Showing 301 items
matching moustache
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Pearce Moustache Cups
Moustache was normal for 1800s as a large portion of the male population had a moustache.Coloured photograph of Moustache Cups owned by Pearce Family.|For view of cups see Np2630.pearce, ronald, harry, mary, edward, moustache cups -
Greensborough Historical Society
Cup, Victoria Porcelain Co. (Schmidt), Moustache cup, 1900c
Moustache cup owned and used by Osborne (Ozz) Daniel John Hawkins Abbott of Albury, N.S.W.White china moustache cup (no saucer)Floral and gilt transfer decoration. Manufacturer's stamp on basetea cup -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Artwork, other - Puppet, Man with moustache, WW2
The puppets were made by German POW's in camp 13 and sent to internment camp 3 as gifts for the children at Christmas time.Paper mache head of man with large nose, pointed chin and moustache. Hand painted blue eyes. Moustache and eye brows made with cotton thread. Magenta tie stitched to neck. Bottle green felt jacket with magenta trim. Leather hands attached to sleeves. Light brown skirt attached to jacket. leather ears on head. pow puppets, pow handcrafts, hand puppets -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Bowls Club opening - 1931. Attendees include: Man in light suit on left, Horace Fenton - Headmaster of Ringwood School, behind on his right with moustache - Mr. Gray, school inspector, Herman Pump with watch chain. Seated: Captain E.T. Miles, directly behind him is his son, A.T. Miles. The lady in the second row between the two ladies seated in front is Mrs. Cooper
Catalogue card reads, 'Man in light suit LHS Horace Fenton, Headmaster Ringwood School and behind with moustache Mr. Gray, school inspector. LHS and RHS Herman Pump with watch chain. Captain E.T. Miles seated, directly behind him his son A.T. Miles. Mrs. Cooper is the lady in second row between the two ladies seated in front.' Neither catalogue card or photographs state what the occasion photographed is. -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Pearce Cups
Moustache was normal for 1800s as a large portion of the male population had a moustache.Coloured photograph of details of two china moustache cups, (Internal view see Np2629) used by Pearce family.pearce, ronald, harry, mary, edward -
Orbost & District Historical Society
moustache cup, late 19th - first half 20th century
The moustache cup is a drinking cup with a semicircular ledge inside. The ledge has a half moon-shaped opening to allow the passage of liquids and serves as a guard to keep moustaches dry. It is generally acknowledged to have been invented in the 1860s by British potter Harvey Adams (born 1835). Moustaches flourished throughout the Victorian era. Men often applied great gobs of melted wax to the moustache to keep it nice and stiff, with every hair in place.Between 1920 and 1930, moustaches progressively began to go out of fashion and hence moustache cup production gradually dwindled. This cup is an example of a common domestic item of its time. The Nixon families were among the earliest settlers on the Snowy River.A drinking cup with a semi-circular ledge inside - a moustache cup. It is white with a mauve stencilled border design and pink roses in the centre.Bottom - 34 472/5moustache-cup china domestic-items crockery -
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, c1914-1918
A soldier, with a moustache, is wearing a uniform. J. Duggan is written on the back. Unable to identify if this is the name of the subject.An unmounted black and white photograph of a soldier dressed in uniform. He is wearing a moustache. Identified as J. Dugganon back in pencil: J. Dugganworld war 1, soldiers, postcards, armed forces, duggan, j., uniforms, clothing and dress, george evans collection -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Decorative object - Moustache Cup, n.d
Displayed in History House. The moustache cup (or mustache cup) is a drinking cup with a semicircular ledge inside. The ledge, called a moustache guard, has a half moon-shaped opening to allow the passage of liquids and serves as a guard to keep moustaches dry. It is generally acknowledged to have been invented in the 1870s by British potter Harvey AdamsLarge scallop-edged tea-cup with gold patterning and pink designs on outside. Gold line around lip and handle. Section of china to protect moustache on inner edge.tea cup, functional object, moustache protector -
Kilmore Historical Society
Photograph, Leonard Stimson's Grocery
14cm x 9cm black and white photograph of Leonard Stimson's Grocery Store on Sydney Street, Kilmore. Three people stand outside the shop including Leonard Stimson (moustached man). The store has double height windows, with products in them, facing the street. Printed on the windows is "Coffee", "Tea", "Wholesale" and across the top of the windows is "E. Stimson. Grocery".Written on the back: Leonard Stimson's Grocer's Store Sydney St Kilmore (about 1864.) Kilmore Historical Society Leonard Stimson Standing in front with moustache. Sender Sandra Stimson Temoragrocery, stimson, kilmore, shopfront -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Alan Webb
Alan Webb was a staffmember of the University of Ballarat and was responsible for many building projects. Photograph of a man with moustache. It is Alan of ballarat, webb, alan webb -
Ballarat and District Irish Association
Image, T. Brennan, c1864, 1864
Following the founding meeting of the Mayo Tenants Defence Association in Castlebar, County Mayo on 26 October 1878 the demand for The Land of Ireland for the people of Ireland was reported in the Connaught Telegraph 2 November 1878. The first of many "monster meetings" of tenant farmers was held in Irishtown near Claremorris on 20 April 1879, with an estimated turnout of 15,000 to 20,000 people. This meeting was addressed by James Daly (who presided), John O'Connor Power, John Ferguson, Thomas Brennan, and J. J. Louden. The Connaught Telegraph's report of the meeting in its edition of 26 April 1879 began: Since the days of O'Connell a larger public demonstration has not been witnessed than that of Sunday last. About 1 o'clock the monster procession started from Claremorris, headed by several thousand men on foot – the men of each district wearing a laural leaf or green ribbon in hat or coat to distinguish the several contingents. At 11 o'clock a monster contingent of tenant-farmers on horseback drew up in front of Hughes's hotel, showing discipline and order that a cavalry regiment might feel proud of. They were led on in sections, each having a marshal who kept his troops well in hand. Messrs. P.W. Nally, J.W. Nally, H. French, and M. Griffin, wearing green and gold sashes, led on their different sections, who rode two deep, occupying, at least, over an Irish mile of the road. Next followed a train of carriages, brakes, cares, etc. led on by Mr. Martin Hughes, the spirited hotel proprietor, driving a pair of rare black ponies to a phæton, taking Messrs. J.J. Louden and J. Daly. Next came Messrs. O'Connor, J. Ferguson, and Thomas Brennan in a covered carriage, followed by at least 500 vehicles from the neighbouring towns. On passing through Ballindine the sight was truly imposing, the endless train directing its course to Irishtown – a neat little hamlet on the boundaries of Mayo, Roscommon, and Galway. Evolving out of this a number of local land league organisations were set up to work against the excessive rents being demanded by landlords all over Ireland, but especially in Mayo and surrounding counties. From 1874 agricultural prices in Europe had dropped, followed by some bad harvests due to wet weather during the Long Depression. The effect by 1878 was that many Irish farmers were unable to pay the rents that they had agreed, particularly in the poorer and wetter parts of Connacht. The localised 1879 Famine added to the misery. Unlike other parts of Europe the Irish land tenure system was inflexible in times of hardship. (Wikipedia) The Irish National Land League was founded at the Imperial Hotel in Castlebar, the County town of Mayo, on 21 October 1879. At that meeting Charles Stewart Parnell was elected president of the league. Andrew Kettle, Michael Davitt, and Thomas Brennan were appointed as honorary secretaries. This united practically all the different strands of land agitation and tenant rights movements under a single organisation. Michael Davitt Founder of the Land League The two aims of the Land League, as stated in the resolutions adopted in the meeting, were: ...first, to bring out a reduction of rack-rents; second, to facilitate the obtaining of the ownership of the soil by the occupiers. That the object of the League can be best attained by promoting organisation among the tenant-farmers; by defending those who may be threatened with eviction for refusing to pay unjust rents; by facilitating the working of the Bright clauses of the Irish Land Act during the winter; and by obtaining such reforms in the laws relating to land as will enable every tenant to become owner of his holding by paying a fair rent for a limited number of years. (Wikipedia)Image of a man with a moustache. He is T. Brennan.ballarat irish, brennan, thomas brennan, irish land act, rent -
Ballarat and District Irish Association
Image, John Edward Redmond, c1864, 1864
John Edward Redmond, was a prominent banker and businessman before entering Parliament as a member for Wexford constituency in 1859; his statue stands in Redmond Square, Wexford town.(, accessed 21/01/2014) His great nephew, John Edward Redmond (1 September 1856 – 6 March 1918) was an Irish nationalist politician, barrister, MP in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party from 1900 to 1918. He was a moderate, constitutional and conciliatory politician who attained the twin dominant objectives of his political life, party unity and finally in September 1914 achieving the promise of Irish Home Rule under an Act which granted an interim form of self-government to Ireland. However, implementation of the Act was suspended by the intervention of World War I, and ultimately made untenable after the Conscription Crisis of 1918. (, accessed 21/01/2014)Image of moustached politician John E. Redmond.ballarat irish, redmond, john redmond, irish nationalist party, irish home rule -
Ballarat and District Irish Association
Image, Joseph Winter, c1864
Winter was Treasurer of the Irish National League. "AUSTRALIAN AID TO IRELAND. - GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The following letters have been received:— "The Irish National League, "43 O'Connell-street Upper, "Dublin, 14th Oct., 1886. "My Dear Mr. 'Winter, — I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favour of the 16th August, enclosing; draft for £250 from the Irish National League of Australasia towards the Irish Parliamentary Fund. The treasurers of the fund, to whom I have handed the draft, are transmitting by this mail a formal receipt for the amount of your generous contribution. ' I am very happy to learn from reports which have appeared in our newspapers here within the past few days that the vacancy in Melbourne has been accepted by our worthy, able, and patriotic prelate, the Most. Rev. Dr. Carr, Bishop of Galway. While the Catholic people of the diocese of Melbourne will find in Dr. Carr an able, zealous, and dignified prelate; of whom they will haye every rea son to be proud, the Irish Catholics of the diocese will, in an especial sense, find in him one who knows the wants of their country, who is deeply in sympathy with .the just feelings and aspirations of her people, and who is second to none in his desire to see his native land happy and prosperous I thought our friends in the Federal Council of the League would be anxious to know what man ner of man the new prelate is, and, therefore, writing to you so soon after his appointment I think it my duty to say so much. "Assuring our friends of our warm gratitude for the generous assistance they are continually giving us in the struggle in which we are en gaged — I remain, my dear Mr. Winter, yours sincerely, T. Harrington. "Joseph Winter, Esq., Advocate office, Melbourne," ''The Irish National League, 43 O'Connell-street Upper, " Dublin; 12th October, 1886. 'My Dear Sir, — I beg to acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of 16th August, with 'draft for' £250 from the Federal Council of the Irish National League of Australasia to the Parli mentary Fund. Joseph G. Biggar. ' 'J. Winter, Esq.' ' ; IRISH PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION FUND. The following acknowledgment has been received by the Rev. J. H. O'Connell, Victoria : — " The Irish National League, 45 O'Connell-street Upper, Dublin, 12th October, 1886. '"Rev. Dear Sir, — I beg to acknowledge with best thanks receipt of your letter of 24th August, with draft for £1000 towards the Irish Parliamentary Fund from the Executive Committee of the Irish Parliamentary Fund of Melbourne.— Yours faithfully, "Joseph G. Biggar. "Rev. J. H. O'Connell, St. George's Presbytery, Carlton, Melbourne." (Sydney Freeman's Journey, 4 December 1886) MR JOSEPH WINTER AND THE IRISH NATIONAL LEAGUE - Mr Joseph Winter, of Melbourne, has received a courteous letter from Mr. Harrington, M.P., enclosing the following official document : — ' On the motion of the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, T. Sexton, M.P., seconded by Dr. B. J. Kenny, M.P., the following resolution was unani mously adopted by the Organizing Committee of the Irish National League :— 'That we have heard with regret of the proposed retirement from the treasurership of the Irish National League of Australia of Mr. Joseph Winter, manager of the Melbourne Advocate, and we seize this opportunity of placing on record our appreciation of tbe signal services which he has rendered to the Irish people by his unselfish and devoted advocacy of their cause, especially during the past eight years, during which time the sum of £27,487 has reached the home move ment through his hands. We desire to assure Mr. Winter that his services will not be forgotten by his countrymen in Ireland, and we venture to express the hope that the Irishmen of Australasia may still be permitted to command them.'(Sydney Freeman's Journal, 6 April 1889) Image of a moustached man known as Joseph Winter.ballarat irish, winter, bishop carr, carr, joseph winter, irish national league -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Photograph, Cr J Cruickshank Shire of Belfast President 1901-02-03
Councillor J Cruikshank. Owned “Terka” station near Kirkstall. The property had for some years sheltered and fed a number of kangaroos and he expressed the wish that they would be given a home there. The homestead is a bluestone building with a shingle roof, built by Robert Ireland of Port FairyBlack and white portrait of a male with a beard and moustachebelfast, president, portrait, government, shire, council, municipal, local-government, terka, kirkstall, cr j cruikshank -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Head and shoulders portrait of a male with moustache in a background of foliage.photograph, person, male -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, C. H. Holmes, C. late 19th/early 20th century
None other than the inscription.Head and shoulders portrait of a middle-aged man with moustache."Mr C. H. Holmes, Secretary of the Trust and connected with Denham Street from the beginning."holmes, c. h., denham street hawthorn methodist church -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - Realia, c1900's
Moustache Cup with floral design and square shaped handlestawell -
Rutherglen Historical Society
Image, c 1900
Black and white portrait photograph of a man with a white moustache.On back of photo: "Frederick William Burgoyne | B 1843 - Plymouth, Devon, Eng. | D 1917 Runnymede, Vic."frederick william burgoyne, burgoyne family -
Ballarat and District Irish Association
Image, Maurice F. Wilhere, c1864, 1864
Image of a moustached man known as Maurice F. Wilhere.ballarat irish, wilhere, maurice wilhere -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Photograph, Bonnett, William
William Bonnett clerk of the first Belfast Borough Council in 1866Clerk of The first Belfast Borough Council in 1866Black and white photograph of gentleman with full beard and moustachewilliam bonnett, clerk, belfast, borough council -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
David Esler McLellan Mayor of Port Fairy 1911,1914Black & white portrait of a bald headed male with a moustache david esler mclellan, mayor, port fairy, councillor -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, C1943
This is a photograph of Councillor William Cumming who represented South Riding 1895-1911 and 1921 - 1943. William Cumming was a prominent Orbost identity. He was born in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, in 1866 the son of William Cumming and Mary Ann Montgomery. He came to Australia, at the age of 20, in 1890 and to Orbost in c.1890. He farmed at Bete Bolong and during WW1 ran a butcher's shop on his farm. He was a shire councillor of the Orbost Shire Council and served as a South Riding representative for 38 years. He was a keen Newmerella football supporter, a member of the Orbost Bowling Club as well as a director of the Orbost Butter Factory. Cumming was married to Ellen Louise Mundy (b1880, d1945) and they had three children ( Harold, William and Gordon). Information from Lori Fellows (Grand-daughter) April 2020: William Cumming. My paternal grandfather born in Ballymena Northern Ireland. Came to Australia aged 18. Married Ellen Mundy on 25/08/1902. This photo taken during his time as Orbost Shire Council President. Father of Harold, William and Gordon. Died in Orbost 24.11.1950. William Cumming (1866-1950) arrived in Australia in 1884 on the "Orient". His brothers David (1868-1932), John (1870-1920) & Samuel (1871-1953) arrived in 1887 on the "Orizaba". On the passenger list Samuel is listed as David. Also my grandfather was Chairman of Directors of the Dandenong Bacon Factory [later Australian Bacon Co]....he raised pigs on the farm at Bete Bolong, that supplied the butchery on the farm and also the Dandy Bacon Factory. This item is associated with the Orbost Shire Council. The shire covered an area of 9,347 square kilometres and existed from 1892 until 1994 when it became part of the East Gippsland Shire Council. It is associated with William Cumming who was a prominent Orbost identity.A black / white head and shoulders portrait of a moustached man in a suit.On back - "Cr W. Cumming, South Riding"cumming-william orbost-shire-council -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Portrait of Bob Fisher of Great Western
Collected by Dorothy Brumby in relation to Great Western ResearchB/W Studio portrait of man with moustache tie and corsage Bob Fisher Stawell Photographic Co Close Railway Station C. HEWITT, Manager -
Ballarat and District Irish Association
Image, Lord Randolf Churchill, c1864, 1864
Lord Randolph Henry Spencer-Churchill was a British statesman. He was the third son of the 7th Duke of Marlborough, and his wife, Lady Frances Vane. He was the father of Winston Churchill, the future wartime Prime Minister, who wrote his father's first major biography. (wikipedia) Having served as unofficial private secretary to his father, lord lieutenant (viceroy) of Ireland from 1876 to 1880, Churchill was especially interested in the Irish problem. Though opposed to national Home Rule for Ireland, he favoured self-government on the local level and blamed shortsighted British officials for the Irish crisis of the 1880s. The majority of the Conservative Party agreed with the Liberal government’s coercion policy toward Ireland, but Lord Randolph allowed the Irish nationalists, led by Charles Stewart Parnell, to understand that the Conservatives would oppose coercion in return for Irish votes in the general election of 1885. It was said that the Liberals underwent a forced conversion to Home Rule to counteract that promise.(, accessed 21 January 2014)Image of a moustached man known as Lord R. Churchill, M.P.ballarat irish, churchill, randolf churchill -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Chris Stratton
This is possibly Christopher Stratton who lived at Linton and died in 1863, however it is more likely to be his son Christopher John Stratton, who was born at Linton in 1862 and died in 1906. The photograph was part of the Old Lintonians collection ; No. 75.Portrait of a young man with moustache, wearing jacket collar and tie."75 Chris Stratton"christopher stratton, old lintonians collection -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Toska, Gold Medallist London, Ballarat, William Godden
Photograph of a young man with moustache wearing suit tie and buttonhole.William Goddenwilliam godden -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, A Marks and Co, Elgin St, Carlton, Mr W. Woods
Sepia photograph of a gentleman with moustache, wearing suit, collar and tie."W Woods".mr w. woods -
Orbost & District Historical Society
moustache cup and saucer, C1900
Between 1920 and 1930, moustaches progressively began to go out of fashion and hence moustache cup production gradually dwindled. This cup is an example of a common domestic item of its time.An ornate designed cup. Lower half is pink, edged all over in gold. Top is white. The moustache bridge is white. The saucer is plain white. The moustache cup is a drinking cup with a semicircular ledge inside. The ledge has a half moon-shaped opening to allow the passage of liquids and serves as a guard to keep moustaches dry. Saucer - Fine bone china, Shelley, Englandmoustache-cup domestic-items-crockery shelley -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, C1928
This is a photograph of Orbost Shire Councillor Henry James J.P. who represented Central Riding 1902-1905 and 1916-1927. Henry James (1860-1932) was a well-known identity in the Orbost district. He was a stock agent and auctioneer who helped to establish the seed bean industry in Orbost. He was the second secretary of the Snowy River Shipping Co. as well as a shire councillor and prominent member of MUIOOF.This item is associated with the Orbost Shire Council. The shire covered an area of 9,347 square kilometres and existed from 1892 until 1994 when it became part of the East Gippsland Shire Council. Henry James was a well-known Orbost identity.A black / white head and shoulders portrait photograph of a moustached man in a suit.on back - "Cr H. James JP"james-henry orbost-shire-council -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, C1933
This is a photograph of Councillor Duncan Cameron who represented East Riding on the Orbost Shire Council from 1911 - 1933. Duncan Cameron was an early settler and licensee of the Marlo Hotel. The Marlo Hotel was the coach stop and the centre for receiving and despatching the mail. The licensee, Duncan Cameron became postmaster when he took over the hotel licence in 1895. Duncan Street in Marlo is named for Duncan Cameron.This item is associated with the Orbost Shire Council. The shire covered an area of 9,347 square kilometres and existed from 1892 until 1994 when it became part of the East Gippsland Shire Council.A black / white head and shoulders portrait photograph of a moustached man in a suit.on back - "Cr Duncan Cameron, East Riding 1911-1933"cameron-duncan marlo-hotel orbost-shire-council