Showing 37 items
matching helen gilles
Alfred Hospital Nurses League - Nursing Archive
Book - Paperback book, StClair Oldfield, No time for disability - the Helen Gillies story, 2003
... Helen Gilles...Alfred hospital nurse Helen Gilles became a paraplegic... on front cover and spine. Photos of helen Gilles on front and back...Alfred hospital nurse Helen Gilles became a paraplegic ...biography of Helen GillesPaperback book with pale blue cover. Title and authors name on front cover and spine. Photos of helen Gilles on front and back covers. Numerous black and white photos withinbiography of Helen Gilleshelen gilles, paraplegia, alfred hospital, nurses, nurse education, ahnl -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Booklet - Folder, Harry Gilham, Women of significance, 08/06/2004
... Morrison, Ethel Osborne, Mavis Gill, Helen Knights/Harbeck, May... Morrison, Ethel Osborne, Mavis Gill, Helen Knights/Harbeck, May ...Handwritten notes by H. G. listing names of women, with notes on family connections in some cases and brief list of their achievements including Nellie Ibbott, Charis Pelling, Beautrice Morrison, Ethel Osborne, Mavis Gill, Helen Knights/Harbeck, May Smart, Mrs A.M. Peake. Addressed to Journalist Helen Gillman and includes photocopy of article published about Charis Pelling (04966) Women as a group have frequently been excluded from official histories in the past. These research notes are an effort to compile a list of the contribution of local women, historically, to the development of the Shire of Eltham 2 pagesharry gilham collection, women, nellie ibbott, charis pelling, beautrice morrison, ethel osborne, mavis gill, helen knights, helen harbeck, may smart, a. m. peake -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Rural Photographic Service of Australia, Grade III, Eltham State School 209, Dalton Street, Eltham, 1953
... Twyford , - , Beverley Bradbury (nee Stokes), Susan Gill , Helen... Twyford , - , Beverley Bradbury (nee Stokes), Susan Gill , Helen ...Teacher: Mr Griffith Back Row (L-R): Mr Griffith, - , - , John Hopkins , Ronny Morris, Michael Oldfield, Rex Jobling , -, - , - , Geoffrey Jones, Barry Moar, David Stokes Middle Row (L-R): - , Avis Barnes , Pam Geer , Prue Kimber , Dirkie Herholdt, - , Bronwyn Conibear , Joy Chapman , - , - , Alan Pittman Front Row (L-R): Neil Twyford , - , Beverley Bradbury (nee Stokes), Susan Gill , Helen Taylor , Thelma Baxter , - . Students in grade either not present or unidentified include Faye Helmers, David Knight, Robin Hayes, Bruce Treganan Photography by Rural Photographic Service of Australia, 8a Bankly Avenue, Malvern, Vic. 5303/5 Digital copies scanned by EDHS from originals held by Barry Moar, of Greensborough, Vic, 17 Jul 2017 and Margaret Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) 15 Nov 2024. Keith and brother Barry Moar moved to Eltham in March 1944 where they attended the State School (elder brother Keith from 1949) in Dalton Street. They lived at 11 York Street in a house rented from Ernie Andrew at a cost of £2/week. Other items of note advised by Barry and Keith Moar: Michael Oldfield was killed in a car accident in South David Stokes, son of Frank Stokes who operated Stokes Orchard was killed in the Black Saturday fire of 7 Feb 2009. It snowed in Eltham in 1952 or 1953 Andy Matthews was on HMAS Voyager when it was sunk by HMAS Melbourne. Carleen Golgeth's mother used to drive her to school in a c.1928 Rolls Royce taxi (phaeton?)Digital copy of black and white photograph x 21953, eltham state school, state school no. 209, grade iii, alan pittman, barry moar, david stokes, geoffrey jones, michael oldfield, mr griffith, neil twyford, ronny morris, margaret harding (joy chapman) collection, barry moar collection, arthur roberts, avis barnes, barry (andy) matthews, ben rutley, beverley bradbury (nee stokes), bronwyn conibear, bruce treganan, carleen golgeth, class photo, david knight, dirkie herholdt, dorothy uren, eltham primary school, eltham state school no. 209, faye helmers, grade v, helen taylor, ian newlands, john hopkins, john squires, johnny morris, joy chapman, keith moar, margaret butterway, margie? reed, marjory bredle, maureen davis, max goldsworthy, michael sinclair, mr jobling, mr phillips, nina macbeth, pam geer, pat davison, peter brown, peter mccann, prue kimber, rex jobling, robert eisma, robin hayes, stafford davison, susan gill, teddie mynott, thelma baxter, yvonne box -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - Helen Robertson Letters of Administration 1881, 1889
Tait collection: item 34 of 62 This is a document giving the details of the Letters of Administration following the death of Helen Robertson, a spinster from St. Kilda, Melbourne. She died intestate in November 1881 and left property to the value of £363. This property reverted to her sister Agnes Thomson in 1889. No other details have been found on Helen Robertson. The lawyer in the case was George Skinner of Melbourne but the document was one of several stored in legal premises in Kepler Street, Warrnambool and passed on to successive lawyers occupying these premises. It was located in the same building, the former premises of the legal firm, Mackay Taylor, in 2014 and handed over to the Warrnambool and District Historical Society.This document is of minor interest as one located in former legal premises in Warrnambool but no other connection has been found between Warrnambool and the person whose details are in the document, Helen RobertsonThis is a cream-coloured piece of parchment paper folded at the bottom edge and containing hand written material on both sides of the paper. The contents give details of the Letters of Administration following the death of Helen Robertson in 1881. A seal of the Supreme Court of Victoria is attached with green ribbon. The document is somewhat stained.In the Supreme Court of the colony of Victoria in its Probate Jurisdiction in the Estate of Helen Robertson late of Acland Street Saint Kilda near Melbourne in the Colony of Victoria Spinster deceased intestate Letters of Administrationhelen robertson, george skinner -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Letter - Letters - Swinton/ Thomson, 1950s
These four items are annual letters of appreciation to Helen Thomson who was employed by George Swinton and Sons in the 1940s and 1950s. She received a monetary bonus each year. The Swinton business in Warrnambool was founded by William and Ann Swinton in Timor Street in 1865. In 1934 the firm of George Swinton and Sons was selling furniture, clothing and glass ware and the other branch of Swintons Pty.Ltd. sold seeds, produce and hard ware. Today the Swinton family still operate the furniture store in Timor Street. . These letters are of of minor interest as a memento of a prominent store in Warrnambool. They reflect the kindly attitude between emploer and employee.These are four letters from Keith Swinton of George Swinton and Sons Pty. Ltd. to staff member Helen Thomson. The letters date from 1949 to 1955.Three letters are typed and one is hand written. The four letters have the the George Swinton and Sons letterhead.swintons store warrnambool, keith swinton, helen thomson warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
clothing - Apron in Frame, Irene Broughton, 1915
This apron was made in 1915 by Irene Broughton, nee Long. She was born in Warrnambool in 1894 and married Arthur Broughton in 1913. She re married in 1924 Reuben Donnithorne and he died in 1931. Irene died in 1982 and is buried in the Warrnambool cemetery. The apron was left to Irene's niece, Helen Thomson who had the apron framed to preserve it. The apron would not have been in everyday use but a special garment worn when entertaining visitors for afternoon tea.This apron is a fine example of a home made house hold article from the early 20th century. The maker was born in Warrnambool.The apron is made of fine black cotton and edged with a broad lace flounce featuring a flower pattern. It is decorated with two sprays of delicately hand-painted motifs featuring Australian native flowers. The apron is in a wooden frame with a silver metal edging with scrolls on the front edge. The glass is clear and the mount is buff coloured card.vintage accessory, irene broughton warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet - Copy Book, Blackie & Son Ltd, Dublin, Vere Foster's Copy Books, late 19th century
Child's Copy BookThis is a booklet that was once bound, probably with staples. The front cover is a beige colour with black print and ornamental scrolls and images forming a border. The front cover has writing in black ink. The back cover is missing and several pages are loose. The pages contain printing and calligraphy work and lined spaces for a person to copy from the original. Some of the pages are stained and torn at the edges. non-fictionChild's Copy Bookschool copy books, vere foster copy books, dorothy rutledge -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Exercise Book (Swinton), Book, 1947-1950
This exercise book contains letters, mostly aerogrammes, sent by people in England during the years 1947 to 1950. They are letters of thanks for the food parcels sent to these people by the staff of George Swinton and Sons of Timor Street Warrnambool. The letters give details of the contents of the parcels, the situation with the families receiving the parcels and the effects of the food rationing and shortages in England immediately after World War Two. The name ‘H.C.Thomson’ on the front of the book refers to Helen Thomson, a staff member of George Swinton & Sons in charge of the food parcel distribution. William and Ann Swinton came to the Warrnambool area in 1854 and William opened a groceries, hardware, china and glassware store in Timor Street in 1865. After William Swinton’s death his son Robert became the first managing director of Swintons Pty Ltd. In 1934 the business split with Swintons Pty Ltd selling seeds, produce and hardware and George Swinton and Sons selling furnishings, clothing and glassware. Today the Swinton family still operates a furniture and bedding store in Timor Street, making it one of the oldest family businesses in Australia. This exercise book containing letters sent from England in response to the receipt of food parcels from the staff of George Swinton & Sons of Warrnambool is of considerable significance. The letters form a splendid social history of the situation in England after World War Two, especially for the elderly and the unemployed. They also are a reminder of the charity work undertaken by the staff of George Swinton & Sons 70 years ago. This was a prominent family business in Warrnambool (and continues in another form to this day). This is an exercise book with brown binding and a blue front cover with an image of St George, blue printing and a handwritten name and some other handwritten material which is not decipherable. The back cover has blue printing. Pasted on to the pages are handwritten letters and cards, mostly four to a page. Most of the letters are aerogrammes and some have stamps. Some pages contain addresses of families in England. There are some loose sheets.St. George Exercise Book Name… H.C.Thomson Grade.. School.. Swinton & Sons Timor St. W’bool Victoriageorge swinton & sons, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Badge, Queen of Sport, c. 1940
This badge appears to have been produced in South Australia as a fund-raiser for the war effort in World War Two. It was probably produced as part of a Queen Carnival event but no other details are available. This badge has no known local provenance but is retained as an example of fund raising efforts during World War Two. This is a round metal badge with blue lettering on a cream-coloured background and a photograph of a girl. The badge has a metal clip at the back. Queen of Sport Miss Helen Lindsay 2358miss helen lindsay, world war two -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Binder, Eltham District History, Eltham Road Board, 1856-1871; Research by Keith Chappel, 1971-1974
Eltham District History, Eltham Road Board, 1856-1871Two binders containing 486 A4 pages (photocopied) of mostly handwritten notes from research undertaken of Public Office Records of Victoria various holdings. Some photocopies from source reference books. Includes 20 page subject index (handwritten) at front and 5 pages of notes and sources at rear and a photocopy of short biography of Keith Chappel.a. foley, a. harkness, a. mackie, a. mcintyre, a. von ziegler, a.a. vivian, a.d. kinninmont, a.d. quadri, a.h. grimshaw, a.w. page, aboriginal reserve, aborigines, abraham quarman, abraham rooks, abraham taylor, adam goudie, aenaes harrison, agnes black, agnes charlton, agnes dalrymple, ah chong, ah cock, ah hein, ah lie, ah sing, albert lunson, albert ness, albert parker, albert ramseyor, alert hunt, alex cameron, alex eason, alex mcandrew, alexander crichton, alexander donaldson, alexander falconer, alexander innes, alexander james, alexander mcdonald, alexander miller, alexander thompson, alexander walker, alexander white, alfred armstrong, alfred burgess, alfred davey, alfred deschamp, alfred eddy, alfred hinley, alfred hooper, alfred hubbard, alfred lowman, alfred smith, alfred whelpton, alice power, allen heeps, allwood, amelia neuman, amos taylor, anderson, andersons creek, andrew brown, andrew byrne, andrew harkness, andrew herbert, andrew ross, andrew smith, angus mcdonald, ann emmott, ann mcphee, ann odea, ann plunkett, ann snell, ann tatty, annie ashmore, annie herbert, annie stuart, anthony beale, anthony currie, ants nest, archibald mcphee, arthur connor, arthur lyttle, arthur rooke, arthur young, arthurs creek, arthurs creek school, august ostling, b.o. wallis, barkers creek, barr, belton, benjamin bain, benjamin jenken, benjamin lawford, benjamin rice, benjamin shaw, benjamin smith, benjamin wallis, benjamin walton, berry, bismark hotel, black calf gully, black thursday, boomers gully, bridget bunker, bridget hailes, bridget kearse, bruno hirt, burns, bushranger, c. twiss, c.h. bade, caleb sherar, caledonia, caledonia diggings, campbell hunter, carl euman, caroline davey, catherine kennedy, cathren brock, cecilia farman, chamberlain, chapman, charles caldwell, charles campbell, charles dale, charles draper, charles fowler, charles green, charles hawkins, charles hempel, charles hirt, charles hirtson, charles jefer, charles jesse, charles kerchevell, charles lidgerwood, charles morris, charles peake, charles prince, charles rielly, charles roberts, charles rowand, charles simms, charles souter, charles swan, charles verso, charles wells, charles whelpton, charles williams, charles wingrove, charles woodley, charleys gully, charlotte beltison, charlotte goodwin, ching ah hock, christine brennan, christine mckenzie, christmas hills hotel, christmas hills school, christopher battaila, christopher twiss, chune grove, church of england, church of england school, clarissa milton, cleir hills, colin amos, constable quirke, constable talty, cornelius haley, cornelius stewart, cottles bridge, councillors hotel, cricket, cucksons brewery, d. nicholson, d.w. morrissey, dalry, daniel charleston, daniel harding, daniel jepps, daniel mccarthy, daniel mckenzie, daniel mcloughlin, daniel oloughlin, david boyd, david christian, david clark, david creighton, david rogers, david rolfe, david sharp, david shawcross, david smith, david stevenson, diamond accommodation store, diamond reef mine, dickson, dixon bertram, donald cameron, donald mcmillan, donaldson, dougald mcphee, dr barclay, dugald mcphee, dugald taylor, duncan fraser, duncan smith, dungey, e. hildebrand, e. stichlins, e.f. falkiner, e.j. hughes, e.m. garsed, e.w. morrissey, edith staff, edmund clarke, edmund cuckson, edmund hall, edmund picket, edward bage, edward beltison, edward bunker, edward ford, edward hindley, edward jackson, edward jones, edward kelly, edward qualtrough, edward staff, edward tresain, edward weller, edward whelpton, edward whilpson, edwin biley, edwin cartwright, edwin cohen, edwin deschamp, edwin mcleish, edwin rodda, edwin smith, effie rodda, eliza bellamy, eliza dawson, eliza howell, eliza nield, eliza smith, elizabeth cockshutt, elizabeth eiles, elizabeth fitch, elizabeth gillespie, elizabeth harris, elizabeth herbert, elizabeth hollow, elizabeth le juge, elizabeth plunkett, elizabeth whelpton, ellen hurst, ellen kearse, ellen quarman, ellen sweeney, ellen white, ellis, eltham cemetery, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham market, eltham police station, eltham pound, eltham quarry, eltham racecourse, eltham roads board, eltham school, emile hude, emily anderson, emily blamire, emily coutie, emma smith, emma taylor, ephraim wyett, ernest baillie, ernest henrick, ernest steer, esther porter, ethel baillie, evan jones, evelyn hotel, evelyn observer, ewen cameron, ewen jones, f. chrimes, f. grundel, f.e. falkiner, f.r. howard, fanny benson, fanny white, felix hude, felix noisette, ferdinand ramseyer, flora vale, florence hurst, fogarty, forbes mackenzie, fords creek, frances kearse, francis baker, francis hales, francis raselli, francis steer, frank eiles, frank rogerson, frank tanner, fraser, fred hurst, frederick falkiner, frederick hurst, frederick muller, frederick nink, frederick walker, frederick wharington, friedrich muller, fryers gully, furphy, g. donaldson, g. houghton, g. turnbull, geanetta hude, george assender, george bear, george beare, george benson, george bird, george boston, george brain, george brandt, george burley, george buswell, george coutie, george eiles, george ewings, george ford, george godber, george goodman, george gray, george griffiths, george hall, george herbert, george horn, george kirk, george langhorne, george mann, george mclelland, george mosely, george neumayer, george orchard, george parish, george porter, george purcell, george ralph, george reid, george rocke, george rogers, george rolfe, george stebbing, george stebbings, george stebbins, george switzer, george symons, george thompson, georgina hilton, glenda moriss, glengloy, gold, goulstone, greensborough police station, gulf station, h. jennings, h. mann, h.h. farquason, hannah sunderland, happy valley, harkness, harold scarce, harriet hunt, harriet smith, harry hollow, hazel glen, healesville, heinrich hirt, helena peters, henrietta hill, henry arthur, henry ashmore, henry austin, henry brown, henry dendy, henry dineen, henry fowler, henry gardner, henry green, henry griffin, henry hart, henry hirst, henry hirt, henry hopkinson, henry hude, henry hurst, henry inch, henry jones, henry mills, henry scarce, henry st paul, henry stevens, henry stooke, henry thomson, henry vogt, henry wallace, henry wilson, herbert rodda, herman henrick, hermann lampe, hermann steinmann, hester staff, hitchill, holbert, honoree hude, hotel de france, hugh mccann, humphrey peers, humphrey spicer, hurstbridge, hurstbridge general store, i.h. clarke, ida adelskold, ignatz kinzel, ira pimm, irene donaldson, isaac briggs, isaac hickson, isaac hill, isaac kerr, isaac varby, isaac williams, isabella donaldson, isabelle herbert, j. dungate, j. eccleston, j. harkness, j. hartley, j. hude, j. irvine, j. jones, j. manduell, j. mason, j. mcdonald, j. mcnamara, j. nichenson, j. renahen, j. scott, j. seymour, j.a. goold, j.a. panton, j.c. hughes, j.d. thompson, j.f. hughes, j.f. johnstone, j.g. walter, j.h. taylor, j.p. morris, jack ewart, jacob belsham, jacob goldstein, jacob morast, jam loon, james alexander, james anderson, james andrew, james andrews, james baines, james batchelor, james bond, james bradford, james brennan, james brock, james brown, james brunning, james buchanan, james cockburn, james cowan, james dalrymple, james donaldson, james duckworth, james goodwin, james harding, james harrison, james hartley, james hawkins, james hewish, james holinger, james hughes, james inglis, james jamieson, james johnson, james johnston, james kaye, james kew, james lindsay, james lindsey, james lynan, james macpherson, james mann, james martley, james mayger, james mccutcheon, james mcmahon, james mcpherson, james mess, james miller, james mitton, james morton, james murdoch, james murdock, james nickinson, james orford, james purcell, james qualtrough, james rudall, james simpson, james smith, james spence, james stonachan, james stuart, james suman, james surman, james sutherland, james thompson, james thomson, james walker, james walters, james watts, jane cleave, jane donaldson, jane mess, jane sadler, jane shaw, jane thomson, janefield, jean borelli, jeanette hudi, jeanne hude, johann muller, john ainsworth, john andrew, john baillie, john barr, john beale, john bell, john bellin, john blake, john blyth, john brock, john brown, john byers, john cameron, john candler, john carter, john cobbock, john cockshank, john cockshutt, john coleman, john connell, john crozier, john darroch, john dennis, john donaldson, john elsworthy, john fenton, john fitch, john gardner, john gast, john graham, john grimshaw, john haines, john haley, john harper, john harris, john hassall, john hayes, john heales, john herbert, john holland, john holman, john hood, john horner, john horton, john hughes, john jardine, john johns, john johnston, john jones, john kearse, john kilpatrick, john knell, john lawrey, john macadam, john mandell, john manduell, john marker, john mccoll, john mccolly, john mcdonald, john mcintyre, john mckimmie, john mcnamara, john mitchell, john moore, john morgan, john muller, john murray, john pearson, john peterson, john petty, john pullen, john quinn, john rawlings, john ryder, john sabelberg, john scott, john semar, john serman, john seymour, john shawcross, john smith, john staff, john steer, john stephens, john sweeney, john thompson, john thomson, john trahy, john walker, john weller, john wells, john williams, john williamson, john yates, john yeoman, john young, johnn mcdonnell, joseph bull, joseph burns, joseph caldwell, joseph caudwell, joseph coutie, joseph elliott, joseph emmott, joseph fayver, joseph furphy, joseph hall, joseph hibbert, joseph hilton, joseph johns, joseph lithgow, joseph panton, joseph rodda, joseph sands, joseph sanson, joseph schubert, joseph scott, joseph shaw, joseph smith, joseph spedder, joseph stevenson, joseph verco, joseph wilson, josiah hollis, josiah hullis, josiah thomas, judith furphy, julie williams, junction hotel, kangaroo forest, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground cemetery, kangaroo ground general store, kangaroo ground hotel, kangaroo ground police station, kangaroo ground post office, kangaroo ground school, kate bolger, kath scarce, katherine kearse, kidd, kinglake, kinglake hotel, kingstown, l. storey, lan quan, lang, latimour, laura henrick, laurence paterson, leon berlioz, levinia henrick, lillian gillan, linton, little eltham, long gully, louis henrick, louis le juge, louis smith, louisa steinmann, louise miller, lower plenty bridge hotel, lucy tidell, lydia qualtrough, m.j. careton, m.s. adams, macrudden, maggs, mail coach, maplestone, margaret graham, margaret hollins, margaret kearse, margaret kennedy, margaret kinrade, margaret lynch, margaret mcbirney, margaret steinmann, marguerite borelli, maria reilly, maria st paul, maria trew, marian trew, marianne miller, marie wright, marion hillier, mark bunker, martha herbert, martin brennan, mary alexander, mary beltison, mary bradford, mary bridgman, mary brock, mary bull, mary eiles, mary hopkinson, mary kearse, mary lean, mary mcinerney, mary miller, mary parmington, mary pearson, mary pickles, mary robertson, mary rodda, mary ross, mary smith, mary surman, mary weller, matilda jordan, matilda mcmillan, matthias watson, mawson, mechanics institute, michael callanan, michael fenton, michael kearse, michael mctyne, michael merritt, michael oday, michael odea, midgley hall, mills, minnie watts, miss bellon, morgans gully, mount joy, mr donnan, mr omeare, mr page, mrs greenaway, mrs havard, mrs hude, mrs morris, muller, murrays bridge, n.d. whyte, ned kelly, new caledonia creek, nicholas rodda, nillumbik, norman mcphee, old caledonia gully, oliver gourlay, one tree hill, owen finnegan, panton hill, panton hill hotel, panton hill post office, panton hill school, parambool, patrick armstrong, patrick bourke, patrick burke, patrick callaghan, patrick green, patrick harrington, patrick kearse, patrick lynch, patrick mcintyre, patrick o'callaghan, patrick rodgers, patrick sheahan, peach grove, perinella bull, perry, peter carrucan, peter flyn, peter ford, peter lawlor, peter patterson, peter snodgrass, peter watson, philip korfman, phillip gakden, phillip kaufman, phillip korfman, pierce brennan, pierce power, poo long, pound bend, pretty hill, queenstown, queenstown cemetery, queenstown police station, queenstown school, r. mackie, r.a. davidson, rebecca noisette, rebecca weller, reefers hotel, research, research gully, research gully hotel, research hotel, research school, rev dobinson, rhoda coutie, richard brook, richard capper, richard dunstan, richard goulding, richard heales, richard lane, richard matthews, richard rodda, richard searle, richard smith, richard wallis, richard warren, richard woolcott, robert alice, robert bourke, robert burke, robert charlton, robert clarke, robert cunningham, robert dugdale, robert grant, robert hall, robert harris, robert hempel, robert hill, robert hurst, robert lowman, robert mcadam, robert mckee, robert nink, robert norman, robert pontessey, robert sharp, robert smith, robert steel, robert stevenson, robert strong, robert surnam, robert wood, robina joyce, rogerson, roman catholic church, rossiter, rudolph muller, ruth mess, ruth sadler, ruth stevenson, s. smith, s. stewart, salters rush, sam deacon, samuel bird, samuel brace, samuel cameron, samuel candler, samuel cole, samuel cracknell, samuel dagley, samuel flier, samuel furphy, samuel merriman, samuel moseley, samuel mosley, samuel smith, sarah howard, sarah moseley, sarah raston, sarah walters, second watery gully school, self, shin hun, simon armstrong, smiths gully, smiths gully mechanics institute, smiths gully school, sophia greenaway, spanish gully, st andrews, st andrews hotel, st helena, stack, stanley smith, stephen gonnet, stephenson turner, stephensons bridge, steven anderson, stevensons corner, sumner, susan dickson, susan street, susan walke, sutherland, t. davidson, t. mclaughlin, t. symons, t.a. aldwell, t.b. drummond, t.b. henderson, t.e. johnston, t.h. subelly, tarrawarra, theis, theodore sabelberg, theresa lynch, thomas anderson, thomas armstrong, thomas baillie, thomas batt, thomas bell, thomas benson, thomas bibbs, thomas boardman, thomas bradford, thomas bull, thomas cattery, thomas cochrane, thomas cook, thomas cottle, thomas cousins, thomas downward, thomas edwards, thomas evans, thomas grierson, thomas haines, thomas harmer, thomas hunniford, thomas huntford, thomas hurry, thomas jardine, thomas jones, thomas kearse, thomas kennedy, thomas marland, thomas martin, thomas mcinerney, thomas morrison, thomas mundy, thomas murphy, thomas murray, thomas peacock, thomas plunkett, thomas postlethwaite, thomas prior, thomas qualtrough, thomas smith, thomas stone, thomas sunderland, thomas swatling, thomas sweeney, thomas symons, thomas walke, thomas wall, thomas wright, thomas young, tim shaw, toll gate, tom collins, tommys hut, true, upper diamond creek, upper diamond creek school, view hill, virtue hall, w. cockayne, w. craig, w. foster, w. marriott, w. ridley, w. trenoweth, w.a. page, w.b. andrew, w.b. burnley, w.b. phillips, w.c. shortt, w.w. herbert, walter barlow, walter hillier, walter joyce, walter knell, walter mckimmie, walter mcnicoll, walter thomson, walter wippell, warburton carr, warrandyte, warrens hotel, watery gully, watsons creek, watsons creek hotel, wattle glen school, wellers hotel, weymss donaldson, whipstick gully, white cloud, wild dog creek, wild dog gully, wiliam albert, william aitken, william albert, william anderson, william andrews, william barr, william barrow, william bell, william bond, william bowden, william bremmer, william brewer, william bridgman, william burnley, william buswell, william cant, william clarke, william cleave, william crozier, william dawson, william dodging, william ellis, william finn, william fitzgibbon, william ford, william foster, william garland, william ghosley, william golding, william goodwin, william graham, william gray, william grimshaw, william hall, william harding, william herbert, william hoilett, william hopkinson, william howitt, william howlett, william hubbard, william hunt, william inglis, william jarrold, william joyce, william kidd, william kilpatrick, william kommer, william lodge, william mclaughlin, william mcmurray, william mitton, william moore, william mosley, william murphy, william nicholson, william normage, william norman, william nuttall, william phillips, william quarman, william ronald, william sadler, william scott, william seaville, william sharp, william smith, william spicer, william taylor, william thomson, william tobin, william underwood, william walsh, william walshe, william walters, william watkins, william west, william wilmot, william wilson, william wolverston, william woods, wolfe, woodley, yarra bank, yow yow creek, a. brewer, a. easson, a. edwards, a. melville, a.m. ross, a.r. larrimour, aborigine reserve, advertisements, agricultural district, alan bernhard horsley, albert frederick charles glover, albert h price, albert h.c. price, albert henry charles price, alex easson, alexander campbell, alexander melville, alexander thomas haley, alexander thomson, alfred j. lowman, alice may peake, alie haley, alistair knox, alistair samuel knox, allandale road, allendale road, allwood run, andrew, andrew mckay, anton william brinkkotter, archibald brown, argus, arthur chichester allen, arthur edwin cracknell, arthur john braid, arthur robert traynor, atlas of australia 1886, b. lawford, b. mess, barry thale houston, basil y hall, basil yaldwyn hall, bell street, benjamin baxter, benjamin bowater, benjamin thomas taylor, benjaomin o. wallis, bible street, billis, bolton street, brewery, brisbane street, buckingham, bushrangers, c. brown, c. carroll, c. hirt, c.s. haley, c.s. wingrove, c.t. harris, caledonia run, cam, cattle, charis meta alexander pelling, charles brown, charles ellis, charles hicks bath, charles newman, clara gonnet, claude bryan gibbs, clifford henry goulding seear, coleraine, colin t. bell, collectors, collingwood, commissioner airey, coplin thomas bell, cornelius john stewart, cornelius sharp haley, cornelius sharpe haley, county of evelyn, culla hill, cutto hill, d. ryan, daily news newspaper, dalton street, daniel jepp, derek cecil o'beirne, diamond creek, diamond creek post office, diamond creek railway station, diamond creek run, diamond creek station, diamond creek township, divisions, doctor, donald alfred neil, donald charles maling, donald ingersole, donald kennedy, douglas anderson, e. cameron, e. falkiner, e. stooke, e.t. peers, edward dumaresq, edward heller, edward james, edward wilson, edwin stooke, elections, electoral districts, electoral roll, electrified railway, eltham, eltham district description, eltham district history, eltham district road board, eltham post office, eltham railway station, eltham road district, eltham road district board, eltham shire council, eltham shire councillors, eltham shire history, eltham town common, eltham village, eltham-hurstbridge railway, ely street, eric dudley butler, eric nichol staff, eric percival harmer, ernest james andrews, eve may edwards, evelyn and mornington division, evelyn division, everard albert hale, ewn hugh cameron, f. stone, f.d. wickham, flour mill, fountain of friendship hotel, francis bradley, francis joseph favier, francis regiereals(?), francis watson rosier, frank haley, frank wayne maas, franklin william nankervis, frederick charles barrett, frederick edward falkiner, frederick eldred griffith, frederick filed durham, frederick gration, frederick kirk gration, frederick vincent squire, fredrick ninck, g. drabble, g. haley, g. hodgkins, g. lee, g. thomas, g. thomson, g.d. boursiquot, g.f. belcher, garden hill, geoffrey charles dreverman, geology, george d'arley boursiquot, george ellis parker, george fletcher, george frederick belcher, george haley, george hirt, george louie cresp, george love, george robertson, george turnbull, george wise, godalmin street, gold mining, goodman, gordon melville, government gazette, graham lindsay bride, grazing, greenhill, greensborough, grierson, gun maker, h. g. james, h. stooke, h. taylor, h.g. jhones, h.t. beams, harold edward bartlett, heatherleigh, heidelberg, helen louise wells, henry creswell, henry gilbert jones, henry holloway, henry peers, herbert eric rundle, herbert hewitt, herbert rutter, hoddle, holiday resort, horace hilton, house of assembly, hugh larimour, hurst, i. barrow, i. rooks, ian g smedley, ian gordon smedley, industry, isaac rooks, isidore t. wilmor, j. alison, j. brown, j. cameron, j. carfrae & co., j. ferguson, j. frank, j. garthwaite, j. greaves, j. greitzner, j. irish, j. lindsay, j. murray, j. o'brien, j. stevenson, j. wilson, j.b. phipps, j.b. rodda, j.f. imley, j.g. foxton, j.g. fraser, j.h.f. hawke, j.k. zahn, j.m. holloway, j.p. imley, jack cato, jack clendinnen gill, jacob belcham, jacob greitzner, jakeb greitzner, james bailey, james cox, james d mealy, james darley mealy, james frank, james frederick mackay, james graham, james johnstone, james kay bryce, james mclaren, james murray, james oliver white, james pearson imley, james pearsons imley, james rosier, james ryan, jane thompson, jersey, johann karl zahn, john a porter, john alexander hampton lewis, john alison, john b. wilson, john barter bennett, john blackmore phipps, john blakemore phipps, john carfrae, john dane, john g. foxton, john gerald searle, john greaves, john green foxton, john greenlaw foxton, john henry sabelberg, john johnstone, john lee smith, john lindsay, john lindsay beale, john mann, john mason, john pape, john porter, john samuel lithgow, john stevenson, john verran mcconnell, john wilson, jonathan scott, joseph anderson panton, joseph bromley shallard, joseph garthwaite, joseph smedley, joseph walter henry bradbury, josiah morris holloway, k.e. dunstan, m kinglake, keelbundora, kenneth chareles crompton, kenneth donald macmillan, kenneth frederick hines, kenyon, kerby street, kinglake school, krelbundora, l. jenyns, l.m. bill, lancefield, land act 1862, land act 1865, land act 1869, land alienation, land settlement, legislative council, leopold kershaw lawry, leslie christopher docksey, leslie edward clarke, little eltham school, m. o'shea, m.h. fitzpatrick, mail run, mail service, main road, map, margaret moody, martin fogarty, mary leak, maxwell alexander spence, medical practitioner, michael o'shea, miss haley, moira, morang, mr. ford, mrs galbraith, n. gillies, n. rodda, name, names, neil stewart roberts, norman ernest charles williams, opening, orchard district, p. ryan, p.a.c o'farrell, p.p. cotter, parish of nillumbik, parish of nillumbik 1856, patrick costello, patrick turnbull, percy downer, peter andrew charles o'farrell, peter fair, peter graham, petr lawlor, phillip cumming, photographer, plenty river, polling place, polling places, porter street, portrait, post office, post office directory 1868, princes bridge, proclamation, r. boston, r. hepburn, r. lane, r. wadeson, r.d. mess, r.s.h. moody, radley (rodney) douglas quin, rag mill, railway lines, raymond clive duncan, registrar, research state school no. 2959, reserve for aborigines, reynolds road, richard jones and co, richard robert woolcott, river plenty, robert alan bell, robert benn (ship), robert cadden, robert cunningham white, robert david taylor, robert hepburn, robert kenneth marshall, robert miller, robert reid, robert stewart hull moody, robinia joyce, rodda family, rosemount, rupert norman maskell, ryans road, s. evans, s. wekey, samuel evans, samuel phillips, samuel ramsden, samuel w. scott, searle, shire of diamond valley, sigismund wekey, sly grog seller, sources, south province, south yarra, st kilda, stanley simpson addison, strathbogie, strippers of bark, stuart alexander donaldson, sweeneys lane, sweeny, sylvia ruth houston, t. archer, t. huntley, t. murray, t. stephens, t. watkins, t.a. stork, t.b. daling, t.b. darling, t.c. darling, t.milthorpe, t.p. cross, tannery, tenders, terence alphonsus collins, the explorers and early colonists of victoria, the story of the camera in australia, thomas bell darling, thomas clarke, thomas darling, thomas foster chuck, thomas grant, thomas henry bowman, thomas herbert power, thomas irvine, thomas maltby, thomas mccombie, thomas scarce, thomas sweeny, thornton street, town of eltham, vaccinations act, victorian government gazette, virtue hall station, virtue hill, w. archer, w. brown, w. gordon, w. inglis, w. jones, w. matthew, w. mcdonald, w. williams, w. wilson, w.r. belcher, w.t. fitzpatrick, walter craig, walter wipple, warringal, water wheel, wattle glen, whittlesea, william acland, william adams, william b. burnley, william buckingham, william c. farrell, william cleve, william craig, william frederick ford, william george gray, william henry hull, william john taylor, william john turner clarke, william johnson, william jones, william lorimer, william morris, william redmond belcher, william thomas cochrane, william vasey houghton, william walker, william wandliss herbert, william white, willie haley, willie stanley dawson, yan yean, yarra flats, yarra river, yielima, york street, yow yow gully, zig zag road, frederick george hurst, grimshaw, mrs s marshall, mrs mcclelland, bushfire -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Photograph, 1908 (estimated)
This extraordinary record of the student cohort in 1908 reveals many aspects of school life in the early 1900's. The fashions, hair coiffure and accessories and added costuming are fascinating. The sport detail from the basketball hoop is significant. This photograph has social significance because of its detail regarding female school activities in the early 1900s. Black and white photograph mounted on grey card of Clarendon Ladies College student cohort in 1908. The students are arranged in five tiered rows. The photograph is taken against wall of a timber building. There is a basketball net fixed to the wall above the last row. Many of the girls are wearing fancy hats, some decorated with birds. Two young girls in the front row wear poster boards over their clothing advertising an event not to be missed; something to do with a menagerie. All the students are dressed in white, some in dresses, some n skirts and blouses and many have aprons over their skirts. The photograph is accompanied with a typed list of namesPrinted on front righthand bottom corner of mount: 'Richards & Co/Ballarat'1908, uniform, richardson, clarendon ladies college, costume, menagerie, hilda farmer, avenel halls, sylvia eyres, ella morrow, florence sides, gertie owen, laela williams, lorna dowler, emma buchanan, phyllis doepel, daisy llewellyn, adeline purser, sophie anderson, helen mathieson, d brophy, lily wright, margaret dowler, dulce deardon, gladys small, marjory howe, jessie kelsall, erica mckay, pearl eyres, iris llewellyn, edith bishop, marjorie walker, violet howard, hazel wlls, effie white, mimi murphy, carrie miners, edith murphy, irene palamountain, miss allan, marjorie salmon, dollie snow, naomi franklin, elsie powell, rachael kennedy, rose paull, sylvia barnett, esther, lilah emblling, trixie kliender, chrissie anderson, agnes wheen, kitty dawbarn, hazel clements, m serjeant, dolly gill, beryl bach, dorothy nicholas, frances gill, meg moore, jessie eyres, blanche murphy, merle booth, melba mcconnel, edna clark, betty lester, bessie hoad, madge dearden, kate cameron, olive mathews, grace nicholas, mollie souter, isabel mctaggart, madge llewellyn, mollie mary buley, alice ralph, ruth tyler, rebecca abraham, joyce eyres, nellie salmon -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The Illustrators' Artistry by Peter Barwood et al
The Illustrators' Artistry as displayed in The New Letter of Australasia published 1856 - 62 in MelbourneA4 sized book with navy blue cover and an illustration in the middle of the fron Cover non-fictionThe Illustrators' Artistry as displayed in The New Letter of Australasia published 1856 - 62 in Melbournethe illustrators' artistry, peter barwood, the new letter of australasia, book, ludwig becker, samuel calvert, nicholas chevalier, albert charles cooke, samuel thomas gill, frederick grosse, warwick weston pett, richard shepherd, george strafford, johann joseph eugen guerard -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Domestic object - Ladies evening purse, C1900
Dame Nellie Melba was born Helen Porter Mitchell in 1861 and took the stage name of Melba after her home town of Melbourne. Dame Nellie went on to become one of the most successful and highly regarded sopranoes of the late 19th a nd early 20th centuries. She had a number of Farewell tours as she neared the end of her career. When Dame Nellie Melba was a house guest of Miss Florence Lake at "Lyndoch" Warrnambool during her farewell tour in 1927. The bag was purported to have been given to a house maid in recognition of favours done. An item owned by Dame Nellie Melba............ WDHS also has a program from Dame Nellie Melba's Farewell Tour.Ladies evening purse "Made in France" Beige/ecru silk on canvas backing, heavily beaded and sequinned in beige and coffee, some pearl decoration, with an ornate enamelled button closure mechanism for a press stud. Two fabric handles also heavily beaded. A scalloped shape with gusseted side insertions.Bag is too fragile to open.nellie melba, evening bag, warrnambool, lyndoch warrnambool, florence lake, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Programme - Program, musical evening, Dame Nellie Melba's Farewell Tour Warrnambool, 1927
Dame Nellie Melba, born Helen Porter Mitchell (1861-1931), was the first Australian to gain international fame as an opera singer and one of the best-known singers in late Victorian times. She took the name ‘Melba’ from her home town, Melbourne. She sang in Warrnambool on at least two occasions, staying at local homes, including ‘Summer Hill’, belonging to the Murray family and ‘Lyndoch’ as the guest of Florence Lake. In 1927 she sang at the Warrnambool Town Hall with three other assisting artists and this programme records that event. The Warnambool and District Historical Society has an evening bag that was given by Nellie Melba to Miss O’Donnell, a maid at ‘Lyndoch’ at that time. This programme is of considerable significance as it is a memento of the occasion in 1927 when the famous Australian opera singer sang at the Warrnambool Town Hall during her farewell tour. This is a cream-coloured sheet of paper folded into two to make four pages. The front cover has a decorative border and blue printing and a Warrnambool & District Historical Society stamp and the back cover has an advertisement. The middle pages contain blue printing. The folds are torn in parts.Dame Nellie Melba's Farewell Tourdame nellie melba, history of warrnambool, lyndoch, melba farewell tour -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - Postcard, Wading Birds of Warrnambool, Tapestry commenced February 2012. Postcard printed on its completion
This postcard is a photograph of a section of a large tapestry , 1.8m x 1.9m, which hangs in the foyer of the South West Health Care. This tapestry was funded by the Geoff and Helen Handbury Foundation. It was woven at the Australian Tapestry Workshop, South Melbourne. The postcard “Concerning the Wading Birds of Warrnambool Wetlands” brings to a wider audience, the work of John Wolesley as well as the craftsmanship of the weavers in presenting his original watercolor in a different medium. The tapestry itself was commissioned by Warrnambool Base Hospital.Background is in muted shades of blue and browns with larger birds in foreground and smaller ones in the background. The texture of the tapestry is clearly visible. The back of the postcard has South West Healthcare logo in top left corner and credits in bottom section.South West Healthcare logo, Artist John Wolseley, Weavers, Chris Cochius, Pamela Joyce, Milena Paplinka, Photo credit, Jeremy Weihrauch. warrnambool, warrnambool base hospital, tapestry, john wolesley, south west health care, geoff and helen handbury foundation, australian tapestry workshop, weavers. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School - Grade 3A, 1979
Colour photograph - Grade 3A,1979."Attached to photograph" Back Row-L to R: Katie Walton, Stella Yiannaros, Craig Brown, ?, Kathleen Gallagher, ?, Debra Short, Edward (?), Adam Grey. 2nd Row- L to R: David Thorpe, Andrew Blackwell, ?, Jeremy Pyatt, ?, Rachel Mavroudis, Mark Blizzard, Nicole Stevens, Pauline Morrison. 3rd Row L to R: ?, Erica Gill, ?, Stephen Booth, Sandra McGibbon, Richard (?), Michelle Cook, ?, Melissa Day. Front Row- L to R: Rohan Gale, ?, ?, ?, Trina Hill, Helen (?). -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School - Grade 2A, 1978
Colour photograph - Grade 2A, 1978."Attached to photograph" Back Row-L to R: Richard Wright, Stuart Jessop, Adam Gray, Jason Dunne, Eddie Dennis, Craig Brown, Colin Noble, Jeremy Pyke, Stephen Booth, Mark Blizzard, ?. 2nd Row- L to R: Helen Edis, Sandra MacGibbon, Michelle Wynne, Rachel Mavroudis, Robyn Glew, Deborah Short, Josie Esposito, Stella Yiannaros, Pauline Morrison, Rohan Gale. 3rd Row-nL to R: Joanne Gowrie, Narelle Sanders, Erica Gill, Katie Walton, Rosanne Kelaart, Sharon Postlethwaite, Trina Hill, Deborah Morrison, Melissa Day, Angela Craig. Front Row- L to R: Shane Merlo, Stephen Goddard. Teacher: -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newspaper - Newspaper - Broadsheet, Ballarat College of Advanced Education; Student Union Newspaper, "Eureka", 1979, 1980, 1981
"Eureka" was a Ballarat College of Advanced Education Student Union Newspaper. Ballarat College of Advanced Education is a predecessor institution of Federation University. The campus was at Mount Helen. Articles in the newspapers include an Editorials, Letters to the Editor, Education items, Clubs and Societies news, Reviews - consumer advice, Union reports. Environment, sports reports "Eureka" printed by Jeff Zilles.eureka, ballarat college of advanced education, editorials, letters to the editor, clubs and societies, reviews, union reports, sports reports, environment, stephen roberts, tony gill, janeen gunn, dawn reading, phillip crowley, judy ellis, neila mccaw, jeff zilles, printer, simon marginson, steve sewell, d j bellingham, steve bromeley, greg giles, wayne king, stephen harris, christopher stevens, philip lynch, peter mcmahon, bruce widdop, robert rook, annie stewart, m a caddie, phil lynch, peter fisher, grahame mcculloch, nina mckay, murray caddie, david fowler, whitlam government, education cuts, the budget, student union, student association, anne e. stweart -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 2 items relating to school magazines and publications: 1/1 photocopy of a page from the school magazine ‘Quaerite’, 1968, with a photograph of many students in front of the assembly hall and an article about the opening of the assembly hall on 05/06/1968 author unknown. 2/1 copy of the Shelford Old Grammarians publication ‘GOSSIP’ (Grammarians of Shelford Social Interest Paper) issue no. 85, dated 1st quarter of 1988. The publication includes details about the running of and events held by the Shelford Old Grammarians as well as details about the lives of former Grammarians. Written by David Waxman.shelford girls’ school and kindergarten, schools, openings (events), delacombe rohan sir, woods dr. archbishop, choirs, orchestras, musical events and activities, dances and balls, stevenson nan, henderson margot, pianos, old grammarians association, shelford old grammarians, ‘grammarians of shelford social interest paper’, ‘gossip’, anderson jean mrs, olinda street, caulfield south, thompson debbie mrs, rome lorraine, wilson lorraine, st georges road, elsternwick, guala lynne, parke lynne, halstead simone, barrington street, bentleigh east, kendall debbie, webb jean, deller lynne, franzoni lynne, brown nola, jenkinson nola, nelms jenny, bond jenny, waite janine, brown helen, clubs and associations, meetings, events and activities, sport, gleadell linda, koch linda, barbecues, dawson sally, richards sally, richards bronwyn, barnacle bronwyn, crocker susan, waxman susan, hosford margaret, hoult margaret, francis dyanne , franzoni dyanne, baxter dorothy, scott maureen, ahearne robyn, summer louise, ballantyne robyn, hill robyn, painsh elizabeth, mayne lyn, eshelby shirlene, looker margaret, hunter dale, martin colleen, evans julie, froomes vicki, plaisted leonie, leah leonie, pull lisa, patxy godby, currer liz, crawshaw pam, shaw debbie, milner cheryl, hopkings wendy, tietgens jenny, gill janet, edwards leigh, hannon lisa, folley melinda, sport, bray jennifer, birch jennifer, graham sally, smith sally, bosquet rue, masters anne, dalton anne, murray michele, brown michele, sutton kaye, griffiths kaye, faragher sue, butterfield anne, thompson anne, cassidy julie, lynes yvonne, van buuren vanessa, vanselow elizabeth, hall elizabeth, riley vicki, rowed elizabeth, strugnell peter, caulfield grammar school, graham andrew, murray peter, hoad ian, amos emma, carr vanessa, mallaby kirstienne, valentine karen, calderwood jan, perkins jan, perkins jan, humphries karen, asher kim, hannon lisa, mardardy mischel, sanford belinda, sherlock natalie, barklamb kate, levy sally, mathew jennifer, stahmer sally, gray mrs, australia day, howell marilyn, harley robyn, elms liz, johnston liz, mcilveen bronwyn, calderwood simone, zacharin pat, williamson pat, waite pamela, wilson pamela, perkins jan, woodburn bettina, bromley bettina, stuchbury leanne, dalton sue, dalton leigh, myers jean, sligo pam, gibson pam, collins sue, baddams miss, limb lois, rice lois, bishop myra, planner betty, planner pam, smart arlie, lambert dorothy, goode sandra, harris margaret, chamberlain margaret, elms elizabeth, johnston elizabeth, rome lynne, waxman dawn, clements dawn, weddings, halls -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Graeme Wynn, Life on the Goldfields: Fifteen Letters 1853 - 1861, 1853 -1861 (original)
Yellow soft covered booklet of 11 pages, containing transcriptions of fifteen letters written by James William Robertson between 1853 and 1861. Many of the letters relate to Creswick Creek.Inside front cover :Gill you will find some interesting references to the Anderson family with complimetns. Tom Evans. goldfields, james robertson, james william robertson, creswick, correspondence, anderson, m -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Images, Images relating to the History of Ballarat and the Eureka Stockade
Charles Hotham was Governor of Victoria at the time of the Eureka Stockade (03/12/1854).Unbound images (29) used in the in the History of Ballarat by W.B. Withers, including posters associate with the Eureka Stockade , including a black and white Government poster distributed after the Eureka Stockade (as published in Withers 'History of Ballarat'). The poster calls for Social order after the events at Ballarat. eureka stockade, reward posters, charles hotham, w.b. withers, john alloo, eureka stockade monument, s.t. gill, f.w. niven, s.d.s. huyghue, history of ballarat, di chambrillon, frederick vern, reward poster, french, golden point -
Federation University Historical Collection
Work on paper - Artwork (framed), Kyneton looking towards the Bridge by S.T. Gill, 1857, 1857
... University Australia, Mt Helen Campus Federation University Australia ...framed steel engravingkyneton, s.t. gill, samuel thomas gill -
Federation University Historical Collection
Artwork, other - Artwork (framed), Sandhurst by S.T. Gill, 1857
Sandhurst is the early name for the Victorian goldfield town of Bendigo. The original was published by Melbourne's Sands and Kenny Melbourne in 1857, and the plate from "Victoria Illustrated" by S.T. Gill. Balck and white steel engraving of a work by Samuel Thomas Gill showing a scene in early Bendigo. In the foreground a woman sits on a fallen tree holding a baby and talking to a small girl, while two men stand nearby discussing words on a paper. A sign on the fence declares 'Gov Sale Land'. In the mid ground a fledgling townscape is evident whole a man rides a horse along a thoroughfare, along with a small bullock team, and a man pushing a wheelbarrow. The scenefeatures a large number of flagpoles, and tents are visible along the horizon line. The image is engraved "S.T.Gill, del." in the lower left; "J. Tingle sc" in the lower right, and the title is engraved below image. bendigo, sandhurst, samuel thomas gill, s.t. gill, j. tingle, goldfield, bullock team, horse and rider -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, South Berry Consols Journal
This book is associated with former Ballarat School of Mines Student Richard Squire (1875-1876). Gift of the Squire FamilyGreen water marked linen covered journal with maroon spine with red feint lined blue pages. Label on front cover is cream with black printing JOURNAL with handwritten SOUTH BERRY CONSOLS hand written in black and red ink. Pages held together inside the book with three metal clipsSouth Berry Consols written on front cover mining, gold mining, south berry, miners' wages, wages, ballarat, 1913, a. gilles, a. g. shaw, w. a. bain, grong grong railway station, h. c. handford, j. b. williams, h. a. goddard, r. j. liddicoat, belmore reefs, government stock route, berembed station, mcerven -
Federation University Historical Collection
Artwork - Print, 'Kyneton looking towards the Bridge' by S. T. Gill
... University Australia, Mt Helen Campus Federation University Australia ...Verso on sticker bottom right 'S.T. Gill Print/ Steel Engraving by Tingle/ from Victoria Illustrated/ Melbourne 1857/Penn's Book Shop/ 123 Lt Collins St Melb. s.t. gill, print, kyenton -
Federation University Historical Collection
Artwork - Print, 'Ballaarat Post Office & Township from Government Enclosure' by S.T.Gill
Verso on sticker bottom right 'S.T. Gill Print/ Steel Engraving by Tingle/ from Victoria Illustrated/ Melbourne 1857/Penn's Book Shop/ 123 Lt Collins St Mel/ 63 5134s.t.gill, print -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Student's Magazine, Fourth Term, 1902, 1902
Table of contents: Editorial, A new system of sinking shafts, Steam turbines, The Gulf stream myth, Science notes, Western sketches, Science in song, Students' Excursion to Melbourne, Out of the jaws of death, Ballarat scientific and literary society, Signs of the times, Past students, News and notes, Correspondence, Sports.Pale brown booklet of 16 pagesballarat school of mines, students' magazine, w. t. gill, sidney smith, ohe jay, o. e. jager, gilbert mcintyre, w. davey, w. t. atherton, e. p. johnson, gulf stream myth, ballarat scientific and literary society -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1955, 1955
School Council, Members of Staff, Editorial, Principal's Page, Prominent Personalities, Tales from Malaya, Literary Society, Boys' Sport, Football, Baseball, Cricket, Tennis, Swimming, Athletics, Amateur Cycling, The Dear Departing, Magazine Committee, Accident!, The Apprentices, Bee-Keeping, Roll Call, Junior School, Ballarat Junior Technical School Members of Staff, House Notes, A.T.C. The activities of the Air Cadets, Girls' House Notes, Junior Technical School, Ballarat North Junior Technical School - Headmaster's Page, Ballarat North Junior Technical - School Members' of Staff - Students' Gray soft covered magazine with red and blue titlesFront inside cover has signatures.ballarat school of mines, magazine, glen baxendale, john skuja, graham willey, stan kisler, r. w. richards, janet steele, john collier, jim murray, eillen grundell, john clelland, bill maxwell, ron furlong, judy johnson, russ whitcher, anita young, jimmy durant, alf hannah, gordon thurling, r. dunlop, j. wolfe, i. schunke, d. schmidt, j. murray, b. tozer, r. furlong, b. singleton, n. richards, f. andrewartha, j. barnes, p. collier, a. orgill, w. maxwell, n. brogden, b. bellingham, b. gallagher, g. rasdell, j. williams, j. clelland, n. spears, t. prior, b. matthews, b. dixon, j. barker, g. ditchfield, a. clarke, t. seabrook, w. saggers, b. mclennan, n. beanland, p. nally, i. fraser, j. gowan, g. hewitt, s. nandhabiwat, p. quinlan, g. crawford, jim mcneil, bill saggers, frank andrewartha, john barnes, peter ditchfield, richard dunlop, alan orgill, pat quinlan, david schmidt, terry seabrook, russell whitcher, john williams, barrie r. smith, saml. l. clemens, beth byrne, beverley briggs, john procter studios, "buck" rodger, jack aitkin, diana mainwaring, bob jones, brian blenkiron, geoff o'brian, peter nunn, douglas poole, denis bryans, brian duthie, g. bromley, b. thompson, graham paddle, j. spencer, j. leckie, w. widdop, m. eggleton, m. marshall, c. veal, m. judd, r. day, b. conry, h. smith, a. minotti, e. kinnane, r. white, j. mchenry, m. o'brien, w. edmends, n. slocum, a. bethune, g. mckenzie, l. jones, g. weightman, r. whitcher, r. janson, k. delaland, g. blomley, l. leckie, l. matthews, r. widgery, g. gilmer, t. lugg, l. tuddenham, g. wright, j. hamilton, b. parker, d. wakeling, r. cutter, g. cheeseman, b. patterson, n. hocking, g. pett, b. stevens, j. mckenzie, l. dean, w, tresize, m. lesins, marcia ellsworth, betty gist, b. o'connell, j. mortimer, janice rowe, k. mcbeath, b. augustine, c. ludbrook, v. gill, b. squire, m. walsh, j. pollock, i. sproule, j. cromb, r. duncan, g. sawyer, g. walker, n. porter, e. waller, r. carlson, k. johnston, l. willis, s. mcgregor, a. clark, i. boyd, norma davies, i. kinnane, p. agrums, r. latter, r. harwood, d. sarah, d. mclennan, n. delosa, g. stevens, j. furlong, g. hocking, j. davenport, v. scott, d. pollock, laraine edwards, helen smith, janet mchenry, merle gillingham, j. hunt, j. strange, e. r. willingham, r. handmer, j. rash, a. f. hetherington, d. dow, w. etty, a. haywood, j. vincent, p. athanitis, l. kinnane, d. hughes, l. fox, j. caldwell, r. champneys, d. ridgway, j. van berkel, m. ritchie, m. bolster, j. hankin, n. pike, j. bennett, g. tonkin, n. davies, h. wunhym, b. hay, j. carroll, r. gilchrist, glenys spielvogel, b. strange, g. lee, h. a. smith, w. leishman, j. flynn, a. wright, g. henderson, j. vagg, k. howell, g. collinson, s. stepnell, j. clarke, r. brown, g. spiers, k. jenkins, l. deppler, b. silvey, n. bromley, j. sarah, g. hinks, g. dunstone, b. mciver, r. hepburn, b. gavin, b. clack, k. fisher, l. mcdonald, r. mckenzie, p. hall, b. harrison, d. vincent, b. lugg, j. allen, w. sawall, a. brumby, j. richards, e. jamieson, m. litchfield, g. munning, g. martin, n. nugent, t. fletcher, j. mcnicol, d. mackay, kevin rogers, g. turnbull, b. gamble, g. russell, i. watkins, a. brogan, r. chibnall, j. gullock, r. kinnersley, g. brown, w. parkinson, r. priddle, r. burge, b. reid, l. reed, g. nicholls, w. wilkins, b. pittard, w. ellis, d. hodgers, j. witherden, b. antonio, n. malthouse, g. keddie, c. harris, n. currie, j. mcadam, b. flynn, j. whelan, b. tait, w. troughton, n. bedggood, i. franklin, n. yean, j. caroll, r. elshaug, r. whitten, f. loader, g. pike, n. dell, william saggers -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, From Timber to Tourism: Exploring Place Attachment and Natural Area Values in the Otway Ranges, 1997
Spiral bound reportuniversity of ballarat, school of business, tourism, apollo bay, otway national park, michelle brown, melinda gill, clare kearns, sarah mcewing, renee walder, cape otway lighthouse, point franklin residential estate, harbour, sand dune erosion, great ocean road, blanket bay, maits rest walking track -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper - Clippings, Ringwood Mail, First Speech Night - Norwood High School, Ringwood, Victoria, 1958
Ringwood Mail newspaper article clipped from pages 9 and 14, 23 December, 1958.Norwood's First Speech Night FOR its first Annual Speech Night Norwood High School put on a remarkably smooth and entertaining performance. It even broke new ground for these occasions by staging a junior Mannequin Parade. In the appreciative audience were the Mayor and Mayoress of Ringwood (Cr. and Mrs. R. 0. Spencer), Cr.and Mrs. Peter Vergers, Cr.and Mrs. Doug Baxter, Cr.and Mrs. Ben Hubbard, and Mr. George Ormandy (Head Master of Ringwood High School) and Mrs. Ormandy. After the singing of the Norwood High School Song,'Fidelis', the Mayor, as Chairman, gave high praise to the school for its 'mighty effort on its first Speech Night.' It was an historic night, he said, an event which would live in the minds of the boys and girls of the school for as long as they lived. Education was a live issue today, the Mayor said, and it was as well to reflect on what the teaching staff of a school was asked to do. They were asked to teach the children how to play their part in life, to make decent men and women of them. And if the children were a future disappointment to their parents the Head Master and the staff could not be blamed. On behalf of the Council and citizens of Ringwood, the Mayor offered congratulations and good wishes for a happy Christmas. In his report the Head Master (Mr. J. A. Gibson, B.A.) said the school colours of purple and gold had been appropriately chosen because of the golden wattle and purple sarsaparilla which rioted through the district. The badge design was a transition of Nowood to Northward, a symbolic representation of the magnetic compass which formed the central motif of the badge. The fact that the compass is used by travellers as a reliable guide gave the school the motto 'Fidelis' which combined the ideas of faithfulness trustworthiness and dependability. The word was easy to remember and to say, and its meaning set a worthy ideal which the boys and girls of the school could strive to attain. For House names native words had been chosen and they were associated with features of the district. The names Kalinda, Maroondah, Mullum and Yarra had already acquired a special significance for everyone associated -with the school. School traditions were also being established, the report went on, by the holding of annual swimming and athletic meetings and the awarding of prizes, and the school had been helped here by the generosity of certain good people of the community who had presented trophies. In the field of inter-house activities the Couche family had presented to the school the Couche Cup for Swimming Contests, and the Warrandyte cup for aggregate points earned in all sports; Mr. Avison had presented the Norwood Cup. for Athletics Contests, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Godbehear the Rosebank Shield for award to the House gaining the highest aggregate score each year. Members of the Mackinlay family had perpetuated the name of the early owner of the property on which the school is built by donating a sum of money, the interest of which would provide the William and Elizabeth Mackinlay Prize each year for the Dux of Norwood High School. ATHLETIC SUCCESS The gross enrolment of 117, included 52 boys and 65 girls, who were divided into three forms of approx equal ability. The curriculum had been broadened to include excursions to the Art Gallery and Museum, to Orchestral concerts, and trips to Warrandyte, the Maroondah Dam and Healesville Wild Life Sanctuary. The school had taken part in inter-school sports contests during the year and came first in their section of the Swimming Contests held at Olympic Pool, also gaining second place at the Athletic Meeting at Olympic Park late in the year. A Social Service League had been formed in the school and had raised £36/7/3. This had been distributed to the Anti-Cancer Campaign, the Lord Mayor's Hospital Appeal, and Yooralla Crippled Children's Appeal. A Parents and Citizens Association had also been formed which had already raised more than £90 towards school funds. Mr. Gibson expressed the school's appreciation to the Head Master, staff and pupils of Boronia High School where Norwood pupils had been guests, and hoped that Norwood would be able to look after Mitcham High School as well in the coming year. After an informative explanation of the 'Importance and Responsibilities of a High School Advisory Council given by Inspector of Schools, Mr. H. W. Hopkins, B.A., the big moment of the evening arrived—the presentation of prizes and certificates by the Hon. J. W. Manson, MLA. Mr. Manson said the purpose of a school was twofold. It was to teach the children to fend for themselves and to live with one another. He congratulated Norwood High on its good start for the year and also those who didn't win prizes because, he said, they had learnt the most important lesson of all — not to win but to keep on trying. Second half of the program was purely entertainment. The School Drama Club presented a Christmas Nativity tableau and an adaptation of Charles Dickens' 'Christmas Carol' with considerable talent. The unique Dress Parade, conducted on the usual professional lines with a running commentary, was both amusing in its sophistication and delightful for the youthful charm of the mannequins and the excellence of the garments displayed. Attractive winter and summer school uniforms were displayed by boys and girls and featured the purple and gold colouring of the school. The girls' summer uniforms were fresh and cool looking with narrow lavender and white stripes. Gold Cesarine sports frocks were distinguished by a purple cord sash. Garments were made by girls in the Needlework Classes and reflected the greatest credit on both pupils and teachers. Cooking aprons, skirts, frocks and knitted sweaters and cardigans showed a wide variety and charm and the school uniforms were practical and smart. There was a bracket of rollicking folk dancing and a Making Music Interlude in which a group of boys and girls, in full hillbilly rig put on a turn with home-made instruments, penny whistles and their own fresh young voices. Teamwork was very good and the whole thing most amusing. Under the direction of Mr.J. A. Collins, the School choir sang delightfully; the traditional 'Greensleeves' and 'Gaudeums Igitur' being particularly effective. PRESENTATION PRIZES FORM 1A PASS CERTIFICATES — Margaret Forder, Noala Fullarton,Karen Gill, Jeanette Hamilton, Maureen Ing, Phyllis Kellar, Marie Knee, Norma Leslie, Mary Mackay, Valerie Quaife, Beverley Rimmer, Elizabeth Stubbs, Heather Trout, Gail Waugh, Brigitte Wieneroider, Jacqueline Wilson, Jeffrey Barnes, Stuart Dickson, Donald Duff, Brian Fitzgrald, Patrick Ford, Ian .Holt, Robert Jenkins, Allan Meyland, Ross Perkins, David Pullen, Denis Wise, John Wright. HONOUR CERTIFICATES; Lois Dewar, 89; Pauline Harmer 86.9, Brian Horswell 87.2. PASS CERTIFICATE and MOST IMPROVED: Willy Hoogstraat. HONOUR CERTIFICATE and DUX: Anne Luscombe, 94.9. FORM IB PASS CERTIFICATES: Faye Alsop, Helen Ashton, Joan Bedford, Carole Bonnett, Hazle Collins, Eileen Gunn, Gloria Lander, Meryn Longmire, Dianne Mclntyre, Geraldine McWilliam, Leslie Mahoney, Dawn Marley-, Judith Miller, Ann Morgan, Lucia Pruis, Dianne Whitehead, Jeffrey Aus, Peter Buckthorpe, Donald Falkingham, Brian Girvan, Nicholas Lobb, Graham Prime, Keith Purdie, Ronald Ryan, Colin Standfield, Kerry Stuart, Michael Toppin, Ian Weist, Terrence West, James Wilson. HONOLTR CERTIFICATES: Anne Couche 85.2; Susan Rule, 93.1; Dianne Thompson 92.1. PASS CERTIFICATE and MOST IMPROVED: Anne Bottomley. HONOUR CERTIFICATE and DUX: Arno Haemmerlea. FORM 1C PASS CERTIFICATES: Caroline Andrew, Ann Blower, Dianne Brown, Glenda Farrall, Judith Gibson, Jane Godbehear, Deidre Harding, Helen Morris, Margaret Patterson, Beverley Vergers, Heike Wenzel, Naomi Willshire. Beverley Wilson, Linda Woolan, Geoffrey David, Rowan Don, Timothy Donovan, Anthony Johnston, Michael Lavey, Frank Noble, Michael Parks, Graham Rogers, Gordon Stark, Angus Stark, David Williams. HONOUR, CERTIFICATES: Jennifer Coombs 87.1; Janice Cooke, 85.3; Merlyn Robertson 89.4; Richard Bell, 88.5; Peter Van Den Heuvel, 92.9; John Kerr, 89.3. PASS CERTIFICATE and MOST IMPROVED: Phillip Brown. HONOUR CERTTFICATE and DUX; Helena Lobb. ART PRIZE: Merlyn Robertson, 1C. NEEDLEWORK PRIZE: Judith Gibson, 1C. WILLIAM and ELIZABETH MACKINLAY PRIZE for Dux of the School: Anne Luscombe, 34.8. ATHLETICS CHAMPIONS. Norma Leslie (Mullum) under 13, girls. Dianne Whitehead (Yarra), 13 yrs and over girls, Don Falkingham (Kalinda), under 13, yrs, boys, Denis Wise (Maroondah), 13 years and over. HOUSE AWARDS Couche Cup for House Swimming Competition: Maroondah. Norwood Cup for House Athletics; Mullum. Warrandyte Cup for House Sport: Yarra. Rosebank Shield, for total House Points scored during year: Mullum.