Historical information

This set of 36 photographs were taken at a Corps Day Parade held at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo on the 1st of July 1987. The Parade Commander was CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, and the Reviewing Officer was the Colonel Commandant (honorary appointment) of the Survey Corps - COL Clem Sargent (Retd). The Corps Day Parade was held to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the formation of the Royal Australian Survey Corps. It was an occasion for great celebration at the Regiment. After 45 years in Bendigo, its future was finally secure. At the traditional anniversary parade, the Colonel Commandant COL Clem Sargent praised the efforts of the Regiment and led the soldiers in three cheers for the record production of the previous 12 months. More information is provided in page 140 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4. This set of photos cover the start of the Corps Day Parade, drill movements of the four Squadrons forming up on the parade ground and the formal arrival of the Reviewing Officer. See Item 6376.18P for additional photographs taken at the Corps Day Parade, comprising inspections of the Regiment’s four squadrons, presentations of the Defence Force Service Medal in recognition of 15 years of efficient remunerated service to SSGT Phil Meagher and SGT Wayne Rothwell; and formal group photos of each of the four Squadrons, Officers, and Warrant Officers/Sergeants.

Physical description

This is a set of 36 photographs of a Corps Day Parade held at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo in July 1987. The black & white photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi.
.1) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Unidentified personnel marching onto parade ground.
.2) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Squadrons marching on parade ground. 1st rank L to R: LCPL Ken Dempster, unidentified (x2), WO2 Neville Stone, remainder unidentified.
.3) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Right file L to R: WO2 George Graham, WO2 Dave Miles, remainder unidentified.
.4) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: WO1 Stevo Hinic, 1st rank – unidentified, CPL Max Watson, unidentified, WO2 Peter Tangey.
.5) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: WO2 Ralph Chant, CPL Gary Drummond, SGT Gary Kerr, unidentified, CPL Dale Hudson, unidentified, LCPL Daryl South, CPL Kerron South, CPL Peter Dillon, SGT Brian Fauth, SGT Graham Johnston, CPL Peter Swandale, CPL Jim Ash, unidentified, CPL Gary Tremain, unidentified, unidentified UK exchange, unidentified WO1 Ken Slater, WO1 Doug Arman.
.6) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: WO2 Alan Bunn, CPL Bob Thrower, SGT Kevin Boehm, CPL Peter Coles, CPL John ‘JJ’ Smith, CPL Laurie Justin, LCPL Bob Sheppard, CPL Steve McGuiness, SGT Bob Garritty, SPR Jim Humphrey, unidentified (x2), SSGT Greg Gilbert, unidentified, WO2 George Graham.
.7) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: CPL Rod Skidmore, SSGT Phil Meagher, WO1 Colin Cuskelly, unidentified, CPL Colin McInnes, unidentified, CPL Jeff Le Fe-Fevre, SPR Richard Arman, CPL Dan Cirsky, CPL Michelle Griffith, LCPL Tom Bloxham, SPR Ailsa (Sorby) Miller, CPL Peter Johnson, unidentified, LCPL Ken Dempster, unidentified (x2), WO2 Neville Stone.
.8) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: CPL Bob Thrower, unidentified (x2), SGT Kevin Boehm, CPL Peter Coles, SGT John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, CPL John ‘JJ’ Smith, unidentified CPL Laurie Justin, unidentified, WO2 Alan Bunn, unidentified (x2), LCPL Bob Sheppard, unidentified, CPL Steve McGuiness, unidentified, SGT Bob Garritty, unidentified, SPR Jim Humphrey.
.9) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Foreground – Acting RSM WO1 Dave Thompson, background L to R: MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, CAPT Bob Williams, CAPT Laurie Newton, ADJT CAPT Andrew McLoud, MAJ Bob McHenry, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, MAJ Mick Byrne, MAJ Roger Rix.
.10) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Officers ready to take posts. Background L to R: MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, CAPT Bob Williams, CAPT Laurie Newton, ADJT CAPT Andrew McLoud, MAJ Bob McHenry, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, MAJ Mick Byrne, MAJ Roger Rix, LT Vicky Thompson, Foreground – 2IC MAJ Terry Edwards, Acting RSM WO1 Dave Thompson, WO2 Alan Bunn, CPL Bob Thrower, SGT Kevin Boehm, CPL Peter Coles, CPL John ‘JJ’ Smith, CPL Laurie Justin, LCPL Bob Sheppard.
.11) to .13) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Officers ready to take posts. L to R: MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, CAPT Bob Williams, CAPT Laurie Newton, ADJT CAPT Andrew McLoud, MAJ Bob McHenry, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, MAJ Mick Byrne, MAJ Roger Rix, LT Vicky Thompson, CAPT John South.
.14) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: WO2 Alan Bunn, MAJ Roger Rix.
.15) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: unidentified personnel, CAPT Laurie Newton, unidentified, CAPT Bob William, MAJ Mick Byrne, WO2 Dave Miles.
.16) &.17) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. L to R: 2IC MAJ Terry Edwards handing Parade over to CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE.
.18) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Arrival of Reviewing Officer- COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent. Saluted by CPL Kevin ‘Chuck’ Berry.
.19) - Photo, black & white, July 1987. Arrival of Reviewing Officer- COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent. Saluted by CPL Kevin ‘Chuck’ Berry. MAJ Duncan Burns on right departing vehicle.
.20) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Reviewing Officer - COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent returning salute from CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE.
.21) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Headquarters Squadron approaching the Dias. L to R: CAPT John South, unidentified, MAJ Roger Rix, unidentified, SPR Tracy (Parker) Ash, unidentified, T Vicky Thompson, CPL Bob Thrower, SGT Kevin Boehm, CPL Peter Coles, CPL John ‘JJ’ Smith, CPL Laurie Justin, LCPL Bob Sheppard, remainder partially obscured, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent.
.22) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Headquarters Squadron’s MAJ Roger Rix salutes the Reviewing Officer. L to R: CAPT John South, MAJ Roger Rix, unidentified, SPR Tracy (Parker) Ash, unidentified, Vicky Thompson, CPL Bob Thrower, SGT Kevin Boehm, CPL Peter Coles, CPL John ‘JJ’ Smith, CPL Laurie Justin, LCPL Bob Sheppard, CPL Steve McGuiness, SGT Bob Garritty, SPR Jim Humphrey, WO2 George Graham.
.23) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Headquarters Squadron’s MAJ Roger Rix salutes the Reviewing Officer. L to R: CAPT John South, MAJ Roger Rix, unidentified, SPR Tracy (Parker) Ash, unidentified, Vicky Thompson, CPL Bob Thrower, SGT Kevin Boehm, CPL Peter Coles, CPL John ‘JJ’ Smith, CPL Laurie Justin, LCPL Bob Sheppard, CPL Steve McGuiness, SGT Bob Garritty, SPR Jim Humphrey, WO2 George Graham, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent,
.24) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Headquarters Squadron continues past the Dias. L to R: unidentified (x3), Vicky Thompson, unidentified, CPL Bob Thrower, SGT Kevin Boehm, CPL Peter Coles, CPL John ‘JJ’ Smith, CPL Laurie Justin, LCPL Bob Sheppard, CPL Steve McGuiness, SGT Bob Garritty, SPR Jim Humphrey, WO2 George Graham.
.25) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Army Survey Regiment senior officers and Air Survey Squadron approaching the Dias. L to R: 2IC MAJ Terry Edwards, ADJT CAPT Andrew McLeod, OC MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, acting RSM WO1 Dave Thompson, centre file marker CPL Max Watson, right marker CPL Perry Burt, CAPT Bob Williams, remainder unidentified, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent.
.26) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Army Survey Regiment senior officers and Air Survey Squadron salute the Reviewing Officer. L to R: 2IC MAJ Terry Edwards, ADJT CAPT Andrew McLeod, OC MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, acting RSM WO1 Dave Thompson, centre file marker CPL Max Watson, right marker CPL Perry Burt, CAPT Bob Williams, remainder unidentified, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent.
.27) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Army Survey Regiment senior officers and Air Survey Squadron salute the Reviewing Officer. L to R: 2IC MAJ Terry Edwards, ADJT CAPT Andrew McLeod, unidentified, OC MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, acting RSM WO1 Dave Thompson, unidentified, SGT Barrie Craymer, CAPT Bob Williams, centre file marker CPL Max Watson, right marker CPL Perry Burt, remainder unidentified, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent.
.28) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Air Survey Squadron salutes the Reviewing Officer. L to R: CPL Steve Hill OAM CSM, unidentified, SSGT Neil ‘Ned’ Kelly, WO2 Peter Tangey, WO1 Dennis Marshall. Followed by Lithographic Squadron L to R: SGT Graham Johnston, SGT Bryan Fauth, CPL Jim Ash, CPL Peter Swandale, CPL Roy Hicks, remainder unidentified.
.29) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Lithographic Squadron’s MAJ Mick Byrne salutes the Reviewing Officer. L to R: WO1 Dennis Marshall (Air Svy Sqn), SGT Graham Johnston, SGT Bryan Fauth, MAJ Mick Byrne, CPL Jim Ash, CPL Peter Swandale, unidentified (x2), CPL Lance Strudwick, CPL John ‘Flash’ Anderson, SGT Alan Virtue, CPL Greg Rowe, unidentified (x2), CPL Graham Hales, unidentified, CPL Paul Baker, SPR Colin Yeats, unidentified, WO1 Ken Slater, WO1 Doug Arman.
.30) to .31) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Lithographic Squadron’s MAJ Mick Byrne salutes the Reviewing Officer. L to R: SGT Graham Johnston, SGT Bryan Fauth, MAJ Mick Byrne, CPL Jim Ash, CPL Peter Swandale, unidentified (x2), CPL Lance Strudwick, CPL John ‘Flash’ Anderson, SGT Alan Virtue, CPL Greg Rowe, unidentified (x2), CPL Graham Hales, unidentified, CPL Paul Baker, SPR Colin Yeats, unidentified, WO1 Ken Slater, WO1 Doug Arman.
.32) to .35) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Cartographic Squadron’s MAJ Bob McHenry salutes the Reviewing Officer. L to R: MAJ Bob McHenry, CAPT Peter ‘Blue Blaskett, left file L to R: SPR Ross Collishaw, SPR Ben Lucas, centre file L to R: SGT Martin Evans, SSGT Ian ‘Rock’ Thistleton, SGT Eddy Jacobs, right file L to R: CPL Rod Skidmore, SSGT Phil Meagher, SPR Craig Kellet, unidentified, CPL Col McInnes, SPR Nick Cowan, unidentified, CPL Jeff Le-Fevre, SPR Richard Arman, CPL Dan Cirsky, SPR Tom Bloxham, CPL Peter Johnson, unidentified, LCPL Kenne Dempster.
.36) - Photo, black & white, July 1987, Reviewing Officer - COL COMDT COL Clem Sargent returns salute.

Inscriptions & markings

.1P to .36P – There are no personnel identified.