Historical information

TROVE : The Australian Women's Weekly (1933-1982), Wednesday 22 January, 1964, p.32, Advertising.
Dexsal, containing 34% pure medicinal glucose for nausea . sick headache . mild indigestion . over indulgence . in food or drink . biliousness . acidity . heartburn . periodic upsets. Directions one or two teaspoons in a tumbler of cold water and drink during effervescence. May be taken as often as desired. Keep tightly capped. Net contents 4 ozs. Reg. VIC 2102, 758. Manufactured by Drug Houses of Australia.
For your family
- pick the simplest way
to settle 'upset tummy'
- double-acting
DEXSAL The simplest - and safest - because it's formulated wholly and solely to settle upset tummy, nothing else. It contains no pain killer, which can so often set up an excess-acid reaction in the stomach. The lively, sparkling drink of Dexsal dissolved in water is safe. Simply-formulated
Dexsal acts in two ways: brings quick, direct relief to upset tummy discomforts or sick feelings and, simultaneously, restores your lost energy. That's because Dexsal contains 34 % medicinal glucose - the energy-builder that quickly restores your natural vitality. Take care of your family, when upset-tummy strikes, with the lively Dexsal drink - the simplest way to settle tummy upsets. (N.B. Children love the fresh tingly-taste of Dexsal) Double-acting Dexsal quickly relieves: . Ordinary indigestion . Sick headache . Heartburn . Nausea . Acidity . Periodic upsets . Biliousness . Over-eating or . Car and travel sickness drinking Safe for alt the family. And especially recommended for expectant mothers. DEXSAL A product of Drug Houses of Australia.

Drug Houses of Australia Ltd. (DHA) was established in 1930 after the amalgamation of several proprietary medicine companies, including Felton Grimwade & Co. and Duerdin & Sainsbury Ltd. In 1974 the decision was made, after suffering from enormous financial losses, to break up the company and sell it. Several sections of the company became Felton Grimwade & Bickford Pty Ltd.
Timeline of amalgamations 1855 - 1867 Youngman McCann & Co, 1863 - 1930 A. M. Bickford & Sons, 1867 - 1930 Felton Grimwade & Co, - 1930 Taylor-Elliotts Ltd, ? - 1930 Duerdin and Sainsbury Ltd, ? - 1930 Elliott Brothers Limited, - 1930 Rocke Thompsitt, 1863 - 1930 A. M. Bickford & Sons, 1867 - 1930 Felton Grimwade & Co.' 1902 - 1930 Felton Grimwade & Bickford Ltd, 1930 - 1974 Drug Houses of Australia Ltd (DHA), c. 1974 - Felton Grimwade & Bickfords Pty Ltd.

Physical description

Large clear amber glass bottle, rectangular in section with angled corners, wide neck. Embossed text on large side panel, numeral on corner panel near base, monogram, letters and numerals on base.

Inscriptions & markings

On side panel 'DEXSAL REG. TRADE MARK'. On corner panel near base '4'. On base the letter 'g' or numeral '9' on its side, AGM monogram, 'F397' over '4' , A space then the letter 'M'.