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Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Small off white coloured booklet Bush Music Club Inc. Colonial Subscription Ball 1990 Dancers Companion (A guide to the Quadrilles) The Quadrille Figure 1 (Le Pantelon) (2x32) 8 Top couples R and L through. (without giving hands). 8 Set & turn Partners 8 Top ladies chain. 4 Top couples promenade across set. 4 Half R and L to place. 32 Side couples repeat Figure 2 (Le 'Ete) (4x24) 4 Top couples advance & retire. 4 Cross over (without changing places with partner). 8 Repeat back to place. 8 Set & turn partners. 24 Sides repeat. 48 Top and Sides repeat. Figure 3 (La Poule) (4x32) 4 Lady 1, Man 2 adv, tough RH, retire to opposite place. 4 Lady 1, Man 2 adv, join LH give RH to partner 4 Line of 4 balance fwd & back twice. 4 Men lead partners to opp. Place. 4 Lady 1, Man 2 adv. & ret. 4 Lady 1, Man 2 adv, honour & ret. 4 Top couples, advance & retire. 4 Half R & L to place. 32 Repeat with Lady 2, Man !. 32 Repeat with Lady 3, Man 4. 32 Repeat with Lady 4, Man 3. The Quadrille Figure 4. (La Pastourelle) (4x32) 4 1st couple advance & retire. 4 1st couple adv, lady join 2nd couple. 4 Line of 3 adv. & ret, 1st man retire. 4 Line of 3 adv. Ladies cross to 1st man. 4 Line of 3 adv. & ret, 2nd man retire. 4 Re-advance, form circle with 2nd man. 4 Circle L half way round. 4 Half R & L to place. 32 Repeat with 2nd couple leading. 32 Repeat with 3rd couple leading. 32 Repeat with 4th couple leading. Figure 5 (La Finale) (4 x 32 + 8) 4 All advance & retire. 4 Turn partners. 4 Ladies adv, curtsey & retire. 4 Men advance, bow & retire. 8 All set & turn corners. 8 Promenade with corner. (men to original place with corner) 96 Repeat 3 times to return to partner. 4 All advance & retire. Turn Partners. Notes: 1 Couples numbered 2 Set & turn is a 'balance' set and open hand turn. The Prince Imperial's Quadrille Figure 1. (4x24) 4 Top couples visit right, honour sides. 4 Top men retire with partner & side lady to opposite place, (ladies facing each other). 8 Ladies grand chain to places 8 All set and turn partners 24 Top couples repeat back to place. 48 Repeat with side couples. Figure 2 (4 x 24) 4 1st Lady, 2nd man adv & turn in centre finish facing 2nd lady. 2 2nd lady pass through to 1st man. 2 Both couples turn out to place. 4 top couples advance & retire. 4 Ladies chain back to place. (Nariel) 8 Chasse-croise. (4 steps past partner RH turn corner 4 steps back, LH turn with partner.) 24 Repeat wth 2nd lady, 1st man leading 24 Repeat wth 3rd lady, 4th man leading 24 Repeat wth 4th lady, 3rd man leading. Figure 3 (4x32) 4 1st lady to centre, curtsey to partner. (RH in RH, ACW turn in to centre) 4 2nd lady to centre, curtsey to partner. 4 3rd lady to centre, curtsey to partner.4 4th lady to centre, curtsey to partner. 8 ladies join hands, circle R, small steps after circle R, Men join circle, (giving RH to partner). 4 Balance for 4 (step lift x 4) 4 Turn partners to place, bow & curtsey. 32 Repeat, Lady 2, 1, 4 & 3 to centre 32 Repeat Lady 3, 4, 2 & 1 to centre 32 Repeat, Lady 4, 3, 1 & 2 to centre The Prince Imperial's Quadrille Figure 4 (4x32) 4 Top couples advance & retire. 4 Top couples adv, ladies move to R, as men retire to place. 8 Line of 3 adv & ret twice. 4 Single men adv, bow and retire. 4 Re-advance and turn to face partner. 4 Circle L half way round (with partner & side couple). 4 Half R & L to place. 32 Repeat with side couples leading. 32 Repeat with top couples leading (men moving to left as ladies retire) 32 Repeat with Side couple leading. (Men moving to left as ladies retire) Figure 5 (4x32 +32) 16 Ladies to the right, (RH turn with corner man then continue round to the right turning each man) 4 1st Lady, 2nd man advance & retire 4 re-advance & turn RH (finish facing partners) 8 set & turn partners (finishing in place) 32 Repeat with 2nd Lady, 1st man leading 32 repeat with 3rd lady, 4th man leading 32 Repeat with 4th Lady, 3rd man leading 16 Ladies to the right again. 4 Men turn partners to centre. 4 All bow and curtsey. 8 Promenade set ( hall) Note: Set & turn is a 'balance' set and open hand turn. The Parisienne Quadrille Figure 1 (1x32) 8 Couples R and L through. (without giving hands) 8 set & turn partners 8 Ladies chain. 4 Couples promenade across set. 4 Half R and L to place. Figure 2 (2x24) 4 Couples advance & retire. 4 Cross over (without changing places with partners) 8 Repeat back to place. 8 Set & turn partners. 24 Repeat. Figure 3 (2x32) 4 Lady 1, Man 2 adv, touch RH, retire to opposite place. 4 Lady 1, Man 2 adv, join LH, give RH to partner. 4 Line of 4 balance fwd & back twice 4 Men lead partners to opp. Place 4 Lady 1, Man 2 adv & retire 4 Lady 1, Man 2 adv, honour & ret. 4 Couples, advance & retire. 4 Half R & L to place. 32 Repeat with Lady 2, Man 1. The Parisienne Quadrille Figure 4. (2x32) 4 1st couple advance & retire. 4 1st couple adv, lady join 2nd couple. 4 Line of 3 adv. & ret, 1st man retire. 4 Line of 3 adv. Ladies cross to 1st man. 4 Line of 3 adv. & ret, 2nd man retire. 4 Re-advance, form circle with 2nd man. 4 Circle L half way round. 4 Half R & L to place. 32 Repeat with 2nd couple leading. Figure 5 (2x32) 4 Couples advance & retire 4 Cross over 8 Repeat back to place. 8 Ladies chain across & back.8 Set & turn partners. 32 Repeat Notes: 1 This 'quadrille' is similar to the first set (1st 4 figures) and is danced as two couple sets. 2 Set & turn is a 'balance' set and open hand turn. The Lancers Quadrille Figure 1 (4x24) 4 1st lady, 2nd man advance & retire, 4 Adv, turn two hands, return to place. 4 1st couple lead through across set 4 2nd couple lead through back 8 all set & turn corners. 24 Repeat, 2nd lady, 1st man leading 24 Repeat 3rd lady, 4th man leading 24 Repeat, 4th lady, 3rd man leading Figure 2 (4x24) 4 1st couple advance & retire. 2 1st lady adv to centre, turn to face partner 2 1st couple honour each other. 8 1st couple set and turn then sides form top & bottom lines 4 Lines advance & retire, 4 Advance and turn partners to place. 24 Repeat with 2nd couple leading 24 Repeat with 3rd couple leading 24 Repeat with 4th couple leading Figure 3. (2x32) 4 Ladies advance, curtsey & retire. 4 Men adv, bow, turn by left, bow to partners, then join RH in centre, (ladies RH on partners left elbow). 8 Promenade round set to place. 4 Ladies adv, curtsey & retire again. 4 Men adv, bow, turn by right, bow to partners, join LH in centre, right arm behind partner. 8 Promenade round to set in place. 32 Repeat. The Lancers Quadrille. Figure 4. (4x24) 8 Top couples visit R then L 4 Right Hands around with LH couple 4 then left hands around. 8 Circle left with that couple. 24 Repeat with side couples leading. 24 repeat, top couples visit L then R. 24 Repeat, side couples visit L then R. Figure 5. (4x48 +24) 8 All grand chain 1/2 way round and honour partners. 8 Continue grand chain to place and honour partners. 8 1st couple visit, return to place, facing out with sides in behind. 2 Change places with partner, 2 All rock fwd and back 2 change places again 2 All rock fwd and back 8 Cast out reform in lines 4 Lines advance & retire 4 Advance & turn partners to place 48 Repeat with 2nd couple leading 48 Repeat with 3rd couple leading 48 Repeat with 4th couple leading. 8 Grand chain 1/2 way round and honour partners. 8 continue grand chain to place and honour partners 8 swing partners (R arm round partner, LH in air) Note: All figures walked. Set & Turn is a 'balance' set and open two hand turn. The Caledonians Quadrille Figure 1. (2x32) 4 Top couples R.H. across, move CW (Ladies hands joined over Mens). 4 then L.H. across, move ACW. 8 Set & swing Partners 8 Top ladies chain. 4 Top couples promenade across set. 4 Half R and L to place. 32 Side couples repeat. Figure 2. (4x24) 8 1st Man advance & retire twice. 8 Set & swing corners. 8 Promenade with corners (to men's position.) 24 2nd man repeat. 48 3rd and 4th man repeat. Figure 3. (4x32) 4 Lady 1, Man 2 advance & retire. 4 Re-advance, 2 hand turn to place. 8 1st & 2nd couples lead through and back. (1st lead through across, 2nd back) 8 Set & swing corners. 4 All advance & retire. 4 Swing partners. 32 Repeat with Lady 2, Man 1. 32 Repeat with Lady 3, Man 4. 32 Repeat with Lady 4, Man 3. The Caledonians Quadrille Figure 4. (4x24) 2 Lady 1, Man 2 advance and stop. 2 Lady 2, Man 1 advance and stop. 4 Turn partners back to place. 2 All ladies to the right 4 steps. 2 All men to the left 4 steps. 2 All ladies to the right 4 steps. 2 All men to the left 4 steps. 4 Promenade to place. 4 Swing partners. 24 Repeat with Lady 2, Man 1 leading. 24 Repeat with Lady 3, Man 4 leading. 24 Repeat with Lady 4, Man 3 leading. Figure 5. (4x48 + 16) 8 1st couple visit. 4 Ladies advance, curtsey & retire. 4 Men advance, bow & retire. 8 All set & swing partners. 8 Grand chain 1/2 way round and honour partners. 4 Promenade to place 4 and swing partners. 8 Chasse-croise, (4 steps past partner, RH to corner balance fwd & back, then 4 steps back, LH to partner balance fwd & back). 48 Repeat with 2nd couple leading. 48 Repeat with 3rd couple leading. 48 Repeat with 4th couple leading. 8 All promenade set. 8 Swing partners. Note: Set & swing is 'normal' set and cross hand swing. The Royal Irish Quadrille Figure 1. (2x32) 8 Top couples to Right, R & L through 8 Set & swing Partners. 8 Ladies chain. 4 Couples promenade across (to the other couples position). 4 Half R & L to place. 32 Repeat with tops to the left. Figure 2. (4x24) 4 Top couples to Right, adv & ret. 4 Cross over (without changing places with partner). 8 Repeat back to place. 8 Set & swing partners. 24 Repeat with top couples to the Left. 48 Tops repeat with Right and Left sides. Figure 3. (4x32) 4 Lady 1,2 and Man on Right, advance, touch RH, retire to opposite place. 4 Advance again, join LH, give RH to partner. 4 Line of 4 balance fwd & back twice. 4 Men Lead partners to opp. Place. 4 Lady 1,2 and opp. Man adv & ret. 4 Advance, honour & retire. 4 Couples, advance & retire. 4 Half R & L to place. 32 Repeat with Ladies 3,4 leading. 64 Repeat with Tops facing left. The Royal Irish Quadrille Figure 4. (4x32) 4 Top couples to Right, adv & ret. 4 Re-adv, Top Ladies join opp. Couple. 4 Line of 3 adv & ret. Top men retire. 4 Line of 3 adv, ladies join other man. 4 Line of 3 adv & ret, Side men retire. 4 Re-advance, form circle with opp. Man. 4 Circle L half way round. 4 Half R & L to place. 32 Repeat with Side ladies leading. 64 Repeat with Top couples facing left. Figure 5. (4 x 32 + 8) 4 All advance & retire. 4 Swing partners. 4 Ladies advance, curtsey & retire. 4 Men advance, bow & retire. 8 All set & swing corners. 8 Promenade with corner. (Men to original place with corner). 96 Repeat 3 times to return to partner. 4 All advance & retire. 4 Swing partners. Notes: 1. This is The Quadrille danced diagonally, with Top couples dancing first with the side couple on their right, then the left. Ie. 1-3 and 2-4 then 1-4 and 2-3. 2. Set & swing is 'normal' set and irish swing.The Eightsome Reel Numbering: Clockwise 1-2-3-4 Part A (40 Bars) 4 All join hands, circle left 4 All circle right. 4 Grand Cross, Ladies join RH. 4 Grand Cross, Men join LH. 8 Set & turn Partners 16 Grand chain right round set. Part B ( 8x48 bars) 1st Lady advance to centre, Others join hands in circle. 8 Circle left and right 4 Set once and turn partner 1st Lady sets to partner then open hand turn once with partner. 4 Set once and turn opposite 1st Lady sets to opposite man, then open hand turn once. 8 Reel of 3, 1st Lady, partner and opposite man 1st Lady remains in centre. 8 Circle left and right again 4 Set once and turn side man 1st lady and man on right. 4 Set once and turn other side man 1st lady and man on left. 8 Reel of 3, 1st lady, and two side men. 48 2nd lady repeat. 96 3rd and 4th ladies repeat. 192 Men repeat same movement. The Eightsome Reel Part C (40 Bars) 8 All circle left and right. 4 Grand cross - Ladies join RH. 4 Grand Cross - Men join LH. 8 All set and turn partners. 16 Grand Chain round set. Note: Set is 'normal' set. Turn is open hand turn. NOTES 1. The Quadrille 2. The Prince Imperials 3. The Parisienne Quadrille 4. The Lancers Quadrille 5. The Caledonians Quadrille 6. The Royal Irish Quadrille 7. The Eightsome Reelperson, individual, peter ellis oam -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Camera Box Brownie Folding, Six 20 Folding Brownie KodetteII, Circa 1948 to late 1970s
This camera was made for the mobile photographer and the camera manufacturer Kodak was at the peak of production. Mr. George Eastman, the company's founder, who invented roll film, which could withstand the outdoor activities and therefor replaced photographic plates. In 1900, the Box Brownie camera was first released Kodak's motto was' "You push the button, we do the rest," The film used in this camera was Kodak Verichrome 620 introduced in 1936 and only went out of production 2009. This camera was a vintage 1970s one. Between 1963 and 1970 the company sold 50 million of this type of camera. The production of smaller and more user friendly digital cameras, mainly from Japan finally nailed the coffin lid on the Kodak Company. Ironically, one of Kodak's engineers called Steve Sasson, devised a camera that could save images using electronic circuits. The images were transferred onto a tape cassette and were viewable by attaching the camera to a TV screen, however Kodak tried to maintain its photographic film products beyond its "use by date". In1975 Kodak becomes the first company to make a digital camera, however the Japanese manufacturers could make smaller and more compact cameras ending Kodak's monopoly and eventual demise.This particular "box brownie" was used by Margaret Shefford, nee Turner, who with her husband retired, in the 1980s, to Mount Beauty. The camera was purchased in the 197's and used on their cruise to England. The significance of this item is that at the time of its introduction to Mount Beauty the camera was a "state of the art", for general public, camera introduced by an ever increasing influx of retirees. This identifies the Kiewa Valley not only as an attraction for sightseers and overseas tourists but also retirees. The social implications of this trend will continue to provide a broader requirement for medical and other facilities geared up to the requirements of an aging population. As a lot of cities in Australia have increasing levels of violence (mainly drug related) rural "retreats" are becoming more sought after by sections of "the gentle populous"This is a black metal rectangular camera, rounded on the ends and has silver colored fittings(stainless steel) and a small leather handle on hinges the left side (facing the lens). The folding lens and shutter component fold out from the main compartment. Two metal arms swing out and hold the lens and collapsible lens body to the required length. When not in use this collapsible (folding) lens extension is fastened to the main body structure providing security and preventing damage to the folding material. The camera has a collapsible eye piece or view finder at the top end. The right hand bottom end has a cylindrical film wider (polished steel). Inside there are two cylindrical cavities, one holding the roll of unexposed film and the other (winder) end a cylinder onto which the unexposed film is wound through for each picture frame. There is a locking mechanism to hold the folding lens structure to the main box structure. See KVHS 0419B for its carrying caseNo external makings but when the lens is folded out it exposes manufacturing information on metal base around the lens " Kodette II B I shutter"(B= Bulb and I= Instant), underneath this, in larger print, is "'FOLDING 'BROWNIE' SIX - 20" below the lens and in smaller print, "made in Great Britain" and underneath this "by KODAK ltd"kodak kodette ii, folding brownie camera, photography, hobby personal item, tourist gadgets. -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Ice Chest, 1927
This particular small ice chest was once part of the domestic furniture of Dr W.R. Angus and his young family in 1927 when they lived in the Nhill and Ballarat districts. The family relocated to Warrnambool in 1939 and brought the ice chest with them. An ice chest, also called an icebox or refrigerator, was invented by Thomas Moore in 1802 and had become a common home appliance from the mid-1800s until around the 1930s, when electric refrigerators became affordable and safe. The non-mechanical ice chest allowed perishable food to be kept fresh for longer than the food-safe or ‘Coolgardie’ used in colonial days in Australia. It required the use of ice blocks, which were delivered to households by the ‘iceman' and his horse and cart. The ice man would use an ice pick to cut the blocks into the right size for the buyer’s ice chest. The ice came from an ‘ice house’, a factory where the ice was made. The ice chest required a block of ice to be placed into the insulated top section on top of the corrugated iron stand. The ice would cool the air and the cool air would flow downwards through the oval hole under the stand and into the refrigerator compartment below. The water from the melted ice would drain from the sloping floor of the top compartment and into the hooded pipe. The pipe went through the refrigerator and ended below its floor, where the drained water would be collected in the metal bowl placed there for that purpose. The lip on the bowl allowed it to be easily removed and emptied at regular intervals before it overflowed. W.R. Angus Collection- The W R Angus Collection spans from 1885 to the mid-1900s and includes historical medical and surgical equipment and instruments from the doctors Edward and Thomas Ryan of Nhill, Victoria. Dr Angus married Gladys in 1927 at Ballarat, the nearest big city to Nhill where he began as a Medical Assistant. He was also Acting House surgeon at the Nhill hospital where their two daughters were born. He and his family moved to Warrnambool in 1939, where Dr Angus operated his own medical practice. He later added the part-time Port Medical Officer responsibility and was the last person appointed to that position. Dr Angus and his wife were very involved in the local community, including the early planning stages of the new Flagstaff Hill, where they contributed to the layout of the gardens. Dr Angus passed away in March 1970.This ice chest is significant for representing a method of refrigeration and food preservation used in the 19th to mid-20th centuries when people were beginning to afford powered domestic refrigerators. After the second world war, most households replaced their food storage cupboards and ice chests with refrigerator appliances. The ice chest is also significant for its connection with the domestic furniture of Dr W.R. Angus and his family, and its inclusion in the W.R. Angus Collection.Ice chest; single front wooden cabinet with two doors and a flap, and three accessories. The top door is a lid with a metal handle at the front and two metal hinges along the back. The front door has two metal hinges on the right-hand side and has a metal lever catch. A hinged flap fits between the front legs at bottom of the ice chest and swings upwards. The front legs have wheels. The insulated top compartment has a metal lining and its floor slopes towards the centre of the back wall. In the floor are a formed oval air-flow hole and the open end of a pipe that has a hood partly covering it. The front compartment is an insulated metal-lined cupboard with a vertical pipe down the centre of the back wall and horizontal rails in the centre of each side wall. The accessories are a rectangular corrugated iron stand, a rectangular wire grid shelf and a round aluminium bowl with a lip and two sides pushed in. The ice chest was made circa 1927 and is part of the W.R. Angus Collection.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, dr w r angus, dr roy angus, dr ryan, doctor angus, dr angus, ice chest, ice box, antique, food preservation, refrigeration, domestic equipment, kitchen appliance, refrigerator, non-electric refrigerator, non-mechanical refrigerator, w.r. angus collection -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Cream coloured card. Folded in half. Black writing. Pictures of native flowers on each 'page' National Folk Festival Easter - Canberra Traditional Colonial Ball Music by Wongacreek (Wongawilli, Emu Creek and friends) Mc, Anthony Simon. 1 Circular Waltz/ St Bernards Waltz 2 Evening 3 step, 3 Grand March/ Fitzroys, 4 Dashing White Sergeant, 5 La Rinka Waltz, 6 Jolly Miller Highland Schottische, 7 Lancers, 8 Varsoviana, 9 La Gallopodes, 10 Polka Cotillion, Supper Break. 11 Ithoca Circassion Circle, 12 National Quadrille, 13 Gay Gordons, 14 Seige of Ennis, 15 Pride of Erin, 16 Polka Quadrille, 17 Bastone 2 Step/ Four Sisters Barn Dance, 18 Waltz Country Dance, 19 Galop Quadrille, 20 Swing Waltz, 7 Lancers, 12 National Quadrille, 16 Polka Quadrille, 19 Galop Quadrille.person, individual, peter ellis oam -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Reference Cooking, SEC Cook Book of Family Favourites, Circa 1950
This SEC cook book was produced circa 1950s when the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme and its Commission was in full swing. The Commission had constructed two settlements, Mount Beauty and Bogong Village to house construction workers and their families in a "closed" community. These "closed" communities were for SEC staff and construction workers only. Entry into these villages was restricted to "SEC pass" carrying construction staff and their families. All facilities such as retail, sporting and other community services was provided by the SEC. This created an isolated community in which limited individual choice or administrative family leeway was available. It was a typical company town (live and work for the company). The Company was in the Kiewa Valley constructing power stations for the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme of Victoria. In one way the individual did not need to be concerned with living costs, educational needs for children, and recreational amenities and therefore "normal" community survival /living methods did not apply. This living, although restrictive, was quite simple. When the scheme was completed, in 1961, marking the end of company town, caused some of the employees, who had enjoyed the "controlled" township environment, a fair degree of angst in having the new 'laissez-faire" controls thrust upon them. This was magnified when both Mount Beauty and Bogong Village became meshed into the Bright Shire, vis-a-vis, local government. This cook book is a prime example of " the company is looking after you" and leave the worrying to us. This environment of a "company town", which creates the atmosphere of minimal personal responsibilities, is still present in a few remote mining towns in Australia at the beginning of the 21st Century.This book is a classical example of the psychological control in which the company had its construction workers families living in. The motto of many companies who had employees in isolated regions was "keep them happy". A happy and contented worker is a more productive worker. This was a period in time (1950s to 1970s) when social psychology was gaining recognition in the Australian workforce as well as internationally. At the end of the construction of all the power stations both the Mount Beauty settlement and the Bogong Village became more integrated into the main stream of rural Australia environment. Development of tourism in the region opened up not only interaction with a greater cross section of the ever expanding type of Australian but also the overseas based non rural culture tourist or immigrant. It allowed the intermingling of ideas in a non company controlled environment. The Mount Beauty and Bogong Village has, and even up to the 3000 Millennium, the same housing construction, as was built by the SEC. There has only been a very gradual change to modern domestic architectural home styles. This SEC cookbook has a folded cover with two staples at the spine, securing eight double sided pages. The white pages contain black print and sketches(3), and one black and white photograph (of the author). The front cover is mainly orange in colour with a gradual fading into yellow(at the top). The cover is approximately 210 g/m2 in thickness and each page is approximately 90 g/m2 thick. Front cover: top of page "SEC Cook Book of Family Favourites", in the middle a sketch, black on orange background, of a smiling mother walking from the kitchen to the dining table with a steaming rolled roast and vegetables in one hand and a gravy pot in the other. The furniture and decor relates to the 1950s. Below this sketch is printed"SEC TESTED RECIPES NO. 16" Inside cover: on top of the page is a black and white sketch of a pineapple, apple pear fish with scales, bunch of grapes with leaves a pork roll (head of pig one end and a roll ending on the other, on top of this food arrangement rests a fruit pie. Below this sketch are printed in black print the books contents.The first side of the first page is a black and white photograph Mary Dunne, the SEC Home Service supervisor who provided a signed foreword. The inside back cover has a promotional segment detailing a black and white photograph of a smiling (and happy) couple in the foreground with an electric stove in the distance. The written motto below this photograph is" to Live better -and save money they'll join the Power People. "the new tariff is(1960s) - First 75kWh --6 cents per kWh Next 435 kWh---2.3 cents per kWh Balance --1.7 cents per kWh The rate per killowatt-hour for the final block drops from 2.1 cents to 1.7 cents --a reduction of recipes circa 1950s, domestic food, sec victoria cook books, recipes circa 1950s -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Farm Lease dated 5th July 1957 between Mr. N. E. Watts and Mr. E. W. Traeger. Lease for all that piece of land being allotment 15B section 7 & allotment 15J & 15H of section 7, Parish of Neering in the state of Victoria containing 7 acres 14 perches or thereabouts with dwellings, out-houses and all improvements for the term of 1 year. Terms and conditions: the term of tenancy shall be from the 8th of July 1957 to the 8th July, 1958; the rent for said period shall be 5 pounds fortnightly, the lessee has the option of leasing the property for another 12 months at the same rental; the lessee has the option of purchasing the said property for the sum of 1,350 pounds. Chattels included: 1 draught horse, harness and swings, rubber tyres cart, green feed cutter2,30 dozen egg boxes, 3 ladders, tomato frames and glasses, single furrow plough, set harrows, cultivator, iron spike roller, scuffler, linos, blinds and curtains, ice chest and table. Lessee's copy.organization, business, h.a. & s.r wilkinson real estate -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Newspaper - The Standard, Warrnambool Standard Centenary Issue 1872-1972, 02/10/1972
The Warrnambool Standard Centenary Issue, 1872 - 1972, summarises the local and world history highlights over 100 years. The pages in the images are a sample of the newspaper's contents. They show: - PAGE 1; sketches of two young women, one dressed in 1872 fashion, the other in 1972 fashion. PAGE 34; This page was dedicated to the Ponting Bros. The business celebrated its Centenary in 1972. There apr photographs of the original and the new building, and a photograph and names of the staff of 1972. PAGES 34-38: Lift out facsimile copy of the first edition of The Standard (no longer in 3096.01) PAGE 39; In January 1917 Mr Basil Watson flew the first aeroplane to visit the Warrnambool area. He entertained the crowds by performing aerobic acrobatics in the plane he'd built himself. Two months later he died in a plane accident. PAGE 70; In 1967 Australia's Prime Minister, Mr Harold Holt, goes missing, presumed drowned. PAGE 71; In 1970 the mystery of four bodies were found in a car that crashed over the cliff at Loch Ard Gorge, near Port Campbel, made headlines in the Standard. PAGE 72; The back page features a photograph and greetings from Fletcher Jones and Staff. There are many staff members in front of the Fletcher Jones factory in Warrnambool, which was established around 1924.The centennial edition of the Standard newspaper includes local social, economic and historical aspects of Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia and the World. It reflects the interests of the local community and the reactions to the events of the time.The Standard, Warrnambool, Centenary Issue 1872 – 1972 (Two copies).100 years of District Service. The issue includes World and Local History, Advertisements, Timeline, Facsimile of the First Issue, Shipwrecks, and Wars. The Centenary edition was printed on October 2, 1972, 72 pages. One copy (3096.02) includes the centre lift-out on pages 35 to 38 of a facsimile copy of the first edition published on October 1, 1872.Page 1: "The Standard Warrnambool" "Warrnambool Standard Centenary Issue October 2 1972, 72 pages" On illustration of building "1872 / Warrnambool Standard" Page 34: "On this site ... since 1924" [Ponting Bros} "Staff of Ponting Bros. 1972" Page 39: "Aviation history-maker" "RECORD TRIP BY FIRST PLANE TO VISIT CITY" "Thrilling display of aerial acrobatics" Page 70: "PM HOLT IS PRESUMED DROWNED" "GAVE GOVT. IMAGE OF YOUTH" Page 71: "Where death car crashed on ledge" "PT CAMPBELL MYSTERY: FOUR BODIES FOUND IN CAR AT BOTTOM OF CLIFF" "POLICE SEARCH SWINGS BACK TO MELBOURNE" Page 72: "Greetings to the"Standard"" "Fletcher Jones" flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, ladies fashion 1872, ladies fashion 1972, ponting bros. centenary 1872-1972, ponting bros. staff, basil watson, basil watson 1917, harold holt 1967, car crash at loch ard gorge, fletcher jones and staff 1972, the standard centenary 1872-1972, warrnambool newspaper, warrnambool standard, centenary edition, the standard -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Meter Ammeter Recorder, Circa 1950
This testing voltmeter recorder was last certified by SEC Vic laboratories on the 17/4/77. It was used extensively as mobile recorder placed for periods of one month at locations experiencing unacceptable fluctuations of power. These locations would cover the North East regions of Victoria. They cover voltage drops at domestic and business properties especially those that were experiencing regular fluctuations(daily) at approximately the same time of the day. As the electrical network is required to operate within a set level of voltage, fluctuations outside of this has to be investigated and necessary remedial action taken. This is especially so for rural properties where power "drainage" can occur through animal/bird and tree interference. It can also be the result of defective wiring and overloading at peek operational times (milking machines).This mobile voltage recorder is very significant to the Kiewa Valley because it highlights the difficulties that can occur in maintaining a power supply that experiences fluctuating power demands by the rural industries that it supplies. The requirement of a mobile testing apparatus to cover the various sections in the Kiewa Valley and other rural areas in the northeast region is one of necessity as electricity once connected to a rural property is a labour saving supply as generators on rural properties require a higher degree of maintenance an ultimately at a higher cost. The testing of the SEC Vic supplied electricity to rural properties,those who had previously run on generators, had to be quick and unassuming with certainty of correct supply levels.The mechanism of this voltage recorder has been installed(by the manufacturer) into its own protective wooden box. This box has a front (swing open) lockable section which permits direct access to the installed measuring equipment (for servicing and data collection). The top section of the box has two screw on terminals for access to the machine being tested. This tester has its own inbuilt ink supply facilities and a mechanical clockwork device that unwinds a roll of paper onto a second roll at a rate of 10 mm per hour. The recording chart is marked with time slots against voltage. There is a recording arm which has an ink pen at the end. Both arm and pen carry the ink supply from the ink reservoir, located on the left side of the cabinet door in specially constructed bottle holder( three small bottle capacity). To record a suspect power problem to a home or business establishment the voltmeter is connected to a power supply outlet being tested and wind the recording clockwork mechanism (gives a four week running time). Before leaving the recorder in situ the electrician checks to see if the chart is recording the correct voltage and that the clock mechanism is advancing correctly.On the front of the access "door" at the top a metal label "RECORDING AMMETER" below this "MURDAY SYSTEM" below this "ALTERNATING CURRENT" and below this the manufacturer's registered number "No. 139156" Below this is a metal tag with State Electricity Commission of Victoria Electrical Engineer's Section equipment number "338" Below these tags and above the viewing window is the manufacturer's dtails "EVERSHED & VIGNOLES Led LONDON"sec vic kiewa hydro scheme, alternate energy supplies, alpine feasibility studies temperature, rainfall, power outages -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Gates, Victoria Park, 1988
The Kew Asylum Entrance Gateway and an adjacent gate lodge were built at the Princess Street entrance in 1873.1 The imposing sandstone pillars and cast-iron gates impressed upon visitors the therapeutic and civilising vision of the asylum. The entrance opened onto a tree-lined drive (now known as Main Drive) which culminated in an elliptical carriageway in front of the main building. (Heritage Council of Victoria)Colour photographic positive of the former Kew Asylum Gates which were relocated in 1942 to Victoria Park in High Street, Kew. The gates were listed by Heritage Victoria in 2020. The citation reads: "The Former Kew Asylum Entrance Gateway consists of two 4.5 metre sandstone gate piers on bluestone bases on either side of a 5.5 metre vehicle entrance set back from the High Street pavement. The 1870s gate piers are of Barrabool sandstone and repairs during 2015-16 were undertaken with sandstone from English Town, Tasmania. The gate piers are highly decorative and feature oculi, triglyphs, dentils, corbeling and other ornamental work. Each gate pier incorporates a pedestrian archway with a cast-iron pedestrian swing gate. Two curved sections of cast-iron palisade fencing on rusticated bluestone blocks extend from the outer edges of the piers to a set of shorter sandstone pillars on the High Street pavement. Straight sections of cast-iron fence extend 4.5 metres ending at two bluestone pillars. Garden beds have been created within the curved sections of fencing, bordered by concreted bluestone and planted with shrubs." (Heritage Council of Victoria)gates -- kew asylum, gates -- victoria park -- kew (vic.) -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Bosun's Chair, ca. 1922
This Bosun's char was part of the equipment on the vessel 'Reginald M. It is typical of items included on board a vessel in the late 19th and early 20th century. The nautical word 'bosun' is an abbreviation of the word 'boatswain' who is the person responsible for the repair and maintenance of the vessel. It could be used when rigging the sails and for rescue at sea, along with a thick rope anchored on shore or a rope between ships. It could also be used to move passengers to and from a ship as well as cargo on, to and from the vessel. A bosun's chair is a simple piece of equipment made from a short plank of wood and a sturdy piece of rope. It looks a little like a child's swing but usually has a pulley system that allows the user to adjust the length of the hanging piece of rope, and in so-doing adjusts the height above the floor or ground or sea. In modern times a harness would also be worn by the bosun’s chair user for safety reasons. Bosun's chairs are also used by window cleaners, construction workers and painters. The bosun’s chair is sometimes just a short plank, or even a canvas sling. The REGINALD M - The vessel “Reginald M” was a two-masted coastal ketch, owned and built by Mr. Jack (John) Murch of Birkenhead, Port of Adelaide, South Australia. Its construction took approximately 6 months and it was launched at Largs Bay in 1922. The vessel had many owners and adventures over the years until it was purchased by Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum & Village in 1975 from the Melbourne Ferry Company at auction. It was then used as an active display until 2016. Visitors could go aboard, turn the ship's wheel, go below deck and get the feel of the captain's quarters, sailors' quarters and the storage space available. The Reginald M was a popular exhibit for young and old, until 2016.This bosun's chair is significant for its connection to the maritime history. It has been used for rigging, painting, maintenance and importantly for life saving and safety. The bonus's chair is also significant because of its connection to the history of the vessel REGINALD M, the coastal trading ketch from South Australia built in 1922 and in existence until 2016. Its flat bottom, single chine shape illustrates a very simple but robust method of construction, compared to other round bilged examples of trading vessels. The Reginald M is listed on the Australian Register of Historic Vessels (ARHV Number: HV000562.)Bosun's chair; seat is a rectangular plank of wood with a hole drilled in each corner and three reinforcing wood lengths attached below the plank. The ends of two looped thick ropes have been threaded through the holes in the plank, crossed over then spliced together. The loops of rope above the plank have been tied with light rope. A roughly made wire hook is attached at the base of one length of rope. Top surface reveals indents where the bottom wooden pieces are joined to the top and some of the metal fixtures can be seen along the edge. There are remnants of white paint on the top.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, flagstaff hill maritime museum & village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, bosun's chair, bosuns chair, boatswains chair, rigging, maritime equipment, bosun's seat, life saving, marine technology, ship rigging -
Creswick Museum
Photograph, Herman Moser, 1867
Photograph, Sepia, Easter Sports 22 and 23rd April 1867 in aid of Creswick Hospital. Structures in order from gate 1 No. 3 Publican’s Booth- W. Davies. 2 Richardson’s Show 50’ x 25’ inside platform 14’ outside 21’ x 18’ (Braganzro (?) provide poles) 3 Refreshment Booth 50’ x 12 ½ ‘ shingle roof, bazaar and wheel of fortune (J. Hook) 4 No. 1 Publican Booth, T. W. Anthony 40’ x 20'. 5 Storage for donations. Secretary’s office, Steward’s room 60’ x 13’. 6 Dancing Booth 80’ x 30’ floored with such boards; contains 8,000’ of ?? 7 No. 2 Publican’s Booth W. J. Whatman. Sports commenced 1 p.m. 2 large swings at south end of ground; running was 300 yards round platform for dancing in center; skittle alley fenced off near entrance; portion roped off on East side and provided with seats for ladies; entrance 1/- children 6d A. M. Wilson- Aunt Sally; Mr. Rowell- Doodlem Buck ; 3 shils a penny; Bobbly Down; Wheel of Fortune; Sunny’s ? ; skittles, Dancing excellent string band Monster balloon ascends last day, sent by J. Moore at conclusion of sport. Full brass band. Easter Sports Committee; H. Piening treasurer; C. Whiffle; E. Williams; J. Machiman; H. Williams; G. Frazer; B. Trevan; W. Johnson. W. Pobjoy Hon. Sec. Refreshement Booth; Mesdames Geljon, H. Williams, Moore, Sedon (2), Burke, Grigan, Whalley.Lennon Troupe: Lennon, Burrel, & Carroll Taming a Tiger. Photograph taken from Water street about intersection with East side of Roger street. Photo taken by H. Moser Monday 22nd April 1867) Easter Sports 22 and 23rd April 1867 in aid of Creswick Hospital. Photograph, Sepia, 1 No. 3 Publican’s Booth- W. Davies. 2 Richardson’s Show 50’ x 25’ inside platform 14’ outside 21’ x 18’ (Braganzro (?) provide poles) 3 Refreshment Booth 50’ x 12 ½ ‘ shingle roof, bazaar and wheel of fortune (J. Hook) 4 No. 1 Publican Booth, T. W. Anthony 40’ x 20'. 5 Storage for donations. Secretary’s office, Steward’s room 60’ x 13’. 6 Dancing Booth 80’ x 30’ floored with such boards; contains 8,000’ of ?? 7 No. 2 Publican’s Booth W. J. Whatman.photograph, h. moser, easter sports, creswick -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Farm Lease dated 5th July 1957 between Mr. N. E. Watts and Mr. E. W. Traeger. Lease for all that piece of land being allotment 15B section 7 & allotment 15J & 15H of section 7, Parish of Neering in the state of Victoria containing 7 acres 14 perches or thereabouts with dwellings, out-houses and all improvements for the term of 1 year. Terms and conditions: the term of tenancy shall be from the 8th of July 1957 to the 8th July, 1958; the rent for said period shall be 5 pounds fortnightly, the lessee has the option of leasing the property for another 12 months at the same rental; the lessee has the option of purchasing the said property for the sum of 1,350 pounds. Chattels included: 1 draught horse, harness and swings, rubber tyres cart, green feed cutter2,30 dozen egg boxes, 3 ladders, tomato frames and glasses, single furrow plough, set harrows, cultivator, iron spike roller, scuffler, linos, blinds and curtains, ice chest and table. Attached 2 copies of letter from N. E. Watts instructing H.A & S.R. Wilkinson to pay the rent received from Mr. Traeger to Mr. J. R. Watts... Office copy.organization, business, h.a. & s.r wilkinson real estate -
Puffing Billy Railway
Lathe - Gap Bed, early 1900s
Possibly ex Victorian Railways Newport workshops Supplied by Bevan & Edwards Machinery Merchants, Melbourne Sebastian Lathes Described by its makers as the Utility School, Garage and Repair-shop Lathe, the machine immediately below, a Sebastian 15" (circa 1910 - 1926) was the Company's cheapest offering and, in its basic form, lacked a compound slide rest, the tailstock did not set over for taper turning and the bed lacked a gap. However, a friction-type countershaft unit was included in the price as well as a tool post, faceplate, drive plate, changewheels for screwcutting and a small tool kit. As with modern cars (especially BMW) everything worthwhile was on the options' list and by spending more it was possible to specify all those small but important extras. Although in its lowest-cost form this model was reduced to the fundamentals required for a useable, screwcutting centre (engine) lathe it was still reasonably specified and would certainly have fulfilled many requirements when installed in a school or training workshop. The true swing was 15.25", it was properly backgeared and screwcutting was through a conventional tumble-reverse mechanism that allowed both left and right-hand powered movement to the carriage by altering the position of just one lever. As standard it accepted 40" between centres, but any capacity could be ordered, in foot intervals, up to a maximum of 88" - when it is hoped that a central bed support might have been included …… The spindle, which ran in white-metal bearings, had a useful 15/8" hole and a No. 3 Morse taper centre. Some models appear to have had the leadscrew clasp-nut lever on the right-hand side of the apron, while on others it was positioned to the left.. Early Sebastian 13-inch lathe Typical of the Centre or "Engine" lathe made by many manufacturers from the late 1800s until the late 1930s, the basic flat-belt drive Sebastian, with separate countershaft, was eventually relegated to the economy end of the Company's range by the introduction of geared headstocks and self-contained motor-drive systems.Historic - Industrial Machinery - Gap Bed Lathe - Possibly ex Victorian Railways Newport workshops - Purchased and supplied from Bevan & Edwards Gap Bed Lathe - Grey with raw steel parts and a timber cupboard with gears and tools. Bevan & Edwards PTY,LTD Machinery Merchants Melbourne (possible government tag) 365bevan & edwards pty,ltd machinery merchants melbourne, puffing billy -
National Wool Museum
Functional object - Spinning Wheel, Philip Elford, 1976-7
Jackie Kerin's (donor's) story. In 1973, I was in my late teens and while I’d moved to Sydney from Melbourne, to begin my first year of drama studies at the National Institute of Dramatic Art. My parents had moved to Lake Bunga, a few kilometers north of Lakes Entrance (Victoria). On my first holiday visit to Bunga, I called into the Jolly Jumbuck Country Craft Centre in Bairnsdale I was entranced by the place and spent the following weeks learning to spin lumpy wool on an Ashford Wheel. By the end of the holidays, I had my own Ashford and it travelled with me back to Sydney. After graduation, I returned to Melbourne and the hippy “back to nature” movement was in full swing; there were many shops and galleries selling handmade woollen items and pottery etc. So I found an outlet for my pieces. Sometime in 1976-77, I met a spinner and weaver of Swiss origin (I think) – her name was Ingeborg Guber (not sure of the spelling). She had a small gallery/shop at Brighton Beach where she worked, with her pet duck for company. Ingeborg had an upright Philip Elford wheel; an Australian wheel crafted from Acacia melanoxylon (blackwood). I was smitten and ordered one. I have a memory of Philip driving to Hampton from Ballarat to make the delivery. I used this wheel for years but as time and enthusiasm for spinning waned, the wheel became a decorative item in the house. Then in the 90s, and with my drama training, I set myself up travelling to schools and festivals, museums and galleries as a storyteller. The spinning wheel had a new life accompanying me on my adventures. For many children, familiar with references to spinning in fairy tales, seeing the little Philip Elford upright was magical. The wheel was donated to the National Wool Museum in 2021.Vertical tripod leg spinning wheel. 6 spoke wheel with three bobbins. Inscription “Philip Elford Ballart” can be read in gold text stamped to the base of the wheel. Wording, stamped, gold. Philip / Elford / Ballartspinning wheel, textile production, hobby textiles, aciacia melanoxylon (blackwood) -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Engine Dynamometer, c.1890’s
The steam engine indicator, or dynamometer, is an instrument used on a steam engine (such as that of a vessel or train) to measure and record the change in the pressures of the engine’s cylinders during their operating cycle. The engineer would use it to identify problems or defects such as bad valve settings or constricted steam pipes. It could indicate the difference in efficiency caused by adjustments made to the engine, being able to instantly measure the variation of pressure from the engine stroke at any given time. This force of power would be registered by a pencil, fitted to the adjustable arm, which would trace a line on paper wound around the cylinder. The recorded information could be used in conjunction with mathematical tables. This particular instrument was made by T.S. Mc Innes, one of the better manufacturers of engine indicators. Mc Innes engine indicators were still being used in the mid 1900’s. This specific instrument was used by Mark Forsythe of North Berwial, Scotland and late of Ararat, Victoria when he was chief engineer on the “SS Talawena” in 1892. The Port of Warrnambool, in Victoria, harboured steam ships that carried both passengers and cargo along the south west coast in the late 1800’s and into the 1900’s. The engineer of a steam ship was responsible for reaching and maintaining the optimum level of steam energy to serve the locomotion and efficiency of the steam ship. The engineer would use a steam engine indicator to measure and record information to achieve this purpose. Engine Dynamometer or Steam Engine Indicator in square, fitted oak case. This brass instrument is used to measure and record steam pressure for setting up and adjusting valves on a steam engine. It has an oscillating recording drum with vertical, silver clip attached for holding paper in place around the drum. The drum oscillates left to right. There is a pulley attached to a length of cord, which is attached to the drum. Beside the drum is a fine metal arm, vertically adjustable, small hole in the end to hold a pencil. Inscription stamped into bracket of the arm. The engine indicator is mounted on a hinged side of the case that swings out ready for use. Attached chains prevent the side from opening past vertical. There is storage for other accessories and an empty compartment in the base (where a scale or ruler may have been located). The case has a collapsible wooden handle, brass hinges and two brass, hook-shaped catches. There is a code stamped inside the lid. It contains a brass, ‘T’ shaped steam-cock (or stop cock) with two open ends made of metal pipe with different sized threads. (Turning the handle on top opens and closes the space in the pipe and would close off the flow of steam from one end to the other.) Also inside the case are three different spiral springs, each with a threaded nut on the end that has a threaded hole inside it. Used by Mr Mark Forsythe when chief engineer on the SS Talawena in 1892 “T.S. MC INNES PATENT” and “522 _ _” (last 2 digits are unreadable) pressed into the arm of the brass indicator. “[ ] X ’ stamped inside the lid of the case. The 3 springs all have a number stamped into them: (1) “32” and “12” (2) “12” and “16” [above] “12” (3) “64” and “150” Card that came with instrument “This instrument was used by Mark Forsythe of North Berwial Scotland and late of Ararat, Victoria when chief engineer on the SS Talawena in 1892" dynamometer, steam engine indicator, t.s. mcinnes, glasgow, dobbie mcinnes, port of warrnambool, warrnambool, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum, flagstaff hill maritime village, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, great ocean road -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Yellow folded card. P.Ellis and 2 in circle hand written at top on front. Circular Emblem. Bendigo Club First Annual Old Time Cabaret Ball Friday, June 1st, 1984 8.30 p.m. - 1.30 a.m. $8.00 per head Band: Armstrongs. Star of Evening Belle of Ball Matron of evening. Sections: Geelong Red Sash Warnambool Blue Sash Warnambool Green Sash. Inside reads: Programme 1 Foxtrot 2 Valeta 3 Maxina 4 Foxtrot 5 Charmaine 6 Waltz Oxford 7 Progressive Barn Dance 8 Foxtrot 9 Tangoette 10 Pride of Erin (Star Dance) 11 Parma Waltz 12 Modern Waltz 13 Quick Step (Monte Carlo) 14 Lucile 15 St. Bernard 16 Foxtrot 17 Swing Waltz 18 Evening Three Step 19 Foxtrot 20 Merrilyn 21 Dorothea 22 Foxtrot 23 Irene 24 Hawaiian 25 Foxtrot Thanks for coming hope you enjoyed the evening. Rear reads: Supper Party Pies, Pasties, Sandwiches, Chicken Salad Platters, Cream Sponge, Small cakes, Pavlova, Fruit Salad, Coffee. Catering by Eric Brookes Catering Service who caters for Weddings and Special Occasions Dinner A La Carte 028 Community Service Groups (Rotary, Lions etc) Telephone (054) 43 1359person, individual, peter ellis oam -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Yellow card Black stick figure drawing in circle. 2 in circle handwritten in top right hand corner. Bendigo Club First Annual Old Time Cabaret Ball Friday, June 1st, 1984 8.30 p.m. - 1.30 a.m. $8.00 per Head Band Armstrongs Star of Evening Belle of Ball Matron of Evening Sections: Geelong Red Sash Warnambool Blue Sash Warnambool Green Sash. Programme 1 Foxtrot 2 Valeta 3 Maxina 4 Foxtrot 5 Charmaine 6 Waltz Oxford 7 Progressive Barn Dance 8 Foxtrot 9 Tangoette 10 Pride of Erin (Star Dance) 11 Parma Waltz 12 Modern Waltz 13 Quick Step (Monte Carlo) 14 Lucile 15 St. Bernard 16 Foxtrot 17 Swing Waltz 18 Evening Three Step 19 Foxtrot 20 Merrilyn 21 Dorothea 22 Foxtrot 23 Irene 24 Hawaiian 25 Foxtrot Thanks for coming hope you enjoyed the evening. Supper Party Pies, Pasties, Sandwiches, Chicken Salad Platters, Cream Sponge, Small Cakes, Pavlova, Fruit Salad, Coffee. Catering By Eric Brookes Catering Service Who Caters for Weddings and Special Occasions Dinner A La Carte 038 Community Service Groups (Rotary, Lions etc) Telephone (054) 43 1359. 411510 handwritten on back.person, individual, peter ellis oam -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Newspaper - Photocopy, C 1922
Popular Grampian Mountains (The Blue Mountains of Victoria) Saturday, 1st April, 1922 at 12 o'clock On the property Halls Gap, 17 miles from Stawell Mitchell Bros & White under instructions from the Administrator of Lulu Barnes, deceased, and Mr A. H. Barnes, will offer by public auction on the property, the well known Tourist Accomodation (sic) House, "Killarney" together with 29 acres of freehold land, household furniture, stock, vehicles and sundries. The buildings consist main building of 8 rooms, kitchen, bathroom, vestibule, front and side passages, with verandah on front and side of building, also 3 roomed cottage with bathroom, 5 chalets containing 7 bedrooms, storeroom. wash house, water and gas laid on throughout. 4 cars, cow sheds, yards, pens, and sundry outbuildings. The furniture is all in first class order, consisting of beds and bedding for 30 visitors. Carl Ecko piano, splendid instrument; overmantle (sic) suites of furniture, extension tables, card tables, book case, sideboard, cupboards, dining table and chairs, linoleums, mats, wardrobes, duchess-chests, washstands and ware, curtains, pictures, ornaments, iron safe, kitchen tables, chairs, stove, separator, copper, large assortment of glassware, crockery, cutlery, kitchen utensils, and everything necessary for running the house. Rolling stock and C, consisting of 5 buggy and saddle ponies, 2 milch (sic) cows, 4 head young cattle, 3 pigs, 30 fowls, single seated hooded rubber tyred buggy, nearly new, 2 seated drag, carry seven, in good order; double seated buggy, gig, waggonette (sic), carry one ton; lorry, spring dray, double furrow disc plough, garden plow (sic), roller, garden roller. 6 saddles and bridles, almost new, large quantity of heavy and light harness, swing bars, chains, and numerous sundries. NOTE - The property will be offered with furniture, rolling stock & c., as a going concern at 12 o'clock sharp; and if not sold the furniture, stock, & C., will be offered TERMS AT SALE. MITCHELL BROS. & WHITE. AuctioneersTyped extract of advertisement for auction of Killarney from Stawell News 25-3-1922 later known as Grampians Housemedia, newspaper articles, guesthouses, killarney -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Off White coloured glossy card. Pink writing. ST. Clement's Anglican Debutante Ball Huntly Friday, July 13th 1984. Programme Debutantes Partners Michelle Gran,t Jamie Creely, Robyn Wells, Norman Sheahan, Erica Wilkinson, Damien Tangey, Debbie Clarke, Greg Pocock, Natalie Gundry, Grant Andrea, Lynne Edwards, Rod Mills, Sally James, Darren Thompson, Kathy Creely, Peter Matthews, Lisa Tehan, Mark Yates, Amanda Clayton, Peter Morgan, Paula Ingham, Craig Clayton, Rosalyn Varker, Darren Cartner. Presented to The Bishop of Bendigo Rt. Rev. O. Heyward & Mrs Heyward 9.15p.m. Flower girl Kasie Watson, Page boy Andrew Swatton, Flower girl Emily Stevens, Page boy Bradley Clay, Chaperone Mrs. Bev. Read Trainers: Mr. Peter Ellis & Mrs. Mary Smith Pianist Mrs J.Grotto Announcer Mrs. M. Pitson MC Mr. Colin Silk 1 Foxtrot, 2 Charmaine, 3 Parma Waltz, 4 Gypsy Tap, 5 Foxtrot, 6 Pride of Erin, 7 Progressive Barn Dance, 8 Modern Waltz, 9 Maxina, 10 Evening Three Step, 11 Foxtrot, 12 Alberts, 13 Tangoette,14 Foxtrot, 15 Valetta Waltz/ St. Bernard Waltz, 16 Gay Gordons, 17 Swing Waltz, 18 Foxtrot Presentation Dance Metropolitan Quadrille. Autographs.person, individual, peter ellis oam -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
7 Complete Black & White Photographs: Maisie and Bess One standing wearing a light coloured dress and one kneeling wearing Dark suit with white blouse on pathway, background is large hedge, right background is a corner of a lawn area, oval photo, S.H.L.C. 24 September 1918. House in Bendigo With Pillared Gate & Picket Fence, Tess & Dorothy Out The Front 21/10/1918. Claire wearing a dark coloured coat dress standing in a garden setting, light post to her left, hose laying on the path to her left, small flat roofed shed near light post 'The Ranche' 23/10/1918. Nancy wearing a tunic style dress and white blouse standing next to a wall with a pot plant at front, 'The Ranche' 1919. Group Photo Three Ladies wearing all white outfits and two with white hats, two standing one sitting, at front is small case and Thermos flask, grubby but happy the end of a perfect day Axedale Hibernian Picnic 13/11/1918. Two Ladies wearing heavy coats on rope swing Botanical gardens Bendigo June Year Unknown Cation On photo Illegible, Mo. Smith Lady standing on shore at Reservoir No. 7 Kangaroo Flat 09/011919. two boys standing in bush scene wearing white shirts and dark trouser held up with braces, boy on left holding long stick with both hands. Part of this photo has been cut off in the process of taking a photo from the other side.Hilda Hill Personal Collectionaustralia, history, post war life -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Headwear - Wool Felt & Jersey Hat, Ann Austin of Melbourne, 1960s
Ann Austin of Melbourne was the name of a Melbourne millinery house. Thelma Prentice was one of the partners in the house, and the chief designer/milliner. Very little information about the millinery house and the milliner are available online but there is an interesting article, published in the Brisbane Courier Mail on 8 October 1949 which describes the influence of French style on fashion and design in Australia. The article by Lucy Gough recounts the views of Thelma Prentice who had just returned from the Paris fashion shows. "Australian millinery toes line with Paris From LUCY GOUGH LONDON, October 7 (Special) Australian hats can compare very favourably with those designed in Paris, and are considerably cheaper, says Miss Thelma Prentice, partner in a well-known Melbourne millinery firm, who has just completed six months' visit to England and the Continent. An ordinary hat, Miss Prentice said, would cost at least £15 from any of the top Paris houses. Australia could achieve the same effect for a lot less money. Miss Prentice went to all the Important dress shows as well as the millinery houses in Paris, because she believes that millinery is an accessory to fashion and to obtain the best idea of new trends hats must be shown with frocks to get a complete follow-through and tie-up between the two. At their packed shows, with standing room only, Path and Dior were selling hats they designed, faster than many well known Paris millinery houses, Fath's favourite line was the becoming 'wing treatment,' which he achieved by a profile flattering side swing of material jutting out almost 10 inches from the face. This was completely different to the side drape already seen in Australia. Dior, as a direct contrast, was specialising in skull hats, which almost followed the hair line, to show very little hair at the back of the head. His cocktail hats were heavily sequinned and beaded. Every model was designed exclusively for short hair, and Miss Prentice, whose own hair is beautifully short cut by a Paris hairdresser, said that French mannequins' hair was so abbreviated at the back it was almost a semi-shingle. Hats generally she found were plain, with sharply angled self trimming, and black one of the most popular colours." The hat was donated by Kathleen Gervasoni, a resident of Kew, and during the 1970s a Mayoress of the former City of Kew. The Kew Historical Society’s fashion and design collection is comprised of costumes, hats, shoes and personal accessories. Many of these items were purchased or handmade in Victoria; some locally in Kew. The extensive hat collection comprises items dating from the 1860s to the 1970s. While most of the hats in the collection were created by milliners for women, there are a number of early and important men’s hats in the collection. The headwear collection is particularly significant in that it includes the work of notable Australian and international milliners.High crowned hat made of burgundy felt with decorative pink jersey turban folds attached to the side by clusters of pink beads. The hat was designed by Thelma Prentice of the ' Austin of Melbourne' millinery house. Label, inside centre crown, woven in black on white polyester: *ann austin / OF MELBOURNEmilliners, hats, ann austin of melbourne, thelma prentice, australian fashion - 1960s, kathleen gervasoni -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
White Cooloured card. Red writing. St. Clement's Anglican Debutante Ball Huntly Firday, July 12th 1985. Debutantes Partners Alison Popple Mark Edwards Kerran Franken Colin Boyd Allison Strauch Glen Backway Wendy Pollard Robert Borserio Lynne Holland Raymond Brown Amelia Chittick Brendan Allen Jacqueline Wilson Stephen Collins Donna Jacobs Jamie Creely Sally Rothenberger Jason Boston Ann Dyer David Sizeland Helen Yates Dean Yates Anne Borserio Trevor Monti Jenny Mills Glenn Peatling Susanne Rea Brett Adamson Anita Read Mathew Gee Sharon Thorburn Jason Byron Leanne Thorburn Andrew Dunne Fiona Mudford Andrew Shotton Presented to The Chancellor, Bendigo Diocese Mr.B. Phillips and Mrs. Phillips 9.15 p.m. Flower Girl Laura Strauch Page boy Simon Wells Flower girl Melissa Tuddenham Page boy Ben Chalkley Chaperone Mrs. Pam Luxford Trainers: Mr. Peter Ellis & Mrs. Mary Smith Pianist Mrs J.Grotto Announcer Mrs. M. Pitson MC Mr. Colin Silk 1 Foxtrot 2 St. Bernard Waltz 3 Maxina 4 Evening Three Step 5 Foxtrot 6 Pride of Erin 7 Progressive Barn Dance 8 Modern Waltz 9 Tangoette 10 Waltz Cotillion 11 Foxtrot 12 Valetta Waltz 13 Gay Gordons/ High Schottische 14 Foxtrot 15 Alberts 16 Parma Waltz 17 Charmaine 18 Swing Waltz 19 Foxtrot 20 Auld Lang Syne Presentation Dance: Fitzroy Quadrille. Autographs.person, individual, peter ellis oam -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Clock, late 1900s early 20th Century
In 1850 the Ansonia Clock Company was formed as a subsidiary of the Ansonia Brass Company by Phelps and two Bristol Connecticut clock makers, Theodore Terry and Franklin C. Andrews. Terry & Andrews were the largest clock manufacturers in Bristol at the time with more than 50 employees using 58 tons of brass in the production of about 25,000 clocks in 1849. Phelps decided to get into the clock making business to expand the market for his brass, while Terry and Andrews got access to better quality brass at better prices. They had then sold 50% of their business to Phelps and moved the business to Ansonia, Connecticut. In 1877 the clock company purchased a factory in New York and moved most of its production thereafter being spun off from the brass company. Henry J. Davies of Brooklyn, himself a clock maker, inventor and case designer, joined the newly reconstituted company as one of its founders. As President, he is thought to have been largely responsible for the figurine clocks, swing clocks and other unusual and desirable novelties for which the Ansonia firm became known. By 1879, a second factory was opened in Brooklyn, New York and by June 1880 employed 360 workers, while the Connecticut factory continued producing clocks as well with a workforce of 100 men and 25 women. Hence, clocks marked "Connecticut" were generally produced before 1879, while those marked "New York" were all produced after 1880 After the New York factory burnt down in 1880 the company rebuilt the factory on the same site, and reopened the expanded factory in 1881, with a capacity to exceed that of the Connecticut factory which by 1883 had closed. By 1886, the company had sales offices in New York, Chicago and London, with more than 225 different clock models being manufactured. In 1899, Phelps' grandson William Earle Dodge Stokes commissioned architect Duboy to build the "greatest and grandest hotel in Manhattan, New York” which became the city's first air-conditioned building. In 1929 the majority of the timekeeping machinery and tooling was sold to the Soviet government's US trading company Amtorg, just before the stock market crash. The parts, machinery and key skilled workers were shipped out of the USA to form the basis, along with the remains of a watch company purchased a year later, of the clock and watch industry in Moscow such as Poljot and Sekonda. In 1969, the rights to the use of the name, trademarks, and goodwill were transferred to Ansonia Clock Co., Inc., Lynnwood, Washington. The item marks the beginning of mass produced clocks in the United States, cheaply priced and available to all. The company had many innervation's during it’s life regards clock and later wrist watch making that led the way for other companies in many different countries to emulate.Clock, pendulum mantle model. Carved scallop "Ginger bread house" cottage clock. Oak case, white enamel face, floral etched glass door. Clock has an hour bell chime. Glass front opens to allow rewinding. Made by Ansonia Clock Co, New York. Marked "Manufactured by Ansonia Clock Co. New York, USA"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, mantle clock, clock, pendulum clock, time keeper, horology, ansonia, ansonia clock co, america -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Murrumbeena Park
... Swings ...This file contains three items. An article from THE AGE by Christopher Bantick, who reminisces on the facilities of Murrumbeena Park in decades past, and reflections on the changes the park has undergone in more recent times, dated 24/05/2008. Four coloured postcards of Murrumbeena Park displaying the flora, paths, play equipment, and facilities, taken by Margie McKenzie Photography, date unknown. An article from the CAULFIELD CONTACT listing the improvements that have and will be made to Murrumbeena Park, including a list of the facilities that are on offer as well as the sporting clubs that make use of the park, dated March 1992.murrumbeena park, murrumbeena, caulfield, parks, reserves, playgrounds, playground equipment, sports equipment, recreation equipment, children’s playground, gardens, sports grounds, playing fields, plants, kangaroo road murrumbeena, trees, sports establishments, recreations establishments, seesaws, slides, swings, monkey bars, murrumbeena park committee of management, murrumbeena cricket club, murrumbeena football club, clubs, associations, sporting clubs, barbeques, picnics, caulfield council, social facilities, murrumbeena park bowls club, oakdale angling club, landscape concept plan, caulfield city hall, caulfield town hall, municipal offices, official buildings, civic centres, local government, council chambers, walking trails, the age, caulfield contact -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Slide - Set of 7, Keith Caldwell, 10/03/1960 12:00:00 AM
Set of 7 Agfa Colour slide, cardboard mount, by Keith Caldwell of 10 March 1960 - .1 - X2 677 - at the Williamstown Road terminus of the Footscray tram system. Tram photographed in Somerville Road, showing the return destination of Russell St. In the background are a row of shops. .2 - X1 460 turning from Leeds St into Barkly St. Tram has the destination of Ballarat Road. In the background is the bus stop and tram stop and the Trocadero Theatre side wall. See Image i6 for the Theatre. Has a Gant Motors advert. .3 - X1 467 out bound turning into Nicholson St from Irving St. Footscray with the Rockmans Store in the background. This store was later demolished for the Ring Road. Tram has adverts for Gant Motors and Swing Bridge Motors - Holdens. .4 - X1 460 turning from Barkly St into Leeds St, showing the destination of Ballarat Road. Has adverts for Calders watches and Coca Cola - drive safely. In the background is a cafe advertising Oysters, Grey Cigarettes and Vincents Powders. .5 - X1 464 turnings from Nicholson St into Irving St. Footscray with the Rockmans Store in the background. This store was later demolished for the Ring Road. Also is J. Boltons Chemist shop advertising Kodak film and another shop - ? dry cleaners, Footscray Fish Shop and Kings Hotel. Tram has adverts for Gant Motors and Doods Dry cleaning. There is a PMG truck parked outside Rockmans. .6 - X2 677 turning from Barkly St into Leeds St with the Trocadero Theatre in the background. Tram has the destination of Williamstown Road. Tram has an advert for Bridge and Webster. .7 - X1 467 outbound to Williamstown Road, turning from Leeds St into Irving St Footscray. Tram has adverts for Doods dry cleaning and Gant Motors.All hand stamped "10 Mar '60". .1 - marked "Footscray" .2 - "Footscray (NB curves)" .3 - to .7 "Footscray"trams, tramways, footscray, x2 class, russell st, williamstown rd, leeds st, ballarat rd, barkly st, nicholson st, irving st, tram 677, tram 460, tram 467, tram 464 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Off White coloured glossy card. Pink writing. ST. Clement's Anglican Debutante Ball Huntly Friday, July 13th 1984. Programme Debutantes Partners Michelle Grant, Jamie Creely, Robyn Wells, Norman Sheahan, Erica Wilkinson, Damien Tangey, Debbie Clarke, Greg Pocock, Natalie Gundry, Grant Andrea, Lynne Edwards, Rod Mills, Sally James, Darren Thompson, Kathy Creely, Peter Matthews, Lisa Tehan, Mark Yates, Amanda Clayton, Peter Morgan, Paula Ingham, Craig Clayton, Rosalyn Varker, Darren Cartner. Presented to The Bishop of Bendigo Rt. Rev. O. Heyward & Mrs Heyward 9.15p.m. Flower girl Kasie Watson, Page boy Andrew Swatton, Flower girl Emily Stevens, Page boy Bradley Clay, Chaperone Mrs. Bev. Read Trainers: Mr. Peter Ellis & Mrs. Mary Smith Pianist Mrs J.Grotto, Announcer Mrs. M. Pitson, MC Mr. Colin Silk, 1 Foxtrot Mary (Handwritten in Pencil), 2 Charmaine Muriel (Handwritten in Pencil), 3 Parma Waltz Mary (Handwritten in Pencil), 4 Gypsy Tap Lex (Handwritten in Pencil), 5 Foxtrot Muriel (Handwritten in Pencil), 6 Pride of Erin Mary (Handwritten in Pencil), 7 Progressive Barn Dance Lisa (Handwritten in Pencil), 8 Modern Waltz Muriel (Handwritten in Pencil), 9 Maxina Esma (Handwritten in Pencil), 10 Evening Three Step Lois (Handwritten in Pencil), 11 Foxtrot 12 Alberts Mary (Handwritten in Pencil), 13 Tangoette Ila (Handwritten in Pencil), 14 Foxtrot Mary (Handwritten in Pencil), 15 Valetta Waltz/ St. Bernard Waltz Lex (Handwritten in Pencil), 16 Gay Gordons Jane (Handwritten in Pencil), 17 Swing Waltz Mary (Handwritten in Pencil), 18 Foxtrot Muriel (Handwritten in Pencil), Presentation Dance Metropolitan Quadrille. Autographs.person, individual, peter ellis oam -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Fay Bridge, Former Glynn's Dairy Farm, Glynns Road, North Warrandyte, 31 August 2018
Glynn’s farm Originally Section 7, Parish of Nillumbik marked Aborigine Reserve in 1866 Crown Allotment 8, Section 7, Parish of Nillumbik, County of Evelyn, Certificate of Title Volume 4095, Folio 818.835, approx. 93 acres purchased by Joseph Panton in 1881 for £1/acre and known as Panton’s Point. By 1924 owned by S.S. Sergeant and called Riverswood. Sergeant commissioned Edna Walling to design the garden. In September 1929 the property was sold at auction by Mortgagee’s sale. Described as well built, brick, tile roof, Attic Villa containing downstairs 7 good rooms, bath, scullery, inside lavatory, etc. Upstairs 2 bedrooms and sleep out. Outbuildings compromising of brick and weatherboard wash house, stables, workshop, feed room, cow bails, large G.I. Hay shed, etc In January 1931 Riverswood property was proclaimed a sanctuary for native game for the entire year. A private swing bridge crossed the river at Pound Bend was known as Pearson’s bridge after C.W.K. Pearson who bought Riverswood in the early 1930s. The bridge was swept away in the December 1934 floods. Riverswood was sold by C.W.K. Pearson at auction on 25 November 1936. Described as a beautiful farm home of 93 acres and over one mile of River Yarra frontage, modern brick residence, lovely garden, rich river flat pastures, model poultry farm. The fine brick home was destroyed on Black Friday (13 Jan.) 1939. It was still a ruin when the Evelyn Evans purchased Waikowhane above Riverswood in 1940. The Glynn family purchased the Riverswood property in 1941 from Robert and Emily Hannon. Their son Kenneth Patrick Glynn inherited the property and he set about clearing the land during WW2 selling wood. Prior to marriage, Kenneth was living alone on the farm in a house he had built from whatever was available. He used the bluestone foundations from the original fine brick home. He met and married Honora Elizabeth Drew in early 1945 and their daughter Anna grew up on the farm. It was compulsorily acquired by the Board of Works in 1976 who then rented the house out in the 1980s. The property was transferred to Melbourne Parks and Waterways in 1996. Waikowhane was a pretty timber house built on top of the hill on 50 acres above Riverswood by retired nurse Jessie MacBeth. (This would be at the intersection of Glynns Road and Overbank Road where the big water tank is now situated on what was once James Orford’s property.) It was also destroyed Black Friday and she rebuilt it from the plans living in a caravan on site supervising the build. It was almost complete when she died May 1939. The property was bought by Evelyn Evans (a city girl) and her estranged husband in 1940. She had two sons, one only 9 months old at the time. It was a timber house with no power or water connected. The Ewen Cameron family bought Waikowhane in 1957. They had to evacuate when the 1961 bushfires swept through. The house was saved by Matcham Skipper. It was demolished by Melbourne Water in the 1990s when they acquired it.fay bridge collection, 2018-08-31, glynn's, glynn's dairy farm, glynns road, north warrandyte, parks victoria, ruins, riverswood, kenneth patrick glynn -
Mt Dandenong & District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, The Settlement of Harmony Vale 1913, 1913
View of the settlement of Harmony Vale taken in 1913 with the guest house Kia Ora, built by George Barber in 1909, in the foreground. This photograph has a detailed inscription on the back handwritten by John Lundy-Clarke.The settlement of Harmony Vale 1913. The large home in foreground is the Guest House “Kia Ora” owned by George Barber on Lot 25 of the Village Settlement. The house above it to the left was Richardson’s house. The home of Jeanie who had left it when the picture was taken.The buildings furthest to the right of “Kia Ora” were the homestead of Isaac Jeeves of 1863 – 1871 the building furthest right with the black opening in it was the house with the tree fern floor. The flat ground above and left of Isaac’s pointed roof barn is where the creek changed its course in the 1934 flood and destroyed £4000 worth of the Rowse family’s tulip bulbs. Above the flat is Francis Matthew Child’s homestead, in the creek to the right of which can be seen the horizontal structure of the swing bridge to the sawmill of the Childs Bros which cannot be seen but in the forest to the right of the mill (bridge) can be seen a number of logs in the mill yard. The two cleared strips immediately behind Childs home were the Richardson’s original holdings and the house in the gully at the far side of the great clearing is that of the guest house “Glenrivers” belonging to W Lucas and his wife Catherine nee Child. The Richardson homestead “Harmony Vale” is behind the forest trees in the right centre. The picture gives a full view of how the settlement was cut into the centre of the great forest. george barber, kia ora, harmony vale, barber, jeanie richardson, richardson, child, matthew child, kia-ora guest house, guest house, glenrivers -
Geelong Football Club
Photograph of Geelong Football Club's Four A.N.F.C. Carnival Representatives, 1969
Championship played at Adelaide in June 1969, Title won by Victoria. Peter Walker Born: 12/06/1942 From: Beeac Height: 183cm Weight: 76kg Natural kicking foot: Right Guernsey number: 34 First senior match: Round 3, 1960 v Fitzroy at the Brunswick Street Oval After taking time to settle at senior level, he found his rightful place on the half-back line. Once he gained confidence, he became a champion, dashing player who could mark above taller opponents and swing Geelong into attack instantly with fine disposal. His duels with Darrel Baldock of St Kilda were outstanding during the 1960s. He always played the game fairly and followed coaches’ instructions to the letter. Total Brownlow Medal votes: 32 Premiership team selection: 1963 Captain: 2 matches (1969) Club Best & Fairest: 1965 Runner-up in club B&F count: 1963 Third in club B&F count: 1967 Fifth in club B&F count: 1968, 1969 Eighth in club B&F count: 1964 (equal) GFC Hall of Fame inductee (2002) GFC Life Membership (1968) Career span: 1960-69; 1971 Total matches: Premiership 159, Interstate 9 Total goals: Premiership 1, Interstate 0 Finals matches: 15 Finals goals: 0 Last senior match: Round 11, 1971 v Richmond at Kardinia Park Died: 08/07/2010 John ‘Sam’ Newman Born: 22/12/1945 From: Geelong Grammar Height: 189cm Weight: 94kg Natural kicking foot: Right Guernsey number: 17 First senior match: Round 3, 1964 v Fitzroy at the Brunswick St Oval The champion ruckman/forward-pocket/back-pocket became a valuable centre half-forward late in his career. He was a magnificent high mark and a great handball exponent. His ability to maneuver his body into correct position at ruck contests and in marking duels was equal to that of Graham Farmer. He worked hard to overcome severe kidney and ankle injuries to play 300 matches for Geelong in a magnificent 17-season span. Total Brownlow Medal votes: 85 Captain: 41 matches (1974-75) Club Best & Fairest: 1968, 1975 Runner-up in club B&F count: 1974 Third in club B&F count: 1965, 1970, 1976 Fourth in club B&F count: 1969 Fifth in club B&F count: 1973, 1979 Seventh in club B&F count: 1967, 1977 All Australian selection: 1969 GFC Team of the 20th Century selection (back pocket) GFC Hall of Fame inductee (2002) GFC Hall of Fame Legend GFC Life Membership (1971) Career span: 1964-80 Total matches: Premiership 300, Night/Pre-Season Series 4, Interstate 8 Total goals: Premiership 110, Night/Pre-Season Series 4, Interstate 1 Finals matches: 12 Finals goals: 4 Last senior match: Second Semi Final, 1980 v Richmond at Waverley Park Information provided by Mr Col Hutchinson GFC HistorianWhite painted wooden frame with glass front. White mounting card surrounds the photograph. Black and white photograph of John 'Sam' Newman, Ivan Morris, A.R. Jack Jennings and Peter Walker standing in front of a wire fence. Above on the mounting card states "GEELONG FOOTBALL CLUB" and the supporting text below provides context for the photograph. Wire on the back for hanging.peter walker, john newman, sam newman, ivan morris, a.r. jack jennings -
Vision Australia
Text, Sydney Industrial Blind Institution annual report (loose copies), 1903-1951
Annual reports produced by the SIBI, informing their subscribers and the general public of the good work undertaken by the Institute and the ongoing need for funding. Information provided included income, expenditure, fund raising, staff, services, etc. Below is a summary of other information contained in the reports. 1902 - Trades at which the blind are employed, extracts from visitors books, balance sheets, supplementary catalogue of books in library, subscription and donation lists by town, constitution of the institution and rules, sick fund rules and balance sheet. Also noted were the impending installment of a printing press for books, the development of blind distributors of tea beverages and that instead of a blind boys home, boys would instead be sent to board with suitable families. 1933 - A list of braille transcribers and the amount of braille produced, a brief report on the Floral Festival organised by the Women's Auxiliary Committee and the donation of a shop in George Street for 12 months for the selling of articles made by the Blind was provided by a SIBI committee member. 1934 - A brief report on the hostels at William Street and Woollahra, a detailed listing of all functions which raised money through the auspics of the auxiliaries, and a visit by Superintendent Hedge and Librarian Mr Thompson to the Croydon Ladies Social Club. 1938 - A radio show called the 'Glow Worm Session' on 2GB with home teacher Roy Kippax, the 150th anniversary of Sydney celebration and a 16 millimetre film that was made to publicise the Institute's work. 1939 - A record amount raised through the sale of goods made by Blind Workers, the refurbishment of "The Haven' at Woollahra and transfer of residents from William Street, and free admission by the Trocadero and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer to swing concerts and 'Broadway Serenade'. 1940 - Incorporation of the Institute's Women's Magazine into Boomerang Magazine, the enlistment of two Board members Cohen and Meeks for active service, and a brief report from each of the branch auxiliaries. 1941 - The difficulty of obtaining stereotype Braille items from London and the passing of the editoress of the Women's Magazine Miss L.E. Hudson who had just completed the final edition. 1942 - Employment of 60 blind men and women in war related industries, the purchase of an air raid shelter and the small size of the report due to the shortage of paper. 1943 - Closure of the Basket department due to government regulations on cane stock, the provision of a lunch hour news service provided by visitors and individual reports from each of the Ladies Auxiliaries. 1944 - Presentation of a revolving chair to Honorary Librarian Mr H.W. Thompson for 35 years of service, the filling in of air raid trenches due to the improvement of the wartime situation and that SIBI had been supplying the Royal Australian Navy with mats, brushware and other products. 1945 - Continued placement of blind workers in outside industries, the compilation of a register of blind citizens and the election of the Hon. Justice Maxwell as President. 1946 - The successful application for Royal assent and the subsequent name change of the insitution, the intervention of Hon. Member C.R. Evatt Minister for Housing regarding the building of a new hostel for blind women and the establishment of an Honour Roll with a description of inductees Mrs K.L. Barry, Mrs J. Ayre, Mrs E. Vance . 1947 - Establishment of an occupational therapy department, the acceptance of Helen Keller to visit the society and the induction of Mrs Rivis Mead to the Honour Roll. 1951 - Passing of Librarian Miss Jean Currie and the use of prisoners to transcribe materials into Braille.Single volumes with various pagings, illustrations