Showing 296 items
matching james jones
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - James Jones Letters of Administration 1910, 1910
... James Jones Letters of Administration 1910...James Jones... information on the Will and Letters of Administration of James Jones... on the Will and Letters of Administration of James Jones, a gardener from... Jurisdiction; In the Will and Estate of James Jones late of Warrnambool... on the Will and Letters of Administration of James Jones, a gardener from ...Tait collection: item 29 of 62 This document contains information on the Will and Letters of Administration of James Jones, a gardener from Warrnambool. The document indicates that he died intestate in August 1896 at the age of 57 but details of a will are included in the document. The fact that this document was drawn up 14 years after his death indicates that there was a problem with the will. James Jones left real estate to the value of £80 and personal estate to the value of £10. The sole beneficiary was his widow, Mary Ann Jones. No other information has been found on James Jones. No Warrnambool lawyer is mentioned in this document but it was located at the former legal premises in Kepler Street of Mackay Taylor and passed on to the Warrnambool and District Historical Society in 2014. It is presumed that it had been passed down to successive lawyers occupying the same building since 1910. This document is of interest because it contains information on the Will and Letters of Administration of a Warrnambool resident, James Jones. It will be useful for research.This is a cream-coloured piece of parchment paper (1910) folded in two with handwritten material on three sides. The first page has black printed material in script with the information filled in in black ink. It contains the information on the Will and Letters of Administration of James Jones, a gardener from Warrnambool. The paper is ruled on one side with black lines. The seal of the Supreme Court of Victoria is attached with green ribbon. One page is very stained. In the Supreme Court of Victoria; In the Probate Jurisdiction; In the Will and Estate of James Jones late of Warrnambool in Victoria Gardener deceasedjames jones, warrnambool, tait collection -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Documents, Burial James Jones 1940, c1940
... Documents, Burial James Jones 1940 ...jones james...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker... of James Jones at Brighton General Cemetery 20th November 1940...1) 4202 Re the Funeral of the late Mr James Jones / 43... settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940. Their stillborn baby was buried in the Wesleyan public grave in 1900James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in the Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot, in the Wesleyan Section, purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. A stillborn baby was interred in the public grave of Brighton General Cemetery in May1900. Mary Ann Jones died, at age 43years, and was interred in January 1903. Finally in November 1940 Mr James Jones was buried in the family grave. 2 original paper Receipts associated with the Burial of James Jones at Brighton General Cemetery 20th November 1940 by Nelson Bros. Funeral Directors of Williamstown1) 4202 Re the Funeral of the late Mr James Jones / 43 Douglas Parade Williamstown (Tel 34 & 43)/ 27/11/1940 / Received from Mr J P Jones./ by CHEQUE/ CASH the sum of Twenty eight pounds / ten shillings - pence/ WITH MANY THANKS / 7/563 / NELSON BROS./ £28:10:0 per N.Flack / THIS is our only recognised form of receipt / In full settlement / Stamped VICTORIA STAMP DUTY 3d 2) 36897 BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY 20November 1940/ Received of Nelson Bros./ the sum of £1.15.- being the following charges/ in Methodist / Portion No. 199 Compt. G / Name of Deceased James Jones / for reopening grave £1.15.- / signed C Guy Secretarywesleyan church, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, “brighton leader” print, bay street brighton, jones ethel may, public grave brighton -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Documents, Funeral James Jones 1940, c1940
... Documents, Funeral James Jones 1940...jones james...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker... Bros. Funeral Directors re the funeral of James Jones... quote 7/563/ Re The Funeral of The Late MR. JAMES JONES/ £28... settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and then Mary Ann in 1903 and finally James in 1940. Their stillborn baby was buried in the Wesleyan public grave in 1900James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in the Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot, in the Wesleyan Section, purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. A stillborn baby was interred in the public grave of Brighton General Cemetery in May1900. Mary Ann Jones died, at age 43years, and was interred in January 1903. Finally in November 1940 Mr James Jones was buried in the family grave. 1 original paper account and 1 paper receipt from Nelson Bros. Funeral Directors re the funeral of James Jones in November 19401) M..J.P Jones Esq./ 5 Vickery Street/ Bentleigh / WILLIAMSTOWN/ 27/11/1940 Dr to / NELSON BROS.,/UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, / 43 Douglas Parade & 51 Stevedore St., Williamstown W16 / Motor Funerals Conducted Anywhere / In reply please quote 7/563/ Re The Funeral of The Late MR. JAMES JONES/ £28:10:0 -1 Glass Hearse & 2 Limousines, Cemetery Fees and Newspaper notices 2) As above / 27/111940 / A Memo. from NELSON BROS.,/ Dear Sir, /Herewith ...our official receipt... / signed A Nelson / Manager* wesleyan church, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, “brighton leader” print, bay street brighton, jones ethel may -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Marriage Certificate, James Jones, c1880
... Marriage Certificate, James Jones...jones james...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker...The original Certificate of Marriage of James Jones... settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They Married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton now known as BentleighThe original Certificate of Marriage of James Jones and Mary Ann Moore at the Wesleyan Church, Moorabbin on May 19th 1883In the Colony of Victoria / - Coat of Arms- / ( ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE) / Schedule D,-28 Vict. No. 268 / CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE / District of Brighton/ with date and signatures of participants. wesleyan church, pioneers, market gardeners, brighton, moorabbin, dendy’s special survey, wedding certificates, jones james, moore mary ann, browne ralph, rites -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Receipt for Burial of Stillborn Child, James & Mary Jones Child, 1900
... James & Mary Jones Child...jones james...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker... 1900 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of 6... settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940. Their stillborn baby was buried in the Wesleyan public grave in 1900James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. A stillborn baby was interred in the public grave of Brighton General Cemetery in May1900An original paper receipt No.4360 for payment on 22 May 1900 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of 6 shillings for the burial of a stillborn baby Jones in the Wesleyan section of the public graves. There is no fee for ‘re-opening the grave’ purchased by James Jones in 1890 and in which his daughters Martha 1890 and Ethel May 1893 were interred. BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY / No. 4360 (stamped) 22 May 1900 ( hand written) / Received of Mr Jas. Jones ( hand written) / the sum of 6 s being the following / charges in Wesleyan / Portion No. -- Compt. - Name of / Deceased ‘Stillborn child of Jas / & Mary Ann Jones’ (hand written) Along left side “Brighton Leader” Print, Bay Street, North Brighton This receipt is signed A Shimon man. Secretary wesleyan church, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, “brighton leader” print, bay street brighton, jones ethel may -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Book - Rites, Bible 1874, THE HOLY BIBLE, 1874
... jones james. early settlers...A Bible used by Mr James Jones, an early settler...A Bible of Mr James Jones 1874... used by Mr James Jones, an early settler in Moorabbin Shire ...A Bible used by Mr James Jones, an early settler in Moorabbin Shire, from 1880 - 1940James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989.A Bible of Mr James Jones 1874Front cover THE HOLY BIBLE inside page THE/ HOLY BIBLE/ CONTAINING THE / OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS/ APPOINTED TO BE READ IN CHURCHES/ herron john, jones james. early settlers, pioneers, collins william, printers, publishers, bibles, church of england, prayer books, moorabbin, brighton, melbourne, glasgow, scotland -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
... Rev James Jones Presbyterian Minister...Rev. James Jones (1889 - 1971) was born in Edinburgh... of Rev. James Jones who is wearing his clerical robe... Street Malvern East melbourne Rev. James Jones (1889 - 1971 ...Rev. James Jones (1889 - 1971) was born in Edinburgh, ordained in Merbein and served in New Hebrides in 1926.Semi gloss, black and white, head and shoulders photograph of Rev. James Jones who is wearing his clerical robe. This is an enlargement and the image is not crisp.rev james jones presbyterian minister, st andrew's presbyterian church oakleigh -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Documents relating to Death and Burial of Mary Ann Jones, 1903
... jones james...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker... No. 4797 for payment on 19th January 1903 by James Jones... Jan. 1903 (hand written) / Received from “Mr James Jones... settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940. Their stillborn baby was buried in the Wesleyan public grave in 1900James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. A stillborn baby was interred in the public grave of Brighton General Cemetery in May1900. Mary Ann Jones died at age 43years and was interred in January 19033 Original documents associated with the death of Mary Ann Jones 18th January 1903. 1) An original paper receipt No. 4797 for payment on 19th January 1903 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of £1 . 1s for the burial of Mary Ann Jones in a plot 4 feet x 8 feet, in the Wesleyan section portion 199 compartment G. 2 ) An original part- section of Form of Notification of Death from The Alfred Hospital Prahran with personal particulars and burial details , signed by the Undertaker. 3) An original Mourning Card 1) BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY / 4797 ( stamped) / 19th Jan. 1903 (hand written) / Received from “Mr James Jones”(hand written) / the sum of £1 . 1s being the following / charges in Wesleyan (hand written) / Portion No, 199 compt.G Name of / Deceased ‘Mary Ann Jones”(hand written) / For re-opening grave interment ‘third’ £1 . 1s./ signed by S. P. Simmonds Secretary. 2) ‘Brighton’ (written over Melbourne) GENERAL CEMETERY FORM OF… / No. of Order____ Date of… / PARTICULARS / Signature of Undertaker J H Lear On back of notice are guides to the questions 3) In Loving Remembrance of / Mary Ann Jones / Dearly Loved Wife of James Jones / Died January 18th 1903 / Aged 43 Years / Poem - “One Less at Home “ / DEEPLY REGRETTED / Art Engraving Company, Royal Arcade, Elizabeth Street, Melbourne * wesleyan church, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, “brighton leader” print, bay street brighton, jones ethel may, public grave brighton -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Document, Certificate of Burial 1890, c1880
... jones james...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker... of the Cemetery upon the application of James Jones of East Brighton... CEMETERY. Application of Mr James Jones of East Brighton for a plot... settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase this plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. A further 2 children were interred in 1893 and 1900 then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940 James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground.An original paper Certificate of Right of Burial in The Brighton General Cemetery signed and dated by the Trustees of the Cemetery upon the application of James Jones of East Brighton, Victoria, 22nd April 1890. A plot , Register No. 2844, of 4 feet in width and 8 feet in depth in the Wesleyan Section, No. 199, compartment G in the Brighton General Cemetery. would be supplied upon payment of Two Pounds two shillings and receipt of same is acknowledged. Certificate of Right of Burial / IN THE / BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY. Application of Mr James Jones of East Brighton for a plot to be supplied upon payment of Two Pounds and 2 Shillings and receipt of same acknowledged. Signed by the Trustees of the Cemetery, (4 signatures) in presence of S. Simmonds, dated twenty- second April 1890 Reverse side Dated 22nd April 1890 / Certificate of Right of Burial / IN THE / BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY/ Mr James Jones ( hand written) / DENOMINATION Wesleyan / Compartment G / No. 199 Hand written on right side 3454 (signed) S Simmonds / 4797 (signed) S Simmonds / 36897 20/ 11 / 40 melbourne, brighton, moorabbin, water supply, pioneers, bentleigh, dendy henry, market gardeners, early settlers, jones mary ann, wesleyan church, jones james, vaccination, typhoid, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, elster creek, jones martha, brighton general cemetery -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Document, receipt burial 1890 Martha Jones, c1880
... jones james...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker... January 1890 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of 3... / RECEIVED 22 January 18 90 / of Mr James Jones ( hand written... settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. A further 2 children were interred in 1893 and 1900 then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot purchased by her father James Jones. An original paper receipt No. 2844 for payment 22 January 1890 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of 3 pounds 1 shilling for burial of Martha Jones aged approx. 2 years in a plot 4 feet x 8 feet. Fees include family grave at 2 pounds 2 shillings, Sinking to 7 feet at 14 shillings and Label 5 shillings .No. 2844( hand written) / BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY / RECEIVED 22 January 18 90 / of Mr James Jones ( hand written ) the sum of £3. 1 being the / following charges in Wesleyan Portion No. / Compt. Name of deceased Martha Jones / Signed S Simmonds (handwritten) Secretary Along left side G.H Orford Printer “ Southern Cross Office” Bay St. Brighton melbourne, brighton, moorabbin, water supply, pioneers, bentleigh, dendy henry, market gardeners, early settlers, jones mary ann, wesleyan church, jones james, vaccination, typhoid, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, elster creek, jones martha, brighton general cemetery, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, bay street brighton -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Document, receipt Burial 1893 Ethel May Jones, c1890
... jones james...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker... March 1893 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of £1... 1893 ( hand written ) / Received from Mr James Jones ( hand... settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and another baby in 1900 then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. An original paper receipt No. 3454 for payment on 23 March 1893 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of £1 . 1s For the burial of baby Ethel May Jones in a plot 4 feet x 8 feet, in the Wesleyan section portion 199 compartment G. Fee was for reopening the grave he had purchased in 1890 for the burial of his daughter Martha, aged 2 years . BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY / 3454 ( stamped) / 23 March 1893 ( hand written ) / Received from Mr James Jones ( hand written ) / the sum of £1 . 1s being the following / charges in Wesleyan (hand written) / Portion No, 199 compt.G Name of / deceased Ethel May Jones ( handwritten) / for re-opening grave internment recent ( hand written) £1 . 1s / Signed S Simmonds ( ?manager) Along left side of receipt is printed SOUTHERN CROSS PRINT, BRIGHTON melbourne, brighton, moorabbin, water supply, pioneers, bentleigh, dendy henry, market gardeners, early settlers, jones mary ann, wesleyan church, jones james, vaccination, typhoid, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, elster creek, jones martha, brighton general cemetery, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, bay street brighton, jones ethel may -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Jones Family History
... Emigration of James Jones in 1852 to 1970 with papers...Brief history of the Jones Family from emigration of James... Mitcham melbourne Emigration of James Jones in 1852 to 1970 ...Brief history of the Jones FamilyBrief history of the Jones Family from emigration of James Jones in 1852 to 1970 with papers relating to purchase and fencing of land, part of Crown Allotment 116G, Lot 2, for building of Nunawading South Primary School No 4808, including a native flora area, c 1957. Also papers from the Native Plants Preservation Society of Victoria.Brief history of the Jones Family jones, james, jones family, bette, walter edgar, lionel arthur, kones, k.e. & l.a., native plants preservation society of victoria, nunawading south primary school, no. 4808, mount pleasant road, nunawading, florists, lorikeet street, dagola court, koala avenue -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Wedding Certificate, Elizabeth Jones, c1917
... jones james...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker..., the daughter of James and Mary Ann Jones, to John Patrick Kennedy at St... settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. They sadly lost Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 ,and. Baby Ethel May died 1893 and a stillborn baby was buried in 1900. However, their daughter Elizabeth Ann Jones born 1885 married John Patrick Kennedy born 1885, a the son of Thomas Kennedy , Dairyman deceased, and Jane Donovan early settlers in the Brighton area, at South Melbourne in January 1917 . James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in the Brighton General Cemetery. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and stillborn baby in May1900. Mary Ann Jones died, at age 43years, in January 1903 and in November 1940 Mr James Jones was buried in the family grave. Their daughter Elizabeth Ann Jones , born 1885, married John Patrick Kennedy, born 1885, the son of Thomas Kennedy, a dairyman and Jane Donovan also early settlers in Brighton area at St Luke’s Anglican Church in South Melbourne in January 1917 Original Certificate of Marriage of Elizabeth Ann Jones, the daughter of James and Mary Ann Jones, to John Patrick Kennedy at St Luke's Anglican Church in South Melbourne on January 1st 1917In the State of Victoria/ crest/ In the Commonwealth of Australia/FOURTH SCHEDULE ACTSNOS. 2691 and 2720 -FORM B/ CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE B/ Year 1917Parish or Church District South Melbourne Denomination Church of England/ signed by Patrick Kennedy and Elizabeth Jones, witnesses Ada Hewton and Alice Steedman and Vicar David Ross Hewton dated this first day of January 1917anglican church, st luke's south melbourne, jones elizabeth ann, kennedy john patrick, kennedy thomas, donovan jane, dairyman, dairy farms, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, jones ethel may, reverend hewton david ross -
Federation University Historical Collection
Certificates, Death Sentence certificates for Ballarat Gaol
... james jones... under 10) (John Adrian Loius, H. Moore) * James Jones (murder... moore bushbee charles bushbee james jones charles darling robert ...The certificates related to hangings at the Former Ballarat GaolDeath Sentence Certificate for: * James Ash (Rape), 1876 (George Ferguson - signed S Bowen) * Denis Murphy (murder), 1867 (Robert Wallace-Ballarat Sherriff, Sutton, Maurice Sutton, Moore) * Charles Bushbee alias Charles Baker (intent to murder) (Henry Brougham Loch, H. Moore * John Wilson (carnal knowledge - girl under 10) (John Adrian Loius, H. Moore) * James Jones (murder) - (Robert Wallace Ballarat Sherriff - Charles Darling) * Charles Henry Deutschmann ( Murder 1908) - (Reginald Arthur James Talbot, W.A. Callaway) * Cornelius Bourke (Murder 1891) John Adrian Louis, H. Moore) * John Wilson, 1891 (carnal knowledge - girl under 10) *James Johnston, 1891 (murder) * James Jones, 1866 (murder) * Joseph Ballan and George Searle, 1868 (murder) James Ash, 1876 (rape) Robert Wallace, 1866 (murder) hangings, ballarat gaol, death penalty, james ash, death sentence, george ferguson, ferguson, bowen, henry loch, loch, charles baker, h. moore, moore, bushbee, charles bushbee, james jones, charles darling, robert wallace, arthur talbot, w.a. callaway, callaway, james johnson, joseph ballan, george searle -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Medical Health, vaccination notice, Martha Jones, c1888
... jones james... the registration of the birth of Martha Jones to James and Mary Ann Jones.... Parents can chose which Lymph they prefer” James Jones and Mary ...The loss of life from infectious diseases such as Typhoid in the pioneer settlements of Australia, was very high Hence the free, compulsory vaccination of infants within 6 months of their birth. This Notice To Parents was sent by the Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths in District of East Brighton , now known as Bentleigh. The notice states that all Public Vaccinators ‘ are supplied with Calf lymph. Parents can chose which Lymph they prefer”James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. An original paper Notice To Parents for the Compulsory Vaccination Act , First Schedule, 13th August 1888 following the registration of the birth of Martha Jones to James and Mary Ann Jones in Brighton Victoria.A / COMPULSORY VACCINATION ACT – FIRST SCHEDULE / Section 17 / NOTICE TO PARENTS. Typed along left side “ (N.B. All Public Vaccinators are supplied with Calf Lymph. Parents can chose which Lymph they prefer)” This paper notice naming the child Martha Jones is signed and dated by the Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths of the District of East Brighton , W. Ward, on 13th August 1888, and gives the dates and times he will be in attendance ‘ at his residence’ for the said vaccination. vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, fruit gardens, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne -
Running Rabbits Military Museum operated by the Upwey Belgrave RSL Sub Branch
... Photo of James Jones... Army Photo of James Jones Photo ...Photo of James Jonesphoto, army -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Photograph, 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh c 1950, 1950
... jones james.... Isa May (nee Kennedy) was the granddaughter of James Jones... (nee Kennedy) was the granddaughter of James Jones a very early ...Mr John Herron and his wife Isa Mary Herron purchased the house at 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh in 1950 from Miss M Marriott. Isa May (nee Kennedy) was the granddaughter of James Jones a very early settler in Moorabbin Shire and Miss M Marriott was a descendant of the early settler market gardeners Marriott family. Mr Herron lived there until 1989 and the house was demolished and turned into a carpark for the busy Shopping precinct of Centre Road, Bentleigh. The Marriott family were early settler market gardeners from 1878 in the area of Dendy’s 1841 Special Survey. Isa May Jones, the grand daughter of James Jones married John Herron in 1940. James was the son of Philip Jones , a chair-maker, who settled in the area of East Brighton, now Bentleigh, in 1852. John Herron immigrated to Australia in 1926.A black and white photograph of the house at 4 Vickery Street, Bentleigh purchased by Mr John Herron and his wife Isa May (nee Jones) in 1950 from Miss M. Marriott. * pioneers, early settlers, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, dairyman, dairy farmer, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, jones elizabeth ann, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, elster creek, melbourne, jones ethel may, herron isa mary, herron john, tram conductor, marriott m -
Woady Yaloak Historical Society
Machine - The Gallows, C. 1856
... James Jones... from the Woady Yaloak area. Alexander Davies, James Jones... from the Woady Yaloak area. Alexander Davies, James Jones ...Formally situated on the first floor of the Ballarat goal building. Currently situated at the Historic Precinct, Brooke Street, Smythesdale. In 2005 Mr Butler approached the Woady Yaloak Historical Society asking if we would like to become the new caretakers of the Gallows because of our historical connection. Four of the first five men executed on the gallows were from the Woady Yaloak area. Alexander Davies, James Jones, George Searle and Joseph Ballan were hung between 1864 and 1867 on these gallows.Wooden Gallows with metal parts and rope noose.alexander davies, james jones, george searle, joseph ballan, geoff butler, ballarat gaol, 1864 - 1965, capital punishment, death penalty, gallows -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Two Photos of pupils at Bentleigh State School, East Bentleigh, 1895
... jones james , jones. elizabeth ann, jones martha, kennedy... Ellzabeth Ann Jones 1884 - 1979, a relative of Mr James Jones... football 1895 jones james , jones. elizabeth ann, jones martha ...Photo 1: Circa 1895: Pupils at East Bentleigh State School. Located close to Cnr. of Tucker and Centre Rds, East Bentleigh. Demolished c 1990. Pupil, Elizabeth Ann Jones, (Mrs Kennedy) B.1884- D 1979 is marked with a cross. The Jones and Kennedy families were early settlers in the Moorabbin Shire. Photo 2: Circa 1895: Pupils at East Bentleigh State School with a football. The very poor condition of these "restored" photographs indicates their great age, and deterioration that occurred prior to the Moorabbin Historical Society receiving them. Unfortunately, no further improvement is possible. The original photographs are held on file at the CM.H.S. Box Cottage Museum.2 x black and white Photographs. The photos are in poor condition and have been re stored. The first photo is a group of pupils, standing and sitting in a line having a class photo taken. Due to the deterioration of the photograph, some of the pupils are not clearly seen. The class is a mix of young boys and girls. The girl third from left, front is marked with a cross and named Ellzabeth Ann Jones 1884 - 1979, a relative of Mr James Jones and Mr John Herron, who became Mrs Kennedy. Second photograph is also a group photo of young male pupils from the East Bentleigh State School. Again it is a poor quality photo and some of the pupils are difficult to see. pupils, bentleigh state school, east bentleigh, moorabbin, football, 1895, jones james , jones. elizabeth ann, jones martha, kennedy john, herron john, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabin, bentleigh, brighton, henry dendy's special survey 1841, state schools, australian rules football, students, teachers, education, -
Inglewood & District Historical Society
Work on paper - Examination Certificate, The Pharmacy Board of Victoria Examination Certificate, 08/02/1922
... Arthur James Jones came to Inglewood in 1924 and commenced... that Arthur James Jones of 6 Connor Street, East Geelong, has passed... House 91 Southey Street Inglewood goldfields Arthur James Jones ...Arthur James Jones came to Inglewood in 1924 and commenced business as a chemist. He continued in this capacity until his retirement in June 1986 - retiring to live in his home at Verdon Street, Inglewood. During his time in Inglewood Arthur Jones held many positions in community life.Certificate of Practice allowing Arthur Jones to practice as a Chemist.Examnation Certificate on blue mount board mounted in dark stained wooden frame. White paper Certificate, black ink, with a red SealThe Pharmacy Board of Victoria do hereby Certify that Arthur James Jones of 6 Connor Street, East Geelong, has passed the final examination in Materia, Medica, Botany, Chemistry, and Practical Pharmacy and is a duly qualified Pharmaceutical Chemist under the Provisions of the Medical Act 1915 Part 3 arthur jones chemist inglewood -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Document - Photocopy, First Names Wesleyan Ballarat 1853, 1853
... James Jones... practicable. March 1853 Mr James Jones, Mr Joseph Wearne, Mr Thomas... Office goldfields James Jones Mr Joseph Wearne Mr Thomas Wearne ...A copy of a white piece of paper with creases photocopiedThis meeting was held at Winters' Flat below Magpie List of subscriptions and donations towards the purchase of a Tent to be erected on the Balaarat [sic] diggings, for the purposes of public worship in connexion with the Wesleyan Methodist Church. Also for the establishment of a Sunday School and of a Day School if found practicable. March 1853 Mr James Jones, Mr Joseph Wearne, Mr Thomas Wearne, Mr McCulchan, Mr Mathews and family, Mr & Mrs Harding, Mr Rees, Mr Charles Axborough, Mr John Henderson, Mr Alexander Ross, Mr Roger Parsons, Mr Baker, Mr Isaac Cooper, Mr Hill & family, Mr & Mrs Douglass, Mr & Mrs Reynolds, Mr Benjamin Sargent, Mr Thompson, Mr Dunstan, Mr Moyle, Mr Fletcher, Mr & Mrs Odie [sic], Mr William Wearne, Mr Brady, Mr Carter, Mr Moulton, Mr James, Mrs Crowfield, Mr Smith, Mr Crombie, Mr John Day, or Davy, Mr Adams, Buninyong, Mr Joseph Wearne, ?, A friendjames jones, mr joseph wearne, mr thomas wearne, mr mcculchan, mr mathews and family, mr & mrs harding, mr rees, mr charles axborough, mr john henderson, mr alexander ross, mr roger parsons, mr baker, mr isaac cooper, mr hill & family, mr & mrs douglass, mr & mrs reynolds, mr benjamin sargent, mr thompson, mr dunstan, mr moyle, mr fletcher, mr william wearne, mr brady, mr carter, mr moulton, mr james, mrs crowfield, mr smith, mr crombie, mr john day, or davy, mr adams, buninyong, oddie, mr and mrs oddie -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, 1903 or 1908 Moorabbin Football Club, 1903 or 1908 Moorabbin Football Club, 1903 or 1908
... james jones, early settlers, market gardeners, pioneers.... Philip Jones, a relative of James Jones who was a pioneer..., a relative of James Jones who was a pioneer settler in Moorabbin ...1903 or 1908 Moorabbin Australian Rules Football Club. Philip Jones, a relative of James Jones who was a pioneer settler in Moorabbin Shire, is holding the football. In the late 1850s Melbourne's schools are first recorded organising football games modeled on precedents at English schools The earliest known such match was played on 15 June 1858 between Scotch College and Melbourne Grammar School on the St Kilda foreshore. On 10 July 1858, the Melbourne-based Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle published a letter by prominent Victorian cricketer Tom Wills, calling for the formation of a "foot-ball club" with a "code of laws" to keep cricketers fit during winter. The Melbourne Football Club's rules of 1859 are the oldest surviving set of laws for Australian football. The ten simple rules were drawn up on 17 May at a meeting chaired by Tom Wills and in attendance were journalists W. J. Hammersley and J. B. Thompson, and Thomas H. Smith. The rules were signed by Tom Wills, William Hammersley, J. Sewell, J. B. Thompson, Alex Bruce, T. Butterworth and Thomas H. Smith. Importantly, the rules were widely publicised and distributed. Having been codified in 1859, this means that Australian football is an older sport than most other football codes in the world, including soccer. As Geoffrey Blainey states, "soccer has no club that matches the antiquity of the early Victorian clubs." In 1859 several new football clubs formed including the Castlemaine Football Club, Geelong Football Club and the Melbourne University Football Club. The first football match played at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) was not until 1876. Cricket authorities soon saw the opportunity to capitalise on the rapid growth of Australian football, however, and soon most grounds in Victoria were expanded to accommodate the dual purpose, a situation that continues to this day. Football matches between 1859 and 1899 were played in a 20-per-side format. n 1896, delegates from the stronger and wealthier Victorian Football Association clubs—Carlton, Collingwood, Essendon, Fitzroy, Geelong, Melbourne, St Kilda and South Melbourne—met to form a breakaway competition and in 1897, the Victorian Football League (VFL), was born as an eight-team competition. Popularity of the VFL grew rapidly and by 1925 with 12 teams, had become the most prominent league in the game and would dominate so many aspects of the sport from that point on. Moorabbin Football Club, nicknamed the Kangaroos, was the name of two distinct Australian rules football clubs which played in the Victorian Football Association (VFA). The first club, founded in the early 20th century, joined the VFA in 1951 and played there until 1963 with great success; they played home matches at Moorabbin Oval and wore royal blue and white hooped jerseys. The second club played in the VFA from 1983 to 1987. Moorabbin played initially in the Federal Football League, making their debut in 1909 and competing until 1950. During this time the club won 12 premierships, including winning all six premierships staged over the nine years between 1940 and 1948 (the competition was in recess from 1942 until 1944). The club entered the VFA in 1951. Its Federal League home ground, the Dane Road Reserve, was not up to VFA standards; so, in 1951 the club played at Cheltenham, and in 1952 moved into the Moorabbin Oval, which the Moorabbin Council had developed during 1951. The Kangaroos made the 1954 and 1955 finals series without success but in 1957 they helped eliminate premiership favourite Williamstown after defeating them by two points in the Semi Final. Moorabbin, who were coached by Bill Faul, took on Port Melbourne in the Grand Final, whom they had not once beaten since joining the league. In another upset, Moorabbin won comfortably to claim their maiden VFA premiership. In the early 1960s, the Moorabbin Council was very keen to bring a Victorian Football League team to Moorabbin Oval. 1964, the Moorabbin City Council secured a deal with St Kilda, who moved to Moorabbin Oval starting in 1965. The club originally intended to seek readmission for the 1965 season, but in July the club committee decided to withdraw permanently from the Association,and disbanded.Photograph is Black and White. Three rows of Australian Rules Football players in a typical team photograph. Some are wearing striped jumpers, either the stripes are going horizontal or parallel. There is a known man in this photo, named Philip Jones, who is holding the football in front row. There are two men wearing suits at the left, on the end of the third row. Hewitt, Photographer, 92 Regent St. North Richmond.moorabbin, football club, 1903, 1908, philip jones, james jones, early settlers, market gardeners, pioneers, herron john, australian rules foorball, victorian footbal league, victorian football association, moorabbin city council, moorabbin shire, city of moorabbin, st kilda football club, -
Unions Ballarat
Matewan, Sayles, John et al, 1987
... Jones, James Earl... Scab labour VHS Matewan Sayles, John Jones, James Earl Rajski ...The film tells the story of the birth of the union movement in Virginia, USA. It relates to a strike about conditions and pay where scab labour was deployed which led to mass killings.Relevant to the history of the union movement in the United States.VHScoal strike, w. va., 1920-21, matewan, coal miners, strikes, industrial action, scab labour -
Federation University Historical Collection
Journal, Donald Douglas Mather, Exercise Books used for Newspaper article notes, 1954
... James Jones... Douglas Mather Keith Rash James Jones gold discovery Handwritten ...Blue covered embassy exercise book of lined paper with handwritten notes inside and some loose notesHandwritten on front cover. From Donald Douglas Mather Rock St, Ivanhoe, Victoria. Ballaarat of Historical Society, Australian History from 1512 to 1890 to Keith Rash August 1968. buninyong gold fields, melbourne morning herald, melbourne argus, dunlop and regan, ballarat gold diggings, melbourne news, donald douglas mather, keith rash, james jones, gold discovery -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of Mines Scrapbook, 1899, 1872-1908
... isaac james jones... robert denham pinnock isaac james jones edward ivan rosenblum ....1) Scrapbook of newspaper clipping in oversize scrapbook .2) White file of newspaper clippings 1872-1908newsclips, newspaper cuttings, schools of mines, sale school of mines, bairnsdale school of mines, daylesford school of mines, castlemaine school of mines, bendigo school of mines, stawell school of mines, st arnaud school of mines, alfred mica smith, industrial institute, james bickett, redmond barry, ballarat school of mines opening, mining engineering, pottery, charles fenner, pottery classes, maurice copland, plumbing, harold herbert, ballarat school of mines statistics, andrew anderson, j.c. molloy, art schools, ballarat west art school, herbert h. smith, amelia h. troon, martha pinkerton, r.t. vale, david ham, clunes, rivett bland obituary, university of melbourne affiliation, gilbert dawbarn, kernot, james patterson, john rowe, cassilis chlorination, r.w. lamb, j. flegeltaub, tasmanian examination, balarat school of mines museum, latham watson, state school students, w. longstafff, daisy ditchburn, e. grownow, ballarat east art school, art gallery association technical art school, e. guse, j.g. williamson, m.f. williamson, george biknell, print engraving, a.e.c. kerr, a.n.a. fete, hannay electro-cyanide process, james oddie, r.m. serjeant, xrays, roentgen xrays, lizzie drape, mines bill, henry forster, technical education in germany, deeble's patent, p. cohen, deeble's cyanide plant donation, h. rosales, thomas hart, ballarat observatory, robert denham pinnock, isaac james jones, edward ivan rosenblum, samuel ernest figgis, r.w. best, thomas f. morkham, beatrice j. flude, bertha craig, drucilla hopwood, george bird, james galbally, mining exchange, transit theodilite, univerisity of melbourne, affiliation, t.d. wanliss, scrapbook, s.e. figgis, j. dawbarn, gilbert dawbarn, g.g. simpson, brown coal, parwan, bacchus marsh, a. berry, f.m. krause, practical mining, cassilis, tasmanian exhibition, ballarat school of mines dilapidated, thomas bath, cyanide, elextirc rock drills, herbert franklin, frank bruce, henry rivett bland, j.n. dunn, dr pinnick, theo williams, steiglitz gold mines, meredith, a.f. balderson, j.m. bickett, f.j. martell, cosmo newberry, m. lindsay, pyrites, pyrites roaster, blucjer amagamator, ludovico hart, photographer, art gallery association's technical art school, ballarat east school of art, otto riegelbuth, hugh colquhoun, louis lemp, g.a.f. soderstron, e. gude, a.f. tweedie, m.l. tuxen, george h. bicknell, c.v. brind, a.h. troon, r. flohm, c.s. proctor, m. oddie, b.s. williamson, f.h.w. robinson, photography classes, i.g. wittkowski, h.r. murphy, mary browne, technical education, andrew berry, r-ray, xray, watson's focus tubes, rohmkorff coil, treloar, wooster, t.e. molloy, w/m/ acheson, ladies art association, ballarat art gallery association, maud glover, bertha s. williamson, hnery foster, native telurides of gold, eliza kershaw, edith curnow -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, 1909 Moorabbin Australian Rules Football Team, 1909 Moorabbin Australian Rules Football Team, 1909
... , philip jones, james jones, paddy green, early settlers, market... football club, 1903, 1908, 1909, philip jones, james jones, paddy ...Australian Rules Football history see MAV 00517 1909: Football Team. Only player named is Paddy Green. Since the player guernseys are almost the same and the photographer is the same we presume this is the same team as shown in MAV 00517 named as the Moorabbin Football Team Moorabbin Football Club, nicknamed the Kangaroos, was the name of two distinct Australian rules football clubs which played in the Victorian Football Association (VFA). The first club, founded in the early 20th century, joined the VFA in 1951 and played there until 1963 with great success; they played home matches at Moorabbin Oval and wore royal blue and white hooped jerseys. The second club played in the VFA from 1983 to 1987. Moorabbin played initially in the Federal Football League, making their debut in 1909 and competing until 1950. During this time the club won 12 premierships, including winning all six premierships staged over the nine years between 1940 and 1948 (the competition was in recess from 1942 until 1944). The club entered the VFA in 1951. Its Federal League home ground, the Dane Road Reserve, was not up to VFA standards; so, in 1951 the club played at Cheltenham, and in 1952 moved into the Moorabbin Oval, which the Moorabbin Council had developed during 1951. The Kangaroos made the 1954 and 1955 finals series without success but in 1957 they helped eliminate premiership favourite Williamstown after defeating them by two points in the Semi Final. Moorabbin, who were coached by Bill Faul, took on Port Melbourne in the Grand Final, whom they had not once beaten since joining the league. In another upset, Moorabbin won comfortably to claim their maiden VFA premiership. In the early 1960s, the Moorabbin Council was very keen to bring a Victorian Football League team to Moorabbin Oval. 1964, the Moorabbin City Council secured a deal with St Kilda, who moved to Moorabbin Oval starting in 1965. The club originally intended to seek readmission for the 1965 season, but in July the club committee decided to withdraw permanently from the Association,and disbanded. Photograph is Black and White. Three row of football boys. Some are wearing striped jumpers, either the stripes are going horizontal or parallel. There are twelve men wearing a suits, four in the third row, four in the second row and four in the first row. One of the boys wearing a suit in the front row, has a hat in his hand. The boys in the front row are kneeling, the second row are standing on the ground and the third row are standing on benches. Only player named is Paddy Green. Phillip Jones may also be in the photo Row 2 4th from left Front of Mount : 1909 Back of Mount : written Paddy Green , stamp HEWITT 92 Regent Street North Richmondfootball team, 1909, paddy green, moorabbin, moorabbin football club, 1903, 1908, 1909, philip jones, james jones, paddy green, early settlers, market gardeners, pioneers, herron john, australian rules foorball, victorian footbal league, victorian football association, moorabbin city council, moorabbin shire, city of moorabbin, st kilda football club, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Craft - Craft equipment, wool winder, c1860
... jones james... from Ireland c1852 and his son, James Jones 1857 – 1940 ...Pioneers migrating to Moorabbin Shire brought items they thought would assist them in the new Country. They had to be self reliant and made their own clothing and utensils while establishing their market gardens and farms. A wooden wool winder, with extending arms for winding hanks of wool into balls prior to knitting. For ease of use the winder also rotates. Circa 1860s this winder was made in Ireland.The pioneer settlers and market gardeners of Moorabbin Shire had to be self reliant and made their own clothing and utensils. This is one of many items used to exhibit the skill and craftsmanship of the women in these families. Phillip Jones migrated from Ireland c1852 and his son, James Jones 1857 – 1940 was born in East Brighton , married Mary Ann Moore and raised his family in Bentleigh, as the area became known. A wooden wool winder, with extending arms for winding hanks of wool into balls prior to knitting. For ease of use the winder also rotates. Circa 1860s this winder was made in Ireland.brighton, moorabbin, pioneers, bentleigh, market gardeners, wool, craft work, early settlers, knitting, craft equipment, jones mary ann, jones james, jones phillip, herron john -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Document, Receipt 1950, c1950
... jones james... james jones mary ann jones martha jones elizabeth ann dendy ...Mr John Herron and his wife Isa Mary Herron purchased the house at 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh in 1950 from Miss M Marriott. He was a descendant of John James an early settler dairyman in Moorabbin Shire and Miss M Marriott was a descendant of the early settler market gardeners Marriott family. Mr Herron lived there until 1989 and the house was then demolished and turned into a carpark for the busy Shopping precinct of Centre Road, Bentleigh.The Marriott family were early settler market gardeners from 1878 in the area of Dendy’s 1841 Special Survey and John Herron was a descendant of Philip Jones , a chair-maker, who settled in the area of East Brighton, now Bentleigh, in 1852 An original paper receipt, dated 25/6/1950, for solicitors fees regarding the purchase of the house a 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh by Mr John Herron from Miss M Marriott. Melbourne 23-6- 1950/ Received from Mr. J. Herron / the Sum of – Sixteen Pounds / nineteen Shillings and three Pence / being costs & fees re Marriott / per letter 10/5/50 / £16.19.3 signed N Boothby Boothby / stamp in left corner dated 23/6/50 / along left side Cook & Heathcote Pty. Ltd., 404 Collins St., Melbournepioneers, early settlers, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, dairyman, dairy farmer, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, jones elizabeth ann, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, elster creek, melbourne, jones ethel may, herron isa mary, herron john, tram conductor, marriott m, cook and heathcote pty ltd -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Document, letter of costs 1950, c1950
... jones james... jones james jones mary ann jones martha jones elizabeth ann ...Mr John Herron and his wife Isa Mary Herron purchased the house at 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh in 1950 from Miss M Marriott. He was a descendant of John James an early settler dairyman in Moorabbin Shire and Miss M Marriott was a descendant of the early settler market gardeners Marriott family. Mr Herron lived there until 1989 and the house was then demolished and turned into a carpark for the busy Shopping precinct of Centre Road, Bentleigh.The Marriott family were early settler market gardeners from 1878 in the area of Dendy’s 1841 Special Survey and John Herron was a descendant of Philip Jones , a chair-maker, who settled in the area of East Brighton, now Bentleigh, in 1852 An original letter, dated 10th May 1950, from solicitors Boothby and Boothby requesting settlement of costs involved with purchase of house at 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh by Mr John Herron from Miss M Marriott Attached is a Statement of Adjustments cat 00053.4 * Boothby & Boothby Imperial Chambers / Solicitors etc. 408 Collins Street/ B>B Boothby / N.B Boothby / - BBB/VP Melbourne C 10th May, 1950/ and at / Korumburra / Loch and / Poowong/ Telephone M 1275 ( 2 Lines )/ Mr. J. Herron, / 4 Vickery Street, / Bentleigh / re Marriott signed N Boothby solicitors, pioneers, early settlers, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, dairyman, dairy farmer, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, jones elizabeth ann, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, elster creek, melbourne, jones ethel may, herron isa mary, herron john, tram conductor, marriott m, boothby and boothby -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Document, statement of fees 1950, c1950
... jones james... james jones mary ann jones martha jones elizabeth ann dendy ...Mr John Herron and his wife Isa Mary Herron purchased the house at 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh in 1950 from Miss M Marriott. He was a descendant of John James an early settler dairyman in Moorabbin Shire and Miss M Marriott was a descendant of the early settler market gardeners Marriott family. Mr Herron lived there until 1989 and the house was then demolished and turned into a carpark for the busy Shopping precinct of Centre Road, Bentleigh.The Marriott family were early settler market gardeners from 1878 in the area of Dendy’s 1841 Special Survey and John Herron was a descendant of Philip Jones , a chair-maker, who settled in the area of East Brighton, now Bentleigh, in 1852 An original, paper, Statement of Adjustments attached to previous item 00053.3 for purchase of the house at 4 Vickery Street, Bentleigh by Mr John Herron from Miss M Marriott in 1950 Heading - HERRON & ANOR. From MARRIOTT / Adjustment of Rates, Taxes, etc., as at 12th May 1950 / list of costs/ typed in left hand bottom corner – E. & O.E, / Melbourne, / 10th May 1950 pioneers, early settlers, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, dairyman, dairy farmer, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, jones elizabeth ann, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, elster creek, melbourne, jones ethel may, herron isa mary, herron john, tram conductor, marriott m, boothby b b, boothby n b, solicitors, land sales, house sales 1950, real estate