further notice. Trust [Mary?] Is well & all’s well with you too. Best wishes from us both for Xmas & New Year. Cheerio Mac = = = = = = = = = = = = ABOUT THE S S EDINA The three masted iron screw steamer SS Edina was built in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1854 by Barclay and Curle. She was adorned with the figurehead of ‘fair maid of Judea’. The many years of service made SS Edina famous world-wide as the longest serving screw steamer. (The term screw steamer comes from being driven by a single propeller, sometimes called a screw, driven by a steam engine.) SS Edina’s interesting history includes English Chanel runs, serving in the Crimean Ware carrying ammunition, horses and stores to the Black Sea, and further service in the American Civil War and later, serving in the western district of Victoria as well as in Queensland and carried gold, currency and gold prospectors Australia to New Zealand. SS Edina had the privilege of being an escort vessel to H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh during his visit to Australia in 1867. In March 1863 SS Edina arrived in Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne and was bought by Stephen Henty, of Portland fame, to work the cargo and passenger run from Melbourne – Warrnambool – Port Fairy - Portland. After a short time of working the run from Australia to New Zealand, with passengers and cargo that included gold and currency, she returned to her Melbourne - Warrnambool – Port Fairy run, with cargo including bales of wool produced in the western district of Victoria. The Warrnambool Steam Packet Company purchased SS Edina in 1867; she was now commanded by Captain John Thompson and Chief Engineer John Davies. She survived several mishaps at sea, had a complete service and overhaul and several changes of commanders. In 1870 SS Edina was in Lady Bay, Warrnambool, when a gale sprung up and caused a collision with the iron screw steamer SS Dandenong. SS Edina’s figurehead was broken into pieces and it was not ever replaced. SS Edina was re-fitted in 1870 then was used as a coastal trader in Queensland for a period. She was then brought to Melbourne to carry cargo and passengers between Melbourne and Geelong and performed this service 1880-1938. During this time (1917) she was again refitted with a new mast, funnel, bridge and promenade deck, altering her appearance. In 1938, after more collisions, SS Edina was taken out of service. However she was later renamed Dinah and used as a ‘lighter’ (a vessel without engine or superstructure) to be towed and carry wool and general cargo between Melbourne and Geelong. In 1957, after 104 years, the SS Edina was broken up at Footscray, Melbourne. Remains of SS Edina’s hull can be found in the Maribyrnong River, Port Phillip Bay. [Reference: A Brief Review of Steam Navigation in Victoria; C Dickson Gregory; Centenary Maritime Exhibition catalogue, 1934; published by Shiplovers' Society of Victoria Dandenong, Passengers in History, Edina, Victorian Heritage Database VHR S199 SS Edina, Coastal Trader and Passenger Ship 1853-1938, Museum Victoria Collections, SS ‘Edina’ – the Longest Serving Screw Steamer in the World, POI Australia, ]This photographic postcard with the letter on the revers tell about the SS Edina and are significant for its association with the screw steamer SS Edina. The SS Edina is heritage listed on the Victorian Heritage Database VHR S199. She had endeared herself to the people of Port Phillip Bay as a passenger ferry, part of their history and culture. She played a significant role in the Crimean War, the American Civil War and the gold rush in New Zealand. She also served western Victoria for many years in her cargo and passenger runs. The SS Edina is famous for being the longest serving screw steamer in the world. After spending her first nine years overseas she arrived in Melbourne and her work included running the essential service of transporting cargo and passengers between Melbourne and the western Victoria ports of Warrnambool, Port Fairy and Portland. The SS Edina was purchased in the late 1860’s by local Warrnambool business, the Warrnambool Steam Packet Co. and continued trading from there as part of the local business community. The SS Edina’s original ‘fair maid of Judea’ figurehead was broken to pieces in a collision with another vessel (the SS Dandenong) in a gale off Warrnambool, Victoria, in 1870.Coloured (hand coloured) photographic postcard of SS Edina. Letter on reverse, hand written in pen and ink, from Mac to Arnie, dated 19-12-37 [1937]. The photograph shows the SS Edina moving under steam power, many people on both the bow and stern and a few people in the centre of the vessel. There are buildings on the shore in the background. The ship's configuration is dated post 1890.Hand written in pen on base of front “1854-1957” Hand written on back in blue pen and crossed out “REC 409” Hand written on back in pen ‘EDINA,’ “3173,” “086.2” Hand written letter dated 19-12-37, from Mac to Arnie. Script writing in pen and ink letter on reverse of photograph – see “Context” section for transcription. warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, shipwrecked artefact, barclay & curle, figurehead 'fair maid of judea', centenary maritime exhibition 1934, a brief review of steam navigation in victoria, pleasure steamer edina, trade and travel late 19th and early 20th century, trade melbourne to geelong, screw steamer edina, coastal trader edina, lighter dinah, cargo carrying for cremean war, cargo carrying for american civil war, passenger and trade in western district of victoria, export gold and currency and gold diggers to new zealand, export vessel to h r h the duke of edinburgh, melbourne - warrnambool - port fairy - portland cargo run, warrnambool steam packet company, stephen henty, captain john thompson, chief engineer john davies, lady bay warrnambool, lighter edina, shipping victoria, port phillip bay steamers, steamship great britain, edina, vhr s199 victorian heritage database, photographic postcard of ss edina 1854-1957, letter by mac fordham chief engineer ss edina, letter to arnold mason, engineer -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Photograph, S.S. "EDINA," Moorabool Street Wharf, Geelong, c. 1870's - 1930's
This black and white photograph was taken when the SS Edina was as port at the Gellong Wharf in Moorabool Street. The Port of Geelong had many wool sheds alongside the wharf - wool was a major export product. ABOUT THE S S EDINA The three masted iron screw steamer SS Edina was built in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1854 by Barclay and Curle. She was adorned with the figurehead of ‘fair maid of Judea’. The many years of service made SS Edina famous world-wide as the longest serving screw steamer. (The term screw steamer comes from being driven by a single propeller, sometimes called a screw, driven by a steam engine.) SS Edina’s interesting history includes English Chanel runs, serving in the Crimean Ware carrying ammunition, horses and stores to the Black Sea, and further service in the American Civil War and later, serving in the western district of Victoria as well as in Queensland and carried gold, currency and gold prospectors Australia to New Zealand. SS Edina had the privilege of being an escort vessel to H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh during his visit to Australia in 1867. In March 1863 SS Edina arrived in Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne and was bought by Stephen Henty, of Portland fame, to work the cargo and passenger run from Melbourne – Warrnambool – Port Fairy - Portland. After a short time of working the run from Australia to New Zealand, with passengers and cargo that included gold and currency, she returned to her Melbourne - Warrnambool – Port Fairy run, with cargo including bales of wool produced in the western district of Victoria. The Warrnambool Steam Packet Company purchased SS Edina in 1867; she was now commanded by Captain John Thompson and Chief Engineer John Davies. She survived several mishaps at sea, had a complete service and overhaul and several changes of commanders. In 1870 SS Edina was in Lady Bay, Warrnambool, when a gale sprung up and caused a collision with the iron screw steamer SS Dandenong. SS Edina’s figurehead was broken into pieces and it was not ever replaced. SS Edina was re-fitted in 1870 then was used as a coastal trader in Queensland for a period. She was then brought to Melbourne to carry cargo and passengers between Melbourne and Geelong and performed this service 1880-1938. During this time (1917) she was again refitted with a new mast, funnel, bridge and promenade deck, altering her appearance. In 1938, after more collisions, SS Edina was taken out of service. However she was later renamed Dinah and used as a ‘lighter’ (a vessel without engine or superstructure) to be towed and carry wool and general cargo between Melbourne and Geelong. In 1957, after 104 years, the SS Edina was broken up at Footscray, Melbourne. Remains of SS Edina’s hull can be found in the Maribyrnong River, Port Phillip Bay. [Reference: A Brief Review of Steam Navigation in Victoria; C Dickson Gregory; Centenary Maritime Exhibition catalogue, 1934; published by Shiplovers' Society of Victoria Dandenong, Passengers in History, Edina, Victorian Heritage Database VHR S199 SS Edina, Coastal Trader and Passenger Ship 1853-1938, Museum Victoria Collections, SS ‘Edina’ – the Longest Serving Screw Steamer in the World, POI Australia, ]This postcard of the SS Edina is significant for its association with the screw steamer SS Edina and shows her at one of her trading ports on the Melbourne - Warrnambool - Port Fairy - Portland run. The SS Edina is heritage listed on the Victorian Heritage Database VHR S199. She had endeared herself to the people of Port Phillip Bay as a passenger ferry, part of their history and culture. She played a significant role in the Crimean War, the American Civil War and the gold rush in New Zealand. She also served western Victoria for many years in her cargo and passenger runs. The SS Edina is famous for being the longest serving screw steamer in the world. After spending her first nine years overseas she arrived in Melbourne and her work included running the essential service of transporting cargo and passengers between Melbourne and the western Victoria ports of Warrnambool, Port Fairy and Portland. The SS Edina was purchased in the late 1860’s by local Warrnambool business, the Warrnambool Steam Packet Co. and continued trading from there as part of the local business community. The SS Edina’s original ‘fair maid of Judea’ figurehead was broken to pieces in a collision with another vessel (the SS Dandenong) in a gale off Warrnambool, Victoria, in 1870.Black and White photograph of S.S Edina at the Moorabool Street Wharf, Geelong in calm water that shows the reflection of the steamer. Ship has no sails raised. The funnel has a light coloured base with a dark coloured top. There are people on board the steamer. Other ship masts and people are in the background. In the foreground is a jetty with a small boat beside it and a person inside the boat. There is a title printed along the base of the photograph. c. 1870's to 1930'sPrinted at base of photograph "S.S. "EDINA," Moorabool Street Wharf, Geelong"warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, shipwrecked artefact, barclay & curle, figurehead 'fair maid of judea', centenary maritime exhibition 1934, a brief review of steam navigation in victoria, pleasure steamer edina, trade and travel late 19th and early 20th century, trade melbourne to geelong, screw steamer edina, coastal trader edina, lighter dinah, cargo carrying for cremean war, cargo carrying for american civil war, passenger and trade in western district of victoria, export gold and currency and gold diggers to new zealand, export vessel to h r h the duke of edinburgh, melbourne - warrnambool - port fairy - portland cargo run, warrnambool steam packet company, stephen henty, captain john thompson, chief engineer john davies, lady bay warrnambool, lighter edina, shipping victoria, port phillip bay steamers, steamship great britain, edina, vhr s199 victorian heritage database, postcard of ss edina 1870's - 1930's -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Theodolite, Troughton & Simms, Mid 19th Century
The theodolite was sold by T. Gaunt & Co. of Melbourne, a manufacturer, importer and retailer of a wide variety of goods including jewellery, clocks and watches, navigational and measuring instruments, dinnerware, glassware and ornaments. Thomas Gaunt photograph was included in an album of security identity portraits of members of the Victorian Court, Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1888. (See further details below.) History for Troughton & Simms: Edward Troughton & William Simms established a scientific instrument making business in London in 1826. Edward Troughton (1756-1835) had previously had his own scientific instrument business, inherited from his father. His achievement's included a transit telescope for Greenwich Observatory (1816) and the precision surveying instruments for the Ordnance Survey of Britain, Ireland and India. William Simms (1793-1860) had trained as a goldsmith and began to gain work dividing circles on fine astronomical instruments. When William Simms died in 1860, the business was taken over by his son James and nephew William. Troughton & Simms shop in Fleet Street became the hub of the finest scientific instrument made in London, in a period in which there was an expanding demand for precision instruments, for astronomy, surveying and precision measurement. They made instruments for Greenwich Observatory, for imperial surveys and exploring expeditions. When fire destroyed the Houses of Parliament in 1834, the firm was commissioned to create new standard lengths, this required 10 years of testing against the remaining old measurements. Troughton and Simms made several of the main instruments for Melbourne Observatory, including an 18 inch azimuth used of the Geodetic Survey, portable transit instrument (circa 1850), zenith sector (1860), a 4.5 inch equatorial telescope (1862), an 8 inch equatorial telescope (1874) spectroscope (1877) and an 8 inch transit instrument in (1884). While the firm had an excellent reputation for quality the company exasperated many of its customers with delays of years in delivering some instruments. History for Thomas Gaunt: Thomas Ambrose Gaunt (1829 – 1890) was a jeweller, clock maker, and manufacturer of scientific instruments, whose head office and showroom were at 337–339 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Thomas Gaunt established Melbourne's leading watchmaking, optical and jewellery business during the second half of the 19th century. Gaunt arrived in Melbourne in 1852, and by 1858 had established his own business at 14 Little Bourke Street. Around 1869 he moved to new premises in Bourke Street on the corner of Royal Arcade, Gaunt's shop quickly became a Melbourne institution. Gaunt proudly advertised that he was 'The only watch manufacturer in the Australian colonies'. While many watches and clocks may have had Gaunt's name on the dial, few would have been made locally. Gaunt did make some watches for exhibitions, and perhaps a few expensive watches for wealthy individuals. Gaunt's received a telegraph signal from Melbourne Observatory each day to correct his main clock and used this signal to rate and repair ship's chronometers and good quality watches. Thomas Gaunt also developed a department that focused on scientific instrumentation, making thermometers and barometers (from imported glass tubes), telescopes, surveying instruments and microscopes. Significance: With the rapid urban expansion, one of the most important needs of the new colony was to survey and map the landscape of the Australian Colony’s interior. Theodolites, such as this one, made by Troughton and Simms, who were significant scientific instrument makers of the 19th century were instrumental to the colony's surveyors and would have played an important part in their everyday work. This transit theodolite remains of national significance due to its pioneering role in Australian science and its association with Australia's earliest surveyors and astronomers. It is also significant for its association with nineteenth-century surveying instruments and instrument makers. Theodolite, Vernier repetition theodolite with enclosed horizontal circle (of about 130 mm diameter). Vertical circle exposed and somewhat corroded (diameter about 115 mm). Plate level 20" per division. Altitude bubble 20" per division. Horizontal and vertical circle intervals 20". Original (blue/grey) paint. Altitude bubble setting screw disabled. Tribrach allows movement of theodolite by 15 mm inside tribrach (for centering).Inscribed on the inner mounting plate,“Specially made in England for T Gaunt & Co Melbourne” and inscribed a little lower “Troughton & Simms London”flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, theodolite, t. gaunt & co, troughton & simms, scientific instrument, measuring instrument, surveyor's instrument -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Barometer, 1858-1869
The barometer was either made or sold by T. Gaunt & Co. of Melbourne, a manufacturer, importer and retailer of a wide variety of goods including jewellery, clocks and watches, navigational and measuring instruments, dinnerware, glassware and ornaments. Thomas Gaunt photograph was included in an album of security identity portraits of members of the Victorian Court, Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1888. (See below for further details.) Admiral Fitzroy Pattern Barometer History: The stick mercury barometer was named after Admiral Robert Fitzroy of the Royal Navy (1805-1865) for his detailed instructions on how to interpret the weather, which were included with the instrument. Fitzroy was the captain of the HMS Beagle, also a weather forecaster to Charles Darwin and the second Governor of New Zealand. He developed many different types of barometers and was the first person to introduce the science of weather forecasting to the British Isles. A local manufacturer of scientific instruments, Thomas Gaunt, produced the barometer that was adapted for the southern hemisphere by Robert Ellery, the State Astronomer based at the Melbourne Observatory. In the original sale catalogue for Gaunt's, the item is described as "Gaunt's Fitzroy Barometers" and it was priced from 25/- to ₤9.9s. History of Thomas Gaunt: Thomas Gaunt established Melbourne's leading watchmaking, optical and jewellery business during the second half of the 19th century. Gaunt arrived in Melbourne in 1852, and by 1858 had established his own business at 14 Little Bourke Street. Around 1869 he moved to new premises in Bourke Street on the corner of Royal Arcade. Gaunt's shop quickly became a Melbourne institution. Gaunt proudly advertised that he was 'The only watch manufacturer in the Australian colonies'. While many watches and clocks may have had Gaunt's name on the dial, few would have been made locally. Gaunt did make some watches for exhibitions, and perhaps a few expensive watches for wealthy individuals. Gaunt's received a telegraph signal from Melbourne Observatory each day to correct his main clock and used this signal to rate and repair ship's chronometers and good quality watches. His main horological manufacturing was directed at turret clocks for town halls, churches and post offices. These tended to be specific commissions requiring individualised design and construction. He made the clock for the Melbourne Post Office lobby, to a design by Government Astronomer Robert Ellery, and won an award at the 1880-81 Melbourne International Exhibition for his turret clock for the Emerald Hill Town Hall. He became well known for his installation of a chronograph at Flemington Racecourse in 1876, which showed the time for the race, accurate to a quarter of a second. The firm also installed the clockwork and figures for Gog and Magog in the Royal Arcade. Thomas Gaunt also developed a department that focused on scientific instrumentation, making thermometers and barometers (from imported glass tubes), telescopes, surveying instruments and microscopes. Another department specialised in electroplating for trophies, awards and silverware, and the firm manufactured large amounts of ecclesiastical gold ware and silverware, for the church including St Patrick's Cathedral. There are no records that disclose the number of employees in the firm, but it was large enough for Gaunt to hold an annual picnic for the watchmakers and apprentices at Mordialloc from 1876; two years previously they had successfully lobbied Gaunt to win the eight hour day. Gaunt's workforce was reportedly very stable, with many workers remaining in the business for 15 to 30 years. Gaunt's wife Jane died on September 1894, aged 64. They had one son and six daughters, but only three daughters survived to adulthood. Two became nuns at the Abbotsford Convent and one daughter, Cecelia Mary Gaunt (died 28 July 1941), married William Stanislaus Spillane on 22 September 1886 and had a large family. Gaunt died at his home in Coburg, Victoria, leaving an estate valued at ₤41,453. The business continued as T. Gaunt & Co. after his death. The barometer is historically significant as an example of the work of Melbourne’s leading scientific instrument maker, Thomas Gaunt. The barometer has social significance as an example of the type of scientific equipment that Thomas Gaunt expanded his horology business into producing. Further social significance lies in the fact that Robert Ellery, the Government Astronomer who designed the local version of the barometer, had a direct connection with the Melbourne Athenaeum founded in 1839 as the Melbourne Mechanics' Institution. Its purpose was "the diffusion of literary, scientific and other useful information". There are also records of a T Gaunt as a subscription and committee member of this the Athenaeum organisation during the 1870s and 1880s which may be Thomas Gaunt, unfortunately still unverified.Stick mercury barometer known as the Admiral Fitzroy Barometer. It comprises an oblong wooden case with glass front panel, ornate pediment, barometer with bulb cistern (empty of fluid), cleaning brush with printed instructions for interpreting information given by the gauge affixed to left and right face of instrument. Includes a thermometer. The barometer appears to be intact. Adapted to the Southern Hemisphere. Special remarks by Admiral Fitzroy. Made by Thomas Gaunt, Melbourne. Manufacturer's details are on back of wooden casing. Rear has upper and lower brass screw plates for securing to vertical surface."Manufactured by Thomas Gaunt, 14 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne. "flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, barometer, admiral fitzroy, thomas gaunt, thomas gaunt of melbourne, clockmaker, admiral fitzroy barometer, barometer instructions, gaunt’s fitzroy barometer, gaunt’s of melbourne, gog and magog designer, horological manufacturer, meteorological instrument, melbourne athenaeum, melbourne mechanics' institution, melbourne observatory time signal, robert ellery government astronomer, scientific instrument, stick mercury barometer, thermometer, weather forecast, t gaunt & co -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Wood Working Plane, Mathieson and Son, 1880-1900
A Mathieson & Son History: In 1792 John Manners had set up a workshop making woodworking planes at 14 Saracens Lane Glasgow. He also had employed an apprentice Alexander Mathieson (1773-1851). But in the following year at Saracen's Lane, the 1841 census describes Alexander Mathieson as a master plane-maker now at 38 Saracen Lane with his son Thomas Adam working with him as a journeyman plane-maker. Presumably, Alexander must have taken over the premises and business of John Manners. Now that the business had Thomas Adam Mathieson working with his father it gradually grew and became more diversified, and it is recorded at the time by the Post-Office Glasgow Annual Directory that by 1847-1848 Alexander Mathieson was a “plane, brace, bit, auger & edge tool maker.” In 1849 the firm of James & William Stewart at 65 Nicolson Street, Edinburgh was taken over and Thomas was put in charge of the business, trading under the name Thomas A. Mathieson & Co. as plane and edge-tool makers. Thomas's company went on to acquire the Edinburgh edge-tool makers “Charles & Hugh McPherson” and took over their premises in Gilmore Street. In the Edinburgh directory of 1856/7, the business is recorded as being Alexander Mathieson & Son, plane and edge-tool makers at 48 Nicolson Street and Paul's Work, Gilmore Street Edinburgh. The 1851 census Alexander is recorded as working as a tool and plane-maker employing eight men. Later that year Alexander died and his son Thomas took over the business. Under the heading of an edge-tool maker in the 1852/3 Post-Office Glasgow Annual Directory the firm is now listed as Alexander Mathieson & Son, with further entries as "turning-lathe and vice manufacturers". By the early 1850s, the business had moved to 24 Saracen Lane. The directory for 1857/8 records that the firm had moved again only a few years later to East Campbell Street, off the Gallowgate area, and that through further diversification was also manufacturing coopers' and tinmen's tools. The ten-yearly censuses report the firm's growth in 1861 stating that Thomas was a tool manufacturer employing 95 men and 30 boys; in 1871 he had 200 men working for him and in 1881 300 men. By 1899 the firm had been incorporated as Alexander Mathieson & Sons Ltd, even though only Alexander's son Thomas appears ever to have joined the firm so the company was still in his fathers' name. In September 1868 Thomas Mathieson put a notice in the newspapers of the Sheffield & Rotherham Independent and the Sheffield Daily Telegraph stating that his firm had used the trade-mark of a crescent and star "for some time" and that "using or imitating the Mark would be proceeded against for infringement". The firm had acquired its interest in the crescent-and-star mark from the heirs of Charles Pickslay, the Sheffield cutler who had registered it with the Cutlers' Company in 1833 and had died in 1852. The year 1868 seems also to be the one in which the name Saracen Tool Works was first adopted; not only does it figure at the foot of the notice in the Sheffield press, it also makes its first appearance in the firm's entry in the Post-Office Glasgow Annual Directory in the 1868/9 edition. As Thomas Mathieson's business grew, so too did his involvement in local public life and philanthropy. One of the representatives of the third ward on the town council of Glasgow, he became a river bailie in 1868, a magistrate in 1870 and a preceptor of Hutcheson's Hospital in 1878. He had a passion for books and was an "ardent Ruskinian". He served on the committee handling the bequest for the setting up of the Mitchell Library in Glasgow. When he died at Coulter Maynes near Biggar in 1899, he left an estate worth £142,764. Company's later years: Both Thomas's sons, James Harper and Thomas Ogilvie were involved in the continuing life of the firm. James followed in his father's footsteps in becoming a local public figure. He was appointed Deputy Lieutenant of the County of the City of Glasgow and was made a deacon of the Incorporation of the Hammermen of Glasgow in 1919. His brother Thomas Ogilvie was recorded as tool manufacturer and employer in the 1911 census. Thomas Ogilvie's son Thomas Alastair Sutherland Ogilvie Mathieson was born in 1908 took a rather different approach to engineering, however, by becoming a racing driver. In 1947 he wed the French film actress Mila Parély. The firm had won many awards at world fairs for their goods. At the Great Exhibition, London, 1851. Prize medal for joiners' tools in the class of Cutlery & Edge Tools, Great London Exposition, 1862. Prize medal honoris causa. International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1880. Gold medal International Exhibition of Industry, Science and Art, Edinburgh, 1886. Prize medal James Howarth & Sons History: James Howarth and Sons, of Broomspring Works, Bath-street Sheffield were among leading manufacturers of edge tools and joiners tools. The business was commenced in 1835, by James Howarth who was joined by his sons in 1863. Howarth manufacture light and heavy edge tools of all kinds, including a variety of joiners’ tools, hammers, skates, augers. The firm soon was extended and began exporting their products to the USA, Canada, Australia, China, and many other overseas destinations as well as to the home market. They were exhibitors at the London Exhibitions of 1851 and 1862, and Paris in 1855, receiving awards. Howarth was primarily operating from Sheffield. J Howarth & Sons produce goods of a very high class and were also engaged in the manufacture of steel, file, saw, and similar trades. Upon the death of James Howarth, the firm was managed by his four sons James, Samuel, Edwin, and John Howarth. The firm was discontinued in 1913, and its trademark was acquired by Robert Sorby and Sons in 1922.A significant tool made in the late 19th century by a known makers and sought after by collectors of vintage wood working tools.Smoothing Plane Coffin type. 2" stamped on one end and Tertius Keen & Co (plane maker.) Blade has James Howarth Warranted Cast Steel Sheffield (maker of blade only.)flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Furniture - Pulpit, Rodney Howard Alsop, 1909
In 1909, assistant Chaplain Rev. Haire presented the Mission with an 'uncommonly artistic pulpit' in memory of his mother. A plaque in memory of Jane King Haire can be found on the side next to the steps. The dedication was performed by the Archbishop of Melbourne on the 26th January (date engraves on the plaque) This pulpit was designed by Melbourne architect Rodney Howard Alsop (1881-1932) and manufactured by William John Dalziel (furniture manufacturer). It was initially used in the first Mission in Central Melbourne, Siddeley St. It is located in the Chapel of Saint Peter of the Mission to Seafarers 717 Flinders St. complex since 1917 (State Heritage listed (H1496). This complex was designed by Walter Richmond Butler in 1916, and officially opened on 11 September 1917, a day '...of unusually kind weather', by the Governor of Victoria, the Honourable Sir Arthur Stanley. According to a later article published in 1950: The pulpit is a model, built to scale, of the stern of an old ship of the line in Lord Nelson's day. This pulpit is significant as it is housed in The Memorial Chapel of Saint Peter forming part of the State Heritage listed Mission to Seafarers Victoria complex. It was built in Melbourne of Australian timbers, and is one of only two known maritime inspired pulpits, both associated with Missions to Seamen of the early 20th C. the other is held in the ANMM Collection see link. Their statement of significance is worth quoting in part as it applies equally to this pulpit " extremely rare and unique example of such pulpits. It is highly significant as a wonderfully preserved example of a time when religion was preached to sailors for their spiritual guidance and temperance..." Rodney Howard Alsop was an important Melbourne architect of the Arts and Crafts movement. John William Dalziel had sailed from Liverpool to Melbourne in 1862. Seventeen years later Penman and Dalziel founded the business in Lonsdale Street West, and won recognition at the Indian and Colonial Exhibition in London in 1886. Penman and Dalziel were identified in 1937 as one of Melbourne’s early ‘skilled craftsmen’ and ‘leading names’ in the manufacture of fine furniture. He died in February 1918 in a railway accident.Timber pulpit built in the form of a ship's stern including a timber step ladder for access, a timber keel and rudder, a rope fixed from the pulpit to a post mounted to the floor, and a dedication plaque on the side of the pulpit. The pulpit sits on timber legs. It's likely to be the original rope: traditionally made coir rope with twisted fibres, covered with canvas supported by a thread. At lower end the rope is secured by a monkey fist know and at the top by a turk head knot.Inside the pulpit (right) is the cardboard label with the maker details: " On an attached plaque see 0678 To the greater glory of God and in ever loving memory of Jane King Haire. This pulpit is erected by her son. Blessed are the pure in heart. For they shall see God. St. Matt. V.8. 26.1.09mission, seafarers, melbourne, victoria, chapel, saint peter, pulpit, australian timber, stern, walter richmond butler, australian maritime history, reverend w.f. haire, rodney howard alsop (1881-1932), wright's lane, william john dalziel, gifts-1917, heritage listed -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Sepia, c1920s
This photograph is part of a donated sub-collection relating to the history of the Ladies Harbour Lights Guild. This photograph is of Lillie Duncan in her early adulthood, presumably taken in the 1920s based on the fact that she was born in 1897.This is a photograph of social and historic significance, being part of a sub-collection of material that provides a snapshot of the type of individuals involved in the Ladies Harbour Lights Guild and the activities carried out by that organisation. This photograph was used for the poster of the exhibition, My Little Melbourne Girl in 2015.Small black and white photograph of Lillie Duncan sitting in a wicker chair in a garden, in front of a hedge with a large tree in the background.On reverse "LILLIE DUNCAN" is written in pencil as well as "5-109" At the base of the photograph there is a black line at an angle which slightly crosses over the image ladies harbour lights guild, lillie duncan, lhlg, my little melbourne girl -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Spoon, circa 1878
This table spoon is from the wreck of the LOCH ARD, a Loch Line ship of 1,693 tons which sailed from Gravesend, London, on 2 March 1878 with 17 passengers and a crew of 36 under Captain George Gibbs. “The intention was to discharge cargo in Melbourne, before returning to London via the Horn with wool and wheat”. Instead, on 1 June 1878, after 90 days at sea, she struck the sandstone cliffs of Mutton Bird Island on the south west coast of Victoria, and sank with the loss of 52 lives and all her cargo. The manifest of the LOCH ARD listed an array of manufactured goods and bulk metals being exported to the Colony of Victoria, with a declared value of £53,700. (202 bills of lading show an actual invoice value of £68, 456, with insurance underwriting to £30,000 of all cargo). Included in the manifest is the item of “Tin hardware & cutlery £7,530”. This table spoon is one of 482 similar items of electro-plated cutlery from the LOCH ARD site, comprising spoons and forks of various sizes but all sharing the same general shape or design and metallic composition. 49 of these pieces display a legible makers’ mark — the initials “W” and “P” placed within a raised diamond outline, which is in turn contained within a sunken crown shape — identifying the manufacturer as William Page & Co of Birmingham. An electroplater’s makers’ marks, unlike sterling silver hallmarks, are not consistent identifiers of quality or date and place of manufacture. A similar line of five impressions was usually made to impress the consumer with an implication of industry standards, but what each one actually signified was not regulated and so they varied according to the whim of the individual foundry. In this case, the maker’s marks are often obscured by sedimentary accretion or removed by corrosion after a century of submersion in the ocean. However sufficient detail has survived to indicate that these samples of electro-plated cutlery probably originated from the same consignment in the LOCH ARD’s cargo. The generally common range of marks are drawn from 255 tea spoons, 125 dessert spoons, and 99 table forks. These marks are clearly visible in 66 instances, while the same sequence of general outlines, or depression shapes, is discernible in another 166 examples. Suggested trade names for William Page & Co’s particular blend of brass plating are ‘roman silver’ or ‘silverite’. This copper alloy polishes to a lustrous gold when new, discolouring to a murky grey with greenish hue when neglected. HISTORY OF THE LOCH ARD The LOCH ARD belonged to the famous Loch Line which sailed many ships from England to Australia. Built in Glasgow by Barclay, Curdle and Co. in 1873, the LOCH ARD was a three-masted square rigged iron sailing ship. The ship measured 262ft 7" (79.87m) in length, 38ft (11.58m) in width, 23ft (7m) in depth and had a gross tonnage of 1693 tons. The LOCH ARD's main mast measured a massive 150ft (45.7m) in height. LOCH ARD made three trips to Australia and one trip to Calcutta before its final voyage. LOCH ARD left England on March 2, 1878, under the command of Captain Gibbs, a newly married, 29 year old. She was bound for Melbourne with a crew of 37, plus 17 passengers and a load of cargo. The general cargo reflected the affluence of Melbourne at the time. On board were straw hats, umbrella, perfumes, clay pipes, pianos, clocks, confectionary, linen and candles, as well as a heavier load of railway irons, cement, lead and copper. There were items included that intended for display in the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. The voyage to Port Phillip was long but uneventful. At 3am on June 1, 1878, Captain Gibbs was expecting to see land and the passengers were becoming excited as they prepared to view their new homeland in the early morning. But LOCH ARD was running into a fog which greatly reduced visibility. Captain Gibbs was becoming anxious as there was no sign of land or the Cape Otway lighthouse. At 4am the fog lifted. A man aloft announced that he could see breakers. The sheer cliffs of Victoria's west coast came into view, and Captain Gibbs realised that the ship was much closer to them than expected. He ordered as much sail to be set as time would permit and then attempted to steer the vessel out to sea. On coming head on into the wind, the ship lost momentum, the sails fell limp and LOCH ARD's bow swung back. Gibbs then ordered the anchors to be released in an attempt to hold its position. The anchors sank some 50 fathoms - but did not hold. By this time LOCH ARD was among the breakers and the tall cliffs of Mutton Bird Island rose behind the ship. Just half a mile from the coast, the ship's bow was suddenly pulled around by the anchor. The captain tried to tack out to sea, but the ship struck a reef at the base of Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell. Waves broke over the ship and the top deck was loosened from the hull. The masts and rigging came crashing down knocking passengers and crew overboard. When a lifeboat was finally launched, it crashed into the side of LOCH ARD and capsized. Tom Pearce, who had launched the boat, managed to cling to its overturned hull and shelter beneath it. He drifted out to sea and then on the flood tide came into what is now known as LOCH ARD Gorge. He swam to shore, bruised and dazed, and found a cave in which to shelter. Some of the crew stayed below deck to shelter from the falling rigging but drowned when the ship slipped off the reef into deeper water. Eva Carmichael had raced onto deck to find out what was happening only to be confronted by towering cliffs looming above the stricken ship. In all the chaos, Captain Gibbs grabbed Eva and said, "If you are saved Eva, let my dear wife know that I died like a sailor". That was the last Eva Carmichael saw of the captain. She was swept off the ship by a huge wave. Eva saw Tom Pearce on a small rocky beach and yelled to attract his attention. He dived in and swam to the exhausted woman and dragged her to shore. He took her to the cave and broke open case of brandy which had washed up on the beach. He opened a bottle to revive the unconscious woman. A few hours later Tom scaled a cliff in search of help. He followed hoof prints and came by chance upon two men from nearby Glenample Station three and a half miles away. In a state of exhaustion, he told the men of the tragedy. Tom returned to the gorge while the two men rode back to the station to get help. By the time they reached LOCH ARD Gorge, it was cold and dark. The two shipwreck survivors were taken to Glenample Station to recover. Eva stayed at the station for six weeks before returning to Ireland, this time by steamship. In Melbourne, Tom Pearce received a hero's welcome. He was presented with the first gold medal of the Royal Humane Society of Victoria and a £1000 cheque from the Victorian Government. Concerts were performed to honour the young man's bravery and to raise money for those who lost family in the LOCH ARD disaster. Of the 54 crew members and passengers on board, only two survived: the apprentice, Tom Pearce and the young woman passenger, Eva Carmichael, who lost all of her family in the tragedy. Ten days after the LOCH ARD tragedy, salvage rights to the wreck were sold at auction for £2,120. Cargo valued at £3,000 was salvaged and placed on the beach, but most washed back into the sea when another storm developed. The wreck of LOCH ARD still lies at the base of Mutton Bird Island. Much of the cargo has now been salvaged and some was washed up into what is now known as LOCH ARD Gorge. Cargo and artefacts have also been illegally salvaged over many years before protective legislation was introduced. One of the most unlikely pieces of cargo to have survived the shipwreck was a Minton porcelain peacock - one of only seven in the world. The peacock was destined for the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. It had been well packed, which gave it adequate protection during the violent storm. Today, the Minton peacock can be seen at the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum in Warrnambool. From Australia's most dramatic shipwreck it has now become Australia's shipwreck artefact and is one of very few 'objects' on the Victorian State Heritage Register most valuable. HISTORY OF THE LOCH ARD The LOCH ARD belonged to the famous Loch Line which sailed many ships from England to Australia. Built in Glasgow by Barclay, Curdle and Co. in 1873, the LOCH ARD was a three-masted square rigged iron sailing ship. The ship measured 262ft 7" (79.87m) in length, 38ft (11.58m) in width, 23ft (7m) in depth and had a gross tonnage of 1693 tons. The LOCH ARD's main mast measured a massive 150ft (45.7m) in height. LOCH ARD made three trips to Australia and one trip to Calcutta before its final voyage. LOCH ARD left England on March 2, 1878, under the command of Captain Gibbs, a newly married, 29 year old. She was bound for Melbourne with a crew of 37, plus 17 passengers and a load of cargo. The general cargo reflected the affluence of Melbourne at the time. On board were straw hats, umbrella, perfumes, clay pipes, pianos, clocks, confectionary, linen and candles, as well as a heavier load of railway irons, cement, lead and copper. There were items included that intended for display in the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. The voyage to Port Phillip was long but uneventful. At 3am on June 1, 1878, Captain Gibbs was expecting to see land and the passengers were becoming excited as they prepared to view their new homeland in the early morning. But LOCH ARD was running into a fog which greatly reduced visibility. Captain Gibbs was becoming anxious as there was no sign of land or the Cape Otway lighthouse. At 4am the fog lifted. A man aloft announced that he could see breakers. The sheer cliffs of Victoria's west coast came into view, and Captain Gibbs realised that the ship was much closer to them than expected. He ordered as much sail to be set as time would permit and then attempted to steer the vessel out to sea. On coming head on into the wind, the ship lost momentum, the sails fell limp and LOCH ARD's bow swung back. Gibbs then ordered the anchors to be released in an attempt to hold its position. The anchors sank some 50 fathoms - but did not hold. By this time LOCH ARD was among the breakers and the tall cliffs of Mutton Bird Island rose behind the ship. Just half a mile from the coast, the ship's bow was suddenly pulled around by the anchor. The captain tried to tack out to sea, but the ship struck a reef at the base of Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell. Waves broke over the ship and the top deck was loosened from the hull. The masts and rigging came crashing down knocking passengers and crew overboard. When a lifeboat was finally launched, it crashed into the side of LOCH ARD and capsized. Tom Pearce, who had launched the boat, managed to cling to its overturned hull and shelter beneath it. He drifted out to sea and then on the flood tide came into what is now known as LOCH ARD Gorge. He swam to shore, bruised and dazed, and found a cave in which to shelter. Some of the crew stayed below deck to shelter from the falling rigging but drowned when the ship slipped off the reef into deeper water. Eva Carmichael had raced onto deck to find out what was happening only to be confronted by towering cliffs looming above the stricken ship. In all the chaos, Captain Gibbs grabbed Eva and said, "If you are saved Eva, let my dear wife know that I died like a sailor". That was the last Eva Carmichael saw of the captain. She was swept off the ship by a huge wave. Eva saw Tom Pearce on a small rocky beach and yelled to attract his attention. He dived in and swam to the exhausted woman and dragged her to shore. He took her to the cave and broke open case of brandy which had washed up on the beach. He opened a bottle to revive the unconscious woman. A few hours later Tom scaled a cliff in search of help. He followed hoof prints and came by chance upon two men from nearby Glenample Station three and a half miles away. In a state of exhaustion, he told the men of the tragedy. Tom returned to the gorge while the two men rode back to the station to get help. By the time they reached LOCH ARD Gorge, it was cold and dark. The two shipwreck survivors were taken to Glenample Station to recover. Eva stayed at the station for six weeks before returning to Ireland, this time by steamship. In Melbourne, Tom Pearce received a hero's welcome. He was presented with the first gold medal of the Royal Humane Society of Victoria and a £1000 cheque from the Victorian Government. Concerts were performed to honour the young man's bravery and to raise money for those who lost family in the LOCH ARD disaster. Of the 54 crew members and passengers on board, only two survived: the apprentice, Tom Pearce and the young woman passenger, Eva Carmichael, who lost all of her family in the tragedy. Ten days after the LOCH ARD tragedy, salvage rights to the wreck were sold at auction for £2,120. Cargo valued at £3,000 was salvaged and placed on the beach, but most washed back into the sea when another storm developed. The wreck of LOCH ARD still lies at the base of Mutton Bird Island. Much of the cargo has now been salvaged and some was washed up into what is now known as LOCH ARD Gorge. Cargo and artefacts have also been illegally salvaged over many years before protective legislation was introduced. One of the most unlikely pieces of cargo to have survived the shipwreck was a Minton porcelain peacock - one of only seven in the world. The peacock was destined for the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. It had been well packed, which gave it adequate protection during the violent storm. Today, the Minton peacock can be seen at the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum in Warrnambool. From Australia's most dramatic shipwreck it has now become Australia's shipwreck artefact and is one of very few 'objects' on the Victorian State Heritage Register most valuable. The LOCH ARD shipwreck is of State significance – Victorian Heritage Register S 417. Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from LOCH ARD is significant for being one of the largest collections of artefacts from this shipwreck in Victoria. It is significant for its association with the shipwreck, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR S417). The collection is significant because of the relationship between the objects, as together they have a high potential to interpret the story of the LOCH ARD. The LOCH ARD collection is archaeologically significant as the remains of a large international passenger and cargo ship. The LOCH ARD collection is historically significant for representing aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and its potential to interpret sub-theme 1.5 of Victoria’s Framework of Historical Themes (living with natural processes). The collection is also historically significant for its association with the LOCH ARD, which was one of the worst and best known shipwrecks in Victoria’s history. Unrestored table spoon from the wreck of the LOCH ARD. The spoon design has a flattened fiddle-back handle, with a thin stem or shank, flared collar, and a shallow rounded bowl. The spoons metallic composition is a thin layer of brass alloy which has partially corroded back to a nickel-silver base metal. Minimal original plate remains. Some verdigris (15%) and concretion (40%) on front and back of spoon. Spoon is bent and balance is covered in Silver Oxide.flagstaff hill maritime museum, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, loch line, loch ard, mutton bird island, loch ard gorge, electroplated cutlery, loch ard shipwreck, william page and co, birmingham brass plating, table spoons -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Lead Ingot, circa 1878
This lead ingot was donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village in January 2015 by local residents who discovered the ingot in their garden after they purchased the property about 12 months ago The LOCH ARD cargo manifest lists “Pig lead 50 tons” comprising “944 pig and 37 rolls”. Subsequent classification has rendered this section of cargo as “Lead Ballast”. This could be true. The international price per ton of lead ore plunged from a high point of £17 in 1853 to a low of £8 in 1882. The cheaper price of lead at the time of the vessel’s loading in early 1878 may have meant it was considered as an alternative to other ballast material (traditionally stone) for the journey to Melbourne. Loch Line ships generally returned to Britain laden with Australian wool. Even though wool bales were “screwed in” to the hold to less than half their “pressed weight”, they still made an awkwardly light cargo for the passage around the Horn. The concentrated weight of lead pigs along the keel line would help steady and centre the ship, and perhaps the artefacts in this case were to be retained for this purpose, rather than being sold on to the ready colonial market. However this is conjecture. Demand for building materials in the gold and wool rich Colony of Victoria was high in the 1870s, and much of the LOCH ARD cargo was intended for the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880, which was another example of buoyant economic conditions. In the nineteenth century lead was valued for its density (high ratio of weight to volume), flexibility (relative softness for working into shape), and durability (corrosion resistant and waterproofing properties). It was used for pipes and water tanks, roof flashing and guttering, window sealing and internal plumbing. Many large private residences and new public buildings were at planning or construction stage in the colony during this period. The LOCH ARD lead ingots could equally have been destined for this ready market. HISTORY OF THE LOCH ARD The LOCH ARD belonged to the famous Loch Line which sailed many ships from England to Australia. Built in Glasgow by Barclay, Curdle and Co. in 1873, the LOCH ARD was a three-masted square rigged iron sailing ship. The ship measured 262ft 7" (79.87m) in length, 38ft (11.58m) in width, 23ft (7m) in depth and had a gross tonnage of 1693 tons. The LOCH ARD's main mast measured a massive 150ft (45.7m) in height. LOCH ARD made three trips to Australia and one trip to Calcutta before its final voyage. LOCH ARD left England on March 2, 1878, under the command of Captain Gibbs, a newly married, 29 year old. She was bound for Melbourne with a crew of 37, plus 17 passengers and a load of cargo. The general cargo reflected the affluence of Melbourne at the time. On board were straw hats, umbrella, perfumes, clay pipes, pianos, clocks, confectionary, linen and candles, as well as a heavier load of railway irons, cement, lead and copper. There were items included that intended for display in the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. The voyage to Port Phillip was long but uneventful. At 3am on June 1, 1878, Captain Gibbs was expecting to see land and the passengers were becoming excited as they prepared to view their new homeland in the early morning. But LOCH ARD was running into a fog which greatly reduced visibility. Captain Gibbs was becoming anxious as there was no sign of land or the Cape Otway lighthouse. At 4am the fog lifted. A man aloft announced that he could see breakers. The sheer cliffs of Victoria's west coast came into view, and Captain Gibbs realised that the ship was much closer to them than expected. He ordered as much sail to be set as time would permit and then attempted to steer the vessel out to sea. On coming head on into the wind, the ship lost momentum, the sails fell limp and LOCH ARD's bow swung back. Gibbs then ordered the anchors to be released in an attempt to hold its position. The anchors sank some 50 fathoms - but did not hold. By this time LOCH ARD was among the breakers and the tall cliffs of Mutton Bird Island rose behind the ship. Just half a mile from the coast, the ship's bow was suddenly pulled around by the anchor. The captain tried to tack out to sea, but the ship struck a reef at the base of Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell. Waves broke over the ship and the top deck was loosened from the hull. The masts and rigging came crashing down knocking passengers and crew overboard. When a lifeboat was finally launched, it crashed into the side of LOCH ARD and capsized. Tom Pearce, who had launched the boat, managed to cling to its overturned hull and shelter beneath it. He drifted out to sea and then on the flood tide came into what is now known as LOCH ARD Gorge. He swam to shore, bruised and dazed, and found a cave in which to shelter. Some of the crew stayed below deck to shelter from the falling rigging but drowned when the ship slipped off the reef into deeper water. Eva Carmichael had raced onto deck to find out what was happening only to be confronted by towering cliffs looming above the stricken ship. In all the chaos, Captain Gibbs grabbed Eva and said, "If you are saved Eva, let my dear wife know that I died like a sailor". That was the last Eva Carmichael saw of the captain. She was swept off the ship by a huge wave. Eva saw Tom Pearce on a small rocky beach and yelled to attract his attention. He dived in and swam to the exhausted woman and dragged her to shore. He took her to the cave and broke open case of brandy which had washed up on the beach. He opened a bottle to revive the unconscious woman. A few hours later Tom scaled a cliff in search of help. He followed hoof prints and came by chance upon two men from nearby Glenample Station three and a half miles away. In a state of exhaustion, he told the men of the tragedy. Tom returned to the gorge while the two men rode back to the station to get help. By the time they reached LOCH ARD Gorge, it was cold and dark. The two shipwreck survivors were taken to Glenample Station to recover. Eva stayed at the station for six weeks before returning to Ireland, this time by steamship. In Melbourne, Tom Pearce received a hero's welcome. He was presented with the first gold medal of the Royal Humane Society of Victoria and a £1000 cheque from the Victorian Government. Concerts were performed to honour the young man's bravery and to raise money for those who lost family in the LOCH ARD disaster. Of the 54 crew members and passengers on board, only two survived: the apprentice, Tom Pearce and the young woman passenger, Eva Carmichael, who lost all of her family in the tragedy. Ten days after the LOCH ARD tragedy, salvage rights to the wreck were sold at auction for £2,120. Cargo valued at £3,000 was salvaged and placed on the beach, but most washed back into the sea when another storm developed. The wreck of LOCH ARD still lies at the base of Mutton Bird Island. Much of the cargo has now been salvaged and some was washed up into what is now known as LOCH ARD Gorge. Cargo and artefacts have also been illegally salvaged over many years before protective legislation was introduced. One of the most unlikely pieces of cargo to have survived the shipwreck was a Minton porcelain peacock - one of only nine in the world. The peacock was destined for the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. It had been well packed, which gave it adequate protection during the violent storm. Today, the Minton peacock can be seen at the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum in Warrnambool. From Australia's most dramatic shipwreck it has now become Australia's most valuable shipwreck artefact and is one of very few 'objects' on the Victorian State Heritage Register. The shipwreck of the LOCH ARD is of State significance ― Victorian Heritage Register S417 Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from LOCH ARD is significant for being one of the largest collections of artefacts from this shipwreck in Victoria. It is significant for its association with the shipwreck, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR S417). The collection is significant because of the relationship between the objects, as together they have a high potential to interpret the story of the LOCH ARD. The LOCH ARD collection is archaeologically significant as the remains of a large international passenger and cargo ship. The LOCH ARD collection is historically significant for representing aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and its potential to interpret sub-theme 1.5 of Victoria’s Framework of Historical Themes (living with natural processes). The collection is also historically significant for its association with the LOCH ARD, which was one of the worst and best known shipwrecks in Victoria’s history. Lead ingots (sometimes referred to as ‘lead ballast’ or ‘lead pigs), salvaged from the wreck of the LOCH ARD. Grey metal bars with flat base, rising in a curved moulded shape to form a smooth rounded upper face. The imprint of the maker runs along the upper surface in clearly legible capital lettering (height 3cm). Durable and heavy, with some marine staining, but in good condition. Stamped along curved surface, within oval border, "PONTIFEX & WOOD LONDON."flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, loch line, loch ard, captain gibbs, eva carmichael, tom pearce, glenample station, mutton bird island, loch ard gorge, lead pigs, lead ingots, lead ballast, pontifex and wood, london, lead smelters -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book, The Romance of The Edina, 1935
This book is titled "The Romance of the "Edina" and was written by author C. Dickson Gregory (Charles Dickson Gregory) in 1935. The author has also written, "Australian Steamships Past and Present". This book also contains (1) The Port Phillip Bay Steamers from 1850 to 1935 (2) The history of the celebrated auxiliary steamship "Great Britain." ABOUT THE S S EDINA The three-masted iron screw steamer SS Edina was built in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1854 by Barclay and Curle. She was adorned with the figurehead of ‘fair maid of Judea’. The many years of service made SS Edina famous world-wide as the longest-serving screw steamer. (The term screw steamer comes from being driven by a single propeller, sometimes called a screw, driven by a steam engine.) SS Edina’s interesting history includes English Chanel runs, serving in the Crimean Ware carrying ammunition, horses and stores to the Black Sea, and further service in the American Civil War and later, serving in the western district of Victoria as well as in Queensland and carried gold, currency and gold prospectors Australia to New Zealand. SS Edina had the privilege of being an escort vessel to H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh during his visit to Australia in 1867. In March 1863 SS Edina arrived in Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne and was bought by Stephen Henty, of Portland fame, to work the cargo and passenger run from Melbourne – Warrnambool – Port Fairy - Portland. After a short time of working the run from Australia to New Zealand, with passengers and cargo that included gold and currency, she returned to her Melbourne - Warrnambool – Port Fairy run, with cargo including bales of wool produced in the western district of Victoria. The Warrnambool Steam Packet Company purchased SS Edina in 1867; she was now commanded by Captain John Thompson and Chief Engineer John Davies. She survived several mishaps at sea, had a complete service and overhaul and several changes of commanders. In 1870 SS Edina was in Lady Bay, Warrnambool, when a gale sprung up and caused a collision with the iron screw steamer SS Dandenong. SS Edina’s figurehead was broken into pieces and it was not ever replaced. SS Edina was re-fitted in 1870 than was used as a coastal trader in Queensland for a period. She was then brought to Melbourne to carry cargo and passengers between Melbourne and Geelong and performed this service 1880-1938. During this time (1917) she was again refitted with a new mast, funnel, bridge and promenade deck, altering her appearance. In 1938, after more collisions, SS Edina was taken out of service. However, she was later renamed Dinah and used as a ‘lighter’ (a vessel without engine or superstructure) to be towed and carry wool and general cargo between Melbourne and Geelong. In 1957, after 104 years, the SS Edina was broken up at Footscray, Melbourne. Remains of SS Edina’s hull can be found in the Maribyrnong River, Port Phillip Bay. [Reference: A Brief Review of Steam Navigation in Victoria; C Dickson Gregory; Centenary Maritime Exhibition catalogue, 1934; published by Shiplovers' Society of Victoria Dandenong, Passengers in History, Edina, Victorian Heritage Database VHR S199 SS Edina, Coastal Trader and Passenger Ship 1853-1938, Museum Victoria Collections, SS ‘Edina’ – the Longest Serving Screw Steamer in the World, POI Australia, ]This book about the SS Edina is significant for its association with the screw steamer SS Edina. The SS Edina is heritage listed on the Victorian Heritage Database VHR S199. She had endeared herself to the people of Port Phillip Bay as a passenger ferry, part of their history and culture. She played a significant role in the Crimean War, the American Civil War and the gold rush in New Zealand. She also served western Victoria for many years in her cargo and passenger runs. The SS Edina is famous for being the longest serving screw steamer in the world. After spending her first nine years overseas she arrived in Melbourne and her work included running the essential service of transporting cargo and passengers between Melbourne and the western Victoria ports of Warrnambool, Port Fairy and Portland. The SS Edina was purchased in the late 1860’s by local Warrnambool business, the Warrnambool Steam Packet Co. and continued trading from there as part of the local business community. The SS Edina’s original ‘fair maid of Judea’ figurehead was broken to pieces in a collision with another vessel (the SS Dandenong) in a gale off Warrnambool, Victoria, in 1870.The Romance of The "Edina"; the World's oldest screw-steamship, by C Dickson Gregory (Charles Dickson Gregory). Hard cover book with black print on cream coloured jacket, covered in clear plastic. Front cover has a black and white photograph of the steamship and is titled " "Edina" as she is today." With chapters on the Auxiliary Steamship "Great Britain" and the Port Phillip Bay Steamers Past and Present. Published in Melbourne by Robertson & Mullens Ltd. Opposite fly page is a picture from a painting by C. Dickson Gregory titled "Edina in the "roaring forties" in Feburary 1863" The book contains 43 illustrations and one plate in full colour showing the Edina in full sail. The price is printed on the jacket "PRICE: SEVEN SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE"warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, shipwrecked artefact, barclay & curle, figurehead 'fair maid of judea', centenary maritime exhibition 1934, a brief review of steam navigation in victoria, pleasure steamer edina, trade and travel late 19th and early 20th century, trade melbourne to geelong, screw steamer edina, coastal trader edina, lighter dinah, cargo carrying for cremean war, cargo carrying for american civil war, passenger and trade in western district of victoria, export gold and currency and gold diggers to new zealand, export vessel to h r h the duke of edinburgh, melbourne - warrnambool - port fairy - portland cargo run, warrnambool steam packet company, stephen henty, captain john thompson, chief engineer john davies, lady bay warrnambool, lighter edina, shipping victoria, port phillip bay steamers, steamship great britain, edina, vhr s199 victorian heritage database, book, the romance of the edina, c dickson gregory, robertson & mullens melbourne -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Marble Tile, circa 1878
The artefact is a white marble tile raised from the wreck of the LOCH ARD (1878). The cargo manifest of the sunken vessel has the entry “Marble £400”. This is placed directly following the entry “Glass (604 cases)”. This conjunction suggests the marble tile was originally part of a consignment intended for use in a ‘high end’ residential or public building project in the gold and wool rich Colony of Victoria. Traditionally, white or cream marble was imported into Britain from the Mediterranean region of Europe, where beds of sedimentary limestone (calcium and magnesium carbonate) had been buried over a long geological period of time. Deep in the earth’s crust, it had been subjected to immense pressures and high temperatures, sufficient to completely re-crystallise the original deposits. Marble beds began as layers of sediment at the bottom of ancient tropical seas, forming from the skeletal remains of calcareous fossils, shell, and coral fragments. The metamorphic process of prolonged compression and heating recrystallised this skeletal material, destroying all signs of the original sedimentary fabric. The resulting ‘true’ marbles of, for example, White Carrara (Tuscany, Italy), Verdi (green) Antico (Thessaly, Greece), and Rouge (red) Languadoc (Carcassone, France), were highly prized in classical decoration (sculpture and friezes) and architecture (temples and arches). Marble was found in nineteenth century Australia, but in small, uneconomic deposits, not suitable for commercial quarrying. The comparative expense of imported marble restricted its use in colonial buildings to carved fireplaces and mantel pieces, or outdoor ornaments such as fountains, statuary and grave stones. If Carrara marble floor tiles were used, they were used sparingly, as an arresting feature in entrance halls for instance. However, most prominent private and public construction used timber flooring, waxed or ‘jappaned’, with carpet runners and rugs (for example the Austin’s Barwon Park Mansion, 1871), or laid tessellated and ceramic tiles of baked clay infused with colour (for example the Chirnside’s Werribee Park Mansion, 1878). HISTORY OF THE LOCH ARD The LOCH ARD belonged to the famous Loch Line which sailed many ships from England to Australia. Built in Glasgow by Barclay, Curdle and Co. in 1873, the LOCH ARD was a three-masted square rigged iron sailing ship. The ship measured 262ft 7" (79.87m) in length, 38ft (11.58m) in width, 23ft (7m) in depth and had a gross tonnage of 1693 tons. The LOCH ARD's main mast measured a massive 150ft (45.7m) in height. LOCH ARD made three trips to Australia and one trip to Calcutta before its final voyage. LOCH ARD left England on March 2, 1878, under the command of Captain Gibbs, a newly married, 29 year old. She was bound for Melbourne with a crew of 37, plus 17 passengers and a load of cargo. The general cargo reflected the affluence of Melbourne at the time. On board were straw hats, umbrella, perfumes, clay pipes, pianos, clocks, confectionary, linen and candles, as well as a heavier load of railway irons, cement, lead and copper. There were items included that intended for display in the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. The voyage to Port Phillip was long but uneventful. At 3am on June 1, 1878, Captain Gibbs was expecting to see land and the passengers were becoming excited as they prepared to view their new homeland in the early morning. But LOCH ARD was running into a fog which greatly reduced visibility. Captain Gibbs was becoming anxious as there was no sign of land or the Cape Otway lighthouse. At 4am the fog lifted. A man aloft announced that he could see breakers. The sheer cliffs of Victoria's west coast came into view, and Captain Gibbs realised that the ship was much closer to them than expected. He ordered as much sail to be set as time would permit and then attempted to steer the vessel out to sea. On coming head on into the wind, the ship lost momentum, the sails fell limp and LOCH ARD's bow swung back. Gibbs then ordered the anchors to be released in an attempt to hold its position. The anchors sank some 50 fathoms - but did not hold. By this time LOCH ARD was among the breakers and the tall cliffs of Mutton Bird Island rose behind the ship. Just half a mile from the coast, the ship's bow was suddenly pulled around by the anchor. The captain tried to tack out to sea, but the ship struck a reef at the base of Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell. Waves broke over the ship and the top deck was loosened from the hull. The masts and rigging came crashing down knocking passengers and crew overboard. When a lifeboat was finally launched, it crashed into the side of LOCH ARD and capsized. Tom Pearce, who had launched the boat, managed to cling to its overturned hull and shelter beneath it. He drifted out to sea and then on the flood tide came into what is now known as LOCH ARD Gorge. He swam to shore, bruised and dazed, and found a cave in which to shelter. Some of the crew stayed below deck to shelter from the falling rigging but drowned when the ship slipped off the reef into deeper water. Eva Carmichael had raced onto deck to find out what was happening only to be confronted by towering cliffs looming above the stricken ship. In all the chaos, Captain Gibbs grabbed Eva and said, "If you are saved Eva, let my dear wife know that I died like a sailor". That was the last Eva Carmichael saw of the captain. She was swept off the ship by a huge wave. Eva saw Tom Pearce on a small rocky beach and yelled to attract his attention. He dived in and swam to the exhausted woman and dragged her to shore. He took her to the cave and broke open case of brandy which had washed up on the beach. He opened a bottle to revive the unconscious woman. A few hours later Tom scaled a cliff in search of help. He followed hoof prints and came by chance upon two men from nearby Glenample Station three and a half miles away. In a state of exhaustion, he told the men of the tragedy. Tom returned to the gorge while the two men rode back to the station to get help. By the time they reached LOCH ARD Gorge, it was cold and dark. The two shipwreck survivors were taken to Glenample Station to recover. Eva stayed at the station for six weeks before returning to Ireland, this time by steamship. In Melbourne, Tom Pearce received a hero's welcome. He was presented with the first gold medal of the Royal Humane Society of Victoria and a £1000 cheque from the Victorian Government. Concerts were performed to honour the young man's bravery and to raise money for those who lost family in the LOCH ARD disaster. Of the 54 crew members and passengers on board, only two survived: the apprentice, Tom Pearce and the young woman passenger, Eva Carmichael, who lost all of her family in the tragedy. Ten days after the LOCH ARD tragedy, salvage rights to the wreck were sold at auction for £2,120. Cargo valued at £3,000 was salvaged and placed on the beach, but most washed back into the sea when another storm developed. The wreck of LOCH ARD still lies at the base of Mutton Bird Island. Much of the cargo has now been salvaged and some was washed up into what is now known as LOCH ARD Gorge. Cargo and artefacts have also been illegally salvaged over many years before protective legislation was introduced. One of the most unlikely pieces of cargo to have survived the shipwreck was a Minton porcelain peacock - one of only nine in the world. The peacock was destined for the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. It had been well packed, which gave it adequate protection during the violent storm. Today, the Minton peacock can be seen at the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum in Warrnambool. From Australia's most dramatic shipwreck it has now become Australia's most valuable shipwreck artefact and is one of very few 'objects' on the Victorian State Heritage Register. HISTORY OF THE LOCH ARD The LOCH ARD belonged to the famous Loch Line which sailed many ships from England to Australia. Built in Glasgow by Barclay, Curdle and Co. in 1873, the LOCH ARD was a three-masted square rigged iron sailing ship. The ship measured 262ft 7" (79.87m) in length, 38ft (11.58m) in width, 23ft (7m) in depth and had a gross tonnage of 1693 tons. The LOCH ARD's main mast measured a massive 150ft (45.7m) in height. LOCH ARD made three trips to Australia and one trip to Calcutta before its final voyage. LOCH ARD left England on March 2, 1878, under the command of Captain Gibbs, a newly married, 29 year old. She was bound for Melbourne with a crew of 37, plus 17 passengers and a load of cargo. The general cargo reflected the affluence of Melbourne at the time. On board were straw hats, umbrella, perfumes, clay pipes, pianos, clocks, confectionary, linen and candles, as well as a heavier load of railway irons, cement, lead and copper. There were items included that intended for display in the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. The voyage to Port Phillip was long but uneventful. At 3am on June 1, 1878, Captain Gibbs was expecting to see land and the passengers were becoming excited as they prepared to view their new homeland in the early morning. But LOCH ARD was running into a fog which greatly reduced visibility. Captain Gibbs was becoming anxious as there was no sign of land or the Cape Otway lighthouse. At 4am the fog lifted. A man aloft announced that he could see breakers. The sheer cliffs of Victoria's west coast came into view, and Captain Gibbs realised that the ship was much closer to them than expected. He ordered as much sail to be set as time would permit and then attempted to steer the vessel out to sea. On coming head on into the wind, the ship lost momentum, the sails fell limp and LOCH ARD's bow swung back. Gibbs then ordered the anchors to be released in an attempt to hold its position. The anchors sank some 50 fathoms - but did not hold. By this time LOCH ARD was among the breakers and the tall cliffs of Mutton Bird Island rose behind the ship. Just half a mile from the coast, the ship's bow was suddenly pulled around by the anchor. The captain tried to tack out to sea, but the ship struck a reef at the base of Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell. Waves broke over the ship and the top deck was loosened from the hull. The masts and rigging came crashing down knocking passengers and crew overboard. When a lifeboat was finally launched, it crashed into the side of LOCH ARD and capsized. Tom Pearce, who had launched the boat, managed to cling to its overturned hull and shelter beneath it. He drifted out to sea and then on the flood tide came into what is now known as LOCH ARD Gorge. He swam to shore, bruised and dazed, and found a cave in which to shelter. Some of the crew stayed below deck to shelter from the falling rigging but drowned when the ship slipped off the reef into deeper water. Eva Carmichael had raced onto deck to find out what was happening only to be confronted by towering cliffs looming above the stricken ship. In all the chaos, Captain Gibbs grabbed Eva and said, "If you are saved Eva, let my dear wife know that I died like a sailor". That was the last Eva Carmichael saw of the captain. She was swept off the ship by a huge wave. Eva saw Tom Pearce on a small rocky beach and yelled to attract his attention. He dived in and swam to the exhausted woman and dragged her to shore. He took her to the cave and broke open case of brandy which had washed up on the beach. He opened a bottle to revive the unconscious woman. A few hours later Tom scaled a cliff in search of help. He followed hoof prints and came by chance upon two men from nearby Glenample Station three and a half miles away. In a state of exhaustion, he told the men of the tragedy. Tom returned to the gorge while the two men rode back to the station to get help. By the time they reached LOCH ARD Gorge, it was cold and dark. The two shipwreck survivors were taken to Glenample Station to recover. Eva stayed at the station for six weeks before returning to Ireland, this time by steamship. In Melbourne, Tom Pearce received a hero's welcome. He was presented with the first gold medal of the Royal Humane Society of Victoria and a £1000 cheque from the Victorian Government. Concerts were performed to honour the young man's bravery and to raise money for those who lost family in the LOCH ARD disaster. Of the 54 crew members and passengers on board, only two survived: the apprentice, Tom Pearce and the young woman passenger, Eva Carmichael, who lost all of her family in the tragedy. Ten days after the LOCH ARD tragedy, salvage rights to the wreck were sold at auction for £2,120. Cargo valued at £3,000 was salvaged and placed on the beach, but most washed back into the sea when another storm developed. The wreck of LOCH ARD still lies at the base of Mutton Bird Island. Much of the cargo has now been salvaged and some was washed up into what is now known as LOCH ARD Gorge. Cargo and artefacts have also been illegally salvaged over many years before protective legislation was introduced. One of the most unlikely pieces of cargo to have survived the shipwreck was a Minton porcelain peacock - one of only nine in the world. The peacock was destined for the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. It had been well packed, which gave it adequate protection during the violent storm. Today, the Minton peacock can be seen at the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum in Warrnambool. From Australia's most dramatic shipwreck it has now become Australia's most valuable shipwreck artefact and is one of very few 'objects' on the Victorian State Heritage Register. The wreck of the LOCH ARD is of State significance — Victorian Heritage Register S417 Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from LOCH ARD is significant for being one of the largest collections of artefacts from this shipwreck in Victoria. It is significant for its association with the shipwreck, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR S417). The collection is significant because of the relationship between the objects, as together they have a high potential to interpret the story of the LOCH ARD. The LOCH ARD collection is archaeologically significant as the remains of a large international passenger and cargo ship. The LOCH ARD collection is historically significant for representing aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and its potential to interpret sub-theme 1.5 of Victoria’s Framework of Historical Themes (living with natural processes). The collection is also historically significant for its association with the LOCH ARD, which was one of the worst and best known shipwrecks in Victoria’s history. A square marble tile retrieved from the wreck of the LOCH ARD. Most of its surface is covered by a thin layer of limestone and marine growth encrustation that is stained rust-red. There is a piece of corroded iron encrusted at an oblique angle on the tile’s rear face. The tile is ‘rough-worked’, cut to shape and size, but not smoothed or polished. There is a companion tile in similar condition in the Flagstaff Hill collection. From visual observation of the original surface (at low magnification) the tile appears to be of white Carrara-type marble.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, loch line, loch ard, captain gibbs, eva carmichael, tom pearce, glenample station, mutton bird island, loch ard gorge, white marble, marble tile, carrara marble, colonial architecture, victorian building materials -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Certificate - Federation Celebration Rolfe invitation, 1901
This invitation to a ‘Conversazione’ to celebrate the Federation of the six colonies in Australia into the six States of Australia in 1901 was sent to the invitees after the event to keep as a souvenir of the occasion. The event was hosted by the Government of Victoria. The certificate was designed by George Brougham Austin, a Melbourne architect and artist employed by the Victorian Department of Public Works. He also designed many of the public decorations displayed in Melbourne during the Federation celebrations. Austin’s original work was lithographed by an artist at Sands and McDougall, Melbourne. This particular invitation was sent to George Rolfe and his wife, Annie. George Rolfe (1836-1919), a tea merchant from Melbourne, began buying blocks of land near the mouth of the Hopkins River in Warrnambool in the 1870s. By the early 1880s he owned 50 acres of land in the town and some nearby farming properties. He used the building on the ]and near the mouth of the Hopkins River as holiday accommodation and called the property, Lyndoch. He improved the property with the additions of stables, jetty, boathouse, bone and chaff sheds, reservoir and windmill and extensive gardens. Rolfe spent most of his later life at Lyndoch. Today the property is the site of an Aged Care facility. This certificate is of considerable importance for two reasons: 1. It is an important and attractive memento of a signal event in the history of Australia – the Federation of the States in 1901. 2. The certificate was an invitation to Mr and Mrs George Rolfe. George Rolfe was a prominent Warrnambool person in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This is a multi-coloured certificate printed on a cream-coloured card. The certificate has an image of the Exhibition Building surrounded by an ornate border of heraldic shields, portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York, views of the six capital cities of Australia, native flora and fauna, the Royal Crest and the Crest of Australia. The names of the invitees are handwritten in black ink. ‘United Australia 1901 One Flag One Hope One Destiny Australian Commonwealth Celebrations’ ‘The Government of Victoria requests the honor of the presence of Mr & Mrs G. Rolfe at a Conversazione in the Exhibition Building on the Evening of Tuesday 7th May 1901 at 8 p.m.’ george rolfe of lyndoch, warrnambool, federation of australia, history of warrnambool, george rolfe -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Certificate, Duke of Cornwall
This certificate is an invitation to the Evening Reception in Melbourne in 1901, an event which was part of the celebrations in Melbourne to commemorate the Federation of the six colonies into the six States of Australia in January 1901. The certificate was sent to the invitees after the event as a souvenir of the occasion. The certificate was designed by the artists Julian and Howard Ashton and lithographed and issued by Sands and McDougall Limited of Melbourne. This particular certificate was sent to George Rolfe and his wife Annie. George Rolfe (1836-1919), a tea merchant from Melbourne, began buying blocks of land near the mouth of the Hopkins River in the 1870s. By the early 1880s he had acquired 50 acres of land in the town and several nearby farming properties. He used the buildings on the land at the mouth of the River Hopkins as holiday accommodation and called this property Lyndoch. Rolfe improved this property adding stables, jetty, boathouse, bone and chaff sheds, reservoir and windmill and extensive gardens. Rolfe spent most of his later life at Lyndoch. Today the property is the site of an Aged Care Facility. This certificate is of considerable importance for two reasons: 1. It is an attractive and valuable memento of a signal event in Australia’s history – the Federation of the States in 1901. 2. The certificate was an invitation to Mr and Mrs George Rolfe. Rolfe was a prominent person in Warrnambool in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This is a multi-coloured certificate mounted on a piece of grey cardboard. The certificate is highly embossed and has a figure of Britannia in a red dress and a mailed vest holding a shield with the Union Jack emblem. Britannia is extending her hand to a figure of a younger woman representing Australia. This figure is dressed in blue and holds a shield which has a blue cross with white stars. The borders have vines and vine leaves and the Royal Crest is at the base of the certificate. The names of the invitees are handwritten in black ink. ‘In Celebration of the Opening of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, To Meet Their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York, His Majesty’s Ministers of State for Australia have the honor to invite Mr & Mrs G. Rolfe to an Evening Reception at the Exhibition Building, Melbourne on the 9th of May 1901, at 8 0’clock’. george rolfe of lyndoch, warrnambool, federation of australia, history of warrnambool, george rolfe -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, The Inimitable Mr Meek, 2015
This catalogue was written by Joan Luxemburg for the Art Gallery of Ballarat Exhibition of James Meek works (13th June to 9th August 2015). It is not intended as a full biography of James Meek and concentrates on his decorative works. Joan Luxemburg has spent many years researching the life and works of James Meek and the exhibition and catalogue are part of a PhD project at Federation University. A biography of James Meek by Joan Luxemburg is due for publication in 2016. English-born James Meek, a fisherman, cannery operator, poet, writer, explorer in the Otway district, librarian, calligrapher and accountant, was one of the first settlers in Ballarat, building the first house and establishing a cordial and sly grog business. After some time in Melbourne he came to the Warrnambool area, becoming an early settler in the Peterborough area and establishing a cannery there. In Warrnambool he set up a commercial fishing company which failed, organized an Otways exploration trip looking for gold and established a reputation for producing fine calligraphy works. He was in New Zealand from 1874 to 1890 and died in Warrnambool in 1899. This catalogue is important because it records the decorative works of James Meek, an important early settler in Warrnambool and district. Meek was well-known in Warrnambool in the 1850s and 60s as a commercial fisherman, an Otways explorer, a writer and lecturer and a calligrapher. One of his daughters married Peter Dallimore, a fellmonger at Lake Gillear and the Dallimore family is also prominent in our history. The Art Gallery of Ballarat 2015 Exhibition of Meek works featured one of our Meek documents, a Fidler Family tree.This is a catalogue with a reinforced plastic-covered cover. It has 87 pages with illustrations and photographs. The sepia-coloured cover features a portion of a James Meek work of calligraphy.Front cover – ‘The Inimitable Mr Meek’ Back cover – Art Gallery, Ballarat james meek, the inimitable mr meek, james meek artist -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Work on paper - Invitation, From the Sacred to the Profane, 2014
This is the program of the 2014-5 exhibition at the Warrnambool Art Gallery, ‘From the Sacred to the Profane – The Challenges and Possibilities of Renaissance Art’. This exhibition was a joint project between the National Gallery of Victoria and the Warrnambool Art Gallery and was officially opened in December 2014 by the Director of the National Gallery of Victoria, Tony Ellwood. This program is of interest as a souvenir of an exhibition in Warrnambool that was an important one as it featured historical and valuable works of art from the National Gallery of Victoria. This is a sheet of paper folded to make six sides. One side has a plasticized surface. The pages have a black background with white and red printing on five sides and a colour photograph of a painting on the front page. The back page has the logos of the Warrnambool Art Gallery Foundation, the Victorian State Government, Arts Victoria, Warrnambool City Council and Deakin Worldly.national gallery of victoria, warrnambool art gallery, art in victoria, renaissance art, warrnambool history -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Work on paper - Periodical, WAGazine No.1, 2014
This magazine lists events and exhibitions which are current at this time. The events listed range from an interview with a local artist to exhibitions, designer of the month, public programs, and Sunday musicA record of current events and some of the people involved in the Warrnambool Art Gallery. 14 page magazine. Cover is black and white with some orange highlights. Most of the pages are printed in colour. Back cover is orange.warrnambool history, warrnambool art gallery 2014, warrnambool wag -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Boot, Tom Rome, Early 20th century
This boot belonged to Thomas Rome and may have been either an apprentice’s model or a display item in his boot and shoe shop or both. Thomas James Rome (1873-1974) worked in John Younger’s store in Beechworth before both came to Warrnambool in 1888. Rome worked in Younger’s store in Liebig Street, Warrnambool for 17 years and then established his own boot and shoe store at 115 Liebig Street in 1907, retiring in 1962. He married Amelia Saltau and they lived at Murweh at the corner of Liebig and Princess Streets, Warrnambool. Thomas Rome is mostly remembered today for his purchase and use of an Edison phonograph machine in the late 1890s and the sound recordings he made with this machine at the Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition of 1896-7. These recordings were found intact after Rome’s death and are regarded as the earliest sound recordings still surviving in Australia today. This sample boot is of great significant as an example of the bootmaker’s art in the early 20th century and as a memento of Thomas Rome, important in Warrnambool’s history as a businessman and in the history of sound recording in Australia. This is a small sample black leather boot (probably a lady’s boot). It has double ridged stitching across the instep with a soft leather upper part and stitching separating the soft leather section from the smooth leather. The right side of the boot has seven button holes and seven buttons attached with metal clips. The sole is leather with a small heel and the name of the owner stamped on the sole. ‘10’ ‘T.J.Rome’ thomas rome, history of warrnambool, antique lady's boot, leather boot vintage -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Programme, Original D Symphonic concert Town Hall July 10 1902, 1902
This is a programme of a concert called ‘Grand Symphonic Concert and Irish Ballad Night’ staged by the Warrnambool Orchestral Society at the Warrnambool Town Hall on July 10th 1902. The conductor was Louis Bayer (1857-1907). Born in Germany, Bayer came to Warrnambool in 1891 and, with his wife, Eleanor, taught piano. violin, orchestration and singing and established the Warrnambool Orchestral Society. In 1896-7 Bayer was the musical director of the Warrnambool Industrial and Art exhibition, composing the Cantata for the opening ceremony and directing over 60 musical performances, including 22 operas and many concerts. Bayer was a composer and wrote several operas, including one called ‘Federation’. Bayer’s wife was an accompaniste at this symphonic concert and two of his sons played the horn and the drums. The soloists at this symphonic concert included Minnie Sloane, Lucy Meares and J. Robertson. This programme is of great significance as it features a concert conducted by Louis Bayer, one of the most important musicians in Warrnambool’s history. This is a yellow-coloured piece of paper folded in two to make four pages. The pages have details of the concert programme, a list of members of the orchestra, one advertisement and a front page with the concert headings in a fancy border. The pages are somewhat torn at the folds and there is heavy staining, especially on the back page. warrnambool orchestral society, louis bayer, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document, Post Card, 2015
This is a printed invitation to the opening of an exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ballarat in June 2015. The exhibition was of the art works and calligraphy of James Meek. It was curated by Joan Luxemburg who is writing a book on James Meek’s life and work. James Meek was an important 19th century fisherman, fish curer, accountant, writer, gold explorer and calligrapher. His art works are prized for their historical content and their illustrations of the work of a calligrapher at its best. This card is important as it concerns the art works of James Meek. He was important in the history of Ballarat, Peterborough and Warrnambool in the 19th century. In the latter town he was a well-known punt operator, a gold explorer, a writer and lecturer and a fish company operator. Several of his important calligraphy works were produced in Warrnambool. This is a lightweight cardboard card printed on both sides with printed material, logos of sponsors and an image of a section of one of James Meek’s sketches. ‘The Inimitable Mr Meek’james meek, art gallery of ballarat, joan luxemburg -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Poster, Poster for Robert Ulman exhibition, 1982
This is a poster advertising an art exhibition by the Warrnambool artist, Robert Ulmann. The exhibition was held in the Naringal Hall in November/December 1982. Robert Ulmann (1927-1999) was born in Zurich, Switzerland where he studied sculpture and painting. After living in Canada for some time he came to Australia in 1969. From 1970 to 1972 he was employed by the Northern Territory Administration as a manual arts instructor to the aboriginal people of Docker River west of Uluru. He exhibited extensively in city and regional galleries and won numerous awards for his artistic works. His love of wildlife extended to his interest in the Southern Right Whale and he was greatly responsible for publicizing the annual appearance of the whales at Logans Beach in Warrnambool and protecting their environment. His studio in Warrnambool is still visited by many tourists. This poster is of interest as it concerns an art exhibition of the work of Robert Ulmann, a well-known Warrnambool artist of the 20th century. This is a sheet of white paper with black edging. It is an advertisement for a Robert Ulmann Art Exhibition. The page has a sketch of three birds with Robert Ulmann’s signature underneath. robert ulmann, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Musical Instrument, Edison Phonograph, 1905
The phonograph is a mechanical device for the recording and reproduction of sound and originally used a tinfoil sheet wrapped around a rotating cylinder to produce the sound. It was invented by Thomas Edison of U.S.A. in 1877 and was the model for all phonographs or gramophones made and developed throughout the 20th century. This machine is of particular interest to the Warrnambool and District Historical Society as it is an Edison phonograph and an earlier model of this phonograph was used in Warrnambool late in the 19th century to make an important recording. In 1896 Thomas Rome, an employee in a Warrnambool boot and shoe shop, purchased an Edison phonograph that could both play and record sounds. At the Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition of 1896-7 visitors to the Exhibition paid a fee to listen to music on this phonograph. But Rome also recorded some local Warrnambool people singing and speaking and these recordings survive today. They are regarded as the oldest surviving recordings made in Australia. Thomas Rome later became a shoe shop proprietor in Warrnambool and was a well-known person in the town/city for a great number of years. This is an Edison Gem Phonograph. It has a black-painted wooden base, now detached from the main mechanism. The phonograph is made of metal which is now heavily rusted. It has a cylindrical turntable for playing the Edison cylindrical records and a handle with a wooden knob. The turning mechanism and belt are now broken. The name of the manufacturer and details of the patents are on a metal plate attached to the side of the phonograph. The amplifier mechanism at the top of the machine is missing. The cover of the machine is made of wood and has a wooden handle attached with a piece of metal and two metal screws. There are also two metal screws on the side of the cover. The cover has a slot on the side to allow the turning handle to be accommodated outside of the cover. The cover is much stained and spotted. ‘Edison Gem Phonograph’ thomas edison, history of sound recordings, thomas rome (warrnambool)