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matching cig
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Book, Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited (CIG), "The Oxy-Acetylene Resurfacing of Railway Crossings", c1960
Twenty four page book with light card covers, side stapled and green cloth bound titled "The Oxy-Acetylene Resurfacing of Railway Crossings". Cover green paper with darker green mottled finish. Cover and title sheet printed in black ink, the rest printed by Gestetner process using stencils with hand drawn sketches. Gives information on the resurfacing of railway crossings using oxy acetylene rods, including equipment, preparation, flame adjustment, procedures, notes, protection and material consumption. Includes an index. On inside of rear cover has printed "Issued by / Sales Department / The Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited / Alexandra NSW" No date given for printing, possibly c1960. Company later known as CIG,On front cover in faded black ink are a number of names and a number - unreadable.trams, tramways, trackwork, railway crossing, repairs -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Booklet (item) - CIG Hints on gas welding & cutting
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Label, Cylinder, Commonwealth Industrial Gases Ltd
Large unused hexagonal shaped CIG label made for use on carbogen cylinders. Beige and green background with black lettering.Information printed on label: CIG MEDICAL SECTION [logo] / OXYGEN 90% CARBON DIOXIDE 10% / (These Percentages are subject to a tolerance) / Contents..........Imp. Gallons / COMPRESSED / CARBOGEN / C.I.G. (Victoria) Pty. Ltd. / 550 Latrobe Street, Melbourne, C.3 / Telephone: FJ6681 / USE NO OIL / OR GREASElabel, cylinder, cig, carbogen, compressed carbogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, cig victoria -
Ambulance Victoria Museum
Resuscitator, Air Viva, The Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited, Circa 1960
Issued to Ambulance stations during the 1990s and also used at public venues kike swimming polls as the item was easily used by personnel with limited training. Item was used taken in ambulances. Source Chas Martin (AHSV curator 29 Feb 2016).pale green fibre board box with carry handle. Opens out and contains a resuscitation kit. Contains instruction leaflets.THE CIG AIR VIVA RESUSCITATORresuscitation, air viva, cig -
Ambulance Victoria Museum
Humidicrib, CIG, Thermocot, The Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited, Circa 1970s
Humidicribs are used to transport sick babies from small hospitals to major hospitals for specialist care. They work by maintaining normal body temperature and provide oxygen if needed during ambulance transit. Known by a variety of commercial names, earlier humidicribs were ones heated with water bottles. Not part of an ambulances standard equipment, humidicribs are kept in ambulance stations and carried if babies needed to be transported. In the early days before humidicribs came into use and when air ambulances did not exist, many more babies died during emergency transits than do today The Thermocot Developed from the Port-O-Cot, CIG later produced the Thermocot. The new humidicrib had a number of advantages over the Port-O-Cot. Most importantly it had an over-temperature alarm and cut out. It was also calibrated in degrees Celsius as by then the metric measuring system had been introduced to Australia. It also had a front opening canopy which was easier for nursing staff to use. Metal box with Perspex opening top section. Carry handles at each end.Thermocot portable infant incubator CIGinfant -
Ambulance Victoria Museum
Humidicrib, CIG, Thermocot, The Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited, Circa 1970s
Humidicribs are used to transport sick babies from small hospitals to major hospitals for specialist care. They work by maintaining normal body temperature and provide oxygen if needed during ambulance transit. Known by a variety of commercial names, earlier humidicribs were ones heated with water bottles. Not part of an ambulances standard equipment, humidicribs are kept in ambulance stations and carried if babies needed to be transported. In the early days before humidicribs came into use and when air ambulances did not exist, many more babies died during emergency transits than do today The Thermocot Developed from the Port-O-Cot, CIG later produced the Thermocot. The new humidicrib had a number of advantages over the Port-O-Cot. Most importantly it had an over-temperature alarm and cut out. It was also calibrated in degrees Celsius as by then the metric measuring system had been introduced to Australia. It also had a front opening canopy which was easier for nursing staff to use. Metal box with Perspex opening top section. Carry handles at each end.Thermocot portable infant incubator CIG -
Parks Victoria - Gabo Island Lightstation
Resuscitator kit & case
For medical emergencies at Gabo Island. Unsure if ever used. The portable, manual resuscitator kit is contained in its original green vinyl, hinged case that has corner protectors and two metal front fasteners. Information on the case indicates that it is an ‘Air CIG Viva Resuscitator’. It was used for manual force feeding oxygen into a person’s lungs with the use of a breathing bag, and there are instructions for using the resuscitating bag. The kit was produced by the Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited, Alexandria, NSW, a company active between 1935 and 1994. An identical kit, which has been accurately dated to 1951, remains at the Cape Otway Lightstation . Another identical kit is held by the Ambulance Historical Society Victoria.Both kits have first level contributory significance for their historic values and provenance.Resuscitator box, green vinyl, hinged handle at top. Two metal fasteners on front, metal plated corners on lid. White thread stitching around edges. Case contains a resuscitator kit.On case "Air CIG Viva Resuscitator. "On sticker "C. of A. D.O.T. 141545" -
Ambulance Victoria Museum
Brochure, Operating Instructions, Thermot Portable Infant Incubator, The Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited
Instruction booklet for infant incubators in AHSV collectionBlack and white printed 27 page brochure. Photograph of incubator/humidy crib on front cover.THERMOCOT CIGincubator -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
This photograph was reproduced in the book One Grand Chain : The History of Anaesthesia in Australia 1846 - 1962 : Volume 2 1934 - 1962, Gwen Wilson, edited by Jeanette Thirlwell Jones, on page 89.Black and white photograph depicting a dentist's office with a woman patient sitting in a chair receiving anaesthesia. Behind the chair is a fully gowned and masked anaesthetist operating a DM Machine with CIG oxygen cylinders. The male dentist is seated to the left of the patient holding equipment near the patient's mouth. A woman dental nurse is standing to the left of the dentist holding a suction tool.•Stamped in red ink on reverse: C.I.G. Equipment Pty. Ltd. •Handwritten in blue ink on reverse: CG13 •Handwritten in grey pencil on reverse: Dr H.N. Matthews / Essendon / Return to F Biggs •Handwritten in grey pencil on reverse: 6 [in a circle]dentist, anaesthetist, dental nurse, patient, cig, oxygen cylinder, shipway, dm machine -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Photograph, The Age, 1961
Black and white photograph depicting four men in business suits on a beach, standing around a table displaying medical equipment and oxygen tanks. There are CIG oxygen tanks leaning upright against the table, and a display box containing oxygen tanks is on the ground in front of the table. There is another box displaying oxygen tanks, an open suitcase and a megaphone on the table. Three of the men are looking at the fourth man on the far right who is holding a piece of equipment. There is an ambulance from the Elwood Life Saving Club directly behind the men and other cars in the background.•Handwritten in grey pencil on reverse: 7 [inside a circle] •Handwritten in grey pencil on reverse: 4902 •Printed stamp in blue ink on reverse: COPYRIGHT / This photograph may not be reproduced / without permission in writing from the / Editor of "The Age" / 233 Collins Street, Melbourne, and 117 / Pitt Street, Sydney •Printed in black ink on paper label which has detached from the reverse of photograph: ELWOOD LIFE SAVING CLUB / EQUIPMENT PRESENTATION: / Photo from the "AGE" dated 30th December, 1961, / showing the comissioning of Elwood Life Saving / Club's new Ambulance replacing one wrecked in / a collision and covering the presentation of a / State Government cheque for £1,000 by Mr. Baron / Snider, M.L.A. to cover the cost of this ambulance. / In the picture, Mr. Snider (right) inspects / equipment with - from left, the state secretary / of The Royal Life Saving Society of Australia / (Mr. E. A. Pleydell, M.B.E.), club secretary / Mr. Tom Manion, and club president Mr. Jack / Conabere.oxygen tanks, oxygen, cig, the royal life saving club of australia, elwood lifesaving club, ambulance -
Ambulance Victoria Museum
Resuscitator, Air Viva 2, The Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited, Circa 1975 - 1980
Portable resuscitation equipment. Not used in ambulances but kept at swimming pools, industrial sites and other work places for emergency use.Blue plastic carry case with clear plastic lid containing resuscitation equipmentCIG MEDISHIELD AIR-VIVA 2 RESUSCITATORresuscitation -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Cigar box
Good example of crested gift ware distributed by schoolWooden barrel with lid at the top; metal Ballarat College crest fixed to the lid, metal hinges; four screws to attach resting base to barrel; fragment of label fixed to baseLabel: No 217 /Containing / 50 Teofani Virgina Cig... / CORK TIPPED -
Woods' Farming and Heritage Museum
Carry case containing rubber bag with 2 plastic with rubber seal, face masks. Instuctions and sales docket inclosed.Case - AIR cig VIVA RESUSCITATOR Inside Lid - (Expand photo to read) -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Kit, Resuscitator, Commonwealth Industrial Gases Ltd, c.1960
Green case with lock at the front and plastic green handle on top with a manufacturer's label stuck on top. Inside the case is divided into three separate section, one containing a clear plastic mask with latex cushioning, the second containing a grey resuscitation bulb and the third containing a smaller clear plastic mask with latex cushioning, still in original packaging.Green manufacturer's label on top of case: THE CIG AIR-VIVA RESUSCITATOR Inside case: Original label 'Operating Instructions'ambu, resuscitator, cig air-viva -
Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
CIG, Oxygen Mask
Plasticcig, oxygen, mask -
Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
CIG, Oxygen Mask
Plasticcig, oxygen, mask -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black & white photograph, Bert Graham Collection, Graeme Edwards standing behind John Parry and Allan Masters with cig in hand and trophies on the table in the background for the Bendigo East Swimming Club's presentation, 56-57, as mentioned on back with 56-57 Graham in red ink. 1/2 Col of man on right Hd & shoulders in circle.bendigo, clubs, bendigo east swimming club -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Label, Cylinder, Commonwealth Industrial Gases Ltd
Large unused rectangular label made for use on carbon dioxide cylinders with 5% CO2 printed on it. Beige with black lettering.label, cylinder, cig, carbon dioxide, commonwealth industrial gases ltd -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Label, Cylinder, Commonwealth Industrial Gases Ltd
Large unused rectangular label made for use on carbon dioxide cylinders with 10% CO2 printed on it. Beige with black lettering.label, cylinder, cig, carbon dioxide, commonwealth industrial gases ltd -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Funnel, glass, Pre 1930
A funnel, held above the patient's face, was almost the standard of giving oxygen until c.1930. It was quite useless, enriching the inhaled atmosphere by only about 3% of oxygen.Clear dimpled glass in the shape of a funnel, with red strong running through the centre, and tied to one side.oxygen, oxygen therapy, funnel, cig, commonwealth industrial gases -
Bendigo Military Museum
Document - POSTAL MONEY ORDER COUNTERFOILS, Postmaster General, 1945
Counterfoils were kept by the sender of Postal Order money during WW2. Part of the collection of Frederick Gardner Davey DFC RAAF. Refer cat No 3536P for his service details.Collection of five postal money order counterfoils, rectangular shape, blue and black printing on the front in spaces provided, each is for a differant amount, 5/-, 3/-, 2/-, 6d, and 5/- (Schillings and pence).1) hand written in blue ink, “OHQ RAAF Cig fund, Kingsway No 8/2/45. .2) hand written in black ink, “OHQ RAAF Cigarette fund Kingsway No 26/3/45”souvenir, memorabilia, postage documents -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Equipment - Cylinder, Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide has been used for anaesthesia in dentistry since December 1844, where Horace Wells made the first 12–15 dental operations with the gas in Hartford. Its debut as a generally accepted method, however, came in 1863, when Gardner Quincy Colton introduced it more broadly at all the Colton Dental Association clinics, that he founded in New Haven and New York City. Hospitals administer nitrous oxide as one of the anaesthetic drugs delivered by anaesthetic machines. Nitrous oxide is a weak general anaesthetic, and so is generally not used alone in general anaesthesia. In general anaesthesia it is used as a carrier gas with oxygen for more powerful general anaesthetic drugs.Medium size empty blue coloured cylinder with rounded base and painted white neck once containing Nitrous Oxide. A large blue on white diamond shaped label is adhered onto the main cylinder body.Printed on manufacturer's label: 'CIG [logo] / [blank weights table] / DRY / NITROUS OXIDE / C.I.G. (Victoria) PTY. LTD. / 50 LA TROBE STREET, MELBOURNE C3 / Telephones: FJ 6681 / FJ 4164 / USE NO OIL / OR GREASE'nitrous oxide, dental anaesthesia, dental anesthesia, gardner quincy colton, colton dental association -
Seaworks Maritime Museum
Novita Resuscitation canister
missing componentsmetal canister with valve, black body and white top, OXYGEN stencilled on both sides, silver valve attachment, fastened to the boxPMA 0433/2. Sticker; Keep cylinder cool/CIG/B.P. Grade/OXYGEN COMPRESSED/DO NOT ALLOW OIL OR GREASE ON VALVE/OPEN VALVE SLOWLY CLOSE AFTER USE. Sticker; USE NO OIL OR GREASE/THEY CAUSE EXPLOSIONS/OXYGENport melbourne authority (pma) -
Ambulance Victoria Museum
Humidicrib, CIG, Port-O-Cot, The Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited
Humidicribs are used to transport sick babies from small hospitals to major hospitals for specialist care. They work by maintaining normal body temperature and provide oxygen if needed during ambulance transit. Known by a variety of commercial names, earlier humidicribs were ones heated with water bottles. Not part of an ambulances standard equipment, humidicribs are kept in ambulance stations and carried if babies needed to be transported. In the early days before humidicribs came into use and when air ambulances did not exist, many more babies died during emergency transits than do today Manufactured by the Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited (better known as CIG), Australian-made Port-O-Cot brand humidicribs came replaced timber home-made humidicribs. They had electrical heating and easy to control oxygen flow and humidity control equipment. CIG also noted that noted that: Once the baby has been placed inside, the cot need not be opened, all nursing operations being carried out through the iris armholes. Even though the baby is in complete isolation nursing is a straight forward matter… The iris armholes allow nurses to feed, weigh, take temperatures, change napkins or, in fact, carry out any procedures without changing or disturbing the atmosphere within the cot. Happily for ambulance officers and nurses, the new Port-O-Cots were also much lighter and easy to carry than their old timber ones! metal box with carry handles and Perspex opening top. Carry handles at each end.PORT-O-COTinfant -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Label, cylinder, Austox et al
Medium sized diamond shaped label made for use on cyclopropane cylinders. White with a dark orange background and black and white lettering.Information printed on label: AUSTOX [logo] / INFLAMMABLE / CYCLOPROPANE / FOR ANAESTHESIA / KEEP COOL / (PRODUCT OF THE OHIO CHEMICAL & MFG. CO.) / CONTENTS: OZ. GALLONS (IMP.) / GROSS WT. CYLINDER LBS. OZS. / TARE WT. CYLINDER LBS. OZS. / AUSTRALIAN OXYGEN & INDUSTRIAL GASES / PTY. LTD. / 550 LATROBE STREET / MELBOURNE / C1label, cylinder, cig, cyclopropane, austox, ohio chemical and mfg company, australian oxygen and industrial gases pty ltd, commonwealth industrial gases ltd -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Label, Cylinder, Austox et al
Large unused diamond shaped Austox label made for use on ethylene cylinders. Beige with red lettering.Information printed on label: SPECIALLY PREPARED FOR MEDICAL USE / AUSTOX [logo] / INFLAMMABLE / ETHYLENE / KEEP COOL / Product of the OHIO CHEMICAL & MFG. CO., CLEVELAND. / Contents...............c.ft. ............... gallons (Imp.) / Weight of Full Cylinder ..........lbs. ..........ozs. / 31 OUNCES ETHYLENE = 166 1/2 GALLONS (IMPERIAL) / Use only moderate force when closing valve / Always test with water for leakage after using / Australian Oxygen & Industrial Gases / Pty. Ltd. / MELBOURNElabel, cylinder, cig, ethylene, austox, ohio chemical and mfg company, australian oxygen and industrial gases pty ltd, commonwealth industrial gases ltd -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Label, Cylinder, Austox et al
Large unused diamond shaped Austox label made for use on carbon dioxide cylinders. Black and beige background, with beige and red lettering.Information printed on label: SPECIALLY PREPARED FOR MEDICAL USES. / AUSTOX [logo] / COMPRESSED / CARBON DIOXIDE / KEEP COOL [in red] / WEIGHTS: / GROSS..........LBS. ........OZS. / TARE..........LBS. ........OZS. / NET..........LBS. .......OZS. / Contents Imp. Gallons / USE NO OIL OR GREASE ON VALVE [in red] / AUSTRALIAN OXYGEN / AND / INDUSTRIAL GASES / PTY. LTD. / MELBOURNElabel, cylinder, carbon dioxide, cig, commonwealth industrial gases ltd, compressed carbon dioxide, austox, australian oxygen and industrial gases pty ltd -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Equipment - Cylinder, Medical Compressed Air
Early cylinders were coloured as their maker saw fit, usually black, perhaps with a white top for oxygen. The Americans first achieved standardisation, but other countries do not follow American Standards. Australia follows the colour-scheme of the British Oxygen Corporation. The body is coloured individually for each gas, viz: compressed air, grey; carbon dioxide, brown; oxygen, black; nitrous oxygen, blue’ cyclopropane, primrose-yellow’ ethylene, mauve. Panels of other colours may appear on the body, but indicate technical points of cylinder-design and do not concern the anaesthetist. (Penn catalogue entry)Empty small pale green painted cylinder with rounded base and attached outflow valve with circular 'On-Off' knob.Handwritten in red paint across the main body of the cylinder: ST. VINCENTS 32510 Printed on manufacturer's label: 'KEEP CYLINDER COOL / CIG [logo] / MADE IN AUSTRALIA / MEDICAL AIR COMPRESSED / DO NOT ALLOW OIL OR GREASE ON VALVE / OPEN VALVE SLOWLY CLOSE AFTER USEcompressed air, cylinder, colour standardisation -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Label, Cylinder, Austox et al
Large unused diamond shaped Austox label made for use on ethylene cylinders. Red with beige lettering.Information printed on label: AUSTOX [logo] / INFLAMMABLE / ETHYLENE / KEEP COOL / Product of the British Oxygen Co. Ltd. / Contents...............c.ft. ...............gallons (Imp.) / Weight of Full Cylinder ..........lbs. ..........ozs. / 31 OUNCES ETHYLENE = 166 1/2 GALLONS (IMPERIAL) / Use only moderate force when closing valve / Always test with water for leakage after using / Australian Oxygen & Industrial Gases / Pty. Ltd. / MELBOURNElabel, cylinder, cig, ethylene, austox, british oxygen company, boc, australian oxygen and industrial gases pty ltd, commonwealth industrial gases ltd -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Portable dental and midwifery anaesthetic machine, Commonwealth Industrial Gases Ltd, circa 1950
This gas anaesthesia machine comprises a four yolk manifold, two circular metal components for nitrous oxide and two for oxygen. It is mounted atop a four pointed stand on casters for portability. In addition to reducing valves and regulators, the main stand also supports a cream-coloured, cylindrical Austox fractional rebreather and an ether vaporiser with variable bypass control within a circular glass container. portable, anaesthesia, midwifery, dentistry, obstetrics, oxygen, nitrous oxide, commonwealth industrial gases ltd, cig, austox fractional rebreather, ether vaporiser, variable bypass control, 1950