Program, Diamond Valley News, Festival tipped to be the best ever, Diamond Valley News, Tuesday, October 23, p2, 1984

Archive - Document, Eltham Festival, 1970-2018

Historical information

Events and information concerning the 10th Eltham Community Festival held 16-18 November, 1984
[Photo of Keir Baker of Research Primary School]

On the reverse (page 1)
Fireman officially honoured, Diamond Valley News, Tuesday, October 23, 1984, p1
Opening of the Panton Hill Firemen's Memorial Park by the Member for Evelyn, Mr Max McDonald on Sunday 21 October, 1984 in memory of the five firemen who lost their lives on Ash Wednesday (1983) fighting the fire at Upper Beaconsfield - Maurie Atkinson, Stuart Duff, Neville Jeffrey, Bill Marsden and Peter Singleton
[Photo of the memorial and Mr Max McDonald]]

Physical description


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