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matching pine trees
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Whitehall Property Greens Creek
... , pine tree lined drive in the centre background. Ted & Col... trees. 18. Whitehall gardens. Summer house to the right, pine ...Hutchings family 1. Wimmera River in flood below Whitehall running a banker c. 1920. Ted & Col Hutchings in foreground. 2. Wimmera River in flood looking downstream. No date but possibly same time as no. 1. from same place. 3. Looking over the Wimmera River to Island paddock towards Greens Creek 4. Wimmera River half a banker at Whitehall 5. Wimmera River in flood upstream from carpenter's shop looking towards engine house at Whitehall 5a. Wimmera River in flood. Left to right - blacksmith shop and carpenters' shop. 5b. Taken from the same spot with Emily & Ada Hole, E G (Ted) & Col Hutchings. Blacksmith shop & carpenters' shop, Whitehall. 5c. Wimmera River upstream from the carpenters' shop. Foreground is possibly Belladonna lilies which were all over the river bank in 1992. Whitehall. 5d. Looking downstream towards the loose boxes, Whitehall. 5e. Blacksmiths' shop and carpenters' shop from the pumping station. Wimmera River, Whitehall. 6. Wimmera River in flood at Whitehall. 7. Wimmera River half a banker in front of old hut at Whitehall. 8. Wimmera River Emily Hayes, Edward G (Ted) Hutchings & Colin J Hutchings. 9. Morrl-Morrl - Greens Creek Road opposite back paddock. Whitehall. Black Ford in distance. c. 1919 10. Whitehall woolshed north east aspect, Drive to the right of photo 11. Whitehall woolshed - north east aspect showing the drive to the right 11a. Whitehall woolshed - north aspect 11b. Same tree near woolshed 11c. Same tree again in centre, other trees came up after the 23 flood. Woolshed to the right out of photo. 12. Whitehall woolshed - south aspect, sheep entrance end 13. Whitehall. left to right, Stackyard, stables in the centre and the Wimmera River behind following the trees. 14. Whitehall horse paddock c. 1920. left to right, Machinery shed, stable in the centre. Homestead to the right in distance. There is no windmill. 15. Load of wool from Whitehall woolshed to right. 16. Whitehall c. 1920 before the windmill. left to right, garage and mens' hut. Wimmera river runs along the tree line. 16a. Stables, garage and mens' hut after the construction of the windmill. River behind. 17. Whitehall c. 1922. Note windmill addition. Garage to left, Mens' Hut to right. Jack Donnelly & Edward G (Ted) Hutchings with pet lambs. River behind trees. 18. Whitehall gardens. Summer house to the right, pine tree lined drive in the centre background. Ted & Col Hutchings on the lawn. C. 1920 19. Edward G. (Ted) & Colin J. Hutchings in Whitehall garden. Wimmera River in the background. The building behind the fence is the carpenters' shop which the family lived in while house was rebuilt after fire 15 Jan 1877 20. Whitehall c. 1920. left to right, cattle yard, killing house, Wimmera river behind the fence, and the loose box on the right. Black Orpington chooks in foreground. 21. Bay window (original blinds) in the master bedroom. Whitehall 20 Sep 1992 22. Master bedroom (original wallpaper) Joyce & Col Hutchings, Moyu, Ben & Rebecca Roe 20 Sep 1992 23. Col & Ted's bedroom (original) Marble mantlepiece had been removed. Whitehall. 20 Sep 1992 24. Whitehall kitchen. Large yellow meat oven to left of stove, bread oven far left, extreme right is oven where milk heated to skim cream. Chimney was a central one shared with meat oven. Bread oven chimney separate. 20 Sep 1992 25. Whitehall dairy, made of natural stone with dried brick corners. Entrance behind creeper which is over trellis. 20 Sep 1992. This building still remains in 1 Jun 2023 26. Inside charcoal lined meat cellar. Bottom right is concrete vat for pickling meat in brine. Top of brickwork slightly above ground level. Whitehall 20 Sep 1992 27. Fire foreground was stable flooring which was to left of photo. Machinery shed (thatch roof). 4 posts far left remains of cowshed. Large post in centre foreground is the gate post of corral. River to right. 20 Sep 1992 28. Whitehall machinery shed. Posts on far right are cow shed. Over the river is the island paddock. Wimmera river runs behind machinery shed. 20 Sep 1992 29. Posts of 10 sided corral. Killing house by side of gum tree in centre of photo on far side of corral. To left is one of the bales of the cowshed. Whitehall. 20 Sep 1992 29a. Similar photo in the 1920's. To the right is horsebreaking corral, then cow shed, loose box, haystacks and stable on left. Whitehall. 30. Dining room fire place put in the open fire of the mens' hut, only the chimney remains. To the left is the drive & river. Rebecca Roe, Col Hutchings granddaughter. 20 Sep 1992 30a. Looking down the Whitehall Drive. Mens' Hut (Jack Donnelly in doorway) and garage far left. 1920's 30b. The Drive, Whitehall taken from in front of the mens' hut. Wimmera River on the left. Gum tree on left still there 20 Sep 1992. 30c. Reverse from 30a. Whitehall drive from the front gate looking towards the mens' hut and garage. c. 1926 30d. Curly Donohue leaving for Warracknabeal. Ex mail contractor Omeo to Bright Victoria. C. 1926 30e. Looking down the drive towards front gate. Mens' hut on the right, river on the left. 31. Whitehall from the side. Building in centre behind David is separater room. 2 roomed hut to left of separater room and remains of mens' hut chimney. Photo 16 taken from similar spot. 20 Sep 1992 32. Benjamin Roe (Col Hutchings grandson) in the Carpenters' shop. The family lived in this building after the fire in the 1870's. Whitehall 20 Sep 1992 33. Ford across the Wimmera River at Whitehall (River abt. 5 feet higher than normal) 20 Sep 1992 33a. Wimmera River, Whitehall 34. Site of old bridge before Col Hutchings time. Tree in foreground to right still has bolt from bridge work protuding. A large post was in the centre of photo to make equal distance. 20 Sep 1992 35. Entrance to the old ford. Colin J Hutchings & his daughter, Moyu Roe. Wimmera River, Whitehall 20 Sep 1992 36. Summer house at Whitehall 20 Sep 1992 looking down to the orchard, dark green trees in distance old fruit trees. 36a. Edward & Colin Hutchings in front of the Summer house, Whitehall c. 1921 36b. Summer house looking towards front gate. Whitehall. 36c. Grey thrush in nest box which can be seen in previous photo with summer house in the background. Whitehall. 36d. Summer house from the orchard side. Whitehall. 37a. South side of Whitehall. First window Edith Sutherland's room, 2nd window, Ted & Col's room, bay window master bedroom 38. Taken in middle of front path looking towards front gate. Edith Sutherland in garden. Date palm in centre, cotton palm to left. Whitehall c. 1920's 38a. Garden at Whitehall taken from near the cotton palm. 39. Whitehall 20 Sep 1992 Bay window-master bed, small window to r. of bay-Colin Hutchings born in, front door, window to right-dining room, round the corner- drawing room, window on right, spare bed, verandah on left is spare bed. 39a. Whitehall c. 1920's Date palm on the right. 39b. Win, Colin T & Colin J Hutchings. Date palm in background. Whitehall 1943 39c. Edward George, Colin Thomas, Elizabeth Ambler & Colin James Hutchings wearing RAAF uniform. Date Palm in background. Whitehall c. 1943 39c. Front garden of Whitehall looking from the front right side of the house towards the drive & Wimmera River. Date palm on right, cotton palm on left 20 Sep 1992 40. Taken from bottom left corner of front garden looking towards the summer house. Cotton palm on right. River to the left. 41. Elizabeth A Hutchings beside master bedroom window. Whitehall c. 1920 42. Whitehall (photo of a painting by Wallace) owned by Colin T Hutchings 1982. 42a. Whitehall painting by Wallace after restoration now owned by Nick Hutchings 2021 42b. Whitehall c. 1923 42c. Taken from the side garden looking towards the right side of house. Front door is to the left out of photo. The cotton palm is to the left. c. 1923 43. Signpost showing Whitehall 20 Sep 1992, All ground up to the tree line behind the signpost was Whitehall property. 44. Colin T. Hutchings age 9 mths. Mar 1943 Whitehall 45. Colin James, Elizabeth Ambler & Edward George Hutchings. Front garden by the date palm, Whitehall c. 1939-40 45a. Colin James, Edward George, Edward Thomas Hutchings & E. Winifred May & Barney (dog) Whitehall. c. 1939-40. 45b. Colin James & Colin Thomas Hutchings during drought & World War ll c. 1944-45 in front of cotton palm, date palm to right. 46. Garden at Whitehall. Jack Donnelly on the hand mower. Cotton palm on left, date palm behind Jack and roof of carpenters shop to right. 47. Colin J Hutchings on tractor, E. Tom Hutchings behind. Whitehall, c. 1933 48. Jack Donnelly (Tad) & Colin J. Hutchings. Cotton palm to right. Whitehall c. 1917-18 49. Edward G (Ted) & Colin J Hutchings with cockatoo outside the dairy in rear garden. Whitehall c. 1923 50. Taken from the windmill looking across the roof of the mens' hut to the garden, orchard and drive in Winter time. House is behind the trees to right, Wimmera River to the left out of picture. Whitehall. 50a. Not labelled by Col Hutchings. It is an aerial shot looking towards the house in the trees & seems to be taken from the top of a tree...on the river side. 51. E. Tom Hutchings & George Chambers dam sinking. Whitehall. 51a. Tom Hutchings & George Chambers dam sinking. Whitehall. 51b. E. Tom Hutchings dam sinking. 52. Emily Hayes & Ada Hole (sisters) with Tom, Col & Ted Hutchings at the woolshed. 53. E T (Tom) Hutchings on reaper & binder. Whitehall. 54. Orchard looking towards the house. Carpenters' shop and river on the right. Whitehall. 54a. Orchard looking from the house, dark trees in background form part of the drive. 55. Grasshopper plague, Christmas Day 1933. Whitehall 56. Frost on the front lawn, Whitehall. 57. Little red hen & chicks with the river in the background 58. Edward (Ted) G. Hutchings muscovy ducks, hay shed and trees along the river in the background. 58a. Edward (Ted) G Hutchings muscovy ducks. 59. Swimming in the Wimmera River, either Ted or Col Hutchings in the foreground. 60. Looking towards the fowl house and pigsty, Whitehall. 61. Snake on the path, Whitehall. c. 1923 61a. E. Tom Hutchings killing a snake, Whitehall. c. 1923 61b. E. Tom Hutchings killing a snake, Whitehall. c. 1923 62. Notice of clearing sale, Stawell News & Pleasant Creek Chronicle on 5 Apr 1916 where the stock & whole of the household furniture was to be sold by James Hutchings widow. 63. Back to Greens Creek 7 Jun 1987 Colin J Hutchings left and Belle Kindred centre looking at photo 64. Back to Greens Creek 7 Jun 1987 Colin J Hutchings centre, Graham Stewart holding photograph on the right. 65. Colin J Hutchings & Bill Walker. Back to Greens Creek 7 Jun 1987 66. Colin J Hutchings delivering a speech before the plaque unveiling. Back to Greens Creek 7 Jun 1987 67. Graeme Williamson & Colin J Hutchings (2 'old boys') Greens Creek School Site 7 Jun 1987 68. Graeme Williamson talking to Moyu Roe (Hutchings) in background is May Williamson. Back to Greens Creek 7 Jun 1987 69. Greens Creek SS, Edward (Ted) & Colin J Hutchings attended. 70. Original students of first Greens Creek School 7 Jun 1987 Back row left 1. Kindred 3. Colin J Hutchings 4,5,6 not known 7. Graeme Williamson Sitting left 1. Not an original 2,3,4, not known 5. Belle Kindred 71. Terrier at Greens Creek State School 72. The new school students Back to Greens Creek 7 Jun 1987. Perry twins standing in centre and the teacher kneeling front left. 73. Will Rees water colour 1925 signature 74. Will Rees water colour 1925 75. Shearing at Kirkellar. Allen Simpson's 76. Back to Greens Creek 7 Jun 1987 Colin J Hutchings left and Belle Kindred centre looking at photo 77. Back to Greens Creek 7 Jun 1987 Colin J Hutchings centre, Graham Stewart holding photograph on the right. 78. Colin J Hutchings & Bill Walker. Back to Greens Creek 7 Jun 1987 79. Colin J Hutchings delivering a speech before the plaque unveiling. Back to Greens Creek 7 Jun 1987 80. Graeme Williamson & Colin J Hutchings (2 'old boys') Greens Creek School Site 7 Jun 1987 81. Graeme Williamson talking to Moyu Roe (Hutchings) in background is May Williamson. Back to Greens Creek 7 Jun 1987 82. Greens Creek SS, Edward (Ted) & Colin J Hutchings attended. 83. Original students of first Greens Creek School 7 Jun 1987 Back row left 1. Kindred 3. Colin J Hutchings 4,5,6 not known 7. Graeme Williamson Sitting left 1. Not an original 2,3,4, not known 5. Belle Kindred 84. Shearing at Kirkellar. Allen Simpson's 85. Terrier at Greens Creek State School 86. The new school students Back to Greens Creek 7 Jun 1987. Perry twins standing in centre and the teacher kneeling front left. Digital Copy of Parish Maps Kara Karahomestead -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph - Lantern Slide, c1900
Beechworth's Anglican Church, Christ Church St Peter and St Paul, has served the Beechworth community since 1858 in its present form, following its beginnings in a tent in 1855. The Victorian branch of the National Trust classified the building as regionally significant in 1959 and the organ as of significance to the nation in 1992. Building a place for Anglican worship was a priority in the early days of Beechworth's settlement as the town was a site of regional administration due to its association with the economic and social expansion of Victoria during the Gold Rush period. The Church garden features several significant trees monitored by the Beechworth Treescape Group, including a cork oak growing near the Ford Street entrance, an Atlantic cedar, a bunya or bunya-bunya pine and two kurrajongs. Some of these long-established trees may be visible in this lantern-slide image. Lantern slides, sometimes called 'magic lantern' slides, are glass plates on which an image has been secured for the purpose of projection. Glass slides were etched or hand-painted for this purpose from the Eighteenth Century but the process became more popular and accessible to the public with the development of photographic-emulsion slides used with a 'Magic Lantern' device in the mid-Nineteenth Century. Photographic lantern slides comprise a double-negative emulsion layer (forming a positive image) between thin glass plates that are bound together. A number of processes existed to form and bind the emulsion layer to the base plate, including the albumen, wet plate collodion, gelatine dry plate and woodburytype techniques. Lantern slides and magic lantern technologies are seen as foundational precursors to the development of modern photography and film-making techniques.This glass slide is significant because it provides insight into Beechworth's social amenities and religious infrastructure in the late Nineteenth Century. It is also an example of an early photographic and film-making technology in use in regional Victoria in the time period.Thin translucent sheet of glass with a square image printed on the front and framed in a black backing. It is held together by metals strips to secure the edges of the slide.Obverse: 1 /beechworth, lantern slide, slide, glass slide, plate, burke museum collection, photograph, monochrome, christ church, indigo shire, north-east victoria, churches, architecture, anglican, religion, atlantic cedar, organ, magic lantern, christ church st peter and st paul, beechworth treescape group, cork oak, bunya pine, bunya bunya, kurrajong, quercus suber, cedrus atlantica f. glauca, araucaria bidwillii, brachychiton populneus -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph - Lantern Slide, c1900
... department pines trees sequoias competition school Obverse: L / Thin ...This picture shows an angle of Beechworth Primary School (State School number 1560) which is also pictured in the building's entry in the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR record 1718). The school began as a national school in 1858 as an alternative to Wesleyan and Anglican schools already operating in the area. Its name was changed to Common School number 36 in 1862 and the Beechworth Academy prior to being taken over by the Education department in 1873. The new premises were built in 1875 utilising the skills of architect Henry Bastow though the original design may be attributable to the firm Wharton and Vickers. The design was used with modifications for other schools in Victoria, including the Competition School in Errol Street, North Melbourne. The school moved to the building pictured from its original premises in Loch Street, designed by Thomas Dalziel, which later became the office of the Ovens Advertiser. The school was opened on 2 July 1875 by former Beechworth resident G.B. Kerferd, who was then the Premier of Victoria. The image shows approximately ninety older students at the school in approximately 1900. There are approximately equal numbers of boys and girls pictured, with most of the individuals pictured appearing to be between the ages of twelve and fifteen. Although the school had more than 1000 students enrolled at its height, enrolments had declined to 304 in 1890. Also visible is a fringe of sequoia pines which were planted by the school children as a project lasting through to the late 1930s. Lantern slides, sometimes called 'magic lantern' slides, are glass plates on which an image has been secured for the purpose of projection. Glass slides were etched or hand-painted for this purpose from the Eighteenth Century but the process became more popular and accessible to the public with the development of photographic-emulsion slides used with a 'Magic Lantern' device in the mid-Nineteenth Century. Photographic lantern slides comprise a double-negative emulsion layer (forming a positive image) between thin glass plates that are bound together. A number of processes existed to form and bind the emulsion layer to the base plate, including the albumen, wet plate collodion, gelatine dry plate and woodburytype techniques. Lantern slides and magic lantern technologies are seen as foundational precursors to the development of modern photography and film-making techniques.The image is significant because it sheds light on the educational infrastructure present in Beechworth in the early part of the Twentieth Century, including the prevalence of education for students after current-day primary-school age and the education of girls. It also provides insight into the building and design practices used by Government departments at the time. Thin translucent sheet of glass with a circular image printed on the front and framed in a black backing. It is held together by metals strips to secure the edges of the slide.Obverse: L / burke museum, beechworth, lantern slide, slide, glass slide, plate, burke museum collection, photograph, monochrome, schools, education, high school, primary school, common school, state school, state school 1560, common school 36, beechworth academy, g.b. kerferd, thomas dalziel, henry bastow, victorian heritage register, beechworth primary school, girls education, boys education, public schools, education department, pines, trees, sequoias, competition school -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
This photograph was taken of an avenuw of acacias on Sydney Rd, Beechworth. Picture on the left hand-side is a row of Liquidamber trees also known as American storax, hazel pine, bilsted, redgum, satin-walnut, star-leaved gum, alligatorwood, or simply sweetgum. On the right is a row of English Oak trees commonly known as common oak, pedunculate oak, or European oak. Behind the English oaks is Old Beechworth Goal. Many of the trees in the Beechworth township were planted in the 1860's and today have exceptional historical, botanical or cultural value. Their place within the built environment reflects the importance in the Victorian era of town planning for a community, wealthy in gold and civic pride.Black and white rectangular photograph. The image is printed on gloss photographic paper and mounted on cardboard. Obverse: NO INSCRIPTION Reverse: 7760 The old Acacia Avenue alongside the jail. Sydney Road Beechworth Gardens & Parks beechworth, acacia avenue, gaol, sydney road, burke museum, photograph, post card, english oak, liquidambar -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Kubis Estate, North Ringwood in April 1978. Looking west over site of Loughnan's Lake. The rope tree was on the slope to the right beyond the ridge with the lone pine
E548 N15 Part of a 51-photo record of the development of the "Kubis" Estate, Ringwood North, including road works to Debbie Place, Kubis Drive, Werac Drive, Manuelo Drive, Iluka Place and Glenvale Road. From the Jack Lundy Clarke collection. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, 11th Nov 1988 – Pine tree at St Pauls next to Vicarage under threat of felling, 1988
... 11th Nov 1988 – Pine tree at St Pauls next to Vicarage... – Pine tree at St Pauls next to Vicarage under threat of felling ...Digital photograph -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Souvenir - Stick Pin, Warrnambool Australia, C 1990
This stick pin was produced as a souvenir of Warrnambool . It features Norfolk Island Pines and the ocean, images which formed the logo of the city of Warrnambool some years ago.It is likely the pin was a gift from the City Council to visitors at conferences etc.This badge is retained for display purposes. This is a circular metal badge with a projecting pin attached to the back. The badge has a gilt edging, gold lettering and an image of green trees and blue waves on a cream background.WARRNAMBOOL AUSTRALIA warrnambool, stick pin, souvenir -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, North, Edley
Joseph Benjamin North was a well-known professional musician in Melbourne in late 1800 to mid 1900s, teaching music and playing in what became the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. He married Lucinda Matilda and their children were Tralford E and Camille D. With friend Leon Lambert, North purchased 60 acres of land around Karingal Drive and Sherbourne Road and built two houses; they paid for a wooden bridge for access. North eventually sold his house to a family named Green but later the land was sold to the Shire of Eltham, and it is now known as Meruka Park, and the house, Meruka House; Alan Gardner named the park. After Lambert's death, his property was bought by Fred Warne. Edley North was born in 1835, and died 26 March 1923; he married Caroline North, born 1835, died 23 July 1922. Edley's family migrated from England in 1859, settling in Adelaide. He was granted an allotment of 221 acres on Phillip Island 1868-1870. on 7 April 1874 he travelled to Pine Lodge and later moved his wife and five children. He and Caroline later moved to a small farm, Willow Grove in Eltham, purchased between 1905 and 1910 (first mentioned in the rate book in 1908 as being a house and 10 acres on Susan Street, and would also have had frontage on Brougham Street); Their daughter Violet Alice inherited it; she married Walter J Dobson around 1921; he died on 25 March 1948 aged 77 and Violet on 4 January 1947. Willow Grove was later purchased by A George and P Audrey Hester April/May 1947. Edley, Caroline and Violet are all buried in Eltham Cemetery. Marjorie Mary North was born in 1909 ; the family travelled in a horse-drawn waggon from Fitzroy to spend weekends in their little holiday house in Sherbourne Road on 10 acres of land. In 1933, she married Tralford Norman whose parents owned 62 acres of land including Meruka Park. Marjorie and Tralford lived in Looker Road, Montmorency; she died 7 February 2003. Contents Newspaper article: "When life centred on a weekender", Diamond Valley News, 25 September 1984, memories of Montmorency of Marjorie North. Newspaper article: "Worse floods seem likely", Diamond Valley News, 25 September 1984, floods in Eltham Handwritten notes: Information by Marjorie North's about her grandmother, September 1989. Handwritten and typed transcript: "J. B. North", by Marjorie North, history of Joseph Benjamin North. Letter: From Monash University to Marjorie North, 15 November 1989, being unable to assist with her enquiry about the meaning of name [unspecified in the letter but possibly Meruka] Letter: June Stanton (nee Hester) to Eltham District Historical Society, 17 February 1993, seeking information on her great grandfather Edley North and wife Caroline. Christmas card [attached to letter from June Stanton]: Line drawing Eltham Primary School 1856, text history of school Letter: Eltham Historical Society to June Hester, 11 June 1993, providing information held by the Society. Letter: Nancy Chandler (nee Williamson) to Jo McCormick 18 March 2001, providing information about Edley and Carline North, her great grandparents. Email: Patsy Moppett to Eltham District Historical Society October 2010: A photograph of Edley and Caroline North found, wish to return it to family. Family tree: North/Dobson family. Death notice: Marjorie May North, died 7 February 2003.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcmarjorie north, tralford norman, sherbourne road montmorency, looker road montmorency, briar hill, montmorency, catholic ladies college, merton hall, melbourne girls grammar school, ivanhoe girls grammar school, wesley college, meruka park, st helena road, st faith's anglican church montmorency, william sapsford, floods in eltham, joseph benjamin north, leon lambert, melbourne symphony orchestra, karingal drive, meruka house, alan gardner, lucinda matilda north, tralford e north, camille d north, montmorency cricket club, diamond creek, eltham railway station, judge book village, fred warne, edley north, caroline north, eltham cemetery., violet alice dobson (nee north), willow farm eltham, edley north family tree, walter john dobson family tree, nancy chandler (nee williamson), pine lodge, elijah north -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, A walk through the cemetery at Kangaroo Ground, Diana Bassett-Smith, 1 October 2001, 2001
A huge warrior of a gum tree still stands sentinel at the wrought iron gates. In the distance some pencil pines. Survivors too of the disastrous bushfires which in the past have swept the district. A brief collection of reminiscences by Diana Bassett-Smith of locals who are buried at Kangaroo Ground Cemetery along with 17 photographs following a visit on 1 October 2001.Colour photograph print1983 bushfire, air vice marshall wackett, ambrose erswell, barry roach-pierson, bill pelling, billy roach-pierson, birrarung, bourchiers road, ca 13, crichton, david grant, diamond street, diana bassett-smith, donald grant, donaldson road, dorrie bourchier, duff, early settlers, elizabeth cottee, ewan cameron mp, grey house, helen kohn, isabella grant (nee stevenson), jack bourchier, james balfour, james wilson, jean stewart, jessie bull (nee haughton), jimmy cook, jocelyn, joseph stevenson, judge book village, judith furphy, kangaroo ground cemetery, kay roach-pierson, keith jocelyn, kraft foods, lacey, lloyd stuart, louise grant (nee gordon), mardi crocker, marion erswell, ned haughton, nursery, pam chevallier, passiona, peter bassett-smith, pigeon bank, rath, ricketson, robinson, ruth boyd, steven crawford baes, tintagell, tosch, vera jackson, wackett trainer, watershed jackson, willandra poultry farm, zac crocker -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Photograph (Item) - Black and white photograph, 1930s-1940s
... pine tree tearooms... it became the Ski Run Cafe and the Pine Tree Tea Rooms. marysville ...A black and white photograph of the General Store and Cafe in Marysville in Victoria.A black and white photograph of the General Store and Cafe in Marysville in Victoria. In 1920 this building once housed the old Marysville Post Office. It stood next to a blacksmith's shop which was on the corner of Murchison and Lyell Streets. Then in later years it became the Ski Run Cafe and the Pine Tree Tea Rooms.1930/40s Early Days/ in Marysvillemarysville, victoria, pine tree tearooms, marysville post office, post office, murchison street, lyell street, ski run cafe -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph Album, Kodak, Phillip Island Cemetery, c 1990
The Album was compiled by Nancy McHaffie late 1990's, with the assistance of Edith Jeffery's, with her book "Garden of Memories" and extensive knowledge of Phillip Island. The Cemetery lies back from the road and is surrounded by Manna Gums, rare Peppermint Gums, Blackwoods and other native trees. In all 25 acres of land were set aside as Crown Land in the land settlement of 1868. There are 6.2 acres of wetlands near the cemetery entrance.5 Photographs of the Garden of Remembrance. 466-10 - Garden of Remembrance sign 466-11 - On the 8th November 1990, two Life Members of the League, Mr Eddie Patton and Mr Ken Lang, planted a young seedling from the original Lone Pine from Gallipoli in the Memorial Garden 466-12 - The Returned Servicemens League placed a Flagpole and Granite Stone in the Memorial Garden in memory of the fallen 466-13 & 14 - Garden of Remembrance Plaquesphillip island cemetery, nancy mchaffie, edith jeffrey -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Cowes Pier, Phillip Island, 1920
A group of twenty-two people seated and standing on the Cowes Jetty, which was built in 1870. Trolleys on iron rail were used to convey goods along the Jetty. Slightly obscured by people is the Jetty Shed, built in 1870 and now classified by National Trust. Beyond water and beach are trees and shrubs. One gap mid centre depicting The Isle of Wight Hotel - licensed in 1870 - and a large Norfolk Pine.Group waiting for ferry "Genista" on the Cowes Pier.Waiting for the Steamer on the Pier at Cowes, Phillip Islandlocal history, photographs, jetties, cowes, phillip island, colour tinted from black & white photograph, mary robb -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Postcard - Postcard - Percy Street Portland, Victoria, n.d
Black and white photo postcard. Percy St. looking north, taken from middle of road, just north of Julia St. intersection. Row of Norfolk pines either side of road, (unmade); man on bicycle, boy on 3 wheeler, girl standing nearby, horse and buggy; buildings ? shops behind trees. People in period dressFront: 'PERCY ST. PORTLAND LOOKING NORTH 6' - white print, bottom edge of card Back: Handwritten message on back -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - Coloured, C 1980s
This is a photo of one of the trestle bridges on the Heatherlie Quarry train line. The bridge is located near the current location of "The Pines" campground.The photo is a "front on" of a derelict trestle bridge crossing a shallow creek; many sleepers are missing and thick bush and trees surround the bridge. There are four adults at the end of the bridge, one standing and three seatede. The bottom left hand side of the photo is blurredstructures, bridges, quarrying, heatherlie -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - Coloured, C 1980s
This is a photo of one of the trestle bridges on the Heatherlie Quarry train line. It is located near the current site of "the Pines" campground.Photo shows an angle a derelict bridge with many sleepers missing. Thick bush and trees on left side with weeds in the front. The bridge is over a shallow creek. At the far end of the bridge a man wearing a pink cap and blue jumper stands looking towards camera. Three adults are seated and partly out of picture.structures, bridges, quarrying, heatherlie -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - Coloured, C 1980s
This is a photo of one of the trestle bridges on the Heatherlie Quarry train line. It is located near the current site of "the Pines" campground.Photo is of a derelict trestle bridge over a shallow creek, taken on an angle. There are many sleepers missing and the bridge is surrounded by thick bush and trees. There is bracken in the foreground. A woman wearing a blouse made of material with a white background with a colourful pattern, blue jeans, a white "golf shade" and a red jumper ot jacket tied around her waist is walking on the near side of the bridge. Two men and two women are standing at the opposite end.structures, bridges, quarrying, heatherlie -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - Coloured, C 1980s
This is a photo of one of the trestle bridges on the Heatherlie Quarry train line. It is located near the current site of "the Pines" campground. The woman on the bridge is Janet Witham.Photo is of a derelict trestle bridge over a shallow creek, taken on an angle. There are many sleepers missing and the bridge is surrounded by thick bush and trees. There is bracken in the left foreground. A woman wearing a blue top and grey/brown slacks.structures, bridges, quarrying, heatherlie -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Kangaroo Ground War Memorial, Eltham Heritage Tour, 24 May 1992, 24/05/1992
ELTHAM HERITAGE TOUR The Society excursion on 24th May 1992 was arranged by David Bick, leader of the team carrying out the Shire's heritage study. David selected a number of sites or buildings identified in the study, some of them lesser known components of the Shire's heritage. The tour commenced at the Eltham Shire Office at 10.00 am. Travel was by private car and mini-bus with stops at about twelve locations for commentary by David.It included a short walk in Hurstbridge and lunch at Kinglake. Highlights of the tour included: - 10 am Leave from Shire Offices - 3 Important Trees - A Physical Link to Eltham's First Settlers - Toorak Mansion Gates - A Surviving Farm House - An Intact Circa 1900 Main Street - First Settlers - Gold Miners, and Timber-getters - An Early Hotel - A Pioneering Homestead - Changing Eltham Shire - 20th Century - 4 pm Afternoon Tea and Finish Tour Extract from ELTHAM CULTURAL HERITAGE TOUR (Newsletter No. 85, July 1992, by Bettina Woodburn) "Now we drove through stands of pines to the Kangaroo Ground Lookout Tower, a most unusual War Memorial, World War I. The tower and a shed/residence (it had a chimney) were built from local sandstone. Below to the south and east of Melbourne spread 'suburbia'. Close by the landscape seemed so contrived - English fields and hedgerows! Although only about twenty inches deep, the soil of this ancient volcano, its crater lost under subsequent weathering, was rich, deserving the name of "Garden Hill". Now native trees are taking over again. In Kangaroo Ground itself stand the inevitable Store, School and Church - and two Norfolk pines and a monkey puzzle tree."Record of the Society's history and activities and highlighting various aspects of the Heritage Study undertaken by David Bick used to create the future heritage overlay for the Shire of Eltham and later Nillumbik Shire.Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 stripsKodak Gold 100 5095shire of eltham historical society, activities, heritage tour, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground tower, war memorials, kangaroo ground memorial -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Shire of Eltham War Memorial, Memorial Park, Garden Hill, Kangaroo Ground; Eltham Heritage Tour, 24 May 1992, 24/05/1992
ELTHAM HERITAGE TOUR The Society excursion on 24th May 1992 was arranged by David Bick, leader of the team carrying out the Shire's heritage study. David selected a number of sites or buildings identified in the study, some of them lesser known components of the Shire's heritage. The tour commenced at the Eltham Shire Office at 10.00 am. Travel was by private car and mini-bus with stops at about twelve locations for commentary by David.It included a short walk in Hurstbridge and lunch at Kinglake. Highlights of the tour included: - 10 am Leave from Shire Offices - 3 Important Trees - A Physical Link to Eltham's First Settlers - Toorak Mansion Gates - A Surviving Farm House - An Intact Circa 1900 Main Street - First Settlers - Gold Miners, and Timber-getters - An Early Hotel - A Pioneering Homestead - Changing Eltham Shire - 20th Century - 4 pm Afternoon Tea and Finish Tour Extract from ELTHAM CULTURAL HERITAGE TOUR (Newsletter No. 85, July 1992, by Bettina Woodburn) "Now we drove through stands of pines to the Kangaroo Ground Lookout Tower, a most unusual War Memorial, World War I. The tower and a shed/residence (it had a chimney) were built from local sandstone. Below to the south and east of Melbourne spread 'suburbia'. Close by the landscape seemed so contrived - English fields and hedgerows! Although only about twenty inches deep, the soil of this ancient volcano, its crater lost under subsequent weathering, was rich, deserving the name of "Garden Hill". Now native trees are taking over again. In Kangaroo Ground itself stand the inevitable Store, School and Church - and two Norfolk pines and a monkey puzzle tree." On November 11th 1926 the Shire of Eltham War Memorial Tower at Kangaroo Ground was opened. It is regarded as one of Melbourne’s most outstanding lookout towers. It commands a magnificent 360 degree panorama from Kinglake across the Diamond Valley to Macedon and the You Yangs. It is built on a peak which was once a volcano, 237 metres above sea level. After World War one a memorial cairn was erected on the site, and in 1925 a committee of public-minded citizens began to plan for a tower. Many generous donations of material and money were forthcoming so that in 1926 the Governor General Lord Stonehaven was able to unveil the plaque before a crowd of 500 people. There was some concern in the 1960s when the Forests Commission wanted to build a firespotters cabin on the top. At first R.S.L. branches opposed the idea, but it was realised that this use could combine with its use as a tourist attraction, and would ensure its maintenance for the future, Today the Kangaroo Ground tower provides one of the best views around Melbourne and is a fitting memorial to those who died in two world wars. From: Historic items for Diamond Valley Community Radio September 1990 (EDHS collection) Record of the Society's history and activities and highlighting various aspects of the Heritage Study undertaken by David Bick used to create the future heritage overlay for the Shire of Eltham and later Nillumbik Shire.Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 stripsKodak Gold 100 5095culture, events, garden hill, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground memorial, memorial park, shire of eltham war memorial tower, war memorials -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Shillinglaw Cottage, 17 Oct. 1963
Shilinglaw Cottage in its original location on Main Road Eltham with the three Mediterranean Cypress trees (“Shillllinglaw trees”) in the garden. Note a fourth pine to the right. This image was taken shortly before its relocation. Believed to be have been taken by John Collins, 17 Oct 1963 as per other images held by the State Library of Victoria Author / Creator: John T Collins 1907-2001 , photographer. J.T. Collins Collection, La Trobe Picture Collection, State Library of Victoria. Shillinglaw Cottage is significant to Eltham’s local history. It is one of the earliest known buildings still in existence. Records suggest that the cottage was built circa 1859 by a man named Cochrane, believed to be Thomas Cochrane, in conjunction with George Stebbings though it is not known what Stebbings’s contribution was. It is made from hand made bricks laid in a Flemish bond pattern. In the 1960s it was marked for demolition to make way for the construction of new council buildings but a community campaign saved the cottage and it was re-located. It is believed Stebbings owned the cottage between 1874 and 1888. According to Margaret Ball’s (2017) book Shillinglaw Family of Eltham 1660-2007, Thomas Cochrane and family lived there from 1867 to 1874 however this is contrary to the records of assessable rates levied by the Eltham District Road Board, established in 1858, which shows Cochrane was the owner occupier (in Little Eltham) of approximately 25 acres of cultivated land and 25 acres of pastureland upon which a hut was sited in 1860. It is suspected that George Stebbings may have acquired the property from Cochrane in 1874 as it is noted that he had a tenant for a period, James Rossiter, who was the editor for the Evelyn Observer in Kangaroo Ground in 1874 (LATE SHIRE OFFICE AT KANGAROO GROUND (1934, February 16). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 5. Retrieved February 25, 2022, from In 1881 Phillip Shillinglaw became the ratepayer for the cottage though Stebbings retained ownership until 1888 at which time it was transferred to Shillinglaw.Shillinglaw Cottage is itself historically, aesthetically and socially significant to the Shire of Nillumbik and is registered on the Victorian Heritage Database. This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book, "Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital image 4 x 5 inch B&W Negsepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, eltham, shillinglaw cottage, significant tree -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Demolition of the former Shire of Eltham building, Main Road, Eltham, 2 Aug 1996, 1996
... pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage ...The Shire of Eltham Office was constructed in the late 1960s on the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage. Upon cessation of the Shire as a local government body following dismissal of councils by the Kennett Liberal Government in December 1994, the new Nillumbik Shire offices were located in Civic Drive, Greensborough. The Shire of Eltham office building was demolished and the site has remained vacant ever since. The three pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage and then the Shire of Eltham Offices remain standing on the vacant site as of 2017. Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak Gold 100-5eltham, main road, shire of eltham, shire of eltham office -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Demolition of the former Shire of Eltham building, Main Road, Eltham, 2 Aug 1996, 1996
... pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage ...The Shire of Eltham Office was constructed in the late 1960s on the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage. Upon cessation of the Shire as a local government body following dismissal of councils by the Kennett Liberal Government in December 1994, the new Nillumbik Shire offices were located in Civic Drive, Greensborough. The Shire of Eltham office building was demolished and the site has remained vacant ever since. The three pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage and then the Shire of Eltham Offices remain standing on the vacant site as of 2017. Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak Gold 100-5eltham, main road, shire of eltham, shire of eltham office -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Demolition of the former Shire of Eltham building, Main Road, Eltham, 2 Aug 1996, 1996
... pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage ...The Shire of Eltham Office was constructed in the late 1960s on the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage. Upon cessation of the Shire as a local government body following dismissal of councils by the Kennett Liberal Government in December 1994, the new Nillumbik Shire offices were located in Civic Drive, Greensborough. The Shire of Eltham office building was demolished and the site has remained vacant ever since. The three pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage and then the Shire of Eltham Offices remain standing on the vacant site as of 2017. Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak Gold 100-5eltham, main road, shire of eltham, shire of eltham office -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Demolition of the former Shire of Eltham building, Main Road, Eltham, 2 Aug 1996, 1996
... pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage ...The Shire of Eltham Office was constructed in the late 1960s on the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage. Upon cessation of the Shire as a local government body following dismissal of councils by the Kennett Liberal Government in December 1994, the new Nillumbik Shire offices were located in Civic Drive, Greensborough. The Shire of Eltham office building was demolished and the site has remained vacant ever since. The three pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage and then the Shire of Eltham Offices remain standing on the vacant site as of 2017. Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak Gold 100-5eltham, main road, shire of eltham, shire of eltham office -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Demolition of the former Shire of Eltham building, Main Road, Eltham, 2 Aug 1996, 1996
... pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage ...The Shire of Eltham Office was constructed in the late 1960s on the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage. Upon cessation of the Shire as a local government body following dismissal of councils by the Kennett Liberal Government in December 1994, the new Nillumbik Shire offices were located in Civic Drive, Greensborough. The Shire of Eltham office building was demolished and the site has remained vacant ever since. The three pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage and then the Shire of Eltham Offices remain standing on the vacant site as of 2017. Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak Gold 100-5eltham, main road, shire of eltham, shire of eltham office -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Demolition of the former Shire of Eltham building, Main Road, Eltham, 2 Aug 1996, 1996
... pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage ...The Shire of Eltham Office was constructed in the late 1960s on the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage. Upon cessation of the Shire as a local government body following dismissal of councils by the Kennett Liberal Government in December 1994, the new Nillumbik Shire offices were located in Civic Drive, Greensborough. The Shire of Eltham office building was demolished and the site has remained vacant ever since. The three pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage and then the Shire of Eltham Offices remain standing on the vacant site as of 2017. Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak Gold 100-5eltham, main road, shire of eltham, shire of eltham office -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Demolition of the former Shire of Eltham building, Main Road, Eltham, 2 Aug 1996, 1996
... pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage ...The Shire of Eltham Office was constructed in the late 1960s on the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage. Upon cessation of the Shire as a local government body following dismissal of councils by the Kennett Liberal Government in December 1994, the new Nillumbik Shire offices were located in Civic Drive, Greensborough. The Shire of Eltham office building was demolished and the site has remained vacant ever since. The three pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage and then the Shire of Eltham Offices remain standing on the vacant site as of 2017. Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak Gold 100-5eltham, main road, shire of eltham, shire of eltham office -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Demolition of the former Shire of Eltham building, Main Road, Eltham, 2 Aug 1996, 1996
... pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage ...The Shire of Eltham Office was constructed in the late 1960s on the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage. Upon cessation of the Shire as a local government body following dismissal of councils by the Kennett Liberal Government in December 1994, the new Nillumbik Shire offices were located in Civic Drive, Greensborough. The Shire of Eltham office building was demolished and the site has remained vacant ever since. The three pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage and then the Shire of Eltham Offices remain standing on the vacant site as of 2017. Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak Gold 100-5eltham, main road, shire of eltham, shire of eltham office -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Demolition of the former Shire of Eltham building, Main Road, Eltham, 2 Aug 1996, 1996
... pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage ...The Shire of Eltham Office was constructed in the late 1960s on the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage. Upon cessation of the Shire as a local government body following dismissal of councils by the Kennett Liberal Government in December 1994, the new Nillumbik Shire offices were located in Civic Drive, Greensborough. The Shire of Eltham office building was demolished and the site has remained vacant ever since. The three pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage and then the Shire of Eltham Offices remain standing on the vacant site as of 2017. Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak Gold 100-5eltham, main road, shire of eltham, shire of eltham office -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Demolition of the former Shire of Eltham building, Main Road, Eltham, 2 Aug 1996, 1996
... pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage ...The Shire of Eltham Office was constructed in the late 1960s on the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage. Upon cessation of the Shire as a local government body following dismissal of councils by the Kennett Liberal Government in December 1994, the new Nillumbik Shire offices were located in Civic Drive, Greensborough. The Shire of Eltham office building was demolished and the site has remained vacant ever since. The three pine trees which featured in front of Shillinglaw Cottage and then the Shire of Eltham Offices remain standing on the vacant site as of 2017. Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak Gold 100-5eltham, main road, shire of eltham, shire of eltham office