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matching gardens - private - kew (vic)
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Gardens (Kew), 1979
... gardens - private - kew (vic)... sources. gardens - private - kew (vic) garden design - kew (vic ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Correspondence and newspaper articles/clippings relating to historic gardens in Kew. The oldest item is a letter from the National Trust Victoria announcing their two-year garden study and seeking information on gardens in Kew. Mavis Rolley, Secretary of the Society, made handwritten notes in response, which are kept in the file. She refers to: the pear trees planted by William Oswin in c. 1845 near what is now the Burke Road Bridge (she notes that a search for the trees at the time of the construction of the Eastern Freeway was unsuccessful), a camellia planted by the Dannocks near the corner of Derby and High Street, a c.1876 pine tree in Field Place, Henty Court, an 1875 Moreton Bay fig at Tarring, Ruyton, a Moreton Bay fig at Roxeth, Trinity Grammar, an 1840s oak tree and a 120-year old olive tree at Fairholme, Barry Street, 1870 pine trees at D’Estaville, Barry Street, trees at Turinville, Barnard Grove, dating to 1846, pine trees dating from 1845-6 on the Willsmere Farm, red gums in Victoria Park, pine trees in the Cemetery dating from the 1860s, trees in the Alexandra Gardens and at Kew Primary School, palm trees at La Verna, Sackville Street dating from the 1890s, the trees and gardens at Ross House (Charleville), and the trees at Merridale, Sackville Street which date from the 1880s, a magnolia at Lalla Rookh. These dates are probably highly contestable. Other handwritten notes from 1979 about significant gardens included: 5 Molesworth Street, Red Bluff - Redmond Street (garden now destroyed), Campion House, Studley Park Road, Raheen, Studley Park Road, Ross House, Cotham Road (Charleville), 7 Adeney Avenue, 20-21 Belmont Avenue, 52 Mary Street, an Edna Walling garden on the corner of Argyle Road and Victor Avenue, Merridale, Sackville Street, Roseneath, and Reno, St John’s Parade.gardens - private - kew (vic), garden design - kew (vic), kew horticultural societygardens - private - kew (vic), garden design - kew (vic), kew horticultural society -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : August 1984
Community key to festival success / p1. Kew Citizens' Band returns / p1&2. Community [Hyde Park Fellowship; Kew Baptist Church; Asian Evangelical Partnership; Kew City Bowmen; Kew Garden Club; Native Plant Group; Kew (Daytime} Garden Club; RAAV Action Programme; Australian Labor Party; "indoor Recreation Centre"; Neighbourhood Watch established in Kew; Sacred Heart Caring Group; Kew Historical Society; Victoria's 150th: opening of 150 private gardens; Kew Amateur Swimming Club; Kew Bowling Club; Childminding ] / p2, 14, 16. Mayor's Column / Cr Jill O'Brien [Mayor of Kew] / p3. Traffic Management / p3. "The Gatehouse' [Dementia; Willsmere; Mental health] / p4. Youth Pages [Youth After-School Programme; Youth Holiday programme] / p5. [Youth] Unemployment??? / p6&11. Kew Junction Shopping Centre - Lift-out guide / p7-10. Things to do in Kew; A bit further afield ... / p11. Survival English [Literacy] / p12. Liability [Occupiers' Liability Act] / p12. Municipal elections / p12. Council - Commonly asked questions - and answers / p15. Kewriosity editorial guidelines /p16.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCommunity key to festival success / p1. Kew Citizens' Band returns / p1&2. Community [Hyde Park Fellowship; Kew Baptist Church; Asian Evangelical Partnership; Kew City Bowmen; Kew Garden Club; Native Plant Group; Kew (Daytime} Garden Club; RAAV Action Programme; Australian Labor Party; "indoor Recreation Centre"; Neighbourhood Watch established in Kew; Sacred Heart Caring Group; Kew Historical Society; Victoria's 150th: opening of 150 private gardens; Kew Amateur Swimming Club; Kew Bowling Club; Childminding ] / p2, 14, 16. Mayor's Column / Cr Jill O'Brien [Mayor of Kew] / p3. Traffic Management / p3. "The Gatehouse' [Dementia; Willsmere; Mental health] / p4. Youth Pages [Youth After-School Programme; Youth Holiday programme] / p5. [Youth] Unemployment??? / p6&11. Kew Junction Shopping Centre - Lift-out guide / p7-10. Things to do in Kew; A bit further afield ... / p11. Survival English [Literacy] / p12. Liability [Occupiers' Liability Act] / p12. Municipal elections / p12. Council - Commonly asked questions - and answers / p15. Kewriosity editorial guidelines /p16. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.137, December 2021
Civic Ephemera / Robert Baker p1. Office Bearers / p2. History News: Acquisitions; Exhibitions; Grants & Sponsors; Tribute - Dorothy Johanna Benyei 1926-2021 / p3. Boroondara's Private Schools 1851-1951 / John Torpey p4. Alexandra Gardens: a chronological and horticultural survey / Desley Reid p6. Discoveries and Inventions [Trinity Grammar School] / Brad Miles p8. Another Alan Sumner Window [Carey Grammar] / Felicity Renowden p8. Victorian Collections / Robert Baker p8. The Sale of the Halfey Estate: Ordsall [Southesk] and Hermosa [Northesk] / David White p9. Centenary of thew Model Dairy / Robert Baker p11. Membership & Donations p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring relevant aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionCivic Ephemera / Robert Baker p1. Office Bearers / p2. History News: Acquisitions; Exhibitions; Grants & Sponsors; Tribute - Dorothy Johanna Benyei 1926-2021 / p3. Boroondara's Private Schools 1851-1951 / John Torpey p4. Alexandra Gardens: a chronological and horticultural survey / Desley Reid p6. Discoveries and Inventions [Trinity Grammar School] / Brad Miles p8. Another Alan Sumner Window [Carey Grammar] / Felicity Renowden p8. Victorian Collections / Robert Baker p8. The Sale of the Halfey Estate: Ordsall [Southesk] and Hermosa [Northesk] / David White p9. Centenary of thew Model Dairy / Robert Baker p11. Membership & Donations p12.kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan, F R Simms & Son, Land for Private Sale: Cnr Victor Avenue and Mont Victor Road, Kew, 1950-1960
George Rimington established The Parkhill Nursery in 1877. By 1910, it was more commonly known as Rimington’s Nurseries and well known for its sale of violets. After World War II, Rimington’s Nurseries were gradually subdivided and sold. The 38 allotments were released in sections, including lots 34 to 36 on the corner of Mont Victor Road and Victor Avenue. Previous lots in the subdivision had bordered Burke Road, Rimington Avenue, Heather Grove, and Stoke Avenue. The selling point as it had been in comparable estates for a century were the proximity to transport, schools and churches, as well as the high location and excellent views. The subdivision plan shows most of the lots in the entire subdivision: 1-11, 13-26, and 34-38. Presumably, lot 12 and lots 27-33 were still to be released.Subdivision plans are historically important documents used as evidence of the growth of suburbs in Australia. They frequently provide information about when the land was sold on which a built structure was subsequently constructed as well as evidence relating to surveyors and real estate and financial agents. The numerous subdivision plans in the Kew Historical Society's collection represent working documents, ranging from the initial sketches made in planning a subdivision to printed plans on which auctioneers or agents listed the prices for which individual lots were sold. In a number of cases, the reverse of a subdivision plan in the collection includes a photograph of a house that was also for sale by the agent. These photographs provide significant heritage information relating house design and decoration, fencing and household gardens.Subdivision plan advertising five superb home sites among lots in Burke Road, Stoke Avenue, Victor Avenue, Mont Victor Road and Heather Grove.subdivision plans - kew, rimington avenue -- kew (vic.), heather grove -- kew (vic), stoke avenue -- kew (vic.), burke road -- kew (vic.), mont victor road -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.114, March 2016
Public and Private Gardens / Robert Baker p1. What's On March to June 2016: Exhibitions, Future Events p3. Kew Festival 2016 p4. Cobblers of Kew / Robert Baker p4. Kew Goes to War: Part 1 Kew men enlist, or not / Andrew Frost p5. Questions & Answers p7. The Remarkable A.W. Dakin / Robert Baker p8. Baldur [Grammar School] and the Art of 'Female Muscle Culture' / Suzanne McWha p9. More Examples of Lost Kew: Elm Lodge, Kew Lunatic Asylum, Range View, Reno p11. Membership & Donations p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members that explore aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionPublic and Private Gardens / Robert Baker p1. What's On March to June 2016: Exhibitions, Future Events p3. Kew Festival 2016 p4. Cobblers of Kew / Robert Baker p4. Kew Goes to War: Part 1 Kew men enlist, or not / Andrew Frost p5. Questions & Answers p7. The Remarkable A.W. Dakin / Robert Baker p8. Baldur [Grammar School] and the Art of 'Female Muscle Culture' / Suzanne McWha p9. More Examples of Lost Kew: Elm Lodge, Kew Lunatic Asylum, Range View, Reno p11. Membership & Donations p12. kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Fairyland', 57 Malmsbury Street, 1960-65
'Fairyland' at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew - the home and garden of Jim and Grace Tabulo - was a major local, state and international tourist attraction from the 1940s to the mid 1960s. The Kew Historical Society's collection contains original photographs, visitor books and items that were once displayed in the house by the Tabulos. Grace Tabulo died in 1973 and is buried with her husband Jim in the Boroondara General Cemetery (PRES B 1973). Following her death at the age of 88, the house was sold and its contents distributed. The cottage is now a private residence. The 'Fairyland' collection is of local and statewide significance, as a varied and comprehensive record of this major Melbourne tourist attraction. Original, small black and white photographic positive, of Mrs Grace Tabulo standing in the rear garden of 'Fairyland', at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew.fairyland, 57 malmsbury street -- kew (vic.), grace tabulo, jim tabulo -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Fairyland', 57 Malmsbury Street, 1960-65
'Fairyland' at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew - the home and garden of Jim and Grace Tabulo - was a major local, state and international tourist attraction from the 1940s to the mid 1960s. The Kew Historical Society's collection contains original photographs, visitor books and items that were once displayed in the house by the Tabulos. Grace Tabulo died in 1973 and is buried with her husband Jim in the Boroondara General Cemetery (PRES B 1973). Following her death at the age of 88, the house was sold and its contents distributed. The cottage is now a private residence. The 'Fairyland' collection is of local and statewide significance, as a varied and comprehensive record of this major Melbourne tourist attraction. Original, small, black and white photographic positive, of the rear garden of 'Fairyland', at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew.fairyland, 57 malmsbury street -- kew (vic.), grace tabulo, jim tabulo -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Fairyland', 57 Malmsbury Street, 1960-65
'Fairyland' at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew - the home and garden of Jim and Grace Tabulo - was a major local, state and international tourist attraction from the 1940s to the mid 1960s. The Kew Historical Society's collection contains original photographs, visitor books and items that were once displayed in the house by the Tabulos. Grace Tabulo died in 1973 and is buried with her husband Jim in the Boroondara General Cemetery (PRES B 1973). Following her death at the age of 88, the house was sold and its contents distributed. The cottage is now a private residence. The 'Fairyland' collection is of local and statewide significance, as a varied and comprehensive record of this major Melbourne tourist attraction. Original, small, black and white photographic positive, of the rear garden of 'Fairyland', at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew.fairyland, 57 malmsbury street -- kew (vic.), grace tabulo, jim tabulo -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Fairyland', 57 Malmsbury Street, 1960-65
'Fairyland' at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew - the home and garden of Jim and Grace Tabulo - was a major local, state and international tourist attraction from the 1940s to the mid 1960s. The Kew Historical Society's collection contains original photographs, visitor books and items that were once displayed in the house by the Tabulos. Grace Tabulo died in 1973 and is buried with her husband Jim in the Boroondara General Cemetery (PRES B 1973). Following her death at the age of 88, the house was sold and its contents distributed. The cottage is now a private residence. The 'Fairyland' collection is of local and statewide significance, as a varied and comprehensive record of this major Melbourne tourist attraction. Original, small, black and white photographic positive, of Grace Tabulo and two girls in the rear garden of 'Fairyland', at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew.fairyland, 57 malmsbury street -- kew (vic.), grace tabulo, jim tabulo -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Fairyland', 57 Malmsbury Street, 1960-65
'Fairyland' at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew - the home and garden of Jim and Grace Tabulo - was a major local, state and international tourist attraction from the 1940s to the mid 1960s. The Kew Historical Society's collection contains original photographs, visitor books and items that were once displayed in the house by the Tabulos. Grace Tabulo died in 1973 and is buried with her husband Jim in the Boroondara General Cemetery (PRES B 1973). Following her death at the age of 88, the house was sold and its contents distributed. The cottage is now a private residence. The 'Fairyland' collection is of local and statewide significance, as a varied and comprehensive record of this major Melbourne tourist attraction. Original, small, black and white photographic positive, of items displayed in the rear garden of 'Fairyland', at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew.fairyland, 57 malmsbury street -- kew (vic.), grace tabulo, jim tabulo -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Fairyland', 57 Malmsbury Street, 1960-65
'Fairyland' at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew - the home and garden of Jim and Grace Tabulo - was a major local, state and international tourist attraction from the 1940s to the mid 1960s. The Kew Historical Society's collection contains original photographs, visitor books and items that were once displayed in the house by the Tabulos. Grace Tabulo died in 1973 and is buried with her husband Jim in the Boroondara General Cemetery (PRES B 1973). Following her death at the age of 88, the house was sold and its contents distributed. The cottage is now a private residence. The 'Fairyland' collection is of local and statewide significance, as a varied and comprehensive record of this major Melbourne tourist attraction. Original, small, black and white photographic positive, of a woman and two children in the rear garden of 'Fairyland', at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew.fairyland, 57 malmsbury street -- kew (vic.), grace tabulo, jim tabulo -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Fairyland', 57 Malmsbury Street, 1960-65
'Fairyland' at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew - the home and garden of Jim and Grace Tabulo - was a major local, state and international tourist attraction from the 1940s to the mid 1960s. The Kew Historical Society's collection contains original photographs, visitor books and items that were once displayed in the house by the Tabulos. Grace Tabulo died in 1973 and is buried with her husband Jim in the Boroondara General Cemetery (PRES B 1973). Following her death at the age of 88, the house was sold and its contents distributed. The cottage is now a private residence. The 'Fairyland' collection is of local and statewide significance, as a varied and comprehensive record of this major Melbourne tourist attraction. Original, small, black and white photographic positive, of items displayed in the garden of 'Fairyland', at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew.fairyland, 57 malmsbury street -- kew (vic.), grace tabulo, jim tabulo -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, J E & B L Rogers, Stables, 'Roseneath', Pakington Street, c.1959
This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand.The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.'Roseneath' was constructed in stages in the I850s by John Ambrose Kitchen, a soap-maker. In 1870 the brick house received an N.A.V. of £60 while in 1885 it was purchased by Edward John Dunn, a geologist. A new wing was built at the right side of the house and several rooms as well as the coach house, loft and groom's quarters were added. In 1903, during Dunn's ownership, the property was described as having eight roorns. The garden is recorded as having been designed by Baron von Mueller who was the Government Botanist from 1853. Source: City of Kew Urban Conservation Study, 1988"32"historic houses -- kew (vic.), roseneath -- pakington street -- kew (vic.)