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matching brian laurie
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (VHS), Diamond Creek Fire Brigade, c.1955-1987
... Brian Laurie... around the oval. Mention of young lad Brian Laurie who has his... around the oval. Mention of young lad Brian Laurie who has his ...Combination of three movie films. Movie One (1950s): 00:00 – 13:14 Black and white footage of Diamond Creek firemen practising in Diamond Street in the 1950s for forthcoming demonstrations of abilities. Mentions of Gordon Brandy and Joe Hislop Running out hoses from old hose reels along Diamond Street, Diamond Creek Displays from various brigades running out and connecting hoses. Also scenes from the 1950s of Diamond Creek Fire Brigade competing in various locations around Victoria and Tasmania. Mentions of Brigade members Dave Kidd, Bruce Hackett, Ron Kirkbride, Jack Marks, Graham Upton who are prominent in these events. Members of Kyneton Fire Brigade also present. Members competing in running out hose reels, connecting hoses togethers and to hydrants then climbing towers to direct water from hose or at a target hanging above the road. Diamond Creek members identified wearing a diamond on their chest and back. Includes scenes of Scottish pipe bands at the events and significant crowds of spectators. Footage of Mel Stone and Beryl Marks, Stan Redpath and Ron Kirkbride, then Ron Kirkbride and Eric Holt viewing flower displays. Film changes to colour at Diamond Creek oval for practice with fire engine entering oval. Members depicted include Bill May, Jack Sinclair, Jim Cox, Bob Beale, Dave Kidd, Bruce Hackett and Captain Clarrie Stone. Reverts to black and white in the 1950s where the Brigade joins forces with the Diamond Valley Community Hospital for a Gala Day on the Diamond Creek Oval. Changes to colour again, possibly same event and scenes of children on bikes and scooters or with prams and carts racing around the oval. Mention of young lad Brian Laurie who has his own fire truck. Dart throwing, pony rides. Scenes with Dr Don Cordner, Gus Lyons, Vic Cohn (?) and spinning wheel and Diamond Creek School children entertain a large crowd with Maypole dancing. Movie Two (1950s): 13:25 – 19:00 This black and white film was taken by a TV film crew in the 1950s depicts a typical call out for the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. In this case the careless action of a member of the public throwing a lighted match from a car, which can cause extensive damage. Footage features the Shire of Eltham War Memorial tower at Kangaroo Ground before it was modified with a fire spotter’s cabin. Discusses fire spotting operations from the tower. Shows a fire spotter walking around the top of the tower. A fire is detected, and the information is relayed to the nearest fire station, in this case, Diamond Creek. The telephone call is received, and the alarm sounded. Captain Clarrie Stone and firemen May and Shaw leave their workplaces and prepare for action. Scenes of running across the Main Hurstbridge road showing the shops (Shell service station and Chemist prominent). Scenes entering the fire station which has a pictorial warning covering the entire door “Only you can prevent forest fires – If you’re careless – we’re homeless!” Eric Holt pinpoints the location of the fire while Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw take note. The advance vehicle (an FE Holden ute, rego GTE-696) leaves to assess the extent of the fire. Having assessed the fire, Fireman Shaw communicates with base showing radio with call sign VL3JZ. Eric Holt takes the call. In the meantime, Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw undertake some limited action to address the fire. Firemen Bill May, Jim Bates and Hugh Bar (?) man the tanker. A photo portrait of Queen Elizabeth is visible hanging on the wall. They are later joined by Firemen Jim Cox, Eric DeBuse (?) and Jack Marks. The tanker is seen departing the station and diverging off before the bridge. Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw are seen pumping water on the flames with hand pumps when the tanker arrives. The hose is unreeled, and water turned on the flames. Jack Sinclair joins the action. Jim Cox directs water to the high stuff. The fire put out, Jack Marks and Eric DeBuse wind in the hoses and the team head back to town. It’s peaceful again at the memorial tower. Movie Three (1969-1987): 19:14 – 34:34 Colour film “Fired with Dedication”, Country Fire Authority Victoria, produced by I.L. Wadeson, Commentary by A.M. Hem. Credits with CFA Victoria emblem and then placed over a view of an old-style ladder engine. Opens with the scene of a fire engine outside the Diamond Creek Fire Station then various trophies reflecting the competition success of the brigade in various track and disciplined events. Two trophies shown of particular pride to the brigade were for first place in the Torchlight Procession at the State Championships in Mildura in 1986 and also at Swan Hill in 1981. Still photo scenes of ex Captain Clarrie Stone, Brigade Captain for 21 years; ex Captain Jack Marks, 10 years; ex Captain Ian Douglas, 10 years. Cuts to scene of radio control room, January 1969, and news of a fire on the northern side of the township of Diamond Creek. With scenes of flames in bush, the narration explains that until the early 1960s the area was an orchard district which protected the town against the savagery of bushfires. But due to competition from other areas more suitable for orcharding and easier transport to Melbourne the district could no longer remain competitive, and orchards were replaced by grassed areas, which together with the bush areas were a feeding ground for fire. On 8th January 1969, high temperatures and strong north winds, were, with the carelessness of some individual all that was necessary to produce the worst fire the district had seen. Cuts to scene of blackened fields and cattle - Hundreds of hectares of grass land were blackened, and cattle had to be transported to other areas for agistment. Scene of destroyed buildings in the township – 13 houses and the public hall in the town were destroyed as was the theatre equipment which was owned by the fire brigade. The Church of England Hall and bell tower were badly damaged. The whole town could have been burnt out but for the determination, skill, and courage of the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. Scenes of all that was left of the home on the hill on the west side of the Church of England. Also, the remains of the old Pisy (?) home on the top of the same hill near Lambert Street, and the ruined Crocker home. Cuts to a scene in the mid-1970s to mid-1980s of a house fire in Haley Street attended by the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. Although the house was severely damaged, it was saved. Mentions that whilst assistance is appreciated, in some circumstances, those doing so are not properly dressed for fighting fires. Breathing apparatus is a must in structure fire attack. Next scene (either on Mangarook or Coventry oval) showing off four Diamond Creek Fire Brigade efficient and very expensive firefighting units. Features a forward control vehicle Toyota 4WD used for conveying task force personnel to the required areas; a Hino Model 3.2 tanker, diesel powered and carries 3,000 litres of water and has a 16 HP petrol driven pump which delivers 900 litres of water per minute; an International tanker (registration TCM-418) which carries 3,000 litres of water with pumping capacity of 600 litres per minute. The Ford diesel powered pumper (registration MXE-754) is a well-equipped vehicle with a water capacity of 1,000 litres and capable of pumping 1,900 litres of water per minute from the main pump, has many lockers which hose equipment such as breathing apparatus and various types of hose nozzles and foam making equipment. The vehicle carries 360m of 64mm diameter hose which can be laid out from the rear lockers and a portable lighting plant, an Oxy Viva resuscitator to revive smoke inhalation victims and forcible entry tools to gain access to structure fires. Views of the main pump and control panel on the vehicle. As well as the main pump, the vehicle is equipped with an auxiliary pump which allows the facility to pump whilst moving. Fire fighters must undergo constant training and hone their skills, Scenes of a training exercise using the pumper to pump from static water. First, the short lengths of suction hose are coupled, a strainer fitted to ensure debris does not foul the pump. Gauges must be constantly monitored to ensure manageable water pressures are maintained. Pressures are normally controlled to allow two fire fighters to work at each nozzle outlet. Two nozzles are tested, one adjustable jet fog type which is used on flammable gasses or within a structure fire to absorb heat. A straight jet nozzle to project water long distances to protect exposed surfaces close to a fire radiated heat. The pumper is quite a versatile vehicle in handling structure fires, but it also carries specialist equipment needed in containing hazardous chemical incidents. Cuts to scene of parade – the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade has with other neighbouring brigades participated in most town fairs and earns the respect of the watching public. It can be seen why this brigade has been so successful at disciplined contests. Views of Plenty Fire Brigade Road Rescue unit which is equipped with the “Jaws of Life” Scenes of athletic competitions – many neighbouring brigades indulge in friendly but keen competition at the Diamond Creek Town Fair. The young are also encouraged to participate in all aspects of Junior Fire Brigade activities and become tomorrow’s generation of volunteer fire fighters. Scene of the 1986 Diamond Creek Town Fair which was the last time veteran Captain Clarrie Stone BEM marched with the brigade. Clarrie was awarded the British Empire Medal for his service to the Country Fire Authority. Also, scenes of vehicles in the parade. Cuts to scene of brigade members in drill formation for inspection by Acting Chief Harry Rothsay (?) on the occasion of the opening of the new fire station extensions on August 29, 1987. Rudy Libel (?) Captain at the time. Scenes of crowds including many dignitaries of neighbouring brigades present including Lieutenant Gordon Grandy (who came down from Queensland for the occasion) and ex-Secretary David Kidd and wife Betty, also ex Captain Clarrie Stone and Mrs Nel Stone, a life member of the Ladies Auxiliary, the Reverend Jock Ryan, son of J.L Ryan, founder of the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade, Foundation Captain of the fire brigade, Keith Bradbury and Mrs Bradbury. Pauline Dick accepts a community service award for services to the CFA. Recognising over 47 and a half years of service, a presentation is made by Mr Neil Marshall, Acting Chairman of the CFA to ex Captain Clarrie Stone with response by Clarrie. Other members of the official party include Cr. Martin Wright, Shire President Wayne Phillips and local Member of Parliament, Mrs Pauline Toner. Ex foreman John Bennett is presented with a life member’s awards by Captain Rudy Libel. The camera also catches Gwen Cox, Jean Ryan and Bessie Layton (?) Provides historic footage of people, places and equipment and a record of the worst fires expoerienced in Diamond Creek in 1969BASF Standard Quality SQ E-180 VHS dubbing (poor quality) of three films Converted to MP4 file format 0:34:38, 1.85GBOn label: "Donation - August 2000 Diamond Creek Unit Old films made up from Fire Brigade shows at competitions - also Kangaroo Ground Tower being used"video recording, diamond creek fire brigade, 1986 diamond creek town fair, a.m. hem, acting chief harry rothsay, athletic competitions, beryl marks, bessie layton, betty kidd, bill may, bob beale, brian laurie, bruce hackett, captain clarrie stone, chemist, church of england hall, clarrie stone, clarrie stone bem, country fire authority victoria, coventry oval, cr. martin wright, crocker home, dart throwing, dave kidd, david kidd, diamond creek, diamond creek fire station, diamond creek oval, diamond creek school, diamond creek town fair, diamond street, diamond valley community hospital, dr don cordner, eric debuse, eric holt, fe holden ute, fire damage – buildings, fire spotter, fire spotter’s cabin, fire station extension, fired with dedication (film), firefighting units, fireman shaw, firemen jim cox, ford pumper, foundation captain, gala day, gordon brandy, gordon grandy, graham upton, gus lyons, gwen cox, haley street, hino model 3.2 tanker, house fire, i.l. wadeson, ian douglas, international tanker, j.l ryan, jack marks, jack sinclair, january 1969, jaws of life, jean ryan, jim bates and hugh bar, jim cox, joe hislop, john bennett, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground tower, keith bradbury, kyneton fire brigade, lambert street, main hurstbridge road, mangarook oval, maypole dancing, mel stone, mildura 1986, mrs bradbury, mxe754 vic registration, neil marshall, nel stone, orchard district, oxy viva resuscitator, pauline dick, pauline toner mp, pisy home, plenty fire brigade road rescue unit, pony rides, radio control room, reverend jock ryan, ron kirkbride, rudy libel, shell service station, shire of eltham war memorial, shire president wayne phillips, spinning wheel, stan redpath, state championships, swan hill 1981, tcm418 vic registration, torchlight procession, toyota 4wd, trophies, vic cohn, victorian bushfires - 1969, vl3jz -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Black and White, City of Kew Councillors at the last Meeting in the Kew Town Hall, Walpole Street, c1972
... , behind these councillors sits Brian Robinson, Laurie Johnson... gerard petrie Jack Ryan George McKenzie Brian Robinson Laurie ...The former Kew Town Hall was used for an Op Shop for a number of years before it was demolished for a supermarket.City of Kew Councillors at the last Meeting in the Kew Town Hall, Walpole Street. Left to right going around the table: Cr Dick Cremin, Cr Ivan Wade, Cr Dorothy Buchanan, Cr Jack Ryan, Cr George McKenzie , Cr Gerard Petrie, Cr Jack Gervasoni, behind these councillors sits Brian Robinson, Laurie Johnson (Town Clerk), Cr Leo Hawkins (Mayor), George Russell (City Engineer) , ?, ?, Cr Gladys "Bon" Fink, [possible Cr Percival "Percy" Watts?]' Cr Phyllis Hore, [Possibly Cr Frank O'Brien?], Cr Alan Hutchisoncity of kew, councillors, kew town hall, dick cremin, ivan wade, jack ryan, gerrie petrie, jack gervasoni, john hogan gervasoni, alan hutchinson, gerard petrie, jack ryan, george mckenzie, brian robinson, laurie johnson, leo hawkins, george russell, gladys "bon" fink, bon fink, percival watts, phyllis hore, frank o'brien -
Mt Dandenong & District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Mt Dandenong School 1935, 1935
... Row - ?, Laurie Bowman, ?, ?, Brian Tonkin Snr, Reg Grieve... laurie bowman monnie bowman donald jeeves irene jeeves esme ...Formal Mt Dandenong School photograph from 1935. Mounted on stiff cardboard. There is a small view of the school building at the top of the photograph. Suggested names are as follows: Back Row - ?, Laurie Bowman, ?, ?, Brian Tonkin Snr, Reg Grieve, ?, ?, Jackie Bridgeland, Bill Hodgson. 3rd Row - Mr Wherry (Headmaster), Violet Oliver, Esme Jeeves, Frances Hoskin, Yvonne Dower, ....Dixon, ...Dickson, ?, ?, ...Dyson, Noel Grieve, Ken Jeeves, ?, Miss Claribel Bowman (Junior Teacher). 2nd Row - ?, ?, ?, ?, Elsie Oliver, Dorothy Jeeves, Monnie Bowman, Edna Hodgson, Marjorie Dower, ?, Irene Jeeves. 1st Row - Pat Clutterbuck (seated), Betty Wherry (Headmaster's daughter), Verna Dewitt, R Rivett, ?, Norma Jeeves, ....Dyson, ?, Percy Dyson, Donald Jeeves, Laurence Jeeves, Robert Dower, Arthur Upfield Jnr (seated)mt dandenong school, arthur upfield junior, jeeves, laurie bowman, monnie bowman, donald jeeves, irene jeeves, esme jeeves, dorothy jeeves, laurence jeeves, ken jeeves -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment – Corps Day Parade and Defence Force Service Medal Presentations, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo, 1987
This set of 36 photographs were taken at a Corps Day Parade held at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo on the 1st of July 1987. The Parade Commander was CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, and the Reviewing Officer was the Colonel Commandant (honorary appointment) of the Survey Corps - COL Clem Sargent (Retd). The Corps Day Parade was held to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the formation of the Royal Australian Survey Corps. It was an occasion for great celebration at the Regiment. After 45 years in Bendigo, its future was finally secure. At the traditional anniversary parade, the Colonel Commandant COL Clem Sargent praised the efforts of the Regiment and led the soldiers in three cheers for the record production of the previous 12 months. More information is provided in page 140 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4. This set of photos cover the start of the Corps Day Parade, drill movements of the four Squadrons forming up on the parade ground and the formal arrival of the Reviewing Officer. See Item 6376.18P for additional photographs taken at the Corps Day Parade, comprising inspections of the Regiment’s four squadrons, presentations of the Defence Force Service Medal in recognition of 15 years of efficient remunerated service to SSGT Phil Meagher and SGT Wayne Rothwell; and formal group photos of each of the four Squadrons, Officers, and Warrant Officers/Sergeants.This is a set of 36 photographs of a Corps Day Parade held at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo in July 1987. The black & white photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Unidentified personnel marching onto parade ground. .2) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Squadrons marching on parade ground. 1st rank L to R: LCPL Ken Dempster, unidentified (x2), WO2 Neville Stone, remainder unidentified. .3) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Right file L to R: WO2 George Graham, WO2 Dave Miles, remainder unidentified. .4) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: WO1 Stevo Hinic, 1st rank – unidentified, CPL Max Watson, unidentified, WO2 Peter Tangey. .5) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: WO2 Ralph Chant, CPL Gary Drummond, SGT Gary Kerr, unidentified, CPL Dale Hudson, unidentified, LCPL Daryl South, CPL Kerron South, CPL Peter Dillon, SGT Brian Fauth, SGT Graham Johnston, CPL Peter Swandale, CPL Jim Ash, unidentified, CPL Gary Tremain, unidentified, unidentified UK exchange, unidentified WO1 Ken Slater, WO1 Doug Arman. .6) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: WO2 Alan Bunn, CPL Bob Thrower, SGT Kevin Boehm, CPL Peter Coles, CPL John ‘JJ’ Smith, CPL Laurie Justin, LCPL Bob Sheppard, CPL Steve McGuiness, SGT Bob Garritty, SPR Jim Humphrey, unidentified (x2), SSGT Greg Gilbert, unidentified, WO2 George Graham. .7) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: CPL Rod Skidmore, SSGT Phil Meagher, WO1 Colin Cuskelly, unidentified, CPL Colin McInnes, unidentified, CPL Jeff Le Fe-Fevre, SPR Richard Arman, CPL Dan Cirsky, CPL Michelle Griffith, LCPL Tom Bloxham, SPR Ailsa (Sorby) Miller, CPL Peter Johnson, unidentified, LCPL Ken Dempster, unidentified (x2), WO2 Neville Stone. .8) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: CPL Bob Thrower, unidentified (x2), SGT Kevin Boehm, CPL Peter Coles, SGT John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, CPL John ‘JJ’ Smith, unidentified CPL Laurie Justin, unidentified, WO2 Alan Bunn, unidentified (x2), LCPL Bob Sheppard, unidentified, CPL Steve McGuiness, unidentified, SGT Bob Garritty, unidentified, SPR Jim Humphrey. .9) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Foreground – Acting RSM WO1 Dave Thompson, background L to R: MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, CAPT Bob Williams, CAPT Laurie Newton, ADJT CAPT Andrew McLoud, MAJ Bob McHenry, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, MAJ Mick Byrne, MAJ Roger Rix. .10) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Officers ready to take posts. Background L to R: MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, CAPT Bob Williams, CAPT Laurie Newton, ADJT CAPT Andrew McLoud, MAJ Bob McHenry, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, MAJ Mick Byrne, MAJ Roger Rix, LT Vicky Thompson, Foreground – 2IC MAJ Terry Edwards, Acting RSM WO1 Dave Thompson, WO2 Alan Bunn, CPL Bob Thrower, SGT Kevin Boehm, CPL Peter Coles, CPL John ‘JJ’ Smith, CPL Laurie Justin, LCPL Bob Sheppard. .11) to .13) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Officers ready to take posts. L to R: MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, CAPT Bob Williams, CAPT Laurie Newton, ADJT CAPT Andrew McLoud, MAJ Bob McHenry, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, MAJ Mick Byrne, MAJ Roger Rix, LT Vicky Thompson, CAPT John South. .14) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: WO2 Alan Bunn, MAJ Roger Rix. .15) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: unidentified personnel, CAPT Laurie Newton, unidentified, CAPT Bob William, MAJ Mick Byrne, WO2 Dave Miles. .16) &.17) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: 2IC MAJ Terry Edwards handing Parade over to CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE. .18) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Arrival of Reviewing Officer- COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent. Saluted by CPL Kevin ‘Chuck’ Berry. .19) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Arrival of Reviewing Officer- COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent. Saluted by CPL Kevin ‘Chuck’ Berry. MAJ Duncan Burns on right departing vehicle. .20) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Reviewing Officer - COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent returning salute from CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE. .21) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Headquarters Squadron approaching the Dias. L to R: CAPT John South, unidentified, MAJ Roger Rix, unidentified, SPR Tracy (Parker) Ash, unidentified, T Vicky Thompson, CPL Bob Thrower, SGT Kevin Boehm, CPL Peter Coles, CPL John ‘JJ’ Smith, CPL Laurie Justin, LCPL Bob Sheppard, remainder partially obscured, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent. .22) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Headquarters Squadron’s MAJ Roger Rix salutes the Reviewing Officer. L to R: CAPT John South, MAJ Roger Rix, unidentified, SPR Tracy (Parker) Ash, unidentified, Vicky Thompson, CPL Bob Thrower, SGT Kevin Boehm, CPL Peter Coles, CPL John ‘JJ’ Smith, CPL Laurie Justin, LCPL Bob Sheppard, CPL Steve McGuiness, SGT Bob Garritty, SPR Jim Humphrey, WO2 George Graham. .23) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Headquarters Squadron’s MAJ Roger Rix salutes the Reviewing Officer. L to R: CAPT John South, MAJ Roger Rix, unidentified, SPR Tracy (Parker) Ash, unidentified, Vicky Thompson, CPL Bob Thrower, SGT Kevin Boehm, CPL Peter Coles, CPL John ‘JJ’ Smith, CPL Laurie Justin, LCPL Bob Sheppard, CPL Steve McGuiness, SGT Bob Garritty, SPR Jim Humphrey, WO2 George Graham, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent, .24) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Headquarters Squadron continues past the Dias. L to R: unidentified (x3), Vicky Thompson, unidentified, CPL Bob Thrower, SGT Kevin Boehm, CPL Peter Coles, CPL John ‘JJ’ Smith, CPL Laurie Justin, LCPL Bob Sheppard, CPL Steve McGuiness, SGT Bob Garritty, SPR Jim Humphrey, WO2 George Graham. .25) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Army Survey Regiment senior officers and Air Survey Squadron approaching the Dias. L to R: 2IC MAJ Terry Edwards, ADJT CAPT Andrew McLeod, OC MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, acting RSM WO1 Dave Thompson, centre file marker CPL Max Watson, right marker CPL Perry Burt, CAPT Bob Williams, remainder unidentified, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent. .26) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Army Survey Regiment senior officers and Air Survey Squadron salute the Reviewing Officer. L to R: 2IC MAJ Terry Edwards, ADJT CAPT Andrew McLeod, OC MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, acting RSM WO1 Dave Thompson, centre file marker CPL Max Watson, right marker CPL Perry Burt, CAPT Bob Williams, remainder unidentified, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent. .27) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Army Survey Regiment senior officers and Air Survey Squadron salute the Reviewing Officer. L to R: 2IC MAJ Terry Edwards, ADJT CAPT Andrew McLeod, unidentified, OC MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, acting RSM WO1 Dave Thompson, unidentified, SGT Barrie Craymer, CAPT Bob Williams, centre file marker CPL Max Watson, right marker CPL Perry Burt, remainder unidentified, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent. .28) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Air Survey Squadron salutes the Reviewing Officer. L to R: CPL Steve Hill OAM CSM, unidentified, SSGT Neil ‘Ned’ Kelly, WO2 Peter Tangey, WO1 Dennis Marshall. Followed by Lithographic Squadron L to R: SGT Graham Johnston, SGT Bryan Fauth, CPL Jim Ash, CPL Peter Swandale, CPL Roy Hicks, remainder unidentified. .29) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Lithographic Squadron’s MAJ Mick Byrne salutes the Reviewing Officer. L to R: WO1 Dennis Marshall (Air Svy Sqn), SGT Graham Johnston, SGT Bryan Fauth, MAJ Mick Byrne, CPL Jim Ash, CPL Peter Swandale, unidentified (x2), CPL Lance Strudwick, CPL John ‘Flash’ Anderson, SGT Alan Virtue, CPL Greg Rowe, unidentified (x2), CPL Graham Hales, unidentified, CPL Paul Baker, SPR Colin Yeats, unidentified, WO1 Ken Slater, WO1 Doug Arman. .30) to .31) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Lithographic Squadron’s MAJ Mick Byrne salutes the Reviewing Officer. L to R: SGT Graham Johnston, SGT Bryan Fauth, MAJ Mick Byrne, CPL Jim Ash, CPL Peter Swandale, unidentified (x2), CPL Lance Strudwick, CPL John ‘Flash’ Anderson, SGT Alan Virtue, CPL Greg Rowe, unidentified (x2), CPL Graham Hales, unidentified, CPL Paul Baker, SPR Colin Yeats, unidentified, WO1 Ken Slater, WO1 Doug Arman. .32) to .35) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Cartographic Squadron’s MAJ Bob McHenry salutes the Reviewing Officer. L to R: MAJ Bob McHenry, CAPT Peter ‘Blue Blaskett, left file L to R: SPR Ross Collishaw, SPR Ben Lucas, centre file L to R: SGT Martin Evans, SSGT Ian ‘Rock’ Thistleton, SGT Eddy Jacobs, right file L to R: CPL Rod Skidmore, SSGT Phil Meagher, SPR Craig Kellet, unidentified, CPL Col McInnes, SPR Nick Cowan, unidentified, CPL Jeff Le-Fevre, SPR Richard Arman, CPL Dan Cirsky, SPR Tom Bloxham, CPL Peter Johnson, unidentified, LCPL Kenne Dempster. .36) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Reviewing Officer - COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent returns salute..1P to .36P – There are no personnel identified.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment – Corps Day Parade and Defence Force Service Medal Presentations, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo, 1987
... Laurie Newton, LT Brian Sloan, unidentified officer, CAPT John... Mess. Back Row L to R: CAPT Laurie Newton, LT Brian Sloan ...This set of 18 photographs were taken at a Corps Day Parade held at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo in July 1987. The Parade Commander was CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, and the Reviewing Officer was the Colonel Commandant (honorary appointment) of the Survey Corps - COL Clem Sargent (Retd). The Corps Day Parade was held to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the formation of the Royal Australian Survey Corps. These photos comprise inspections of the Regiment’s four squadrons, presentations of the Defence Force Service Medal in recognition of 15 years of efficient remunerated service to SSGT Phil Meagher and SGT Wayne Rothwell; and formal group photos of each of the four Squadrons, Officers, and Warrant Officers/Sergeants. See Item 6375.36P for additional photographs taken at the start of the Corps Day Parade, drill movements of the four Squadrons forming up on the parade ground and the formal arrival of the Reviewing Officer.This is a set of 18 photographs of a Corps Day Parade held at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo in July 1987. The black & white photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Headquarters Squadron inspection. L to R: unidentified (x3), COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE (obscured), OC MAJ Roger Rix. .2) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Lithographic Squadron inspection. L to R: unidentified, CPL Brian Paul, CPL Gary Tremain, CPL Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, unidentified, CPL Stuart Ridge, SSGT Rob Bogumil, SSGT Steve Egan. CPL Roy Hicks, unidentified, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, OC MAJ Mick Byrne, remainder unidentified. .3) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Air Survey Squadron inspection. L to R: OC Daryl Hockings CSM, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, SGT Graham Johnson, unidentified (x4), SGT Lyn Johnson, CPL Steve Rundle, SGT Wayne Rothwell, SGT Bruce Hammond, SGT Barrie Craymer, SPR Brett Parkin .4) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Cartographic Squadron inspection. L to R: OC MAJ Bob McHenry, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, CPL Rod Skidmore, SSGT Phil Meagher, SPR Craig Kellet, unidentified, CPL Col McInnes, SPR Nick Cowan, unidentified, CPL Jeff Le-Fevre, SPR Richard Arman, CPL Dan Cirsky, SPR Tom Bloxham, CPL Peter Johnson, unidentified. .5) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Presentation of Defence Force Service Medal. L to R: WO2 Andy Wilson, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent, MAJ Terry Edwards, SSGT Phil Meagher, CAPT John South (background). .6) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Presentation of Defence Force Service Medal. L to R: COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent, SGT Wayne Rothwell, SSGT Phil Meagher, MAJ Roger Rix (background). .7) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Corp Day Parade guests. L to R: MAJ Duncan Burns, SPR Dianne (Thomas) Soutar, unidentified guests, CPL Kevin ‘Chuck’ Berry, CPL Graeme Priestley, unidentified guests. .8) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Corp Day Parade guests. L to R: unidentified guests, George Austen, SPR Dianne (Thomas) Soutar, Bob Mason, unidentified guests, CPL Graeme Priestley, unidentified guests, SGT Terry Danger, unidentified guests, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE (facing away), COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent. .9) & .10) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: unidentified guest, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE. .11) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: unidentified guests, 2IC MAJ Terry Edwards, ADJT CAPT Andrew McLeod. .12) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. WO1 Bob ‘Stretch’ Hayden. .13) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Lithographic Squadron. Back Row L to R: CPL Paul Baker, CPL Greg Rowe, CPL Kerron South, CPL Stuart Ridge, SPR Rob Jones, CPL Laurie Justin, unidentified, SPR Geoff Webb, unidentified (x2) SPR Shona Hastie, SPR Trevor King, LCPL John Bateman, CPL Ken Peters, CPL Roy Hicks. Middle Row L to R: CPL Brian Paul, unidentified (x2), CPL Jim Ash, CPL Dale Hudson, CPL Gary Tremain, unidentified, LCPL Daryl South, CPL Graham Hales, SPR Bob Bousfield, CPL John ‘Flash’ Anderson, CPL Peter Dillon, CPL Peter Swandale, SPR Colin Yeats, CPL Lance Strudwick. Front Row L to R: CPL Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, SGT Gary Kerr, SGT Brian Fauth, SGT Graham Johnston, SSGT Steve Egan, WO2 Bill Jones, OC MAJ Mick Byrne, WO2 Ralph Chant, SSGT Rob Bogumil, unidentified UK exchange, SGT Alan Virtue, SGT Jeff Willey. .14) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Headquarters Squadron. Back Row L to R: CPL Bob Thrower, PTE Mark Twiss, unidentified (x3), LCPL Bob Sheppard, unidentified, SGT Ian Belmont, SPR Peter Coles, SPR Tracy (Parker) Ash, CPL Steve McGuinness, SGT Bob Garritty, unidentified officer. Middle Row L to R: WO1 Doug Arman, WO2 Kevin Macquire, W01 Noel ‘Nesty’ Coulthard, WO1 Allan Adsett, WO2 Andy Wilson, CPL David Jobe, SGT Kevin Boehm, unidentified (x3), SSGT Greg Gilbert, WO2 George Graham, WO2 Dave Miles, WO2 Ted Burgess, WO1 Ken Slater. Front Row L to R: WO1 Bob ‘Stretch’ Hayden, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, CAPT Bob Williams, ADJT CAPT Andrew McLeod, 2IC MAJ Terry Edwards, Acting RSM WO1 Dave Thompson, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, OC MAJ Roger Rix, WO2 Alan Bunn, MAJ Duncan Burns, CAPT John South, LT Vicky Thompson, WO1 Peter Warwick. .15) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Air Survey Squadron. Back Row L to R: SGT Lyn Johnson, CPL John ‘Toad’ Smith, SGT Roger Rees, SGT Wayne Rothwell, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Leah (Hoffman) Peppler, unidentified, SPR Christine Gordon, SPR Jodi Bowman, SGT Paul Leskovec CSM, SPR Tony Jackson, CPL John Reid, unidentified, SPR Avril (Bray) Lloyd? SPR Diane (Thomas) Soutar, SSGT Brian Collings. Middle Row L to R: unidentified, SGT John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, CPL Perry Burt, SPR Rick Millar, CPL Graeme Priestley, SGT Bruce Hammond, CPL Max Watson, SPR Brett Parkin, SPR Peter Ball, CPL Dick Warsing, SPR Sue (Foote) Bourne, SPR Sandy Wynn, CPL Steve Hill OAM CSM, CPL Steve Rundle, CPL Andy Mallon, SPR Stafford Lester, SPR Steve Moss, CPL Rod Burton. Front Row L to R: SGT Ken Talbot-Smith, SSGT Phil Boyle, SSGT Max Coletti, WO2 Peter Tangey, LT Brian Sloan, WO1 Stevo Hinic, OC Maj Daryl Hockings CSM, CAPT Laurie Newton, WO1 Denis Marshall, SSGT Neil ‘Ned’ Kelly, SSGT Dennis McCarthy, SSGT Adrian ‘Charlie’ Creedy, SGT Barry Craymer, SSGT John ‘Shep’ Shephard. .16) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Cartographic Squadron. Back Row L to R: unidentified, SPR Michelle Griffith, unidentified, SPR Raelene Munting, unidentified, SPR Ailsa (Sorby) Miller, SPR Kasey Northausen, CPL Lorraine (Daly) Talbot-Smith, SGT John Bettridge, SPR Richard Arman, CPL Colin McInnes, CPL Mick ‘Buddha’ Ellis, SPR Mark Donnelly, CPL Steve Coulson, LCPL Rick Millar, CPL Jeff Le-Fevre. 3rd Row L to R: CPL Paul Trent, unidentified, CPL Brian Johnson, CPL Peter Johnson, CPL Rod Skidmore, SPR Chad Hardwick, LCPL John Lane, LCPL Ken Dempster, unidentified CPL Dan Cirsky, SPR Ross Collishaw, SPR Craig Kellet, CPL Greg Sulman, SPR Tom Bloxham, SPR Ben Lucas. 2nd Row L to R: SPR Jim Humphrey, CPL Pat Drury-Lane, SPR Max Shaw, SPR Barry Hogan, unidentified, CPL David Murphy, SPR Ian Hill, SPR Bruce Graham, CPL Greg Honan, SPR Nick Cowan, CPL Steve Throssel, SPR Ben Tarasenko. Front Row L to R: SGT Eddy Jacobs, SGT Phil Smalley, SGT Rick Van der Bom, SSGT Phil Meagher, SSGT Allan Brown, WO1 Colin Cuskelly, WO2 Pat Lumsden, OC MAJ Bob McHenry, unidentified officer, WO2 Neville Stone, SSGT Ian ‘Rock’ Thistleton, SGT Martin Evans, SGT Terry Danger, SGT Bob Bright. .17) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Sergeants Mess. Back Row L to R: SGT Graham Johnston, SGT Brian Fauth, SGT Gary Kerr, SGT Alan Virtue, SSGT Rob Bogumil, SSGT Brian Collings, SGT Roger Rees, SGT Phil Smalley, SGT Rick Van der Bom, SGT Martin Evans, SGT Bob Garritty, SSGT Phil Boyle, SGT John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, SSGT Allan Brown, SSGT Max Coletti, SSGT Neil ‘Ned’ Kelly, SSGT Dennis McCarthy. 3rd Row L to R: SGT Bruce Hammond, SGT Wayne Rothwell, SGT Eddy Jacobs, unidentified UK exchange, SSGT Steve Egan, SGT Bob Bright, SSGT Ian ‘Rock’ Thistleton, SGT Paul Leskovec CSM, SGT Barry Craymer, SSGT Greg Gilbert, SGT Kevin Boehm, Terry Danger, SGT Ken Talbot-Smith, WO2 Ted Burgess. 2nd Row L to R: WO2 Ralph Chant, WO2 Andy Wilson, WO2 Bill Jones, WO2 Alan Bunn, SGT John Bettridge, SSGT Adrian ‘Charlie’ Creedy, SGT Lyn Johnson, SSGT Phil Meagher, SSGT John ‘Shep’ Shephard, WO2 Kevin Macquire, WO2 Peter Tangey, WO2 Dave Miles, WO2 George Graham, WO2 Pat Lumsden, SGT Ian Belmont. Front Row L to R: WO1 Colin Cuskelly, Acting RSM WO1 Dave Thompson, WO1 Denis Marshall, 2IC MAJ Terry Edwards, WO1 Peter Warwick, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, WO2 Neville Stone, WO1 Bob ‘Stretch’ Hayden, , W01 Noel ‘Nesty’ Coulthard, WO1 Stevo Hinic, WO1 Ken Slater, WO1 Allan Adsett. .18) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Officers Mess. Back Row L to R: CAPT Laurie Newton, LT Brian Sloan, unidentified officer, CAPT John South, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, CAPT Bob Williams, LT Vicky Thompson, unidentified officer, CAPT Andrew McLeod. Front Row L to R: MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, MAJ Mick Byrne, MAJ Bob McHenry, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, MAJ Terry Edwards, MAJ Roger Rix, MAJ Duncan Burns. .1P to .18P – There are no personnel identified.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment - Regimental Training BBQ, 1985
... , LCPL Brown - cooks, CAPT Laurie Newton, WO2 Brian Partridge... personnel, PTE Evans, LCPL Brown - cooks, CAPT Laurie Newton, WO2 ...This is a set of 14 photographs of Army Survey Regiment personnel attending a BBQ lunch during regimental training, at the basketball/tennis court area of Fortuna Villa, Bendigo, 1985. There were six regimental training objectives outlined in the administrative instruction – Exercise “City Soldier” accompanying these photos. They were SLR rifle and M30 grenade revision, and first aid at Fortuna; RATEL and navigation at Wellsford Forest; and rifle shooting at Wellsford Rifle Range. Personnel from Air Survey, Cartographic, Lithographic and Headquarters Squadrons were reallocated to four training platoons for one week from 7th to 11th October 1985. Personnel were warned in for lunch on 10th and 11th of October 1985. This is a set of 14 photographs of Army Survey Regiment personnel attending a regimental training BBQ lunch at Fortuna Villa, Bendigo, 1985. .1P to .10P are printed on photographic paper and scanned at 300 dpi. Photos .11P to .14P are on 35mm negative film and scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: unidentified personnel, PTE Evans, LCPL Brown - cooks, CAPT Laurie Newton, WO2 Brian Partridge, CAPT Danny Galbraith. MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, unidentified personnel. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: unidentified personnel, PTE Evans, LCPL Brown - cooks, MAJ Mick Byrne, CAPT Bob Williams, unidentified, LT Doug Maxwell, WO2 Brian Partridge, CAPT Danny Galbraith. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: unidentified personnel, PTE Evans, LCPL Brown - cooks, CAPT Bob Williams, unidentified, LT Doug Maxwell, unidentified personnel. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: unidentified personnel, PTE Evans, LCPL Brown - cooks, LT Doug Maxwell, unidentified, CAPT John South, unidentified personnel. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: unidentified personnel, MAJ Terry Edwards - background, SGT Morris – cook. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: unidentified, CPL Gary Tremain, unidentified, MAJ Terry Edwards, 2LT Kathie Ryan – background. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: SGT Charlie Creedy, SGT Wally Chilcott, LT Carol Dunstan, 2LT Kathie Ryan, LT Ossie Slade. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: CPL Terry ‘TJ’ Wicker, unidentified personnel, SPR Roy Hicks, SPR Dave Wright, unidentified personnel. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: unidentified personnel, SGT Jeff Willey, SGT Wally Chilcott, CPL Gary Tremain. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: foreground - CPL Megan (McBurney) Reynolds, LCPL Bob Sheppard, CPL Bob Thrower, background - CPL Peter Breukel, WO1 Doug Arman, CPL Brian Johnson. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: RSM WO1 Bob Mason, PTE Evans, LCPL Brown - cooks, CAPT Danny Galbraith. .12) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R foreground: unidentified (x2), CPL Roy Hicks, CPL Megan (McBurney) Reynolds, unidentified (x2), CPL Peter Breukel, unidentified (x2), LT Ozzy Slade. .13) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: LCPL Brown – cook, WO2 Brian Partridge, unidentified, WO2 John Hook, WO1 Bill Griggs, unidentified, CAPT Danny Galbraith, unidentified. .14) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R foreground: MAJ Kim Weston, CAPT Bob Williams, CAPT Danny Galbraith, unidentified, unidentified US Army Exchange officer..1P to .14P No personnel are identifiedroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Spate 87 South Pacific Association for Teacher Education 17th Annual Conference Ballarat College of Advanced Education "Participation, Equity and Teacher Education" July 12-16 1987 Collected Summary Papers
Collected summary papersBrown cardboard covered, spiral bound A4 size book.Collected summary papersballarat college of advanced education, summary papers, peter coman, ian moore, john burrell, norm barling, roger slee, helen hayes, ross whitefield, denise walsh, geoff mcrae, wendy crebbin, frank williams, iteraera abera, valo valo, rob baker, george baume, chris bigum, nerida blair, bob boyd, david symington, geoffrey burkhardt, majorie carss, dawn muir, jim christensen, margaret clyde, desmond connelly, jack darmody, barrie dickie, gwenda chapman, pat duffy, anne piggott, laurie andrew, john budby, stephen duggan, maryann ehle, alison elliott, terry evans, daryl nation, barry fields, sue gillard, max gillet, mon khamis, noel gough, richard gunstone, jeff northfield, maurice hale, brian hansford, bill harrison, janice wilson, win haseloff, trevor hutchins, brian jacka, james lukabyo, hugo mccann, r. kerrison, peter mcnally, ian macpherson, dianna mannigel, genne marks, margaret marks, alan peacock, susan moore, judy mousley, helen watson, john henry, robin mctaggart, charles myers, john nicholson, lynne noone, peter olsen, marion curry, david bull, geoff orr, phil meade, john pearson, ray preston, ross price, robert peake, les regan, ian robottom, richard tinning, g. di chiro, maurice robson, carol scott, bob semmens, tony simpson, janette stapleton-hill, arthur smith, peter smith, frank sofo, rosemary stack, david townsend, tony townsend, geoff treblico, ted wadsworth, kathleen warren, don williams, john williamson, john lake, joseph zajda -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School - Class photograph- Grade 1 - Prep, 1933
Black and white photograph - Grade 1 - Prep, 1933"Attached to photograph" Back Row - L to R: ?, Gordon Storey, ?, George Hampson, Laurie Divola, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?. 2nd Row -- L to R: ?, ?, ?, Jeff Allen, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Tom Sampson, ?. 3rd Row - L to R: ?, ?, ?, Betty Kleehammer, June Horne, Phyllis Washusen, ?, ?, ?, Pat Murray, ?, Betty Rowe. 4th Row- L to R: Joan Murray, Grace Clegg, ?, Adeline Young, Peggy Wilkins, ?, ?, ?, ?, Topsy Hazelwood, ?, ?, Shirley Mathews. Front Row - L to R: Geoff Anderson, Lindsay Allen, Malcom Aird, ?, ?, ?, ?, Jack Cross, ?, ?, Brian Skurry, ?, ?. Teacher: -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School - Choir, 1964
Black and white photograph - Choir, 1964."Attached to photograph" Back Row- L to R: ?, ?, ?, Norman Pearson, Malcom Pearson, Craig Rawson, Graham Adamson, ?, ?, ?, John McCaulin. 2nd Row- L to R: ?, ?, Margaret Findlay, Lorraine Tann, Annette Smeaton, Jennifer Flaherty, ?, ?< ?, Lynette Costello. 3rd Row-L to R: ?, Linda (?), Cheryl (?), ?, Jane Walker, Laurie Simpson, Ann Downey, Barbara Donald, Ghristine Schraum, Julie Hall, Jocelyn Cole, Ros Wigley, Judy Parker.? Front Row- L to R: ?, Debbie Monk, Sally Shaw, Jenny Buchanan, Lyn German, Leanne Thorpe, Rosemary Evans, Jennifer Johnson, ?, Robyn Henry, Joanne Fly, Susan Baxendall, ?, Kerry Marsh, ?. On ground- L to R: ?, Brian Proud, ?. Teacher: -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Memorabilia - History Timeline, Byways Homestead, Coolooli Estate, Ringwood East, 1878-2008
Development of Coolooli Estate with property titles and leaflets for the sale of "Byways" homestead, 4 Byways Drive, Ringwood East. Also the house at 9 Walhalla Drive, Ringwood East. Correspondence between David Best and Richard Carter re the estate. Coolooli subdivision includes lots fronting Isabel Avenue, Byways Drive, Coolooli Court, Walhalla Drive and Cleland Street. Property Titleholders include: George Blood William Chelman Thurgood Frederick Deine Laurie Arthur Wigley Charles Patterson Mary Aphra Patterson John Douse Langley August DiGilio Kenneth Ross Landy Mervyn MacPherson Brewer Richard Blennenhassett Best Jessie May Cleland John Brian Little Robert William Campbell Lynette Marie Campbell Lorraine Ruby Campbell David Charles Nicholls Barbara Janette Nicholls Ian Finlay Packer Nellie Packer -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 2 items: 1/Original copy of 17th Annual Report of city of Caulfield Citizens Advice Bureau September 1987. Report includes Agenda for the Annual General Meeting held at City Hall on Wednesday 30091987, list of office bearers, minutes of the previous AGM, election of Management Committee and presentation of Life memberships plus list of Legal Advice Service solicitors. 2/Original copy of Agenda and 25th Annual Report for Caulfield Citizens Advice Bureau Incorporated presented to the Annual General meeting on 30/08/1995 at Caulfield City Hall. Report includes financial statement F Y E 30/06/1995, details of President’s Report, minutes of previous AGM in 1994.caulfield, citizen’ advice bureau, meetings, caulfield city hall, annual report, grants, edwards mavis, hocking john, green carol, coad thelma, harry carol, hession dorothy, lambert sam, moorrees joyce, ravenscroft jean, rowland dorothy, tyrell audrey, snowball betty, telford nancy, jelleff jenny, kay yvonne, bannister jean, fooks john, allsop doris, bullivant trudy, capek irene, carr fred, cairncross gwen, gorden peg, daniels maurice, davey dulcie, gresham greta, gresham john, hicks margaret, hind lillian, jacombs ken, joseph marion, kinross jo, lukies arthur, lukies noela, mander clive, miles glad, moser ellen, popper irene, poynton ray, splatt betty, stewart may, telford nancy, wray shirley, watson beth, chapman john, felder ilse, helman anne, mccarthy marie, richardson elizabeth, steward derek, williams marcia, blacher rosa, heyman manfred, tanner ted mla, dunstan don. cr, martens veronika cr, legge mary, crossley rosemary, malvern citizens’ advice bureau, deal communication centre, child joan mp, macphee ian hon mp, shipton roger mp, mccutcheon andrew mla, campbell jack, mayor, mayoress, campbell mrs., rudzki brian cr, milne sandy, fusion, moyle gwen, westlake margaret, gild anne, herszfeld henry, lee alf, lee rae, peters leanie, pratt lillian, trumble joan, wise john, nicholls harry, grist molly, payne ruth, victorian association of citizens’ advice bureaus, emergency relief funds, community buses, sinisgalli john, aroni beni, chisholm john, erlichster george, folkers herman, jackson ross, kraus michael, lewis ray, oliver michael, romer andrew, simons adrian, smith simon, legal advice services, solicitors, budget advisory service, voluntary workers, sanders kathy, allan bill, bible richard, bilston ron, birch harry, coad laurie, durra frank, glass alf, gild ann, grew doreen, hawker harry, hollow neil, hingert lorna, jack ian, jones alf, mann gordon, mansfield joan, marks yvonne, menzies edna, ohis wil, powell dave, pate gwen, pentland dilys, simmons dianne, ward george, whitehead richard, wills anne, local government, aged people, bullen rose, culkan stephanie, dukes claire, klinger rosa, lambert douglas, sheehan jean, trodd carrie, brady vera, bristow joyce, byrne enid, cornall-reilly patience, cornall-reilly arthur, rowland alan, caulfield city council, hostels, elsternwick, caulfield festival, caulfield park, maple street, st. johns uniting church elsternwick, caulfield contract, regent community for the elderly, caulfield hospital, royal district nursing service, mence wendy, gubieski joanne, preston dennis, ross moya, hall chloe, patience geoff, o’reilly mary, wraight geoff, thompson john, britton cath, thompson laurel, ross erwin, chapman john, carnie elza, coutts fay, goodman dianne, groat shirley, mclean phyllis, may tallilah, o’neil barbara, rosauer tom, shmerling lane, wedgwood amanda, gartside sandy, bucker ille, anderson ian, bonvicin rita, bridges judy, brooks lisa, bull rita, chin simone, ethell margaret, coupe jilie, klinger rosa, hogan tamara, harcourt-king judaline, lipp jonathan, mclver ken, murphy francis, mueller britt, moray debra, pinter sarolta, mctwerrey kay, nicholas norma, rae nicolle, simmons shirley, sumner laurie, bevis phyllis, cader estelle, crerar dorothy, egan hazel, gregoric kerry, glouzman kon, johnston peter, kamer john, lalacona flora, law russ, lipovetsky sergey, moroney dawn, kieth parsonson, pierce lorna, strickland joan, hall michael, mcgregor allan, shalit barbara, symons ian, community information centre, victorian association of community information centres (vacic), st. giles presbyterian church murrumbeena, st. mary’s anglican church caulfield, st. patrick’s catholic church murrumbeena, caulfield-elsternwick ecumenical ministry network, ladies probus club of caulfield, donovan mrs., windley mrs., van der vlies mrs. p., gorden p., gorden g., city of caulfield, barrett james cr, gold nicholas cr, welsh heather cr, boyle barry, barker ann, crean simon m.h.r., oxenbould wenzel, ashton matthew, lawrence mark, holding c. m.h.r., asher l. m.l.c., brideson a. m.l.c., guest j. m.l.c., biggs e. cr, grossbard a. cr, rogers a., terry g., va.c.a.b., coburn d., rodgers j., kelly j., caulfield community care, trevorrow a., trevorrow d., gleeson j., carnegie resource centre, elsternwick library, milne d., lister i., stone marjorie, larkin mary, patience jean, volunteer aid service, monitoring and social support service, community transport service, caulfield citizen advice bureau incorporated, community organisations -
Federation University Historical Collection
Poster, Ballarat School of Mines staff, 1995, 1995
Poster of all Ballarat School of Mines staff (named)davis, sonia, dixon, heather, dixon, philip, durant, heather, dyer, robert, fennell, anne, firth, barrie, gaunt malcolm, gunn, peter, hobbs, lyn, hood, graham, howell, kevin, jelbart, john, johnson, murray, leith, john, lovett, bob, mcfarlane, roger, mendelson, steven, merrett, pam, nicholls, geoff, o'toole, jan, palmer, max, parfenovics, roly, pavey, sue, perrin, mary, pym, ian, rae, bradley, ryan, bill, seymour, carole, shiel, peter, sordello, john, staley, bruce, vallance, malcolm, vn dreven, john, watts, liz, whittle, bill, woodruff, brian, beanland, graham, collier, betty, crump, neville, d'angri, val, dunlop, barbara, fennell, anne (humphry), hall, paula, haller, walter, heighway, alastair, hocking, geoff, humphrey, anne (fennell), kellam, trevor, kisler, peter, lawless, bob, little, garry, mail, andrew, mclennan, brian, mcnulty, patti, mitaxa, ian, nunn, peter, olmstead, dennis, peart, alby, perry, graeme, pope, geoff, pyke, george, shannon, leo, sharman, eric, shearer, graham, sheehan, frank, shiells, peter, stefschenk, ray, stoddart, roger, turner, jim, vandreven, john, wallis,. lee, akers, keith, boast, keith, byrne, simone, calistro, paul, dixon, john, faull, shirley, fenelon, virginia, french, neville, gribble, isabel, grist, carol, haddow, david, haley, rosaley, harris, ian, hazlett, rocky, heffernan, liz, jardine, cynthia, kemp, john, knight, kim, lambeth, paul, lanigan, alison, lesock, peter, lyttle, gary, martin, kevin, mcmillan, adrian, mcneight, wendy, nestor, david, osborne, bill, o'shea, bob, parker, frank, penhall, graham, pink, alan, pink, merrill, rasmussen, mary, sarah, doug, schenk, ray, seymour, doug, sullivan, andrew, thake, tony, thorpe, sharon, tiller, donna, torrington, andrew, trembath, colin, trotter, peter, turner, sonia, webber, brian, wild, ron, williams, carol, wren, derek, yeomans, lorraine, bergin, peter, burgess, zena, crebbin, irene, gough, tsony, haller, fleur, murray, bill, oparski, cheyrl, snibson, graham, sordello, franl, sutton, ron, walsh, paul, adrian, bill, aiton, alan, barratt, geoff, bevelander, mark, bridges, bill, brown, doug, cartledge, brian, conroy, ken, cook, les, curran, laurie, davidson, ron, davies, dennis, dobbyn, col, edwards, harold, ellis, alan, fithall, david, flanagon, john, fletcher, jeff, harrison, john, howlett, keith, hutchions, bob, lindorff, les, lucas, ron, mccann, david, mcdonald, laughlin, mclellan, jan, mitchell, ian, morgan, bob, perovic, bruno, robinson, ian, shaw, jim, smail, andrew, stevens, bernie, symons, doug, trainor, malcolm, van hammond, hans, wallis, lee, whitefield, gordon, woolman, tom, max palmer, donna tiller, neville french, rocky hazlet, tony thake, colin trembath, anne fennell, doug sara, jan mclellan -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, 25 Years On 1950-1975: BTC Reunion Nov 22 '75, 1975
Yellow soft covered 25th anniversary reunion booklet for the Ballarat Teachers' College class of 1950.ballarat teachers' college, reunion, alumni, ian bicknell, maree langdon, brian macdonald, pat jaensch, lenice quick, betty collins, ron chalmer, david van leeuwin, joyce van leeuwin, dallas a farquhar, brian l. shirley, john fielding, bryant dunsmore, laurie melgaard, kevin skeer, george valentine, cecelia tenzng, connie douglas, rob hodgens, john sheean, ted campbell, norman schulz, ronald george hucker, bill thompson, david graham, geoffrey j.a. walker, j.g. segrave, betty o'farrell, winsome batten, dorothy keiller, yvonne mary mtichell, patricial stacpool, margaret napier, pat thompson, pat dwyer, gwen mckenzie, margaret macdonald, pauline maloney, norma chappell\, margaret o'brien, jocelyn bowling, wilma ramsay, pat kelly, geraldine hoare, mary ryan, margery green, nita dick, jacqueline walker -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School - Grade 3 and 4D, 1960
Black and white photograph"Attached to photograph" Back Row- L to R: John Pattison, Alistair Wardle, Geoff Venn, Perry Kaigan, Jimmy Morgan, Leon Sutherland, Gustave Cole, Roland Coffey, Reginald Curtis, Laurie Nairn, Garry Simpson. 2nd Row- L to R: Judith Ockenhaus, Faye Beasley, Jeanette Hewlitt, Jennifer Sheffield, Helen King, Glenys Boyce, Lynette Patullock, Gail Gordon, Hella Demidou, Sandra Thomas, Kaye Spencer. 3rd Row- L to R: Michael Anderson, Janice Sinclair, Anne Silvey, Carol Patten, Sandra Kemp, Helen Marr, Heather Rosel, Carol DeLabertouche, Susan Smeaton, Dawn Bracken, Jane Taylor, Phillip Broadley. Front Row- L to R: Andrew Crupi, Russell Montgomery, Andrew Rankin, Richard Sinclair, Peter McGoldrick, Alan Mathews, Greg Paine, Michael Butters, Brian Parlby, Graeme Buchanan. Teacher: -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser '' The way we were'' from 2002. Best days of your life: Dingee School (3127) in 1950. Back row: Bruce Baker, Joan Bayliss, Dorothy Dalrymple, Elaine Plant, Janette Kenworthy and Geoffrey Jackman. Fifth row: Jim Powell, Ronald Lakey, Faye Dalrymple, Bob Coulson, Neil Vincent, Morris Jackman, Ken Coulson, Keith Ansett, Jim Nicholson and Peter Williams. Fourth row: Geoffry Dalrymple, Bill Baker, Judith Baker and Leo Nicholson. Third row: Colin Howells, Laurie Ansett,, Barry Raynor, Marie Ludby, Heather Nicholson, Pam Baker, Margaret Nicholson, Maureen Kemworthy, Joyce Dalrymple, Shirley Kelynack, Esma Bayliss, Aileen Nicholson and Dorothy Baker. Second row: Ian Dalrymple, Graeme Rawiller, Nola Dalrymple (standing), Margret Wallace, Rosemary Bennett, Julie Powell, Jeanie Rawiller, Cathy Nicholson, Beth Nicholson, Maureen Horby, Robert Plant and Laurie Bayliss. Front row: Roger Jackman, Wallace Baker, Terry Powell, Lance Lakey, Des Nicholson, Kevin Jackman, Neville Williamson, Brian Kenworthy, Cliff Rawiller and Barry Baker. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, tramways -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Castlemaine State Festival, Castlemaine. 2 November 1990. Programme. From the Chairmen - Mr Bereck Segan. Melbourne Committee: B R Segan, O.B.E. (Chairman), M Besen, A.O. (Deputy Chairman), Mrs H Dore (Hon. Sec.), C Anzarut, N Bourke, Ms M Coillet, Prof. C Duckworth, G Fairfax, A.M., K MacKenzie-Forbes, A.M., Mrs B Margetts, Dr F R Moulds, I.S.O., R Nordlinger, J Parker, M.B.E., A Porter, Ms M Prendergast, C Pyett, Ms D Reilly, Mrs, Ms L Schiftan, P M Schiftan, D Segan, B J Stewart, Ms S Walker, Dr R Wlikie. Melbourne Committee: I O'Halloran, (Chairman), Mrs M Rilen (Hon.Sec.), Miss R Wood (Treas), Mrs L Bennet, Mrs M Bock, S Cox, Cr T Daniell, Mrs H Griffiths, B Heydon, N Jennings, Mrs C McKellar, Miss M Oliver, L O'Toole, F Ransome-Smith, J Shortal, Dr D Silver, Mrs V Victor-Gordon, Mes E Warren, Miss L Waters. Welcome to the 1990 Castlemaine State Festival. As one festival closes, planning for the next commences immediately.. . Mr Ian O'Halloran, Chairman, Castlemaine. Castlemaine State Festival Administration, Festival Manager: Phee Broadway, Manager's Assistant: Mary Harris, Technical Manager: Lis Pain, Drawing Prize Co-ordinator: Bev Singleton, Farnham Concert Co-Ordinator: Noel Jennings with Victorian Rock Foundation. Event Listings: Opening by Hon. Jim Kennan M.P., Deputy Premier and Minister for the Arts Castlemaine Stadium. Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Conductor - Hiroyuki Iwaki, Soloist - Dong -Suk Kang. Royal Variety Club Grand Final Theatre Royal, Town Crier Mr Neville Stonehouse. Kilmna Wildflower Walk. 'Melbourne: Architecture Today and the year 2000' Professor Peter McIntyre, A.O. Wine tasting. Selected Antique Fair. Organ Recital, organist Michael Bottomly. Mickleford Tour. A Closer Look at Castlemaine, Castlemaine Historical Society. 'Local Brew' Love Letters by A R Gurney, Starring Julia Blake and Terry Norris Directed by George Fairfax A.M. The Noel Watson Show. John Pringle and Miriam Gormley sing Operatic Gems with the Rantos Collegium and conductor Nicholas Braithwaite. The Incredible Shrinking Mortgage Show', Pat Wilson and Adrian Barnes. Festival Nightcap, Mr P P an acrobatic delight. Breakfast with Potts in the Park. A Stroll Around Town, Historical Society guide. Gardens Open. Selected Antique Fair. Festive Family Fun, musician Natasha Moszenin, Fratellini Brothers, Tim Hurley, Wally Fair Ground Organ, Foundry Band, Megan Jones, Mr P P. A guided Tour, Mrs Marjorie Rilen. Goetz Richter - Violin, Jeanett Carrigan - Piano. 'King Lear', Berenice Kavanagh and Suzanne Kersten. The Chagell Ensemble, Rita Reichman, Piano, Semmy Stalhammer, Violin. Trevor Jones, Viola. David Pereira, Cello. Steven Reeves, Double Bass. 'The Incredible Shrinking Mortagage Show' Pat Wilson and Adrian Barnes. Festival Hymns. 'Recital' Hellen Noonan, Douglas Horton, David Chesworth, Jacqui Everett, Jude Gunson. Music for Flute and Piano, Dereck Jones - Flute, Jeanell Carrigan - Piano. 'Brass With Class' William Evans - trumpet, David Farrend - trumpet, Russell Davis - french horn, Ken McClimont - trombone, Eric Klay - bass trombone. Piano Recital - Richard Mapp. Chris Ludwick's Society Synocopators - Cup Eve Cabaret, Chris Ludowyk - trombone, Peter Gaudion- Trumpet, Richard Miller - reeds, Pip Avent - tuba, Cal Duffy's - drums. 'Cup Eve Comedy' Rachel Berger and Richard Stubbs. Festival Nightcap Mr P P. Botanical Gardens Tour Kevin Walsh. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Glenn Elston. By arrangement with Feipp and Park Projects and Elston, Hocking and Woods Pty Ltd. Family Concert, Piano for 4 hands Jocelyn Abbott and Richard Mapp, actor Justin Shortal. Cup Day Sports Carnival. Fashion Parade, luncheon available at Georgians in George Clark Place. The Melba Trio, Carolyn Hayes - Oboe, Jane Stacvy - cor anglais, Seng Tong - Oboe. 'Images' Prudence Davis - flute, Jeffrey Crellin - oboe, Peter Lynch - guitar. 'Sounds in Time' Andree Cozens - soprano, Berenice Kavanagh - words, Dudley - Simons - piano, John Snowden - Guitar, Peter Taylor - Set design & lighting. 'Music for Celestial Voices' Laurence - Jenkins - organ, Mary Anderson - harp, Margot Anderson - harp, Margot Cory - soprano. 'Proms for Preps' Nehama Patkin. Organ Recital Keeith Bottomley. Kaweka Walk, Kaweka Reserve Committee. 'Camille Claudel'. The Tudor Choristers Musical Director - John O'Donnell. 'Something for Everyone' Nehama Patkin - piano, guitar and voice, Peter Clinch - saxaphone and clarinet, major Australian Orchastras. 'The Dock Brief' & 'What Shall We Tell Caroline' Neville Stonehouse, Kay Barker, David Bickart, Angela Walter. 'Bluebeard' The Rag & Bone Theatre Company. Poedijono and the Javanese Gamelan, Poedijono (Teacher), musician, dancer and puppeteer. Botanical Gardens Tour, Kevin Walsh, horticulturist and garden writer. 'Music through the Ages' 'Pizzicato' - classical guitar ensemble, Castlemaine Courthouse, Bruce Millar, Meryl Wilkinson, Greg Wilkinson, Greg James, Joan Maher, Danny Silver. Bach and Vivaldi - Elysium Ensemble Greg Dikmans - Art Director, flute & recorder, Julie Hewison - violin, Lucinda Moon - violin, Janet Ferandez - viola, Miriam Morris - cello, Rosemanry Westbrook - double bass, John O'Donnell - harpsichord. 'Handle by Candle' Laurence Jenkins. Sarah Grunstein at the Piano, Sarah Grunstein. 'Let the Children Sing' Castlemaine Children's Choir, director Michael Bottomley, soloist Peter Bottomley. 'Made in Australia' Phillip Day, Bruce Waston, & 'Twankydillo'. The Dancers Company of the Australian Ballet, Les Sylphides, Dame Peggy van Praagh, Sir John Betjeman, Robert Ray. 'The Wooden Child' Handspan Theatre, Douglass Horton, Ken Evans, Andre Greenwell, Peter J Wilson, Philip Lethean. Botanic Gardens Tour Kevin Walsh. Divine Accidents and Heavenly Venues' William (Bill) Akers, A.M., Director of Productions, Australian Ballet. Jazz at the Jail. Another Stroll round Castlemaine, Historical Society. Muckleford Tour, Naturalists Club. 'Sketches' The Argus Guitar Quartet, Jochen Sxhubert, Tania Ravbar, Samantha Tout, Chi Ly.Scores for Instruments and Voices, Phylis Bachelor. Fred Shade, flute; Mara Miller, Violin; Len Vorster, piano; Loris Synan, soprano; and the students of the Faculty of Music, Melbourne University. Music for Four Hands at One Keyboard, Jocelyn Abbot and Richard Mapp. Paul Grabowsky and the Groovematics, Paul Graboesky, piano. Andrew Gander, Drums. Doug de Vries, guitar. Bob Venier, Trumpet, Flugelhorn. Ian Chaplin, saxophone. Garry Costello, double bass. Shelley Scown, vocals. 'My Most Loved Songs' David Bickart - Basso. Chapliapin, McEachern, Pinza, Robeson, Dawson. A Stroll Around Town, Historical Society. Breakfast at Buda. Garden Open. Festival Eucharist, choir and orchestra Directed by Kevin Bottomley. Music, Madness, Magic. Itchy Feet Pep Band, 'Sound Steppers', 'Legs on the Wall', Andrew Elliot, Antebodies. A Guided Tour of Angligan Parish Church. John Farnham in Concert, The Chain Reaction Tour. John Farnham. Exhibitions: Aspects of France: The Australian Artist's View. Artsits include John Russell, Lloyd Rees, David Davies, John Dent, Eric Wilson, E Phillips Fox, Ethal Carrick, Rupert Bunny, Max Meldrum, Will Ashton, George Bell and others. Annemieke Mein: Embroidery and Applique. Castlemaine Artists Incorporated 6th Biennial Exhibition. Dominique Segan Castlemaine State Festival Drawing Prize 1990. 'Provocative Pieces'. 'Feathered Friends' Barbara Muir. Through the Looking Glass. Handmade - For Pleasure, Julie Cook - dolls and puppets; Traude Beilharz - hats; Gwen Cook - embroidery; Erika Beilharz - woven pieces. 'High Art' students of Castlemaine. 'Works in Wood' Laurie Vella. Old Telegraph Station, Pioneers and Old Residents Association, Jubilee booklet on sale. Studio Exhibition, Juliana Hilton: Prints, paintings decorated screens and furniture. Val Restarick: Pottery and outdoor planters. 2nd Biennial Ernest Leviny Commemorative Silver Exhibition, leading contemporary silversmiths; Hendrick Foster, Tony Kean, Mike Wilson, Flynn Bros, Andrew Last, Mark Edgoose, Peter Gerter, Beatrice Schlabowsly, Marian Hoskings, Karyn Kirby, Chris Sherwin, Peter McBride, Fran Allison. Ray Stanyer - Ceramic Paintings. Norman Anderson - Water Colour Studies. 'Australian & Baroque' David Terry. 'Mediterranean Images' Val Restarick. Framing Shop, Brian Harding. Exhibition of Women Artists, Liz Caffin, Mary Quinlton, Debra Watkins, Lorraine Le Plastrier. Maine Images, Jacki Bickart, Valarie Blake, Sue Breeney, Kate Burtchell, Janet Chapman, Diana Davidson, Betty Hall, Deidre Hull, Molly Maddox, Norma McKenzie, Beth Oag, Rhyll Plant, Michell Phillipson, Diane Thompson. Ceramics, Ian Drumond. 'The Esplanade of Palms' (Brickworks Exhibition), John Wilkins. Han Built Pottery, George Butcher. Hollis Gallery, Richard Hollis, Kathy Hollis. 'End of an Era', Castlemaine Technical College Student Exhibition. 'Building A Country', Commissioned by the Latrobe Library, the Australian State Library of Victoria. The Festival Exhibition. 'Colour - Three Way's, Alice Clague, Geoffrey Clague, Howard Tozer. Tonal Oil Painters and Tapestry Exhibition by a group of local artists, Albert Pollard, Shirley Anderson, Valerie Blake, Ivy Brown, Marjorie Byrne, Janet Chapman, Frances Cree, Colleen Hall, Loretta Harris, Phyllis McClure, Lorraine McDowell, Norma McLean, Margaret Maher, Winsome Morrat, Jean Perry, Martha Phillips, Alison Ross, Norma Sneddon, Val Story, Irene Szabo, Jean Wells, and Alan Winzor. Roma Dodson.'BarleyTwist Cottage', Bill Davies, Linda Long, Fred Kuhnl. Photography Exhibition: Faces and Souls. Children's Books and Illustrations, Meet the authors and illustrators. Burnett Gallery and Garden, Drew Lawson, photographer of Eaglehawk. Decorated Cakes & Sugar Craft Exhibition, Barbara Porter. Sponsored by Marong Hotel. The Central Victorian Unique Design & Restoration Centre, historical photographs, sketches, etc. Badger's Keep Nursery & Mr Badger's Shop, Margaret Lees, Bill Jackson. Carriage Builders & Restorers. 'Harmonious Inspirations X Four' Kristina Browning, Catherine Tait, Rod Pitt, Lindy McAboy, Castle Mice by Sonia. Historic Cottage, 'Orvil Dean Stud', John and Anne Murdock, Judy Dean. The Heritage of Maldon, Geoffery Stocks. Stanyer's Pottery, Dragon Magic, Annett Annand, Ellan Hansa. 2(two) copies of this program.event, entertainment, castemaine state festival, castlemaine state festival, castlemaine 1990. programme. chairmen - mr bereck segan. committee:b r segan, o.b.e. (chairman), m besen, a.o. (deputy chairman), mrs h dore (hon. sec.), c anzarut, n bourke, ms m coillet, prof. c duckworth, g fairfax, a.m., k mackenzie-forbes, a.m., mrs b margetts, dr f r moulds, i.s.o., r nordlinger, j parker, m.b.e., a porter, ms m prendergast, c pyett, ms d reilly, mrs, ms l schiftan, p m schiftan, d segan, b j stewart, ms s walker, dr r wlikie. melbourne committee: i o'halloran, (chairman), mrs m rilen (hon.sec.), miss r wood (treas), mrs l bennet, mrs m bock, s cox, cr t daniell, mrs h griffiths, b heydon, n jennings, mrs c mckellar, miss m oliver, l o'toole, f ransome-smith, j shortal, dr d silver, mrs v victor-gordon, mes e warren, miss l waters. mr ian o'halloran, chairman, castlemaine. castlemaine state festival administration, festival manager: phee broadway, manager's assistant: mary harris, technical manager: lis pain, drawing prize co-ordinator: bev singleton, farnham concert co-ordinator: noel jennings with victorian rock foundation. event listings: opening by hon. jim kennan m.p., deputy premier and minister for the arts castlemaine stadium. melbourne symphony orchestra, condustor - hiroyuki iwaki, soloist - dong -suk kang. royal variety club grand final theatre royal, town crier mr neville stonehouse. kilmna 'melbourne: professor peter mcintyre, a.o. organist michael bottomly. mickleford tour. castlemaine historical society. love letters by a r gurney, starring julia blake terry norris directed by george fairfax a.m. the noel watson show.john pringle and miriam gormley operatic rantos collegium and conductor nicholas braithwaite. the incredible shrinking mortgage show', pat wilson and adrian barnes., mr p p an acrobatic delight. potts in the park. a stroll around town, historical society guide. selected antique fair. festive family fun, musician natasha moszenin, fratellini brothers, tim hurley, wally fair ground organ, foundry band, megan jones, . a guided tour, mrs marjorie rilen. goetz richter - violin, jeanell carrigan - piano. 'king lear', berenice kavanagh and suzanne kersten. the chagell ensemble, rita reichman, piano, semmy stalhammer, violin. trevor jones, viola. david pereira, cello.steven reeves, double bass. pat wilson and adrian barnes. festival hymns. 'recital' hellen noonan, douglas horton, david chesworth, jacqui everett, jude gunson. music for flute and piano, dereck jones - flute, jeanell carrigan - piano. 'brass with class' william evans - trumpet, david farrend - trumpet, russell davis - french horn, ken mcclimont - trombone, eric klay - bass trombone. piano recital - richard mapp. chris ludwick's society synocopators - cabaret, chris ludowyk - trombone, peter gaudion- trumpet, richard miller - reeds, pip avent - tuba, cal duffy's - drums. 'cup eve comedy' rachel berger and richard stubbs. festival nightcap mr p p. botanicla gardens tour kevin walsh. alice's adventures in wonderland glenn elston. by arrangemnent with feipp and park projects and elston, hocking and woods pty ltd. family concert, piano for 4 hands jocelyn abbott richard mapp, actor justin shortal. cup day sports carnival. fashion parade, lucheon available ar georgians in george clark place. the melba trio, carolyn hayes - oboe, jane stacvy - cor anglais, seng tong - oboe. 'images' prudence davis - flute, jeffrey crellin - oboe, peter lynch - guitar. 'sounds in time' andree cozens - soprano, berenice kavanagh - words, dudley - simons - piano, john snowden - guitar, peter taylor - set design & lighting. 'music for celestial voices' laurence - jenkins - organ, mary anderson - harp, margot anderson - harp, margot cory - soprano. 'proms for preps' nehama patkin. organ recital keeith bottomley. kaweka walk, kaweka reserve committee. 'camille claudel'. the tudor choristers musical director - john o'donnell. 'something for everyone' nehama patkin - piano, guitar and voice, peter clinch - saxophone and clarinet, major australian orchastras.'the dock brief' & 'what shall we tell caroline' neville stonehouse, kay barker, david bickart, angela walter. 'bluebeard' the rag & bone theatre company. poedijono and the javanese gamelan, poedijono (teacher), musician, dancer and puppeteer. botanical gardens tour, kevin walsh, horticulturist and garden writer. 'music through the ages' 'pizzicato' - classical guitar ensemble, courthouse, bruce millar, meryl wilkinson, greg wilkinson, greg james, joan maher, danny silver. bach and vivaldi - elysium ensemble greg dikmans - art director, flute & recorder, julie hewison - violin, lucinda moon - violin, janet ferandez - viola, miriam morris - cello, rosemanry westbrook - double bass, john o'donnell - harpsichord. 'handle by candle' laurence jenkins. sarah grunstein at the piano, sarah grunstein. 'let the children sing' castlemaine children's choir, director michael bottomley, soloist peter bottomley. 'made in australia' phillip day, bruce waston, & 'twankydillo'. the dancers company of the australian ballet, les sylphides, dame peggy van praagh, sir john betjeman, robert ray. 'the wooden child' handspan theatre, douglass horton, ken evans, andre greenwell, peter j wilson, philip lethlean. botanic gardens tour kevin walsh. divine accidents and heavenly venues' william (bill) akers, a.m., director of productions, australian ballet. jazz at the jail. stroll round castlemaine, historical society. muckleford tour, naturalists club. 'sketches' the argus guitar quartet, jochen sxhubert, tania ravbar, samantha tout, chi ly.scores for instruments and voices, phylis bachelor. fred shade, flute; mara miller, violin; len vorster, piano; loris synan, soprano; students of the faculty of music, melbourne university. music for four hands at one keyboard, jocelyn abbot and richard mapp. paul grabowsky and the groovematics, paul graboesky, piano. andrew gander, drums. doug de vries, guitar. bob venier, trumpet, flugelhorn. ian chaplin, saxophone. garry costello, double bass. shelley scown, vocals. 'my most loved songs' david bickart - basso. chapliapin, mceachern, pinza, robeson, dawson. stroll around town, historical society. breakfast at buda. garden open. festival eucharist, choir and orchestra directed by kevin bottomley. music, madness, magic. itchy feet pep band, 'sound steppers', 'legs on the wall', andrew elliot, antebodies. a guided tour of angligan parish church. john farnham in concert. exhibitions: aspects of france: the australian artist's view. artsits include john russell, lloyd rees, david davies, john dent, eric wilson, e phillips fox, ethal carrick, rupert bunny, max meldrum, will ashton, george bell and others. annemieke mein: embroidery and applique. castlemaine artists incorportated 6th biennieal exibition. dominique segan castlemaine state festival drawing prize 1990. 'provocative pieces'.'feathered friends' barbara muir. through the looking glass. handmade - for pleasure, julie cook - dolls and puppets; traude beilharz - hats; gwen cook - embroidery; erika beilharz - woven pieces. 'high art' students of castlemaine. 'works in wood' laurie vella. old telegraph station, pioneers and old residents association, jubilee booklet on sale. studio exhibition, juliana hilton: prints, paintings decorated screens and furniture. val restarick: pottery and outdoor planters. 2nd biennial ernest leviny commemorative silver exhibition, leading contemporary silversmiths; hendrick foster, tony kean, mike wilson, flynn bros, andrew last, mark edgoose, peter gerter, beatrice schlabowsly, marian hoskings, karyn kirby, chris sherwin, peter mcbride, fran allison. ray stanyer - ceramic paintings. norman anderson - water colour studies. 'australian & baroque' david terry. 'mediterranean images' val restarick. framing shop, brian harding. exhibition of women artists, liz caffin, mary quinlton, debra watkins, lorraine le plastrier. maine images, jacki bickart, valarie blake, sue breeney, kate burtchell, janet chapman, diana davidson, betty hall, deidre hull, molly maddox, norma mckenzie, beth oag, rhyll plant, michell phillipson, diane thompson. ceramics, ian drumond. 'the esplanade of palms' (brickworks exhibition), john wilkins.han built pottery, george butcher. hollis gallery, richard hollis, kathy hollis. 'end of an era', castlemaine technical college student exhibition. 'building a country', commissioned by the latrobe library, the australian state library of victoria. the festival exhibition. 'colour - three way's, alice clague, geoffery clague, howard tozer. tonal oil painters and taperstry exhibition by a group of local artists, albert pollard, shirley anderson, valerie blake, ivy brown, marjorie byrne, janet chapman, frances cree, colleen hall, loretta harris, phyllis mcclure, lorraine mcdowell, norma mclean, margaret maher, winsome morrat, jean perry, martha phillips, alison ross, norma sneddon, val story, irene szabo, jean wells, and alan winzor. roma dodson.'barleytwist cottage', bill davies, linda long, fred kuhnl. photogralhy exhibition: faces and souls. children's books and illustrations, meet the authors and illustrators. burnett gallery and garden, drew lawson, photographer of eaglehawk. decorated cakes & sugar craft exhibition, barbara porter. sponsored by marong hotel. the central victorian unique design & restoration centre, historical photographs, sketches, etc. badger's keep nursery & mr badger's shop, margaret lees, bill jackson. carriage builders & restorers. 'harmonious inspirations x four' kristina browning, catherine tait, rod pitt, lindy mcaboy, castle mice by sonia. historic cottage, 'orvil dean stud', john and anne murdock, judy dean. the heritage of maldon, geoffery stocks. stanyer's pottery, dragon magic, annett annand, ellan hansa. -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Port Colts Football Team, Lagoon Reserve, 1963
Port Colts Football Team, 30 people in photo as follows : Back Row (left to right) Ron 'Bull' JENKINS / Alan SIMMONS / Dan MANSON / Laurie AGHAN / Bert WAGENER / Jim TANNOCK / Les MURPHY / Frank RICHARDSON / Daryl HUTTELY / Kevin O'HARA / Alex JAMES Middle Row (left to right) Bill GREEN / Brian McBROOM / Dave HOWIE / Bill McKENNA / Ray HARRY / Robert TWOMEY / Oscar FLANNERY / Ray WAGENER Front Row (left to right) Jim ADAMS / John MAY / Ted PAULIN / Brian BUCKLEY / Ken ADAMS / Peter DONNELLY / Frank CORBY / Ron ADAMS Mascots Greg JAMES (baby) / Robert McDONALD / Peter McDONALD Lasercopy of photo of Port Colts Football Team from the 1960s, at Lagoon Reservesport - australian rules football, societies clubs unions and other organisations, port melbourne colts football club, ron 'bull' jenkins, alan simmons, dan manson, laurie aghan, bert wagener, jim tannock, les murphy, frank richardson, daryl huttely, kevin o'hara, alexander arthur james, bill green, brian mcbroom, dave howie, bill mckenna, ray harry, robert twomey, oscar flannery, ray wagener, jim adams, john may, ted paulin, brian buckley, ken adams, peter donnelly, frank corby, rob adams, greg james, robert mcdonnald, peter mcdonald, lagoon reserve -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser "The way we were" from Monday, November 8, 2004. Memories: foremen at the Bendigo North Railway Workshops in 1982. Back row: Bill Truscott,Laurie Dunkley, Albie Jack, Bob Lawrence and Brian Griffen. Front row: Peter Willocks, Tom Chafer, Jone Mason, Bob Duffy and Arthur Eaton.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Clunes Museum
Photograph, 1949
... Team members; Graham Donaldson, Ken Sendy, Laurie Steart... members; Graham Donaldson, Ken Sendy, Laurie Steart, Doug Dais ...Team members; Graham Donaldson, Ken Sendy, Laurie Steart, Doug Dais, Brian Heffernan, Peter Donaldson, Peter Harvey, Eric Steart, Eddit McDermott, Laurence Quinton, Laurance Rigall, Rodick Swantson, Brian Andrews, Bill Jones, Peter Downes, Robert Dawson, Ken Roscholler, Robert PowerBlack and white photocopy of Clunes Elementary School Football Team 1949On Front; Match played at Eastern Oval Ballarat, adjacent to Humffray State Schoolclunes elementary school, 1949, football team -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Landscape Group Portrait, Prefects 1968 Stawell Technical School, 1968
B/W Boys in school inofrom with Teacher in suit and TieStawell Technical School Reg No. 3358 Prefects 1968 L to R: Laurie Picklford, Keith Heffernan, Alan Ralph, Maitland Wallace, Mr. Ralph Sinclair, Brian Waldron, ????, Calvin West, Geoff -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, School Picnic at the Sandbar Circa 1940
Circa 1940 School Picnic at the Sandbar (Lake Lonsdale) Standing: Annie Richards, Fred Richards, Des Repper, Mrs. Repper, Bob McFeet, Perce Repper, Frank Bennett, ??, Alf Cray, Brian McFeet, ??, Amy Cray, Kathleen Bennett, ??, Baby, Margaret McFeet. Seated: ??, Leslie Bennett, ?? , ??, ??, Phyllis Repper, ??, Doug Repper, Laurie Benett, Doug McFeet, George Richards, ??.B/W Photo Large Group of People outside, Adults Standing at Rear, children seated in front.deep lead school, education -
Ambulance Victoria Museum
Photograph, Dandenong MICA7 crew
MICA7 (Dandenong) with its original crew. From left to right; Rob Ferguson, Paul Livingston, Ron MacIntosh, Peter Ballard, Ian Donaldson, Russel Nelson, Rob Ray, Jeff Allan, Brian Fellows, Eric Shanssema, Don White and Laurie Spelling (MICA coordinator). Laurie Spelling joined the ambulance service in the early 1970s and completed various training courses at the Ambulance Officer's Training Centre. He was employed by the Peninsula Ambulance Service and later qualified as a paramedic and was MICA coordinator. In the period 1999-2003 he was area manager for Rural Ambulance Victoria.Black and white photograph. 12 Ambulance officers with ambulance in background. mica7, laurie spelling, laurence pearce spelling -
Wangaratta High School
WHS Teacher Service Honour Board, 1919-1989
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white prints, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Graduation day 1979, 1978-1979
... (Staff). (2) Margaret Egerton, Nicholas Bailey, Laurie Metzeling... margaret egerton nicholas bailey laurie metzeling brian pell ...Photographs taken on Graduation Day 1979. (1) Frank Keenan (Staff). (2) Margaret Egerton, Nicholas Bailey, Laurie Metzeling (Staff). (3) Brian Pell (Principal), Frank Keenan. (4)Frank Keenan. (5) Barry Dimelow. (6) Frank keenan, Brian Pell, Barry Dimelow. (7) Barry Dimelow. (8) Brian Pell, Frank Keenan. (9) Frank Keenan, Barry Dimelow. (10) Unidentified. (11) Frank Keenan, Brian Pell. (12) Frank Keenan, Brian Pell. (13) Brian Pell, Peter Wood, Graeme Pitt (student), Robert Taylor. Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Dept of Agriculture Ref. No. 1978(648-39). (14) Ref. No. 1978(648-39). (15) Peter Wood, Graeme Pitt (student), Ref. No. 19789648-38). (16) SRC Rep?, ? Frank Keenan.graduation day, 1979, frank keenan, staff, margaret egerton, nicholas bailey, laurie metzeling, brian pell, principal, barry dimelow, peter wood, graeme pitt, students, src, robert taylor -
St Patrick's Old Collegians Association (SPOCA)
Photograph - SPOCA, Presidents Luncheon, Coopers Inn, August 2024
... SPOCA Alumni - (Back Row) Laurie Gascoigne, Damien Hynes... melbourne SPOCA Alumni - (Back Row) Laurie Gascoigne, Damien Hynes ... -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, F.W. Niven, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1957, 1957
The Ballarat School of Mines produced an annual students' magazine from 1899 - 1966. Contents include, School Council, Members of Staff, 1st Corbould Scholarship, Australian Speech, Art Lending Library, Literary Society, football, Boys' Junior Technical School, Bullarto Camp Reunion, John Leckie, Stan Hillman, Girls' Junior Technical School, Parliament House, Ballarat North Junior Technical School Images include: Craig's Royal Hotel, Peter Robinson, John Thomas Huyton Clelland, John Wolfe, Bernie Gallagher, Nelson Hails, John Gowan, Beverley Selkirk, Pat Collier, Barry Singleton Mara Jekabsons, Bill Widdop, Neil Brogden, frank Pomeroy, Laurence Trevan, Neville Bunning, Jim McKay, Malcolm Hausler, Josephine Young, George Lewis, Alan Clarke, Norman Leckie, Andrew Atkins, Lorette Davey, Noel Flood, Denis Bryan, SMB Football Team, SMB Athletics Team, SMB Baseball Team, SMB Basketball Team, SMB Tennis Team, Athletic Champions, R. Ross, I. Beaumont, R. Parker, G. Waller, John Rash, J. Sarah, J. Walters, P. Rowe, L. Drummond, R. Whitcher, ATC Flight No 24, BJTS Football Team, BJTS Swimming Team, BJTS Tennis Team, BJTS Athletics Squad, BJTS Cricket Team, BJTS Softball team and coach, W. Sawall, L. McDonald, K. Penna, J. Clarke, K. Rogers, Mr Wilson, F. Holmes, graham Manning, Andrew Brumby, Kevin Rogers, Graham Walters, Yellow soft covered students' magazine of 92 pages. keith alexander, brian bellingham, neil brogden, bernie gallagher, john gowan, francis hunting, teng hor khoo, teng seong khoo, norman leckie, boon thiam lu, brian mclennan, peter russell, chookiate sirivingse, laurie trean, john wolfe, ballarat school of mines, peter robinson, john thomas huyton clelland, d. w. brown, n. bunning, jim mckay, barry singleton, malcolm hausler, josephine young, george lewis, alan clarke, andrew atkins, lorette davey, noel flood, denis bryans, john mckenzie, robert skewes, ian fraser, walter reimann, pat collier, ralph hepburn, peter m. robinson, a. bethune, j. lane, d. colbourn, w. etty, b. bellingham, n. hails, t. white, p. agrums, w. widdop, f. pomeroy, b. singleton, j. mckay, j. pollock, r. cutter, d. vendy, j. wolfe, p. collier, w. bowtell, r. hepburn, w. wynd, p. menz, b. dunstan, j. gowan, l. groat, g. westwood, j. erdmanis, a. rock, k. alexander, p. walker, w. reimann, n. delosa, b. mclennan, a. clarke, g. wilson, t. coad, j. caldwell, d. chung, r. champneys, j. mckenzie, b. paterson, j. cowan, somnam nandhabiwat, w. spencer, p. schoutens, d. treller, gayle peterson, denise lockett, carmel dobbyn, margaret ayars, raymond jenkin, l. nester, w. eyers, r. ross, g. dreever, r. ross, i. beaumont, r. parker, g. waller, j. rash, j. sarah, j. walters, p. rowe, l. drummond, r. whitcher, r. ingle, i. pollock, p. bilney, i. collier, l. thomas, g. leslie, p. schoutens, a. morris, g. wells, b. mcgregor, j. bedggood, k. spencer, j. vincent, j. elliott, j. whitten, g. higgins, g. le couteur, h. mcdougall, g. wise, m. allen, d. pattie, i. collinson, c. kearns, g. severino, g. smith, n. smith, f. tolliday, r. williams, d. coldicott, m. hewitt, g. higgins, c. ludbrook, j. simpson, glenys spielvogel, norma davies, dawn ridgeway, carmel dobbyn, beverley davis, j. crouch, kathleen harris, j. walters, jan hunter, j. carroll, c. jenkins, lesley cutts, h. vagg, irene horgan, graham manning, andrew brumby, kevin rogers, graham walters, k. howell, n. malthouse, l. deppler, g. manning, n. nugent, b. antonio, r. mccarthy, mr morrison, r. mckenzie, w. wakeling, j. clarke, l. mayne, n. bromley, a. brumby, a. abrams, k. penna, r. button, p. linane, f. holmes, n. yean, mr love, miss atkins, p. cochrane, i. quick, mr mitchell, b. flynn, r. brown, k. penna, j. mcmahon, g. turnbull, n. skewes, d. vowles, d. blake, mr nuttall, g. borchers, i. greenbank, d. evans, j. whelan, j. milne, w. sawall, d. ward, r. rundell, mr ellerton, m. foy, l. reed, c. tilgals, peter agrums -
Clunes Museum
Photograph - 1st Clunes Cubs & Scouts c1958, HERALD & WEEKLY TIMES
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Sutherland, Stan, In This Man's Army: a Vietnam War Memoir
One of the great joys of being a soldier are the great men and women with whom you are privileged to serve, especially when that service was at war.One of the great joys of being a soldier are the great men and women with whom you are privileged to serve, especially when that service was at war.soldiers - victoria - biography, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives, general peter cosgrove, 3 rar, b company, 9 rar, 1 atf, battle of balmoral, d platoon, e platoon, bob hannah, barry wakefield, terry james, terry godde, laurie smillie, jeff strawbridge, harry birrell, john leahy, lyle orreal, brian 'bluey' mccabe, eric hardgrave, stan sutherland -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Officer Commissioning and CO’s Handover Parade, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo, 1992
This is a set of 28 photographs taken at a CO’s Parade at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo in 1992. On this parade WO1 Bill Jones received his commission and by promotion to Captain from CO LTCOL Rene van den Tol. Command of the unit was handed over to LTCOL Rob McHenry. It is probable the commissioning and handover ceremonies occurred on the CO’s Parade. LTCOL Rene van den Tol was CO from 1989 to 1992 and LTCOL Rob McHenry was CO from 1992 to 1993.This is a set of 28 photographs taken at a CO’s Parade at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo in 1992. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, colour, 1992. Headquarters Squadron marches past RSM WO1 Graham Ragless. .2) - Photo, colour, 1992. Cartographic Squadron marches past RSM WO1 Graham Ragless. L to R: unidentified personnel, WO2 Steve Hansen, CPL Roger Pearson, WO1 Gary Warnest, SSGT Dennis Learmonth, SSGT Greg Else, CPL Ian Bowes, SGT Stuart Symonds. .3) - Photo, colour, 1992. Lithographic Squadron marches past RSM WO1 Graham Ragless. L to R: unidentified personnel, WO1 Steve Egan, LCPL John Bragg, unidentified personnel, WO2 Rob Bogumil, unidentified personnel, SPR Corey Hill. .4) - Photo, colour, 1992. Air Survey Squadron marches past RSM WO1 Graham Ragless. L to R: unidentified personnel, WO1 Allan Hancox, SSGT Wolfgang Thun, unidentified personnel, WO2 Neil ‘Ned’ Kelly, unidentified personnel, SGT Dave Longbottom, SGT Brian Johnson. .5) - Photo, colour, 1992. Cartographic Squadron. L to R: unidentified personnel, SGT Stuart Symonds, CPL Col McInnes, CAPT Mary Anne Martinek in foreground, SPR Jodi Seith, unidentified personnel, SPR Avril (Bray) Lloyd. .6) - Photo, colour, 1992. Air Survey Squadron. L to R: unidentified officer, SSGT Bruce Hammond, SPR Tracy Tillman, SPR Rachel (Stanford) Scott, SPR Paula (Golding) Brinsmead, SGT Graeme Reany, unidentified officer in foreground, unidentified personnel, CPL Steve Coulson. .7) - Photo, colour, 1992. Cartographic Squadron inspection. L to R: RSM WO1 Graham Ragless, unidentified, OC MAJ Graeme Wastell, CO LTCOL Rene van den Tol, unidentified personnel, CPL Col McInnes, SPR Jodi Seith, SPR Avril (Bray) Lloyd. CPL Steve Ellis, SPR Ian Brown, SPR Andrew Lazdovskis. .8) - Photo, colour, 1992. Cartographic Squadron inspection. L to R: OC MAJ Graeme Wastell, CO LTCOL Rene van den Tol, SPR Avril (Bray) Lloyd, CPL Steve Ellis, SPR Ian Brown, SPR Andrew Lazdovskis, SPR Adrian Taylor, unidentified, SPR Mick Knight, SPR Dawn Hoadley, CPL Craig Kellet. .8) to .12) - Photo, colour, 1992. Officer Commissioning Ceremony. L to R: CO LTCOL Rene van den Tol, WO1 Bill Jones promoted to Captain. .13) - Photo, colour, 1992. Officer Commissioning Ceremony. L to R: ADJT CAPT Geoff Ford, RSM WO1 Graham Ragless, CO LTCOL Rene van den Tol, WO1 Bill Jones promoted to Captain. .14) - Photo, colour, 1992. Officer Commissioning Ceremony. WO1 Bill Jones promoted to Captain. .15) - Photo, colour, 1992. Commanding Officer Handover. CO LTCOL Rene van den Tol delivers speech. .16) to .17) - Photo, colour, 1992. Commanding Officer Handover. R to L: CO LTCOL Rene van den Tol hands over to incoming CO LTCOL Rob McHenry. .18) - Photo, colour, 1992. Commanding Officer Handover. L to R: RSM WO1 Graham Ragless, ADJT CAPT Geoff Ford, CO LTCOL Rob McHenry. .19) - Photo, colour, 1992. Commanding Officer Handover. L to R: ADJT CAPT Geoff Ford, RSM WO1 Graham Ragless, CO LTCOL Rob McHenry. .20) - Photo, colour, 1992. Cartographic Squadron marches off parade ground. L to R: OC MAJ Graeme Wastell, unidentified officer, CAPT Greg Oaten, LT Matt Jackson, CAPT Mary Anne Martinek, SPR Mick Knight. .21) & .22) - Photo, colour, 1992. Cartographic Squadron marches off parade ground. .23) - Photo, colour, 1992. Lithographic Squadron marches off parade ground. L to R: OC Bob Coote, unidentified officer, SPR Scott Cameron, unidentified officer, SSGT Russ Mollenhauer, SGT Brian Fauth. .24) - Photo, colour, 1992. Lithographic Squadron marches off parade ground. L to R: LCPL Janet Murray, unidentified, SPR Mick Muzeen, Allison (Ottaway) Wooldrage, SGT Keith Quinton, SGT Frank Lenane, SGT Laurie Justin, SGT Dale Hudson, LCPL John Bragg, unidentified, SGT Kim Reynolds, SPR Corey Hill, SPR Andrew Arman, SPR Ross Anza, WO1 Peter Coombes. .25) - Photo, colour, 1992. Parade guests. L to R: unidentified guests, MAJ Peter Jensen. .26) - Photo, colour, 1992. Parade guests. L to R: unidentified guests, CAPT Doug Arman, unidentified guests. .27) - Photo, colour, 1992. Parade personnel march off. L to R: unidentified, WO2 Ted Burgess, WO1 Ken Slater. .28) - Photo, colour, 1992. Parade personnel. L to R: unidentified, SPR Allan Blake..1P to .28P – There are no annotations.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment Freedom of Entry Parade Rehearsal, Fortuna. Bendigo, 1980
This set of 38 black and white photographs were taken at the Army Survey Regiment’s parade rehearsal held at Fortuna, Bendigo in 1980. The rehearsal was for the Freedom of Entry parade held 1-2 weeks later in 1980. The exact date for the Freedom of Entry parade is not known. The Freedom of Entry to the City of Bendigo was an honour first conferred by the Bendigo City Council to the Army Survey Regiment in 1970. The Freedom of Entry parade in 1980 was the fourth time the unit exercised its right of freedom of entry. The Regiment also exercised its Freedom of Entry with anniversary parades in 1977, 1980 and 1995. Refer to items 6020.8P, 6021.25P, 6248P, 6266, 6409.2, 6430.39P, 6490.53P and 6491.21P for more Army Survey Regiment Freedom of Entry photographs, documents and certificates. See item 6471.2P for photos of Lithographic Squadron taken on the same day of this parade rehearsal. This set of 38 black and white photographs of the Army Survey Regiment (Army Svy Regt) were taken in a rehearsal for the Freedom of Entry parade to the City of Bendigo, held 1-2 weeks later in 1980. The photographs are on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1980. WO1 John McCulloch observes the rehearsal. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1980. RSM WO1 Aub Harvey, WO1 Dave Thomson and WO1 Roger Rix observe the rehearsal. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Under command of SSM WO1 Bob Mason, Air Survey Squadron marches onto the parade ground - Front rank L to R: SPR Peter Jones, SPR Barry Miller, CPL Alan Hawkins. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron marches on the parade ground - L to R: SPR Peter Jones, CPL Lyall Camp, SPR Barry Miller, SPR Geoff Havelberg, unidentified, CPL Alan Hawkins, CPL Peter Treble, unidentified (x2), SGT Mick Hogan, SGT Bruce Hammond, unidentified, SPR Steve Linane, SPR Jamie McRae, unidentified (x2). .5) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron formed up – CAPT Peter Ralston on far left. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron inspection – L to R: CAPT Peter Ralston, CPL Alan Hawkins, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, SGT Mick Hogan, SGT Bruce Hammond, SPR Jamie McRae. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron inspection – L to R: SPR Peter Jones, unidentified, CPL Paul Hopes, unidentified, SGT Rick van der Bom, LTCOL Bob Skitch, SPR Steve Linane, CPL Mick Minchin, unidentified, SPR Gae (Robinson) Amato, unidentified, SPR Chris ‘CPL Peter Treble, Charlie’ Brown, SPR Ginny (Turner) Rowe. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Lithographic Squadron marches onto the parade ground - Front rank L to R: SPR Brian Fauth, SPR Roy Hicks, SPR Per Andersen, commanded by LT Steve Cooper. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Lithographic Squadron marches onto the parade ground - L to R: SSM WO1 Ken Slater, Front rank SPR Brian Fauth, SPR Roy Hicks, SPR Per Andersen, LT Steve Cooper. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Lithographic Squadron inspection - L to R: CAPT Stan Vote, LT Steve Cooper, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, SPR Neville Carr, SPR Laurie Justin, SPR Keith Quinton. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Lithographic Squadron inspection - L to R: unidentified, LT Steve Cooper, CPL Frank Lenane, CPL Mick ‘Buddha’ Ellis, SPR Martin van de Maele, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, unidentified (x2), SPR Garry Hudson, remainder unidentified. .12) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Lithographic Squadron inspection - L to R: LT Steve Cooper, CPL Rob Bogumil, unidentified, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CPL Bill Jones, CPL John ‘Flash’ Anderson, CPL Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, unidentified. .13) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Lithographic Squadron inspection - L to R: unidentified (x4), CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, unidentified, CPL Bill Jones, LT Steve Cooper, CPL Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley. .14) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Lithographic Squadron performs form - right file L to R: SPR Brian Fauth, SPR Roy Hicks, SPR Per Andersen. .15) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Lithographic Squadron completes form at the halt. .16) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Lithographic Squadron marches in column of route – right file L to R: SPR Keith Quinton, SPR John Whaling, SPR Martin van de Maele, SPR John Whaling, SPR Garry Hudson, unidentified. Centre marker: CPL Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, remainder unidentified. .17) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Lithographic Squadron marches in column of route – right file L to R: SPR John Whaling, SPR Martin van de Maele, SPR John Whaling, SPR Garry Hudson, unidentified. Centre marker CPL Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, remainder unidentified. .18) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Lithographic Squadron marches in column of route – L to R: SPR Per Andersen, CPL Josh Degroot, SPR Neville Carr, SPR Laurie Justin, SPR Keith Quinton, SPR John Whaling, SPR Martin van de Maele, SPR John Whaling, SPR Garry Hudson, unidentified. .19) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Lithographic Squadron marches in column of route – L to R: SPR Per Andersen, CPL Josh Degroot, SPR Neville Carr, SPR Laurie Justin, SPR Keith Quinton, SPR Martin van de Maele, SPR John Whaling, SPR Garry Hudson, unidentified (x2), CPL Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, unidentified. .20) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Lithographic Squadron rehearses ‘rest on arms reverse.’ .21) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron marches onto the parade ground in column of route - L to R: SPR Cheryl Lofthouse, unidentified, SSM WO1 Gordon Lowery, unidentified, SPR Megan (McBurney) Reynolds, unidentified (x6), SPR Peter Main, CPL Stu Symonds, SPR Greg Else, SPR Rod Skidmore. .22) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron marches onto the parade ground in column of route - L to R: SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR Greg Else, CPL Phil McGuire, CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Brad Peppler, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lynn Johnson, commanded by CAPT Bob Williams. .23) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron inspection - L to R: unidentified officer, CAPT Bob Williams, SPR Greg Else, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CPL Phil McGuire, CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Brad Peppler, CPL Trevor Bottomley. .24) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron inspection - L to R: RSM WO1 Aub Harvey, unidentified officer, CAPT Bob Williams, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Front rank L to R: SPR Rod Skidmore, CPL Phil McGuire, CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Brad Peppler, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lynn Johnson. Centre rank L to R: CPL Terry Danger, SPR John Martin, SPR Bob Sheppard. SPR Megan (McBurney) Reynolds. .25) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron inspection - Front rank L to R: CPL Phil McGuire, CAPT Bob Williams, CPL Brad Peppler, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lynn Johnson. .26) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron inspection - L to R: WO1 Roger Rix, RSM WO1 Aub Harvey, unidentified officer. Front rank L to R: SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR Greg Else, CPL Phil McGuire, CPL Brad Peppler, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lynn Johnson. Centre rank L to R: CPL Terry Danger, SPR John Martin, SPR Bob Sheppard. SPR Megan (McBurney) Reynolds. .27) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron inspection - L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Brad Peppler, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lynn Johnson. .28) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron inspection - L to R: CAPT Bob Williams, unidentified, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, SPR John Martin, SPR Bob Sheppard, SPR Megan (McBurney) Reynolds, rear rank L to R: SPR Peter Main, unidentified (x3). .29) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron rehearses ‘reverse arms’ - L to R: SPR Peter Main, CPL Stu Symonds, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR Greg Else, remainder unidentified. .30) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron rehearses ‘rest on arms reverse.’ - Front rank L to R: SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR Greg Else, CPL Phil McGuire, CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Brad Peppler, CPL Trevor Bottomley. remainder unidentified. Centre rank L to R: unidentified (x2), SPR John Martin, SPR Bob Sheppard, SPR Megan (McBurney) Reynolds. Rear rank L to R: unidentified (x3), SPR Carla Dell on far right. .31) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron marches in column of route. .32) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron marches in column of route. Left file L to R: SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR Greg Else, CPL Phil McGuire, CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Brad Peppler, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lynn Johnson. Centre file L to R: unidentified (x2), SPR Dan Cirsky, SPR Bob Sheppard. Commanded by CAPT Bob Williams (foreground). .33) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron rehearses ‘order arms.’ Front rank L to R: SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR Greg Else, CPL Phil McGuire, CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Brad Peppler, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lynn Johnson. Centre rank L to R: unidentified (x2), SPR Dan Cirsky, SPR Megan (McBurney) Reynolds, SPR Ilen Isaac. Rear rank L to R: SPR Cathy Regan, unidentified, SPR Cheryl Lofthouse. .34) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron rehearses ‘right dress.’ Front rank L to R: SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR Greg Else, CPL Phil McGuire, CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Brad Peppler, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lynn Johnson. Centre rank L to R: SPR John Martin, SPR Bob Sheppard. SPR Megan (McBurney) Reynolds, SPR Ilen Isaac. Rear rank L to R: unidentified (x2), SPR Cathy Regan, unidentified, SPR Cheryl Lofthouse. Commanded by CAPT Bob Williams (far left). 35) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron section rehearses marching with reverse arms. L to R: SPR Bob Hopper, CPL Rick Downie, CPL Paul Hopes, unidentified (x2, SGT Rick van der Bom, SPR Steve Hilton, CPL Peter Treble, unidentified, SPR John Lane, remainder unidentified. .36) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron section rehearses marching with reverse arms. L to R: CPL Alan Hawkins, CPL John Smith, SPR Dave Jobe, unidentified (x2), SGT Mick Hogan, SPR Barry Miller, WO1 Dave Thomson. .37) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron sections practice drill. .38) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron rest break from drill practice. L to R: unidentified (x2), CPL Noel McNamara, SSGT Peter Warwick, SSGT Greg Buckingham (facing away), SGT Jim Beard, unidentified, SPR Sharon (Jones) Treble (foreground), unidentified, SGT Bruce Gordon, SPR Kristin (Isaac) Skidmore.There are no personnel identified. royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr