Showing 86 items
matching kew association - kew (vic)
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Kew Association of Boroondara Inc, 1994
... kew association - kew (vic)... sources. kew - history kew association - kew (vic) kew association ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)This subject file contains information about the second Kew Association, formed in 1994 to ensure that residents of Kew were adequately represented in the new amalgamated City of Boroondara. In 2000, the group mounted a case [unsuccessfully] for Kew to secede from the new City. The Discussion Paper for Secession is included in the file. The latest reference to the Association is a newspaper article form 2004. The file mainly contains proposals, agendas and minutes of meetings, and the Association’s Constitution. Many of its office bearers were active in other community groups.kew - history, kew association - kew (vic), kew association of boroondara inc, local government restructure - kew (vic)kew - history, kew association - kew (vic), kew association of boroondara inc, local government restructure - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Kew Association, 1974
... kew association - kew (vic)... sources. kew - history kew association - kew (vic) community ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary valuesSubject file on ‘The Kew Association’ formed in 1974 as a separate group to the Kew Historical Society. Its constitution, which is filed, is general in nature. One part of the Association’s interests was the formation of a Historical Working Group to ‘examine historic buildings and other aspects of Kew’s history’. A founding member of the Society, Joy Stewart, was its convenor. By June 1974 it had 133 members. It differed from the Society in that it specifically aimed to improve Council services. One of its achievements was to begin a ‘historical home survey’ by street. The survey documents in the file list street name, number of house, side of street, size of house and general observations. Other information in the archive file includes correspondence, agendas, minutes etc. of the Association. As these only cover the years 1974-5, this may have been the period in which the group operated.kew - history, kew association - kew (vic), community groups - kew (vic), heritage - kew (vic)kew - history, kew association - kew (vic), community groups - kew (vic), heritage - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Series) - North Kew Progress Association
... North Kew Progress Association – Kew (Vic.)... Community groups -- Kew (Vic.) North Kew Progress Association – Kew ...Various PartiesReference, Research, InformationArranged by Secondary Values (value of records to users)The North Kew Progress Association was a community organisation formed in 1939 and disbanded in 1980 that looked to petition the local and state governments on behalf of the residents of Kew to improve the area of North Kew specifically, and also to organise social gatherings between members. The association was highly organised and bureaucratic with a formalised structure as detailed in its constitutions. Part of the association was a failed attempt to create a kindergarten for the area, an objective which failed to materialise. The organisation was created and spearheaded by a Mr. Robert Morhead, and would petition the government for many things, including traffic police, superannuation for the council workers, subdivisions and even an internationally standardised Kayaking Course along the Yarra River. The file includes: A 1951 proposed constitution, a revised 1975 constitution, correspondences from the association between fellow members and the local council, invites to meetings, an account authorisation for the association’s finances, an account book with balance sheets, newspaper articles, and many annual reports ranging from the 30th to the 42nd annual groups -- kew (vic.), north kew progress association – kew (vic.), robert morhead – kew (vic.)community groups -- kew (vic.), north kew progress association – kew (vic.), robert morhead – kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Ceremonial object - Presentation Trowel, Kew Baptist Church School Hall, Phillip Ashberry & Sons, 1905
"Infant Department The interest in this branch of the school work (under the able guidance of Misses F. Chapman and A.E. Ratten) is well maintained. It is largely through the generosity of Nr. and Mrs. Griffiths that the officers were enabled to have a new brick school hall built. The foundation stone was laid on 21st October, 1905, by Mrs. John M. Griffiths, the new building being erected on the site of the old church. It is both attractive and comfortable and is well lighted. It is also used for the week-night services. The old building which for so long had served as a schoolroom for the little ones was not considered suitable and was in 1905 disposed of for removal. When removed it was renovated, and is now used as a mission church in a neighbouring district." Source: Kew Baptist Church History 1856-1906The trowel is historically significant for its association with the Kew Baptist Church and its ownership by and association with the Griffiths family of Kew who were important tea merchants in Australia.Silver-plated commemorative trowel with bone handle, in black leather case lined with blue velvet. The trowel is engraved with information about the occasion.It was presented to Mrs J.M. Griffiths, who lived at Goldthorns, Normanby Road, Kew. [The trowel in its case was presented to the Kew Historical Society on 24 April 2018 by the Manager of Bupa Aged Care, Edithvale.]Engraved front: "Presented to Mrs. J.M. Griffiths on the occasion of her laying the foundation stone of the Baptist School Hall, Kew, Oct 21st 1905". Maker mark on reverse: "PA & S E P"griffiths family - kew (vic), mrs. j.m. griffiths, commemorative objects, baptist church (kew), presentation trowels -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Administrative record (item), Minute Book of the Kew Ladies Benevolent Society 1911-12, 1951-61
"This society was founded in 1891, when there was a considerable amount of distress on account of the collapse of the land boom. The first office-bearers were: President, Mrs. F. R. M. Wilson; Hon. Secretary, Mrs. S. Kellett; and Hon. Treasurer, Mrs. J. Lorimer. The society has had a useful career and been of great assistance to many families. One of its best workers was Mrs. G. Wharton. The present committee consists of Mrs. H. Collier (President), Mrs. Holdsworth (Vice-President), Mrs. Archer (Hon. Treasurer) Mrs. E. J. Dunn (Hon. Secretary), and Mesdames. Berry, Gillespie, Israel, Jellis, Kerr, Lilley, McCrea, Paton, Spring, Tappin, and Wishart." (Source: Barnard FGA, Jubilee History of Kew, 1910)The Kew Ladies' Benevolent Society was one of the most important women's groups in Victoria in the late 19th to mid-20th century. It was led by women with a national profile and was instrumental in the establishment of the State umbrella organisation. The Minute Book was presented to KHS by the Victorian Association of Benevolent Societies in 1991.Seller label on inside cover.kew ladies' benevolent society, social welfare - history - kew (vic), social services - history - kew (vic), volunteer organisations - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Card - Exhibition Card, Philatelic Requisite / Wm. Ackland, 267 Collins St., Melbourne
William Ackland (1872-1953) was the senior, charter member of the Australian Stamp Dealers Association, having operated a stamp business in Melbourne for 60 years.Paper and cellophane holder for stamps retailed by William Ackland of 267 Collins Street. The front of the packet contains advertising information about the seller. The reverse includes printed calculators.philately, william ackland - 267 collins street - melbourne (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Arts Festival Committee et al, Kew Arts Association, 1947-2010
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)The main item in this reference file is an original copy of the Kew Arts Festival Program for 1947. The programme contains two pages of typed notes, which were used at the opening of the Festival by Cr Vaughan (sic). The program lists English Watercolours on loan from the National Gallery of Victoria, details of recitals, ballets, theatre and music. The event was held in the Kew Recreation Centre. Major performers listed in the program include Raymond Lambert, the Tin Alley Players, Margaret Sutherland, and the Melbourne Little Theatre.performing arts - kew (vic), visual arts - kew (vic), kew arts festivalsperforming arts - kew (vic), visual arts - kew (vic), kew arts festivals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Country Women's Association (Kew), 1958
... country women's association -- kew (vic.)... sources. country women's association -- kew (vic.) women's groups ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing a newspaper article/clipping about a branch of the CWA established in Kew in women's association -- kew (vic.), women's groups -- kew (vic.)country women's association -- kew (vic.), women's groups -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Conservation Study (Kew) 1978, 1978
... (vic.) kew triangle association Archive file containing a copy ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing a copy of the City of Kew’s Urban Renewal Proposal (13pp), dated June 1978. The proposal to the Urban Renewal Authority relates to those houses in Denmark Street, High Street South and Barkers Road, then known as ‘The Triangle’ (historically known as O’Shaughnessy’s Paddock. The report refers to the Kew Triangle Association.urban renewal -- kew (vic.), conservation studies -- kew (vic.), kew triangle associationurban renewal -- kew (vic.), conservation studies -- kew (vic.), kew triangle association -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Foley Street (Kew), 1975
... sources. kew (vic) - history foley street - kew (vic) kew triangle ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing information on the Foley family of Kew as well as reports, submissions, correspondence etc., relating to urban renewal in Kew in Foley Street, including the Council Depot, which became the Foley Street Reserve in1979. This area was of keen concern to the Triangle Residents Association of which Jim Tutt was a member.kew (vic) - history, foley street - kew (vic), kew triangle association, cr jim tutt, foley street reservekew (vic) - history, foley street - kew (vic), kew triangle association, cr jim tutt, foley street reserve -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Gallipoli & Beyond 2015, 2014
Boroondara Historical Societies AssociationReference, Research, InformationProvenance orderGallipoli & Beyond was a Commonwealth funded project involving members of the Boroondara Historical Societies Association. The project involved roadshow, exhibitions, talks, and the publication of a history. The file contains newspaper and magazine, articles/clippings, promotional materials, certificates, etc. The Kew Historical Society participated in a number of events and held an exhibition on the embarkation photographs of Josiah Earl Barnes. The captions and the posters are held separately in the map drawers.photographers - kew (vic) - josiah earl barnes, first world war, boroondara historical societies association (bhsa), gallipoli & beyond - special projects, wwiphotographers - kew (vic) - josiah earl barnes, first world war, boroondara historical societies association (bhsa), gallipoli & beyond - special projects, wwi -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Hamer Court (Kew), 1972
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)A large subject file containing material relating to Hamer Court Hostel for the Aged in Childers Street / High Street, Kew. The materials date from the early 1970s before Hamer Court was opened. The file contains correspondence to and from the Society and original [very frail] plans for the construction of the hostel (1972) and later plans for extensions (undated). Other original documents in the file include a programme for the official opening (of the extensions?) in 1983, agendas and minutes of meetings and promotional materials. Many of the items filed also relate to the Kew Elderly Citizens Association.kew historical society - archives, hamer court - high street - childers street - kew (vic), aged care - kew (vic)kew historical society - archives, hamer court - high street - childers street - kew (vic), aged care - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Holy Trinity Church, 1899
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary valuesA large subject file containing original primary sources and a range of secondary sources including published and unpublished histories of the church or its parts. The earliest item is a Sunday School Association Certificate issued to Amy Grigg in 1899. Publications by the Church include ‘Holy Trinity Church Kew Jubilee Souvenir 1863-1913’ (1913) [which includes a chronicle of events], ‘Holy Trinity Church Kew 70 Years 1863-1933), ‘Holy Trinity Church Kew Restoration and Continuity of Worship - Stewardship Review’ (1974), ‘Centenary Holy Trinity Church of England Kew’ (1963), ‘150th Anniversary of the First Service in this Building March 5, 1863’ (2013). Other published histories include two copies of: McFarlane, G., Memories in Glass: Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Kew. The file also includes unpublished monographs about the church (Mavis Rolley, 1980). The file also includes various leaflets and orders of service.holy trinity church - kew (vic), high street - kew (vic), rev rowland hayward, very rev dean vance dd, archdeacon hindley bd, rev canon sutton bd, sir william stawell, charles barrett, rev f a townshend, trinity grammar school, ruyton girls school, rev gordon brown, most rev philip freier, ferguson & urie, stained glass - kew (vic), amy griggholy trinity church - kew (vic), high street - kew (vic), rev rowland hayward, very rev dean vance dd, archdeacon hindley bd, rev canon sutton bd, sir william stawell, charles barrett, rev f a townshend, trinity grammar school, ruyton girls school, rev gordon brown, most rev philip freier, ferguson & urie, stained glass - kew (vic), amy grigg -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Functional object, Presentation Wallet : G Thake, Founder E.K.W.C, 1946
On Saturday 17 May 1947, an article on page 25 of the Australian Women’s Weekly reported on the formation of a new women's club: the East Kew Women’s Community Club. The article reads: "Wives and mothers in a Melbourne suburb, East Kew, have formed the East Kew Women's Community Club. While babies and young children are under the supervision of a play leader, wives and mothers follow up their own interests. The club caters for varying tastes, has musical appreciation, drama, and "Keep Fit" classes. President Mrs. Grace Thake says that the club hopes soon to have tennis, debating, and discussion groups. The club originated from a debate, "Should women take an active part in social and civic affairs?" Two days later their interest in these matters was proved by the forming of the club, which took for its motto: "To help others, improve ourselves, and foster the community spirit." Membership is open to all women, regardless of age, politics, and religion, and aims to co-operate with all societies working for the improvement of health and cultural standards." The East Kew Women's Community Club, also called the East Kew Women's Community Club functioned from 1946 to the end of the 1960s (to be verified). The records of the Club were placed with Kew Historical Society to preserve them for posterity. The records and objects belonging to the East Kew Women's Community Club have significance socially for their capacity to illuminate women's associations in the post war period in Australia.Brown leather wallet, dated 1946, embossed with the owner's name and information about the club of which she was the founding president."G Thake | Founder EKWC | 1946 To help others | Improve ourselves | Foster the community spirit"community clubs - kew (vic), women's clubs - kew (vic), east kew women's club, grace thake, presentation wallets -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Mark Dunstan, In the Subbie Spirit: : One Hundred Years of the Victorian Sub-district Cricket Association, 2008
Mount Waverley, Vic. : Victortian Sub-District Cricket Association, 2008 iv, 124 p. : ill. (some col.), ports. ; 30 cm. non-fictioncricket - kew - victoria, victorian sub-district cricket association -- anniversaries, victorian sub-district cricket association -- history., cricket -- victoria -- history. -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Albert P. Isaacs, Scouting in Hawthorn: a history 1909-1993, 1993
[Hawthorn, Vic.] : The Scout Association of Australia, East Suburban Area, Hawthorn District, District Association, 1993 134 p. : ill., ports. ; 30 cm. non-fictionscouting (youth activity) -- victoria -- hawthorn -- history, scout association of australia. hawthorn district -- history. -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, RMIT Graduate Nurses Associaton, Being There: Nursing at the Melbourne - Victoria's first hospital, 2005
[Parkville, Vic.] : Royal Melbourne Hospital Graduate Nurses Association, 2005 xii, 572 p. : ill., facsims., plan, ports. ; 25 cm. non-fictionroyal melbourne hospital -- history., nursing -- victoria -- melbourne -- history., hospitals -- victoria -- melbourne -- history. -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Old Xavierians Association, Xavier: A centenary portrait, 1978
... Kew, Vic. : Old Xaverians' Association, 1978 276p. : ill... -- history. Kew, Vic. : Old Xaverians' Association, 1978 276p. : ill ...Kew, Vic. : Old Xaverians' Association, 1978 276p. : ill., ports. ; 23cm. non-fictionxavier college -- history. -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Old Xavierians Association et al, Xavier Portraits, 1993
... Kew, Vic. : Old Xaverians Association, 1993 441 p. : ill..., Kew Kew, Vic. : Old Xaverians Association, 1993 441 p. : ill ...Illustrated history of Xavier College, KewKew, Vic. : Old Xaverians Association, 1993 441 p. : ill., facsims., ports. ; 25 cm. non-fictionIllustrated history of Xavier College, Kewjesuits -- education -- victoria -- kew -- history., catholic schools -- victoria -- kew -- history. -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Award, V.B.A, President’s Trophy, 1937
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. References Barnard FGA 1910, 'Sports and Pastimes' in Jubilee History of Kew Victoria: Its origin & progress 1803-1910. Nixon NV 1980, The History of the Kew Bowling Club 1880-1980. Reeve S 2012, City of Boroondara: Thematic Environmental History, p.216.The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.Wood, brass and white metal VBA President's trophy. While the names of the winners have been partially abraided, contemporary press reports confirm the details and the significance of the trophy. An article in The Australasian (30 Jan 1937 reports: V.B.A. OFFICIALS' TROPHIES The three competitions involved in this title have now been concluded. Commenced on December 12, they occupied two Saturdays, and then were played on Tuesday afternoons to the conclusion. The president's trophy - the oldest competition in bowls, dating back to 1873 is for a two-rInk team of A pennant players; while the vice-president's B trophy and the vice-president's C trophy are also confined to two-rink teams in their respective grades. In the semi-final ot the president's trophy Kew, 34, defeated Richmond Union, 23, and Oakleigh defeated City of Hawthorn by 45-35. In the final Kew defeated Oakleigh, the scores being Kew, 39 (Cummins, Hambleton, Wood, Vance, 14; Taylor, Troon, Fraser, Rigg, 25), and Oakleigh. 20 (Cameron, Sumsion, Gronow, Walker, 12; Emmett, Skjellerup, Pakes, Geggie, 8). Kew had to wait 35 years to win its second president's trophy. That club was runner-up in 1890. Oakleigh has been twice runner-up (in 1924 and 1937), but has never won it. [The item is part of the historic Kew Bowling Club collection (1880-1988) gifted to the Kew Historical Society in 2020].VBA / VICTORIA BOWLING ASSOCIATION / PRESIDENT'S TROPHY / PRESENTED BY *** SIR WM BRUNTON / WON BY KEW BOWLING CLUB / TEAMS / JP CUMMINS, LH HAMBLETON, CG WOOD, P VANCE, / AD TAYLOR, RLR TROON, HE FRASER, FH RIGGkew bowling club - wellington street - kew (vic), clubs - lawn bowls - kew (vic), trophies - lawn bowls -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plaque, Kew Bowling Club RVBA Winners of All Games in Division 2 Section 7 during the 1982-3 season, 1982-1983
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. References Barnard FGA 1910, 'Sports and Pastimes' in Jubilee History of Kew Victoria: Its origin & progress 1803-1910. Nixon NV 1980, The History of the Kew Bowling Club 1880-1980. Reeve S 2012, City of Boroondara: Thematic Environmental History, p.216.The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.RVBA Pennant [plaque] given to Kew Bowling Club as Winners of All Games in Division 2/Section 7 during the 1982-3 season. [The item is part of the large historic Kew Bowling Club collection (1880-1988) gifted to the Kew Historical Society in 2020].kew bowling club - wellington street - kew (vic), clubs - lawn bowls - kew (vic), kew bowling club - rvba pennants -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Award, V.B.A, Champion Rink Trophy Shield, 1909-10
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. References Barnard FGA 1910, 'Sports and Pastimes' in Jubilee History of Kew Victoria: Its origin & progress 1803-1910. Chapman J & C 1999, The history of the Auburn Heights Recreation Club, 1904 to 1908. Reeve S 2012, City of Boroondara: Thematic Environmental History, p.216.The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.Large wood and silver plate perpetual trophy shield awarded to the winner of the Victorian Bowls Association Champion Rink 1909-10.VICTORIAN BOWLING ASSOCIATION / CHAMPION RINK 1909-10 / WON BY AUBURN HEIGHTS BOWLING CLUB / DR TG RYAN LEADER, R FRANCIS KEEP NO 2, ALEX B? NO 3, AEHT HILLIER CAPTAINclubs - lawn bowls - kew (vic), auburn heights recreation club - barkers road - kew (vic), auburn heights recreation club - trophies -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Award, Auburn Heights Tennis Club, ESTA Premiers Section 1 Pennant, 1948-1949
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. References Barnard FGA 1910, 'Sports and Pastimes' in Jubilee History of Kew Victoria: Its origin & progress 1803-1910. Chapman J & C 1999, The history of the Auburn Heights Recreation Club, 1904 to 1908. Reeve S 2012, City of Boroondara: Thematic Environmental History, p.216.The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.Black cloth pennant with appliquéd red lettering identifying the Auburn Heights Tennis Club as winners of the ESTA (Eastern Suburbs Tennis Association) Premiers Section 1 1948-49. [The item forms part of the large historic Auburn Heights Recreation Club collection, with items relating to the sports of lawn bowls, tennis and croquet, gifted to the Kew Historical Society in 2020].E.S.T.A. / PREMIERS 1948-49 / SECTION 1auburn heights recreation club - barkers road - kew (vic), auburn heights tennis club - pennants, e.s.t.a -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Award, VLBA, Metropolitan Pennant Competition C Division Season Winner, 2000-1
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.Wooden trophy affixed with plaques naming the team members of the winning teams from Kew Heights in the Metropolitan Pennant Competition in C Division for 2000-2001VICTORIAN LADIES' BOWLING ASSOCIATION INC / METROPOLITAN PENNANT COMPETITION C DIVISION KEW HEIGHTS SPORTS CLUB / WINNER SEASON 2000-2001 / J BUCHANAN, P TAN, H TEMBY, K SLOCOMBE, D NORMAN, D HOLAH, J MCCARTHY, M ROURKE EMERG D KEATING kew heights sports club - 397 barkers road - kew (vic), kew heights sports club - trophies -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society et al, Australian Natives Association, 1958
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing a single item from the former Kew Branch No 153. The file is a handbill inviting members to a branch meeting on 11 November 1907 in the Kew Town Hall. The handbill lists the names of members standing as office-bearers for the 1907-08 year. They include Messrs H Simmons, CS Clark, WJ Clark, HC Crouch, CW Ward, C Shacklock, R Church, JC Lawn, W Tredinnick, WR Church, TG Coventry, WJ Perry, H Heymanson, E Jellis, H Wentworth, CS Clark, EA Atkyns, A Cleary, H Don, L Virtue, S Abbott, T Blackburn, ? Watson, and J Gidley. The bill is annotated to show which candidates were unsuccessful. Other known members of the association include Henry Kellett.australian natives association, ana kew branch 153, mutual societies - kew (vic.)australian natives association, ana kew branch 153, mutual societies - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document, Kew Recreation Association Rules, 1880
... (vic) clubs - lawn bowls - kew (vic) kew recreation association ...Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. References Barnard FGA 1910, 'Sports and Pastimes' in Jubilee History of Kew Victoria: Its origin & progress 1803-1910. Nixon NV 1980, The History of the Kew Bowling Club 1880-1980. Reeve S 2012, City of Boroondara: Thematic Environmental History, p.216.The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.Kew Recreation Association [Cricket Club, Bowling Club, Lawn Tennis Court]: Framed copy of original rules promulgated 1 December 1880. The item is part of the historic Kew Bowling Club (1880-1898) collection gifted to the Kew Historical Society by MCC Kew Sports Club in 2020. kew bowling club - wellington street - kew (vic), clubs - lawn bowls - kew (vic), kew recreation association -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : November 1992
Kew enters bicycle friendly awards / p1. Carols by Candlelight / p1. Kew Business Co-ordinator / p1. Chief Executive's Column [New State Government Deficit Levy; Changes to Kew's Corporate Structure] / Malcolm Hutchinson pp2&3. Mayor's Comment / Cr Roger Streeton p.3. Diary Dates [November - December 1992] / p4. New Chapel for Trinity Grammar / p5. HIB Vaccination now available / p5. In Brief [Tennis anyone; 1993 Kinder enrolments; Kew Council School Holiday Program; Kew Band wins State award; Victorian Blind Cricket Association] p6. Snakes in Kew / p7. [4th] Kew Scouts looking good / p7. Rubella warning / p8. Town Crier wanted / p8. Area 6 Traffic Management Committee [area bounded by Cotham Rd, High St, Harp Rd, Burke rd] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew enters bicycle friendly awards / p1. Carols by Candlelight / p1. Kew Business Co-ordinator / p1. Chief Executive's Column [New State Government Deficit Levy; Changes to Kew's Corporate Structure] / Malcolm Hutchinson pp2&3. Mayor's Comment / Cr Roger Streeton p.3. Diary Dates [November - December 1992] / p4. New Chapel for Trinity Grammar / p5. HIB Vaccination now available / p5. In Brief [Tennis anyone; 1993 Kinder enrolments; Kew Council School Holiday Program; Kew Band wins State award; Victorian Blind Cricket Association] p6. Snakes in Kew / p7. [4th] Kew Scouts looking good / p7. Rubella warning / p8. Town Crier wanted / p8. Area 6 Traffic Management Committee [area bounded by Cotham Rd, High St, Harp Rd, Burke rd] / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : June 1992
Mountain bikes for Kew Police / p1. Kew Junction Commercial Area Urban Design Options Precincts 1&2 / p1. Responsible dog ownership / p1. Waste Management Strategy / Cr Daryl Oldaker, Malcolm Hutchinson p2&3. Home care for Kew residents / p3. Diary Dates for June/July / p4. Community tree planting day / p5. Friends of Kew Library / p5. Sharps disposal containers/ p5. In Brief [Recycling garden pots; Recycling kerbside collection; Outdated phone books recycled; Kew Pre-school Association; Australian Orthodoxy; Adult literacy classes; Football news; Women at midlife] / p6.Passive smoking - How much does it affect you? / p7. Don't Litter [and fines] / p7. Pictures of Kew [winner of decorated hat exhibition]; Flying start holiday camp [at Carey]; Kew High school teacher and student; James W Waters Award] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionMountain bikes for Kew Police / p1. Kew Junction Commercial Area Urban Design Options Precincts 1&2 / p1. Responsible dog ownership / p1. Waste Management Strategy / Cr Daryl Oldaker, Malcolm Hutchinson p2&3. Home care for Kew residents / p3. Diary Dates for June/July / p4. Community tree planting day / p5. Friends of Kew Library / p5. Sharps disposal containers/ p5. In Brief [Recycling garden pots; Recycling kerbside collection; Outdated phone books recycled; Kew Pre-school Association; Australian Orthodoxy; Adult literacy classes; Football news; Women at midlife] / p6.Passive smoking - How much does it affect you? / p7. Don't Litter [and fines] / p7. Pictures of Kew [winner of decorated hat exhibition]; Flying start holiday camp [at Carey]; Kew High school teacher and student; James W Waters Award] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : September 1991
Is Kew a healthy community - have your say and win prizes / p1. Arthritis/Do you suffer / p1. Have a heart [National Heart Foundation Doorknock Appeal] / p1. Diary dates for September / p2. Swimming for older people [Kew Recreation Centre] / p2. Kew Bowling Club Invitation / p2. Commentary [Obituary for Cr Alfred Stevens; 120 Litre Mobile Bin Recycling Trial / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Chief Executive's Column [How Councils raise revenue] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Diary dates for October / p4. Kindergarten open days [Kew Preschool Association] / p4. Kew Festival [Kewmunity Living 1992] / p4. VicRoads competition / p4. Medical careers [St George's Hospital; Inner Eastern Geriatric Service] / p4. Kew Colts American Football Club / p4. Introducing Councillor John Vincent Murray [Studley Park Ward] / p5. Big print [books at Kew Library] / p5. So long, farewell [Tony Douglas Clerk of Works] / p5. Empress in Melbourne - 6th April 1938 [book] / p5. Spare time [Volunteering at Bodalla Hospital] / p5. Kew Scout Award [Queens Scout Duncan White] p6. Trinity Grammar prize winning students [Jerry Chiang] / p6. Young Women's Group / Sonia Lloyd p6. Advising Centre for women / p6. Carey Junior School / p7. 'How can you be boss of the bladder' [book] / p7. Swimming for intellectually disabled women [at Kew recreation Centre] / p7. Kew wins at golf [Studley Park Golf Course] / p7. The Mighty Lions of Kew [Lions Club of Kew] / p8. 'The Fabulous Nobody's Return' ['Godspell' at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. 'Dragon Girl' [at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. If not W.H.E.N.? [Worldwide Home Environmentalists Network] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionIs Kew a healthy community - have your say and win prizes / p1. Arthritis/Do you suffer / p1. Have a heart [National Heart Foundation Doorknock Appeal] / p1. Diary dates for September / p2. Swimming for older people [Kew Recreation Centre] / p2. Kew Bowling Club Invitation / p2. Commentary [Obituary for Cr Alfred Stevens; 120 Litre Mobile Bin Recycling Trial / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Chief Executive's Column [How Councils raise revenue] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Diary dates for October / p4. Kindergarten open days [Kew Preschool Association] / p4. Kew Festival [Kewmunity Living 1992] / p4. VicRoads competition / p4. Medical careers [St George's Hospital; Inner Eastern Geriatric Service] / p4. Kew Colts American Football Club / p4. Introducing Councillor John Vincent Murray [Studley Park Ward] / p5. Big print [books at Kew Library] / p5. So long, farewell [Tony Douglas Clerk of Works] / p5. Empress in Melbourne - 6th April 1938 [book] / p5. Spare time [Volunteering at Bodalla Hospital] / p5. Kew Scout Award [Queens Scout Duncan White] p6. Trinity Grammar prize winning students [Jerry Chiang] / p6. Young Women's Group / Sonia Lloyd p6. Advising Centre for women / p6. Carey Junior School / p7. 'How can you be boss of the bladder' [book] / p7. Swimming for intellectually disabled women [at Kew recreation Centre] / p7. Kew wins at golf [Studley Park Golf Course] / p7. The Mighty Lions of Kew [Lions Club of Kew] / p8. 'The Fabulous Nobody's Return' ['Godspell' at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. 'Dragon Girl' [at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. If not W.H.E.N.? [Worldwide Home Environmentalists Network] / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : June 1991
Re locations [North Kew Tennis Club, 1st Kew Scouts] / 1. North's replacement kinder [Kew Preschool Association and North Kew Kindergarten in Pakington Street] / p1. Kinders - What to do? [Council finances] / p1. Junction Traffic Study / p1. Diary dates for June / p2. Bravo, Band! [Kew Youth Band, Kew Band] / p2. World's best animation [3 MBS fundraising] / p2. Travelling friends [St Anthony's Children's Home reunion] / p2. Commentary [Council budget] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Chief Executive's Column [corporate structure] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Beat the beetle [elm leaf beetle] / p4. One electorate: six winners [Hare Clark system] / p4. Heritage Planning [Heritage Residential Zone and individual building controls] / p4. Vale - Allan Hutchinson J.P. 1938-1991 [obituary] / p4. Kewriosity lives on / p5. Nappies in Walpole Street [baby change room] / p6. St George's not dragg'n its feet [Three Year Accreditation Certificate] / p6. Get a dog ... But register it / p6. Sisters kick up heels [Our Lady of Missions dance] / p6. Davis Street's open day [Davis Street Kindergarten] / p7. Baby, Look at us now [High Street Kindergarten] / p6. [Fourth Kew] Scouts host Chernobyl children / p6. New threesome [Trio Nova] / p7. A good get-together [Kew Community House] / p7. A certain timbre [furniture design] / 7. Pride on wheels / p7. Keeping home fires burning [Dunnings Wood Yard] / p7. 1938 diarists / p8. Carey picnic / p8. Henry VIII Birthday / p8. Walk the Outer Circle [walking tours by Australian Railway Historical Society] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionRe locations [North Kew Tennis Club, 1st Kew Scouts] / 1. North's replacement kinder [Kew Preschool Association and North Kew Kindergarten in Pakington Street] / p1. Kinders - What to do? [Council finances] / p1. Junction Traffic Study / p1. Diary dates for June / p2. Bravo, Band! [Kew Youth Band, Kew Band] / p2. World's best animation [3 MBS fundraising] / p2. Travelling friends [St Anthony's Children's Home reunion] / p2. Commentary [Council budget] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Chief Executive's Column [corporate structure] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Beat the beetle [elm leaf beetle] / p4. One electorate: six winners [Hare Clark system] / p4. Heritage Planning [Heritage Residential Zone and individual building controls] / p4. Vale - Allan Hutchinson J.P. 1938-1991 [obituary] / p4. Kewriosity lives on / p5. Nappies in Walpole Street [baby change room] / p6. St George's not dragg'n its feet [Three Year Accreditation Certificate] / p6. Get a dog ... But register it / p6. Sisters kick up heels [Our Lady of Missions dance] / p6. Davis Street's open day [Davis Street Kindergarten] / p7. Baby, Look at us now [High Street Kindergarten] / p6. [Fourth Kew] Scouts host Chernobyl children / p6. New threesome [Trio Nova] / p7. A good get-together [Kew Community House] / p7. A certain timbre [furniture design] / 7. Pride on wheels / p7. Keeping home fires burning [Dunnings Wood Yard] / p7. 1938 diarists / p8. Carey picnic / p8. Henry VIII Birthday / p8. Walk the Outer Circle [walking tours by Australian Railway Historical Society] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters