Showing 432 items
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Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Slattery J.P, Thornton Richards & Co, Slattery,J.P.(J.P.),Councilor 1942-43, Circa 1943"
J.P.Slattery, (J.P.),was elected to council in 1943 serving until 1955. He served a term as Shire President in 1949-50.Original Historic Photo for the year 1942-43.Rectangular Sepia photo on brown mount of Councilor J.P.Slattery,(J.P.),situated middle of top row of collection of photos of all councilors for 1942-43.Presented to the Ballarat Shire Council by Councilor R.T.White,(J.P.),President 1942-43.slattery, j p j p councilor, ballarat shire council 942 43 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Brown C.E. & Councilors, Drummond Studios, Shire President C.E.Brown,(J.P.), Councilors and Staff, for the year 1959-1960, "Circa 1960"
This collection of photos depicts Councilor Charles Edward "Ted" Brown, and Councilors W.Powell(J.P.),W.A.Walton (J.P.),D.I.White,E.Edwards,(J.P.),H.A.Patterson,A.McDonald,Mr K.S. Lane, (Shire secretary),A.C.Martin,A.Doug.Moverly,Mr. Rex Hollioake,(Shire Engineer),W.MacG.Troup,(J.P.)T.W.Ford, D.Baird.It was presented to the Ballarat Shire Council by Councilor C.E.Brown (J.P.),President 1959-60 (History of these Councilors and staff can be found under catalogue number 014/11 to 014.14 / 11,except for Councilor A.McDonald.) Original Historic Photo of all Councilors and staff for the year 1959-60Sepia photo of Shire President Charles Edward "Ted", Brown (J.P.), and all councilors and staff,set in a plain brown frame with white mount.Presented to the Ballarat Shire Council by Councilor C.E.Brown,(J.P.).President 1959-1960.ballarat shire council, shire president 1959 60, c e ted brown -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Ryan M.J. (J.P), Thornton Richards & Co, Ryan.M.J.(J.P.) Councilor 1942-43, Circa 1943"
M.J.Ryan (J.P.), was elected as a member of Ballarat Shire Council in 1897 to 1915,and 1918 to 1953. He was elected Shire President in 1902-03,1908-09,1914-15,1923-24,1932-33,1938-39, 1944-45,1950-51.Original Historic Photo of all councilors for the year 1942-43.Sepia photo,rectangular with curved top,of Councilor M.J.Ryan,(J.P.), situated left side of second row of collection of photos of all councilors for the year 1942-43.Presented to the Ballarat Shire Council by Councilor R.T.White,(J.P.),President 1942-43.ballarat shire council, ryan m j j p, 1942 43 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Crosthwaite, Thornton Richards & Co, Crosthwaite R.W.(J.P.) Councilor 1942-43
Councilor R.W.Crosthwaite (J.P.),was elected to council in1928 serving until 1947. He served two terms as Shire President, in 1935-36 and 1941-42.Original HIstoric Photo of all Councilors for the year 1942-43. Sepia photo (rectangular) set in brown mount, of Councilor R.W.Crosthwaite,(J.P.), and is situated right hand side of third row. it forms part of a collection of photos of all councilors for the year 1942-43.Presented to the Ballarat Shire Council by Councilor R.T.White (J.P.) President, 1942-43ballarat shire council, r w crosthwaite j p, 1928 1947 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Baird 1942, Thornton Richards & Co, D.Baird,(J.P.),Councilor 1942-43, "Circa 1943"
Councilor David Baird,(J.P.),was elected as a member to council in 1928 until 1960.He was Shire President in 1931-32,1940-41,1946-47, and 1956-57.Original Historic Photo of Councilors for the year 1942-43.Sepia photo, in brown mount,(rectangular), of Councilor David Baird,(J.P.), situated right hand side of second row of collection of photos of all councilors for the year 1942-43.Presented to the Ballarat Shire Council by Councilor R(Russell).T.White,(J.P.),President 1942-43.ballarat shire council 1942 43, d baird j p -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Ryan.M.J, Thornton Richards & Co, M.J.Ryan,(J.P.) Councilor/Shire President, "Circa 1950"
Councilor M.J.Ryan,(J.P.),was first elected as a member of the Ballarat Shire Council on the 30th. August 1897, serving until 1915. He was then re-elected in 1918 and served until1953. He was appointed Shire President in 1902-08-14-23-32-38-44-50.Original Historic photo.Sepia Photo of Councilor M.J.Ryan,(J.P.),set in a dark Brown plain wooden frame with gold trim on inside of surounded by dark brown mount. Councilor M.J.Ryan (J.P.). First elected a member of the Ballarat Shire Council on 30th August 1897.Appointed Shire President 1902-08-14-23-32-38-44-50.ballarat shire council, ryan m j j p, 1897 1950 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Slattery, Thornton Richards & Co Ballarat, Slattery. J.P. (J.P.) Councilor 1954, 1954 (exact)
Councilor J.P.Slattery (J.P.), was elected to council in 1943 until 1955.He served one term as Shire President, 1949 - 50.This photo,which is part of a collection of photos, was taken to commemorate the 1954 visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11, and was presented by the Shire President, G.A.Fraser, to mark the occaision.Section of the Original Historical Photo of Councilors for the financial year 1954.Sepia/brown photo of Councilor J.P.Slattery,(J.P.).Situated second from right, middle row, of composite photo of Councilors for the year 1954.PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT TO COMMEMORATE THE VISIT OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH 11 1954ballarat shire council, visit of her majesty queen elizabeth 11 1954, j p slattery jp -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Photograph - Photograph: Workers at Bendigo Consols Company N.L. on Poverty Reef, c.1898
Williams Family Collection. Photographer J.P. Lind also made an image at Shelbourne which is now in Museums Victoria collection: Monochrome photograph of workers at Bendigo Consols Company N.L. on Poverty Reef. An original photograph, mounted on card. Photographer's mark on reverse: "J.P. Lind Photographer Melbourne"tarnagulla, people, mining -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - MacTroup. W, Possibly Drummond Studios, Councilor W.MacG.Troup,(J.P.)1959, "Circa 1959"
Councilor W.MacG.Troup,(J.P.), was elected as a member of council in 1953 serving till 1970.He was shire President in 1960-61.Section of Original Historic photo of councilors for the year 1959, taken to commemorate the Wendouree Municiple Opening 20th November of that year.Councilor W. MacG.Troup,(J.P.).Sepia photo,(rectangular),on white mount, Situated Middle of bottom row of composite photo of all coucilors for the year 1959.Presented to Ballarat Shire Council, by Shire President Charles Edward "Ted" Brown, to Commemorate the opening of Wendouree Municiple Centre, 20th November 1959.wendouree municiple centre opening 20th november 1959, ballarat shire council, troup w macg j p, councilor 1959 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Henderson.C.T, Richards & Co, Henderson Charles Thomas,(J.P.) Councilor, 1934-1935, 1935 (exact)
This photo of Councilor Charles Thomas Henderson (J.P.), was taken in 1934-1935 and is part of a composite collection of photos of that year. Original Historical Photo of Councilors for the financial year 1934-1935.Sepia photo on grey mount,of Councilor Charles Thomas Henderson,(J.P.)situated at top left hand corner of composite photo of Councilors for the year 1934-1935.Collction of photos of Councilors 1934-1935.shire, henderson, charles, council, 1934 1935, thomas j p 1934 1935 ballarat -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Fraser, Possibly Drummond Studios, Fraser,G.A..(J.P.), "circa 1959"
Councilor G.A.Fraser,(J.P.), was elected to council in 1947 and served till 1960.He was Shire President in 1953-54.Original Historic photo of all councilors for the year 1959.Councilor G.A.Fraser.(J.P.). Sepia rectangular photo, on white mount, situated third from left, top row of composite photo of all councilors for the year 1959. Composite collection of photos of councilors for the year 1959, commemorating the opening of the Wendouree Municiple Centre 20th November 1959.ballarat shire council 1959, fraser g a j p, opening wendouree municiple centre, 20th november 1959 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Edwards, Possibly Drummond Studios, Councilor E.Edwards, (J.P.), "Circa 1959"
Councilor E.Edwards (J.P), was elected to council in1951 and served till 1970. He was Shire President in 1957-58 and 1965-66.Original Historic Photo of all councilors for the year 1959.Councilor E. Edwards,(J.P.).Sepia photo, on white mount,situated second from right,top row of composite photo of all Councilors for the year 1959.Photo of all councilors 1959, commemorating opening of Wendouree Municiple Centre 20th November 1959ballarat shire council 1959, wendouree municiple centre opening 20th november 1959, e edwards j p -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - White. R.T, Thornton Richards & Co, White R.T.(J.P.) Ballarat Shire President 1942-43, "Circa 1943"
Councilor R.T.White was elected as a member of the Ballarat Shire Council in 1928, serving until 1946.He was Shire President in 1936-37,1942-43.Original Historic Photo for the year 1942-43.Sepia photo,(rectangular) in brown mount,with shaped white mount around photo, of President R.T.White, (J.P.). It is situated in the centre of collection of photos of all councilors and staff for the year 1942-43,and is larger.Presented to the Ballarat Shire Council by Councilor R.T.White,(J.P.),President 1942-43.president, white, r t j p, ballarat shire council 1942 1943 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Charles. J.A, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, Charles, J.A.(J.P.),Councilor 1934-1935, 1935 (exact)
This Photo of Councilor J.A.Charles,(J.P.),forms part of a composite collection of all Councilors for 1934-1935. He was elected,as a member,to council in 1924 - 1935,and was Shire President 1927-28 and 1933-34. Original Historic Photo of Councilors for the 1934 - 1935 year.Photo Councilor J.A.Charles,(J.P.),on grey mount,situated right hand side of middle row of composite photo of Councilors for the year 1934-1935. Collection of Council photos for the year 1934-1935.shire, ballarat, charles, council, 1934 1935, j a j p -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Baird 1959, Possibly Drummond Studios, Councilor David Baird, (J.P.),1959
David Baird (J.P.) was elected to Ballarat Shire Council in 1928 serving till 1960.He was Shire President in 1931-32,1940-41,1946-47,1956-57. Original Historic Photo of all Councilors for the year 1959.Councilor D. Baird,(J.P.).Sepia photo,(rectangular),on white mount,situated left hand side of bottom row of composite photo of all councilors for the year 1959.Presented to Ballarat Shire council by Charles Edward "Ted" Brown,President 1959-1960, to commemorate opening of Wendouree Municiple Centre 20th November 1959.ballarat shire council 1959, d shire, wendouree municiple, centre opening 20th november 1959, d baird jp -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Powell, Untitled, Councilor W.Powell (J.P.), 1959 (exact)
Councilor W.Powell,(J.P.),was elected to council in 1935 serving till 1963.He was Shire President in 1939-40,1948-49,1958-59. This photo was taken to form a composite photo, of all councilors, to commemorate the opening of the Wendouree Municiple Centre on 20th November 1959. Original Historic photo of Councilors for the year 1959.Photo of Councilor W.Powell(J.P.) 1959. Sepia on white mount,top left hand corner of composite photo of councilors for the year 1959.Collection of potos of councilors for 1959. Commemorating opening Wendouree Municiple Centre 20th November 1959.shire, ballarat, councilor, 1959, powell, w j p, wendouree municiple centre, opening, 20th, november 1959 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cr. H. G. Ferguson J.P., Mayor [of Kew] 1959-60, 1959
Kew achieved independence from the Boroondara Roads Board in 1860. As a new municipality, its first three leaders were designated as chairmen. On becoming a borough in 1863, its leaders were identified as mayors. The earliest photographs date from ca.1906, when the Town of Kew commissioned the noted local photographer Josiah E Barnes to produce standardised portraits of former mayors to be displayed in the Mayoral Chamber of the Town Hall. The collection also includes photographs by other well-known photographic studios such as Burlington Studios, Melba – Melbourne, Stuart Tompkins, Spencer Shier and Talma & Co. The majority of mounts identify the photographer. Eighty photographs are housed in their original frames.This portrait is one of a series of mounted and framed photographic portraits of Mayors and Town Clerks of the former Borough, Town and City of Kew, for the period 1863 to 1969. The portraits were transferred by the City of Kew to the Kew Historical Society in March 1989. A Significance Assessment in 2018, funded by the National Library of Australia confirmed the historic, and often artistic significance of the series. Framed portrait of Cr. H. G. Ferguson J.P., Mayor of Kew 1959-60. The mounting and framing of the photograph follows a typical layout or style in that each is framed in dark wood, glazed, and laid down on an inscribed board. The inscription identifies the name of the mayor and the year/s that he/she served.Cr. H. G. Ferguson J.P. / Mayor 1959-60mayors of kew (vic), cr. h. g. ferguson, kew (vic.) — municipal collection -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cr. R. D. Kennedy J.P., Mayor [of Kew] 1962-63, 1962
Kew achieved independence from the Boroondara Roads Board in 1860. As a new municipality, its first three leaders were designated as chairmen. On becoming a borough in 1863, its leaders were identified as mayors. The earliest photographs date from ca.1906, when the Town of Kew commissioned the noted local photographer Josiah E Barnes to produce standardised portraits of former mayors to be displayed in the Mayoral Chamber of the Town Hall. The collection also includes photographs by other well-known photographic studios such as Burlington Studios, Melba – Melbourne, Stuart Tompkins, Spencer Shier and Talma & Co. The majority of mounts identify the photographer. Eighty photographs are housed in their original frames.This portrait is one of a series of mounted and framed photographic portraits of Mayors and Town Clerks of the former Borough, Town and City of Kew, for the period 1863 to 1969. The portraits were transferred by the City of Kew to the Kew Historical Society in March 1989. A Significance Assessment in 2018, funded by the National Library of Australia confirmed the historic, and often artistic significance of the series. Framed portrait of Cr. R. D. Kennedy J.P., Mayor of Kew 1962-63. The mounting and framing of the photograph follows a typical layout or style in that each is framed in dark wood, glazed, and laid down on an inscribed board. The inscription identifies the name of the mayor and the year/s that he/she served.Cr. R. D. Kennedy J.P. / Mayor 1962-63cr. r. d. kennedy j.p., mayors of kew (vic), australian photographers - stuart tompkins studio, kew (vic.) — municipal collection -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Walton, Possibly Drumond Studios, Walton, W.A.(J.P.),Councilor 1959, 1959
Councilor W.A.Walton (J.P.),was elected Ballarat Shire council in 1955,serving till 1979. He was Shire Preident in 1962-63,1966-67,1978-79. This was part of a collection of photos taken to Commemorate the Opening of the Wendouree Municiple Centre on 20th November 1959. Original Historical photo of councilors for 1959. Councilor W.A.Walton,(J.P.).Sepia photo on white mount,situated second from left, top row of composite photo of all councilors for the year 1959.Collection of photos of Councilors for 1959. walton w a j p, ballarat shire council 1959, wendouree municiple centre opening 20th november 1959 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cr. H. E. Wiltshire J.P., Mayor [of Kew] 1968-69, ca.1969
Kew achieved independence from the Boroondara Roads Board in 1860. As a new municipality, its first three leaders were designated as chairmen. On becoming a borough in 1863, its leaders were identified as mayors. The earliest photographs date from ca.1906, when the Town of Kew commissioned the noted local photographer Josiah E Barnes to produce standardised portraits of former mayors to be displayed in the Mayoral Chamber of the Town Hall. The collection also includes photographs by other well-known photographic studios such as Burlington Studios, Melba – Melbourne, Stuart Tompkins, Spencer Shier and Talma & Co. The majority of mounts identify the photographer. Eighty photographs are housed in their original frames.This portrait is one of a series of mounted and framed photographic portraits of Mayors and Town Clerks of the former Borough, Town and City of Kew, for the period 1863 to 1969. The portraits were transferred by the City of Kew to the Kew Historical Society in March 1989. A Significance Assessment in 2018, funded by the National Library of Australia confirmed the historic, and often artistic significance of the series. Framed portrait of Cr. H. E. Wiltshire J.P., Mayor of Kew during 1968-9. The mounting and framing of the photograph follows a typical layout or style in that each is framed in dark wood, glazed, and laid down on an inscribed board. The inscription identifies the name of the mayor and the year/s that he/she served.Cr. H. E. Wiltshire J.P., / Mayor 1968-69mayor of kew, cr. h. e. wiltshire, kew -- municipal collection -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Ryan.M.J, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, Ryan, Matthew John.(J.P.), 1935 (exact)
This Photo Of Councilor Matthew John Ryan,(J.P.)forms part of a composite photo of 1934-1935 Councilors.He was first elected, as a member, to Ballarat Shire Council on 30th. August 1897. Apointed Shire President,1902-08-14-23-32-38-44-50. Original Historic Photo of Councilors for the year 1935-1935.Photo of Councilor Matthew John Ryan,(J.P.),on grey mount situated middle of top row,of composite photo of all Councilors for the year 1934-1935.Collection of photos of Councilors 1934-1935.shire, ballarat, j p, council, 1934 1935, ryan, matthew, john -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Powell, Thornton Richards & Co Ballarat, Powell. W. (J.P.) Conncilor 1954, 1954 (exact)
William Powell (J.P.), was elected as a member of council in 1935 until 1963.He served three terms as Shire President in 1939-40,1948-49 and1958-59.This photo which is part of a collection of photos was taken commemorate the 1954 visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11, and was presented by the Shire President G.A.Fraser, to mark the occaision.Section of the Original Historical Photo Of Councilors for the year 1954.Sepia/brown Photo of Conncilor W.Powell,( J.P.),situated Second from left, top row of composite photo of Councilors for the year 1954.PRESENTED TO THE BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY THE SHIRE PRESIDENT TO COMMEMORATE THE VISIT OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH 11,1954shire of ballarat 1954, w powell jp, queen elizabeth 11 royal visit 1954 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cr. A. G. Grace J.P., Mayor [of Kew] 1965-6, 1965
Kew achieved independence from the Boroondara Roads Board in 1860. As a new municipality, its first three leaders were designated as chairmen. On becoming a borough in 1863, its leaders were identified as mayors. The earliest photographs date from ca.1906, when the Town of Kew commissioned the noted local photographer Josiah E Barnes to produce standardised portraits of former mayors to be displayed in the Mayoral Chamber of the Town Hall. The collection also includes photographs by other well-known photographic studios such as Burlington Studios, Melba – Melbourne, Stuart Tompkins, Spencer Shier and Talma & Co. The majority of mounts identify the photographer. Eighty photographs are housed in their original frames.This portrait is one of a series of mounted and framed photographic portraits of Mayors and Town Clerks of the former Borough, Town and City of Kew, for the period 1863 to 1969. The portraits were transferred by the City of Kew to the Kew Historical Society in March 1989. A Significance Assessment in 2018, funded by the National Library of Australia confirmed the historic, and often artistic significance of the series. Framed portrait of Cr. A. G. Grace J.P., Mayor of Kew 1965-6. The mounting and framing of the photograph follows a typical layout or style in that each is framed in dark wood, glazed, and laid down on an inscribed board. The inscription identifies the name of the mayor and the year/s that he/she served.Cr. A. G. Grace J.P. / Mayor 1965-6 Stuart Tompkins Studiocr. a. g. grace j.p., mayors of kew (vic), australian photographers - stuart tompkins (studio), kew (vic.) — municipal collection -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stuart Tompkins Studio, Cr. G.O.S. Greer J.P., Mayor [of Kew] 1964-5, 1964
Kew achieved independence from the Boroondara Roads Board in 1860. As a new municipality, its first three leaders were designated as chairmen. On becoming a borough in 1863, its leaders were identified as mayors. The earliest photographs date from ca.1906, when the Town of Kew commissioned the noted local photographer Josiah E Barnes to produce standardised portraits of former mayors to be displayed in the Mayoral Chamber of the Town Hall. The collection also includes photographs by other well-known photographic studios such as Burlington Studios, Melba – Melbourne, Stuart Tompkins, Spencer Shier and Talma & Co. The majority of mounts identify the photographer. Eighty photographs are housed in their original frames.This portrait is one of a series of mounted and framed photographic portraits of Mayors and Town Clerks of the former Borough, Town and City of Kew, for the period 1863 to 1969. The portraits were transferred by the City of Kew to the Kew Historical Society in March 1989. A Significance Assessment in 2018, funded by the National Library of Australia confirmed the historic, and often artistic significance of the series. Framed portrait of Cr. G. O. S. Greer J.P., Mayor of Kew 1964-5. The mounting and framing of the photograph follows a typical layout or style in that each is framed in dark wood, glazed, and laid down on an inscribed board. The inscription identifies the name of the mayor and the year/s that he/she served.Cr. G.O.S. Greer J.P. / Mayor 1964-5 Stuart Tompkins Studiomayors of kew (vic), cr. g. o. s. greer, australian photographers - stuart tompkins studio, kew (vic.) — municipal collection -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cr. Marie Dalley O.B.E., J.P., Mayor [of Kew] 1954-5, 1954
Kew achieved independence from the Boroondara Roads Board in 1860. As a new municipality, its first three leaders were designated as chairmen. On becoming a borough in 1863, its leaders were identified as mayors. The earliest photographs date from ca.1906, when the Town of Kew commissioned the noted local photographer Josiah E Barnes to produce standardised portraits of former mayors to be displayed in the Mayoral Chamber of the Town Hall. The collection also includes photographs by other well-known photographic studios such as Burlington Studios, Melba – Melbourne, Stuart Tompkins, Spencer Shier and Talma & Co. The majority of mounts identify the photographer. Eighty photographs are housed in their original frames.This portrait is one of a series of mounted and framed photographic portraits of Mayors and Town Clerks of the former Borough, Town and City of Kew, for the period 1863 to 1969. The portraits were transferred by the City of Kew to the Kew Historical Society in March 1989. A Significance Assessment in 2018, funded by the National Library of Australia confirmed the historic, and often artistic significance of the series. Framed portrait of Cr. Marie Dalley O.B.E., J.P., Mayor of Kew in 1954-5. The mounting and framing of the photograph follows a typical layout or style in that each is framed in dark wood, glazed, and laid down on an inscribed board. The inscription identifies the name of the mayor and the year/s that he/she served.Cr. Marie Dalley O.B.E., J.P. / Mayor 1954-5 Stuart Tompkins Studiomayors of kew (vic), cr. marie (ma) dalley obe, local government - female mayors, kew (vic.) — municipal collection -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cr. C. J. McCarthy J.P., Mayor [of Kew] 1955-6, 1855
Kew achieved independence from the Boroondara Roads Board in 1860. As a new municipality, its first three leaders were designated as chairmen. On becoming a borough in 1863, its leaders were identified as mayors. The earliest photographs date from ca.1906, when the Town of Kew commissioned the noted local photographer Josiah E Barnes to produce standardised portraits of former mayors to be displayed in the Mayoral Chamber of the Town Hall. The collection also includes photographs by other well-known photographic studios such as Burlington Studios, Melba – Melbourne, Stuart Tompkins, Spencer Shier and Talma & Co. The majority of mounts identify the photographer. Eighty photographs are housed in their original frames.This portrait is one of a series of mounted and framed photographic portraits of Mayors and Town Clerks of the former Borough, Town and City of Kew, for the period 1863 to 1969. The portraits were transferred by the City of Kew to the Kew Historical Society in March 1989. A Significance Assessment in 2018, funded by the National Library of Australia confirmed the historic, and often artistic significance of the series. Framed portrait of Cr. C. J. McCarthy J.P., Mayor of Kew 1955-6. The mounting and framing of the photograph follows a typical layout or style in that each is framed in dark wood, glazed, and laid down on an inscribed board. The inscription identifies the name of the mayor and the year/s that he/she served.Cr. C. J. McCarthy J.P. / Mayor 1955-6 Stuart Tompkins Studiomayors of kew (vic), australian photographers - stuart tompkins studio, kew (vic.) — municipal collection -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stuart Tompkins Studios, Cr. W.A. Comeadow O.B.E., J.P., Mayor [of Kew] 1956-1957, 1956
Kew achieved independence from the Boroondara Roads Board in 1860. As a new municipality, its first three leaders were designated as chairmen. On becoming a borough in 1863, its leaders were identified as mayors. The earliest photographs date from ca.1906, when the Town of Kew commissioned the noted local photographer Josiah E Barnes to produce standardised portraits of former mayors to be displayed in the Mayoral Chamber of the Town Hall. The collection also includes photographs by other well-known photographic studios such as Burlington Studios, Melba – Melbourne, Stuart Tompkins, Spencer Shier and Talma & Co. The majority of mounts identify the photographer. Eighty photographs are housed in their original frames.This portrait is one of a series of mounted and framed photographic portraits of Mayors and Town Clerks of the former Borough, Town and City of Kew, for the period 1863 to 1969. The portraits were transferred by the City of Kew to the Kew Historical Society in March 1989. A Significance Assessment in 2018, funded by the National Library of Australia confirmed the historic, and often artistic significance of the series. Framed portrait of Cr. W.A. Comeadow O.B.E., J.P., Mayor of Kew 1956-1957. The mounting and framing of the photograph follows a typical layout or style in that each is framed in dark wood, glazed, and laid down on an inscribed board. The inscription identifies the name of the mayor and the year/s that he/she served.Cr. W.A. Comeadow O.B.E., J.P. / Mayor 1956-1957 Stuart Tompkins Studiosmayors of kew (vic), cr. w. a. comeadow, australian photographers - stuart tompkins studios, kew (vic.) — municipal collection -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cr. F. E. O’Brien LL.B., J.P., Mayor [of Kew] 1958-9, 1958
Kew achieved independence from the Boroondara Roads Board in 1860. As a new municipality, its first three leaders were designated as chairmen. On becoming a borough in 1863, its leaders were identified as mayors. The earliest photographs date from ca.1906, when the Town of Kew commissioned the noted local photographer Josiah E Barnes to produce standardised portraits of former mayors to be displayed in the Mayoral Chamber of the Town Hall. The collection also includes photographs by other well-known photographic studios such as Burlington Studios, Melba – Melbourne, Stuart Tompkins, Spencer Shier and Talma & Co. The majority of mounts identify the photographer. Eighty photographs are housed in their original frames.This portrait is one of a series of mounted and framed photographic portraits of Mayors and Town Clerks of the former Borough, Town and City of Kew, for the period 1863 to 1969. The portraits were transferred by the City of Kew to the Kew Historical Society in March 1989. A Significance Assessment in 2018, funded by the National Library of Australia confirmed the historic, and often artistic significance of the series. Framed portrait of Cr. F. E. O’Brien LL.B., J.P., Mayor of Kew 1958-9. The mounting and framing of the photograph follows a typical layout or style in that each is framed in dark wood, glazed, and laid down on an inscribed board. The inscription identifies the name of the mayor and the year/s that he/she served.Cr. F. E. O’Brien LL.B., J.P. / Mayor 1958-9 Stuart Tompkins Studiomayors of kew (vic), cr. f. e. o’brien, australian photographers - stuart tompkins studio, kew (vic.) — municipal collection -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cr. A.S.G. Stevens J.P., Mayor [of Kew] 1953-4, 1963-4, 1953
Kew achieved independence from the Boroondara Roads Board in 1860. As a new municipality, its first three leaders were designated as chairmen. On becoming a borough in 1863, its leaders were identified as mayors. The earliest photographs date from ca.1906, when the Town of Kew commissioned the noted local photographer Josiah E Barnes to produce standardised portraits of former mayors to be displayed in the Mayoral Chamber of the Town Hall. The collection also includes photographs by other well-known photographic studios such as Burlington Studios, Melba – Melbourne, Stuart Tompkins, Spencer Shier and Talma & Co. The majority of mounts identify the photographer. Eighty photographs are housed in their original frames.This portrait is one of a series of mounted and framed photographic portraits of Mayors and Town Clerks of the former Borough, Town and City of Kew, for the period 1863 to 1969. The portraits were transferred by the City of Kew to the Kew Historical Society in March 1989. A Significance Assessment in 2018, funded by the National Library of Australia confirmed the historic, and often artistic significance of the series. Framed portrait of Cr. A. S. G. Stevens J.P., Mayor of Kew 1953-4 and 1963-4. The mounting and framing of the photograph follows a typical layout or style in that each is framed in dark wood, glazed, and laid down on an inscribed board. The inscription identifies the name of the mayor and the year/s that he/she served.Cr. A.S.G. Stevens J.P. / Mayor 1953-4, 1963-4 Stuart Tompkins Studiomayors of kew (vic), cr. a. s. g. stevens, australian photographers - stuart tompkins studio, kew (vic.) — municipal collection -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, In Memoriam William Crooks J.P, n.d
Extracts from a small publication in possession of Peter Meyer -Extracts from a small publication in possession of Peter Meyer - In Memoriam of William Crooks J.P. of Vermont. - Farewell message to friends. Born 1841 Edinburgh, died 1913 at Vermont. Arrived in Australia 1852. Interested in youth welfare. Interested in agriculture when living in British Columbia.Extracts from a small publication in possession of Peter Meyer -crooks, william, mount pleasant methodist church, nicholson, joseph (rev), british columbia, south australia, mornington, uplands, vermont