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matching migrant ship
Sunshine and District Historical Society Incorporated
Photograph (1950), The Migrant Ship HELLENIC PRINCE, Copy 27/01/2014 - (Original Post Card circa 1950)
... The Migrant Ship HELLENIC PRINCE...migrant ship... (seaplanes). hellenic prince migrant ship displaced persons refugees ...In 1949 the HELLENIC PRINCE with its 3 hospitals, 2 cinemas, and air conditioned accommodation was chartered by the International Refugee Organisation to transport displaced persons from Europe to Australia. Its first trip was to Sydney where it arrived with 1000 passengers on 5 December 1949. On the third trip it left Naples on 23 March 1950, and arrived in Fremantle on 20 April 1950, and in Melbourne on 25 April 1950. The men and women were separated for the voyage with my father sleeping on a hammock in a large room with other men, while my mother, my brother, and I had bunks in a shared cabin. On board were displaced persons ex Bagnoli Camp Italy, some of whom later built their bungalows on the grassy and rocky paddocks near Sunshine Victoria, and began to establish a new life in a new country. A few of the families that arrived on the third trip and purchased land in the Dunkeld Ave - Sandford Ave area of North Sunshine (Birmingham Estate) were Janczak, Kolanowicz, Mroz, Pawlak, Rasztabiga, Skrobalak, Szydlowski, Witkowski, and Zielinski. Some friends settled elsewhere in Sunshine. The family Tabaka went to West Sunshine just over the Derby Rd Bridge, while the family Wojcik went to Ardeer. The ship first started service in 1929 for the Royal Australian Navy as the HMAS ALBATROSS. It had a standard displacement of 4,800 tons and was 443 feet 7 inches (135.2 metres) long, and its top speed during trials reached 22 knots (41 km/hr). It was built at Cockatoo Island Dockyard as Australia's first Aircraft Carrier (seaplanes), but the aircraft that it was designed for were retired just before the ship went into service. A new plane specifically designed to work with the Albatross began operations after the ship was decommissioned in 1933, and placed into reserve in Sydney Harbour. Seaplanes continued to operate from the anchored ship. (Click on the Link 'HMAS Albatross (1)' situated above the Object Registration number to view pictures of the HMAS Albatross on the Navy web site). In 1938 the ship was recommissioned and transferred to the Royal Navy as part payment for the light cruiser Hobart. The ship then did military service for the Royal Navy during World War 2. It did patrol and escort duties in the southern Atlantic, and from mid 1942 in the Indian Ocean. By early 1944 the ship was converted so that it could repair landing craft and other support vessels off Sword and Juno beaches. The ship managed to return 132 craft into service and to save 79 others from total loss. On 11 August 1944 Albatross was torpedoed with the loss of either 50 or 66 personnel, but was able to be towed back to Portsmouth. After repairs she did a short service as a minesweeper depot ship, and following that was placed into reserve on 3 August 1945. In August 1946 the ship was sold for commercial use but the plans to convert it into a luxury liner or a floating cabaret fell through. The ship was again sold on 14 November 1948 to the British-Greek Yannoulatos Group, who renamed it HELLENIC PRINCE in recognition of the birth of Prince Charles and his Greek heritage. After conversion into a passenger ship the Hellenic Prince made several trips to Australia transporting displaced persons, however apparently not all trips were pleasant for the passengers. In the on board newsletter 'Kangaroo' dated 5 January 1951, the ship's master P. C. King expressed his indignation about the behaviour of passengers and made accusations of mutiny. According to some immigrants the conditions were appalling and overcrowded with 1200 passengers. Passengers were supposedly required to work and were paid with Woodbine cigarettes. The drinking water ran out, the freezer broke down, and fresh food that was brought on board went to the crew. Sea sickness was rife because the ship was rarely level due to malfunctioning pumps. (The newsletter 'Kangaroo' can be viewed at the Museum Victoria web site by clicking the Link 'Newsletter - Kangaroo'). In 1953 during the Mau Mau uprising the Hellenic Prince was used to transport troops to Kenya, and in 1954 the ship came to an end in a scrap yard at Hong Kong. THE ABOVE INFORMATION WAS COMPILED FROM; (1) (accessed 11/2/2013), (2) An article by Graeme Andrews found at _forties_and_fifties#.UuYY6ou4apo (accessed 27/1/14), (3) (accessed 27/1/14), (4) National Archive search starting at; (accessed 27/1/14), (5) (accessed 29/1/14). Hellenic Prince has a significance to Sunshine Victoria because some of the displaced people from Europe, who arrived in Melbourne on Anzac Day 1950, were among the first people to settle in the grassy and rocky paddock areas of North Sunshine. These settlers established a residential suburban area out of the paddocks. In those early days there were no services and the planned roads were basically just drawings on a map. The ship is also significant because it was named in recognition of the birth of Prince Charles. In the ship's former life as the HMAS Albatross the significance is that it was built in Australia as our country's first Aircraft Carrier (seaplanes).New photograph made from a scanned copy of a circa 1950 Post Card featuring the ship on calm water.Hellenic Prince / Hong Konghellenic prince, migrant ship, displaced persons, refugees, international refugee organisation, bagnoli camp, hmas albatross, yannoulatos group -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Migrant Ships for South Australia 1836-1850, 1983
... and in the next four years more than a hundred migrant ships came to South..., an Introduction and information on South Australian migrant ships from...Front cover: ‘Migrant Ships for South Australia 1836–1850... than a hundred migrant ships came to South Australia. This book ...This book by Ronald Parsons contains information on the emigrant ships coming to South Australia from 1836 to 1850, the type of migrant, the voyage out and the arrival in South Australia. The ships are listed alphabetically and include information on the captain, the size and type of ship, departure and arrival dates and the number of passengers. European settlement with free settlers commenced in South Australia in 1836 and in the next four years more than a hundred migrant ships came to South Australia.This book is of some interest to those in the Warrnambool area as many 19th century settlers in the Western District of Victoria had emigrated initially to South Australia. The book will be useful to family history researchers.This is a soft cover book of 130 pages. It has a brown cover with a sketch of a sailing ship on the front. The cover has been covered with plastic. There is a Contents page, an Introduction and information on South Australian migrant ships from 1836 to 1850. The book contains three sketches of ships. It is bound with glue.Front cover: ‘Migrant Ships for South Australia 1836–1850’ ‘Ronald Parsons’ ‘A Sketch of the Coramandel that arrived in Holdfast Bay January 1837’ history of south australia, emigrant shipping to south australia, ronald parsons, warrnambool history -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - MV Fairsea, Dacre Smyth, MV Fairsea, Sitmar Line
... History of the post World War II Migrant Ship Fairsea...A framed oil painting of the migrant ship MV Fairsea...-and-the-bellarine-peninsula History of the post World War II Migrant Ship ...History of the post World War II Migrant Ship Fairsea. The Fairsea made several journeys to Australia under the International Refugee Organisation (IRO) from 1949 to 1951, carrying displaced persons affected by World War II. She was later chartered by the Australian Government to transport assisted immigrants from Britain and also New Zealand between 1949 and 1969.MRs B SmythA framed oil painting of the migrant ship MV FairseaFairseamv fairsea, migrant ships -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - MV Waterman, Dacre Smyth
... and Migrant ship to the United States, Canada, Australia and New...A framed oil painting of the migrant ship MV Waterman... transport ships and Migrant ship to the United States, Canada ...Three Victory Class ships, S.S. Cranston Victory, S.S. Costa Rica Victory and the S.S. La Grande Victory, were built for the “United War Shipping Administration” as troop and cargo ships. Their war time duties were short lived as they were soon sold to the Dutch Government for the use as troop transport ships and Migrant ship to the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. These three ships were built toward the end of World War II, and were part of the new larger improved version of the famed “Liberty” ships. Each ship had strengthened hulls for them to go into the war zone, but by the time they were completed the war was coming to an end. There were ninety seven Victory troop transport ships built, each able to transport up to 1600 troops. Unlike the Liberty ships, all accommodation was fully ventilated and heated. There was the usual meagre style troop bunks, a hospital, galleys, washrooms and even a several public rooms. The first of the trio, S.S. Cranston Victory (Zuiderkruis) was built by the Oregon Shipbuilding Yard in Portland; Oregon was launched on May 5, 1944. The second of the series, S.S. Costa Rica Victory (Groote Beer) was built by Permanente Metals Co, Richmond California and launched on June 17, 1944. The last of the three was the S.S. La Grande Victory (Waterman), which like her sister S.S. Cranston Victory, was built by the Oregon Shipbuilding Yard in Portland, Oregon and launched on January 16, 1945.In November 1951, the third of the trio, La Grande Victory, renamed Waterman, was completed and at 9,176-tons, commenced her first voyage to Australia.A framed oil painting of the migrant ship MV WatermanWatermanmv waterman, liberty ships, migrant ships -
Slovenian Association Melbourne
Video and DVD, Footage of Slovenian migrants in 1956 in Australia, 1956
... - Migrant ships arriving into Port Melbourne in 1956...120 minute video cassette in colour depicting migrant ships... melbourne - Migrant ships arriving into Port Melbourne in 1956 ...- Migrant ships arriving into Port Melbourne in 1956. Migrants boarding the train to Bonegilla camp and resettling in Victoria. - Section on Olympic Games in Melbourne was filmed by Father Basil Valentin OFM who was the Chaplain of the American Olympic team. -Also showed extracts of Moomba festival in 1957. - Slovenian settling on Australian farms and weddings of members of the Slovenian community This video shows the magnitude of migrants who arrived in Australia in 1956 by ships mainly from Italian ports from Genoa, Trieste and Naples. It shows the settling of migrants into camps and depicts their everyday life including education and recreation and assimilation into Australia. 120 minute video cassette in colour depicting migrant ships arriving to Port Melbourne in 1956 and short clips of the Melbourne Olympic Games. Also includes footage of train journey to Bonegilla camp and camp housing facility.0002migration, resettlement, bonegilla, slovenians, ships, olympics 1956 -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - Ellinis, Dacre Smyth
... A framed oil painting of the migrant ship Ellinis... PAssenger ships Migrant ships Ellinis A framed oil painting ...For over 10 Years the Ellinis made regular voyages to Australia, inbound via Suez and outbound via Panama. Ellinis was placed on cruising duties out of Sydney as well as the occasional around-the-world trip in 1972.Mrs B SmythA framed oil painting of the migrant ship EllinisEllinisellinis, passenger ships, migrant ships -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - MV Oranje, Dacre Smyth
... A framed oil painting of the migrant ship 'Oranje'... governments. MV Oranje MV Angelina Lauro Migrant ships Oranje A framed ...In February 1951, the Oranje made her first around the world cruise: from Amsterdam via the Panama Canal to Australia and New Zealand and back via Singapore and the Suez Canal to Amsterdam. Between 8 and 18 June 1951, she voyaged to Lisbon and Madeira with 650 passengers. On 4 September 1964, both she and the MS Willem Ruys were sold to an Italian company, Flotta Lauro Lines. Oranje was then sent to Genoa for an extensive refit at the Cantieri Navali del Tirreno shipyards. On 6 March 1966 the Angelina Lauro departed on her maiden voyage from Bremerhaven to Fremantle, Melbourne and Sydney. In 1941 the Netherlands Government offered to the Governments of Australia and New Zealand the MV Oranje, a ship of 22,000 tons, for use as a hospital ship to convey Australian and New Zealand sick and wounded from the Middle East. This offer was gladly accepted by the two governments.A framed oil painting of the migrant ship 'Oranje'Oranjemv oranje, mv angelina lauro, migrant ships -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - Framed oil painting of 'MV Australia', Dacre Smyth, 'Australia'
... A framed oil painting of the migrant ship 'MV Australia'... as a migrant ship from Europe to Australia in the 50s and 60s. MV ...After World War II Lloyd Triestino re-established its Australian service with existing ships and began a rebuilding programme ordering seven new liners. Of these new liners three were for the Australian service, launched in 1950 these three ships became known as the Triestino Trio. The first to be built was the Australia launched on 21 May 1950, departing Trieste on 19 April 1951 and arriving in Melbourne on 17 May. The second ship Oceania launched on 30 July 1950, departed Genoa for its maiden voyage on 18 August 1951.The third, Neptunia, launched on 1 October 1950, departing on its maiden voyage on 14 September 1951 and arriving in Brisbane on 18 October.A framed oil painting of the migrant ship 'MV Australia'Australiamv australia, migrant ships -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - 'SS Roma', Dacre Smyth, Roma
... A framed oil painting of the migrant ship SS Roma.... Migrant Ships Roma A framed oil painting of the migrant ship SS ...SS Roma was laid down in 1942 at the Seattle-Tacoma SB Corporation plant and was launched as “Glacier” on September 7, 1942. Like quite a few ships, it was during her building as a C3 cargo ships that she was transferred under the “Lend Lease Agreement” to the Royal Navy and redesigned and built as the escort aircraft carrier HMS Atheling. After the war she was purchased by the Lauro Lines and rebuilt as the modern passenger liner Roma. She departed on her maiden voyage from Genoa bound for Australia in August 1951 arriving in Fremantle on October 1, continuing to Melbourne and arriving in Sydney on the 17th. She then went north to Brisbane before returning home. Mrs B SmythA framed oil painting of the migrant ship SS Roma.Romass roma, migrant ships -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - SS Australis, Dacre Smyth, Australis
... A framed oil painting of the migrant ship SS Australis... Australis Migrant ships Australis A framed oil painting ...The Australis retains a significant place in Australian immigration history as the last ship to carry government assisted immigrants to Australian shores in 1977. She had the largest passenger capacity of any post World War II immigrant ship to regularly visit Australia and many passengers fondly remember her grandeur and remnants of Art Deco style.Mrs B SmythA framed oil painting of the migrant ship SS AustralisAustralisss australis, migrant ships -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - Neptunia, Dacre Smyth
... A framed oil painting of the migrant ship MV Neptunia... renamed Verdi. Operated as a migrant ship to Australia from 1950 ...After World War II Lloyd Triestino re-established its Australian service with existing ships and began a rebuilding programme ordering seven new liners. Of these new liners three were for the Australian service, launched in 1950 these three ships became known as the Treistino Trio. The first to be built was the Australia launched on 21 May 1950, departing Trieste on 19 April 1951 and arriving in Melbourne on 17 May. The second ship Oceania launched on 30 July 1950, departed Genoa for its maiden voyage on 18 August 1951.The third, Neptunia, launched on 1 October 1950, departing on its maiden voyage on 14 September 1951 and arriving in Brisbane on 18 October. In 1963, Australia, Oceania and Neptunia were withdrawn from the Australian trade and transferred to the Italia line. The Australia was renamed the Donizetti, Oceania renamed Rossini and Neptunia renamed Verdi.Mrs B SmythA framed oil painting of the migrant ship MV NeptuniaNeptuniamv neptunia, migrant ships -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - MS Nelly, Dacre Smyth, Nelly
... A framed oil painting of the migrant ship MS Nelly... to New Zealand. The migrant ship MS Nelly carried the first ...MS Nelly was a humble but reliable immigrant liner operating between Europe and Australia in the 1940s and 1950s. She was eventually renamed ‘Seven Seas’ and would go on to have an impressive career sailing across the globe from Canada to New Zealand.Mrs B SmythA framed oil painting of the migrant ship MS NellyNellyms nelly, migrant ships, german migrants, post war migration -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - MV Surriento, Dacre Smyth, Surriento
... A framed oil painting of the migrant ship MV Surriento... Surriento Migrant ships Emmigration Surriento A framed oil painting ...Like so many ships that were used during WWII, she was laid up and remained idle for several years, until finally in 1948 the US Government sold her at auction and the highly decorated USS Barnett, ex MS Santa Maria was officially purchased by the well known Italian Multi Millionaire ship owner Mr. Achille Lauro on April 13, 1948. Soon she headed for a Baltimore shipyard where she received some work to ensure that her engines that had been shut down for a considerable time, were back in full working condition. When the work had been completed she was certified for her delivery voyage to Italy! The delightful all white MS Surriento was ready to depart Genoa on her very first voyage to Australia in her brand new passenger/migrant liner role. A framed oil painting of the migrant ship MV SurrientoSurrientoms surriento, migrant ships, emmigration -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - MV Castel Felice, Dacre Smyth, Castel Felice
... A framed oil painting of the migrant ship 'MV Castel Felice'... to air travel. MV Castel Felice Migrant Ships Castel Felice ...Owned by the Sitmar Line, the 'Castel Felice' operated on the Australia migrgant route from the 60s to the 70s prioir to air travel in the mid 70s. Mrs B SmythA framed oil painting of the migrant ship 'MV Castel Felice'Castel Felicemv castel felice, migrant ships -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - MS Sibajak, Dacre Smyth
... A framed oil painting of the Dutch migrant ship MS Sibajak... A framed oil painting of the Dutch migrant ship MS Sibajak MS ...The M.S. Sibajak may well have the most varied service of all the post-WWII Dutch immigrant ships. She had ties with the Dutch East Indies before and after the declaration of independence; she served the Allies as a troop transport ship while under the management of the widely-known British shipping company P. & O. As an immigrant ship plying the Atlantic, the Sibajak had as docking points Rotterdam, Quebec and New York. She rounded out her service back in Indonesia before being scrapped in Hong Kong.Mrs B SmythA framed oil painting of the Dutch migrant ship MS SibajakSibajakms sibajak, emigration, dutch migrants -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - New Australia, Dacre Smyth
... a framed oil painting of the migrant ship MV New Australia... Migrant ships New Australia a framed oil painting of the migrant ...SS New Australia was a UK-built turbo-electric passenger steamship that had a varied career from 1931 to 1966. She was built as the ocean liner Monarch of Bermuda, was a troop ship in the Second World War and was damaged by fire in 1947. She was then refitted to carry emigrants to Australia and renamed New Australia. In 1958 she was refitted again, renamed Arkadia and served as both a transatlantic liner and a cruise ship.The ship originally had three funnels. Thornycroft rebuilt her with a single funnel, plus an unusual bipod structure aft of her bridge that served as both a funnel and a mainmast. The MoT renamed her New Australia, contracted Shaw, Savill & Albion Line to manage her and put her into service carrying UK emigrants to Australia. She plied this trade from 1950 until 1957. In September 1958 New Australia was serving as a troop ship again when she suffered slight damage in a collision with a tanker in the Torres Strait.a framed oil painting of the migrant ship MV New AustraliaNew Australiamv new australia, migrant ships -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Souvenir - Two 'Fairsky' dolls dressed as seamen, Empire, 1963
... of the Italian migrant ship 'Fairsky'... as seamen, souvenirs of the Italian migrant ship 'Fairsky' Souvenir ...Gift to Maree CHALMERS from English friends who travelled to Australia on FairskyTwo handmade dolls dressed as seamen, souvenirs of the Italian migrant ship 'Fairsky'transport - shipping, ss fairsky -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Nail, circa 1840
... migrant ship... Canadian ship 1840 ship migrant ship emigrant ship assisted passage ...This nail was recovered from the wreck of the Cataraqui in the 1970s. The nail is most likely to have been machine cut and the head hand formed by a blacksmith. THE CATARAQUI The Cataraqui, which was built in 1840 in Quebec, Canada, and wrecked in 1845 off King Island, Australia. The lives of 400 people on the emigrant ship were lost. Many of them were on government assisted passages from Britain and Ireland. Only nine people, one passenger and eight crew, survived the shipwreck. A man who lived on the island, sheltered them and five weeks later the group was rescued by the ship Midge, which took them to Melbourne. It was the largest civilian maritime disaster. The nail is significant as an example of the hardware used in the mid-19th century for ship building. The nail is also significant for its association with the 1840 Canadian built ship, Cataraqui, The Cataraqui is significant in maritime history as the largest civilian maritime disaster.Copper nail, four sided shank, flattened tip with rounded end, pitted and rough, concretion on the shank. The nail is bent. Recovered from the wreck of the 1840-1845 "Cataraqui". flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, nail, copper nail, ship nail, cataraqui ship, ship hardware, canadian ship, 1840 ship, migrant ship, emigrant ship, assisted passage, king island, midge -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Souvenir - Wood Sample, 1869
... migrant ship... Conrad's ship Otago ship's handrail 1869 ship migrant ship ...This teak wood sample was taken from a handrail on the wreck of the ship Otago. The fully rigged iron-hulled sailing ship Otago was built in Glasgow for the New Zealand Government as an immigrant ship, launched in 1869. The captain of the Otago died while the ship was in port at Bancock. Joseph Conrad took command of the vessel as a qualified captain and continued the journey to Sydney and Matitius. It was the only ship he ever commanded. Joseph Conrad (1857-1927) Polish-born Joseph Conrad became a British subject in 1886. He was a renowned marine fiction writer and also, for a short time, a mariner and Captain. As a boy of 13 years old, Joseph Conrad desired to be a sailor. At 19, he joined the British merchant marine, working in several roles. He eventually qualified as a captain but only served in this role once, from 1888-89, when he commanded the barque Otago sailing from Sydney to Mauritius. In 1889 he also began writing his first novel, Almayer’s Folly. He retired from life as a mariner in 1894, aged 36. Conrad’s visits to Australia from 1878 to 1982, and his affection for Australia, were later commemorated by a plaque in Circular Quay, Sydney. Conrad continued as an author. It is said that many of the characters in his books were inspired by his maritime experiences and the people he had met. By the end of his life, he had completed many stories and essays, and 19 novels, plus one incomplete novel titled ‘Suspense’ that was finished and published posthumously. Shortly before he passed away, in 1924, Conrad was offered a Knighthood by Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald for his work but declined. The Otago: - The 1869 iron-hulled barque Otago changed hands several times in the late 19th century. In 1903 the Melbourne shipping company Huddart, Parko & Co., purchased the ship and it was converted to a coal hulk for use in Sydney. The Otago was later sent to Hobart in Tasmania where it was in use used as a hulk until 1931. The ship was eventually abandoned to lay on the banks of the Derwent River near Hobart at a place now known as Otago Bay until destroyed by fire in 1957. The wood sample is significant for its association with the ship Otago, the only ship that author Josep Conrad had command of as Captain. It was known as Joseph Conrad's Otago. The sample of teak is significant as an example of materials used in the construction of the 1869 iron-hulled sailing ship, built in Glasgow, Scotland. The association with the Otago is also significant for its use in building an immigrant ship for New Zealand.Wood sample; a rectangular section of a teak wood handrail that has a bead planed along one side. Two cards with the sample have inscriptions, one handwritten and one typed. The sample is from the wreck of the barque Otago, once under the command of Captain Joseph Conrad. Handwritten card: "PART OF TEAK HANDRAIL / from / Joseph CONRAD'S ship / OTAGO / (HULK at RISDON, DERWENT River, TASMANIA) Typed card: "PART OF THE TEAK HANDRAIL / FROM JOSEPH CONRAD'S SHIP / "OTAGO" / (HILK AT RISDON, DERWENT / RIVER, TASMANIA)"flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, joseph conrad, joseph conrad's ship, otago, ship's handrail, 1869 ship, migrant ship, immigrant ship, new zealand, sydney, newcastle, tasmania, iron hull, captain joseph conrad, author, mauritius, handrail, derwent river, hobart, otago bay, 19th century -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Photograph - Vessel, Sail and Steam Ship, S.S. Warrnambool
... migrant ship... Miller Sunderland Ship Building Company migrant ship 1892 ship ...This photograph and a matching earlier photograph are the images of a painting of the British steamship SS Warrnambool at Dover Strait in the English Channel. The photographs were donated by the painting’s owner, who acquired the 30” x 56” (76 x 142.5 cm) oil on canvas painting in 1998. Both photographs were accompanied by a letter, one written in 2001, and the other in 2003. The letters confirm that the artist of the painting was Charles Keith Miller, signed with the initials “CKM” and dated “1893”. The painting shown in the photographs was a gift to the Town Council of Warrnambool, presented to Warrnambool folks in Melbourne on December 1, 1892, by the Captain of William Lund’s ship SS Warrnambool. The painting was given by Lund in appreciation of the Ladies of Warrnambool who had presented the ship with a ‘house’ flag bearing the Blue Anchor Line’s symbol of a diagonal blue anchor on a white background; the ladies had made the decision to present the flag only a month earlier. A few days later, December 6th, the SS Warrnambool was on its homeward journey to Britain, sailing via Adelaide. It anchored for a short time off the Port of Warrnambool. A boat was launched from Lady Bay to take a group of friends to the ship with a delivery of gifts. After cheers were roused for both the ship and the Captain, the ship continued on its way. The photograph shows the gifted white flag with a diagonal blue anchor flying from the masthead. The same symbol is painted on the ship’s black funnel. The signal flags on the foremast display ‘M’ ‘R’ ‘V’ ‘B’. These letters are most likely the ship’s call number ‘MRVB’. Although the painting was given as a gift in December 1892, it is post-dated “1893”. Perhaps the painting was given earlier than anticipated; or the date added later, but whatever the reason, the provenance of the painting was confirmed at auctions of this painting and other works by the same artist. CHARLES KEITH MILLER 1836-1907:- Captain Charles Miller left his home in Scotland at the age of 15 years for a life at sea. He earned his Master’s Certificate ten years later. After being the captain of sailing ships he moved over to the steamships because they were faster. In 1866 he married and settled in Glasgow. Over the following eleven years he and his wife had five children, then sadly his wife passed away. Captain Miller returned to the sea for a while but in 1888 he gave up his sea life to spend his time as a marine artist. His understanding of seafaring life and vessels, combined with his artistic skills, gave him the ability to produce fine art and several galleries and museums have collections of his sought-after works. S.S. WARRNAMBOOL 1892-1925:- The steamship SS Warrnambool was built in 1892 by the Sunderland Ship Building Company for the Lund Line of London, founded by William Lund in 1869. It efficiently carried both passengers and cargo across the world to Australia, under the command of her master Captain Joshua Edward Iibery, who had many years of experience with the Blue Anchor Line. The company, referred to as the Blue Anchor Line or BAL, owned a fleet of both sail and steamships. The funnels of all of the steamships were painted black, with a white band around the top bearing a diagonal blue anchor and chain. The company’s house flag was also white with a diagonal blue anchor. The SS Warrnambool carried passengers and cargo in a ‘no frills’ service to and from Europe around the Cape of Good Hope, stopping at some ports in between. The ship was involved in bringing home returned solders in 1895. At one time it carried a doctor from Victoria, Australia, to assist at the war front in South Africa. The ship had a very good reputation for its cargo arriving ‘almost always in excellent condition.’ Exported goods from Australia included iron safes, flour, wool, apples, frozen rabbits, butter, cheese, pork, cattle, poultry and sheep. One remarkable delivery contained Ostriches for Queen Victoria and they survived the journey well. The SS Warrnambool was sold in 1900 to the British and South American Steam Navigation Co. Ltd of Liverpool and was renamed ‘Harmodius’. The company was managed by R.P. Houston & Company of London and its Houston Line funnels were red with a black top. The Harmodius was sold in 1919 to K.S.S. Co. Ltd, managed by Kaye Son & Co. Ltd. of Liverpool, and was renamed ‘Kut’. The line had black funnels with a white ‘K’ in a diamond or between white stripes. In 1926 it was purchased by T.W. Ward Ltd. and broken up. NOTE- other vessels named “Warrnambool” Two other vessels carried the name “Warrnambool” (1)- HMAS Warrnambool J202 (1941-1947), a Bathurst Class corvette vessel owned by the Royal Australian Navy, destroyed by a mine. The photograph is significant for its association with the painting "SS Warrnambool" by well-known early 20th century marine artist Charles Keith Miller, whose paintings are well valued. The painting and the photograph of it are namesakes of Warrnambool and are connected through the gifts exchanged between the ship company owner, the City of Warrnambool and the Ladies of Warrnambool; the House Flag and the painting by C K Miller. The image is a good likeness to original photographs of the late-19th to early-20th century steam and sale vessel. Coloured photograph of a painting, the steamship S.S. Warrnambool. The three-masted ship has lowered sails. It is in calm water, land on one side, and other vessels in the water. The ship has four raised signal flags, a house flag and a blue ensign. The funnel also bears the house flags symbol. Smoke emits from the funnel. Figures are visible onboard. There is a signature and a title on the lower edge of the photograph. (Artist of the painting in the photograph was Charles Keith Miller)House flag symbol, [diagonal blue anchor on white background] Text "CKM" and "1893" Text "S. S. WARRNAMBOOL."flagstaff hill, warrnambool, photograph, steam ship warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime village, shipwreck coast, ss warrnambool, captain, charles keith miller, ckm, 1893, william lund, warrnambool town council, blue anchor line, lund line, ladies of warrnambool, house flag, diagonal blue anchor, captain miller, sunderland ship building company, migrant ship, 1892 ship, home flag, bal, australian export, s.s.warrnambool, dover strait, english chanel, port of warrnambool, lady bay, mrvb, captain charles miller, captain joshua edward iibery, ostriches, queen victoria, british and south american steam navigation co., harmodius, r.p. houston & company, houston line, k.s.s. co. ltd, kaye son & co. ltd, kut, t.w. ward ltd -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book - Reference, Peter Plowman, Australian Migrant Ships 1946-1977, 2006
... "Australian Migrant Ships 1946 -1977" An account...transport - shipping migrants migrant ships "Australian ..."Australian Migrant Ships 1946 -1977" An account of the ships bringing migrants to Australia after World War 2 until 1977; in particular from Britain, Greece and Italytransport - shipping, migrants, migrant ships -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Tobacco Pipes, circa 1869
... migrant ship 1869... Victoria Tower Captain Kerr shipwreck Victoria Tower migrant ship ...This concretion of tobacco pipes is one of a group of artefacts in the McCulloch Collection. It was recovered from the shipwreck of the Victoria Tower. The pipes may have been amongst the ship's cargo but could have been included in a passenger’s personal effects. The object is now one of the shipwreck artefacts in Flagstaff Hill’s Mc Culloch Collection, which includes items recovered from the wrecks of the Victoria Tower (wrecked in 1869) and Loch Ard (wrecked in 1878). They were salvaged by a diver in the early 1970s from the southwest coast of Victoria. Advanced marine technology had enabled divers to explore the depths of the ocean and gather its treasures before protective legislation was introduced by the Government. The artefacts were donated to Queensland’s Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) by a passionate shipwreck lover and their locations were verified by Bruce McCulloch. In 2017 the Department repatriated them to Flagstaff Hill where they joined our vast collection of artefacts from Victoria’s Shipwreck Coast. The Victoria Tower: - The three-masted iron clipper ship was built in 1869 in Liverpool, England, as a passenger and cargo ship for the Australian trade. She was named after one of the two towers of the British Houses of Parliament and owned by the White Star line. The Victoria Tower sailed under the command of Captain Kerr from Liverpool towards Melbourne on her maiden voyage. She carried 34 passengers and 16 crew plus a general cargo including bottled beer, slates, iron pipes and hardware. She was almost at her destination when she was wrecked on 17th October 1869 at Point Impossible, west of Thompsons Creek, Breamlea. The shipwreck is a very popular dive site.The artefact is an example of cargo or personal items on board a ship in 1869. It provides a reference point for classifying and dating similar items. The artefact is significant for its association with the clipper ship Victoria Tower, which is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register as S698. The Victoria Tower is recorded as the most intact historic shipwreck accessible between Point Lonsdale and Cape Otway. The Victoria Tower is one of only seven shipwrecks in Victoria that have had more than 100 objects recovered from them reported as a result of the Commonwealth Amnesty held in 1993-94.Concretion of clay tobacco pipes. Bowls and stems of several broken orange tobacco pipes are joined together in ac irregularly shaped clump of concretion from the sea. The concretion also contains stones, shells, sand and particles of seaweed. It was recovered wreck of the ship Victoria Tower.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, shipwreck artefact, wreck dive, mcculloch collection, bruce mcculloch, white star line, victorian heritage register, clipper ship, victoria tower, captain kerr, shipwreck victoria tower, migrant ship 1869, cargo ship 1869, iron clipper, british clipper ship, 1869, cargo imported to australia, pipe cluster, concretion of pipes, pipe, ceramic pipes, tobacco pipes, smoker's pipes -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Leisure object - Tobacco Pipe Heads, circa 1869
... migrant ship 1869... shipwreck Victoria Tower migrant ship 1869 cargo ship 1869 iron ...These tobacco pipe heads are one of a group of artefacts in the McCulloch Collection that were recovered from the shipwreck Victoria Tower and were donated together. The pipe heads could have been from the ship's cargo or amongst a passenger’s personal belongings. The stems of the clay pipes would be easily broken during the 100 or so years that they were under the sea. There are other tobacco pipes in our collection that were recovered from the Victoria Tower. The object is now one of the shipwreck artefacts in Flagstaff Hill’s Mc Culloch Collection, which includes items recovered from the wrecks of the Victoria Tower (wrecked in 1869) and Loch Ard (wrecked in 1878). They were salvaged by a diver in the early 1970s from the southwest coast of Victoria. Advanced marine technology had enabled divers to explore the depths of the ocean and gather its treasures before protective legislation was introduced by the Government. The artefacts were donated to Queensland’s Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) by a passionate shipwreck lover and their locations were verified by Bruce McCulloch. In 2017 the Department repatriated them to Flagstaff Hill where they joined our vast collection of artefacts from Victoria’s Shipwreck Coast. The Victoria Tower: - The three-masted iron clipper ship was built in 1869 in Liverpool, England, as a passenger and cargo ship for the Australian trade. She was named after one of the two towers of the British Houses of Parliament and owned by the White Star line. The Victoria Tower sailed under the command of Captain Kerr from Liverpool towards Melbourne on her maiden voyage. She carried 34 passengers and 16 crew plus a general cargo including bottled beer, slates, iron pipes and hardware. She was almost at her destination when she was wrecked on 17th October 1869 at Point Impossible, west of Thompsons Creek, Breamlea. The wreck is a very popular diving site.The artefact is an example of cargo or personal items on board a ship in 1869. It provides a reference point for classifying and dating similar items. The artefact is significant for its association with the clipper ship Victoria Tower, which is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register as S698. The Victoria Tower is recorded as the most intact historic shipwreck accessible between Point Lonsdale and Cape Otway. The Victoria Tower is one of only seven shipwrecks in Victoria that have had more than 100 objects recovered from them reported as a result of the Commonwealth Amnesty held in 1993-94.Tobacco pipe heads, two(2); bowls of white unglased clay tobacco pipes. Pipe bowls are each decorated with the image of a Negro slave head moulded into it and facing away from the smoker. The pipe heads have no stems. Both have a vertical line down the centre of the face, broad nostrils sunken eyes, recessed hair. 8508.1 - features are worn but the ear is distinct, forehead bare, eyes sunken. The bowl is complete. 8508.2 - features are distinct, eyes closed, thick broad lips. The back section of the bowl is missing. The items were recovered from the wreck of the ship Victoria Tower.white star line, victorian heritage register, clipper ship, victoria tower, captain kerr, shipwreck victoria tower, migrant ship 1869, cargo ship 1869, iron clipper, british clipper ship, 1869, cargo imported to australia, pipe heads, clay pipe fragments, pipe, ceramic pipe, clay pipe, smoker’s pipe, smoking accessory, tobacco pipe, smoker's pipe, personal effects, tobacco, smoking pipe, smoking tool, smoking habit, smoker, tobacco smoker, tobacco pipe heads -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Earthenware jar, Bailey & Co, circa 1878
... migrant ship 1878... glenample station mutton bird island loch ard gorge migrant ship ...The handmade earthenware jar was one of a group of artefacts in the McCulloch Collection that were recovered from the shipwreck Loch Ard. The jar could have been from the ship's cargo or personal effects. There are other jars in our collection that were recovered from the Loch Ard. The object is now one of the shipwreck artefacts in Flagstaff Hill’s Mc Culloch Collection, which includes items recovered from the wrecks of the Victoria Tower (wrecked in 1869) and Loch Ard (wrecked in 1878). They were salvaged by a diver in the early 1970s from the southwest coast of Victoria. Advanced marine technology had enabled divers to explore the depths of the ocean and gather its treasures before protective legislation was introduced by the Government. The artefacts were donated to Queensland’s Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) by a passionate shipwreck lover and their locations were verified by Bruce McCulloch. In 2017 the Department repatriated them to Flagstaff Hill where they joined our vast collection of artefacts from Victoria’s Shipwreck Coast. The Loch Ard: - The three-masted, square-rigged iron ship Loch Ard belonged to the famous Loch Line which sailed many ships from England to Australia. The ship was built in Glasgow in 1873. The Loch Ard made three trips to Australia and one trip to Calcutta before its final voyage. The Loch Ard left England on March 2, 1878, under the command of Captain Gibbs, bound for Melbourne with a crew of 37, plus 17 passengers and a load of cargo. The general cargo included straw hats, umbrellas, perfumes, clay pipes, pianos, clocks, confectionery, linen and candles, as well as a heavier load of railway irons, cement, lead and copper. There were items included that were intended for display in the 1880 Melbourne International Exhibition, including the famous Loch Ard Peacock. On June 1, 1878, Captain Gibbs was expecting to see land but visibility was reduced by fog. As it lifted, the sheer cliffs of Victoria's west coast came much closer than expected. The captain was unable to steer away and the ship struck a reef at the base of Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell. The top deck was loosened from the hull, the masts and rigging came down and knocked passengers and crew overboard, and even the lifeboat crashed into the side of the ship and capsized. Of the 54 people on board, only two survived: the apprentice, Tom Pearce and the young woman passenger, Eva Carmichael. The well-packed Minton porcelain peacock also survived, safe inside its crate. Much of the cargo was washed up, smashed and broken, and some was salvaged. Other cargo is still with the wreck at the base of Mutton Bird Island, now protected by Government law. The artefact is an example of cargo or personal items on board a ship in 1878. It provides a reference point for classifying and dating similar items. This artefact is significant for its association with the sailing ship Loch Ard, one of the best-known, and one of the worst, shipwrecks in Victoria’s history. Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from Loch Ard is significant for being one of the largest collections of artefacts from this shipwreck in Victoria. It is significant for its association with the shipwreck, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR S417). The collection is significant because of the relationship between the objects, as together they have a high potential to interpret the story of the Loch Ard. The Loch Ard collection is archaeologically significant as the remains of a large international passenger and cargo ship. It is historically significant for representing aspects of Victoria’s shipping history. Container, round brown earthenware jar with a wide mouth, thick lip, a wide neck that tapers slightly inwards towards the shoulder, and a body that tapers slightly inward towards the base. The glazed surface is rough. The variegated colours of the clay also has small dark speckles. There are several chips and dents on the jar. The inscription is stamped into the lower edge. Made by Bailey & Co., England. Recovered from the wreck of the Loch Ard.Inscription “Bailey [&] Co / ENGLAND” flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, white star line, victorian heritage register, sailing ship loch ard, loch line, loch ard, captain gibbs, eva carmichael, tom pearce, glenample station, mutton bird island, loch ard gorge, migrant ship 1878, cargo ship 1878, stoneware jar, domestic container, kitchenware, kitchen storage, bailey & co england, shipwreck artefact, wreck dive, mcculloch collection, bruce mcculloch, 1878, sailing ship, earthenware, stoneware, domestic jar -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Leisure object - Doll's Leg, circa 1878
... migrant ship 1878... Carmichael Tom Pearce Mutton Bird Island Loch Ard Gorge migrant ship ...This doll's leg was one of a set of artefacts recovered from the shipwreck of the Loch Ard that were donated together. The doll's leg could have been from the ship's cargo or personal effects. Dolls from this era were often made from fabric, which would have quickly deteriorated in the ocean. Ceramic limbs were joined to the body by tightening the fabric around the grooves on the limbs. There are other doll's limbs in our collection that were recovered from the Loch Ard The object is now one of the shipwreck artefacts in Flagstaff Hill’s Mc Culloch Collection, which includes items recovered from the wrecks of the Victoria Tower (wrecked in 1869) and Loch Ard (wrecked in 1878). They were salvaged by a diver in the early 1970s from the southwest coast of Victoria. Advanced marine technology had enabled divers to explore the depths of the ocean and gather its treasures before protective legislation was introduced by the Government. The artefacts were donated to Queensland’s Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) by a passionate shipwreck lover and their locations were verified by Bruce McCulloch. In 2017 the Department repatriated them to Flagstaff Hill where they joined our vast collection of artefacts from Victoria’s Shipwreck Coast.The Loch Ard: - The three-masted, square-rigged iron ship Loch Ard belonged to the famous Loch Line which sailed many ships from England to Australia. The ship was built in Glasgow in 1873. The Loch Ard made three trips to Australia and one trip to Calcutta before its final voyage. The Loch Ard: - The Loch Ard left England on March 2, 1878, under the command of Captain Gibbs, bound for Melbourne with a crew of 37, plus 17 passengers and a load of cargo. The general cargo included straw hats, umbrellas, perfumes, clay pipes, pianos, clocks, confectionery, linen and candles, as well as a heavier load of railway irons, cement, lead and copper. There were items included that were intended for display in the 1880 Melbourne International Exhibition, including the famous Loch Ard Peacock. On June 1, 1878, Captain Gibbs was expecting to see land but visibility was reduced by fog. As it lifted, the sheer cliffs of Victoria's west coast came much closer than expected. The captain was unable to steer away and the ship struck a reef at the base of Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell. The top deck was loosened from the hull, the masts and rigging came down and knocked passengers and crew overboard, and even the lifeboat crashed into the side of the ship and capsized. Of the 54 people on board, only two survived: the apprentice, Tom Pearce and the young woman passenger, Eva Carmichael. The well-packed Minton porcelain peacock also survived, safe inside its crate. Much of the cargo was washed up, smashed and broken, and some was salvaged. Other cargo is still with the wreck at the base of Mutton Bird Island, now protected by Government law. The artefact is an example of cargo or personal items on board a ship in 1878. It provides a reference point for classifying and dating similar items. This artefact is significant for its association with the sailing ship Loch Ard, one of the best-known, and one of the worst, shipwrecks in Victoria’s history. Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from Loch Ard is significant for being one of the largest collections of artefacts from this shipwreck in Victoria. It is significant for its association with the shipwreck, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR S417). The collection is significant because of the relationship between the objects, as together they have a high potential to interpret the story of the Loch Ard. The Loch Ard collection is archaeologically significant as the remains of a large international passenger and cargo ship. It is historically significant for representing aspects of Victoria’s shipping history. Doll's leg, cream-coloured ceramic leg with two seams, a flat solid top and a glazed green ankle-length heeled boot. A shallow groove runs around the leg just below the top. An inscription is stamped into the leg below the groove. Recovered from the wreck of the Loch Ard. Inscribed "2"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, shipwreck artefact, wreck dive, mcculloch collection, bruce mcculloch, loch ard, 1878, loch line, victorian heritage register, sailing ship, captain gibbs, eva carmichael, tom pearce, mutton bird island, loch ard gorge, migrant ship 1878, cargo ship 1878, doll's leg, ceramic doll leg, porcelain doll leg, doll's limb, 1870s doll, 1870's toy, ceramic limb from doll, children's toy, children's recreation, doll's leg with green boot -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Lamp Fitting, circa 1878
... migrant ship 1878... Carmichael Tom Pearce Mutton Bird Island Loch Ard Gorge migrant ship ...This gas pipe fitting was one of a group of artefacts in the McCulloch Collection that were recovered from the shipwreck Loch Ard and were donated together. The fitting could have been from the ship's cargo or a ship’s fitting. Lamps from this era were fuelled by gas. There are other gas lamp fittings in our collection that were recovered from the Loch Ard The object is now one of the shipwreck artefacts in Flagstaff Hill’s Mc Culloch Collection, which includes items recovered from the wrecks of the Victoria Tower (wrecked in 1869) and Loch Ard (wrecked in 1878). They were salvaged by a diver in the early 1970s from the southwest coast of Victoria. Advanced marine technology had enabled divers to explore the depths of the ocean and gather its treasures before protective legislation was introduced by the Government. The artefacts were donated to Queensland’s Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) by a passionate shipwreck lover and their locations were verified by Bruce McCulloch. In 2017 the Department repatriated them to Flagstaff Hill where they joined our vast collection of artefacts from Victoria’s Shipwreck Coast. The Loch Ard: - The three-masted, square-rigged iron ship Loch Ard belonged to the famous Loch Line which sailed many ships from England to Australia. The ship was built in Glasgow in 1873. The Loch Ard made three trips to Australia and one trip to Calcutta before its final voyage. The Loch Ard left England on March 2, 1878, under the command of Captain Gibbs, bound for Melbourne with a crew of 37, plus 17 passengers and a load of cargo. The general cargo included straw hats, umbrellas, perfumes, clay pipes, pianos, clocks, confectionery, linen and candles, as well as a heavier load of railway irons, cement, lead and copper. There were items included that were intended for display in the 1880 Melbourne International Exhibition, including the famous Loch Ard Peacock. On June 1, 1878, Captain Gibbs was expecting to see land but visibility was reduced by fog. As it lifted, the sheer cliffs of Victoria's west coast came much closer than expected. The captain was unable to steer away and the ship struck a reef at the base of Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell. The top deck was loosened from the hull, the masts and rigging came down and knocked passengers and crew overboard, and even the lifeboat crashed into the side of the ship and capsized. Of the 54 people on board, only two survived: the apprentice, Tom Pearce and the young woman passenger, Eva Carmichael. The well-packed Minton porcelain peacock also survived, safe inside its crate. Much of the cargo was washed up, smashed and broken, and some was salvaged. Other cargo is still with the wreck at the base of Mutton Bird Island, now protected by Government law. The artefact is an example of cargo or personal items on board a ship in 1878. It provides a reference point for classifying and dating similar items. This artefact is significant for its association with the sailing ship Loch Ard, one of the best-known, and one of the worst, shipwrecks in Victoria’s history. Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from Loch Ard is significant for being one of the largest collections of artefacts from this shipwreck in Victoria. It is significant for its association with the shipwreck, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR S417). The collection is significant because of the relationship between the objects, as together they have a high potential to interpret the story of the Loch Ard. The Loch Ard collection is archaeologically significant as the remains of a large international passenger and cargo ship. It is historically significant for representing aspects of Victoria’s shipping history. Brass decorative gas lamp fitting. Two flat arms of different lengths are joined on either side of a fitting that has a fleur-de-lis-like design. The shorter arm has a J-shaped brass pipe fitted to it with a decorative threaded cube joint part way along, and ends with a triangular tap and knob. The longer arm is also J-shaped and ends with a feather design on it. There are remnants of green paint on the cube fittings and the knob. Recovered from the wreck of the Loch Ard.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, shipwreck artefact, wreck dive, mcculloch collection, bruce mcculloch, loch ard, 1878, loch line, victorian heritage register, sailing ship, captain gibbs, eva carmichael, tom pearce, mutton bird island, loch ard gorge, migrant ship 1878, cargo ship 1878, lamp fitting, gas lamp fitting, ship’s fitting, ship’s lamp, brass lamp fitting, lighting, domestic lighting, ship’s lighting -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Domestic object - Ashtray, SS Orontes, 1940-1960
... migrant ship... engineer passager ship ship liner orient line migrant ship ...Several items were given by a seafarer, Mr Nicholas Garlick (1926-2009) into the care of Father Brady who retired from St Pauls Cathedral, Melbourne in 2018. Father Brady later donated the collection of objects, documents and an extensive collection of cruise ship menus (1937-end of 20thC) to the Mission via the intermediary William Hastie, volunteer at the Mission for Seafarers.One of the reasons the gift has been accepted is because there are a number of items that relate to images or records of visits in the collection. Crews of ships such as the Orontes and the Orsova were regular donors to the Mission in the 20th century. Launched in 1929, the Orient Line passenger ship SS Orontes was one of the longest serving on the England to Australia route, carrying tens of thousands of British and European migrants to new lives in Australia from 1948 to 1962 and Nicholas Garlick may have worked on the ship during that time. During World War II, Orontes became a troopship, serving that role from 1940 to 1947.Glass ashtray or trinket dish with black and white printed transfer image of the RMS Orontes at sea.S.S.ORONTESss orontes, nicholas garlick (1926-2009), father brady, william hastie, nick garlick, ship engineer, passager ship, ship liner, orient line, migrant ship, troopship, ww2, smoking -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - Beltana, Dacre Smyth, SS Beltana
... Migrant ship... Transatlantic supply transport WWI Migrant ship Beltana Framed oil ...Beltana was launched in 1921 at a cost of £179,000. She was a passenger liner built specifically for the UK-Australia emigrant service via the Cape of Good Hope. In October 1917, she was requisitioned for Transatlantic service where she carried munitions and supplies, returning to emigrant service in 1919. On 31 March 1930 she was sold for £27,000 to Toyo Hogei Kabushiki Kaisha, Japan for conversion for the whaling trade. She was not renamed, being laid up in Japan. She never traded under the Japanese flag. In 1933 she was sold to Gentaro Kasegawa, Kobe for demolition. Mrs B SmythFramed oil painting of the ship BeltanaBeltanass beltana, transatlantic supply transport, wwi, migrant ship -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - SS Ascanius, Dacre Smyth
... Migrant ship... Migrant ship Ascanius An oil painting of the SS Ascanius SS ...Completed in December 1910 as a steam passenger ship she was requisitioned as a troop transport for the Australian Expeditionary Force (AEF) in 1914. She was returned to the owner in 1920 only to be requisitioned again in 1940 by the Admiralty for use as a troopship. After the war, the Ascanius brought Jewish emigrants from Marseilles to Haifa and was sold to Italy and renamed San Giovannino for Cia de Nav. Florencia (A. Motosi), Genoa in 1949. B Smythe An oil painting of the SS AscaniusAscaniusss ascanius, troop transport, aef, wwi, wwii, migrant ship -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Ceramic - Floor Tile, Maw & Co, 1862-1869
... migrant ship 1869... Victoria Tower migrant ship 1869 cargo ship 1869 iron clipper ...The floor tile is one of a group of artefacts in the McCulloch Collection that were recovered from the shipwreck Victoria Tower and were donated together. The tile could have been from the ship's cargo or amongst a ship’s fittings. The inscription on the tile is for Maw & Co makers of earthenware encaustic and geometric floor tiles since 1850, when George Maw and his brother Arthur began their first factory in Worcester. In 1862 the company moved to Broseley, Shropshire. The object is now one of the shipwreck artefacts in Flagstaff Hill’s Mc Culloch Collection, which includes items recovered from the wrecks of the Victoria Tower (wrecked in 1869) and Loch Ard (wrecked in 1878). They were salvaged by a diver in the early 1970s from the southwest coast of Victoria. Advanced marine technology had enabled divers to explore the depths of the ocean and gather its treasures before protective legislation was introduced by the Government. The artefacts were donated to Queensland’s Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) by a passionate shipwreck lover and their locations were verified by Bruce McCulloch. In 2017 the Department repatriated them to Flagstaff Hill where they joined our vast collection of artefacts from Victoria’s Shipwreck Coast. The Victoria Tower: - The three-masted iron clipper ship was built in 1869 in Liverpool, England, as a passenger and cargo ship for the Australian trade. She was named after one of the two towers of the British Houses of Parliament and owned by the White Star line. The Victoria Tower sailed under the command of Captain Kerr from Liverpool towards Melbourne on her maiden voyage. She carried 34 passengers and 16 crew plus a general cargo including bottled beer, slates, iron pipes and hardware. She was almost at her destination when she was wrecked on 17th October 1869 at Point Impossible, west of Thompsons Creek, Breamlea. The shipwreck is a very popular diving site. The artefact has now been repatriated to Victoria and is located at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. The artefact is an example of cargo or personal items on board a ship in 1869. It provides a reference point for classifying and dating similar items. The artefact is significant for its association with the clipper ship Victoria Tower, which is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register as S698. The Victoria Tower is recorded as the most intact historic shipwreck accessible between Point Lonsdale and Cape Otway. The Victoria Tower is one of only seven shipwrecks in Victoria that have had more than 100 objects recovered from them reported as a result of the Commonwealth Amnesty held in 1993-94.Ceramic tile, square, with star or compass design.Brown tile has cream design of i-pointed star with a circle in the centre and between, and on the end of, each point. The side profile of the tile shows the division between the top layer and the base, with a groove between the two. The tile was made by MAW & Co. of Broseley, England. The back of the tile has parallel ridges and is embossed with an inscription. It was recovered from the wrecked ship Victoria Tower. Inscribed "MAW & CO BROSELEY" flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, shipwreck artefact, wreck dive, mcculloch collection, bruce mcculloch, white star line, victorian heritage register, clipper ship, victoria tower, captain kerr, shipwreck victoria tower, migrant ship 1869, cargo ship 1869, iron clipper, british clipper ship, 1869, cargo imported to australia, tile, floor tile, ceramic tile, compass pattern, star pattern, flooring