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matching photo recce
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Book, Victory Roll - The RAAF at War, 1952
... photo recce... burma lifeline to china photo recce first over malaya jungle ...The stories in 'Victory Roll' tell of some of the deeds performed in the final and victorious year of WWII. They add to a long tradition of gallant service and sacrifice and will serve as an eternal inspiration in the task of building a new world in which the spirit of the Four Freedoms must predominate. In making final victory possible, we lost many comrades, to w home this book, together with those which preceded it, becomes a permanent memorial.Green hardcover and spine with black text - 'Victory Roll The RAAF at war' on front cover and spine. The inside front and back covers have silhouette, green sepia pictures of a variety of aeroplane. Illustrations, photographs and cartoonsMessage from the Chief of Air Staff.... Air Vice Marshal, Chief of Ai Staff C.Joneswwii, raaf, end of conflict, test pilot, wewak, the sisters fly on, battle of borneo, the biscuit bombers, anzacs on bougainville, raaf pacific, return to timor, pacific landing, long range from darwin, air victory over burma, lifeline to china, photo recce, first over malaya, jungle dawn, the victory in europe, story of a prison camp, night flight over hamburg, youth's prayer at a war memorial, victory at the alps, waaf's good service -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Framed Photograph
... 161 RECCE Photo Collage... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast 161 RECCE Photo Collage ...Collage of Photographs of members of 161 RECCE Australian Army161 recce photo collage -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - Royal Australian Survey Corps - Operation Sandy Bush Phase 3, Operation Instruction 8/75, 22 Sept 1975
Operation Instruction 8/75, Operation Sandy Bush Phase 3 was conducted in the period 1 Oct to 30 Nov 1975 by Det A, 8 Fd Svy Sqn. The Operation was to complete the marking, panelling measurement of already marked control in the Louisiade and D'Entrecasteaux groups and to Recce, Mark, Panel and Measure new survey control in the Trobriand and Woodlark Islands. In addition Photo Identification was to be obtained of all marked survey control. Panelling was the process of accurately laying out large sheets of white plastic to form a cross over the Survey Control Points (Points where the position is accurately known) so that they could then be photographed from the air. The positions of these crosses could then be accurately transferred from this new photography in stereo onto the aerial photography coverage used to produce mapping.Typed Instructions and diagrams without cover, 14 x A4 pages stapled in Top Left Hand Corner.Some annotations in top LH corner8 fd svy sqn, rasvy, royal australian survey corps, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph - Framed Photograph, WW1 1st Australian Light Car Patrol, c 1918
Refer inscriptionsFramed B&W photo of two Model T Ford vehicles, with crews, of 1st Australian Light Car Patrol. Each vehicle is fitted with a Lewis Machine GunAustralian War Memorial watermark. Caption: WW1 1st Australian Light Car Patrol Carried out operations in the Middle East and Palestine. The original motorised recce squadron that operated far behind enemy lines in advance of the Light Horse. The unit made daring attacks on the enemy many times its own size.ww1 1st australian light car patrol c1918, model t ford vehicles with crew -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph - Photograph, Matthews, 161 Recce
Colour photo of Robert P Matthews at 'Possum Rock' at Nui Dat.Robert P Matthews. No. 3/4974. WO2. Recce Flight 161, Vietnam.161 reconnaissance flight -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Document, Possums and Bird Dogs
Framed document titled, "Possums and Bird Dogs of 161 (Indep) RECCE FLT." Document has a photo of an 0-1 Cessna Birddog aircraft and outlines the history of the aircraft in operations with 161 REECE FLT from 28/8/1967 to 23/5/1968.161 logo in top LH cornercessna o.1 bird dog, 161 reconnaissance flight -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Team Photo 1
A black and white photograph of 161 (Indep) Recce flight Officers, in a playful mood. Standing (L to R) Lt Ross Hutchinson (RW), Lt Kev Peacock (RW & FW), 2Lt Peter Garton (FW), 2Lt Don Trick (Operations), 2Lt Blair Weaver (RW), 2Lt Mike Meehan (RW), 2Lt Ross Goldspink (RW). 2Lt Dave McFerran (FW), Sitting (L to R) 2Lt Tom "Rockets" Guivarra MID (FW), Capt Bernie Forrest (Sect. Comd FW), Capt Phil Roberts (2IC), Maj George Constable (O.C.)(FW & RW)(Kia) Capt Peter Robinson (Engr. Officer) Capt John Coggin DFC (RW), 2Lt Adam Frisch (RW). Note (FW = Fixed Wing and RW = Rotary Wingphotograph, 161 recon flt, lt ross hutchinson, lt kev peacock, 2lt peter garton, 2lt don trick, 2lt blair weaver, 2lt mike meehan, 2lt ross goldspink, 2lt dave mcferran, 2lt tom "rockets" guivarra, capt bernie forrest, capt phil roberts, maj george constable, capt peter robinson, capt john coggin, 2lt adam frisch, gibbons collection catalogue -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Team Photo 2
A black and white photograph 161 (Indep) Recce Flight officers Capt Phil Roberts, 2Lt Adam Frisch, 2Lt Don Trick, Maj George Constable, 2Lt Mike Meehan, Lt Kev Peacock, 2Lt Blair Weaver, Capt Peter Robinson, 2Lt Ross Goldspink, 2Lt Tom "Rockets" Guivarra MID, 2Lt Dave McFerran, Capt Bernie Forrest, Capt John Coggin, Lt Ross Hutchinson and 2Lt Peter Garton posing for a team photophotograph, 161 recon flt, capt phil roberts, 2lt adam frisch, 2lt don trick, maj george constable, 2lt mike meehan, lt kev peacock, 2lt blair weaver, capt peter robinson, 2lt ross goldspink, 2lt tom "rockets" guivarra, 2lt dave mcferran, capt bernie forrest, capt john coggin, lt ross hutchinson, 2lt peter garton, gibbons collection catalogue -
National Wool Museum
Photographic Display, Members of the Staff of Dennys Lascelles Limited who served in the Armed Forces of Australia during the War - 1939-1945
Photos depict the staff members of Denny Lascelles Ltd. who were on active service in World War II (a '+' denotes those who were killed in action). Those depicted are: Sgt. J.A. GANLY, 159 AUST. L.A.A. BTY., A.I.F., +Driver R.H.B. COLLETT, C.A.M.T.C., A.I.F., L.S.A. E.R. McKINNON, R.A.N.R., S/Sgt. K.O. DAVIS, 2/2 A.A. REGT., A.I.F., F/O W.E.S. HOLTHAM, 7 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., Tpr. J. Mc. K. MOODIE, 2/1 AUST. ARMD. RECCE. SQN., A.I.F., W.O.I. G.R. MATHISON, H.Q. 1 AUST. CORPS, A.I.F., Cpl. K.J. DOODRELL, 3 WATER TRANSPORT GP., A.I.F., W/O J.R.M. McWILLIAM, 463 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., A/B R.A. HOBSON, R.A.N.R., W.O.II A.J. WILKS, 4 AUST. RECOVERY SECT., A.I.F., F/O D.N. McKENZIE (R.A.A.F.), 34 SQUADRON, R.A.F., +Cpl. A. BEATTIE, 2/21 BTN., A.I.F., Pte. A.R. YOULDEN, 4 AUST. INF. BDE., A.I.F., Cpl. A.J.E. GOSBELL, H.Q. 2 AUST. ARMD. BDE., A.I.F., Sgt. J. DENTON, 2 CON. DEPOT, A.I.F., Sgt. D. CLERY, B.C.A.F. H.Q., R.A.A.F., Lieut. D.C.P. URQUHART, 2/23 BTN., A.I.F., S/Sgt. R.C. SEARGEANT, 2 FIELD TRAINING REG., C.M.F., L/Cpl. K.P. LANYON, INF. TRG. BTN., A.I.F., Sgt. A.J. TONKIN, N.T. PRESS UNIT, A.I.F., A/B D.M. CHALMERS, R.A.N.R. ["H.M.A.S. LONSDALE" on hat], Lieut. L.H. BATTEN, 2/2 AUST. A.A. REGT., A.I.F., F/Sgt. B.J. McINTYRE, H.Q. WESTERN AREA, R.A.A.F., Sapper P.R. PIPER, 41 LANDING CRAFT COY., A.I.F., LAC. E.A. STEVENS, 2 R.I.M.U., R.A.A.F., +F/Lieut. J.S. AUSTIN, D.F.C., 490 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., Sgt. T.E. DENDLE, 13 SURVEY & DESIGN, R.A.A.F., F/Sgt. J.C. BONE, 4 AIR OBSERVERS SCHOOL, R.A.A.F., Cpl. R.H. REEVES, 4 AUST. INF. REIN. BTN., A.I.F., Sgt. N.J. COUPER, A.A.P.C., A.I.F., +F/Lieut. J.D.R.B. CARRUTHERS, (R.A.A.F.), 18 SQUADRON, R.A.F., LAC. J.R. NEWLAND, 481 MAINTENANCE SQDN., R.A.A.F., Lieut. R.G. CRITTEN, 2/6 AUST. INF. BTN., A.I.F., F/O. D.J. ASTBURY, 83 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., F/Sgt. J.J. ROBINSON, 21 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., Gnr. G.G. STANBROOK, 2/3 FLASH SPOTTING BTY., A.I.F., Cpl. P.B. WILKINSON, 67 AUST. MOB. SEARCHLIGHT BTY., A.I.F., +P/O D.V. HIGGINS, 73 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., Lieut.-Col. W.R. DEXTER, D.S.O., 2/6 AUST. INF. BTN., A.I.F., C.O. 61 AUST. INF. BTN., A.M.F., F/Sgt. E.T. ORCHARD, 1 OP. TRAINING UNIT (CANADA), R.A.A.F., +L/Sgt. H.T. LEWIS, 2/21 BTN., A.I.F., LAC. D.N. PESCOTT, 21 WIRELESS TEL. UNIT, R.A.A.F., Bdr. L.G. COMMONS, 2/14 AUST. FIELD REGT., A.I.F., Sig. C.K. MORRIS, "B" AUST. CORPS SIGS., A.I.F., F/Lieut. P.N.M. FISHER, 30 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F. The photographs have been taken by several different photographers, namely: The Lockwood Studios, Geelong (Lewis & Austin), Boxmount, Nhill (Morris & Moodie), Robert Pockley, Geelong (Ganly, Collett, Mathison, Wilks, Seargeant, Tonkin, Dendle, Reeves, Wilkinson, Orchard, Pescott, Critten), and Watt Telfer, Geelong (Higgins).Photograph, "Members of the Staff of Dennys Lascelles Limited who served in the Armed Forces of Australia during the War - 1939-1945". Contains 46 portraits. Photograph, "Members of the Staff of Dennys Lascelles Limited who served in the Armed Forces of Australia during the War - 1939-1945". Contains 46 war ii, dennys, lascelles limited -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Book (item) - (SP) World Air Power Journal 05 Spring 1991
briefings: f-14 tomcat, boeing vc-25a, bae stealth studies, sukhoi ‘fitter’ recce variants, gloster meteor 71/2, boeing sentry aew.1, combar report: desert storm – first phase, sukhoi su-24 ‘fencer’ feature, focus aircraft: f-16 fighting falcon (62 pages), variant briefing: kamov ‘hormone’ and ‘helix’ family, republic of china air force photo feature, sikorsky ch-54 tarhe feature, amx feature, air power analysis: non-aligned european air arms