Showing 26 items
matching john cannon house
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, John Cannon House, 1993
... John Cannon House...john cannon house..., and a for sale notice about/of 32 Marshall Avenue, Kew. John Cannon House... marshall avenue (kew) john cannon house glendonald children’s ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing a photocopy of a newspaper article, and a for sale notice about/of 32 Marshall Avenue, Kew. John Cannon House was a hostel for deaf children, named, the Directorate, School Education sold it in 1993. kew historical society - archives, kew - history, 32 marshall avenue (kew), john cannon house, glendonald, children’s hostels - kew (vic)kew historical society - archives, kew - history, 32 marshall avenue (kew), john cannon house, glendonald, children’s hostels - kew (vic) -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Lovell House, Alma Road, 389 – 393
A photocopy of a typed extract from the Caulfield Conservation Study dated January 1995 by Andrew Ward regarding the history and architectural features of Lovell House in 389 – 393 Alma Road, Caulfield. A poorly copied photo of the exterior of the house is included.alma road, bagatelle, small major, caulfield, caulfield north, myoora, bruford martha, atta vista, cannon. m., small.c.h., bella vista, o’neil. lloyd, bruford elizabeth, adamsdown, grice john, lovell house, gilbert edith, schools, italianate style, oram william, independent schools, victorian style, mansions, gawler & drummond, macdonald hector, architectural styles, church of england, girl’s grammar school -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Advertising Cards, ZILLES COLLECTION: Advertising Card for Historic Montrose Cottage and Eureka Museum
Zilles Printers was begun by Lewis Zilles in the early 1930s. It was in McKenzie Street Ballarat. His son Jeffrey also became a printer - letterpress, offset and screen printer. The business became Zilles Printers/Graphics and was in Armstrong Street and later Bell Street Ballarat. Montrose Cottage was build c1856 by John Alexander, builder. He was a Scottish stone mason. It was built with bluestone and hand-made bricks. It is on the Historic Buildings Register, National Trust (Victoria). It is important as a substantial and very early stone cottage. The house is now open to the public. It also provides short term accommodation - self contained apartments. Double sided cards advertising Montrose Cottage and Eureka Museum. Printed by Zilles Graphic Industries, Ballarat. White card with russet colour print. Printed on both sides. Each side has Eureka Museum and Montrose CottageEureka Flag and Cannon. Drawing of Montrose Cottage and flag with Lion. Symbol of National Trust Australia. Coat of Arms. Location map.zilles graphic industries, montrose cottage, eureka musuem -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Document - Military Submission, John Ferres, Government Printer, Defences of the Colony, 1864
1864 group of 4 submissions bound in to one document. Heavy paper sewn together with twine, black print on white.portland battery, military, major scratchley, commodore wiseman, governor, john ferres -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Berry Anderson & Co, The School of Mines and Industries, Calendar, 1914, 1913
Contents of the Booklet: Associateship, Calendar, Certificate Courses - Science, Certificate Courses - Art, Draughtsman's Courses, Discipline, Discipline Board, Examination Results, Fees, Full Certificates Issued, General Regulations, Introduction, Junior Technical School, Railway Fares, Teaching Staff, Technical Art and Craft School, Subjects of Instruction - Department of Chemistry and Metallurgy, Geological Department, Engineering Department, Electrical and Electrical Engineering Department, Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics, Electrical Wiring, Electrical Engineering for Post Office Mechanics, Turning, Fitting and Blacksmithing, Telegraphy, Art and Applied Art Subjects, Architecture and Building Construction, Engineering Drawing, Carpentry and Manual Training, Dressmaking and Dresscutting, House Decoration and Signwriting, Photography, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Working Blue covered 176 page booklet relating to the School of Mines and Industries in the year 1914. school of mines and industries, william poole, professor a. mica smith, daniel walker, hubert r. murphy, a. e. c. kerr, e. j. a. mcconnon, john m. sutherland, ralph williams, e. gutheil, t. wlliams, herbert h. smith, a. m. lilburne, m. c. young, h. j. hall, d. t. johnson, e. j. cannon, g. clegg, c. e. campbell, w. j. hall, w. h. steane, j. wright, s. h. hodder, w. j. patterson, h. w. malin, r. v. maddison, science department, associate courses, certificate courses, technical art and craft department, associated trade classes, sir redmond barry, judge rogers, r m. serjeant, thomas bath, e. ballhausen, dr stewart, james oddie, associateship and final certificates, mining engineering course, metallurgy course, applied chemistry course, irrigation engineering course, certificate courses, geology course, electrical engineering course, municipal and hydraulic engineering course, chemistry, agricultural chemistry, technical chemistry, engineering chemistry, physical chemistry, metallurgy, assaying, minerology, petrology, engineering and mining department, turning and fitting, mining, electricity, electrical technology, graphical algebra and analytical geometry, physics, mechanics and heat, sound and light, technical, art, craft and trade schools, teachers' certificates, drawing, modelling, ballarat junior technical school, full certificates issued, examination results - 1910, 1911, 1912 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
The Student Prince, Capital Theatre, View Street, Bendigo. For a six night season: Thursday 15th, Friday 16th, Saturday 17th and Thursday 22nd, Friday 23, Saturday 24th June, 1972. Bendigo Operatic Society: Mr J McK. Cannon, Mr F Trewarne, Miss Ann Ball, Mr L Spencely, Mrs P Lyon. Committee: Mesdames J Cannon, M Reed, Misses P McCraken & M Welch, Messrs. J Beaumont, J Boquest, G Daws. Photos: Producer-Max Collis, Assistant Producer, Ballet & Wardrobe Mistress-Madge Welch, Assistant Pianist-Edith John, Musical Director-Gwen Grose, Society Pianist- Ruth Gorman. Photos of cast: Margaret McQueenie, John Boquest, John McCormack, Graham Bumford, Graeme Daws, Annette Beckwith, Jill James, Ferd Lorenz, Shane Brennan, Patricia Lyon, Max Rule, Ian Beckwith, John Tonkin, Michael Filippini, Valerie Griffiths, Jim Feteris. Synopsis if Story. Synopsis of Scenes. Bendigo Operatic Society Presents by arrangement with Allan's Music (Australia) Pty. Ltd. ''The Student Prince'' A Max Collis Production. Music by Sigmond Romburg. Book & Lyrics by Dorothy Donnelly. Stage Manager Malcolm Cannon. Musical Director Gwen Grose. Choreography Madge Welch. Wardrobe Miss M Welch, Mrs A Ball. Cast: Kerry Hogan Brian Fitzpatrick, Garry Burns, Alan Petrie, Graham Bumford, John McCormick, John Boquest, Graeme Daws, Annette Beckwith Margaret McQueenie, Michael Filippini, Nicholas Kasterovic, Max Rule, Graham Bumford, Ian Beckwith, Ferd Lorenz, Shane Brennan, Jill James, Patricia Lyon, Valerie Griffiths, Jim Feteris, John Tonkin. Time _ Spring 1860. Female Chorus: Marion Alcock, Ann Ball, Wilma Baldwin, Dorothy Field, Ann Garrat, Dawn Moncrieff, Coral Rivett, Lois Semmens, Marilyn Storey, Marion Wright. Male Chorus: Garry Burns, Edmund, Burke, Peter Edgley, Brian Fitzpatrick, Jim Feteris, Kerry Hogan, Ross Jones, Nicholas Kasterovic, Bernie Keogh, John Keogh, Alan Petrie, Fred Trewarne, Philip Wilkin. Ballet: Dianne Austin, Annette Basset, Wendy Kent, Jocelyn Lyon, Lyn Rowe, Ann Rendell, Helen Southby, Pauline Waugh. Publicity Officer: Mrs J Cannon. Scenery & Properties: M & J Cannon, J Moncrieff, R Spicer. Art Work: M Cannon, S James, B Agnew, Tony Lorenz, J Hall, Karl Steinberg. Prompt: Mrs J Cannon. Lighting: L Reed, H Bridges & T Vincent. Make-up: Mrs H Cannon & Mrs D Coia. Hairdressing: Ross Coiffure. House Manager: Garry McDonald. Bendigo Concert Orchestra Violins: Mrs R Weldon, Mrs A Boulton, Mrs M Robbins, Mrs C Messer, Mr C Gill, Mr J Jordan, Mr P Phillips, Mr T French. Violas: Mr E Jarrett, Mr H Werry. Cellos: Mrs C Bubb. Bass: Mr S Anderson. Flute: Mr C Bubb. Clarinets: Mr R Holyoake. Trombones: Mr W Neuman. Trumpets: Mr D Gray, Mr David Gray, Mr Ian De Araugc. Percussion: Mr Brian Beale. Pianoforte: Mrs P Gorman. Songs From ''The Student Prince'' (wording). Acknowledgement; Bendigo Advertiser, BCV8, 3BO, 3CV, St Mary's. Advertisements through last half of program: Don Semmens Photographic Studio, The Copper Pot Licensed Restaurant, Ross Coiffure Beatty Salon. A and b are both the same copy a in the better of the copies as b is lightly faded. Otherwise excellent condition.program, music, bedigo operatic society, the student prince, capital theatre, view street, bendigo. 15th, 16th, 17th 22nd, 23, 24th june, 1972. bendigo operatic society: mr j mck. cannon, mr f trewarne, miss ann ball, mr l spencely, mrs p lyon. committee: mesdames j cannon, m reed, misses p mccraken & m welch, messrs. j beaumont, j boquest, g daws. photos: producer-max collis, assistant producer, ballet & wardrobe mistress-madge welch, assistant pianist-edith john, musical director-gwen grose, society pianist- ruth gorman. photos of cast: margaret mcqueenie, john boquest, john mccormack, graham bumford, graeme daws, annette beckwith, jill james, ferd lorenz, shane brennan, patricia lyon, max rule, ian beckwith, john tonkin, michael filippini, valerie griffiths, jim feteris. synopsis if story. synopsis of scenes. bendigo operatic society presents by arrangement with allan's music (australia) pty. ltd. ''the student prince'' a max collis production. music by sigmond romburg. book & lyrics by dorothy donnelly. stage manager malcolm cannon. musical director gwen grose. choreography madge welch. wardrobe miss m welch, mrs a ball. cast: kerry hogan brian fitzpatrick, garry burns, alan petrie, graham bumford, john mccormick, john boquest, graeme daws, annette beckwith margaret mcqueenie, michael filippini, nicholas kasterovic, max rule, graham bumford, ian beckwith, ferd lorenz, shane brennan, jill james, patricia lyon, valerie griffiths, jim feteris, john tonkin. time _ spring 1860. female chorus: marion alcock, ann ball, wilma baldwin, dorothy field, ann garrat, dawn moncrieff, coral rivett, lois semmens, marilyn storey, marion wright. male chorus: garry burns, edmund, burke, peter edgley, brian fitzpatrick, jim feteris, kerry hogan, ross jones, nicholas kasterovic, bernie keogh, john keogh, alan petrie, fred trewarne, philip wilkin. ballet: dianne austin, annette basset, wendy kent, jocelyn lyon, lyn rowe, ann rendell, helen southby, pauline waugh. publicity officer: mrs j cannon. scenery & properties: m & j cannon, j moncrieff, r spicer. art work: m cannon, s james, b agnew, tony lorenz, j hall, karl steinberg. prompt: mrs j cannon. lighting: l reed, h bridges & t vincent. make-up: mrs h cannon & mrs d coia. hairdressing: ross coiffure. house manager: garry mcdonald. bendigo concert orchestra violins: mrs r weldon, mrs a boulton, mrs m robbins, mrs c messer, mr c gill, mr j jordan, mr p phillips, mr t french. violas: mr e jarrett, mr h werry. cellos: mrs c bubb. bass: mr s anderson. flute: mr c bubb. clarinets: mr r holyoake. trombones: mr w neuman. trumpets: mr d gray, mr david gray, mr ian de araugc. percussion: mr brian beale. pianoforte: mrs p gorman. songs from ''the student prince'' (wording). acknowledgement; bendigo advertiser, bcv8, 3bo, 3cv, st mary's. advertisements: don semmens photographic studio, the copper pot licensed restaurant, ross coiffure beatty salon. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - MY FAIR LADY, CAPITAL THEATRE, BENDIGO, 14 November, 1973
My Fair Lady, Capital Theatre, View Street, Bendigo. Commencing Wednesday, 14th November, 1973 for an eight night season. Souvenir Program for 50th Production. Bendigo Operatic Society, President: Mr J M Cannon, Vice President: Mr F Trewarne, Honn. Secretary: Miss A Ball, Hon. Treasurer: Mr L Spencely, Hon. Subscription Secretary: Mrs P Lyon. Committee: Mesdames I Brown, J Cannon, Misses P Speedy, M Welch, Messrs. J Beamont, J Boquest, G Daws. Photographs of Mr J Cannon, Max Collins, Carol McKenzie, John Beamont, Kathie Farn, Ralph Watkins, Patricia Lyon, Peter Pritchard, John Boquest, Russell Baxter, Max Rule, David Daenke, Gwen Grose, Diana Chon. Article on: Max Collins, Carol Mckenzie, John Beaumont. Synopsis of Scenes. Bendigo Operatic Society presents by arrangement with J C Williamson Theatre, Ltd., and Tams-Witmark Music Library of New York ' My Fair Lady.' Adapted from George Bernard Shaw's Play and Gabrial Pascal's Motion Picture 'Pygmalion'. Music by Frederick Loewe. Book and Lyrics by Alan J Lerner. Musical Director: Gwen Rose, Stage Manager Malcom Cannon, Wardrobe Miss M Welch, Choeography Miss M Welch & Mrs A Ball. Cast: Carol McKenzie, Max Rule, Kathie Farn, Ralph Watkins, John Beamont, Gary Burns, John Boquest, Russell Barter, Peter Pritchard, Patricia Lyon, Pauline Speedy, Jull James, David Daenke. Synopsis of Story. Bendigo Concert Orchestra from the following:- Violins: Mrs R Wheldon, Mrs A Boulton, Mrs M Robbins, Mrs C Messer, Mr C Gill, Mr P Phillips, Mr J Jordan. Violas: Mr E Jarratt, Mr J Werry. Cellos: Mrs C Bubb, Miss D Nankivell. Bass: Mr Chester White, Mr Tom French. Flute: Mr C Bubb. Clarinets: Mr R Holyoake, Mr G Ellul. Trombones: Mr W Neuman. Bassoon & French Horn: Mr Stuart Anderson. Trumpets: Mr D Aitken. Pianoforte: Miss Diana Cohn. Female Chorus: Marion Alcock, Wilma Baldwin, Mary Barbour, Valerie Barter, Gwen Cox, Shirley Dawson, Jo-anne Edgar, Dorothy Field, Valerie Griffith, Lorraine Hatch, Julie Howbert, Faye Hughes, Ruth Iredale, Sue Kemp, Dawn Mackay, Cheryl Marshall, Jull Matthews, Adrenne Nankivell, Fay Olive, Barbara Potter, Lois Semmens, Coral Rivett, Anne Truscott, Kathie Watson, Pamela Wiltshire, Marion Wright. Male Choras: Albert Charlton, David Aaenke, Graeme Dawes, Ken Deutchman, Jim Feteris, Philip Johnston, Hugh Sayle, Bryan Slattery, Len Symons, Fred Trewarne, Ian Unmack,Philip Wilkins. Ballet: Dianne Austin, Annette Bassett, Annette Galvin, Coral Rivett, Pam Sutton, Den Deutschman, Ian Unmack, Brian Slettery, Len Symons, Philip Johnston. Acknowledgements: Bendigo Advertiser, BVC 8, 3BO, 3CV. Publicity Officer: Mrs J Cannon. Scenery Design: Mr Malcom Cannon. Prperties: John Cannon, Jim Moncrieff, Gerard Fullarton, Peter Edgley. Art Work: M Cannon, Geoff Proctor, J Hall, Kerry Noakes, Michael Frayne, Mark Edebone & Pamela Caswell. Prompts: Mrs J Cannon, Mrs H Lindhe. Make-Up: Mrs J Cannon, B Downing, H Coia, Lighting: L Reed, H Bridges & T Vincent. Hairdressing: Ross Coiffure. House Managers: Basil Bennett, Ron Thomas, Bruce Ralph. Advertisments: Powneys Toyland, Golden Hills Motel 'The Inn', Marong Road, Bendigo. Ross Coifure Beauty Salon, Allans Walk, Bendigo. Don Semmens Photographic Studio, Hargreaves Street, Bendigo.program, theatre, bendigo operatic society, my fair lady, capital theatre, view street, bendigo. commencing wednesday, 14th november, 1973 for an eight night season. souvenir program for 50th production. bendigo operatic society, president: mr j m cannon, vice president: mr f trewarne, hon. secretary: miss a ball, hon. treasurer: mr l spencely, hon. subscription secretary: mrs p lyon. committee: mesdames i brown, j cannon, misses p speedy, m welch, messrs. j beamont, j boquest, g daws. photographs of mr j cannon, max collins, carol mckenzie, john beamont, kathie farn, ralph watkins, patricia lyon, peter pritchard, john boquest, russell baxter, max rule, david daenke, gwen grose, diana chon. article on: max collins, carol mckenzie, john beaumont. bendigo operatic society presents by arrangement with j c williamson theatre, ltd., and tams-witmark music library of new york ' my fair lady.' adapted from george bernard shaw's play and gabrial pascal's motion picture 'pygmalion'. music by frederick loewe. book and lyrics by alan j lerner. musical director: gwen rose, stage manager malcom cannon, wardrobe miss m welch, choeography miss m welch & mrs a ball. cast: carol mckenzie, max rule, kathie farn, ralph watkins, john beamont, gary burns, john boquest, russell barter, peter pritchard, patricia lyon, pauline speedy, jull james, david daenke. synopsis of story. bendigo concert orchestra from the following:- violins: mrs r wheldon, mrs a boulton, mrs m robbins, mrs c messer, mr c gill, mr p phillips, mr j jordan. violas: mr e jarratt, mr j werry. cellos: mrs c bubb, miss d nankivell. bass: mr chester white, mr tom french. flute: mr c bubb. clarinets: mr r holyoake, mr g ellul. trombones: mr w neuman. bassoon & french horn: mr stuart anderson. trumpets: mr d aitken. pianoforte: miss diana cohn. female chorus: marion alcock, wilma baldwin, mary barbour, valerie barter, gwen cox, shirley dawson, jo-anne edgar, dorothy field, valerie griffith, lorraine hatch, julie howbert, faye hughes, ruth iredale, sue kemp, dawn mackay, cheryl marshall, jull matthews, adrenne nankivell, fay olive, barbara potter, lois semmens, coral rivett, anne truscott, kathie watson, pamela wiltshire, marion wright. male choras: albert charlton, david aaenke, graeme dawes, ken deutchman, jim feteris, philip johnston, hugh sayle, bryan slattery, len symons, fred trewarne, ian unmack, philip wilkins. ballet: dianne austin, annette bassett, annette galvin, coral rivett, pam sutton, den deutschman, ian unmack, brian slettery, len symons, philip johnston. acknowledgements: bendigo advertiser, bvc 8, 3bo, 3cv. publicity officer: mrs j cannon. scenery design: mr malcom cannon. prperties: john cannon, jim moncrieff, gerard fullarton, peter edgley. art work: m cannon, geoff proctor, j hall, kerry noakes, michael frayne, mark edebone & pamela caswell. prompts: mrs j cannon, mrs h lindhe. make-up: mrs j cannon, b downing, h coia, lighting: l reed, h bridges & t vincent. hairdressing: ross coiffure. house managers: basil bennett, ron thomas, bruce ralph. powneys toyland, golden hills motel 'the inn'. ross coifure beauty salon. don semmens photographic studio. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Chu Chin Chow, Bendigo Operatic Society, opening 10th November, 1961 for six nights. Bendigo Operatic Society. President: Mr J McK. Cannon, Vice-President: Mr C Bubb, Secretary: Mr G Dart, Subscription Secretary: Mrs J Cannon, Treasurer: Mr RB Ralph, Committee: Mrs W Brown, Mrs J Smyth, Mrs W E Wright, Messes O Hamilton & M Welch, Messrs A Annison, B Thomas & L Spencely. President's Message Since its formation in 1952, the Bendigo Operatic Society has presented 23 well-known Musical Comedies, Pantomimes, and a Revue. . . Notes and photographs on Robert Watson, Sawn Beckwith, Valerie McCracken, Leonard Carr, Max O'Loghen, Carol McKenzie, Fred Trewarne, Max Beckwith, Olive Hamilton, John Stephens, Charles Phillips, Ferd Lorenz, Victor White, Peter Houston, Reg Boromeo, Joan Heard, Patricia Lyon, Miss M Welch, Mrs P House. Musical Numbers. . . Synopsis of Scenes. . . Bendigo Concert Orchestra Violins - Miss A McNair (Leader), Mesdames A Bolton, A Faulds, C Messer, F Robbins, J Weldon, Dr, J Borema, Messrs R Charlett, Dr Gault, Messrs C Gill, J Jordan, I Lacey, O Turner. Violas - Mr E Jarrett, Mr S McNeill, Mrs J Pinder. Cello - Mrs C Bubb, Miss L Slade, Mrs J Borema, Mr A Rutland. Bass - Mr C Hargreaves, Mr T French. Flutes - Mr C Bubb, Master D Bubb. Oboe - Mrs S Willis. Clarinets - Mr J McKay, Mr R Holyoake. Bassoon - Mr S Anderson. Trumpet - Mr B Armstrong, N Pearce. Trombone - Mr A Martin, Mr E Washington. Horn - Mr R Perry. Tympani - Mr J Allen. Bendigo Operatic Society presents by permission of Samuel French (Aust.) Ltd. Chu Chin Chow a Norman Lee Production. Told by Oscar Asche. Set to music by Fredric Norton. Dramatic Personnel - Robert Watson, Max Beckwith, Fred Trewarne, Leonard Carr, John Stephens, Charles Phillips, Ferd Lorenz, Peter Houston, Reg Boromeo, Victor White, Dawn Beckwith, Carol McKenzie, Valerie McCracken, Olive Hamilton, Joan Heard, Patricia Lyon. Ladies of the Ensemble - Kath Alexander, Bernice Boromeo, Joan Crane, Edna Faderson, Edith Glen, Wendy Griffiths, Joan Head, Emily Houston, Shirley Levers, Pat Lyon, Pat McCracken, Margery Reed, Ellen Stephens, Norma Trewarne. Gentlemen of the Ensemble - Alfred Annison, Ian Beckwith, Denis Cremin, Roy Cronin, Gerald Gleeson, Peter Houston, Ferd Lorenz, Keith Millar, Kenneth Nicholls, Robert Nicholls, Eric Pollock, Daryl Walker, Victor White. Ballet - Joan Harding, Shirley Harding, Jean McClellan, Kaye Miller, Carol O'Sullivan, Rosalie Panozza, Bronwen Townsend, Marion Weigard, Shirley Williams, Annette Wilson, Bill Arthur, Peter Houston. Musical Director: Mr Max O'Loghlen, Society Pianist: Mrs P House, Stage Manager: Mr Murray McGrath, Ballet Mistress and Asst. Stage Manager: Miss M Welch, Wardrobe Committee: Miss M Welch, Mrs P Lyons, Mrs N Lindrea, Mrs M Jarvis, Mrs A Annison, Mrs S Richardson. Publicity: Mrs J Smyth and Mr B Thomas. Scenery & Art Work: Messrs. N Cronin & A Watkins. Make-up: Mesdames E Wright & Miss S Cannon. House Manager: Mr B Searle. In Retrospect In mid 1952, a distinguished man arrived in Bendigo and interested several citizens, including Dr. P Goodman, the President of the Musical Advancement Society, in the formation of a Company for the production of Musical Comedy. The meeting was called at the home of Mr Fred Bush, and a group of enthusiasts made the acquaintance of Mr Norman Lee, our producer and sequently the M.A.S. and several leading citizens, sponsored the first production, by subscribing funds for initial expenses. From such humble beginning, our present Society originated. Mr Cyril Cyril Warne was appointed Musical Director, Mrs Phyllis House, Pianist, and Miss Madge Welch, Ballet Mistress. During the Season of ''Chu Chin Chow,'' the Society will stage its 100th performance - indeed an outstanding feat in such a brief history. Looking back it is interesting to recall the 23 shows which are included, and the productions are- (listing of productions included in program). Next Productions. . . Acknowledgements: 3BO, Bendigo Advertiser, Mr N Cronin, Mesdames C Neilson & T Lambert for Art Work, Messrs L Spencely, D Cremin & J Cannon for Scenery & Carpentry. Miss M Welch for use of Studio, Make-up Staff, Back Stage Staff, Front of House Management Usherettes and Programme Sellers. Advertisements: Martin Washington, Photographers, Bendigo. Hanro. Markings on front cover in black pen, Capital Theatre.Cambridge Press, Bendigoprogram, theatre, music advancement society of bendig, chu chin chow, bendigo operatic society, 10th november, 1961. president: mr j mck. cannon, vice-president: mr c bubb, secretary: mr g dart, subscription secretary: mrs j cannon, treasurer: mr rb ralph, committee: mrs w brown, mrs j smyth, mrs w e wright, messes o hamilton & m welch, messrs a annison, b thomas & l spencely. president's message formation1952, bendigo operatic society has presented 23 musical comedies, pantomimes, and a revue. . . notes and photographs robert watson, sawn beckwith, valerie mccracken, leonard carr, max o'loghen, carol mckenzie, fred trewarne, max beckwith, olive hamilton, john stephens, charles phillips, ferd lorenz, victor white, peter houston, reg boromeo, joan heard, patricia lyon, miss m welch, mrs p house. musical numbers. . . synopsis of scenes. . . bendigo concert orchestra violins - miss a mcnair (leader), mesdames a bolton, a faulds, c messer, f robbins, j weldon, dr, j borema, messrs r charlett, dr gault, messrs c gill, j jordan, i lacey, o turner. violas - mr e jarrett, mr s mcneill, mrs j pinder. cello - mrs c bubb, miss l slade, mrs j borema, mr a rutland. bass - mr c hargreaves, mr t french. flutes - mr c bubb, master d bubb. oboe - mrs s willis. clarinets - mr j mckay, mr r holyoake. bassoon - mr s anderson. trumpet - mr b armstrong, n pearce. trombone - mr a martin, mr e washington. horn - mr r perry. tympani - mr j allen. samuel french (aust.) ltd. chu chin chow a norman lee production. told by oscar asche. set to music by fredric norton. dramatic personnel - robert watson, max beckwith, fred trewarne, leonard carr, john stephens, charles phillips, ferd lorenz, peter houston, reg boromeo, victor white, dawn beckwith, carol mckenzie, valerie mccracken, olive hamilton, joan heard, patricia lyon. ladies of the ensemble - kath alexander, bernice boromeo, joan crane, edna faderson, edith glen, wendy griffiths, joan head, emily houston, shirley levers, pat lyon, pat mccracken, margery reed, ellen stephens, norma trewarne. gentlemen of the ensemble - alfred annison, ian beckwith, denis cremin, roy cronin, gerald gleeson, peter houston, ferd lorenz, keith millar, kenneth nicholls, robert nicholls, eric pollock, daryl walker, victor white. ballet - joan harding, shirley harding, jean mcclellan, kaye miller, carol o'sullivan, rosalie panozza, bronwen townsend, marion weigard, shirley williams, annette wilson, bill arthur, peter houston. musical director: mr max o'loghlen, society pianist: mrs p house, stage manager: mr murray mcgrath, ballet mistress and asst. stage manager: miss m welch, wardrobe committee: miss m welch, mrs p lyons, mrs n lindrea, mrs m jarvis, mrs a annison, mrs s richardson. publicity: mrs j smyth and mr b thomas. scenery & art work: messrs. n cronin & a watkins. make-up: mesdames e wright & miss s cannon. house manager: mr b searle. in mid 1952, arrived in bendigo dr. p goodman, the president of musical advancement society, formation of a company musical comedy. mr fred bush, mr norman lee, m.a.s.. society originated. mr cyril cyril warne musical director, mrs phyllis house, pianist, miss madge welch, ballet mistress. during the season of ''chu chin chow, '' the society will stage its 100th performance. recall the 23 shows. acknowledgements: 3bo, bendigo advertiser, mr n cronin, mesdames c neilson & t lambert messrs l spencely, d cremin & j cannon for scenery & carpentry. miss m welch.. advertisements: martin washington. hanro. capital theatre. chu chin chow, bendigo operatic society, 10th november, 1961. president: mr j mck. cannon, vice-president: mr c bubb, secretary: mr g dart, subscription secretary: mrs j cannon, treasurer: mr rb ralph, committee: mrs w brown, mrs j smyth, mrs w e wright, messes o hamilton & m welch, messrs a annison, b thomas & l spencely. president's message formation1952, bendigo operatic society has presented 23 musical comedies, pantomimes, and a revue. . . notes and photographs robert watson, sawn beckwith, valerie mccracken, leonard carr, max o'loghen, carol mckenzie, fred trewarne, max beckwith, olive hamilton, john stephens, charles phillips, ferd lorenz, victor white, peter houston, reg boromeo, joan heard, patricia lyon, miss m welch, mrs p house. musical numbers. . . synopsis of scenes. . . bendigo concert orchestra violins - miss a mcnair (leader), mesdames a bolton, a faulds, c messer, f robbins, j weldon, dr, j borema, messrs r charlett, dr gault, messrs c gill, j jordan, i lacey, o turner. violas - mr e jarrett, mr s mcneill, mrs j pinder. cello - mrs c bubb, miss l slade, mrs j borema, mr a rutland. bass - mr c hargreaves, mr t french. flutes - mr c bubb, master d bubb. oboe - mrs s willis. clarinets - mr j mckay, mr r holyoake. bassoon - mr s anderson. trumpet - mr b armstrong, n pearce. trombone - mr a martin, mr e washington. horn - mr r perry. tympani - mr j allen. samuel french (aust.) ltd. chu chin chow a norman lee production. told by oscar asche. set to music by fredric norton. dramatic personnel - robert watson, max beckwith, fred trewarne, leonard carr, john stephens, charles phillips, ferd lorenz, peter houston, reg boromeo, victor white, dawn beckwith, carol mckenzie, valerie mccracken, olive hamilton, joan heard, patricia lyon. ladies of the ensemble - kath alexander, bernice boromeo, joan crane, edna faderson, edith glen, wendy griffiths, joan head, emily houston, shirley levers, pat lyon, pat mccracken, margery reed, ellen stephens, norma trewarne. gentlemen of the ensemble - alfred annison, ian beckwith, denis cremin, roy cronin, gerald gleeson, peter houston, ferd lorenz, keith millar, kenneth nicholls, robert nicholls, eric pollock, daryl walker, victor white. ballet - joan harding, shirley harding, jean mcclellan, kaye miller, carol o'sullivan, rosalie panozza, bronwen townsend, marion weigard, shirley williams, annette wilson, bill arthur, peter houston. musical director: mr max o'loghlen, society pianist: mrs p house, stage manager: mr murray mcgrath, ballet mistress and asst. stage manager: miss m welch, wardrobe committee: miss m welch, mrs p lyons, mrs n lindrea, mrs m jarvis, mrs a annison, mrs s richardson. publicity: mrs j smyth and mr b thomas. scenery & art work: messrs. n cronin & a watkins. make-up: mesdames e wright & miss s cannon. house manager: mr b searle. in mid 1952, arrived in bendigo dr. p goodman, the president of musical advancement society, formation of a company musical comedy. mr fred bush, mr norman lee, m.a.s.. society originated. mr cyril cyril warne musical director, mrs phyllis house, pianist, miss madge welch, ballet mistress. during the season of ''chu chin chow, '' the society will stage its 100th performance. recall the 23 shows. acknowledgements: 3bo, bendigo advertiser, mr n cronin, mesdames c neilson & t lambert messrs l spencely, d cremin & j cannon for scenery & carpentry. miss m welch.. advertisements: martin washington. hanro. capital theatre. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - LILAC TIME, CAPITAL THEATRE, 20 November, 1970
Lilac Time, Capital Theatre, View Street, Bendigo, Bendigo Operatic Society. For a five night season. Commencing Friday, 20th November, 1970. Bendigo Operatic Society President: Mr J McK. Cannon. Vice-President: Mr P Houston. Hon. Secretary: Miss Ann Ball. Hon. Treasurer: Mr L Spencely. Hon. Subscription Secretary: Mrs P Lyon. Committee: Mesdames I Brown, J Cannon, Miss M Welch, Messrs. R Holyoake, G Lambert & N Roxburgh. Photographs: Cyril Holden, Patricia McCracken, John Boquest, Neil Roxburgh, Bartina Daws, Ruth Iredale, John Tonkin, Harry Brewer, Peggy Green Fred Trewarne, Patricia Lyon, Ann Ball, Graeme Daws, Brian Thomas, Douglas Sayle, John McCormack, Fred Lorenz, Madge Welch, Ruth Gorman. Synopsis of Story. Synopsis of Scenes. Cast in order of their appearance: Ann Ball, Dorothy Field, Cheryl Marshall, Graeme Daws, John Tonkin, Harry Brewer, Shane Brennan, Ruth Iredale, Peggy Green, Patrick McCracken, Brian Thomas, Douglass Sayle, John McCormack, John Boquest, Neil Roxburgh, Fred Trewarne, Fred Lorenz, Michael Filippini, Patricia Lyon, Christine Cavanaugh, Bartina Daws. Choreography: Madge Welch. Adaption & Lyrics by Adrian Ross. Music from Franz Schubert Arranged by Heinrich Bene & G H Clutsam. Wardrobe: Madge Welch & Mrs. Ann Ball. Musical Director: Gwen Grose. Stage Manager: Malcolm Cannon. Members of the Chorus: Wilma Baldwin, Christine Cavanaugh, Dorothy Field, Lynette Gillies, Anne Lewitska, Dawn Mackay, Cheryl Marshall, Dawn Moncrieff, Trudy Montfroy, Wilma Pearce, Henry Johnson, Max Knott, Michael Filippini, Shane Brennan. Ballet: Diane Austin, Annette Basset, Janice Jane, Kathy Jinks, Ruth Lyon, Coral, Rivett, Lyn Rowe, Ann Rundell. Children: Karl Steinberg, Debra Lockett, Wendy Kent, Karin Sutton, Cathy Johnson, Michael Sutton, Graham Orr, Bronwen Smith, Debbie Moyle, Vicki Lockett, Hayden Cornwall. Publicity Officer: Mrs J Cannon. Scenery and Properties: Messrs M Cannon, J Cannon & J Moncrieff. Art Work: Malcom Cannon, Mesdames L Neilsen, C Pla & Miss J Hall. Prompts: Mrs J Cannon & Miss A Ball. Lighting: Messrs, L Reed, H Bridges & T Vincent. Make-up: Mrs J Cannon. Hairdressing: Ross Coiffure. House Manager: Garry McDonald. Songs from ''Lilac Time'' Bendigo Concert Orchestra: Violins: R Weldon, A Boulton, M Robbins, C Messer, C Gill, J Jordan, P Phillip. Viola: E Jarrett. Cellos: C Bubb, D Nankivell. Bass: T French. Flute: C Bubb, D Bubb. Clarinets: R Holyoake. Bassoon: S Anderson. Trombone: N Neuman. Trumpet: D Gray. Percussion: G Aitken. Pianoforte: R Gorman. Acknowledgements: Bendigo 'Advertiser', BCV 8, 3BO, 3CV, Allans Music Store, St. Mary's College. Advertisments: Don Semmens Photographic Studio, Allan's World of Music, Ross Coiffure Beauty Salon.Cambridge Pressprogram, theatre, bendigo operatic society, lilac time, capital theatre, view street, bendigo, . five night season. 20th november, 1970. bendigo operatic society president: mr j mck. cannon. vice-president: mr p houston. hon. secretary: miss ann ball. hon. treasurer: mr l spencely. hon. subscription secretary: mrs p lyon. committee: mesdames i brown, j cannon, miss m welch, messrs. r holyoake, g lambert & n roxburgh. photographs: cyril holden, patricia mccracken, john boquest, neil roxburgh, bartina daws, ruth iredale, john tonkin, harry brewer, peggy green fred trewarne, patricia lyon, ann ball, graeme daws, brian thomas, douglas sayle, john mccormack, fred lorenz, madge welch, ruth gorman. synopsis of story. synopsis of scenes. cast: ann ball, dorothy field, cheryl marshall, graeme daws, john tonkin, harry brewer, shane brennan, ruth iredale, peggy green, patrick mccracken, brian thomas, douglass sayle, john mccormack, john boquest, neil roxburgh, fred trewarne, fred lorenz, michael filippini, patricia lyon, christine cavanaugh, bartina daws. choreography: madge welch. adaption & lyrics by adrian ross. music from franz schubert arranged by heinrich bene & g h clutsam. wardrobe: madge welch & mrs. ann ball. musical director: gwen grose. stage manager: malcolm cannon. members of the chorus: wilma baldwin, christine cavanaugh, dorothy field, lynette gillies, anne lewitska, dawn mackay, cheryl marshall, dawn moncrieff, trudy montfroy, wilma pearce, henry johnson, max knott, michael filippini, shane brennan. ballet: diane austin, annette basset, janice jane, kathy jinks, ruth lyon, coral, rivett, lyn rowe, ann rundell. children: karl steinberg, debra lockett, wendy kent, karin sutton, cathy johnson, michael sutton, graham orr, bronwen smith, debbie moyle, vicki lockett, hayden cornwall. publicity officer: mrs j cannon. scenery and properties: messrs m cannon, j cannon & j moncrieff. art work: malcom cannon, mesdames l neilsen, c pla & miss j hall. prompts: mrs j cannon & miss a ball. lighting: messrs, l reed, h bridges & t vincent. make-up: mrs j cannon. hairdressing: ross coiffure. house manager: garry mcdonald. bendigo concert orchestra: violins: r weldon, a boulton, m robbins, c messer, c gill, j jordan, p phillip. viola: e jarrett. cellos: c bubb, d nankivell. bass: t french. flute: c bubb, d bubb. clarinets: r holyoake. bassoon: s anderson. trombone: n neuman. trumpet: d gray. percussion: g aitken. pianoforte: r gorman. acknowledgements: bendigo 'advertiser', bcv 8, 3bo, 3cv, allans music store, st. mary's college. advertisments: don semmens photographic studio, allan's world of music, ross coiffure beauty salon. -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - List of Port Melbourne Hotels & Licencees 1872, 1872
Handwritten list of hotels & their licencees in 1872 believed to have been complied by donor's ancestor, a member of the LOBB family.A4 size handwritten sheet with names, addresses and licencees of Port Melbourne hotels in and traders - hotels, built environment - commercial, lobb, h. fonseca, harry hall, william hays, j mcculloch, wm reynolds, g sefton, mrs crockford, andrea lagogiannis, g braithwaite, v sanderson, j carter, g w hall, j michie, t cowling, jas. bartlett, edward suffolk, martin clasby, mrs peatt, w kinyon, william spire, thomas turville, w cruickshank, charles peacock, j williams, william cannon, j bell, michael flanagan, william carroll, j w carr, john allen, j e crockford, charles sharp, henry o'brien, g t potter, f johnson, all england eleven hotel, army & navy hotel, auld reekie hotel, australian hotel, bay view hotel, brunswick pier hotel, chequers inn, chusan hotel, commercial hotel, cosmopolitan hotel, customs house hotel, exchange hotel, fitzjames hotel, floodgate hotel, foresters arms hotel, foundry hotel, fountain inn, freemasons hotel, happy home hotel, hibernian hotel, kent hotel, locomotive hotel, lord raglan hotel, marine hotel, naval brigade hotel, new great britain hotel, pier hotel, president lincoln hotel, prince alfred hotel, retreat inn, royal hotel, ship hotel, station hotel, victoria hotel -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Coloured photograph of John (Jack) and Jean Cannon in a Gold Moulded Timber Frame with a brief summary of their work with the Bendigo Theatre Co on back, Donated by Mr Atkinson related to Mary ReibyBarry Searle Photographyperson, family, personal portrait, jack & jean cannon, bendigo theatre co -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
a. Book with a mottled blue-grey cover with brown leather spine and extends 5.5 cm to front and back. Corner edges also had the leather, two are missing and the other two are dilapidated. A red stuck on tape near the top of the spine had Ledger printed with some gold edging, most of which is worn off. Inside the front and back covers is a red, blue and white marble pattern. Front and back covers have been reinforced with white tape. 542 page Ledger Book for a general produce merchant. Probably Albert Bush. Alphabetical index at front. Entries in black ink on all pages and date from 1888 to 1920. Loose 4 page foolscap inside front cover listing Rolling Stock and Value. b. A pocket in the back of the book contains 6 pieces of paper relating to business and finance. Items include Discounts and Commission from 1888 to 1899, a note on insurance, a note dated June 2/90 headed Mr A Bush Sandhurst Dr to S A Bush & Co listing monthly amounts of money from Jan 1890 and 1889. Some amounts are with the name G P Reddie.Another one is a Building A/C dated 1889. Another is a balance sheet written on a page with another one written on the back and dated 1893. One written on paper headed Bush's Stores, Main Street, Bairnsdale and printed S.A.Bush & Co. It looks like a list of repayments listed in 8 bills. The other side of the page refers to Bill of Sales for Yeates & Baker and Bill of Sales held by the Bank of New South Wales. There is also a copy of two letters addressed to A Bush, one dated Oct 17.06 from H Hopkins referring to the late Mr Baker's property in Sale. The other is addressed to A Bush Esq and signed Harry Hopkins and also signed by Albert Bush and dated Nov 28 1906 in reference to the sale of a, retail, bushs, bush collection - ledger book 1888 to 1920, abbott & co, allcock ?, australian producers & traders ltd, bush s a, bush albert, broome sp, brealey w h, blogg bros, b'daledistrict farmers co-op coy ltd, bush and hopkins, berry henry, brockhoff & co, bush mrs albert, colonial bank, corden i s & co, crosby h m, cannon j e, dudgeon and arnell, drevermann & coy, fry bros, felton grimwade & coy, fyansford maunfacturing coy, gearing jas, hawthorn rhodes & coy, henebery john, harper r & co, holford's contract, jack a & co, kellie wm, kitchen & co, kronheimer & co, miller d, lewis & whitty, levy bros and coy, melbourne chilled butter coy, mooney i, mitchell & coy, mann mrs, mceacharn & son, macrobertson, mckenzie i & co, parsons bros & coy ltd, peterson & coy, phoenix biscuit coy, reddie g p estate, ross bros, gippsland news, rosella preserving coy, rolfe and coy, robur tea coy, ross, ryan w, russo and santamria, sniders i ? b, swallow and ariell ltd, sutherland john, service & co jas, smallman mrs, thomas w c, sandhurst & n d trustees coy, voght george, victoria soap & candle coy, vogt k, vickers and gardner's contract, west z, west h m, water and kerang roller mill coy, yeates and watson, yeates and baker, yates and c ? arthur, yeates jas -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Typed notes mentioning the naming of Mount Alexander, Coliban, Campaspe and who named them. Also the origins of the names.document, major mitchell and mount alexander, tommy-came-last, the major mitchell tourist trail, major general john byng, phillip of macedonia, alexander the great, henty s, surveyor davidson, alexander mollison, george augustus robinson, william morton, mr charles hotson ebden, john randell, public library of melbourne, les blake, governor burke, phillip parker king, crown solicitor henry field gurner, arthur phillip, hume, australia felix expedition, l blake, place names of victoria, g brenmer, booklet for secondary schools, m cannon, historical records of victoria vol 1, j h l cumpston, thomas mitchell surveyor general and explorer, h f gurner, chronicle of port phillip, t l mitchell, three expeditions into the interior of eastern australia, a f mollison, an overlanding diary, w l morton, adventures of a pioneer, m s 5188, itinerary from the journal of the exploring expedition returning from portland bay, m s 5189, mitchell's 1837 map, j o randell, pastoral settlement in northern victoria vol 1, pastoral settlement in northern victoria vol 2, records of the victorian archaeological survey number 5, journals of george augustus robinson, t c sargent, some peninsular names in australia felix, w h wells, a geographical dictionary or gazetteer of the australian colonies -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
George Meudell was born in Bendigo in 1860, the son of a bank manager. He became a public accountant. He worked for B J Fink. He took up a seat on the Stock Exchange. He later wrote a book, 'The Pleasant Career of a Spendthrift'. The book caused a stir and was withdrawn from sale. There was a later edition where a lot of names were withdrawn from the book.document, names of bendigo pioneers, the meudell mystery, the land boomers, michael cannon, maurice brodzky, george meudell, table talk, bendigo high school, money miller's bank of victoria, grant meudell, hnry miller, isaac pitman, john alsop, melbourne savings bank, andrew lyell, mercantile finance co ltd, b j fink, g w taylor, thomas bent, w l baillieu, stock exchange melbourne, william knox, broken hill proprietary, f m dickenson, historical society of victoria, the pleasant career of a spendthrift, george routledge & sons ltd, routledge & kegan paul ltd, frank campbell, robertson & mullens ltd, j m gillespie, sir matthew davies's mercantile bank, unofficial history of victoria, booksellers' association, the pleasant career, theodore fink, the herald, wilke & co pty ltd, the pleasant career of a spendthrift and his later reflections, lionel robinson, william clark, s m bruce, premier building society, j kitchen & sons ltd -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Operatic Society ''You're in Love'' Capitol Theatre - Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., March 24th,25th,26th,27th, 1958. Programme, 1/- Bendigo Operatic Society President: Mr. John Cannon - Vice-President: Mr C. Bubb - Secretary: Mr. E.B.Thomas - Treasurer: Mr. Bruce Ralph - Hon. Auditor: Mr. Frank Iredale - Committee: Messrs L. Spencely, J. Smyth, W. Kelly, Mesdames J. Cannon, N. McCarthy, J. McGrergor, J. Smyth and Miss M. Welch. Our Producer: Norman Lee - Our Musical Director: Max O'Loghlen Gertrude Perry Plays Georgiana - Bert Donovan Plays Hobby Douglas - Alfred Annison Plays Mr. Wix - Celia Douglas Plays Mrs.Payton - Barbara McGregor Plays Dorothy - Brian Brewer Plays Lacey Hart. Synopsis of ''You're in Love'' The action of this story takes place prior to and during a pleasure cruise of the Hawaiian Islands and centres around Hobby Douglas and Georgianawho both wish to marry, but are unable to do so without the consent of georgiana aunt, Mrs. Payton. Mr. wix a missionary worker and Hobby's Guardian is also against marriage. Dorothy and Lacey are a young married couple on the honeymoon cruise. What happens to this assortment of people will have to be seen. Cast in order of appearance: Judge Brewster: Max Beckwith - Lacey Hart: Brian Brewer - Dorothy: Barbara McGregor - Mrs.Payton: Celai Douglas - Georgiana: Gertrude Perry - Hobby Douglas: Bert Donovan - Mr. Wix: Alfred Annison - The Captain: Mervyn Penno - The Steward: Joseph Quigg - Specialty Dancers; Ann Stone, Rosalie Spencely. Costunmes and Scenery by J.C. Williamsons Ltd. Music by Rudolf Friml. Book and Lyrics by Otto Hauerbach and Edward Clarck.program, theatre, bendigo operatic society -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Operatic Society ''My Fair Lady'' At the Capital Theatre View Street Bendigo Commencing Wednesday 14th November 1973 for an Eight Night Season. Souvenir Programme for 50th Production. President: Mr. J. Cannon. Producer: Max Collis. Musical Director: Gwen Grose. Society Pianist: Diana Cohn. Cast in Order of Appearance: Carol McKenzie as Eliza Doolittle - Max Rule as Freddy Eynsford-Hill - Kathie Farn as Mrs. Eynsford-Hill - Ralph Watkins as Colonel Pickering - John Beaumont as Henry Higgins - Gary Burns as Bartender - John Boquest as jamie - Russell Barter as Harry - Peter Pritchard as Alfred P.Doolittle - Patricia Lyon as Mrs. Pearce - Pauline Speedy as Mrs. Hopkins - Jill James as Mrs. Higgins - David Daenke as Zoltan Karpathy.program, theatre, bendigo operatic society -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Glendonald School for the Deaf, Marshall Avenue, 1960-1970
Glendonald School for Deaf Children was run by the Victorian Education Department. It provided education and some residential services for deaf children. The school was situated in Marshall Avenue, Kew and operated from 1951–91. Deaf children whose families lived too far to travel daily were housed in a grand Victorian mansion in Belmont Avenue, Kew, the John Cannon Hostel. The school and hostel also accommodated a small number of wards of the state. Source: Glendonald School for Deaf Children (1951–91);; Accessed 05/09/2018.Glendonald was a significant mansion in Kew (now demolished) built for the industrialist and manufacturer Donald Leslie in 1886. The school was purchased by the Victorian Department of Education on 29 November 1950 for the sum of 16,500 pounds.Photograph of the front garden of Glendonald taken from Marshall Avenue."The old school for the deaf at 17 Marshall Ave for children from the age of six years to ten years old, then they would go to 25 Marshall Ave to finish their schooling leaving age 16 years old."glendonald - marshall avenue - kew (vic), education - deaf children - victoria -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Glendonald School for the Deaf, Marshall Avenue, 1955-1965
Glendonald School for Deaf Children was run by the Victorian Education Department. It provided education and some residential services for deaf children. The school was situated in Marshall Avenue, Kew and operated from 1951–91. Deaf children whose families lived too far to travel daily were housed in a grand Victorian mansion in Belmont Avenue, Kew, the John Cannon Hostel. The school and hostel also accommodated a small number of wards of the state. (Source: Glendonald School for Deaf Children 1951–91.)Glendonald was a significant mansion in Kew (now demolished) built for the industrialist and manufacturer Donald Leslie in 1886. The school was purchased by the Victorian Department of Education on 29 November 1950 for the sum of 16,500 pounds.Portico - entrance - of Glendonald taken from Marshall Avenue.The old school for the deaf at 17 Marshall Ave for children from the age of six years to ten years old, then they would go to 25 Marshall Ave to finish their schooling leaving age 16 years old. glendonald - marshall avenue - kew (vic), education - deaf children - victoria -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Glendonald School for the Deaf, Marshall Avenue, 1955-1965
Glendonald School for Deaf Children was run by the Victorian Education Department. It provided education and some residential services for deaf children. The school was situated in Marshall Avenue, Kew and operated from 1951–91. Deaf children whose families lived too far to travel daily were housed in a grand Victorian mansion in Belmont Avenue, Kew, the John Cannon Hostel. The school and hostel also accommodated a small number of wards of the state. (Source: Glendonald School for Deaf Children 1951–91)Glendonald was a significant mansion in Kew (now demolished) built for the industrialist and manufacturer Donald Leslie in 1886. The school was purchased by the Victorian Department of Education on 29 November 1950 for the sum of 16,500 pounds.Rear view (sic) of Glendonald, Marshall Avenue (Kew).Reverse: "The old school for the deaf at 17 Marshall Ave for children from the age of six years to ten years old, then they would go to 25 Marshall Ave to finish their schooling leaving age 16 years old."glendonald - marshall avenue - kew (vic), education - deaf children - victoria -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Glendonald School for the Deaf, Marshall Avenue, 1955-1965
Glendonald School for Deaf Children was run by the Victorian Education Department. It provided education and some residential services for deaf children. The school was situated in Marshall Avenue, Kew and operated from 1951–91. Deaf children whose families lived too far to travel daily were housed in a grand Victorian mansion in Belmont Avenue, Kew, the John Cannon Hostel. The school and hostel also accommodated a small number of wards of the state. (Source: Glendonald School for Deaf Children 1951–91)Glendonald was a significant mansion in Kew (now demolished) built for the industrialist and manufacturer Donald Leslie in 1886. The school was purchased by the Victorian Department of Education on 29 November 1950 for the sum of 16,500 pounds.Swimming Pool, Glendonald, Marshall Avenue (Kew).The old school for the deaf at 17 Marshall Ave for children from the age of six years to ten years old, then they would go to 25 Marshall Ave to finish their schooling leaving age 16 years old. glendonald - marshall avenue - kew (vic), education - deaf children - victoria -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Glendonald School for the Deaf, Marshall Avenue, 1955-1965
Glendonald School for Deaf Children was run by the Victorian Education Department. It provided education and some residential services for deaf children. The school was situated in Marshall Avenue, Kew and operated from 1951–91. Deaf children whose families lived too far to travel daily were housed in a grand Victorian mansion in Belmont Avenue, Kew, the John Cannon Hostel. The school and hostel also accommodated a small number of wards of the state. (Source: Glendonald School for Deaf Children 1951–91)Glendonald was a significant mansion in Kew (now demolished) built for the industrialist and manufacturer Donald Leslie in 1886. The school was purchased by the Victorian Department of Education on 29 November 1950 for the sum of 16,500 pounds.Front entrance, Glendonald, Marshall Avenue (Kew).The old school for the deaf at 17 Marshall Ave for children from the age of six years to ten years old, then they would go to 25 Marshall Ave to finish their schooling leaving age 16 years old. glendonald - marshall avenue - kew (vic), education - deaf children - victoria -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Glendonald School for the Deaf, Marshall Avenue, 1955-1965
Glendonald School for Deaf Children was run by the Victorian Education Department. It provided education and some residential services for deaf children. The school was situated in Marshall Avenue, Kew and operated from 1951–91. Deaf children whose families lived too far to travel daily were housed in a grand Victorian mansion in Belmont Avenue, Kew, the John Cannon Hostel. The school and hostel also accommodated a small number of wards of the state. (Source: Glendonald School for Deaf Children 1951–91)Glendonald was a significant mansion in Kew (now demolished) built for the industrialist and manufacturer Donald Leslie in 1886. The school was purchased by the Victorian Department of Education on 29 November 1950 for the sum of 16,500 pounds.Trampoline in the garden of Glendonald, Marshall Avenue (Kew).The old school for the deaf at 17 Marshall Ave for children from the age of six years to ten years old, then they would go to 25 Marshall Ave to finish their schooling leaving age 16 years old. glendonald - marshall avenue - kew (vic), education - deaf children - victoria -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Glendonald School for the Deaf, Marshall Avenue, 1955-1965
Glendonald School for Deaf Children was run by the Victorian Education Department. It provided education and some residential services for deaf children. The school was situated in Marshall Avenue, Kew and operated from 1951–91. Deaf children whose families lived too far to travel daily were housed in a grand Victorian mansion in Belmont Avenue, Kew, the John Cannon Hostel. The school and hostel also accommodated a small number of wards of the state. (Source: Glendonald School for Deaf Children 1951–91)Glendonald was a significant mansion in Kew (now demolished) built for the industrialist and manufacturer Donald Leslie in 1886. The school was purchased by the Victorian Department of Education on 29 November 1950 for the sum of 16,500 pounds.Front entrance, Glendonald, Marshall Avenue (Kew).The old school for the deaf at 17 Marshall Ave for children from the age of six years to ten years old, then they would go to 25 Marshall Ave to finish their schooling leaving age 16 years old. glendonald - marshall avenue - kew (vic), education - deaf children - victoria -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Glendonald School for the Deaf, Marshall Avenue, 1955-1965
Glendonald School for Deaf Children was run by the Victorian Education Department. It provided education and some residential services for deaf children. The school was situated in Marshall Avenue, Kew and operated from 1951–91. Deaf children whose families lived too far to travel daily were housed in a grand Victorian mansion in Belmont Avenue, Kew, the John Cannon Hostel. The school and hostel also accommodated a small number of wards of the state. (Source: Glendonald School for Deaf Children 1951–91)Glendonald was a significant mansion in Kew (now demolished) built for the industrialist and manufacturer Donald Leslie in 1886. The school was purchased by the Victorian Department of Education on 29 November 1950 for the sum of 16,500 pounds.Garden, Glendonald, Marshall Avenue (Kew).The old school for the deaf at 17 Marshall Ave for children from the age of six years to ten years old, then they would go to 25 Marshall Ave to finish their schooling leaving age 16 years old. glendonald - marshall avenue - kew (vic), education - deaf children - victoria -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
ALbum - Colour prints, Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture, Staff Photographs
Collection of photographs of staff and some Research Fellows. These have been scanned but not added to Media. Some labelled with position at the time and some identified by Ala Shtrauser (former Asst. Librarian), Andrew Smith, Ross Payne. (1-4) Ross Payne (Engineering Technician). (5-6) Ed Smart (Lecturer). (7-8) James Will (Lecturer). (9) Mark McNamara (Librarian.) (10) Rosemary McConnell (Librarian). (11Kevin Blaze (Lecturer). (12-13) David Aldous Lecturer). (14) Peter McSweeney (Senior Lecturer, Co-ordinator of BAS(H)). (15) Andrew Smith (Gardener). (16) Dr. Cassandra McLean (Senior Lecturer). (17) Sally Cullwick (Librarian). (18) Kat Frame (Librarian). (19) Michael Nechwatal (Handy Person). (20) Ala Hires (Shtrauser) (Library Assistant). (21-22) Peter May (Deputy Head of Campus). (23-25) Geoff Connellan (Senior Lecturer, Horticultural Engihneering, Co-ordinator MAS(H)). (26-27) John Rayner (Lecturer). (28) Jamie Pearson (Lecturer). (30) Graham Sterry (Printer). (31) Michael Green (Lecturer). (32) Suzanne Trajstman (Counsellor). (33) Greg Moore (Principal). (34-35) Greg Moore, Peter May, Geoff Connellan. (36) Greg Moore, Peter May, David Aldous. ((37-38) John Brereton (Lecturer, Co-ordinator AC(H)). (39-41) Nick Bailey (Lecturer).(42) Karen Van Laak (Admin). (43) Ruth Beilin (Lecturer). (44-46) Clive Sorrell (Lecturer). (47) Jayne Lindholm (Lab. Asst.). (48-49) Phil Kenyon (Arboriculture Lecturer). (50-51) Ross Hall (Lecturer). (52-55) Catherine Jaggs (Admin. Officer).(56) Robin Haylett (Gardener, Amrad). (57-59) Robina Duygen (Office Manager). (60) Julie Cocksedge (Nursery). (61) David Morales (Landscape)? (Tony Westmore (Lecturer). (63-64) Stuart Miller (IT). (65) Trish Mooney (Gardener) (66) Michael Looker (Lecturer). (67) Kerry Howard (Lecturer). (68) Alan Shaanks (Nursery, Field Station Tractor Driver). (69) Brian Shields (Lecturer). (70-73) Ian Winstone (Lecturer). 74 Tom Karapidis (Cleaner). (75-76) Ken James (Lecturer). (77-79) Jim Stafford (Property & Services Manager).(80) Kelvin McKenzie (Carpenter). (81-85) Kylie Cannon (General Administrative Officer). (86) Melanie Conomikes (Lecturer). (87 Dr. Sally Stewart-Wade (Lecturer). (88) Geraldine Fay (EH & S Administrator). (89) Rowan Reid (Lecturer). (90) Romduol Buruma (Finance Officer). (91) David Morales (Cleaner). (2) Tony Westmore (Lecturer). (93) Clare Scott. (94) Bata Thomas (Caretaker). (95-96) Nicholas Osborne (Nursery Assistant). ((7) John Hensley (Cleaner). (98) Jill Kellow (Environmental Horticulturer Technician). (99) Nicky Jacobs (Counsellor). (100-102) John Delpratt (Lecturer). (103-105) Alex Campbell (Nursery Technician). (106) Christine Gregory (Clerical Assistant). Stamped, "Victorian College of Agriculture & Horticulture-Burnley, Burnley Gardens, Swan St., Richmond Vic 3121 2/1984." (107) Jenny Wilson (Typist) Stamped as previous "2/84" b/w. (108-112) Unidentified. (116) Dr Yue Wang (Research Fellow). (117) Simon Murphy (Senior Forest Researcher). (118) ? (119) Carmel McPhee at Como. Includes 2 different Staff Listings, 1 dated 03 January 1990 with years employed and Last Position.staff, research fellows, ala shtrauser, andrew smith, ross payne, ed smart, james will, mark mcnamara, rosemary mcconnell, kevin blaze, david aldous, peter mcsweeney, cassandra mclean, sally cullwick, kat frame, michael nechwata, peter may, geoff connellan, john rayner, jamie pearson, graham sterry, michael green, suzanne trajstman, greg moore, john brereton, nick bailey, karen van laak, ruth beilin, clive sorrell, jayne lindholm, phil kenyon, ross hall, catherine jaggs, robin haylett, robina duygen, julie cocksedge, david morales, tony westmore stuart miller, trish mooney, michael looker, kerry howard, alan shaanks, brian shields, ian winstone, tom karapidis, ken james, jim stafford, kelvin mckenzie, kylie cannon, melanie conomikes, sally stewart-wade, geraldine fay, rowan reid, romduol buruma, tony westmore, clare scott, bata thomas, nicholas osborne, john hensley, jill kellow, nicky jacobs, john delpratt, alex campbell, christine gregory, vcah, burnley gardens, jenny wilson, yue wang, simon murphy, carmel mcphee, como house -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Photograph - Historical, Flagstaff Hill, Warrnambool Garrison Fortifications looking towards the Moyjil (Point Ritchie), 1970s
The photograph shows the location of the concrete, horseshoe shaped gun emplacement erected for the cannons. It is part of the Historic Precinct on Flagstaff Hill. The area was accessed either through the space between the Lighthouses (through the cottage grounds) or a service entrance, past the iron huts used by the Lands Department. This photograph, a print, is one of a set of five that show the site of Flagstaff Hill. It is presumed to have been taken by John Lindsay, Founding Director of Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village. One of the photographs in the set has the pencil inscription "Photo J Lindsay". It was taken in the early 1970s during the initial stages of the development of Flagstaff Hill as a Museum and Maritime Village. The photographs belonged to the donor's grandparents, who lived in the Warrnambool district of Allansford/Naringal. The photograph is a record of the site and surrounds of Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village before its development and opening in 1975. It shows the east side of the Surfside Holiday Park in its earlier days. The photograph is significant for recording the location and condition of the original concrete cannon emplacement on the Hill.Coloured photograph, glassy print, one of a set of five. Photograph shows the original site of one of the gun emplacements for the cannons, cannons Historical, looking towards the Moyjil, ,Point Ritchie and overlooking Lady Bay, Warrnambool. The horseshoe shaped concrete gun emplacement is in the foreground on the grassed slopes overlooking the Bay. The site and ablution block of the Surfside Holiday Park is centre right. The left shows the sore of Lady Bay with the cliffs of the Southern Ocean in the distance. The photograph's paper has the printer's watermark on the back. The early 1970s scene is presumed to have been photographed by John Lindsay, Warrnambool.Label on the back: "FIRST GUN EMPLACEMENT LOOKING TOWARDS THE HOPKINS / This is the original site of one of the cannons overlooking the Bay. Access to this area could be between the light-houses (throught the cottage grounds), or a service entrance - past the iron huts used by Lands Department."flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, 1970s, photograph, gun emplacement, surfside holiday park, lady bay, hopkins river, flagstaff hill site, john lindsay, concrete gun emplacement, cannon emplacement, original emplacement