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Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Postcard - Alice McGregor Postcard Collection, 1900 - 1920
Alice McGREGOR Born: 1908; unknown parents. Possibly adopted by the Salter family? Electoral Roll 1936: Highland Terrace Kangaroo Flat. Alice Mary Salter and William Robert Salter living together; presumed to be sister and brother. William Robert Salter was killed in a MVA in Bendigo in 1937 aged 26. In Victoria in 1938, Alice Mary Salter married James Thomas McGregor (born Victoria 1917, died Victoria 1983, buried Fawkner Cemetery) Lived: 1968; 22 Wade Street Golden Square Alice McGregor Died: 1999 aged 91 at Anne Caudle Centre, Bendigo Buried: Kangaroo Flat Cemetery See additional research. Postcard Album of Alice McGregor contained 86 post cards.Postcard Album of Alice McGregor containing 86 post cards. See 1400 Colour photo of four women collecting flowers from a tree. One sitting on ground and one sitting on a fence. Addressed to Miss A. Stapleton, Arcade, Bendigo Sender - not given PO Dated 21.8.05, Bendigo postcard, collector, alice mcgregor -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Town Hall, The Bendigo Choral Society, TUESDAY, August 25, 1931. Programme. Conductor: Mr W C Frazier, ARCO. Pianist: Roy Shepherd. Assisting Artists: Mrs Darvall. Mrs P Simonsen, miss May McGaughie, Mr E H Collett, Mr R Hardy. Patron Mayor of Bendigo. President: Mr P A McNair, Pianist: Miss Eileen Hains ATCL. Treasurer: Mr R J Parker. Hon. Secretary: Robt. Batchelder, 20 View Street, Bendigo. Programme: Price 3d. Part 1. In these Delightful Pleasant Groves. I'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby. An Analogy. Twilight Night. Nachstucke. Sonata G Minor. The Erl King's Daughter. Part 2. Like Apple Blossoms, White and Red. Come Shepherds, Follow Me. Polonaise in A Flat. The Ships of Arcady. The Singers. Rhapsodie. A Song of the Sea. Program includes ads for: Allans The Music People, Pall Mall, Bendgio, Branch member Oscar Flight. W Gordon Hampton, Bookseller and News Agent, Bendigo.Cambridge Press, Bendigoprogram, music, the bendigo choral society, town hall, the bendigo choral society, tuesday, august 25, 1931. programme. conductor: mr w c frazier, arco. pianist: roy shepherd. assisting artists: mrs darvall. mrs p simonsen, miss may mcgaughie, mr e h collett, mr r hardy. patron mayor of bendigo. president: mr p a mcnair, pianist: miss eileen hains atcl. treasurer: mr r j parker. hon. secretary: robt. batchelder, 20 view street, bendigo. programme: price 3d. part 1. in these delightful pleasant groves. i'll sing thee songs of araby. an analogy. twilight night. nachstucke. sonata g minor. the erl king's daughter. part 2. like apple blossoms, white and red. come shepherds, follow me. polonaise in a flat. the ships of arcady. the singers. rhapsodie. a song of the sea. program includes ads for: allans the music people, pall mall, bendgio, branch member oscar flight. w gordon hampton, bookseller and news agent, bendigo. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
The Centenary Committee in conjunction with the National Theatre Movement present State Service Orchestra. Conductor: Dr. Schildberger. Rosalind Park, Sunday, October 14th 2.45pm, 1951. Program 1/-. Dorothy Deegan, H Fisher, Beryl Jones, Ernest Marzaus, Robert Simmons, Michael Walker, Orchestra. Official Opening of Three-Arts Festival by His Worship the Mayor (Cr. G A Pethard). Accompanist Dr H Schildberger. Flautist Eugene Aumann. Program for Three Arts Festival, Oct. 14-20. Sunday, 3pm State Service Orchestra Rosalind Park. Monday-Ballet and Song: Melbourne Ballet Guild and Mr E Michelson. Tuesday-Drama: Bendigo Branch: The Linden Tree. Wednesday-Orchestral, Bendigo Orchestra Society. Thursday-Vocal and Instrumental Concert. Friday-Shakespeare Festival (in conjunction with Bendigo Shakespearian Society). Saturday- Drama: Swan Hill Branch: Within These Walls. Bookings at Allans. Advertisement on rear cover: Marshall's Fruit Supply, Charring Cross, Bendigo. Open- Mon to Sat, 8.30am to 9.30pm. Sun 9am to 6pm.Cambridge Press, Bendigoprogram, theatre, state service orchestra, the centenary committee in conjunction with the national theatre movement present state service orchestra. conductor: dr. schildberger. rosalind park, october 14th 2.45pm, 1951. dorothy deegan, h fisher, beryl jones, ernest marzaus, robert simmons, michael walker, orchestra. official opening of three-arts festival by his worship the mayor (cr. g a pethard). accompanist dr h schildberger. flautist eugene aumann. melbourne ballet guild and mr e michelson. drama: bendigo branch: the linden tree. orchestral, bendigo orchestra society. vocal and instrumental concert. shakespeare festival (in conjunction with bendigo shakespearian society). drama: swan hill branch: within these walls. bookings at allans. marshall's fruit supply, bendigo. open 7 days a week -
Bendigo Military Museum
Furniture - TABLES, MEETING ROOM BDRSL, Red Dog Furniture, Post 2008
The centre Timbers under the glass tops came from the old Passchendaele Barracks building in Mollison Street Bendigo. The old building dated back to 1916. The building Depot was closed down and dismantled with the unit based there moved out to the new “Multi User Depot in Junortoun”. The tables were made in Bendigo and placed in the new Meeting Room of the Bendigo District RSL in Havilah Road which was named “Kokoda Room”. In another round of renovations to the Club the two tables were placed in the Soldier's Memorial Museum Pall Mall now Bendigo Military Museum. One was placed in the old Meeting room which at that time was part of the Museum, the second was placed in the old kitchen which had been converted into an BDRSL Office. With more renovations the two tables were returned to the Bendigo District RSL in a new meeting room. The two computer insets for cabling was then put into the tables. .1) .2) Two tables solid construction brown stain colour, the top has in inset of Timbers narrow a lighter brown stain laying across the width dimension, a glass top sits over these Timbers level with the heavy outside frame. Each table has an inset centre to accomodate computer cabling. There is a small plaque on each table.On the small plaques, “ Original Timbers from Passchendaele Barracks Bendigo”.brsl, smirsl, bdrslinc -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Music Advancement Society of Bendigo, Town Hall, Bendigo. By arrangement with the Australian Opera Company. Max Worthley, Tenor Edith Worthley Accompanist. Wednesday, 7th November, 1956. at 8.15pm. Hon. Secs.: Madge Edgar, Mary Stanistreet. Programme. Advertisments; A C Hampton, Edgars, Allan's.Bolton Bros. Pty. Ltd., Printers, Bendigoprogram, theatre, music advancement society of bendig, music advancement society of bendigo, town hall, bendigo. australian opera company. max worthley, tenor edith worthley accompanist. 1956. hon. secs.: madge edgar, mary stanistreet. programme. advertisments; a c hampton, edgars, allan's. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document, The Construction of the Melbourne to Bendigo Railway. In July 1855, a public meeting chaired by Mr. Valentine was addressed by Dr. Backhaus, Mr.Bissell, Mr. Wolfe, Mr. Harney, Dr. Hunt and Mr. Mackay. Due to the enthusiasm of the speakers for the proposal and the acclaim of those present, it was decided to send the resolution to the Governor on the desirability of a rail link from Melbourne to Bendigo.Prepared by The Bendigo Historical Society Inc.document, names of bendigo pioneers, melbourne to bendigo railway -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white photograph: image shows woman dressed in dark coloured dress, holding book in right hand. On bottom of image : ' extra copies, 1s. Academy of photography, Send number. Hansen Bendigo. Enlargements from this or any photo from 5s. To 25s.'Hansen, Bendigoperson, individual, female portrait, bendigo, sandhurst, hansen, academy of photographersz -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Booklet - Michele Matthews collection - "Colonial Bendigo", Bendigo Art Gallery, 04/02/2025
exhibition celebrates the rich pictorial history of 19th century Bendigo.Michele Matthews collection - "Colonial Bendigo", Bendigo Art Gallery exhibition (5th December 1984 - 25th February 1985) which celebrates the rich pictorial history of 19th century Bendigo. Booklet includes 12 B&W prints of early Bendigo development. The exhibition celebrates the rich pictorial history of 19th century Bendigo; linked to Victoria's 150th Anniversary Celebrations. early bendigo development in sketch format -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Operatic Society's 12th Production, Capital Theatre. Fr., Sat., Mon., Tue., Wed. Oct. 18th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd 1957. Price, 1/- Bendigo Operatic Society President: Mr J Cannon, Vice-President: Mr C Bubb, Hon. Secretary: Mr B Thomas, Hon. Treasurer: Mr B Ralph Committee: Mesdames J Cannon, N McCarthy, C Blake, B McGregor, Miss M Welch, Messrs L Spencely, F Treawrne, J Smyth.. The Society acknowledges the help received from _ The Bendigo Advertiser, 3BO Bendigo, J L Howard (A Wearne, L Reed), Electrical Fittings Madge Welch, Studio and Properties, The Board of Management and Caretaker of the Capital Theatre, R Vincent Kelly- Photography, F Mamourney- Stage Furniture. Photo and brief write up on the following: Max O'Loghlen Musical Director, Norman Lee, Margaret Rule, Brian Thomas. Ballet: Kathleen Goss, Valerie Cartwright, Shirley Harding, Suzanne Tunzi, June Luke, Maureen Doyle, Marlene Holt, Ann Stone. Ladies of the ensemble: Marilyn Smith, Sandra Cannon, Lorraine Rigg, Dawn Beck with, Betty Cullen, Olive Hamilton, Ethel Harris, Dorothy Field, Joy Hartley, Margaret Manderson, Gwen Manderson, Nancy Walker, Joan Hokin, Aileen Simmonds, Anne Hassett, June Mason, Lorna Paynter, Patricia Lyon, Jess Millikins, Helen Jalland, Edna Tudball Smith, Ronda Miller. Gentlemen of the ensemble: Alan Ewart, Bob Nicholls, Fred Trewarne, Davis Elvery, Don Chisholm, Adrian Van Dyke, John McGregor, Bill Banks, Joseph Quigg, John Gowty, Ian Beckwith, Andrew Nelson, Fred Smith, Malcolm Cannon, Reg Boromeo. Members of the orchestra: Miss A McNair, Mrs S Grant, Mrs V Messer, Mr T Conolan. Mr E Jarrett, Mrs C Bubb, Mr C Bubb, Miss N Brache, Mr C Hargreaves, Mr R Holyoake, Mr G Mackay, Mr K Holland, Mr C Holmes, Mr J May, Mr B Armstrong, Mr N Pierce. Cast of Characters: Mervyn Penno, Alfred Annison, Max Beckwith, Greta Smyth, Alfred Austin, Brian Brewer, Rosalie Spencely, Harry Brewer, Alan Ewart, Adrian Van Dyke, Margaret Rule, Bert Donavan, Barbara McGregor, Coral Shiell, Charles Phillips, Ruth Ennor, Ian Beckwith, Malcom Cannon, Reg Boromeo. Bendigo Concert Orchestra, Ballets-Madge Welch, Musical Director-Max O'Loghlen, Society's Pianist-Phyllis House, Asst. Pianist-Fred Trewarne, Music by Sigmund Romberg, Book and Lyrics by Otto Harbach, Oscar Hammerstein 2nd., and Frank Mandel, Costumes-J C Williamson Theatres Lt., Ada Colten, Melb. Scenery-J C Howard, Stage Management-W Kelly & Staff, Wardrobe-Mrs N McCarthy, Mrs L Spencely. Advertisements: Farmers and Citizens Trustees Company Bendigo Limited acts as executor, trustee, administrator, agent attorney. J R Tredinnick, Manager, Charing Cross Bendigo. Phone: Bendigo 86. Suttons Pty. Ltd. 'The House of Music' Pall Mall 287. Bendigo Fashion House Phone 296, Brown Tyre Service 242 Hargreaves Street. Rockmans Ladies' Fashions 295 Williamson St., Bendigo Ph 1141. J L Howard Pty. Ltd., Electrical Contractors, 174-176 Mitchell Street, Bendigo, Phone- 1675, 1676, 1677. Bendigo Plastering and Sheeting Co., 125 & 148 White Hills Road, Phone 4279. Pam Crammond, Ladies' Hairdresser, Hammer Street, Flora Hill, Phone 3620. John R Crammond Cabinet Making-Joinery-Shopfitting, 5 Houston Street, Phone 3620. J M Leech, Jewelry, Gifts and engraving. 238 Hargreaves St., Bendigo, Ph., 1301. Leedall Knitwear. Allan's 'Home of music', Phone 244. Ashman's The Home of Better Suit', Cr. Williamson & Hargreaves Streets, Bendigo. John Brown, socks and knitwear, and Welmar shirts and pyjamas, produced in Bendigo by John Brown Industries Ltd. And Welmar Industries Pty. Ltd.Cambridge Press, Bendigoprogram, music, bendigo operatic society, bendigo operatic society's 12th production, capital theatre. oct. 1957. price, society president: mr j cannon, vice-president: mr c bubb, hon. secretary: mr b thomas, hon. treasurer: mr b ralph committee: mesdames j cannon, n mccarthy, c blake, b mcgregor, miss m welch, messrs l spencely, f treawrne, j smyth. society acknowledges the help received from: the bendigo advertiser, 3bo bendigo, j l howard (a wearne, l reed), electrical fittings madge welch, studio and properties, the board of management and caretaker of the capital theatre, r vincent kelly- photography, f mamourney- stage furniture. photo and brief write up on the following: max o'loghlen, norman lee, margaret rule, brian thomas. ballet: kathleen goss, valerie cartwright, shirley harding, suzanne tunzi, june luke, maureen doyle, marlene holt, ann stone. ladies of the ensemble: marilyn smith, sandra cannon, lorraine rigg, dawn beckwith, betty cullen, olive hamilton, ethel harris, dorothy field, joy hartley, margaret manderson, gwen manderson, nancy walker, joan hokin, aileen simmonds, anne hassett, june mason, lorna paynter, patricia lyon, jess millikins, helen jalland, edna tudball smith, ronda miller. gentlemen of the ensemble: alan ewart, bob nicholls, fred trewarne, davis elvery, don chisholm, adrian van dyke, john mcgregor, bill banks, joseph quigg, john gowty, ian beckwith, andrew nelson, fred smith, malcolm cannon, reg boromeo. members of the orchestra: miss a mcnair, mrs s grant, mrs v messer, mr t conolan. mr e jarrett, mrs c bubb, mr c bubb, miss n brache, mr c hargreaves, mr r holyoake, mr g mackay, mr k holland, mr c holmes, mr j may, mr b armstrong, mr n pierce. cast: mervyn penno, alfred annison, max beckwith, greta smyth, alfred austin, brian brewer, rosalie spencely, harry brewer, alan ewart, adrian van dyke, margaret rule, bert donavan, barbara mcgregor, coral shiell, charles phillips, ruth ennor, ian beckwith, malcom cannon, reg boromeo. bendigo concert orchestra, ballets-madge welch, musical director-max o'loghlen, society's pianist-phyllis house, asst. pianist-fred trewarne, music by sigmund romberg, book and lyrics by otto harbach, oscar hammerstein 2nd., and frank mandel, costumes-j c williamson theatres lt., ada colten, melb. scenery-j c howard, stage management-w kelly & staff, wardrobe-mrs n mccarthy, mrs l spencely. advertisements: farmers and citizens trustees company bendigo limited acts as executor, trustee, administrator, agent attorney. j r tredinnick, manager, charing cross bgo. ph: bgo 86. suttons pty. ltd. 'the house of music' pall mall 287. bendigo fashion house ph 296, brown tyre service 242 hargreaves st. rockmans ladies' fashions 295 williamson st., bgo ph 1141. j l howard pty. ltd., electrical contractors, 174-176 mitchell street, bendigo, ph- 1675, 1676, 1677. bendigo plastering and sheeting co., 125 & 148 white hills rd, ph 4279. pam crammond, ladies' hairdresser, hammer street, flora hill, ph 3620. john r crammond cabinet making-joinery-shopfitting, 5 houston street, phone 3620. j m leech, jewelry, gifts and engraving. 238 hargreaves st., . leedall knitwear. allan's. ashman's, cr. williamson & hargreaves streets. john brown, socks knitwear, welmar, produced in bendigo by john brown industries ltd. welmar industries pty. ltd. -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH RAN, FRAMED, c.1941 - 1946
Black plastic frame, glass front, maroon cardboard mount. Black & white rectangular photo of Corvette , HMAS Bendigo, Vessel J187.Centre below photo: “HMAS BENDIGO”photography-photographs, frame accessories, military history - navy, hmas bendigo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document, W.D.Mason Collection, Balance Sheet and Accounts for Year Ended 30th June 1949, by Ernest Granger, Chartered Accountant (Aust),Bendigo.Ernest Granger , Chartered Accountant,, retail, w d mason -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
German Prayer Book , French Prayer Book and Christmas card 1918
German Prayer Book found on the Somme 10/08/1918 in dilapidated House (France) French Prayer Book found 14/4/1918 Found by Mervyn UnderwoodFrench Leather bound Prayer Book (RED) German Prayer Book ( Prayerbook for catholic soldiers) (Black) and Christmas card 1918 (from Mervyn with love 58th Batallion Christmas 1918 New Year 1919) -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Letter - Mayor of Bendigo accepts invitation to attend a dinner on the 28th January 1970; at the Shamrock Hotel on the occasion of his retirement of Mr. JF Mahoney as manager of Myer Bendigo
City of Bendigo mayoral acceptance of invitation for Myer manager.Mayor of Bendigo, Cr. JCM Jeffrey, accepts the invitation of the Management and Directorate of Myer Bendigo to attend a dinner on the 28th January 1970; at the Shamrock Hotel in honour of the occasion of his retirement of Mr. JF Mahoney as Manager of Myer Bendigo. Acceptance on the City of Bendigo letterhead, written 12th January history, myer business history -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book - ANNALS OF BENDIGO 1868- 1891 VOLUME 2, 1914
Annals of Bendigo 1868 - 1891 grey cover with Annals of Bendigo 1868 - 1891, printed in black. Print of 'Firelight reflections' on front. Price one shilling. Author G. Mackay. Silver duct tape on spine.G. Mackay. Printed by Mackay & Co., Market Square, Bendigo.bendigo, history, annals of bendigo, bendigo, history, annals of bendigo, mining, culture, industry -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Model - Minature Model Aircraft
Meswerschmitt ME109. One of a collection of 25 model aircraft made by Brian Anthony DOWD The ME-109 was the most widely produced German fighter during World War II, thanks to its ability to fly low to the surface during battle. Dark & light green German plane with german markings, Has red on side & yellow nose.model airplanes, meswerschmitt me109. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... german ...This association had it's clubhouse at Ballarat Street, TalbotLists written in German showing names and payments for subscriptions to the Talbot German Club 1877 - 1887.clubs, social, german, german-talbot-names -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Print, Bob Lilburn, Jul. 1967
Colour print of Bendigo 7 at the North Bendigo terminus with two ladies, the conductor and driver standing alongside. The tram has a Castrol oil advert and has the destination of Golden Square Photograph from the Bob Lilburn Collection. Inscription in Bob's handwriting.On rear in ink "7 at Nth Bendigo 7/67"trams, tramways, north bendigo, tram 7 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment – Presentation to Charity Organisation, c1982
These photographs of a presentation to a charity organisation were taken in the grounds of Fortuna Villa, Army Survey Regiment in c1982. SPR Gae (Robinson) Amato was the unit’s first Miss Golden North entrant in the Miss Australia Quest. LTCOL Peter Eddy and SPR Amato presented a fundraising cheque to the unidentified representative from the Spastic Society. In later years SPR Amato took the opportunity of a new career as a commissioned officer in another Corps of the Australian Army.This is a set of four photographs of a presentation to a charity organisation at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo in c1982. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographic prints were scanned at 300 dpi, however better clarity was achieve scanning 35mm negatives at 96 dpi. .1) to .4) - Photo, black & white, c1982, L to R: unidentified charity organisation representative, LTCOL Peter Eddy, SPR Gae (Robinson) Amato..1P to .2P – No personnel identified .3P to .4P – ‘Gae Robertson MISS AUST 1980s’royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document, Program, Princess Theatre Programmes: Grand Matinee Entertainment in aid of Ministering Children's League, Saturday Afternoon,December 1st at 3.A.M.Drummond Printer arcade Bendigo.A.M.Drummond Printer Arcade Bendigoprogram, theatre, royal princess theatre, princess theatre programmes -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Legal Document dated 1.6.1929 , W.D.Mason Collection, Conditions of Sale by Private Contract, Mr. W.D.Mason to Mr. C.T.Colclough. J.W.Carter (Auctioneer : W.H.Howe).61 Bull Street Bendigo.F.H.Sparkman, Printer, Arcade,, retail, w d mason -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Map, Hustler's Line of Reefs, Bendigo, Plan Fortuna Hustler's Mine, Hustler's Royal Reserve No. 2 Lease. Plate No.1(1) Bulletin No 33 Signed H.A.Whitelaw.Underground Survey Office,, bendigo, fortuna hustler's mine -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document, W.D.Mason Collection, Flora Hill Estate, 178 Lots for sale, Agents in conjunction M.G.Giudice 1st Floor, Lyric Buildings Bendigo, and T.M.Burke P/L Melbourne.Cambridge Press Print,, retail, w d mason -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Extract from the Bendigo Independent April 16 1887 re Myers Family/Myers Creek. Titled The local dawn of civilization - A Pre-auriferous pioneer. Settlement by William and Thomas Myers. Story of settlement of area told by first wife of William Myers (Mrs Hayward). Recollection of Mrs Hayward's re the naming of Bendigo ( ('bendy-go'). Reference to Mr Campbell, Bullock Creek Hotel and Station; Mr John Catto (Loddon homestead); Mouat Bros (Yarraberb Station) M'Intyre (squatter of Kangaroo Flat and Big Hill) ; Buzza's Paddock (Myers' Flat). Mention of Superintendent Gilbert and Dr Backhaus.Bendigo Independentperson, individual, myers family, myers flat police station, buzz's paddock, bullock creek hotel and station, port phillip, myers creek. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Postcard : Sepia portrait of 3 young children. A girl sitting on a wooden chair, wearing a white dress, white ribbon tied to the side of her dark colour hair, wearing long black socks and black shoes, bow tired. A boy standing arm leaning on a two tier table, wearing long black socks and black shoes with 3 straps buttoned, bow tie, striped and button shirt. The 3rd child sitting high on table, holding a Union Jack flag, wearing a dress that looks like a coat. On front of postcard reads Bendigo, on back it reads Kalna Bendigo.Kalna Bendigophoto, group, 3 young children, postcard, photograph, portrait, 3 young children. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Healthy Golden Bendigo The Paradise of Sunshine, The Riviera of the Southern Hemisphere. The most favored spot in Australia for Vicitors and Tourists. Views places of interest with descriptive matter. Plans of the lines of reef. Records of the World's Premier Goldfield.Bendigo Progress Association.bendigo, history, buildings/streetscapes -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Gilbert Rule Colletion: photo of young man on postcard wearing three piece suit, with white high collared shirt and black tie. Embossed in lower right hand side of photo: Vincent Kelly, Bendigo.Vincent Kelly, Bendigo.person, individual, gilbert rule -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white photgraph of Gillies brothers, Norm Alan & Les, in Gillies Pie Shop. Photo on rear marked COPYRIGHT the Bendigo Advertiser Newspapers Photograph dated 1975 on rear Photo has slight damageBendigo Advertiser Newspapers -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Advertising card. Dean Henry Centenary Celebrations ''German Masked Costume Ball'' 4th September, 1982 City Hall - Bendigo. A drawing by Dorothy Dempsey Carroll of the Mass Tent used by Dean Backhaus on the Bendigo Goldfield. Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Bendigo Branch.entertainment, dance, rhsv bendigo victorian ball -
Bendigo Military Museum
Honour Board - EAST BENDIGO PRIMARY SCHOOL HONOUR BOARD WW1, original plaques, post WW1
The Bendigo East Primary School was opened in 1915. In 1916 it was decided to plant an ANZAC Avenue of trees and this was completed on 16 June 1916. The plaques were placed after WW1. The school was closed in 1998 and the plaques were relocated to the nearby White Hills Secondary College in Napier Street on this board. In the early 2000's the Honour Board was donated to what is now called the Bendigo Military Museum. One hundred years after planting, later in 2016 the trees were removed in controversial circumstances. On the board 8 never returned, there is 1 x "DCM" winner, 1 x "MC" winner and 1 x "MM" winner. There are 3 x Wright Brothers of which 2 never returned. The plaque states that the soldiers attended the school which is obvious they could not have due to the opening date. The following Heritage report suggests that the names were of individual soldiers who lived in the area. EXTRACT FROM HERITAGE COUNCIL VICTORIA 2016 SUBMISSIONS HEARING “The Bendigo East School (‘the school’) was officially opened by Mr Frank Tate, Director of Education, on 7 April 1916. Approximately two months later, on 16 June 1916, Arbor Day was celebrated at the school with the planting of an ‘Anzac Avenue’ along a path from the front gate on Strickland Road (‘the pathway’) to commemorate the landing of soldiers at Gallipoli. The school’s ‘Anzac Avenue’ was one of an estimated 37 known to have been planted by school children throughout Victoria during mid-1916 as part of a program led by the Education Department, which included a recommendation to schools on 18 May 1916 that commemorative avenues be planted (‘the 1916 plantings recommendation’). At around this time, avenues of honour were also planted across Victoria to commemorate fallen WWI soldiers (‘the wider commemorative plantings phenomenon’). There were other commemorative plantings at the Place away from the pathway (‘the other commemorative plantings’). Anzac Day was celebrated at the Place in the years subsequent to 1916 and on 11 December 1920 the school’s ‘Anzac Avenue’ was officially opened. Embossed copper plates, mounted on wood, were fixed in front of the trees in memory of individual soldiers from the district who had seen active service in WWI. There is evidence that as many as 32 plaques may have been made and affixed (‘the name plaques’). Plaques were removed from their locations at some stage before 1964, mounted on a board and displayed in the school building. These are now located and displayed at Bendigo Sub - Branch of the Returned Services League.” EAST BENDIGO HONOUR BOARD – COPPER PLAQUES (27 PLAQUES in total). 1. 2441 CPL G.V. LE KIM 60th BATT. M.M. (George Vincent LEE-KIM, born in Bendigo, Awarded Military Medal. RTA. NOK Father’s Address: C/- Strickland Rd, Bendigo). 2. 3821 PTE. E.B. HEM 20TH BATT. (Edward Bert Hem born in Bendigo. RTA. NOK Mother’s address: White Hills Post Office). 3. 3513 PTE. C.A. FOLEY 57th BATT. (Charles Albert Foley born in Bendigo. RTA. NOK Father’s address: Wilkie Street, Bendigo). 4. 5241 PTE. G. E. WRIGHT 6th BATT. † (George Edwin Wright born in Bendigo. KIA 8/12/1916. NOK Father’s address: 55 Charleston Rd. Bendigo). 5. 2663 L.CPL. N. E. DAVIS 60th BATT. (Norman Edward Davis born in Footscray. RTA. NOK Mother’s address: 193 Strickland Rd. Bendigo). 6. PTE. A. MOOG 16-6th BATT. † (5143 Adolph Moog born in Bendigo. Died of wounds received in action 8/12/1916, NOK Father’s address: Municipal Yards, Bendigo.) 7. 6515 SGT. W.A. BIRCHMORE DCM 11TH BATT. FIELD ARTILLERY (William Albert Birchmore born in Bendigo. Awarded DCM. RTA. NOK Mother’s address: Butler Street, California Gully) 8. 3924 PTE. J.P. NEWMAN 5TH BATT. † (392 (NAA) James Pausey Newman. Born in Bendigo. KIA 25/7/1916. NOK Father’s address Strickland Road, Bendigo) 9. 4865 PTE. H. T. NUGENT 5TH PIONEER BATT. † (also 4765 Hector Thomas Nugent born in Bendigo. KIA 26/11/1916. NOK Mother’s address: 55 Charleston Rd Bendigo). 10. 835 PTE. C.J. WRIGHT 7TH BATT. † (825(NAA) Charles Julian Wright. Born in Bendigo. KIA at Gallipoli 25/4/1915 NOK Father’s address 55 Charleston Rd Bendigo) 11. 5242 PTE. T.S. WRIGHT M.M. 6TH BATT. (Thomas Stanley Wright born in Bendigo. RTA. NOK Father’s address: 55 Charleston Road, Bendigo). 12. 13111 PTE. R.I. LEE 5TH FIELD AMBCE (19111 Robert Irwin Lee. Born in Kilcunda, Vic. RTA. NOK Wife’s address C/- Barnard Street, Bendigo) 13. 3731 DRIVER T.S. BROWN 5TH BATT.† (Thomas Sheridan Brown born in Bendigo. Died in the Field in France of Heart Failure. NOK Father’s address: Mundy Street, Bendigo). 14. 60999 PTE. J. SPENCE 5th BATT. (John Spence born in Bendigo. RTA. NOK Father’s address: 99 Talbot St, Brunswick) 15. 5127 PTE. S.A. LOY 7TH BATT. (Samuel Arthur John Loy. Born in White Hills, Bendigo. RTA Medical discharge. NOK Wife’s address C/- Hargreaves St Bendigo.) 16. 1649 PTE. A.M. HUTCHINSON 60TH BATT. (Alexander Morton Hutchison. (Note different spelling) born in Bendigo. RTA. NOK Mother’s address Wilkie Street, Bendigo). 17. 3035 PTE. R.J. FLACK 10TH – 7TH BATTs. † (Robert John Flack born in Bendigo. KIA France 17/8/1916. NOK Father’s address: Strickland Road, Bendigo). 18. 4558 PTE. J.J. O’BRIEN 60TH BATT.† (John James O’Brien born in Glenalbyn, Vic. KIA 28/9/1917. NOK Father’s address 68 Strickland Rd. Bendigo). 19. 5233 CPL. G. WHITTING MOTOR TRANSPT. COY. (George Whitting born in White Hills, Bendigo. RTA. NOK Mother’s address: 46 Baxter Street, Bendigo). 20. 5203 PTE. A.J. TATTERSALL 6TH BATTALION (Arthur James Tattersall born in Mandurang, Vic. RTA. NOK Wife’s address “Thornwell”, Bendigo East PO.) 21. 2ND LIEUT. K.G. EMONSON M.C. 38th BATT. (Keith Glanfield Emonson born in Sydney NSW. RTA – Medical discharge/ GSW head. NOK Father’s address: Strickland Road, Bendigo). 22. LIEUT. A.J. HAMPSON RAILWAY UNIT (Alfred John Hampson R/N 2300. Born in Bendigo. RTA. NOK wife’s address: 76 Addison St. Elwood, Vic). 23. 216 SIGNLR R.P. BROWN 38TH BATT † (Raymond Patrick Brown, born in Bendigo. KIA 28 May 1917. NOK. Mother’s address: 138 Mundy Street, Bendigo). 24. 15118 STAFF SGT. A. EMONSON 3RD L. H. F. AMBULANCE (Harry Allen Phipps Emonson born in Sydney NSW. RTA. NOK Father’s address Strickland Road, Bendigo, Vic). 25. 1724 CPL. L.J. CHAPPLE 5TH BATT. (Leslie John Chapple born in Bendigo. RTA. NOK Father’s address: Nolan Street, Bendigo) 26. 4557 PTE. E. O’BRIEN 60TH BATT. (Edward Charles O’ Brien, RTA. (NOK Father’s address: Strickland Rd, Bendigo). 27. 3557 SIGNLER F. H. LYALL 5TH BATT. (Francis Hubert Lyall born in Bendigo. RTA. NOK Father’s address: Strickland Rd, Bendigo). Honour Board, Bendigo East Primary School, timber backing with a white timber edging. At the top is a silver Rising Sun Badge with the dates in white "1914 & 1919". There are 27 bronze plaques, each has the Soldiers Regt Number, Name, Rank and Unit, for those that did not return there is a Cross added, if the Soldier won an award it is also added. At the bottom left hand corner is a brass plaque with details. Refer Aquisition for details. On the brass plaque, “These plaques were placed on the Avenue of trees at the school entrance on 20 December 1920. They were a memorial to those who enlisted from the Bendigo East School in the 1914 - 18 War. Mr R. J. Lee a Returned Soldier was Principal at this time”memorials-honour boards, military history-service records, metalcraft-bronze, east bendigo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
The New Music Ensemble, McGillivray Hall, Bendigo. The Music Advancement Society of Bendigo presents the Fifth Concert 1961 series. Oboe: Jiri Tancibudek, Clarinet: Thomas White, Flute: Patricia Byrne, Horn: Alec Grieve, Basson: George Dreyfus, Baritone: Murray Marmardy. Wednesday, 4th October, 1961, 8.15 p. m. President: L R Harvey, Hon. Secs. Mary Stanistreet, Madge Edgar. Programme One Shilling. Advertisements: F J Every Pty. Ltd., Allan's. (2 copies a & b)Boltons Print., Bendigoprogram, music, music advancement society bendigo, the new music ensemble, mcgillivray hall, bendigo. music advancement society of bendigo, fifth concert 1961 series. oboe: jiri tancibudek, clarinet: thomas white, flute: patricia byrne, horn: alec grieve, basson: george dreyfus, baritone: murray marmardy. 1961. president: l r harvey, hon. secs. mary stanistreet, madge edgar. advertisements: f j every pty. ltd., allan's.