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matching bushfire memorial
Hepburn Shire Council Art and Heritage Collection
Public Art Work, 'Memorial Fountain Tree' - Anton Hasell. 2009, 2012
... bushfire memorial...'Black Saturday' Bushfire Memorial Sculpture....' Bushfire Memorial Sculpture. Commissioned by the Hepburn Shire ...'Black Saturday' Bushfire Memorial Sculpture.Commissioned by the Hepburn Shire with funds provided by the Commonwealth and State Governments through the Bushfire Community Recovery Fund. Large scale tree-inspired steel and bronze sculpture incorporating two drinking fountains. Artist's name is laser cut onto the base of the 'trunk' of the tree.hepburn shire, hepburn shire public art collection, public art, bushfire memorial, sculpture, memorial, public art commissions, anton hassell, australian bell pty ltd, daylesford, art -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (VHS), Diamond Creek Fire Brigade, c.1955-1987
Combination of three movie films. Movie One (1950s): 00:00 – 13:14 Black and white footage of Diamond Creek firemen practising in Diamond Street in the 1950s for forthcoming demonstrations of abilities. Mentions of Gordon Brandy and Joe Hislop Running out hoses from old hose reels along Diamond Street, Diamond Creek Displays from various brigades running out and connecting hoses. Also scenes from the 1950s of Diamond Creek Fire Brigade competing in various locations around Victoria and Tasmania. Mentions of Brigade members Dave Kidd, Bruce Hackett, Ron Kirkbride, Jack Marks, Graham Upton who are prominent in these events. Members of Kyneton Fire Brigade also present. Members competing in running out hose reels, connecting hoses togethers and to hydrants then climbing towers to direct water from hose or at a target hanging above the road. Diamond Creek members identified wearing a diamond on their chest and back. Includes scenes of Scottish pipe bands at the events and significant crowds of spectators. Footage of Mel Stone and Beryl Marks, Stan Redpath and Ron Kirkbride, then Ron Kirkbride and Eric Holt viewing flower displays. Film changes to colour at Diamond Creek oval for practice with fire engine entering oval. Members depicted include Bill May, Jack Sinclair, Jim Cox, Bob Beale, Dave Kidd, Bruce Hackett and Captain Clarrie Stone. Reverts to black and white in the 1950s where the Brigade joins forces with the Diamond Valley Community Hospital for a Gala Day on the Diamond Creek Oval. Changes to colour again, possibly same event and scenes of children on bikes and scooters or with prams and carts racing around the oval. Mention of young lad Brian Laurie who has his own fire truck. Dart throwing, pony rides. Scenes with Dr Don Cordner, Gus Lyons, Vic Cohn (?) and spinning wheel and Diamond Creek School children entertain a large crowd with Maypole dancing. Movie Two (1950s): 13:25 – 19:00 This black and white film was taken by a TV film crew in the 1950s depicts a typical call out for the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. In this case the careless action of a member of the public throwing a lighted match from a car, which can cause extensive damage. Footage features the Shire of Eltham War Memorial tower at Kangaroo Ground before it was modified with a fire spotter’s cabin. Discusses fire spotting operations from the tower. Shows a fire spotter walking around the top of the tower. A fire is detected, and the information is relayed to the nearest fire station, in this case, Diamond Creek. The telephone call is received, and the alarm sounded. Captain Clarrie Stone and firemen May and Shaw leave their workplaces and prepare for action. Scenes of running across the Main Hurstbridge road showing the shops (Shell service station and Chemist prominent). Scenes entering the fire station which has a pictorial warning covering the entire door “Only you can prevent forest fires – If you’re careless – we’re homeless!” Eric Holt pinpoints the location of the fire while Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw take note. The advance vehicle (an FE Holden ute, rego GTE-696) leaves to assess the extent of the fire. Having assessed the fire, Fireman Shaw communicates with base showing radio with call sign VL3JZ. Eric Holt takes the call. In the meantime, Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw undertake some limited action to address the fire. Firemen Bill May, Jim Bates and Hugh Bar (?) man the tanker. A photo portrait of Queen Elizabeth is visible hanging on the wall. They are later joined by Firemen Jim Cox, Eric DeBuse (?) and Jack Marks. The tanker is seen departing the station and diverging off before the bridge. Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw are seen pumping water on the flames with hand pumps when the tanker arrives. The hose is unreeled, and water turned on the flames. Jack Sinclair joins the action. Jim Cox directs water to the high stuff. The fire put out, Jack Marks and Eric DeBuse wind in the hoses and the team head back to town. It’s peaceful again at the memorial tower. Movie Three (1969-1987): 19:14 – 34:34 Colour film “Fired with Dedication”, Country Fire Authority Victoria, produced by I.L. Wadeson, Commentary by A.M. Hem. Credits with CFA Victoria emblem and then placed over a view of an old-style ladder engine. Opens with the scene of a fire engine outside the Diamond Creek Fire Station then various trophies reflecting the competition success of the brigade in various track and disciplined events. Two trophies shown of particular pride to the brigade were for first place in the Torchlight Procession at the State Championships in Mildura in 1986 and also at Swan Hill in 1981. Still photo scenes of ex Captain Clarrie Stone, Brigade Captain for 21 years; ex Captain Jack Marks, 10 years; ex Captain Ian Douglas, 10 years. Cuts to scene of radio control room, January 1969, and news of a fire on the northern side of the township of Diamond Creek. With scenes of flames in bush, the narration explains that until the early 1960s the area was an orchard district which protected the town against the savagery of bushfires. But due to competition from other areas more suitable for orcharding and easier transport to Melbourne the district could no longer remain competitive, and orchards were replaced by grassed areas, which together with the bush areas were a feeding ground for fire. On 8th January 1969, high temperatures and strong north winds, were, with the carelessness of some individual all that was necessary to produce the worst fire the district had seen. Cuts to scene of blackened fields and cattle - Hundreds of hectares of grass land were blackened, and cattle had to be transported to other areas for agistment. Scene of destroyed buildings in the township – 13 houses and the public hall in the town were destroyed as was the theatre equipment which was owned by the fire brigade. The Church of England Hall and bell tower were badly damaged. The whole town could have been burnt out but for the determination, skill, and courage of the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. Scenes of all that was left of the home on the hill on the west side of the Church of England. Also, the remains of the old Pisy (?) home on the top of the same hill near Lambert Street, and the ruined Crocker home. Cuts to a scene in the mid-1970s to mid-1980s of a house fire in Haley Street attended by the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. Although the house was severely damaged, it was saved. Mentions that whilst assistance is appreciated, in some circumstances, those doing so are not properly dressed for fighting fires. Breathing apparatus is a must in structure fire attack. Next scene (either on Mangarook or Coventry oval) showing off four Diamond Creek Fire Brigade efficient and very expensive firefighting units. Features a forward control vehicle Toyota 4WD used for conveying task force personnel to the required areas; a Hino Model 3.2 tanker, diesel powered and carries 3,000 litres of water and has a 16 HP petrol driven pump which delivers 900 litres of water per minute; an International tanker (registration TCM-418) which carries 3,000 litres of water with pumping capacity of 600 litres per minute. The Ford diesel powered pumper (registration MXE-754) is a well-equipped vehicle with a water capacity of 1,000 litres and capable of pumping 1,900 litres of water per minute from the main pump, has many lockers which hose equipment such as breathing apparatus and various types of hose nozzles and foam making equipment. The vehicle carries 360m of 64mm diameter hose which can be laid out from the rear lockers and a portable lighting plant, an Oxy Viva resuscitator to revive smoke inhalation victims and forcible entry tools to gain access to structure fires. Views of the main pump and control panel on the vehicle. As well as the main pump, the vehicle is equipped with an auxiliary pump which allows the facility to pump whilst moving. Fire fighters must undergo constant training and hone their skills, Scenes of a training exercise using the pumper to pump from static water. First, the short lengths of suction hose are coupled, a strainer fitted to ensure debris does not foul the pump. Gauges must be constantly monitored to ensure manageable water pressures are maintained. Pressures are normally controlled to allow two fire fighters to work at each nozzle outlet. Two nozzles are tested, one adjustable jet fog type which is used on flammable gasses or within a structure fire to absorb heat. A straight jet nozzle to project water long distances to protect exposed surfaces close to a fire radiated heat. The pumper is quite a versatile vehicle in handling structure fires, but it also carries specialist equipment needed in containing hazardous chemical incidents. Cuts to scene of parade – the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade has with other neighbouring brigades participated in most town fairs and earns the respect of the watching public. It can be seen why this brigade has been so successful at disciplined contests. Views of Plenty Fire Brigade Road Rescue unit which is equipped with the “Jaws of Life” Scenes of athletic competitions – many neighbouring brigades indulge in friendly but keen competition at the Diamond Creek Town Fair. The young are also encouraged to participate in all aspects of Junior Fire Brigade activities and become tomorrow’s generation of volunteer fire fighters. Scene of the 1986 Diamond Creek Town Fair which was the last time veteran Captain Clarrie Stone BEM marched with the brigade. Clarrie was awarded the British Empire Medal for his service to the Country Fire Authority. Also, scenes of vehicles in the parade. Cuts to scene of brigade members in drill formation for inspection by Acting Chief Harry Rothsay (?) on the occasion of the opening of the new fire station extensions on August 29, 1987. Rudy Libel (?) Captain at the time. Scenes of crowds including many dignitaries of neighbouring brigades present including Lieutenant Gordon Grandy (who came down from Queensland for the occasion) and ex-Secretary David Kidd and wife Betty, also ex Captain Clarrie Stone and Mrs Nel Stone, a life member of the Ladies Auxiliary, the Reverend Jock Ryan, son of J.L Ryan, founder of the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade, Foundation Captain of the fire brigade, Keith Bradbury and Mrs Bradbury. Pauline Dick accepts a community service award for services to the CFA. Recognising over 47 and a half years of service, a presentation is made by Mr Neil Marshall, Acting Chairman of the CFA to ex Captain Clarrie Stone with response by Clarrie. Other members of the official party include Cr. Martin Wright, Shire President Wayne Phillips and local Member of Parliament, Mrs Pauline Toner. Ex foreman John Bennett is presented with a life member’s awards by Captain Rudy Libel. The camera also catches Gwen Cox, Jean Ryan and Bessie Layton (?) Provides historic footage of people, places and equipment and a record of the worst fires expoerienced in Diamond Creek in 1969BASF Standard Quality SQ E-180 VHS dubbing (poor quality) of three films Converted to MP4 file format 0:34:38, 1.85GBOn label: "Donation - August 2000 Diamond Creek Unit Old films made up from Fire Brigade shows at competitions - also Kangaroo Ground Tower being used"video recording, diamond creek fire brigade, 1986 diamond creek town fair, a.m. hem, acting chief harry rothsay, athletic competitions, beryl marks, bessie layton, betty kidd, bill may, bob beale, brian laurie, bruce hackett, captain clarrie stone, chemist, church of england hall, clarrie stone, clarrie stone bem, country fire authority victoria, coventry oval, cr. martin wright, crocker home, dart throwing, dave kidd, david kidd, diamond creek, diamond creek fire station, diamond creek oval, diamond creek school, diamond creek town fair, diamond street, diamond valley community hospital, dr don cordner, eric debuse, eric holt, fe holden ute, fire damage – buildings, fire spotter, fire spotter’s cabin, fire station extension, fired with dedication (film), firefighting units, fireman shaw, firemen jim cox, ford pumper, foundation captain, gala day, gordon brandy, gordon grandy, graham upton, gus lyons, gwen cox, haley street, hino model 3.2 tanker, house fire, i.l. wadeson, ian douglas, international tanker, j.l ryan, jack marks, jack sinclair, january 1969, jaws of life, jean ryan, jim bates and hugh bar, jim cox, joe hislop, john bennett, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground tower, keith bradbury, kyneton fire brigade, lambert street, main hurstbridge road, mangarook oval, maypole dancing, mel stone, mildura 1986, mrs bradbury, mxe754 vic registration, neil marshall, nel stone, orchard district, oxy viva resuscitator, pauline dick, pauline toner mp, pisy home, plenty fire brigade road rescue unit, pony rides, radio control room, reverend jock ryan, ron kirkbride, rudy libel, shell service station, shire of eltham war memorial, shire president wayne phillips, spinning wheel, stan redpath, state championships, swan hill 1981, tcm418 vic registration, torchlight procession, toyota 4wd, trophies, vic cohn, victorian bushfires - 1969, vl3jz -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Program, Diamond Valley News, Festival tipped to be the best ever, Diamond Valley News, Tuesday, October 23, p2, 1984
Events and information concerning the 10th Eltham Community Festival held 16-18 November, 1984 [Photo of Keir Baker of Research Primary School] On the reverse (page 1) Fireman officially honoured, Diamond Valley News, Tuesday, October 23, 1984, p1 Opening of the Panton Hill Firemen's Memorial Park by the Member for Evelyn, Mr Max McDonald on Sunday 21 October, 1984 in memory of the five firemen who lost their lives on Ash Wednesday (1983) fighting the fire at Upper Beaconsfield - Maurie Atkinson, Stuart Duff, Neville Jeffrey, Bill Marsden and Peter Singleton [Photo of the memorial and Mr Max McDonald]]Newsprint1984, apex club, eltham community festival, eltham festival, eltham jazz festival, eltham living and learning centre, eltham rotary, eltham service club, eltham town park, grand parade, jaycees, keir baker, lions club eltham, main road, phoenix club, research primary school, ash wednesday, bill marsden, cal martin, diamond valley big band, evelyn, maurie atkinson, max mcdonald mp, neville jeffrey, panton hill firemen's memorial park, peter singleton, stuart duff, victorian bushfires - 1983 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Plaque by the Hurst family cemetery, 1 February 2008
Plaque placed at a cairn erected in 1975 at the Hurst family cemetery at Hurstbridge in memory of people who were buried locally in unmarked graves. Transcription of plaque: This cairn was ereced in 1975 in memory of the following people who have been buried here in unmarked graves since 1866. Robert Thomas Hurst (father) Frances Facey Gurst (mother) Robert Hurst Ellen Hurst (Mrs Spencer) Fanny Hurst (Mrs Hawkins) Mr. Abbot-Christian name unknown Who was present when Henry was shot by the bushranger. An unnamed babe belonging to Catherine and Fred Hurst Ashes scatterd: Catherine Hurst (Fred's wife) Frances Ellen Hurst (Mrs Gray) William George Gray Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p15This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, hurst family cemetery, hurstbridge, memorial -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Grave of Gordon Ford, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 27 January 2008
Gordon Ford was a conservationist and a pioneer of natural-style landscaping. He came to Eltham in 1948 and bought a block of land in John Street extending through to Pitt Street. Artist Peter Glass lived opposite in John Street. Early on, Gordon worked for Alistair Knox on construction of the mudbrick Busst house amongst others. At the same time, with the help of friends including artist Clifton Pugh, he progressively built his own house ‘Fülling’, which "grew like Topsy" utilising a variety of second-hand materials. His main focus, which became his life-long occupation, was garden landscaping. Inspired by Edna Walling and Ellis Stones, he sought to reflect the bush settings of rural Victoria where he had grown up. Commissions included Monash University and countless industrial sites but designing for the archetypal quarter-acre block gave him the most satisfaction. He had a huge impact on the look of gardens in Australia from the 1950s, creating seemingly natural bush environments by carefully integrating indigenous and exotic plantings. Gordon died in 1999 and is buried in Eltham Cemetery; the gravesite in a natural landscape setting is marked by a plaque. Another plaque (away from his grave) notes his landscaping design work within the cemetery grounds and at Alistair Knox Park. Gordon Craig Ford 30-8-1918 - 16-6-1999 Landscape designer Loved and respected Husband of Gwen, father Of Angela, Emma, Ben, Cassie, Dailan, Caitlin. A good life lived well Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p55This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, graves, eltham cemetery, gordon craig ford, gravestones, gwen ford, memorials -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Grave of James Hans Morrison and Beatrice Wanliis Morrison, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
Beatrice Irvine was the daughter of former Victorian Premier Sir William Irvine. From age 13 she lived at ‘Killeavey’ off Laughing Waters Road (later accessed from Reynolds Road). In 1923 she married James Morrison and the couple received Killeavey as a wedding gift. The property supported fruit and vegetable growing as well as an impressive botanical garden. But James died in 1936 after a period of ill health, leaving Beatrice to support their six children. To make matters worse, the house was totally destroyed in the Black Friday bushfires in 1939 but was rebuilt. Beatrice became involved in community issues. In particular, she was an active member of the Eltham Women's Auxiliary, which was formed in 1945 to raise funds for the establishment of an Eltham War Memorial. From the outset, it was decided that this would take the form of a Baby Health Centre, a Pre-School and a Children’s Library, set in a garden of remembrance. Thanks to tireless fund-raising, the project came to fruition in the 1950s when, one by one, the three children's welfare buildings opened in Main Road (having previously been in temporary premises): they are collectively known as the Eltham War Memorial site. Beatrice continued to live at Killeavey and became well regarded as a botanist and naturalist. She died in 1989 and is buried in Eltham Cemetery with her husband and one of their sons. The (rebuilt) house has since been demolished. All that remains is a fragment of the garden. In Fond Memory Of James Hans Morrison Croix de Guerre Born St Peters Pass Oatlands Tasmania 6th June 1880 Died Killeavey Eltham 16th November 1936 And his beloved wife Beatrice Wanliss Morrison (nee) Irvine Born St Kilda Victoria 22nd January 1899 Died 5th November 1989 Who rest here James Hans Irvine Morrison Born Melbourne 11th October 1927 Died Gorora New Guinea 1st October 1971Born Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, beatrice wanliss morrison (nee irvine), james hans irvine morrison, james hans morrison, croix de guerre (france) -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Grave of Beulah Alice Rutter and children, June and Samuel, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
Hubert and Beulah Alice (Simpson) Rutter had five children: Hubert Jnr. (Joe) in 1913, David in 1915, June in 1917, Donald in 1922 and Samuel in 1926. Samuel died as an infant aged 17 days. Hubert was a notable figure in Eltham and beyond, with a career as a mining manager in Australia and Malaya. He served in the AIF in the First World War. While the children were growing up at ‘Yarra Braes’, Eltham, their father was an Eltham Shire Councillor in the 1920s, shire president in 1928 and a leading figure in establishing the Shire of Eltham War Memorial League, which was responsible for building the Shire of Eltham War Memorial tower at Kangaroo Ground, near where the Shire Offices were located until the 1930s. The Rutter name was commemorated after the war at Eltham High School with one of the schoolhouses named ‘Rutter House’ and at Geelong Grammar School until the 1960s where a ‘Rutter Badge’ was awarded to junior boys for leadership. The family home, ‘Yarra Braes’ was destroyed in the devasting Black Friday bushfire, 13 January 1939 and Beulah relocated to Toorak, Hubert working in Western Australia. Tragedy struck the family again December 19, 1940 when daughter June was killed after falling from the Heidelberg train on to an adjacent track into the path of a Reservoir train at Victoria Park station. Sons David and Donald both served in the R.A.A.F. during the Second World War and were killed in action, David in Libya in 1941 and Donald in Germany in 1945. The wreck of his plane and his body were not recovered at the time and Hubert never ceased to chase down leads as to his whereabouts. Beulah never gave up hope that Donald was still alive. Hubert had received several reports shortly after the war that his son was still alive but these were ultimately accepted as misidentification. Such was the anguish of the grieving parents, their son’s plane not found to confirm the fact for certain. Hubert wrote to the Air Force in frustration, failing to understand how the plane could disappear when it crashed in a relatively populated area. Unfortunately the answers came too late for Beulah who died in 1946 and was buried in Eltham Cemetery along with her daughter June and baby Samuel. Donald’s plane was eventually located and his body recovered in 1949. He is buried in the Hanover War Cemetery, Germany. David is commemorated on Column 245, Alamein Memorial, Egypt. Both David and Donald are commemorated on Eltham’s Roll of Honour Board, commissioned by the Eltham War Memorial Trust to be hung in the Baby Health Centre, part of the Eltham War Memorial building precinct. Hubert Senior and Hubert Junior both continued to work in the mining industry in Western Australia. Hubert senior died 1957 at Plantagenet Western Australia and Hubert junior in 1979 at Gascoyne, Western Australia. Sacred to the memory of Beulah AliceBeloved wife of Hubert Rutter Died August 21st 1946 also June Beloved daughter of Beulah and Hubert Rutter Died 19th December 1940 aged 23 years Also her baby brother Samuel Died 7th October 1926, aged 17 daysBorn Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, beulah alice rutter, hubert rutter, june rutter, samuel rutter -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Panton Hill Fire Fighters Memorial Park, 2 February 2008
Five volunteer fire fighters who died in Upper Beaconsfield on Ash Wednesday, February 16, 1983, are honoured by the Panton Hill Fire Fighters Memorial Park on the main road. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p119This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, panton hill fire fighters memorial park -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Shire of Eltham War Memorial, Kangaroo Ground, 28 January 2008
The Eltham Shire War Memorial, a tower of remembrance, was built with public donations to commemorate the memory of the fallen soldiers from the shire who enlisted in the 1914-1918 war. The tower is reminiscent of the peel-towers or watchtowers that lined the English-Scottish border from the mid 14th century to around 1600 and is constructed from locally quarried stone. This uncommon and picturesque war memorial, which affords an excellent view of the surrounding district was unveiled by His Excellency the Governor-General (Lord Stonehaven) on November 11, 1926. In July 1922 a deputation of returned soldiers from Panton Hill, presumably the Panton Hill branch of the Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia (RSSILA), proposed to Eltham Shire Council that the monument should be a cairn of local stone “sufficiently high to form a prominent and conspicuous landmark, and crowned with some suitable device”. Eltham Shire Councillor and President of the Panton Hill branch of the RSSILA, Basil Hall, was credited with being the first to suggest a tower, and with organising a Memorial Park committee to raise funds for the monument in the Memorial Park. A meeting for those interested in the establishing a War Memorial monument in the park was held in January 1924 and the Eltham Shire War Memorial League was formed for this purpose. It appears that the broad and rounded cairn that had been recently built was considered by the League a temporary affair, and not the substantial cairn-as-monument, sufficiently high to form the conspicuous landmark, which had been envisaged by the Panton Hill RSSILA. A design competition was held for the monument. The chairman of the League, Councillor Basil Hall, suggested that the site of the memorial in Kangaroo Ground would lend itself to something rugged, instead of polished stone. By April 1924 thirty designs for a memorial had been received from which three designs were selected and of those, the design by the shire engineer Mr McCormack, for a 70ft tower suitable for construction in rough stone, was chosen. Artist Harold Herbert suggested that a peel tower-like design reminiscent of those along the English-Scottish border would be fitting for the site. Herbert drew up a rough sketch that was approved of, and later, Melbourne architect Percy Meldrum volunteered to draw up the design from sketch to architectural drawings. By January 1925 the Soldiers’ Memorial League had adopted Meldrum’s design for a 50ft high tower. Meldrum had also offered his design and supervision of construction free of charge. The Shire provided the stone to the builders, which was a gift quarried from land owned at Kangaroo Ground by Dr Ethel and Professor William Osborne The Shire of Eltham War Memorial, a tower of remembrance, and honour board were unveiled on November 11, 1926, by the Governor General Lord Stonehaven. At this stage a temporary honour roll was painted on the panels on either side of the tower entrance. In September 1930 bronze plates were added above the portal with the names of men who fell in the 1914-18 war. On November 16, 1951, the Governor of Victoria, Sir Dallas Brooks re-dedicated the war memorial tower and unveiled the names of men who gave their lives in the 1939-45 war. Two additional bronze plaques which recognise service in the armed conflicts of Korea, Borneo, Malaya, and Vietnam were unveiled November 11, 2001, by the Governor of Victoria, John Landy, A.C., M.B.E. The tower was first used for fire spotting activities following the Black Friday bushfire in January 1939 in response to a request from Mr R.D. Ness, secretary of the Kangaroo Ground bush fire brigade, who asked Council that the tower be used as an observation tower for detecting bush fires, and asked Council to arrange a telephone to be installed. It was suggested that if the Shire were to appoint a caretaker for the Memorial Park, his duties could also include raising the alarm in the event of a fire. Later in 1939 Council applied for a radio transmitter, which the Forestry Commission planned to install at vantage places throughout the state. The first dedicated fire spotter appointed from December1948, was Mr Smith of Warrandyte. A prefabricated glazed cabin was installed in 1974, which involved the removal of the original stone structure around the rooftop exit door. A new fire spotting cabin, which included the latest technology, was installed soon after the 2009 Black Saturday fires and is manned by CFA personnel on high fire danger days. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p123This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. While published in the book in black and white, this collection features the original colour digital photographs. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, garden hill, kangaroo ground, memorial park, shire of eltham war memorial -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Fay Bridge, The Tree Project, 2009
Australia's worst natural disaster, fed by extreme temperatures, tornado-like wind speeds and tinder-dry land, culminated in the disaster we now know as Black Saturday, February 7, 2009. Before the sun would set on the blackest day in Australia's history, thousands of hectares would become blackened landscape and an unparalleled loss of lives could only mean that many areas would never be the same again. To remember the people lost to the devastating Black Saturday fires of 2009 and our brave CFA men and women who battled the elements to protect our towns, the Australian Blacksmiths Association (Victoria) Inc. invited blacksmiths from across the country and around the world to contribute to the creation of a steel gumtree. The Blacksmiths' Tree, as it came to be called, was erected on February 14, 2014. Five years in the making, this 10m high stainless steel and copper tree was forged with love and care by hundreds of blacksmiths across 20 countries. It stands in the township of Strathewen, Victoria, Australia to remember all of those who perished in the Black Saturday fires of 2009, those who fought the fires and those who continue to live their lives with hope and courage. The tree stands at the Peter Avola Memorial Pavilion, 160 Chadds Creek Road, Strathewen, Victoria.fay bridge collection, black saturday, kinglake, victorian bushfires - 2009, the tree project -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Album - Photograph, J.A. McDonald, Garden Hill, Kangaroo Ground, c. 1962
... Garden Hill Kangaroo Ground Shire of Eltham Memorial Park ...Garden Hill burnt following bush fires - most likely the 15-16 Jan 1962 fire A helicopter can be seen flying over the top of the hill Eltham Shire Council purchased this property in the early 1970s and it has now been incorpoarted within the Shire of Eltham Memorial ParkRecord of various Shire of Eltham infrastructure works undertaken during the period of 1952-1962 involving bridge and road reconstruction projects, sometimes with Eltham Shire Council Project Reference numbers quoted. It was during this period that a number of significant improvements were made to roads and new bridges constructed within the shire that remain in place as of present day (2022). In many situations, the photos provide a tangible visible record of infrastructure that existed throughout the early days of the Shire. The album was put together by or under the direction of the Shire Engineer, J.A. McDonald.1962, garden hill, kangaroo ground, shire of eltham memorial park, victorian bushfires - 1962 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, The Blacksmiths' Tree: A Portrait by Debbie Qadri, 2018
This is the author's PhD research at the College of Arts and Education at Victoria University about the Blacksmith's Tree, memorial and art work constructed mainly by many blacksmiths and finally installed at Strathewen following the Black Saturday bushfires in February 2009. The book includes the authors own drawings and text. Includes a time line and references.Paperback, 296 pages Printed in landscape format (90 degrees to normal)blacksmiths' tree, memorial, public art, strathewen, blacksmiths, black saturday -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (item) - Black and white postcard, Rose Stereograph Company, Cora Lynn Falls, Marysville, Victoria, 1913-1967
A postcard in a series produced by the Rose Stereograph Company in Victoria, Australia as a souvenir of Marysville.A black and white photograph of the Cora Lynn Falls which are in Cambarville. These falls are located on the Marysville-Wood's Point Road. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville - Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed. POST CARD The "Rose" Series/ De Luxe A Real Photograph/ Produced in Australia Published by the Rose Stereograph Co.,/ Armadale, Victoria. Kitchener House,/ Marysville/ Monday Dear Gwen,/ Just a line now/ as it's nearly dinnertime./ We went to these falls/ last week & also to the/ Cumberland falls. I took/ some photos but it was/ too dark with all the/ ferns in the gullies./ We went to the Eildon/ Weir on Friday - do you/ remember what part that is/ in? We also went to the/ Rubicon Power Station & to/ 2 of the big timber mills that/ were burnt out 2 yrs ago./ Well I must stop/ now & write to Bub/ Love from Joan Love from Auntie Mimacora lynn falls, cambarville, marysville, victoria, waterfalls, p. 2327, rose series postcard, postcard, souvenir, a cameron, fj barton, black saturday bushfires, mountain ash, mining, timber mills, 1939 bushfires -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (item) - Black and white postcard, Rose Stereograph Company, Cumberland Falls, Marysville, Victoria, 1913-1967
A postcard in a series produced by the Rose Stereograph Company in Victoria, Australia as a souvenir of Marysville.A black and white photograph of the Cumberland Falls which are in Cambarville. These falls are located on the Marysville-Wood's Point Road. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville - Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed.POST CARD REAL PHOTO/ THE "ROSE" SERIES DE LUXE PRODUCED IN AUSTRALIA PUBLISHED BY THE ROSE STEREOGRAPHS/ Armadale, Victoria. "Tyrone"/ Buxton/ via Alexandra/ 5-1-54 Dear Auntie/ Just a card to let you know everything is/ all right, the weather just beautiful it could not/ be better. We saw Em May the other day they seem/ to be having a great time they looked good-oh./ We have not been out the last two or three days/ we are having a good rest a lot of our crowd/ have gone home so I suppose there will be a new/ lot coming. We held a cricket match between our/ house & Glasgow we beat them & they supplied/ us with a couple boxes of chocolates but it was good en-/ joyment. I think this is all hoping all at home are well/ with love Myrtle.cumberland falls, cambarville, marysville, victoria, waterfalls, p. 2328, rose series postcard, postcard, souvenir, mountain ash, mining, timber mills, big culvert, yarra track, a cameron, fj barton, black saturday bushfires, 1939 bushfires, eucalyptus regnans -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (item) - Black and white postcard, Rose Stereograph Company, Cumberland Creek Valley, Marysville, Vic, 1913-1967
A postcard in a series produced by the Rose Stereograph Company in Victoria, Australia as a souvenir of Marysville.A black and white photograph of a heavily forested valley leading up to a forested hill. The Cumberland Valley is near Cambarville which was a timber town near Marysville. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville - Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed.POST CARD The "Rose" Series/ De Luxe A Real Photograph/ Produced in Australia Published by the Rose Stereograph Co.,/ Armadale, Victoria.cumberland valley, marysville, victoria, p. 2330, cumberland creek, rose series postcard, postcard, souvenir, mountain ash, timber mill, mining, a cameron, fj barton, cambarville, big culvert, yarra track, black saturday bushfires, 1939 bushfires -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (item) - Black and white postcard, Rose Stereograph Company, Cumberland Creek Valley, Marysville, Vic, 1913-1967
A postcard in a series produced by the Rose Stereograph Company in Victoria, Australia as a souvenir of Marysville.A sepia photograph of a heavily forested valley leading up to a forested hill. The Cumberland Valley is near Cambarville which was a timber town near Marysville. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville - Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed.POST CARD THE "ROSE"SERIES/ DE LUXE/ REAL PHOTOS PRODUCED IN/ AUSTRALIA Published by the Rose Stereographs/ Armadale, Victoriacumberland valley, marysville, victoria, p. 2330, cumberland creek, rose series postcard, postcard, souvenir, cambarville, mountain ash, mining, timber mills, big culvert, yarra track, a cameron, fj barton, black saturday bushfires, 1939 bushfires -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (item) - Black and white postcard, Rose Stereograph Company, The Track to Cora Lynn Falls, Marysville, Vic, 1913-1967
A postcard in a series produced by the Rose Stereograph Company in Victoria, Australia as a souvenir of Marysville.A black and white photograph of the track leading through the forest to the Cora Lynn Falls which is in the Cumberland Valley in Victoria. These falls are located on the Marysville-Wood's Point Road. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville-Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed. THE ROSE SERIES P. 4958/ COPYRIGHT/ THE TRACK TO CORA LYNN FALLS, MARYSVILLE, VIC. The reverse of postcard is illegible as it is covered by paper residue from when postcard was removed from an album. marysville, victoria, photograph, cora lynn falls, waterfalls, p. 4958, rose series postcard, rose stereograph company, souvenir, cambarville, marysville-wood's point road, eucalyptus regnans, cumberland memorial scenic reserve, mining, big culvert, yarra track, a cameron, fj barton, 1939 bushfires, 2009 black saturday bushfires, timber mills -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Photograph (item) - Black and white photograph, Rose Stereograph Company, Cumberland Falls, Marysville, 1913-1967
An early black and white photograph of Cumberland Falls near Marysville in Victoria.An early black and white photograph of Cumberland Falls near Marysville in Victoria. These falls are located on the Marysville-Wood's Point Road. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville - Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed. The photograph was also used to produce the Rose Series postcard P. 2328.marysville, victoria, photograph, waterfalls, cumberland falls, p. 2328, rose series postcard, souvenir, rose stereograph company, cambarville, marysville-wood's point road, mountain ash, eucalyptus regnans, cumberland memorial scenic reserve, mining, timber milling, big culvert, a cameron, fj barton, black saturday bushfires -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (item) - Colour postcard, Nucolorvue Productions Pty. Ltd, MARYSVILLE-Victoria, Pre 2009
A colour photograph of the view of Marysville from the Cumberland Range.A colour photograph of the view of Marysville from the Cumberland Range.The Cumberland Valley is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville-Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville, which is in the Cumberland Valley, was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed. Barton's Lookout was named after a member of the Barton Family who were amongst Marysville's earliest pioneering families. This postcard was produced by Nucolorvue Productions as a souvenir of Marysville.Panorama of Marysville from/ Cumberland Range. NU-COLOR-VUE/ OF/ AUSTRALIA NUCOLORVUE PRODUCTIONS PTY. LTD./ COPYRIGHT PRINTED IN AUSTRALIA NCV 1658 POST CARD Dear Anne & tribe,/ Well as you can see,/ I'm here at Marysville./ This little surprise/ was waiting for me/ at the airport. We're/ here for a few days,/ & it's in the mountains/ outside Melb./ Traditionally it's/ a spot for Honeymooners./ There are lots of/ bush tracks &/ places to see and/ the hotel has a pool./ The weather is hot,/ 42 today so it/ is lovely to be out/ of Melb./ bye for now/ all my love/ illegiblemarysville, barton's lookout, victoria, nucolorvue productions, postcard, souvenir, cumberland valley, cumberland memorial scenic reserve, big culvert, marysville-wood's point road, yarra track, mining, timber mills, a cameron, fj barton, cambarville, 1939 bushfires, 2009 black saturday bushfires -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Flyer (item) - Information Flyer, Parks Victoria, park notes-Yarra Ranges National Park-Lady Talbot Drive and Cambarville Historic Township, June 2013
A flyer produced by Parks Victoria of information on Lady Talbot Drive and Cambarville Historic Township.A flyer produced by Parks Victoria of information on Lady Talbot Drive and Cambarville Historic Township. Lady Talbot Drive a 24 kilometer scenic rainforest car journey which passes a number of walks and waterfalls in the Yarra Ranges National Park. Lady Talbot Drive is named after Lady Sarah Elizabeth, the wife of Sir Reginald Talbot, who was the Governor of Victoria from 25th April, 1904 to 6th July 1908. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville-Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed. parks victoria, yarra ranges national park, lady talbot drive, lady talbot forest drive, cambarville, taggerty river, sir reginald talbot, lady sarah elizabeth talbot, phantom falls, keppel falls, keppel falls lookout, beeches rainforest walk, big culvert, cumberland walk, the big tree, the sitka spruce, cora lynn falls, sovereign view -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, Larkin Printers et al, A Shrine on the mountain: the story of St. Peter's Memorial Church Kinglake, 2016_07
... Plenty Lower Plenty melbourne St Peter's Memorial Church Kinglake ...St Peter's Memorial Church Kinglake was destroyed in the 2009 bushfires and rebuilt and re-consecrated in 2014. The author, Jillian Durance, is a grand daughter of Charles and Ivy Partington.160 p., illus. (some col.) paperback."To the Greensborough Historical Society, best wishes - Jillian Durance 2017"st peters memorial church kinglake, bushfire, kinglake -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Photograph (item) - Black and white photograph, Rose Stereograph Company, Track to Cora Lynn Falls, Marysville, 1913-1967
An early black and white photograph of the track to the Cora Lynn Falls in Marysville, Victoria.An early black and white photograph of the track to the Cora Lynn Falls in Marysville in Victoria. These falls are located on the Marysville-Wood's Point Road. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville - Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed. The photograph was also used to produce the Rose Series postcard P. 4958.marysville, victoria, photograph, cora lynn falls, waterfalls, p. 4958, rose series postcard, rose stereograph company, souvenir, cambarville, marysville-wood's point road, eucalyptus regnans, cumberland memorial scenic reserve, mining, big culvert, yarra track, a cameron, fj barton, 1939 bushfires, 2009 black saturday bushfires, timber mills -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Photograph (item) - Black and white photograph, Rose Stereograph Company, Cora Lynn Falls, Marysville, 1913-1967
An early black and white photograph of the Cora Lynn Falls near Marysville in Victoria.An early black and white photograph of the Cora Lynn Falls near Marysville in Victoria. These falls are located on the Marysville-Wood's Point Road. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville - Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed. The photograph was also used to produce the Rose Series postcard P. 4947.marysville, victoria, photograph, cora lynn falls, waterfalls, rose series postcard, rose stereograph company, souvenir, cambarville, marysville-wood's point road, eucalyptus regnans, cumberland memorial scenic reserve, mining, big culvert, yarra track, a cameron, fj barton, 1939 bushfires, 2009 black saturday bushfires, timber mills, p. 4947 -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Photograph (item) - Colour tinted photograph, Valentine Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd, Cumberland Falls, Marysville. No.3, 1923-1963
An early colour tinted photograph of the Cumberland Falls near Marysville in Victoria. This photograph was published by the Valentine Publishing Co Pty. Ltd. as a souvenir of Marysville.An early colour tinted photograph of the Cumberland Falls near Marysville in Victoria. These falls are located on the Marysville-Wood's Point Road. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville-Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed.cumberland falls, waterfalls, marysville, victoria, valentine publishing co, souvenir, a cameron, fj barton, cambarville, marysville-wood's point road, eucalyptus regnans, big culvert, yarra track, timber milling, 1939 bushfires, black saturday bushfires -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (item) - Black and white postcard, Rose Stereograph Company, Cumberland-Cora Lynn Trip, Marysville, Vic. At the Meeting of the Waters, 1913-1967
A postcard in a series produced by the Rose Stereograph Company in Victoria, Australia.A black and white photograph of the Cora-Lynn waterfalls at the Meeting of the Waters near the Cumberland Creek. These falls are located on the Marysville-Wood's Point Road. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville-Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed. This postcard was produced by the Rose Stereograph Company as a souvenir of Marysville.POST CARD. Correspondence/ Addresscora lynn falls, waterfalls, cumberland valley, cumberland creek, marysville, victoria, southern cross series, 4938, postcard, souvenir, meeting of the waters, marysville-wood's point road, cambarville, eucalyptus regnans, big culvert, cumberland memorial scenic reserve, a cameron, fj barton, 1939 bushfires, 2009 black saturday bushfires, rose stereograph company -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Photograph (item) - Black and white photograph, Valentine Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd, Camberville Township, Near Marysville. V. 35, 1923-1963
An early black and white photograph of the township of Cambarville near Marysville in Victoria.An early black and white photograph of the township of Cambarville near Marysville in Victoria. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville-Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed. This photograph was produced by Valentine Publishing Co as a souvenir of Marysville.marysville, victoria, photograph, valentine publishing co, souvenir, cambarville, cumberland valley, cumberland scenic reserve, big culvert, marysville-wood's point road, yarra track, a cameron, fj barton, 1939 bushfires, 2009 black saturday bushfires -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Photograph (item) - Black and white photograph, Valentine Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd, Camberville Township, Near Marysville. V. 35, 1923-1963
An early black and white photograph of the township of Cambarville near Marysville in Victoria.An early black and white photograph of the township of Camberville near Marysville in Victoria. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville-Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed. This photograph was produced by Valentine Publishing Co as a souvenir of Marysville.marysville, victoria, photograph, valentine publishing co, souvenir, cambarville, cumberland valley, cumberland scenic reserve, big culvert, marysville-wood's point road, yarra track, a cameron, fj barton, 1939 bushfires, 2009 black saturday bushfires -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (item) - Colour postcard, Nucolorvue Productions Pty. Ltd, Panoramic View of Marysville, Pre 2009
A colour photograph of the view of Marysville from Barton's Lookout which is near the Cumberland Valley in Victoria.A colour photograph of the view of Marysville from Barton's Lookout which is near the Cumberland Valley in Victoria. The Cumberland Valley is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville-Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville, which is in the Cumberland Valley, was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed. Barton's Lookout was named after a member of the Barton Family who were amongst Marysville's earliest pioneering families. This postcard was produced by Nucolorvue Productions as a souvenir of Marysville.NU-COLOR-VUE/ OF/ AUSTRALIA MARYSVILLE, VICTORIA Panoramic View of Marysville from/ CUMBERLAND. PLACE/ STAMP/ HERE POST CARD NUC.171 - NUCOLORVUE PRODUCTIONS PTY. LTD./ COPYRIGHT Printed in Australiamarysville, barton's lookout, victoria, nucolorvue productions, postcard, souvenir, cumberland valley, cumberland memorial scenic reserve, big culvert, marysville-wood's point road, yarra track, mining, timber mills, a cameron, fj barton, cambarville, 1939 bushfires, 2009 black saturday bushfires -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (item) - Colour postcard, Nucolorvue Productions Pty. Ltd, Panoramic View of Marysville, Pre 2009
A colour photograph of the view of Marysville from Barton's Lookout which is near the Cumberland Valley in Victoria.A colour photograph of the view of Marysville from Barton's Lookout which is near the Cumberland Valley in Victoria. The Cumberland Valley is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville-Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville, which is in the Cumberland Valley, was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed. Barton's Lookout was named after a member of the Barton Family who were amongst Marysville's earliest pioneering families. This postcard was produced by Nucolorvue Productions as a souvenir of Marysville.NU-COLOR-VUE/ OF/ AUSTRALIA MARYSVILLE, VICTORIA Panoramic View of Marysville from/ CUMBERLAND. PLACE/ STAMP/ HERE POST CARD NUC.171 - NUCOLORVUE PRODUCTIONS PTY. LTD./ COPYRIGHT Printed in Australia Hi There! how are you? fine I hope....Hows school/ treating you?/ Isn't it beautiful now Autumns back again./ You'll have to come up soon and see us, where/ really you/ Ok! it beautiful, the air so fresh and/ clean it makes you want to cry. There are/ so many magnificent and brill marysville, barton's lookout, victoria, nucolorvue productions, postcard, souvenir, cumberland valley, cumberland memorial scenic reserve, big culvert, marysville-wood's point road, yarra track, mining, timber mills, a cameron, fj barton, cambarville, 1939 bushfires, 2009 black saturday bushfires -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Flyer (item) - Information Flyer, Parks Victoria, Yarra Ranges National Park-Lady Talbot Drive, Cambarville and Lake Mountain-Visitor Guide, 01-2018
A flyer that was produced as a guide to Lady Talbot Drive, Cambarville and Lake Mountain.A flyer that was produced as a guide to Lady Talbot Drive, Cambarville and Lake Mountain. Lady Talbot Drive a 24 kilometer scenic rainforest car journey which passes a number of walks and waterfalls in the Yarra Ranges National Park. Lady Talbot Drive is named after Lady Sarah Elizabeth, the wife of Sir Reginald Talbot, who was the Governor of Victoria from 25th April, 1904 to 6th July 1908. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville-Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed. Lake Mountain is the closest alpine cross-country ski resort to Melbourne.lady talbot drive, lady talbot forest drive, cambarville, lake mountain, sir reginald talbot, lady sarah elizabeth talbot