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matching war veterans
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, O'Brien, Tim, If I die in a combat zone (Copy 2)
A work of passion and protest. One of the few good things to come out of the Vietnam WarA work of passion and protest. One of the few good things to come out of the Vietnam Warvietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives, american -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Lewis, Jon ed, The Mammoth Book of True War Stories
Gripping tales of real-life horror and heroism from the history of human conflict.Gripping tales of real-life horror and heroism from the history of human conflict.war - press coverage, desert storm, killing fields of vietnam -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Hosking, Peter ed, Hope After Horror: Helping Survivors of Torture and Trauma
Hope After Horror is written by those who have helped to mend the shattered bodies, minds and spirits of survivors of torture and trauma.Hope After Horror is written by those who have helped to mend the shattered bodies, minds and spirits of survivors of torture and trauma.torture - psychological aspects, horrors of war -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Evans, Carla, The Cost of Courage
Australia sent approximately 50,000 men and women to a war in Vietnam and courage was shown every day of the 12 months served.Australia sent approximately 50,000 men and women to a war in Vietnam and courage was shown every day of the 12 months served.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - participation, australian -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Phillips Captain WHJ (Bill) OAM Ed (Ret'd), Australians at War, 1950-1972: Korea, Malaya & Vietnam
Korea, Malaya and Vietnam is the story of 'Brush Fire' wars against the tyrannical advance of Communist forces seeking to oust the old Colonial system and to establish new Nationalism by the use of force.Korea, Malaya and Vietnam is the story of 'Brush Fire' wars against the tyrannical advance of Communist forces seeking to oust the old Colonial system and to establish new Nationalism by the use of force.vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 - participation, australian -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Australian War Memorial, Impressions : Australians in Vietnam (Copy 2)
Just what was it like for an Australian to serve in Vietnam>Just what was it like for an Australian to serve in Vietnam>australian war memorial - exhibitions, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - participation, australian - exhibitions -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Laugton, K. C, Not Quite Men, NoLonger Boys (Copy 2)
Kenny was barely nineteen years old, a wide-eyed Aboriginal kid from the bush, when he left Australia for a tour of duty in Vietnam. From the fleshpots of Saigon to the 'sharp end' clearing mines at Nui Dat, there was a lot to learn for a young man in a strange country, fighting a murky, confusing war.Kenny was barely nineteen years old, a wide-eyed Aboriginal kid from the bush, when he left Australia for a tour of duty in Vietnam. From the fleshpots of Saigon to the 'sharp end' clearing mines at Nui Dat, there was a lot to learn for a young man in a strange country, fighting a murky, confusing war. australia. army - aboriginal troops, saigon, nui dat -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Page, Tim, War: A South Collection
War is a photographic collection of Australia's most creative and award winning documentary photographers who have covered conflicts from Vietnam to present-day Afghanistan.War is a photographic collection of Australia's most creative and award winning documentary photographers who have covered conflicts from Vietnam to present-day Afghanistan.war photography - history, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - pictorial works -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Vietnam Diggers' language: abbreviations, acronyms, terms and jargon of the Vietnam War (Copy 2)
vietnam war, 1961-1975 - australia, english language -australia - slang -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Dang, Thuy Tram, Last Night I Dreamed Of Peace: An Extraordinary Diary of Courage from the Vietnam War (The diary of Dang Thuy Tram), 2007
The fascinating diary of a young Viet Cong doctor who died in the Vietnam WarTranslated by Andrew X PhamThe fascinating diary of a young Viet Cong doctor who died in the Vietnam Wardang, thuy tram, 1943-1970 - diaries, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - medical care - vietnam -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Rushby, Pamela, When the Hipchicks went to War
The sixties are in full swing and going to a war is the last thing on Kathy's mind. For sixteen-year-old Kathy, it's all about miniskirts, the Beatles, discos and her fab new boots.The sixties are in full swing and going to a war is the last thing on Kathy's mind. For sixteen-year-old Kathy, it's all about miniskirts, the Beatles, discos and her fab new boots.entertainers, vietnam -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Jackomos, Alick,Fowell, Derek, Forgotten Heroes: Aborigines At War From The Somme To Vietnam
Victorian aborigines distinguished themselves at war overseas and on the home front this century. Many of them came from a long tradition of warriors; their forebears waged war last century on the European settles who had occupied their traditional homelands.Victorian aborigines distinguished themselves at war overseas and on the home front this century. Many of them came from a long tradition of warriors; their forebears waged war last century on the European settles who had occupied their traditional homelands.aboriginal australians - biography, australia - armed forces - aboriginal australians - history -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Dockery, Kevin, Free Fire Zones: The True Story of U.S. Navy Seal Combat In Vietnam: Seals - The came to fight
The U.S. Navy Seals came to Vietnam to fight a new kind of war. They went home legends in the military annals of our nationThe U.S. Navy Seals came to Vietnam to fight a new kind of war. They went home legends in the military annals of our nationvietnam, navy seals, u.s. navy seals -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Horowitz, David, From Yalta to Vietnam: American foreign policy in the Cold War
Is America largely to blame for the Cold War? That is the question posed by this dispassionate and closely documented analysis of American foreign policy since the death of Roosevelt.Is America largely to blame for the Cold War? That is the question posed by this dispassionate and closely documented analysis of American foreign policy since the death of Roosevelt.united states - foreign relations, vietnam -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Gallipoli, one long grave
world war, 1914-1918 - campaigns - turkey - gallipoli peninsula -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Damousi, Joy ed.,Lake, Marilyn ed, Gender and War: Australians at war in the Twentieth Century
War has been a key part of the Australian experience and central to many national mythologies. Yet more that most activities, war polarises femininity and masculinity, While there has been no shortage of military history, little has been written about Australia's military involvements from the perspective of gender. This exciting collection of essays explores for the first time the interrelationship of gender and war in Australia.War has been a key part of the Australian experience and central to many national mythologies. Yet more that most activities, war polarises femininity and masculinity, While there has been no shortage of military history, little has been written about Australia's military involvements from the perspective of gender. This exciting collection of essays explores for the first time the interrelationship of gender and war in role - australia - history - 20th century, women and war - australia - history - 20th century, men - australia - sexual behavior - history - 20th century -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Duncanson, Dennis, Government and revolution in Vietnam
For all the millions of words filed by newsmen, and the thousands of miles of television film, the war in Vietnam continues to perplex, and to dismay with its ferocity, the serious-minded public of the world.For all the millions of words filed by newsmen, and the thousands of miles of television film, the war in Vietnam continues to perplex, and to dismay with its ferocity, the serious-minded public of the world.vietnam, politics and government -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, King, Jonathan, Great battles in Australian history
As historian Jonathan King takes us to the battlefields of long ago, and then on a rollercoaster-ride right up to the war in Afghanistan, he brings history alive, laying bare the significance of each battle.As historian Jonathan King takes us to the battlefields of long ago, and then on a rollercoaster-ride right up to the war in Afghanistan, he brings history alive, laying bare the significance of each war, 1914-1918, participation, australian, korean war, 1950-1953, participation, australian, world war, 1939-1945, participation, australian, vietnam war, 1961-1975, participation, australian -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Carhart, Tom, Great Battles of the Vietnam War
The war that has raged in and around Vietnam - with no end in sight - is one of the curcial conflicts of our time.The war that has raged in and around Vietnam - with no end in sight - is one of the curcial conflicts of our time. vietnam war, 1961-1975 - campaigns -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Bassett, Jan, Guns and Brooches: Australian Army Nursing from the Boer War to the Gulf War (Copy 2)
On 11th August 1915, Grace Wilson, an Australian matron on Lemmons, wrote of some of her Galipoli patrons.On 11th August 1915, Grace Wilson, an Australian matron on Lemmons, wrote of some of her Galipoli patrons.australia. army. australian army nursing service - history, history of nursing, australian army nursing service -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, McGlone, Randall K, Guts and Glory: A stroy from the trenches - by a Marine who saw the Vietnam War hot, dirty, and close up
The war turned boys into men, if it didn't kill them first.The war turned boys into men, if it didn't kill them first. 1961-1975 - atrocities, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - campaigns, us marines, trenches -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Hardwicke, Maxwell ed, H.M.A.S. Hobart Vietnam Third deployment, 1970:
A collecion of coloured and black and white photographs taken during the 3rd Deployment of HMAS Hobart in 1970.A collecion of coloured and black and white photographs taken during the 3rd Deployment of HMAS Hobart in 1970.hobart (destroyer), 1961-1975 - regimental histories - australia, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - naval operations - australian, hmas hobart -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Essex-Clark, John, Hassett: Australian leader: a biography of General Sir Francis Hassett
This is the story of a great Australian who joined the Army as a boy, trained at Duntroon, and started his fighting with an infantry battalion in the Libyan desert in World War 2. He served in Palestine, Syria, New Guinea and Bougainville.This is the story of a great Australian who joined the Army as a boy, trained at Duntroon, and started his fighting with an infantry battalion in the Libyan desert in World War 2. He served in Palestine, Syria, New Guinea and Bougainville.hassett, francis george sir 1918 -, soldiers - australia - biography -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Egendorf, Arthur, Healing From the War: Trauma & Transformation after Vietnam
Healing from the War empowers each of us to be a peacemaker - to recover from Vietnam and the battles of everyday life.Healing from the War empowers each of us to be a peacemaker - to recover from Vietnam and the battles of everyday life. 1961-1975 - united states, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - psychological aspects -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Hell fire
afghan war. 2001 - aerial operations, british, apache (attack helicopter) -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Pilger, John, Heroes
John Pilger was born and educated in Sydney, Australia. He has been a war correspondent, film-maker and playwright. He has written from many countries for the London Daily Mirror, the New Statesman and the New York Times. He has twice won British journalism's highest award, that of Journalist of the Year, for his work in Vietnam and Cambodia. Among a number of other awards, he has won International Reporter of the Year and the United Nations Association Medial Peace Prize. His documents, for ATV and Central Television, have one prizes at Chicago, Melbourne and other international film festivals.Paperback has been covered in plasticJohn Pilger was born and educated in Sydney, Australia. He has been a war correspondent, film-maker and playwright. He has written from many countries for the London Daily Mirror, the New Statesman and the New York Times. He has twice won British journalism's highest award, that of Journalist of the Year, for his work in Vietnam and Cambodia. Among a number of other awards, he has won International Reporter of the Year and the United Nations Association Medial Peace Prize. His documents, for ATV and Central Television, have one prizes at Chicago, Melbourne and other international film festivals. journalism - history - 20th century, journalism, 1960-1985 - personal observations, vietnam, cambodia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, HMAS Sydney: loss and controversy
cruisers (warships) - australia - history, hmas sydney (aircraft carrier), vietnam war, 1961-1975 - naval operations - australian -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Fall, Bernard, Horizon: Spring 1967:Two thousand Years Of War In Vietnam
From the time of the ancient warrior to the modern GI, Vietnam has struggled to preserve its ancient land and culture from destruction.From the time of the ancient warrior to the modern GI, Vietnam has struggled to preserve its ancient land and culture from destruction.vietnamese wars, vietnam culture -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Galbraith, John Kenneth, How to Get Out of Vietnam: the war we cannot win, should not wish to win, are not winning: The assumed enemy does not exist (Copy 1)
A wrkable solution to the worst problem of our timeA wrkable solution to the worst problem of our timevietnam war, 1961-1975 - participation, american -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Document, Four packets of Air Mail envelopes
Air Mail envelopes used by soldiers serving in Vietnam to send letters home to Australia. Red, white & blue border with blue writing on the front depicting a map of Vietnam.On the reverse there is provision for details of sender.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - participation. australian