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Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, Identifying Australian Houses
... Identifying Australian Houses...Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales ...This booklet has been compiled as an aid to identifying Australian houses c1829-1900. It will help in recognising the characteristics of buildings of different eras, as well as their individual architectural elements.This booklet has been compiled as an aid to identifying Australian houses c1829-1900. It will help in recognising the characteristics of buildings of different eras, as well as their individual architectural elements.architectural styles, brickworks, gothic style, regency style, italianate style, federation style -
Greensborough Historical Society
Document collection, Association of Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres Inc, Neighbourhood Houses 1970-2015, 1970-2015
... Neighbourhood Houses 1970-2015...Association of Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres ...A set of 16 PowerPoint slides from a presentation by the Association of Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres Inc. The slides outline the history and philosophy of Neighbourhood houses throughout Victoria and form the basis of operations at Greenhills Neighbourhood House. Access given by Greenhills Neighbourhood Centre Co-ordinator Chris Burroughs in 2015. The centre was renamed Greenhills Neighbourhood House in 2016.8 pages, consisting of 16 PowerPoint slides.greenhills neighbourhood house, greenhills neighbourhood centre, association of neighbourhood houses and learning centres -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Identifying Australian Houses, n.d
... Identifying Australian Houses...Houses ...Identifying Australian Houses.Identifying Australian Houses. [ kit published by Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales?]Identifying Australian Houses. houses, kit -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Houses of Edgar & Stanley Walker in Mitcham
... Houses of Edgar & Stanley Walker in Mitcham...houses ...The house in the top right of the photo was built in 1922 for Edgar Walker. The house at 8 Meerut Street has been used as a hospital, and is on the Whitehorse historical register. The house in the bottom right of the photo was built c1934 for Stanley Walker, at 456 Mitcham Road, Mitcham.Black and white aerial photograph showing the Mitcham houses of Edgar and Stanley Walkerwalker, edgar edwardes, stanley, houses, mitcham road, mitcham, no.456, meerut street, no.8, heritage overlay, city of whitehorse -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Early Houses for Sale
... Early Houses for Sale ...Extract of house and property catalogue.Extract of house and property catalogue re sale of two houses in Blackburn and Tunstall.Extract of house and property catalogue.t. r. b. morton & son, coghill auctioneer & estate agent -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Photos of last houses to face demolition at Camberwell. c1970s, c1983
... Photos of last houses to face demolition at Camberwell ...One of the last houses to face demolition.Single fronted weatherboard with striped veranda blind, brick chimney over front rooms with TV aerial. Green painted walls. Red painted iron roof over veranda and under veranda rail. Adjacent to Target entrance.The 'Miss Stayput' house in the car park out the front of Target in Camberwell. You can even see the Target logo on the building. The house was owned by Mary Campigli, who defied the council order to move, and won her case in court. She stayed in the house, surrounded by a car park until she died in 1983 at the age of 94. The house was finally demolished soon after. -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Houses, 1986-7
... Houses...Houses ...List of houses of possible historic interest for possible preservation, written c 1986-7.List of houses of possible historic interest for possible preservation, written c 1986-7.List of houses of possible historic interest for possible preservation, written c 1986-7.houses, preservation -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, c.1934 - c.1975
... Drug Houses of Australia ...TROVE : The Australian Women's Weekly (1933-1982), Wednesday 22 January, 1964, p.32, Advertising. Dexsal, containing 34% pure medicinal glucose for nausea . sick headache . mild indigestion . over indulgence . in food or drink . biliousness . acidity . heartburn . periodic upsets. Directions one or two teaspoons in a tumbler of cold water and drink during effervescence. May be taken as often as desired. Keep tightly capped. Net contents 4 ozs. Reg. VIC 2102, 758. Manufactured by Drug Houses of Australia. For your family - pick the simplest way to settle 'upset tummy' - double-acting DEXSAL The simplest - and safest - because it's formulated wholly and solely to settle upset tummy, nothing else. It contains no pain killer, which can so often set up an excess-acid reaction in the stomach. The lively, sparkling drink of Dexsal dissolved in water is safe. Simply-formulated Dexsal acts in two ways: brings quick, direct relief to upset tummy discomforts or sick feelings and, simultaneously, restores your lost energy. That's because Dexsal contains 34 % medicinal glucose - the energy-builder that quickly restores your natural vitality. Take care of your family, when upset-tummy strikes, with the lively Dexsal drink - the simplest way to settle tummy upsets. (N.B. Children love the fresh tingly-taste of Dexsal) Double-acting Dexsal quickly relieves: . Ordinary indigestion . Sick headache . Heartburn . Nausea . Acidity . Periodic upsets . Biliousness . Over-eating or . Car and travel sickness drinking Safe for alt the family. And especially recommended for expectant mothers. DEXSAL A product of Drug Houses of Australia. Drug Houses of Australia Ltd. (DHA) was established in 1930 after the amalgamation of several proprietary medicine companies, including Felton Grimwade & Co. and Duerdin & Sainsbury Ltd. In 1974 the decision was made, after suffering from enormous financial losses, to break up the company and sell it. Several sections of the company became Felton Grimwade & Bickford Pty Ltd. Timeline of amalgamations 1855 - 1867 Youngman McCann & Co, 1863 - 1930 A. M. Bickford & Sons, 1867 - 1930 Felton Grimwade & Co, - 1930 Taylor-Elliotts Ltd, ? - 1930 Duerdin and Sainsbury Ltd, ? - 1930 Elliott Brothers Limited, - 1930 Rocke Thompsitt, 1863 - 1930 A. M. Bickford & Sons, 1867 - 1930 Felton Grimwade & Co.' 1902 - 1930 Felton Grimwade & Bickford Ltd, 1930 - 1974 Drug Houses of Australia Ltd (DHA), c. 1974 - Felton Grimwade & Bickfords Pty Ltd. Large clear amber glass bottle, rectangular in section with angled corners, wide neck. Embossed text on large side panel, numeral on corner panel near base, monogram, letters and numerals on base.On side panel 'DEXSAL REG. TRADE MARK'. On corner panel near base '4'. On base the letter 'g' or numeral '9' on its side, AGM monogram, 'F397' over '4' , A space then the letter 'M'.dexsal, medicine, drug houses of australia -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Camberwell City Council, Two Suburban Houses, 1930
... Two Suburban Houses ...Note by T.H. Kneen 24 June 1992, "B91.424 and 425 are paired to show effect of lowering road level and consequent adjustment to access to the houses photographed. The handwriting is Mr. Jessep's."Black and white photograph. The front of 2 suburban houses. No front fences.suburban house, a.w. jessep, landscaping -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Photograph - Bogong Alpine Village Houses 1946
... Bogong Alpine Village Houses 1946 ...The images in the Bogong Village Collection were displayed in Bogong Jack’s Tavern for over 20 years and were donated to the Falls Creek Museum when the Tavern closed in 2021. In 1939, the State Electricity Commission of Victoria established a field headquarters at Bogong to house workers and their families for the Kiewa Hydroelectric Scheme which ran from the 1930s to the 1960s. The workmen's camp was originally started with tents and was called Junction Camp. By 1947, the village supported 300 workers and their families. It included 40 houses, a hostel for single staff, a post office, a police station, a medical centre, and a primary school. The staff hostel was known as Kiewa House. At the completion of the Scheme, in the 1960s, the village was opened to public/tourism use. In 1968 the Victorian Education Department acquired the camp buildings and four houses from the State Electricity Commission of Victoria to establish an Outdoor Education Centre which operated for over 50 years. The Kiewa Hydroelectric Scheme was privatized in the 1990s and sold to Southern Hydro, before being acquired by AGL in 2005. In 2023 the Grollo Group signed a 73 year sublease on Bogong Village and has plans for its redevelopment as a workers’ village.These images are significant because they capture the development of Bogong Village as an important element of the Kiewa Hydroelectric Scheme in Victoria.Two black and white images featuring houses in Bogong Village in January 1946. They are constructed of weatherboard, with brick chimneys and tin roofs. Timber steps lead up to the front door and a garden has been planted in front of the house.bogong alpine village, bogong high plains, bogong houses 1946 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Houses and Church Hogan Street Tatura
... Houses and Church Hogan Street Tatura ...Shows picture of Catholic Church and two houses to left of Church, Hogan Street, Tatura. Colour photograph showing Catholic Church in Hogan Street, Tatura and two houses to the left of the church. Photograph stuck onto piece of white cardboard. hogan street tatura, catholic church tatura -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, Types of Timber Framed Dwelling Houses, Victoria, 1927
... Types of Timber Framed Dwelling Houses, Victoria, 1927 ...Plans show how the modern house has progressed and evolved since 1920.Grey covered booklet of plans for 53 dwelling houses available for selection by applicants under the Housing and Reclamation Act 1920. Published by the State Saving Bank of Victoria -
Harcourt Valley Heritage & Tourist Centre
Book, Granite Houses of Harcourt & Faraday, 2014
... Granite Houses of Harcourt & Faraday ...When the Harcourt Valley was the subject of route selection /environmental effects survey in connection with the upgrade of the Calder Highway into Freeway the Harcourt Valley Heritage Committee enumerated and researched the unique collection of granite homes to be found in the valley. The publication gives a short account of the builders and illustrates the various techniques of building in stone. Advocacy by the Harcourt Valley Heritage Committee ensured the retention, in the face of demolition threat, of a unique collection of homes, many owner-built and of vernacular architecture. A4 size book of 42 pages with full colour ilustrationsGranite Houses of Harcourt & Faraday -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (item) - Colour postcard, Nucolorvue Productions, One of Marysville Many Fine Guest Houses, 1950's
... One of Marysville Many Fine Guest Houses ...An early colour photograph of Marylands which was one of many guest houses in Marysville, Victoria.An early colour photograph of Marylands which was one of many guest houses in Marysville, Victoria. Marylands was originally one of the ‘Mary’ chain of guesthouses and was one of several of the chain in Marysville. Marylands was destroyed in the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires along with nearly all the guesthouses in Marysville. This postcard was produced by Nucolorvue Productions in Elwood, Victoria as a souvenir of Marysville.POST CARD NUCOLORVUE PRODUCTIONS, ELWOOD, VICTORIAmarylands guest house, marysville, victoria, nucolorvue productions, postcard, souvenir, mary chain guesthouse, 2009 black saturday bushfires -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - Golf Houses residential development Golf Links Road Lakes Entrance Victoria, Lakes Post Newspaper, 1/12/1999 12:00:00 AM
... Golf Houses residential development Golf Links Road Lakes ...Golf Houses residential development Golf Links Road Lakes Entrance Victoria - Proposed plan shown on notice boardColour photograph showing Matt Martino Bill Daniel Mike Hurst and Gary Jeal at the launch of Golf Houses residential development Golf Links Road Lakes Entrance Victoriatourism, land development -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Houses in Houston Street -- 4 Photos
... Houses in Houston Street -- 4 Photos ...Houston St. & Houses. Series of 4 photosFour Colour Photgraphs 225 of a brick building with a palm tree in front. a white car in the front on the left. 38 Houston Street 225a - white brick house with arched verandah, and tiled roof. M.T. White 42Houston Street. 225b - Withe Wetherboard miners cottage, wiith red corregated roof. next to a similar building with faded grey? roof. 225c a view of houston street lloking westtoward the Grampians 225d - A house light brow in colour with two chimneys and an upper window with shutters, low brick fence topped with arched iron railings gateway covered with an archway with tiled topstawell houses -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Camberwell City Council, Two Suburban Houses, 1930
... Two Suburban Houses ...Note by T.H. Kneen 24 June 1992, "B91.424 and 425 are paired to show effect of lowering road level and consequent adjustment to access to the houses photographed. The handwriting is Mr. Jessep's."Black and white photograph. The front of the same 2 suburban houses as B91.424. The nature strip has been lowered to the same level as the road and each has a wooden paling front fence.suburban house, a.w. jessep, landscaping -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Book, Catalogue, Drug Houses of Australia Ltd, Surgical Instruments and Appliances, eighth edition
... Drug Houses of Australia Ltd ...Grey/brown hardcover book with cloth covering produced as a trade catalogue for surgical instruments and appliances, including anaesthetic equipment and apparatus -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Tongue Depressor, Boyle-Davis Gag
... Drug Houses of Australia Ltd ...Chrome plated metal "L" shaped tongue depressor. The depressor arm downside has cross-hatched grooves to facilitate adherence to the tong. A small metal tube is attached to the upper-side of the depressor through which anaesthesia or oxygen could be administered. The lateral arm handle has grips engraved to attach the mouth gag frame which is missing. This item has a stamp inscription on its handle about maker's details, size and material. Black spots of dust are present inside the metal tube and out near the extreme of the tube. It has accumulated dust between the cross-hatched grooves. Minor scratches around the piece.Stamped in the depressor handle, D.H.A. / 6 / STAINLESSboyle-davis, tongue depressor, airway management -
Clunes Museum
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Maisy Stapleton, Christmas in the Colonies, 1981
... David Ell Press in association with Historic Houses Trust ...128 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. non-fictionchristmas -- australia ca 1850-1900, christmas -- australia -- history, australia -- social life and customs -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - Photocopy
... Houses ...This house belonged to Walter Zumstein of the Zumsteins area. The house was burnt down in 1938. Photo was taken by Stan Parfett whose own family camped in the Zumstein area and knew Mr and Mrs Zumstein personally. c1920's This is an photocopied enlargement from a photocopied magazine article, Victoria's Heritage (see item 637)A house with veranda. A chimney (stone?) protrudes from roof at front. cleared land in foreground with old style wooden fence visible. A tank and stand situated beside house at front. Thick trees /Bush behind house.House Burnt 1938. Walter Zumstein's house. Photo by Stan Parfett. written on back.buildings, houses -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour, Ballarat Houses
... Ballarat Houses ...Colour photograph of two houses.ballarat, house -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Terrace Houses, Kew
... Terrace Houses, Kew ...Terrace houses in Kew. Undated.kew -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Pamphlet, Community and Neighbourhood Houses, 1998
... Community and Neighbourhood Houses ...Information on 10 Community HousesInformation on 10 Community Houses in City of Whitehorse Information on 10 Community Housescommunity houses, burwood, vermont south, the avenue blackburn, koonung cottage, mitcham, kerrimuir, clota cottage, bennetswood, box hill south, box hill north -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Types of timber-framed dwelling houses, 1920s
... Types of timber-framed dwelling houses ...Two plans of two bedroom weatherboard houses.Two plans of two bedroom weatherboard houses.Two plans of two bedroom weatherboard houses.californian bungalows, weatherboard -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Houses in the big Orchard, c1960
... Houses in the big Orchard. ...Photographs relate to the Poultry Farms that existed in Nunawading and Forest Hill in the1950s and 1960s. Photos taken in 1961-62. Poultry farmers included Messrs Boyce, Gallos, Foote,Grimsley, Greenwood and Dudley.|Slides scanned as a 'tiff' at 300dpi to CD Rom and cleaned and adjusted by Ted Arrowsmith.The houses in the big orchard from Mr. Boyle's.eckermann's, eckermann frank, poultry farms, nunawading, greenwood, forest hill, canterbury road, mount pleasant road nunawading, boyles, white, bruer's -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Houses in LaTrobe St, Ballarat, 12/10/2020
... Houses in LaTrobe St, Ballarat ...Colour photographs of houses in LaTrobe St, Ballaratlatrobe street, ballarat, architecture -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document, Peter Libbis, Register of Common Lodging Houses and Noxious Trades
... Register of Common Lodging Houses and Noxious Trades ...Transcribed from handwritten Register by Peter LIBBIS 1997Blue plastic folder with typed transcript from handwritten "Register of Common Lodging Houses and Noxious Trades". Contains details of rooming houses 1864 to 1892built environment - domestic, business and traders, built environment - commercial, industry - noxious, gerrit blankhart, spiro williams, john yapp, james john bartlett, henry laussen, susan litchfield, charles grosse, william abbott, john warne, caroline schilling, frederick barker, nina taylor, george charles scott, john japp, frederick fredrichsen, jane brunot, betsy backer, eliza leyden, june mclellan, henry aitkens, henry aitken, maria wilkinson, william anthony, elizabeth tyrrell, francis jose, james forrester, lois jordan, john dennis, cassandra davis, robert carey, william frederick bevan, sarah duross, martina frederickson, lena salfinger, jeremiah tohey, henry d aitken, james riley, catherine carey, eliza connor, frederick jacobite, mary ann pittman, mary stevens, rose clara lee, eleanor smith, amy mcphee, mary gibbs, jane mclellan, john dunn, george rolland, john lolato, peter cleary, may christian christiansen, george rolfe, antonia bruno, john bennett, david macintosh, desera pardon, antone bruno, henry hamilton, minnie long, john fries, elizabeth powell, alice greenough, louis warner, hannah black, salvadore robinson, sarah tracy -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Bowling Green, November 1969, with Eastland (far left) and houses in Adelaide Street and Miles Avenue
... left) and houses in Adelaide Street and Miles Avenue. ...Eastland to left, Adelaide St and Miles Ave with housesWritten on catalogue card, "Ringwood Bowling Green, November 1969".