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Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Documents, Ballarat School of Mines Correspondence Relating to the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1907-1914, 24/12/1907 - 28/08/1914
The dates 1907-1914 cover the first eight years of the Ballarat Technical Art School No. 15, a division of the Ballarat School of Mines. This covers that time before the custom built Ballarat Technical Art School opened in 1915.48 pieces of hand and type written correspondence relating to the Ballarat Technical Art School, covering its first eight years. .1) Transferal of money from the Ballarat Fine Art Public Gallery Association to the Ballarat School of Mines for credit to the Ballarat Technical Art School No 15. .3) Letter from Herbert H. Smith reporting on the appointment of Thomas Trengove to the position of Art Director at the Stawell School of Mines, and the appointment of Arthur Lilburne and Pridgeon as student assistants. .5) Application from Arthur M. Lilburne for a position at the Ballarat Technical Art School. .7) Resignation of Thomas Trengrove from the Ballarat Technical Art School so he could take up a position at the Stawell School of Mines, 1908. .9) Correspondence from H.H. Smith concerning expectations. 1908 .10) Report from Herbert H. Smith on the number of Art enrolments at the Ballarat West Art School, the Ballarat East Art School and the Drawing Centre. .8) Correspondence from Henry H. Hall regarding his teaching appointment, 1908 .11) A Report on architectural studies at the Ballarat Technical Art School on Clegg and Miller letterhead. .12) Report from M.C. Young. .13) Report from Arthur Lilburne .14) Reorrt from J.A. Wright, 1908 .15) Report on student numbers from Edith M. Cornell, 1908 .16) Report on classes in Freehand Geometry and Perspective by Fred Foster, 1908 .16b) Report by Decorating and Signwriting teacher John Barber, 1908 .17) Report from Esther and Lily Green from the East Public Library, 1908 .18) Report from Percy Isaac of the Ballarat East Public Library re manual training and Sloyd classes. .19) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1908 .20) Report from Arthur M. Lilburn on the Elementary Evening Classes and the State School Teachers Saturday class, 1908 .21) Report by M.C. Young on drawing classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 ,22) Report by Fred Foster on Freehand Geometry of Perspective classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .24) Report by E. and L. Green on classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .25) Report by Miss Wright on Dresscutting classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .26) Report by John Barber on Signs and Decorating classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .27) Report by Edith Cornell on Millinery classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .28) Report by Percy R. Green on Manual Training ad Carpentry classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .29) Correspondence from Posenby Carew-Smyth and Melbourne Education Department letterhead, 1908, .30) Report on the need for instruction in Decorative Needlework at the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith. Ida Johnston undertook classes from Miss Macgeorge in Melbourne at the suggestion of Posonby Carew-Smyth, and H.H. Smith suggested she be appointed to teach the class, 1910 .31) Report on the Junior Technical School, 1915 .32) Quarterly Report on the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1911 .34) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914 .34b) Invoice from James Ingram and Son, Booksellers and School Stationers, 1908 .35) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914 .36) Correspondence from F.N. King seeking employment at the Ballarat Junior Technical Scool due to the resignation of A.W. Steane, 1914 .37) Correspondence regarding the qualifications of F.N. King, including Sloyd at NAAS, Sweden, 1914 Reference from F.V. Burridge of the London County Council Central School of Arts and Crafts (incorporating The Royal Female School of Art), Southamoton Row, London, regarding Francis N. King, 1913 .40) Correspondence on Ballarat Junior Technical School letterhead when it was located at 104 Doveton Street, Ballarat (Dana Street Primary School) from Albert W. Steane. The report mentioned to appointment of R.W. Richards commencing duties as a science ad mathematics master and Francis N. King as Woodwork and Modeling instructor, 1914 .41) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914 .42) Correspondence on Stanley Mullen Company letterhead requesting a junior (lady) to help in designing and drawing from Needlework, 1914 .43) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914 .44) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914. The report includes the resignation of Donadl Johnston to take up the position of assistant to Posonby Carew-Smyth. Harold Herbert to travel to England, and Edwin Cannon to to apply his art knowledge commercially. H.H. Smith suggested they be replaced with Ken Moss and Harold Brown .45) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith .46) Hours and duties of the caretaker and attendant at the Ballarat Technical Art School .47) Letter from the J.A. Powell, secretary of the Ballarat West Art School to the Ballarat School of Mines. ballarat technical school, henry j. hall, arthur m lilburn, thomas h. trengrove, herbert h. smith, g.w. clegg, m.c. young, j.w. wright, fred foster, j. barber, etsher green, lily green, p. isaac, e.m. cornell, albert steane, f.n. king, letterhead, ballarat fine art public gallery association, richard maddern, j. powell, j.a. powell, frederick martell, ponsonby carew-smyth, stawell school of mines, lilburne, pridgeon, arthur lilburne, henry hall, edith m. cornell, john barber, east ballarat library, esther green, percy isaac, sloyd, millinery, r.w. richards, frank king, a.w. steane, naas, majorie walker, art needlework, stanley mullen company, donald johnston, ted cannon, edwin cannon, harold brown, harold herbert, art gallery of ballarat -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - MCKINNON
Brief typed history of McKinnon settlement taken from Moorabbin A Pictorial History 1862-1994 by John Cribben. Includes photocopied pages of railway gates, five land estate flyers and an article from the McKinnon Progress, undated.mckinnon, cribben john, crop production, markets, farmers, elster creek, mcmillan archibald, thomas street, centre road, wheatley road, vineyards, south road, ormond, brighton, moorabbin, irish, immigrants, bentleigh, priests, hanrahan pierce, hanrahan johanna, caroll michael, caroll catherine, howes eliza, howes john, howes edward, shanahan denis, shanahan ellen, gould james, gould catherine, howes george, bignell road, jasper road, tucker road, mcguiness family, quinn family, halinan family, malane family, inns, the gardeners arms, mckinnon hotel, bent james, bent thomas, tickets of leave, murray road, were nicholas, sargood family, ripponlea, mansions, elsternwick, st. stephens’ common school, church of england, school houses, evelyn street, st. john’s anglican church, telegraph offices, post offices, state schools, manchester road, north road, nicholls buildings, rivers frank, rivers ray, shops, pridgeon mr., elm grove, sobrin mr., clark misses, greaves bakery, armitage mrs., rout mr., tunnicliffe mrs., lance’s milk bar, johnson’s hardware shop, stiringer mrs., white horrie, robinson’s, mcinnerney’s flower shop, jean darling’s cakes, wyles jim, mckinnon progress association, glen orme avenue, ormond theatre, theatres, lester harry, the plaza, railway crossing, railway gates, wright street, nichols l., builders, pine grove, halls, st. elmo estate, patterson station estate, patterson road, brewer road, purton road, clee hill estate, railway park, hawthorn grove, wattle grove, elm grove, learys estate, manchester road, selkirk avenue, masters estate, lancaster street, moylan street, moorabbin railway crossing -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - McKinnon
Brief typed history of McKinnon settlement taken from Moorabbin A Pictorial History 1862-1994 by John Cribben. Includes photocopied pages of railway gates, five land estate flyers and an article from the McKinnon Progress, undated.mckinnon, crop production, markets, farmers, elster creek, thomas street, centre road, wheatley road, vineyards, south road, ormond, brighton, moorabbin, irish, immigrants, bentleigh, priests, bignell road, jasper road, tucker road, mcguiness family, quinn family, halinan family, malane family, inns, the gardeners arms, mckinnon hotel, tickets of leave, murray road, sargood family, ripponlea, mansions, elsternwick, st. stephens’ common school, church of england, school houses, evelyn street, st. john’s anglican church, telegraph offices, post offices, state schools, manchester road, north road, nicholls buildings, shops, elm grove, greaves bakery, lance’s milk bar, johnson’s hardware shop, robinson’s, mcinnerney’s flower shop, jean darling’s cakes, mckinnon progress association, glen orme avenue, ormond theatre, theatres, the plaza, railway crossing, railway gates, wright street, builders, pine grove, halls, st. elmo estate, patterson station estate, patterson road, brewer road, purton road, clee hill estate, railway park, hawthorn grove, wattle grove, elm grove, learys estate, manchester road, selkirk avenue, masters estate, lancaster street, moylan street, moorabbin railway crossing, archibald mcmillan, john cribben, pierce hanrahan, johanna hanrahan, michael caroll, catherine carroll, eliza howes, john howes, edward howes, denis shanahan, ellen shanahan, james gould, catherine gould, george howes, james bent, thomas bent, nicholas were, frank rivers, ray rivers, mr sobrin, mr pridgeon, misses clark, mrs armitage, mr rout, mrs tunnicliffe, mrs stiringer, horrie white, jim wyles, harry lester, l nichols -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter - Correspondence, State School Classes at the Ballarat School of Mines, 1907, 1907
A number of students from local state schools were awarded a scholarship to undertake a subject at the Ballarat School of Mines. R. Menzies from Humffray Street State School (No. 34) is Robert Menzies who became Prime Minister of Australia in 1939. Menzies topped the State scholarship examination in 1907.Foolscap page with handwritten list of State School Students who were awarded a scholarship to study a subject at the Ballarat School of Mines.ballarat school of mines, scholarship, state school scholarship, robert menzies, john basil bell, reginald smith, t. marsh, hugh main, h. benson, j.j. buchanan, clement a. hoskin, william williamson, alister p. sutherland, bishop, warren dean, ernest marsh, leo w.h. anderson, harry ellingham, ray wasley, harrie r. wilson, g. swenson, harold carey, samuel tongway, eric austin, reginald eva, r. ramsey, edward roberts, john montgomery, samuel bell, ernest pridgeon, charles nicholls, norman martin., samuel taong-way, state school students -
Federation University Historical Collection
Pamphlet - Brochure, Ballarat School of Mines Technical Art and Trade Schools Prospectus for Year , 1908, 1908
The Ballarat Technical Art School was established as a division of the Ballarat School of Mines in 1907.Four fold prospectus for the Ballarat School of Mines Technical Art and Trade Schools. Includes subjects, staff, art teachers' course, fees per term, scholarships, reduced railway fares.ballarat technical art school, ballarat school of mines, trade, herbert h. smith, h.h. smith, f. foster, m. young, george clegg, j. barber, thomas pridgeon, a. steane, mrs green, jessie wright, edith cornell, lending and reference art library, state school teachers classes -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Magazine, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1916, 1916
Editorial, Fumes from the Lab, First Principles, Excursion to Melbourne, General Principles of the Cinematograph, Arts & Crafts gossip, In Memoriam, Public notices, Answers to correspondents, Echoes of the past, Science School, Technical Art School, Shun Military notes, The Camp Concert, The Junior Techs, Past members of the staff, Swinburne Technical School visit. Blue soft covered magazine of 62 pages.ballarat school of mines, magazine, charles w. whyte, patrick s. anderson, william t. sayer, william f. m. johnson, robert m. sergeant, harold t. w. dixon, harrie wilson, ernest s. morsehead, carl jensen, t. wilkins, james fairbairn fairley, l. c. blick, f. maxwell, n. turnball, j. a. greenshields, e. eimering, l. tonkin, h. smith, r.cox, r. o. buchanan, l. vernon, w. h. steane, n. henry, r. dale, ted cannon, john walter sutherland, basil sawyer, charles burbury, herbert r. sleeman, eustace m. weston, oliver e. jaeger, godfrey s. hart, lionel j. lambert, charles g. fraser, l.w.g. buchner-malcolm, james a. reid, richard g. walker, leslie j. coulter, herbert e. hawkesworth, leslie de jersey grut, frederick g. brinsden, lewis j. westcott, angus d. gibson, henry j. whittingham, virgil tucker, norman c. tinworth, charles e. finnis, benjamin h. bennett, valentine g. anderson, ernest s. anderson, ralph i. moore, john a. grant, william gerldard, francis c. hall, harold g. cornell, robert b. lamb, sydney radcliff, george a. denny, frederick p. paul, j. lipson hancock, edgar c. hursfield, david w. bonar, wilfred l. allen, william j. lakeland, frederick a. marriott, eric byron moore, karl byron moore, norman stuckey, percy r. osborne, john f. sporn, horace l. giles, maurice troup, albert e. davies, thos. h. trengrove, garnet nightingale, walter h. bennett, cyril theimeyer, stanley tomkins, harold herbert, viola jackson, hilda wardle, elsie naples, jessie pridgeon, gertrude owen, alfred berryman, herbert malin, cedric white, arthur lilburne, donald j. johnson, arthur kennedy, eulalie perry, rex l. cutter, ronald ferguson, murdoch spencer, john b. sutcliffe, elliott gower, james leckie, richard craze, thos. r. pridgeon, d. hambly, harold n. ferguson, mabel morris, jack blaikie, robert allen, aubrey simmons, janet white, harold brown, kenneth moss, robert tremain, j. m. hobba, f. g. davis, e.j. cannon, reginald callister, r.c. callister, f.g. procter, gladstone procter -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Ballarat Technical Art School Prospectus, 1908, 1908
The Ballarat Technical Art School was established in 1907 as a division of the Ballarat School of Mines. Folded brochure with a prospectus for the newly established Ballarat Technical Art School. The principal was Herbert H. Smith. Subjects taught included Dressmaking, Millinery. Ladies Tailoring, Manual training, Carpentry, House Decoration, Signwriting, Lettering, Stenciling, Marbling, Graining, Glass Embossing, Ticket Writing, Art Teachers' Course, Life Classes, State School Teachers' CLasses, Drawing from a Flat Example, Drawing Ornament for the Cast, Practical Geometry, Perspective. Drawing in Light and Shade from the Cast, Modelling Plant Forms, Historic Ornament, Drawing the Antique From Memory, Composition of Form and COlour, Human Anatomy, Design, etc.ballarat technical art school, ballarat school of mines technical art and trade schools, prospectus, herbert h. smith, h.h. smith, f. foster, m. young, g. clegg, j. barber, t.r. pridgeon, albert steane, a.w. steane, e. cornell, art education