Historical information

Operation Instruction 8/75, Operation Sandy Bush Phase 3 was conducted in the period 1 Oct to 30 Nov 1975 by Det A, 8 Fd Svy Sqn. The Operation was to complete the marking, panelling measurement of already marked control in the Louisiade and D'Entrecasteaux groups and to Recce, Mark, Panel and Measure new survey control in the Trobriand and Woodlark Islands. In addition Photo Identification was to be obtained of all marked survey control. Panelling was the process of accurately laying out large sheets of white plastic to form a cross over the Survey Control Points (Points where the position is accurately known) so that they could then be photographed from the air. The positions of these crosses could then be accurately transferred from this new photography in stereo onto the aerial photography coverage used to produce mapping.

Physical description

Typed Instructions and diagrams without cover, 14 x A4 pages stapled in Top Left Hand Corner.

Inscriptions & markings

Some annotations in top LH corner